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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc.

Previous Thread: >>56625069


What is it you like about your husbando? Is it the design? or the character? his theme? or something else?
This bastard murdered the Gardevoir that birthed his son
Personally anon, I don't know if I would agree he was actually a 'better' person there. I think he could very well be just keeping up the facade and then in bw2 they'd show him with the facade dropped. But also he can believe he's the hero of justice or ambition and also be a massive shit to N. Hell, that would make him far MORE evil because the greatest evils are comitted when those who believe what they are doing is for good.

Compared to when someones doing something out of evil and malice. They will stop when they feel they have done suitable damage.

I do think Ghetsis in general does believe his goals to be the correct ones. But in the final version of the games they decided to show his anger and his broken facade at the end to make N the clear victim. Not really Ghetsis is the real victim.
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N's mom is a Zoroark.
Guzma is an intimidating goober who I find hot for some reason
Fuck yeah, excited to see it!
I found that they tend to have some common ground in their style. Having natural confidence and a youthful masculine swagger also help
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Zabaniyya and Toji are hot, but Dagon is best boy. Then of course FGO and Granblue produce better husbandos and waifus, TAS designs clearly pander to a bara loving fanbase but with a simple artstyle shift that tones down the rough blocky and edgy style into a more modern manga and anime one it can easily fit the female players taste, that's how Pokemon itself fixed Sugimori's angry triangle eyes and chunky limbs on everyone or those same faces like Steven and Glacia used to have.
Dagon is like an alternate universe Archie, single dandy daddy with open shirt and white pants.
Another artstyle change example that makes everything hotter is probably matukazemattya or shimotsuki ones with Lance and Steven, you just know who are the artists when you see their works.
would you still love him if he was trying to help pokemon?
>that's how Pokemon itself fixed Sugimori's angry triangle eyes and chunky limbs on everyone or those same faces like Steven and Glacia used to have.
Fuck you, I like that old style than the doll eyed overbite dogshit we get now.
>female players taste
I hate females so much, bros...
I think it's ugly and would rather discuss Pokehusbandos.
Yes in all fields, it's always nice when they are perfect in every aspect else they wouldn't be own best husbands or simply be characters you really like but not liked enough to be obsessed by.
If he was actually trying to help pokemon he would like be a lot less because then he'd have a much bigger pool of women who would want him.

But yes I would still love him. It's unconditional love anon it doesn't go away just because he's nice to Pokemon. If anything that means it's more acceptable to feed his pokemon and spoil them as much as I'll spoil him.

I think the difference between the two versions comes down to anger issues ghetsis vs non anger issues ghetsis. I love them both.
Somebody has Archie's texts?
Um.. anon.. this is hard to tell you but eh.. I think you might be outnumbered by females in this thread
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Do you mean his concept pitch?
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Gen 4 onwards is where Pokemon started to peak and fanart actually looked similar or exactly like the official art instead of trying to improve through artistic liberty those awful early Sugimori works.
Steven and Lance peaked since, stuff like N and Raihan reached insta popularity on debut, Morty also skyrocketed in popularity after the upgrade, even Giovanni started to expand his fanbase.
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>Archie still be a retard
Free the pokemon by.. launching them into space???
Gru moment
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>ORAS Maxie
I have a big fetish for scientists, glasses, and older men. Maxie just appeals to all of those. I also love his loss animation so much it's so funny. His (English) Generations voice is hot as hell, and his mastersex one makes him sound like a complete dweeby fag which just makes it all the better for me. Overall a 10/10

Bitchy feminine men hot
I still think he's evil but he certainly hides it better, even from himself. Beta Ghetsis gives me the vibes of an abusive Christian fundamentalist screaming about the devil. He might actually truly sincerely honestly believe most of the stuff coming out of his mouth but that doesn't make it any less harmful. You can still be sad for him, in a way. It's clear his bullshit is hurting him too, to some degree, even if it's significantly less than it hurts others.
PokeSpe Maxie looks like a woman tho, not even in a feminine look way, like simply a woman.
>same faces like Steven and Glacia
Never really noticed that before.

Everyone is male online
flipping my shit over beta ghetsis
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That one anon is baiting, time for husbando jannies to clean up~!
It has some sexual gilf vibes like that Kalos anime socialite Palermo still.
Alright, overwrite this image with Gen 3 Glacia being Elon Musk in a drag, this should erase the former thought.
I guess now is as good a time as any to become more gay.
Steven's dad was supposed to be evil ok whatever but reminder that 46-25=21, so he had Steven at 21! How can we be sure that our husbandos are still childless? (Canon dads are obviously the exception to my question also pic unrelated)
>Steven's dad was supposed to be evil
No, Maxie is using Stone as a unknowing pawn in this pitch. Archie's name here is Captain Stern's in Japanese.
He's so fucking cute
uh so beta archie is kinda like guzma huh
um no maxie is the 46 year old but maybe maxie and archie might have kids who knows but do we actually know the dad's real age now
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Oh no anon. You misunderstand. I don't feel bad for him for him hurting himself with his ideas. I would completely enable him and any and all delusions this man may have. I would stand behind him and support him no matter what. I feel bad for him cos his kid sucked ass and lost. I would always tell him he was a good man.

