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Spinel'd edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

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Previous: >>56575195
Liko cute
Battaru is gonna be glorious
Does Friede know?
Honestly as soon as shiny Zygarde was revealed it's been my like most anticipated thing, ground vs sky dragons is such a cool idea
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Ok, here's the big one. POKÉMON MOVIE 24 INFO

Codename: Bauer

Has been in development hell since at least 2021, was originally planned to release in 2023.

This film was being thought of as a reboot of the movie universe to reconnect with lapsed fans, and to try to get a more adult audience to watch the film.

It's set in modern Kanto and the main Mythical Pokémon of the plot is Mew. Two new protagonists: Light and Akari (male / female). The idea is that the film will touch modern society problems, like cyber bullying and suicide.

Directed by Kobun Shizuno (Detective Conan).

It's unclear what has happened to it.
So what was leaked were concepts that were already changed and a potential Mega Zygarde fight at the end, right?
Correct, the rest is too late to be properly intertwined.
All of the files are internal meetings. Sometimes it's only the people at GF discussing the documents they have received from the anime staff (or perhaps TPC?), sometimes it's GF and TPC discussing together.

The GF-only december 22 meeting has the following:
>Hayashi: It's also strange that they say the unusual relationship between Friede and Exceed will be left in the background and its nature "will be developed according to viewer response"
>Sugimori: Are there any other anime where such an important detail is so undeveloped?
>Matsumiya: It's made like a weekly published manga. However, the timespan needed to make an anime is isn't that short, so if something important like that is left up to "waiting to see the viewer's reaction and then deciding", then in the end nothing will be finished in time.
>Sugimori: Instead of saying "we make it while watching the viewer's reaction", is there no "what do we want to make?", I wonder"
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So from what I gather from the leaks, behind the scenes GamFreak wasn't too keen on the Anime ditching Ash as the protagonist?
Fuck yes
It's the opposite, More and more bth were getting sick of him
So they schizo theory about the deleted Meowth because the last anime still has a lot of power was right?
This is what I wanted in 17 instead of the bullshit movie 20. Yuyama really had a choke hold on the series. Could have even used the OG cast.
I'd fucking love if Rayquaza actually gets to play a big role in ZA
Why is the Rayquaza green?
How come Roy gets to have TWO Rayquazas?
It's just the green aura of its attack.

TPC was pitching the idea of no longer having Ash be the main character to GF and GF wasn't too keen on the idea.
In the discussion the TPC side mentions for example that even Ishihara of TPC has been wondering for almost 20 years why they still keep using Ash.
TPC lists multiple reasons why they want to change the main character, including low ratings. Ohmori of GF says he understands that low ratings are a problem, but wonders if this problem is really connected to Ash being the main character.
>Giving rides
Turns out it's all of those combined kek
holy FUG
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I just realized Liko's pin not only mimics the league symbol in Ash's classic hat, but also represents an L just like Roy has an R in his shirt
Considering the recent leaks I wouldn't be surprised if Zeraora ended up being replaced by Rayquaza
>yes, Ash is a bad character. No, we don't want you ruining both our game characters. Please stick to Ash so at least one of our creations can remain pure, thank you
>Liko's pin was spelling the starting letter of her name all along
Basically yeah
>but wonders if this problem is really connected to Ash being the main character.
From what I got it seems that the real problem was TPC leaving Yuyama alone to do whatever the fuck he wanted just to realize that no, the fans matter too. Which would explain why they're moving this fast with Horizons, they have more control this time
its cancelled isn't it?
Its amazing the lenghts you fags go to cope, even more when it was posted that kids don't even like the new cast that much
L + retired + even the staff don't like him + pikachu is better + final chapter'd + fucked a rodent + no room to grow + unappealing to adults
>We lost a suicidal femcel pokegirl character
My heart is shattered
>No please don't notice the consistencies or Rica being a insufferable diva to work with
Both asshurt and unable to beat the ESL allegations, impressive as always
Anime setting up the battaru for their game would be kino
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>Smiling Amethio
My world is complete
>Rica being insufferable
Were there any hints of this before? The leaks are the first time I heard of this
He knew Liko would cave in.
It seems GF wasn't too happy that Journeys didn't really do a good job at shilling Galar at all. While Horizons does its original plot, Paldea Pokemon and characters are quite relevant.
Chances of Dot getting Ogerpon?
Aside from the confirmed leaks highlighting a strained relationship with Ohtani which is already a bad sign, she had already some weird drama going on that led to sketchy rumors. Or that one time with her Covid fund embezzlement.
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Well I tried
10/10 Liko
>translation: Sango got an increased role in the show due to the extremely positive fan reception to her
I knew it.
Anne's husband
>ground vs sky dragons is such a cool idea
I think so too. Liko and Co might get around to enabling the latter to go fully nuts
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Damn, moving the anime from thursdays to sundays really killed SM's ratings

SM was doing perfectly fine before that
Zygarde's new mega form might be a tiger. It'd carry a lot of religious symbolism
What a disgusting whore.
Definitely used goods, yuck.
This feels just wrong.
So is she ever going to have a full battle?
Nigga everyone knew that was going to happen, even TV Tokyo themselves. The new slot was the same one Chibi Maruko-chan aired in.

