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Poor sierra
fuck this lame ass premade fanfic character stuff
tell me about /yourdudes/
Sierra is best wAIfu.
Do not bother with counterarguments.
My logic is infallible
Is 97 worth "upgrading" to?
I'm tempted to give .96 one last run before I put her down for good.
It's not the matter of game content being worth updating to, rathere it's a question of "are enough worthwhile mods updated to this version already?"
Nightingale is better because she doesn't complain when I commit crimes against humanity.
Kill and lobotomize everyone in this picture with rusty pickaxes
Yes that includes alviss the spineless cuck
Don't you dare speak ill of Alviss you gate damned ludder
You know generals are allowed on /vst/ now you don't have to disguise the thread anymore
I think it's generally agreed upon that OP is just a retard in general
the list is incomplete, OP
and you know it.
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He's a little bitch and his povost was too
eh the format is just baggage. vst is already a 1 thread per topic board anyways.
>The anime women are all stamped dude
>Not the actual dude, Alvyss, or the AI with the exact personality of a 70-year-old 'nam vet
all of them deserve rape
Alviss is a bitch just like you.
>that one stamped dyke
Alvyss should be stamped "Bro"
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i haven't played in probably 2 years, are these actual characters in the story, mod characters, or just fanfic shit
mix, hopefully you can tell which ones come from which.
Anyone know how to get the catastrophe dreadnought from sephira conclave ?
Done all the quest and bounty and I have no clue where it might be
>go to Zeta Giraud
>find the Catastrophe fleet
>bait the four escort fleets to fight you individually
>then kill Catastrophe fleet
>salvage it
>go to gemie
>give her a fuckton materials to fix it
there you go
and because I feel magnanimous I'll also tell you there's a recoverable Brave Blade wreck in that system as well
Old thread hasn't even hit 700+ posts yet
what gives
Anon, your meds.
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How can you have failure and boss overlapping?
very carefully
Does anyone know if a updated version for "Dassault Chykoyan Protectorate" for .97 exists? Or if it works with it? My old .96 version of Starsector got nuked when my SSD failed, got my other mods to work/are updated but haven't found anything on this.
before i reinvent the weel, has anyone already made spreadsheet on mods intercompatibillity that takes into account the crash codes?
I don't think there's a mod compatibility chart yet
My suggestions for compatibility levels, and associated cell background colors:
>Cross-mod content (blue)
- For mods that have features/content that activates when used with other mods.
>Works fine (green)
- Mods without any notable cross-mod content with the other mod, but also don't have any compatibility problems/issues. Most mod interactions go here.
>Mostly compatible (yellowish-green)
- For mods that function together but interact in odd ways, either due to redundant additions, balancing oddities, minor bugs, or exploits. Should still work fine, however.
>Not compatible (orange)
- Mods that break if combined with another mod, have conflicting features, or just don't work on that mod's content.
>Crashes (red)
- Self explanatory, either on purpose (TheDragn's slop) or as a side effect of mod interactions.
>Savefucking (dark red)
- For the hopefully rare interactions that actually fuck with your save/game instead of just preventing you from loading a file.
>Untested (gray)
- Also self explanatory
Are there even that many compatibility issues to bother making a spreadsheet?
Didn't Alex put a stop to willful malicious crash code after that one fiasco?
That's just buckbreaker

There aren't any
Rapesector crashes upon starting a game with the latest few updates of Knights of Ludd, because it tries to modify Zea fleets (why?). Requesting fix
I'm pretty sure KoL has incompatability code with Rapesector
the fix is in rapesector's discord troubleshooting channel, go get it
Thanks anon, that worked
keep your shit mod
I'm starting up ARC back up again and so far so good
added 4 new fucking ships to it
fucking based
are there any (vanilla) beam weapons that do hard flux
my paragon has a comical 2100 range with beams but being limited to soft flux only makes it kinda shit at doing anything other than swatting pirate frigates
I tried fitting it with high scatter amplifier but then I got to watch remnant niggers fly in, burst me, then fly away the moment i got the beams on them because of paragons shit mobility
and the nerfed range made the radiant and apex extremely hard to kill even with high scatter tachyons and high intensity lasers that were doing (on paper) insane dps and hard flux
When is the base game going to let the player marry Neriene Rao?
>redditmeme faggot hasn't played the game
What a surprise.
>people dont know about the character who appears in a 1-off quest with a gimmick
How about you just post it you unironic discord-tranny?
Working as intended.
>high scatter amplifier
when will someone create a "starsector mod installer" like rimpy in Rimworld? I need such a software to check for soft incompatibilities and oneclick install shit.
TriOS exists.
Are there any cool obscure mods that was made recently? last time i played was 7 months ago or more
exactly what im looking for, ty anon!
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Found an amazing portraits mod on nexusmod---- why the fuck the obsqure mod on nexusmods is better than all the ones on the forum?
You know why.
I HATE sidequests that require you to look up a walkthrough to start/complete
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I use SMOL.
Anyone tried the star lords mod? i have it enabled but i dont think it's working as i don't see any lords.
was it made by the same guy that made the diablo avionics mod that left the forums?
>Anyone tried the star lords mod? i have it enabled but i dont think it's working as i don't see any lords.
They'll start making themselves known when you begin a colony. Otherwise they mostly stay out of your way.

t. currently fighting a star lord who brought 50 onslaughts in a 10 fleet formation
share the mod bro this portrait looks fire
Been obsessively writing up a doc for a mod idea I have. Worth actually trying to make one or nah? I don't know what's redundant, but I was thinking about it mainly having swarmer drone ships along with melee weapons like harpoons.
can you, or can you quickly learn how to
- program java
- draw decent sprites
- actually get shit done

do-nothing autists with bad ideas are a dime a dozen
Likely not but I can try at least. I have nothing else to do. I'd probably start by modding the planets and markets in and see from there - if it does happen expect updates in this thread ig.
set up intellij asap, it'll be worth it
Intellij? You'd have to link me what that is because I've never heard of it
wtf is the enigma
and also wtf is the omega
The enigma of where your balls went because you're a tranny faggot for adding tranny mods
Omega these balls in your mouth
>melee weapons like harpoons
If you're serious about this I highly recommend checking out RSector, there's a really good example of a Harpoon gun in there.
>you are mouth
Go fucking correct yourself ESL
Ermmm... cringe!
"more character portraits" on nexusmods
oh ty! i thought they just appear once i start a new game
Can you just copy paste the fix anon ? Don't really wish to join another cabal discord
thanks bro
Seafood shipworks ships are fun but they show up way too much
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Once you start a colony and rake in the cash, my desire to keep playing kind of slows. The most fun I had was fighting a star lord that took a 10 fleet death army and slammed it against my entire system. But man, it was hard to deny that it was amazing.

>some hegemonkey douchebag named Horatio Ignatious invades my system
>has 10 fleets
>each has 5 onslaughts, all of which are XIV battalion elites, along with tons of smaller ships and destroyers
>ravages all of my planets and destroys the two battlestations + star fortress I had set up
>all that stands between him and my capital planet is my own fleet
>decide to charge in
>tear up 25% of his army, lose a chunk of my ships
>they're all chasing me
>reminded of the dustkeeper guy you can summon in to help you, the one you get for the Sierra quest
>I have my strongest ships fall in on his dronecarrier warship, as it leads the entire battalion
>manage to kill his primary command fleet
>my entire fleet is decimated, but recoverable
>the rest of his 4 fleets retreat, having lost their supply convoy and primary commander (I had the good fortune of catching some of them off guard, and they were distracted by my pickets fleets)
>collect enough salvage to nearly make up for my losses (I'm talking 5000 supply and 15000 fuel cells)

What a shame that the whole playthrough peaked there.
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just bought an invictus. looks pretty cool.
You are fooling no one.
If it was an Invictus there would be 4000 crew inside replacing of any form of automation, manually rotating the turrets, handcrafting the ammo, serving as ablative armor...
Problem isn't even colonies it's how the difficulty ramps very quickly from frigate fun to cruisers but then, or immediately to cap ships where you throw meta ship DP at enemies and everything is piss easy.
Oh I found a Legion XIV I guess I win! is the name of the game right now.
thats more of a 200 DP limit issue desu
and the npc factions not kitting out smaller ships correctly to fight larger ones
but it would also be incredibly unfair if the AI could bring 600+ DP to bear because of the 30 ship player fleet cap
Because its a chinamod
I should point out that I was also using the Fleet size by DP mod, and I tweaked in-game battle sizes to increase them to 400 DP. So at any given point Horatio's army was fielding no less than 4 onslaughts and a bunch of legions at the same time, with tons of frigates as support.
nta, but i have found a Legion XIV before half of my newgame's first cycle even ends--- and i decided not to storyretrieve it to not make the game easy but now i forgot where it was kek
there are like 8 legion xivs seeded around a normal size sector so its not uncommon to run across one in the first constellation you explore lmao
if you really want to make the game hard then try playing without leaving the core worlds. being able to get decent ships for less than a ~million a pop is what makes the exploration game seem easy. not to mention every time you find a piece of tech or a pile of goods that net you hundreds of k at a time out there
Is there a mod to make it remotely profitable to recover, repair, and sell ships
cuz rn you can recover an onslaught, repair all the dmods with the special skill over time, and then the faggots at the market will offer you 80k for it
Nex has bar and contact events where people will offer to buy a ship from you. You can't pick what kind of ship they're looking for but if you have it they will give you better than market price for it.
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is there any mod that fixes LG variant of ships and actually make them strong/worth getting??
yes there is
its called s-modding your motherfucking solar shielding and bait shit inside blackholes you numbnuts
it's really only the LG hammerhead and eagle that are unimpressive, the rest are good to great.

the hullmod is gay but doesn't matter much
yeah ive run into one of those exactly once
>but it would also be incredibly unfair if the AI could bring 600+ DP to bear because of the 30 ship player fleet cap
You will install this mod and you will be happy
fleet caps in general are gay
why can't i have 100 atlases. the AI gets to ignore the fleet cap as well.
so why does every colony crisis event just scale until they would beat your automated fleets
what's the point of building defenses if the pirates just throw literally 20 endgame fleets at your system that you spent gorillions upgrading the defenses and battlestations of, purely to ensure you have to babysit them
When you remove all arbitrary limits and caps these games completely lose any illusion of difficulty or challenge
that it's harder to defeat the enemy with 300 DP than 3000 isn't an illusion.
the only reason the vanilla game is hard is because it will give the late game AI 2 onslaughts worth of DP advantage over you
if you ever had that much DP advantage over the ai you would completely wipe the floor with them for obvious reasons
>the AI gets to ignore the fleet cap as well.
They also get to ignore logistics, so your 30 ships includes fuels and supplies and theirs is pure combat.
i actually see most AI fleets including some tankers and cargo ships, but they both ignore the fleet cap and spawn those ships infinitely out of thin air so it doesn't really mean anything
the illusion of the game immediately falls completely apart after you get into the colony phase
oh you're one of those "ai cheating is bad" retards
>obvious reasons
Mainly reasons like shitty hullmods, weapon loadouts and officers on AI fleets. Not to mention shitty fleet comp. How often do you see dual monitor fleets? Why can't the AI set yours to "avoid" to mitigate that cheese entirely? The list of reasons the game is easy goes on.
I dont think you can physically put a bad loadout on an onslaught desu
when 4 onslaughts and a pile of shitty cruisers are fighting 160 dp of any vanilla fleet you can cook up it is extremely frustrating
nice triple dubs
unfortunately your point is wrong
introducing shield tanked shitfits
the worst onslaught loadout you can cook up still has 3 large ballistics (there are no bad large ballistic weapons) and the TPC (one of the best weapons in the game)
Onslaughts are heavily overrated.

