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hey man
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Bae a cute.
dios mio..
Kiara leeching again?
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so does this "egg" nigga falseflag as KFP regularly to make the fanbase seem like antis like EVERYDAY?
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How is she literally better at this game than chimken
She's an Italian hag who only yaps about pizza and draws all day
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Gigi love!!
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Get fucked shitalian
she really sounds like Twappi...
>justiceslop calling anyone else a leech
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I love this doll!!
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Why is pineapple the memed on pizza topping when anchovy is much more contentious?
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why mamma bully?!
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Reminder that cats are literally made for breeding.
no, they're real kiara "fans"
Italians get a skill bonus to Italian games.
didn't Kiara beat the first level with ease?
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ha fatto!
not really
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Good morning Justice 4. Today, your missions is to infiltrate the Hololive thread and figure out why the german warmachine is recruiting indonesians.

And of course as always, kill Hitler.
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Jesus fucking christ why would anyone draw this
He goes into overdrive whenever Kiara goes on break because he misses her so much
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we get an EN towa who's also cooka da pizza, this is a miracle yet bestowed to us by the holy and just, and instead by holographic live??? for shame
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The reason Raora's having trouble is that she's using the stick to move instead of DPad so any movements that aren't precise left and right are picking up the up and down inputs. There's an option to make these inputs be based on button inputs instead of stick movement.
I hear Megalovania.
piss off
I know the debut buff is crashing fast but begging for views is just sad
>human ears
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Touch the cat.
Do it now.
Anchovies are a perfectly normal topping and are often used for one of the most popular pizzas, the marinara
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Thank you my friends. I'm normally not up this early so here you are.
>lusting after chattini
Will have to look through the VOD after!
jesus christ you losers are pathetic
get your own meme
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wait a minute, hes trying to angle for raora vs kiara! dont let the schizo win
Yeah she's giving fanartists commands per mindcontrol to draw her, crazy that you managed to find out her secret keikau.
I thought Wawa only had trouble with the third stage?
She's way too ESL I can't watch this
t. guy who has only heard one song
shit now I do too
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JWU, what's Raora's opinion of the game so far?
>the pope remove my sword
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she sounds like towa if you've literally only heard the towa baby clip
which is most people in this thread
how are they contentious exactly?
capers and anchovies is a top tier topping
Kiara hates this game
Your honest thoughts on Justchads?
Kiara being bad at the game is cute
Raora being bad at the game is just annoying, her awful voice does not help.
Kiara vs Raora debate
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I always ignore him and just watch streams
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Do you drink seawater or something?
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I know Kiara has a big SEA fanbase but you guys make it a bit too obvious
I don't give a shit about them
JP pizza date next month!
>Gameplay hard and complicated
>The silly fat man is hilarious and she finds him cute
>loves the visuals
That was an old teamates meme though.
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>Raora is streaming
>Retards are arguing about Kiara again
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Kiara doesn't sound like a disgusting tranny
thinkin bout stinky and sweaty inabutt
Still hoping they go back and change it to en4cers. Or jamingoes.
Sex in Japan soon!
Could not pay me to watch Raora
not now, kfp
I have never played Pizza Tower but the controls seem infuriating.
Kiara is sweeter, more entertaining, and doesn't have one of the worst voices known to man.
Sex now
NTA but where is Ame's "wawa" image?
I actually see anchovies as a topping less than I do pineapple, even when I was in Italy there were more places that had pineapple
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That's right, Justchads
just like that
shant be watching justiceslop
Do we have a mutt's law for the mention of trannies yet, this shit's donkulous
really wished they were jamingos instead
The other thing to be aware of is that you need to remember you can run up walls. If you forget it's easy to get stuck in a lot of places.
anon let the ptsd go
I don't see anybody arguing about them? You get you tabs mixed up?
Not now, KFP
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Gather around everyone, time for the daily prayer. May the egg-shaped faggot never go to a cancer screening to detect the tumor we're growing in him every day. Amen.
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im gonna be gaming while watching gaming, and feeling satisified watching kanata get her shit stomped by these two fuckers that wrecked my shit for an hour yesterday
Videogames are great!
Raora will dominate Kiara during sex
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Off to /lgbt/ you go
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>PLEASE watch Raora
Raden and Ririka are doing their monthly Sake drinking stream!
turn off your filters anon
Can you retards watch streams instead of replying to the same garbage bait for the 1000th time?
It used to be just an image of Ame & cute ritual posting. Then, as usual, teamates & their ADHD got bored after like two weeks & others picked it up.
go back
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Is there a new Niji yab or something?
>It's KFP's fault justice is a failure
baffling post
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wtf is this guy on about
wtf mumei why would you say that
inb4 good streams doko
They take some time to get used to, but they are pretty good
Would you still love her if she was a felon?
Kiara has more watch hours than Gura. Just saying.
He's jealous of them because they actually have the balls (heh) to kill themselves
Why are KFP so spiteful
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drunk sluts
ogey kfp
>watch bad streams please
Since justice debuted I'm starting to get back pain from watching to many streams.
I guess it's time for a standing desk.
When it was just Kiara and the occasional Ina it was better.
Yeah. That doesn't seem to mean much these days.
Okay Mumei, I was already watching her.
it's ok KFP, you don't have to watch her but please just shut up if you've got nothing to say
When is all the kfp and Kiara seethe going to be deleted
It's literally just Wario Land. You're not supposed to play it with an analog stick.
so one person can really make a thread this shit, incredible
The first 0 for 4 gen.
Fuwamoco BTFO-ing all those "Fuwawa owns the wawa nickname" shitposters during their debut was the one time I kneeled to them
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I see NAfags just woke up again
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Tanned whites are a thing. Now you know
Has anyone made a pizza tower chattino yet?
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I'd be the first one to break her out...
that bit was so funny she's way too dorky
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The most brutal humiliation of brats I ever saw, them and their trash oshi cannot stop losing.
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Pizza Catto
Based non ina thread
ok Mooms i will
Sorry, I would report some of the posts I'm seeing here, but I literally got warned for doing exactly that during the EU primetime shitshow.
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O saint Ame, I know you are so kind you even extend your help to your horrible mother. But please bring the smite to the schizos.
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okay but what image of Ame are you talking about? post it.
lmao raorafags are actually crying
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Don't worry you're helping him out.
just pasta'd up
has mamma been having fun?
This song reminds me of Megalovania.
faq i just realized the new monitor i ordered doesnt have built in speakers
mods will delete pictures of puppies in chicken costumes but not this
It should have been a NIKKE collab, boooooooooooooooo
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She has been having a hard time but she seems to be having fun
Fuck off to your split
Not as impressive as NBA
>low quality posts vs. posts that are just the truth
why does hlgg suddenly not like justice again
>brat seething he gets BTFO by KFPchads
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its two people, kiaraschizo and selenfag, sucking each others cocks like they do every day
She's doing that beginner thing where you panic jump too much. It's normal. Pizza Tower controls are VERY slippery to beginners
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that sounds cute
got the image?
not now, KFP
yea i wonder why
>using monitor built in speakers
Any random shit I say is of more value than the garbage coming from pink woman's stream
towasama is english
Shit gen
not now, nijisis
Nijifailure concert failure, twitter doomposting, AX harassment
These stupid dogs are gonna get themselves in trouble for appropriating that random shoe brand as if they got sponsored by them
unfortunately all shitposting, including samefagging and falseflaffing is encouraged by the sponsors since it makes the website seem more active than it is

