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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56835369 (>>56835369)

PMD Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog (Down at the Moment): https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/aby499w7r8
Mobile Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/5vnh78xub_
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

>What is your most commonly hoarded item that may seem less important to others?
>When you first played playing RT, EoS. or Super, did you cheat the quiz (or re-pick) to get the starter you want or did you go with what the game gave you?
>For your most hated PMD game, what is the one thing you enjoyed about it (if any)?
>Do you think the diet of Pokémon in the PMD world only consists of berries and fruit. If not, what do you think they eat, and does it vary by species?
Recap of the previous thread:
>Espeon-anon released Crusader’s Intermission Hour (https://rentry.org/CrusaderIntermission1)
>Reuni-anon published Two Step, chapter 1 of his new story (https://rentry.org/cc1textonly)
>Drawboard #45 finished
>Some neat art was posted, Talks about moves in EoS, and Discussion about the shortcomings of EoS and RT
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posting again in this thread

Okay, are evolution stones in EoS normally this hard to get a hold of legit? I've been grinding Mystifying Forest and Midnight Forest for Kecleon shops on odd-numbered floors for a Fire Stone, pretty much since I finished the post-game story the other day and just about every single one has had a Sun Stone and a King's Rock instead of a Fire Stone for my partner. Also I don't have Lake Afar yet because its locked behind Recycling and I don't want to get anything other than Prism Tickets.
>>What is your most commonly hoarded item that may seem less important to others?
I hoard the fuck out of X-Eye seeds. they're too useful
>>When you first played playing RT, EoS. or Super, did you cheat the quiz (or re-pick) to get the starter you want or did you go with what the game gave you?
i played eot first and i thought repeatedly answering honestly would get what i wanted. i ended up getting one of the three choices in the end.
with rt and future explorers playthroughs i rigged the quiz. with super i just chose what i wanted, quiz be damned
>>For your most hated PMD game, what is the one thing you enjoyed about it (if any)?
i do like how paradise is a giant friend area
>>Do you think the diet of Pokémon in the PMD world only consists of berries and fruit. If not, what do you think they eat, and does it vary by species?
there's grains if you take the models seriously, plus there's confectionery
i don't like to think it varies by species given that the genericism of gameplay is a thing
>Do you think the diet of Pokémon in the PMD world only consists of berries and fruit. If not, what do you think they eat, and does it vary by species?

The PMD diet is most likely vegetarian with both fruits, nuts, and vegetables of all kinds being able to sustain their biology to avoid the morally adverse and edgy issue of cannibalism. There's several pokemon species that allude to the idea of regenerative biology that can provide footstuffs too. Given the mainline games treat Pokemon as being able to eat similar food across species AND recieve similar medical treatment too, I think there's a level of ubiquity there besides some edge cases like pokemon who subsist off raw electrical energy or abstract concepts like dreams and emotions.
tsmt I have to do like 3 Google searches minimum to find out shit for food whenever I write
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Reposting this at the request of frens
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so I'm grinding for this damn Fire Stone in Midnight Forest and I just learned that if you pay for Mime Jr's Spa from the secret bazaar, having an evasiveness buff, like holding the Detect Band, can cause it to miss

In other news this grind is so ass, I'm going to beat Kecleon to death with a rock
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>I just learned that if you pay for Mime Jr's Spa from the secret bazaar, having an evasiveness buff, like holding the Detect Band, can cause it to miss
I've had it happen to me, yep.
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I have a fire stone if you want to rescue me from world abyss
I got it like 4 floors after I types that post complaining about it, but thanks for the offer.

Now I'm faced with a different dilemma... why does she look like that? she's so damn smol lmao
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What is it a reference to? Their pose I mean
It’s skyrim
>he evolved
enjoy your negligible stat gain
>top left corner
what plushie are you hiding from us, anon?
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I'm already roleplaying as a sapient animal in this game, I don't also need to roleplay as a child
>evolving your starters
I no longer care about your posts.
Evolving is cool don't apologize
Your logic is reductive and incorrect.
I'm just giving you a hard time. Personally I was always a big fan of the "little guys tackling dungeons" aspect of the games, which is why I'm anti-evolving.
Evolving your starters is the best part of every post game, if you turn your nose at it then you've lost the childlike joy of looking cooler and perhaps Pokemon games are no longer for you
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Actually, evolving in Rescue Team was what made me hate evolving to begin with.
I spent the whole game wondering when Totodile could evolve, excitedly did it, and after I did? Not only was I no stronger, but the wakeup animation had less frames, there were no portraits anymore, and Feraligatr's sprite was much worse.
You don't get any stronger by evolving in PMD. At best you get minimal stat gains that could have been gained from a couple dungeon runs for stat up items. And in exchange, you get significantly worse overworld animations, and, depending on the starter, lose your character portrait. You also lose out on the underdog feeling of a small Pokemon taking on godlike beings. A Turtwig defeating Dialga is significantly more impactful than a Torterra defeating Dialga.
There is almost no benefit to evolving unless you went with blatant furfag picks like Eevee or Riolu, in which case there was no saving your shit taste anyway.
yeah, the evolving thing comes from being unable to shed main series logistics. people, evolving is an aesthetic choice in these games, you're doing it to roleplay, not because the pokemon are inherently shit at base level

unfortunately with it so ingrained societally it makes these things much harder
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>the wakeup animation had less frames, there were no portraits anymore, and Feraligatr's sprite was much worse.
it's my understanding that (at least for the Explorers games) we now have the tools to fix these grave mistakes, and whatever's possible now will likely only get better with time
Normally I agree not to evolve starters, but unfortunately some Pokemon are painfully underpowered without evolving, such as Phanpy.
are we discussing moveset because i don't think one quite understands the mechanics.
there is no 'base stats' system. pokemon are not inherently weaker just because they're smaller. it'll take longer to raise their stats because you'll need to use items (drinks n shit), but at minimum, a base stage with a second stage that shares the same typing will functionally exhibit the same mechanism as one another.

