>Friend ID Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScx82fFuZ05JSneihERecx5UKEJv42EGQKYZM3flPh_ERIa-A/viewform>Friend ID Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DGh0faMX6D_YUR-P39_OJdVmAl0uacohIRstE9oN9SQ/edit>Tournament results/decklists: https://play.limitlesstcg.com/tournaments/completed?game=POCKET>Deck Builder: https://my.limitlesstcg.com/builder>Datamines, etc.: https://ptcgp.raenonx.cc/en/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (consider writing a post to recruit players)>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex): vpnx>meta decks or high level play: vpmeta>/vp/ anything: vpPrevious thread: >>57146668
>>57149733Feels bad but it can tank early game and its health doesn't really matter unless you're facing greninja/hitmonlee
If my initial draw is too godawful I just concede and go again, no fun trying to make this pre-bricked shit work
I hope Umbreon is this good
>>57149789>Two attacksImpossible to comprehend, fix this shit.
>>57149789>weak to grassIs this a rock type?
>>57149802Some darkness types are weak to grass (bug) yes
>>57149789why does it have such high health
>>57149761dog shit OP
>>57149789>on turn 3, deal 60 damage to the mon that retreated on turn 2Druddigon decks in SHAMBLES
>>57149816Umbreon's best stat is its Defense
>>57149816tgc = powercreep
>>57149818How else are you going to attack early on? Marshadow's basic might as well not exist, Aero needs to evolve and Hitmonlee can only hit the back
>>57149826That's not a real card.
>>57149787Fucking casino
>>57149834I want to say Hitmonchan but -10 damage for +20 HP feels bad.
>>57149841Celery mirrors are the most funny thing.
>>57149843Yeah, Farfetch'd damage lets you completly own Mewtwo enough that Marshadow can guarantee a kill for example
This deck is so stupid, I love it.Don't tell Weezing or Scolipede
Hello frens,Ex-Pro TCG faggot buddy here.I feel quite strongly that Pikachu is the best deck right now. It rapes Gyrados decks. It is only slightly unfavored against Mewtwo. It does well against Charizard.Gyrados almost single-handedly has made Mewtwo just not good. I'm the biggest Mewtwo fag out there, so it's brutal to realize this. Going forward, I will be testing Mewtwo with 1 Jinx and 1 Mew, as much as that sickens me. The only plan against Gyrados is to kill druddigon with a Gardevoir after having Mewtwo or new charged up on the bench. Then they swap to Gyrados and kill Gardevoir. Then you send in jinx and hit Gyrados, then finally you can kill the big fish. It's not ideal, but if you keep that in mind as your ONLY strategy to win once they have druddigon and Gyrados, you may be able to win enough. Will do some testing.Charizard is great right now. Honestly, super underrated. Goes over the top of Gyrados easily. Not sure what the best solution to beating mew is, but there's a few things I need to try like a basic Zard, Arcanine, my own mew, etc. Celebi is just solidly tier 2. It's a fine deck but noticably worse than Mewtwo and very similar. It gets raped by Gyrados all the same. I love my Gyrados build, which I still wanna keep hidden, though I imagine others will find this build. I could be retarded for not playing the frogs, but they're so fucking inconsistent. If you just make Greninja most games you're gonna win. I get that, but it's pure pain when you don't just have the evolution chain. I'm trying another tank and more trainers. 1 Giovanni is needed to shore up Mewtwo matchup. I really like the deck, but I find it nearly impossible to beat Pikachu without some stupid Misty shenanigans, so I built my deck to have the best mistys. Still, why not just play Pika if you matchups range from nearky auto-wins (Gyrados) to slightly bad (Mewtwo)?I hope this disgusting Jinx will be what is needed to take Mewtwo back to playable. I have faith.
>>57149887Pkachu has a bad matchup vs the fighting aggro deck people have been playing for a couple days.
>>57149878Good thing barely anyone plays those decks.
>>57149878once you draw marshadow you basically win this matchup
>tfw only have 1 Marshadowfuuuuuuuck, i wanna try this deck
AeroFarHitmonShadow got me my last 10 wins and I had a lot of fun with it. Based.
>>57149887The secret to gyarados raping the entire game is getting rid of the frogs and adding blue to protect the karp on the bench. This is well known amongst those with brains but the tourneyfags need to catch up for some reason.
>opponent is very clearly about to lose>still plays our their entire turn>insta concedes the second my turn starts before I can do anythingfucking why
>>57149878I'm worried I'm too stupid to play this deck.
>>57149915Setting aside WP scumming, I've pulled like 5 FA Marshadows and i still haven't gotten the Mew coin. Are we opening the same packs?
>>57149932It's as straightforward as it gets
Kinda feel like Machamp/Drudd/Mew is in a good spot to put in some work. The only big weakness is Celebi but the tourney meta is so stratified that you can get away with just not running into it. Current cook has a 3rd basic Machamp which lives inside some comfy breakpoints (150 hp for Garydos, 100 dmg kills Celebi/Mew post Drudd with Gio). Only thing that’s bothering me is the 20th spot which I’m looking at either Marshadow for some more consistency or Sabrina. Might also just drop the 3rd Machamp since it functionally has the same kill targets as Marshadow but it’s such a nice tool to have at your disposal.
>>57149915>>57149934I have a shitload of Marshadows and no Aero EX or Mew Ex which is wild to me
I added a god pack guy how long until it shows up in my picks?
>>57149932you just start smacking shit, momentum is instant so it’s not like blaine where you need to plan all 3 points. it feasts on slow decks aka 90% of the meta
>>57149942it's pure luck
>>57149915I have everything but a second giovanni because the mewtwo pack absolutely hates me.
>>57149952Nigga just buy it
Erika + Potion in the same turn has to be the most retarded gay shit in this universe
>>57149942When another pick times out it'll maybe show. It's best to not look at your wonder picks for a while(up to 4 hours) before trying for this so that all your wonder pick slots get a new pick at the same time maximizing your odds.
I love Erika!
>>57149950>>57149961But I want it now
>Time wasting gimmicky retardedly built Dragoretard is wasting my time again
>>57149953There's still a ton of shit I don't have in the pack, like not having a single mewtwo despite pulling a ton of rares, so I'm holding off on buying it for now. But I will if it comes to it. I've been managing with just 1 gio in my decks so far.
>>57149961Aren't the friend WP slots separate from the regular ones?
>>57149959if you’re not one shotting grassfags you’re doing it wrong
>>57149991They still will show up when others show up.
>hitmonlee does well in tournament>everyone starts playing it>gayardos trannies keep getting sniped by him and stop playing it we won
>>57150006Kickmonlee is just great in general against Druddfag stall
>>57150002How do you one shot Venusaur without the zard?
>Dragonite splits 50 between all my board>One of them was an old amber>This triggers Marshadow's abilityHoly kek this rules
>>57150006anyone can join tournaments, they don’t represent the best players you can tell by their decks that they suck
>First turn>Pokeball>Oak>PokeballFeels like a fucking eternity bro
You can tell if a player is good if they use pokeball before oak.
There should be some kind of penalty for decking even if it's not an instant loss like the real game
>>57150040Not exactly rocket science now is it
>>57150035As a YGO player, opening like that just makes me salivateThe deck thinning is so REAAAAAL
Yeah this arcanine charizard deck is still super good, idk why i doubted it. One shotting greninja feels so good, fuck this frog
>>57150044What the fuck is decking
>you got the first turn>pic related comes and slaps ypur stage 1 gf's asswhat do?
>>57150014Pretty much this. Several days ago, I dropped the decks I was running because Drudd stall was making things less fun. Running the Aero deck was simply a consequence of current meta trends and a desire to play my rainbow Aeros.It’s pretty funny that I’ll be labeled a metafag for running the deck now kek.