>have altagrave EX with 20 S mods
>completely trivializes him by flying to his back and using 20 reaper missiles thanks to a missile reloading s mod, with a replenishing reaper mount from Iron Shell
>he dies instantly

>Equip Daemon Slayer hullmod and mining lasers on Onslaught
>Oneshots your Altagrave Ex
>types "kill" in console
Pssh, you're a billion years too early to fight me.
>Deletes your savefiles with malware on a mod
I am four parallel universes ahead of you
>Disables kill command
Nice try
Install an incompetent leader of the 'free world" resulting in a proxy war that causes global energy prices to skyrocket until you can no longer afford the electricity to power your rig...
Emergent Threats adds a skill branch with bonuses for midline and LG ships if you're also running Second in Command.
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p-please anon-sama don't do that I take back what I said
>rapes you're OC/mom self-insert
Heh nice try kiddo, but record fossil fuel prices won't unrape you're mom
>invades your home to kill and eat your cat
huh well played, but my mom's rape won't resurrect your cat
RS update is out
Including compatebility fixes and meatship questline

Happy raping everyone~
These last 20 or so posts have greatly amused me.
>invents a time machine to rape my own cat's ass and nakadashi before it gets eaten
he-he-he, guess who'se cummy is in your tummy, loser
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>here's your new questline unique capital reward bro
>realistic ship combat mod
>destroyers like the enforcer are so heavily armored that they can tank sustained plasma cannon/hypervelocity driver fire while getting overloaded repeatedly all the way until they can retreat
this mod sucks
>when space combat isn't something humans know anything about in reality and all weapons are complete works of fiction
hard sci-fi or plausible space combat is possible, like with terra invicta. But if you have non-beyond visual range pew pew laser sound propagation in space 2d brawls then it's obvious that this isn't the point of startsector in the first place
If you can't delete them, that sounds like you need more boom anon, pimp up that limp dicked cannon
I would need an HE weapon that does 1500 damage per shot to penetrate the armor of a pirate enforcer
I dont think the modmaker actually balanced anything because shit like the autopulse laser is completely useless
>improved ship ai mod
>astral carrier charges ahead of all her escorts into the teeth of the incoming enemy fleet
ah yes the uhhhh steady officer moment
Never had a problem with even the biggest shits from that mod. you either run out of burst before the shield is cracked or you straight up don't have enough dakka
I was literally spraying plasma cannons into an overloaded and spinning out of control pirate enforcer at point blank range and it wasn't doing anything
every weapon not specialized for single shot damage is completely useless: such as pulse lasers, beams, autocannons, etc. they can take down shields but anything with any armor is just immune to damage from them
pirate enforcer has 1000 armor
plasma cannon does 500 damage per shot
so its impossible to penetrate the citadel. with reinforced bulkheads or other hull-boosting hullmods you can't kill them without penetrating the citadel
the tachyon lance is listed as 1300+ damage but i tried it against some small pirate craft and it did no damage
This is sarcasm, right?
Are there any resources/videos/guides on how to make builds for ships and actually do combat? I feel like im missing on 50% of the fun in the game as i play it as a trading/questing simulator, i never fight my own fights i just put the ship on autopilot, use the standard autofits etc. I been playing this game since before the sseth video and i still never did much combat/shipbuilding if any.
Unfortunately there’s probably people who completely seriously say shit like that
<insert thing in base game> is shit because my <setup utilizing an extremely busted combination of mods> completely fucking annihilates it
not to mention retards who boast about how cool they are because they made some incredibly overpowered thing and how they “curbstomped” something that’s actually hard if you’re not deliberately making your shit imbalanced
>Are there any resources/videos/guides on how to make builds for ships and actually do combat
Bait or mental retardation
Every time i use Diable ships or fight agaisnt their faction my fps drops to 30 frames due to micromissile spam. Entire map saturated with ordnance
>Checks discord chat
>All references to meatship deleted
>Checks private chanel
>Discussing meatship code
AI fleet ignore logistic, spam unfair amount of ships, get to play with allies, the DP system is rigged against the side with less ship.
On top of that, the 30 ships cap is also geared against wolfpack strategies.

We can't have human-level AI, but a lot would be needed to make the game not waste most of its potential.
For example, we really need more tactics.
to be able to hide in asteroids field and by doing so, engage only part of the fleet one by one.
to be able to sacrifice movement and brace against an assault, getting a huge DP boost.
emergency burn to prevent enemy from retreating
I want to be able to use SP not to escape, but to choose get a serious advantage like enemy only being able to send half of its fleet during the battle, but I don't get to scavenge
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NOOOOOO I can't believe that I have been bested the same way Seth was bested by Horus, with cum on his food, and by the laws of the gods I can no longer be considered a man and thus I am disqualified from the contest for the throne
grumpy thumper has a whole playlist of explaining things to retards but its longwinded as fuck
step 1 spam kinetics
>I am disqualified from the contest for the throne
Hate to break it but you were never eligible
wait a minute shepards and salvage gantries are 3 DP
with fleet size by dp i can finally fulfill my dream of towing a giant swarm of salvage vessels
oh looks like the diminishing returns basically softcap you at 5-6 salvage rigs
oh well
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>"hmm, a year or so has passed, time to play starsector again"
>"this time I will NOT play afflictor and solo every battle until lvl 15 and 3 mill credits"
>"let's try the hammerhead"
>"wow, this is garbage"
>end up playing afflictor anyways, like i always do

My brain is broken, everything else is so fucking slow
Definitely longwinded but very comfy. I like that he rolls with his fuckups and recovers from them.
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thats the phase ship pill. after using starfed nesasio on drugs i always strive to maximize my speed on any ship smaller than capital

...sometimes capitals too.
the reason why i'm not an addict (temporarily) is because, well, i've tried it, mastered it, and know that i will fuck nearly anything alive (except HMI space horrors, nothing that i've piloted in the entire game can kill that one on one), so i know it'll get boring, or i won't learn anything new.

sparrowhawk from DME is what i use now. not that far away from phase-retardation though..
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It has begun, the shadow wars
Explain nigger
Buckbreakers overstayed its welcome, it's a discord-tier inside joke at this point.
Don't care
the escalation WILL continue
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The Buckbreakers have risen
RS is flourishing
Billions must be born from rape
I've always thought afflictors looked like sarcophagi.
Yeah it stops being funny once you realize the dumb nigger making it isn't releasing shit now just trying to get attention, forever. Worse than the tranny mods it's mocking.
it should just be called "war thunder sector" because that's what it is.
recommend me a fun fleet setup, I'm max level and have 3,8 mill credit so anything goes really. I'm not feeling like setting up a colony yet. I'm just playing with the vanilla factions
>thats the phase ship pill. after using starfed nesasio on drugs i always strive to maximize my speed on any ship smaller than capital
>...sometimes capitals too.

Can relate, I used to include a harbinger for those pesky paragons.
>found one 4 damage mods for sale
>bought it
>restored it
>like 500.000 credits down the gutter
>fought two battles with it
>sold it again, too slow
Don't insult my ship-fu
Not an insult, just an observation.
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>making it
Nigga please, if I was to put time in to shit it would be finding a job, not modding on the USC:
~Happy Fellatings~
>Eradicator (P)
>Eradicator (P)
>Eradicator (P)
>Eradicator (P)
>Eradicator (P)
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I like these fighters from the Tri-Tac special circumstances but dislike the rest the mod. How do I extract them seperately?
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>finally gave LP Brawler a chance
first make a new folder
make a data and graphics folder inside that new folder
make hulls, variants, strings, world folder inside your data folder
make ships folder inside graphics
copy whatever relevant files from the trash mod over to your new folders
install Ron's Data Edit
open ship_data.csv and wing_data.csv using ron's data edit
copy relevant entries and remake them into your new mod folder's hulls folder
is this a new version or are we still stuck on the old one because someone keeps making us lose The Game
what happened to that anon who was working on a tool to quickly adjust content inside mods and/or rip them into a new mod folder
That's retarded
he probably killed himself once he realized how fucking stupid his idea was
he died to java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
you can change the price ratio for selling ships in settings
increase the second for higher ship selling prices and decrease the third if you want D mods have less effect at price
I always though that there should be recovery missions where you fly and recover some wrecked ships and bring them back alongside with system for ship ID and recovery and rescuing destroyed ships(aka you tow damaged hegemony ship to hegemony and turn them back for cash and rep)
20 LP Cerberus
>decrease the third
may bad
increase it to like 0.9 or 0.95
it was ages ago when I played it and millennia ago when i modded it
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POV you tried invading the smallest tri tach colony
death to tritach
all corpos must die
holy trips
thanks, I have just learned modding myself. carriers ftw
t. poorfag
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It works!
Fly my little hornets
play children of a dead earth
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Praise Ludd, Total Mammonite Death
Glad I could help but your LPCs will forever be inferior to my semi official Talon Tritachyon mod
Not bad
but why didn't you steal the weapon data for Diable's Maelstrom's built in micromissile array?

I guess I could just do it myself
Damn, the last time I played it was version .96
Is Rapesector mod still developing? Any new exciting features?
I can see some new mods on forum, my head hurts already. Is the mod "Random assortment of things" good, or is it just bloat?
ogey rrat
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I love these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe
Do the flip
you and your..... third dimension
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>Is Rapesector mod still developing? Any new exciting features?
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yes. rat is amazing
My grandpa died the same way.
please don't post your mother here
why does tritach have no tactical lasers or graviton beams the time i want to build a disco fleet
same reason they never have am blasters when I want to play dooooom
skill issue
ok wtf is up with the doritos
they just absorb concentrated fire from my capitals while dragon ball z zipping around picking off cruisers in a single volley
then they dragon ball z instant transmission away the moment they get high on flux
alex does realize this game is designed so a sufficiently tough and mobile enemy is virtually impossible to kill right? you can just instantly regenerate your entire "health" bar repeatedly if you are mobile enough to disengage whenever you want
oh I understand you are supposed to analyze their loadout and then tailor your fleet to hard counter them after the battle
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>He has problems with beating tesseracts
gank them down with overwhelming force and fighter spam. there's a video of some shitlord spamming 60 buffalo mk2s with converted hangar, thunders and harpoons and easily winning. follow your dreams
made some modifications and tried to make some files for the unused ship

still missing variant file though but I have no idea what to put on there
made a typo in the cruiser's glow
just change "buckwood_troonwhipper_glow" to "buckwood_troonwhipper_glow1" and it should work
What really makes them powerful is their adaptive armor. They will change their armor type to resist whatever killed them.
Sounds more like you're a tranny with skill issue
AI cores owe me sexbots.
oh so my high tech beam frigate spam fleet is basically optimized to get raped
no clue niggy. give it a try. see what happens
the best part of starsector is the struggle for stability, aka the early game. It's like Terraria's pre-hardmode. Once you get wings and infinite money and super OP stuff, the whole game just drops off. It's such a damn tragedy.
it got completely raped to death
skill issue

Afflictor is a frigate and it can literally SOLO 2 tesseracts fighting it at once
>the strongest cheese ship in the game can cheese
we know
also if any of those ships spawned with a rift lance he would just get deleted lmao
Were you blind? Some did spawn with lances
They got killed off asap
Here's the harbinger version
im not watching that shit nigga i know how phase ship cheesing works
And yet you still have skill issue
very nice video even if getting four rift lances isn't going to happen in a vanilla game (but who the fuck plays vanilla desu. adjusted sector ftw)
Bro your Alpha Site cache?
if you still can't be assed you can also use SWP's Light Phase Lance though its got shorter range
brb lemme rush that over and over at the start of the game and pray (but you're right about light phase lances. those are sick o7)
i used the paragon's setup from this video to kill them


a single High Scatter Amplifier paragon can solo the tesseract while you aid the other to take on the remaining one, you don't need the reality disruptor either, Two autopulses are much better for this fight because of their insane burst damage, when it charges at you and tries to retreat aftewards you punish him with your tachyons, the shards that come afterwards are harder to deal with than the tesseract itself but if you regroup fast enough you shouldn't have any issues.

for any remaining fleet fight's with this setup add monitors as they make for great distraction and prevent your paragons from getting swarmed, against the XIV AI fleet two monitors sent to each side of the map gave me enough breathing room to pick apart the rest of that fleet piece by piece.

i don't know if the Tesseract bounty still chases you forever but if it does you can use this trick to cheese the fight

this with a full offense skillset?
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Will Alex ever complete the endgame or have something that breaks the sector status quo with real consequences?
I just want there to be a greater challenge. Imagine if you have to fight the entire pre-collapse domain, or if you acquire some incredible hidden secret that makes the entire sector hate your guts.

