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Friend ID Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScx82fFuZO5JSneihERecx5UKEJv42EGQKYZM3flPh_ERIa-A/viewform

>Friend ID Sheet:

>Tournament results/decklists:
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/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)

>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex):
>meta decks or high level play:
>/vp/ anything:

pokevious: >>57105938
why did they buff Mewtwo hard this patch when it was already winning all the tournamenets
Cute girl (male)
God I wish Aero EX were just a bit better, like give it a double colorless attack / 0 rc instead of requiring fighting and we’re good. I think it has potential but it’s so scuffed compared to Pika and Starmie
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Top 4 from a recent tourny

Ummmmm Celebibros??
The new wore off.
I use Salandit instead of Tauros because I fully trust Scolipede to carry me late and having fire coverage is just nice versus the celebi matchup.
Thanks, guys. I'll take it slow and try the strats. I got really lucky with two Celeris when I opened a few of the new packs, so I've been usually using those to rack up damage when I needed to take care of that mission in particular.
I like the idea of its attack having a coin flip for paralysis, but that might be a little too good if / when legitimate fossil support comes.
When you're doing the type tasks just throw together any stage 1s of that type you have that can attack for 1 energy. The bot plays badly so that's good enough to win.
If you started playing recently and don't have enough cards for that see what you have in the type that flips coins. It's a miserable way to do it but it works eventually.
>played against paypig with crown Mewtwos and crown Mew
>I went second so I won
>next game played against normal Mewtwos and Mew
>I went first so I lost
This is the dumbest possible game to spend money on, you literally don't get any benefit out your expensive cards.
battling is a secondary thing for enough people
>>I went first so I lost
Blaine and Koga don't have this problem by the way.
>random colorless mon
For what purpose
Where's the Lorelei icon and mat?
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I still havent used my hourglasses
I have around 50 packs of hour glasses saved up now
I just KNOW gamefreak is seething
based hoarder bro
I am on 916
I feel like Blaine is pretty strong against all decks, is there one it's bad at?
It hits for 120 if you manage to put 3 energy on it and that deck can afford to put 3 energy on it.
He has 40% winrate against a lot of stuff.
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surely the regular koffing is better than the new one right? 2 retreat cost is a big difference
the new one is fucking ass lol
The new Koffing is a trap. With 20 card decks, Pokeball, and the guaranteed opener with a basic it is you will almost never actually need to summon an extra from the deck. Call For Family effects are only relevant SOMETIMES in the TCG because of the size of the decks.
my blastoise deck owns blaine desu
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You just know
What's the point of 15 deck limit? So they can sell 'premium' extra deck slots?
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you fags were calling me a gay retard for putting it in the deck but Mew saved me twice just now vs Mewtwo, say sorry
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Sorry not sorry.
You’re still gay tranime poster
gay retard
Johto set will break records...
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bros am I retarded? how do I get more emblems if I don't have any more missions and it says everything is cleared?
You get the rest of the collectathon shit done. The themed collection ones, for like multiple Blues, etc.
theres secret missions
Bro they're a secret you can't say that
my bad, you can't get the emblem, as you were
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the absolute state of celebicucks
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i missed mew ex alternate art but got this edge lord
Much better word choice
I tried making a Aero EX deck and got worse results than my Dragonite deck with Druddigon to wall that's dire.
she blew millions
you can upload mp4s now?
I thought Pika EX was dead bros...
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Blue should have been a 20 damage reduction.
Mmm nyo
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You can. For a few weeks now unless I've completely lost all sense of time
Mewtwo is so fucking broken now it legit ruins the game.
It's almost the same exact deck thats been in the game since day 1
>extremely versatile 1 retreat cost wall that can get Koga'd with Budding
What were they thinking?
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Hahaha HAHAHAHA ha
Blue should've been a 10 damage reduction on every consecutive hit in the same attack like Celebi
No it isn't because now it gets to use Tablet to more reliably pull Gardevoir every game and gets an extra EX body to wall with while it searches for Gardevoir (can be scooped at any time :))
My issue with genome hacking is that theres no draw back to using it. Your opponent set up something strong? Too bad you have a 130hp pokemon that can copy the move for less energy probably and without the drawback! For me its the fucking koga card, he gets to fucking retreat back to your hand its insane
Slab is broken, the fact that it's an item makes it busted
mewtwo should have 140hp
Time to use Blastoise bruvs, mewtwo can only do 100 damage against it! Trust the plan
Slab and Mew EX just supercharges the deck like crazy
He's only slightly worse than many meta decks just because you will brick a decent amount of hands, but if you draw decently he can shit on most decks
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WHy did you @ 57105287? He was wrong.
the step-up battles do not expire right?
No they're forever
Mew ex is hilarious
>vs venusaur ex
>they get venusaur ex out perfectly on curve going first, had all the evolutions in hand
>starts shitting on my non ex mons, at full health cuz heals
>power up a druddigon and hit it for 90
>they attack 100 dmg heal 30 health, take druddigon ability dmg for 20, heal with Erika to 160
>my basic mew ex that I didn't need to evolve comes in copying a 100 hit and sends venu ex to 60
>they don't have another potion or Erika so they lost
Sorry venubros, but I'm pretty sure mew ex is the anti sweeper god, that's why it can one shot alakazam too

>zam/mew mirror
>both use mew as leads
>no one dare put the third energy on Zam because of fear of clapback
>match consists of mew psyshotting each other and not adding any extra energy
Because, despite saying something incorrect, the list in the link he posted has the rest of the missions.
And I had forgotten the name of the other site.

We don't need a THIRD auto include in every deck.
We were clamoring for Mew to stop sweepers, and it stopped zard and only enabled Mewtwo. I have a ultra aggro water deck and im banking on it for my 5 in streak when the event comes, gary one shots celebi and that stupid psychic rat. Starmie is also so good for early game pressure, it getting ko’d means gyara has free entree.
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Did that happen to other people too? Its kinda cancer, i only won this because the dude had a gengar
Sucks to be a Zard player nowadays
as soon as a new retarded fire mon gets printed they'll go back to being broken because of moltres ex, just be patient
>Thanks mode is now full of cunts
Did any jewtuber complain about it? I used to get the shop tickets after 5 games now it's taking at least 10
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reminder that you should always run atleast one misty. The card giving you 1 energy on turn 2-3 can literally mean you auto win. Thats too good to pass up, and we are playing a game with luck elements anyway. Your goal should be to make a deck that auto wins if Misty pop offs, but ultimately doesn’t rely on it which is why running only one is fine.
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What other Pokemon was he running with his Gengar/Mew ex? I thought Sigilyph would be the thing for my Gengar deck but it's too passive. I wish I had Clefable so I could try it, but I'm using Slurpuff now which has actually been pretty decent
>Slurpuff has been pretty decent
That checks out. Swoobat wasn't half bad and Slurpuff is a better Swoobat.
>got red carded when I have 4 cards and Chatot active
>use the cards drawn and activate Chatot
>draws 7 cards with no drawback
This game is so funny I swear
Yeah 60 damage is good but it wants 2 energy
Maybe I should just try Kang or Druddigon again
I shit on every single mew2 player playing mew in that druddi/ninja, I literally haven't lost to one yet
Typhlosion will save fire
Which Pokemon will be EX on the next expansion?
Should I add Mew?
Over jynx
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My experience with Moltres/Arcanine/Volcarona over the last 3 days.
I've missed 12 out of my last 13 misty flips, this is impressive.
Should I add the Mew over Jynx, or should I just add a second potion instead since I only have one in this deck.
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consider the following deck lads and tell me what you'd switch pl0x
>2 exeggcute (original)
>2 exeggutor EX
>1 exeggutor (island)
>2 farfetch'd
>1 mienfoo
>1 mienshao
>1 pinsir (might switch to tauros (island but want to remain faithful to the RNGods)
>2 potion
>2 erika
>2 leaf
>2 poke ball
>2 professor's research

