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【 Website 】 https://idol-company.com
【 YouTube 】 https://www.youtube.com/@idol_corp
【 Twitter 】 https://twitter.com/idol_corp
【 Schedules 】 https://holodex.net/?org=idol%20Corp / https://pomu.pages.dev/jidf
【 Merch 】 https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/pages/projects/idol / https://shop.idol-company.com
【 Archive 】 E-Sekai + Genesis: https://idol.icebox.moe / Endless: https://idol2.icebox.moe / Former members + Events: https://grad.icebox.moe

idolEN Genesis:
【 Kattarina Qutie 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Kattarina_Qutie / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Kattarina_Qutie

【 Nikki Rei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@NikkiRei / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Nikki_Rei_Idol

idolEN E-Sekai:
【 Juna Unagi 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@JunaUnagi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/JunaUnagi

【 Rin Penrose 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RinPenrose / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RinPenrose / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/RinPenrose

【 Fuyo Cloverfield 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/FuyoCloverfield

idolEN Endless:
【 Roca Rourin 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RourinRoca / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RocaRourin

【 Poko Rakun 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RakunPoko / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/PokoRakun / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/PokoRakun

【 Kai Saikota 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@KaiSaikota / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/KaiSaikota / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/KaiSaikota

【 ???? ???? 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RedactedIDOL / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RedactedIDOL

【 Coni Confetti 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ConfettiConi / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Coni_Confetti / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Coni_Confetti

idolES EternalS:
【 Meica05 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@Meica05 / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/Meica05 / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/Meica05

【 Koa Akugaki 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@AkugakiKoa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/AkugakiKoa

【 Ruby Runeheart 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RubyRuneheart / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RubyRuneheart

【 Lalabell Lullaby 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@LalabellLullaby / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/LalabellLullaby

【 Taiga Toragami 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@TaigaToragami / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/TaigaToragami / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/TaigaToragami

【 Enya Ignis 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@EnyaIgnis / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/EnyaIgnis

【 Shabel Tonya 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ShabelTonya / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/ShabelTonya

【 Chikafuji Lisa 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@ChikafujiLisa / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/ChikafujiLisa / [Twitch] https://www.twitch.tv/ChikafujiLisa

idolEN WildFyre
【 Daisy Dandelion 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@DaisyDaLion / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/DaisyDaLion

【 Cersea Soulstorm 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@CerseaSoulstorm / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/CerseaSoulstorm

【 Riki Poppet 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@RikiPoppet / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/RikiPoppet

【 Yena Youngblood 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@YenaYoungblood / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/YenaYoungblood

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Previous Thread: >>87406443
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Sweaty sex with Poko
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I want to protect this smile
Roca makes me happy.
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Koa love!
Fuck you [Redacted]
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Kai has already forgotten Juna...
How is she going to suffocate me? I'm 5 times her size.
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daisy love!
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Ah, tranny janny camping here today.
Are you guys getting any wildfyre ads?
With her tail?
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Do you?
erry day
i smoke that green stuff
No and that is a good thing i don't want voice spoilers
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picture this. facesitting, footjob, and her tail punishing your prostate
bratty invasive species needs correction!!!!!
what are those?
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cute hippie pothead
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>day 2 and still no sign of Daisy on discord
I love this girl.
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spraying this weed with pesticides (my semen)!
I love Poko so much it's unreal.
...Adventures of Billy and Mandy
>1:40:54 in that VOD
oh no no no no!!!!!!
honestly she's like a 3/10 so meh whatever
>know brave is looking to buy you out
>sign some garbage just before selling
>laugh as you count your shekels
it was okay when yuko did it
still doing this huh
a true businessman
at least yuko wasnt open about anyone being a BF
that one was hanging so low that I didn't even wanna bother
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>how the FUCK was THIS girl chosen.. out of everybody...
- Budget runs dry.
- Reputation is ruined.
- Not many decent talents available for picking.
- Competition doesn't sleep.

