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No schedule next week
Homework week
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I am sure good at picking gen oshis! Can't wait for Raora to drop off the map, too
Happy they're being reasonable and realistic with themselves. Hope they can take a little time next week to get things they need to make their home livable for them.
So everything so far was just 3D debuts, and now starts the Breaking Dimensions grind? Considering how the busy time is for all of EN now.
That's crazy, not complaining, but I thought they were doing both at once with just how much practice they were doing, and for how long. Feels like Advent worked on their debut for longer than the rest of EN will have to work on Breaking Dimensions.
Mococo said that time to buy utensils was on their schedule already, so it's likely part of next week.
Have they finally learned not to be retards? Thank goodness for that food poisoning episode.
BD isn't focused on them, should be much less work than their debuts
They said the poisoning had nothing to do with it and it was already something they decided a while ago to take next week off streaming
Just pay $10 bro it’s not a lot of money
For sure. Gotta remember that there's a lot more input for making your 3d debut. Talking with model makes about what they can and can't do, working with others to bake in some of your inside jokes with your fans into it too. More oversight means more time to spend in meetings
Well regardless I’m glad
It's not the first time they have no schedule. I think it's like the third? The most recent one, aside from the post fluffy week recovery week, they had like one stream per week on Saturday for like two or three weeks, right?
They should have changed their plans after the unplanned cancellations and illness. If I was out for two weeks before some scheduled time off, I'd cancel it
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>Just pay $10 bro it’s not a lot of money
Don't worry, I'll post the link here when they stream in the other account.
RRAT: They will get super needy and do a Suika guerilla and a bunch of Twitterspaces next week
For FWMC and Nerissa specifically I could see, I can imagine them wanting to make their debuts a 3D LIVE, but all of Advent has been crazy busy. It's just wild to see so much work going into this and then the stream comes and half of it is posing for screenshots and doing retarded shit.
Kek this. Everyone is already over there, so this guy is just a mentally ill menhera. sad..
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They need to get a bunkbed again. Their new dog house has bad feng shui.
Why is there a fan blowing on their crotches?
The problem is that the things they're most behind on because of the unplanned time off are exactly what they'll be focusing on. Their workload for the planned "time off" increased. There's no time to add streams into it.
Hahaha yeah nah
>next week
KEK good one, anon!
They hate guerilla streams and twitter spaces, and they've already shown that they would rather not do them.
It's hot (and hot)
>If I was out for two weeks before some scheduled time off
They literally said they'll still be doing homework and practice, just not streams so they're not literally dying every single day with 3 hours of sleep
Which was expected since the stupid battle plan. Anyone who's sad/mad abkut this is dumb.
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BAU BAU they love me
So what plans do you have next week /baubau/?
I don't care how hard he tries to ruin kek, I'm still going to use it.
Halo 3 with wuffians.
Gears pvp with wuffians.
what is the shit they're behind on?
Just got Warhammer 40k Inquisitor, so ill probably be playing that. I tried playing og Fallout but it made me want to kill myself
Their homework they couldn't be as productive on because of their illness. Since this time of no streams was already planned, it was already a week too busy to add streams to, and now there's more homework than they expected because surely they didn't have time to do as much as they wanted this week.
Good thing I'm watching GG
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I've started playing RO again
I still don't know what homework is
Kiara and Gigi, but Kiara will also not have much since she's in Japan.
okay but what is the "homework"?
Completing shadowbringers MSQ while watching intial D on my second monitor
Catch all term for Hololive related work that is done off stream. Voice packs, events, brand collabs, merch, meetings with staff, that sort of stuff.
Basically anything that's yet to be announced in the next couple of months or so.
>Comparing FWMC to any of those lazy fucks
You should pick up a gun and shoot yourself with it next.
various merch and event things
Does nobody watch streams anymore?