serperior is broken as fuck and isn't even rare, what the fuck were they thinking

>the anti sweeper god
forever treeful of eggs for me, either the old EX or the tropical eggs depending on whether you're rushing or setting up. So yeah give me your thoughts.
wrong Magcargo and Entei will save fire
I'd be interested to hear how many games you take to get the 45 wins emblem.
Magcargo should have both Water and Fighting weakness as a joke
>blowing 2 wonder energy + hourglasses to try and snipe a serperior(s) any time one shows up
good idea? or terrible unless I already have 2 to spare
Sorry if this gets asked a lot, but exactly how does the selection for Wonder Pick work? More specifically, how long do they last, and why do they seem to be listed in a completely random order? You would think they should be sorted by when they expire.
Is there any reason to have Mienshao on top of 2 Farfetch'd? Seems like all of those are just approximations for a cheaper Exeggcutor ex role. Do you have a bad dark matchup?
Don't remember about 45 wins, but I did get the 5 win streak thing in the first 15 or so, if that's any help. Kinda just a luck thing tho.
I did use Arcanine/Moltres/Zard for finally getting that streak, which inspired me to consider Volc an upgrade because Zard did fuck all in all those matches. Never got up, never got his energy.
mienshao threatens 2 and a half types for 1 energy, I keep being glad I have him for opening against dark types
Better than what i've been doing, which is similar but for Sigilyph. It and Larvesta are tied for 2nd place of my favourite pokemon and I want to make binders for both of them because the autism demands it. I haven't pulled or successfuly WP'd any sigilyphs and i want to kms
I'm tempted to do this with dratini
Somehow I still only have 1 despite opening 50+ mewtwos and it (allegedly) being a common card. And now that all the WP are the new set whenever a dratini shows up I feel obligated to try...
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>outplay opponent completely
>he almost robs me with new eevee
that card is so fucking stupid dude. He got 4 heads
If anyone is wondering about the god pack that was posted last thread, I’ve seen 3 different packs from anon during that time without a hit on the god pack. Not saying it’s dead, but as far as I know, it hasn’t been confirmed by anyone.

Thanks for posting it, though.
>get a god pack pick
>let sibling pick the card
>they miss my most wanted
>tfw it was in the spot I *always* pick
Sometimes you just pretend that it doesn’t bother you.
Mystical Eevee is for gamblerchads only
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Get sniped dumb Druddigonite
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Wait I got it, this guy works in Clefable's place
With the right opponent it can do up to 50-70 damage with one energy too kek
I wouldn't spend wonder glass on an offer that doesn't have at least 2 cards that cost 3+ stamina. But you do you.
If you're not spending glass that sounds like a totally fine use of stamina though.

They're in a predictable order but it's a bit messy.
A paid event offer comes first, then a free event offer, then offers from your friends list, then regular offers, then stopwatch offers.
You can only have one of each event offer at a time. Within the other two categories offers are sorted newest to oldest. Offers that came in at the same time are sorted longest expiration to shortest expiration.
When you are given a new offer it has a random expiration time. It's always a multiple of 30 minutes and the most it can be is 4 hours.
You are given replacement offers when you check your list after offers expire. If you do a pick I think you get a replacement offer at the time it would have expired if you'd left it be, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
You can have at most 4 offers from your friends list, 4 offers you can buy with stopwatches, and 12 other offers.
Those 12 slots are usually offers from strangers but event offers eat into this count as well. I wrote some advice on that here >>57097937
I've never bought a stopwatch offer so I'm not very familiar with them, but I think it's they're the 4 most recent offers you've let expire?
It's beautiful.
Appreciate the explanation, thank you
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>no searchers for fossils
Why would they do this
Mew over jynx, you don't really need two pots
I try and snipe serperior and rares if they're with an uncommon I need, like the trainers usually
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Blainefags are right, this deck fucks celebi and mewshitters, I just wish I could use something else and win. The new rapidash is super worth, it can 2 hit kill things that would take 3+ turns otherwise.
He doesnt have an effect what the fuck
>Active Pokemon
>When they literally just released Serperior
Dena are fucking dickheads swear to god
so when is aero ex ever going to be good
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We need an abilitiy disabling pokemon gengar equivalent. the only relevant counter to serperior is jynx, further cementing mew and celebi as the only meta decks to play.
They will buff it to prevent backline from evolving right?
A1A Exeggutor?
Fossilmon except Aerodactyl do not feel worth it for what it takes to get them going. Maybe they should make it so the fossil itself doesn't count for a elimination point of it gets knocked out.
eggs and zam need evo's and more energy, even if you top deck all your evo's, you'll still probably be behind on energy. New eggs would work well with serperior ironically, it's just that celebi goes so much faster and harder.
Celebi Serperior Exeggutor decks exist.
Okay I cave in. How do you make Gyara/Vaporeon/Starmie deck?
imo, GA exeggutor works better in the deck still as a wall while you set up celebi and serperior. If you don't pull serpior or celebi, old eggs can hold the line and dish out damage, new eggs can't do shit till he has 4 energy.