Considering Aviel's fuck ups, and some of the girl's woman moments...
It's still a miracle that ES, and Encore ended as good as they are.
And that we managed to keep all of Endless.
I’ll give ab woman a try, muscular women are a rare delicacy.
okay troon cuck
>4 days ago
This was done on purpose, to send the message.
all of that happened after en3 was picked you absolute fucking retarded tourist, holy shit you aren't even remotely fucking subtle about it
I like girl abs, simple as.
or just timed with when she got back from orgycon
anon there was video of her walking some fat retard on a leash in the first month
en3 was chosen before the company imploded
>Not many decent talents available for picking
completely fucking false, I can think of 4 2view indies right now that would be better choices over what we got.
Or he could have just check /uoh/, look whats on the menu, hire Mond and Aruru insteed of Yena and Riki
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Friendly reminder, that the blue loli angel was here all along.
but she's a demon
She really is an angel
A semen demon
endless got the 2 best cyberlive girls...
why couldnt they have done that again and convinced some ex-prism girl or something to join.
or couldve snatched up mischief before she joined specialite. like come on
Ah yes this is what vtubing has become in 2024.
I tried to gatekeep western fucks when hololive debuted their English generation because I knew westerners will destroy everything I love.
but the company didn't really turn jewish (derogatory) until the japs bought it
so how long until we get our first lecture/sermon from the new girls?
Goodnight, my lovely sluts
ill put money on an audience lecture in debut 2.0 by yena
Sounds likely.
What did she mean by this?
Now I understand the "Cherish the cute girls!" ritualposter
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The jews just did some fast hiring to ask for more money before selling the corpo
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between this and how checked out of idol she is in general, I wonder if fuyo will even bother drawing art for en3
wasn'tRikki suppose to be a huge Bettel fan? why does she has a bf?
ES had (mostly) great hiring and they were hired at the same time
>encore ended up good
The whole gen has been MIA more than they stream
>vtubing is nothing more than twitch streaming with a disposable anime avatar
the bettel thing is actually somehow a lesser evil lie
The virtual part of vtubing died with the Towa yab
If she can give the muscle mommy six packs everyone has denied me, I will watch
The bettel thing is far worse in my book because it's posted on her official profile. She's directly shitting on her character.
I ain't getting shit, you need to watch them in the first place for that.
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>she knew and decided to leave
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Trust the plan
>disposable anime avatar
Sure but models are like 2-5k and she said she was broke, they are just stupid
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so who's the new cunny that will eventually betray us
pixellink should poach tomer, he had the skill in scouting
speaking of pixelLink it's brutal how hard their latest gen mogs ours
Fuck off troony
??? They as in all WildFyre except for Daisy.
what the fuck ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
>Yuko, Pochi, Riro, Juna, Rin
>skill in scouting
File deleted.
Fuck you faggots, we still have cute and loving girls, 2 retards will not ruin my fun.
We're gonna join tsunderia, cyberlive and prism soon, aren't we?
Yeah thanks for the free bumps seapag friend
Yeah, in the end, it will be just important that they don't interfere with the rest of the girls. Rin was the prime example of that. Her content (in the sense of homocollabing, etc.) was the last thing I wanted to see, but she had been so separated from the rest of the girls that I barely knew she existed.
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Tonya's schedule
Posting Ibuki is just cheating. She's literally perfect in every way
>it will be just important that they don't interfere with the rest of the girls
I do not have any faith in that from an almost entirely poisoned gen containing someone who did an interview talking about how vtubing needs to change
oh also while under the company behind the last v4m gen and globie
>interview talking about how vtubing needs to change
It will be fine if the other girls will distance themselves from her. If not, it will be over.
>gacha gacha gacha
>weekly encore
They will do a weekly collab? nice
her 3rd one since her debut rught?
>wildfire pre-debut
I hope they forget about Yena existence after that
>They will do a weekly collab? nice
it'll probably get cancelled like usual from someone's tummy or internet hort
>forget about Yena existence
can you
