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Yare Yare Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 7/4:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (6,982)
2: https://twitch.tv/sakurah (5,458)
3: https://twitch.tv/vei (4,802)
4: https://twitch.tv/Silvervale (4,273)
5: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,772)
6: https://twitch.tv/Sweetily (3,061) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/snuffy (2,826)
8: https://twitch.tv/nymphelia (2,595)
9: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,500)
10: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,425)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (7,051) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/soraposhich (3,897) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (2,591) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 8th - Lumituber & Marimari_en
July 20th - Callie Calico
July 23rd - Fallenshadow
July 24th - Yuniiho & Shxtou

>OC material for the OP

(embed) https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>80060981
she was also begging people like, two whole years a go to stop doing this else she'll close her DMs, which eventually happened but she can't stop people who already got access, and they just found other ways to dump on her like marshmallows
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oh sorry i'm not that anon, i just wanted to take a moment to appreciate shondo's perfect chest.
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bnuuy cnuuy
Shondos undeveloped chest area and tight labia minora
is that you "CC"
Chuubas with a tight innie and flat chest
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I love my duwag.
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Reminder to wear diapers to max your streaming time! potty breaks are a loss!
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I hope she's okay
I Love Lucy
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footy's live, we're on first vs /who/
The easiest way to bait anons is to talk about money
>no condor
not watching it, sorry
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I love my wife! She's live with a Dark Souls 3 marathon, playing until she beats the game with her strange build!
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Soya's corpsona? No, I'm from new england lol
roster hasn't changed since VTL6, this is a test cup. although if quentin's in better condition he will be playing so come see the coin toss
my first wife (now its lucy)
Kill yourself nigger
did you decide to ignore our suggestions for our own team if so fuck off
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tentacle sex with boss
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I love my wife, 7 days left
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There is not even a single 6figure here right?
love your birthday tile

Shondo dropping spoilers, looks like a sitting option?
nobody's changing roster for this cup, it's meant to be lower effort test cup >>80068067
Saru telling off a leech
It depends on quite a few factors. But the rule of thumb for me is that if they are an SFW streamer, they should look very ugly or I will drop them, and if they are an NSFW streamer, they should look hot or I will drop them.
I just don't understand why people choose to be poor.
if you're bragging about your wealth and avatarfagging a chuuba you aren't oiling then fuck off
Grimmi almost named her fanbase fanoms as wordplay on phantoms but her chat pushed her to grimlins
Bird sitting on my lap and shitting her diapers as she describes advanced scientific theories but all I can think about is the warmness spreading on my crotch!
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Good afternoon lig I blub my oshi very much!
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Love my wolf wife
She's still live in Scotland!
He should use AI art and do it anyways
>asking permission
should of just done it
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kek, added to the list
do it anyway, you idiot.
I made this post i want to steal Bird from sig(who is a mega bitch)
>Nina cut from the team
>Bean still in
>3 folowers
>no links to stream
He never had a shot
Why can Clio as old as she is stream regularly for 12 hours+ but your zoomer wife can't stream longer than 3 hours a day?
French dog won't do anything if he uses it, why ask permission like cuck
Your oshi is very cute, Max.
what the fuck is going on in /shon/
>pay an artist to do the work
wow she's learned hasn't she
this is why you never ask for permission from artists. better yet, do it with AI

