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Reaper Cloth Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>56736751

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
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Threadly Reminder: Do your own damn research and stop helping retards. You are the ones shitting up the thread
nice meme
Go outside retarded wannabe janny
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Who else runs 4 of this Chad so they don't brick? F2P btw
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Go outside.
I was gonna say 'everyone is f2p' but it does work as a term for people who don't play physical
You win this time
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Seconding this, I like Magcargo but kept bricking so I ended up dropping the deck.
Boy do I have the solution for you
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Iron Thorns finally pulled through and got me to the next tier.
Wow, I love blog posting!
too many newfags here that only play live
I bet they don't own a single deck irl
or play some shitty stall deck
redditors who treat this as their fucking blog
yep, bots
I like Ho-oh, I hope he gets a good meta card
Nah, there isn't the bench space to spare and already too much supporter tech to include a Turo/Penny
>use squak
>discard 3 rare candy and super rod
you said it wouldn't brick me
I put a card in my deck and now I'm drawing it wtf
>I chose to throw away all of the important cards I knew I would need. Why did I brick?
Bricking is a part of every tcg ever, you get used to it lol
Go outside
The thread does need to be bumped eventually so I don't actually care that much
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now this is the type of in-card lore I like
sexy octillery
like a true mermaid leading this guy to his death
You guys are really bad at insults, when I associate bots with card games I would think of someone who just plays a pre-made deck without asking any questions
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Can someone explain to me what I would actually use this for
>revive ho-oh with 4 energy
>switch with basic you need
>evolve into ex all charged up
Because it keeps the target Pokemon's turns in play, you can evolve what you turn it into.
Your Charizard got KO'd last turn and you don't have another Charmander or Charmeleon on the bench? Thorton your Rotom or Luminion into a Charmander and evolve it. Now you have a Charizard and a useless 2-prizer off the field.
In decks that run the Dusknoir line, Thorton can give you a Cursed Blast at any point in the game by turning something into a Duskull.
It lets you make plays you wouldn't otherwise be able to, and it's a safety net at worst.
Poor guy
nom nom
>Because it keeps the target Pokemon's turns in play, you can evolve what you turn it into.
Makes sense, that was not obvious to me, thanks
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needs another panel where the guy immediately starts crying a wall of text after entering
Pokémon: 12
3 Magcargo ex TWM 29
1 Hoothoot ASR 120
3 Slugma LOR 21
1 Bibarel BRS 121
1 Armarouge PAF 15 PH
2 Charcadet PAR 25
2 Noctowl SCR 115
1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46
1 Manaphy BRS 41
1 Bidoof CRZ 111
1 Delphox V LOR 27
1 Hoothoot TEF 126

Trainer: 22
1 Team Star Grunt OBF 195
1 Magma Basin BRS 144
1 Nest Ball PAF 84
3 Academy at Night SFA 54
2 Energy Retrieval SVI 171
1 Prime Catcher TEF 157
1 Night Stretcher SFA 61
1 Professor's Research SVI 189
1 Boss's Orders PAL 172
1 Iono PAL 185
2 Arven SVI 166
2 Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178
1 Super Rod PAL 188
1 Colress's Tenacity SFA 57
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
2 Glass Trumpet SCR 135
3 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
1 Ciphermaniac's Codebreaking TEF 145
1 Iono PAF 80
3 Ultra Ball SVI 196
1 Switch SVI 194
2 Earthen Vessel PAR 163

Energy: 1
9 Basic {R} Energy SVE 2

Total Cards: 60
I had a Fan Rotom before to help setup but then my bench is full without any Slugmas so I took it out
It's funny because if you just ignored the people asking dumb questions or told them to read the OP the threads the threads would have basically no arguing
Don't tell me saying the epic bot insult while not even replying to someone you were mocking actually did anything
They're not sending their best