Twitter with it's bots is dead internet, we are schizo internet
I like Justice, ERB excluded.
Why would anyone watch Justice when Kiara also streams in their UE timeslot?
when i dont feel like having my headphones on yea
raid hours
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i swear its literally just the guy posting it that thinks that cute image is a sick dig
has anyone ever even pretended to be mad?
This Niji meme only works in the catalog, retard
Desperation when she is off I suppose
What's even making the schizo go into overdrive?
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>Achan graduation
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I'm surprised how calm Raora is with the intense music and countdown
this will probably change once pizza face shows up
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no good streams
boring JP hours
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see >>79498470
Kiara OP, Kiara thread
clearly they're mad because they're reporting it
He misses Wawa... me too...
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Anya cute!
You keep giving him attention.
we're having too much fun
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They're not Wawa
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new meme
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It's so over...
i actually thought it was real for a second
almost too perfect a coincidence
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Cute cat
You can buy any trans pride merch and call it FWMC merch
I stand corrected, why would a pizza ever scare her
This is true!
No wawa stream
Raora is pissing
>80 minutes
>already a bathroom break
ah yes, the classic trying to super jump at all times, and the door trap.
She isn't going to beat it if she doesn't differentiate a jump, and the dash's super jump
>Air Jordan
Be honest. Would you ball on these shoes?
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Prayer is kabbalistic nonsense meant to channel mankind's divinity towards the throne of the Demiurge and to further confine us to our mortal shells.
Italian piss in my mouth
Raora is pissing in my mouth while doing that hand thing right now
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lol imagine replying to the schizos
Raora's brb screen BGM melts my brain cells
I just checked a (solo) speedrun of chained together and these girls are only like 1/8th through the game even on Easy
someone else has those colors you know
mamma mia I drinka da pissa
Egg(s) falseflagging as Kfp EVERY new gen to convince people to hate the new girls
she really is italian towa...
People who know the "Air Jordan" name don't just buy 1 pair of sneakers and call it quit
A cutie!
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Kiara x Raora fanart
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>No Gigi today
It's so over for me.
The 99% of the replies are him and his discord friends samefagging
I don't need convincing
you will not reply to retards under THIS line
that completely removes the point of the game...
I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.
More fun than watching R*ora
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She’s so bad at games…. I love her
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This game has a difficulty setting? What does it do?
not now, kfop
that'd be the samefagging and ban evasion anon
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Choose one.
The new girls could be less of a disappointment, make it harder.
Did that dog just knot a chicken?
>chained together
is this gigi
>convince people to hate the new girls
all they're doing is trying to convince themselves that kiara is something she isn't
this is a cute loading screen
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gigi lazy
cecilia lazy
Got anything in green?
you're the one in this thread that needs to kill themselves the most
Anyways, yeah the game becomes too tough later on unless she gets movement tech down. She did give it a fair shake, but Raora isn't going to make it. her thumbs are doing circles at all times.
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how the fuck
>phasenigs unironically here
I guess we know who is behind shitposts
you can install a cc head on any of thosee bodies
I do not get it, why do anons keep posting "justchads" accompanied with a picture of some holo smiling?
Advent 3D guest predictions?
My guesses are
Shiori: Haachama, Zeta (maybe?), Mori, IRyS
Nerissa: Marine, Kiara
FWMC: Marine, Polka, Patra
Biboo: Towa, Gura
samefagging's not a bannable offense sadly
>Cucumber spam.
Is that still a thing? Or is it because there are a lot of newfags in Raora's stream? I can't see it during Ame/Bae/Biboo streams.
You see, when a dog and chicken love each other very much...
Anyone have an up to date folder of all of comicanon's comics? I have been an a underwater sub for like 8 months and would like to catch up.
Mediterranean basically
It's easier to understand that the dog fucked the roster.
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Justchads love smiling Holos
that is a white with an annoying voice not an asian with an annoying voice sank u
cats are scared of cucumbers
Don't worry, I also skipped the collab.
she doesn't enjoy this game at all lol she was never going to play it for more than this stream
lmao what is this context of this
It's interesting that phaseniggers always show up just as the Kiara vs [holo] shit starts.
>no Koyori or Fubuki for FUWAMOCO
Really now
found the shitposter
we are JUST very happy for them
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i'd post the big red text image that says you're wrong but i dont keep screenshots of 4chan posts
I think It's just people having a giggle over the silly name.
Adventrix sounds like some kind of queer cult thing
Justchads sounds cool
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Astel deleted his chat where ERB spammed his sponsored stream
Aaaawwww, is little /v/ermin getting triggerewd by bad gameplay?
Boo hoo
>only gigi is lazy now
she's italian and people kept calling her sicilian
That's an extremely rare occurance of samefagging getting deleted
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So ERB is not streaming today?
not now, kfp
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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Kill yourself phaseshart
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no Lui for FWMC?
Cecilia Immergreen, more like CESTcilia Immrgreen
Vesplings were a thing for a reason you know
Oh she's using controller? Not a good idea
No, I don't like this game either
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ok I take my words back cecilia not lazy
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hey gays
what level is kanataso
>when you see your CCV average
I just like italian women cazzo
is this real? jesus christ
Can I get this in a real timezone
thats the irony with it.
chattinos suggested it.
You know, when joysticks can make you hit up and down more likely when running which results in rolling, super jumping, and just not doing it.

