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You guys hate ERB too much, even dramatubers are concerned. Live and let live... Dramatubers love hololive and want it to become better
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I hope you, Rima, and every Dramavermin kills themselves
no they don't, every indie wants to take it down by turning it into nijishit 2 because they weren't accepted
>Dramatubers love hololive and want it to become better
this board has fallen too far and the jannies not banning dramatubers on sight are directly responsible for the decline of vtubing in the west. kys
Is this the hero of homobeggars?
Rima, shut the fuck up
>Dramatubers love hololive
They are doxxfag leeches and nothing more.
the nijisanji discord is really running low on bait, huh?
hololive antis hate hololive vtubers? crazy
>even dramatubers are concerned
Do you really believe that?
>>>>>>>false allegations
Seems like it, the whole 'ERB seething' seems to have outed them, its just a little too sought and obvious
>homobeggars watch dramatubers
not surprised at all
>female dramafag
now I'm interested
She's filipino, nothing extraordinary
not even close
>She's filipino
Ofcourse she is.
She's a french canadian hag
>idol culture is LE BAD
>the DARK SIDE of parasocial relationships
>unicorns TRIGGERED
Posting her should be an instant ban tbdesu, no better than doxsagi
Gonna shit yourself?
Calling you guys whiny faggots is hardly comparable to talking about and pay walling info on roommates.
shut the fuck up deadbeat
piss yourself and cum perhaps?
>even dramatubers
They're all homobeggars, if you hadn't noticed. Of course they'd be concerned about their new champion taking flak.
and dox too.
dramaniggers flock together.
She knows she will wither on the vine unless she appeals to the
>idol culture icky
twitter tourist crowd now that the niji drama has dried up
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>I'm just gonna make shit up about vtubers I don't watch
>Dramatubers love hololive
They'd rather see it burn to the ground so they have better content. Don't kid yourself.
Shitting on the Unicorns. But who are the ones that buy all the fucking merch and donate the most? If I was a female vtuber id be unicorn friendly as fuck and id be so fucking rich. These bitches are so fucking dumb.
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>Dramatubers love hololive
dramatubers are based
hugboxes are bad
I thought she is italian french
It's like they don't want to make money and can't help to sabotage themselves.
There it is I fucking knew it, Rima using Erb as a cultural war tool and a way to blow up any small issues.
You mean the same person who made shit up about why Rushia got terminated?
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She is not a flip.
So far it's 90% posts from here
They have no material on twitter lol
She might as well be if she's acting like this.
They only watch clips if you ever watched them. Proud of it too with most of the comments agreeing happily while insulting stream watchers for some damn reason
seething nijinigger
It was with collabs with doxxsagi streams where they talk about being busy in life and stuff with no more time to watch streams. There's also some occasional mention in everyother video of them only watching clips
Shouldn’t you be in the middle of a sickling civil war to win the love of Milord Hex?
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She's Quebecois, I think she said she had some middle eastern blood too but i don't remember.
/vt/ on the telly
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Whenever they try to find proof of these very real unicorn harassment campaigns they point to that retard ernoul because he is pretty much the only schizo who directly bothers talents. Not surprised they have to resort to falseflaggers here for """proof"""
dramatubers always blow things said on here out of proportion and cause real problems for the vtubers. kind of ironic since they pretend to care so much
Drama commentary niggers' fan is the worst type of nigger there is.
Rima i know you're /here/ please kill yourself and tell brown doxxsagi to do the same
>chat is full of braindead homosisters who dont watch streams

hey Rima, since youre a "reporter", how about you make an in depth analysis about the positive impact of holostars collabs on hololive girls' careers? and also document all of the "unicorns" agressive public harrassment of holostars?
stop preaching to a choir of dipshit virtue signalers who only care about watching third party clips. i dont know, but if you want to make content about a specific subject, wouldnt the smart move be to catter to actual fans of the subject and not to grifting pricks who are actively trying to ruin it? but i guess the twitter brainrot is too strong for people like you to understand that concept?
That's because no one on twitter cared Liz talked to a male, which is hilarious since that means all the parasocial unicorns are all fucking /here./
>/vt/ seethes about ''dramaniggers''
>is the source of all doxes drama and rrats in the vtubing community
what do you call this
whatever you say, sister
Either that, or no one actually cared and /vt/ is the only place they could manufacture outrage.