>>57149975Next time avoid opening your picks for a few hours before the time you want to add someone. If your friends list is 4 accounts of less it will show up as soon as you open the picks.>>57149991It was reworked recently and the details aren't totally understood, but you don't get a new friend offer as soon as the old one expires anymore. You're still capped at 4 friend offers with no more than 1 offer from each friend though.
>>57150049When you run out of cards to draw on the beginning of your turn. In standard TCG if you can't draw at the beginning of your turn you lose instantly
>>57150006that’s weird because I was told that Druddigon was the most broken card in history and there were no counters to it
>>57150051It gets the leek and then sleeps in the discard pile.
>>57150051This sounded cool but setting up mankey without it fucking exploding is more unreliable than it soudned at first
>>57150051This card is completely broken when it works. Getting your asshole slapped for 100 is retarded
>>57150055>If your friends list is 4 accounts of lessShit I guess I'm nuking everyone
>>57150040I can think of situations where I would want to draw 3 basics.
>>57150057Oh, you mean decking out. I didn't know that was actually a common penalty with other TCGs, I just thought that was a YGO thing.
Someone didn't get the memo.
>>57150068Leave the fish alone
>>57150071That fish dead mon
>>57150062I kept 3 people who semi-consistently like my showcase. If you're CumChugger, Rain, or :D and you unfriend me I'll cry.
>>57150069The guy is retarded, and I’m pretty sure it’s a bit at this point. Drudd / Gyara is so strong (and popular) that it rocketed Hitmonlee and otherwise meme-worthy cards to relevance.
>>57150071I run Flute at 1 just so I can drag that little nigger back out of the grave and kill him again
>>57150080Having strong cards that have somewhat niche counters like that is one of the fun aspects of developing TCG metas though, not sure why people are complaining.
>>57150080Hitmonlee was a good card in GA as well. He had the same problem as Exeggutor: he wasn't so good that he could carry his shit type on his own. Now there are two good fighting Pokemon AND Hitmonlee is good enough to carry his type.
>>57150085I have had a lot of fun shitting on Drudd decks using one easy trick, but I also don’t particularly enjoy the game states and overall meta shifts caused by the card. I think it’s fair to complain about it.
>>57150095Also have to consider how limited the card pool is currently. It's gonna take 2-3 more sets before I feel like the game is going to have a proper pool of choice to draw upon. Strong shit feels overwhelming right now because of how limited options are.
>WAIT 4 hours for the wrong daddy pack to fuckin remove itself>now i got the wrong one again for another 3the jews nigga i swear they aim at my bitch black ass
Thats how meta games works, more hitmonlees = more food for mewtwo to feast on.
>double red card mewtwo I still won but goddamn sometimes you want to strangle players through the phone screen
>>57150108>cant 1 shot without giovanni like any other basichow is he feasting on /ourguy/ hitmonlee
>>57150105For sure. I’m not crying out for anything to be rebalanced. At most, I might advocate to limit Misty, but I feel like that is in a tier of its own.
bros isint mewEX timeless considering it will mimic the attacks for 3 energy and eveyr power creep it gets more retarded but mew finna be adapting
>>57150104Why didn't he just use Leaf
>>57150111I've never had any fun fighting a mewtwo deck even when I've won.
>>57150107>daddyThat's the double rainbow Articuno right?
So people are trying to run Hitmonsneed now?
>>57150120He did Earlier to pull back his already smacked Geodude lmao
>>57150113Have you ever played a fighting deck into psychic. It fucking sucks
>>57150117Making good attacks require less energy>>57150120He needs to use burly Pokemon like Druddigon and GolemIf he saw Leaf's hips he'd be fapping until timeout
It's me again>>57149924Does Blue stop Zebra/Electabuzz? If so, that's neat tech. I appreciate it. Not sure it can salvage that horrid matchup though.>>57149897Fair enough but Golem is honestly just so inconsistent and tier 2 in my mind. I've ripped through that deck with Pika just because Pika is insane. I can believe that the matchup overall is favorable to the rocks tho.Played 4 matches with Mewtwo with (shudder) Jynx. Didn't play against Druddigon surprisingly. My Gyrados opponent has Tauros as a wall which didn't beat gard + double M2 since Mewtwo survived the first Gyrados hit. Mewtwo is so fucking good at just drawing the entire deck. Mewtwo is so good, but it's quite difficult to beat Druddigon + Gyrados. I hope to battle more Gyrados soon and test the Jynx tech. Games often just stall forever and both players draw their deck, so it seems totally doable to charge your bench, put gard in, shoot druddigon twice with gard, then send in Jinx to hit Gyrados, and then finally Mewtwo or Mew can secure the winning blow. That's the theory at least. Jynx has been dogshit in the matches I played so far (obviously) but it's basically only in the deck for one specific purpose. Even with making PokeBall way worse, I was able to find m2 + gard smoothly each game because slab is fucking busted. I think Mewtwo legitimately has a good matchup against every single deck besides Gyrados. Gyrados killed off all the Weezing decks too, so the other really bad matchup for m2 basically is gone.
>>57150131marshadow's purpose is to revenge kill and die, farfetchd and aero arent weak vs psychic, only hitmonlee is
>>57150131It's not that bad against the deck anons posted recently, cause of the small amount of interactions it actually is very tied thanks to farfetchd + marshadow
>marshadow revenge for a 100>it doesnt matter the enemy survives it???
>>57150044No, my favorite games are the ones that go long enough where both people deck out and both people played most of their deck, you get to truly know whether your deck building is up to speed then
This deck is genius in ways I haven't seen any other deck work before, it's insane how well it all works together and the low cost of attack + retreat of every mon makes them all usable at almost any stage of the duelPlus the only deck it's weak to doesn't get any play whatsoever lmaoNot saying it's broken or OP cause it obviously isn't, but it feels amazing to play
You know what would be utter cancer in this game? Mill.
>>57150121I don’t mind playing Mewtwo but the deck is so tight on trainer cards that double rc is pure clown shit
>>57150155??? farfetched or hitmonlee do damage initially then m2 cant attack into hitmonlee or farfetched if he's less than 100 hp while you setup another marshadow or aero on bench
You just know
Amazing that this place was wrong about Aero twice
>>57150193>It's BROKEN because of it's ability!!>Nevermind it's ability doesn't do much and fighting decks suck!!>Oh it's awesome with this particular deck because Fighting decks are good now actuallylmfao 2 weeks
>>57150179I don't know
>>57150193What's the count on /tcgp/ being wrong now?
Remember a week ago when Golem was king meta unkillable?
>>57150212>red card>fossils>celebi>gyarados>aerodactylIt would be easier to point to what the predominant opinion of this general has actually gotten right.
aero is still bad, i think its getting carried by hitmonlee and ape. suck my fat fucking balls, are any of you actually watching the games and seeing whats leading to the wins?
>>57150234Uhh what about the farfetchd aero deck?
>>57150234Yeah aero is shit, it just happens to fit in the deck but it's far from being the star of it.
how does this even happen
>>57150228Red Card is absolutely mandatory in every deck right now. Fossils were good in M2 before Mew was added Celebi is mediocre and definitely tier 2Gyrados we all missed, like retards. Card is warping the metagame around it Aerodactyl I thought didn't say "active pokemon" when I first read it. As it really is, it's terrible. If it didn't say "active pokemon" I'd expect it to be great.
>>57150234>suck my fat fucking balls
>>57150248>>57150240do you guys think its only running those 2 cards? This deck has 2 marshadow, 2 hitmonlee and 1 hitmonchan. Fighting decks have some of the best low cost basics
>>57150248Does he play druddigon? Maybe old golem? Idk kek it's strange.
>>57150256>>57150248marshadow stalemate
>I was wrong, so that means you were tooNope.