There's one dude that lurks in here and literally just spams "bot" and "retard" whenever anyone asks a question or tries to interact
Wait, there's an OP?!
Honestly I expected you to run more energy with magcargos attack
I ran 11 before but found that 9 is enough. You only need to attack three times. Trumpet your energies to your Bibarel and Noctowl and move them to the active with Armarouge. Energy Retrieval the rest for the second attack with Academy at Night.
I should probably cut 1 Retrieval/TM Evo for another Armarouge
Nobody reads the op if they cant get fed in person
Randomly browsing pkmncards to find out there was a fidget spinner card
When are we getting a skibidi toilet card
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Have you taken the Toedpill yet?
>Ability blocks Dragapult and Sableye spreading, easy to protect your whole board with Ogerpon and Energy Switch
>One-shots Charizard for very little effort
>Can't be Frenzied Gouging'd
>Nice effects nerd
>Full house with Area Zero kills anything before weakness (caps at 400 base)
>Single prize Toedscruel fucks over night stretcher, pokestop, legacy star, energy retrieval shit
>Even if you have a bad start you can buy a turn by making the opponent's active asleep with Toedscool's Spore
because it's more clunky than even hydrapple and easily beaten with all your ogerpon liabilities on the bench
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bottom: QNL
top: XRY
>caps at 400 base
no ty I'll keep doing 420 with my wax storm dab apples
they are talking to all the aggro posters itt
Find a Typhlosion.
creatures can't ban me here for shitting on all the bloggers that need to go back
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I'm sure this could do with some more refinements but for now it's an improvement on my previous Okidogi deck.
Being able to put FIVE counters on a Pokémon between turns is fucking great.
Luv me Poison
'Ate Charizard Decks
Simple as
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It would be funny if the next accidently has him
Holy based. Thanks for the list, I'll try it out.
You should go back

Back outside that is
I love the list. Would you say that you can consistently get it set up?
Is the luminous energy really for the unlikely scenario in which you attack with munki?
Is 4 Luminous Energy really necessary? If you want to attack with Munki just make it 2 max. And why aren't you running any Arven? No Hisuian Heavy Ball either?
Hope it works out for ya
I would say so. I'm thinking of trimming a few energies and maybe a couple other trainers to make room for improvement.
The key is either to get Okidogi set up quick (which is fairly easy to do) or for a more satisfying and vicious move, have Radiant Sneasler and Brute Bonnet up with Perilous Jungle for that free 50 damage between turns. The second key is trickier, but well worth it.
Ooh, that's a good idea. I'll trim a couple Lumi energies off, then see if I can get Hisuian Heavy Ball and Arven slotted in nicely.
Do you hear a 90s sitcom laugh track in your head when you say your catchphrase, redditspacer?
Today in "How many energies do you need?"
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Fuck I forgot my image
That's nice anon but how to you get them all in the bin for Basculegion
I think the game plan this JP player is going for is to dump every energy on Palkias to attack with its 40x every energy attached attack. Then when it gets KO'd and you have no energies left in your deck you use Basculegion.
how do i take a good deck pic? my ptcglive account doesnt show the whole deck
mobile, or build it on a decklist site like limitless or pokemoncard.io
Yes it does it's the last option on the right when you look at the editor. Just take a screenshot
Why would you need 4 if you have nest balls.
Because the game only has six prizes so with four nest balls and four squawk I am guaranteed turn one anti brick
>Ate Charizard Decks
yeah Ive been trying out kieran in my deck to give okidogi some extra power for zard.
I don't really understand what Delphox V adds to this. Thanks for the list though, I might need to make some adjustments to mine.
Oh nice there's new psychic missions for more battlepass exp and rewards
Remember to try reroll for that on the crystals mission since it gives you more purple crystals than normal
Yeah I was just experimenting with the Delphox V. It was a Fan Rotom before.
What do you think about swapping out the Prime Catcher for Hyper Aroma? With 4 stage 1s in the deck you're relying a lot on Ultra Balling all of them. If you can get one Noctowl that can potentially grab the aroma to evolve Slugma, Charcadet and Bidoof.
it doesnt though.
Only on mobile
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this guy is kinda ass
Hyper Aroma could work well. I just use Prime Catcher for more gust, I think it's fine to lose it since you don't need to have a Mag on bench to charge it, just use Arma
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V3.5 of my Okidogi deck now.
Thinking of maybe cutting out two energy for one more Pecha EX and Okidogi EX?
>4 heavy ball
You need only one. Cut those for pecha and ogljidogi
Gotcha, thanks.
I would actually say you need zero to 1 heavy balls. If you want to keep one that's fine.
As for the other three you can put in some combination of the following:
Pecha ex
Okidogi ex
Earthen vessel
Night stretcher