I remember SMfags all circlejerking this one dumbass twitter eceleb with a bear avatar that was calling people mentally ill for saying this would hurt ratings too.
Used by Spinel
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Oh dear lord.
did you really take my request seriously? You are the best, anon, thank you
Can you add cleavage, recolor the top pink, make her nips stand out throught the top, break the fishnets a little and give her naughty "bad girl" eyes? If not I understand, you already did a lot with this so don't worry, I'm just asking because I'm an asshole
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i dropped this a while ago because the thought of another ash-like run for another 20 years was too much for my autism, but now that i know that they are dropping liko i will be watching, is there a non filler guide like the one in the op but for horizons?
it's just 68 episodes, you can easily catch up
I don't think so, but there's not a whole lot of filler compared to the last anime.
>Still goes along with it
Amethio is a softie on the inside
What's Bauer?
must BREED
It's also warm.
Seeing how it was a Kanto reboot and 151 only, it may have gotten shelved for the 30th anniversary.
i don't recall anything about cyber bullying nor suicide in pokemon.
So now she's grow up Alex will impregnate her, right bros? Our girl will not fail again
"Bauer" is german and means farmer
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XYZbros, our response?
now show the jump from end of gen to start of gen for all other gens
that rica matsumoto ikue otani thing is going affect them rica is going to explode
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>huge leak
>still doesn't have Adult Molly's sheet of this
man I'm never finding that shit
Nips already making articles about it lol
Good. I hope this encourages other VAs who've been bullied by her to speak up as well.
Japan shouldn't tolerate popular VAs bullying their coworkers.
What are they writing
Rica's not even a popular VA. Rica is pretty much a one-trick nepobaby who needed Ash to remain relevant. Pikachu's VA has way more roles and they're much bigger ones too.

Which probably explains why Rica was such a bully. She had nothing much going for her and her biggest role was purely nepotism-based. She probably felt the need to drag down her fellow VAs just to feel
Rica might be a bitch or whatever but she does theater stuff, was a founder of JAM and a singer on her own.

She's probably one of the few that does "real" stuff in boomer terms compared to just anime VA, probably the equivalent to some b-tier actor and capeshit
shhhh i'm trying to build a narrative
just waiting on the leaks of what they had planned for Project Mew. my most hyped arc by far and it was obviously shafted and had episodes taken away for Ash shit
Isn't all of it because of nepotism? I thought her family owned a theatre
Just realized that when Ikue Otani was on Pop Team Epic, she was with Inuko Inuyama, Meowth's VA, instead of Rica like you would think she'd be.
How is that ukrainian bitch taking the leak?
We already know what happen. It was thrown in last minute because Go's original goal was shit and this was an attempt to salvage it.
How many roles Rica have beside TRAsh and Bakura?
Project Mew was the damage control because nobody liked Goh, nothing to do with Ash
hey stupid, I'm talking about plans pertaining to Project Mew's outcome, not its conception, you fucking nincompoop, don't you know how to think? dummy. It's obvious that they had to throw a sequence involving Regigigas into the dumpster so that they could show Ash winning more battles, it'd be cool to see what they had planned before that happened.
Are these still happening or no?

I thought she moved on from Ash and is a Dotfag now?
There was no buildup for Project Mew
I never thought Rica and Ikue were like super best friends but never thought they didn't get along lol. That explain their lack of chemistry in interviews( compares to TRio's)
This has to be a troll. Literally everything about Goh was building up to mew.
if there's anything i miss about the ash era is how much energy TRs VAs had
Yeah, that's what I mean, there was nothing more to it, compare it to the Lucius plot in the current series
That kind of stuff is really common
So people are seriously assuming that the leaked anime info is the actual future of the anime and not just beta/original draft stuff that eventually got changed? Like sure, much of it remained the same, but other stuff (like Friede having a brother, and obviously bringing back old characters) got scrapped.
I wonder if voicing Cap is cathartic for Ikue. She gets to properly vent all that bottled up frustration from being forced to pretend she got along with someone she disliked.
The snarky yet happy Cap voice acting probably comes straight from the heart. She won, and she's free.
Maybe in X or Reddit, not here, we actually understand mostly of it was scrapped
I think anon was referring to the Regigigas battle in the fourth OP and the scrapped Goh vs Gary battle that was mentioned by staff.
Why do they act like that then?

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Guess who beat Cynthia
Because they're genuine retards.
We like to joke that 4chan users are the dumbest retards in the world, but the sad truth is twitterites and redditards are even dumber.
Nah, you can tell most of this was scrapped.
I still don't understand why our buddy hates the leaks so much and keeps insisting they're fake. Like, even if much of the leaks were preliminary drafts that were since changed, that doesn't make them unreal.
I wish the leak had something about May VA situation since it's a very touchy subject
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kek, stupid Japs
>I thought she moved on from Ash and is a Dotfag now?
I was thinking more about the Rica Matsumoto stuff.
all rica has to do is send her a voice note in ashs voice and she'll be back in line
Seems they haven't found out about the Rica stuff yet. If/when they do, oh boy...

captcha: hdadm
People always have a difficult time discerning info in leaks that is "conceptual", as in, dubiously "canon" or subject to change and to turn out not true, and info that clearly gives a blueprint of what will happen/is happening.

