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Is it unironically over for HoloEN?
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Yagoo also confirmed he's going all in on the money sink that is HoloEarth because he really wants to make a triple A game. It's looking bad
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you cannot take women born and raised in woke culture and expect them to successfully voice anime characters, dub never works it will never be profitable
Coco is basically the reason HoloEN exists in the first place. She indirectly cost the company millions
its a good idea tho in theory. they have the character ip, they have a need for a shared virtual world that can replace minecraft, they have a gacha-obsessed fan base. i have no idea why theyre failing so hard to deliver on it
There are double the amount of JP members compared to EN members. It's obvious this would be the outcome.
Or maybe the problem is in their audience.
Or do you want to dispute the fact that the entire concept of vtubing is much less popular in the West compared to Japan?
>A handful of different languages
What kind of lie is that? I have not seen a single stream from justice that wasn't in English
Pretty sure Myth and even Council have earned their money back and some... so where is this supposed money sink?

Also not making as much as JP isn't too crazy considering JP Holos are part of massive ad campaigns and company collabs. I mean HoloEN hasn't even had a Cereal or Oreo collaboration yet.
It's over, I am selling my Cover© stocks right now, can't believe I ever thought this anime woman streamer company would ever have fans
>replace minecraft
Why? It's literally the easiest game to set up multiperson collabs with the least amount of money with like a million game types and mods to keep it fresh. And unlimited Permissions.
I'm just curious as to how much money each member takes up since he said the reason he's not looking to hire more members is because they wouldn't get as much support as the other members. What the fuck are they spending so much money on?
You seem lost.
he said why
they can have their own game that they fully control, with its own gacha, and all proceeds going directly to them
>the American group is not AS profitable
In other words, HoloEN is making a profit.
>What the fuck are they spending so much money on?
their 300 man game dev team
>What the fuck are they spending so much money on?
Managers to manage the new managers they've hired to manage new members. And to pay the perms guy an extra $20 a month so he can do 5m of overtime per day.
personally i got bored of it years ago, none of the mods are particularly interesting to me
CC and RR used German and Italian now and then.
>He hopes that they will get a return on the investment of their North American talents
Which means they don't get a return off HoloEN so Yagoo decided to buy an office to make a profit
Here comes the JP larper.
Because making a game is hard. And they went from making a ping pong vr game to a AAA open world, multi-player, gaas, gacha game. They literally picked the worst, hardest option. The only way it would be worse is if they decided to make an MMO lmao. It doesn't matter if they hired veterans or some shit (which I doubt) if management doesn't have the experience to know what to manage for. They should've started with something simple like Marvel Snap but for hololive, a mobile game with live2d assets. Gain the experience building the servers, delivering updates, managing a team, etc.
OP makes a bait thread without even reading the contents of his own image. Or due to SEA-ness misinterpreting it gravely.
HoloEarth is going to pull a Concord
NTA but I find that extremely hard to believe. What the fuck are they blowing their money on if they can make money off a band of consistently 4 or 5 view streamers? What's the source of this statement?
Maybe they should've been humble and started with something smaller instead of trying to make the next big gacha game.
These guys have no idea how fucking massive America is. Opening an office, highly likely in California, is just a waste of money and time. To travel there you still have to go to the airport and stuff unless you want to drive for like 40 hours with no sleep. Not to mention California is expensive as fuck. They gonna sink in sooooo much money just paying for the building and minimum wage there it's like $20. The moment they open office there they are in for a world of hurt. They gonna lose sooooo much money.

Yagoo is trying to make a triple A game and is tanking the company profit with it
Nigga please, just by opening an office alone will save them a ton tax. Also, it's already open for sometime.
The bills are tanking them. The yen is way weaker than the USD and California is the most expensive state in the country. They're definitely losing money on the building
It’s going to be a massive success and make everyone on /v/eddit seethe for days
It's been over for HoloEN for 2 years now
Only mindless drones watch them these days
What happened was, they inves... burned all the profit on stars en
Oh look it's this thread again.
He said he hoped that upon opening the North American office for hololive (Cover)...
You left out the most important part. The investment that they hope to see a return on is that office, not Myth or Advent.
I would dispute it, mainly because anime has never been more popular than it is right now out West. The problem stems from the ironic anime culture, not "woke" culture whatever that means at this point. Its the fact that despite anime and gaming being mainstream, people had the "these hobbies are nerdy and therefore childish and shameful" thrust into their head and it'll take more time to fizzle that out. Considering millenials were the ones who pioneered cons in the West, and are reaching their 40s, more nerdy hobbies are becoming readily accepted, where you'd have even people up to their 50s going to cons with their spouses. An era of not giving a fuck and just enjoying yourself is upon us. The start was in 2020 where HoloEN had that boom and while obviously Covid helped that out, this is true on the Japanese side as well with people staying with their favorites from around that time mostly. But I see things stabilizing now with Advent and now Justice where its eking put solid fanbases, especially with Advent, that indulge in many talents other than their oshis, and the talents themselves spark and are invigorated by their senpais. EN ain't over unless Cover gives up on it.
Do you think Tokyo is cheap or something? Also the yen is weak literally doesn't matter when US fan are paying in dollar.
Opening an office in California is the first step towards a silent takeover by Americunt investors. Glass the westcoast and then glass it again just to be safe.
Then he'd have said he hopes to get a return on the office, not a return from the American talents
>Yagoo also confirmed he's going all in on the money sink that is HoloEarth
HoloEarth might earn a profit given enough years but the main loss is that money and dozens of employees could have been used on something that directly benefits the vtubers. They could have improved their Live2D model system, hired more staff for 2D/3D outfits, and updated their method for game perms. There are so many other things in Hololive that would have given more to fans than a new way to shill paywall concerts.
he didn't said shit, that shit is not in quote.
Isn't Holo already selling out to Black Rock?
that is more reason for them to open US office.
You do realize that EN still make a shit load of money right? The problem is their support structure is non existence outside of Japan.
Merger incoming
>Don't provide the same support as JP gets
>Shoot down talent projects that could have brought in more money
Management are retarded
They are. Phase hasn't though, and they also aren't going all in on China like Cover is.
Sure, which is why HoloEN is a long term investment, and why so many indie vtubers are going closer and closer to the fleshstreamer route, almost as if their vtuber persona becomes a liability the instant they get moderately successful.
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>Top talent doesn't stream
>Don't graduate her
>Spend money shilling her in random normie stuff
>I don't get it. Why aren't we making money?
perhaps they should consider allocating their resources to girls that will use them more efficiently. Just a thought
Blackrock needs to be dissolved by force
Buying a building in California and shelling out a shit ton of money on bills because you think it'll make you more money on an unprofitable branch is just not a good idea
The fact that Yagoo has already dumped over 15mil as of last year into the game with no return in sight
Gura single handedly more than quadrupled the size of the company....
This is an objective fact by the way
Holoearth isn't a gacha tho. Their monetisation is based on digital scarcity which is a retarded concept. As in they can and have, sold out of jackets for your in game avatar
ENShart... Yagoo already admitted that EN is still not profitable after four years. They're hoping to BEGIN seeing profits from them and are opening an office as a last ditch resort.
Every single time that an entertainment company tries their hand at making a game, it fucking flops. They should just stick to singing and streaming
Having more of a support structure would certainly help, but I don't think it would be enough to propel their views to JP level, though I would be happy to be proven wrong.
If it's as you say, then having a NA office is a good start.
This entire thread is fucking retarded, regardless of viewpoint.
You cant fucking read, he said that they are not as profitable as JP.
>Haven't even begun to make a profit
Yeah... Really great job they're doing...
Shut up, Larry. Rub yourself in baby oil and slide down the stairs head first
Anon there's no world where that's true or even believable if you even took a second to think about it
>They're aiming at streaming in more languages
>The Europeans primarily speak in English and barely speak in Italian or German