>no you HAVE to pay someone $500 for your stupid fucking game mat that you're only going to be using yourself
the fuck are these conditions?
first time?
I see potential in this one. Saved
Liggers for this feel?
shouldnt have said anything. also why get her artwork instead of her on it? the one with the dog on the butt would be a good mat
roster's not changing this cup I thought about doing a recolor of a cc kk card as a shitpost but it was too much for what's supposed to be low effort
I hope he makes it and posts it on her tag just to make the worthless frech cunt mad
A general with 99% antis sometimes their antis bleed into here. Pay no attention to them
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Ret's Ro Ream!
lucy said the art was good, and it was the first time i heard that from someone. lucy love
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condor made it
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Here we go lads
Lord forgive me, she is absolutely built!!
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Whats more retarded is the art he wanted to use is of her old mouse pad, if he just made one and pretended he bought it no one is going to look close enough to notice it's a fake
Dude wanted to do something nice for her, and she wants him to pay several hundred for a custom mouse pad that will promote her, lmao. What a cunt
>Nina running an int build in DS3 but using an axe
>two geckos in a trench coat without a coat
thats cute.
what ligger could capture the feeling of a rare catch in a sea of bug trash that eventually became the mascot of the most popular brand in history?
when did Tob get cut from the team? I love her. Not even a batsard model?
Never post this tripe again!
i wish she was my wolf wife but you got there first and i respect it. i still love her too tho
I like Saruei but I've never known someone to have so many dogshit takes
idk, probably a lot of schizo posting like usual i would assume
You think you hate artists enough, but you don't
my wife on the wall of fame
I'm going to assume seat 2 has direct access to the exit row, so I'm going with that.
Crash this plane.
Bao's deadly braps
Mint Castella because it's old and fat
why does bat have blood on her shirt?
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womp womp
i am going to marry and impregnate my oshi irl
why is a our goalie a big fat bird, i do not get the joke
I would rather drive for 24 hours instead of dealing with that group of drunks and loud mouth attention whores.
>why is a our goalie
Mamma mia...
tale as old as time
>/choc/tuber actually choc
They're going to go wild
The plane is too small for distance from Bao to matter. I'm getting those braps either way.
i'd take 5 so i can sit beside bug tits and the married hag. they both seem fun.
1 Vienna seems nise.
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KEK fucking own goal
donkey kong fucked up
This isn't even the first time she's posted RTX
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Hell yeah
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>alllll round
>the fields, of ligma road
>where once we watched the queen, veibae sing
>we had oli on the wing
>we had dreams and songs to sing
>about the glory round the fields of ligma road
dog shit roster. fuck you
lol we still have funny Tob cheers, but no Tob?
Vienna would be easy to rizz up but Matara would jack me off without even asking, tough choice.
39 minutes until Tanya goes live playing the Oil Rig Eldritch Horror game
RTXposting is just gosling/paypiggie bait, any tuber posts anything RL related I drop them immediately.
everything about her is so sexy
shondo got blacked
next to lucy
if you look in the /vsj/ thread you will see that all of us unanimously agree that Sinder is better than Silver?
pls vote for the vtl7 roster
Chuubas should only post RTX if they want to have sex with their fans.
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Inislein, I just realized her red dots are becuase she's a cockatiel
shondo's body looks unborn
doesnt matter where I sit. I am raping everyone
why is this everywhere now? first saw it /here/, then on filian, now it's on twitter
i have a three pound can of mixed nuts
going to use her artwork for my own gain anyway
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-xx-xx]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Complete Hime Hajime [Starting at 2021-01-31 and running until 2024-XX-XX] and Bubivt Vod Archive: https://rentry.org/Hime_Bubi_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig


>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide

- Links for the 4chan (#/vt/ and #recanon) IRC channels: https://rentry.org/IRC_Stuff
Q. Was it Rats and Bats?
A. Yes. Yes, it was.
Filian did nothing wrong
Tidy finish from that guys mom
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she is extremely mating pressable
Cashews are good, peanuts mid, almonds best
Was the AX 3am thing good? That offkai set up with the vertical screen was cringe
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/who/ here
How much did you guys pay that monkey?
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Juni all you gotta do is call me
what if your oshi was just feeling cute that day and the pictures she posted were just of earthworms on the grass and wiggling around and enjoying dirt
those brazil nuts are teriburr though
stop liking saru. you might as well like layna at this point
Lucy chant is in
macadamia is king
It's at noon isn't it? It hasn't happened yet.
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so we should just like all the attractive thirty-something chuubas? ok
3 bananas. he's quite cheap
I will sniff and snort Layna's sick and incapacitated body only to anti her later on 4channel dot com
what mixed nuts contain macadamias? those are like $100/lb
very trusting lizard, not moving at all. must feel nice.
well that settles it lads, filian IS based
is it just a coincidence that the filian model did back handsprings just like filian IRL?
>scores a goal
We paid him in bananas
Filian is based.
nop you can set goal celebrations
What's going on?
So will Filian have the balls to go live today and do the AX IRL kek
Footy is on >>80067953
literally no good ligg... oh wait honey goblin is live. never mind.
cado ass
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How good is /who/ usually? Is it coming home?
Yep and TTS/Tangia will be "broken" aka disabled.
dont click cado hole
ligma balls in purple
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we beat em last time
It's not like the korean artist would be there to punk her live on stream. Collab with Bao might not happen but then Bao would eat shit from her fans.
shut up incel, stop pretending that beggars can be choosers
They are lying, it's all good and delicious
not many will admit this but while cado has a fucked up ass his cock is around 9/10 when erect
Thanks Fil, very cool.
This situation with Fillian makes her look retarded and whoever handles her money even more retarded desu.
Based and genetic plane crasher
honestly yea but no matter how nice it is its impossible to appreciate attached to such a nasty person
When I play video games I often say "that guy is raping me" if a boss is beating my ass etc. Do women do this and would they get away with it on Twitch dot television?
Yeah I think white foxes are based.
condor fucked up...
we're so done
what a retarded question
Kali ma shakti de
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Does anyone have the KK stuff that was in the booru?
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i would then imagine the boss raping them
this shit is lame af i miss goatse
Most likely dead already
I'd parachute out with Lucy
You are retarded
someone explain the condor joke to me
what's so funny, poo poo head?
you see its funny because
I do the same thing
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you had to be there
Based racist Polish girl
Please keep the condor. He did a good job.
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saru and shylily were hugging
I will now watch your chuuba
It used to be standard gamer language alongside calling things gay or retarded in the 90s and early 2000s. I'm kinda curious too if any chuubas didn't let go.
clauvio is into feet and wants you to make more posts about her feet
condor deez nuts
why is bat so cool onstream but so cringe in discord
Condor proving once again he's the best goalie
Gobbo is live with Crab
she stops pretending to be something she isn't. or she starts. either way.
yeah i'm thinking based
she's a pickme
i used to say this but then i switched over to "[the boss] is fucking my pussy" or "it fucked my dad" and i think chuubas should say this instead
For the same reason you're so cool in chat but so cringe on /lig/
Chappy is the ultimate grifter
she was milking drama some other polish 2view was having with her for like 2 months
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we did it
Lmao numi got robbed in LA
I feel like societal level tokophobia among young women is an understudied aspect of low birth rates
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I want to keep watching the queen but I'm so eepy this afternoon...
Yea, by Lucy
Not raped? Dang.
based criminals.
Yeah I like that too
i knew she was in trouble ever since she told that story about walking into a creepy white van with no hesitation
colon burglar strikes again!
oh shit we play again after the next game
Yeah, I stole her virginity
Drink a red bull
I doubt he's cool in chat either.
her fault for being in LA
if she really got raped and u celebrated it, that would be rude, u guys are stupid
Let me know when we're up next
how tf do you get robbed? just say no lol
>robbed in LA
So the usual then?
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Hope they stole her clothes
why would you go to LA lmao
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Hard to guard your personal affects when you are paralytic drunk 24/7
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thats where she lives u big dum dum... oops how do i delete this doxing information
Our match is over for the day ligga, where have you been?
>get robbed
>posts heart eyes
yep, it was her virginity
Guys slow down. Remember when somebody robbed her camera in Japan?
why would you live in LA lmao
stopped being an incel i love whores actually
i think we play again later, if i understand correctly
this reads like she loved it
dont lots of vtubers live in LA like nyanners and tob and most of numi's friends?
Commentator said we'll be up again today
>Numi ruins yet another thread
they stole the condoms in her purse. she wasnt gonna use them anyways
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we're the third match vs /hlgg/ now, right after /lia/ vs /pcg/ since it's a double elim bracket
they're still not gonna fuck you bro
yeah, she's gonna goon to the thought of it tonight
some people prefer death, decay, disgust and ugliness
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Nah she mad
good. incels look like this
hey what are those... those red things on numi's head? horns? ears? are they part of her body? they look like they're little plastic decorations
was it at gun point or something or did robber just yankked her purse out of her hands and ran
based robin hood
i robbed her so hard her pussy is like a clown's sleeve
i hate hlgg they have no sense of humor when i post about tob or filian or saruei
privileged asian girl just discovers what we brown and black people always knew, ACAB
yeah idiot, you're supposed to threaten them with a 10 round magazine glock
pretty sure that's just a noomba unless the implication is also there
Once he stops looking at bara he'll have a good time. I believe in him.
It was Oli
They love paying high taxes and getting robbed, case in point >>80070320
Layna's barren womb will never grow life inside it
huh. wonder if it was someone we know or if it was just some banger.
Sounds like she left something in an uber
i look like this and do this
To be fair to the cops Numi would probably get even more mad if they actually did something.
perfect finger banging position
aw man, the thread is going to be shat up.
>blue hospitalized