>/jp/ is /vt/ now
I call you a retard
>Dramafag shill thread
Even more reason to dislike ERB.
That's practically the same thing I said.
No one on Twitter cared she talked to Jutard or Flayon, it's all here on this shitstained pile of sewage of a bpard since the doxxsite is still down so we're still infested with those sisters.
Now post a picture where you actually told Rima this rant
Nigga, she's apparently /here/. She can read it herself if she wants. lmao
Was anyone suprised? we knew how a much of piece of shit rima is with the catalog thread a few days ago. They were gonna do this after niji falling in relevancy for dramaclicks.
Whenever I hear this kind of buzzwords thrown left and right, I don't even listen anymore with how much reliant they are on those words for people to side with them. They just keep virtue signalling and always blowing up every little thing as drama that would lead people to always be hateful within the community and attract less audience into vtubing when all they see on trending and recommendation are these kinds of drama videos which makes them not give vtubing a chance with how negative all the things they see about it are. Saving vtubing my ass, they only contribute into making holotalents more restricted on what they do since this dramaroaches blow up any small little thing they do. It affects their reputation every single time so talents are further restricted.
obviously no one on twitter cared. Twitter is full of people who do not watch streams etc.
Twitter does not matter in the slightest.
There were at least a few, they've been posted here multiple times and one guy even bragged about getting one of them suspended. And surely the SEA facebook pages hated her too but none of our resident pagpags will admit to getting their opinions from there.
That seems more likely desu, and they are not good at it here either. Its too forced, too desperate.
Really? I wonder who they claim to have gotten suspended? Liz? Well, that's clearly a lie since she posted her weekly schedule. As did the others in Justice.
This is the reason phasefags will never be taken seriously on this board. All these dramanigger are phasefags and deserve to be scorned alongside their negro company.
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Aw can't handle criticism of your little bitty corpo? Too bad drama is our life.
oh no how will phase handle not being like by the well renowned /vt/
It was a guy tweeting hate at ERB.
Spot the phasenigger.
spot the bot
Everyone here says they hate ERB as a joke only, we all love her here. She gets around 20k CCV per stream while others like Gigi only gets 6-7k
That’s a disgusting combination.
That's odd to use as evidence for their talking points people can larp as anyone in /vt/. Heck noone would know if it's their own posts being used as evidence.
Everyone remembers the Connor drama, but that was caused by Mori trying to use hololive her own private business.
So I don't think incidents like that happen very often.
don't care, I will continue to hate her cause I can recognize impending yabs
I mean even as a unicorn I don't hate her, but I'll never love her either.
Their oshi is drama. They can't help themselves.
>just let DA BOOOOOOOIZ take over already!
That's the point. It's not about unicorns, hololive or anything it all. It's only about the drama.
What's even the point of making a "backlash" video if you are just going to read stuff from here? Isn't the whole point of this place that it is made for contained shitposting? 90% of this stuff wouldn't even reach Eliz unless she looked for it
She's shitting on homobeggars now.
Unicorn here, same boat, not wasting energy on her. But the fake outrage is cringe, who wastes that much time on something they do not like? Anti's, Schizo's and False-flaggers.
>She gets around 20k CCV per stream
Only karaoke
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this one sounds like a tranny, so not sure if I want to sub. I like the Gyaru one more. Tons of new dramatubers have been popping up lately and they all have lots of subs. People really do love drama.

Even in /#/ things have cooled down. Making this kind of videos incites more hate and fuel the drama even further. It's such a non issue considering it's only a small amount of people. If the talent themselves watch the video they would presume it's a widespread thing and do dumb shit that would damage their reputation and attract drama.
Didn't fucking Kuro BTFO'd this bitch that one time? She pleaded for forgiveness and the dramaniggers and her licking each others wound, now that was funny
I bet if I put you in a room with five women you'd call four of them trannies.
Dramafags love bots as well.
>Making this kind of videos incites more hate and fuel the drama even further
That's what they want to happen so they can make more drama videos they don't actually care
Phasecucks are obsessed with Holo and pretending to be homobeggars.