So justice flopped
he said it's not as profitable, which makes sense because JP is profitable not because of gachikois, streams, concerts or any of that, it's merch deals and big partnerships. commercial partnerships are always the route to greater profitability. streams, merch, concerts etc all don't scale as well
What happened to phase this time?
Views don't matter here; EN already makes more money per talent than JP, but they also cost more. Also, at least learn about all the bullshit that Youtube does to its number before talking.
Holy retard.
>He said he hoped that upon opening the North American office for hololive (Cover), that the agency will BEGIN to see a return on their investment of their North American talents
If he's hoping that they'll finally begin seeing profits, that means they've been completely unprofitable these past four years.
All that size just to not make a return from the entire branch. Tragic
>Making up sentences that don't exist now.
Still cant fucking read, btw.
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Pippa sucked off another groomer.
this thread is so weird. why do you care about do cover profit or not? the point is talent was getting the bag, and open US office means more liscening, collab, merch for EN = their bag will be even bigger. so what's the problem? or are you implying EN talent won't earn anything in 4 years?
It probably doesn't help that a lot less of the more well-known holoEN vtubers stream with any frequency. As much as streaming might not directly be their greatest source of income, it could still pretty much be a case of 'out of sight, out of mind' for a lot of people.
Meanwhile on the JP side, you have big hitter veterans streaming daily or almost daily.
Sasuga plapkin
Gura merch makes more money then the rest of the company combined
Seethe about it
You do realize that half of EN isn't even in NA, right? And that he is talking about the office in California, right? Still can't' fucking read.
(me) Like if you oshi cover than it makes sense you care too much about cover profit. but this is clearly an anti thread.
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phasechimps made this fabricated, looping, thread btw, reminder to never let phasebvtm monkeys get comfortable
Wishful thinking doesn’t get you anything, anon. You’re acting as if you have raw data in front of you when the precious noombers haven’t been released to affirm any statement, regardless of who made it. Every time this statement gets quoted in an OP, it’s always the same thing: Kensama espouses his retardation, and multiple different assisting retards salivate at what he’s saying.
If they aren't getting returns from Gura, what makes you think they're getting returns from Kiara?
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Let's see who is behind this article!
Who knew that the jap company would have an easier time partnering with other jap companies to promote their jap idols but not with na companies or the na idols, especially when they squandered the peak they achieved during/after lockdowns. It really boggles the mind(jap).
Still can't fucking read. Show me what investment before was excusive to NA, like an office in California.
Phase niggers make 90% of anti and shit post threads
My kamioshi will save vtubing when she returns as an indie
I haven't played it :P
The idea is the same though, it's all for the purpose of creating the easiest possible pipeline between the fans' wallets and the management's wallets, from that angle Holoearth makes sense
They probably bit off way more than they could chew though

