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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

/uoh/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/can2cy5H

Previous: >>84539820

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
Its time for you to groom Irina in discord
Actual real and good loli thread >>84636629
Whats the point when she doesnt let anyone chat
I fucking love Khubie!!
(Currently live)
over 9000 years preferably
Which cunny gets quality nsfw art the most consistently? Either corpos or indies.
post full model plz
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VRChat | There's so much to explore!
That's not loli, that's basically a standard anime character.
hey retard para is called a loli and her model doesn't look like a child at all. at the youngest her model looks 16 so are you trying to say para isn't a loli?
chumkeks eating good for literal years
I would convert for Mond.
I assume because janitors feel that it's too close to IRL talk and they want to avoid this thread looking like actual pro-pedo discussion and it doesn't even matter that the question was asked in a fictional context. The latest batch of janitors have seemed especially strict when it comes to image enforcement as well.
Someone got banned a couple days ago for explaining what cunny is, they even said anime. These new jannies are crazy
no one can top Irina, she's 3 months old
So >>84643256 proves it's not even because of offtopic. They just don't want any age discussion at all even though pretty much the defining feature of loli is that they are shaped like pre-puberty anime girls. The question didn't even sexualize the age. They probably killed it because they don't want a flamewar of antis coming in.
>They probably killed it because they don't want a flamewar of antis coming in
We both know that won't stop them, they just hate us
all of you are stupid, gay, retarded, and just as brain dead as the anti lolicons that think we like the real thing. stop discussing age. it doesn't matter. all of you have rotted your brains so much you can't tell the difference between sfw and nsfw or know where the line of fiction and reality is drawn.
/jidf/ never seemed to have this problem. You could go there and literally ask for sexy children and you'd get loli vtuber art and you wouldn't get deleted. It's specifically discrimination against /uoh/ and it's been well known for years that this thread is heavily patrolled. Why are we still here?
>you wouldn't get deleted.
Same with /hlgg/ and /ggg/
>you don't know what fiction is
Explain to me how I don't know what fiction is because I admit that fictional age is just as much a thing as fictional height or species.
just say what you mean buddy so they can ban you
Her boyfriend? (Me)
I know 4chan has the feature where staff can post as staff. They could literally just post here as staff and explain what their enforcement rules are for this thread. But they just want to fucking torture us instead.
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Post more lolis
Rev needs to become more cunny like this.
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>discusion of age. on a fictional character.
you can say whatever number you want it won't change how they look. this character is 93 years old because i said so. just enjoy the thing stop bringing irl specifications and ideas into anime. you see cute thing. enjoy cute thing as it is. you're adding things that are irrelevant to the picture. it's like putting saracha on hot chips.
imagine not clapping her purple demon cheeks.
The chuubas themselves put ages on their characters, are we just supposed to ignore it?
>stop bringing irl specifications and ideas into anime
Why do I never see people like you arguing against saying fictional characters being male or female humans when obviously they are just pixels on a screen?
Are we just not allowed to describe what a drawing looks like now?
i dont care, i will clap those purple cheeks
dont care. She is peak brat
like i said: that character is 93 years old. it doesn't change how she looks because it's a drawing. you can put whatever age you want as a vtuber no one is going to remember or care except for the anti lolicons that go "erm, this character is __ years old. anyone who looks at her is a groomer irl." the age thing is just a fire starter and doesn't add anything. people will uoh at your appearance.
>arguing against saying fictional characters being male or female humans when obviously they are just pixels on a screen?
i have no idea what you mean. you can uoh and say erotic at anything i don't care. they all are just lines and colors adding age specifics is unnecessary unless you're building a world around them like an anime or manga
>doesn't add anything
I like knowing how much the girls are age regressing when I watch, it makes the streams more enjoyable
>people will uoh at your appearance
Because the character appears to be... what, anon?
My point is that this argument only comes up when the character appears to be a child. I don't see types like you replying in the "we like older women" thread with "but they're just anime characters, they don't have ages!" or if somebody says they like anime girls you pop in and remind people that drawings don't have gender.
because there is nothing taboo or immoral about gender while age obviously can be. most of us prefer to think of lolis as something that doesn't exist irl and bringing precise numbers into it just binds it closer to real MAP shit for no reason.
and it's not even meaningful in the context of that question because there's a huge variation in body type/personality within the same number, there are more creative/precise descriptors you could use
You dont even watch vtubers
When someone points out enjoying rape in hentai do you chime in to remind them that they "shouldn't call it rape because it's just pixels on a screen" and it "just adds unnecessary tabooness to the imagery if you call it rape"?
>>people will uoh at your appearance
Because the character appears to be... what, anon?
what are you trying to say? you're just stacking argunents at this point. i'm a lolicon. i enjoy lolis. we are having this discusion because you stupids don't know how to take a hint when being watched by someone who is accepting but strict.
>My point is that this argument only comes up when the character appears to be a child. I don't see types like you replying in the "we like older women" thread with "but they're just anime characters, they don't have ages!" or if somebody says they like anime girls you pop in and remind people that drawings don't have gender.
