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Welcome to the VSPO! EN & Specialite General!
Feel free to discuss VSPO! EN and all Specialite talents here!

>Official Links



Remia Aotsuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki | https://twitter.com/RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha
https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha | https://twitter.com/AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki
https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki | https://twitter.com/JiraJisaki
Narin Mikure:
https://www.youtube.com/@NarinMikure | https://twitter.com/NarinMikure
Riko Solari:
https://www.youtube.com/@RikoSolari | https://twitter.com/RikoSolari

Specialite EN
>Gen 1
Miki Hitsugi:
https://www.youtube.com/@MikiHitsugi | https://twitter.com/Miki_Hitsugi
Utahime Mochizuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@UtahimeMochizuki | https://twitter.com/UtahimeMochi | https://www.twitch.tv/utahime_mochi
Victoria Valerie:
https://www.youtube.com/@Victoria-Valerie | https://twitter.com/Victor1aValerie | https://www.twitch.tv/victoria_valerie
Miu Akumiya:
https://www.youtube.com/@MiuAkumiya | https://twitter.com/Miu_Akumiya

>Gen 2 - EVE.EXE (FPS-focused)
https://www.youtube.com/@Elyza_EVE | https://twitter.com/Elyza_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/elyzaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Bluebell_EVE | https://twitter.com/Bluebell_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/BluebellEVE
https://www.youtube.com/@Mischief_EVE | https://twitter.com/Mischief_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Hysteria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Hysteria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/hysteriaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Azeria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Azeria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/azeriaeve

Specialite JP
>Gen 1
Nano Kozuya:
https://www.youtube.com/@nano_kozuya | https://twitter.com/nano_kozuya | https://twitch.tv/nano_kozuya
Koma Oboro:
https://www.youtube.com/@koma_oboro | https://twitter.com/koma_oboro | https://www.twitch.tv/koma_oboro
Siu Aisaka:
https://www.youtube.com/@aisaka_siu | https://twitter.com/aisaka_siu | https://www.twitch.tv/aisaka_siu
Azusa Honami:
https://www.youtube.com/@azusa_honami | https://twitter.com/azusa_honami | https://www.twitch.tv/azusa_honami
Minya Scott:
https://www.youtube.com/@minya_scott | https://twitter.com/minya_scott | https://twitch.tv/minya_scott
Tsukasa Ryogoku:
https://www.youtube.com/@tsukasa_ryogoku | https://twitter.com/tsukasa_ryogoku

>Gen 2
Yoru Yorumo:
https://www.youtube.com/@yorumo_yoru | https://twitter.com/yorumo_yoru
Seira Chinen:
https://www.youtube.com/@seira_chinen | https://twitter.com/@seira_chinen
Planei Hoshikuzu:
https://www.youtube.com/@PlaneiHoshikuzu | https://twitter.com/PlaneiHoshikuzu
Kana Sasara:
https://www.youtube.com/@sasara_kana | https://twitter.com/sasara_kana
Mukuro Owarino:
https://www.youtube.com/@MukuroOwarino | https://twitter.com/MukuroOwarino
Lumi Yukime (does one EN stream per week):
https://www.youtube.com/@lumi_yukime | https://twitter.com/lumi_yukime | https://www.twitch.tv/lumiyukime

Current happenings:
>Miki's birthday is on 14 Oct and she's currently having her birthday week celebration! Drop by her streams to wish her a Happy Birthday!
>Miki's birthday merch will be up for sale soon: https://specialite.booth.pm/items/6174786
>EVE.EXE is currently having a Halloween costume poll. There will be an illustration of the EVE girls wearing the winning costumes! Voting details here: https://twitter.com/Specialite_EN/status/1844769940080881865