Probably leaning towards night stretcher since it doesn't look like you have one yet. Can be really valuable
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>Ability: Rainbow DNA
You can play Pokemon ex that evolve from Eevee onto this Pokemon to evolve it. (You can’t evolve this Pokemon during your first turn or during the turn you play it.)

I don't know why even play this when you can just play basic eevees
I guess it prevents the basics from being sniped by a Dusknoir
or maybe you could play 4 basic eevees and 4 of this ex
So you can have 8 Eevee in your decks :)
>Area Zero activator
>Noctowl activator
>Tera effect stops bench snipes
>Glass Trumpet target
>2 prize liability
>no ability to double evolve
>not poffinable
Actually based
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lmao the decks people come up with for tatsu are going to be hilarious
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>260 to an ogerpon and accelerates 2 energy from the deck to a pokemon

mite b cool
ETB time, I've been away a few days. I'll try to spread these out a bit without disappearing for a day again
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Goddamn it...
Ehh pretty mediocre. Eeveebox can already use glass trumpet on eevees before evolving them. Acceleration isn't an issue
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super cute
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>Discard your hand
>Search for 1 supporter, 1 pokemon and 1 basic energy

Some potential here
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considering we have no clue what the deck/decks looks like, you can't say any of that with confidence
Can you play it if it's the last card in your hand?
I think this might be useful after someone disrupts your hand with iono or something
>supporter that searches for a supporter
get iono'd again chump
It's the same as Professor's Research, so yes.
>13 damage counters
I wonder which pokemon that is referring to?
Idk probably the one they gave you for free
We have a tera eevee
We have an eevee that can evolve the second it switches to active
We have glass trumpet
With these 3 alone you can build up any type of eeveelution, you just need the energy in the discard

It'll be a 1 off in eeveebox anyway for hitting weakness but you have a way better energy engine instead
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Taking a break from playing to stall to play mill! What are some other fun decks to try? I already have Pidgeot and Luxray control decks what are some others?
go back
If they made it so that all or maybe half the stellar eeveelutions had the same energy requirements for their attacks that could be interesting? Maybe?
After how boring I found stellar crown I'll take anything
Try Wugtrio, it's fun. Scovillain ex is another one I like.
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Probably some crossover for energy since sylveon wants psychic. I wonder if there'll be any metal energy though. I'd be willing to bet jolteon/vaporeon will share the same fire/water/lightning energy cost as flareon/eevee tho at least
If they keep going with the first attack's working for colorless that will be huge boost for making a weakness hitting eeveelution deck. Then having a bunch of various tera attacks at your disposal too
It's kinda funny how Indonesia gets some cards ahead of the EN sets, like Sylveon ex and Ceruledge ex
>Try Wugtrio

>made the deck
>lost every coin flip with Wiglett
>finally get Wugtrio out
>lost all 3 coin flips
>close game

taking two prizes while accelerating 2 energy into play while threatening 280 next turn is insane and it's not even farfetched considering how popular ogerpon is and will likely continue to be
gardevoir ex but with mr mime from lost origins as your attacker
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Saw this on Pokecabook, looks fun
>No item
>Basic energy only

Just use Professor's research
Research wouldn't guarantee your pieces you need. This seems good for ceruledge
>Discard energy in hand
>Find ceruledge + energy attachment for it
>Research for next turn
Banette ex tech
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Go outside
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So much for that lol, here's another
I want to build this so bad. Imagine the Charizard players face when you return his benched zard and pidgeot
Just play stall or mill. Played a Zard player earlier, hit them with the Eri and dropped 2 of their candies off the bat.
Thank you.
>every single lugia player gets fucking 2 archeops in their first hand, plus ultraball for lugia vstar hee hee
>despite mathematically making no sense, i somehow never get 1 basic pokemon despite having 10, always having to concede mulligans to the opponent

