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Inflorescence Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

Previous thread: >>57171096

Old /tcg/ pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Ge95YuMA
1st for PROFIT and STONKS
I don't think she is.
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5th for Kill scalpers. Behead scalpers. Roundhouse kick a scalper into the concrete. Slam dunk a scalper baby into the trashcan.
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I always buy only singles
Btw Twinleaf is finally open for anyone that wants to try a shitty free web simulator
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I was worried people might have caught on to pult/thorn's tricks but it seems like its under the rader still
Ive bought so many singles recently that opening up my mailbox is like openkng up a booster pack now. except it has cards I actually want.
I remember hearing about this. I thought it was vaporware at first but nice to see its out in a playable state
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Take that back!
Her :3 mouth is cute but those eyes are just... off-putting.
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You prefer her like this?
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New battlepass info. Only 1 new deck

Hey that's pretty cool. I'll give it a try with a friend later.
>giving out free Vs when it's about to rotate
Not sure if a good farewell gift or pricky TPC not giving something that can survive post-rotation.
I think the former, we already got good post-rotation decks from previous passes
There's not really enough cards in this set to make a secondary deck, but giving out V's the 2nd last set before they're rotated is kinda shitty. Since the battlepass is free now we wont even get credits for the dupes anymore.
At least there's 2 of the new dragapult and the eevees at the end.
I might be retarded, but what URL am I supposed to use to load the card images?
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Just giving out free codes, just because.

Crown Zenith

Shining Fates

Surging Sparks

Lost Origin

Enjoy Boyos
Thanks, anon. I got a nice Lumineon V Art Rare.
which mechanic do you think is kinda gay?
for me, it's vstar powers
>pokemon has a power
>can only use it once per game
>having to remember if your opponent used theirs or not
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Had this great pull, in a great mood so going to give out more codes!

Lost Origin

Lost Origin

Twilight Masquerade

Twilight Masquerade

Twilight Masquerade
>having to remember if your opponent used theirs or not
your marker anon?
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thank you!
>which mechanic do you think is kinda gay?
The one where every time your opponent takes a prize card you have to tug them off for ten seconds per their total prizes taken.
Prize cards having the ability to cuck any plan you had.
I will deep dick all control players until they lose sphincter control.
Fucking a faggot makes you one too, gaywad.
having to kiss your opponent after a loss
Prizes. Can we switch to points already?
is it typical for most local players to only show up at the monthly tournament? i went to my weekly locals for the first time and no one showed up, but the store is still heavily advertising the monthly tournaments so the scene can't be completely dead, right?
Not everyone can go play every week, so it's normal to just expect one big meeting in an arranged time, which are monthlies.
haha I wish we had monthlies with >15 players here I wish there was a store I could drive to lol
go to your profile, edit profile -> images and add this link https://amydev.me/twinleaf-json/images.json

I have 5 leagues in my area. The most populous gets 30+ people during league night. The 2nd and 3rd get 10-20, the 4th gets 4-8, and the last one gets basically nobody. Might just be an unpopular store. But things will naturally slow down during long metas as people grow bored.
>no exciting rule changes
I mean it's to be expected but it would've been so cool to see some kind of change in the transition from playable Swash cards to SV cards.
There's a chance mega evolutions are like gx and vstar still. Only letting you evolve 1 mega a game. Which matches the actual vidya game mechanic
that would be nice, spirit links were gay
I see.
>M pokemon with ACE SPEC rules
Make it so you can't return them to your hand/deck from discard and you got a deal.
But would it be from big basic ex (which doesn't make sense) or would it be a stage 3? That's the main question I'm still hung up on.
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It's technically feasible to win a gym challenge with Eeveelutions, as shown by this JP player
I'd imagine it's exactly like v's > vstar similar to how original megas are. Otherwise stage 3s like breaks you'd get people using mega charizard on top of charizard ex
They did make an Eevee ex... (I don't count promo basic evolving ex)
But goddamnit we're going back to big basics again and I hate that. Hopefully the basic ex won't be as powerful so that it takes time and there's risk for playing the mega.
Yeah that's the worry going back to a big basic meta after them finally getting rid of them for 1 prizer basics.
If megas WERE once per game then that would balance them out a bit despite being big basics

