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Staying In Edition

Outside can be fun, but so can just hanging out at home! Post vees taking the day off and having fun inside.

Previous thread:
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It's almost the best time of the week, yes oh my, yes oh me!
It's the best time of the week, yes it's true, can't you see?? (~˘▾˘)~

It's time for ee-vee fri-day! (yea yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (alright!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (uh huh!)
Ee-vee fri-dayyy~! (YEA!!!)

It's the best time of the week, gather around, if you seek!
Yes it's ee-vees all day, it's for you, yes for free!! ~(˘▾˘)~
It's time for ee-vee fri-day (it's here!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (that's right!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (woo hoo!)
Ee-vee friii-day (YEA!!!) ~ (ゝˬ ∂)
Ee-vee fri-day! (cha cha!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (aw yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (you made it!)
Ee-vee friii-day (EE-BUI!!!) *+°\(*'ᗜ'* )/°+*

- ripped off from an old tripfag in an old thread
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Just posted these, but they're what I have for the theme, plus they're cute, anyway!
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>It's almost the best time of the week
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Posting the indoor Chappy while I can!
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thank you for going with the thread, even though it's not Friday yet. I swore it was. I guess I'm just having one of those weeks.
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But early Fridays are always good! And it's probably Friday in the sheepfucker islands by now!
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It's Thursday
>But early Fridays are always good!
I suppose it is if you're one of the fortunate ones that work a M-F. For everyone else, Friday signifies hell is about to rain down upon us.
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I guess I do end up needing to do more on the weekends :(
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Nigger, it's fucking Thursday and you scared the shit out of me. I have a report due tomorrow!
Thanks for all the cute Vees though, I needed that.
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Yeah, OP made me check the calendar too. Good luck with your report!
It's Friday now in a lot more places! Here's an early
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
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Isn't it bad luck to thank someone for wishing good luck
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Want some candy?
Are you saying you're pretty much the Eevee in that art and just loaf around on the couch all weekend long?
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How strange. It's the exact opposite of what I typed. The weekend's supposed to be my free time, but I end up busier with all the things I didn't do during the weekdays.
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Well then...
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Early borg for early /ef/
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Didn't realize I posted the wrong pic until today :(
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ok everyone, now that it is officially Friday in some of the U.S., I, op, would like to welcome you all to Eevee Friday for real.

also, sorry I got the day wrong. this week has been pee pee doo doo caca and I wasn't paying attention to the calendar
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Woooah, this is really early as a thread. Did someone from the Philippines post this?

Ah, that explains it. All good!
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Oh yeah, I also have a weird request. Can someone find the source image/video of this? My friend was looking for the full res so he could use it as a banner on another website, but Google images failed me and we only have the version he uploaded to Discord.
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Thank you anon. I liked the extra early thread.
Maybe you needed your weekly Eevee dosage a bit earlier this week.
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Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/