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PixelLink has a hardcore anti-whore rule after the one girl we dont talk about was ran out of the company
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jesus fucking christ
I used to hope that Idol would be the bastion of the cgdct content.
yeah it's fucking over
it's unironically over
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Poko should have left when she could take everything with her
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Not like this
Jewbros, I don't feel so good
Seems like Yena's discord actually got into management kek
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I told you they're inside the company :3
yeah i dont blame fuyo for bailing.
fuck I wish the endless girls bailed too now kek, they were so close to too if not for that offcollab
cunny corp is dead
thread theme
It was a good run boys o7
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Apologize for ever doubting her
Doom 2:More Doom
Fuyo was planning to stay for years to come until everything went to shit.
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I thought they weren't supposed to do this shit?
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Stop the dooming for a sec, Tonya sex on the way.
if coni didn't get in trouble for mozzu telling her fans to donate to menace, it's pretty clear no one at brave gives a shit
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The goal was this one. So it doesn't say how much degen can it be.
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It has never been so over
wtf nobody told me tonya is sexy
maybe her fans are realy dumb and won't find her on their own
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Oh, how things changed. I remember how Aviel once posted about not allowing males in Idol, and his statement was cheered on by many Idol fans (who used to be numerous back then). Then half a day later, some troons discovered and raided the post with their seething. It was stale already, so their seething never got any traction. Better times.
how spicy can i suggest it? also is she seeing my email with this???
is it full on sex or just an erotic tease
This is why PL shit is bad.
Daisy's soft pubes,
Golden like a field of wheat,
Smells like fresh cut grass
Thanks for the mirror.
This is all I know >>87427830 idk if she talked more about it on stream because she overlaps Poko...
this takes me back to a better time
I was a jewbro for over a year after e-sekai debuted, you all need to find a new home.
How long before the Brave venture capitalist bucks run out
May her golden bush
Sprinkle all over my face
Her uric sweet juice
unironically most of what i watch nowadays is fucking smugalana
you get what it says on the tin, its an easy life
So we can forgive Pochi now, right?
no, fuck off pochi
I'm going back to indies
I'm going back to phase
I'm going back to the future
I'm going to wait and see. I still hope the healthy core will survive somehow.
The message is clear
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So Momo's real name sound similar to Yena then I presume?
I mean they are korean, both probably are called ching chong yeun
I watched some of her reactslop on YouTube. She's fine for that, but I'd never spend a dime on her.
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6 million votes? in less than a day? Sorry but I find that number hard to believe.
Are you arguing with the facts anon? This is a very well documented event you know.
I dunno man, seems like a high fucking number... I'm not saying no jewbros voted, but, 6 million?
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why did we allow this to happen
just keep consuming and SCing chud
Only Tonya is good in encore.
at least they all stream in american hours, as an european i will never see them live
I never did. I knew that she made the right choice and was just dropping spaghetti everywhere when trying to explain it.
>bails after earning company-paid trips to spain so she can molest koa and lala, and after getting the oppai loli she always wanted
Nah I'm still not feeling it. However I do get how being the sole survivor of E-sekai would weigh on her so I can accept her choice.
A few trips can't make up for the company being a shitshow that constantly makes her miserable.
kys lisa is a saint
Encore is lichurally the best gen
Unfaithful cunt.
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Can I get a tldr on which new girls are actually worth subbing and supporting? Here's some cunny for your troubles.
literally only daisy, the other three have already yabbed
Only Daisy
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Thanks, she sounds cute. Shame the others are duds.
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How daisy will ever recover from this?
How have they "yabbed?" I don't know if you guys can be trusted after shilling Yuko for months when she's clearly grifting.