Maybe they could take a note from Space Pirates and Zombies (SPAZ) and have everyone join up with you as they fight some univeral cosmic threat. Something like the hivers, but a little more world-cohesive.
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I wish.

>Janus Device plans leak to everyone else
>Faction fight over good planets with gate

>You take over a Hypershunt, use it to reactivate the local gate network
>Suddenly AI system can now reach the Inner system faction

>Discovers why the Gate network was deactivated
>Omega discovered that Ludd was capable of talking to hyperspace alien through the hyperspace gates.
>The gates network is harmful to aliens, they tried to use Ludd into changing mankind.
>As Ludd is carried away, Omega understand the situation and to prevent mankind destruction, he order all other AI to deactivate the gate network to protect mankind from Aliens
>Now aliens are trying to reach Mankind through their hyperspace based machines

Give me my Hugo award now.
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>baird now has proof of working gates
>hegemonkeys force her to give the data to them
>total hegemonkey death is declared by all other factions leading to an all out brawl to get access to gates
>omega niggas see that this will lead to total human annihilation and send their spook fleet to destroy the gate research data so they cannot be opened
bonus points if the hypershunt powered up the omega fleet in the abyss so they appear as aliens coming in to kill everyone and the player character can be blamed for activating them
Congrats you just wrote the plot of The Expanse book series. Only thing missing is a second alien race that built the gates to start with and the hyperspace aliens being outright genocidal to our reality as well as p-space.
implying he didnt just copy mass effect which copied the expanse
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your starsector wife
I don't got one of those.
checked, let's turn all those AI cores into cumsluts for BHC (big human cock), Ludd wills it
whatever happened to the CABAL subfaction? They were the OG donut steel OCs
>war by all factions
>alien invesation
>at least 3 more quests
That would imply more work that alex put into the game since 2018
checked. also hugs and headpats for Sierra!
Stuff like this is why Star Lords is now a permanent mod for me, I wish more mods had lords though
what system was the leveller mallory in again
You are both idiot, I simply went for Alex reference "Hyperion".
SF often end up using equivalent tropes because it logically lead to the same logic, but you guys stretch so much anything would fit. Next you'll tell me it's Halo.

>The Expanse
I can see where you are coming from,
>Mass effect
Both follow that typical "mankind is a newcomer to galactic society yet they still overcome what destroyed the godlike progenitor using their own technology".
Who built the gates and the cosmic horror not having already sniffed out another superior species are fundamental differences.

I don't really like The Expanse approach with magic protomolecule and gate-builder.
It just jump on the conclusion of "alien gate-builder aren't talking to us? Let's immediately use the tech without considering why they aren't talking to us"

Starsector's setting would hold better if the alien interaction is just that they kill any species tampering with hyperspace past a point.
It's been repeatedly said and re-said in the lore that HUMANS are what made the gates not some shady precursor alien or whatever
Besides there's no reason to not assume that aliens have their own gate equivalents that they developed separately from our own designs
This slut needs satbomb rape correction
kek that guy was such a faggot lol
"h-how DARE you headpat a bitch in MY STERSERCTER?!?!?! :<<< I'll get u!"
ooh ty! been checking his shit for months and was hoping he didn't die o7
Tits arent fat enough tee bee haytch
Ackchyually I replaced your mom's ovaries with my cats so she can give birth to my cat's mutant half human babies so it doesn't matter if you killed her
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anons does anyone here have a sprite for a luddic church legion that was posted here at some point over the years
im the one who did it and i lost the fucking sprite since i didn't know what to do with it since i found out there were other mods that added something similar already, but now i want to reskin it for a greater purpose and its driving me fucking insane since i actually forgot how to recolour in the same way i did with that luddic church dominator which looked really nice
same with modfiles for skinheap which was my shitty ship pack which i promise to now rework to be better since i have much better ideas now
unfortunately this. I'm still asshurt at the skill tree changes, and
>add s-mods
>disable s-modding the best ones
>add a cheap knockoff of 'better deserved s-mods' like a rimworld dlc which... you guess it, nerfs s-mods again :^)"
Modders do what Alexdon't.
Alex's enthusiasm for the game went under when he failed to solve the first economy update. He tried making a down to earth econ to give a more "tactical" feel to trade and the then coming industries update where it didn't just didn't boil down to "find the exploit and make millions" meta. After something like 2 years at it he gave up supposedly because it was "too complex for the player", but between the lines he filtered himself, ragequit and dropped a second rework that was even more abusable than the original economy.

After that he has been fucking around with random things. post-industry, the last half decade of development amounts for... 6 ships, skill system sidegrade and an hyperspace conveyor. Nothing done on the engine side that isn't copying graphicslib.

I think Alex wanted something less like Elite or 4X and more akin to those 2000s merchant merchant/pirate games, where instead of managing a single ship you managed a whole fleet. Most of those games rely in ports being pretty dynamic when it comes to trade and interactions. But when he failed to implement proper econ it all went down like dominoes and Alex's idea of Starsector never left the battlescape he made while it was still called Starfarer. After that he lost interest and limited himself to polishing features and quests.
Spiffing Brit and Ymfah really broke him when they released their starsector videos huh
>he gave up supposedly because it was "too complex for the player", but between the lines he filtered himself, ragequit and dropped a second rework that was even more abusable than the original economy.
this is it i think, i think he just lacks the ability to improve the game further.
I suspect the reason there are so few quests and they take so fucking long to get added is that they didn't make an actual toolset for it with a visual editor and every quest has to get painstakingly written into the game's files by hand.

Probably why the gates questline had a couple "broken" dialogue orders you could use that would lock you from progressing further.
does the ashes of the domain modpack, make it so factions can use blueprints that i sell to them to build different hulls? I saw that the hegemony (enemies) are now using brighton hulls which i think (i dont remember exactly) i sold the blueprints to them
rules.csv is fucking turing complete

what does it actually need to do? traverse a simple dialogue tree
>if the alien interaction is just that they kill any species tampering with hyperspace past a point
instead of aliens it would be AI preventing humans from accessing hyperspace because of what is found there
now what that actually is can be left for the player to decide
>now what that actually is can be left for the player to decide
Meatships that want to consensually headpat other lifeforms.
this but every single-player game (and FF14 because lolgreedyjapanese)
big if true. I've been playing since 0.91 and the last two updates have kinda been dicks except for the cool little luddic taxi cab sidequest. the remnant questline from nex is better than le main story imo
....and y'know. fuck slipstreams. gayass shit
Just played this quest.
What. The. Fuck.
It really is the same situation as Terraria. The dev can't really top themselves, so modders are doing the work for them. Hey, no problems here.
It's pretty hot, right
vanillafags go home, rapesector is a guro/snuff man's mod now
Guess I'm finally getting rapesector.
terraria was finished, had a free expansion, and half a dozen bonus packs

starsector is still trying to figure out how to implement hellstone
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>expedition complete
>time to return with my alpha cores
>see a bunch of sensor ghosts ahead
>they spawn a slipstream
>right in my way
Seems pretty mediocre in comparison to the other vanilla capitals, even with the gimmick, at least to me. How is everyone else building theirs, full missile boat?
>modders are doing the work for them.
Pay them to finish your shit then.
Nigga, just reverse polarity and travel upstream.
You have been scanning the magnetic fields and probing black holes, right?
The ship is quite shit honestly.
medicore mounts, shit flux stats. The regeneration gimmick is not that impressive
I love the Condor
Cheap to buy, gives you fighter bays
Ups your fighting capability in the early game by a massive margin
always has been

I haven't played this game since the last update
Can someone share the link to an up to date version of rapesector?
Just google it
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yeah I dug through a bunch of links, the wayback machine, got all the mods I wanted, and reinstalled 95.1. then I realize.... there are still fucking slipstreams in 95.1. Alex seems like a really cool guy based on interactions I've had with him online, but slipstreams and colony crisises™ were never good.
>avoid these threads and starsector news for months on purpose due to the faggotry in these threads.
>see thread shitting up catalog
>its still the same discord tranny nonsense
Holy fuck will you niggers go back to preddit where you belong?
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David doesn't know how samovars work. They just boil water, you don't brew the tea in them.
This has been your writing nitpick of the day.
> Painstakingly gather a small fleet by buying ships, doing bounties etc etc
> Get wiped because lol I spawned a fleet in your way and they were three times your size

> Start new game
> Hang around two factions fighting
> Get an entire fleet of ships for free
I've learned something terrible, haven't I?
Just wait until you make a living off of salvaging invasions and raids. Bonus points if you go in without a transponder and purposely sabotage fleets left and right, to prolong the fighting and get more loot.

This game has made me a horrible person.
Wait until you find out that in this tranny faggot game you can attack traders and take their shit to then sell to fill the void you created when you killed them.
Wait until you find out that all that salvaging, scavenging etc. is completely pointless because you can just run guns and drugs and make way more money way easier with 0 risk (you don't even need to black market this shit to make tons of money)
>you can attack traders and take their shit to then sell to fill the void you created when you killed them.
Makes sense to me. Isn't that a thing actual pirates did?
Yes, I'm not saying its a bad thing? I'm saying wait until that anon finds out that fleet salvage is baby tier money. Then wait until they find out that trader bashing is baby tier money as well compared to just... selling guns and drugs.
call him midwit on the forum
>tranny faggot game
damn. this guy mad online
nah thats you
see? I can be a dumb faggot too :^)
damn. this guy mad online
bro why you so mad
I'd rather take anon generated AI slop over Dave
You can also raid a planet into oblivion but if its story relevant it will never deciv so you can make billions selling them back the supplies, food and fuel you raided off them for massive profit
they added the ability to reverse the slipstream direction in 0.97
t w
Thread's over
Nothing ever happens
Barely any notable mod releases or updates
V0.9whatever isn’t coming anytime soon
There’s no actually good videos of the game on youtube
It all feels so

Maybe we could try and change that by collaborating on a mod together
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Since I know how to add ships now
Which ship from the mega should I add to buckbreakers? I was thinking this but i'd need to edit the mounts on the thing since its kinda fucked up