The beta version is passive aggressive and the final is just aggressive. Both make the same point but the final one is easier to understand for children and autists.
Instructions unclear, now thinking about getting trapped in one of those "sex or can't escape" rooms with Steven.
Not to be pedantic but those leaked materials were just the brainstorming process basements for the final characters and not exactly canon and factual when it comes to the final product. Even in RSE and all the spinoff media appearances Steven's dad being 46 is simply unreal, the design has him short with white hair looking to pass his duties to Steven, so clearly next to his retirement and somewhere around 60 or 70+, the same sheets claim Wattson is 70 or something too.
Just like Drayden clearly isn't solely based on a wrestler only like some seem to focus on, they showed lot of character suggestions and then reworks like with Skyla and Iris type specialization swaps and Iris being dea-aged at least twice.
That does definitely settle it, Devon's chairman simply cannot be THAT young, and the age definitely fits Maxie even when it comes to his sprites, he is somewhere around 40-50yo where Archie is 30-40yo.
Yes, stuff like Cyrus', thanks for posting it.

Neirin city? Was it cut?
Could be. Could also be a translation goof or an early name for another city (Sootopolis?)
Either way, it doesn't look like the concept of Archie/Stern being a Gym Leader was dropped relatively early on since he isn't on the Gym Leader list from what I can tell.
>Even in RSE and all the spinoff media appearances Steven's dad being 46 is simply unreal, the design has him short with white hair looking to pass his duties to Steven, so clearly next to his retirement and somewhere around 60 or 70+
He's 52 in ORAS and may likely also be the same age in RSE, there hasn't been any known reveals of his planned age in Gen 3, I don't even anything listed that looks even close to saying an age in all 4 of his character sheets.
*I don't even see
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i was shy to post this but i thought maybe the people who also carnally want ghetsis might like this younger design i did of him as a "what if"
This is what Steven will eventually look like...
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NO. I won’t allow it ;_;
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He won't look like that when I'll get high on copium.
No he will. Imagine old, fat ugly bastard Steven cucking (you) with younger men/ women
omfg i really like it anon
from steven to clay...oy vey...
he can still age like alder or drayden if he keeps training with brawly, even professor oak or rowan tier is fine
We don’t do these things to each other here. This is husbando thread. We’re supposed to be chill.
made for zoroarks
oh ok sorry maybe he dies early and we never know. knowing him it'd probably be john edward jones style
Very cute! I love his outfit. The puffy shoulders look nice.
tfw Ghetsis is in line for his Masters alt with Archie and Maxie after the others save Rose got one, wishing for a Marquis de Sade schizo inspiration with Hydreigon and some 18th century nobleman vibes in it, if Lysandre got an even hotter outfit then he can too
What if I'm into that though?
That’s our Steven! :P

Well… it’s really not my cup of tea but I shouldn’t hold others back either. You’re right. We're all here to enjoy ourselves and love our husbandos
uoh Daigo ojiisan...
I don't even know where to start.
I'm not the kind of person who experiences "love at first sight", and that also goes for fictional characters. So the design is never the primary appeal, especially not as a first impression. It's usually something I start to appreciate later as I get to know the character. That being said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE his hair. I love his pretty eyes. I love his square eyebrows and his sideburns. I love his soft yet defined jawline. I love his resting bitch face. I love his stocky build, especially his legs. He has the perfect amounts of cuteness, masculine beauty and just a hint of femininity.
Ah, anyway... I do think the main appeal is his character. The way he seems like an asshole the first time you meet him, which then turns out to be a facade that crumbles away to reveal a total softie... The way he slowly opens up until he trusts you enough to show his vulnerable emotions that no other person has ever seen before... It feels all so striking, so intimate and personal, it just went straight into my heart. And then there's many other aspects of his personality that I love: he's a bit of a goofball, he's sometimes a little clueless, he can be a little prickly and feisty, he wants to be headstrong and independent, yet he clings to you because he's secretly scared of losing you, he's happy and optimistic despite all the terrible things that happened to him... I could probably go on forever. There's also the fact that he is shown to have actual physical contact with (You)/the MC - which seems like a small, meaningless detail, but was basically something never seen before in the whole mainline series, as sad as that is, lol. But I think it made me realise that I really, REALLY like him. And here we are, almost 2 years later, and I'm still obsessed.
God I'd be in the cuck chair so quick
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No people, let's be smart and not go.
T-this just proves our love after all those years of marriage...right?
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Being able to enjoy seeing husbando in pleasure from different angles, being praised and told that you've been good and patient for him afterwards, cumming immediately because you've gotten so worked up just watching. Even if you get jealous, emotionally charged sex with husbando soothing you... Mm... Verification not required.
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Mmm ol man Steven…

I love you guys
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Make love (to husbando) not war
>I love you guys
:) <3

Oh fuck he's hot
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Ugh took the words right out of my mouth. I love and adore him so much.
Now look at what y'all have made me do. Haven't thoyght about this app in years before joining this thread.

Wish me luck in pulling Maxie.
Why is there 2 husbando threads?
the other one is for pokebandos. This one is for normal men... just innocent men
There’s a third one even for Gamefreak employees
I really try not to be negative or antagonistic itt, but NO we do NOT insult Sugimori's timeless art style here, especially not in favor of bara fetish art
Neat, we're taking over the board!