Previous thread >>87306089
i want to kiss riko on the cheek
I love freshly baked FPS chuuba thread
Who would win? A fearsome LoL-addicted kaijuu or one water bucket?
Miki sex
>blue woman watches purple korean
>mischief opening up mod applications
please... everyone apply so we can finally ban that master8 guy...
Damn right my nigga
>looking for people who SHUT THE FUCK UP IN CHAT
thank god mischief isnt retarded
my fucking sides
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Mischief's schedule for the upcoming week
I'm actually sad she's done for the day...
its okay... at least we have the biggest gyatts...
is it just me or does elyzas stream just bounce between like 15 and 60 fps
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Literally my issue with Elyza's chat rn
everyone loves narin
i miss narin bros...
It's two mods, one of them isn't even always there just fucking chat more
it happens to me too
on another note, she saying "ai carajo" and then offering kisses just hit me different
go wish her a good morning
Mod detected get off the forums
I miss Mischief uuuuuu.....
Don't worry she'll be back in 26hrs rewatch the ASMR or league stream cause it didn't get too many views. Try drawing some art or clip to get your fill.
happy birthday migi
What is this supposed to prove? Be the change you want to see
nta but the change I want to see is mods shutting the fuck up
BB's got a guerilla Apex with Ryoma, no sign of a POV from her yet
Cool but I'm still not watching rainbow corp.
your loss nigger, more BB for me
Based on my phone notificiation I thought this was a solo guerilla. I'm done with Bluebell.
Did she feel the need to double down due to Mischief's ASMR yesterday?
mr. barrenwomb...
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nobody is safe from the barrenwort harem
why are we doing the schizo arc in this thread too
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POV available for babies (and for the rest of us who want to splitscreen)
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i hate black company dont complicate it
Why do you even care? What difference does it make?
He's in the same gen as Twisty and Clara, and both do heavy GFE I trust him more than the other sexpest
nta but while i've never personally been bothered by it, the fact alone that it definitely does bug people should be reason enough for them to shut up. doesn't matter how irrational it is, the viewer experience should take priority and they're hurting her stream.
? but this isn't holo or phase
Shame that nijisisters are here, whatever it takes to keep this thread alive I guess
they are roaches
There is nothing wrong with the person specifically chatting it's just that being a mod brings different circumstances that should be followed. You are essentially the police, how would you feel visibly knowing the police are leaning over every conversation you have between your friends. Your messages hold weight to everyone participating in stream so just firing off your biggest asset willy nilly is like the police turning on their sirens every in the Mcdonalds drive thru. Purely unnecessary.
Secondly if want to enjoy the stream as a VIEWER/CHATTER have a second account for your viewing pleasure, turn over your mod status or STFU
i miss jira
jira ate me LATER LOOSERS!
Mischief has mentioned in the past that she would like her mods to talk very little to nothing in chat. So it does make a difference.
It's astounding how much different of an audience that BB and Mischief attract.
I gotta disagree you see most of the same faces in each other's stream
I don't even think BB has actual mods yet only important people that are modded
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hi its me the nijisister
please don't take your meds, if you take your meds I die
I knew Mischief was a good one. Day 1 member.
I can see you baiting these small threads with from the way you type and then crosspost report to your niji thread every chances you get.
Exactly why talents try not to message too much in other's chats. There messages are a big "hey look at me" and detracts from the actual streamer and chatters.
wow that's crazy
if you took your antipsychotics you'd no longer see that
meds must be a nijisister conspiracy
nta but what you typed made no sense, the third sentence contradicts the second. because if meds are a conspiracy how can you take antipsychotics.
That's a false equivalency
The mods would still be watching chat, it literally wouldn't change from the point you're trying to make. It might be unnecessary but so is making a separate mod account, there is no difference between the two versions of chat other than some blue names. are you stupid?
Watching is completely different from making your presence known with your chats i.e. making chatters uncomfortable
Mods should be silent but deadly
>taking meds makes you no longer see conspiracies
>therefore meds are a jewish alien lizardpeople nijisister plot to drug truthseekers into blindness
standard schizo stuff
How is that false equivalency, no one is going to make a fuss of the police sitting in a location observing people. The whole point is making your presence known blaring your blue wrench everywhere.
can you retards stop biting
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mischief joining!
average niji collab thread tbdesu
you may be autistic if you can't identify a normal conversation

>conversation has nothing to do with niji
>seethe over them anyway
>thread is fine and dandy when no collab
>thread is shit and off-topic when collab
Do the math
incredible logic for this 2 day old thread
Which already existed for like 2 other collabs without a problem too, for that matter.
The mod conversation has been brewing last thread, no one is honestly hurt over the niji collab
>any kind of negativity is a schizo/falseflagger/shitposter
You would fit right in in /nijien/!
Especially since some of the girls chats are already unbearable despite being 2 weeks old
that's every general desu
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oh that's what that was on mischief's schedule
this uh.... this does not look good lmao
get that bread girls
oink oink
What is it?
The false equivalency it comparing a chatter with a blue name and loud distracting sirens. you can just ignore the color of the chatter
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it looks like if the concord devs made a battle royale
the fated fortnite killer
Not sure if you know but it's not a matter of ignoring when there is a massive blue name with a wrench. Usually when mods chat it's something important to look at for everyone so essentially abusing that power when your not flagging something is highly distracting. For example, take how the talents in BBs chat rn they understand how distracting they can be for chatters and streamers. They keep they're comments to 1-4 words. and don't chat as frequently. It seems like you don't understand your position as a mod (NOT A VIEWER) and you're doing your talent a massive disservice by refusing to understand that.
Lil bro views mod as a status symbol and refuses to look at it like a job. I don't know who he mods for but imma pour one out for them. Best of luck
>a job
>they do it for free
>stream chat modding
>a job
OP here, wrong wording would a "duty" be better
Damn ya'll sure BB doesn't mean Beam Bitch
I feel bad shitting on voltail after seeing idol's new gen.. it really could have been worse
give me a QRD, i don't know much about either except that people seem to be horny for the abs girl in idol
Wrong thread, but Idol finally got some diversity in their models after 3 gens of Aviel's barely disguised fetish
Wrong thread?
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Newfag probably meant board
this explains it well.
basically hardcore troon politics panderer with an open BF and fleshstreamer.
ghost pirate has open BF.
puppet has open BF, groomed to shit by 1view males (looks like her BF is one), and cant go without talking about homostars for more than a day.
only good one is the oppai loli as expected
How BB looks at me after I've busted 12 fat loads on her chest
yeah i thought i was in /v4m/ kek, oh well
I hated the Jew man sometimes but wtf has idol devolved into
Predebut doomshit has literally never had any bearing on how girls are post-debut. And that is massively off topic.
retard, but yeah its off-topic
he is upset, please understand. and it's dead hours until bro streams anyway
i wish mischief did a guerilla stream for this...
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>dead hours
Mischief going to sleep, too tired to hit her shots in this sweaty lobbies
OH SHIT, Koma isn't playing Escape from zzz for once
this thread barely stayed alive until it could grab some vsposters from /v4m/
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>Ryoma can you go "pspspsps" for me? because I see my sniper Azeria is on, and oooh she wants to play Apex so bad, oooh
mischief is too cute
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Elyza joining next game
a bellchime asked "say BB how long will this stream be?" and Ryoma and BB both realized that they're "down for whatever", so who knows when they'll actually end
true gamer grind happening rn...
Maybe I can still forgive her...
forgive her for what? being filipino?
What's Eliza's rank?
Gold 3

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