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If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

Random Country Picker
Are there any grand strategy games with a fun battle side to it?
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>2nd for Yakub.
How can I get consort dynasty as my own?
yes, dominions 6
That's not a grand strat tho, that's more like HoMM or M/CoM
its strategy and its grand
it's fantaslop-ish imo
>Normans rule the Kingdoms of Ireland, Scotland, Wales (dynasty overthrown, Normans still rule), England (recently converted to Angevin and then English), Normandy (de jure France and Brittany), Andalusia, Valencia, Navarra, Tahert, Italy, Egypt, Jerusalem, Syria, and Anatolia
This game is way too easy
it isn't because it's all based on irl mythology and history
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Alright complete newfag here. I literally have never played Victoria II and my friend just gifted it to me. I will try and post some progress here.
Well some of it like R'lyeh is lifted straight from Lovecraft and D&D (illitihds/aboleths) but generally you are correct.
*casts a bird spell to end a war*
*realises I don't have enough bird mana left to improve my boats*
Haha no fantaslop here no sir
>tries to play non gsg
>gets memed on regardless
Get the HPM mod first
Here's a link pastebin.com/66gpxbKk
Make your ruler into a general and try to kill him to trigger a regency, from there on keep extending the regency until the consort takes over or the heir dies, it will be tough if she's too old.
oh my brave new soul, welcome 62
you've just taken one of if not the best decision in your life posting here
I miss when HPM guy still posted on /gsg/, thread quality has really taken a dip since then
hey, shut up
grand strategy games deserve their own thread
we were granted the /vst/ charter by the /vg/ moderation court themselves so you better watch your mouth
Okay I'm playing Afghanistan as my first nation and I passed a few reforms
What do I do with all this money I have now that I'm no longer ultra broke?
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Get a state capitalist/command economy party in charge and build some factories
Use your national focus to boost clergymen to 4% in every state
Yeah I did and was doing pretty gud until persia just rolled in and killed me. Shoulda just been nicer to them I guess.
It's kinda hard to do anything as a non-western nation apparently.
Janny is a gsgtroon, no other explanation for why they are allowing them here and protecting against any criticism
this just in: spanish asmr now preferred to french asmr when playing gsg's or gsg-affiliated titles
You will never be a real /vst/ thread.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘gsg’. 3575 results found.
these niggas obsessed with us hard
proudest moment of your life other than getting jan priv's on 4ch?
>still doesn't have the German regions of Switzerland
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>mtw I don´t live in that timeline
>no gaul
>no freistaat burgund
>rks still unincorporated
it's shit
>no Lombardy
should i play eu4
you should play ck3
CK2 > CK3
CK3 > CK2
So I am Naples in EU 4 and after taking Sicily my alliance has more troops than the Tuscany guys.
Should I whack them or what?
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Just a reminder that this was just another pogrom, you are currently in a ghetto established by vg while we think about the final solution to the gsg question
^this guy sucks loads of dongs
legionary's life is a gsg btw
>years and years of irrelevency and the discordgruppen(formely steamgruppen) still can't stop seething
loving every laugh
don't embarrass us in front of our kids dumbass
why is this thread here now?
Concentration board while the final solution for the gsg question is drawn
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What legacy tree should I go down next? I've already maxed Kin and Legitimacy. Octogenarians at the end of Blood is kind of unnecessary.
last ditch effort by janny to propel his years running jancord into even the slightest bit of relevancy by doing the most dramatic thing possible
huge success imo

i have meditated under the eu4bab tree and reached enlightenment
New spam rules in vg hurt the bots ability to bump and jannies started banning some of the schizos so thread couldn't be bumped
how2navy in hoi4?
>what happened to /vg/ /gsg/?
the thane/albatross/kacheek/anby whatever nigger babble he refers himself as started spamming /gsg/ some months ago so the /vg/ moderation team put a janny to watch over the general, he did nuke the nigger spammer initially but was also banning niggerposting (sad!).. but after a while, he just couldn't be bothered and just nuke half the thread to fill his weekly quota until the /vg/ moderation team bribed /vst/ to allow generals be made
jannies should ban the noreply posters who treat /gsg/ as their personal shitposting chatroom on sight so that people talking about strategy games aren't buried in a sea of inane bullshit and casual racism
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Found a lusty, dusky, amazonian shortstack for my nephew to marry
She's kinda ugly, but she has pretty nice CoA
Don't, build navy bombers instead. If you want to do navy then play MP but then what you do depends on the mod and meta. Against AI just do what ever and you auto win basically because the AI can't concentrate their forces for fights properly or really build ships in the first place.