I'm not the buckbreaker anon btw, just some rando that wants to make the ships flyable
Modern Carriers bootleg with removed Concord and lunalib integration
Yes a shitty pisscord link
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Isn't this a cruiser? why is it in the capitals folder in the shitbash mega?
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now THIS is a proper capital carrier
Its almost like you trannies ran off anyone who wanted to actually talk about the game so its just you and your dilating buddies talking about heckin anime rape.
Who are you talking to retard
We don't sign our posts here.
Ok noah
guy who ran the mega folder here
I grouped them based on non-transparent pixel count so ships of the same general size got categorized as the same size class
using vanilla ships as a guideline
what is there to talk about anyway? Even the reddit and forums aren't super busy. Probably needs a steam release to generate interest but that will cause other issues for the community
The "community" should kill itself.
yeah but a steam release would mean more of "those"
This game would not be helped with a steam release.
Have you added the new update yet? It's on here >>1885643
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This thing has a lot less mounts than the base hull its based on
it's kinda hard to pick what built-ins to give this thing

should I go with 4 amsrms or 2 resonator mrms instead?
I was thinking of putting them on pic related since there's not much else to put them in
good ol' harpoon missiles
Symmetrical or asymmetrical?
>I'm not the buckbreaker anon btw, just some rando that wants to make the ships flyable
Breaker here, feel free to have at it and add shit. Buckbreaking is a communal activity.
Harpoons have limited ammo Cpt. Ahab
That'd be retarded
I'd be better off building in Pilums or Salamanders

Thoughts on this mod? Lot of cool pirate ships. Looks like a huge bunch of capital ships.
just make custom reloading harpoons as integral weapons
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That would require me to give a shit
I don't even fucking know what this so called weapon is supposed to be but its in the shitbash mega

i COULD turn it into an actual thing
but without documentation on what its supposed to be I can't really do anything with it

like is it supposed to be a ballistic? energy? hybrid mount but counts as energy for stat modifiers? missile?
seriously what the FUCK is this thing?
It kills things dead. That’s all you need to know.
so I just make it a copy of VIC's laidlaw but energy?
is it just me or is the buckbreaker shitbash mega is just fucking gone?
though I have the folders saved so I haven't lost anything
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Know what? Fuck it

at first I was just thinking of adding a few but now in memory of the mega I'm doing em all

even this god forsaken thing
never coming out
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I'm making it come out you nigger
besides buck-gon is already out you conniving snake
spriting looks ass, and supercapitals are a meme
Make it into a big railgun.
Bitches love railguns
Nah I aint gonna touch it at all
if you want to you can do it yourself
reupload this to literally any other website
mostly symmetrical (also known as not symmetrical)
Why? It's shit
even if you remove the literal game breaking dependency it has it wont change the fact that its legit trash
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>new to the game, didn't read any guides or watch videos
>built up a fleet of rust buckets and hired some marine mercs in the bar
>raided an "independent" planet whose fleet was too scared of my rag-tag crew
>-50+ relations with every independent vessel in the independent "faction" across the entire galaxy with a horde of mercs and bounty hunters up my ass
This is retarded. I just wanted some free supplies and slaves. The relation hit should only effect the "independent" individuals you are hostile to.
try playing the tutorial first and maybe one of the first things it shows you would help you with this
I did the tutorial, both the combat and fleet management one. Nothing told me that the so-called "independents" are not actually independent.
Artillery is back!

Also been experimenting with different fighter skins for different techs...
unless you're using mods that splits every independent polity into their own faction the best you'll get is the current system
and besides it does make sense in a way - if you become known for massacring independent vessels then independent sailors are going to be wary/hostile towards you
if you want valid targets for violence try the pirates or pathers. you can afford to piss off a faction or two as long as you have other factions that still like you.
anons i am in dire need of qrd on starsector mods, cause i've heard couple of them were made by some fun hating faggot that injected some code that bricks other mods or something.
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>Added an "escalate crisis" option so that you can accelerate the pace of crises if desired! Should be especially handy later on in the run after most factors have been dealt with, and event progress is slower.
We're finally getting the option to call a Hegemony politician a nigger on a Luddic spaceship-painting holoboard.
i think all of the crashcode is gone at this point. It was mainly aimed at 2 mods, NGO which was very much Nazis in Space and is no longer developed, and rapesector which is a coomer mod that the community freaked out over a while back after a youtuber included a 3 second long clip of him using it as a joke.
>i think all of the crashcode is gone at this point.
not from my mods
>if you become known for massacring independent vessels then independent sailors are going to be wary/hostile towards you
It was only one measly raid, its not like I raided and slaughtered those of the independent faction willy nilly.
>try the pirates
Thanks. Somehow the pirates are in possession of a world rich in a valuable resource in the same system as both the independent planet I raided and a Hegemon world. Easy and quick trading I suppose, but it still sucks I can't genocide their planet full of scum without harming relations with the actual factions..
>i think all of the crashcode is gone at this point
Only from the forums. There's still mods with crashcode/save-shredders on the discord.

If it's a 'discord exclusive' mod, avoid it.
And if the forum post 'encourages' you to join the discord in order to "stay up to date with the latest updates", avoid it. Some modders are only pulling their crashcode for the forum-friendly version.
>There's still mods with crashcode/save-shredders on the discord.
guessing this is in relation to rs? Any big mods in specific? Hopefully with orange mans victory some of these mod devs will ack themselves
What's the point of shrinking the other mounts if you're not even going to make that one central mount a large?
Quick heads up: there shouldn't be any crash code, but if you want to be sure, avoid certain users and mods made by those users. For example: Nia Tahl, Ryxsen, Boggled, BadDragn, etc. You learn to filter out the bad apples pretty fast.
kek yeah sure thing buddy
there's practically none from what I've seen, and I play with a shitload of mods.
Actually decent advice. You won't be missing anything of value either.
This. The real buck breaking is not engaging with their slop and realizing you don't miss it.
B-but but anon how will I properly own them if I don't post screenshots of me using every single one of their mods downloaded directly from their discord so I can use my rape mod and super cool edgyboi ships on them!? How else can I properly show them whats what unless I know everything about every one of their mods and every character in their factions!?
>story point
Stop doing this shit
No, I WILL spend the story point and grind for more.
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Consider the Independents are small polities, sharing information, all willing to NOT be immediately taken over by one of the other factions or a rag-tag crew.

Even shutting down your transponder, without being identified before you do, and reshuffling your fleet afterward won't make you totally invisible.
Unless maybe you use a Story Point to do "preparation" for that

>It was only one measly raid, its not like I raided and slaughtered those of the independent faction willy nilly.
Would you ignore the killer in your neighborhood because he only killed one of those who share your ideals?

If all the independent were competing group there would be no way to track their relationship.
Fuck you, SP are a nice resource to do stuff that would otherwise require a single-use gameplay.
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Should I bother adding this since there's already a similar variant called the hatemonger in the mod or nah?
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the variant in question
How'd you do it, anon? I'm trying to make a ship with LIDAR array, too.
We need a public database of faggots who do shit like this
You add malicious code to mods, you get on the list
Don't give it any energy or hybrid slots
only either ballistic or missile/composites
LIDAR fucks up beam weapons so if you need a small slot make it a composite so you can't put mining lasers on it
There's spagetti emporium
are people still pissed at Boggled for putting API in his mod? what is he gonna do? leave the basement or hire a bitcoin assassin?
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i don't think i'm owning them i just think it's fun. And honestly even if nia is a troon retard i actually do like their mod, the great house onslaught is a lot of fun

>Would you ignore the killer in your neighborhood because he only killed one of those who share your ideals?
He's not even talking about the same thing we are, and yet his analogy fits perfectly.
I'm the person you quoted and Boggled API things is no problem at all.
Any software with a check for update have to ping a server, cookies from website are more intrusive than that.

Want that as metaphor?
That's like calling an impolite content creator a criminal stalker, when you're willingly giving more information to megacorp than Stasi agents need to make someone disappear.

It certainly don't deserve comparison to Niah or presidentmattdamon.
Frankly, given the sorry state of internet regulation, I'd rather blame Alex for knowing this happen and never putting a single line in the rules to say that -he- at least would ban any attempt to shit on other mods, overrated nazi or not.
Fuck off Boggled
Your shitty Planet Killers aren't even canonically accurate
If it isn't a problem, why did he hide it? Why wasn't it Opt in, instead of opt out?
Why would you make effort to show something that's not even worth discussing?
Why make opt-in a basic automatic update checker that players considers QoL to have activated by default?
>Planet Killers
Vanilla Starsec shouldn't have "planet killer" superweapon that turn planet into asteroid in the first place. That's a lazy trope.
It should only be weapon that sterilize planet at most.
canon is a nigger david can suck me soft
same reasons website don't ask you if you allow them to sell information they get from you
>I'm the person you quoted and Boggled API things is no problem at all.
>Any software with a check for update have to ping a server, cookies from website are more intrusive than that.
Starsector is an offline game, you should at least have the decency to notify the user if you're adding an online component that wasn't there. It's not 'but Google collects data' more 'I've just discovered Nike have put a tracking device in my shoe!'.

But the main issue was Bog was collecting an unreasonable amount of data considering the purpose. All he really needed was 'version number' and a unique identifier (which TASC generated). But he was collecting a near-complete dump of the users game settings, their operating system, java setup, along with the users IP address, and most concerning he was then processing the users IP in an attempt to geolocate them. Because simply knowing the users country isn't enough, he wanted to know the name of the house they live in. Furthermore Bog wasn't prepared to disclose what he was doing with that information.

Even Alex, and this was before he grew a spine, was concerned with the amount of data Bog was collecting. That should tell you something.
Kys copypaste nigger
again what is he gonna do? hire a bitcoin assassin? (as i said before)
pretty much everyone on the internet knows your IP and changing it is easy as going into the login or unplugging the router for 10 minutes
But Starsector isn't an online game, so this isn't "everyone knows your ip".

This is "someone is spying through my window without my consent".
I paid you five dollars now shut up and strip
Go for it anon, the more the better. Also will you plan to add Sneedault Chuckoyan and Buckbreakers as faction or not? Since iirc mega folder had some lore for them alongside portraits, flags and crests.
>be alex
>spend years reworking the skill system over and over again
>get nowhere, waste a ton of time, end up systems that are barely different from what you started with
>get blown straight out of the fucking water by second in command
it's literally impossible to connect to a server without it knowing from what ip and when

boggled was an asshole but you're an idiot
>and this was before he grew a spine
that faggot will never grow a spine
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>Calamity mod
>Tahlan Shipworks
>Stardew Valley Extended

Oh yeah. nothing else quite says "let's ruin the vanilla game with edgy, unfitting OCs".
>if people see your face they recognize you
>therefore it's okay to have facial recognition cameras on every street corner
Ok bogbitch
You dumb bitches
Boggled's PKs don't even reduce shit to asteroid fields like what happened with Opis
it just Sat Bombs them but without the fuel costs

>Also will you plan to add Sneedault Chuckoyan and Buckbreakers as faction or not
I don't
iirc Iron Shell implemented the code that nerfs your damage if you have the name "sneed" in any of your ships

you can literally see it right here >>1885362
desu I really would've liked to make a faction out for them
the DME/NGO shipbashes go to sneed and the diable ones becomes their "elite" mil faction "The Buckbreakers" kinda like the Lions Guard for the sindrians and the knights of ludd for the church

but that takes way more time and effort than I would like to dedicate to the mod as I have other projects currently undergoing as well
pokemon reborn
just uttering that name made me feel uneasy
>more 'I've just discovered Nike have put a tracking device in my shoe!'.
Nike know who you are if you use a credit card and display their brand.
If you use fitness-apps in your phone you have in fact a tracking device on you, sending far more information to a company than you actually agree when they pretend to ask; if you live in GDPR commies land that is.