At least Mumei's homework is literal homework and not a made up excuse to not stream
voice acting
im the onichan btw
>complaining about lack of streams
>doesn't even watch them
What do you call this phenomenon?
I don't see how it takes all week to approve some merch or whatever. It's not like they're making the shit themselves
It's ogre...
Go and complain in their tags using your main account then, your schizo ramblings do nothing here
Well if you watched the streams you're complaining about them not doing, you'd have a better idea. Have fun with the archives, you'll have plenty of time next week.
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ruffians hate other holos more than they love their oshis
Lul, I watch Gura and Mumei sometimes and am even membered to them, but I'm not going to pretend they're not lazy as fuck and don't care wayyy less about streaming than FWMC do. Retard.
Nice falseflagging.
I don't use twitter
They have never specifically said what they're doing on stream, just vague posted about "working hard" and "doing their best"
Even FWMC themselves openly admitted they didn't initially plan on streaming that much. They went in expecting to not care as much as they do. Can't take that for granted.
"Lazy as fuck" I still can't agree with, I don't know enough about the behind the scenes stuff to say that. It's not like it's some back breaking work to stream, I'd be surprised if there's a single Holo who has streaming as the most demanding part of the job.
"Uninterested" I can see, "lazy" seems out of place.
Super Cool Detective-san, I was defending other holos against anti-posts in the thread both times
What they're doing, present? Obviously, all sorts of NDA involved. If you want glimpses, you want to watch superchat readings for streams after releases and homework days. Anan sent a superchat even asking how they spend most of their time when they're doing "homework", and to my surprise they answered.
Yeah sure, and pigs can fly. Fuck off to catalog you fucking schizo.
>gets exposed
every time
They will never play your game atm give it up bro
They're working on a ton of stuff but a lot of that stuff is voicepacks or events in Taiwan (3 already). So you don't see the fruits of that.
It’s time to see who’s gonna be racking up those piggies
My bet is Raora followed by Cecilia
I think he did, the profile picture switch sealed the deal.
I'm not back-pedaling shit, shitting on other Holos isn't okay and if you do it you're a faggot
>the profile picture switch sealed the deal.
Anon, the profile pic is holoCN...
At least the nips don't either. JP exclusive stuff for holoEN hurts more because they already have holoJP, Taiwan only has the events, so it feels fair. And they actually buy the fucking plastic.
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Lmao he really did
What a fag
Monetization stream isn't a good measure of "piggies". Even FWMC who have a bunch of paypigs have a shitload of tourists I don't remember when I look at the monetization supas. A lot of people just give something to congratulate the new Holos, with no incentive to stick around. Not a coincidence it's still their number one superchatted stream.
It is way easier and cheaper for JPs to fly to Taiwan than it is for NA. JPs go to Taiwanese events and buy Taiwanese merch all the time. Same with SEA, Micomet go to Singapore all the time. It's not really a barrier for them like it is for us.
Nah it’s gonna be ERB for sure
I'm in the leaderboard for FUWAMOCO but I only care about big fish. If they're not even close to their monetization record I'm out.
I mean, it's his right, not gonna offend him over it, but if you remember his story about why he used the previous one, and right after they asked people to not change, yeah...
I mean I already know Gabe/Anal is gonna be donating to Cecilia a lot so that’s gonna be her regular right there
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Actually, I wonder what Moco-chan's neck smells like fufufu.
>big fish
Who is that? Gura?
My cum
It's easier, but still requires dedication, I don't mind JPs who actually care doing it. They're as much fans as everyone else. What I miss out on is the random shit people just see while walking through Akiba and grab like it's nothing. Because the girl looks cute or whatever.
big fish is a myth
The monetization sets the standard for how much money they will earn in SCs for their entire career barring any extreme changes.
Yes including her. I only SC the top earners
Check out the replies in case you ever doubted who the enemies are here
Really? Not doubting, actually didn't know.
Ruffians sure are sensitive to banter. FWMC is serious business.