>/vg/ moderation team bribed /vst/ to allow generals be made
I've not had the chance to play my grand strategy vidya to have an opinion about them yet, but I hope you niggers didn't just shoot this board in the foot.
/gsg/ just wants to be left in peace. we don't bother anyone if they don't bother us.
gsg continuously raids other threads in vg
this happened ONCE many years ago, and it was because we lost the soccer game so we had our reasons. we paid heavily for that too and haven't done it since.
Counted 4 separate times in 2 threads in just the last week bud
Also I may add that that doesn't actually count general vg raids like the shitposting gsg's that happened 2 or 3 times during the last week as well. I guess it's not a raid if gsg raids itself but it's shitposting nonetheless.
/gsg/ is running out of badboy and is about to get a coalition up its ass
nu-gsg posters don't even remember the willy waggler rally call
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well better give up, you only have 393+ years left to make it a reality
I don't know how to make the Latin Empire a reality when the triggers are now dead
play meme game get memed on
play winter king a ck2 mod instead
alsooooo arthur gets cucked in the books the mod was based on so there's a little treat for our bipoc /vst/ friends too
didn't ask
didn't want to know
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What the fuck am i getting memed on????
does AI cheat war exhaustion? what the fuck i've been occupying their capital for 5 years and they sit comfortably at 4.8 war ex despite having a 2 dip ruler. while i'm struggling despite them only having my capital for 1 year
does having the capital occupied specifically increase WE?
I know it affects enthusiasm but I think WE from occupation is just based on what proportion of your provinces are occupied
and since you are presumably far smaller than Kilwa it'd make sense that it'd be a lot harsher on you
i literally have more dev than them >>1873869
and they only occupy my subject's capital other than my own, those are the two provinces they only occupy. doesn't even get we from attrition too btw
They might have kind-hearted ruler, or idea reducing we, or something else (modifier from the event?) that does this
nah that was the final nail in the coffin. i've always suspected the ai of cheating WE during my castile and chill session where i fucking 100% occupy ottoblob dozens of time and yet they're always at <5 WE <10 at most but i didn't bother because i was winning but this time..
>can't afford the dude that gives you three birds per month
AI doesn't cheat with war exhaustion. You are getting memed on because you are bad at the game.
global gsg power-rankings:
#1: teritorial io
#2: age of history (tied with grigsbys)
IQ Gap
#9999(repeating) EU4
what the frick
i'll 100% ottomans as opm maldives just wait
where does Diplomacy fall on the spectrum
Diplomacy is too intricate for risktards to comprehend
I wouldn't say EU IV is infinitely good, but yeah it's so much better than teritorial io
or age of history that there is no comparison
>No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5
this kind of shit is why this thread is ass by the way and why it has the reputation it does
if you want to fix this general get rid of this retardation
hey that's saladin's dynasty!
what if we don't want to "fix" this general?
roflmao this retard fell for the vicky 3 shills and feels personally attacked when people remind him what a meme game it is
once eu adopts a less euro-centric branding and adds the blorgs it will finally reach a perfect score
Oh I see, you think discord/steamgroups are /gsg/. They are not. We're their victims as well.
We used to have warnings in the OP against those people for years but the shitposters (likely from discord themselves) who took over the thread don't use them anymore
I'm sorry but if vast majority of posts look exactly like these "discord" people then that's what gsg is. This thread looks exactly like a typical gsg invasion except it's gsg, are we the victims again? Where's the real thread?
/gsg/ is a thread to discuss Grand Strategy Games. If the posts are not related to Grand Strategy therefore they are not /gsg/ posts.