Right now we've got a shit ton of info but much of it is "dubious" in how relevant it will be in the future.
>the staff outright confirmed that Ash was retired partly due to declining ratings
>the leaked meeting stuff showed that some staff had been wanting to get rid of Ash for over 10 years at least
Is this why our buddy is so angry and in denial? He can't believe that he actually got completely BTFO and the thing he tried so hard to deny, that Ash was a liability, turned out to be true?
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What else there is to say? She has a chronic illness and is not getting better, they don't replace her out of respect and there is no reason no bring back May ever again so it's not like is a big deal
Even then I don't get why. They acknowledge in the meeting that he has a lot of passionate fans that will miss him being gone and wanted to handle his departure as nicely as possible. That alone should give him some comfort that he's not the only one that felt destroyed by Ash leaving, or that they wanted to disrespect Ash by retiring him.
In another thread an anon said they were speculating about Rica being the reason Miette original VA had a mental breakdown.
>Ash and Pikachu always hated each other
Holy kek
But Ash left and it's not a big deal, everyone moved on
It's Black Fug going Dragon Ascent on Zygarde's ass.
50 episodes in and we still haven't seen seething Liko (upper left)
>they don't replace her out of respect
I know, I just want a confirmation of that because her situation is very different than a VA dying(Oak), being cancelled(Leon) or being a workplace drama (Ash)
From the point we're at now I do expect the lucius mons to fuck off in some form, even if it's them being taken by the explorers. The part of " the kids have to find new pokemon to replace the lucius mons with the help of the friends they made along the way" seems too set in stone, especially with the lack of capturing more pokemon.

But unlike when roy was the main character and it was only him capturing the next generation I assume it'll be divided between the three. Like if they need a new flier to replace moltres I doubt kilowattrel is strong enough to carry all 3, but hattrene and tinkaton could be the new arbolivia (healer) and kleavor (smasher). So they need a lapras replacement, an entei replacement, and either a new large flier or dot/liko to catch a flier.
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reference sheets are just that, references, not everything is made to appear in the anime

Melony's ref sheet shows her many children, each with an unique design and none of them have ever appeared outside of the ref sheet
I've never watched horizons, dropped out of the anime after XYZ. Is horizons good? what's the general consensus? I liked the gen 1, 2,4 and 6 of the anime, hated 5 and never watched 3
It's nice to have a series with an overarching plot that's set to end in only 3 years rather than getting extended infinitely
It's not boring but it does need a watch/skip chart. Not all episodes are essential to the plot.
What do you guys wanna see for the next anime when Liko and Roy get replaced. A solo female? Solo male? Two females or males? Or A male and female pair again?
>Or A male and female pair again?
I think this is the best route to go. It appeals to both male and female viewers.
Seems to have been unrelated. She only voiced Millefeui for one episode so I can't imagine they interacted much.
>being cancelled(Leon)
You're thinking of Raihan.
I really, really want to see someone like Gary as the protagonist. A cocky bastard with the actual talent to back it up, but who sometimes lets his cockiness get the better of him and gets a deserved humbling.
I don't mind what the sidekick is so long as they aren't another contest slut cheerleader.
Project Mew didn't flop because of Ash, Project Mew was something they poorly put together because they realized nobody cared about Goh catching a gorillion of mons. It was always poorly planned and I still don't understand why they thought Goh's goal was a good idea or why catching a bunch of mons related to Mew
Unless she told Rica something that pissed he off, like saying she would like to voiced Ash
>and it's not a big deal, everyone moved on
Because they made sure to not make a closed ending so the audience can move on to a new one with the old one getting back for his cameo or whatever
>>the staff outright confirmed that Ash was retired partly due to declining ratings
from what I read it seems it moreso that their constant resetting of his character each region and tug of war between fans wanting him to actually grow as a character and win compared to their desire to keep resetting him to zero is what caused problems eventually for the character. Their mandates over him is what ultimately killed him
That looks great, anon, do you take commissions?
damn that looks solid, dont downplay yourself
That's why I said "partly". I didn't say that the declining ratings were THE reason for retiring him. If anything, it was more like the final straw, the thing that broke the camel's back given the issues you mentioned like the constant resets doing more harm than good. They even pointed out how Yuyama not wanting Ash to win was doing more harm than good, along with the revelation that he wasn't even going to win in Alola initially and pretty much only did so due to the backlash to Kalos.
>One challenge is that Ash’s character can no longer be “reset” (i.e., starting at level 1 each time), making it difficult for children to emotionally connect with the story as if it were their own experience. The desire has always been to have the audience connect emotionally with the protagonist’s growth, but recently, other characters are starting to take on that role instead of Ash.

>On the other hand, long-time fans have always wondered, “When will Ash become a Pokémon Master?”—a question that has lingered for years. The difficulty of showing significant growth in Ash, having been the same protagonist for so long, has become apparent. We attempted to address this by creating series like Pokémon Sun & Moon, which lacked a long-term story arc, but it also made it harder to develop individual episodes.

