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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56483764 (>>56483764)

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/tim0el1aug
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/nczd6q0isq
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>If new special episodes were to get added to a remake of explorers, who would you want them to focus on?
>Does chatot pay taxes, or does the guild count as a non-profit organization?
>Do you think Pokemon would look down on others using certain moves such as attract?
>What is your favorite player/partner combo?
Recap of the previous thread:
>Makuhita-Anon published the 12th and 13th chapters in his saga: https://rentry.org/greatbulk12 and https://rentry.org/greatbulk13
>Ribombee-anon created a mini story called Samaritan: https://rentry.org/RibombeeFlashSamaritan
>Adrian-anon released a new story: https://rentry.org/bellandvile
>Linoone's Brother made 3D figures of Debby and Linoone
>A bunch more art!
>Talks about spriting, player/partner choices, and abilities.

>Sceptile-anon is drawing 2 sentence horror ideas involving the guild characters. Be sure to give him more prompts!
This thread will be worse
Have the pokemon and human worlds always existed parallel to each other? Did Arceus drop hints of their existence beyond the veil, planting the seeds of the series as humanity knows it? Or did mankind inadvertently will them into existence with their emotions like a 40k chaos god?
You just need to find the secret hyperborian portals being hidden by the US government.
Explorers remake but it's an Atlus-style re-release.
I like to think of the PMD world as a flawed existence that's easily manipulated by emotions and unconscious energies. That's how you end up with Kirby-tier nightmare demons like the bittercold and dark matter. Maybe the PMD world is just a waking dream of an idealized pokemon existence created unconsciously by the natives in a weird state of elder scrolls CHIM. The human world might be connected to it by threads of kingdom hearts-tier hopes, dreams, and memories brand nonsense.
Are the threads usually this slow?
Do I dare ask what that involves?
No, but all of the regular posters have moved on to do things that are much more productive than posting here, such as playing a gacha and posting in culture war threads on /v/
>>If new special episodes were to get added to a remake of explorers, who would you want them to focus on?
darkrai, cresselia, maybe another guild member. fuck it, let's have a special ep about the azumarill family
>>Does chatot pay taxes, or does the guild count as a non-profit organization?
he pays taxes
>>Do you think Pokemon would look down on others using certain moves such as attract?
not really no?
>>What is your favorite player/partner combo?
the ones from my childhood that i'm sentimental about
Apparently Psyduck, Cubone, and Machop have unused portraits in Explorers, does that mean you can just save edit your starter/partner to one of them and the game will work just fine? Or are they missing other things that the official starters need? I don't really know how starter editing works in these games.
I think they'll work fine, but honestly at this point it's not that hard to use Skytemple to add in missing sprites and portraits yourself.
>"QoL" features that clash with the original game's design
>new waifu added to the game and story rewritten to fit that waifu in
>day 1 paid dlc shit
oh yeah now i remember, persona 4's rerelease had some stupid bitch that locked a dungeon behind her if you didn't talk to her enough
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It's not quite the full set used in Explorers, and they're also missing a whole bunch of cutscene animations which can get somewhat distracting.
As mentioned before, your best bet is using SkyTemple for this as fans have filled in the gaps.
>If new special episodes were to get added to a remake of explorers, who would you want them to focus on?

Probably the biggest one would be Darkrai and Cresselia, try to retroactively bullshit some sort of way to make those characters make sense. Also the baby Manaphy during his time between leaving to live in the sea and coming back. Where did he live? What was he doing and where did he train? Ocean only special episode could be great.

>Does chatot pay taxes, or does the guild count as a non-profit organization?
Guilds pay taxes, but they probably also get huge tax breaks and exploit loopholes to pay as little as possible.

>Do you think Pokemon would look down on others using certain moves such as attract?
I would imagine using any sort of battle moves out in day to day life would be seen as rude. You don't just go up to someone in the street and kick them in the head. If you're not actively battling or sparring, there's no reason you should be using a battle move.

>What is your favorite player/partner combo?
A blue pokemon and an orange pokemon objectively look the nicest together. A green and an orange is also acceptable.
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Still hard at work at this stupid animation thing for the Summer Festival collab. I'm so close to being done now.
I really like this little scene, even though the "crowd" looks kinda shitty.