Have to see how it turns out, but I don't really expect spirit links to return, nobody liked those. And it was absolute garbage pack filler pulling them. Plus it'd feel really shitty having spirit links only to be blocked by jamming tower you couldn't bump
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gym challenges aren't /that/ difficult, they're mostly for seeing deck concepts and trying out new cards. no real point going to do them with metashit decks when new cards just released
Every archetype has won a league challenge. Remember when Cinderace ex was going to be a deck because it kept winning challenges?
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I still believe in the tiger to be a tier 1 deck one day
>240 dmg for 1 energy stage 2 isnt played
it's really an issue with stage 2s being aids to get out and then chain back to back. imagine if there was a fire irida, this and cinderace become respectable decks
probably not with fluttermane or iron thorns around
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Not a chance when it loses the pre-evo attacks to rotation.
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iron thorns is a free match up as long as they don't hammer heads your energy back to back
>is 3hko
>can ohko them back after taking 1 hit
Thinking about it is this the only deck that loses an important pre-evolution to rotation? Besides the obvious trade kirlia going. Looking through my decks I can't really see anything else that loses the optimal prevo
My LGS went from bi weekly tournaments to one every second friday of the month. Most people will only have the time to dedicate to a tournament every once in awhile its also not nearly as popular as magic.
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Punish those scalping fucks, report their shit off ebay and make em hold their bags
There's really not that many good stage 1s to consider if any of them are rotating.
the only one i found was pupitar but tyranitar is so irrelevant anyway. other optimal basics like duraludon and chansey are SV on anyway. it's really only litten and kirlia that are notable loses
>now I'll use my super special ability
Fuck off to your (((collector))) thread. Youre no better than investorfags.
Is expanded in PTCGL where everything is super broken and fast since all cards are allowed? That's how it is in another card game I come from. I wanna make a deck using some old cards that I really like that I own irl but missed out on using in standard cause I just got interested in the card game.
The decks I'm looking at. I figured I'd just have to update them with some modern add-ins but I dunno if I'd get completely stomped and not have a chance. I don't mind losing more than usual but I wanna have the chance to win.
>whining about scalping because they can't get their furfag eevee shit
>"I'll take a playset of Budew. $2? Perfect."
>Is expanded in PTCGL where everything is super broken and fast since all cards are allowed?
Kinda, yeah. Though the Expanded in Live isn't true Expanded since cards from older sets haven't been implemented yet. Blame the devs.
You might not want to play with those cards (I don't think they're in Live anyway) because the HP and damage pool have increased significantly since then. The cards from SM and SwSh are more often used since they have powerful attacks and abilities. Though some trainer cards like VS Seeker is absolutely broken right now compared to it was back then.
>VS Seeker is absolutely broken right now
can confirm even if have just 1
I play GLC
if you
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Tragic, I really love all of the Megas desu, even if it's 5ban slop. They are in livve though!
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Been wanting to attend league challenges in person, any suggestions for any good decks to build for someone whose never gone to one?
Could maybe find some communities that only allow cards from specific eras
pult, bolt or apples
I'll do that once I have more experience playing, I only have 400 matches.
>They are in livve though!
Not actually implemented in gameplay so you cannot play with them.
Oh, that sucks. From what I heard this client barely gets any updates so I bet it'll take forever
Fuck Scalpers

Eat shit scalpfag
Based. Someone should make a mass reporting bot to fuck them.

I smell a scalpnegroid. TSD.
Just play Zard
Is there any hope that we will get a fully functional expanded format in 2025?
Go be a bitch faggot somewhere else
lmao he forgot Vstar marker
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>You /tcc/ faggots are insufferable. Disgusting hyperconsumerist mongrels.
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I collect cards I liked the art of and quickly stopped going to that place because it's full of insufferable egotistical investors
>still buying modern
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i added a single toedscool and toedscruel to my raging bolt deck, could it work?
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>Ability: If this Pokemon is in the active (?) you may burn your opponent's active.
>Move 1 energy attached to this Pokemon to a benched Pokemon
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>Ability: Your opponent's burned Pokemon take 3 more damage counters per burn tick.
>Flip a coin, if heads burn.
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>Ability: If this Pokemon is in the active, whenever you attach an energy to one of your Pokemon from your hand, heal 90 from it.
>Draw 2 cards.
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>You must discard a card from your hand to use this card. Draw until you have 6 cards in your hand.
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>Each player may take up to 2 basic lightning energies from their discard and put them into their hand.
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>All N's Pokemon get free retreat.