>But Starsector isn't an online game
Do you have any idea how many "offline" software on your computer ping for update? opt-out by default? Without ToS?
Several modder deserved a ban long ago yes, but boggies is just you overreacting because out of frustration.
what are the implications of me selling auroran standard and november advanced blueprints (and exploratorium) blueprints to pirates?
Nothing ever happens
Why the fuck does this retarded game keep slowing down on me?
you load saves too often
you have shitty mods installed which speed up the memory leak even more
Wish somone would resume work on the BDY mod its neat little gem
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>not one, but three invasion forces comprised of 8+ fleets each

What the hell did the Bultach Coalition do to deserve this?
being furries
How does All The Domain Drones compare to DEX? I want to give derelict shitboxes more stuff to kill, last time i've used explorarium expansion, but it has several questionable changes like completely replacing guardians and adding a 77dp remnant meme capital.
Struggling to fight the urge to come back to Starsector after over a year. Want to stick big guns on those flat ships and watch them explode.
Pls convince me not to.
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"bro just sneak in and bash this convoy itll be easy bro"
It's like minecraft. You come back to it once a year for a week or two then drop it again.
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Managed to isolate the gun from that meme image
Even managed to make the glow sprite for it

Still have no idea what to do with it though
Looks like some railgun, depending on how good your coding is you could make abit outta it. Like hard hitting ship killer, or weaker ship disabling weapon. Be it with charge up or simple shoot with aftershot glow is up to you.
every time i try to use low tech ships the first enemy paragon kiting with quad tachyon lances and soloing my entire fleet reminds me why i dont do that
Sounds like you need more ships.
For me? papal death barge
theres like 3 actual story characters in that pic (should be obvious by the artstyle which are real) and the rest is all reddits most beloved waifus from the horrible tranime dating sim mods (yes, coincidentally the same ones with near game breaking weapons and ships, and cheat engine tier card blanche campaign map mechanics)
the academy story is alright, but the game generally got a lot of good world building descs in some abandoned ships and desolate worlds now, as well as the LC and SD storylines, you definitely should update the game for those
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How about something like this...
we know you love boring games with shitty writing, no need to seethe about it so much.
what mod is that gun from? I might be able to flip some assets from it to incorporate it into this thing

judging from the size its a large gun so yeah its going to hit hard
I'm thinking of copying the gigacannon for it
This thing has mobility of a station. If you've got low-tech ships then you either got no shields and good mobility or have burn drive to rush in quickly.
>tychon lances
Bruh, just shield up.
So guys what is your problem with the economy system of the game?
>too basic?
>too easy to exploit?
>not reflecting the actual supply/demand prices on a sector level so the shit you produce gets consumed into the void?
>something needs to be done so something else is optimal other than selling guns/drugs

Anything else? Did i dona retard on some of them?
only exports make money, creating a large economy by yourself doesnt do anything once you take out a respectable share of the market and it only takes a half dozen built up colonies and some colony items to get more than half of all markets even without sabotage
pretty much sums it up, but i don't think alex knows how to create a better system.
>All The Domain Drones
It's just worse DEX. Uglier sprites, way worse balance (which is saying something because DEX ships are only ever like one change away from being completely busted), and does the thing with the Guardian to a much greater extent.

There's a few lines in the .faction file DEX adds that control the spawning of the Guardian-replacers it has, just open it up with notepad. The lines you are looking for are "castle", "arsenal", "dreadnought" and "castra" in the hull frequency section. Set their frequency to like .4 or 0 if you really don't like 'em, and you'll see more Guardians again.
>remnant meme capital
Yeah I'm not making justifications for that one, it's fucking stupid lol
>if you're low tech then your ships should have no shields and be fast
>but what about these tachyon lances that basically ignore speed?
>lmao just have shields
And so we come full circle.
Is there a cheese way to deconstruct an ally comm relay? I colonized a whole system for my faction (Sindria) and i manage the planets due to my rank, but my stupid allies built a Nav and sensor array in the two stable locations but not a comm relay-- so now im fucked as im unable to deconstruct them
Maybe check if console commands dont have a way to flip ownership to you so you can deconstruct, since you are cheesing anyway
Or spawn in a third stable location via console commands and build one there, there is one on the forum you can find by googling and digging through some threads, and its not like having a fucking nav buoy + sensor + comms is somehow super broken, it hardly matters, the other two that is
Any game/starsector specific JAVA tutorials to start off making mods?
I have a retarded idea that I want to hyper-focus on for the next 2 weeks and then never release it
>The lines you are looking for are "castle", "arsenal", "dreadnought" and "castra" in the hull frequency section. Set their frequency to like .4 or 0 if you really don't like 'em, and you'll see more Guardians again.
Strange, i've done the same thing last game but no guardians still showed up. Maybe this option requires a new game.

>too basic?
>too easy to exploit?
pretty much this.

Don't misunderstand me: The (player) economy before the 0.9x update was fucked. You couldn't do anything at all and if you wanted money you needed to farm several bounties per hyperspace run because nothing else brought bucks. Smuggling & trade was all pointless or at a loss. This is why Nexerelim was big, because starsector was empty.
After the first attempt at implementing a sector-wide econ fell over Alex throws the towel and drops a basic ass system is only there to make distance to the core sector determine profitability for the colonies update.
The game pretends to work with orders of magnitude but it's really is levels, everything is lineal, so the only thing left to do is to make the x^10 get bigger and that's about literally all there is. Meaning making the colony level up instantly translates to millions, industry is basically a time-based exploit unless you deliberately gimp yourself with shitty planets, and EVEN then you'll rake up more money than you know what to do with after your colony somehow grows bigger than half the sector's inhabited planets.
He tried to disguise this a little by adding trade and emergency aid missions, which are literally just non-combat bounties, and caved in with the academy stipend.

Without the new bounties and without colonies, the economy is still just as fucked as it was in 0.8x. And he's still disguising it by adding crisis now.
this desu
the economy hasn't functionally changed in like 6 years
the guy is totally just jerking off and not doing any work ever since sseth injected a gorillion dollars directly into his veins
A rando Spacer with a single Hound shouldn't be able to supply a planet of millions of enough commodities to stop its deficits.

The player and individual traders fleets should be able to supply hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands in commodities with a few trips, but the bigger planets require goods in the hundreds of thousands and even millions of goods.
These should only be able to be directly satisfied by a simulated 'commerce' supply from other planets, and big deficits on the big numbers should only be caused by enviromental conditions (system blockades, piracy from a nearby pirate station, etc. and should be dealth with by dismantling the blockade/destroying the station/negotiation a ceasefire).

The player can still profit from deficits, but more difficulty, to compensate for the decifits being able to last longer.
Trader, smuggling, and other contracts still exist, but you can't end a major deficit just by running one trading convoy.
>The player and individual traders fleets should be able to
what are some trading games with good economies that an enterprising modder could copy and paste onto starsector?
Union Rail-Systems:
>EVE Online
But on a more serious note, I think a lot of issues with the economy could be fixed by having an actual currency system in the game.
Instead of pretending you fixed a month long blockade of a planet of tens of millions without any agriculture by smuggling in 3 hounds worth of cargo...
Decouple the trading system and shortages AWAY from "heh i killed one convoy" to major events like another anon suggested.
Basically have 2 types of currencies
>the domain credit
Accepted by everyone and the only reliable currency
Maintained post-collapse by a third party faction which is *mostly* locked as neutral to all others and generally does not fuck around with the sector other than keeping the currency pegged and backed at a value of 1 per 1 credit
Feel free to come up with any lore excuse you want for this or just copy&paste Comstar from Battletech.
>Faction Bills
Factional currency that is much less reliable and generally accepted only in ports of a given faction. It's value is calculated vs the Domain Credit and is always a multiplier. It's value is set based on
>goods produced x average stability of all planets x average accessibility of all planets
Also tone down how intercepting *a* convoy impacts colony stability/production/accesibility.

And there you go, you have a system where it's really hard to really tank a factions currency as you need to really disrupt multiple planets
Fits nicely with reality where bigger polities are harder to destabilize generally
Now you can make profit by buying goods produced in a faction with a weak currency vs the credit and selling at one with a highly valued currency or just keeping it around and selling where it gets high or lose a shitton when it drops even lower.
You can use it as a framework to abstract supply and demand and import/export based on basic economics which will now just werk in-game.
Comment too long but you hopefully get the concept
iirc alex was planning actual trade routes , but it fell through.

on what Alex had in mind? Pretty much none. You either have 4x or single ship merchant games.

I THINK Winds of Trade is a close ( and far more detailed) call to what alex had in mind with the economy system. There's likely an older game that inspired both.
Sid meier's pirates and a lot of 00s flash games both in spess and in sea also did trading and port interactions. Trading games where could interact with local leaders used to be pretty big.
>iirc alex was planning actual trade routes , but it fell through.
He didn't have to make actual trade routes. Just simulated trade routes.
Similarily to how the Crisis system works on 'points' that increase or decrease a Crisis' timer depending on certain factors, simulated trade routes could have health points to simulate how safe or unsafe they are and this would affect their coverage of a planet's commodities.

So fixing a planet's deficits is more complext than merely supplying them with whatever they want in a single trade, but would require the underlying problems of the traderoute to be solved.
>Without the new bounties
Biggest peeve for a while now, all bounties are either 30k-80k to travel 23 yl to kill 2 hounds and a buffalo mk2, or 120k+ to kill 3 paragons and 34 lesser ships. no in between,
I miss the 0.7 days of bounties could spawn in core world systems and stuff, and seemed to naturally get more challenging with the player.
You forgot 800k+ for 5 smodded capitals and 3 frigates
Yeah bounty payouts/difficulty seem to rapidly outpace the player’s means to do them.
My last low-tech playthrough died because my fleet got powercreeped by bounty fleets super hard and i physically could not afford more supplies/fuel to do them if i got more ships.
Like this would be fine if there was a soft-cap of this is what the least retarded of the usual pirate scum can cobble together and the regular bounty boards stopping at 300k bounties for a couple of d-modded cruisers + escorts.
And the better bounties reserved for faction contacts etc.