like this
Grass is casino now
This sounds like it will brick a lot, just bring in Dhelmise for cheap big punching tank
Every type's going to get their own coinflip simulator sooner or later
Water - Misty
Fighting - Marowak ex
Fire - Moltres ex
Lightning - Zapdos ex
Grass - Exeggutor ex, Celebi ex
Darkness, Metal, Psychic soon
Psychic already has its own casino with mystical slab
>my primeape dies from opponent's attack
>send in marshadow and now its my turn
>attach 2nd energy to marshadow
>attack with marshadow (which should be for 100 since they just KO'd my primeape)
>it still only does 40
what am I not understanding about this attack?
It won’t work if it was from poison or any other ability afaik.
You forgot Colorless (Eevee, Kangaskhan Lickitung, Aerodactyl, Jigglypuff, Chatot, etc.)
What attack was it?
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it feels like it is but it often isn't
the game states are basically just
>celebi with 2 energy = pinsir, a card no one played cause it was dogshit
>celebi with 3 energy, shitty zapdos EX, a secondary wincon in another deck that usually isn't played around other than as a last resort
>celebi with 4, just zapdos EX
>serperior out at any time = your mon basically just guaranteed dies anyway so the coinflips don't matter and you should just treat it like a fully charged zard or whatever
it's nowhere near as swingy as like misty or wigglytuff
Pvp is now
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>Attack ore
Wtf is that? Golem?
Thats generally how they are in TCG, more specific searchers and slower to get out but youre rewarded by not losing points for trying to set it up
>retards kept doomposting about how broken Celebi is
>M2EX and Fire.dek are still the top decks
Every single time
>pulled 2 FA Serperior
Nyoo I don't wanna be a celebifag
people didn't play pinsir because it had 90hp and 2 retreat cost. celebi doing the same thing with way more health and only 1 retreat cost is an ocean of difference. Erika starts to matter a lot more when you can take a flamethrower and keep going. Zapdos Ex isn't a shitty wincon, it's just not as good as Pika Ex which is why it's the back up. On it's own it would still be on the same level as ex aritcuno. The real problem with celebi is that the damage continues to ramp up until you hit 3+ with serperior and basically anything that goes up against it is going to die. If you get serpior quickly, they can't win, if you stall long enough and put 3+ energy on celebi, you can easily start sweeping.
Play the new Exeggutor instead and steamroll the other Celebis
Time to laugh at this retard

>Celebi already broke the game, Mewtwo mirror is as pointless as wondering which Mewtwo player will go on to lose to Celebi
It's not underpreforming, it's being kept in check by the top 1 deck (mew2) and it's hard counter (blaine/fire decks). Serprior's ability combined with celebi means it easily outpaces mistyshitter decks and is easily a top 4 meta deck.
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>first event battle
>vs pikachud
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I pulled the dedenne, if it makes you feel better.
He didn't show up on my end unfortunately
Got a new stray wonder pick with an Aero ex though, gonna go with that one in about an hour
Which slot do I go with bros
such is life in the zone
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I keep getting stupid Areodactly.
I've pulled like 6 Vaporeon already in about 35 packs
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Think they'll ever do a theme decks only tournament event?
>faced my first Celebi team
>they concede after 4 turns
How do you even build a Celebi deck anyways?
I'd rather use the solo bot decks than the themed decks.
>finally get a serperior
>still no snivys
Blastoise event
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I'll just be using my Vaporeon deck the entire event
when's that
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12 days. It gives a better Snivy too.
maybe he doesnt like the blue sticker on his cards
Im sitting here with my only usable deck being Sandslash/Marowak and wondering how the hell I can escape the RNG dimension
>mfw I have to actually play the game
>gatekept by the best deck and third best deck last meta
This makes the way this general went "muh Celebi meta" even funnier.
Yeah. I think I genuinely hate actually playing the game. It's very unfun.
>this deck isn't aids to fight, look, another even more cancerous deck
what is your point exactly?
I like to put my Pokemon in the main zone first when I do a thanks queue game so the opponent surrenders before me and I get the win
i conceded 10 quickly, cbf
>Are you going to issue an apology when Celebi does well? Btw tier 0 was your words in every single instance, it's pretty pathetic you have no self-awareness
>Good players can tell what's good through playtesting, which is how they know what to bring to tournaments in the first place, there's no magic where you have to wait for the actual tournament to decide the outcome
Nice Celebi meta retard
>go into pvp with egg deck
>second match
Oh ok I see what everyone's talking about
If you access your gifts from the nav bar hamburger button you don't need to retype the lobby password to get back to thanks trading.
Looking for clarification: is wonder pick illusion of choice as well or does the card you pick matter?
>2 oaks
>2 pokeballs
>2 mythical slabs
>still managed to draw a brick of a starting hand
This game is something else
They state 1/5, so it's a 1/5 chance

If it's rigged, and proven they'll be in a load of shit
Illusion of choice, it doesn't matter what you pick.
illusion, as soon as you select the wonderpick, the game sends the information of what your pokemon will be. People here just like to pretend.
They need to stop making Shinedust and the emblem the only reward for winning these challenges, because I stop giving a fuck the moment I get my participation hourglasses.

It doesn't even need to be something good, I just don't care about emblems. Even just a promo card with the event emblem stamped on it would be better.
They do randomize which of the 5 cards you get, but your choice doesn't matter.
I managed to make some progress on those Expert missions. I'm still not entirely convinced that the RNG isn't manipulated against you, but at least the Starmie and Pikachu decks are behind me. I already know the Mewtwo deck is going to piss me off too, so I'll just save it for tomorrow.
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>Emblem event
>Still no new deck with the new cards
noooo i dont wanna spend my 600+ hourglasses on the bait minipack!!!
Ok Serperior is cancer
The AI is BS
And just take your time, they're not going anywhere
>last three packs were FA Serperior, FA Serperior, then Immersive Celebi
Guess they really want me to be a coin flipper
I've had the AI swap in their damaged mon to active instead of a fresh one when I use sabrina, even on expert. The ai will literally throw to give you a game.
Which is a good deck to use for the PvP event?
We don't know. Unlike the pack carousal the server doesn't tell you what card you got until you tell the server which location you've picked.

That's straight up misinformation. You can look at the traffic with a packet sniffer.

