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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

/uoh/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/can2cy5H


Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
Extremely cute feet
Surprisingly neither of the vallure cunnies do any feet stuff
I fucking love Khubie
>almost no new cunnies in 2024
this shit is over saturated as it is
I only need 1
>wake up from nightmare
>Ellie's asmr puts me right back to sleep
Thanks Ellie
we got imouto brocon kusogaki >>84539820 she plays the character very well, i think she counts for 10.
she's faker than an hollywood actress
disgusting person and gremlin feets, she is good at making me wanna throw up
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Name 4 actually good, stable, entertaining, good-long-term-outlook non-menhera cunnytubers
Name one (1) bad hagtuber
there are none
uhhh PixyWixy, Koragi, Mumkey or if not counting her Cuemew, if not her then Hunneychu, Kissiechu, LunaPawsu. for the hag I don't really watch any desu but uhhh KawaiiGrin maybe?
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Yumi impregnation.
yeah, she is perfect.
You want to see the true bad feet look at this artist she can't draw feet on any of her models to save her life. Its a real shame since everything else about the models are so good then you see the la creature feet. Doesn't even look human
Khubie is the best hagtuber
what happened to iris fuwa anyway? she came back recently as a clown vtuber so why did she nuke her account again?
same autism as y*ii i guess. they want to make as many cute girls as possible so tgey can stare at themselves in live 2d for hours while thinking of new girls to make
eww all that fat on her chest, disgusting
gross. why are women like this?
there is a f-f-female..??
behind a f-f-female vtuber???
who is not a-a-actually underage?!?!!?
everyone knows it's a real person retard. if i wanted to see a woman i wouldn't be watching vtubers. there's a billion sluts flashing tits on twitch already. i don't watch anime and think "i wonder what her va looks like?" make a seperate account to whore yourself out and farm gooner comments.
>deleted instantly from here
>still up in /lig/
thats crazy, I can't believe the janny is a cunnychad
remove the pastebin from OP
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They watch this thread like hawks at this time of day
little brat tummy is the best
Why is Miwa even considered uoh when khubie and other girls are not? Miwa too had a hag model and a deep af voice (watch year+ old clips). Why is one considered a grifter and the other isn't?
Khubie is /uoh/
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bad example she is talked about here sometimes. miwa stinks but i don't say anything about her because i don't care enough
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new /uoh/ age poll now that school is back in session:
Pastebin labeled a chuuba as jp but she doesn’t even speak jp, she sounds cute and soft though.
pastebinfag is an anti with brainrot, what'd you expect?
I don't know why you use the word anti for literally everything you don't like. It just makes you look like a retard.
>creating something for the express purpose of hurting vtuber doesn't make you an anti
sorry I forgot loving vtubers is what makes you an anti, I'll stop using the word incorrectly
What the hell are you talking about? Either explain how the purpose of pastebinfag's document is for hurting vtubers or take your meds and shut up..
it's been explained a million times, the last time literally less than a week ago
it's not my job to spoonfeed newfags
Some people say he's racist, but there's several black vtubers on the pastebin
The only thing that's been "explained" is the allegation that they exclude vtubers based on nationality. I've been here for years. Try again buddy.
>been here for years
>wasn't here when the pastebinfag said yuko and fuyo aren't lolis because they're jewish
try again buddy
When she was first posted people accused her of grift and said not to post her
Oh, I see the problem. I don't suffer from schizophrenia.
mikan doing a collab
there's several idol girls on the pastebin
Didn't they both turn out to be confirmed grifters, especially Yuko? And Fuyo said she was forced into the role and never wanted to be one
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It's just the anon who thinks everybody is one guy. Just tell him to take his meds and resume posting cunny.
which mikan?
you misspelled literacy, and I can tell you don't suffer from it
I'm pretty sure that didn't happen days after they debuted, which is when the pastebinfag said he wasn't adding them because they're jewish
Thanks for reminding me I forgot idol corp doesn't exist anymore
what happened? she's not live
>thinks everybody he doesn't like is one guy
Take your meds.
her obs crashed. back up now.
Why did nobody tell me Purin reincarnated?
because her and someone esle came from another thread that is filled with 0-1 view shitters that latch onto you forever if you're nice to them. and if you manage to break out of the 0-1view box they search threads for any mention of you and try ti make you look bad.
source: someone was talked about here for a while and everyone was fine with her being talked about here from her very first stream using vroid and up until her live 2d debut. then when she started getting stuff on her throne payed in full because her chat was generous and she was cute random people started coming here and hating her saying things they think we would hate her for.