Daisy is clearly a good girl.
Cersea has the "thing", but may the potential to be reasonable for those who don't care about RM (if she stays in character and won't bring it up on stream). I'll give her a chance.
The other two were well-described by this anon >>87400578
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She pulled this in less than 24 hours
So? Rin and Kai are like that and they turned out alright.
all three have THAT, one bringing it up while doing ASMR, one being a fleshcammer who literally designed her model to match theirs and also participates in convention gangbangs, and the other being an unironic trannytalk fleshcammer who is on record for thinking that corpo vtubing needs to be fixed/changed and so far has only proposed the idea of paywalling collabs
>Rin and Kai are like that
post screenshots
>thinking that corpo vtubing needs to be fixed/change
That's the most toxic part.
But they aren't? Are you actually hyena getting pissed at people not wanting your tranny propaganda next to their oshi?
she won't
Is idol unironically anti loli now?
There is nothing wrong about Meru/Daisy except her medical records
oh and just to be clear, I mean she designed her idol model after theirs, after lying about it being inspired by bettel's from homostars
Her model is worse now. This gen just didn't bring anything good
wrong reply? I didn't say anything about daisy, I was talking about the other three
hey look it's one of those gays that yena is bringing in
Honestly, Yena can throw up all the red flags she wants, I will ignore them all if she embraces the horny potential she has. And prospects are good if she readily wants futa art
Honestly, kys
She's just as boring as going to church
Koa you should leave this corpo, it's not the place you wanted anymore
Too late, her model rights have been signed away forever considering brave isn't running out of money anytime soon. Looking back on it anyone who decided to leave with their IP when they had the chance was smart
Aviel scouted this gen after making his mind up for selling. He stalled the debut to ensure the transfer happened before that. It all fits, if he couldnt keep idol, then no one will
that or he just put 0 effort in and grabbed 5 applicants so he could push up the price by saying he has gen 3 ready to go
you can't say that word in twitter without getting your messages hidden anyway
I follow accounts that talk about lolis regularly.
why is this shit eating my posts, 4chins is dying too.
EN3 are the horsemen of the apocalypse.
Not mutually exclusive but you make sense
She won't, she'll go menhera. See you guys in a few months.
Seeing the type of people she's surrounded by, I'm surprised she isn't losing it already
That's a good point. I'm watching vtubers and anime to escape this degeneracy. Being in her place would frustrate me immensely.
come on anon..
reading that article, I started becoming a bit of a nooticer
>she gets hired by idol
>immediately after shows up in an interview with polygon of all shitrags despite being a literal who
>article itself (not her) namedrops idol out of nowhere as being a good agency, within her context of branching out and taking risks buzzword buzzword etc.
>look up the article author
>it's a tranny that's interacted with her multiple times on twitter before (hard to get the exact scope as the author deleted their twitter account at some point)
that was 1000% an actual unironic shill article for idol
her streams are kino and her music is based
The absolute state of this corp. Riki and Yena have to be the worst hires ever.
she could start streaming as nisha again anytime she wants
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yeah somehow both are the shittiest possible choices they could have made.
honestly impressive they managed it
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>wastes money getting polygon to shill
>wastes money getting legal mindset to shill
Why is Roca staying? She's too good for this place
Riki is standard bad for small corpos
Yena in the other hand is a creature that shouldn't be allowed within corpos yet made it in one somehow, she's not just bad for us but for everyone she interacts with even outside of the corpo. Her objective is the exact opposite of ours
>Yena in the other hand is a creature that shouldn't be allowed within corpos
Exactly. I'm worried that she's not doing it for the money.
So many good girls getting too close to the epicenter.
that sounds like cope to me
well, yena cosplayed gura before so at least she isn't anti cunny
A lot of antis like Gura
Twitter troons don't even consider gura as a loli for some reason.
that sounds like cope to me again
This post is gonna age like milk
but she is not trans though, what are you even arguing against?
She is in that community.
so are you, you post on 4chan.