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how do i even compete with this ottoblob
stop replying to me robbie
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wtf ai portugal is playing tall and not blob into morroco? they just did it to eliminate barbary raids + ship force limit
I think it's the fact the OP shits on Project Caesar for literally no reason other than
>Johan said something during Imperator's development years ago wahhhh ;w;
nice get
johan himself said the best game ever made was world of warcraft
by rights, wow should be acceptable to post here but then jane trane will have an arse spaz
coming back later with my wow AAR, gona need to find $15 i don't need for basic survival
johans likes fantasy trash? my respect for him just plummeted
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>last war to unify islam
1st time i've really enjoyed late game eu4
the op shits on him for the same reason that anbennar is a shitty mod
so a completely unrelated reason, or one that was invented by your schizophrenic HRT-addled brain, discordite scum?
mom said not to talk to meanies so consider yourself ignored
go back to whichever discord shithole you came from so people can actually talk about video games
you're trying too hard kiddo
go back to playing around with spurdo spardo or suiseiseki or whatever it is you midgets do these days -__-
dumb tranny
you're a loose cannon anon, now hand over your thread and and op pic
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here is my poem *clears throat* ahem
eating an eu4bab egypt campaign
where once the screenshots fell like rain
now its just fags who same
now look at webm
of swat game
and remember always
bless the thane
*cracks knuckles*
gaming time
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this artificial back and forth between thane and trane is becoming tiresome
can't we all just come together and enjoy a nice bit of stellaris multiplayer RP?
either that or i'm taking permanent leave back to hang with the /civ4xg/ crew
thread over there is looking even more schizo than this one
he will speak like a prince, i foretell, in the next life
our anby
only that he would learn to do the same now!
>jannies should
Jannies abandoned /vst/ seconds after it was created. This is Hell. /gsg/ has been moved here because mods don't want to bother with it anymore
/vst/ was literally created as an offshot of /gsg/. Why do you keep whining at yourself?
/vst/ is the thirteen colonies to our British Empire. Never will the accept the fact everything they have came from us.
LOL, civ4xg and totalwargen had way more influence than the flopped general who kept falling off the catalog
how new is this moron hahaha
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we did it bros
Half the posts are already using the reply function, hehehe, the barbarians are slowly assimilating to our colonization efforts
das rite
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Rome has fallen. Millions must die
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>German Brazil
VGH... the teutonic fields of amazonia... home
project cormorant shall never fail with the earl by our side
the king is coming to visit, and now i'm thi nking like... if eu5 is half decent and there are people on this darned websight in 6-12 mnths,... will gsg have anything to show ? here's to hoping
which nation do i play in vic2
wiliam wright, pay what you owe
>Jannies abandoned /vst/ seconds after it was created.
the fact posts instantly disappear when someone tells /gsg/fags to go back to /vg/ proves you wrong
yeah that might be our 1 millionth piece of evidence that the janny sits in /gsg/ the entire day, hopefully we can start building a case soon
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Is there any way for me to get additional diplo rep? I just need one more point to vassalize these fucks and I really don't want to handle the headache of dismantling hre
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>current diplo rep
that's quite the cum she is having
fuck off tranime/"thane" nigger
gsg got expelled from 108 boards already, but clearly is never their fault people develop anti-gsgism feelings
im the only person on the entire planet who even knows what /gsg/ is
True gsg was never tried though
true gsg of course being 700 consecutive posts of the same eu4 egypt campaign every single one of which will be followed by raucous applause
ayo lets start a new egypt and chill campaign
what would be the meme goal tho
goal: get you to stop posting in this thread and never come back
File deleted.
egypt and chill on this dick

wtf, i gotta go do my job for two hours
bruh what'd yall gonna do without my super important eu4 screencaps
oh sorry it's you i was talking about the other guy
maldives getting boring fr
As opposed to a chatroom for mentally ill autistic people who don't even have the courtesy to talk about grand strategy games
based fellow eu4bab bro you tell em
christ what a painfully unfunny board
no wonder it's so dead
These posters have been ruining /vst/ for a while, just look at the EUV threads in the archive. Part of their shtick is dancing around the fact they are raiders and saying it's some other group like 'robbie' or steam groups. If jannies don't delete this general it's just gonna stay permabumped as their chatroom and ruin the board harder.
i literally only use /gsg/ of all garbage i can pick in /vst/ the same way i only ever used /gsg/ when it's still on /vg/
gsg is more like a lounge for grand gaming enthusiasts
vst/ers may strategize, they may even strategize grandly, but do they ever truly 'game'...