Nah, Holoearth has appealing characters with preexisting fanbases. Even if it does fail, it's not going to crater like DEIcord did
Strike one.
Point out where in that sentence he's talking about the office. He specifically mentions that they hope to see return on their investment of their TALENTS, meaning he hopes the talents will finally make a return on their investments. He would have stated he would like to see a return on an investment on the office if he were actually talking about the office.
Strike two.
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Well he's a troon but that doesn't mean he's not a good jo-
The Dodgers collab. Stop coping. He was talking about making no returns off the EN branch
What a fucking retard
Pretty much. Raora's alright but the other 3 are just rehashes of already existing HoloEN girls
People like you are the reason Peanuts need a warning that they contain Peanuts
>they primarily speak English
Whoa! Impossibru!!
do you see Quotation mark? no? it mean it's not what HE SAID
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Lying Nigger
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>ex sweet baby inc. employer
>jew shill
Stike 1 2 and 3
Holy cope.
Which is funny as hell, because of the sheer gap in disposable income between Japanese otaku and Western anime fans is gulf hard to close. Primarily because on the western side, the mindset of just attempting to find any way to get your entertainment for free because of harsher cost of living causes a vicious cycle. While in Japan, Healthcare is better, cost of living can be mitigated, and people have better methods of transport on top of healthier lives because many places are accessible by walking and not cross country. They got their own issues, but there are reasons why the public up to now had that rep of "buy two limited edition super expensive items, one to use, one to collect" kind of culture. And on the Western side, especially with Covid, scalpers being a larger issue.
And what is that investment then?
All that money and EN still hasn't begun to make any profit. Sad. Seems like the EN girls are eating too much of the pie.
Die, kensama
2% Rapesanji...
And that's not including all the other investments we don't see.
They aren't getting shit. All of it gets funneled to HoloEarth devs and staff
>Pekora, Sui
>NA talent
Still can't fucking read.
Wooow another timeloop
You think the girls are paying for their own lodging when they go to Japan?
NiggerSanji troon...
Literally every talent has that, so what is excusive to NA talents?? Literally only the office.
>Investment exclusive to NA
That means things that are only in America. Not only having american members involved, retard. Are you going to say that their New York concert wasn't an attempt to invest in NA?
The biggest monetary liability is Yagoo and his perseverance on financing shit that simply does not work. the horizontal shit, holostars, and holoearth are the three biggest money sinks and he complains about hololive english.
Did he really say "return on their investment"? That kinda sounds like HoloEN is a money sink...
Wait. One thing bugged me on this, wasn't the "office" in California a distribution center and not a headquarters?
NA talents are far more expensive than JP ones, especially considering how many of them have restructured their contracts over the years. Notice that there's always drama about whether EN will update their contracts. Meanwhile it's just a given on the JP side.
No, because you can buy streaming tickets literally everywhere.
It is. Four years later and HoloEN still isn't profitable.
What drama? The one in your head?
>yet more retards dogpiling on a thread that’s been repeated 2000 times
>its a good idea tho in theory.
See >>84617945 they've skipped into a huge project with no experience. Also with no clear goals into what they're aiming for exactly, especially the combat and building mechanics looking like an afterthought. If they're trying to make a game it should have already been present from the start as part of their game design since currently it looks like they're just trying to do add everything that just looks cool or present in other games. Which also feels half hearted with how long they add it specially things like scooters.
What drama, you doublefaggot? Where’s the proof?
>triple A game.
>Gets laughed at by every vidya game reviewer outlet on how mediocre it is
>Kills Vtuber vidya
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Fauna is easily the most popular EN and she's a leftie vegan who lived in LA. Try again.
ok rrat time, jp is employee and EN was only contractor.
But it will also deal with licensing, sponsorship and collaboration, which is where most of the money comes from.
HoloEarth is unironically going to kill Cover. This always happens with corpos that grow too fast. They think because everything they've done has worked well so far, this should work too. Can't count the number of times a company has collapsed because they invested in some bullshit multimedia project.
They already added microtransactions and artificial scarcity for buyable digital items in a game still clearly in early development. Remove the holo brand and it just feels like a greedy bland project overall, it can't even compare with vr chat which is the closest thing to what metaverse and yagoo was originally aiming for.
faggot, your based and red pilled vtubers are the fat kirche bitch and plapkin you really gonna sit here and try to tell me muh poleeteeks matter? lol
No, JP holos still have to do their own tax.
It can already host a concert, they just need to expand it so that 1 million people can attend the concert and it will be absolute kino.
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Fuck it let's go even deeper.

February 14 2019 Ana Valens (another tranny journo) writes an article on Catherine full body with Hashimoto.

>“Though the character is popular among Japanese audiences despite her identity as a trans woman, the inherent transphobia written into Erica’s character is reflective of Japanese society, as conformity is part of the social constructs within the country itself,” Hashimoto writes. “Erica is the product of misinformation about lifestyles that were not visible, and still remain somewhat invisible, in a conservative society.”

>Granted, Erica is complicated, messy, and problematic. Yet while the game looks down at her in times, she’s still depicted as a sympathetic female character. In an interview with the Daily Dot, Hashimoto stressed that the most important thing about Erica is her identity as a woman, how she’s influenced by gender norms, and the expectation trans women feel to pass as cis in Japanese society.

>“Is she a positive character? I think that depends from person to person,” Hashimoto told the Daily Dot. “At the time I thought it was positive, but the game treats her as dishonest and paints her in a horrible light so it’s hard to argue she is good with that intent in mind.”

>While Western gamers have called the pushback against Full Body “manufactured outrage,” this is untrue. Queer Japanese gamers have been speaking out about the game’s handle on Erica online for quite some time, Hashimoto told the Daily Dot. In one case, a blog post compared Japanese and Western reactions to the remake, concurring that Full Body’s content is transphobic even if “the ‘intent’ was good on behalf of the creator.”

If you played Catherine before it's clear this person never played the game but what's even more interesting is that after the article he shilled a completely unrelated troon game. Sounds familiar? >>84619644
I feel you’ll keep crying about this until the end of time.
Isn't it funny how holoearth could have been used instead if minecraft for ENReco with alternate reality and shit
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your game doesn't even have a shopping cart lol
>something in development is currently still being developed
It takes away fans(as always with non hololive projects) from attending live concerts. It also cheapens the experience overall if that's really what they're aiming for.
At least four of those things JP resident Holos check off just being in Japan, one possibly could have nixed HoloEarth, invest more at much lower cost with HoloIndie if they want their own game (go AA first instead of AAA), and give subsidized housing to Holos who want to reside in Japan. So people wouldn't need to dump their hard earned profits on their own and the stress they'd need to get acclimated cutting into gains they could have given you being able to stream, see FWMC.

Well, now that Breaking Dimensions pretty much proved that they are profitable, and would have gotten even more money had they had a bigger venue, perhaps he'll stew on that a little more and see that yes, ventures with Stars and making AAA title by themselves when they've barely broken out from being a lower level tech firm turned talent agency. Being ambitious is good, not having clear road maps is bad, see Bungie as an example, and they were far more experienced with far more capital.
Yagoo was talking about their US subsidiary they just opened up the author didn't realize there's a difference and confused it with holoEN.
I hope that helps.
They're too embarrassed because HoloEarth is a shitty buggy game already
That's because those lazy mutt whores aren't streaming.
With how long it is on development, it feels shallow with no core.
look through the thread and you see the author is an idolfag (the jew shit not jp idol) and very much a incompetence troon
That's just usually happens when non video game companies make video games
how long?
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From how Yagoo explains it in this interview it kinda gives off the impression that they really had to ask the Dodgers really hard for the collab to even happen. It might not have been as beneficial for Cover as it might seem aside from the prestige.

