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Card Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>November 15th: PM2023 073 - Basagiri the Lone Warrior!


Future episodes:
>November 22nd: PM2023 074 - The Three Explorers
>November 29th: PM2023 075 - The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World

>Upcoming episodes preview:

>Previous episodes:

>OS-JN filler guide:

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Previous: >>56896709
>Favorite OST of this year?
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When are they going to start Anne and Amethio's romance plot
The moment she outs herself.
When Liko gets under Spinel's thumb again.
Only one story aside, the theme for Rakua stuff is appeasing.
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Favorite episode of the year? For me it's the latest Liko VS Roy episode
Mighty G
Why would Anne go with Amethio?
If Shuckle eats weed, does the produced juice also taste like weed or is it filtered?
In light of the cancelled Alto Mare return episode from the infamous Pokémon gigaleak, I recall saying the Ashnime staff were aware of shipping wars. Turns out, I was right.

I guess that's about it, have a good one.
That's a weird one but I'll say its juice will taste like weed.
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Dawn unironically won.
Pearlshipping won
>The Future We've Been Entrusted, the Shine of This World
The women from the pool told them to not repeat her bullshit didn't she?
>Favorite OST of this year?
What was that track that plays during Likos highlights? That one.
>That head post in the last thread
Stop it! Liko wouldn't kill Roy for THAT. She's 13!
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Is there a cardset out for Liko & co? And if so, link?
That beach episode with that superhero homage
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Mystery Gift when?
The song that starts playing in the commercial bumpers starting with Terastal Debut.

This one.
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This won't end well for Metagross right?
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Aside from the obvious evo, Liko will end up with a pure waifu team.
Or with a magician themed one. The coincidental picks are there, might as well ride it out.
Dots match against Iono
Liko and Amethio is a close second.
Who do we watch Horizons for? We watch for who?
Who is "we"? Speak for yourself why you watch it.
>That beach episode with that superhero homage
That shark Pokémon getting pinned into the ground was a giga flex.
Liko gets herself almost killed every time she gets seeperated from the group. She has legit some bad luck.
>For me it's the latest Liko VS Roy episode
It's a great one but the one where Ryme dropped the beat was cool too
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>does the produced juice also taste like weed or is it filtered?
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Liko needs to calm down.
Punch her in the face.
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Typical girls always think everything is about them..
What other pokemon could be considered a "magician"?, all I can think is Mismagius because its looks and because it's my favorite.
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Here's where I saw the news
I've been thinking of that one too.
There are Pokémon that can learn trick or other moves of magicians.
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Liko has a cute butt.
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love that the writers would engineer so many contrivances where the yield is some shit like this, or being forced to hold hands or swap clothes. They found a way to keep the faggotry funny and also piss off self inserters who wouldn't want Ash to be a fag
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>Liko has a cute bu-
Shit! Sorry.
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I watch for she
Gurumin's theme
Alex is a wonderful father. Can't blame those who stab Lucca in the back to get to him.
I hope we get two male protags next gen so romance can finally be back on the table. It's obvious OLM only likes writing gay guys and yaoi
>Favorite episode of the year?
That festival episode, mainly for the RoyGeta rizz.
>What other pokemon could be considered a "magician"?
Golurk is a golem which are an option by magicians.
Ash x Dawn
>For me it's the latest Liko VS Roy episode
It's a great episode for sure but the Tinka evo episode nailed it personally.
>Brat delivers
>Liko will end up with a pure waifu team.
Can't have that without the obligational hisuian typhlosion.
should I watch some pokemon x and y?
The mega evolution specials are the only good parts. Oh and the final battle of the tournament
This is the face of someone who is accused to be a mole.

All Explorers are to report to meeting room 10 for the annual all-hands meeting.

Today's Agenda
1. Catching Terapagos
2. Why Rayquaza is>Groudon and Kyogre
3. Why doesn't Lucius love me?
4. What does he see in that puta?
5. Serious, what does he see in her?
6. Like it's okay to be gay in Kalos and Paldea...
7. Por favor Arceus. How do I make Lucius pay attention to me.
Paldean whores are nothing but vapid empty cunts. They take your friends, they take your Pokemon, they take your jobs.