Aero is a worse starmie ex, just so happens that fighting decks are starved for anything
>>57150200Here take this image.
>Amber Fossil > weak ass 50 hp basics since you can tank a Sabrina and discard >Aero is similar to Starmie EX but has an ability that can cuck some decks ummm aerodactyl is cute and strong
>>57150263The stats could be better but it does help that it's a fossil. The deck wants to open on Hitmonlee or Farfetch'd (depending on the matchup) and doesn't want more basics.
>>57150278Baby Mewtwo is a bad card, were people calling it excellent because it was an auto include on most old mewtwo decks?
>>57150270The hero. This will come in handy multiple times in the future.
>>57150278Was I wrong about THIS?
3-diamond Marshadow looks better than 1-star Marshadow.
>only 10-0 we won dactylbros
>magicark has 30 hpalright this is funny
>>57150331>A1-141 A1a-41 A1a-42 A1a-42Funny looking soup.Is he short an A1a-41 or is this a calculated decision?
>>57150331Oh no no no Farfetch'dfaggots? Pffft
I understand why the decks are succesful. You blitz the bench with hitmonlee, or the active spot with ape since the new one is 1 energy. Marshadow and revenge kill electric types or anything chipped, and aerodactyl can be back up if necessary
>>57150295Yes. Unknown text flair can happen.
Release me
>>57150349Don't care, Farfetchd doesn't require evolving therefore I'll keep using it
>>57150349the farfetchd GOD got 2 ties
I feel bad for the joltik
>>57150365Did i miss an update? You can run multiple colors now?
>>57150365>Celebi>Mewtwo>Pikachu>Exeggutor>Moltres>presumed Charizard>Ditto>fire energyWhat the fuck
>>57150331I mean Aero EX is basically Fighting Starmie the only thing that sucks is not being able to search fossils
If they release a Magikarp with 40 HP it's a wrap for Hitmonfags
uh oh celebi melty...
>>57150349There's about as many Farfetch'd decks with 8 wins as there are Mankey decks. All the "Aerodactyl Mew" decks are variants. There's also a "Farfetch'd Hitmonlee" deck that cut Aerodactyl. And as >>57150363 said, there is a Farfetch'd list with 0 losses.
>>57150248Intentional draw so they can both make the top cut
>Go first>WinGive me my fucking esport contract
>>57150376>daisy chainned marshadowthat seems like AIDs to play against
>>57150394Only if they get set up before you claim a point.
>>57150234That's the thing: Hitmonlee, Primeape, and Marshadow are REALLY good. The deck's only missing a good offensive tank to bring it together. Aerodactyl fills that niche well enough for the others to function.Fighting will be outright meta cancer if it ever gets a better option.
Why is Farfetchd of all things getting these results, am I missing something?
>>57150408High damage* for 1 energy
>2 giovannis 1 farfetchd in starting hand>wack the drudd dead on my 2nd turn
>>57150405Marshadow is the sleeper card for sure, its super good.
Man I just acted a crazy game with my Jynx Mewtwo deck. Shit played out exactly as I planned. Gard killed a druddigon, threatened to kill the 2nd, he put in Gyrados to kill gard, Jynx came in and hit Gyrados. He got 4 misty flips, which he would have lost without. 2nd garydos came in and killed jinx. Big Mewtwo was sent out and he was dead unless he had a Giovanni in his deck which he sadly did. If he didn't hit fucking 4 energy off Misty, I would have won. I have faith that this Jynx line and just being aware that you gotta charge everything up and start hitting drud with gard is the way through this matchup. I really feel like I cracked the code.
>>57150408>slaps you for 40 damage instantly
>>57150414The new shiny colors anime was shit :(
>>57150408Early game pressure. Hits hard with his stick for 1 energy
>>57150421No this sounds kinda stupid actually
>>57150421But really, you can just play Pika lmao. It rapes these gyrados decks so hard. Mewtwo is so fucking consistent though, even with shitter Jynx. Deck is good. Hardest to play in the format probably.Inb4 the Pika fag starts saying Pika is harder to play than Mewtwo (which was never true but is especially not true now).
>>57150391I'm trying the wonder pick manipulation shit so I nuked my entire friends list
>>57150438It is legitimately, undoubtedly the way forward with Mewtwo. I unironically feel kinda like a genius for figuring this out. It's rough, but the games ALWAYS stall out and both players ALWAYS draw their deck unless they can't find druddigon for some reason.Trust me, Jinx is disgusting, but it's what the doctor ordered for Gyrados.
>i was stupid for thinking celebi was op>it does good this week and multiple make top cutso are we allowed to have initial opinions in the moment or not.
You can alternatively just always go for 2 cards to do the needful, but I think jinx helps a lot. I should probably just try to consciously maximize my chances at 2 gards and play without the Jynx and see how it goes.
>the ex-professional TCG player larper still mistakenly thinks Mewtwo is the most difficult deck to play>I still live rent free in his head as "Pika fag" and he makes double blog posts just to bring me upI haven't played Pika since GA, and even then I mostly played Mewtwo and jank decks in GA
>>57150458>>57150457Gards*Fuck me I'm a phone posting faggot ahhh
>>57150458Sir, I inb4ed you You're btfo.I hope you're having a nice holiday though <3
>>57150454Celebi isn't making the one making top cut usually. Exeggutor is. They just get mis-labeled as Celebi decks because they run it as a backup attacker.
Motherfuckers that pull out a basic ex and evolve a bitch in the back overtime will tell you that it actually takes skill and it's not the most braindead repetitive deck in the game
>>57150454Everything is luck with the top decks. I'm prepared to see it multiple times.
>>57150476I can't understand players that have played M2/Dos for 100s or matches doing the same thing.
>>57150474Celebi definitely plays a vital role as a early game tank with low retreat cost. Also even without seperior its 2 energy attack is solid. 50 damage average is nice
>>57150476The higher energy attacks in your deck, the more difficult it is to play the deck because you gotta use foresight. This is objectively true. Also, Gyrados energy burning makes things a bit tricky. Also you gotta kill drud without using Mewtwo or Mew basically. then you need another 1 prize mon to whack. Pika is a straightforward aggro deck that is very simple to play and more forgiving of mistakes.
>tfw this game jewed me so hard that the only deck i can run is serperior + celebi because i'm missing every other fucking card for any other decki'm sorry if you see me on random battles, i don't know how to deckbuild
>>57150484I think I have over 400 wins with Mewtwo. He's my homie. I've played a shit load of Gyrados and Pika this week though.
>>57150468>I wrote 2 entire blogposts just to bring you up>this means that I wonLIl bro, you're delusional. I haven't played Pika or Mewtwo since MI dropped, but Mewtwo became much more consistent (i.e. likely easier) and it was already easier to play than Pikachu. You can't make me still be your bogeyman like this.
is there a way to see the winrate of gyarados vs the aerodactyl decks? i bet it must be like 20%
>>57150499It's actually slightly harder bc you gotta sequence your slabs intelligently and use the bottom of the deck knowledge. It's honestly not too bad, but I see people fuck it up ALL THE TIME. Pro tip: figure out what mon you need (usually M2, Ralts, or kirilia/gard) then sequence your shit to maximize hitting that.I been battling (pic rel).Unfortunately weekends are not great for me to play tournaments, but I hope I'll enter some someday.
>>57150491>get gard you win>don't get gard you loseSuch amazing foresight and skills being put into this deck
>>57150519I have triple the # of wins and I declare that Aerodactyl x Farfetchd is the best deck, and the most honorable one to play
Alright I tried out the Aero deck kek
>>57150520Nah, you'll still get rolled by Gyrados if you have Gard + Mewtwo as early as possible if they have a druddigon.Get gud faggot
Oh neat, an alakzam deck made top 32
>>57150523Post screenshot.Also, farfetchd is FUCKING BASED.It sounds like a fun deck to play around with, but I worry about the m2 matchup. Seems like you can run through Gyrados decks tho.If you wanna beat Gyrados though, just play Pika. It's so easy. Such an easy deck to pilot to victory against Gyrados.