I think japanese corpo autism is at play here. I vaguely recall an article about how FFXVI/FF7R "Fell Short of Expectations". It's not like those tittles weren't profitable. It's that they weren't as profitable as Square wanted them to be. It's probably the same thing going on here. HoloEN is profitable, just not as much as Yagoo wants it to be.
Yagoo had to beg the Dodgers to collab with Hololive. Kind of stings
ppl make a mistake think Cover is giant corp when they still a nobody in entertainment industry. same thing with BD venue
One minute apart lol
Cover is still an underdog when you see a big picture.
Couldn’t be more obvious
This is a two fold bad though. Its clearly not really going to be so much a game as a vehicle for fan-talent interaction and more accessible concerts, and with how that recent mobile app was handled, they sure as shit ain't ready. The other bad part is just not having the experience and probably not using some of that bloated budget to consult actual gaming companies. If Square can swallow some of their pride go their competitors, Cover sure as hell should.
He's fucking cock riding Riot Games, the game is already fucking buried and it hasn't released it
Around three years.
>HoloEN is profitable, just not as much as Yagoo wants it to be.
Often when this is said, it means it failed to cover the cost of his other projects like the example you've mentioned with final fantasy.
Maybe cover shouldn't inflate their image so much in the EN space? I have a feeling their thinking is affected with holojp being big in japan.
It feels like that "realistic dragon mmo" meme. Just add every popular gaming buzzword and pray it sticks. Of course thats the worst way to build a game that only autists or 12 years old think might work.
>sexually harassed his handler
did he told her to handle deez nuts?
>I vaguely recall an article about how FFXVI/FF7R "Fell Short of Expectations". It's not like those tittles weren't profitable.

Well, that is a whole other kettle of fish in that Rebirth has had one of the highest customer satisfaction ratings for a long time, but it didn't push the units or PS5 sales because a lot of people were waiting for PC. It ran fine on PS5, but the memes about the PS5 not having any games had already reached too far, even in this RPG Renaissance we've gotten and still are getting. So not entirely their fault, the fanbase partially made a good game look bad because of silly things. The other part we're seeing is Sony's fuckups since the pandemic, and continuing to fuckup when they should be having grand slams. Devs suffer because suits can't take their noses out of their and their shareholders buttholes. Thats industry wide.
He had to beg AND pay out the ass for a collab. Grim
This, do not let the sisters fool you with their bs, saying something is not as profitable as other thing doesn't mean it's a money sink and there's no return, do not forget that Gura alone and in 1 run sold over 3mill dollars worth of merch in taiwan and had later 2 more runs. Just like this anon says it, they are now investing money into HoloEN (thing that should've been done ages ago instead of kneecapping them with no 3D and omegatroon) had Yagoo or cover played their cards right HoloEN would be on a whole different level
TLDR: HoloEN makes a ton of money but not as much as JP and it's because they keep understimating their EN branch, case in point: over 20k people waiting to buy the concert tickets on day 1, the concert was for 3k people max
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>paying 70k for Miku to be on your shitty 3D debut
Using company funds to get a collaboration with your favorite baseball team is way more grim
>BD sales opens up
>over 20k people waiting in line to buy a ticket
>Mori gets pissed off and sends the qeue line to staff
>staff is impressed
>''Aim for a stadium next time''
Nah, you niggers are understimating how big holoEN truly is with your constant tribalfaggotry
The only example I could think of that kinda works is pocketpair with craftopia but even then that game is filled with lots of content as compared to whatever it is cover is doing with holoearth.
Using an entire fiscal year’s worth on buybacks was pretty radical to me, desune.
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The merge incoming sister
This is gonna fuck them, ite clear they dont have the experience to make something of that scale. What they shown so far is amateur hour, if it wasn't a hololive game it would be one more of the dozens of early acces crafting games on steam.