Are you doing this for free?
Why are they like this? I know the answer is that they want to usurp Hololive, but still, why?
Every god damn time. Phasenigs truly are the filipinos of /vt/.
>this one sounds like a tranny
bro your hearing reps?
>even dramatubers are concerned
who cares
>Dramatubers love hololive and want it to become better
if they did, they'd be against homo collabs
Yes I come on this board and watch anon call random women trannies for free.
Why'd you take offense? lmao Are you a tranny? Or the dramawhore perhaps?
>making fun of retards fuels hate
they love it when the bois fuck their girls though
>phasenigs are holo allies
Nijinigs 2.0. and the same thing is gonna happen.
How come only women do this?
Yes talents and livers feels restricted with this 'dramatubers' blowing up any single non-issues and mistakes for drama. They keep talking about invisble gun but they don't know they also contribute to the pressure talents have.
shut up tranny
why are they always together??
It feels like an all out war out there phasekeks
Tic Toc Tic Toc
So he is right?
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phaseGODs causing seethe from neurotic trannies worried any little bad word about their oshi will cause her to kill herself or some shit
reminder that hololive has done more homocollabs than phase connect, it was hololive that normalized the male vtuber menace
Bingo. lmao. I fucking knew it.
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here we go again
you're a flip
you're a tranny
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This is you sister?
Bwahaha yea right why don't you just admit all you holof*ggots are afraid of confronting someone directly and vice versa, because you know that you're complaints are only insecurities about yourself and if you showed it to the normal people they would deem you a cancer of society
didn’t this girl lie about how rushia was harassed into being teriminated? pretty obvious what message she’s trying to push
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>flips come here and call whites flips
>trannies come here and call women trannies
Sounds about right.
if this is the best you got i'll accept your admission of defeat
I don't know man, If all I hear about a community are the negative aspects I would think the entire thing is bad.
everytime man
Hit the mark.I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
>Shiori Novella Novelite
this account only watch and SC to dramatubers
this is so bad you'd think it's a falseflag
why do you like cocks so much?
>that falseflagger who's been making the rounds masking off as a phasecuck in his dramanigger safespace
kek, and of course he's SEA
>acts hard
>has to sensor "faggot" to not hurt the uwu soft feelings of some imaginary gay
try harder, sister
throwing stones in a glass house holokek, you literally have a male branch and phase doesn't LMAO
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I mean your whole corpo is flaygod harem no need for a male branch.
>Dramatubers love hololive and want it to become better
Based! I too support the graduation of the entire stars branch, everything went to shit since their debut
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I can't believe dramafags and homobeggars are the same people. How could this happened
Phase imports males from holo tho
How come I don't see you agreeing? Did I hurt your little Chad ego?
ollie alone has more homocollabs than all of phase connect
try again holokek
>2view agency with a male branch
That would be funny would they have negative views?
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lmao, phasekek memory holed flaygod collab
All dramatubers deserve to be hung from trees. They are all also fans of Phase Connect.
sure are a bunch of mentally ill ESLs in this thread
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Shut the fuck up. Curb stomp Pippa.

Holy shit,
She removes any and all context.
Hell she knows fucking nothing of the history of the people involved.
Yeah I never liked phasecucks either.
with cuck experience girls like this, who needs inhouse males?
>When you see your enemy make a mistake don't correct them
Bro let them, it'll be Mori all over again, it's like how all her backlash made her the 2nd most popular EN and the 8th most popular VTuber world wide, Liz is already the most popular in JUSTICE so they're helping her out.
this bitch doesnt even understand the difference between a loli and a petite woman let alone how to make things better lol
Look at the globie if you want that all the homos over there are 2 views
How was Rie's offline meetup with Flayon, phasekek? Did she tell you about it yet, or is she still letting you fantasize like the good little cuckold you are?
can people who very clearly know nothing about idols just stop talking about them, stick to drama vtubing please
Anon have you looked at her numbers lately?
have you?
i knew this would happen eventually, with Nijiniggers gone, it will be Phasecucks turn now...
Glossed over holykoshi the homobeggar artist threatening to draw ship art of watameXholostars to spite helmir, read the holostars ERB leddit post, called it based and then skipped the entire comment section filled with blatant anti stuff shitting on IRyS and other girls who ignore the homos.