Thank god, could you imagine having to interact with w*men?
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He's so problematic and I love him for that
>Maxie isn't available to pull rn
>Melli isn't in the game (and probably never will be)
>Can't get Joltik without going through an Elesa dating sim
Fuck this game. What's even the point.
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The fanservice, just watch the story on YouTube.
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hi guys i'm posting dulse again
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Got it. Will uninstall ASAP.
Hello Dulseanon. Nice to see you again :)
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cute chubby guy, cool but also has a dorky side, is also a sweetheart to his fans
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Threadly Lance/yng appreciation post

I love him, I love her
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I have a nickname now I'm so proud of myself
What kind of ASMR do you think your husbando(s) listen to? What ASMR would you like to hear from them?

>what they listen to:
- nearby route and forest natural sounds
- relaxing route 119 thunderstorm and rain
- gentle beach waves
- deep sleep slakoth yawning
- dragon's den flowing water and water droplets
- soothing hyper beam sounds
- tapping and spraying full restore
- shuffling dragon fangs, dragon scales and ancient ambers collection

>what you want to listen from then:
- love and affection ear whispering
- body caresses and head pats
- gentle cock slapping on face
- relaxing moanings, wet fapping, balls slapping and pounding sounds
- soul warming dirty talking
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>What he listens to
Probably rolling waves or something like that

>What you want to listen from them
I dunno what do you think he'd make?
Some people age worse than others and maybe Steven takes after his mother more and he will stay a youthful looking twink for the longest time
>10 hours of ultra beast cries for sleeping
>guzzlord mouth sounds
>poipole sticky sounds
>ultra megalopolis cut content white sounds
>reading instant ramen ingredients with alien language accent
>There were always theories of Ghetsis secretly wanting to be the hero himself, and living his dream through N after failing himself
>It was what the creators originally intended all along
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Patiently waiting for the leaks to reach Gen8 and confirm that there's not an ounce of evil in his princess soul.
Well fuck, shitter's block and policy changes angered most of the non english artists I follow and they are planning to move to their own local made apps or bluesky. Thanks muskrat
What happened? I live under a rock when it comes to social media apps.
I just follow art and non political accounts so I avoid most of that discourse and doomposting stuff

The block function is useless now it looks like. You block someone but they can still see your stuff, just not interact with it

Changes in ToS, before you could opt to yor stuff not being used for AI, now they can use all content you post to train/edit/etc without your permission. I'm already seeing artists clearing their media now
bluesky is shit for most non-eng artists particularly in the kr/cn/jp sphere. bluesky is run by fags who think anime porn is equivalent to child sex abuse so they'll get banned for posting teenage husbandos in reverse bunny suits and end up gathering in their own apps. best to learn your fave sphere's language on a basic level and migrate to their platforms
Yeah, I'm already saving the art that I can before they delete everything. Some are just leaving pixiv up but that's a pain to use and loses the interactivity between accounts

Bluesky also sucks with the block function, if you keep being followed by spam or unwanted people, they stay as followers
You can try Aethy, it has no censorship for art and people can post their art from JP only sites like Misskey. It's very small but shitter and bitchsky's dumb rules about drawings dont exist
Anons who are old men fucker, would you still love your husbando if he was young?
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Somebody said they like older men?
Holy kino, very, very well done! Definitely share this in the other general too.
Ohh the berries are a nice touch
Also damn so close to trip quads
Relevant for the drawthead too lol
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Holy sexo... I salute you, drawfag.
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I have wondered this! Part of why I like Nanu is I find him a comforting figure. I don't know if I would feel that if were the same age as me, or if he'd be the same person. He'd be happier. Would he be as understanding of Team Skull, and what motivates people otherwise good people to do bad things if he hadn't seen the International Police use Fallers as live bait? Or see compassion for an Ultra Beast cost a human life? I'd like seeing a glimpse into his past, but I would probably not have gotten as attached to him if he were younger when he was introduced, I guess. Might still have wound up husbandoing him, but not the same way, if that makes sense.
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Difficult question. I can definitely like younger (looking) characters like Volo, but Hassel for example has the sort of intimidating aura that I feel wouldn't fit him if he was younger. His power comes from his experience and mastery, whereas the type of menacing aura someone like Volo has is only really possible from a villainous character. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but no I don't think I'd like young Hassel nearly as much as I currently do.
Also Larry without the tired dead eyes from years of being overworked is just a completely different character.
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Volo GAWD can't stop winning
Volo and Cyrus having a threesome with Giratina when?
Please origin Giratina fucking both at the same time with its tentacle wings
Kek BASED thank you for delivering!
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Thank you everyone uwu
No prob, I love any excuse to draw degen art
Volo should give Typhlosion some berries so that he doesnt go grrrrrrr while sexoooo
Imagining if he'd originally been introduced earlier in the series as a younger, less jaded guy with Looker and then showed up again as he does in S/M is amazing.
God damn, he's thick!
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Maxie has enough things going for him that I could see myself still liking him even if he wasn't old. Unless it was another Cyrus bait n' switch. Then I'd feel absolutely nothing.
Cute ojisan
>the reply to that post
fucking kek