Yes. The talent with the highest monetization debut for every gen after sankisei becomes the top earner of their gen.
Looking forward to the GoodSmile panel
That's not true. Kronii was the top for Council, she is now bottom in Promise. And Sakamata was no.1 in HoloX, but she is currently second.
What's the story?
Kronii dropped from #1 to #2. Sakatama is still top.
That wasn't even true for Sankisei. Noel was the top and Pekora was at the bottom with Flare.
This isn’t accurate. Kronii is no where near the bottom
>That wasn't EVEN true for sankisei
>Thus it was never true for sankisei nor was it true for all the gens following
You're the ESL here.
The only person it's false for is Kronii which Fauna only passed recently.
>his story about why he used the previous one
Now I'm curious, what is the lore behind otm's profile pic?
Is the PL of Yogiri from HoloCN.
>right after they asked people to not change
When was that?
Hachiko watchalong.
Fuck, I haven't had the time to get to it yet
I'll go through that one and a few other archives next week knowing they'll be taking it off at least
If Fuwamoco were to have a 3 some with a dog. What breed would it be?
His old oshi who graduated. He said he was going to change it last a few years ago but FWMC personally told him not to. If he's finally decided to break that promise, it seems he's slowly beginning to actually oshihen
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Koro-san no!
smile status?
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Currently playing this straightforward and silly RPG where you're a train molester who's part of a "gentleman's" guild whose members are all sorts of fat ugly bastard ojisans and NTR dudes.
You're tired of all the local women so you're going on an expedition to visit other stations to molest the women there. You can choose up to 3 from the 9 other members of the guild and each member is equivalent to a classe from fantasy RPGs.
The subway stations are treated as simple first-person dungeon crawls until you reach the train area where it switches to a top-down view as you approach the female boss of that station.
Protected as always
Uuhh baused?
I bet it is you fucking whore
forgot to add the trailer for the game

You can change your party members (except yourself) whenever you go back to the guild
kek at this point I'm convinced he's doing it just to fuck with /baubau/. Spite superchatting.
Only brazilians will remain... They don't deserve this future...
disappointed we're losing another week
I hate S2.
>FWMC personally told him not to
Did they tell him that as FUWAMOCO?
Don't remember anything like that
Just saw that Hajime is going to stream Groove Coaster Wai Wai Party so I checked out what the game is and it features some Holomems and Hololive songs.
Yes it was a superchat.
I've wanted FWMC in that game for months, they've sung a bunch of the non-Hololive songs in the game in RnRs.
I am curious how good or bad Mococo will be at rhythm games.
Know what stream it was?
Genuinely curious to hear their response since it involves someone who graduated
>years ago
Can it still get updates? I'd love to see all of Advent get in.
Groove Coaster should be doable for her. It's very newbie-friendly.
all of Advent plus REBELLION
That other anon said their response.
Is the goodsmile panel in an hour or did I get the date wrong?
It was their pl, anon.
It wasn't years ago. He stopped sending SC's some time back so it shouldn't be hard to find if you actually cared.
Is tomorrow.
They seem to add more Hololive stuff to the game once or twice a year, not sure how close it is to end of life though. I like that they add Hololive covers to existing Vocaloid/anisongs from time to time (they could totally do that for their Kaibutsu since the original is in the game).
Well, that's why I asked if they said it "as" FUWAMOCO, and he still replied yes
So are you guys grudgeposting travellers?
The "PL" isn't referring to FUWAMOCO you mouth breathing retard
Of course someone is. There are people who are crazy as fuck and would 100% be jealous of regulars from that time.
Oldfag L
ok that's really neat, then there's a chance they can still get added to this release. If not, then it'll have to be whatever the next incarnation of Groove Coaster is.
No, just one specific menhera traveler. The other active ones are cool.
Obsessed spic, how long have you had this saved on your PC?
No one shits on or grudgeposts darklancer or fucking dlan, retard. otm is a distrustful menhera fag who deserves to be shat all over.