This whore is genuinely repulsive.
>mori without a ginmick, pandemic buff, cannot pronounciate japanese or understand it, mori dedicated her career to music instead of shilling homos at the start.

anon you dont watch hololive
They don't even give reasonable advice on how to improve hololive. They point out a flaw and that's that, better contract? Talents earn so much money already that less performing talents would gain lesser support and resources, more freedom? more yabs etc.
hololive talent have met homostars irl more than phase connect
again you're throwing a stone in a glass house
Dramatubers are worthless parasites. That said, ERB is one of the most talented individuals in HoloEN, and it's impossible and out right silly to even try and deny that or undermine her in some way. She has more than just vocal skills that make Nerissa menhera talking about needing to ask her for advice. She also lead her group in recording their debut song, meaning she has leadership skills. She also seems to have powerful stage presence and probably real life stage experience. If someone wants Hololive to be a serious idol company then having ERB is like having such a powerful asset.
Her antis just want to coom to more generic anime girls doing bad American dub voices, all playing the same games over and over.
Have they actually said they should offer a better contract without ever actually seeing the contract?
nijisissies sure are throwing a fit after getting called out lmao
Proof? There’s definite proof of it happening with phase, though.
Lol her streams you dumbfuck.
NTA but what do you mean? Anons on /vt/ typically don't know the first thing about idols and have negative interest in idols.
well she acts like she was born there xD
you act like you were born in 2014
lol, weird fantasies you have
loll nijiniggers are just big mad that she's singlehandedly pulling homos above nijiEN
That’s something they have In common with this rima girl it seems
>t. the strongest race
I don't think he's white, anon.
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I stopped taking her seriously when she covered the Yuko drama, defending her completely, while refusing to look at the evidence of her shittalking boobros in her PL because she “doesn’t support doxxing”, meanwhile Doxxsagi was sitting right fucking next to her.

In reality, she knows EXACTLY what Yuko said and supports it, but she’d look like a psychopath if she supported it in public, so she just ignores the evidence and hopes people don’t look into it. Because she’s another Twitter roastie who thinks men being lonely is somehow a crime, and that men who commit that crime deserve to be stolen from and emotionally abused.
>Phase fan stop having cuck fantasies
Challenge: impossible
generic dramatuber crying about unicorns isn’t going to change my mind about male collabs
Homos ARE NijiEN, you fucking moron. If you let the homos in, you are going to turn HoloEN into the very thing you hate. Mixed gender collabs, flirting between talents, SJW politics, the homos do it all. If this isn’t what you hate about NijiEN, then what is?
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and yuko actually believed that irrelevant drama whore coverage to be a good sign kek, those whores deserve each other
Rent free
pretty obvious what type of person she is, not sure why people actually care what she thinks
she doesnt understand the difference between loli and a petit woman, but you act like you like DEI stuff tranny.
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they are depending on the xitter drama crowd
can`t exactly call out those useless audience that contributes nothing to vtubing
LMAO. He's one of the faggots he was arguing with? Jesus fuck. Imagine crying to a chuuba 'cause you got bullied by a redditor. Holy fucking shit.
How fucking natural it is that some flip sister who probably looks like a skinny jabba the hutt takes huge offense to Holo fans getting mad at ERB's transparently performative behavior. Probably because she'd do the same thing if she were in erb's place so sympathizes with her.
90% of this board are tourists who started watching vtubing within the last year and didn’t see the downfall of nijiEN with their own eyes
Not even a unicorn but I still just find stuff like this funny like people actually think giving twitter support means literally anything
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kind of based
I mean, NOW it’s obvious. The Yuko talk was one of the first things I saw from her aside from Nijinigger drama, and it made me realize how much of a dumb hypocrite she is when not going after an easy target.
ERB made me drop her entire gen.
All the other girls were ok at best, but I can't continue to put up with people who don't understand or actively want to destroy the culture of the company they just joined.
She can sing and that's it. Tons of others in Holo can sing too. But outside of singing she sucks at literally everything else and has an awful speaking voice. Her CCv will crater down as the debut buff wears off. She is nothing special.