Unrelated to Mr. Stone, but
I'm only now trying to catch up on the ORAS and perhaps some of the XY leaks. No idea what that's about but it's interesting nonetheless
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Mr. Stone needs
>to ditch the maggie simpson hairstyle,
>lose weight,
>get some insoles to appear taller,
>v line surgery,
>botox or a mild facelift
and boom he is sexy
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Didn’t consider myself an old man fucker prior to PLA, but now it’s like “oh cool I can grow old with husbando together”
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He's fine as is
wtf he's fuggable now
it was mostly the hard rock inspired hairstyle being a filter
That's a good question.
I think I would, yeah. I mean, it would mean essentially going through raising and grooming N together I assume, something I don't know if I'm morally corrupt enough to do, unless it was some de-aging magic, in which case I would have no objections whatsoever as long as he remained himself. I like to think Ghetsis used to be much different in his younger age Kinda in-line with the story leaks and only got more corrupt and dejected as time went, but I think it would be interesting to go through all that with him.
If he was young that would mean more time spent with him.
shotas...twinks...hunks...otters and middle age...i don't care,really love pokeboys and don't mind seeing the character appearing at different ages like kabu was shown for example
wtf stevens father is a pedo!
What is an otter
is cyrus's pitch floating around? id like to see it.
A slender and hairy man
>alien language accent
I headcanon that they speak Lylat Language
>Eldest son of a rich noble family with a lot of little brothers
>Parents were distant
>He was "failed once" by them whihc made him turn to machines
>There's some kanji that has been interpreted as him being autistic or just introverted but I don't speak Japanese so people are debating what that kanji meant
>28 yro
precious... thank you anon, this makes me smile. have a good day
>Eldest son of a rich noble family with a lot of little brothers
That's cute. Maybe they could have pulled him out of his misanthropy if he didn't seperate
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I wonder what they look like
I want to fuck Steven in front of his father in the devon building and then i want to have a threesome with Steven and Wallace in some lone room in the devon corporation building
Blowing Steven under the desk while he has to act natural talking to his dad....
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>gleepglorp bip bop radio beats to study and relax to
it must be really depressing to be the first son of a big family but clockably autist, expected to lead and be the next man of the house but you're awkward, closed off for a reason you can't comprehend, feeling like there's an invisible sheet between you and your family. ill always be there for you cyruschan
>There's some kanji that has been interpreted as him being autistic or just introverted but I don't speak Japanese so people are debating what that kanji meant
I'm only a beginner in the language but from what I understand, people were taking the individual kanji and saying that each of them separately mean introverted and closed off, so therefore Cyrus couldn't be autistic. Which is stupid and not how kanji works.

For example, the kanji for "baka" is 馬鹿. individually these kanji mean horse 馬 and deer 鹿. Arguing that Cyrus isn't autistic because each individual kanji means something else is like saying that a character didn't just call another an idiot, they were calling them a horse-deer.

Also about the discrepancy in the final kanji, from what I understand sometimes the kanji in Japanese changes depending on grammar. For another example, it's like saying that someone can't be autistic because they were described as having autism. They both mean the same thing.
but fat men are kino.
thank you for the info anon. i always knew be was my autistic king...
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Yes, I like young men as much as I like old men because I like men. My husbandos from many different series tend to range from being "late teens" to "old enough to be my dad", age is mostly irrelevant as long as the husbando is reasonably an adult because I ain't into kids. As for Larry specifically, I'm not actually fond of how the self-insert content for him focuses on (You) being years and years younger than him. Obviously age gap doesn't bother me, its just that I'd like to imagine he married when he was still young, had kids, and the way we see him in SV is just 20 years into his marriage and an empty nester (heh). That's just my autism making me kinda picky though lel
i dream of being the one who molests the problems into my husbando, so i hope that answers your question
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Hey speaking of which does anyone have any Rhi fanart or does it not actually exist

Didn't expect to see this today
toned athletic body with presence of body hair, doesn't necessarily mean hairy arab rapist kind of hairy, can be the right ammount of hair like legs, arms, hapoy trail, optional chest
back hair are a big no however

anyway husbandos and pokeboys need a sexy bush down there to be the best
I'm a dirty old man fucker but I've drawn younger concepts of him anyway I'm down that bad
So who falls under this category? Leon?
I suppose if you want him to, yeah. I don't see any hair on his arms but I suppose it could all just be under his clothes.
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>reverse-search an image
>source is sxitter
>go to sxitter to retrieve image
>see 個人サイト trending in Japan
Yes, yeeeees, return to personal homepages, mutual site linking through cute banners and applying your site to homepage search sites like pokemon-search back in the day, YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS
not having high hopes, it's not like people weren't upset because of muskrat's changes in the past and yet more than enough still seem to use that shit site unironically to post their art. but fuck, maybe this time... maybe this time something starts that will make browsing through artist's art comfy again instead of a chore
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I'm a chimera when it comes to that sort of thing. I may have a heavier preference for older guys but if I had to set a range of what I usually go for it'd be between 20-60. Very VERY few of my husbandos (previous and current) happen to be between 15-19. My husbando being younger wouldn't change much other than the dynamic.
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I tried looking around for you anon but damn, you might be right.