I'm going to melt it.
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artist is azuma minatsu
theres also this one
>>56470737 >>56470746
Awesome, thank you man!
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Weekly reminder~
sorry it's so late, Weekly Reminder Anon is currently a full-time student.
I am SO glad I didn't see this thread 'til late Friday, 'cause I had a dream last night that I woke up, saw the sun shining through my bedroom windows, my TV said 7:55am, & I was happy to have slept in on a beautiful Saturday morning... Until I checked my phone, & saw it was 7:55am Friday, making me rush in a panic to get ready for my day. Woke up as I walked out the door, & discovered it was 3am Friday morning IRL.
If I saw the thread yesterday, that combined with my dream last night probably would've made me assumed today was Saturday.
It's been a fuckin' WEEK, y'all.
Sylv- means forest so leafeon should be sylveon and sylveon should be called fairyeon like a play on words for flareon
Good luck with your studies, anon.
Fairyland??? What the FUCK autoincorrect!?
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Good luck studenting, anon.
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Thank you, anons! I'm already halfway through it; & it's the "following my dream" I talked about several threads ago.
at the risk of sounding like & being called a fag, I'm in beauty school--I genuinely LOVE making people feel good about themselves (as somewhat evidenced by my Weekly Reminders), & I've been wanting to pursue cosmetology for over a decade. So it's honestly so fucking worth it.
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That's great to hear, anon! If you can find an opportunity to work with something you truly enjoy, then go right ahead and take it! If it sounds a little faggy, remember: It's only gay if you make it gay :)
Just don't troon out. That's what a distant acquaintance of mine did when he said he was "pursuing his dreams"
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I'm guessing that stuff gives the same kind of satisfaction all the other artists get, except you're drawing on a person. If you find genuine enjoyment from it, that's actually awesome, and may all your clients be appreciative instead of annoying cunts.
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Sorry, didn't check and broke the streak :( I really did miss those
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You broke the streak!
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It's alright though. All the more cute Vees for everyone to enjoy.
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best eevee pic ever desu
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Thanks, anon! Didn't have that one yet
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Lots of bad threads as of recent.
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>as of recent
I guess we have different definitions of bad threads, or recency.
>3 different cringe threads
>at least 5 different palworld threads
>I counted 4 gen war threads
I think it's different definitions of bad. I'm still holding this board up to roughly 2013-2016 state of the board.
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Oh, it's extra bad right now thanks to the current news. I don't disagree with that. I just don't find the current palshit/gen war/cringe spam any better or worse than the ones we when Palworld released.
I consider things that happened this year to be "recent".
I mean yeah, I'm just going to be eternally upset at this board until it cleans up its act.
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I feel ya, the current state of this board upsets me too. But at least we still have a couple decent threads once in a while that keep it from reaching rock bottom.
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I finally found a truly good non-weekly thread on /vp/, and already things are fucking hilarious.
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Does anyone have that one Bladerunner Umbreon parody? I thought I had it but I do not.
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I only have this one.
>>56478316 >>56478318
That's the one, gracias amigo!
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warm hugs for Umbreon when he's feeling sad!
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i love this guys art
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I've had hiccups for hours now, it's starting to hurt
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I thought I'd have a scarier gif :(
It's my second-largest folder! A distant second :(
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Have you considered trying to drink a bit of water? Your throat might just be irritated.
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that image only made me smile!
I have tried drinking plenty of water, and this other method that usually works, but it's not working this time.
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What's the other method that you usually try?
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Is this really not horrifying enough :( I'll have to scrounge around some more, then
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Finally gone. I just retried my usual method which is to sit on your butt, go into a fetal position, hug your legs so your thighs are pressed against your chest as hard as you can, and then take a deep breath, you should feel resistance against your lunges as you breathe in. I'm not really sure why it works, but it just does.
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>the good thread finally died
I should've posted more but I wasn't creative enough >:(
what was the good thread?
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Yeah, my standards have dropped immensely for what qualifies as "good".
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I should've known >>56477684 was yours! And I should've posted this earlier
I don't have pics of Ash with ANY Eeveelutions. He doesn't interact with them at all, does he :( Now I wish he got beaten up by picrel
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I don’t do all that, I just take a deep breath and hold it until the hiccups stop
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Funny, this seems to be a cure all. I do this to prevent myself from losing my lunch.
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It takes less than 10 seconds to do, but yeah holding a deep breath works sometimes too, I forgot about trying that this time
What should we do to increase literacy among pokemon?
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State-enforced education
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>Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!
Oh boy, here we go again...
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Looks promising
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Spinning faster, anyway!
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And we're back!
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Ok, you can run as fast as you want
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Unfortunately, I was asleep for the entire time.

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Oh, we're already at the end. Time for me to try to respond to everyone! Aaand of course the spam filter struck.

Oh hey, Librarian 'Vee returns!

Thank you anon for the almost on-time anthem!

Hey, nothing wrong if it fits the theme.

Belly rubbin' time! Unless they're a cat, then it's belly achin' time.
>spam filter struck.
This site is really acting up lately. It's quite annoying.
Poor 'vee, stuck inside with all the rain... A shame you don't have a coat!

Oooh, I like this! This reminds me of that one Korean(?) youtuber who made animated paper dolls.

'Tis all good, anon.

A freshly unwrapped family!
Hoooney! I shrunk the 'lutions!

Mm, cozy.