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If you vtuber "news channel"
>uses twitter as source
>uses reddit, more specifically kurosanji as a source
>making nothing burger into "news" during slow days
>uses clickbait titles
>uses clickbait thumbnails
you and that vtuber should both commit sui-cide
Now you know, anything that goes against her narrative and bias gets ignored. In her idol culture video comments pointing out the reasoning why rushia was fired were getting ignored and even lol'ing since she still thinks rushia got fired for having a 'boyfriend' during that time, another thing taken out of context was Kronii's "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" which was meant to refer to people shipping her with holostars but she used it in her video willy nilly, Equating vtubers and the community as real life idols despite the different form of content such as streaming and vtubers mainly being on a screen. Heck she even had the gall to include Chinese idols as way to further drive in the idea that vtubers are just as toxic as those things are. Like damn the amount of reach and stretch she makes, even mano aloe is no exception since she never mentioned how niji fans acted like holofans to harass her when she criticized nijisanji in her pl before her debut, only keeps implying that holofans were the ones that did it and a result of idol culture.
sorry this >>79777323
was meant for >>79776919
It's even worse. She's using /vt/ as a source.
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novelites do you claim this one? do they watch streams?
yuko wasn't unicorn pandering, she was coomer pandering
>No not those numbers THESE numbers LMAO*cries internally
It was always pretty obvious to me, her videos about gura and rushia are full of straight up lies or cherry picked screenshots
I don’t give a fuck about any “talent” she has. All I want is a comfy politics-free atmosphere to escape to. If she wants to destroy that, then why the hell should I support her?
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Thanks Rima, niji ones were getting abit stale for my viewers.
Well the point stands regardless
this guy not hiding anymore
Sounds like you need a hug snowflake
This whore made a video on pikamee based on rrats. I'm not surprised she's doing this again. Thanks doki
British Mori
It is a failed gen tho. They have no biboo or baubau carrying them
Wow, can’t believe like two girls changed to become VCR regulars, it’s “SO OVER”.
Why does anyone take this literal doxxsagi ally seriously? I don't see anyone making threads for that pagpag here. Is she just too much of a literal who that people just don't know?
>Singapore Dollar

Also he's clearly /here/, probably the OP of >>79726257 even. And he also outed himself as a Phasefag earlier.
She's using vt as a source.
What the hell kind of cringe ass name is that?
>failed gen
>a successful gen is one that has one lone tallent that stands above the other that are garbage
did she ignored the super?
exceedingly rare chumcuck W
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That's a Phasefag. But you knew that, fuckface. Reminder that the disease of vtubing, the sewer rats are all Phasefags.
It's a retarded SEA falseflagger's attempt at "hello fellow hololive fans" >>79775106
Probably one of the BVTMfags that shit up the board about Shiori around her debut
No she read it and offered no pushback whatsoever to the idea that hololive girls are sick of "idolshit"
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Ollie isn't the one going to homostars offpakos, though.
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isn't hilarious the entire stream are people dunking on unicorn and incels and dickriding the homos but they won't go and watch them? There are homos streaming right now that have less viewers than this dramatuber. Like make it make sense! lmao

Look at this motherfucking homos with less than 300 viewers right now


But this dramatuber has more than 800
All talking about unicorn this and that and the homos are good and and blah blah but they won't even fucking watch them!!
He's a phasekek. And like all the others phasekeks he's using Shiori to shitpost. Member the whole BVTM fiasco?
Kinda vaguely related but I post art and have a Twitter with a couple K followers as well as a Pixiv with even more. I assumed the general tastes and most-liked material would be basically the same stuff on both sides as I link my each site to each other in my bios and outright say to check on both. But no, somehow they are mostly different crowds that I apparently re-built up mostly independently. So I can definitely see that the YouTube viewership is in large part a different and independent crowd from the same fans in Twitter. The Twitter users might like something a lot that the YouTube viewers didn't notice or care about, or blow their tops and shit their pants over something the yt viewers didn't think mattered much. Since vtubers actually-do their things on yt and twitch, Twitter's opinion is no more important than ours.