you're only evolving because of aesthetics, roleplaying or a different type, or a different set of moves. to just imply that the pokemon is weak without clarifying leads to the default assumption that people fall into as a trap wherein the pokemon is functionally useless because of an underlying system that plagues a game system you're not even playing with
I was speaking about moveset.
Most actual starters are just fine, barring a few exceptions that might depend on an inherited type such as Torchic, but they can get by just fine. It's when the selection starts to venture out beyond traditional starters that moveset potential starts to become questionable. Now, it's been a while since I played Explorers, but I distinctly remember a handful of choices that leave a moveset iffy at best, and I think Phanpy was one of them.
okay, well, still, i just want make point of the fact that it's specific to a different way of thinking about them relative to pmd and not in a way that is usually the impetus for this sort of thing, which is the typical 'oh they're small so that means they're weak, which is why i'm dying so much, so i need to evolve' (i am guilty of having thought this way myself in the past)
it's these sorts of logical fallacies that people assume that inherently colors the rest of the game and it leads to people making grave mistakes in the end because they end up thinking about it wrong and then end up failing more often as a result, so then you get complaints that are the result of a bunch of poor assumptions that dig one deep into the hole as they're further justified with nonsense until it's inconsolable.
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As someone who's most familiar with the Explorers games in the PMD series, the way I see evolution in these games is an optional level of closure to a long chapter for your characters, primarily because (since these are games for deprecated consoles with heavy graphical limitations) the Mystery Dungeon games don't do a great job of showing any other kind of physical, visual character progression.
It nails the mechanical, with personalizing your movesets to your playstyle, while keeping you strong even in your base forms. And it definitely does a good enough job on the narrative level of progression, considering we're all here talking about these games. The only visual progression your Team gets in the Explorers games, before you unlock evolution, is the PNG of a badge icon in the menu when you're not in a dungeon, which honestly serves a more mechanical progression function than anything else, with increased storage space.
While I'm not a fan of Ninetales' overworld sprite in EoS, nor am I a fan of the botched sleeping animations and lack of portrait emotions you get when you do evolve (though apparently that can be fixed with SkyTemple nowadays), I'm still going to evolve them, because I went through trials and tribulations to save the world two times over, resolved every character arc between me and my partner in the game's plot, and at the tail end of it all, I witness Teddiursa go out of their way to seek evolution once it's available, and grow, as a character, into their new form as I approach the climax of the postgame plot.

TL;DR: visual character progression is good in RPGs, it makes my brain do the good chemicals when the story is done, and ultimately provides a complete experience (i would argue) for most players
This anon gets it.
I'm always torn between evolving my team for the sense of growth and closure and keeping them how they are because I've grown attached to them in their unevolved forms.
was meant for
I dont wanna be that guy but try not to post too many portraits with your posts, jannies might get uppity over avatarfagging
Thanks for understanding. Almost the whole game (at least in Explorers) is about your wimp of a partner growing as a character due to your presence, with you developing alongside them.
That's why I found it odd in the last thread when I tried setting the partner as the leader for Dark Crater and they said that the player has always been the leader and that they're not confident to take charge by now. It definitely comes across as a cop-out for mechanical reasons.

Yeah hypothetically it should be a good system but in practice they just keep fucking it up. The only actual benefit I can see is an expanded move list that is usually not that big a deal anyways
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dont open this
>Nobody’s drawn the Clover Guild as this yet
We must do better.
IAScario...i kneel...
Who are all these redditor Pokemon?
misfits <3
the amount of pokemon that are in the guild and in this picture has increased again, I'm scared
why is there a cat arceus
What do elixirs taste like?
It's somewhat thick, more of a smoothie than a juice, but not too hard to drink all in one go.
The best ones have a vaguely neutral taste that's both somewhat apple-like, but at the same time distinctly not. But depending on the sort of Leppa Berries used in the creation, it can taste sweeter or tarter than that. Or even strongly bitter if the some of the herbs used aren't dissolved properly.
don't question the SOVL, chudcel
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Genuine question, and to preface, I don't like being mean for no reason, but what the actual hell is this? It's hardly even identifiable at a first glance, whatever it's supposed to be.
Looks like an Umbreon that fell in a cotton candy machine.
Originally I assumed he drew his friend's Pokemon OCs, but I think the truth is that the artist made a bunch of non-Pokemon OCs, and he drew them as Pokemon here.

How would that work? If we drew our own version of this, it wouldn't look like a reference to this. It would just be everyone posing like the Super boxart.
>How would that work?
I think it would be fun to see satirical, bad sparkledog OC versions of /pmdg/ characters. It doesn't have to be in the style/posing of the Super boxart.

Just like
>Serpes and Jung with hair for some reason
>obnoxious amount of accessories
>weird colour schemes
I'm about to replay sky and was looking through the IQ groups. Isn't G kind of absurdly better than the others?
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I drew some guildmons taking a break as they explore a forest.

It's always cool to see traditional art. Nice work. Torchic looks cute here.

