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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56835369 (>>56835369)

PMD Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/aby499w7r8
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/5vnh78xub_
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>What is your most commonly hoarded item that may seem less important to others?
>When you first played playing RT, EoS. or Super, did you cheat the quiz (or re-pick) to get the starter you want or did you go with what the game gave you?
>For your most hated PMD game, what is the one thing you enjoyed about it (if any)?
>Do you think the diet of Pokémon in the PMD world only consists of berries and fruit. If not, what do you think they eat, and does it vary by species?
Recap of the previous thread:
>Espeon-anon released Crusader’s Intermission Hour (https://rentry.org/CrusaderIntermission1)
>Reuni-anon published Two Step, chapter 1 of his new story (https://rentry.org/cc1textonly)
>Drawboard #45 finished
>Some neat art was posted, Talks about moves in EoS, and Discussion about the shortcomings of EoS and RT
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posting again in this thread

Okay, are evolution stones in EoS normally this hard to get a hold of legit? I've been grinding Mystifying Forest and Midnight Forest for Kecleon shops on odd-numbered floors for a Fire Stone, pretty much since I finished the post-game story the other day and just about every single one has had a Sun Stone and a King's Rock instead of a Fire Stone for my partner. Also I don't have Lake Afar yet because its locked behind Recycling and I don't want to get anything other than Prism Tickets.
>>What is your most commonly hoarded item that may seem less important to others?
I hoard the fuck out of X-Eye seeds. they're too useful
>>When you first played playing RT, EoS. or Super, did you cheat the quiz (or re-pick) to get the starter you want or did you go with what the game gave you?
i played eot first and i thought repeatedly answering honestly would get what i wanted. i ended up getting one of the three choices in the end.
with rt and future explorers playthroughs i rigged the quiz. with super i just chose what i wanted, quiz be damned
>>For your most hated PMD game, what is the one thing you enjoyed about it (if any)?
i do like how paradise is a giant friend area
>>Do you think the diet of Pokémon in the PMD world only consists of berries and fruit. If not, what do you think they eat, and does it vary by species?
there's grains if you take the models seriously, plus there's confectionery
i don't like to think it varies by species given that the genericism of gameplay is a thing
>Do you think the diet of Pokémon in the PMD world only consists of berries and fruit. If not, what do you think they eat, and does it vary by species?

The PMD diet is most likely vegetarian with both fruits, nuts, and vegetables of all kinds being able to sustain their biology to avoid the morally adverse and edgy issue of cannibalism. There's several pokemon species that allude to the idea of regenerative biology that can provide footstuffs too. Given the mainline games treat Pokemon as being able to eat similar food across species AND recieve similar medical treatment too, I think there's a level of ubiquity there besides some edge cases like pokemon who subsist off raw electrical energy or abstract concepts like dreams and emotions.
tsmt I have to do like 3 Google searches minimum to find out shit for food whenever I write
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Reposting this at the request of frens
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so I'm grinding for this damn Fire Stone in Midnight Forest and I just learned that if you pay for Mime Jr's Spa from the secret bazaar, having an evasiveness buff, like holding the Detect Band, can cause it to miss

In other news this grind is so ass, I'm going to beat Kecleon to death with a rock
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>I just learned that if you pay for Mime Jr's Spa from the secret bazaar, having an evasiveness buff, like holding the Detect Band, can cause it to miss
I've had it happen to me, yep.
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I have a fire stone if you want to rescue me from world abyss
I got it like 4 floors after I types that post complaining about it, but thanks for the offer.