No that's different, both those games were made to make huge numbers and just didn't deliver and did not get alll that great work of mouth. The ff7 remake project has nostly been a failure, theirbfault for for remaking one game into multiple parts
Vtubing is an unsustainible business that will be known as a flash in the pan in terms of otaku culture. Vtubing won't last anywhere, even Japan
Plapkin was just pretending. Pippa isn't even a weeb.
Should have focused in doing more english content then. Especially songs and EN hologra early on similar to what they do in jp
>streaming won’t last, it’s just a flash in thr pan
Perm team and management to shut down talent projects.
Don't use my wife to spread your false bullshit ever again, you delusional sapling.
To be fair, that is the basic modus operandi for large corporations to do that bit of financial smoke and mirrors. Scummy, but as common as doing layoffs to trim the fat and funnel more of the company profit to you and your shareholders.
The manor hurdel is just culture. Americans think its weird. In my college marketing classes one of the key points was the US market likes loud and badass, look at how videogame covers change when jp games come to the US, its an example of that. Marketing a group of cute girl doing cute things and singing is gonna be an uphill challenge, especially in the US. I dont think you guys understand how big of a change it would be if they do manage to go mianstream in the US, but maybe right now there is a chance what with the growth of anime so the US audience is much more open to japanese weirdness than let day boomers in the past.
No fucking songs and no idolshit. There's no idol culture in the west.
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I think the main problem is that no matter what, COVER keeps saying they are a tech startup instead of a VTuber company and software dev is their priority.
So, one must imagine Tanigo as someone who's trying to branch from VTubers while using their IPs while not losing focus initially on them because he has no guarantee VTubers will still be a thing or be a profitable thing or worse yet, be profitable in the way Hololive does them in like 10 years and beyond, and much less if most of their star roster of talents will still be in Hololive by then. Cue them trying to sprint through development of so many things.
Remember something, Sora only exists because she was supposed to promote the Hololive App. The thing that eventually got canned and now is spiritually succeeded by HoloPlus. But there's a sorta problem with all of this, and it's that the VTuber aspect is strongly tied to the company's operations, so we have this weird dissonance in which the company is first things a software company but it's also undeniably a VTuber company now because the later is the reason why it doesn't just die.
>In other words?
They are investing in so much semi-VTuber related stuff or barely fully related to talents because they suspect VTubers will exist in the future, however they also suspect their own popularity might be a FAD. So staying as they are might be suicidal from a business and stability standpoint.
And considering recent events, revelations, chains of misfortune and a lot of bad things from their main rival company (for now, Anycolor), it's safe to assume all of this can, at any moment, fucking collapse because it's built upon a fragile trust. One that, when put in perspective, is really insane.
I don't know how I would operate such a business, I would probably have stepped down by now yet Tanigo is still there, facing it head-on. That guy must have the patience of a God or something. I wouldn't know how to deal with so many issues + women.
We're going for a 1k venue next time, believe in management.
Due to how it works currently, that's unironically the only way it will happen.
But not anytime soon and worst yet, it's not going to be a peaceful thing.
We won't live to see that happen. Which in a way, might be a silver lining.
Then they are fucked because what else if there for Hololive? Its CGDCT, thats aa big part. If there are no concerts then how do they make money. Fruity Pebbles isn't gonna do a collab if they arent popular to begin with.
Idol songs are the most weakest songs in hololive for me.
>There's no idol culture in the west.
Kpop simultaneously ignited a brand of idol culture and reinvigorated boy bands in the West. WDYM?
Not as profitable as JP ≠ not profitable.
The JP branch is not only larger but also has been around for longer on their home turf (Japan).
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>last paragraph of the article paints a good picture while drama faggot cum addicted op is trying to make rrats
I agree with you anon, which surprises me how even tho Hololive has a few menheras and got rid of the biggest one, they are mostly on fiendly terms with each other, even Mori said ''I don't know howmanagement does it, but so far I haven't met a girl I dislike or been in bad terms with'', Cover is lucking out in kind hearted people who are mostly introverted
And yet none of them had ever suggested a homocollab on stream with any CGDCT talent to inflict social pressure.
Kpop audience is largely female and did not influence the mainstream as much. Hololive is more Jpop.
That's not about EN branch, retard
Gee, it’s almost like we’ve FUCKING HAD THIA THREAD THIRTY TIMES ALREADY or something.
>The journalist's opinion is more important than Yagoo saying EN makes no profit
They should just stop tying the hololive brand into every other projects they do then.
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You don’t even have the fucking noombers.
>Cover is lucking out in kind hearted people who are mostly introverted
Imma market hate
Noombers are meme since every report proves that streaming is where they make the least money
Not really, due to how stocks work BlackRock just invests on everything that publicly lists itself.
Then the other companies or individuals with stock might get tired or want out of the stock so they sell to whoever offers more money for their stock, usually what happens is that they immediately run to BlackRock which just throws money out of the window for anything, or they just sell it back so it becomes publicly listed stock and BlackRock automatically buys it, not even as malicious buying, it's just an automated transaction that BlackRock isn't even aware of and they couldn't care less because this same operation happens a million times every single day all across the planet.
Repeat this system and as the years go by, BlackRock goes from 0.7 percent to 1% ownership, and it keeps growing as more people and companies want out, then they get into double digits like 12%, then quarter percentage like 25%. Usually this is when things get really grim anywhere else but in Japan due to how JP companies cannot outright sell to foreigners, BlackRock and co. cannot gain ownership of the company through this method, they get sorta "circuit broken" and it stops somewhere along the line. What does happen is that they get a lot of power when it comes to decision making. But again, I don't know how COVER handles their stock so who the fuck knows what's their plan against this?
>Aren't they aware.
Most companies are aware, they just don't care.
If it's going to collapse, by that time everyone who let it happen already make bank so BlackRock can have the corpse for what it is still worth.

He said not as profitable, retard.
I am not surprised because JP has always been the main market of VTubers.
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>not EN branch
So you’re making definitive statements based on said memes? And you can believe other statements without the presence of said raw “memes”?
pewdiepie/asmongold but anime girls.
The “haven’t seen a return on investment” part is about the CoverUSA office, which both the author of the article and OP are intentionally conflating with the talent side of things to misrepresent the situation. People in /#/ looked up the author, and it’s a troon who previously wrote articles using the Selen/NijiEN situation to shit on vtubing as a whole.
That's twitch space and is not as big, if thats what they gotta do then they are fucked
I forgot Pewds was a thing. Glad he's living the life and not losing like most of us retards here.
But he's not anywhere near to how a peoper VTuber is.
>HoloEN isn't profitable
>hires TWO(2) Stars gens back to back when they don't even pay out in japan
What the fuck was he thinking
Doomsday prepping in case Female VTuber popularity implodes.>>84623564
Pewdiepie gained his place as Youtube legend and is now chilling, he's been in the game longer than any Vtuber could ever be
Asmongold is mostly a react streamer, leaning into evrything, from games to politics, his audience is so brainrotted that think that common sense doesn't exist outside of Asmongold, if you ever thought Vtuber fans were friendless losers, this guy's fanbase takes the cake.
I meant old PewDiePie. They just need to grind out content daily for years playing fotm games. That's what the western market wants.
If you watch her at all you can see she still very much has old world sensibilities despite her beliefs.
Assmongoloid is the type of person that appeals to Americans. That's how tards like Pippa can gain a following. Just look at the state of EN vtuber audiences and streamer audiences in general.
What are either of their positions on Israel? Last time I watched Kirsche it just seemed like milquetoast dramabaiting.
The Western market is so fickle compared to Japan, its almost impossible to know what they want. Especially with Zoomers.
Is that not the fault of management and not the girls, I mean why did they not sell out for more sponsorships when they were the hottest thing around?
All big streamers make a way more from sponsorships than from anywhere else.
Is craftopia even that popular? It seemed to me it was like that pokemon ripoff with guns. Famous for a couple months but most people have moved on lately. Anyway, the thing with those companies is that at least their one game is the focus and they have like 12 - 50 employees that all work from home so it isn't a big deal if their fanbase is small but loyal. Cover has to juggle 20 different projects and 90 talents and like 500 employees besides the HoloEarth shit.
Unironically and without any attemp on my part to be funny because thsi will sound ridiculous.... Americans don't have fax machines.
Women are much larger consumers than men, and it's not pop culture because it's locked out, not because it isn't popular. Maybe if they "diversify" it, it will be allowed to influence.
with talents like gura who never streams of course they are not profitable. fuck gura.
It's ADHD without any loyalties
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>Among Us collab
>reprinted Myth textbooks
>Gura Nendoroids 3rd rerun
>Sushiro collab that mocks Rushia's lifetime superchat earnings
>Japan Aquarium collab in the middle of nowhere
>more earbud collabs (Gura absolutely destroyed Sora in the first one)
>more expensive chink shit collabs
>more Omocat collabs
>Dodgers collab
>EDF collab
>Round1USA collab
>Bandai x holoEN collab
>more voice packs released than the JP counterpart
>Connect the World won an award for YAGOO
>Vaultroom x Gura collab