They are rocking out.
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Also drew a picture of my team that I can't seem to shoehorn in anywhere.
Guilty as charged
>>Does chatot pay taxes, or does the guild count as a non-profit organization?
I think the game explains that teams give money to the guild, and the guild gives money to the Exploration Team Federation to get team badges and other accessories. So I think the official answer is yes
>If new special episodes were to get added to a remake of explorers, who would you want them to focus on?
I sorta wish the other guild members would get touched on since they really don't get much development. Bidoof's cool and all, but his episode was boring as fuck in my opinion
>Does chatot pay taxes, or does the guild count as a non-profit organization?
There's no way they're not profiting with all the money they're getting from enslaving explorers
>Do you think Pokemon would look down on others using certain moves such as attract?
Depending on the context, yeah absolutely. Using attract could almost be considered a form of date rape if we're being real. You're essentially forcing someone to love you
>What is your favorite player/partner combo?
Pikachu charmander. They're just cool together
>If new special episodes were to get added to a remake of explorers, who would you want them to focus on?
There is a lot you could do with the time gap between the hero's disappearance and the hero's return but it might be too much of a downer for an E-rated game.
The ending of the game and special episode 5 weren't too much for an E-rated game. I'm sure you could get away with this
Special Episode 5 really made Grovyle's sacrifice meaningless. In Time and Darkness it was like "Fuck, he's dead now." The dark future didn't exist at all anymore. The protag only exists because Dialga bent some of the rules so anyone else caught in the dark future didn't make it. EOS really did just say "Yeah, they actually lived cause some power beyond Dialga said they could." What a fucking shit way to end that storyline.
it might be convoluted but i never minded too much. Never was a fan of downer endings.
What do you think picnics are like in PMD? Like do they just pack apples and berries or do they make actual food?
I'm sure they bake things as well, don't see why sandwiches couldn't work either.
personally i say milk and eggs are fair game
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day 8
It doesn't really bother me, I understand the limitations you'd have writing a story for a kids' game. Personally I care more about how the characters in such a story feel rather than "X will survive anyway", and in that sense I think both the main story ending and Special Episode 5 succeeded. YMMV, of course.
It is worth noting that the hero and partner don't seem to find out the future crew survived at all, at least by the time the post-game story ends.
They don't find out because the dark future is a completely different timeline from theirs now. Maybe. I dunno, time travel is retarded.
If I remember correctly the Miltank in Super gives her milk to everyone in town every morning
kek, another great one
I feel like having streaks on the ground would give it a better effect of being dragged away
Can pokemon even lay unfertilized eggs? Is the life of a female pokemon a monthly hell where they blast out an egg the size of a honeydew melon? These are the questions that keep me awake at night, anon.
>Can pokemon even lay unfertilized eggs?
Yes, Chansey is a Pokémon and does that. If your post didn't have the word "unfertilized" in it that would have instantly become the main topic for the entirety of this thread.
i :chanceheart: chansey
this is actually amazing.
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drinking freshly produced miltank milk every day... straight from the tap
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Hello! I've finally finished writing another story, it's called Cocoa Cargo. I meant for this to be a short little story, but I guess ambition got the better of me. It clocks in at around 17.5k words, and because I've been wanting to get more serious about learning to draw, I've drawn 16 images to go along with it! They're of varying quality, but I think I improved as I went along. I still got a long way to go with both drawing and writing, but I'll get there one day :v)

I hope you all enjoy it, even if it ended up way longer than I hoped.

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Kek, I love the expression and the paint trail.
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>16 images
Can't wait to read it! It was a long time coming!
Cute!!!! Now draw them having an extremely sophisticated and fancy tea party
I’m trying to track down a fan fiction and i’, agitated because I’m sure it’s an obvious thing I’ve missed.

Pokémon-only setting 99% sure it’s supposed to be a mystery dungeon. Involves somebody finding a baby Lugia which is a big deal. Shinies are hated for causing the apocalypse.
Very good work, anon. While in some ways, the development Tropius underwent felt like a retread of his last story, there were some important differences, and the different locale and characters included kept it from feeling too similar. It was a nice, slice-of-lifey tale. The effort that you put in was clearly evident in both the prose and images.
tropius expressions go hard
>Involves somebody finding a baby Lugia
fledglings, i believe it's called. no idea about shinies causing the apocalypse but this one pretty well fits what you're looking for, i think, feel free to correct me otherwise
actually that's lactation
Yep, that’s the one. Thanks.
He finally scored
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Team Brave
I like team buckler in the background but something about Cooper looks off
I think it's that the left leg looks a tiny bit too far to the left?
I think this artist's anatomy can look off sometimes, but I still like the style of their art
Just saying, but it is no coincidence that the Grass types in the Clover Guild are all around objectively superior to everyone else.
There’s a reason why Clovers are plants.
>Throw an ice cube at Chespin and he shrivels into dust
>Put Tropius in the sunlight and he'll get babality'd
>Replace Cider's bed with something vaguely comfortable and he'll enter cardiac arrest

Clover Guild's finest, folks
>CLOVER guild
>GRASS continent
it's right there man
Seeder supremacy.
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Grass is ass
Ice is nice
>the one story i happen to read on a whim ends up having beast in it
fate hath guided my hand

very nice little story, the detailed descriptions came in clutch with the wing stuff and the joke at the end landed perfectly. very bold to do full color images for the pictures, I can hardly fathom doing stuff like that with my own drawings
I wrote a new flash fic (976 words). This is "Up a Tree", in which Team Buckler saves someone trapped in a tree. I've been wanting to write more stuff with my second team, so I figured a mini story was a good way to do it. I hope you all like it.


Nice work! This team is so cute.

kek, RIP Ross

Congrats on finishing this big story!