The Wailord is just Hydro Pump and the Purrloin is just look at your opponent's hand and place one card you find on the bottom of their deck.
You can just max heal something if you're playing Bax or Bellibolt, cool.
I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS! Finally, they're actually doing something with Special Conditions besides Poison!
Would be kinda funny to play 1 copy of this in a Klawf deck or any deck that uses Pecharunt ex, just to get that extra 20 damage.
fuck off
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where Lillie mon?
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Hop's Corviknight
C - Pierce Through 50
This attack also does 50 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon.
MMC - Steel Wing 150
This Pokémon takes 60 less damage from attacks during your opponent's next turn.
I miss Shaymin EX.
how so
I hope that it requires being in the active, otherwise it is a free +20 damage for any deck. I guess they needed a counter to fezendipiti draws.
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>Hop's Battle VIP Pass
They are really pushing him, huh.
it must be on active
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Here's your Lillie sleeves
stock up my bridge rn
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Yeah... I'm not hopeful for any of these trainer archetypes. They're all so bad
>N's zoroark can copy any N's pokemon attack
>none of the attacks are decent for a 2 prizer liability
fraud alert
>Only klinklang left for N's pokemon to be revealed
>Stage 2 so probably just bad and not worth the effort
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Holy shit they're giving you all the alt art Eeveelution cards at the end of the pass. I thought I was gonna have to spend so many credits but that'll help a lot
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First time that happened...
I'm going to be in Japan for the next 3 months.Is there any cool stash I can get?
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the strongest trainer needs the strongest cards
What deck were they playing?
What deck were you playing better not be stallax
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>still buying modern
They were playing some weird Luxray control deck that was annoying cause I was playing Sylveon EX and they kept putting on the fan that made me discard energy and then removing energy cards from my hand.
Shut up retard. God you fags are insufferable.
Zacian is just future meme with more steps. Seriously dunno how people think it'll be any good.
I think all the good players stopped playing until the next update, only been running into memers and bad guys
wtf, stop being mean you nigger
I started playing Live three days ago having only played Pocket before and am already at Ho Oh rank
I can't imagine I'm that good, so either everyone is bad because end of ladder or it's easy to get to Ho Oh, no idea
I didn't mean it in a bad way, I love meme decks and I know everyone has to start somewhere
The grind to Arceus is very easy, don't even need a 50% winrate. Once you get to Arceus is when you have to gamer
The ladder is super easy to climb now. You just have to play and you'll get to the top. It used to be a Greninja bottleneck
If you're laddering you wont be vsing any of the people that hit arceus. They can only match with other arceus players
Okay that's neat then
I guess if this rate is consistent I'll be Arceus before it ends, but I doubt I'll win more at higher levels with the decks they give

How do people put new decks together? Use real card codes? and/or get lucky with battle pass packs?
I know, but here is a good thread
Not bad draw support. The goal of cunnymaxxing my deck continues.
>How do people put new decks together? Use real card codes?
I shall tell you the secret only once, then it will be gone forever.
youtube recently uploaded pack openings
>I showed you my dick, now answer me
You can buy card codes for pennies online. You also have a currency that you get when you get too many duplicates which let you craft any card you want.
Playing for a while you basically get all the staples for free off battlepass decks. And then the battlepass packs often give you all you need from the new set once you finish the pass. With rotation in march you wont need any of the old staples either plus they will give every 8 new full decks for free at that time like they do every rotation.
Then after a while you get enough crystals to start buying the celebrations set, once you get 4x of the cards there the dupes provide the most credits to craft stuff. So you don't really need to buy real card codes or anything, the game gives you a lot as is
>4 Magmortars on the bench
>140 damage Burn per Checkup
Has some potential
1 would need to be latias to retreat the volcanion. but then you also need a cheap attacker to put in activate as well. just not really any good attackers for it yet
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and they LAUGHED at this card