what do you call this?
I just meant the implementation of adding a bunch of shit that looks cool or nice which holoearth seems to half ass with how long they update things with little content.
Its a shame Gura is the biggest EN because simply she doesn't wanna put in the work, if it had been someone like Kiara she would be out there grinding 24/7 pushing Cover.
Guys, I know you want this to be about wokism, but Rissa is left as left can be and is a kpop fan. Not just Asians either, my totally left leaning Black mother in her 60s likes kpop. American Pop in general was very much front loaded by women. With ladies throwing their panties and fainting at MJ. Which is kinda funny how much guys are labeled as coomers for their oshis but that was a common thing back in the day.
least obvious phase anti shilling their shit post thread to create drama. you do know even as a Phase enjoyer even we get confused why you compare us to Holo. Easier to compare with NijiEN
I...guess? It feels like something more fundamental would stop her even if she was the company figurehead for EN. Its not like she doesn't have a loyal fanbase, doesn't have a ton of money, or doesn't get sponsorships. Didn't she just have that EDF sponsor thing alongside Gura?
imagine being salty over this thread when it's relevant
More or less this. COVER has always been more than a VTuber corp. In fact it is why they are now making there own card game, a TCG can go bust, but games like YGO, MTG, and Pokemon, has shown if the base is there and willing to dedicate time it can be big, and like YGO and Pokemon, there is a IP to attach the game too making marketing even easier. I can see them going into VAing as well and just general studio work.

But honestly, who really knows, what I do know is that it's not just VTubing.
a waste of money
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Total domination.
Seems to be quite the opposite.
>What happened to Nijisanji THIS time?!
How come people don't say this now whenever someone talks about Hololive in a bad light? Its always the inferior company phase.
NijiEN are practically in their caskets by now.
fauna is a right wing trump supporter from florida that eats lots of meat everyday
Yeah but blaming phase just doesn't feel the same as blaming NijisaniEN.
They are different kinds of pests. NijiEN was a hive of wasps and phasefags are a pack of fleas. Both are annoying in their own rights.
unironically you phasekeks are the bigger en corpo now
nijien has no potential for growth
HoloEN is a flop. A shell of their former selves
Two more weeks
Interesting. I honestly thought the reason you used them as a scapegoat because NijiEn was done to death and you wanted to use someone else ya know?
>you phasekeks
Ignoring Tenma (when she plays a game I like), please do NOT label me as a 'phasekek' please.
It's been four years with no returns made
>drama about whether EN will update contracts. Meanwhile it's just a given on the JP side
>Aqua just left
Fuck off with your holo vs holo bullshit, sister.
imagine spending this much money on a hololive themed ark survival game rumao. yagoo has simultaneously made 1 bad decision after the other since he introduced ENvtubing.
retarded take. maybe you're poor but the american market is the single biggest market in the world for just about everything. eg. apple makes 8x revenue in usa vs japan, lvmh makes 4x.

anime in america still being relatively small is the issue. until someone like gura becomes as mainstream in us as suisei is in japan, EN will be less profitable. if gura is able to do a mcdonald's partnership for example, then holoen will make 8x holojp revenue.

streaming, concerts and merch are extremely difficult revenue streams. if EN profitability goes up, it will also inevitably mean less streaming because streaming is probably the worst effort-to-revenue activity any vtuber has. i think the current situation is ideal for fans.
Pretty weird because fleshies are fucking rich and they get most of their money off streams and deals
Do you even know what you're saying, ESL-kun? What does that have to do with anything?
Kiara does not have the personality or the mentality to be the face of HoloEN. She whines about management every other week
>merch is a difficult revenue stream
are you actually retarded? the costs of manufacturing in 3rd world countries are so low that you could sell it for at least 20x the cost price in burgerland
kpop unironically shows what EN corpos need to do if they want to be anything bigger than they are today. kpop used to be restricted to cringe ass koreaboos outside of korea. now blackpink and bts are printing money being billboards for fashion houses, there's no need to keep up as regularly with their most loyal fanbases.

one day a monster ass vtuber will come along who will make vtubing go mainstream, and once that happens the paradise of vtubing where vtubers actually stream and interact with viewers will be over. we'll get giant stadiums and gura doing collabs with seaworld, fortnite, wingstop and fucking hawaiian airlines
yeah merch makes money but it doesn't scale. you think any top pop stars or sports teams actually make a reasonable chunk of their money from merch? how much of bts, bruno mars or buffalo bills' revenue come from merch?