Awesome! Thank you for drawing my characters!
This is beautiful. Who's the artist?
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day 9
a bit late sorry so you'll get day 10 today too
scribzag24 on twitter
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What do you think this “Unknown Landmass” could be or could’ve been?
Arceus has a cabin by the lake there. He goes there to relax
I really like this story, and the pictures go a long way in helping the setting and the characters feel alive. Every drawing is fantastic, I really appreciate the full backgrounds, that takes major effort.
Tropius is a really interesting character in that he's so in his own head about how he is perceived that he end up making almost nonsensical decisions.

He seems to be somewhat content living under what is basically a big piece of plywood, like a beggar on the streets of New Delhi, not willing to make a fuss about it. But he draws the line at using Skiddo's cart, which would sort of be analogous to using a hand dolly or a forklift, because it feels too "animal" or "undignified". He would rather endure physical pain.
For all his internal struggles about being seen as a joke or "lesser than", he sure does let the Guild treat him like an outside dog that nobody cares about.

Basically what I'm saying is, he deserves better, but he won't get it until he pulls his head out of his own ass. Godspeed Tropius, you king of kings.
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oh no bro...
kino and canon
Golden Straits by Mimiga
>Between the southern half of Mist Continent and the northern ranges of Sand Continent lies a chain of islands known mainly for its rough waters and treachery, where the clever and strong can find themselves gloriously wealthy if they're careful. Beyond the endless bustle of fortune-seeking, peace lines the pockets of smaller settlements who seek to live simpler lives with tepid wants. Beyond even that, the ghosts of the brightest minds in the world illuminate ideas long-since lost to time, bent on fulfilling a two-millennia old promise.

>You wake up. You are not you.

Original PMD story based on a play-by-post quest in a >discord thread.
Major characters (so far) are a Natu made up of the souls of at least 5 dead people (not a spoiler, it's in the first chapter), Mienfoo, Abra, Tropius, and Sneasel. Highly Recommended. Only 9 chapters so far, but last update was only two days ago.
I'll read your story eventually, bro
Not mine - I just review stories I come across. More interesting than a bump.
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baglooba fo nooba
This "flash fic" idea is pretty cool. It's kind of like when people post short comic strips. The only issue I have, and it's such a mild issue I know, but I'm pretty sure the ice would expand and actually snap the branch faster. Depends entirely on your interpretation of how the move works, I guess
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day...10.. :'<
I drew Team Petal-Purr and Booker hanging out together. I like this team, and I think Booker and Sneasel would get along pretty well with them.

I also read Petal-Purr's Summer Festival story (https://rentry.org/PetalpurrFestivalMain), so I'll share my thoughts. You always do a great job writing your characters. They're distinct and play off each other well, and their behavior and actions are authentic and believable. In this story, I like how you portrayed the look and vibes of the town and festival, as well as the team's excitement. It really conveyed the idea that reaching Capim and attending the festival is a huge deal for them. I also enjoyed the cute/comfy/slice-of-life scenes, and the artwork. I look forward to reading Heidi's part when it gets added (she's my favorite of the trio).

I don't have much criticism. There were some small grammar mistakes, but they were all pretty minor. The fact that the characters each had some negative experiences at the festival possibly could've been explored a bit more, and while I liked the climax overall, the way the trio shifted from being upset at the fireworks to being cheery again may have been a bit too abrupt. But maybe that's just me. Regardless, I really enjoyed the story! Nice work.

Thanks for reading! As for the ice, I know a gap will widen if water gets inside and freezes, but my idea here was that this ice forms a layer on the outside that basically bandages the two sides together. I admit that may not be realistic though, so I appreciate you pointing it out.


That is horrific, but it does look rather cool. You really captured the frightening, deranged vibes of the original painting.

Oh, I'm sad now... Very bittersweet. Good work with the character's expressions and poses, and the perspective on the fallen Rain (RIP).
What the fuck? This isn't scary, this fucking sad. Why did you do this?
if you need another prompt:
>KFC walks into the kitchen.
>A Chicken Bucket is on the counter.
PMD Team Shadow
Main characters: Eevee, Piplup.

>It starts like the games - A human was turned into a Pokemon. But something is different...
>The human is missing her heart. What Pokemon is stealing the hearts of others and is it really the true enemy?

Rather neat comic. The first one or two hundred pages are kind of rough, but it starts getting better as soon as the comic goes from traditional to digital art. The setting has the usual Explorers+ quirks, but the storyline is completely original so far as I can tell.
To be fair, not all the ideas suggested and drawn so far have actually been horror/scary. Some are just jokes and memes, and some are sad like this and the one where Cyndaquil died (although that one was also a joke).
>No Clover Guild Zombie special where everyone has to survive from a horde of Shadow Zombie Pokemon with red eyes
Dropped the show. Writers are asleep at the wheel!
i played mystery dungeon for the first time last week
How was it, anon?
it was pretty cool, different from a normal pokemon game
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This is the best thing I've ever seen and I love it so much! You're getting very good at backgrounds and the posing on each of them is perfect.
Everyone in Clover Guild will soon have three new best friends, whether they want them or not.
I really appreciate your feedback on my Festival story, thank you so much for reading it!
I agree with you criticism that I tend not to explore things too deeply in my stories and sort of float over stuff. I'll probably try making my stories a little longer, so I can put a little more depth into the story beats.