because i don't go searching the internet for arguments. i post here and added my two cents. i don't care for older anime characters. have you seen what they did to hatsune miku? they gave her the obese thigh thing where the fat is being squeezed by the socks. it's gross. i don't care about gender stuff. shotas are boys. lolis are girls.
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Why are this (fictional(not real(drawings))) anime children vtubers so hot? ToT
We watch anime characters literally murder each other and we love to watch it. Are we not allowed to say that the imagery depicts killing because you can't kill a drawing?
i replied late that other perosn isn't me. and both of >>84648403 those were me
yes retard you can say they are getting murdered. you can say they are getting their pussy filled with so much cum it comes out of their mouth. those are things that are physically happening to them. my whole point is giving a drawing an age when it is only a drawing and not a story attached to the drawing is stupid.
this creature is 78 years old because i said so. it's still a loli. i'm still going to uoh.
And what do you do when your uoshi (in character) says that she's a child? Pretend you didn't hear it?
i stick my fingers in my ears and repeat "just a body type just a body type just a body type, she could be 20 or 30 or 40 or 80, it's just pixels it's just pixels" until the bad thoughts go away
>my whole point is giving a drawing an age when it is only a drawing and not a story attached to the drawing is stupid.
you're just stacking arguments now. what does this have to do with you saying "this drawing is __ years old"?
you have my respect anon, you are a good viewer
This isn't a drawing thread, it's a loli vtuber thread and almost all of them do some form of age regression
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do not
yes i know that. i'm saying going i'm __years old" "she is __ years old" "my oshi is __years old" is stupid and the janny is problably laughing his ass off at us argue over nothing. the reason all of your posts got deleted is because discussing underage is zero tolerance. all of you saying ages under 20 didn't even get banned because they know but they don't want you talking about it.
i like how me saying "giving an age to lolis is dum" got spun into "don't sexualize drawings."
>janny is problably laughing his ass off
sorry anon i'm pretty sure janny is a they/them
you bigot!!! the janny is a xe/xem, respect its pronouns!!!
fake news. if the janny was a they/them me saying i would do things to anons boy clit wouldn't be deleted
She is breaking traffic law!
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Who's this? I've never seen her before
This is giving me motion sickness
This loli is playing a very violent video game.
This is yuii's new model
i found her through a collab with sleepsheep. i forgot to follow her and she recently got recommended to me. she's a cool nasely loli.
nah yuii is the master of less is more in model making. yuii would have one color hair and some colorful clothes that's not a rainbow assortment of colors
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Miwa deleted all clips of her real voice
Not surprising desu
not sure why i should see this as a negative. she obviously wants to be a loli and likes it. but going from ur take, It's actually better if she does not want to be a loli and i still get to treat her as one. I promise you nobody cares about this except you
Nothing in here
so am i suppose to continue posting about miwa knowing this retarded schizo is lurking 24/7
i wouldn't recommend doing it sadly and in general, if you find a good uoh chuba do not post it here
Just like with someone else eventually the thread will fall to shitposters and fags and it'll be an issue to talk about or mentioned her. I don't know how this entire board turned into such a shit hole.
i blame /shon/ fags during her hiatus
Her real voice
nta but yeah nothing
now kys
It was happening before that though.
Wow... this thread has gone to shit, thanks to those who do it for free.
that's true but i still blame those fags
thats not even her art style whatsoever
Why are you falseflagging as a Taffy fan while shitposting in the thread with pedophilia
https://x.com/frailpwuppy/status/1831862078979895534 Found a new lolituber, hope she doesn't turn out like all the rest.
>not posted in any vtubing hashtag
Its fine to shill yourself but dont pretend to be one of us
She was RT'd by my oshi and I know people have been looking for a new lolituber so I simply just wanted to share.
be nice to newfriends you dingus
https://twitch.tv/fwofie small
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And just like that shes gone
Why did she leave us all hot and bothered like this
She hates us
I love khubie
Yuii's the master of obesity
based. i'm buying her dinner next paycheck.
You can have Magyosen's sloppy seconds.
i'll fuck him too.
why don't you do this with the other girls who interacted with him? why even bring yuii up in this thread?
Because the retard is obsessed with antying her
She is such a sweet girl why? I cant imagine living a life so miserable that you anti a 1/2view
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Who is this slut?
I feel bad for the people missing out
Miss out on what?
What do you mean?
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Never share it
Never planned to
fuck u get me invited to neppies tier4 discord server already i hate missing out
Neppie really is the best at e-sex.
dude you literally just have to donate above a threshold and not be insufferable and she'll invites you
your tier 3 subs counts towards it so if you're not a newfag it's not even that much
Literally just dm her and ask nicely. It's that easy.
Why is Mond being adorable? Is it… no, it couldn’t be.
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I wonder what she's doing right now..
Fellow Khubie enjoyer, hiiii!
I hope she is alive
What the fuck happend here why was >>84640467 deleted it was literally just a png of a uoh vtuber's model we not even allowed to post lolis anymore guess it's big booba hags only now
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Pretending to be retarded just means you are retarded
She is ovulating.
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what are you trying to say you fucking retard explain why it got deleted
Mond literally can't ovulate. She doesn't have period. She is dangerously underweight.
Daily reminder Kanzarin needs more daughters
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good posts