Yep, and Dot being a negative NEET backfired so they're changing that ASAP
Out of curiosity I was looking at the Twitter reactions to the leaks, and lo and behold among the people reacting was none other than everyone's favorite Mayfag/Misty hater.
What I mean is that the change was not that big, the ratings are the same(with far less marketing than JN) and people are happier than they were during JN where people complained about everything
>being cancelled(Leon)
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>we finally get news about Ash after over a year of not seeing him
>but all the news says is that they've gotten rid of Ash for good and have wanted him gone for years
Must be pretty depressing to be an Ash self inserter right now. There's no hope left.
Was Yuyama also holding back too? I have not read his blog in years but I remember he sounded frustrated
>the ratings are the same
Beyond muh Nico live I haven't seen much, what I have see however is that there's less discussion about the characters as a whole even here or /a/
Also reputation, the Pokemon anime had a terrible reputation due the constant resets and the character not being allowed to grown up.
>they've gotten rid of Ash for good
Must be hard being illiterate
>there's less discussion about the characters as a whole even here or /a/
There's the Pokemon 2023 threads over at /a/ so that's not really true. Though those threads are actually just a reincarnation of /padt/ 1.0 with the same people, including Adamant.
It's the best time for Ash self inserters to be illiterate. Misinterpreting the leaks is the only hope they have left since every aspect of the franchise is pretending he doesn't exist.

Has anyone checked on Annet? the news must've destroyed her
>Ash-Greninja never existed
>Ash never existed
good ridance
isn't that the chick schizo that wanted to marry Ash or something
I still don’t understand the point of Dot’s character. Liko and Roy are part of the main narrative, but Dot’s just there. She has no connection to the main lore or anything.
Say something about him that is not his Lapras.
The bigger issue was less Ash and more about Yuyama being stubborn and getting no pushback from the staff even though fans were tired of the resets and Ash remaining 10 and static.
Same reason Murdock etc were there. Dot ended up sticking around more because she was the same age as the kids and seemed like a good addition to complete the trifecta
Is this picture part of the leak, or just fanart?
I got the fujo baits mixed up, it was Raihan VA who cheated on his wife.
>rico is 13
>roy 12
>ash fucking 10
I thought she likes Dot now
She is basically the Koharu but with the whole neet thing going on. She is just there to support Liko and Roy
It's a leak for another movie project featuring a character named Akari and a new mythical.
>10 years old that will never be surpassed
Anyway, a real L to Ash is if we actually get teen Liko and Roy
Funnily enough, Leon was voiced by Takahiro Sakurai in Masters and Twilight Wings, so you were accidentally correct.
What's not mentioned in the leak is if Dot was planned from the start to become a (de facto) co-protagonist, or if it was just something they decided on after the show had already begun. All we know from the leaks is that Dot didn't exist initially.

Still not completely correct since AFAIK he was never recast in either.
>Canonically the strongest in the world despite whatever cope trannies use
>Have to treat his legacy with care as stated by GF so if he ever meets them he will be stronger
Holy based, the nepo baby chosen one grandaughter of a famous explorer born from the "perfect" indigo student who was picked by multiple legendaries thanks to having a "legendary hero" in her family tree never stood a chance, even Sugimori and Ohmori considered that bullshit
>Ash is going to die never going through puberty and never becoming a real man(although lets be real he'd probably be mtf)
>Liko and Roy are going to grow up and have kids
just imagine shipwarring Ash for 30 years only for new main characters to appear and have a family before your character even goes on his first date
I'm glad Roy is confirmed to get Rayquaza. I thought they would pull an Ash/Latios and have him battle it, put up a big fight with a never-ending promise to meet Raqyquaza again in the future and call it a day
But Ash has been on a date. He was crossdressing as a girl and was the boy's girlfriend.
I saw a Twitter posts screaming that everything got leaked: the plot, the twists, the "characters return" and world building, well, where is that info?
[1] Seven Years Ago

A Pokemon Day Care near Fuchsia City, Kanto.
The 20 year old Gigi entrusts an original paint Pokéball (design TBD, referred to as Gigi Ball from here on) to the 8 year old Light.

Gigi: Look after my little buddy until I come back. Promise it!
Light: Yeah!

After this cheery footage … flashes to the tragedy that occurred afterwards.
* Gigi on the top of a high rise building
* Shin, screaming and embracing Gigi’s corpse in heavy rain
* Gil, smashing a smartphone
* A distraught girl (Akari at age 10) inside a house covered with insulting graffiti
* Light looking up at the sky, as if sensing something
Doesn't exist. Twitter users are being retarded as usual.
With Liko maybe getting Terapagos like the OP teased, it'll be really nice for Roy to have Rayquaza since I think both of them have been said to be keys to Raqua don't quote me on that though I'm not 100% on that, having our dual protagonists each possess one would be very satisfying
For her ship with Liko.
just read some of the previous threads of this general and you'll find more info. But it's all conceptual info so it's not guaranteed to happen and many are in fact probably won't manifest
[2] Seven Year Later
Present time. Light is now 15 years old. At his family home, a Pokemon Day Care near Fuchsia City in Kanto, he helps his grandfather and takes care of the Pokémon. Until now, Light has not even once caught a Pokémon, and didn’t go on a journey at age 10 either. After all, even without going on a journey and catching his own Pokémon, he is always surrounded by Pokemon, and he can just read about the experience of other trainers online. Due to his always pure nature, the boy was content enough with this and unknowingly closed off his world and possibilities.