Semi related, this will be the last thing I post about my animation until it's fully ready to release. Most likely within the next day or two. Nobody is ready for the raw power of my autism.

While I'm on the topic of Team Petal-Purr, I also have a prompt.
>After months away from home, Blossom and Shelby finally return to their tiny farming village.
>Their parents and friends all look and act slightly different, as if they have been replaced by something else..
Who was your team? Which mystery dungeon game? I need to know.
red rescue team
i only have chikorita as of now
Chikorita is based, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What partner did you pick?
I never played red rescue team, only blue, but I'm pretty sure they're almost identical.
chikorita was the partner
i don't have anyone on my team yet
my bad i should've made that clearer
so then who are you playing as
Machop and Chikorita is a fun, but potentially difficult team, I love it. Get Chikorita a Bullet Seed TM asap
>he got rused by the alien question
my condolences.
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>brave enough to defeat ayylmao invaders
>not brave enough to play the starter that's weak to every single boss and only learns like 2 good moves
NGMI never gonna machop it
i meant torchic ffs
how do i mix up a fire chicken and a grass creatura
They both have a "chick" sound in their name. I guess if you're not familiar with starter pokemon
quite the opposite
i've been obsessed with pokemon since i was a wee lad
I love petal purr!
this has been a very peculiar read so far...really puts things into perspective
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day 11
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>Main characters: Eevee
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Main characters: Eevee
An idea
>Enny gets transition surgery.
>It was a success.
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>Main characters: Eevee
Okay for real, who gives a fuck? If it's a good story, it's a good story
It's just a meme, bro.
NTA but personally, I'm just tired of looking at Eevee. It's so plain and boring and because of the internet, also has an unfortunate connotation attached to it.
It's not Eevee's fault, but I still roll my eyes when I see one as a MC
>any other weird pokemon
I've literally never seen anyone complain that something like a Litwick or a Magnemite was a super special snowflake OC.
>>56552442 has a Natu, which is an odd choice, but an interesting one.

Hell, even a Turtwig or a Psyduck if it has to be one of the real starter choices from a game.

But furries can't goon to that quite so easily, so you won't see as much of it
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>Anon is finally getting added to Kiyo's body count
>Just not the body count he wanted
>WE have redistributed the goods of the keceoisie back to the PEOPLE
I know, right? these anons are pretty HEARTLESS....
Coming to a guild near you!
After shitting up the threads with previews, to the anticipation of nobody at all, I present to you all:
A month's worth of weapons grade autism, condensed down into 36 seconds. Not quite a storyboard, not quite a rough animation, but something I had a lot of fun working on. I've never had the motivation to even attempt something as complex as this project and I'm relatively happy with the results.

This is my animated music video for Blossom, Shelby and Heidi of "Team Petal-Purr", showing the events of their Summer Festival story, which is also sort of their official intro to Clover Guild as a whole.

I've only been doing this for a couple of months, but I'm having a great time writing, drawing and animating with this setting and these characters. I have leaned hard into the extreme levels of corny and cute that I associate with the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series as a whole. The song choice reflects this, I feel.

I apologise for the blogposting I will stop now. Thank you to everyone that's seen or read anything of mine, and I hope it brought you at least a little happiness.

Full video on the booru here:

If you enjoyed this in any way, you are morally obligated to tell me what you think and to read the Summer Festival story that goes with it.
That was awesome.
It's so good! I really enjoyed the video (and all your previews). I suppose I'll be getting into your stories sooner rather than later.
yabada doo
you can hear the sound effect
Didn't know they were adding omelets to the Clover Guild menu
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I found out recently that partner pokemon have dialogue that varies slightly by species, with apparently three sets of dialogue in explorers and possibly unique dialogue for each species in red/blue. Thing is it doesn't seem to be documented well at all, and most posts about this topic are just years old forum or reddit posts that maybe mention like two examples at best.

Does anyone here know of any efforts to document all the dialogue variations in these games? It could be a fun thing for me to try (by fun I mean severely autistic and by try I mean not actually finish) but I wouldn't want like, get done with cubone playthrough #7 only to find that oh there's a pastebin from 7 years ago where someone already did all this.
22 short films about springfield but it's with clover guildies
What immaculate timing for my "Eevee" team entry for the Clover guild. Well, here goes nothing: https://rentry.org/CloverPrelude

Admittedly, it's long for an intro (3.6k) but I wanted to fit in all the team members.

If it's any solace the plan is for all of them to have changed by the time they reach Clover.
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>tfw you'll never help your pokémon wife lay her monthly egg
>tfw you'll never cuddle and do all the aftercare after the oviposition
i know chikorita differs from others in rescue team but i'm not sure where it exists
transcripts for these games aren't the easiest thing to rip. i'd be interested though, what with knowing about the differences
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This has to do with the partner using either boku, oira (male) or watashi (female) pronouns in Japanese. It's basically 3 different personality types, although it's not as apparent in English.