I swear lugia players made a deal with the devil because both in tcg live and real tournaments they ALWAYS have the two archeops right away and sweep by turn 2
I just hope Archeops is a mistake they'll learn from. I'll always feel like Ancient and Future got robbed because of it.
>58 energies in deck
>1 pokemon
>1 trainer

Still dont draw any energies
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rent free
The Wugtrio deck is really satisfying to play. Watching 9 cards (when you get lucky) hit the OP's GY is great. Not as good as the Bruvac/Terisian combo in magic (mills the OP's entire library) but it's the best we got I'm sure.
not sure what it gave me, but thank you
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>but it's the best we got I'm sure.
Once we get proper Fighting energy acceleration I'm looking forward to mill even more than 9 cards.
Combos that win you on the spot are kinda gay. Mill is cool in Pokemon imo because of the lack of gy recursion comparatively and no way to exile the gy
Did you go outside yet?
i'm actually convinced that this guy is a bot after all. outside this outside that, sure is a bot response
for me it's bloodchief's ascension/mindcrank
i've avoided mill in pokemon simply because it's slower than aggro but i fucking love it in magic, i'll have to give it a shot
Go outside
whats your build? feels like I just get throttled too hard in pacing, and even after getting setup it often feels uphill, especially when dusknoir just picks apart at any draw engine or millers I run
considered swapping to great tusk for dedicated mill just to not die to light breezes or worry about setting up evolutions, even if wugtrio is funnier
Just made Arceus tier for the first time
How can I get this deck to run better? It feels like too many moving parts to get a maximum hit off of 260 (160 hit + 100 poison). I tried adding a Dusk line and Munki to get extra damage or spread it about but it just made my starting set up less reliable. I like the concept but I'm not sure how to make it work, am I best off waiting on a new set and hoping there are tools in there that help?
You don't need 3 Switches when you already run 2 Pecha ex. I also don't see the need for 4 Nest Balls when you already run 4 Poffins, I think having 2 is good enough. Add a Hisuian Heavy Ball in case your Rad Sneasler/Pechas are prized. If you use Dudunsparce, it's best to have Artazon to get back the Dunsparce you shuffled back so you can draw 3 again next turn. I'd say lose the Trekking Shoes and add more Iono/Research as well, or maybe get a 4th Dark Patch. If you want to reliably have Perilous Jungle active, Colress' Tenacity can get a Stadium and an energy for you.
Oh yeah, consider running baby (non-ex) Pecharunt. When your Toxicroak gets KO'd you can put baby Pecha in Active and get a possible 150 poison damage lol (Pokemon Checkup starts after you put your Pokemon in the active)
I think you're going to be very fucked if you face any Ancient deck, so maybe also put in a Jamming Tower for those decks. Good luck not getting it bumped though. Or maybe just a Lost Vacuum, but it only works for one Ancient Booster Capsule.
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how do i build a deck with team magma cards
Find someone who plays the Unlimited format, I guess
That is horribly wrong lol
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>get to ultraball
>it's either dragapult/lugia/raging bolt24/7 or le ebin antimeta deck that deals 300000 gorillion damage to 4 benched pokemon but only during monday's afternoons

does it get any better in masterball?
Post big numbers
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Curious, have you thought of running a 1 of copy of roaring moon ex?
Jees also where the heck is your ace spec? Put a prime catcher in here and ohko fez or squak on the bench
post pulls
Gigantamax Eevee Deck Box and Sleeves.
Eevee VMax SWSH087.