Now I'm faced with a different dilemma... why does she look like that? she's so damn smol lmao
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What is it a reference to? Their pose I mean
It’s skyrim
>he evolved
enjoy your negligible stat gain
>top left corner
what plushie are you hiding from us, anon?
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I'm already roleplaying as a sapient animal in this game, I don't also need to roleplay as a child
>evolving your starters
I no longer care about your posts.
Evolving is cool don't apologize
Your logic is reductive and incorrect.
I'm just giving you a hard time. Personally I was always a big fan of the "little guys tackling dungeons" aspect of the games, which is why I'm anti-evolving.
Evolving your starters is the best part of every post game, if you turn your nose at it then you've lost the childlike joy of looking cooler and perhaps Pokemon games are no longer for you
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Actually, evolving in Rescue Team was what made me hate evolving to begin with.
I spent the whole game wondering when Totodile could evolve, excitedly did it, and after I did? Not only was I no stronger, but the wakeup animation had less frames, there were no portraits anymore, and Feraligatr's sprite was much worse.
You don't get any stronger by evolving in PMD. At best you get minimal stat gains that could have been gained from a couple dungeon runs for stat up items. And in exchange, you get significantly worse overworld animations, and, depending on the starter, lose your character portrait. You also lose out on the underdog feeling of a small Pokemon taking on godlike beings. A Turtwig defeating Dialga is significantly more impactful than a Torterra defeating Dialga.
There is almost no benefit to evolving unless you went with blatant furfag picks like Eevee or Riolu, in which case there was no saving your shit taste anyway.
yeah, the evolving thing comes from being unable to shed main series logistics. people, evolving is an aesthetic choice in these games, you're doing it to roleplay, not because the pokemon are inherently shit at base level

unfortunately with it so ingrained societally it makes these things much harder
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>the wakeup animation had less frames, there were no portraits anymore, and Feraligatr's sprite was much worse.
it's my understanding that (at least for the Explorers games) we now have the tools to fix these grave mistakes, and whatever's possible now will likely only get better with time
Normally I agree not to evolve starters, but unfortunately some Pokemon are painfully underpowered without evolving, such as Phanpy.
are we discussing moveset because i don't think one quite understands the mechanics.
there is no 'base stats' system. pokemon are not inherently weaker just because they're smaller. it'll take longer to raise their stats because you'll need to use items (drinks n shit), but at minimum, a base stage with a second stage that shares the same typing will functionally exhibit the same mechanism as one another.

you're only evolving because of aesthetics, roleplaying or a different type, or a different set of moves. to just imply that the pokemon is weak without clarifying leads to the default assumption that people fall into as a trap wherein the pokemon is functionally useless because of an underlying system that plagues a game system you're not even playing with
I was speaking about moveset.
Most actual starters are just fine, barring a few exceptions that might depend on an inherited type such as Torchic, but they can get by just fine. It's when the selection starts to venture out beyond traditional starters that moveset potential starts to become questionable. Now, it's been a while since I played Explorers, but I distinctly remember a handful of choices that leave a moveset iffy at best, and I think Phanpy was one of them.
okay, well, still, i just want make point of the fact that it's specific to a different way of thinking about them relative to pmd and not in a way that is usually the impetus for this sort of thing, which is the typical 'oh they're small so that means they're weak, which is why i'm dying so much, so i need to evolve' (i am guilty of having thought this way myself in the past)
it's these sorts of logical fallacies that people assume that inherently colors the rest of the game and it leads to people making grave mistakes in the end because they end up thinking about it wrong and then end up failing more often as a result, so then you get complaints that are the result of a bunch of poor assumptions that dig one deep into the hole as they're further justified with nonsense until it's inconsolable.
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As someone who's most familiar with the Explorers games in the PMD series, the way I see evolution in these games is an optional level of closure to a long chapter for your characters, primarily because (since these are games for deprecated consoles with heavy graphical limitations) the Mystery Dungeon games don't do a great job of showing any other kind of physical, visual character progression.
It nails the mechanical, with personalizing your movesets to your playstyle, while keeping you strong even in your base forms. And it definitely does a good enough job on the narrative level of progression, considering we're all here talking about these games. The only visual progression your Team gets in the Explorers games, before you unlock evolution, is the PNG of a badge icon in the menu when you're not in a dungeon, which honestly serves a more mechanical progression function than anything else, with increased storage space.
While I'm not a fan of Ninetales' overworld sprite in EoS, nor am I a fan of the botched sleeping animations and lack of portrait emotions you get when you do evolve (though apparently that can be fixed with SkyTemple nowadays), I'm still going to evolve them, because I went through trials and tribulations to save the world two times over, resolved every character arc between me and my partner in the game's plot, and at the tail end of it all, I witness Teddiursa go out of their way to seek evolution once it's available, and grow, as a character, into their new form as I approach the climax of the postgame plot.

TL;DR: visual character progression is good in RPGs, it makes my brain do the good chemicals when the story is done, and ultimately provides a complete experience (i would argue) for most players
This anon gets it.
I'm always torn between evolving my team for the sense of growth and closure and keeping them how they are because I've grown attached to them in their unevolved forms.
was meant for

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