Just then, something is repeatedly kicking him.
It’s a Pikachu with a slighty chubby body type.
Light: What is it?
Fatchu: Pikapikaa (I’m bored~)
Fatchu seems to want to play, so Light pokes his belly.
Light: Hmm, you're still as chubby as ever…
As he keeps poking, he enters "Pokemon, Diet" on his smartphone.
Light: Ooh, the scribble diets seems to be all the rage now!
Light tries out the diet method that is trending online.
He keeps drawing a smiley in Fatchus belly and keeps repeating "lose weight, lose weight!"
Fatchu: Pikapikaa!! (As if that makes me lose weight!!)
He gives Light a kick and leaves.
Light: What’s the matter with him? I’m doing this for his health
Fatchu has been in their care for seven years now. Surely, the trainer has abandoned him, Light thinks absentmindedly.
Fatchu stares at the sky as if yearning for something. Light watches him.
Light: … hey
Fatchu: (Looking at Light)
Light: Can I call you Chub? Cause you’re chubby all over
Fatchu: Pikkkkka!! (I refuse!)
Fatchu gives Light yet another kick.
Such is a day of their unassuming daily life.
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>it's unclear what has happened to it
Sounds like the project killed itself
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So I haven't been to /padt/ in months and I heard a rumor that literally all of Horizons's plot has been leaked. Is this true /padt/?
Sounds like shit
It's not, the thread would be going a full speed if that was the case.
It isn't guaranteed to happen, they're just rough concepts from the development of the show (for example, Dot is nowhere to be found, and Quaxly is shared between Liko and Roy).
Who watches movies nowadays when everyone is into streaming from anywhere?
>Roy catching Rayquaza
Why do I feel it's better to leave Legendary Pokemon alone?
Because you're a crab in a bucket.
All true pokemon masters catch legendaries.
Ash was treated as a one time special event in Pokemon Masters EX game which is probably the reason there isn't a need to put him in the encyclopedia.
Apparently the leaker has that info but hasn't released it.
>Friede and Orio are 20
No wonder they haven't fucked yet. Everyone knows Pokemon adults settle down in their mid 30s at most
I hope they don't.
No, what got leaked is just some early drafts full of shit they later changed.
over the last 25 years, how did the anime not reuse their CotD by making new ones from scratch?
Rica killed Miette
But they're Legendaries which means they are very rare to be seen by humans.

The way I see it back in the Ashnime era (before Goh caught Suicune in JN) is that Legendaries are for appreciation purposes only & attempts to catch Legendaries often have disastrous consequences.
Plenty of trainers in the ashime era had legendaries. Just not Ash.
I'm glad it died, rot in hell for not giving us anything on Calyrex to even remotely salvage that bad design with at least a charming passable flick.
It's the Ash shippers that will be shocked.
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whatever is not officially published is not canon.
I do think that the creation myth is somewhat true at least a little.

in the anime they mention angels and stuff like that biblical beings and such.
my headcanon is that There is a God, like the Christian God, and he created arcus to create pokemon. this would explain both in my head
Was there any shirtless content leaked yesterday? Like say concept art and whatnot? I need some fanservice news
Look at that look on him. He looks like he despises being in the sane room as her, it's as if he wants to betray everyone and steal the sex heroes.
Should've gone back to her band.
Arceus is explicitly the lord of all things though. There is no higher being that intentionally created it. Arceus itself, however, may have created lesser versions of itself to act as god and take the name "arceus", but in the end Pokemon's true god is a pokemon.
Bros...I'm beginning to think all the concept art and reference sheets for the majority of anime characters and other assets are in OlLM's servers instead.
>tfw Rica probably bullied KAORI so hard she refused to work in the anine ever again and the whole illness thing was a cover up
>May's VA miraculously recovers and comes back to voice May
>Mitette 1 suddenly returns also
>even Shudo rises from the grave, eager to start working on the pokemon anime again
TrAsh was the cancer killing the anime this whole time? Say it isn't so...
Nobody is going to mention that the Shinkai copypasta movie got scrapped for a fujo movie that goes even harder on the Kantoooooo pandering?
Bonnie's VA was never pregnant she just wanted to take a break from all of Rica's bullying
They had Coco which was fujo central and that flopped.
Coco had Ash in it though.
Fujo movie being?
Basically this
Was a typical "boy meets girl" love story but it got scrapped/reworked into a new movie project focused on "the rivalries and friendships between men."
Ash wasn't central to the Koko movie. He was treated like a side character while Koko was the main focus.
Where does it say that it got reworked into that? We never got a fujo movie, we haven’t even got anything new since Coco
That's all it takes sadly.
Ash was definitely a side character, I think that and the pandemic caused Koko to flop. Doesn’t help imo that both the new main character and Pokémon were visually unappealing
It's not out yet.
I see, personally I don’t see a new movie ever coming out. A tagline doesn’t mean much if there’s no visuals or descriptions, your fujo thing probably got scrapped too.
> suicidal femcel
seething SO MUCH. I would watch this movie day 1 just for that relatable character
As he should. I wish SM was more like the games where the MC is basically Lillie sidekick. I hated how many Lillie stuff from the games was shoved into TRAsh, they even gave him a super special dog.
>that Ash was a liability, turned out to be true?
Post ratings comparing seasons
People already have. The seasons without* a heavy focus on Ash or the ones that removed Ash are the only ones that saw a general improvement in ratings
They haven't leaked XY and beyond yet, there's a chance they'll be in those files. Remember 50gb out of 1tb. There's a lot of shit to go.
Do pokemon eggs still all look exactly the same in the new anime?
I don't think that was shown yet?
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> Middle Eastern
"You only hate Iris because she's Black" Best Wishes apologists on suicide watch.
Man, baby Murdock is buff
That's what a typical genki kodomo is like. Cheerful, innocent, and selfish. She had more personality than Ash
Okay but you're not racist for not liking a personality.
OS Ash's insults were actually funny.
Ironically people who say you only hate her because she’s black sort of refuse to acknowledge that tan people exist
Sounds like this bratty girl needs correction..
Murdock was always buff.
>Bauer got cancelled
It's like pottery
Just imagine the reactions of his parents, doctor, and nurses when he was birthed, probably even pushed his own way out
Murdock is a Chad. That's all there is to it
you mean uninteresting
I don't think we're getting a timeskip. They've introduced all the gym leaders as well as Penny/Nemona and I doubt they would age up game canon characters.
Nothing exactly stops from only showing Liko, Roy and the crew but omitting the game characters. But yeah, that alongside the returning asshnime characters got dumped. It's a good thing
At this point what would they even do plot wise after a time skip? I think it would be better suited to just carry them over to the next region at an older age if that's how they wanna do it at this point. Anything that would have to do with Area Zero they would have to leave out all the important characters and it defeats the emotional purpose of Arven.
Again, nothing stops them from using their pre timeskip state. Them doing a timeskip would mostly be stuck to the last episode as a epilogue fashion