>What is your most commonly hoarded item that may seem less important to others?
I always keep plenty of Pecha Berries because poison is annoying.
>When you first played playing RT, EoS. or Super, did you cheat the quiz (or re-pick) to get the starter you want or did you go with what the game gave you?
The first time, I re-picked. Since then, I stick with what the quiz gives me.
>For your most hated PMD game, what is the one thing you enjoyed about it (if any)?
I don't hate any PMD game. I might like RT the least because its story is simpler than the others, but the Fugitive Arc was kino.
>Do you think the diet of Pokémon in the PMD world only consists of berries and fruit. If not, what do you think they eat, and does it vary by species?
Funny you should ask--this topic comes up in a story I'm working on. I definitely don't believe Pokemon just eat fruit. They'd eat things similar to what their IRL animal counterparts would eat (assuming they have an IRL counterpart).
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>can see map
>can see general placement of stairs
>never triggers hidden traps
>2 hit default attack
You bet your ass it's the best. Ain't like those plebs in Group E with their 1 good skill followed by nothing but trash.
Just eyeballing it it looks like to get basically everything that matters you want G, H, then maybe C but basically anything outside of G I would consider lower priority in the first place
The final 2 groups are a meme since they're legendary only, and i dont even think Palkia's group gets Trap Seer to begin with.
Has anyone here used the Sky Editor for Super? I am trying to create a mod that replaces one of the starters with a different evolution line. Both the patched 3DS file and the CIA file fail to run on both Citra and Lime3DS. They both get to the initial loading screen then crash. I also tried using a batch CIA/3DS decryptor on these files but it did not improve my situation. I do not know what else to do.
Serpes would NEVER do this. Clearly you don't pay a LICK of attention to Clover Guild lore.

A Team Plasma grunt that would enter the PMD world that's enough of an OC to both travel to Sinnoh AND deal with your fetish is, of course, THE main character and will, of course, have THE biggest hair tuft known to Pokékind.

Serpes would never meet this "trainer" because any attempt to enter Clover will be met with Lliam (PBUH) who, upon dectenting via Psychic the sheer stupidity coming from this new Pokémon and having his fears confirmed by the OC hair tuft, would instantly wipe your deranged fantasy out of existence.

In short, no, the guild would NOT promote Serps since he and Mustel would just be relaxing while Lliam (PBUH) ensures the guild remains wholesome for the Second Coming of Arcrus.
I'm not disgusted by the Cynthia vore nearly as much as I am disgusted by the roleplaying
stop replying to bait, it's being disingenuous.
i haven't but then a lot of mystery dungeon editors haven't been fixed in years. there's that save editor for the ds games that has a minor bug that being anything with a question mark in its name turns to a tilde and it fucks up displays of the names. guy's obviously abandoned it too.

most people aren't interested in digging in the 3ds games either since sky has all the attention both in the fandom and in the hacking scene. explorers is virtually its own fandom
are you running it on an actual 3ds? if so it's probably the camera crashing the game, as Super pulls up the 3ds camera on the title screen for the first time and it can cause the game to crash. If it's doing that you could always get to the first save point on Citra on PC then move your save file to your 3ds
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Team tasty
one ticket to boner land!
I’m not playing on an actual 3DS but I will try creating a save file on an unpatched game then patch and see if that helps.
So that's why he didn't eat him
Didn’t work
It just crashes at a different point instead
Oh, no. He ate him alright.

And it was the best sex of his life.
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Okay I actually got it to work
For anyone who is curious
The guide I was using said in order to get the starter mod working correctly using Sky Editor, I also needed to install something called a Portrait and Model mod as well. The game was crashing so I tried creating a patch with just the starter mod. And the game runs normally now. Now my favorite starter is a starter again. The only downside is using this mod I am unable to change my name or my partners name, so we just are named Pikachu and Skitty.
So basically, it was either or both the model/portrait mod that was crashing the game, not the starter mod.
ok then
"So that's why he didn't vore him"
Can't you change your protag/partner names on the title screen?
Does this cause crashes when your character uses different portrait poses? Might actually swap my starter to Mareep if not.
I once did a Wooper/Mareep run ages ago. The portraits just look like this for all the nondefaults. This was on hardware, for the record.
Among my many reasons for disliking super, the fact that I can't play as an eevee or mod it in is the biggest problem
Even when you get starters working, the way evolving multiforms works in Super means protag Eevee will always be Vaporeon.
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Looks like you can
I'm not having any issues with portraits or models
Vaporeon bias?
>Vaporeon bias?
I'm pretty sure it's because Vaporeon is first in dex order.
Ralts was once considered for a vanilla starter as well, but got cut due to the split evo.
I don't like the control scheme for this game. Why do you have to hold down L just to toggle off the move list?
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Makuhita and Asana draw closer to their destination, but they encounter a roadblock. Will they make it through safely, or will they succumb to the obstacle in their path?
Guys, can my OC join the Guild?
I'll share some quick thoughts on stories I've read. These are all just my opinions, but I hope people find the feedback helpful.

"An Overelming Week" Chapter 6, by Elm-anon
Very well-written, with good comedic scenes and cool art. I enjoyed seeing Elm's thought processes, though sometimes his thoughts dragged on too long. Still, it was neat to follow his progress.

"Today's Forecast: Sunny!" by Nido-Anon
I think your writing has improved overall. I feel like the protagonist possibly adapted too quickly to his new situation, and the plot and climax weren't particularly interesting--but then again, there's nothing inherently wrong with a chill story like this. I hope to see this new character again.

"Opportunity" Chapter 2, by Buizel-anon
The plot felt sort of bland, because while some bits of info were revealed, nothing really important happened. However, I liked how you wrote the characters' personalities/interactions and the scenery. The grammar was cleaner compared to the last chapter, too.

"A Star is Reborn" by Minior-anon
I enjoyed the dream sequence, and I liked Alex--more than Rocky, actually. Rocky felt like he was too slow and oblivious during the scene where they met each other, but Alex was written well. I'm curious to read more, and see how Rocky handles having such a weird body.