You are too easy to bait, GetterRay. Maybe stop shitposting if you don't want people to call you out for your bullshit.
They added Mumei, and somewhat recently Baelz, so they're still adding EN stuff but even then the avatar and navi voice picks are all over the place. I was a tad disappointed that all of the most recent stuff is ReGloss, but I suppose it's to be expected. I kind of hope it takes a while for them to get it if they ever do, so they can have another original song or something instead of just Lifetine Showtime. Rebellion would be a must though.
Kill yourself retard and stop ban evading
Can you faggots fuck off back to /lgbt/? holy fuck
>Dares to shitpost.
>Feels offended when people dunk on him.
How many of you are travelers here I’m assuming very few
Obsessed, that’s all you are. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were the “kekaroo” spammer. Fuck off, weirdo. Fuwamoco don’t need “people” like you around them.
I am the only actual traveler in the thread, the rest are imposters.
They sure don't need a backstabber like you.
I'm not grudgeposting anyone, there's no grudge. It's sad, but it happens. I don't think anyone should stick around out of obligation either. If you're happier elsewhere, so be it.
There's also the fact that people tend to idolize "oldfags", but a lot of them are what today you'd call "casual". If people were as devoted to these indie/small corpo PLs as they become once they make it big, they probably wouldn't have graduated in the first place. Like Nene Amano, she's a lot of her fans' number one. But most Holo PLs were their oldfags' side hoe. Very very few had them as number one.
You don’t know anything about them. All you know is Fuwamoco. You’re in no position to tell me anything.
I know you are a backstabbing pos who shitposts them. And I am here to tell you to kys fag.
Not blaming, you keep trying to make everything into a conflict. Ultimately the graduation was a good thing, no one who made it into Holo is worse off for it. I'm just saying that "I was there before" means fuck all. People give it meaning for some reason. I've been subscribed to gen 4 since their debuts, except for Luna all of the hours of the others I watched combined probably don't reach double digits, but someone who starts watching Watame this month and surpassed my watched hours in a week is the newfag.
It means nothing.
Again, you are obsessed and you know nothing. You might as well be considered a tourist. Fuck right off. I wonder how many other ruffians you’re stalking. You deserve to be shot. You’re a danger to yourself and everyone around you.
Fuwawa used to catfish in runescape
How is this at all relevant? If anything it makes him look worse for being a distrustful menhera who's on the verge of oshihenning
for the same reason they both sound different in twitter spaces.
I am obsessed with destroying backstabbing faggots like you. And yes, I am a danger. So you better watch out!
You don’t “destroy” anything, you fucking edgelord. I am still here. I still watch streams and communicate with Fuwamoco. You haven’t gotten rid of me. You can’t get rid of me. All you can do is think about me 24/7.
>different mics
There, i spelled it out for you, retard-chama
>You haven’t gotten rid of me. You can’t get rid of me. All you can do is think about me 24/7.
So you are admitting you are here?
They sound the same to me. Are people shitposting again?
Kek. Thanks for outing yourself. You are just way too easy to bait.
I'm here too, just fyi
They sounded like 1st month FWMC, especially Mogojyan.
>namely fuwawa
So you've changed up the shitposting from "Mococo sounds the most different" to "Fuwawa sounds the most different"
Why cant you niggers stay consistent?
So, what are you going to do about it? Can you even do anything? You said you’re obsessed with destroying me, but here I am. Now outside of this conversation, I’ll return to being a regular anon with my posting style switched up and you will just be calling others me like you have before. So, what are you going to do?
90% of this thread is one retard replying to every bait and two retards baiting the first retard
I will continue to bait you by posting your sins here. kek. Enjoy the suffering.
Seems like is working since you are sperging out. kek.
After the Fuzzy twitter space, I started thinking about Mococo a lot. I almost fell into real love.
That would have been close.