*swirls redbull*
it's pretty fake interest for the most part, if someone posted here (hypothetically, obviously this would not happen) for their genuine love of strategy games they would be like wtf is this shit, then again the dood on civ4xg literally pretends he plays games (a fascinating level of pointless hyper autism) so it can still get worse
Why are you even here?
cuz i lack the birdmana to drill ur moms pussy right now lmao
i like eu4 but i dont like egypt
christian egypt duh?
egypt peaked 10000 years ago
>start Hungary campaign
>get coastline
>first ruler born after getting coastline is a Navigator

can't escape Horthy huh?
on another note he's 5/4/6 and ascended to the throne at 19. do I let VII. István have his fun and try to get any sort of exploration going at all?
if you wanna get memed on by ottoblob later down the line go ahead
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they have already been contained. annihilation will resume as soon as the truce ends
as hungary, gobble up every livestock province in the new world because.. hungary.. haha get it? no? :((
About as mature as I expected.
how many kids you got mr. old and washed out
ey bunkie imma make some of that grosgermanium
you want some?
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my OP pic never fails to attract non gsg regulars :D
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ok... now this is based
wasn't it rio da plata
yeah but the Portuguese don't know how to spell
Would you recommend any Hearts of Iron IV DLCs?
Paradox has a complex system of DLCs paired with free updates so people often struggle to remember what DLCs add what. Many of them add important features. I’d recommend pirating the dlc since you’re better off with all of it. Or do the DLC subscription thing so you can try them all out.
just pirate them all
Why do I feel like you like little kids.
not that anon, but I've played with HPMP recently. Honestly, the mod is good but the new guy added a lot of shit, some good, some not as good. He also introduced some bugs like healthcare not able to tell you researched medicine, or the great war dismantle nation events being bugged and not triggering or giving land to the wrong nation, so it's a pain in the ass to play it right now. I'm half thinking about trying to figure out what the bug is but it's such a pain in the arse, the mod is very big and I have no idea where to look to fix this.
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Also my last game. Note how the near east is russian. Russia wasn't even in the war where I dismantled the Ottoman empire, so fuck me I guess.
victoria 2 coming in just above eu4
woah if you invert the rankings you order them by fun
grigsby doesn't make grand strategy games
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Remember when Africa, the Middle East, India, and western China all started speaking French by 1066?
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What should I play? I wanted to do that Greco-Norman Latin Empire game, but the Empire of the Greeks doesn't even exist anymore. I could roll the save back 150 years to try again but I feel soured on CK3 as a whole now.
I know it's meant to be done with the Karlings but I could go back and go for the Restore Carolingian Borders this time. I had been sitting around and waiting a lot because I didn't want to blob but this time I would actually have something to be more actively working towards. I'd imagine it would actually be pretty easy with claimants.
play as gotland in 867
Basé et rougepilé
>download mod collection recommended on gsg
>pic related pops up
I thought the whole gay thing was a joke
Do you find it interesting that the Soviet army and air force begins the campaign with numerous debuffs but ends it with significant buffs?
guess they tried to make Lingua Franca not require a complete WC
I recall it was always like this, I think legends or something might just be propagating it even more or something
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I rolled that campaign back, formed Britannia to keep the realm united as I blob and go for Carolingian borders while I wait for the 4th Crusade event.
What should I take for architected ancestry? I did Fecund last time, but I'm kind of considering Giant this time.
do giant ^_^
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A decade ago, or so. Before, I was avid player of Civ III and V, as well as the Settlers series, Heroes of M&M III and IV and Knights and Merchants 2.
me personally? i was a huge plants vs zombie fan
I really liked the Threepeater and the fire plant that doubled pea damage.
I still need to beat it haha
You been playing any grand strategy games?
I played a Finland campaign in Hearts of Iron IV and lost.
Yeah I played an Ireland campaign
Which game was your Ireland campaign?
Also, Halo is getting a remake.
/gsg/ is getting a remake
I would tell you what game but you deleted that guy's posts so now I'm not gonna haha
Uh, I don't think that I have the power to delete the posts of others.
Anyone who remembers the Falconcrest daughters here?
Nta but I also played an Ireland campaign
I remember one anon playing Warcraft mod in the Stormgrade are, but this is probably something else
Makes sense. Ireland is considered to be a "newbie island".
You need them all to play the game or none if you want to play MP since they come from the host. If you are poor enough to ask this question then pirate them

Pretty much has to be like that, otherwise soviets would either always win or always lose and more importantly just be another germany instead of being it's own thing.
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Can I sit with you guys?
>you should feel embarassed to have joy as an adult
too right. happiness is for women and children
This is my first time ever opening these threads and I wonder why everybody talks like a discordian speaking in lowercase about some retarded shit only he cares about.
It's literally two ban evading discrod trannies who have plagued this thread for the last couple years
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That's literally me ...
I obviously meant 'teens
whens't is the radical ritewing hoi4 mod coming out ??
