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Respect Pero Edition
Previous Thread >>84643082

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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If you hate Fuwawa, you’re a nigger.
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I thought this was the pero split for a minute
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>The Fuwawa General

>The Mococo General

>The Pero General
We've fallen on hard times, haven't we Ruffians?
Fuwawa is being really cute right now
>The chickens are ruffians
Yeah, I'm home.
Gee I wonder why an idol wouldn't want to be around discussions about adultery, gay marriage, financial crimes and murder?
(And don't just respond a screenshot of typing of the dead - that's a controlled event in a video game, not an unpredictable conversation between real people.)
where have you been the last 7 years?
>i'm friends with everyone at least though
>...unless not
do you not know what roleplay is?
Fuwawa is RPing as a villager and it's cute
I wonder if meidos will nuke the other threads or if FWMC will get special privileges
>CC and Scarlet Wands doing grand machinations to take over the kingdom
>Fuwawa is just farming
what the fuck has mococo been up to
you mean an NPC
those other threads have been up for hours now so i'm guessing the latter
Mococo has been screaming about financial crimes and murder all week
You don't watch FUWAMOCO so why are you posting
Fuwawa's ENreco original song:
Those threads are for Mococo and Fuwawa discussion, respectively. /baubau/ is for talking about discord and other men's twitters
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This post is ironic
no you're just mad that your mental model of them doesn't match their actual content, retard
It's her natural state
me this entire stream
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NO! This is THE GREAT PEROCCINO'S thread now, Rufferan!
I don't remember make this post?
based and same
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She's a cute fluffy farmer chef
concession accepted
I'm wondering what it would take for Fuwawa to get involved in RP with literally any of the other girls. It really seems like she's only interested in following the barebones save-the-world plot set up by the Cover intern who wrote the 2 pages worth of NPC dialogue. I hope somebody ERB as the most likely candidate can convince her to branch a bit more in season 2.
Go back lol
cc's conversation with her was brief and to the point, just the way fuwawa wants it if you're not her sister or the rest of advent
concession accepted
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I didn't have my tablet on me so have this thing kek
I think it's more likely that they just skip it unless it has separate merch to shill
will they go for 4 hours
fucking kek
Thanks for that, even better than what I had in my head
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mococo's small meat...
funniest shit i've ever seen
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What does sweeping edge do?
Do you ever take a younger relative to the park or some shit and you just grind on any game in your phone while they go crazy
Attacks are wider and hit more enemies at once or something like that
The Mocock…
increased damage on the sweeping strike
Fuwawa being alone the whole stream kinda hurts, but I guess she wants it this way...
>Do you ever take a younger relative to the park or some shit and you just grind
bro this sentence was a rollercoaster
she's happy being alone although i wish she and mococo stuck together for a little while longer but mococo got sidetracked with the lottery calls
FWMC should watch Spider-Man 2
Both of them have the lowest CCV on the whole server
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oh shit they're still going
its ok for fuwawa to not participate in the play
she is comfortable now that mococo is not destroying her stream audio
and it will end tomorrow so its ok
Why the fuck you fags have 3 generals now? When did this shitshow happened?
they're in the server??
Our threads are so active that we need 3 generals to keep up
I'm happy to see them both learn how2minecraft. I feel like them being separated is helpful for their learning.

I can't wait for them to immediately forget every thing they've learned.
>Gee Ruffian, how come meidos let you have three threads?
>and it will end tomorrow so its ok
does he know...?
play = not japanese = bad
Its antis making extra threads to encourage FuwawaVSMococo shit.
/#/sisters are trying a new shitposting angle that is fortunately not working out for them yet again
why can't they enjoy maikra like HoloJP?
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they already forgot stuff from their "learning minecraft" series
They didn't even know how to make planks or sticks the other day, they already forgot everything
for how long? is this the first time? I’ve been away from /here/
They remembered a little bit. They sill know how to smelt and how to cook meat.
>3 hours
let's go for 4
well I mean Biboo struggled too
Is Mococo capable of having sex?
feels like someone would have to drag her into it by the ear or build a story around her
she seems happy just doing her own thing which okay, but it would have been nice to see her bounce off someone else for a change
why are they making hundreds of foods
Yes, she's able to stick her massive mococock in your anus
/rrat/ belongs to us too
soon every thread in this board will belong to the ruffchads
Yes, but only with me.
They just started trying this angle yesterday
>Nourishing soup sounds poor
>They've been living off of Fuwawa soup for years
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I'm actually a fan of having the 2 extra threads, now the nonstop raiders don't know which one to shit up
sex no, but she can be impregnated
I doubt she could survive having a baby though
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Wait, what did happen to the chickens?
what happened to the chickens??
Well now I feel bad
her chickens are gone
I'm torn between marrying Fuwawa and making them something special everyday or marrying Fuwawa and having her Fuwawa soup everyday
>Mococo putting flowers on her own grave.
maybe they despawned? they shouldn't but their world is set up manually
Did Bijou kill the chickens…
what a coincidence; i got unbanned yesterday
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What happened to the chickens?
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the chickens were her best fwens
she is genuinely heartbroken...
Death to the princess
>baselessly blames fauna mart
how far can her hatred go?
gradually, she began to hate the merchant class
My farmer princess...
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Forgive her
kek if this is for real baeschizo is definitely behind it
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>and then one day, all of a sudden, people voted Hitler into power
The FaunaMart jews did this
God I love them.Thanks.
2 more threads out of several tens they ruin on the regular is nothing to sisters, especially considering the coordination possible with that accursed software.
god needed to smite fuwawa's chickens to get her involved in a storyline