Besides that, the latest OP literally shows Area Zero so they won't skip it.
I can see it being a few months, but I get what people mean.

The funny thing is my argument would be more about the pokemon. "By the way it's been two years and none of the kids pokemon have evolved" would feel lame, as well as the opposite, where the kids pokemon evolved offscreen because it's been two years. Both are lame in their own way.
I like that Ash was removed and the old continuity was ended, but I find myself underwhelmed with PM2023's storyline, characterization, and tone. I've enjoyed tons of anime and live action series with long, spanning mysteries and emotional character arcs, but I don't think Pokemon is capable of pulling something like that off. OLM's turnaround time is really fucking fast, they make this shit up on the fly and you can TELL.

PM2023 takes itself more seriously than any other anipoke series and it's boring because of it. Pokemon has always been a fun wind-down show, corny, simple, and funny, with the occasional cool fight scene. PM2023's emphasis on mystery and continuity is... commendable, in concept, but with how fast they make these episodes, it feels incoherent and made up. Liko and Roy are also just really boring main characters and lack a comedic rapport that really isn't optional for a kids show like this.

I know most anons seem to at least somewhat enjoy the show as it is right now, but I have been so bored with it that I almost miss ashime slop. I'd hate to see Ash again just like anyone else, but I miss the more juvenile tone of the previous series.
>Another anon got gaslit that they would only do plot episodes
Lol, get fucked retard. This is Pokemon in the end, filler episode for Pokemon and other nonsense were bound to happen.
>Makes a homage towards comics in the form of Mighty G
>"takes itself more seriously"
This board, I swear
>Leaks revealed they did everything BUT making shit up on the fly
Anon, what the fuck are you doing? I get if you don't like it but don't tell fucking nonsense.
>another anon lacks reading comprehension
Genuine question, do you have downs syndrome? I'll try to phrase this as monosyllabically as possible for you. (That means little words that you can understand.)

I like filler. HZ filler not funny. HZ too much story. Story not good enough to justify (big word sorry) not having jokes.
>Immediately gettting sarcastically aggressive
Nigga, it's your own fault for setting wrong expectations, no need to suddenly get so defensive.

>likes funny episodes
>hates bad story
>wants ash anime back

Your logic does not compute. Ash anime, or Ash himself, haven't been funny in centuries. The plot of Ash anime has always been a fucking disaster. Why the hell do you find yourself wishing for those hellish days?

I beg of you, find another anime to watch. I promise, Horizons isn't the only story out there. I'm sure you'll find something that satisfies your juvenile taste.
>Leaks revealed they did everything BUT making shit up on the fly
Only a few short months before the premiere they planned on giving Quaxly to Liko and Roy. During the production of the Masters 8, they weren't sure if Liko would even HAVE a male sidekick. HZ has a lightning fast turnaround time, and it's evident that during the Terapagos shine arc they were spinning their wheels trying to figure out where the story was going to go.
>Sugimori said no shipping for Likonime
Anons I do not like this...
I think some people are reacting to those feedback docs. Not sure if those are real, but stuff like "we don't see why the story started at a school if the school stuff won't appear again" or "we find the relationship between liko/sprig to be shallow" seem like basic shit an editor would say to the writer as a story is being developed. People are just treating it as viewer feedback for some demented reason even though it's dated from before the first episode aired

Though the liko/sprig thing seems funny since it's compared to ash/pikachu in the docs. Ash got pikachu as a starter because he forgot to set his alarm clock or whatever. It is by definition shallow as shit. Saying "Well liko only got sprig because of an interview feels shallow in comparison" is funny.

Editor saying some stupid shit is pretty common. You can see stories in shonen jump where editors provided feedback on a story...sometimes good, sometimes embarrassingly bad.
Are you serious? Their material literally covers the until 2025. Where were you when everything got dumped from the leaks got in the threads?