the other way for them to make merch actually a giant revenue stream is for the merch to go general purpose and mainstream. like mr beast with feastables, or ksi and prime. prime is valued in the multi billions. one stupid ass generic sugary drink brand alone is worth more than a century of ksi and logan paul's shenanigans on the internet.
>how much of bts, bruno mars or buffalo bills' revenue come from merch?
>not as profitable
>still implies it is profitable, just maybe not to the same extent as JP which is somewhat understandable since it is also a small talent pool
Media illiteracy is on display it seems.
>Biggest EN branch event ever with social media buzzing 24/7 over it for a solid week.
>Despite all the overlap every Holomem is still solidly at least 4-view territory.
>Baitanon: "Is it over for HololiveEN!?"
Shit thread. Not even over, it's not even slowing down for HololiveEN. Justice are gonna be absolutely huge after this.
all they really need to do for HoloEN is to sell merch in appropriate quantities. Open a few distribution centers in America/Europe to cut down on shipping,do marketing tie-ins. If I see a HoloEN themed soda I'm buying the whole set even if I don't drink soda. It's really not that hard of a concept. They constantly underestimate the audience in the US/Europe and underdeliver on everything outside their streaming presence. There's no reason why fans should have to wait a year to buy a plushie, and Americans don't value limited-edition rarity like the JP people do. Make lots of merch, stock it well and put the girls on products, fuck Neil and fuck Susan (RIP)
Justice was hired to appeal to people who speak other languages and they only stream in English. They giga flopped
They should have leaned on the idol stuff and make a rythm game, the outfits from the gacha and the autism with having all the cards per event would have been profitable, and it would be a smaller loss in case the game flopped. Literally no one asked for Holoearth, and it's so expensive it can't be memoryholed in the case it does badly
>"Hope to make a return on investment soon"
How the fuck are they not already doing that?
I watch a lot of normie youtube channels and there are loads of sub or around 1mil subs that can employ entire teams and the channel owner still gets rich as fuck. And these are channels with subs and monthly views very comparable to the average HoloEN. Like how can a normie sports or car channel with 800k views have 15 workers on it and the owner does a house tour of his newly bought mansion but cover has barely seen returns on HoloEN? Does Gura have like 500 handlers or what the fuck are they spending so much money on?
They're tunneling all the money into Yagoo's shitty glitchy triple A game. Those YouTubers also own the channel which they run like their own company which is how they're bathing in money
>how much of bts, bruno mars or buffalo bills' revenue come from merch?
Most of it. Boy you really don't know what you're talking about
>be JP
>like half of your fans live in the same city
>be EN
>like half of your fans maybe live in the same country
It was never a fair competition.
>mainly because anime has never been more popular than it is right now out West.
What kind of anime?
Spending all the money on shit like that instead of improving their rigging which is falling way behind. The fact that Gura hasn’t gotten a 2.0 in 4 years is absurd. And then they debut CC with her weird mouth.
Catalog threads prove one thing: Phase-Connect doesn't deserve spot #2. At least Nijiniggers own up to their treachery. These people are cowards of the highest order.
Phase will reign over the bodies of dead bodies of JP corpos in the end
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>Digital scarcity
So.. NFTs then?
I'd like to remain hopeful but I can hardly imagine their first game succeeding regardless of how much they invest on it (just look at concord)
It’s obvious they are profitable but they unironically might be counting the homos since Omega is the one who pitched it to them. Also there are double the JP girls than En and JP girls have home advantage with studio time and Merch Shipping
My crazy rrat is Tanigo just wanted to make VR games all along but A-chan made them into an idol agency.
Their EN talents were more popular than their JP talents but they just left the branch to rot for years, so now a lot of western fans hate Hololive.
Vshojo unironically mogs them. Mousey can make $300-400k on a single subathon clearing every single HoloEn profits
I mean, pretty sure Aqua was a wake up call for a lot of anons when it comes to Vtuber as a business
If they forced them to stream a minimum amount instead of just letting them effectively soft graduate after 1 year, they’d make more money.
>Kpop simultaneously ignited a brand of idol culture
See, that's the thing anon
They promote
>A brand of idol culture
But it's not THE brand of idol culture Hololive is pursuing, otherwise AKB48 would be the first to profit from that, not Holo
HoloEN management is full of changs and jews so its already over
>until someone like gura becomes as mainstream in us as suisei is in japan, EN will be less profitable.
And the mainstream media companies in the US will make sure that will NEVER happen
>kpop unironically shows what EN corpos need to do if they want to be anything bigger than they are today.
Anon, K-POP has the backing of the fucking Korea gov
Ain't no way Cover, hell, Vtuber in general can have that kind of support
if they stopped hiring lazy woke whores it would help too
It's going to be a blemish on their reports and investors will pull out harder than before
>just look at concord
>woke slop
HoloEarth won't even be that bad
Ty nigger~
It's a glitchy piece of shit. Concord being woke is a non factor where most western games have fag flags everywhere
>Concord being woke is a non factor
Did woke shit kill Overwatch and Apex?
i don't understand how they're not profitable? what kind of fucking expenses do they have? they don't get anything from the corp except for an iphone and relatively simple models lol
I miss when we can call games shit for being shit and not just because "muh woke"
China and Israel tax
I would love for it to be a massive success but realistically speaking the problem is that we're, what, 3 years into the development cycle and the game doesn't seem to have a clue what it's supposed to be. The main premise seems to be a weird survival craft gacha with fashion and not much emphasis on survival. It's like ARK but in unity and with the most boring ideas possible. the enemies are basically creatures like wolves that rarely seem to actually be any sort of problem. Outside of Japan I don't think many people will actually care about the fashion elements and with so many other survival craft games with more extensive features and content. Like Palworld, Ark 2, Enshrouded, and God knows how many others, I find it difficult to believe that anyone will really be that excited for the full release.
I also thought that you would be able to play as hololive members but it doesn't seem like that's the case based on the last playthrough of it. So I'm slightly confused as to where the "Holo" part of "Holo Earth" comes into play
no one plays them anymore, retard
most western games are also flops, the whole western games industry is dying on its ass due to wokeness
Well no wonder Yagoo sold Gura off to the VCR Japanese Ecelebs. HoloEn not making money isn’t something I think I’d see but fuck must be true if a journalist wrote about it
We need more managers to shut down projects and forget to renew perms to help the en girls burn out
What's woke about it?
I assumed no one wanted to buy some piece of crap game when its competitors were all free.
>Believe Covers own reports
>believe Journalist who used to be a nijifag