But it just seems like the rewards cap at 300 and the fleet strength keeps growing infinitely
Like I got a 300k bounty to clean up a fleet of 3 capitals + 13 cruisers all s-modded

The game really railroads you into selling guns/colonies/exploration instead of combat or the mediocre commission system to keep up
watching my missile ships take most of their magazines to the grave with them is so infuriating
you have 50 hammers just fucking shoot them at the battlecruiser that shoved itself right in front of you
You should've made sure all those hammers were on the same weapon group
Bounty payouts are one of the things I change every time. Vanilla is basically:
>40k payout to kill a couple mudskippers
>150k payout to kill a fleet of Paragons

I always drop the starting payout as low as it can go and then ramp up the scaling so it's more like:
>10k payout to kill a couple mudskippers
>400k payout to kill the paragons

It's not perfect, but you can't really fix bounties using a linear payout scaling for exponential difficulty scaling. The mid-size fleets pay out more than they should.
Is there a Fighter Expansion Rebalanced bootleg somewhere? Searched for it on mega but found nothing
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>Yeah bounty payouts/difficulty seem to rapidly outpace the player’s means to do them.
Sometimes, it's not about the money.
it needs a balance pass and having its market weights adjusted
last time I saw that thing it flooded every market with its ships
I was referring to smuggling / ferry bounties that give you the materials on the spot
Fucking lmao what portrait pack?
meme portraits
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>you have 50 hammers just fucking shoot them
>You should've made sure all those hammers were on the same weapon group
If you put them in a linked group with salamanders the AI will fire them every time it fires the salamander.
If it's a modship you're making add the ALWAYS_PANIC flag under hints and it will fire never attempt to save ammo, firing missiles at any target in range.
I didn't realize group linking worked
i will try simultaneous linking all the hammers on my ventures and see if they start unleashing hails of hammers on the luddic ships
Started working on my mod today. Not been as hard as I thought but nothing works in-game yet. I'm wondering though how I'd use Unknown Skies planet types, would I have to add a dependency? Idk if VIC does for their archipelago capital world.
You're still going to run out of missiles with over 90% of those missing their targets
I ate too many chocolates.
I ate too many reapers
RapeSector pregnancy mechanics when
I ate too many rapesector pregnancys
wake me up when there's a Star Lord compatible marriage mechanic
Star Lord's writing is shit though
star lord's everything is shit.
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The fate of all uafsissies...
actually i tried this out and the missiles were used unbelievably more effectively
a venture slamming 8 hammers at a time into cruisers seems like overkill but it really isn't, its probably close to the most efficient way to use them
Nah I like how Star Lord has other characters doing some of the same things you're doing, just needs the ability to turn your officers into lords
that's the only good idea in it. and it's still executed relatively poorly. i would love it if someone cut star lords down to remove all the terribly copy/pasted mount and blade shit and expand on the AI "players" part.
>slap a missile autoloader on a pather eradicator
>all it does is gives me one more partial hammer volley
>feel conflicted because building a lp ship without hammers is wrong
Each hammer is 2 op, 5 smal missile slots so 10 point spent on missiles. Hullmod is 20 op, in the end i waste 30 op just to get 4 out of 5 hammers reloaded. What's the point of that hullmod again?
>>Nah I like how Star Lord has other characters doing some of the same things you're doing
Bruh thats vanilla
So is RapeSector's. Where's the problem?
Nah RapeSector has infinitely better writing and actually fits the setting instead of the literal copy pasted medieval slop that star lords is
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>infinitely better writing
I know this is a subjective matter but still.
Hey 1 divided by zero is infinity
You can't fight math
>A great concept for a feature that can be added to the game
>It actually was made and it fucking works and the core is good
> It’s attached to some bullshit hyper-fixation of the autist that has actually made it
It’s always 2 steps forward 1 step back with these fuckers
At least it’s not anime shit again thank god
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The world is not ready
No it's not, there's zero point in NPC fleet relations because they despawn on their own and the relation itself doesn't do anything.
the autoloader is for when you have 1 or 2 slots and want more volleys
for actual missile ships you use expanded missile racks and thats it
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I gave this thing the ziggurat system and it works
holy shit I'm a genius
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guess what's next
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here's a hint
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its going to be big

VERY big
how do I get the black adder in Sephira Conclave
quest reward

which one, because I'm at 100 relations with everyone and never got the ship
All of them

guess the midnight suns quest is bugged out then
kill yourself
Sup soren
Why does RS dev doesn't just use AI for flavour text ? Writer are useless anyways, and you could achieve a much greater efficiency by simply handing the meat of the scene writing to some AI and simply make sure none of the text it come up with is fucked. Actually that's probably what the writer are probably doing already simply they are dumb niggers.
t. AI core
BRRRP *farts onto you&*
is there any reason to not give the PK to the luddic path?
for that matter, is there any mods that gives better rewards or actual consequences for giving them the planet killer?
im currently using sotf, uaf, pagsm, iron shell and totallyconsensualsnugglesector
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Alright this looks cool but this sillouete always brings me back pic related
What are the best and the worst faction mods?
Luddic Shell
Iron Shell
Kadur is worst by the virtue of the modder who made it being a huge faggot.
Plus the worlds that mod implements have a permanent -6 stability debuff if anyone besides his shitty oc donutsteel faction doesn't control them.
Any anime mods are automatically dogshit in my book, but I'd be willing to give Mayasura a pass. I love all the hammerhead variants.
>Kadur is worst by the virtue of the modder who made it being a huge faggot.
>Plus the worlds that mod implements have a permanent -6 stability debuff if anyone besides his shitty oc donutsteel faction doesn't control them.
I'm sorry, but Noah has him beat, not only is Noah a colossal faggot but:
He's also given his snowflake worlds a deciv penalty if any other faction controls them, AND he added additional code so that his fagtion couldn't be decivilized, raided or conquered by any other faction.

I think the only way you could say Vayra is worse than Noah is by virtue of Noah being a massive failure at coding shit, every-time he adds shit like stealth nerfs to make his snowflakes moar spechul it gets spotted pretty quick, no matter how hard he tries to obscure it.

But if you're going to say Vayra is worse because he's does things right.
You can say Noah is worse because he's a consistent failure both in Starsector and in life. The dude needs professional help.
haven't played in a few years, do I still need to edit vparams for more memory?
I got tired of my vanilla campaign, my main problems with the game are:
It's constantly pushing the player towards bigger ships and more micromanagement.
I could not keep a stable income without the colonies, wich means more micromanagement, more fleets, more capital ships...
Any mod that helps with those points?
I'd like to throw in President Matt Damon into the ring as the worst modder.

>actively took other people's mods and threw in malware without permission
>the malware specifically triggered because he hates rapesector
>the malware in question shredded your save, 100 hours in, by deleting vital NPC event flags
>the malware activated if it detected a specific bit of code from RS

So the retard put in malicious code that would completely destroy the save file of anyone that wasn't even using RS.
the mods i use
also the mods i use
simply dont settle colonies to improve the game a lot
get adjustable skill thresholds to remove the fleet size limitations from skills so you can actually fly your giant ass fleet while having reduced fuel/supply costs
oh and in starsector > data > config > settings
"maxShipsInFleet" can be increased to whatever you want to not have the game actively push you towards bigger ships no mods needed for that
the settings have a shitload of other stuff too you may want to change so look into that
It also helps that vanilla fleets can actually fight them and win.
>faction mods
There are no faction mods except Iron Shell. Most of them are glorified ship packs with a flag stapled to them and some planets where you buy them, no quests, no mechanics, no exploration content, nothing.
Interesting, thanks.
>is there any reason to not give the PK to the luddic path?
I'd call you a faggot for doing that but otherwise no, nothing will happen except that they'll stop harassing you.
>for that matter, is there any mods that gives better rewards or actual consequences for giving them the planet killer?
Not really related to the path but SOTF also gives you the opportunity to trade in the PK to the Dustkeepers for a reward of your choosing. The rewards aren't anything unique or special but they're there.
If a mod enables Vayra's commie faggotry by adding new ships for that faction, it's shit. Thankfully you don't really see that any more.
StarFed, UAF
Kadur, UAF
Best - ARC, Buckbreaker
Worst - DPL, every Dazslop mod, Realistic Combat(its not realistic), Archean Order, DME
>ARC best
>DME worst
>when ARC is just DME Bladebreakers but Diable Avionics
still good taste
are they like gonna tax my tea or something wtf luddbros.
I wish diable avionics weren't such shit ships. Their designs look god tier but every single one of them sucks ass.
I mean the Luddic Path demand tithes which are basically taxes.
Unironically skill issue.
>My last low-tech playthrough died because my fleet got powercreeped by bounty fleets super hard
Answer some questions if you want actual advice.
What's your fleet composition?
What's your maintenance cost in supplies and fuel per month?
How many officers at what level have you got?
Which captain skills have you picked?
Remnant Ordos and doritos are the real challenges in the game that require a very tight fleet and good planning. Some colony crisis can also be tough but from your post I assume you aren't using colonies.
Everything else should be easily defeatable by the player. Some S-modded phase fleets can be really annoying to be fair.
If the reward doesn't seem good for the contract then don't take it. There are more than enough bounties around.
Get high or very high importance military type contacts and they will shower you with bounties that pay waaay above the rate of the bounties that appear randomly.
>The game really railroads you into selling guns/colonies/exploration instead of combat or the mediocre commission system to keep up
It doesn't lmao.
I never do exploration missions and have never taken a commission. Colonies are OP.
I'm not sure what you mean by "selling guns". If you literally mean selling the weapons looted from defeated fleets then I really don't understand why you wouldn't do that with the shitty weapons that you aren't gonna use. It's not necessary but the alternative is just stashing them forever.
>I could not keep a stable income without the colonies
Then you:
A) have a poor fleet composition with way too high maintenance
B) have poor performance, so you can't do enough bounties and contracts to get money
C) all of the above
This game is about getting the most out of your available resources. Maximize your gains and minimize your losses. Unless all of your ships are getting destroyed on every engagement then fighting bounty fleets should pay for itself a couple times over.
And if all your ships are getting destroyed every engagement then maybe you should change your fleet and improve the way you fight your battles.
>Unironically skill issue.
>Me when I drop the epic ad hominem because I can't refute the main point
The problem is not the player's ability to beat the bounty, the problem is that the difficulty increases while the reward remains stagnant.
>Answer some questions if you want actual advice.
Nowhere in my post have i specified i want advice

Not reading the rest
>The problem is not the player's ability to beat the bounty, the problem is that the difficulty increases while the reward remains stagnant.
If that were the case, then every player would face that problem, which isn't the case. I have never struggled with earning millions of credits through bounties.
>I have never struggled with earning millions of credits through bounties.
Through bounties or contact bounties
Both. Typically you want to grab a contact bounty and also do every bounty on the route over there. The random bounties for pather bases tend to pay a ton.
trade is boring af even in Nex with the market disruptions, is there any decent econ mods for an enjoyable grind? its too easy but tedious to make money
Space trucking and thats it
Bultach autor on suicide watch
thoughts on volkov? their ships look nice but I've never seen them discussed here
Their ships are stupidly OP.
Especially the Sturmcruisers or whatever the fuck they are called.
canonically a tranny faction btw
looks great but most of the weapons are all meme tier
the ship stats are high so if you use vanilla weapons with the ships they are a bit overtuned
Yeah, the biggest thing is their missiles. Volkov missile launchers are obscenely OP. they swarm enemies with infinite missiles with no cooldown and no ammo limits.
>>>when ARC is just DME Bladebreakers but Diable Avionics
and also because you don't have to deal with soren's shit
plus I'm working on adding new shit to it so unlike that trash known as DME which is literally just a library mod for BB+ nowadays ARC is still very much alive
Just give them all Omni shields
thats all you really need to make them viable
>the biggest thing is their missiles
the biggest thing they have is enabling furfaggots to forcibly turn any officer they have into literal furtrannies
that's kinda hot
I have never seen that in any of the 3 playthroughs I've had with the mod.
There is a complete production line from raw resources to ships.
I pilot an Onslaught and I just dive these Paragons.
make all 5 parts separate ships
if you have all 5 in your fleet you get an ability to combine them into the equivalent of exodia, the forbidden one
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That's because only the player can do this, only >you can force can force your officer to be >literal furtrannies. Otherwise you can simply change the officers appearance to any portrait you want (that isn't locked behind some unique character, at least if you haven't copied the character's png and added it manually). It is retarded that it isn't gender locked however. I don't engage with that part of the mod and I'd execute that furfaggot OC but thankfully they're not physically in the mod...I think? I don't recall. Is that catbox link from >>1885643 the most updated Buck Breakers? Since the Mega is gone this is the only link I have.
>Since the Mega is gone this is the only link I have.
but I'm >>1895745 and working on adding more ships from the mega since I have copies of the ship images saved before the mega got taken down
so far added 4 new capitals 2 destroyers 3 cruisers and 5 frigates
I'm also planning to add the weapon >>1893035 and planning to add more aside from that as well since Soren is still salty about DME being dead while BB+ is still alive
onslaught and invictus carries low tech
the rest is meh to shit but if u pilot one of those you can basically solo giant fleets while the rest of your ships distract
its honestly kinda comical how much high tech mops the floor with every low tech ship smaller than a dominator
Afflictor is just too goated
it even easily solos tesseracts
Infinite shield + high mobility + liberal emp access: 1
Meme armor hull tank immovable brick: 0
So are there any new mods or we all are still playing with the same mod list from a decade ago?
yeah theres still only a half dozen mods that constructively adds to gameplay
most modern work on mods is QOL or fagtion mods that are very missable
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I might be able to finish translation for Blue Sea Fisher by tomorrow
where do I upload this shit?