ETB codes do not give boosters.
>playing Wugtrio
>lost 9 coinflips in a row

Alright, i'm done with this shit
mfers really paying $35 to get $10 worth of cards at prereleases
The only people who comment on how others spend their money are the ones who have to save up for a month just to order a personal pizza from the local shop
I spotted one of those mfers
>you're poor if you think money shouldn't be wasted
I mean why tf would you care how others spend their money?
you can just sell the packs for like $4-5 if it bothers you that much
Ah, I see. I'm so used to people not posting pulls I didn't actually bother to check what kind of code card it was.
It's my first time seriously getting into the card collecting scene for TCG. Here are my purchases so far.
>2 Stellar Crown ETB's
>2 Twilight Masquerade ETB's
>1 Temporal Forces ETB
>1 Pokemon 151 Ultra Premium Collection
>1 Surging Sparks BB (pre ordered)
>Total Cost = $515
My intention is to just hold on to these for a few years while slowly building my collection over time. Where would you recommend I start to build a decent deck of OG Pokemon? Should I rip some of these boxes to get a deck going?
join us here
this thread is for playing only
Thanks dude, I'll repoast the question there.
>3 ionos into still not finding a stage 2+rare candy together
stage 2s are a joke. they really need to reprint irida
I feel like I'm such a retard I can only handle decks with Big basics. Evolution is just such a clunky mechanic. Stage ones are manageable but stage 3s are ridiculous even with rare candy. It always feels bad to run Arvin because he is basically just a tutor for rare candy and then... Yeah that's your entire supporter for the turn.

you'll never build a deck from opening etbs

but the charizard deck that's coming out soon and then go to limitless and see what kinds you need to add to make it more competitive
I think if the stage two pokemon that are relevant right now were just big baiscs they would be fairly broken so that clunkiness might be intentional.
The only 2 relevant ones are the dirty cheap ones to power up. Charizard ignores all energy issues and dragapult only needs 1 now. Trying to play one that needs multiple energy attachments is even more clunk on top of trying to find rare candy combos
The only ones that really work are irida combos because it just is so much more consistent. They need to print that for all stage 2s
There's not going to be a booster bundle for surging sparks right? I went to a prerelease yesterday, but there is another one next week that I'm considering going to again, just because it's a nice middle ground price point for 7 packs, I don't feel like going deep into a full booster box. Should I double dip the pre release or wait and get an etb?
There aren't any sexy looking gardevoir cards
there is a booster bundle. do whatever is best for your wallet.
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aw someone got it rip
Oh indeed there is, I guess for whatever reason none of the lgs in my area decided to stock up on those (one of the many downsides of living in a third world shithole)
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>challenge to play 2 Dusknoir
I can't believe they're encouraging this sick filth.
am I clinically insane for running 3 cologne in goldengo with pokestop? cornerstone has hurt me a lot on ladder, but i feel im missing some better ways to deal with it somehow
Pokéstop won't be the best way as you risk discarding your energies. If you can find an alternative attacker that might be the best way, otherwise cancelling cologne may be your only way to deal with CornerPon.
How does Gholdengo play? I haven't seen anyone mention it for a while, and when they did it was pretty much all negative.
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got tired of facing Charizard EX, built Snorlax Stall and it paid off. Using toxic girl sleeves for the toxic deck of course
Depends how worried you are about encountering thornerstone but you have a really bad matchup vs them so....
>risk discarding your energies.
This isint so bad because he's probably running lots of energy retrieve
True, but you're discarding energies already to attack, 5 to knock out your average basic ex, 7 for a stage 2 (or even 9 if they're a degenerate and put Hero's Cape on it). That'll eat up your retrievals quickly enough without you discarding more of them.
Bro just run a 1-1 Scizor line
You could use cologne+cylene+ pal pad if you really want to have 3 outs to cornerstone in the deck.
Yeah this ends up being the issue with the deck in my experience. Acceleration of your strategy inevitably involves you discarding energy but then you don't have enough to attack. Not enough recursion in the format and your energies don't go as far as something like bolt. The deck (goldengo) is still fun however, but it's definitely not meta.
this, even not for rockpon as it can devastate certain decks like garde
I'll keep these in mind, thanks
running into that little rock mask gremlin and having 0 ways to damage it stung me quite harshly so im likely just overreacting, but these are some nice ideas
I want to keep running stadiums even if I do cut out stops, jamming tower is a clear alternative. does metal lab prevent any relevant KO thresholds? best I can think of is lugia needing to give cincinno one extra energy, but if i run the vanilla scizor that may be more relevant
even with stop's luck factor, I can't say I've had many problems with energy counts, been running 4 super retrieve, 2 regular and 2 stretcher, its felt like enough mostly. maybe too much if anything, but it hasn't bitten me too hard too often yet. probably should cut back a little, especially if I cut stop
as nice as the high rolls with it can be, so you think cutting the palkia package is worthwhile? its nice when it comes up, but its also somewhat felt like either card just end up doing next to nothing even if I get the palkia vmax and radiant in play. gamestates where its been helpful have generally been situations im already winning in, with maybe two exceptions where I did high roll a ton of water, radiant and palkia together. but I'm also not sure if I'm just not seeing the true value of it
My list but it's not perfect I know there's probably improvements to be made
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why is galavantula ex's attack effect perpetual and radiant charizard's isn't? i know some of the newer cards have an "if this is the active pokemon" clause but how do you know when there isn't any clause on the card?
If it says your opponent it means it's a perpetual effect that affects your opponent directly, not their mons, it cannot be changed.
Radzard is "this pokemon". Pokemon effects are always deleted once they retreat to the bench, once they're moved to the bench any effects (like can't attack till next turn" on them are gone
I run palkia as an alternative attacker and to fuel greninja to snipe weak bench mons, lumineon to fetch lady or irida (to then fetch retrieval/vessel) and fez speaks for itself. I don't run as much disruption because I typically find myself with a decent hand. Scoop up has some nice synergy because not only can you save a weekend gholdengo but you can get two big coin bonus procs a turn. I honestly cut cologne because I stopped running into mimikyu/ogerpon but I haven't been playing as much lately
ahhh i see. just got absolutely walloped by a deck running blissey/trumpet with galavantula, shit is mean when it gets up and running
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>drew a THRID lost city instead of literally any other fucking card