That's orthogonal to his question. He wants to know whether or not his choice impacts the outcome. If the server is disregarding his choice it could still give him a fair outcome.
I've seen it, the game only sends info once you select a wonderpick, it doesn't need to accept any more info of which card you pick. If you were to open 5 instances of the same account, picking the same wonder pick, and then cut the internet connection while having them pick different cards, they would all get the same card, regardless of which spot you pick. Some guy made a video of himself doing that.
the amount of times I only get heads to start the match going first and 0heads in a match and an opponent only gets heads. Its unbearable sometimes. Or I cant seem to pull an oak or have one in hand at the start. Luck really is 90% of this game. At least this event doesnt seem to be streak wins, just 5 wins total
>10 matches in
>1 blaine
>1 articuno
>1 Gyarados
>7 Mewtwo
Celebibros I thought we're the new meta...
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My first game was VS Celebi who barely won since they managed to get an Erika in
*45 wins
5 wins gives you the bronze emblem
same here, could not give less of a shit about the emblems honestly
Yeah, I've had that happen a few times. Thank God it did, I don't know how I would have beaten that Pikachu deck in 12 turns.
Mew2chads keep on winning. Mew2 is the only honest deck that doesn't rely on coinflip attacks. Maybe Blaine too, without the new Rapidash.
koga/poison, no ex required
Chatot just filtered me, that thing did a 9 cards check in the 2 turns it was active allowing for 2 Serperior to come by turn 5. Sorry for playing this game.
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I have most of the cards for a Mewtwo deck, but I'm missing a Garde. What do I replace it with while I'm opening Mewtwo packs for it? I'm thinking Alakazam but I'm open to suggestions.
>opening hand is one basic potion, two trainers, my basic, and an X speed
Wow thanks guess I lose xD
My dude multiple instances of the same account running makes that not representative of normal gameplay. The server didn't give him extra cards it just re-sent the answer it already gave him. It doesn't send an order for the 5 cards it just sends the 1 card you got.
You can't infer anything about the inner working of the server from that. Whether or not there's a ground truth server-side ordering of the cards it could still just tell you the 1 card.
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>last two games my hand was bricked to shit
>faggot opponent always manages to get the heads they need on their flips
This shit is UNBEARABLE
Clefable if you have it from the Pikachu packs. Swoobat if you don't.
>Opening hand is 2 sabrina, a ralts, a gardevoir, and leaf
Skill based game
I've only ever seen one four cost wonder and it was for a full-art Brock. I got it, but I was still disappointed.
>next draw is a fucking potion
I put in Beheeyem in my Gengar deck earlier and it's working great >>57108390
Hits for usually 50 with 1 energy
Volc is pretty good at breaking battles of attrition. I ended up losing to this Mewtwo deck that couldn't get Gardevoir up until turn 16, meanwhile I didn't get Moltres until turn 15. You can snipe key targets to set up win cons in a 1v1.
Didn't work out for me, but going so close with a deck that threatens ohko's on me but not the other way around is a pretty good boding result.
>japanese name
Feeling the F2P struggle
>Japanese name with 2x golden Mewtwo EX and the playmat
>Always gets perfect draws and has their build online as soon as mechanically possible

Fucking spendies
I had a nail biter game just now where my opponent's Moltres got 3 heads, 2 heads, then 3 heads. They were some weird Moltres Arcanine Mew deck though so 2 of the energy ended up on a second Moltres.
any new cards with it, or just alt arts?
Yeah, as long as you get it to 4 energy instead of three on the first attack, you can pressure the backline a fuck ton.
>another win streak event
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>4 failed Aerodactyl ex Wonder Picks in a row
It's just win 45 times
anon what if I was f2p but somehow pulled 2 Crown Mewtwos and 1 Immersive...
I didnt want to play Mewtwo but the game forced me to via my pulls
>I win this unless they Giovanni
>They Giovanni
>I win this unless they Xspeed
>They Xspeed
>I win this unless they Sabrina
>They Sabrina
>I win this unless they potion
>They potion
I'm tired boss...
Yeah, with Moltres a turn earlier and some below average luck that would have been an easy win, but I can't really say anything about the matchup overall since they seemed to be unable to find Kirlia as well. Just lost the race basically.
the attack should be 90 or 100 desu, 80 just kos non ex basics
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It's gonna be the standard ArcaEX going forward. ArcaEX takes care of Celebi/Pikachu while Mew takes care of the M2 match-up.
I'm F2P and I've pulled an Immersive M2, two EXs, and a regular, but zero gardevoirs and only one kirila.
20-card deck please understand
It's not a streak dummy
The absolute worst one is
>I win this unless they have BOTH potion
they ALWAYS have both
Also kills Servine, Frogadier, and Kirlia.
meanwhile I'm down to 4 cards in my deck and still haven't pulled the one I need
As usual there's 2 new cards. There's a Snivy with Squirtle's kit instead of Bulbasaur's kit and there's an Eevee with Cubone's kit.
The alt arts are Cincinno, Volcarona, and Blastoise; with Blastoise being a full art.
This game doesn't want me to have supporter cards or cards with synergy and nobody said to use hourglasses
Tried that 1-2-1 Dragonite deck. It fucking sucks
if you can get to 3 energies before they get to serp or garde,. Im never that lucky I wouldnt bet on it personally
>I just need to evo next turn with this card in hand
>they pulls out the fucking red card
>Celebi+Blue still gets OHKO by Arcanine
How do I refund my pack points?
It's always an option. Stage 2s are inherently unreliable.
>opp is named "homoherald"
>places mewtwo ex
>turn 1, searches & places another mewtwo ex
if you now the only card that beats you just play around it, its a 20 card deck unless 2 copies are already on the field/discard they likely have it.
Well, it was a weird fight. The used Mew to poison Whirlipede at one point.
>add normie friend
>even he has the 5-wins in a row emblem
Pure colourless kino
anyone else find it funny the new koffing says to put a random koffing from your deck onto the bench. I mean there's only one in the deck cus the other is active...
>he doesn't know about the Koffing ex coming next expansion
anyone can get 5 wins, if you are good or lucky you can do it in less than 20 games but literally anyone can do it with some patience.
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>got a $20 playstore gift card
>also got $15 playstore voucher
it's not easy being a whale.
I was told that a mewtwo deck would never have a full bench, what the fuck is this.
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Speak of the devil
Well they run Mew EX now
XD dude has half his deck in his hand kicking himself for not getting the serp, love to see it
10 match 6 of those my hand bricks
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Sounds like you need to run Red Card.
oh who could have predicted mew ex would slot into mewtwo perfectly?!
When the fuck do I use my hourglasses I have like 600
January 31st
Swap Kanghaskhan for Druddis? y/n?
That fuckass bird is annoying.
wait for january set, or half if we get datamine for the new set and its meh.
>Played 5 games
>2 celebi, 1 Mewtwo and 1 mistycuno
Needless to say I lost all of them
wait for next set. this is just a mini set that isn't worth dumping your hourglass hoard into.
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He probably did have Serp, he just only got Servine in this case. Turn 7 I think. Conceed on turn 11.
It's fucking sad that it's still only 140 with a full bench, requiring people to pack Gio for ohko.
Then what packs should I be pulling from?
I think it's pretty balanced. Flute makes it pretty consistent too.
Will there be another gold sale for the holiday period?
Don't listen to them. Keep pulling packs until you have 2 FA Leaf, 2 FA Sabrina, 2 FA Misty and 2 FA Erika.
whatever the new set is called. if you wanna use some now, i think apex is better unless you have everything you need, but best to wait
With your free packs? Whatever you want. If you don't NEED anything then no point dumping your hourglasses that you could save for a new set.
Post deck
I think it's balanced around the fact that it can run any other Pokemon since it's colorless
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I can't pull meta cards so i made this abomination