But I’m still here? I come from a time, before you were born most likely, when “destroying” someone actually meant something. Right now I’m taunting you and you aren’t doing anything about it. No, you are INCAPABLE of doing anything about it, aren’t you?
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I already did
Fuwawa needs to do a Fluffy twitter space.
Pretty sure its dozens of people on each side just aping each other since they're bored.
I was just fucking around because that little bit made me laugh when I was watching.
Yes, they sound a little different. Might be mic quality or a change innsettings.
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she does
God the twitter space was great. I can just imagine her shifting around against me. "Hoeh"ing and "Oheh" ing as she tries to get comfortable
I am at least capable of making you sperge out. kek. All those big words, trying to mask your worries that your bullshit will be exposed.
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They are both clean shaven
If anything, FUWAMOCO would love him more. They love antis and menheras.
>I am at least
I see, so you are settling for less because you can’t accomplish actually “destroying” someone (on fucking 4chan of all places lmao). I have literally taunted you and you can’t do anything about it. Pathetic bitch.
how come this place is always so negative now? it wasn't like this in the first 100 days
yeah sure, that's why they named rrat ESR for the second time despite the fact that he wasnt even in chat...
nonstop tourists and shitposters, that's why
I mean in the first 100 it would have been literally all tourists by definition since they were new
We used to have 100 days without a break. Now we can't go 100 days without several week long breaks.
different kind of tourist
you know how when a woman joins an otaku group, they all start shitting on each other and fighting as they jockey for the position of top orbiter? That.
Did you forget what it was like after JP streams?
plenty of vtubers go on breaks without their generals going to shit
tactical nuke
Honestly it was negative ever since they announced the move to Japan. Season 2 has been awful.
If they had just moved to Japan before they debuted, none of this would have happened
>Season 2
Easiest way to spot a threadreader
When shitposters and antis like you don't listen to them.
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Where did it all go so right?
Because you retards never thought they will move to Japan when they kept saying they would if given a chance.
When twitter and discord faggots stopped being bullied out of the thread
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When Fuwawa had sex with Mocochan
Since debut day.
When Mama Puppy got impregnated.
It's a simple term and everyone knows what it means.
I miss the days when we just bau bau at shitposters. That actually worked like a charm.
>"bullied" out of the thread
Kek nice rewriting of history. Everyone in this thread onverted into twitterfags due to FUWAMOCO's obsession with twitter.
Nah the move wasn't that bad. Most people were chill about it because there was a concrete time set for return. Then they came back and said it was gonna be a rought and light stream summer l and gave use September as a 'clearout of homework" date. Everything past that battle stream has been markedly worse for shit here, which means there's a chunk of fans who wanna be mad.
There's a difference between posting about FWMC's tweets and jerking each other off about likes and gossiping about other men's posts
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I feel like I'm in a fucking hyperbolic time chamber. Every single day I come here it's word for word the exact same posts every single day.
The same loops, the same menhera schizobabble, the same shitposters, the same copy/pasted walls, the same cuckposts, the same doxfags, the same paypig/twitterpig obsession, the same "oh man i just love them man fr all day every day" gosling posts.
How the fuck do none of you get bored of this shit? Do you fucks do anything other than shitpost all day I'm actually going insane.
>Told you on debut week they want to move to Japan.
>Told you during first 100 days they wana stream as much as possible because they know they will slow down when it gets busy for them.
Complained about it now when it happened. I am not buying this when they have given ample warning.
okay but how do you feel about Bae?
I jerk off once the shitpost starts, it's a nice routine
I made a Twitter just for FWMC and I regret it but it's also the best way to stay in contact with them.
holy baused kek i feel the same tho
I'm only here during streams and when I'm playing jong
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Stop ban evading, Baeschizo.
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The little Mococo sounds she was making was pulling at my heart
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i'm gonna do it
If you wana do it, do it. Why do you have to post it here?