This is all I can think of for Explorers, and I believe RT is the same for the ones in both games. There may be some mistakes:
Squirtle, Totodile, Meowth, Chimchar, Munchlax
Chikorita, Torchic, Vulpix, Eevee
Everyone else

I believe Gates and Super cut this down to just boku and watashi, but by this point localizers didn't bother translating both sets and just took out the partner's gender select. (the US version of Super did keep it) Not sure how RTDX handled it.

In at least Explorers the hero actually has 2 different sets of dialogue as well, but in English it's only utilized in a grand total of 2 lines. Time/Darkness uses it a little more for how other characters refer to you, changing between he/she. (Sky seems to just refer to the hero by name)
In Spanish this is widely used, see image related.
so what happens in rescue team? is it the same thing? and that one's especially trying because your partner's 'gender' isn't noticed in that game.
i played a chikorita partner and noticed -some- script oddities, but how to know those and all that is a mystery
Same thing for Rescue Team. I'm 100% sure Totodile and Chikorita use the "oira" and "watashi" sets respectively in English, if you want to check.

If anyone actually wants to document this you'd probably save a lot of time by just digging through playthroughs on Youtube.
For Sky you can use SkyTemple to dig through the script, a dump may already exist.
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day 12
>just digging through playthroughs on Youtube
that also suggests that every partner has a playthrough on youtube, especially that it's complete
I'd imagine you'd have to take a bit more time with something like that
and then one has to wonder where the distinctions lie in terms of species there, especially given there are so few partners in og rescue team
Here's one example, the scene before you go to Pokémon Square for the first time:

...So, was there anything?
Were there any rescue requests?


I suppose so.

We've only started, after all.

Well, too bad.
Want to go to Pokémon Square?

So, what's the word?
Were there any rescue jobs for us?

It was empty?!

Well, I guess so.

After all, we only just started up...

Well, no point moping.
Let's go check Pokémon Square.

...So, was there anything?
Were there any rescue requests?


I guess so.

After all, we've only just begun.

Oh, well.
We should go to Pokémon Square.
somebody needs to rip a full transcript of these games lmao
It's just the usual suspects trying to ignite a starter war or something, don't let it bother you too much.
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What moves does it know?
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There's literally nothing wrong with being an eevee.
Any chance of getting pmd related stuff from the leaks?
Considering it's gamefreak and not chunsoft that got hacked, I'd say the odds are pretty low. Not outright impossible though, since they have anime stills for a ton of characters and there were a few pmd specials, but i wouldn't expect much more than that, if anything.
Kadokawa (and consequently Chunsoft) got hacked recently, but as far as I know the hackers only cared to get private information on the employees and break NicoNico instead of giving us anything interesting unfortunately. Maybe the files do include some video game stuff nobody knows about, I don't know of anyone who looked into the leaked data.
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The Game Freak leak is full of huge anime leaks even though Game Freak is barely involved with the anime. There is a serious possibility there's PMD stuff in it. Anyone here brave enough to download the leaks and check? People are busy with main series stuff, they don't care about PMD enough to check for us.
Well, we did get a little insight from the gen 4 leaks, the lore changes in development of which definitely affected PMD2 as they were made in parallel. For one thing, the naming as Time and Darkness and not Time and Space finally makes sense. Palkia was originally the God of Light, not God of Space, so darkness as a corrupted light made some sense.

Otherwise, the original tone and lore of gen 4 was batshit. They really toned it back from the weird, dark, and eldritch, and you only saw little glimpses of it in the end product like the Arceus cutscene. I'd bet that's probably why PMD2 is so different from every other game in the series, they were writing for a tone that got scrapped halfway, but it was too integral to write out of PMD so we got escaping your own summary execution in the world god abandoned.
But Time and Darkness do make sense in the context of PMD, since it's about Darkrai corrupting Time with Darkness.

I also disagree with your other point. I don't think they ever intended to put all of that into the game, they just wanted an internal background explanation to write things around, not make that the main focus. Explorers is in the PMD style, like the other PMD games (well, maybe not Adventure Squad or Rescue Team for the most part)
Ok fair point on the name, but the original gen 4 scenario document from the leak presents a very different end product from what we got. It's literally saying their original plan going in was a world in environmental collapse with most pokemon already gone, and the player seeking god to restore balance, it's nuts. Explicitly states it wanted a high emphasis on presenting a "higher spiritual world". They changed this a LOT, the weird shit was at least at the beginning supposed to be front and center. This meshes better with PMD2's tone that dips in the post-apocalypse, which I don't think any of the other games have done. Presenting not just a looming disaster but like, it's over, you lost, breath in the wasteland.