This is complete lies. In May 2022 interview where they talk about Ash being retired, they explicitly talk about wanting to do a female protagonist or potentially dual leads. All the Powerpoint slides explicitly feature Liko and Roy. Even in the earliest draft of the story, which seems more Roy-centered, Liko is still present.

I've no idea what you're talking about.
Now I can ship Iono and Dot without concern.
Honestly, good. That means whatever is set in stone at the end stays that way. Plus no deranged catfights unlike the previous seasons
>Nekoyashiki Mayu
Why do we have two little girls owning ultra possessive cats?
>10 years
Most of Gamefreak including Sugimori

Ishihara aka Chuuni Executive has wanted him to fuck off since Hoenn.

Now what happened in between and then and Tobias only Yuyama knows.
You just know
Only thing Horizons is doing wrong so far

No cute Pachirisu as Hero.
>Horizons was this close to not having its best character.
Thank god they created Dot.
Could be relevant boys
Anyone here read the leaked internal documents?
Ash's jap va(Rika Matsumoto) didn't get along well with Pikachu's(Ikue Ohtani) , also GF was aware that Ash's was a troublesome person
No wonder GF or TPC or the anime studio wanted to ditch her(along with Ash) and start a new anime
Where? I trough the interview was only the directors talking
Somewhere in the last section of his commentary about the first 9 to 10 episodes
Yeah, about three or two threads ago were the pages dumped about her being insufferable to work with
Why the fuck are rapefags and furries spamming the Catalog? What the fuck are they saying about my Fire Weasel in the leaks?

It must be wrong. Humans and Pokemons are friends. The sickos are in charge of the anime only. Hope we can replace them before Gen 10.
I wish they talked about Alan
I got an idea for next OP.
Thanks now I have to check the thread
Sinnoh to Alola...

Imagine the anime we could have gotten if Yuyama wasn't such a faggot.
Only for Ash. Likoanime is free from such restraints
>All of those leaks
>Without a single commentary onto why they didn't used any spin off characters
I know that the Likonime used the Pogo professor shit like Wes or Michael would've been kino
The day we get Wes in the mainline anime is the day our robot overlords have decided they no longer need the matrix and they grant us one final moment of bliss before pumping our biotubes with neurotoxin
Most cyber bully suicides happens in west shitholes, kike
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Rica statement translated by Annet.
Complete denial doesn't work when we know it's a thing. This just makes it look like it's even worse than the leaks suggest, which is entirely realistic because Japs prefer to ignore problems like this. The fact that they were speaking about it at all was damning enough, but this just suggests Rica was legitimately harassing her coworkers.
>Annet came running to Rica
>misses annetu, how coult you know about da leaks? Do you doubt mine holy word?
Annet is a cocksucker, I wouldn't trust her with anything without being biased up the ass
Rica made a public tweet, the slav just translated it
Reminds me of Tabata and Nomura
This leak is legit a pandora box, the retard who opened that fishing link is finished
That shit was based of an machine translation, Rica didn't used "Lmao" plus who says "People who don't know me" when they're pressed with accusations based on leaked documents?
The fact that Rica even acknowledge this shit in the first place make me question her intelligence.
This is blatant damage control on her part
>Oh shiat, how did they know about it?
>Some crazy bitch keeps PMing me, maybe I can ask her to translate my post.
Probably wasn't looking twice at the shit that was leaked, Rica fucked up by even paying attention to it, if they get a perpetrator for those leaks that would confirm all of them, which would also mean that Rica is also officially caught lying with her dismissive tweet.

Rica and Annet fucked up big time.
I hope it's one of the lazy nepo employees who got fucked. Lord knows gamefreak is full of em
Rica need to delete that tweet and get a PR manager and a lawyer.
>and a lawyer
To back up her PR manager when they tell her to shut up and stop making things worse? lol.
>Deletes the tweet = confirming she was lying, gets shit
>Keep the tweet up = Leak gets confirmed the moment someone gets caught in relation to it, her tweet shows her lying about it, gets shit on
Rica cornered herself the moment she tried to do something about it. If something happens the following year that is related to her previous allegations then it's a closed case with the worst track-record possible
Japan have so strict anti defamation laws.

Is funny how she talk about it like it come from fans and not the head honchos of the anime. Anyway, any chance of Ash coming back is over now.
Yeah but there's no shot in hell she can silence the leaks that are already running around. Most she can do is threaten to sue any VA who claims Rica bullied them, which isn't exactly a good look for her lol.
I assume any leaks about legends z are fake, but the only thing people have been posting is "mega zygarde confirmed" and like... yeah no shit. We're probably gonna see it in the anime for the finale.

Did people think they'd announce a legends Z and not give zygarde a new form? It could be a mega or some xy type of shit like they did for plakia/dialga. but saying "zygarde gets a new form" is like leaking that legends z will have a main menu.
The Z stands for chariZard
ZA stands for ChariZArd.
>b-but it's also the Japanese title
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>rayqauza and zygarde duke it out
>but then mega chariZArd flies in with a steel chair!
>and what's that, it's Alan's Mega Charizard X on top of the cage! Dear god he's going in for an elbow drop! OHHH and Zygarde's down for the count!
I have the same sentiment with Anon.
But it looks so right. Look at Croc's face as he slurps down that juicy yellow stuff
TPC ar this point will most likely replace Rica with another VA if Ash ever returns to the show, although it is too early now to make any assumptions.
>He doesn't know about Japan's religion with Voice Actors
It's over lmao
I know the religion of Japan's VAs. Unless they're dead, they cannot be replaced.