God is so good legends
guy on the right (theo?) and neil podcast was entertaining
Dude. what the frick. you'll get buyer's remorse trust me. just download it from fit tranny
>Wake up
>This shit general still allowed here
>Day ruined
useless janny
It makes me happy to know this.
bros eu5 might be getting some good shit...
Buy an ad.
Great video. Game looks great so far but until we actually see gameplay it's hard to say for sure.
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>diplomat mana
you cant make this shit up
there's few things i love more than watching other people play video games but watching my wholesome big chungus pops play and ruin the game for me is one of them
>mandate that more imams/shamans/witch doctors come to my backward third world capital
>rapidly gain more culture points
>press a button and my country is no longer racist, retarded, and able to understand how public utilities work
>invite cia
>get couped
>great satan now likes you
jesuits work the same way
Like I get it but I just think it's funny how east asian countries are considered 'uncivilized' and as easy to adapt as say a random subsaharan or middle eastern kingdom
m8 you need to go back to shitposting in the starsector threads this is just embarrassing
What you mean? they made the reply to keep it organized
let me organize ur mom's jungle faggot
>video adresses audience as 'boys'
behehe hahaha i closed it
vicky 2 literally has that you disingenuous retard
no it does not you cunt
vicky 2 also has an ai that will declare war on you but you won't see that in eu need for sneed 5
Do you fucking retards even play the games or are you just here to shitpo oh wait
the irony holy shit
what? ai loves to declare wars on you the moment you slip up and have too few manpower reserves on eu, you talking shit
What, the irony of you faggots whining about a specific type of Le MaNa that your beloved Vicky fucking has?
high mana is essential for frozen orb
lower your case and address us properly when posting in our lounge, dumb nigger
Are they done making EU IV DLC?
You own nothing, you live in a ghetto here after getting expelled everywhere else
Hearts of Iron IV future DLCs:
Germany, Belgium, Belgian Congo, Hungary, Austria
Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, India
Japan, China, Manchuria, Mengkukuo, Chinese Minors
Philippines, Malaysia, Dutch East Indies, Siam
Thanks for the info!
>our lounge
Two discord trannies does not a lounge make
>vicky 2 diplomatic points are just like eu bird mana
are all the locals this retarded
We're not talking about EU4. We're talking about EU5 and its "diplomats" which are literally the same as Vicky 2 diplomatic points, because surprise surprise Johan defaults to ripping off his previous games
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blogposting will continue until morale improves
speaking of blogposting
wonder if aarnon will ever be able to find us here in vst
Additionally, diplo points function differently in Victoria 2. It's not a mana gauge, it's a limiter on your diplo actions so you cannot spam improve opinion and easily farm spherelings. You do most of diplomacy by deciding how you'll play the game, and this is even more expanded in Vicky 3 (kinda shit honestly, but diplomatic plays are awesome)
Still mad they specifically said any Muslim country of any government could form the Caliphate. Lo and behold, the first campaign I had in mind couldn’t form it.
thanks for the lesson on memegame 2
mom bought me chocolate with hazelnuts
fuck aarnon
that nigga can retire for all i care. what's more important is however, how's otterposter? is he fine? why hasn't he posted here despite the fact that /gsg/ has been back in all of its glory
i hate nuts
i hate otters
"mom, that's nuts!"
do it 63
i dont think mom got the joke
... i didn't meant to actually ask you do that
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Started the campaign as Austria. They have 171 development and a decent army.
Very quickly unlock a casus belli to personal union Bohemia, the next biggest nation in the Holy Roman Empire.
Bohemia has 166 development and an army of about 20k.
It has only been 3 years and Austria is already stronger than France and the Ottomans, I also unlocked missions to personal union Hungary and Poland.

I know that Austria is a major nation but isn't this a little ridiculous?
it was austrias time
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DLC = powercreep
i bought the goy4 xpac and then a day later found out all the youtubers had 20% off codes
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Probably partly powercreep but also just due to how eu4 combat works. Reserves take morale damage so I sent in a stack of marines as bait and waited till they all joined the battle, then sent the main invasion force to reinforce. 1 day before they arrived retreated with the marines so they started the battle with only 3 morale. Only cost me 280000 marines but sailors aren't people
Looks like the sun is about to set on the British Empire.
What nation did you start as in 1444?