But you may have a point, what document are you referring to? I was thinking universe origin stories they wrote for Arceus with the egg hatching etc.
Do you have a link to what you're talking about? I don't think I've read that one
Here's a long screenshot of the doc, sorry I'm on mobile, it's from shoddily translated Japanese so I'm trying to connect the dots here. It references having repeated encounters with mythical Pokemon, with the world getting more unbalanced each time. It also references the hostile force unbalancing the world further, and the world already being overdeveloped, and references a collapse already having happened near the very end. Lastly, player goal of regenerating the world and "raising the level of consciousness".
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This is potentially the most important document ever released in terms of the implications for deeper worldbuilding and the foundations of what is basically Poke-creationism.
Though it's not strictly PMD related, this graph is chock full of inspiration for discussing the concept of religious beliefs and followings. Each of these little circles probably represent a major branch of religion in the PMD universe.
I don't care about any of the other leaks, only this.
the more beta stuff gets leaked, the less I am surprised Giratina got shafted in Explorers and was simply relegated to the seven treasures
giratina was barely a thing in the early drafts of g4 lore
Sounds like Sinnoh was originally divided kind of like Hoenn but with technology and nature instead of land and water

I always perceived it as a Platinum addition personally, but there are some hints of Giratina in some of these drafts at least

This image is outdated because the HGSS version does have Giratina's circle
>the HGSS version does have Giratina's circle
can someone post that? the board's a mess rn
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>there's now (possibly) 8 eevee(lutions) in the guild
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Oh shit it is. I'd agree with >>56575098 in that, Giaratina maybe wasn't such a major legendary at this point in development.
I don't know if it's been figured out who the 5 mystery spots are for yet, but I would wager a guess that:
>Birthly? Smilay?
These are probably what would end up as Manaphy and Shaymin

Possibly Darkrai, Cresselia and Giratina

Maybe at some point they were planned to be sort of a third trio: Dark/Light?Antimatter??
Also I believe that "Gyarados" being there is a placeholder for what would become Garchomp.
This still holds up for me and I will be thinking about it a lot when it comes to worldbuilding in my writing.
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Cloverbros... don't let Cyndaquil evolve...
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A minor thing I've noticed so far is that Pachirisu's sleeping pose on this anime ref from Gamefreak is an extremely close match to the animation in PMD2. Could very well have originated from some other reference, however.
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i noticed that too, maybe these were shared with them
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(I think Linoone and Debby are hot.)

I found this recently. I don't know how much we're allowed to post about a whole PMDnD thing since it's sort of a qst or tg thing, but it's an interesting series I've put on in the background this morning. I think there's a second series on this channel but I haven't checked it out
/trash/ is leaking
Ok, how you know?
individually or together?
Just found some of the plain background shots I did for this in a different file, so I'm posting them here. I'm kinda proud of the variety of perspectives I was able to make work.
And some extra art for shots I didn't end up using. Mostly Shelby because she's kind of the hardest to draw. Expressions are tough when you don't have visible eyes.
(Your work continues to be kino, anon.)
best cat is best
That's interesting, so I guess Red/Blue don't actually have unique dialogue just use groups like Explorers, which would make things a lot easier.

One thing that's annoying is that, at least in Red/Blue, the partner's dialogue seems to be set by something specific in the save file, rather than just going off their actual species, so you can't just quickly change their species in a save editor to see other dialogue.
If I had to take a guess, I assume it's got something to do with the way partners are organized during selection. When you pick a partner, you're picking the pokemon and the dialogue set so changing the species won't change the dialogue set. You'd have to modify whatever determines that set of dialogue
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Board's going so fast right now
You should be reading the leaks anon
to be expected during leak season

captcha: JAKNGH
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I really like how Phanpy's portrait in PMD is just his entire body. I don't know what it reminds me of but it reminds me of something funny.
I wish they gave Phanpy something good in Sky. That thing's moveset is a travesty, especially when Rollout has like 30% accuracy.
I forget, does PMD have any kind of lost media?
I remember someone posted about a lost website with some browser games in a recent /pmdg/
Quite a bit actually. The thing people care about the most is Gold Rescue Team, but there's also some of the flash games, various dubs of the anime episodes in different languages, and other things like that.
>Gold Rescue Team
What's that, some supposed third version?
korean pc port or some shit iirc
who the fuck cares about that dump?
It was some PC demo of PMD Blue that actually went pretty far into the game and had an unusually large file size, so it might have had some interesting differences. Alas nobody actually saved a copy of it and it required an online connection to run anyway.
Holy shit, Altered Bonds is actually getting a second volume.
>mandatory online
figures, why the fuck do devs do that?
it's worst korea, they probably got confused and thought it was an MMO or something
>Members of the Cyndaquil line are exceptionally horny
Clover Guild predicted it!
stop laughing at worst korea, they'll get back at you by making an official pmd gacha that will doom the series
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>when it's literally a character taken from a doujin
the only thing korea can do is grindy MMO's
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based and joypilled
Are you sure?
not enough betamon pmd stuff
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All the partner options do have unique dialogue for talking in dungeons, which is different from the 3 dialogue sets in the overworld. It's only 4 unique lines, however. (100%, 75%, 50% and 25% health)

A while back I used an AR code to force Eevee as the partner during the select, the dialogue set was "boku" (like the Pikachu example earlier) and talking to it in dungeons just shows a placeholder message, so there doesn't seem to be much leftover data regarding the 6 hero-only starters. However, the portraits and cutscene animations did work fine, including the stuff you'd normally never see like pic related.
I'm curious if the Japanese version has more partner leftovers for those starters that may have been discarded during localization, but I haven't been able to find codes for it.
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board is moving so fast....
Aside from the mentioned Gold Rescue Team, there's also some web-games like
I hate and love how random shit like that somehow manages to be somewhat canon by some ungodly coincidence
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>i used to draw like that
Nothing happened here this is propaganda
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>have to go through waterfall cave lategame to get to the hot spring even though the protag should know how to get there anyways
>A computer to upload videos on atheism
>A kitchen full of bananas
>Heroin junkie transported to PMD world
This sounds like hell. Would they die from withdrawal symptoms or would the new body be cleared of any physical dependence and it'd be purely psychological?
Are the dark spots on his blindfold blood?