Absolutely amazing
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Been playing with a Palafin deck recently, actually very happy with how it landed. Here's list for anyone who wants to play big dolph:

Pokémon: 10
4 Finizen TWM 59
1 Lumineon V CRZ-GG 39
1 Manaphy CRZ-GG 6
3 Palafin ex TWM 61
1 Fezandipiti ex SFA 38
1 Cleffa OBF 80 PH
1 Mew ex PAF 232
2 Pecharunt ex SFA 39
3 Palafin TWM 60
2 Morpeko PAR 206

Trainer: 19
4 Ultra Ball DEX 102
1 Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146
1 Counter Catcher PAR 160
1 Lost Vacuum LOR 217
1 Forest Seal Stone SIT 156
4 Irida ASR 147
1 Prime Catcher TEF 157
1 Switch EVO 88
1 Rescue Board TEF 159
2 Nest Ball SVI 181
3 Arven PAF 235
3 Iono PAF 237
1 Kieran TWM 218
1 Boss's Orders PAL 265
1 Defiance Band SVI 169
4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin TEF 144
2 Super Rod bw6-5 20
1 Canceling Cologne ASR 136
2 Earthen Vessel PAR 163

Energy: 1
6 Basic {W} Energy SVE 11

Total Cards: 60
Thanks bwo
did she died
Checking back in with reports on my girl's Slowpoke/Pooch Deck:

Pokémon: 6
4 Fidough SCR 66
2 Dachsbun SVI 99
4 Slowpoke SCR 57
2 Dachsbun ex SCR 67
2 Furfrou SFA 51
4 Slowking ex PAL 86

Trainer: 11
2 Switch Cart ASR 154
2 Judge FST 235
4 Crushing Hammer SVI 168
2 Jacq SVI 175
2 Earthen Vessel PAR 163
2 Energy Retrieval SVI 171
2 Boss's Orders RCL 154 PH
1 Energy Search CRZ 128
2 Pal Pad SVI 182
2 Nest Ball SVI 181
2 Arven SVI 166

Energy: 4
2 Double Turbo Energy BRS 151
2 V Guard Energy SIT 169
13 Basic {P} Energy Energy 13
2 Mist Energy TEF 161

Total Cards: 60

It's doing pretty OK on Live! so far.
I used to have the Ace Spec Double Colorless but apparently it only gives two energy to Stage 2 'mon as well as the restriction written on the card so that kinda sucks because I don't really like Turbo Double Colorless' damage reduction.