Damn I guess I know who to choose
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online now/top online today, retard. And it is just steam
Make VR games... with Sora?
Helldivers 2 is still good, but for some reason players are quitting because it's too hard? idk, you can just set difficulty 1-10 so they must be trolling.
you will never be Japanese
I fucking hate yagoo. Him and his cronies have thrown the girls under the bus several times for interviews and financial reports but NOT ONCE has he ever admitted that holostars is a fucking failure that he keeps alive simply because it's his own personal pet project despite nobody liking them at all, and he in fact debuted MORE of these fucking things with homoEN. Fuck him, stupid faggot. I don't believe his nice guy persona at all nor do I believe a fucking word that comes out of his homo loving cocksucking mouth.
The game would have had a better chance if it released like 2 years ago but the pendulum is swinging and the market is very saturated at the moment.
You think that publicly admitting that a branch of your business is a failure is good for stockholder interactions? Are you retarded? Everybody either spins or denies this kind of shit unless the company is at danger of failing, which Cover is nowhere near.
Cover blatantly tries to hide negative shit like the homos in their reports anon come on. Those reports might as well be their own handwritten puff pieces.
Helldivers 2 was accidentally good literally because Sony didnt give a shit about it, they were too invested in their other live service games
The second sony started paying attention to it, they started ruining it
....so how's Niji EN doing these days, eh?
There's no one to believe. The journalist is a retard who mixed up HoloEN and the new Cover US office, that's why it's confusing.
Anyone with half a brain understands that, so obviously we're getting bait threads feom the usual idiots.
It seems fine to me but their new content is always buggy.
Does rigging matter that much?? They do all those expressions and fancy motion shit and then use nothing of it.
While it is true that from a player perspective, eastern games are returning to 90s prominence, monetarily, its still stuff like Fortnite that is on top regardless. And the issue is again, not wokeness but greed and mismanagement that the gaming industry is this profitable and player contentment is ebbing and flowing wildly. Thank goodness Square finally at some point decided investing in new blood already, which ironically is bringing Sakuguchi back from his Mistwalker grave back to big Daddy Square's arms. But my point is that what is always the issue in this big ass gaming development studios is the captains of their ships, Western or Eastern. We just have more greedy fucks on our side who saw the infinite money funnel of DLC, expansion packs, preordering collectors editions, in game shops, and then later on mobage in all its silly maximum soul sucking money grabbing for low cost, and just ran with it. Along with the whole layoff whole teams when you make big profits and suck in more money to the top strategies, that is the problem. Can't say the side more into employee welfare started that while spiral of greed.
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I think better rigging makes the experience worse, it pushes the model and interactions towards the uncanny valley
>someone with no expertise goes into a field they aren't qualified for
>produce a shit product for great expense
>Gigi, the runt of Justice, 4-6k for pretty much every stream the past week
>Liz, /vt/'s least favorite Holo, 2-5k every stream for the last week.
>Both while getting overlapped by Myth, Promise, and Advent.
>"Justice giga flopped"
Do you really believe that? Do you truly?
Its not that don't, but I'd like to see control of the user, latency, and the quality of the rigging in depth for each model. People say Nerissa's is bad but she gets some hilarious shit sometimes, especially in tandem with the eyes.
Well, if there's recession then people can't afford games, and people don't have time to play games or watch streams because they're busting their asses on job searching and training.
And economists all think there will be more recession after Kamala is elected because she has zero interest in the economy and will probably try to stick it to companies to make her crazy anti-corpo voters happy.
So, probably gaming and vtubing is going to plummet for a few years.
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Nijiseethe: The thread
>Fail to appeal to the European market
Yes. They don't need people watching, they need people buying merch. Justice failed at getting Europoors to buy shit so they flopped hard
I don't think any amount of money from those investments will help HoloEN, They're already at peak, giving everything they have
If Yagoo wanted to succeed he would have just kept HoloJP and spend on their budget to improve their obvious cash branch HoloJP which is their biggest and most profitable one
Seems like they no longer have any investments for stars
holoen isn't completely funding all the dumb shit yagoo wants to do so they aren't profitable
Fortnite isnt really making much these days and you have to reach for nearly decade old games to talk about any western success
Look at Hyenas from SEGA, it's the exact same pile of shit as concord but how is it the result of greed and mismanagement? The same company is putting out tons of japanese hits under the same fucking management
That's what people on this board have never understood. You can be "successful" with a 3 view dedicated fanbase and merch buyers but a lot of Holo fans are just watching. They're not buying
Unless somehow you think the market is naturally gonna curb the egos of a lot of these executives boasting salaries and stock options in the numbers of sometimes mega lottery winnings, I don't see why we shouldn't stick it to corporations. To keep this relevant, people at that level have ceased to fear reprisal of workers at this point, which keeps positive change stagnant, lowers morale, and enables foolish decisions cratering multi millions like HoloEarth and Sony increasing the PS5s price in a region going further and further handheld. Executives have become kings with little in the way of checks and balances.
Reminder that this article was writfen by a known Californian Tranny holoan, that was advertising for Idol
I don't know if she's a lefty but she's definitely a chud so I like her anyways
Well not just people on this board, casual Twitch users and some of the crazier Stars fans who put the onus in the wrong place. You support your oshi with memberships and merch, they are seen as more viable for sponsorships. The other problem is clippers and content creators who make content by watching clippers feed a vacuous self destructive loop by making people believe they support their oshi with nice words, even if they don't watch them. Its a sad thing, and made further ironic where those reactor content creators gain fame and then take sponsorships themselves, their own merch, and promote donathons. Its pretty vampiric if you think about it. But its the game.
>easily the most popular EN
why are c*cklings so delusional?
Cucklings seethe once again
HoloEarth is not about making a game, is about making a PLATFORM.
Better 2d/3d/lives/whatever will mean shit if youtube/twitch fuck up with the monetization/rules or just kick holo out. (this is also a reason cover can't get long term contracts)

Will likely fail but they had to try and will try again, is about survival.

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