As if not having precise controls is the best means of playing it.
Her chat sabotaged her.
Oh god she's learning.
which teams are playing today?
I want to say "she's not doing bad for someone who isn't good at platformers and also walked into this blind on a whim". I want to say that, but also I've Pranked this stage before and a part of me hurts.
Biboo: Kaela for sure
Why the fuck she bothered sponsored stream, so dumb!
Every single German will watch the football match tonight CC....
>spamming a JP chat in English on cool down
Why is ERB such a retard?
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>platforming with a keyboard and mouse
holy shit why doesn't mcpig just make superjump be LB by default, new players would be so much better off like this
She only used CEST for a reason
A way out soon, gigga
>Pranked this stage before
that's not very nice of you
saplings are just sluts who will sleep with irystocrats for BD tickets, goon for green woman doll joints, and let themselves be buttfucked by vesper
I like that trend t. Euro JustChad
graduation speedrun onegai
Gigi use a KBM chad so she'll quickly become the top gamer of Hololive
Immerheim vs Denmark
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He edited the VOD that's why chat disabled
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Panko is a huge holo fan and she has a good relationship with Kiara and she friend with Raora for years(Both are Italian)
She has the same artist mama as Shion
She's basically a honorary holo at this point
You can't use the D-pad?
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When will they learn to never ever listen to JUSTchads?
Italy vs Switzerland
Germany vs Denmark
They aren't popular in burgerland, which is a shame because they're really damn good on pizza.
I don't understand how there are actually people in this thread who defend this woman
Honestly not wrong
already more of a holo than ERB
Fuck off beggar
Understandable, Astel is for Reimu so he's scared she's gonna see it, latinas are fucking crazy
She doesn't seem to be the type to use a playstation dpad for movement.
Why haachama and irys for shiori? Haven't kept up with her in a while
great, the phase raid is here
do you see a sign at the top of this thread saying "Irrevelent Phasenigger Storage"?
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Bae cute!
>Trust Jap-Sama they said, he makes no bad hires they said
What the fuck
based raccoon enjoyer
retards will grab bait off of one fucking soundpost and loop themselves into oblivion
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I think that JUSTCHADS is a great name
you can, but rocking dpads are still susceptible to this, which is why the dev added options to put directional actions on buttons instead but didn't FUCKING make it default
I simply just don't care about the shit most anons cry about
How is that so hard to understand?
Panko is a chumbud btw
>please shit on me please shit on her!
Uhhh no lol
janny mention
damn, all those years I was under the impression that Phase Connect vtubers are offtopic here
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Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame pubic hair status?
Gigi Murin pubic hair status?
Cecilia Immergreen pubic hair status?
Raora Panthera pubic hair status?
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>watching national team with senpai into
>watching austria with Kiara
Tuesday night=kino night
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I cant read any of that
Still doesn't mean you have to like her.
For example I don't care about Kobo playing league with some indo eceleb dudes all the time. Doesn't mean I automatically like her for it now.
You don't care that a woman joined Hololive just to be a sex pest towards the Holostars immediately after being hired?
She forgets she can wall run when she's under pressure
Cute squeal~
you'll get used to it, hell you can see she improving a bit.
Did you p-rank all the stages? With the Noise too?
streams I can watch yay
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I can't wait
the first g does stand for global so all vtuber are obviously on topic
>Covered in homocum
>Bucci pucci
>Heart shaped
A cute squeaky toy (italian)
ummmmm yes?
how does it impact in any way my enjoyment of Shiori?
I can't wait for Tuesday
Anyone else here cutting their nails while watching the stream?
Cover doesn't hire pubelets anymore.
>Still doesn't mean you have to like her.
Why does that dictate if I like her or not?
I like her singing and she seems cute so far
And if I were to dislike her it wouldn't be because of the shit anons are crying about.

Again how is that so hard to understand?
full of straight dudes there, I rather be here on the lesbian board
Full bush
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>4 AM for Kiara
Cunt better fucking not fucking bitch out because of MUH MUHH I'M IN JAPAN FOR NO REASON HURR
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>I will hurt Chattino more
Her behaviour is an incredibly poor reflection of her character
fuck off femsapling
anyone has the soundpost of Fauna spelling the word fag?
finally, after all these years... CONTENT
ok she got slightly better at this game
za geeg
>Doesn't care about homocollabs
Okay fag
That voice is getting me harder than steel
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Editing streams remove the chat smartchamas.
It's been 4 years how does no one know something so simple yet
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nice cope
She said she's gonna camp the studio for it so here's hoping it happens!
>Not checking bait.
Name a better duo. What's next? We get baited by an edited twitter screenshot?
actually made it pretty effortlessly
Distant Raora
>Astel went to the point of editing the Video just to nuke her annoying ass
Unfortunately there’s no point reporting it because the meidos endorse them raiding other threads and will ban you instead
I only had the time to Prank John Gutter and Pizzascape unfortunately. Schedule was packed last year. But man, P Ranking a Pizza Tower stage is one of the best gaming feelings on the planet.
>I want to play more
But, but, anon told me she would get filtered...
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Is Towasama a good asset for her team?
>ERBfags coping hard already
Yes I have a whole life I have to deal with IRL and job. Why should I care about something that doesn't effect me at all
Well that's your opinion, I'm not saying you have to watch or like her. That doesn't mean I have to suddenly not like or watch her though
she saved everyone earlier so sure
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Fucking Cheebs! Ruining everything
Great Asset Towa!
You know the more times you lie and edit screenshots and get found out, the more fence-sitters will spite you, right? No one cares what position you hold when you're a hypocrite.
she promised during the previous match to move heaven and earth to make this happen (knowing she would be in Japan and what the timezones would be), unless shes literally hard-sceduled to record. I believe in the chicken.
Kys fag, homos don't belong in holo
Now she's playing the hardest Floor 1 stage.
She's going to suffer
No, she smells.
I kneel king
she is the anchor of the team
>wake up
>Roara is playing Pizza tower
>Check thread
>Kiara vs Raora and Kiara and Raora hate eachother shitposting
Guess that was obvious, though I guess it's tradition for every EN to have both of those angles with Kiara atleast once.
Quick, put together the most kino 4 player EN Chained Together gang for a collab

kanata is devolving
Sorry that you can't get an answer in this thread right now, anon.
lmao you niggas say some hilarious shit
Who are you quoting? I just said I don't care
underage retard
You don't think someone who joins Hololive to essentially be a sex pest is a bad person?
Alright I'll kneel if true
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How dare you.
With how hard Justice is flopping, their fans are pretty assblasted.
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>there's a teleport to checkpoint function
well that's fucking lame.
Kiara and some other people I don't care about
Oh man, this stage tests your turning a LOT.
Rapta don’t know about the ground pound
Pineapple pizza vs french fries pizza debate
Shit streams, shit thread.
Maybe Raora should try being entertaining?
>double date Chained Together
sounds kino ngl
That's not a real amount
Remove gigi's annoying voice.
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if I wasn't paying attention how can i expect others to be
i dont even remember my own level
Oh yeah! Finally getting a P rank is just so satisfying!
i was about to say, how the fuck did akua do that
i really want to see them go in absolute despair, that shit's usually kino
Why do you hate Nerissa so much?
teleport to checkpoint would be fine because they're pretty rare
but teleport to highest point completely ruins the point of these kinds of games
that being said this genre of game is dogshit and i don't want to watch them do the same climb over and over for hours so i guess it's fine
She's annoying
Bad personality
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I will kiss you
yurishit is not real, its an act
every leech under the sun is a "huge holo fan"
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hows the pizza tower stream
>Ame is the 2nd shortest girl in this collab.
>It's been 4 years
Very scary observation:

We have Justice newfags all over the board you genuinely don't know this or anything at fucking all.
I suddenly have an erection.
See, she uses joystick, she unbinded the joystick super jump and ground pounds. She isn't using that D pad.
they changed to ez mode since they were never going to finish otherwise
wawa can't come soon enough and give us some actually good streams
why was there never a chili cheese fries vs poutine debate even though we have canadians and americans
She has no idea what she's doing
She somehow got a B twice.
And they say women don't go crazy for forklift-certified men.
>comparing ERB to the Advent runt
not a smart idea
replace with Raora mamma voice and pon potential
Raora can't into groundpound.
>We have Justice newfags all over the board
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who is this
>raora doesn't watch ame
Ame groundpound LOL !
Lol teamates got BTFO'd
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pretty fun
Half of the Holos joined to be sex pests
Shit numbers, shit singing, shit attitude.
are there any new chattinis
we need a holo who is just constantly kinda sleepy and tired and whiny and pathetic
>she doesn't know the ground pound meme
cringe or based?
Kek, that's what happens when you do name-begging, teamates
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She’s really bad, but super cute. Somehow got B twice
She's an annoying whore.
how do you watch someone who does not stream
Well there's an entire thread for that same post he's replying to (aka the fag posted his split here) and people there are eating it up and don't know that's how YT works
For one example
Trying too hard, sister
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here you go
There's a EN stream going on right now, anon.
You are literally the only one watching Kanata in the thread.
Kronii might be the closest one
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but she streamed for 3 day ina row now
kiara has the last two i guess
Fauna would never play with them because Fauna is a super tryhard and takes these types of games too seriously
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Her level is 163!
This is a complete guess.
and god bless him for that
Watch what you like
Rowa is cute
there's one other guy at least
>maybe I am stupid but at least I know
I like this bimbo cat
>nobody cares about Peppino
He's just like me!
>kronii in any group
yeah we really need captain buzzkill
>no one cares about Peppino
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Teamates don't like groundpound & gremlin memes, newfag.
I can save peppino
Yes, but you shouldn't expect JP discussion here when EN is live.
But that's the catalogue, it's almost cartoonish how fast people there eat literally anything up
to be fair they're going at average streamer pace even taking into account the teleport mechanic. so if average sreamer pace is 6 hrs and 30 min, if they abuse the teleport mechanic they could probably do it in 5 hours?
unlike only up, there's no huge trap that would push them back to the beginning or back more than 2 stages.
i hope they play the final car drive, because that's usually the climax with the other streamers hyping the driver
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>those sounds
Kanata is so excited...
You can save Peppino but you can't save his pizzas. They're below average.
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she killed the guy
crucible knight hate
Speak for yourself, retard
anymore than this and you're gonna talk like JP vs EN schizo
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this thing
Nah I'm watching as well on my side monitor.
Sure they don't
kanata cute
Is this why Korni needs to get high constantly..
I am too
The little heimin anon just asked a single question, retard
Stop being so sensitive.
Reminder that anons gay ERPed in the thread for 2 hours last night, exchanged contact info in the thread and probably had Discord sex and none of it got deleted or noticed because everyone was talking about Kiara.
wrong, I'm watching Kanatan too
she just beat a boss!
So we can agree that Raora isn't made for games that make you pay full attention to them right? This is by far her worst stream so far.
Anon!? Look into my eyes! Don't go! I STILL LOVE YOU!
go getters flopped lol
i like that kanata goes for parries and doesnt just roll
Kek Raora
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It's the same handful of people every time
Always with their Ayame, Kanata pics
I love it when she gets whiny
That's a Chattino, never heard of Chattinis
Honestly speaking Kanata is kinda gross....
Next you're gonna tell me they hate the Bowson meme also
Is there a "best of Kanata Elden Ring" clipper?
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fact finding mission completed
these two forced me to do that too
crucible knight HATE
I think Raora should draw and cooka da pasta for me and squish my head between her thighs while I play difficult video games for her
They would play for 30 minutes and then talk about tiktok memes.
honestly good for them i guess
She was doing so good….
you DO realize "teamates" don't just mean fags who like Ame /here/ right?
Raora was literally just saying Chattini
the new palworldmon
>che palle
Yeah mine
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I made a thing
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>Checked catalog for once.
>Chazz thread.
Ok, they can make a good thread once in a blue moon.
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You can just check her latest stream to see that's not true
I wish I could do this with anons but instead of ERP and discord sex it's video game talk and RoR2 runs...
and it'd be a kino stream as usual
We should go back to when gays were bullied for being gay. They've shown that we did that for a good reason.
>talking about Kiara.
Still less faggy than the samefagger
the only good EN
She's just more interesting than the others
kek nice
post it on twitter, she's gonna love it
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I was close!
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this is a what a gayfag looks like
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why not?
Trying figure out how she could incline but Bae just keeps flopping.
Peppino Chattini
schizo misses Kiara
That's Towa
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>plays Ragnarok, Maple, Trickster, LaTale, Talesweaver, Flyff and Mabinogi with you
>grinds with you all night then gives you a bratty footjob and falls asleep next to you
Jwu how has mamma been? Is she a gamer?
lmao anon didn't even delete it himself
Akutan is suffering because of her unskilled teammates......
Raora isn't bad at the game, she is just going through the new player experience of forgetting all the interactions moves have with movement. As well as using a joystick, but she is adapting. Maybe
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She's the best EN
What balls
Man, i missed the gay erp...
>she's anti-anchovies
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See? what did I tell you about anchovies
What's a bratty footjob?
sorry, GG, I don't want to waste my time playing bad games
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Is Holofantasy the perfect gen?
>My favorite Pizza is tonno
Raora anchovies is one of the most used topping in Italy...
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Why are there so many gay people in /hlgg/?
>he doesn't know about bratty hebes making fun of you while you get hard from their feet
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really? I didn't see it at all when I was there
>One of them spamming Mumei pics
That other one is about to learn the same lesson that Chumbie did
Ehhhh, she's something like the opposite of a gamer when it comes to platformers. And then also Pizza Tower isn't the easiest game.
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Before you all sperg out, Italians have a thick as fuck cream sauce called "panna" which is 100x better than the shitty cheap version called 'alfredo'
Say something nice about Gigi!
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>Alfredo sauce isn't really an Italian thing
>she hates fish on pizza
>she hates cum on pizza
bros...it's over
Alfredo isn't Italian, whaat.
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Every year a /trash/fag gets lost and does ERP (actual) in this thread, and then a couple months later complains about their new eboyfriend in the thread
yeah, Chattini, the plural of Chattino
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Who the fuck is Googhoul
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what the difference between alfredo sauce and carbonara sauce
It's pride month, Gura. You know what that means.
the second g stands for girls
That's hot. I wish I could drill a femboy.
She's already further than Kiara I think.
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GG love!
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Oh that.
It's more common for older people i think.