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize this stall was occupied. I'll be going now.
It moderately annoys me that Go was never on the 3DS, despite the 3DS absolutely supporting a gimmick like this.

Either Jolteon is sad and getting comforted or they're resting and Sylveon's about to join.

Espeon's enjoying a nice picnic with the Snorunt of Acuity!

What a distinguished gentlemen, mmm yeeesss... Such a lovely dessert to.

Leafeon is surprised to see you there! :O

Glaceon's enjoying a not so hot while watching the rain fall.

Sylveon, how did you enter that pose /naturally/?

Eh, it's probably something I did honestly. I'm just limiting my posts to try to minimize the detection.
None of it is your fault. A bunch of us are also having trouble posting at all, and I'm pretty sure the error messages are also fucking up. But I can't help but notice how the spammers and samefagging shills don't seem to have any trouble.
Praise be, the fluff king has bestowed his belly!

Hey, we all have those days. Especially the transforming part! I hate it when I'm forced to save the world without my human memories... good thing I'm always back before dinner!

Mm, two Jolty friends, ready to get served a dollar and a meal!

A concerned looking Sylv'.

Look at 'im, he's beggin' for a petting and a llap to sit on!
No he ain't but I'd like to imagine.

Hey, wait, was that "better get started" always there? I don't recall it being there.

I really like the composition, and the fur shading is really cool.
Did yesterday's maintenance even fix anything? A lot of posts still aren't getting through
My posts are getting through and captcha is back to what it was 4 days ago, my auto-solver can solve it again at 100% rate :)
Wasn't ecker's autosolver already working for a couple days or so? Didn't see the maintenance making any difference with the captcha
Keep on boffin' anon, it's still among my favorite reoccurrences!

New reaction image! Yoink!

A curious Sylv', as opposed to the concerned one from earlier.

It's not a trap, Umbreon's just making sure that Eevee doesn't get nabbed!
Still intimidating.

That's a big boulder in the back. How cool! Must be a newly evolved Graveler!

Fall is here. Leafeon, get your autumn coat already!
I think the new spam limit is 6? Annoying, I wanted to do blocks of 10.

Leafeon's judging you for eating its baby brother.

Well fug u 2!

That purple flower's the cornflower right? I'm learning a new flower!

I feel like there's tension here but of what kind, I do not know.

Aww, how adorable! Matching autumn kits!

Hey, as long as the 14 pound slugger doesn't try to jump out, this seems like it'd be fun!
That burger looks so good... I have to wonder what fast food joint that stock image came from.

That burger has onions! If it has onions, it'll be one of my favorites.
Less so if it's tomato.

Hey, that's okay. I liked the blep!

A very upset Sylv', in juxtaposition to the curious Sylv' from before.

Sylveon's a great friend and sibling!

A big ole' comfy L to sleep... This is one of many positions my croissant of a cat sleeps in.
Someone has to wash and refrigerate the vegetables.

Hey, what material are these made of? It's really cool!

Carbs! They're good for Flareon!

1500 degrees hotter >:)

Eevee! You make a better door than a window!
There's a lot of chaos in this image.
I feel bad whenever I can't give my dog burbers. I can give him some of the bread, but he's allergic to eggs, and of course onions are bad for them. He doesn't have a problem with dairy, at least, so I was able to give him some gilld chese, thanks to these threads.
It keeps linking me to a new post even if mine doesn't get through, probably from misreading the captcha
I'm not seeing any S_SQLFAIL anymore, but that's probably just because gookmoot suppressed the error messages instead of fixing whatever it was
Die damonen wollen die macarons und ich habe muhe, sie zu behalten!

That's understandable. I'm close to being a full time student myself, so it's totally understandable.
Thank you for bringing the flowers today!

Oooh, an aquatic flower, how pretty!

Don't we all, anon.
Don't. We. All.

A studious Vee! I wonder what they're looking at. I see a Pokeball, a fire stone, and maaaybe eviolite?

Hey, even men need to look stylish. After all, how else can you be fabelhaft?
I'm moderately upset that they made him sound so gay in the German dub, Carlos Alazraqui does NOT sound that gay.
I took 5 mg of melatonin and everything but here I am 4 hours later. (I will stress that I took the melatonin 45 minutes ago, but I've been off my electronics for the last 4 hours before that. Obviously I broke that electronics thing to post this.)