Halo is shit
kys atm you fucking creep.
checking to know when the next gaylo night is
oh nyooo one of their 5k members is going to stop paying for half a pon-de-ring once a month
how will they survive???
If there is another halo night I refuse to play infinite
the only vertical streams that even remotely tolerable are karaoke, and even then it's worse than normal
it'd work just be really tiny
He probably isn't even a Mad Dog either. My membership will cover the cost.
>currency removed
not even that, it's BR or ARS
you're just saying that because I raped you last time we played Infinite kek
Any 3D game would work as long as they know how to set custom resolutions. A 16:9 game screen on a vertical setup sucks, but if the full resolution of the game is 4:3 in the first place, then it can work just fine.
Nope. That's why they didn't do it. 2hu and rock game are fine. MC just have too much stuff.
ERB's Cece voice is so fucking cute my heart actually skipped a beat
I vote for sticking with 3 only, so I don't need to keep a shitload of crap installed. Infinite is too big, the full MCC is too big, 3 only is like 15GB, doable to keep installed at all times for whenever the chance presents itself.
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>hiding your currency
I can smell your Brazilian unwashed self.
ERB chatting with the Ruffians was cute
I need anal sex with Moco-chan...
Isn't it good if they are gone?
aw she's a sweetheart, she should have made her oshi mark the red heart but I guess that's too generic
more on topic than halo
If you really want to see some unknown currencies go watch IRyS. She has a whole lot of 3rd world currencies that I've never even heard of before.
No, it's as offtopic as halofags. Take your fucking whore to her thread
they have talked about jong
they literally never talked about halo
>they literally never talked about halo
they did...but said metroid was better
Holo > Halo
>jongfag doesn't watch streams
Who is that guy?
why do nijisisters always push holo vs halo?
Fuwawa did talk about Halo when she accidently said Master Chief instead of Master chef. Someone said Halo in chat and Fuwawa said she would rather play Metroid.
Halo vs Killzone
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They did but said they aren't interested in the game...
And yet you only seethe about one of those things. Almost like you have some kind of problem with women. Curious.
Go on and spew your reddit words already
skibidy sigma
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crazy frog!
It's so hot here this weekend.
Houston bro...
The way Shiori responded to FWMC being into Sandstorm was really cute. You can tell she's holding herself from replying with some kind of joke, she's holding back laughter, but she also genuinely finds it endearing that they actually like it. It's more a disbelief kind of laugh than one of mockery.
I thought nerissa's reaction was cute. It got cut off by her discord settings and you cannot hear it from the other povs, but she was laughing non-stop.
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>Kronii will be in the collab
Well, since you asked so nicely: you're an incel misogynist
Sounds rude.
I thought she dropped out
so true sis
what's wrong with Kronii?
In case anyone else was curious, this is Unicorn Man, kek.
>ERB, Mori, Kronii, Ame, Raora,
They literally have every single undesirable in except Bae.
>tonights collab
Checked now, she laughed once for half a second, faggot. Did you learn to express yourself from english vtuber clip titles?
She's not in the collab, thankfully.
shiotyan love
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I'm not gonna skip it when we're about to go for a week without streams, but every big collab kind of sucked except for Amogus and picrel.
Shes in the collab her pov will be streamed and she's in CC's thumbnail
Really big collabs in general are usually to frantic/hectic for me to really care about, unless it's some sort of heavily curated game show type thing. I usually find myself checking out entirely when it's something like the huge Minecraft collabs.
1 on 1 collab any day now...
It's so fucking weird that the Holomem that are the biggest fans of Hololive in EN have the fan base that hates Hololive the most
i was chatting on FWMC's stream while using Shiori's audio because she was too quiet
It's why the summer festival format worked so well, there were some moments of everyone together and it was that chaotic shit, but most of the time you'd be watching like one POV with two girls going into Miko's haunted house. It was comfy as hell to follow your oshi through it.