Well it's just gonna get worse, erb is being used as a tool currently by those who opposes hololive culture. You'll see more drama in the coming days from this people and any reactions from the small part of the community blown up when she collabs with holostars since it's the best way for them to change things and promote their views towards hololive. It's tiring especially when all this dramatubers need to do is to just ignore it but they just can't help themselves, making a full career out of vtubing drama is a mistake since when there isn't any drama they'll manufacture one and you're seeing the effect of this now.
show clip and i believe, nothing like facts!
Oh yeah that's Kobo inviting them to her house and driving them around indonesia
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this guy have every Advent and Gura but only watch dramatubers.
The stream is still live
It’s very weird to see people bring up doki in her chat as some unicorn/gachikoi slayer when she has some of the most protective goslings/gachis out there
Those retards are twitter tourists who don't actually watch streams.
It's the same shit faggot you both beat your meats to anime women.
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>dramafag superchatter names their account after shiori but he's not a real holofag that's clearly a falseflag
>but if he mentions phase that's real and clearly his real views
I have never watched her and never will and don't care about her at all.
>triggers /vt/babies
based horse woman
what stream, i dont read minds...
Hi Rima
>/vt/ eating falseflag bait
History repeats.
This fag attention whored in mints chat and didn't even watch Shiori's birthday stream. They were more subtle about their falseflagging back then but good to know they have went mask off
>falseflagging using Shiori
I don't know it checks out. Phasekeks act like this all the time.
>ackshually, these words mean what I personally want them to mean
Stop procrastinating and go dilate troonbro.
You just have to get used to having a politics vtuber in Hololive.
That fag in particular has been caught sending bait supas at holos for a long time now, and it's the first time he's just straight up masking off.
PDF being retarded. He misrepresents and false flags as a Novelite, which is exactly what the average Phasefag does.
Stop making excuses weirdo
She's a leaf frog
There's no way this is real. What the fuck kind of SC is this? I physically cringed reading that
ESL/SEA antis are the worst. She's a perfect fit for Hololive culture and is very respectful and supportive of it. The mismatch is you.
I'm sure it's a coincidence that 99% of the time a guy like this gets caught it's a phasefag
>check /#/
>check /jp/
Nice attempt at deflection though, but it's a bit late in the thread.
But enough about how you think cutting your dick off will make you a woman.
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>Culture war
>1 phasefag larping as a holofan on 4 different accounts
what kind of mental illness is this?
>kys pekofrog poster
I know it's bait but I saw the whole group once in some stream all make SC's in the same manner that the advent talents would talk and I just physically recoiled in disgust. It was bizarre
I can't tell if he's a mintfag or just trying to falseflag on her platform.
It's real. Everyone who was from nico basically, they're getting doxxed by the kodakawa hackers because they wouldn't pay the ransom. Kson talked about it today, she's preparing to move because her address is public.
so he is a mint fag, holy shit!
If you have sources and information, I'd be happy to read through it. But I've seen nothing relevant to holo so far
Kill Phasegers.
Surely you can provide a timestamp or a clip then?
Do you have any screenshots of him superchatting phase?
Oh i saw his sc on that lawyer guy too.
Why would I SC with my shitposting accounts to my oshis? I just use my main for those. I only have these accounts to cause drama in hololive's name.
Of course he watches Grifter Mindset
>Kson talked about it today, she's preparing to move because her address is public.
Her thread is awfully quiet about it, no catalogue threads either... I'm calling a big ol' pile of bullshit. And I'm calling you a shitstirring faggot
Supportive? She keeps bringing up Coco, Aloe, Mel and Rushia. It's like beating a dead horse.
>Singaporean dollars
Had to look it up, by the way.
Here's her thread talking about it >>79749648
You can probably trace that back to her stream today if you want, it was on Twitch
>nijishits trying to pit holofags and phasefags against each other
been at this for years, kill yourself already
I seriously don't mind this unicorns and Nijisister want to perform as circus acts here then display them as such to the rest if the world
We know it's you Rima, we also know that you've been sucking Doxxsagi's dick lately
it's always SEA, isn't it
Only 5 responses about it? Sounds like a big nothingburger to me.
>People finally connect the current ERB screeching to NijiEN failing
>Sudden deflection to make people talk about something else
Same old playbook.