>>57150484Same. That's why I haven't really played any of the GA decks in MI. I'd rather play the new shit. Maybe if I get desperate for the 5 winstreak I'll go back and see just how much Mewtwo has improved, or maybe if I seem to be running into a constant stream of Gyarados I'll pick up Pika again.
>>57150523How does it fair against Druddigon Mew Greninja?
>>57150531Im about to fuck up the entire metagame when i get a kadabra in <2 days
>>57150529>my brainless deck is skillful because it gets mogged by the other brainless deckHURR
>>57150537No idea, but regardless the combo of killing karp and type advantage against electric helps the deck alot. Marshadow being able to revenge kill and one shot all electric types cards is phenomenal
>>57150547ah nice he’s using zam drudd too, surprised he went sigilyph over mew ex though. like there’s certain matchups i can see it working in but bench slots are way too tight in drudd teams usually, mew is way more splashable
Okay so I got the guy I wanted to appear in the wonder pick but the card choices aren't what it should be. Does that mean that friend is a lost cause and I should try adding someone else or will his card picks change when his wonder pick timer goes up?
>>57150532I've probably played 200-300 games with the Aerodactyl deck
>>57150569Holy fuck the pocket grinder is amongst usI kneel anon
>>57150531Post deck.
My takeaway from these threads is that when the new expansion comes out I shouldn't make any assumptions about what will or won't be good and instead just wait a week to see how the meta plays out before I choose a pack to go all in with my hourglasses on.
>>57150569What level does this get you?
>>57150565>Does that mean that friend is a lost causeNot necessarily.>I should try adding someone elseThe etiquette is typically that if you get the wrong pack, you unfriend and re add like 4-6 hours later after his previous pack has cycled out. >will his card picks change when his wonder pick timer goes up?Yes.
>>57150565He has multiple packs he can give you but he won't give you another one while that pack is still in your list. You can try again in a few hours. In the meantime you can unfriend him.
>>57150577>My takeaway from these threads is that when the new expansion comes out I shouldn't make any assumptions about what will or won't be goodYou can absolutely attempt to evaluate cards before they have been proven or before they have been contextualized via the entire card pool. But if you listen to the predominant evaluations of anons in these threads, you will almost certainly be wrong (though some individual users/posts have been right)
>>57150580im a paypig so i was level 50 for a long time already
Twitch.tv/PocketGrinderYour favorite ex-TCG professional is streaming for the 4chan homies if anyone is bored. I am sure I'll make many retarded mistakes you can insult me over. I'll play some M2 and probably some Gyrados. Maybe Pika.
>>57150586>>57150589thank you for the clarification. Whenever I do get the god pack to show up and I don't get what I want THEN I'm totally screwed, yeah?
>>57150594>You can absolutely attempt to evaluate cards before they have been prove"attempt" is the keyword here.Professional TCG players get this shit wrong all the time.>>57150600Correct. The account can only offer you the pack once.
>>57150597wtf is ex-professional tcg player
>>57150523Deck list please
>>57150606>Professional TCG players get this shit wrong all the time.The worst part of this is that sometimes when professional TCG players get something wrong, but (You) got it right, your order of 20 copies of the card gets canceled and refunded.
Revenge killing is pretty based
>>57150606Thanks anon
>>57150168>Plus the only deck it's weak to doesn't get any play whatsoever lmaoThe Psychic weakness is still relevant. It gets Mewtwo over the threshold with Giovanni.
>>57150599This is an interesting deck that doesn't seem like it should work. At least not any more than any other Tier 3+ deck works.
>>57150618I prefer to call it honor killing.
>>57150577Especially if you're f2p wait on the new set release for the meta to settle a little before you hard roll for a deck you might want to playI'd like to say roll for whatever card you think is cool, but that's usually not very feasible for f2p to do unless you don't mind having weaker decks, for ease of hoarding and minimizing event grind time I'd say you should metafag
>>57150633Yeah alakazam has high potential but also straight up jobs to some pokemon. It needs another attacker as a plan b. You dont know how depressing it is to run into drudd with zam.
What trainers do I want in an arcazard deck?
>>57150618/ptcg/ also called marCHADow bad when first revealed too btw
>>57150659>Especially if you're f2p wait on the new set release for the meta to settle a little before you hard roll for a deck you might want to playAs someone who believes himself to give good f2p advice, I think this is good advice for new expansions specifically. Like, if the next set is another GA situation with 3 packs, absolutely do not pull until YouTubers tell you what to pull. Or if you have a favorite Pokemon that you already know you want. Or if you have personally read through every card and you trust your own judgement. Otherwise, if the person in question is a retard, they're gonna end up with like a Gengar EX situation. With the miniset, since it's just one pack, I think it's fine for f2p to blow at least some of their glasses on it. It's fun to get new toys, and games are meant to be fun.
>>57150633It's kind of similar to the ninja decks like this and the gyrados one, where you have a good backup plan in the ex card in case you don't hit your stage 2, the theory is pretty sound I played a bunch of kabutops mew2 ex pre MI that was based on this deck
Guys GUYS I just sent ursiiday 2700 dollars and she said she would go to Carl’s Jr with me!!!!
>>57150667same with gyarados
so what's the appeal about farfetch'd? why's it so good?
>>57150699We've been over this
twitch.tv/pocketgrinderIm playing some Gyrados now. Much love to whoever tuned in.
>>57150699It's usually 80 or 120 damage for 1 energy.
>>57150705The echo is real.
>>57150712fuck sorry ill fix.|internet died too.
>>57150630I keep seeing Mew2 decks run Blue out of fear of Gyarados kek
lmk if echo is fixed. i think i fixed it.
I'm not watching your stream little bro
>>57150705lol what a faggotMake like a tranny and rope homo
>>57150179What's the point of animating a cute spunky bouncy cutie if they aren't going to be naked
>>57150780This isn't a strip game.
Oh nonono
>>57150727It's fixed.
>>57150790Sometimes you just get bricked hard
>>57150705you got a bot in your chat bro.
I’ve been playing this Starmie Lumineon deck an anon posted a few days ago and it fucks>up against Pikachu, going second>hit his rat for 20 with Finneon, he plays an energy>evolve, then retreat for free into a sacrificial basic mon which he kills>bought me a turn to get another energy onto my Staryu, found Starmie, retreat for free, play Gio to kill the rat>he’s obviously gearing up to play a Surge onto his Raichu, so I retreat Starmie and just pressure his benched Pikachu instead>he didn’t have Surge anywaylolI’ve won like 5/6 games so far, and the loss was a mega brick that I conceded early. Starmie is obviously one of the best cards in the game, but Lumineon feels like a surprisingly good support card for it, especially in the current meta. Not having to run any X speed is also very cool. The jury is still out on Poke Flute, though.
>>57150168>>57150619Just played 10 matches and won 9 with this deck. Only lost 1 game to failed sleep check 3 turns in a row
what deck should I playTwitch.tv/pocketgrinder
>>57150790And thats why you dont run gyarados. Still not as bad as losing to articuno misty turn 1
>just pulled 2nd Pika exTime to zap to the extremeBut I have no Zapdos ex or even Magneton or GA Raichu
>>57150168Redpill me
I think out of any other pokemon, wigglytuff causes the most seetheThe stupid pink sleeper decides entire games on a single coin flip A 50/50 each time Everyone EVERYTIME without fail always rage quits
>>57150722Mewtwo mainly runs Blue to deal with hostile Mewtwos ex OHKO himself without it.