"A Maiden’s Quest for Love and Paper" by Swadloon-anon
Good story. There were small grammar mistakes like missing words and changing tense, but the story was enjoyable to read, and pretty funny. I liked how you portrayed the main character. Her arrogance and quirks were fun.
Do people even care about that game anymore?
you would be surprised/disappointed depending on your pre-existing stance
Normalize is weird. What would a normal type blizzard look like?
Now draw their child
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Divine inspiration struck.
holy cr*p is that kiyo
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Since devolution orbs exist, do you believe devolution is used as a punishment in PMD? I think there was a Chespin story where devolution was used to punish a bad guy, but it was a vigilante thing instead of official justice.
Also, do you think devolution orbs are permanent? I can ask the same thing about itemizer orbs too. Seems like Clover Guild stories treat devolution orbs as permanent, at least.
Sometimes less evolved forms would be much more practical for everyday life, even if they're worse at fighting. If someone could keep moves from their more evolved form it would be the best of both worlds
As far as being a punishment, I don't see why not, but pokemon don't really seem to have issues evolving off screen anyway
Sometimes smaller is cozier so it might not be unheard of to intentionally devolve.
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From Team Cozy’s Enter the Federation
Drawing a bit from each story will no doubt help me remember everybody.
This was fun! I love the fish out of water, like trope of introducing a character to something they’ve never seen before. So the part where they all shared a soda was very sweet to me.
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>the wooper face
Alternate ending for team cozy etf
>It was a diet coke
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After a long 7-month hiatus, my ongoing story "Learning to Fly" has returned. Booker's quest continues, but this time, he's experiencing some unsettling changes.

I'm sorry that this story has been moving so slowly, but I intend to finish the next 3 chapters and complete the "first arc" by the end of the year.

Thanks to KFC-anon for reviewing my draft. I hope you all like the chapter.

https://rentry.org/RibombeeFly7 (current chapter)
https://rentry.org/RibombeeFly (story's main page)
Generally most games don't have half as much of a hacking scene as the 3D PMD games.
I fucking adore that little poncho. Ponchos are objectively good on every pokemon and you cannot prove me wrong
I don't want to! They're great.
no, sure, but relative to why there're so many romhacks of explorers or whatnot, the 3ds games leave a lot to be desired in that space
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Yeah fair.
It's just because the tools are shit and people don't like the artstyle as much. Also pixel art is easier to work with than 3D when people just want to make their own original hacks
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EoS Shinx+Vulpix guy from earlier, here. Looked through the Clover Guild stuff and I'm considering writing something for it, something to do with picrel.
Not sure how long it would take or if I'll do it at all, but I'd like to know when this fan timeline stands in comparison to the events of the games since it takes place in the same world and contains some of the same characters from the looks of things, and they weren't mentioned on the timeline reference pic.
If there's no clear answer, then some frame of reference, or reading material homework would be appreciated.
It's heavily implied to take place some years after Sky and RT, but Wigglytuff's Guild still exists.
The easiest answer answer is "within one Chatlot-lifetime of Explorers (probably afterwards)."
The slightly harder answer is "we don't actually know, and have kind of been dancing around that."
The joke answer is that it's all a prologue for Gates to Infinity.
Alright, good to know. Also I've only played RT and EoS in full. I started Super some time ago, but never finished it, and only ever played the demo of GTI. Do you recommend I play those to get a better sense of the PMD world and where post-Gen-4 Pokemon might stand in it?

I know Super has the Connections thing instead of something like the Assembly or Friend Zones, and it seemed like each connection was a specific individual Pokemon, so I thought there might be behavioral traits to glean from those, am I getting that right, and if so, do you think it's worth revisiting Super for that?
Clover Guild takes place during the initial summoning of humans by Hydreigon, Clover humans are the lucky few who didn’t wind up on the Mist Continent and thus didn’t get murdered instantly. Gates hero has yet to show and Mist is considered a hostile racist shit hole.
I made it up.
>We didn’t all agree to thi-
It was unanimously agreed upon in my head.
About all there is to get from the later games are that Frisms exist basically icy relics that can record messages and play them when warmed up and the different continents.
Yeah, there's not all that much to be gained from the connection orb, to be honest.
Alright, guess I'll find time to watch some shmuck's playthrough of Gates and Super in that case. Thanks for the help!
The secret truth behind Clover's agreed upon canon is there isn't one and you'll be hard pressed to find one. I write my stuff avoiding or ignoring events that'd prove impossible to sanitize or tie in without causing more problems. Canon is what you make it and every author's work is their own reflection at this point.
It's "When the Watchog is sus"
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golett is a cool design
I don't remember this specifically, but I remember having a distinct hatred of the Watchog back when I played Super. I guess it was because it's fucking disgusting.

>Skitty partner
Absolutely based and superior choice. Pikachu is meh, but I picked Pikachu partner in Blue Rescue, so I can't talk.
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there's no real canon but it's somewhere around EoS
the timeline is extremely loose and only the early stories were put on that timeline (which was heavily influenced by Gathering, Ross' arrival for some reason, and Enter the Federation)
there's no specific events that mark the canon in singular stories but rather the collaborative writing ones. Some stories reference things that happen in others such as the fire at Apple Woods that was pretty important or the jobs of various mons in the guild like Beast, Toge, etc.
The timeline goes something like Prologue->the Gathering->early guild, which was in Treasure Town with members in Wigglytuff's guild but eventually moved to Capim after Gathering (which DID happen, because Apple Woods burnt down when team misfits, Lliam, Skiddo, etc were in Wigglytuff's guild)->pre-ETF guild in Capim Town->ETF->(gap where most stories happen)->Halloween? Idk, don't really know about the project's anniversary either->Summer Festival, which is around a whole year after Gathering->current time, though obviously you can just write a story in whatever time you want as long as it doesn't reference future events.
I could keep going for a while but eh, you guys should really update that lore page
I am fully in support of this idea
>Nobody mentioning Tybo's Mt Freeze Adventure
Fake fans
Alright, thanks for the further clarification or lack of clarification? lol
I'll try to not tie what I write too heavily to one event or time period or something until I get a better feel for a collaborative writing project like this.