I could’ve sworn Sycamore fell into this category, but pulling up pics of him I don’t see the hair on his arms or chest that I thought was there. Maybe I’m thinking of some fanart.
It's quite likely this time. Not everyone, but a bunch of people ditched IG when they rolled out a similar policy.
Huh, weird, I would have sworn the same thing about Sycamore too. Either it's the Mandela effect or my brain decided to extrapolate on his whiskers.
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>個人サイト trending in Japan
>return to personal homepages
I have a personal website and it is honestly the best thing in the world. I am so proud of it. I don't understand why personal websites have fallen so hard out of favor in the past decade. They're so fun.
I'm an autist tho and can speak for hours about how much the modern web sucks and how we should go back to forums and personal websites. I'll stop myself before I really start.
>tumblr face
It's literally just the nose, too. Amazing how one detail ruins a whole piece.
Anons, redpill me on personal websites. They never took off in my country as we had our own thing, and by the time i got to the english side of the internet they fell out of favor already.
Lol for sure. I made this a while back just after Rhi's official announcement. Only posted it on Reddit earlier this year. Guess Google didn't pick it up. Consider this Rhi's only fanart piece.
This is actually my worst nightmare because how are you supposed to find everything, especially as a baka gaijin? The one good thing about social media is everything being in a convenient tag (when people choose to use tags, anyway), plus personal sites can go poof into the ether or die when the host stops maintaining them.
I don't see what's wrong with pixiv, I know some people have a hateboner for it due to whatever shady shit they have done but the convenience outweighs all of that.
>when people choose to use tags
The loss of tagging culture is entirely twitter's fault. Twitter actively punished engagement on posts with tags which resulted in people not suing them. The culture needs to be enforced on bsky again now. We need to bully people who don't tag their stuff. It's the only way.
At least it never died on tumblr and pixiv, but tumblr's still both dead and a cesspit, and not everyone crossposts to pixv.
That's true, but twitterbabies will carry over their bad habits. We must correct them.
Tumblr is still fairly active, at least for Pokemon stuff from what I've seen. Still nowhere near as much as Twatter, but then you have to contend with no NSFW allowed and people with 'DNI' lists a mile long.
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Yes, but probably in a different way like >>56670477 said. I also see him as a comforting figure, and him being older probably plays a part of it. I’d still like him though.
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i finally have a reason to never use twitter again. made a bluesky and the blocklists are amazing. no more retarded proshipping discourse or w/e. just need this gen, aethy, and bluesky for my needs now.
Basically they can be literally whatever you want to be, personal HTML/CSS skills and web hosts TOS being the main limiting factor. But even with the most basic HTML skills you can get a website that you're proud of up and running. And most web hosts TOS really just forbid literally illegal things. It's not like social media sites where there are 500 other things that are banned based on the whims of random puritanical credit card companies.

HTML is easy. A lot of things you can learn within a weekend. I personally use Neocities as my host, which has a decent tutorial to get started with HTML. You can also find many templates and tutorials made by other users on that site.

(There are people that criticize Neocities for only allowing HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and disallowing more advanced frameworks. But I personally think as a first step into casual web development it's perfectly fine.)

Neocities also has some light social media features, but you are able to completely ignore and turn these off if you wish. It's basically just status updates and automatically showing people updates to your site. There's also a page that let's you browse and search other people's sites, so finding cool like-minded sites should be a breeze.

The huge advantage to personal websites is that everyone is in their own space and only shares their space with like-minded folks. Discourse is relatively low because people aren't constantly blasted with crap they don't want to see. Come across a site you don't like? Simply hit the back button. Have someone say some dumb shit in your guestbook? Delete it and move on. Or just remove the guestbook entirely. All up to you.
I'd probably still be posting on there now because it's where I've always posted art but I don't even like the crowd who accept my 'problematic' ships on there so I'm just not touching it again.
I have a tumblr mainly for aesthetic blog purposes. the fact i can still use custom coding for my page is the only reason I still use it. (I dont have a smartphone so im not aware of how the site works on mobile).
Whoops sorry for that then, I’d be bummed if there was one tragic artistic flaw on my husbando too. I’d literally never heard of Rhi before, just trying to help an anon out. If I could draw I would, but until then I’ll keep an eye out for him in the future
I actually do CSS for a living haha, do you recommend any hosting site for this that is both free and allows a lot of CSS freedom? My main gripe with majority of the 'free' hosts is that the custom CSS is limited af, and I also would probably get annoyed if I wanted to use something more advanced and get cockblocked. But I don't quite understand how they are different from tumblr blogs(minus the 'social media feed'), other than not being a subject to the NSFW ban.
I am asking this because I'm also an artist and would like to set one up.
at this point, if telling artists upfront their art will be used for AI and they cant opt out of it doesn't make them leave, nothing will. Even deviantart died and became nothing but an AI cesspool when they started accepting that bs.
>Don't have to deal with tumblr's terrible interface
>The free image hosting is limited, 500MB I think
It's ok anon I appreciate it. Maybe I should do some requests or do it myself. Not the best artist >>56678195 but I just love the guy. There wasn't a peep about him when he came out and I figured that he needed someone to love him. And I as an Ultra Recon Squad diehard will fulfill that mission
>no more retarded proshipping discourse
To springboard off of that and add more to this, that's another reason why personal websites and forums are superior.

The whole "pro vs antiship" discourse mainly got so bad because of social media algorithms farming for engagement. The pro- and anti- terms originated as prefixes to specific ships and/or kinks. But because everyone is now using the same site and at any time can be exposed to things that they are anti- for, the terms have devolved into a meaningless tribalistic war.

When someone keeps on blocking people who post their squicks, but the algorithm still throws it onto their feed, they start to get defensive and lash out. And when they lash out, even if it's to tell someone to kill themselves, the algorithm sees that as engagement and will show even more of their squicks to them. And the more engagement a post has, no matter how much if that is negative, the more likely the algorithm will boost it. "Don't like don't look" is dead on algorithm-driven sites.

However with forums and personal websites, that discourse is greatly diminished because you can truly choose what you want to look at. See a forum thread about a ship you don't like? Don't click. Enter a website that hosts porn that disgusts you to your very core? Hit backspace.