Oo, Porygon air dryer! I'd honestly pay to have one.
Do you think Pokemon world equivalent machines are like... world-bendingly strong compared to our world?

Aww, it's standing on a little three point stool and everything!

That has to be one of the most realistic depictions of the moon on a foggy day I've seen yet.

I like this kind of... "wispy" style. It looks like clouds!

Speakin' o' clouds, here's the snoozin' soot cloud!

Red and pink... If I didn't know better, I'd argue they're the same color. That's how well that works together!

A most dapper Umbreon!

Oooh, so that's how the irregular shape of the tail is formed. It all makes sense now! I didn't know my shirt chewing habits would translate into a Pokemon.
Getting your rocks off can help with that insomnia. No, I don't care if some hippie kike said it's muh evul.
Alternatively, it's probably bright lights that prevent you from getting sleepy. e.g. your ceiling lights. Electronic devices might not be the problem as much as actually posting, since that'll wake you up, as opposed to just reading. I don't mean reading posts on /vp/, since that might tempt you to post and cause you to wake up, but some other board might be able to lull you to sleep.
The theory (a geuss) is that more bluish lights will keep you awake, so more reddish lights won't keep you awake as much. There are programs to turn your screen more reddish at night, if that'll help
I appreciate the suggestions but
>Rosie and her four sisters)
Keeps me awake.
>bright lights
It was pitch black.

Flareon would like to pet you!~
No >Yes

Such pretty flowers Glaceon has found to stand around in!

Glaceon would like to shake your paw!
No >Yes
(There was a streak? I didn't recognize it.)

Absolutely gobsmacked Sylv', in stark contrast to the very upset Sylv' from before.

Seems weird to me that Umbreon and Espeon are at the top, especially since Sylveon makes them an effective trio.

Hallo, ich bin unter wasser.
(I need to really practice my German this is literally me just going to Google translate and then rewriting it.)

I really like how this is a ring of Eeveelutions.
Also given that the R is covered up, it almost reads like "Eevee Fiends" on the right.

My friend who studied Latin for some occult books he came across said that the Latin was good so...
Hey, the Latin was perfect?
The spam filter struck again. Removing this reply actually worked though.

Aw man, why is Umbreon on a chain? Did he bite Sylveon?
Here you go, for being a friend to Eevee
Fluff wheel

Espeon got a little more than they bargained for.

I like this one so much. I don't know why, I guess it's the pose and the way they drew the flame.

I don't think Glaceon got the memo of the socks...
Also, I just realized that Sylveon is a greedy bugger and has not only TWO of Leafeon's socks, but also an extra of Glaceon's.

Aww, poor Umbreon... maybe a bigger little hideout would help?

Cozy. Rude, but cozy.

BUNNY EARS! Must be nice, hearing the rain on the umbrella and ground.

Look, don't touch the tape measure. That's just the rules.

Noooo! How unfortunate! :(
How do I know which final eevolution is for me?
I can't tell if this is intending to be or just inspired by traditional eastern art or not, but I like it none the less.

Look at them play! They've even tuckered themselves out! Cuuute!

Yeah. At least the weekly threads exist. Those ones are still focused on Pokemon, which is a miracle!
Glaceon seems to not be sure about the huge yet, but I think they'll like it.

Shiny blue pals!

Ouuuchie. Flareon looks half-fainted in that image too... Didn't look quite as bad in the other one.

I'm going to be honest, this image creeps me out. It's something about the eyes, I think.

Maaan, if only American highschoolers were good at that. Would beat the crap out of the graffiti S and the dicks.
Granted, art is a mandatory part of Japanese education, so maybe that's why they have such good art over there.

Can never have enough bows! Glaceon thinks otherwise though.

It kind of looks like Flareon's acting as the heater here, instead of Umbreon.
I don't think he minds though!
>I'm going to be honest, this image creeps me out. It's something about the eyes, I think.
The cucumbers? I thought it looked funny.
What you should be asking is why aren't you playing with all of them, all the time
Dapper gents! Jolteon doesn't look too pleased at it though.