well who is laughing now?
Just item lock them with Budew
what booster packs should i be buying?
What are you looking for?
Side note, Why did Magearna never really take off with the fanbase?
the 2024 halloween packs
Like most new event mons it was literally just given out and nothing cool happened with it besides a movie. It ruined competitive singles so there's a dislike for it there
It's why new ones like ogre and terapagos are well liked, they actually got content along side it. Like how darkrai, shaymin, deoxys all did before. Way more fitting than just given by mystery gift from a literal npc
I don't see the point of using this if volcanion already burns
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Love this new sleeve, I'm definitely getting it. We need more TCG-related accessories.
Need an advice from you folks playing physical tcg, what sleeves do you use? So far I have been using the sleeves I got with the ETB but I saw a couple of concerns online, both about the durability and how hard it is to shuffle official sleeves, do you just avoid official sleeve or do you double sleeve them with something clear that still allows you to see the art? Or do you just use third party stuff?
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This one as well. Kinda neat looking at items/tools with their actual size in comparison to each other.
ETB sleeves from twilight masquerade onwards are good enough, but you'll want to switch to another brand soon enough
I think mine are from before that, well, a different question then, is there anything thats good that would feature pokegirls on them? Nothing remotely sexual of course, just cute. I keep seeing promising stuff on aliexpress but thats china shit, so a coinflip at best
only official sleeves from ETBs, collection boxes or directly from pokemoncenter.com will have official girls, but they're not the best quality in the long run. So instead, you can buy dragonshield oversleeves and use any regular ETB sleeve with them. This improves shuffling and handling but will make it thicker. It will still fit in one of those old 6 pack booster boxes, or the build and battle ones though
>you can buy dragonshield oversleeves
thats the "clear matte" ones?
yeah, black box with 100
I accidentally bought 3 boxes instead of 2, so I have enough for 5 decks
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I wish we got sleeves like this on live
Instead we get absolutely ugly pattern ones like this. Which look horrible when card stacked, and the borders show around the edge of the front of the cards too
Oh these are cute as fuck, do people just use proxy services for jp pokemoncentre or are there other storefronts y'all like?
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for reference/comparison
left are dragonshield (pink diamond)
right are from pokemoncenter.com with the outer sleeves
Stellar Tera ex for obvious reasons.
NTA but I had no idea this were a thing people did
Do you keep the art sleeves and the outer sleeve oriented the same way when actually playing or do you put the art sleeve in upside down? Or is that too autistic for stuff that sees active play
What obvious reasons?
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I do this
sorry forgot to add it's to prevent dust getting in, also helps when you're playing against greasy opponents
I actually take advantage of this and use an IR or SIR occasionally in double-sleeved decks since it's going to be covered on all 4 sides
Oh sick, good to know. I'll have to look into that once I get my shit together
Always liked the trainers toolkit sleeves but I heard they've only recently started being not bad
Oh yeah whats that deck box you're using? I saw you mentioned they's be a bit thicker and I don't trust the b&b bokes to stay closed
The official ones are tempting but I feel like theyre the usual cheap plastic like most deck boxes are
Gay! Me too :3c
cheap chinese one from my country's ebay, I've had it almost 2 years and it's held up quite good. I fucked up the dice holder though since I placed like 20 metal ones from UPCs and they separated 2 walls from each other. I've since glued it back and replaced them with plastic ones and it's been fine
meant for >>57207373 (me)? I like to theme my decks with appropriate sleeve colors. I really like the gem series from dragonshield and this one seemed perfect for gardevoir. I have the ruby ones for zard too
they're sparkly :3
Yes. I was only kidding about it being homosexual. Pink is a great colour. I use the exact same sleeves.