>Light of Ruin
>Sacred Fire
>Miracle Eye
yep, dont stare at angels
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>player, protag, MC, etc.
We've had official terminology for this since Rescue Team.
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free him
Purely psychological, most likely, though it may emulate actual symptoms due to the placebo effect(if it happens with pokémon, idk).
skiddo milk with extra protein
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Clover Guild Scandal Update
Cyndaquil sleeps nude in an oxygen tent he believes gives him sexual powers!
>Cyndaquil sleeps nude
ain't that the entire guild?
They’ve got these cute little nightcaps.
did pmd get any news recently?
Unless there's somehow some kind of docs relating to how pmd would be handled in the leak, nope.
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Oh... I thought he was a coomer who missed being able to "crank the lever".
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Replace one addiction with another.
>speedhound human-mon can't get any amphetamines
>has to resort to snorting pure, concentrated Rage Powder

Crank is technically meth, also known as speed or ice. It's just that heroin withdrawals can be extreme enough to kill you, which makes the joke less funny.
Totodile is having a bad time, but he's just very tired and sweaty, not projectile vomiting for 36 hours straight
where's the clover guild rumpus room located?
I love this. Which betamon would be the grass one? I only remember slug-chikorita and now tree frog-treecko
it magically shifts location as needed depending on the current story's plot.
Could I get some art of this? For a friend of course
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I'll work on it. How many guildmons would sleep together in one giant bed all in a line?
She's not sorry
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more like raping booth
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What other addictive substances would the PMD world have?
I bet you could smoke certain grass type pokemon
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Hell of a day to come back to this board...
It's a shame people are laser-focused on one dev's fanfic instead of all the other stuff.
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I figure Team Cozy, Toge, the Strangers (Don't know why they come to mind), Sneasel on one end with Booker on the nightstand, Ross trying his hardest to fall asleep (his little beret already looks like a little sleeping hat), Adrian with his bear facing away from everyone, Cider in the background on his abomination of a bed.
Give me enough time and I can figure out exactly how every guild member ever created would sleep at night
because it's the most shocking one, everyone expected to see beta designs but not rape smutfics, the theology diagram is the coolest part though and the funniest one is watching the puritans' melties
Still pretty annoying, especially when people keep making new threads about that shit.
still a billion times better than genwar threads desu
The Fangame Catalog link doesn't work anymore
can confirm. they got us
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Welcome back
Hopefully it’ll settle down soon
Good to be back. Anything cool I missed?
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how the would they know when you left
back to the 'cord sis
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No changes. This is because he is without flaw
did the leaks ever talk about a new PMD game?
yeah there was a folder named 'PMD.ToD' that had a single .txt file that said 'lol. lmao'
These are Gamefreak leaks, there might be some PMD snippets here and there but not much.
So far I've found an Excel sheet with some staff related to the PMD2 anime special which was already public knowledge, that's about it.
So which Clover member makes the diss track on Cynda after he evolves?
Say, Cynd, I hear you like 'em young
You better not ever go to Team Base One
To any native that talk to him and they in love
Just make sure you hide your lil' partner from him
They tell me Phanpy the only one that get your hand-me-downs
And party at the monster house, playin' with his X-ray goggles now
And Adrian got a weird case, why is he around?
Certified Fire Starter? Certified pedophiles
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Toge, fuck 'em up
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, I'ma do my stuff
Why you touchin' my partner? Ain't you tired?
Tryna explore a dungeon and it's probably only 10 Floorssssss

Humes not like us, humes not like us, humes not like us
Humes not like us, humes not like us, humes not like us
If you ferment berries, you should still be able to get alcohol. Just get a steel type to make you a still and boom, you got poké moonshine. Or just drink the berry wine.
those gummi drinks got me acting unwise
>So far I've found an Excel sheet with some staff related to the PMD2 anime special which was already public knowledge, that's about it.
Post it.
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Shit, the new Regi lore really beefs up the potential of the PMD verse.
What lore?
Glad it’s confirmed that Gigas would fucking murder Cynda on sight, and is the true antagonist of Clover Guuld.
New Creation myth leaks heavily imply Regigigas was a member of the primordial titans who embodied the types and tried to kill Arceus at birth. Add in the other myths and the reasoning for them trying to kill Arceus is because they saw the future (could be explained by time not even being a concept in this case, so they were able to see the fallout before it even happened) and realized that Arceus was gonna create the world through human-pokemon “relations.”
In essence Regigigas despises Pokefuckers.
So, how much of this is actually in the leaks and how much is just conjecture? I’m especially doubtful of the pokephilia part
hi skiddo :>
The origin stories don't say anything about Regigigas as far as I know. One of them explicitly says the titans are not Pokémon. They're just pieces of the eggs, which Aus then used to make Ia and Ea.
Ooh, that was quick!
Do Clover guild members wait for new humans to show up to tell them about new memes in the human world or were they all so terminally online they somehow just intrinsically know
alcohol definitely exists and can probably be made from berries, gummis, fruits or basically anything else with enough sugars in it (grain alcohol, baby!)