Is it awful? Yes
Does it work? Somehow also yes, people are mad scared of druddigon
People dont know how to play against it, i stupidly lost a match attacking into it and the chip damage ended up mattering.
People are that scared of 20 damage every time they attack?
Its 20 damage if you can get rid of it immediately which is difficult in the early game. So more like 40 damage, which is a big deal
I think its fair. the only thing pidge ex gets one shot by is zard
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imagine trying to get a 5 win streak in a meta where we are doing shit like this
Thats a big deal, if mew retards attack into it suddenly they are more susceptible to one shots. Also the more support/item cards get added into the game, the less room people have for potion and healing.
Yeah actually, I just fought a Dragonite deck with two drudds and they kept loading up their dratinis despite pulling waters and fires while I built up my metals on the bench and leaf'd my drudd when both were ready. They easily would have won if they weren't a pussy
I just played a match where the opponents Exeggutor got 5 heads in a row, fucking hate this game sometimes.
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Game gives me so many tails you'd think this was fucking Sonic
How do I deck build?
The OP doesn't have a proper pocket deck builder.
I want to show you my venoshock deck. And ask for critic before I get destroyed
Ok i cant lie, winning multiple games in a row feels like a nightmare with the new powercreep. Next event is gonna be a pain
I concede every time I have to go first
Not going to bother playing at such a disadvantage
You need cards in your deck that benefit from going first
play some chad 1-energy evo cards
I don't have that problem. I play Weezing/Scolipede
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Never mind I'm retarded
>pic related
How do I improve my design thought?
Basically I want low retreat cards with low energy for make poison/venoshock potential.
Grimer is just sacrificial to induce poison.
I can retreat weezing with koga.
My biggest flaw is grimer and random Giovanni might help.
Any ideas how to improve?
Wanted a scolipede design but of got 2 scolipedes and none of the rest fucking evos lol
this is the way
I've tried that, but every fucking time I open with a Venipede & Scolipede and have to wait nine turns before I draw into Whirlipede. Shit sucks.
Are you being ironic?
Anyway, you don't need Grimer, he'll dilute your guaranteed basic. Weezing is enough to poison, and you always want start the game by curving Koffing->Weezing.
Anyone else hate live but love pocket? I never liked some mechanics in live but pocket removed pretty much all of the stuff I disliked.
Isn't scolipede just worse muk? Why did it see play? The 10 hp and 1 energy difference isn't worth it being a stage 2 right?
Cut Salazzle. You don't want to run multiple energies. Salandit is fine. Grimer is also pretty bad, 3 energy to retreat is no joke. If you insist on Grimer double down and add Muk. You'll probably want another Leaf though. The only card I see to cut for her is X Speed. The new Koffing is also super questionable. If you like it keep it, but I think it's almost always worse than the old Koffing.
Add a single tauros to your deck.
What? Why?
Literally every single one of my losses today is because there's no such thing as a searcher in this game that can actually grab the things I need to actually play the match.
>2-cost Venoshock and 2-cost retreat
A energy difference matters a lot more than one more layer of evolution
from what i've seen of live it looks like shit so i hate it on principle
We'll get stage 1 searchers one day trust
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>open 10 packs
>get mew EX
>get leaf
>get blue
>get 1 slab then wonder pick the other one immediately after
Alright got everything we need until next expansion, lets get some wins now
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Don't listen to him. Here's your new list.
Hp is also a big deal. Arcanine usually has no choice but to two shot the pede, not a good trade when Scolipede is also not an EX.
This is random matches, not some sweatlord tournament
The average casual/normie doesn't have a celebi deck built yet
Amen. Arcanine one-shots Weezing and he can one-shot Muk with Giovanni.
I forgot that Scolipede doesn't take extra damage from fire in this game...
Two days ago I could play five games back to back and run into at least four Celebi decks.
Celebi is jobbing in tournaments too.
Instead he's weak to fighting, which he usually 4x resists. Dark weaknesses often seem dumb, Weezing too.
Live looks like a 20 min game per session while pocket hits the sweet spot of 10 mins max.
>Weezing/Scoli got 3rd
I knew it. you guys were netdecking something again.
Pocket is outright better than the PTCG honestly. It's funny because it's so dumbed down, but on the other hand it feels like cards are actually designed to counter and interact with one another. Cards actually have roles.
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I don't
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Whoever invented Mythical Slab needs to be fired

Who saw Mewtwo performing as the most top tier and consistent deck in the game and thought
>hmmm you know what this deck needs? better card draw
From what I see seems like Live is following the Master Duel format where it's on the near/current tcg meta. I'll stick to Pocket at least until the power creep goes out of the window like the fuckery that is Duel Links rn
Cope, grassfag.
Its basicly another Scolipede that doesn't need to evo and costs 1 more energy to smack EX pokemon for 120 and it can be searched with a pokeball. The deck itself only needs 3 energy (with trainer support) on board to function with Weezing and Scolipede so any spare energy can be used to build towards tauros. In games where it stalls tauros will be sitting in the bench treatening any EX pokemon
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every deck using two of these two cards proves that these are actually the most broken cards in the game
My Gengar and Alakazam deck appreciates it I guess
>Weezing and Scolipede can combo and oneshot Mewtwo with weakness and poison damage
That's actually pretty cool
>The average casual/normie doesn't have a celebi deck built yet
I've played 5 matches today and they all have been against celebi decks, and several more in the last few days, what the fuck does your queue look like
>dumbed down
It objectively is which makes me feel like a dummy for liking it, but like you said it just feels so good
They need to cut down the animation time of item and trainer cards by 90%