However, a few exceptions apply such as caught having an affair (Raihan's original VA did that) etc.
U serious? Nigga they NEVER switched Kaori for two decades. And you think that they would make an exception for a protagonist? It's unironically over, man.
Kaori got sick after DP retard
Mega Zygarde vs Mega Rayquaza honestly sounds hella badass.
And keeping her for a decade rather than two isn't exactly any better, anon. Just swallow down the pride, man
>>Though the liko/sprig thing seems funny since it's compared to ash/pikachu in the docs. Ash got pikachu as a starter because he forgot to set his alarm clock or whatever. It is by definition shallow as shit. Saying "Well liko only got sprig because of an interview feels shallow in comparison" is funny.
There's a key difference there in narrative.
Liko's interview is something everyone else also did. It's just standard fare. It doesn't give gravitas to her obtaining her starter. And it doesn't tell you anything about Liko herself.
Meanwhile Ash getting up late despite this being the biggest day of his life already tells you he's a fuck-up, that there's no standard starter for him it throws him into a unique situation meant only for him, that he's getting the rat instead of a standard starter further sets his situation with that of others, with the cherry on top of the cake being that the rat is also a total fuck-up and a disobedient fucker which contrasts from how starters are supposed to be like, and makes you wonder, how is this pair of fuck-ups ever succeed?
>Mfw the anime delivers the final battaru of the games all along
I was talking about May being gone from the anime because her role was already over, they didn't replace her because she didn't need to show in the place.
redpill me on the rica leak
what is it exactly that it says, ignoring anons's inference from it
Rica and Ōtani had strained relationships going on while the making of Journeys was happening, which influenced the former's involvement for the future.
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Never forget the face of the dicklicker who made it his life's goal to make Ash an eternal jobber instead of just letting him finish his story and retire him so we could get new characters. Never forget this face, because he is the enemy of every single person who had gotten angry or exasperated at the constant losses over the years. Never forget.
Multiple conversations between employees saying that Ash is a problem for reasons that include Rica being difficult for many to get along with. Even pikachu's VA didn't get along with her.
Why are HZfags so uppity about their Series being bashed & can't seem to accept criticism?
Why are Ashfags so retired kek?
>Everyone talks about Rica's faggotry
>HZfags out of nowhere
Strongest deflection of this thread btw. Try harder next time/10
The last three hours were about Rica and her lying about her off-screen beef with other Voice actors, obsessed moron.
>sneaks into the writing room during the Kalos League finals while everyone is out eating lunch
>flips through the script until he reaches the line that states Charizard collapses after the last exchange of attacks
>crosses it out with a red sharpie and writes Greninja in its place
>hands the script off to the storyboarders and raughs
Thoughts on Chuuni Executive being real?
Give me 15 minutes
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>You're talking about the weather? Lol so uppitity, amirite gaizs?
So if I talk about one thing, it makes me unable to accept critism and uppity about another unrelated thing? Where is that warped logic coming from? That's stupid and it makes no sense.
sadly the battle animations in this series suck dick whenever the terastal effect is used. rayquaza looks genuinely horrible and it's obvious they're having a shitty time animating it.
The stuff of Iono vs Dot and Liko vs Roy looked good though, its a matter of time and budget. They just can't pump it out back to back without straining the storyboard.
I want to have the timeskip so I can get to see Liko's sexy new design bros...
Yeah nevermind. I think I found the perfect OP for >>56604263 (Chuuni Exec 2?)

But it is a bit low quality. Still gets job done.
Literally doesn't need to do that. When they were brainstorming in the writer's room about the Kalos League everybody probably already knew that Ash would and need to lose because of "his" vision.
I was joking based on how the whole battle didn't feel like it was written to take Ash losing into account from the start, but rather as if he would win and they only swapped out which Pokémon faints at the end last second.
Will she catch a Cyndaquil and raise it into a Hisuian Typhlosion?
>Yandere Cat
>Violent Hat
>Semi-human Typhlosion
Oh god!?!?!

I hope so
Semi-Human pedo rapist
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I wonder if it was cancelled because they saw how the Digimon 'reboot' movies about the same themes (getting old fans back into 'your childhood is dead' stuff and being darker and edgier) was poorly received to the point the OG Digimon writer quit the project over how bad they mangled it.
I find it extremely interesting TPC were planning on doing the same shit to Rica and Ikue that they did to the 4kids cast, and for pettier reasons

Does anyone have the original document? twitter keeps complaining about it being faked so if we find the original Japanese document...
Do you have a link to the latter? I've only ever heard about the scam allegations, and I don't trust a creepy-ass Japanese tabloid known for spreading bullshit

I still wonder if the wording was 'Ikue and Rica DON'T like TPC' rather than them not liking each other
yeah but tajiri was a big Ash stan and it's obvious Shudo still has a big effect on their writing. SV's finale was basically a Shudo movie
In the folder about the codenames for journey and mpm. Am at work right now.
Whoever thought of translating those pages without mention to what file they are belonging to should just fucking kill themselves, it just makes a mess to retrack them

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