He sent that to Rima today, show him sending supas to Phase girls.
what the fuck
>you guys
the only people that could cause problems are shitstirrers who aren't part of this board or site, and only come here to stir shit to farm for clicks. voicing concerns and not doing anything in a public place are NOT attacking anyone.
They don't post much, they have about 1 thread a week and that includes tons of bumps. The Vshojo thread talked about it too but I'm not finding that.
These really hurt to read, jesus christ man
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By making clickbait drama slop about half a dozen anonymous burner accounts shitting on ERB all they're doing is fanning the flames and making the issue even bigger. Hundreds of viewers watching a stream about how Ernoul is a faggot and they go away thinking that all hololive fans are harassing ERB (and that phase connect is based and yabless of course)
This guy just strikes me as really autistic or really young.
Hololive would become better if ERB graduated
Could've been avoided if AChan didnt give us ERB as her final Fuck You
Your deflection game sucks phasenegro
who the hell is Ernoul?
One exception to the rule through sheer fuckin talent and determination.
>all hololive fans are harassing ERB
dramatubers just want to start a fire. it means more clicks and money for them. they'll lie to keep pushing this narrative. rima even silences people that criticize her.
do you want to win the PR war or not? i don't like ERB or the homos either but you can just ignore them
>pr war
The more Rima points out a small part of the community and uses 4chan as evidence, the more outsiders think the entire Hololive community is similar to them. One bad apple spoils the bunch. The correct way to deal with it in this scenario is to ignore it, but blowing it up for drama makes people especially new ones think it represents how the whole community thinks.
Eh, I just don't watch her. The other Justice girls are more than enough to keep me happy.
>PR war
The war was essentially over until this red woman shit. Also 4chan shitposts are never going to become high profile drama cases on their own. Even Niji, for all of its garbage, failed to get much megative traction outside of here for years until the company itself fucked up and mismanaged a talent so badly they fired an employee after they made an attempt on their life and later publicly stated doing so.
TL;DR I hate drama, I hate dramaniggers, but I also have plenty of reason to dislike holos if they actively feed dramaniggers. And me saying that on /vt/ won't matter to anybody but the most schizophrenic individuals known to man. Any sane person despises drama as a first principle.
Man, I used to like Rima when she was just doing historical vids on vtubing. But ever since she befriended DN...
Life have more than enough of it as it is
>ERB made me drop her entire gen.
That's just being retarded.
As the other anon said; one bad apple spoils the bunch.
She has been friends with DN forever
Has she? Guess I never really followed her outside of her vids back then.
These read like some sort of bizarre bot.
They have done nothing to warrant that sort of dislike. Might as well just drop EN because Myth has Mori and Promise has Kronii and Bae. Advent doesn't really have that but man, rotten apples right?
ERB deserves to be shit on. Do you fuckers really want hololive to end up like niji? Because that's her endgame. homos popping up in every stream, casual VC all the time, endless flirting and hornyposting from the sexpests, all the girls ending up as cocksleeve accessories, etc
Mori, and even Bae, have NOTHING on ERB. They're at like a 3 and a 5 on the homobegging scale, ERB is cranking this shit to 11.
Outspend and outwatch the boys more than the girls and things will change.....this is assuming she, and her audience, even care about the StarEN in the first place.
Do they even shill the boys?
They can be the change that they want to see but they refuse
>they refuse
or theyre NEETs
kek, i bet this is a Falseflagging Ruffian. Either he is fucking high on low quality shrooms or just plain retarded not knowing that FWMC is on the PURE Idol Route.
do we have any screenshots of this Faggot SuperChats on Holo? If there is none he can rope himself immediately, falseflagging as the Fan Group
>Saying this with a fucking Shiori avi
Genuinely hope this subhuman slime rots in the deepest pit of hell. Almost an entire year of having bvtm and his browncord Phase apes shit up this board with their anti-shit for Shiori.
Doesn’t help some fucking retard PhaseJanny carries just about the entire water on this planet for that dogshit company, and keeps turning a blind eye to obvious raiding until it starts getting apparent it’s about to descend into iketog territory. God I hate these fucks so much.
Not surprised. This board is full of sisters and trannies it might as well be the new Nyfco.

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