It's italian but in Italy is barely used or known
How can they be discount whatever when I don't recognize any of the whores names you posted
stop it
Alfredo is italoamerican shit. Carbonara is not.
Stop asking questions
most of those cream and butter sauce are from french cuissine
mornay is one example
>ppl still watching shitppa after all this shit
yeah, dramafags are bunch of pathetic phasecucks
She's a dirty fujo
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Always remember that Chumbud that got cucked by that Hooman.

I Remember
Their pyrokinetic abilities multiply 20x over the thirty day period?
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>Alfredo is italoamerican shit
but it was invented by some guy in Rome?
Do gay people die when pride month ends
I want to cuddle with her and her give her a kiss
Guys Raora is gaming for real right now.
That's Sozin's Comet.
their retarded mental ilness doubled ?
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ok I have this assignment where I need to create a SAT solving algorithm in polynomial time, can someone help
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No seriously, who the hell is Googhoul?
Jimmy is the coolest holomem
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I thought the story was that Alfredo made pasta al burro popular at his restaurant with celebrities and Italians got super salty about it since such a simple dish became what they were supposedly known for
fuck raora
Raora is NGMI
She's perfect
It's raover
She's so badass
What IS she doing? Besides panicking of course.
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Oh this is just brutal
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What happens to gay people in Pride Month?
Do they get extra gayer or something?
I think this game is just shit
Way too puffy
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Is all the moaning really necessary?
Yeah, by me.
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I like when Banchou rolls her Rs when beating up people
for you? no
for me? yes
alfredo = butter and parmesan
carbonara = bacon and eggs
her best
Is this game like Only Up but coop?
Breeding season.
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Lamy is love
Lamy is life
Reine now
And it's great
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This one was a new, different anon
All of their images were new and unused, just some kind of gay sex tourist in our global thread
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Holos with this feel?
>we finally have a hag personality in En
>ppl horny posting a hebe instead
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Yes actually
Yes, except it's the "Friendship Destroyer" sort of coop
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Cute Sheep Plays Biohazard
When she is running, she is pressing up on her joystick, and she hits grab to get out of the super jump, and she runs on the wall, and she hits the jump button.

She is pressing and rotating the joystick in circles in great panic.
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But why should I?
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Ceci should have been a cunny
She has the most clever commentary while gaming out of all the ENs imo, her observations and jokes and comebacks are really good
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Probably in Italoamerican communities but here it's practically unknown, the first time i heard Alfredo sauce was in some tv series that was dubbed in italian many years ago.
It could also be that it is something known in the specific region that this recipe comes from
>some kind of gay sex tourist in our global thread
We should have his holes as punishment, haha
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She should team up with Nene and beat the shit out of some guys.
Anya time!
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They're ngmi
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Imagine if kronii with no boobs
It's NP
because of Towa
The game is kino, but only after you mastered the controls. It's actually a Sonic game in that it wants you to know when to slide, when to jump, when to use all the movement tech. Cuz once you've mastered the level, you can do the Pizza Time lap like, 2-3 times and still be this unstoppable juggernaut maintaining a combo the whole time.
Gameplay bad
Pp hard
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>When I listened to Raora the first time
>Wtf what is that voice
>20 minutes later until now
>Mamma, mamma I love you!
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i wish my dick is the joystick.
Kanata fighting Radan tomorrow probably.
oh shit, wolfsbane asset. nice.
proof P ≠ NP?
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katana should stop using a kanata
cute Aqua eigo
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Don't give me hope
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Do you put butter in your red sauce?
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My daughter is super cute!
>im from not-Britain but I happen to have a British accent. Bo’ o’ wo’ ‘oh innit

>im from not-germany but I happen to speak German and know German culture

>im from Italy, I cooka da pizza mamma mia

please mind your volume, my knifewife is on the telly
But enough about Ren Zotto cocksleeve
Here, watch better entertainers, have some class
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>Imagine Kronii but better
Don't believe the first anon, he may be the dev of this ass and his game are fucking crap.
She can be from Italy because she's actually in not-Japan
Stop giving Watame guns.
This should've been Kronii's original model...
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Why do you need a proof, we don't know how to solve NP problems in polytime regardless of whether P = NP or not
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Ok, what next?
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Pleas gather for dagger stream~
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Kill yourself phasevermin
Absolute retard holy shit
that's just a man
Mama fuckin' mia ey Tone pass me da gabagool
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Of course you love pancakes, Raora.
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My understanding was that its not really a recipe per say since its just putting butter and cheese together on your noodles, i.e. something you just sort of whip up with stuff you have left in the fridge when you don't have anything else
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from Luna and Kanata to Watame, today is a good day
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jimmy should beat me up
This isn't a priestess. This is a street corner whore
please post more gura question marks. i need them for my collection
she really does talk about food a lot
In the good old days, they were one and the same
>plays Ragnarok, Maple, Trickster, LaTale, Talesweaver, Flyff and Mabinogi with you
>grinds with you all night then gives you a bratty footjob and falls asleep next to you
>tells you about sandhalpon gay fanfiction 24/7
>asking you allowance to visit a genshin impace booth and stay there for 3 hours
>her walls is full of scaramoch and sandhalpon pictures
no thanks. i love cute girls but if she a fujo, i prefer to watch her from a far. in relationship with a fujo means you will be always a second or third or even fourth after whatever their fav male characters
Ao makes my pp hard
real alfredo is actually hard to make
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She's literally EN Okayu...
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They wouldn't stand a chance
Okayu is actually not shit at games
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Towa is speaking english
But I'm not into feet
Worth it for the bratty footjobs
Reine changing to her purse owner outfit
what the sigma?
Do I get to talk to her about all the cute girls I want to see fuck each other too?
Oh, her finger is also just jammed on that trigger.
She isn't releasing the run button.
While that is ideal, being at full mach run mode can be too fast if you aren't doing all the techniques.
That's the gist of it.
Was a classic pasta al burro with parmigiano, italoamerican attracts burgers by adding cream, chicken and other shit. A few generations later, they return back to Italy and open a single restaurant in Rome, which is renowned as one of the most famous tourist traps.
Anya has the most aesthetically pleasing Japanese accent in the world.
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CC can become one, she's fully customizable sex doll after all
Outside of Italy and in Rome it's known as Alfredo but outside of Rome and inside of Italy it's just Fettucchine al Burro or Pasta dei Cornuti.
anyone got that kiara soundpost for this pizza time?
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I'm thinking about important things