hey nigger look at this and tell me the jannies aren't the fucking problem
I blame the anti baking threads on page 7 so that actual /uoh/ regulars can't
it emboldened the anti jannies because there's no one left that cares about the thread to fight back against unjust moderation
The only problem here is you ban evading, but you are right that the mods are also at fault for not rangebanning you permanently
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the only problem here is you being a seething retard lol get a fucking job nigga do you really just lurk here all day reporting any signs of happiness or joy while you take janny dick up your ass
Did you know that people can delete their own posts?
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waxed miwa cunny
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/uoh/ has been experiencing cultural rot for a long time now.
pastebinfag's hijacking of OP is just the most recent of many things driving people away. multiple regular bakers have been shut out by pastebinfag's hijacking. they will no longer feel invested in this place.
moderation behavior has changed for the worse, driving more people away.
"post cunny to validate your argument" is no longer the norm here, inviting low-quality posters and bad actors.
also i think the thread has just been up for too damn long. it's been a while since we've had a multi-day break and this has often helped to purge some of the crap.
and i think too many people are just too lazy to use the report function on low-quality or troll posts
yeah I agree
I've been here since the first thread and helped it survive the purge, but I'm no longer invested in it
>"post cunny to validate your argument" is no longer the norm here, inviting low-quality posters and bad actors.
>and i think too many people are just too lazy to use the report function on low-quality or troll posts
those are a direct result of
>moderation behavior has changed for the worse
if the mods don't like you they give you a vacation for "posting loli porn" or "trolling/false reporting" if you try and ignore actual rule breaking posts
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Child Vagina
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wholesome shitpost
this model was better why did she downgrade with the new one
it was a premade thing and her new one was actually made for her
doesn't make the new one any less ugly
>waterboarding you
As in piss? There is no other meaning
Every single one of her ASMR titles is clickbait but there is some genuine content in there that will satisfy you
I love her new model
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cute bunny
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Panko manko ToT
>wake up
>33 deleted
What the fuck, this thread has been tame
it's uohver
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I hope Yumi feels better soon
Not a loli why are you posting this off topic bitch
Artist doko
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you're not a loli why are you posting in this thread
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they are not sending their best
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I think twisty nijisanji might be sex
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Best Cunny? Worst Cunny?
Best: Rimaeri
Koa is so Cute and Funny
Best: Gura Worst: There is no bad cunny ToT
Irina embracing her latinx heritage
>There is no bad cunny ToT
These are wise words
Irina, my favorite br*zilian vtuber
Watching, but well
>Sub-only chat
I guess I'll be here
subscribing on youtube is free
anons do I have any chance with Irina if I'm a latinx?
What flavor of spic is this?
Iberians are spics
so, do I have a chance or not?
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She's going to get a lot of mileage out of this
I assume it's similar in Portuguese, no?
irina already knows all this, spanish and portuguese are pretty much the same language
holy fuck... amo a mi hermana menor...
>the double meaning
>argentinian spanish
I see, Irina is training her racism, I'm proud of my little sister
she has to visit her father's summer home after all
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are you sure about that
I would put my dick inside any cunny, so there is no bad cunny for me
I should have paid more attention in Spanish class
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manifesting art of twisty's squishy tummy
>containment thread for a bunch of in denial ped*ph|es
I find it pretty funny that kana's fanbase is mostly spanish speaking and they straight up flooding the chat
the loud latinos stereotype is true and alive
I'd give this brat 20 kids
it was never a stereotype, the spanish community has always spammed in chats all the time
I'd fuck this cunny so hard I would cure her from every STD she got fucking other guys
>weird pedophillic sex fantasy when exactly no one was asking
she already has 5, each from different fathers
Irina insulting in argentinian spanish is making me feel things
i think you should wear a condom with that one
Might as well make it 6
>Kana struggled to find insults that weren't racist
I see why her and Irina are friends
To be fair here that guy will never have a need to wear a condom probably ever…
You post like you don’t have a personality but also have severe depression
Anon, this is literally on her channel
I'm not chatting in eigo there
Kana literally said: "Please don't say anything about minorities" lmao
>Mexicans are monkeys
She couldn't stop herself
was this one never posted on twitter or was it removed? excellent pussy shape ToT
Irina has found her soulmate
cant maro miwa, cant post on /vt/ because of a schizo, i killed the dm earlier. its unironically ovar
You sound like you would molest your siblings kids or something, is there any way you can stop sounding like that?
get in line
Sorry I'm her boyfriend already (I'm telling her you said you loved her tho)
I made this post
The funny thing here is how ugly you are irl and how this is a pipe dream fantasy that you enage in with these other fail sons.