I know it's easy to see all the discourse and get annoyed at it all, but I truly do feel bad for the kiddos growing up in the modern web. As a former "anti" I sympathize with them because it's absolutely not fun to be constantly blasted with shota rape when you don't want to see that. I understand why these kids lash out at those who post that stuff instead of minding their own business. Antiship kiddos are being brought up on a mainstream internet that doesn't allow for easy curation. And because this is what they're raised on and grown up with, they don't know that alternatives exist.
Oh it's really cool that you do CSS professionally!

I've heard of nekoweb.org before, but have never personally used it. A quick glance at the home page states that they allow any file types, so I assume this means PHP is allowed too? Not so sure, never really looked into it myself.
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I somehow missed the post with your drawing. It looks great! Better than I could do.

Still looking around for you, found this (if you haven’t seen it already and it’s acceptable). I had to do a little research on who Rhi even is, I haven’t played Go in years due to crap phone battery. I do like that about husbando threads, learning more about characters I wouldn’t know about otherwise. I’ll post more for you if I find any.
Thanks anon! I appreciate the work. Hard for me to figure out where to look sometimes. And yes this one looks fantastic. So thanks for hunting that down for me and thank you for the compliment on my own drawing.
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I have a thing for noncon, but when I was reading those type of fics back in the late 00's, the worst thing that would happen was maybe a comment or two calling it gross then people would go and live their lives, no huge harassment campaign that lasted days/months etc.

Twitter is SO focused on promoting posts that they know will cause negative feedback loops (which equals maximum engagement) that it makes it impossible for people to just enjoy what they want without some bitch trying to jump in and start a fight because they got your post recommended to them in their "for you" page (and god forbid the algo picks up on it, then that fight will be sent to millions of other braindead monkeys to dogpile on you).

I feel really bad for younger generations because they don't even know how much better things used to be in fandom.
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The starving shall be fed
Thx anon!!!!!
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Yeah. Back when I was in my "anti" era I had a handful of kinks that I was hardcore suppressing because I had heard them get called problematic before. Anything from dubcon to adult age gaps to power imbalances. I had suppressed it all in one way or another. I was always so scared of people finding out about these kinks and thinking I was a creep that wanted to rape people IRL or some shit. Or when I would talk to my fellow anti friends who shared the same kinks and would just constantly have a voice in the back of my mind saying "Ok, when are they gonna realize they're talking about problematic things and call me out for it?" It was absolutely damaging to my mental health.

However recently, I made a little discord server that has a "no kinkshaming" rule and was able to "come out" with a kink I had been suppressing basically all my life. Everyone there was so supportive and most even found it hot too! On one hand I was relieved I could finally talk about it with others, but on the other hand I was like "Seriously?? I suppressed this for nearly 20 years for NOTHING??" lmao.

But yeah, personal ramble aside fandom really was ruined by algo social medias. Thankfully I heard that there's some sort of lawsuit against a social media company (I think TikTok?) for promoting harmful challenges with their algorithm that got a kid killed :( I think the lawsuit is looking to hold companies accountable for what their algorithm promotes to people. Depending on how this goes it could mean a potential end to algo-driven social media, or at least a major shift in how these platforms boost various content.
anon why were you interacting so much with shotafags if you didn't want to look at shota? even twitter has a text blocklist that works pretty well. as a kid on tumblr or twitter i just didnt engage with gore or feederfags and never had my timeline inudated with inflation art or the like lol
This kinda shit is why I don't engage with any ship art whatsoever. It's not worth the headache.
im really sorry about that anon, i honestly spent my middleschooler years here and /co/ and am constantly blown back by how much of a comparatively easy time ive had vs similar friends who were on social media sites. i learned really early on there's all sorts of weird shit and im rarely the weirdest in any room lol, i feel really awful for ppl who felt they needed to do struggle sessions over wanting to fuck Scar from The Lion King when they were 14. just a horrible way for a kid to grow up honestly!
Translation of Steven Stone's character sheet posted in leak thread: >>56680398
the anti pro shipping discourse was so dumb because it kept focusing on a binary opposition that is so antithetical to the enjoyment of fandom and fandom works it leads to people repressing or ignoring their own tastes for the sake of being seen as "the good guys"

really cool you were happy to find that one kink lol as someone with a previously repressed but in retrospect very silly kink i get you
>anon why were you interacting with so many shotafags if you didn't want to look at shota?
I just used shota as an off-the-cuff example. It's not the only thing that came across my TL. Also there are ways for loli/shota to come across your timeline other than interacting directly with the people into it. The algorithm sees you like Pokemon? Ok here's underage Pokemon trainer sex.
>twitter has a text blocklist that works pretty well
IF people actually describe the images they're posting. Also from what I remember you could only mute one thing at a time? Not great if there are multiple terms used for what you hate or multiple things you hate.
>tumblr mention
Tumblr is actually a great social media imo because the algorithm is completely optional and the text/tag blacklisting feature is much better.
>just didn't engage
That's good for you, but like I said a lot of the time when people are cornered and cant get away they lash out. Even replying "ew" to something boosts it in your personalized algorithm. Also just following people who engage with this stuff in one way or another can also put it in your "for you" feed, or people who quote dunk, or whatever. There are many ways an algorithm puts crap in your feed even if you don't personally engage.