the lord giveth, and he taketh away...
Mococo is going to the casino...
Fuwawa is going mad with grief!
A God named Koseki Bijou Bloodflame Evergreen
>no one loved me like they loved me
Is Mococo retarded
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they were us ruffian
>bet on every color
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marrying mococo and losing all my hard earned money to her gambling...
If you bet on every color then you can't loose!
Its the same strategy as buying 600 lotto tickets.
Fuwawa happy once again, now I'm happy. It's that simple.
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Fuwawa will remember this
did she killed them? why?
its like the opposite of husbanto
she's a villain
fuzzy math at work
How can someone as easy to bully as her be a villain kek
oooohhhhh mocotyan countdown!!
I am sleepy end the stream hags
They should REALLY stream stardew valley with Fuwawa playing. I could watch that for an endurance stream
>On three!
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she would be proud
I don't think Mococo understands...
The Scarlet Wands brainwashed her
>cheeky evil brat
>acts confident and always teases the mc
>very easy to bully
>very easy to punish
>instant loss
I like when Mococo makes that "owh" sound
why is she trusting purityschizo when that retard has never played minecraft kek
>fuwawa tries every pattern except the bucket
Just an assumption, she’s running around destroying crops and started showing signs of corruption last stream. She made her Moai start spewing blood today too
Kino but tell your Oshi to leave the chickens alone please
I know story is happening in other POVs but I'm having a lot of fun watching their simple POVs and piecing things together
wild stuff is happening outside of my purview, apparently kek
>She made her Moai start spewing blood today too
what the fuck
So what does a gold carrot do?
Maybe the slow peasant life isn't that bad after all
Didn't mean to reply to >>84672677
I really don't care about the interactions in this collab, none of these girls know how to roleplay.
no fucking way
Oh no bros... this will only fuel her gambling addict tendencies...
Mocegods too strong.
Breeding and provides 6 food I think
jwu from coma why are there splits?
uh where the rock go
Gee Ruffians! How come janny-chan lets you have three generals?
They are all shit at acting but I like seeing all their different approaches to finding fun on an RP server
we're in the middle of a mental breakdown right now
IDK, janny really should delete the other 2.
split personality issues
Not fooling anyone, dumb tranny
bathing in Kronii's piss
whats going on with the princess rock
I want Fuwawa to pee on my face
tags: corruption
I knew it was Biboo…the corruption is flowing…MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD
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god doesnt want fuwawa to interact or participate in anything related to this
>Mococo is so lost and confused to chat losing their shit
i want to corrupt mococo!!
It gives the highest saturation in the game but 3 hunger points. Saturation is basically a hidden hunger bar which determines kinda how much hunger you have over the limit. Each time you eat food, you gain saturation that decays with things that would decay hunger. In practical terms though, it basically means it'll heal you for more than other foods when you eat it or you can run a bit longer without losing hunger. Though I'm pretty sure you max out saturation with 3 steaks anyways so it's not the most important thing in the world especially in a casual game like this.
please no one is even online anymore...
Imagine if Fuwawa will be one of the few to remain uncorrupted in the finale because she chose to be a farmer and will rise as the Chosen One to save Libestal
good, i fucking hate this meme
BAUsed spectators winning by doing nothing except focusing on themselves
Probably despawn because it makes the server lag.
bros how could this happen
>people spoiling it frame 1 in fuwawa's chat
Fuwawa is going to cry kek
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you cant fool me now!
Fuwawa is going to keep Mocochan at the edge of cumming until morning as punishment
that crazed expression and seeing mococo’s tail made me rock hard
>lets check on our chickens
she knows
Does the hat actually disintegrate if you go into water with it or what the fuck happened to it
extra items get deleted instead of being dropped. that's how fuwawa lost her warp crystal in the first place
Oh no...
I mean her sister was whispering about chickens two feet away from her
She had it equipped though
It's like they're really playing TF2
For me, it was Fuwawa getting angry at the stains
good ol unwilling hero arc
I know that there are a lot of Kiadolfs, but is there a hidden contingent of Fuwilters too?
A corrupted Fuwawa would be pretty hot. Imagine having to satisfy her everyday because you're trying to save her from being corrupted.
Mococo killing Fuwawa chickens is a bitch move
>The hat Fuwawa wanted most is the stain hat
She'll get one from somewhere eventually
if it was possible to pvp fuwawa would kill everybody and laugh
>fuzzy will to fight
>looks at Mococo
>clearly has lost all will to fight
here’s your fuwawa storyline, doubters
bau baueth
They read all the bitching and now KINOEH is unfolding
i love gg
>2 minutes
>It's back to cooking
I think Mococo might unironically be retarded
no she's regarded
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>(((they))) sabotage fuwawa's phone so she cant call gonathan in times of danger