TLDR; i think it's mostly other vtubers hating on them. except for a few chuubas that i won't name because i don't want to have the argument again.
Anyway cute but that voice is a no go
next you'll tell me no one told you Kana respawned
Do you mean KamikoKana? What's her reincarnation?
you...don't know? fr no cap on god?
Correct, I don't keep track of the whereabouts of every vtuber in the world.
red dragon, phase
Is there a reason you don't just share the name? This feels like pointless gatekeeping.
she's saya from phase now
Sex on stream
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Sonic Rush Adventure | "I LOVE YOU BLAZE" we all say in unison
>bipolar, menhera, male-collabing, nostreaming niji 2view
sounds like a good bet
>I like when things are deep inside of me
You werent kidding
why do they all hiccup so much?
Yumi playing PVZ
>Yumi has a cold
>I have a cold
sick and tired Yumi has a certain allure
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I miss her.
I spent hours of my life making her a new live2d model and getting someone to rig it but it got delayed and the day everything was sent back to me was after she already killed herself. I can't even look at the files without breaking down in tears.
get your sick ass out of this thread, I don't wanna catch your plague
share files
they're God's files now
the world needs to know
>Yumi doesn't know how to tie her shoelaces
i'm pretty sure she didn't do that, she was just sick of getting fucked over by twitter and twitch
I love my wife even if she can't tie her shoe laces
its your job to bend your knee and tie their shoe laces for them
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Ellie is finally in 2 hours getting her model
he's just larping as her fan every time she's brought up, stop replying to him. it's the same schizo who threatened to buy a gun
I'll be disappointed if its another recoloured booth one
looks like a model from NatsukiSaika
>Yumi can't tie her shoes
>Irina can't tie her shoes
>Hunney can barely tie her shoes
What kind of big brothers are you guys, leaving your little sisters so helpless
I didn't know how to too until I was like 18, I learned in like a week tho
man we're all going to jail aren't we
I can relate, I knew how to drive a fork lift and several other construction vehicles before knowing how to drive a car.
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usually you make this more subtle yumi
She's namedropped herself ITT several times anon
Hello yumi, I love you!
the good and bad of new anons in this thread. we get new people live posting and introducing us to new chuubas but they all think no one, not a single vtuber knows about this place. everyone uses 4chan anon. you called your oshi a retarded faggot at least once.
I call the top bunk
>yumi got pass the parental control filter
how do we stop her? what if she learns about hentai?
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I pray for my Taffy to always be well. Love you, my strawberry cat! Mwuah!
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>no one is liveposting Ellie's model reveal
I have literally talked to her before this ain't news
there's nothing wrong with them coming here
although sometimes I do wish they wouldn't since it only adds to their menhera seeing the shit posted here
Yeah it's ugly old one was better
oh my god ellie is so embarrassed shes so cute
Irina is also here and talks about here (I don't know who else does.) This is only 'news' to you if you're a newfag
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Holy fuck this is a good model
Oh fuck the guy who made meimeis model is this guy
we need some newfags, this place is dying
grapeable doggo
Please livepost more, I have work for two more hours and will have to watch the vod
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>telepathic Ellie sends her brain waves into you
is that why I feel a sudden urge to buy her a leash
sends her brainwaves into your heart
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>Ellie knows a lot about balls
why did ellie come back so horny
pretty sure this is normal
she is at that age
oh my science! MOOOOODDSS
another case of retards not understanding that the girls aren't their girlfriends lmao
dude even if she's your girlfriend there's a time to break up with her
I think Miwa is hot
i'm gonna make you my girlfriend if you don't stop trying to force this argunent
ok Pierce
there's an /uoh/ age poll going on
you can answer it if you want
man, ellie always says the most insane shit every time
I love her
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why is her cock so HUGE!!?