After this I'mma make more ARC guns and Buckbreaker ships
second in command is really good
Only you can stop the Arian menace from taking over the sector. Enlist today as a Royal Azelea auxiliary and receive a free sample of Azelean princess bathwater.
Finally decided to do the Pilgrim's path. Definitely enjoyed it more than any other quest. Luddites are right about everything, we should all walk the path.
The quests are so fucking boring, only worth it for the SP. And there's not even a shrine on Mazalot for some fucking reason. You should at least be able to become a luddic revoultionary for hire ala Giribaldi and make Volturn and Mazalot rebel
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>we should all walk the path.
I'm gonna play devil's advocate here

Matt Damon was straight up victim of targeted harassment. RSdev took every chance he had to talk shit and credited him in his fork -leading to hordes of coomers DMing him for help-
This directly led him to discontinuing his mod, then shutting off into USC where he convinced everyone to kill all RS talk, but it did nothing as RS became a community wide meme.
His only options were either going nuclear or leaving the community altogether, because he'd wake up every day to retards asking about "his" rapemod. Before this Damon has 0 skeletons in his closet that I know of, compared to the dozen known names who picked fights all the time.

I'm alright with taking out cunts but damon specifically never did anything more than be part of the USC clique.
>someone is using my mod as part of their mod
>I'm gonna take down my mod, so if people want Take No Prisoners functionality, now they have to use the yucky mod
>this makes sense
>also, imma add malware to all the mods that I didn't create

piss off Matt.
no no, he's a nigger. setting aside RS, he's also responsible for making diable the shittiest mod faction around, and it's not even his faction, he was just the maintainer. and to not set aside RS, fucking deal with it. every decent modding community has at least one porn mod and you just have to find a way to fucking live with it. starsector is the only game that makes it this much of a fucking problem.
> Matt Damon was straight up victim of targeted harassment
Wildest take I've seen so far
> RSdev took every chance he had to talk shit
Wrong. Where would this even happen, here in /vst/? Link the posts.
> credited him in his fork
When RS was very early in development the mod author name was "Not President Matt Damon", which specifically stated that it wasn't him, before finally being changed to RSdev.
> leading to hordes of coomers DMing him for help
> he'd wake up every day to retards asking about "his" rapemod
This is bs. The only way to get RS at that time was through this board, and nobody is retarded enough to actually believe that Matt made rs and ask him for help on pisscord.
> damon specifically never did anything more than be part of the USC clique
This is true, if you ignore everything Matt did after 2022
This happened after RSdev pulled off the "not damon" joke. how would you react if someone went and demolished your standing in a community?

>The only way to get RS at that time was through this board, and nobody is retarded enough to actually believe that Matt made rs and ask him for help on pisscord.
the screenshots making fun of exactly this happening are posted every month, either you barely post here or you are deliberately playing dumb. RS became a banned topic because people kept asking for help with compatibility, some directly pinging damon.

>When RS was very early in development the mod author name was "Not President Matt Damon"
That is exactly targeted harassment. Clueless retards who aren't in on the joke will exactly go to the only reference to an author they have.

Maybe RSdev is a retard who doesn't understand how braindead the average person is and didn't imagine the joke would affect damon? Possible, but given how spiteful this scene as a whole gets, I'm inclined to believe it was intentional.

Either way that set of a spiral of bullshit that basically drove damon insane in record time, like a soren mental degeneration speedrun

>no, he's a shitter
>he never started fuck over anybody before RS but he did [thing i don't like], but i can't criticize him pubicly because the majority of the forum was ok with [thing i don't like] so i pretend he's evil to cope
see why playing devil's advocate is important? retards like this yap all the time
>how would you react if someone went and demolished your standing in a community?
Really? He seemed to be doing fine until he openly admitted to putting save-shredding code in all of the mods he maintained. Even USC banned him on the spot for that. So much for all that classy virtue signaling.
Hindsight is king here. When you put the sequence of events since RS was first posted, you'll notice how damon basically radicalizes and goes for increasingly antagonistic behavior. The youtuber fiasco was just the last shred of his goodwill for the community going away.

It's a classic case of frustration turning into hate and specially hate by association. By the end damon was just asking for a reason to pick a fight, even with people who also disliked RS. USC wouldn't have banned him if it weren't for this - it just was the excuse to expel an already disliked person from the clique, so to say. And nothing stops the cabal from holding a grudge about diable too, they can be just as much a yapping cunt as /ssg/.
Who gives a fuck
his mods are all inferior downgrades compared to the original anyway
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t. Soren
Why in the world are you trying to defend yourself here matt? Surely you know you brought this on yourself.
you know you can say nigger here right matt?
>Matt dindu nuffin!
LOL still waiting for proof, Matt
I really really really like trannies
yippie more modding drama no one cares about!!!
Matt, I know you came back here just to try the same fucking thing again. But know this, it will not work cause lets be honest here. You are nigger who just couldnt acknowledge the fact that your mod was losing popularity because there was better alternative to it. Just face the fact mate, I know that Rimworld doesnt like facing hard truths but you are on /vst/ and not Rimworld Pisscord server. I mean, you already butchered CC mod and only made small changes to its code, slapped on new name and called it yours. So really just acknowledge that your chimp-out moment basically was your doing and yours alone. You gonna save yourself from all the hate, and save us from you shitting the thread up.
holy esl
Mutt Demon is a fucking nigger.
There isn't anything else to talk about. The updates are slow and gay and there is no new mod hotness.
updates on this game have always been slow as sin
it took them 11 years to go from working battle sim (originally the game was just the missions tab) to the current state of the sector map/factions/markets/eco
>the current state of factions/markets/eco
Better not to talk about it when there's nothing good to say.
yeah but most ppl dont truly appreciate just how long nothing has really changed
in 2013 we had a sector, a skill tree very similar to todays, all of the market interactions and the basic version of the economy
quite literally almost everything added since then has been a few ships, some story missions, balance tweaking, etc. nothing that a handful of mods wouldn't add.
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>we should all walk the path.
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I only like pretty things.
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>last update was 9 months ago
>last blog was 5 months ago
Better stay dead than another reaper + random ship nerf adn skill "rebalance"
There's no cabal, RS is a shitty mod for coomer, Provost Bair is a fun character, NGO didn't deserve the ban for making a nazi mod, but MattD actions cannot be excused in any way, and deserve a ban for any malicious code, permanent ban after adding a rule against that.

I blame Alex for not taking that simple position sooner.
Don't fucking let your modders think -they- rule what mod are allowed.
While I agree he should've clamped down on them sooner, the fact that such a rule needed to exist is insane.
>There's no cabal, RS is a shitty mod for coomer
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>that melty
>There's no cabal
Didn't USC run off a guy from the forum because he mogged them code wise then refused to share his code
>Don't fucking let your modders think -they- rule what mod are allowed.
That ship sailed when Alex formalized code ounership contrary to basically every modding community that isn't nexus
Dumb nigger I literally drew comparison damon to soren.

I fucking hate how generals on this site always have to function as a repository for banned retards on a revenge quest against whatever discord slighted them making up shit 24/7.
>Didn't USC run off a guy from the forum because he mogged them code wise then refused to share his code
Not quite, that was initially Tomatoface then the USC rallied behind him.
>Tomatoface made dronelib - it was buggy, shit and nobody used it
>Later down the line theDude made a drones mod - Tomatoface tried to claim credit and was told to stfu
>Tomatoface got mad and claimed theDude stole his code and gets the discord to rally behind him
>They threatened theDude and said if he didn't share the source code for his mod he would be banned
>theDude refuses, because he doesn't want other people to copy his code, pulls a 360noscopeheadshot, sends his source code directly to Alex - Alex publicly confirms the two code-bases are different and that the only similarities are in a couple of variables names, and even their uses/implementation are different.
>Tomatoface refuses to apologize and the discord backs him because theDude shouldn't keep his source code private...
>USC: "We totally won't copy your code, we just want to verify it's legit"
Has anyone ever sent a letter to Alex explaining how getting directly involved in the modding community caused more harm than good?
Alex is the ultimate arbitrator of mods legally and practically speaking. Sitting it out when modders are doing gay shit hurts the game. He's gotten involved more often than necessary but there are also cases where it was warranted
>Alex is the ultimate arbitrator of mods legally and practically speaking.
Only and ONLY so because he made it that way. He could have not gotten involved at all or imposed any of his arbitrary rules and nothing would have happened.

If he was so paranoid about lawsuits, all he needed was to move the forum to another website.
no he's the arbitrator because he owns the game the mods are for
There's nothing in the license to download that legally binds alex to modifications done on the game.

This "arbitration" is entirely an arbitrary decision from his side.
alex can choose at any time to brick any or every mod and nobody can do anything about it
that makes him the arbitrator
nothing ever happens
Hell yeah, wish I could contribute to this but I'm retarded and can't fathom the making of any of this.
Bait used to be creative.
I know people like to shit on UAF but the rillaru and lillaru are just really solidly designed ships, at least compared to other shit in the sector
>all forward facing mounts, no weird angling for shots or broadsiding
>maneuvering jets is a nice no-fuss speed boost for finishing off enemies or backing off
>good mix of ballistic medium and larges with a few missile hardpoints for a well rounded loadout
>20 DP cruiser/40 DP capital is inline if not slightly cheaper than other ships of the same class
You can also just like their ships and glass their planet or raid it for further cool ships blueprint.
I don't particularly like the faction as a whole, they have literally no depth, even shit like Legio or VIC at least have some moral resemblance when compared to vanilla factions. UAF is just bland "We do our best for our citizen no compromise" and that doesn't work within the setting of Starsector, the only thing they deserve is thermonuclear annihilation and to get their queen impregnated by John Starsector as he win her heart by simply shoving his cock within her.
Large missiles kinda suck. Hurricane MIRV and cyclone reapers are solid I guess but the rest don't deal enough damage to justify the large slot.
I've been spoiled by Thrush missiles from Diable. They don't do a ton of damage, but you get an endless supply of them and they split into smaller missiles if they miss their target.
>Hurricane MIRV and cyclone reapers are solid I guess
Don't worry, faglex will fix this glaring issue, judging by latest nerfs
>Hurricane MIRV: reduced projectile amount to 3, refire delay 25 seconds, max ammo 5
>Cyclon reapers: ammo count reduced to 10, expanded missile racks does not modify base amount of reapers, refire delay 35, projectile hp 50
>Squall: removed from the game
>Pilums: ammo does not regenerate
I've finished translating that blue diable mod but my Internet Provider hates catbox for some reason
where am I uploading this shit?
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forgot pic
>needs an account

You have 14 days before this temp acc gets deleted
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gofile io
buzzheavier or whatever URL it's using nowadays
>law enforcement takes tyrannical illegal actions and bases it unfounded "CP" allegations.
Standard really.
Are you blind or something I already uploaded it to mediafire here >>1898516
You have 14 days to download it until that link self destructs
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Did anything ever come out of the Borken living Star thing that was teased?
It's part of the borken covenant quest progression
Ah so it's in? Sorry, reading around I only saw mentions of it being 'in the works'.
Time for a new run with Borken then.
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Come home white man.