Why the fuck does it need to play a shitty little deck shuffle animation that prevents actions EVERY TIME
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First game of the event was against Mewtwo EX that had both Gardevoirs and Mew on the bench on turn 5 with 0 other cards in hand.
Skill based game.
it’s called soul you adhd zoomer
research and pokeball aren't broken, they're just more useful than anything else
>pot of greed
>not broken
it is broken you are putting yourself in a bad spot by not using them. There is no deck that doesn’t have them because it isn’t possible to do well consistently without it
no one cares about soul in competitive/timed matches
I've had five full art Serperior fails in a row and one of them had two of her. Still got fucking faggot Finneon.
its not pot of greed yugiboomer.
research requires you to use a supporter which locks you out of options. pokeball is random so the ralts or snivy you need ends up being a another mewtwo/celebi
I'd like Live a hell of a lot more if they'd reintroduce expanded format.
It's not. I love consistency cards so I will forever argue it should be unbanned. We don't even have an Exodia FTK in this game to worry about.
I just played a match where I go first and can't use anything beside putting down the basic. And then I watch as my opponent used all 2 slabs, 2 balls, and Oak, pulling out 60% of their deck and basically get everything they wanted first turn. Yeah, it's not broken at all.
There is no deck that cannot use these two cards.
>pulls out 60% of their deck
thats how pokemon is meant to be played
Seems the animation plays faster on the opponents end so they get a chance to immediately conceed if they see something they don't like.
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>generic consistency cards ran in all decks
is this your first fucking card game?
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Take the chatot pill. It's better than any oak or pokeball will ever be
lol i just did that with a giovanni my opponent used
hat about the Gyarados Chatot deck that doesn't run Oak?
NTA, but I fought a bunch of Articunos and M2 instead
>draw into the stage 2 and not the stage 1
>draw into the other chatot
And the Dragonite deck sucks too
you would just use both. mimic is an attack which means its significantly worse than research and pokeball.
>what the fuck does your queue look like
About 80% mewtwo decks honestly
The only grass deck I fought since the new set came out didn't even run celebi (or if it did, it never put it into play)
>2 Chatot
You're supposed to only put 1 of it and only play it early game, duh
>going first vs celebi
>they have a caterpie to search for serperior
>get celebi with 3 energy and serperior
>50 hp celebi vs my articuno
>shitting my pants waiting for it to attack
>proceeds to roll 6 tails in a row
>instantly concedes
Lmao celebi players are going to be so buck broken once they realize how much they can get cucked flipping coins
Been running the Gyarados/Omastar deck another anon posted and been having fun with it, have to say I'm fully Chatotpilled by this point
This game is not fun
>1 chatot
>you draw the other pokemon instead
What now?
Tournament results are already showing the decks decline. It's hard to win 10 straight rounds without your coins failing.
>Tails Tails Tails Tails Tails Tails Tails
t. mewtroon player that just got rolled by Scolipede
The probabilities of seeing a whales godpack in wonder pick is probably so low because they pull so many packs.
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>two slabs that hit into professor into pokeball turn 1
wow I guess I got outskilled it's so great that only some archetypes can play extra consistency cards
I'm the anon that initally built the deck and since that first version I added the oaks. my last ver is this one >>57104074 , except I'm trying to cut 1 chatot for amber. it hurts the initial consistency, but seeing karp late is just as much as a losecon as not seeing chatot early, plus if there's a version of the deck where this works, it's this one with that bit of extra consistency given by slab
I have a Mewtwo deck and I assure you that deck is not fun to play even when you're winning.
You can have over 999 hourglasses if you were curious about that
Never even faced a Scolipede deck in my life.
Nice. It's extremely rare to see gacha games NOT cap you on a hoard-able resource.
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the game just started and the opponent went for misty and got enough heads to use blizzard right away
I need help what am I supposed to do to win this?
no it's not
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It's celebover...
you lost. fun game right?
Use your handtrap to negate Misty
pull out promo jigglypuff and a loaded coin from your pocket when he's not looking
>want to try out Greninja
>0 Frogadier
Should I just break the bank and spend 140 PP for them?
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>turn 4
>opponents Mewtwo deck has 6 cards left in
this is a fucking joke
The right idea to use Slab is when you used your Oak. Why do you do this to yourself?
what the fuck are you babbling about you retard
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I wish Marowak ex was 60 base damage and coinflip for +80 too
Moltres Ex would work oretty well with Pidgeot Ex right?
It only works with fire pokemon
5 wins in a row with the skolipede deck. I wish this was the other event
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Is this a good deck?
I'm tired of celebi EX and need something to counter it.
Blaine doesn't need Moltres it's just going to slow them down
>don't see a full greninja in 10 games
>every opponent gets their stage 2 in 3 turns
I hate this game
>it's another my opponent gets 15 heads while I get 100 tails episode
Fuck this game
that aint a blaine deck brother
kek sorry ive been dealing with blaine all day in solo mode so all ive been seeing is ponyta and vulpix
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>Cut Salazzle. You don't want to run multiple energies. Salandit is fine.
This does sound like a better choice. I'll do that
>Grimer is also pretty bad, 3 energy to retreat is no joke.
I figured since he's 1 energy it fine for him to die if he inflicts poison 1st turn and can take two hits to switch out for my other 1 energy card like salandit(x speed and leaf). For quick advantage.
>If you insist on Grimer double down and add Muk. You'll probably want another Leaf though.
Only have 1 unfortunately but sound
>The new Koffing is also super questionable. If you like it keep it, but I think it's almost always worse than the old Koffing.
I agree but I figured getting a second koffing on the bench so when I using koga is a solid imperative at stalling.
We aren't looking at the same strategy.
I should have explained my intension better.
>pick related
Updated. Still don't like it.
But I like my idea. Need scolipede I reckon
45 wins feels like such a long climb now after the last event
Rapidash without Blaine isn't really that good, especially when you're busy trying to build up your ex cards.
You'd be better of with x2 Giovanni and a bulky basic to tank with. Maybe Tauros?
>50% arcanine deck + 50% blaine deck
Thats like crossing a cat with a dog and expecting the output to be a super predator. You'd get a retarded mammal instead.
Would you suggest a Blaine or Arcanine deck? I am currently getting rekt by celebi decks.
Got it. Perhaps I'll swap them out for kangaskhan
>my pulls are shit
>my wonder pick are shit
I guess I'll play blaine this month
Immediately got 5 consecutive wins with Blaine on the new event before a cringe Articuno killed my streak with Sabrina cheap shots and red card. Feels good. Can't decide if I like the new coin flip horses. I'm running one of each Ponyta and Rapidash.
Everybody says blaine is better because its faster but I personally like arcanine more.
so what deck im i using this event?
You have 3 weeks for it
Do you have Ninetales or Blaine? Ninetales is what I'm checking Celebi with. A single Ninetales with Giovanni or Blaine can OHKO Celebi without any coin faggotry. Also that Rapidash you're using OHKOs Celebi on heads, so it's good despite the coin.
Blaine for speed
Celebi for luck
Slab mewtwo for consistency
>Opponent has a Blaine deck with the new Ponyta
>Gets a Ponyta and uses Blaine
>Immediately concedes before even attacking
I run one of the old rapidash as insurance if I ever go first.
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I will not play 50 games
>but chuda what if
Probably pissed they used blaine early by accident
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Let’s go
What is Blaine gameplan against Mewtwo if they got Gardevoir out? Did you just lose?
f2p chads say winning
I actually get a lot of wins out of Blaine, Rapidash, and regular non EX Arcanine. You still get to spend your Blaines on Rapidash, and 100 damage still hits a lot of break points while the lower cost of dying offsets getting agressive with recoil. I haven't tried Arcanine post update, but non-ex could OHKO Celebi too with a Giovanni.
thoughts on a celebi deck with two caterpies?
God damn it. I was running this while evening Celebi was still hot. I thought it was unique but it's top 5 tourney deck. Well, back to Mew Alakazam and 50% winrate.
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Unless you don't have serperior, that's retarded
Hey guys can you help me build a celebi deck ? Just tell me the other 12 cards Thanks :^)
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just wait for the powercreep to happen
this effect is considered to be fucking useless btw
I’d rather have two sabrina instead of a random tauros
Two copies of each fossil. Two Blaines, Brocks, and Mistys.
The Taurus goes crazy when you leaf out Scoli for a surprise kill, it's not uncommon considering Tauros might be in t1 hand + energy efficient main mons
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Top right chads wouldn't make this mistake
Play Wigglytuff
How are you getting this picks in your feed? I only see the worst of the worst. People who pull 3 pidgeys in the same pack
It's consider useless because the deck size is 60 cards i suppose ?
In a game where the deck size is 20 cards, this would be far much powerfull.
Maybe it will come, but I don't think it will be soon, or it will come with a drawback
>90% of my matches have been M2 mirrors
Blue is goated in the mirror match. Retards kept worrying about Giovanni when there was no room for him in the deck anyway. It's already too tight with slabs.
Blue also helps with the Celebi match-up unlike Giovanni, making it require at least 4 heads to OHKO versus 3 heads.
It's considered useless because there are strictly better effects in the rotation
I think Celebi has genuinely ruined this game for me
It's always like this, the meta just gets powercrept, faster and worse.
What did the tier 2 Celebi deck powercreep?
Blainebros, which Rapidash are we running?
the pretty fa one
>auto concede 10 event battles and move on with my life until the next event
>keep building meta decks anyway
Why am I like this? I don't even need them for PvE battles since I don't go for the bonus objectives either.
>I still haven't gotten a single Blue
I know that as soon as I buy one with pp, he's gonna spook me in my free packs
I've never seen an Eevee not do batshit numbers. Shit is downright stupid.
Collecting and deckbuilding is more fun than actually playing the game