(I passed 4 semesters of Spanish and I still can't write that either. Also not even sure those are macarons lol)

It's like having an arm around your shoulder!

Damn now I can't play PvZ2 while I wait.

Still like this art. I think his process is trace or filter a photograph and add the Pokemon. It's still cool to me.

Iceberg lettuce!

I honestly would've paid not to have seen that Jolteon.
All of them are scary but again, the eyes.
Where do you even find shit like this lol

Ahh, always complaining until it's over and they realize how much better it is now...

Hooray! Who are we cheering on this time?

Aww, why does the Vee look so troubled?

Damn, I really do stick out like a sore thumb.
Guess I gotta start retracting my remarks.

He doesn't really get a lot of chances to interact with them post Kanto, does he?

Look at 'em, Flareon's a big ole' furball, Jolteon's puffy and Vaporeon's cute!

Hello to you Jolteon and Eevee! You're being good yea?

Let's make entertainment that they want to enjoy but need to read to get!

I don't think forcing them with Clefairies is going to work out all that well.

Aaaah! Pokepuffs! How adorable! I feel ashamed that I struggled to remember.
Insomnia. I am so fucking tired, that I needed to redo this.
I made a DELL monitor and then decided to reply some more. But first, something I noticed AFTER the fact!

56482630 was meant for 56482516, and the reason my reply looks weird is because 56482516 was meant for the pictureless 56482523.
56482630, I'm sorry, I'm going to repost this and then approach you.

It's the OGs! They all look like they're having fun cuddling up.

Look at him.
He's full of happee.

I like the eyes, they're very well done.

So, the question is, is he charging himself, or is he charging the MP3 player?

Mm, he looks almost angry as he pounces!


Snazzy Umbreon knows his style!

Wow, I like the rainbow in the background. What material was this made with, it looks like it's a scan or a photograph!

Glaceon's getting ready for good weather!
What I can say is that I think you should probably stop using acid armor around the straws, because I THIIINK you're losing a bit of your gray matter with that.

I am so sorry, I don't know how that gaff happened.
install f.lux NOW >:(
Don't remember if that's the one that fucks with Nvidia's GeForce Experience. It's still a good idea to try it out, in case blue light is what's keeping you awake.
Here's hoping that tiredness helps you sleep more peacefully, then
It was only when you mentioned posting there that I realized the insomnia comment must've been yours!
They put cucumber slices over your eyes in spas. Dunno what that's supposed to do
Anon, I was naturally born with insomnia. My brain just needs extra help to recognize the sleep signals. F.Lux isn't going to help when I spend 2 hours in a dark room, laying in a bed, without electronics.
I'm just not convinced electronics are the problem. My own problems with sleeping are self-inflicted, but I actually use electronic devices to tire my eyes out, to make me need to sleep. Just gotta make sure you aren't reading something that'll rile you up and make you want to post, since that's just gonna keep you up longer.
Read The Circadian Code by Satchin Panda if you ever have the time. It's a good read that can possibly help you.
Forgot to say that the electronics are a way to distract me from what actually keeps me awake. If I was awake in the dark like you describe, I'd just end up worrying about a lot of shit the whole time. It's easier to have something more comfy on the mind when it's time to sleep.
If you're the one who mentioned being on /vst/, that place is probably more relaxing last time I saw it. A lot of those games are comfy enough to have on your mind, so I hope they'll help you relax more.
As per my never ever done D&D campaign: Woooooah, we're half way there, wooooaaaaah, livin' on a prayer!

Wow, everyone except Flareon is posed so cool here!
Flareon just looks happy to be there.

We're going to have to experience some downtime to untangle you!

I have yet to encounter S_SQLFAIL so I have no idea what that's about. My only clue is that they are fucking up the SQL statements in the code, which... same.

This is what I imagine from this gif. It's also not a smooth loop, oops

Look at them! Ribbonry!

What episode/show is this from?

A Sylv' that doesn't know personal space, as opposed to the absolutely gobsmacked Sylv'.

Mm, they look pretty comfy! Unrealistic though, they would've done circles first.

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