I think powders and spores are probably utilized in different forms for different professional/recreational purposes.
Sleep and paralysis powders are downers

Rage powder and the explosive powder Vilvillon and Cutiefly can use are hardcore uppers

Poisons in general probably have all sorts of uses that range from hallucinogens to stimulants to depressants and everything in between. I'd imagine the markets for poison mixing and distilling would be very diverse.

There's also stuff like the seeds that have effects on who eats them.
>Blinker seed=whippits/nitrous
>X-eye seed=Poppers/amyl

There's probably plant equivalents to tobacco and weed that exist somewhere. There's no reason they wouldn't

Steel types can get high on electricity, like Bender in that one episode of Futurama

That's all I can think of for now
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i think itd be funny if the guildies had to pester the new humans to explain the new trends to them. imagine having to explain to guildies about the talk tuah podcast
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That's a half-truth!
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day 14.... even tho we're the 15th i am rn on the day 15 drawing wich mean we're half way there !!! so if you have more to give feel free to you'd this post so i can see them
Don't lie, he'd totally try a leg.
It’s literally explicitly stated Arceus mated with a human
No, it’s pretty heavy handed that Gigas is one of the Eggshell titans. The power of defeated giants infused each of the type plates, a canon description-meaning these are the remains of the slain titans. For the longest time, we had no Normal type plate until Gigas gives it to us-HE made the Normal plate, not Arceus. In Legends Giygas reacts to the Plates rather the Regis in stark contrast to the other games-he responds to his brethren, not his kids because he’s yet to understand the beauty of existence.
The tiitans “not being Pokemon” is semantics and people peddling that have no rebuttal to the rest of this evidence. Like Arceus, the titans clearly had true forms that were destroyed, or in Gigas’ case he had to be stripped down and cursed, weakened, and his power became like that of the greatest Legendary Pokemon, still easily able to tango with the likes of Dialga and Palkia.
Start coping, because Gigas is a primordial chad.
"Ah, finally, I'm all alone" I said as I lay on my bed.

"No you are not" Said the Itemizer Orb Guy
>It’s literally explicitly stated Arceus mated with a human
I know that (although another piece of leaked info directly contradicts that one story). What made me doubtful was the part where Regigigas specifically hates Arceus because of pokephilia.
The leaks are funny and all but how does any of this shit affect us? Where's the explorers dx leak?
hopefully nowhere the last thing these spin-offs need is another remakeslop game
the lore can be used tougheverbeit desu booker, linoone, cynda and the rest of the pokefuckers will get destroyed by gigas' wrath
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'kay lads, we got a real neferious one this time. Do not eat the berries he offers you. Any former human women might want to sit this one out (*cough* Torchic *cough*). Reward will be 11,000 poké plus tip.
>It’s literally explicitly stated Arceus mated with a human
It is a legend.
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>plus tip
I’m somewhat surprised this group only has 3 pokefucker OCs
So you made it up, ok
I mean, there are probably a lot more. They just haven't admitted to it yet.
We're working on it. Just wait until you see how many bitches Bean gets
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day 15 !

love your work bud absolutly rocking it
cope harder
What's the worst that will happen? I'm a former human woman torchic and I'm going in! I'll bring him in no time!
>my pokefucker isn't mentioned

This thread sucks now.
bulletbros... smithbros... ennysisters...
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oh there's more known without a shred of doubt.
just not explicitly written into story form yet.
mine wasn't either
>craving attention on a chinese basket weaving board
just post your pokefucker, people don't check every single posts
My only concern with the new lore is how I can incorporate it into my Clover stories. I can’t wait to reference the Typh-fucker whenever Cynda cameos.
>zoomer brain incapable of not referencing the latest thing

Many such cases.
this is the beauty of writing Natives, lads. Imagine the folktales we can make of these human shitters! no wonder nobody believes humans exist, the human centric creation myth devolves the pokegod to a cockslut!
>new lore
None of it is canon
How do so many people not understand this?
It's official, you're not going to stop people from having fun by telling them it's not canon
The giants were killed by Arceus before he created anything. The diagram shows Regigigas was created way later by Mesprit. The Regis have nothing to do with the giants.
I don't remember anything about Bullet and whether he was shipped with any natives. I'm pretty sure Smith has never been shipped with anyone in any stories, but I guess him and Furret have been teased and there's that crack ship of him and Nida. As for Enny, I forgot about him, but he's definitely a pokefucker.
new thread

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