Dont you think holoEN should have poorly localised versions of their japanese intros?
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>Crazy Taxi, Hades, Crab Souls
What happened? I thought CC was going to be the gamer of this gen but so far Gigi is the only one avoiding kusoge and streamerslop and playing real games
You will be once a cute girl with cute feet first makes you lick her toes
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Anya looks so kissable in that thumbnail
But who exactly IS Al Fredo?
I think we should kiss
>I thought CC was going to be the gamer of this gen
why the fuck would you think that
Feet are gross
I like when she screams and moans for me.
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They have been stuck at this spinning container part for 30 minutes now
thats not what happened
She smelled the worst out of all of them so...
I've been watching Ina and Gura for 4 years and not once have I thought about their feet sexually
Anon those are slop debuff games, once Gigi plays real stuff like GTA or DMC or Souls or Metal Gear she'll become much more popular
>it's so haaaaaaaard
Yeah, my dick.
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Where is Mumei
>put freshly boiled pasta on a plate with butter
>grate a shit ton of cheese on top
seems easy to me
I don't think you know what aesthetic means.
this was the post i was about to make how dare you
>gigi is the worst of the lot
this is why you don't hire gamers
>its so hard
Yeah me
ah wonderful, thank you
GG's game selection is debuffing her
Anya is engagement farming the fnaf zoomers!
Ok can I get a soundpost of that?
Raora is choking at the exact same part as Kiara, THEY ARE
Luner's papa draws her so cute.
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Watching a real Italian trying to play pizza tower sure is something.
Do tell the class what does it mean?
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If by real games you mean pozzed tranny shit. I'll keep my kusoge and streamerslop thank you very much
Crazy Taxi isn't slop, fuck you
go back to /vt/
If the temperature isn't exactly right the cheese will split
Will Anya scream?
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The Chef who popularized it.
You'd order the food and Alfredo would come out of the kitchen and make the pasta in front of you and serve you. For pictures he'd also just shove it down your throat.
I hope it was only for pictures anyway.
>Anya plays my favorite game ever
>she's not paying attention to the story
And another Holo filtered by Pizza Tower
If you have seen 20 mins of Crazy Taxi then you've seen it all
I bet you're the kinda guy to avoid something because "the fandom sucks".
the pizza towa cooka her instead
Reine can' even figure out the right save.....
>phasecuck spotted itt
>holo vs holo
>the quaility of this thread become shit like their shitter streamers
Anon you're looking for
wait this is not /vt/?
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thinking about doing some buffstuffs with Miko
>Raora is playing one of my favourite games of 2023
>She's missing EVERYTHING
So I feel ya bro
Yeah both the stages she is having trouble with require her knowing how to go up the stage with precise super jumps or wall jumps.
She is mashing in such a way she is bouncing off of things, or losing control.
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during the game? no
she screams only when we have sex
I tried to warn you and her
Do not come crying to me in 3 months when she is crying in a membership stream about her numbers
>>the quaility of this thread become shit like their shitter streamers
work on your grammar SEAfriend
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Yes, finally the game is over and it’s time for mamma zatsu again
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She's also doing something where she keeps charging the power jump when she doesn't want to.
Total peppino domination
Anon.... She's playing FNAF....
nta but if you are into tranny, go to /mans/. one of them support your kind. faggot
Pizza Tower was so disappointingly easy for me its crazy to see people getting filtered by it so hard. Like you can just hold the dash button and forward and just pay attention when you bonk so you can get back up and start holding dash again
Kinda sad, really wished a holomem got deep into Pizza Tower to start P Ranking everything cuz arguably THAT'S when the game actually begins.
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The face of a gamer cat
That was quite a comfy game stream
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I wonder what will she stream today... maybe more skyrim
You should've posted it at the same time as I did. I like it when my posts sync with other anons, it feels weirdly tee tee
>crying about numbers
>in hololive
hgg is anti-numbers, why are you here
Barely anyone likes games like these
RaorAme Bros
>moving the goalpost
it's okay brownvt, post more ads so everyone can see your phasecuck instead begging like a beggar
i spent too long thinking of what to call these storage containers...
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Desu desu!
will Anya cream?
NTA but kill yourself tranny. I hope no Holos will ever touch your trannycore games ever again.
artist link?
eaten out by Towa, last time we've heard from her
Which stereotypical Italian songs should Raora cover?
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Lamy is being rather Lamylike
>eaten by Towa
yeah, so gross. I'd never want to lick a cute girls foot and suck on her toes.
running in the 90s
IRyS is OP and very pretty!
Ah, holocure, now THAT's a game
Your parents shouldn't allow you to touch the internet just yet.