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Yeah they're going to lose Canada and the US, and they have almost no other colonies. Grim. I started as Memeluks because I'm a cheevofag
Ck3 with crusader wars mod
Field of glory empires (and medieval I think) with field of glory ii, be very careful though, field of glory is turn based
Both of these require you to import battles to another game, which I’ve come to realize is the only way to have a true gsg with in-depth battles as nobody really has time time/money to make a full, single game that has the gsg mechanics of eu4/vicky, but also the battle mechanics of total war
Total War fucking sucks though
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes... it's almost as if residents of vst come to post in here...
but maybe that's too unlikely,... why would residents of our new board ever try that...
This is /vst/ though?
Tough fucking luck nigger go buy the field of glory series and learn it
ah, sorry... i'll try and make my sarcasm even more obvious next time...
just for you, my dear replyfag...
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what was your first total war game? mine was med2
I don't think total war is grand strategy.
mine was bannerlord
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Bailing so I can deal with a coalition, the yanks should have this in the bag either way
Bannerlord looked interesting so I was considering buying it until I realized I’d be giving my money to t*rks
it got boring after pirating it for few weeks and so i uninstalled
and then i tried playing it again a few months later and i got bored of it again but even faster
you did good on not buying/trying it
did Turks have a truce with Russia from a diffeent war?
i think the Dismantle Nation CB awards territory to ANY nation with a truce with the dismantle victim.
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why/how is morocco still around?
>4 focus trees and a couple menu options
>that'll be $50 please
Nations that are raidboss tier (very formidable):
Goofy ahh currency
what did ^ he mean by this
You mean she
All me
vst is a Victoria 3 thread btw
I really hope that they make Victoria 3 good.
Ck3 will always be better than ck2 because ck3’s map and graphics aren’t so ugly that you want to rip out your eyes
rare ck2 opinion that i can agree with
Whenever I think about Crusader Kings 2, I think about that strange colour that Khazaria has.
ck3 is way uglier
plus the interface is awful
imagine doing this in eu3
but you did it in eu4 which is way less soul
ck3's map is ugly but that's part because meneth works for ubisoft now, and part cause it suits the game. henrik is no fool and he is reading your posts so sharpen up would be my advice. if you wana live
200 posts til /gsg/ is irrelevant again
its going to take 15 days to fall off the catalog tho
can alby realy be saved in 15 days?
cranby season is here
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i thought paradawg paid k&g to make this but no
what in the fucking jewry
is 'some turk' gona host eu4 early tonite or do i need to crash
/int/eu4 is too 'co-op PvE' and not enough 'RP-PvP'
it reveals a flaw in eu4 which is that it's (i'm ashamed to admit because it's a good 'game') "soulless"
eu5 is gona be 'good' or else there is no thaneryke, and God is a lie
(drunk admissions, what gsg was lacking 10 years ago)
remember mote-MP and how savage it was
i genuinely had a boner every time we played and that game was (and still is) a 'masterpiece' (drink gin and pray to Yah to experience this feel)
stellaris RP-multiplayer comes in at a close but horrified second, but for me it's the do-or-die of russia mite kill me
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Grand strategy games?
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>Bulgaria putting in work all game
Don't know if the replyfag is still here but Morocco was a GP for a good while and managed to conquer all of West Africa. After I invaded for the Maghreb they were exiled south of the Sahara, and I couldn't be fucked to go in and balkanize them. Currently alllies as relations normalized after a hundred years.
EU5 having pops might fix the soulless part. But the characters could have remained like they were in EU4. I don´t need to see kangz in hd.
For me the problem with EU4 is that it gets boring once you're too powerful. Some sort of improved internal politics could help with this.
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What if you can actually see the effects of you bleaching/blacking the population? It would make something like pic related far more amusing
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new comfy tall englund and chill campaign
>-20 colonial distance required to reach cape of good hope
bruh. my dip advisors are all level 3, should i gamble on firing them for the colonial range guy or just take cape against an allyless portugal
You are already at the cape
Recall your colonist and you should be able to reach the cape because your border it and it's coastal. It's kind of an exploit.
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100 ducats well invested
no portugal boutta finish their ivory coast provinces and 200% going for cape town next
will try that later
good job idiot you took your gun apart and now you're defenseless
Life of a /vst/ janny:
eating hot pockets
defending his beloved /gsg/tranny thread from critics and natives
letting off-topic posts and threads flourish
earning no money whatsoever
what can i say we are literally the good guys
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>Russia making a big comeback
ingerland bless
>he's not goombastomping the map by 1460
why is gsg on here now
i don't remember us having this discussion :\ guess you guys left me out...