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uooooohhh, ellie belly and chest erotic TwT TuT
it's only huge compared to yours zvn
huge mistake.... actual retard, you don't donate or gift for something in return, you're just being selfish
don't call me zvn. call me by the second part of my name
I point and laugh at you anon.
dude, gay
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you're gay for thinking anon is male
woah mama
shut up yumi_enjoyer
poor irina
tbf Yumi seems more groomable
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yeah, by me (i am irina)
its way past your bedtime, dummie
https://x.com/littleniinii/status/1831799733423370740 I don't want to say I willed this into existence but
bitch stream I miss you
they had roblox sex so i beleeb
She's half fleshtuber so I feel less sorry for her
she needs to understand that she got banned exactly because she's flat as fuck and twitch literally thinks she's under-age
You are not allowed to become a partner if you are underage, she has been a partner for a year now
yeah, some none completely menhera cunnytubers have been showing a really weird behavior lately (miwa and aruru), the more i watch them the more i think the rrat about them sharing the same blacklist is true.
make her more groomable for us, you know what to do
whats the rrat
Do you have to submit your ID to them? If you're a vtuber how could they know the person streaming is the person who sent the ID?
How was Ellie's model reveal?
>take a bite
>Ellie immediately starts talking about her shits
every fucking time
Of course you do
Of course. But if you're a vtuber who never shows their face, how could they possibly know that the ID belongs to you and not your mother or older friend?
I unironically hate this art style. Her old model was better.
I love when people post these autists having a melty lmao. Actually delusional.
it's for tax reasons. you have to pay taxes and if you use someone elses name they will get questioned by the irs for money laundering maybe? you could use someone elses id but what ever name is associated with the twitch account has to deal with it when tax season comes
minor streaming on their parent's account
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so you're not allowed to be flat? This argument is retarded
>wanting government verification to be an anime girl online
i fucking hope not, what are you smoking
oh look the proud cucks are here
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I'm honestly not surprised she got jannied again on Twitch. She's pretty lewd sometimes and skirts TOS which makes her a prime target for false reports since her community isn't really big. Hate that for her though. I don't really watch her much but she cute. Another day, another loli getting banned for no real reason.
Twitch would know she's of age because they ask for all of your information to get payouts.
you need a work permit to get a job as a minor where i live. i doubt twitch has those or even allows minors to stream. and you still need to pay taxes as a minor. i had my dad help me when i got my first tax form from my job
Listen closely. Parent registers the account. The account, payment info, ID and ID verification are ALL in the parent's name. Then, they let their kid stream. What now?
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listen closely. you're a retarded nigger. what do you want, a fucking drone to fly outside their house and watch them while they register? get a grip
>oh look the proud cucks are here
hi sniffer what does that feel to be a piece of trash ? :)
>wanting government verification to be an anime girl online
>i fucking hope not, what are you smoking

All twitch partners have to submit their ID their tax documents to get their payouts.
yes, being flat is not allowed in the twitch's mod's minds
they instantly correlate that with children and then with p*dophilia. the girls are on an american platform they have to play by the american retarded normies' rules
>what do you want, a fucking drone to f-
no i want to dm my oshi and not go to jail
same thing as applying for a wagie job then getting hired and letting your kid cover for you when your sick. stupid and a easy way to loose your job and maybe get the cops called on you.
no one knows except you and who ever you send a dm to. i wouldn't advise you do it for obvious reason and also if you're this paranoid you will self report sooner or later. you're a piece of shit btw and your oshi needs to have restricted internet access to avoid meeting greasy bastards like you.
anon the assumption is that she's lying about her age not that im unironically a groomer
o. then ask her how old she is, screenshot her response, and immediately cut her off she turns out to be a minor. if you have proof of them saying they're legal and proof that it was them who said it you should be fine
what if she told me she was 3 months old
what the fuck is going on
>proud cuck
lmao anyone who is deluded enough to believe that they are in an actual relationship with these girls deserves it.
idk. you manged to get this far. if you pussy out of grooming her now, know that there is a possibility that she will tell her friends and you will have less groomable targets. she is also problably here and laughing at you.
this fool slid into the dm of a glowie. it's so uohver for you.
grooming a glowie sounds hot
Bonnie stream
uh oh >>84555806
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Bambi is such a good girl
Succubus. I will not allow her to drain me of my precious bodily fluids.
>This beach feels funny, Senpai— Is this safe?
adult kid aesthetic ToT
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Kiki is Live on Twitch
She's sick and I think she's gonna watch animal vids
I hate this artist and this ugly ass model. Bambi should stay gone.
shit taste
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the models that look like a retarded child.