I'm still adjusting it frequently. Right now it seems like I could put this together for her and she'll see some success at locals unless they're sweating hard on their netdecks but even then this has beat Charizard and Lost Box Giratina a few times and some other stuff that just probably had bad draws.
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>playing stall
>mfw watching the OP draw all their cards and wasting their switches/boss's orders and energies

I'm currently in Corviknight (?) league, at what point do people know how to counter/play against stall and not waste all their shit?
>unless they're sweating hard on their netdecks

Does everyone at local not netdeck? once the rest of my cards get here I'm walking in with a Stall, Regidrago and Dragapult deck that I netdecked.
God damn i wish that was a way to "set default art" for cards. it's so tedious to import a deck and have to swap everything
Obviously can't say for sure cause I'm not at every LGS playing everyone. Also I just mean table matches not events that you're ponying up 20 30 bucks to try to win.
I've been privy to many during weekday evenings when I'm out there painting minis or about to run D&D and they seemed to be only partially on-meta from what I gathered while hanging out. The kind of jank decks you're making from your bulk instead of buying from a recipe on TCGPlayer.
I gotcha. I just got into the game and haven't played paper yet but figured I would be safe with a few netdecks. I didn't want to try and cobble some shit together and get rolled every match and never go back.
When it's competitive you're probably expected to play the good stuff, so everyone's all planning around that. That can be fun in itself.

I also recently got back into it. I only played back in like 2000 when I was a booger fingered kid destroying cards and building non-functioning decks. Lot to learn to update myself from WotC era.
probably when you play irl and are playing against someone who is grinding for their worlds invite or spent their paycheck to play in a tourney
in big tourneys people will tech to not just lose to it. that's why most worlds lists have turo
online and in online tourneys people dont know how to vs control that's why it often wins online tourneys. online ladder people just concede it's not worth the effort and time
>Scrolling all the way to the end to pick the FA boss/research I prefer
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These looked better in my head, but maybe y'all'll like them anyway.
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now that's what I call a tag team
bros I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of playing gardevoir

gonna be so sad when kirlia rotates, but I think it might still find some success afterward
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What do we think about Pocket?
It's releasing soon.
Super excited, can't wait. Got friends who are feeling like checking it out too.
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Alright, that's the last of 'em.
Don't care myself but if it's good people will then bring arguments why can't live be like that. Which might prompt changes to live so that's good for us here
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>candy into garde
>bench full of N's bitch
>spam latex and leather (ancient) balloons
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>looks like a shy noob
>greets you like a fellow noob
>proceeds to destroy your deck in seconds
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Hit me with your BEST meme deck
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>play card
>turn stolen
Thank you Pokemon TCG Live for PC and Mobile Devices
why does this keep happening with earthen vessel specifically? no other search card has given this problem
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on my way
Azelf with froslass will be solid, uxie will be hitting 200+ for 1 easy so there's no need for mespirits crummy 160 for 2
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>Put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's Pokémon.

What are some good cards besides Arven that search for Pokemon Tools?
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Thanks anon
Why do JPs like using Oranguru V so much lately? I see it so often in Pokecabook.
>tech kyurem
>vs lost box
>it's prized
skill issue i guess. should've included 4 copies and 3 heavy ball if i ever want a tech card to work lol
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oh hey there it is! my last prize card!
Imagine posting on 4chan while being outside. Have some shame.
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TCG has a disgusting art style, can't look at it without vomiting and Live only made it worse.
Played pocket a bit and I think I will give it a try. Gameplay is for casuals but I'm fine with that
Latias-ex gives it free retreat so if you can put it active you get your seal stone and another tool. I don't know many tool reliant decks that need this aside from klawf or stellar tatsugiri.
This card is annoying af.

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