>>57150527I haven't played Aero EX, does "active pokemon" include benched? Doesn't seem like it'd be amazing against Celebi otherwise, unless they totally lead-decked their Snivy evos and couldn't get Celebi into a tanking position.
>>57150824You don't use Aerodactyl for the ability. You use it to hit 80 damage. The ability is a funny bonus when an evolving Pokemon gets stuck in the active slot and can't evolve.
>>57150824it doesnt include the bench
The Expert missions are such fucking bullshit, because the CPU always gets everything on curve and you have type disadvantage.
>>57150822It's extra tilting because if you lose to sleep it's your own flips that were bad.
>>57150834Just play a blain deck and fish for good ring
>>57150825Its funny how having a 2-stage 2-cost 70-80 damage dealer is enough to be a game changer for a whole type. I hope dark gets one of those next update, to maybe put a dent in Mewtwo meta.
>>57150834If you pay attention to how it places it's energy, it makes predictably bad decisions. You can leverage this to get away with greedy plays that a human would punish you for.
>>57150838I'm talking about they type disadvantage missions. Or even some of the ones where you have to win without giving any points.
>>57150839I see Aerodactyl the same way I see Charizard or Arcanine. It's not a good card, it's just the least bad card for its role.
Bench attacks should apply weaknesses
>>57150842it's not like you have to do all the missions at the same time though i do like to stack the type disadvantage and low rarity ones
>>57150853Yes, I know. The Grass decks are seemingly impossible though. They always have Erika + Potion, Exeggutor EX always evolves ASAP, it always flips heads, etc. Celebi also always gets Serperior on curve, and always flips the correct amount of heads.
Add fucking resistances in you cowards
>>57150839Sandslash already existed
>>57150864Embrace gamba at use Marowhack EX.
>>57150818Literally me except I've got raichu.
Just lost to some faggot with perfect rng and I think it was a cheating ai to force a lossPerfect draw perfect answers and he finished with a mew copying my Hitmonlee to kill the shadow with 30 hp due to the Dragonite attack
>>57150870I don't have Marowak EX.
>>57150822Wiggly + Weezing is extremely aids if it works
>>57150667I don't think it's very good, I have won several games because people wasted their energy and points on it. It kills Pikachu and dies to everything else.
>>57150852Problem solved.
Nothing worse than when the slow playing motherfucker gets god flips
>>57150876yeah i'd be malding if that hapened to me as well
>pick blaine deck>nothing but celebisyou want onions? we roast em, toast em, even ghost em
>>57150876>cheating ai to force a lossMeds.Sounds like your opponent played to his outs and got lucky.
Why is the fuckin Moltres ex in the game when it's overpowered and unbalanced? Why doesn't it stop throwing coins once you get a tails? Turn 3 Arcanine with 3 energy and it's gg
>>57150869with a much worse health pool, aero gets like 1.5x health but costs 2 prizes if you kill instead
>Giovani doesn't even buff Hitmonlee to hit for 40Are you fucking kidding me
>>57150906Read the card
hitmonlee is so good bros, it's like zebstrika but not shit
>marshadow netdecker fag gets fucked and goes full schizo about cheating ai
>>57150822Im surprised by how often people rage quit, are there this many fragile faggots as well as inconsiderate pricks playing such a laid back casual game?
The evolution of the Mystical Island meta has been hysterical. It feels like every couple of days some random new card people thought was shit suddenly ends up being good.
>>57150935Volcarona bench snipe meta deck soon
>>57150935Its good cause the meta has been really stale to start, hopefully it gets shaken up some more before the 5 win event starts.
>>57150919Nice shit deck nguyen
>>57150935Alakazam soon trust the plan
>>57150944Fucking discard 2 tho, most of times I manage to use Volca once. It feels like I'm trading 1 for 1 if it's not a situation where I finish off some EX for win. Volca with Flute is nice too.
>>57150944Volcarona is pretty meta right now... well, anti-meta at leastSnipe engine/battery Pokemon and weak basics before they turn lategame
https://youtu.be/AgKGhIMkPH0I get the joke but what card would this even be? Hypno?
Every deck is meta and every deck wins a tourmanet. Man you people are just a bunch of autistic faggots, every hour something else you owns come up with
Ok, I'm a believer in this deck now
oh no no no look at this dood
>>57150958Mew EX copying Celebi
>>57150948Alakazam won't be meta until people stop overlooking Beheyem.
>>57150971I'm glad you censored the names someone would have raped the Japanese child
>>57150971And then he evolved it, got the Misty flips, and you lost
Gentlemen I am having sexual thoughts about this pokemon
>>57150978its his turn and he has sabrina
>>57150978He'd have Sabrina'd it if it were out on his last turn. It just got played and can't evolve yet.
>gonna spent 9 hours waiting for the god pack of them bot because I'm so unluckyWhat a shit life I'm living , nothing better going on. It seems he opened 4 in total so I have to rotate through all
>>57150986>3 bad offersDamn that's unlucky. As a cope remind yourself that you've used up your bad luck prior to picking the card.
>>57150978>>57150983I didn’t sab just retreated, my second turn had just begun. I actually got an x speed in the draw too
>>57150980Godzilla, go to bed.
>>57150944Volcarona becomes the best card in the game if there's ever a Fire type Misty
Damn slut...Seducing an adult....!!Asking for it!!!
>>57151010Champion AlderDuring this turn, your Volcarona can attack or retreat without discarding any energy
>>57151016I was a little more than disappointed when this thing dropped in SWSH and the stats were nowhere near Volcarona's
>>57151016what's wrong with you people
>>57149761How do I male this deck work?
>>57151050you play meowth or chatot and hard fish for your evos and surge
A week ago I was arguing that 80 damage for 2 energy without drawbacks and charge was OP on top of having a respectable amount of HP /pocket/ didn't want to hear any of it. Well look at how the tables have turned.
>>57151066Link the post, sounds funny.
Soon Pidgeot ex will get his day in the sun and Celebi ex will end up being considered the worst of the 5 ex from Mythical Island
ID : 9582248003576394Purge every 30 min as long as im online. Purge on 30min and 1 hour mark.70688432x79273618958224800357639496146476438874296745936572540417X5906203703573769Ign 4771996348909422.713747491827962111 cards; should be one pack onlySSD23890623384191408180923022393146Rare pack ( FA Celebi, FA Pidgeot, RB Aerodactyl, Salandit, Dedenne) Expires: <t:1735272000:f>Friend ID: 2755863205768627Good luck avoiding salandit xD, stay if you find the other 2 packs until you find itAdd me 55845203417857456181330546079748045936560297119045199994189144436116498753702576x362508899115200981809230223931462782184400073521708876660498208507733382335085714799462205625491
>>57151086You ok bro?
>>57151086I'm 36 hours away from my next pick and that's pack is a 3/5 chance of cruft I don't want. There's no way I'm spending glass on that. In in 36 hours I'll have found something better.
>>57151086>stay if you find the other 2 packs>Purge on 30min and 1 hour mark.Oh my >>57151098 bad for taking you seriously. >>57151091 had the right of it.
>>57151086Is this just a transcript from a Discord thread? What the fuck are all these IDs, and which one of them have godpacks?
>>57151127>/pocket/ didn't want to hear any of it.Most of those replies seem pretty middling to me. Only really the first one and the Starmie one are saying anything bad. I was expecting it to be a shitshow like the Gyarados reveal thread was.
What do we think about aero
pikachu was (one of) the hated decksbut now, it's considered (one of) the most honest decks nowwow
Ok just for the record I always said Typhlosion EX was good even when /pmg/ calls it shit 1 month from now
>>57151148I think it's depressing that the deck runs 0 copies of GA Aerodactyl.