And they ain't even giving much back.
Gibeon-sama... stop being gay
You forgot point 8. What is the deal with the documents for the planned murder of Lucca that Spinel found her back in Paldea?
ZAMN I didn't know Goh was juicy like THAT. Ash might be based
>They take your friends, they take your Pokemon, they take your jobs.
Statistically true.
>Liko gets under Spinel's thumb
Fake news, Spinel is falsely accused of those wrong doings
I wanna see Serena though
You might be better off not watching it at all then. The XY anime butchered Serena so badly that she's nothing like how she was in the game.
>The coincidental picks are there, might as well ride it out.
That or it's going the classic route of adding a Pokemon for flying. Don't know how many of them are passing the paldean border ban but it's atleast a dozen of them while not featuring more Kanto stuff.
>Liko wouldn't kill Roy for THAT.
But Liko loves Alex.
I am kinda shocked that no fuss was made about the implications with Bombirdier.
Looks gud.
Well it wasn't in a city so it's getting a pass.
>The Future We've Been Entrusted
Continue the legacy of the female in Lucius's group and fuck shit up.
what? the game version barely has any depth. I want to see cute moments with ash and serena
I know you mashed A through every cutscene but even if we pretend Serena never said a single line in the game it doesn't change that the anime version was butchered. She didn't even get a single badge in the anime
all she did in the game was just constantly challenge you and get owned. the game focused more on Shauna for some reason
She was still butchered in the anime version even if we pretend that so I don't know what point you're trying to make here.
Anon just wants to do virtually anything else but actually watch the XY anime to see for himself.
>Liko gets herself almost killed every time she gets seeperated from the group.
Why do you think they battle together? Everytime they get split up Liko either:
>Gets jumped by guys
>Hypnotized by one of the said guys
>Turned into the target of a flashmob hunt
>Trapped in a cave
Now that I've written it out, it sounds kinda dubious that it happens to a 13 year old girl nearly everytime almost like it's on purpose.
>This won't end well for Metagross right?
Have you forgotten that Orio had many "firsts" on the blimp? Metal Lump already lost its soul a long time ago from all the weird shit it saw Orio do.
Liko should get a Rapidash. Don't question why, it just works. Nothing dark behind the choice or anything desu.
Rapidash isn't in SV, unfortunately.
Ash only has cute moments with Gary and Goh. For whatever reason the writers only ever let Ash be tender and emotional with males. It's a typical issue with Japanese kids media, all the boy relationships are more in depth and have less guard rails around them.

Ash isn't really cute with Serena because he isn't very cute in XY at all. He's a bit static and bizarrely takes on the role of the leader/person that inspires the rest of the cast, which is a bit antithetical to Ash's usual role as the headstrong wild kid who's more unorthodox and simple than his peers.
Why would that stop them? The anime's put pokemon where they don't belong all the time.
The current anime mainly keeps Pokemon on their team that pass the Paldean-dex cut.