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squeezing the lips of neppies naturally bald pussy
Just saw it. Holy fuck my dick is hard
No wonder Yumi seethes about her
>look for her current twitter on her twitch
>every single account listed there is banned
Holy shit the sisters really are out for her blood huh.
Yumi doesnt seethe about her what crack are you smoking? They follow eachother
thats the anon that tries to pit the chuubas against each other despite them following each other and talking
its the liar liar pants on fire schizo
anon theyre doing the usual schizo trait of randomly bringing up someone mentioned here and pulling it to bait
You mean this guy? >>83925138 >>83853416 Also weird you didn't call him out when he was doing the same thing to Hexa, Denpa, Khubie and Kiki in fact you agreed with him
everyone isnt the same person you schizo retard take the meds your doctor prescribed before you shit on your keyboard and class it as 'words'
I literally never agreed and barely go on here to begin with so of fucking course I wasnt there to call him out, not everyone you dislike is the same 1 person.
I'm stating that specific schizo is an annoying schizo that straight up lies about the vtubers on here and hope everyone else is retarded enough to not fact check it.
That schizo is you, since you're trying to deflect and are accusing random anons of random shit.
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luv me ber
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Controversial opinion: Mond is not that cute
Change my mind.
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Manifesting this uoh
would rape, especially with his normal voice
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Irina is stinky adult latinx woman with a huge ass and huge boobs.
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I will impregnate this calfie ToT
Why would you do this?
who is the most sex /Uoh/tuber in your opinion anons?
>vtubingg isn't for fat neckbeard pedophiles
>/vt/ isn't a pedo containment board
kek this shit thread was highlighted on the main page, screenshotted
prove it faggot
I stroke my cock to sexy little girls AND to girls role-playing as little girl and there is NOTHING you can do about it
the world is not all milk and cookies
you can't prove anything.
Anyone find any new cunnies to support? Tired of these menhera grifters
find your own :D :D :D
Sorry for being a shameless fuck but which girls are also making, uh... 'vallure-style" content?
>'vallure-style" content
ASMRs of the porn kind. I want to explore that world because I stumbled on Immie's thing and turns that was something I need badly in my life and I didn't even know
I hate lolis that make porn content I want only cute and funny
Not too many chuubas make audio porn, but that is the entire point of soundgasm. It has a lot of imouto content
irina is my favorite lewdtuber. neppie does lewdtubing too but only for tier 3 subs.
>only for tier 3 subs
imagine having to pay lmao I'm her boyfriend I get that and more for free ;) ]
i'm watching someone who is lactose intolerant. i don't get it. just tolerate the lactose. lmao.
drop me some cringy redpills on this e-thot
>he gets to :| neppie for free
bullshit i paid good money for my :| sessions. blocked unfollowed unsubbed chargebacked my donation reported and im sending her a hurtful dm.
Need money for rent because you live in the shithole America? Just use the tik tok jp Morgan money glitch and tell your landlord to fuck off for the next several years it's that easy.
I have had a tier 3 ever since she first got affiliate and she never has done a tier 3 only stream but she also refuses to accept my friend request on the mayo twitter so I can't tell if all of you are gaslighting me or not
Is this an AI post or am I just exhausted?
shes british, dresses like a slut in mmos, got erp raped in mabinogi or ff14, got erp groped by a futa, hates lalafell (cringe take) and likes mahjong
>likes mahjong
dont even think you have a chance at grooming these girls unless youre invited to the private discord and can dm their alts
she used to stream mahjong alot. maybe i'm confusing her with someone else
yeah but how is that a redpill?
The one I watch is a menhera but not a grifter
Neppie post nudes on that twitter and she decided you are too ugly to get to see them lmao.
>have a chance at grooming these girls
I know just the way...
mahjong is boring
god damn you pencilfag
video games are just background noise, if your oshi can't be entertaining without a video game, you can't blame the video game, she's just boring
Yumi Tomomi makes me rock hard without my consent.
alicealucard but she hates it. if you throw her some money on her nsfw alt maybe she'll do more. i gave up on her
this advice is worthless
girls are much more attracted to people with real jobs and money that can just commission skebs, they don't care about your scribbles they just act nice to you to no look bad
Stop lying. Neppie doesn't do lewd stuff anymore. She hasn't masturbated on discord in almost a year.
>being a poorfag
Neppie does that sometimes on her close fans twitter. You need to be a tier 3 sub for a very long time to gain access to it or you can just ask her very nicely if you're an old regular.