Thank you. Yeah I'm a newfag here, brought in by the leaks but stayed for the chill husbando chat. It's very nice to just chat with others and be able to mingle with some kinks I suppressed long ago.

Anyways, sorry to derail this thread. To make up for it, the next husbando posted with an image gets a quick and crappy doodle.
Just here to ask if there's been anything remotely resembling a character sheet for Grimsley? I'm kinda salty most of the gym leaders in Unova got their character sheets leaked but the E4 didn't (to my knowledge)
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might as well lmfao
I haven't seen one yet. Lots of Gen 5 stuff that we know exists is missing.
Last I checked the search on Tumblr had become complete garbage compared to what it used to be, I think that was another big reason that I ditched it.
not MY Steven......
>compared to what it used to be
Even MORE ass than that? It was godawful even back when I was still using it. Shame.
why engage? why send a message insulting someone where you know it will increase interaction? why use the "for you" page if you're so scared of seeing people's nsfw likes?

over and over i see people who did teen harassment campaigns who love to whine how they were peer pressured into this shit. if you were at least honest that you were a bitter and angry kid lashing out stupidly id respect it but its constantly muh algorithm grooming this and muh interaction that. you would see shit you didn't like and instead of just ignoring it you decided it was your problem and the artist's problem and would bother some adult for drawing dawn pussy. fake autists who only care about stupid drama. even noe you derailed the thread with 40 paragraphs of stupid drama. real pokefags see the shota doujin artists that worked on the manga, nod and move on.
psychic is the pretty and elegant boys type, huh
when it comes to slender and hairy ones i think of petrel
strange. the tumblr im using actually got better once all the dramafags left for twitter back in 2018. though the algorithm isnt nearly as aggressive there as it is on twitter, so i dont come across dumb drama like i used to back in its hey day.
I grew up in pre-2010 internet and probably have autism, gotta say that I will never understand antis, not one bit. When I was like 16 and saw weird fucked up drawn porn I was like "lol that's so weird" and moved on
I will continue to think that antis are simply projecting retarded kids who are too stupid to understand how the internet works, and I have no sympathy for dumbass children

Anyway, husbandos
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Here ya go! Hope it's alright ^^
beautiful husbando crop this year anon
Its too easy for any mentally ill twat to get online now. Hell you can probably access twitter through your fridge now.
Best way to have a decent internet experience now is to go on sites that aren't mainstream/filled with celebs.
this is exactly it. i don't respect people who try to tell me they were traumatized by cartoons. i have a visual of a 1930s child struck with catatonia because he saw part of a popeye tijuana bible
I never personally sent any harassment to anyone. Even as an "anti" I was still of the "Don't like? Don't look. Let people draw what they want as long as they tag it properly so I can avoid" mindset. I was talking generally of other people's actions and reasonings.

Anyways I will not be responding to any more of your messages. I don't want to derail this thread further and it is clear that you're just using me as your personal strawman punching bag. Have a good day anon.
thanks anon you captured his rat bastard-ness perfectly
No problem! I'm glad you like it ^^
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Now that some concept art of ORAS appeared
I love Tabitha in all his appearences, but mostly in the remakes. I really love his redesign and the personality they gave him, as being so sophisticated and someone who is respected by his subordinates, and yet so easy to anger that he goes out of his mature persona to became in someone mean
Specially the last part, I really love when he gets angry...
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I can't wait when in future the character profile and more informations on volo will drop
Steven is NOT a neet! Also what exactly would make him a narc? Or is this another autist Cyrus situation?
Wallace is 34. Thoughts?
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ナルシスト的 means narcissistic with very little ambiguity, it's not enough to clinically diagnose him but I don't know what to tell you. I assume in this case it would be more or less limited to someone with a high self esteem, pride in their appearance and a tendency to think about themselves first.
Super hot. I assumed he would be like 27-29 but he is an experienced and renowned contest master so it kinda makes sense i guess. Mhhhh mature guys....
So he would really eventually cuck us uuooh ToT
Only if you want him to, that kind heart is doing the heavy lifting in his personality.
idk how that works but ok
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the only heavy lifting he does is for his rock autism
I'm saying for the benefit of Steven husbandofags that he's a Pokemon character, no Pokemon character is realistically going to cheat on you except for maybe the most villainous ones.
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Urge to draw more porn but I have to finish doing laundry.
Same hat, need more details about this man
but I need that toxic Steven hc
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The idea of bad boy steven is kinda cringe
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I know Steven's type. Men like him spend too much time wading in remote rivers and combing through rocks on the side of the highway to find the time to be a bad boy.
Did he ever have a gf or does no woman keep up with his love for stones?
He is stonesexual and probably shoved different kind of stones up his ass in his teen years
Diamonds may be a girl's best friends, but they're Steven's girlfriends
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I know plenty of married rockhounds and women in the hobby. Their spouses aren't always into it but it tends to work out as long as they're prepared to live in a house and yard filled to the rafters with rocks and prepared to go on trips to middle of nowhere to hunt for free specimens.
He'd probably put up with a loony gold digger that thinks he's going to dig up gemstones only to come from with fucking green shards and a moon stone and friendzoned her.
Gosh i forgot that he wore that outfit. His suit is nice but i wish he was shown more wearing practical clothes
kek, so true. The kind of stones rock people lose their minds over are NOT what normal human beings find interesting.
I love his ORAS design so much. Big agree on his personality. It's so good.