Gave that a quick read and I think I get the idea. I'm gonna loosely assume that most of these stories take place some undefined time after Explorers and the notable events of Team Poképals, or whatever their stand-in is called, which would work for what I wanted to write, since I think it would be tied to Aegis Cave and the Concealed Ruins.
To be honest, I wish that anon consulted with other anons before making that story, since it placed the Clover Guild in a concrete spot on the timeline, but nobody agreed to it
Archives updated.
It's definitely not been a problem for us. I don't think Rescue Team taking place two years before the founding of Clover Guild has affected a single story so far. Giving Clover Guild a basic timeline, even one as simple as "the games took place a couple years ago" would be very helpful.
Also, Team Buckler wouldn't be a thing if it weren't for Tybo establishing who the Rescue Team protagonists were.
More importantly than all my rambling though, the Tybo story is funny. It parodied the fugitive arc pretty well from the perspective of an outsider

We really do have to consider when Explorers took place though because the whole Temporal Tower situation would be a pretty important part of the Grass Continent's history. Especially if it was recent. It's said to have been part of the reason for so many new Mystery Dungeons cropping up, and it was also the only time in known history that someone had stolen time gears.
I ultimately assume Clover takes place in a timeline where none of the games took place because if they did, it'd dramatically change what asserted events exist. I am probably wrong but the weak clarifications don't help. I could be literally just writing a AO3 story at this point, but it'd lack the SOUL of other anons charcter's having involvement.

I wish I wrote more to solidify my ideas but my depression is stronger than I.
the gathering takes place in capim. easiest to say that team misfits arrived first and worked with wigglytuff before the gathering took place.
>phanpy-anon in treasure town took place before the gathering
For fuck's sake, how many of you are actually reading these stories?
Coming soon to 2026:
The Clover Guild reboot once Gen 10 hit and we're still coping for a new PMD game!

With features like:
An actual lore guideline!
New shitty injokes that stop being funny after the first week!
The canon description of Cyndaquil's penis!
And more!
By your initial post I assumed you meant the guild was in treasure town and not just a few members.

>For fuck's sake, how many of you are actually reading these stories?
I read these 18 months go. I was more focused on making a working timeline.
This is unironically a good time block to slap it in; modern enough for the world to have set up basic letter communications and ferry services between all the continents, but not modern enough to have shit like the Connection Orb. The Bittercold technically shoring up power in Glacier Palace like Sauron in the Hobbit also fits in very well with how most of us write some of the Town NPCs and even some prickly inter-Guild relations; tensions are rising subtly and slowly.
The backdrop of the humans being dropped in is perfect for the Clover humons, and the world scrambling to set a human and a partner up into a place ready to take on a threat it’s never seen before explains why it’s been desperately pulling randoms from the human world and not properly setting up the first meeting. This is a great place to set it in; it’s vague enough of a timeframe for creative freedom but with enough detail to guide your hand.
I'd rather have the Clover Guild take place after all the events of the games so people can reference them, if they so wish.

>Connection Orb
Chalk it up to niche ancient tech that cant be recreated.
Yeah I highly doubt they're giving niche ancient tech to two little kids in a random village for the lulz
They send out children into dungeons without ever considering the consequences because they assume they'll be always saved by the power of their badges if anything goes horribly wrong.

I think handing off magitek devices of unknown purpose is par for the course.
Assuming it's niche ancient tech would mean that it's in pretty limited supply. Who's to say these random village kids won't just drop it in a random dungeon and lose it forever? It's pretty fuckin' clear they do not view these connection orbs like they're anything near as valuable or rare as you're suggesting
>not modern enough to have shit like the Connection Orb
The Connection Orb is a huge outlier compared to PMD's overall tech level. I don't know what to make of it, but I don't really believe it's modern tech. I bet it's from an ancient advanced civilization.
>The Bittercold shoring up power fits in very well with how tensions are rising subtly and slowly
I dunno if that's necessary. Conflict, hate, and tensions exist even without some evil snowflake controlling everything behind the scenes. But it could be interesting to tie the Guild into GTI.
>the world scrambling to set a human and a partner up into a place ready to take on a threat it’s never seen before
Part of me does like the idea of having some sort of overarching threat to explain why a ridiculous number of humans are showing up in the same place at the same time. The rifts could've tied into that, with dungeons becoming more unstable and a bigger threat, but after Enter the Federation, I think everyone just dropped the idea of rifts. And the problem with having a central antagonist or specific plot structure for the collab's story is that everyone would need to agree to steer things in this direction and write around it.
I would like to see rifts get brought back up. It would be an interesting part of the world to touch on. It wouldn't even have to affect the rest of the guild. The rifts already exist, you'd just have some characters looking into why they're happening
Mustel and Serpes deal with a never before seen dungeon anomaly in their latest chapter prior to the summer story. I'm wondering if I should just write a spoiler cliffnote bible for their stuff since I'm beginning to dread that I'm never going to actually get back to properly writing their tale at this point.
>Clover humans are the lucky few who didn’t wind up on the Mist Continent and thus didn’t get murdered instantly
Wait does this actually happen in Gates
Clover lore does exist, it's just not documented in an easily accessible way. EtF, Tybo's intro, Team Buckler's intro, the blaziken tribe, guide to aura, Mustel and Serpes's dungeon anomaly. There are probably plenty of other events in stories you could point to. People who are new to the guild always ask questions about what the world is like and we always just say "nothing too crazy" without mentioning some of the crazy shit that has already happened.