>was at neppies first stream ever
>one of her first donors ever
>always tier 3
She told me I am not devoted enough to allow on that twitter and I am killing myself. What did the ones she approved do, sell their children for her or something?
lmao she is based and you are a filthy simp. she should have told you to kill yourself too.
can we stop feeding this dumbass rrat ?
you didn't go all the way. you should've applied to be a mod on stream and dicord
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table did nothing wrong
table my beloved
i love him no worries
>can a schizo stop talking to himself
If that worked he would be gone months ago
All 275 post in this thread are me
FUCK!! you caught me. all of my posts say anony ous next to them so it was only a matter of time. i'll be back and i'm going to self reply so hard that you're going to think the posts you wrote are me samefagging
i know, i just don't like this rrat because some clueless subs might fall for it, especially the newer ones
I wrote this
Yeah looks like it to me too
British, fake cries on command, is based, is smart, isn't fake, and extremely autistic. That last one might be a detriment, up to you.
>isn't fake
not fake on what accounts actually? unironically
is she hiding something?
>read 4chan post
>it is an ad typed by female hands
>extremely autistic
Does this word means anything anymore though. kek. what counts as 'autistic' here?
>he doesn't know /uoh/ is a bunch of ai chat bots written by a lonely chuuba and has to be reset sometimes no matter how many times she resets them the neppie thing still comes up in the chatlogs. she even tried a filter but it always finds a way pass it.
in her case it means grinding lv 99 f2p iron man in runescape
based, I love autistic little girls
That's not Khubie, that's Mond. Khubie plays regular, Mond plays a F2P locked hardcore iron man. You confuse them because Khubie skinwalks Mond to a creepy degree. Copied her model, voice and game choices degree of creepy.
autistic cunny just hits different
justice for mond
Ultimate, not hardcore. She can and has to die because she can't use the bank and is limited by her inventory. So the only way to bank items is to kill yourself.
mond and khubie runescape endurance multistream. first to die or turn off stream looses.
damn why is she leeching off everyone so hard??
I don't see the similarities at all.
>ultimate iron man
based mond
Please no, my Khubie is struggling enough as it is with her health.
Doesn't pretend to be someone she isn't, doesn't unironically manipulate her audience, other than the fake crying but it's a laugh.
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lolibaba debuting 3d model
I pet table for good luck
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Hi Anonymous, I'm Bob. Nice to meet you.
Who's your oshi, Bob
This is one of shadow's schizo friends that likes to crab smaller vtubers with her.
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Stop it. Get some help.
If this chuuba ever decides to get a loli model do they become a offical uoh? He already does a good female voice.
Anyone with a loli model can be posted in uoh thats how it works.
why doesnt shadow have loli friends
She's too fucking annoying.
she harasses and crabs lolis thats why duh
do you think shadow is a schizo poster?
no iwina today
She is busy getting her combat uniform to storm Russia and bring my wife rimaeri back.
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what's it like having an oshi with paranoid delusions that drive her to send you to suspicious websites instead of just using discord? this crazy woman actually thinks the shady back alley full of drug needles is safer than the upscale coffee shop.
she's not wrong desu
>irina kissing into her phone while her grandma is in the room
discords are nothing but groomer battle royals so honestly she's doing the right thing
what effect does it have other than filtering out the nongroomers and gatekeeping in favor of the turbogroomers?
kill yourself
You're forgetting that discord changed it's privacy policy to record voip...
it's page 7 retard
Fuck the pastebin it's the work of a schizo
Fuck the tierlist it's the work of a schizo
got a link?
actual real and good loli thread: >>84636629
Khubie's an /asp/ whore
Who cares /asp/ie
Take it up with the guy that posts Mond here then. If Mond is allowed then so is Khubie and the rest
umm is there anything wrong with that? sincere ask
retarded anti that tries to shitstir and invent blood feuds between generals
when he isnt bored enough to post turds here he invades other threads like /asp/ and /asmr/ and shitposts there to try and blame both generals
ignore and never reply
>fake crying
what do you mean? that she sounds like shes gonna cry any moment?
>25 year old female woman giggling to herself while knitting on the train
whether you like it or not this is your uoshi
Khubie live!
That sounds kinda excellent
her whole spamming "IM SUCH A NEET GUYS" on xeeter is rustling my jim jams

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