oh well I guess it was inevitable
>we have her location
are they following her or did she swipe a phone and they have the find my iphone turned on?
that anon that wanted a felon ligger manifested HARD
>her location
how do you get robbed by a woman lmfao
nah hlgg doesn't care about divegrass, they're redditor tourists
i've been in that situation before. i was in las vegas, and i could see exactly what hotel the thief was in and everything, but i couldnt do anything, of course
horns don't look like that.
Sounds like it was her Uber driver or someone who was in their Uber?
blame the minimum wage
Nina is very horny today, she stopped fighting the DS3 boss and spontaneously searched for Fanfiction of him
hehe bat condor
the best pick pockets are women, and quick, skinny girls. havent u ever seen any movies, they distract you with their innocence and good looks.
What happened to Kuu?
uber driver. They probably just left a bag with a phone it it, yet acting like it's GTA is content.
The poor bitch is going to lose her only job for not noticing.
numi's do
Kind of sounds like she simply forgot her phone in the Uber and the driver probably just doesn’t know?
did she say what it is?
Inis has just taken the record from saru for longest pre game tech support stream
where can i watch this live?
imagine all the gacha games she'll lose if the phone isn't returned
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Yoro met the gay porn star she wanted to
This is the worst version of this meme yet

The first I saw of it was a Southside version on Twitter
no it's an illegal hellholer alien
>robbed by a woman
Damn, I hope she was at least armed or this would be embarrasing
i dont think even numi is stupid enough to call that being "robbed"
Which boss?
here >>80067953
And now nina is reading nsfw fanfic tion on steram
who are some more vtubers like Inis who are unironically dumb and ditzy and slow-witted and it's not a bit
I wonder if Beri has a favorite gay porn actor
Numi tried to rape her next victim and instead got hoodwinked and her phone stolen. Classic Numi
I guess she was in an Uber with some randos then
I'd sit between the skanks
Why did Layna rob Numi?
I like mari
Yes plese
I'd go to the hotel desk and ask security
you know why, stop stirring up trouble
she smells like farting
Reporting petty theft has always been a formality at best. You're never getting it back, just accept it.
I still refuse to believe that bike cucks are real people
Why characterize it as a robbery if that's the case? Getting pickpocketed makes more sense.
A long term plan to destroy all evidence of the kiss that broke her.
that's just her full pants
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>bug on one side
>lucy on other side
>bugmom and ferrethag behind
7 is the only reasonable choice
pfff the hotel was on the side of town (They stole my phone and then took it to another hotel) and very large... so its not like i was going to go over there like I was a swat team or something.
that's even MORE retarded
why the fuck would you share uber with some randos???
it raises more questions
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chromu also smells like farting
who is that boot-licking weirdo, i have never heard of him. "god bless our officers".... who under the age of 70 says this unironically
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Bros I love whores, I love whores so much
Content. She said it was probably the uber herself.
yeah, me
why would you post this slander
If you meet someone and you're both going to your hotel, why take seperate ubers?
Filian stealing Numis shit now
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To get back at her. Now she has all the blackmail from Numi's phone and will blast it on twitter.
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kek is she really just learning this now?
Coqui, Yfu, Mari, Miia and Chromu
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hell yeah brother!
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/lig/gers for this feel?
Mari sounds like a prepubescent boy.
That would be out of character for even numi to do
Olivia strikes again
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>That's just living in a big city
I've lived in a city of around 5 million people my whole life and the worst that I got was a hobo scamming me out enough change for a coffee. I'm fairly certain Japanese cities are even safer. Is he just coping?
mari and chromu aren't unintelligent at all! they just have little baby voices
So you don’t have to ride with strangers
me but with dancer of boreal valley
those rabbits look miserable. i hope they were only in there for the meme and she wasn't actually carrying them around like that
I never tire of hearing Nina say these words
obese pig oink
So I don't ride with some possible thief?