no, the groundwork was laid. fuwawa still doesn’t know corrupted mococo was responsible. it will all culminate tomorrow
BAU BAUeth super sweet way to roleplay whoever set this up
She's not retarded
>Almost 4 hours
How long will they go for
no idea but i'm about to pass out
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Probably 15 minutes or another hour
I hope they end this shit soon I have to go to bed eventually lol
They're gonna stream for 6 hours to make up for not streaming yesterday.
I feel like Gonathan will follow through tomorrow with setting the trap
hopefully someone plays along to fall for it
12 hours, this is a guerilla endurance stream
Fuwawa is being really cute right now
Mococo is being really cute right now
IDK, depending on how long the final event is tomorrow, there might not be much time for that.
And together they're...?
alright /baubau/ rate my catalogue filter


/Anya-Petra Global/i
/Lia from Phase Connect/i
/Projket Melody/i
fuwawa can you cook all of that tomorrow…
it just has too many nonholo vtubers...
Nyo, the world needs its' potato salads.
I hate sand
This Mococo is Pero is disguise. All women can draw cute stuff and Mococo's lack of skill in building makes me doubt her womanhood
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>biboo about to rail fuwawa
>MOGOJANG screen
chat is this real?
apparently nerissa wasn’t intentionally playing with biboo there, she was just genuinely muted kek
>believing a witch
please Fuwawa call it quits this Ojisan is too old to be up this late
>almost 4 hours
l-let’s go for 5
It's not on Gonathan's guild's territory so she can't build the trap herself, it would have to be Fuwawa the one building it
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oh fuck, I forgot Clara's streaming in an hour, thanks. Alright wrap it up girls, I've got places to be
Weak. Don't worry old man, I'll walk her home gently.
kys phasetranny
they actually pay us a dollar every time someone says that to us, so thank you
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>filtering everything that isn't a Hololive General
Giga Based I'm gonna copy this.
>Here's our RP entrance!
>Nah that's a pain in the ass, I'll just break the leaves.
>FWMC is fun to watch when they don't bau bau all fucking stream.
Who would have thought? Truly a mystery.
You're going to have even more fun if you kill yourself right now, try it.
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She's trying to bury her sister alive jesus kek
why did they have to do all side stuff in one stream
is this where they kiss
is this where they kiss
Please consider >>84674313
what even happened I looked away for 2 seconds after she was running on her horse
is this where they kiss
so what is going on? i came back to my computer and Fuwawa was running around screaming in third person
No thanks, I'm watching Mococo's pov right now.
they should kiss
Gonathan told her to not trust anyone due sus corruption
She's not gonna see it kek
if fuwawa could read biboo that would be very interesting
defeated by inventory management
QRD on wtf is happening? Biboo is corrupted? And Mococo too?
Don't look at chat
Don't look at chat
Don't look at chat
Don't look at chat
our oblivious hero
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forgive her, there's only vns and idol stuff in that fluffy mind
biboo went on corrupted route
she corrupted mococo by giving her a stained hat which mococo immediately wore
corrupted mococo then killed fuwawa’s chickens
What did she say? I looked away for a second
Outed Mococo as the chicken killer.
She said the her sister killed her chickens.
How does she read vns if she can't read english?
Bijou got the stain hat and it started talking to her and telling her to do strange things. The lands around her Moai mysteriously started showing signs of corruption. She has been appearing and disappearing across Libestal, crops have been destroyed, and she gave Mococo a hat matching her own. It seems Mococo has also been hearing voices telling her to do strange things involving chickens...This is a developing story.
How does she know they're sisters?
biboo your messages…
how has she been turning invisible? did she get admin powers or something
eldritch knowledge granted by the corruption
looks at the sexy pics, duh
I don't know, wasn't keeping up with her story.
my minecraft knowledge is woefully undeveloped it seems
Their inventory management hurts to watch
she’s not supposed to, biboo just goofed
t. mindbroken
4 hours holy jeez
So close to kino developing, imagine Fuwawa becoming corrupted. Would she just talk in a soft growl or will her demeanour change completely, talking like a scorned villian, no bau baus
pretty sure she actually uses the wrong invis potion in this vid, though I can't remember since it's been like a year since I watched it