I'm not saying we need a massive story that piles everything together and turns Clover Guild into another faggoty pmd fan project with a scope the size of the moon. We just need to keep track of the few things we are adding to the world so it doesn't get completely out of hand. We have some small issues of stories contradicting each other already and if you think ignoring it will solve the problem, you're no better than any of the other fanfiction authors you claim to hate.
Who’s gonna reference Super or Gates? Nobody likes those games.
Just got done meeting with the other admins in the discord, we’ve decided to put the setting into Chespin’s head. This is all just an elaborate fever dream and none of the characters exist.
It was all a dying coma dream following a severe hay allergy.
i guess you could say i've got hay fever
>Explorers was 1000 years ago and the rifts are aftershocks from those events.

Done. EOS existed but is considered mythology so Clover being on Grass isn't reasonably affected, but the rifts are still related to it. Enough for plausible in-universe theories but nothing concrete to force strict adherence.
>Chatot and Wigglytuff are over a thousand years old
Yeah, I expect this creative genius from someone who uses tumblr
More like gay fever
hay ass nigga!
>saying the n-word on a blue board
you're right....jannies, i'm turning myself in....
This shit is why I militantly ignore everyone's attempts to unfuck the timelines. It makes me realize no one fucking reads anything to begin with so it's just going to get incrementally worse with time until it's Axe Cop-tier.
nobody ever reads
I don't like this defeatist attitude we have towards the clover timeline. We can just acknowledge that the events of Explorers happened a few years ago the same way the events of Rescue Team happened a few years ago. It's not a stretch by any means. The world's recovered since then
just saying but nobody offered a better solution than the one anon talking about putting it in the early pre-gates time slot
Haha... why would anyone use those games as a basis for their stories ahaha. Don't mind the sound of the paper shredder and loud sobbing.
I honestly don't hate that idea specifically. Would just make referencing Gates and Super weirder, but it would at least make things interesting

Other obvious option would just be to set all the games in the past. Explorers and Rescue Team already definitely happened somewhat recently but Gates and Super could've occurred earlier. Could just blow off the connection orb as some specific tech the Expedition Society made and only they use. We all seem to agree connection orbs are retarded anyways

Last alternative I can think of would be to just retcon every reference to the game lore. Have Tybo-anon rewrite his intro, rewrite Team Buckler's intro, remove literally any events that specifically happen in the games. Basically just fuck over 10% of the stories on the rentry. I don't think I need to explain why this is a terrible idea

Regardless, we do need to address this very basic part of the world. Over a year and a half and we're still pretending it isn't important.

And I'm still gonna suggest we just add a simple timeline of events to the quick lore reference. Not every story listed in chronological order. Just the events that actually affect the world. Tybo's intro, the gathering, EtF's rifts etc. It will help in the long term
I write what I enjoy writing and I certainly don't enjoy the idea of everybody dying a horrible death because "muh not the gates protag"
Plus I had stuff that talked about Gates in the past-tense in stories. I work under the idea of "the games happened, but at least 5-10 years ago, if not more."
for all intents and purposes it's not like even the game remembers this plot point for anything relevant that isn't contrived as fuck. it's fanfiction anyway, deviations should be expected
and that goes for any of them, really. a canon-adjacent timeline isn't gonna be that off-putting where the games all 'vaguely' happened and there's nothing else to it
I don't think it matters since everyone pretty much hyper fixates off like a handful of specific creators and everyone is HORRIBLY adverse to letting anyone write narrative-shaking events even if those people critical of it have been sitting on their hands forever. Not to mention there's a clear air of passive aggressiveness towards certain aspects of what people do in what was supposed to be a no holds bar collab established with no real rules outside of no legendary OCs, and we already blew that too. This weird collab cold war makes it no wonder nothing about this has been established.
I don't think any of the games were supposed to take place in a timeline to begin with. Each PMD game was supposed to be its own isolated fable until Super shat the bed.
Admittedly it would be kind of funny if the Clover Guild just ended because everyone got killed off
The only deserving ending for a congregation of rude, bigoted, perverted, unrepentant, and insufferable bunch of losers.

But enough about this website.
you aren't allowed to like 4chan on 4chan
Y'know, everybody says this, but then you read the stories and pretty much every named character is actually a relatively normal dude. Where are all these nameless rude, bigoted, perverted, unrepentant, insufferable losers coming from?
I think all the throwaway background guild members are treated as terminally online lovers. The only characters I can think of as insufferable are more complex than they seem on the outside and at least have some reasoning behind their awful tendencies.
>terminally online lovers

I've been betrayed by phoneposting and autocorrect.
Guild orgy night is real....
Enny and Cyndaquil are just that malignant.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, implied that spoiler would happen, in fact the opposite was stated.
Swadloon and Pika are both fujos
Chespin and Cider are both racist
Cyndaquil and Enny are both degenerates
Adrian is the trans representative of the guild

We really just need more of these kinds of losers in the guild. People are too afraid to write homophobes though