>”uwu dis woman who pretends to be a kid for me is my waifu uwuu”

That’s fucking hilarious
>Irina calls you a monkey her next stream
What do?
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Look like someone is jealous he doesn't get any cunny baka
throw a banana in her face
>barking dog in background
>some lonely fail sons attempt at coping
don't think it was ever posted
Irina ama los perros
that's a lot of projection anon, you sure you're alright ?
>Irina doing a spanish only stream
oh no
>2 years in the making
I hope they collab more in future, Kana is cute
This isn't even NSFW
maybe the janny is getting jealous that we want to fuck other woman
LMAO deleted again
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Why the deletions
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Janny on her period + thread schizo reporting every single post. Unfortunate.
Because it's uohver. It's been uohver for a while, but now it's turbo uohver.
mexicans aren't minorities so it's ok
sorry jose
Nothing stopping you from still doing it
He doesnt know spanish
I fucking love Khubie!!!!
the voice is a bit too forced, but she's adorable nonetheless
wrong, I'm browner than bambi
soon all streamers will sound like this with the power of ai
Vod of a Kiki twitch stream is starting
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I miss my wife
Zenya ASMR
she is dead and the accident wasn't your fault. you need to move on. find a new oshi that loves you as much as rima did (impossible)
Bonnie stream
>find a new oshi that loves you as much as rima did
Anon.... I dont think I can find anyone who was as sovlful as Riri was.... I Live off of the 3-4 streams I have archived of hers
(Didn't stalk rima out of your undying love for her and make a copy of every stream from 2021 to now)
ogey thwed mu mamy says it night night hours buht me have nightmuare and whokeup gibe nappy thuime story to helps muh sweep please thaynk uuu
>find a new oshi that loves you as much as rima did
Kiki's pretty lovely, and her fanbase is very welcoming
I am not usually an archive anon unfortunately... The ones I have archived someone else archived them and I just stole the files kek

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