americans are weird
Chromu doesn't fart SHE SHARTS
Not really. She said she was robbed of her camera in october too. She could be being honest, but wolves can only bite me once.
hey ivan how is your night going
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i hate shit like this
stop stuffing animals into bags or melons or whatever
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Tanya Live!
it gyo very byad. ukranian pigs pyut up big resistance. ze army does not give food, we starve
Better not be self harm
I hadn't heard her for over a year until the other day and I instantly thought she sounds like twice the boy she did back then
Where was she when she said that?
videos like this are why Kate Spade killed herself
>getting into a taxi/Uber with strangers in a low trust society
lol. lmao even.
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im so bored oomfie
That was at the end of her Japan trip. It was either on the way back or just before she left. You could reps if you want more info, but this story is a rerun.
And for what? Save a couple bucks? A couple minutes?
They're both fucking sub 100 IQ retards
Post the chappy segregation clip
Pyon pyon
lig's most powerful anus
>be a millionaire
>still try to save money by sharing a ride with literal strangers
lubbuh kiss kiss
Shes pretty funny so it balances out
I also watche'd this hentai
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Either rode with strangers or the Uber picked up someone else after she forgot it and they swiped it because she says they’re on foot.
aw poor gentilewomb
Ah yes Tanya is live and my depression can take a backseat!
i want to eat tanya's butt
boohoo buy new shit rich bitch
Need to shove the entire length of my tongue down her anal cavity
That's rainhoe tho.
Chromu is pussymaxxed
>captcha H4WVAG
Just walk up to her Numi
would sniff
So because she’s an established vtuber she can’t have things stolen from her? And if she does it’s just for content?
>we could've
so why you didn't then
But the kokoro goes into overdrive
like literally? Dungeon Meshi style?
how can you be so sure if you haven't heard her shits
Why do people say it was uber? Her friends are probably tracking her phone, someone could have just nicked it
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she should just tweet the perp's location instead, dumb bitch
Damn some of you guys are so calloused
i authored these posts
wrong. that's layna's beautiful IBS shitter.
she has never taken a solid poop, her ass is as tight and pristine as the day she was birthed. you could call it a virgin asshole
>some whiteknight noomba gets ganked on the street
>numi worldstars his last moments
Because she said it was probably swiped from an Uber
i have no sympathy for someone who is rich losing a little bit of money. none at all.
I hope it was another chuubas mod that robbed numi. that would be really funny lol
>that never would have happened if i were there

>then it's a shame you weren't.
Short memory-san...
Not a robbery then
Than try practicing more empathy
lmao no. bootlicker. they arent going to fuck you
If I'm going to get upset by this I should be instantly crushed under the weight of the infinite greater tragedies happening at this moment
Just don’t think any one would use that for content. That’s not gonna get you any more viewers or anything.
It gets your oilers to give you $1k for a new phone
Well that's true
my empathy is reserved for people who don't have massive resources to recuperate any losses
if my buddy steve gets robbed I'll check in on him or help him out, if rich bitch mcgee gets robbed well sucks to be you just replace your shit
It’s like I’m asking you to shed tears about it or anything. Just sucks that someone swiped her phone.
You don't have any empathy for others. Stop pretending.
She gets that every stream regardless
who ever said empathy had to be unconditional
I just have empathy for anyone who gets wronged. It’s called being a decent person.
Just robbed this dumb bitch kek
I think you’re just super envious of rich people
No matter who it is and who was robbed, thieves should all be beheaded
That's a bit harsh. Removing their hands should be enough.
They would be a burden to the society then. No mercy
Sarus being so nice on Twitter I'm going to be sick. Please call someone a retard or something saru
and you aren't? you think your windfall will come if you're a good boy? it's performative, I have empathy for the less fortunate, not for the fortunate who are wronged
and this doesn't preclude offenders from still being punished like >>80072293 is seemingly implying
Yes I wish I was rich. And what you’re saying just makes you come across as a huge dick
stop projecting
>dying of fentanyl overdose is police brutality now

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