I do it the opposite way to protect the sleeves from catching while shuffling
none of them
Anyone going to Birmingham next week for UK regionals?
Bro, I live in America.
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You can still fly over
how do you shuffle? I do this
>see somebody with a max rarity deck
>riffle the fuck out of it
I would rape you right then and there if you did this to my cards
enjoy bricking lmao
Gotta protect my waifu sleeve
Is there any site that let's you buy custom card sleeves? I wan't lycanrocc sleeves but I don't think such a thing officially exists.
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weird question im working on a diancie master set getting every english and japanese card, including the poker and karuta cards but i was wondering...d-does this count as a diancie card?

brother you can only play 4 diancie in a deck
Would you let me fill up your bussy tho?
Ill go to a regional when Im able to play a match without throwing
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Thanks for the advice fellas
Excited to try out more decks but still low on gems/credits
That reddit post does look pretty useful too
Now it doesn't seem so bad to start crafting decent decks and using them
feels like it will get reused in pocket
Actually the post lists a bunch of decks, but they have lots of reg F cards mixed in
Is it just because there's still 2.5 months until rotation that the costs don't really matter that much?
you build credits up pretty fast in ptcgl. if you were to build something like drago or upgraded lugia you'll be able to recuperate the costs in a couple weeks even if you only played like a ranked match or two a day.
Is Mill archetype still a thing? I haven't played in like 5 years and tcg pocket couldn't scratch my degen itch
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>all your mon max hp +40 no stack
yeah theres a few decks whose only win con is to mill. you can also play ancient box or hydreigon decks which can take prize cards and do a bit of milling on the side as an extra bonus
This plus the new Wailord and Bax? It won't be top tier by any metric but sticking a rigid band on the Wailord could be funny.
Wailord does seem to have potential as a one-prizer wall. I was gonna say we even have Lake Acuity for even less damage taken but it's rotating, sad.
Could someone share a Tinkaton deck list? Kinda clueless on how to build.
Went 4-0 today at a league challenge playing Zard, I won half of those thanks to briar. What a busted card

nice what did you win?
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It's okay for recoil pokemon that have no other way to boost their hp. But you are susceptible to having ludicolo gusted.
Is nobody gonna tell him about irida leaving..

I still hope they make a universal irida, all these stage 2s printed lately really need it. Make it find a non-rule box stage 2 + item if they're worried
>I still hope they make a universal irida
Would be absolute cancer with Dusknoir so TPC probably won't.
Dusknoir can be countered by printing some jirachi-tier counter. It shouldn't design gatekeep stage 2s being useless shitbags
Especially if megas are going to be big basic 2prizers its just going to force the meta back into vstar era since stage 2s have zero support behind them
2 prize pack 5s and 3 temporal forces packs (everything else was out of stock) I at least got a raging bolt out of one of the packs though
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you could copy this list that got top 50 at a special event recently
Ive played with it before, it was fun
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Pulled a Mewtwo Full Art Vstar today, so giving out some free codes

Fusion Strike

Brilliant Stars

Astral Radiance

Lost Origin

Fusion Strike

Enjoy Boyos
nice, congrats on your pull. the art for the vstar is pretty sick. thanks for the codes! I took a brilliant stars pack
>It shouldn't design gatekeep stage 2s being useless shitbags
I absolutely agree, but SV era special energies shouldn't have been hot garbage just because of Lugia, yet here we are.
Lugia was just too universal with every energy, if there was any rainbow it becomes the best accelerator for every attacker in the game. Even if they gatekept energy by making them only work with tera/future/ancient lugia just runs those as the attackers instead like it did with single strike. Even temple shutting off the energy and path shutting off lugia wasn't enough to stop the deck from working
Dusknoir could easily be countered by something like jirachi that prevents you from putting damage counters on your bench with abilities. Or psychic pokemon if they don't wanna kill off meowscarada and hawlucha, or stage 2 psychic pokemon if they don't wanna kill uxie.
Point being there's a lot more design room to counter dusknoir than there is lugia, it's just if TPCI want to save us from dusknoir or not..
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Is it over bros?
you get like 600+ exp per match. that's only 35 wins to finish. the missions aren't as efficient for the battlepass anymore, just playing gives a lot more

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