I thought I was over my Tabitha obsession but I think this art might have just re-sparked it...
If we all made personal pages, we could make a cute webring...!
Sounds fucking gay
Let's do it
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>Maxie: 34
No.... No I can't do this again......
GameFreak Please.
At least in his early 40's please.
Please say sike.
I'm in!
I might actually start on a Maxie webpage tonight. It sounds fun to do!
Can someone post where it actually says this in the leak I'm stupid and I can't find it
go here:


...it was....

it was in his response

Finally, an excuse to dump all my ramblings in one place.
>Archie: 34
Saying it again, ORAS Archie sure was one big (now?) 22-year-old boy back in 2002.
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I think that's the first time I've seen concept art of his purse. It's cute! Reminds me of scatterbug.
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"His HT is one of a kind made from a vintage watch"
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It begins.
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Opinions on early Beta AZ/AZ-fied Sycamore?

Personally? Would.
Holy fuck. Would.
Holy shit, this is already glorious. I may have to brush up on my web coding to make a shrine for Lear.
I love it! I'm not sure if I should make one for Lysandre or Sycamore, I love them both.
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PLEASE do that would be so awesome. I need more bully material.
Nervously checking the number of accounts followed on xitter and bracing yourself for the day it has -1
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I must be the only one who will say probably not. I'm a shameless old men fucker, and I don't even consider anyone below 25 an actual thinking human being.
But, it would be interesting to watch the story of how they become what they are.
But those are actual in-game ages or discarded stuff like all the other things?
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Night guys make sure to kiss your husbands goodnight

- Rhianon
TAS Loki is fucking hot
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I may be slightly tipsy right now. I hope everyone in husbando thread is having a good night/day. That said, sex with old men!
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Look at these two canonically gay fags.
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My favorite part about reaction to the leak is that the type of people I hate the most now get to freak out about their husbandos being "underage" and seeing twittertards turn on each other like the cannibalistic piranhas they are
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I am screaming.
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>tfw very little PokéMAN rapefics
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Anon from >>56634840 here, I love it!

In the meanwhile, I think of preparing reference sheets for TCG GB2 characters with their OWs included. Seems like The Spriters Resource had those added too.
He is so hot but would be even hotter if he was miserable and depressed
Who and what do you wanna see anon
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He catches you like this, what do you do?
Realize I'm the perfect height
lie down and take it
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He's just not the same without the stubble...
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Good morning anons.

I'm trying to decide what exactly I want to do with my Maxie webshrine. I will probably have a page with all the art I've drawn for this thread, but I'm not sure what I want to do for the home page itself.

I'm very glad you like it!
Team magma banners a given?
Hide under his cloak
Guzma, Maxie or Archie, Colress, Sycamore, Leon, Arven and more but I'm too tired to blame them
when i read that i felt like i was falling in love with him again.
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Oh absolutely! I am also gonna make some 88x31 buttons for both linking to my page and declaring your allegiance to Team Magma.

I suppose I'm more so talking about what I want the text contents to be. I'm not so good at writing but I also don't want to just recite his bulbapedia page, you know?
Maybe write it from his POV? Or maybe the Team Magma PR person who’s doing a Spotlight on the big boss

Or just links to his Bulbapedia page, no need to reinvent the wheel
Arven would never desu
>maybe the Team Magma PR person who’s doing a Spotlight on the big boss

Wait that's fun! I like that idea. I might use that. Thank you anon ^^
No, I wanna see them GET raped, not doing the raping.
OH. Well that's something else entirely
I'll consider it. How rough do you want it to be?
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Anons, I wish I was a man
Anon, this isn't the right place for this. Please go to therapy before you do anything stupid.
I don't plan on transitioning, I just wish I was a man so I can fuck Harely's bussy.
Silly anon, that’s what pegging is for!
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Same. Probably not for the same reason you're putting on the table today (and no troon shit either), but same.

More importantly: Harley cute. Need ref sheets...
You don't need to be a man for that!
I'm a yumejo for Brassius, which completely sucks because it seems like 99% of his ship and nsfw fanart is yaoi.
I thought he was cute but the only art I see of him his gay and I kinda went off him. But I found him a relatable character
He's my ideal husbando but I accept that he has a husbando of his own. I'm not a homewrecker
Rough em up a little, but not enough to make them bleed
I kinda wanna have Arven drugged up by spiking his food... But not so that he completely passes out, just enough so he doesn't have enough power to fight back properly...
Unf please
Fuck yeah. And don't make him want it halfway thru either
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Y'know, I didn't like ORAS
But, I finally get. them.
>New Thread
Here so I don't miss it locking
Cute drawing! They're a cute couple. Their redesigns were one of the good few things to come out of ORAS.0SSRND
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A little early, but sure. Time to fill this to bump limit.
it stops bumping in a few messages time. So it's hard to get into a discussion at this point
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I know this isn't necessarily a yume thread, but after seeing some of the posts here, I finally get it.

I finally get why this is the most based general on /vp/.
Husbando thread is best thread
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I j
I just love him
Eeee thank you, anon
Yeah, I'm not big on ORAS but goddamn their redesigns. Nerd Maxie is all I needed in my life, I'm already a chronic Colress fucker as is.
A gardevoir wouldn't sleep with someone like Ghetsis. A zoroark might.
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Hey OG Tabitha Anon, found something in my archive that you might like.
t. OG Courtney Anon

I feel the same way about this thread Anon.

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