that anon was right, you should kys
O Sole Mio
La Donna e Mobile
Funiculi Funicula (obviously)
She is obviously required to do Funiculì Funiculà
Cheebs hasn't touched this one?
Raora is a mythchad??? What a time to be alive
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Why justice logo looks like a womb tattoo??
I don't know quite how to describe it to you but think about the whole patting your head and rubbing your belly thing
Now imagine its like that for a lot of people playing platformers except just with the movement keys and other keys
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Måneskin - Zitti E Buoni
She didn't know about ground pound so not really
The entire discography of Rhapsody of Fire
Every logo looks like a womb tattoo
She's a huge tako.
Vesti La Giubba
yes but on a delay, the clippers will fix it in post
That was a good group, they should do something again
Not watching the whore. What did she say?
who the fuck knows about ame in 2024 outside this thread
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Miko also supports trans rights!
Just like the majority of EN girls do.
>cutting your dick is now a normal thing to do
you are the one who should take your med, faggot
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Not telling you.
I predict someone in Justice is gonna stream holocure next week
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A-chan is gonna do a face reveal??
Ame is soft graduated
Yeah no holo would ever do that, especially not publically on stream
Has been on a huge incline lately
Probably my favorite anya bit next to her blindsiding me using zoomer slang
Why would the most popular EN cry about numbers?
If /hlgg/ is anti numbers then why do you mdefend Kiara?
*samefag reply*
Let's go bully Towa?
Imagine her fingering your butthole with those claws
A-chan is human? My keyfabe...
why are all her art like this
>Miko also supports trans rights!
>she choose the most pink flag
>the only pink flag in that game is a tranny flag
keep your hopes up anon.
I need Moona's Massive Mammaries in my mouth
At this point I'd rather watch a JP try to play it since I could easily imagine someone like Fubuki caring about P ranks (or at least watch Korone brute force her way to the end).
But the game filters JPs too so it's pretty fucked.
duce love
Honestly it's good all the girls like Holocure
I always worry about some girl fucking hating the game and having to 66 minute it when she gets added
Shadilay so we can see how fucking putrid /vt/ would become
do vtubers really mean it when they call each other cute?
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Kiara is good and hard working
Kiara is likable
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Somebody should edit the chattino to be holding a lupara instead
Talking with chat about wanting to grow is not crying.
You should know what crying is, it's what your mother always used to do when she looked at you.
I thought she technically already did, since it turned out the woman in cosplay handing out Blue Journey fliers at the expo was her
Chattino reminds me of that red lizard from gbf
Kind of a weird way to go out if that's the case tbdesu.
>Last of Us 2
If your Holo plays these pozzed games I will stop watching her for a week
She voices a lot of side characters in hologra so she is appearing as A-chan. I think.
Holy newfag
The whole 883 discography
Chattini? More like shittini lmao
Well ERB hasn't even heard of it and has no idea what it is, so we don't know yet if she'll end up liking it
I call my male colleagues cute all the time
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It's a very simple game to understand that even someone like Kanadeso can play it.
They're all kinda mid except cecilia
I thought she only hated her depiction, not the game itself.
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who asked
Is Lamy OK?
It's a chuubas job to worry about numbers, you people are doing it because you have untreated autism.
Weird how things like this end up becoming accepted knowledge amongst shitposters when they literally didn't happen
No. She's still lamy.
damn even ERBs message on the board is cringe
bro its been like 5 years and im still confused what the heck are towa fans even called anyways
Bella Ciao
What about overwatch 2?
Please stop watching my oshi forever instead
She will only play the Holostars update in like 10 years
I dare to bet that she is that mysterious girl who got teased in expo.
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Coincidentally, Raora likes to imagine a buff Chattino
What was your oshis first tweet?
it's bit on her though when there is not much devs can go for, she never specified what melfriends look like etc.
>Knows about Ame hate being mentioned out of nowhere.
Already a better teamate than Kiara.
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lmao gigi
>last of us 2
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An objective masterpiece of action gameplay, only disliked by portbeggars, yes.
The memes were kino, it made /v/ decent for a couple of days
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She's too cute brehs, why did she have to be Italian.
>tlou2 kino
Shioris boobs.
Kiara is just a leech so that's not hard
Pekora laughs like a monkey just now
I still come back to this video every now and then:
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Reminder that che palle means "What (the) Balls?" With "the" omitted but implied. A minor swear to express frustration.
is this GG
its one of the best takes on stealth gameplay i would say
I don't know why, but justice is kind of underwhelming. I'm not talking about their quality. taste is subjective to each other i guess
That's a pretty low bar
You're only a leech if you are a flop like Bae
But I want to see holos react to scenes like bigot sandwich, fat geralt and abbystrong.
Ame loves being taken advantage of. Kiara is a better teamate than Raora.
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EN peaked with Kiara. Everything has been shit aside from her.
Ame is a whiny bitch and nobody cares about what she wants
Weird euro voices
Kiara isn't actually a fan of any of the girls, she just uses them for views.
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TLOU2 has a suckass story but I fucking LOVE shoulderhigh walls
>Sucks us in with funny Italian stereotypes
>Then forces us to actually learn about Italians and their language
This cat is a dangerous cultural export and must be stopped.
this board is full of zoomer n gen z ofc they will like that slop
some of you guys are so mean
With how unfunny and shit the other ENs are, can you blame her?
Go to sleep already SEA-bro, you have been baiting for hours
I didn't realize l-box posted here
Stop holo vs holo posting immediately, it's embarassing.
i agree, too much ESL
still better than Advent though
But enough about Bae
Ame got dropped by the other girls for being such an annoying bitch to deal with.
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gameplay is great. one of the best survival action games out there in that regard. the plot and everything else is DEI slop though.
Ame wants nothing for herself because she's an angel.
i'm enjoying Raora and Ceci quite a lot
objectively tho, they're the least anticipated EN gen thus far, so having little excitment over them is understandable
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Cancelled concert BTW
They're all pretty ESL except ERB and she has a lot of her own problems.
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It's too late to stop her.
because she's an egotistic bitch*
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Raora and Ceci are OK and cover hours with only one or two other girls streaming.
ERB and Gigi....eh.
Tokodachi, of course
With the arrival of Advent, EN already felt pretty full and there was no real superhype for a new gen. The girls are fine but nobody is desperate for fresh meat.
>Literally told people to stop crediting her for something she did.
The guy you are replying to is baiting, but Bae is literally the holo who loves hololive the most
because ur mum sucks my dick*
I think it's because there was less buildup and also less time had passed since Advent compared to previous gens.
>Roara Reine overlap
What does this mean?
>not ESL
A-chan herself denied that
>inb4 of course she would say that
If you're gonna deny it, there's no reason to do it in the first place
When I hear about clamp all I can think of is that code geass pic.
Reine making out with Aigis!
what country are you from anon
just say end of a life
shiorin cheeks pressed against my face
i think this game is incredibly racist
Raora doesn't know any EN original songs...
ehm, che è il sigma?
I see the phasecucks are still here, kek
damn, that's some basic ass taste
9 months was the same amount a time between myth and council
he's right you know
Now THIS is bait. Thanks for the laugh.
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Mori, close your ears......
literally the holo who lives holostars the most*
Look bruh, just mention Kiara so we can skip the nicety and go straight for the meat
>Bang her!
Mori will never escape RIP
The usual Mori w
Nah anon, of course I gotta show how much I hate Holos. That'd show how much of a fan I am
Roboco/Cecilia, now is your chance
You are allowed to Raora, there is literally nobody on the server. It's dead.
Council +Hope was special because nobody knew what to expect
Advent was after a massive drought and large chunks of Myth/CouncilRyS burning out.
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A little piece of Mori will die when she hears that
It's just the usual samefagging Kiaraschizo. They're gonna make it Kiara vs Gigi now or some shit
based panthera
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GG kawaii