Autocorrect never betrays me (pic related)
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>Adrian is the trans representative of the guild
Enny successfully groomed him
>The games happened 5-10 years ago
This is fine for the rest of the games. Rescue Team is the only one that was already established. This would help explain why Lliam referred to Rescue Team as an actual event and Explorers as more of a legend in The Gathering
>Chespin and Cider are both racist
kek and I’m also pretty sure Cider is the equivalent of an pokemon anti semite
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>it would be kind of funny if the Clover Guild just ended because everyone got killed off
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>People are too afraid to write homophobes though
Considering the demographic of CG, I get it, for better or worse.
Compounded by half the females being fujos to some extent.
wasn't there a boomer or something character that called everyone a faggot?
Ches and Cider hatefucking on a straw bed under cotton covers!
Man... Not even this could start a conversation...
Ches Cider and Gus in a love triangle! Who wins the Cider bowl?!
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>Absolutely nothing about PMD in the gigaleak
I wasn't expecting anything big since it was a GF leak, but I imagined there would be at least a mention of the series in some of the leaked e-mails/docs.
Goes to show how little they give a fuck about us
Part of me is glad there was nothing. If there was a cancelled game after Super that was supposed to be a return to form, that would have sucked.
No news is good news. I do hope Explorers gets a DX-like remake though.
do gamefreak even have anything to do with PMD aside from giving chunsoft the license?
Fans are already working on it. At this point we just gotta fend for ourselves
>I do hope Explorers gets a DX-like remake though.
I love remakesloppa too, hope they price it at 90 bucks to allow me to show how happy I would be to play a game I already played. I heckin love Nintendo, bros!
You mean, like, DS romhacking? If so, cool. Can't wait.

Probably just higher-ups from GF overseeing production and making sure everything was (mostly) in-line with the rest of the franchise.

I can emulate a game for the Switch and still appreciate that it's a good game. BDSP was slop because it was an outsourced cashgrab with lifted code from the original games. RTDX was an in-house cashgrab that was well made, and I didn't need to pay for either in any way.
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Went back and retconned Team Eevee's Prelude 1 and 2, combining them into a single story called Doldrums (https://rentry.org/cloverdoldrums). Changes include:
>The feral Ariados that could speak is now instead a sentient cannibalistic Ariados.
>Ferals are now (mostly) apparitions instead of actual Pokemon.
>Starmie's speech changed color so it's more distinguishable.
>Team StarGar (what was I thinking?) is now team TwinStar.

Really, if you've already read it there's no need to go back; just wanted to make sure the stories were properly aligned with how Clover operates and touch them up a bit.

As for picrel, the next story on Team Eevee's journey to the Clover Guild, Team TwinStar, is out: (https://rentry.org/CloverTwinStar).
I hope y'all enjoy.

Also, thank you to Petal-Purr and Vee for your kind words and encouragement about my initial "drawings." I don't think I would've gone through to make art if not for your encouragement :)
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While they aren't directly involved, stuff like Lucario appearing in PMD before the mainline games makes me think that they aren't completely isolated from each other (or at least used to not be).
Whoops, went back in to include some music.

Also, Doldrums and Team TwinStar are ~6.8k and ~8.3k words, respectively. As for the old Prelude stories, they can be left alone for posterity's sake or removed, whichever the Clover Rentry owner prefers!
we found out that the lore they used for kyurem in gates didn't come from nowhere, so there's that
Elaborate or I’ll castrate you.
its capacity to 'see the future' was included in lore documents for the pokemon for black and white. meaning chunsoft didn't make it up because it was something game freak gave them beforehand
Castrate me daddy
weren't her glasses red in some drawings?
Referring to this project
Oh damn, had no idea about this. I'll keep an ear open. Thanks.
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I fucking hate this porn artist. Nothing they've ever drawn has been funny and their characters look awful
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>Relying on this guy to ever finish a project with gigantic scope
Finally, someone with the courage to speak the truth
>Nothing they've ever drawn has been funny
I have to wonder what it is that compels people to do this, like, I feel like the answer should be obvious but, it's just so everpresent in anywhere outside and it's hard to find any 'genuine' stuff about this
i feel like it's a lot of things but i can't really word it
irony is one thing but even that feels too surface-level for me
holy fucking kek
God, it is so fucking over. We are never moving past hacking Explorers
it's, completely genuinely and unironically, trying too hard
To be honest, anything related to the Switch right now seems very flimsy what with the emulators getting taken down and some of the developments in the Palworld Lawsuit. DS stuff is probably permanently safe. I'm sure there'll be a breakthrough eventually.
i don't really know, a feebler attempt at trying to glean why things happen the way they do
it may or may not be relevant to discussions about this sub-franchise i guess
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What melody is this using, anyway?
Still funnier and better looking than awful /vp/ comics
The /pmdg/ ones are okay but the other ones are terrible
What /vp/ comics are you referring to?
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booker's needle sword is pure kino
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Awesome art! Thanks for drawing that.

I still plan to make Stinger canon... someday... eventually...
I will take the unfunny bullshit we post here every fucking day over the 500th joke about Dusknoir fucking Grovyle in the ass. Special Episode 5 was a mistake
He should respond with a picture of a physical copy and the court rulings protecting "personal backups". Even if he doesn't have a real physical copy of his own. Automated DMCA trawling really, REALLY needs to get pushback whenever possible, because false claims are themselves a crime for a REASON.
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>struggling to write story
>get an idea for a shorter, unrelated one during it

Well shit what do i do now?
Write it.
I don't understand from where do people get enough ideas to make tome-lenght comics like this for free. . .
Especially ones that are 100% SFW
>no sauce found
really? it was one of the first results with just google image search
it's goopyarts, they have nsfw of those characters which kinda explains why they're so unfunny
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While I agree with you on the whole pushback thing, him getting caught with a ROM he downloaded 2 years ago suggests that he has been seeding it, so he would still be in shit for illegal distribution.
There was one mention actually, but it's not much. They wanted to have some devolution thing in Detective Pikachu and they pointed out devolution is already a thing in PMD and the card game.