What is the best genocide simulator?
Gotta be Victoria II with HPM (Historical Project Mod)
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When/how did you discover /gsg/?
I came to /gsg/ in 2020 when I needed some help playing as Italy in hoi4
2014 i was playing eu3 and when i asked for help someone ascii arted a penis at me and told me to lrn2play
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2015ish, maybe earlier
i discovered that /vg/ exists and noticed /gsg/ from the old OP pic

some of the first threads i recall was rob (who was still relevant back then) having fights with hpm and me understanding nothing because i was a newfag
Has anyone ever tried playing as the American tribes?
>incas and aztecs
Playing as a tribe is so boring, it’s like playing a colony but worse
>but dude fighting off the colonists is so cool!
Yea after you restart the campaign for the 40th time and savescum 20 times a year
I only asked because the last DLC apparently added sunset invasion and European colonies.
Are there any games that are similar to EUIV or VIc II? I am tired of playing paradox slop but I want to roleplay imperialism.
Field of glory franchise
Just recently when you guys moved in here? I thought /vg/ is just gacha and shit but this general just hits the right spot yk.
Hello newfren, in the future remember that the act of replyfagging is strictly forbidden here :)
hegemony maybeish
But I thought that post was way above the screen.
phoneposting is gay
you're gay
Bruh I'm literally on pc.
about to post some vids of me playing ck2 whos finna watch
will it be a shorts
yh I'll post some long form and break it into 1000 shorts
can't wait
don't forgor about the goofy ahh sfx blud
bros let's play some geo guess

mp code: gn1xjtkw
like isorrow but worse
i also love using basic features this website provides us
was fun guessing roads anon, see ya
What can be done about the replyfag epidemic
Jannytroon is a manchurian candidate, as always gsg acts subverting boards untill people get fed up and expel them like in the other 108 boards...
they'll get tired on their own sooner or later
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Vic2 with crimeamod. But CK2 is an honorable mention.
same year as you, but a month after the ck3 release because i thought i knew better to wait a month before pirating and trying a new release but little did i know that paradox takes fucking years to make a game good and even between dlcs and mandatory content bullshit they always sprinkle bugs everywhere which means i was tasked with pirating different versions until finding a decent one (1.5.1)
Replyfags begone
>hungarian ukraine
DLCs that I plan to purchase (during the next sale):
Man The Guns
By Blood Alone
Arms Against Tyranny
No Step Back
La Resistance
Trial of Allegiance
i'm only a replyfag when i need to be
Stop trying to enforce /gsg/ (shariah) culture then
mom i'm replying in /gsg/ tee hee so epic :O
just ate a bagel, a cinnamonroll, and some crackers. any gsg where i can make grains into tasty food
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only one i can think of is stronghold
>just ate a baked slop, another baked slop with extra diabetes and some microwave cancer slop
nigga just binge corn syrup at this point
Well in Victoria, liquor is made from grains.
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>captured the roach caliph
Maybe castrating him will damage the Seljuks more effectively than winning 7 wars against them.
What's the /gsg/ equivalent of Yakub?
literally who
I mean in terms of games/countries
I don't know tripfags, namefags, e-celebs or youtubers and I intend to keep it that way
grigsby is a game dev
sid meier
>rin ru down
how am I supposed to gsg now
you should buy the games you play
there is this little place called igg-games, have you ever heard of it?
yes i heard of it after they were exposed as using bitcoin miners
Who would win in a 1444 war between the Ottomans and the Timurids?
i dont know but i want ottomans to win
Turn yourself over to the authorities pedophile
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Bros....Catholic Coptic Egypt
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That was my campaign
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rip british empire :(
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>believable worlds
Chilling out in the Peloponnese while the Emperor goes wild. It's annoying the AI doesn't mend the schism or form Rome. It just hit 1200 so I'm waiting for the Mongols to show up and see how the Empire fairs
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>New world war just dropped
What flag exactly is that right under the prussian one, with the horse silhouette??
Been wanting to do goy4 but the update is still weeks out. I think I’m going to do another South Africa game since there have been a few rebalances since the last time.
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>thousands of prestige
>expanded srbia to middle power in the balkans
>'haha poop' event forever tarnishes reputation
i thought you said ck3 was fixed
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>form serbia
>enter royal court for first time
>*dangling feet*
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TFR released today, play that

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