Liko might not get Rapidash but that doesn't ban her from other fire-types. HIsui Typhlosion blew up a bit in reception so it climbed the ranks of potential endgame choices for Liko's team. Aside from great Type coverage and playing into the team tone, it's a wonderful flex.
>Ryme dropped the beat was cool too
She actually got her own Rap video too. Kinda insane how much Paldea flexes on Galar.
You ever wondered if Tinkatuff will go nuts over Metagross? She won't. She knows Metagross is metal, it's just covered in all that sweat of that arousing mechanical whore with her many "firsts" on the blimp. Who the fuck knows what Orla did during those, she maybe even used Metagross as a makeshift mattress inside of the engine room as Friede shoved his electric rod up, the sweat was effectively drowning that metallic lump as the mess went on.
do you like dub or sub?
I don't know how people can stand dubs, they're terrible with their "anime American" accents, I can't stand that shit
>>November 15th: PM2023 073 - Basagiri the Lone Warrior!
> No breaks tomorrow.
> Slow thread.
What killed the hype?
who should I trust?
No Red.
Can you just ignore Fagmon?
>Liko might not get Rapidash but that doesn't ban her from other fire-types. HIsui Typhlosion blew up a bit in reception so it climbed the ranks of potential endgame choices for Liko's team. Aside from great Type coverage and playing into the team tone, it's a wonderful flex.
Adding onto that, it's basically the coverage of Croc's final stage. If Roy gets a Grass/Dark capture it would be a nice parallel
Liko is not a incest freak.
Thanks bratposter.
Well what are things that are typically associated with Magicians? Dragons, Golems, in one branch of them Knights. If we're loose with what Pokemon counts under the "magician" theme, there is a handful of choices.
True that.
Unironically one day there will be regional variants of the start- Oh wait that's just Legends. But Gen 10 might be so shameless to actually do just that.
>You get the intended dialogue free of any localization alongside what the japanese voice actors are told to express and emote for their roles
>No risk of puns getting lost
>Actually get to hear the original soundtrack plus remixed versions of said OST
>You will always have all episodes fully produced and purchasable at japanese retailers.
>Active torrent scene without it becoming a seeding nightmare
>Keeping track of inconsistencies across the languages with the original japanese because some countries could MAYBE get their feelings hurt by a off-hand joke that no child would comprehend
>Puns run the risk of getting lost or changed for a weak substitute related to the country.
>Unless your country is lucky or pays the money to have the rights to use the original soundtrack, the localization will produce mainly shit sounds based on samples or material under the CC licenses.
>Availability and set of seasons is tossed between countless streaming services to the Point where Pokemon removed their own service rotating seasons to watch for free to redirect the attention to aforementioned streaming services.
>Retailers are only offering the bare minimum stretched across multiple volumes increasing the total price.
>Sloppy and unreliable torrent scene where most of those torrenting the dub delete their own seeds.

Geez this is a difficult choice
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This is unironically not even funny anymore. Almost staggering how much appeal the sub scene has gotten over the years.
>Gen 10 might be so shameless to actually do just that.
Delete this.
Why do you think Gibeon is so moody? That bitch fucked everything up. His homie Lucius went missing in that paradise and no signs of her? I smell foul play.
This guy is based.
Slap that paldean housewife.
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Do these for Nemona and Penny as well.
>That awkward gaze when Croc got namedropped
If you're a kid, you'd watch Pokemon dubbed for the convenience. And bear in mind I'm talking about the days when the net was shit and had to make telephone noises to get online. Reading about what they did then, yeah good luck trying to get original language Pokemon in America.

Nowadays, Netflix is holding Pokemon hostage and making it really hard not to argue in favor of subs.
XY has always been a fan favorite series.
Even that doesnt excuse the pricing. Like instead of 3 DVDs per Gen, it's varying between 6 to 7 for each Gen nowadays. It's literal insanity to demand that much money.
And even with that, why would I pay over 50 bucks per month for something that could dissappear and the quality gets throttled on average 80% of the time even in the higher priced packages that include higher resolutions? Torrenting only wins tractions because it's by default simple to use and doesn't gatekeep the shit you want to watch beyond stupid limitations.
That sounds horrific.
Well watching the Battle Frontier, getting a feel for the "continuity era," I'm starting to really see why fans were so annoyed about Sinnoh and Kalos.

Which really makes what Yuyama was going for in his plans if he was never planning on letting Ash go at all (and thus give him a neverending cuck).
>Liko might not get Rapidash but that doesn't ban her from other fire-types. HIsui Typhlosion blew up a bit in reception so it climbed the ranks of potential endgame choices for Liko's team.
Gen 9 is about timetraveling and all that so having a Pokémon from the Past swooping into Liko's slot isn't out of place.
>Who the fuck knows what Orla did during those, she maybe even used Metagross as a makeshift mattress inside of the engine room as Friede shoved his electric rod up, the sweat was effectively drowning that metallic lump as the mess went on.
Snorted fucking sprite through my nose from laughing at this
Can Meowscarada learn X-scissor? Just asking for a friend.
Hey now, that's actually not a bad question.
What a great idea. Slap this on a Paldean whore so we don't have to listen to her whorish lies.
Kieran, calm down. She won.

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