Mori is feeling very angry right now and don’t know why
Bae literally spent the 1 million she won in a raffle on a full holoEN song cover
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no her oshi is korone
As a newfag RIP is such a bad song compared to her new stuff. It's carried by pure nostalgia.
To try and save her dead channel
(and failed at that)
Not a deadbeat here
Why does mori hate RIP? It was super popular when she debut and got a ton of remixes for a competition
And you're tellling me she hated it?
Yeah, she's a leech
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big difference between having 1 gen only, and having 3 already
Deadbeats is the superior early Mori song
Justchad.... just concede that Justice is the most mid gen yet
It's still just the first week. The jealous 3views are still hanging around
Also, nijsis as usual
its probably because it's shit
It sounds like big fat guys farting
>raiding a rebroadcast
>raiding a WAITING ROOM of a rebroadcast
Heels should not count for height
Mori's music peaked with Your Mori
ogey, phasecuck
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Raid a waiting room?
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>The ame vs kiara timeloop can't even last for five minutes.
That's how you know your oshi is the best & most UNITY.
some tuned in for Myth's debut and peaced out soon after the hype
>everyone except adoring praise is a phase raid
holy shit retard
how many times is kaela gonna play this chink shit
Nice to see someone not calling her Calli
Not now, kfp
First Raora stream I caught after debut
She's cute but I don't get the hype
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I am watching Towa, please be quiet.
That's kinda fucking hot
No a leech would have picked a high tier holoJP senpai and do a song with them.
She could've raided the IDs, but Kobo yelling chattinis to fuck off proly scared her to not do it again
You just opened this thread huh?
Scroll up, retard
True, unlike Kiara who is just a user.
The desperate numberfag tried to do something she thought would get her views, no surprising.
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For an artist, having one of their first work be so successful compared to anything else they did afterwards is incredibly painful.
as long as they pay her to do it. she seems to enjoy it as well
Risu is losing it
A lot of music artists tend to feel that way about their first work, especially if it's still the most popular one even after releasing new songs that they personally prefer
It feels kinda bad as an artist when the first thing you ever put out does the biggest numbers 'cause you'd like to believe you're improving over time but the digits don't seem to reflect it.
And in case of RIP specifically, the lyrics are so cringekino it even makes her cringe but I love it
Raora raided Mori's rebroadcast for some reason
Because nothing she made since then has managed to come even close to it's popularity despite arguable improvements in her production.
Bae has literally never talked about numbers
Calling her a numberfag is just plain ignorance
They're gonna be here for awhile, trying to shill their own Italian chuuba.
They're that desperate
Peaking at the start (number wise) always sucks.
Whelp, Raora's done, gonna tune into Yopi steaming Palworld.
Doesn't change the fact that Raora is a bigger Teamate than Kiara.
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We she hate Reine?
None of you watch Mori's streams and it shows.
"Mori hating RIP" is so fucking 2023 crap.
Most of them got massacred some years ago, but somehow her country is still filled with lots of chink. Get used to it.
Big nostalgia. A lot of people were skeptical about holoEN, but Mori's debut with that original song positively surprised a lot of people.
Bro nobody watch Mori streams
her ccv sucks for a reason
You tards have pitted Kiara against 8 different ENs in this one thread alone.
predictions on what CC is gonna stream
Ah so I guess the "I hate AI art" gimmick doesn't apply for video game art huh?
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Doesn't matter, Ame loves everyone even her horrible mother.
I still don't get what Kiara did to piss off teamates so much.
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Still won't watch Mori
buy an ad
just the one
why are you fags so annoying about AI art with Iofi in particular
You jest but I bet that's the only thing fags here know about her.
Well and the Godzilla thing maybe, but that's mostly a leddit meme
Is Mori the most loved/admired senpai among EN?
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i'm the OP btw, I hate phasebeggarsshitter, i just saying that I feel satisfied with the current EN talent. If you enjoy them, that's great for you. Personally, I just hope yagoo waits at least another 2 years before hiring more EN members.
In hindsight it's pretty funny that /jp/'s doomposting about how holoEN would be a bunch of trend-chasing drama magnets didn't apply to EN but does apply to most of the rest of the western vtuber scene
Try telling it loud enough in her chat, and she may just stop playing.
She streams
their oshi gave up
You're that kind of dumb artist who only shit on AI art when she recognizes it as such.
She still likes the job and that reminds them their oshi is a washed up burnout
It's kinda comforting in a perverse to know that no matter how many new members there are in EN, this thread will always be like it was in 2021
Raora and Kiara having public lesbian sex
Yes but unironically.
Anyone who improves always looks back at a previous work with contempt.
Besides, I thought it was cool back then but I never wanna listen to RIP again these days.
It's almost like Kiara is the most hated Holomen
justicekeks can smell their dead and dying gen, Kiara makes them seethe hard
My brain replaced public with racist for some reason
>most popular EN
>You're that kind of
>Yopi's that kind of
>They performed "Creep" at every show, and came to resent it. O'Brien recalled: "We seemed to be living out the same four and a half minutes of our lives over and over again. It was incredibly stultifying." Yorke told Rolling Stone in 1993: "It's like it's not our song any more ... It feels like we're doing a cover." During Radiohead's first American tour, audience members would scream for "Creep", then leave after it was performed. Yorke said the success "gagged" them and almost caused them to break up; they felt they were being judged on a single song
>During the promotion for their third album, OK Computer (1997), Yorke became hostile when "Creep" was mentioned in interviews and refused requests to play it, telling a Montréal audience: "Fuck off, we're tired of it." He dismissed fans demanding it as "anally retarded".
Hopefully she continues skyrim or dishonoured
Still waiting for that pissed off tweets about the monkeys.
She hurt their feelings because "ai art isn't real art". Just watch, he'll start dumping his ai holo folder in these threads in a bit.
Prove it.
Why are Jeets so upset about an Indonesian alien?
Objectively, that is Bae.
thanks for pointing it out, anon.
What else is she gonna do? People don't even use her for the "she can draw you know" meme

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