Took me forever before I pulled my Erikas a week ago
Fuck me
I don't consneed however
I will come back
>actually do enjoy battling
>but I hate hate HATE waiting for people to play their cards
>my #1 demotivator to play is that I don't want to wait 35 seconds per card played
Speed pocket mode with 5s play timer when
why is sonic rush there?
I listen to game osts while playing. The pocket ost is sleepy
I run none, I use Ninetales and Farfetch'd, Blaine is a quickshot glass cannon deck
I wish this had been a consecutive win event.
Scolipede deck is actually pretty solid
Should I go 2 Giovanni or 2 Potions for my Blaine deck? I also swapped Tauros for Drudd, I feel like I won't be getting much use out of Tauros, meanwhile Drudd could help me set up if I draw a garbage hand.
Deck's based on >>57108421
any time you're using a giovanni you should've been using a blaine instead
Human beings really are deeply evil.
I'm doing the versus event, so far I've played against 5 celebi EX, 2 pika EX, 1 mewtwo EX, 1 starmie/articuno EX, 1 charizard EX. Not a single non meta deck in almost 2 hours of play and it's not an hyperbolic statement.
People are not even interested in the game, trying cards or strategies or whatever, they installed this game to win win win.
They play like there's a 5 millions dollars cash prize and their mother is in the hospital awaiting an obscenely expensive surgery.
If they could input the konami code on the versus screen and it was instawin, they would queue in the morning and spend 5 hours a day typing the code to get wins.
Mass murder of the human population is truly the only solution to the human question.
I'm getting the feeling Celebi isn't on that same level as Mewtwo and PikaEX were. Too many decks can set up oneshots and then you're usually fucked afterwards because there's no way to pump out energy onto a second card like a mewtwo deck
>make event where the only progression is through wins
>why is everyone playing meta?
I saw more off-meta decks when an event wasn't running. I even ran into shit like Gengar EX and Aero EX.
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>FOURTH Celebi immersive
>Just opened FA Mew Ex and FA Vaperon pack prior
Gotta get my 45 wins first then I'll go back to bricking with my onyx-golem deck
Also I'd love to try new strategies but for some reason getting a specific rare is harder than getting an ex card, I have 5 mewtwos and 1 Omastar
>opponent quits the app after his Celebi is outdamaged by mine
>swing for victory
>4 tails so he probably would've won
Dude I NEED my 500 shinedust ASAP
I used my areodactyl/pidgeot deck and got curved stomped by pikachu ex
I've now become misty spam
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Oh, wow. Another repeat of the streak event.
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>make a random fuckoff colorless deck that uses fearows
>zapdos deck
>only basics pulled are spearows, other mon in hand is persian
>ffwd fearow
>tails on energy discard
>fearow 1 goes down
>ok fuck it ill try to salvage this
>draw card
Get fucked paypig
I wanna play drudd but its just not pulling if it did I'd play off meta.
Missing so many Pokemon but I don't have the pack points for all of 'em.
>Reduce the consistency of the deck with persian
>I bricked!
Oh my
I haven't seen the god pack from either the snorlax icon anon nor the venusaur icon anon. I think they pulled just too many packs. If the limit is indeed 3 days then I got only 1 left to go.
Serperior is the real MVP of the update. Similar to Gardevoir, Misty and Moltres it will age well.
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Let's me just tell you that this is some good taste you have there
I listen to tcg gb game ost while playing
Trying to build a Lumineon deck but nothing good comes to mind. I thought Gren + Lumineon would be good with Pokeflute but it takes too long to setup and Lumineon cannot hit the active pokemon. I feel like it's a super cool card but it doesn't put in work consistently it seems.
Last attempt I'll do is some mistycuno + lumineon despite the fact that i hate misty immensely both when facing and using her
Every Celebitard I play against puts 5 energies on their main Celebi and none to the one on the bench, then lose the grind game
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>They play like there's a 5 millions dollars cash prize and their mother is in the hospital awaiting an obscenely expensive surgery.
I've gotten fucked over by RNG so bad on Mythical Island. 93 packs, 5 FA Vaporeons, 4 FA Dedennes, 4 FA Exeggutors and not a single mew ex or aerodactyl ex. I don't even have playsets of cards like Gyarados ex, Serperior or Tauros to make up for it. Stuck on that infuriating singleton copy that makes it difficult to try and use them in decks I wanna play
I think lumineon + articuno would be better. The thing is the only good bench sniping are the cards that can snipe and hit the active like zebra or the ones that have that as an ability.
Try Hitmonlee + Fossil line so you always start with Hitmonlee
Oink oink thanks for supporting the game please keep gambling
Sigilyph is a better card than mew ex
I hate budding Oak so much. It basically forces you to play something that can oneshot Mew and Celebi.
I'm perfectly fine grinding out my 1 win 1 loss tempo with my Druddi-ninja and Lumineon decks, dw
more like chudding oak
Play Pikachu I haven't had a single mirror match he's no longer meta
>9 cards deep into my deck
>drew one basic and no oaks or balls
>it dies
this game is really epic
>x2 jynx
>gengar ex
>fearow (was x2 but I could never draw a fucking haunter)
God I need another Gengar and then I can be confident in my Celebi murderer team. No pack points though and no Sab either...
Don't blame me, blame the game that gave me two immersive Celebi and full art Serperior and Exeggutor.
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>went first
>the coinflip favored at the very end
Had this happen 3 games in a row in the last event and never bothered with another game
This is my Mewtwo experience no clue why people call it consistent
Here I am pulling another fucking Charizard pack because my autism won't let me skip the fucking metal pokemon mission
hey that opponent is using a one-of Dhelmise. Smart.
I got 0 Misty heads in 6 games but overall Articuno front and Lum in the back isn't bad, you pull the fish out just to snipe and retreat it for free. With Leaf it might even be almost good, too bad i have none. Ofc blizzard synergises with fish
Starting with Lee seems horrible as you cannot hit active mon and 30 in bench isn't that great
really looking forward to that johto pack tbqh
I wonder if Typhosion will outclass Charizard by virtue of power creep or if he'll just be born dead because Char is more popular
He will probably incorpiate some Dittos
Aint no party like a Ditto party
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Chari will always come back to be king of the meta