We've actually know that since 2019, when they randomly mentioned it in Sword and Shield. Good to have extra confirmation though, do you know where exactly this was found or where I can read more about it?
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It's never been more over
there was a zip about it. it's a bunch of docs named syachipm that has all the pokemon. i can't recall which one, but we were posting it early.
the point is that there wasn't nothing at all
Does PMD officially die if Spike Chunsoft gets bought out by Sony?
Unless a game is already in the works (sure) or a specific stipulation is made (unlikely). No reason for Sony to support its competitors, and it goes without saying Nintendo won't allow Pokemon if its not exclusive to its own console.

Our last hope would be mobile, what a joke
Remember this is all the more reasson to work on your Clover stories. Get to work you FAGS.
It's literally on their twitter that they draw porn. You can commission them
Okay pack it up boys. We are never getting another Mystery Dungeon game
Yeah, I agree with that, I just want to see this particular thing myself.
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Can't believe I drew a schizo bird for nothing.
that's just porygon once he updates his firmware
i’ll be drawing lliam as boy kisser from now on, played completely straight.
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>I guess that's something I do now
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Suicide never looked more appealing.

No, the meds and therapy don't work, mom! It's treatment RESISTANT, not treatment RECEPTIVE depression.
>lore is fucked
>franchise is fucked
>Cyndaquil is not getting fucked
>didn't make friends along the way

i know gfdocs has it but i don't have a filepath on me besides
Finally managed to get around to >>56923645. I quite enjoyed your story, and the internal struggle between Booker retaining his human nature and accepting his new Ribombee body was neat to read; I look forward to reading the remainder of your first arc!

On a similar note, your series reminded me of one of my favorite songs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjBptvqB68A) that I figured I'd share for some potential inspiration :)
>On a similar note, your series reminded me of one of my favorite songs
on that same topic, it also makes me thing of https://youtu.be/_PSjoVXFGAQ , especially after that last chapter
Thanks a bunch! I'm really happy you like the story.
Honestly, I haven't felt confident about it, which is part of why the writing is going so slowly, so it's nice to know people are enjoying it.

Thanks for linking the music. I haven't heard these two before.
I actually did have a "Learning to Fly" song in mind when I named the story, but it was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb5xJN_4Hck
he wants to be k*yo so bad
does she know?
Lol I think this song fits Booker's vibe a bit better than mine. This and >>56943984 make me wonder if mind-reading psychics would be able to hear songs you'd playback in your head; might make for an interesting way to share something otherwise intangible from the human world.

Surprised I never heard of it, it seems right up my alley. As for confidence, I feel the same way with my stories since Team Eevee feels fan-ficy as they're yet to join Clover at the moment, but alas they need to develop motivations I didn't feel they'd have off the bat. That's why I try to write an Ikarus story between each one.

As for reading, I treat Clover as my "fun" readings so any stories for me are great, especially ones that are not daunting to approach, so do keep writing!
My guildmember actually sneaks into Cyndaquil's room and gets dicked down every night I just don't include it in stories because its our little secret
This talk about music is making me wonder. What songs fit different guild members best? Personally I think these songs fit cyndaquil quite well
several people mildly annoyed
But for me, it t'was a Wednesday.
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What is the consensus on Arceus's Wish? I keep getting recommended songs from its tracklist and they're pretty alright but I haven't watched the actual series yet
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Joke could have been funny without the dialogue between Eevee and Chikorita.
This could work with Cyndaquil but I think it fits Enny better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkFrnFooMgk
how about this instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LnA09-ylmQ
First time hearing that GIS works better at this than Yandex, I only used to to translate doujins insofar.

Nice try, I will never pay for something that I can get for free.
Very cute Nida. Very good work drawing the Nida.
Cyndaquil's song is Short Dick Man and you can't convince me otherwise. He wishes it wasn't.
How can people differentiate a wanted criminal from other members of the same species?
>cyndaquil is a gook
holy shit it all makes sense now
The smell of his penis.
Not all Drowzees look the same you fucking racist
Yes, and they do. In fact, we should arrest all Drowzee, not just that one.
Former humans are probably awful at telling apart individuals of the same species. Would make for a pretty goofy story premise desu
yeah, even in real life I already have a hard time differentiating between blacks, I just go for the hairstyle but most of them have buzz cuts so I really can't distinguish.

For Drowzee I would go for the length of their noses.
We need at least one homophobe so that the fujos can have an archnemesis
we are ohio
After playing Super and DX I forgot how much more interesting dungeon layouts were before that.
The old dungeon generation algorithm was designed for Torneko and Shiren first, so it was already good when they used it for PMD. But when they made a new one, designed for Pokémon, they knew they could get away with a more basic, boring one.
I have no idea what this even means but it sounds weirdly menacing
The old one does have flaws like some pokemon you rescue wandering around inaccessible areas if it can fly or whatever. It's the rooms and halls themselves that honestly makes the biggest difference to me. Everything is way too samey
No no, Adrian is a repressed gay. As evidenced by Rowlet-anon’s first picture on his return, Adrian and Enny are clearly gay for one another. We require a devoted homophobe who cannot be tainted because he doesn’t even allow homes near him.
How many homes have Delibird Deliveries destroyed?
They wouldn't know, they've only destroyed places where P*l*pper Post clients reside.
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>he doesn’t even allow homes near him
>guy wakes up in PMD and for some reason is dedicated to destroying all houses and make the entire world homeless
Alakazam, sit your ass down. This is the first character worthy of the title of "antagonist of the Clover Guild."

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