>>57151066I've been saying all week it not eating the Pokeball/starting hand basic gives it certain deckbuilding perks and is basically a side-wincon. Was playing the Marshadow build at the time, but I like playing just the deck with Marowak now for the fat numbers and guaranteed Cubone at the start
As someone who played a shit load of Blaine with 1 farfetched, its hilarious how many games just end with farfetchd on the draw lmao.
>done with Mythical Island>just need 1 more Scolipede and SlabIf tomorrow's free pack doesn't give me any I'll just craft them I guess
Has anyone gotten anything good out of those free packs? Every one of mine has been shit.
>>57151152>[Pikachu is considered honest now.]https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56907322/#q56909234https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56937056/#q56938176https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56951339/#q56952174https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57123534/#q57124359https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57142866/#q57146484https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57142866/#57146491https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57142866/#57146596Always has been.
I really want to open the free packs today and tomorrow but I was told I need to wait until the new year starts!
>>57151171I got a Pidgeot ex the other day (3rd so useless) and a Tauros + Volcarona today
I wouldn't describe Pikachu as honest.Its a very good deck and I enjoy playing it, but it's extremely unfair often, especially with x speed + surge lines.
>>57151171Got a 2 star celebi EX
The only thing I've been wrong about is that I thought it was possible for Vaporeon to breathe life into Blastoise. She might have, but Gyarados stole the show.
>>57151177>>57151162>>57151066What happenedI was jacking off to anime
>>57150610I played TCGs (and poker) professionally for many years. Made a good chunk of change, but not so much that it was better than working like 6 fig job. Now I regular job + play Pocket way too much.
>>57151185Isn't the main Gyara build Druddigon + Greninja anyway, not Vaporeon
>>57151177i made a post during the launch day (or a few days after) of MI where i complained that i got this and the rainbow aero ex in a single pack. i apologize.
>>57151170ive seen scolipede pretty often in wonderpicks. thats how i got mine. i even see a pick with slab and scolipede together
>>57151177>thread wrong about Gyarados EX>now wrong about Aero EXKEKAROO
>>57151191Yeah I think the best build is actually 2x regular Articuno, but the standard list is frogs. Frogs are pretty much unbeatable if they curve out into Greninja, buslt they're absolutely embarrassing sometimes.I could be wrong, but I'm liking the articunos better. It makes Misty better and they're decent walls and an alternative thing to dump energy into.
>>57151189People started figuring out Aero ex facilitates suicide Marshadow build>>57151194I'm pretty much done with MI so I don't really have anything else to spend those pack points on. Only at 300+ too so not like I could exchange it for an ex card
I own 0 Aerodactyl ex, but the deck looks breddy good. Hitmonlee and Marshadow are really fucking good. It's really their deck kek
>>57151191Yeah, but that Gyarados deck is too good to bother with Blastoise, I guess. I don't have a 2nd Blastoise so I can't give it a whirl. I've seen some lists run Vaporeon even if I think it's kinda too durdly for Gyarados. I thought it might have been good for Blastoise, but the Gyarados option is too oppressive for Water. Gyarados is a brand new deck, and it still has more showings than the more traditional Misty lists.
>>57151177I always believed in him, I'm just retarded at deck building
>>57151202what site is this
Bruh how the fuck do I get 2 immersive Celebis before a single 4 star one?
>>57151207That happened to me with Charizard
I hope when they get around to the Johto starters that Meganium gets to be good to make up for how mega shit it is in the main series
I was told this deck is good and I lost vs Nidoqueen ? Maybe because he Evolved on curve
>>57151210Thank you fren
>>57151212Only deck I can see surviving that is Gyarados
>>57151211I cannot shill Pokemon Elite Emerald enough. There are a ton of shit Pokemon that are insanely good. There are still some shit Pokemon that stay shit because the devs don't like them (RIP Kabutops) but some formerly shit Pokemon get a nice glow up. Mega Meganium has Triage for Giga Drain and STAB Draining Kiss, and it also gets +50% HP drain and auto applies Leech Seed with drain moves.
>>57151212Ironically that deck is one of the few that really wouldn't enjoy Aero ex's presence on the field
>>57151212>Chatot in Nido deckson of a bitch stole my idea
>>57151212How does Aero EX workIs Aero Ex a bench/jobber card?
>>57151212The funny thing about screenshots like this is that in any other game you'd be a confirmed whale, but in this game you're probably just a chill guy who collects his free FA trainer every 2 days.
>>57151212i would love to get knocked out by a nidoqueen
>>57151225Yeah and he bench evolved
I'm gonna play Nidoqueen wigv chatot in the tournament now it's s tier
Weezing? Marshadow? Dragonite?You're not allowed to play these unless it's 2 copies of the fancy FA version.
I finally pulled the regular Mew EX
>stallfag keeps getting kicked by Hitmonlee>if they try to retaliate Marshadow fucks them upShit is funny man
>>57151234Believe it or not I have 4 of each of those FAs and only 1 copy of each of the regulars. The Weezing FA is the only one I prefer to the regular but I can't bear to mix and match the others.
>>57151238It is funny. I've had people try to swap their bench to active to protect it as though I'm not going to just start slapping it with something else.
>>57149761It seems like Pikachu has zero chance vs celebi decks. There's literally nothing I can do. It gets online faster and us tankier, does more damage, has huge healing, and one shots me with eggecutor and Celebi. I can only 1 shot with raichu which needs so many pieces to Come together.
>Celebi and Mew are the only good EX in the pack>Actually Gyarados is also good and you need two copies!>Actually Aerodactyl is also good and you need two copies!Fucking hell I want to stop opening the new pack already
>>57151240The great thing about the FA is they will pop up on screen when placed on the field or using their attacks. Non-FA can get a weak popup effect if you get them flaired at least
I'm now absolutely certain regular Aerodactyl's coinflip is rigged to tails 95% of the time
>>57151244You can WP all of those cards.
>>57151244Turns out Mythical Island is bretty gud overall
>>57151244>Fucking hell I want to stop opening the new pack alreadyYou're kinda locked in for 60 packs regardless. Between WP and opening 60 packs, you should get all of those.
>>57151244d-dont forget birdbro
Pack points should come at like twice the rate they do holy shit it's impossible to acrue enough to do anything with them
I want an EX version that's 2 cost.
>>57151253Anyone use this guy during that tourney?
>>57151256Why does a random bovine hate ex Pokemon that much
>>57151244Is it possible that TCG Pocket... dare I say... a fun and diverse meta...?
>>57151254Literally the only thing worth spending them on is 3-diamond cards that aren't available as full arts.
>>57151244Aerodactyl ex is a gimmick card and is inferior to most basic exs despite being as difficult to field as a stage 2 since fossils are dogshit
Sorry, but I've been given 90 seconds to take my turn, so I'll be taking the full 90 seconds
>>57151251And I thought something like that would be a Myth
>>57151262It has a surprisingly rock paper scissors style meta. Like these fighting decks would get dabbed on by a grass deck whipping out an early Eggs or stalling a bit with Celebi+Erika.
>>57151271Based. It's part of the game and you chose to battle so no complaining. Oh, you're taking a shit? Waiting for the bus? Sorry PAL but your time is my time now!
goddamn, i just won 8 games in a row. This mewtwo+alakazam deck is crazy, one shotting golem feels surreal.
Any good setups for a pure colorless deck? Seems like it could be a fun niche but so many characters feel very energy hungry.
Why is that misty whore in the game? If you get heads turn one it's over the enemy won't recover from a 3 energy Articuno or stwrmie ex
>>5715125290 packs opened and I am still missing >one Mew>one Gyarados >one Aerodactyl Got my FA Leaf, Expeditioner and crown Mew though
>>57151291kinda corny that theres no bonus for running only colorless basic mons.
>>57151290How is it a one shot if he has 160 HP and you only did 150 damage?