Based. Hope you don't mind if I yoink this for myself.
Or maybe she will continue cooking, just in a more corrupted manner, which is the same thing and normal cooking, but it sounds edgier.
i want fuwawa to corrupt me
I can't tell if Biboo is just being quiet or if they're just having tech issues and can't hear her.
corrupted Fuwawa would hate Mococo
Fuwawa has the beast within her, she just needs that motivation to unleash it
biboo is being quiet on purpose
im gonna unleash my beast into mococo gently
Fuwawa can't roleplay
The way Mococo just moved that iron around was stupid I love her
>nothing but milk
who is still in the server besides them and biboo
Fuwawa's milk.
Fuwawa is having tech issues with the ingame call for some reason
Her icon glows purple when talking instead of white, so something is definitely fucked on her end
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stain clearly attacking right next to her
why is she like this?
didnt it say Nerissa joined a minute ago
why did they pick the day when everyone is done and clocked out to play 5 hours
Biboo jumpscare kek
Because they had the time to do it
they love us so much...
She should get someone to log onto her character and fix it
That's why there are multiple meals in a day
They're making up for not streaming EN Reco yesterday. And today is the last chance because tomorrow is the finale.
People like this should just rope. It's just after 2PM in Japan but this retard gray probably doesn't know they live there. Probably some east coast faggot who wants to go to bed.
I got spooked by biboo in fuwawas pov
baused listenersan gray
Biboo stalking fuwawa is kinda spooky
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you're kinda smart, huh
imagine getting this titled over a random gray who fuwamoco themselves ignored
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based concernfag
He's someone that posts here AND reads chat during a stream so there's no saving him
>They're the only ones streaming in the server
How long has it been like that
he's retarded but how are you incapable of filtering chat retards by now
Is this their longest MC stream yet? Kinda kino.
Not everyone knows they live in Japan
gigi stopped streaming like an hour ago
nerissa and biboo have been in and out of the server
He also said something about stomping Mococo and telling Mococo to shut up in Fuwawa's chat earlier. I just reported and blocked him
baused grey, though he should get banned
>/fluffy/ & /fuzzy/ are dead
it is actually
kill yourself
The way this mod works is making it easier for them to play since there's some amount of direction, and a safe zone to figure things out in.
Like one of the things minecraft could've become if they had actually tried turning it into a good game instead of a sandbox where all there is to do is fight like 3 bosses, and build machines to automate everything so you can build stuff that looks neat but could've just been made in creative mode
ladies first
>Mococo ignoring everyone telling her to make the logs into planks
did Mococo delete another hat? those are expensive kek
Sorry I've been too busy to post in 3 threads at once.
they cant corrupt fuwawa for there are not a single thought in her brain
while we're complaining about chat, that guy that calls fuwawa sweetness all the time is 100% on a watchlist
might rape her might rape her might rape her
Catbox went up so here are the soundposts requested
>that guy that calls fuwawa sweetness
this proves the two extra thread is one group of retards on cooldown sister bullshit forcing jannies to force us to only have threads up during streams be smarter I’m retarded and I can tell
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how can such a powerful being even exist
that guy creeps me the fuck out too
I love them so much
And that's why I just picture-in-picture the stream, I don't want/need to see those dudes in my screen.
something sensei, I'm not scrolling through to find the name
I love fuwawa so much
I really have no idea why people don't block out chat, it's rarely ever worth looking at
is it that some guy who calls them dear all the time
thanks, had some I wanted to see just now too
This guy too, he calls them honey on almost every message he sends
sometimes Fuwawa will read something and you'd want to know what it is
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this webm doesnt work for me?
no one wants to take away your safe space for gossiping about your discord boyfriends, we just want someplace to actually post on topic
Sleep tight, ruffian. Don't let the stains get ya.
Oh I was about to go to bed, nice timing
>Fuwawa is doing the golden apple milkshake, the item that can cure corruption