>-All (P) and (C) variants, all Remnant ships, and all other non-Explorarium ships have been removed from the main mod, and placed in a new side-mod that features new content such as Dustkeeper Proxy variants of most ships.
You were reading my quarrel about meme capital aren't you
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Ok you've split your shitty notparagon remnant ship but what the fuck is that man
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starsector MP fucking when
its a hammerhead
Hopefully never
A full integration in the campaign is functionally impossible.
A proper AI vs AI mode with player built fleets would be fairly easy to implement and not take time away from meaningful development.
1 vs 1 combat with player control is the most that would be feasible and that would take dev time away probably.
We already have enough 'balance' autism with the game being singleplayer, MP is just opening up a whole new can of worms that neither Alex or modders will handle properly.
I am against it, unless it's literally a 2 day job, but Alex wouldn't even touch the balancing.
Balancing would be done by whoever organises tournaments with some kind of point buy system and blacklisting.
Fuck Dragonfires though.
>High tech sissies already making excuses at the prospect of getting trashed by low tech patrician in mp.
In MP everybody would be using phaids or hyperions
just slap advanced optics tachyon lances on something and watch them get flyswattered
Didn't someone already mod that in?
what determines how many domain drones spawn in sector generation? mothership count? I'm playing with adjusted sector and encountered literally zero domain drones so far
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Realistically if there was a starsector mp server, would the sector descend into chaos 2b2t style with planets being sat bombed left and right and only dozens of marauding fleets of griefers left or would a thousand petty stellar empires pop up across the sector in a constant struggle for supremacy?
Blackrock my beloved
Legio Infernalist or whatever they're called
depends on the exact design of the game
in SP starsector it doesnt take very much time to:
1. build up a fleet capable of sat bombing major worlds
2. strip the entire outer sector clean of loot
if the server is intended to last long periods of time, then the sector would become much larger and much more dangerous, and the economy would be made much harder and grindier to give people time to actually play the game. similar to eve online although maybe more like a rust wipe in scale ideally
a player faction planet getting sat bombed would be like a large base on a rust wipe getting destroyed
There's a lot of potential with this idea. Scratch the EVE online itch without dumping new players into a game with multi-month timers before you're allowed to have the fancy toys. Every time an MP sandbox game like starmade, space engineers, or empyrion comes out there's a robust community that pops up to play MP, and only leaves when the game stops getting updates.
You would utterly destroy the already glacial development pace and wipe out modding for maybe two dozen fucks.
yeah we'll be lucky if SP is ever finished
maybe its possible for someone to mod this in, i dont know the scope of what you can do with modding but if minecraft is any indication it may be possible to just staple another entire game on top of starsector
A devs team must be involved with whatever their forum allow to publish.
A forum without moderation is shit.
So is a modding community.
Acting like it's not his problem is how we got the shitty modder community who believe they need to enforce the rules Alex was unwilling to even write.
fucking Tomatopaste
A random sprite thrown into the graphics folder because ??? by all appearences. Don't see any other mention of it in that mod folder.

m*dders work in mysterious ways.
Are you autistic or just really clueless?

What Alex does is rare enough to be almost unique. No dev in any well known game has personally gone out to micromanage his game's modding scene, because fans would rather murder the dev before ever letting him dictate what gets made.
That kind of shit has only recently started happening in Steam where devs are essentially forced to police the mods on steam's behalf. And still is incredibly rare on literally every modding scene.

>Acting like it's not his problem is how we got the shitty modder community who believe they need to enforce the rules Alex was unwilling to even write.
You can't be this clueless holy shit.

Acting like it was his problem and personally intervening on basically every little argument was what got shitty modders to think they could cause a scene and get Alex to ban people they didn't like. And that's exactly what happened for years as modders ran out newbies and outsiders by provoking until they got fed up and replied in kind, then mass reported them so alex immediately punishes them because he's physically unable to not take a side in a social fight.

This caused happened so often and seeded so much bad blood on the forum that everyone ran to multiple discord servers to get away from it. That's how the Cabal got started. That's how every little fucking drama began. With Alex personally coming and taking sides or making stupid fiat decisions like forcing everyone to follow authorship rights on third party assets that NO FUCKING MODDING SCENE EVER HAS EVER FOLLOWED.

In short: Alex fucking killed starsector modding in the crib, no way around it.
capitals shouldn't be sold on the open market. they should only be available through contacts, production, or stealing/salvaging them
Most capitals are not on the open market if you paid attention to the game you play.
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>3 star lords are planning invasions
>2 invasion forces from the hegemony and kesteven
>now a tri-tachyon mercenary fleet

I'm really boned, aren't I?
Kill yourself furfagnigger
I like their ships. :(
The dev should really split the non-Bultach stuff into it's own mod. The Apsis for example is great but I don't really care about the faction itself.
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it's over, the sector has fallen
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Short: You are part of the problem.
Beside don't call other autist when you wrote this much in answer to "moderation is necessary".

To answer in kind,
It doesn't have to be devs, but you need to set/enforce rules, it's what happen in any healthy modding community even if you didn't notice it.

What you describe is the opposite of Alex taking sides, that's not committing to anything until it get so serious you must ban.
Had Alex or any moderator set that obvious "no malicious code" rules the first time it happened, 80% of the shit discussed here would be no drama, just "X broke rules, got banned".

>think they could cause a scene and get Alex to ban people they didn't like.
>then mass reported them so alex immediately punishes
That's tinfoil hat rhetoric "It's them! They're all provokers! A cabal!" when all you are seeing is mob mentality mixed with bad to no moderation.
You are supposed to mass report someone who break rules, or is worth making a rule. Problem: when no one is willing to set limit, everything feel negotiable, both way.

>authorship rights on third party assets
Are you talking about AI slop? You can't blame Alex for failing to answer a worldwide problem, encouraging creators & hard work instead of rewarding the sloppiest AI regurgitation.
Or is it stolen pixels nonsense? Because that one is just 4chan blowing shit out of proportion, as usual. It was just retards who think too highly of themselves for lining up pixel, mad that no one care.

People who actually MAKE MONEY with their work tend to have a different vision of the problem.
>That's tinfoil hat rhetoric
>You are supposed to mass report
Confirmed for never browsing the forum then. For every high profile drama in the last 10 years of starsector forums, there's been also 10 newbies that got trolled or rules lawyered maliciously so they'd abandon the community because they didn't understand the arbitrary, *and unprecedented* rules that exist in this community, or where straight up bullied.
Consider: You are a newfag who barely understands the site culture then a star modder on a powertrip starts passive aggressively talking shit while the mods watch and do nothing, then ban you when you have enough and tell them to fuck off. Congratulations the entire community has conspired to kill any potential contribution you may have made.
If you think that is "good moderation" then YOU are part of the problem.
> when no one is willing to set limit
If you argument is that the community isn't moderated enough you are thrice as wrong as I thought you were.

>Are you talking about AI slop?
No you clueless nigger. Go read some of alex's posts from the early 2010s. You have no idea how much of an anal retentive rules nazi this man is.
The AI shit was autistic but that's only the tip of the iceberg.
There's half a dozen arbitrary limitations on how you may publish the mod that literally cannot be found in any other game's modding scene or mod database.
meanwhile I go to >>1893670 and every major mod has ripped assets from other games
Mod ANY game discussed in >>>/vr/11393935 or just the DOOM cacoward classics and what do I get? Hundreds upon hundreds of ripped assets.

I sincerely have no idea on what universe you think this is a healthy modding community because even the free for all social deathmatch known as doomworld never fucking had people drop compatibility bugs (sorry, 'malicious code') on other people's wads.
Wanna know a fun fact? zgdoom which is now a standalone engine with at least half dozen published games got started being used for custom scripted enemies made mostly of imported sprites from other games.
And when the engine's dev graf tried to dictate what mods got used he got told to fuck off so hard he nearly left the community.

>Had Alex or any moderator
Christ. Malicius code is an arbitrary concept we developed to give a name to these retarded modder-to-modder slapfights. it isn't malicious or malware under any definition. Incompatibility issues are intentional bugs, not malicious code, and frankly, "shredding" aside, whoever loads new mods into an old save that they didn't back up first is a braindead idiot asking to get their savefile corrupted unintentionally.

>Or is it stolen pixels nonsense?
This confirms it. You only seem to know drama that made it to this general, you are too new to know the whole list of Arbitrary Alex Mosolov Statements.

>People who actually MAKE MONEY
Modding is not for these people and never will. Go sell your shitty mods on steam ya cunt.

To close this retarded exchange: Your entire idea of how a "good modding community" works is only valid inside the liquid shit bubble that is known as the starsector modding community. There's literally no parallel in any other modding community on the entire fucking Internet. Maybe in some obscure Chinese there's shitflinging on this level but nowhere else it's gotten this stupid.

>Beside don't call other autist
You are barely coherent, speak half-sentences that only you understand the context for and kept trying to talk me down for 3 posts instead of addressing the argument. Gonna call it as I see it.
tl;dr alex is the root cause of all modding drama and his cocksuckers should fucking kill themselves
incompatiblity problems isn't "bricking" mods retard and this holds no water, modders will just update or modify their work until it fits.
no I mean intentionally bricking dumbfuck
have you ever written java nigger? blocking reflection and obfuscating the code is extremely simple and impossible to work around
You mean you have to reverse engineer from reading memory like half game mods do? oh no, maybe just call the DFhack guys kek.
you have no idea how hard a hostile dev can make this, most devs literally do not even try to protect their programs from modders/hackers at all
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>That's tinfoil hat rhetoric "It's them! They're all provokers! A cabal!" when all you are seeing is mob mentality mixed with bad to no moderation.
In case you weren't aware Jamed (who made MD) was banned from the discord because of a false accusation from Tomatoface. Even after Alex independently checked the code was not copied they refused to overturn his ban because he wouldn't share his source code. Now, even if I play devils advocate - take Tomatofaces unverified claim as legitimate - and say the initial ban was warranted because they erred on the side of caution. The ban should have been overturned upon discovering it was false, source code or not.

The truth is Tomato wanted access to Jameds source code, no doubt with the intention to plagarise it, but Jamed refused. If anything Tomato should have received a warning for making false accusations and made a formal apology but none of this transpired. Tomatoface was protected by the discord mods even when he was proven wrong.
some days I wish Alex could just drop a mandate that made every mod GPL3
>the crashcoder cries in pain as he strikes you
alex was a crashcode enabler until a fucking eceleb made a public callout, fuck you
>make a close range brawler
>AI backs off to do nothing when it has half flux despite the enemy being fully fluxed
>make a long range sniper that outranges enemy
>AI fucking charges in to facetank for no reason
I don't get it, I don't fucking get it. the AI, both friendly and hostile, is specifically designed to grief you.
>Tomatopaste claims most of the mod was copied from him and 'multiple people' on the discord agree with him
>Alex can't see any notable similarities and asks for it to be pointed out if he's missing something obvious
>Tomatopaste goes silent
And this is how you know the discord is a cabal.
you probably fucked up weapon groups or did not install gunnery control to fix the game
this is why i only use mid/long range weapons with ITU/escort package
Why the fuck are modders so often such self important and petty faggots?
>noooo alex forced me to spread malware by not explicitly telling me not to in advance
What's the best way to setup a carrier so it sits in range to send its wings (4000 range) but doesn't try to brawl?
Ex. I have the Capital carrier from DME. If I don't give it any specific orders it sits near where it "spawned" in battle and does nothing.
If I set it to Search and Destroy is flies like a normal warship.
If I set it to escort something else it also gets into direct combat.

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