>>57151290I tried to make no-Gardevoir Mewtwo ex work but needing to manually place 4 psychic energy just takes forever. Most of my wins were from Weezing doing all the work when I tried it in the 5-consecutive win event
>>57151296A colorless trainer of some kind would be nice.
would leaf or erika make a better wife
>>57151291Pidgeot EX or Wigglytuff EX are the obvious late game options but aside from that, uhhhhh Farfetch'd to apply pressure? Kangaskhan? Snorlax?
>>57151311Sabrina would be a shit wife, way too autistic.
Chuck a sneeded
>>57151312Don't forget MI Eevee for maximum gamba horseshit
>>57151305That's still not a one shot THOUGH
>>57151315>fully saturated energy>no damagewowthey really just let you kick and kick and kick
>>57151308Budding Expeditioner
>might lose to Dragonite if he kills Mewtwo next turn>my best out was Mew killing both of his backline for 2 points
>>57151297Drud does chip, which means alakzam will do 150 and get the kill. This deck also has a copy of giovanni, which lets you get the one shot as well. By all means, its a inescapable sequence into a one shot for you.
>>57151322that's a dude...
>>57151315It's so fucking funny when people do shit like this and have no choice but to use 3 energy to copy some shitty 1 energy move. I've stalled for a bunch of turns slapping a Mew down with Eggsecute+Potions refusing to evolve to Exeggecutor until I set up what I needed to win the game.
>>57151315loldeck list?
>>57151303Mewtwo is is your back up in this deck, if you have all the pieces, dump them into kazam. Drudd makes games go on forever, and if they want to snipe with hit mon Lee you can pressure with Mewtwo and maybe oneshot if you play giovanni.
>>57151331Seems to be a mix between these two decks >>57149532
still no mew ex or volcarona. i need to get them already so i can go back to genetic apex and try and get a damn alakazam
If you aren't on the tranny discord fuckin HIV infected femboys while getting full arts where the fuck you at ?
>>57151360You know what's kinda funny? The chances of contracting HIV/AIDS from someone who has it is about the same odds as pulling a Crown Rare and you have one.
>>57151360Genuinely how do people get away asking others to do deranged shit for a friend invite.>owooo film yourself humping your pokemon plushies and ill add youits actually so fucking weird.
>>57151360can you put cards of a different language into your deck? does it just automatically turn into your games language when you use it?
>>57151355Mew ex you can get from godpicks. Volcarona is a Blastoise drop.Unless you want them to get the Mythical Island player icon you're free to leave.
>>57151360I just spent 200 USD to get the same shit
>>57151365If you ejaculate inside him unprotected or get in touch with the blood you get it that's like a 100%
>>57151370yes and yes
>>57151366You can filter out threads that aren't tagged "macro" to avoid that shit.
>>57151366It's a domino "me too" effect. I'm a dicksword noob so maybe it's been going on for a while, but I swear I never fucking saw that shit, and then one guy did it, and as soon as one guy did it like 4 other faggots popped up all asking for various degrees of doxing yourself in order to get an invite.
>>57151377what does macro mean?>>57151379Yeah its so obvious that some are siphoning information out of people. Shit is fucking weird
>>57151381>what does macro mean?You get hundreds of people trying to spam friend invites at you for days on end if you get a sharable god pack. So the only ones that are reasonable to try and get into are the ones using a macro to friend and unfriend people. And that's also part of why the ones not using a macro will ask you to jump through some hoops to get added, to filter out most of the requests.
>>57151366do they really
>>57151373Actually, not really. If you're rubbing open wounds together, sure, that's obviously more likely, but even sharing needles isn't that crazy. It's really like the odds of pulling the omega chase cards. But just like with gacha, you're probably not just pulling one time, ergo...
>>57151385/Cast berserker stance /Cast pummel/Cast Battle stance
>>57151394The cringiest one I can remember was writing a specific note on a paper, setting the paper next to your pet, taking a picture, and posting it along with your account name.I haven't done any of them but that one stood out to me.
who knew kicking benched pokemon would be so fun
>>57151404Imagine if in sports you were allowed to start attacking the opposing teams players that were on the sidelines
>>57151328Did I stutter?
>>57151404>the concede when you drop the lee from your hand and magikarp still hasn’t evolved hits like fucking crack
Basic Hitmonlee & Hitmonchan HP 80 FightingTag TeamFighting Close CombatThis attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon.weakness Psychic + 20 retreat ColorlessTag Team rule: When your Tag Team is Knocked Out, your opponent gets 3 points.
>>57151411>80 HP,>3 pointsNigger what the fuck are you doing
>>57151371yeah i know my luck has just been dog shit lately
Is there a way to lose as Gyarados if you aren't retarded? It doesn't feel like it.
>>57151442Yes. Plenty of stuff can KO you and this algorithm sends you into mirrors a lot.
>>57151442You can eat your own energy and then Mew can eat your energy too.
>>57151442>Is there a way to lose as Gyarados if you aren't retarded?You draw poorly and/or your opponent draws well. Wtf do you mean? Same way you lose with any deck; you get worse RNG than your opponent.
I've been messing with different fighting decks. Is Aerodactyl ex really the best place to be?I think farfetchd, Marshadow, and Hitmonlee are all great to start building out an aggressive fighting deck. I'll see what cards exist and maybe brew something up.
>>57151464I am so fucking sick of marshadows bullshit
>>57151464Just glancing at the cards available, is Marowack EX potentially just better than Aerodactyl ex? I understand flipping coins can suck, but the upside of 1 shotting Gyrados 25% of the time seems breddy gud.
ok man, this meta feels like a meme. Like its balanced, but then it just ends up exposing how linear pocket really is. I just won like 7 games in a row, then magically lost 5 in a row with some bricking. I hate the lack of options or control in this game. Stage 2 pokemon as your main attacker will just never be good enough, you auto lose games where that shit is at the lower half of the deck. Greninja, Gard and Serperior are different since they just sit on the bench while tanks stall.
>>57151442Pika rapes you.Hitmonlee rapes you.Mewtwo can win if they know what they're doing (you gotta kill the druddigon with gard and have another 1 prize attacker on the bench with a charged Mewtwo or Mew also). It may sound impossible, but the games always drag on forever and both players draw their decks. Most people just don't realize how to properly attack druddigon late game. I'm even trying a Jynx (vomit) to make it easier to assemble.Charizard rapes you.
>>57151464Aerodactyl just kinda works, hes just clean up for end game. Fighting is doing well because it has busted basics. Hitmonlee, marshadow, apes, all great pokemon. Aerodactyl fossils do not automatically appear in your starting hand so you dont brick with the deck, it just kinda works out. As an EX pokemon it just happens to fit because theres no better options, marowack ex is a terrible guard but didnt really catch any flak for it. 80 dmg for 2 energy is much better than coin flip trash.
>>57151469tldr skill issue
>>57151471>charizardit depends, zard that attacks into drud can be oneshot by gary. Its not as free as you’d like for it to be. >>57151473i guess, i dont doubt theres better things i can do but i dont like how games feel decided based off starting hand.
>>57151469Correct.Not sure why you're bitching. All TCGs have variance, but you definitely have the opportunity to make game winning/losing decisions most games.As the ex-TCG pro faggot, I'm actually quite pleased with the gameplay so far.
>>57151464Tried with Machamp, but it's a 3 stage Pokemon that wants protection as it evolves so Aero isn't a great fitI've been messing around with solo Cubone + Marowak and it's very aggrressive if you get Marowak early but Grass decks really mess it up so I'm thinking maybe it needs another meatshield or two even if it means no more guaranteed Cubone. Maybe more fossils just to stand in front?