But but copium that Typhosion & Blaziken will be meta for a few seasons before Chari comes back
I never get the cards I need when I pack pull, for fucks sake I have every fucking Genetic Apex full art, 3 EX Articuno, 2 EX Exeggutor, yet this game can't give me a fucking Alakazam or Gardevoir are you SHITTING ME
>pulled 2** Mew
Why the fuck did they make Blue -10? Literally the most worthless trainer card in the game given how common Giovanni is
Typhlosion isn't allowed in the game
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>when I went first 7 times
M2 is pretty good
>doing AI challenges
>AI doesn't attack for two turns in a row despite having energy
>AI uses budding expeditioner on Mew without any Pokemon on the bench
>AI uses lower powered move than is available
based AI handing me free wins
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My luck today has been so ass my God
today? My luck has been ass for a whole month
That means you're overdue expect a god pack soon
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Druddigon is an honorary Metal type
I'd really like a second melmetal to fuck around with but I can't be opening Charizard packs right now
Are jap kids stupid? They play very badly even with meta decks.
>12 hourglasses
>but I have to play pvp 10 times
>I only use shit off-meta af decks with favorites
end me
You don't have to win for the hourglasses.
Japan relegated Pokemon squarely to a children's and teens thing. I have a feeling Asian players are mostly children and Western players are mostly in their 20s and 30s. I'm sure they have nostalgiafags but I don't think they're like the Western diehards.
>doing my bonus missions in the new vs ai decks challenges
>knock opponent pokemon out
>they send out a different one
>...just so they can instantly x-speed and retreat it to send out the other one
Serperior is like Gardevoir in that she is limited by being a stage 3 supporter. The instant a stage 2 or a basic becomes capable, they're out of a job.
You love to see it. He won the 3 out of 4 coinflips needed to kill my first Arcanine after I took out his first Celebi.
Leaf is stupidly strong on this deck, he really thought he had another turn.
How can I guarantee I have pidgeot online as soon as possible? I can almost guarantee pidgey on turn 1 by not having too many basics and using balls, but then besides oak is there a way I can make sure I have pidgeotto and pidgeot cards asap?
You could gamble with Chatot and using as many items as you can, so your deck is thin and fast.
that's super wrong lol, fucking everybody here is playing pocket
Double Aerodactyl EX/Ambers for a backbone and Chatot for draws
Pocket's got the nostalgia capturing of Go but without having to go outside and nearly every gen represented on launch
Will they increase the deck amount? Between solo missions and meta changes 15 is NOT enough.
20 but yeah, decks should be 30 at least.
I also did this with a old Blaine. Now I will struggle on the 5 win streak event.
>play outside the games developer approved meta decks
>game forces me to lose

It’s not fun people are going to run stupid shit for no reason and none of the off meta shit is engaging
Game suspiciously gave me too many Sabrinas in my starting hands that I can't use I'm starting to hate her now. Hmm..
Use her for energy control
lol at anyone saying Pika ex isn't still meta
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I've won 80% so far in the event with pika
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decided to keep track of my record for the event to decide whether to keep playing only 1 chatot or not in the gyara/chatot build. so far the data is skewed by the insane luck I had while opening karp so I can't really make a decision yet until variance smooths out
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Celebi is Mewtwo but worse
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>pika is still met- ACK
How do you Celebi EX?
Also where can you get more Rewind watches?
Yeah, the results are already showing it's just a more inconsistent Mew2EX with more bad match-ups.
>play blaine
>run into nothing but cerebi decks
bring psychic as your energy and chuck sigilyph in there
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Genome Hacking flops vs Celebi if I'm not using grass energy?
Yep, I'm 20-3 so far
>greninja tauros
An anti ex deck?
No, see
>already won 5 in a row, in my first 5 matches
Why couldn't it have been this easy last time? Thank you based Celebi.
I've been running blue with pika and it's worked out pretty well. Stops a lot of ohkos
>have to find serperior which is a pain in the ass
>constant difficulty choosing between stacking excess energy on Celebi 1 for bad RNG protection or getting the backup ready for when it inevitably gets oneshot by your opponents win condition
It's funny to flip 10 coins on people and hit a 400 or whatever but the deck genuinely isn't that good
Fire is *really* good right now because of new toy syndrome (and Celebi being pretty good). I’m also loving Mew ex at 1x in my Arcanine deck. It’s so flexible, and unless I get dogshit luck on flips, it’s an easy place to dump energy. Patches up the deck’s weakness to big beaters like Zard / M2.

Leaf makes Moltres ex much better, as well.
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>Think about removing Jynx from Alakazam but now that celebi is the meta Jynx can be a viable option
Amazing. My deck just keeps get better
The ArcaE/Mew deck already won something. >>57108736
I'd say it's the second best deck right now after M2. The only bad matchup is against water.
Celebi is unironically overrated.
Alright losing got too annoying with my off meta decks I am now a Scolipede enjoyer
post chad decks i should play and post sissy decks i shouldnt play for this event
How?? I've lost against all the celebi decks I've faced
>chad decks
new golem deck
new blaine to rape celebitches
>sissy decks
anything water
new mewtwo
forgot to throw Zam in chad but checks out
Water decks without Misty

Water decks with Misty
>gigachad tier
Pure Steel
how could i forget
I don't remember the win-5 event being this easy. I also came across an extremely based Weepinbell/MewEX deck that takes advantage of Celebi opponents (I'm was playing Celebi).
>Bulba Magnemite Wonder Pick already ended
It was an easy way to slowly stock up on Wonder Hourglasses
Gotta say it's weird that Zard isn't dominating everything in a Pokemon game. Even at launch Zard deck is like tier 2 at best
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This destroys most decks but especially Celebi
If you get Moltres and Charmander and go second it’s nearly unstoppable but if the cards don’t go your way you get trashed
Can you post full list?
It's win based, everyone else is either finished or almost done so you're just playing against kids right now.
I haven't had the misfortune of that old man putting me in my place. Yet.
2 Pidgeot and 2 Pidgeot EX
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>another 45 win event
just give us ranked ladder you fucking niggers

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