I used Newissa's audio because FWMC would put up the away screen but you could still hear them on her channel.
buying gf
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sorry anon here is a repost
>>79990736 (me)
would you give this cutie 10k?
next thread will be better
Maybe in August... haha...
Why is Fuwawa always so horny?
Because she loves me too much
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It's been talked to death so just read this.
Why don't they like any sister sex art?
Because they aren't into incest.
skibidi gyatt no rizz are you feeling it mr krabs no cap hips don't lie
Why not?
They're not yurifags, they want sex with wuffians.
>obsessed with cocks
it's all so tiresome
Sister sex isn't yuri though
Shut up gabe
kroni sniffs boxers or something?
Kronii did nothing wrong
I love entering /baubau/ - Fuwamoco general, and finding zero discussion related to Fuwamoco.
Ame isn't undesirable, you're just a scorned teamate
Kronii did everything wrong
all Holos are good
Kronii doesn't care about FWMC
Kinda frustrating we have people hating on other holos here.
All the people who complain about thread quality are just as bad as shitposters and more often then not are shitposters themselves. They do it so they can have epic compilations for their seanigger drama videos on "the state of threads" or they are catalog tourists who pop in to see "how bad /baubau/ really is". If you were really in the thread, you would just ignore it and make discussion of your own. Announcing your intentions or observations of the thread is pointless.
>I'm leaving the thread it's gotten too bad guys
>Man look at this thread, what happened, we used to talk about FUWAMOCO here
>Every day is the same
By making posts like these, not only are you not contributing to discussion, you're just making more posts about "how bad things are" in an attempt to discourage other posters.
I can understand, even if I disagree with it, getting upset if your oshi does GFE and then does male collabs. But I don't get why they get so upset and feel the need to shit on what other members of the company that have never courted unicorns do, when they don't even watch them
And what did your psychiatrist have to say about all that?
Not reading all that
That's a lot of words when you could have just typed "I'm new and from Reddit."
Reporting those posts doesn’t work too. There’s just too many freaks and schizos here.
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normalized mental illness is still mental illness
Now that Justice will have monetization I'm gonna make the decision who my new main girl is gonna be. I probably will pick one with less big whales in the pond so I can stand out without taking on as much debt as have for FUWAMOCO
at least the jannies starting dealing with the actual rape and murder threats of the schizos here
Im so depressed
On the off chance this isn't bait, please consider Gigi, she has been getting schedule-fucked since debut and she doesn't deserve it
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Why is fuwawa making that face?
Good he's a manipulative asshole. He used to be cool but he's changed a ton since they entered hololive.
>When she sees my cock
>he's changed
No it's just that his true colours came to light
She's my #1 in Justice please don't post about her here and let these schizos go to Cici and the pink one
It's still a change. I've met him and he was nice and meant well from all I could tell. He was really supportive and went through some tough shit with holoCN. But now he's just been really off and I'm not sure why but it's sad.
Why do you wana stand out anyway?
don't worry no one here watches streams
Would his nemesis be Horse Man?
I'm not gonna lie, like others do. It's because the attention feels good and seeing it make a big impact in their lives feels good. When people like anan and the 20 other top paypigs drop max akas like it's nothing it just makes my support feel meaningless even though I know that's not the full truth.
Yeah, but you are gonna be competing with anan again.
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oooooh, Horse Man... VILLAIN IN DISGUISE
He can't possibly whale all 4 of them + FWMC. I think he's set on the green one which he can have her
It's just oldfag entitlement. He feels he's owed something or deserves special privilege for being an old fan of theirs and when them not playing his VN sparked a menhera downward spiral
I'm nowhere near even top 100 and I felt truly honored when they said they couldn't have achieved some of their dreams without my support.
Unless you have the big bucks to fight for top 1, you'll never stop feeling this way. You need to learn to trust your oshi.
I am pretty sure is 50:50 between her and GG.

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