and she doesnt know shit
Just give up you disgusting tranny, everyone knows what you're doing. Kill yourself
yeah, thats the same guy, creeps me the fuck out
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finally.... they should have spaced out all the side quests. Would have had more interactions too instead of a dead server
I have a working brain so no
Someone said soundposts with mp4s dont work on an android browser, kuroba? Are you using that? It's working for me on desktop
>Redirect to mori
No thanks.
>single message
I'm so done with ENRECO
Fuwawa and Mococo should get married!
>Fuwawa sends hearts with her message
>Mococo sends sparkles
What does it mean...
they love mori
probably the smart play for fuwamoco, most of the others I watch are 2view girls that have more chat interaction so I'm in the habit of keeping it up
gee I wonder why anyone wouldn't have somewhere to talk about FWMC without having to hang around such cool people like yourself
mococo is still corrupted
This is a fun interaction with Calli
saw the community post and thought it was just youtube showing old content, but then I saw that it was from today
which was odd because I was sure that their cover came out awhile ago
then I saw the view count
what the fuck happened?
Great night ruffians, now I sleeb
Fuwawa is the side character that nobody takes seriously but ends up being critical to the plot at its climax
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She’s critical to my climax, if you know what I mean
What do you mean?
I meant to post fluffy
sleeb well ruffian
Lol I knew someone would say that
Fuwawa is no selling almost all the roleplay people try on her
thread is about to end and I want to be retarrded about numbers
she just wanted to raise her chickens...
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Thanks for making the soundposts!
What's funny is that it's the most viewed version of the song on youtube by far even at the level it's at
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Trust the plan
And somehow her slow life ended up critical to the plot
Cover came out sorta left field, during a big event that had most of everyone who yt would recommend it during the critical early hours occupied watching other things. Aside from that supposedly they were bonked by yt-kun, but that is always a weird metric.
I will fuck the corruption out of this rock
well it gained another view from me for that community post
brat needs correction
Bonked how? The streaming too much thing?
waiting run waiting for hours
Schedule tomorrow an hour after the stream, on sunday, or a break? I know they would want to spend more time with us without the RP but even so a break could still be possible
You'd think management would be complement enough to not triple book their official anime collab cover with a big branchwide event, but obviously not
I do not understand
free chats and "cheering rooms" are actually against TOS
freecat stayed in the "waiting" for too long
And what form did the bonking take?
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rare fwmc heart
You not paying enough attention to your oshi's activities, it seems like
Kek this part was really funny on Mumei's stream. My greedy wife... Remember when she said she wanted to be Amber Coin before the event? That might have been a better pick after all.

complete suppression in the algorithm, shadowban of all comments on their channels, minimal suggestions and visibility in notifications among other things. all because they didn't end it on time like they should have
that’s my alt
not everyone that watches FWMC has them as their oshi
they need to stop playing favorites
that's the hungarian
forgive me FWMC(fuwawa+mococo)
Damn, I didn't realize it was that bad. When did they say it was to that extent?
they'd be better off at this point if they started streaming on their separate channels
They didn't really say it to that extent, although they mentioned it after they did the same thing after the Aquarium part 2 went over time before starting. People couldn't even reply to the community posts for a while and their views and chatters were drastically lower for no other outside reason
How's the mechanic?
i hate the country of Brazil
I love a simple woman like this
I think fuwawa tastes pretty good
It's not
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gonna rape this rock
I didn't get read once by Mococo today even though I exclusively watched her stream. I'm going to watch Fuwawa tomorrow and hope for the best
No it isn't you faggot. Stop being a schizo and jealous of literal who posters for getting a meaningless heart. I've never seen that username in chat once so this is their first and only interaction they'll ever get. You get them every day.
Why do you feel like being read is something to obsess over?
kek wtf why did they respond to this
>Stop being jealous
>Goes on a rant about how the gray is so unimportant
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Fuwawa was super cute today. I love my fluffy wife.
sex with Bae senpai!!
Oh nvm I just heard FWMC in the background of the video. Fuwawa saying flat chest
because they love Bae and she is their favorite senpai. they can't get her sexy ass out of their minds after she rubbed it all over them both in NYC
don't check who retweeted it recently
because bae responded to it
they want a dakimakura with their tails and ass in the air
it's always fucking him. I don't believe they play favorites but that's the single person that always makes me question
What the fuck are you talking about
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Just menhera bait, I looked and didn't see anything.
another day another almost 5 hours down the drain with nothing to show for it. I'll keep tweeting and chatting and hoping to be noticed again because this can't last forever.

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