>>57151474Well yeah you can't be retarded. The games drag on forever against Gyrados. Both players often draw their whole deck. It's not difficult to charge up a Zard and a Moltres
>>57151476What about minshao?Just speculating wildly here, but rapidash is quite good in Blaine, though obviously the card Blaine makes that so.
>opponent has fire energy>puts a diglett on the field>goes first, pokeball>puts a koffing on the fieldwhat the fuck was he trying to cook up
>>57151480MI Primepae is better if you're actually running fighting energy. I actually really like it and was using it previously, but I recently cut it out to try the other options like Farfetch'd and Hitmons which take up lesser deck space
>>57151482smoked sausages
>>57151482he's ahead of the curve
>>57151475nta but the actual card game is a million times more flexible and consistent than pocket, there’s variance but its not the same.
>>57151469>Pokemon TCG Pocket is just RNGWow, it's just like everyone who has ever played a card game before has been saying. It's still kinda fun though, but I do not really play this game that much (or sometimes at all) after I get my event wins.
>>57151482did you face me?
He walked straight into Revenge not once but twice.
>>57151502no, he got three turns in before conceding when my gyarados hit the AZ
>>57151493what the fuuuck is that damage and hp......is this pocket's future?
So are stage 2s destined to kinda job? The non-ex ones that focus on supporting from the bench are fine, but the active attackers feel doomed. I dont see venu, blastoise, gengar, and others ever being good. Golem surprised me last week but it seems like he is already back to struggling again. Charizard seems manageable if you fit in Arcanine.
>>57151536yesand i can't wait(i just pull packs)
I had a 12 hour flight and spent a large amount of it solely using a druddinja + flareon + mew deck, and did surprisingly wellIt felt bad using Drudd solely to take hits, so it's nice that he works in a deck that can also make him attackThough you don't actually get to attack much with him since Flareon is better, and Mew is there for scaring Mewtwo, Charizard, and Gyarados (after some water shurikens or drudd chip)
Post the most recent meta deck lists
>>57151539For now, until they bring in searchers + rare candies and ways to cheat them out (they will)Then it's just spamming Stage 2s
Do you guys actually play after you've completed the event? That's wild.
I waited 9 hours for this , 2nd full art profesor oak (youth)Well at least it's not Vaporeon you know
I think that Beeheyem is really fucking strong. Idk how to build a deck around it or if support is there, but gawd damn he hits fast and hard.
>>57151493>320 HPZ
>>5715155670 damage for 1 energy is pretty hilariousA lot of times it's just 30 damage however but it's not awful
>>57151553Not really, no. I agree it's wild that some people have like 300+ wins. One dude here had ~2400 wins. Game's not deep enough for me to want to play that often, but for the first couple days of the event, I do genuinely want to play, so that's nice.
>>57150040Depends on your hand,bench and deck doesn't it ?If you have like 4/5 basics in your deck and only 1 undesired basic in active you might want to use Oak first to have a chance at reducing the basic pool by one so that the Pokeball gives you the desired basic.But you'd know better than to make general sweeping statements like that if you were a good player
>>57150331CelebiCHADS we up from last time
Can someone explain to me how fossils are "Sabrina bait?"I clearly have little understanding of the interplay you can use fossils for.
>>57151598You can swap them into a sabrina, keeping your valuable pokemon safe. Or you can leave it in the back and discard it later so you have one active pokemon and aren’t vulnerable to sabrina sniping a weaker mon in the bench. Thats more rare though
>>57151468Why would you waste time flipping coins when you can just kick the fish?
>>57151606But then they KO the fossil once sabrina'd in? They only have 70hp and will likely die to one hit. I'm missing the benefit here.
>>57151614>They only have 70hp...bro, they have 40hp
>Celebi after Celebi after Celebi Thought you guys said it was Gyara meta now
>>57151614if that point doesn't win them the game then it's irrelevant
>>57151617Gyarafags have been avoiding battles since Hitmonlee and Zebstrika have been dabbing on them
>>57151617Whatever this thread says, you can almost guarantee that the exact opposite is what's actually true.
>>57151617I'm going to keep playing celebi until my average heads is over 1 in 6 even if it kills me
>convinced celebi is a tier 0 deck>spend billions of wonderglass wonder picking 2 celebi 1 serperior 1 servine>get 2 celebis eventually from pulls anyway>It's actually Gyarados that is meta>spend billions of wonderglass wonderpicking 2 misty and 2 gyarados EX>It's actually Aerodactyl EX that is meta>mfw
>>57151617>ladder filled with everyone including nips and gooks playing that new Aero deck>wonder why you don't see Gyarados now
Like all gacha threads on 4chan, this thread would be much better if it was just a waifu posting thread instead of one that attempts to discuss the video game.
>>57151617Meta changes, unironically hitmonlee is such an insane basic. He fucks over more decks trying to stall behind druddigon. Regardless this game is low variance at high level so its just people trying to counter whatever they think they will run into. Im still not sold on skill being a big enough factor in this game, you make a good deck, try your best to make the correct choices and hope shit works out. Theres no real mind games in pocket, most you can do is bluff and not evolve your cards until necessary, but then a fag with red card can troll you.
>>57151637I mean, celebi is good. It just requires more precise building. Last week people were trying pretty bad builds, now they are doing better running exeggutor.
>>57151637>Mewtwo counters Aero>Aero counters Gyarados>Gyarados counters Mewtwo>Celebi just high rolls you to death
>>57151646Celebi was always good, i gave it the benefit of the doubt since grass decks are hard to build since you need to fit in 2 Erika’s.
>>57151637Who told you aero was good?
>>57151683The guy who went 10-0-0 in the tourney
Would Gengar be good or busted if its ability worked from the bench?
>>57151695It would be rather good, as a deck that can sabrina, heal, or giovanni during endgame is gimped.
>>57151695100% busted, maybe amazing at worstSupports are like 50-60% of decks, and contribute heavily to late game
>>57151688Once a 2 energy fighting basic ex releases it'll insta get replaced. Hopefully its donphan ex.
>>57151695It still jobs 1v1 to most ex pokemon, but without support cards some decks are fucked. Don’t forget how leaf is a staple, and if you lock them out of using it most decks stop working completely
>>57151704you can literally say that about any card in this game
>>57151704>basic ex>donphan exnigga
Do the daily packs accumulate or do you lose them if you don't open them within 12 hours?I'd like to be disappointed only every 5 days and not twice a day.
>>57151761hard cap, no accumulationit sucks
>>57151747Oops sorry. Meant to say great tusk
>>57151761you can accumulate one, more than that you lose out
So there was this guy who was explaining how much stuff to save up for the upcoming 100 cards mission in January and he said something about not opening your daily 2 packs on 31st of December, Any idea why? I don't see the math
Damn felt sorry for this Golem chad
>>57151784Thats not even the right golem
>>57151786That's what makes him a chad
>>57151784>loses 50 hp killing a farfetchd
Blue actually works on the backline. Learnt it trying to kick the AI blue's backrow pidgey and it only did 20, wew.
>>57151784>still need 1 Aerodactyl EX for your deck>still need 2 Brocks for your opponent's deckshit sucks
>play blaine>10 games>1 thanksis it blaine making people salty or are pikachinks and celebitches just like that
>>57151786>She doesn't run one of each Golemngmi
>>57151851They're just bitches. I had a Celebi leave for timeout when he was about to lose a regular game, wasn't even an event match.
>>57151471>Pika rapes you(lol>HitmonleeIf my opponent wants to play a card pile that gets shit on by every other deck just to hatefuck me, I can live with that. >M*wtwo(lol>>>>>>>>CharizardAgain, (lol I say.
>>57149887>le top secret gyaraI play gyarados with one tauros and one drudd, and flip around between vaporeon and frosmoth because i dont have greninja. You can do some shenanigans with this like setting up your tauros and giving it to gyara later if you bricked early, and also make room for sabrina/giovanni