yena, I will apologize for everything I've said so far about you and become your number 1 supporter in this thread, if in your debut you say you want to bulge any loli of your choice's tummy with your futa cock
oh, besides enya, she doesn't count
yena is just excited about the debut and was probaly given a wrong idea about idol from the swindler himself, make no mistake, this is all aviel's fault.
This desu
jesus christ that's the fastest I've ever seen a janny work, it was deleted by the time I clicked the reply notification
Daisy owes me paizuri
Idol alert is back
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If only you knew how bad things really are
based panko manko
Boring and bland
Panko should go full pedo pandering like momo
>Meanwhile roarin rambles is dead in a ditch
>artist, 3d modeler, teacher
>paying more than vtubing
I just don't understand why you would hire two face-showing fleshstreamers in a single gen
you didn't give him enough money so he decided to fuck your hobby, still trusting the plan? kek
when people are already seething and doomposting you really don't have to try as hard as you are
still not as bad as phase
You roaches are so pervasive.
Is that our goal now? Just to not be as bad as a bad corp?
Man... call me a traitor but I know why I lost hope in all small corps other than Pixel
thank fuck that Idol hired this stinker of a gen so v4mirais gen doesnt look that bad
He's falseflagging all over the place!! What could we do now?!
I don't know man Phase has some shit tier talents but at least they aren't all bundled up in a single gen like Wildfyre
We might be worse off than phase at this point
soon there will be 10 graduated talents at idol, very bad.
Nothing ever happens
the problem is she destroyed nisha reputation with everything that happened in the last 2 months.unless anons want to support her,is difficult to regain everything she has already established as nisha
>i hate spics but unfortunately they were her regular views
Dare I say everything Brave is turning kinda shit
They are like Midas except they turn stuff into turds
It wasn't that bad, they'd come back to watch her
make that 11 I forgot about meica
Thank fucking god
Daisy should stop using twitter too, she should only exist on youtube and communicate through youtube
Daisy looks like a young, fertile teen girl with some supple breasts. I approve.
Literally another shoah
Things will get better right?
it's all downhill from here
Not really no, it's all downhill
Yeah Roca will go indie soon
things have been getting worse for almost a year now..
As Roca she will never be able to become an indie, she lost that chance already
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>Take the small corpo pill they said
I'm going back to Hololive
Punished idol
Punished jewbros
you were supposed to pick the non astroturfed ones
To be fair this one was pretty good for a while
Our only hope now is the forbidden word, they're doing good... for now. With girls like Lottie, Wisu, Kanna and such.
Damn, Phasefags really seem quite fearful.
Canceling my Coni merch.
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This being part of her merch with this travesty of a gen is kinda funny
Retard Cersea has done nothing wrong and there is no proof that the girl is her
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I think Runie's birthday being so low in superchats/donos made them realize how vulnerable they are.
I guess phase is the cunny corp now
No, she didn't, she can come back anytime and people will keep supporting her and loving her
>Wastes money on a dickmeasuring contest with the fish by giving offkai 2023 who knows how much money
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Please come back Momo
Will she ever suck us off again? I miss it...
kek he even got lisa and spend his days in /pcg/ bragging about it, what a moron, how can someone be so blind?
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Idol has just been nonstop disappointment for almost a year
Good morning, how is my daisycoin going?
She's in a better place now
I have a really bad feeling about this one's redebut.
I got the daki and shirt, but the rest of the merch design seems so out of left field. Why the sudden tactical design shift? Did they confuse the clown for Yuko? the military aspect doesn't for Coni at all.
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Increasing steadily.
I would follow Koa until the end of the world
Honestly starting to think that idol going the kawaii route might've been a better outcome than this
The talents made their choice. For the remaining E-Sekai girls, Katta, and Meica... they agree with you and chose, in general, the kawaii route.
Endless, Encore, Nikki, and the rest of Eternals chose to stay.
and picrel is one of the fuckups that brought us to this situation
I thought it was a meme but everything really does hinge on Momo. Whenever she re-debuts we'll have an answer for our future.
Does she embrace a cunny design even when things seem like they are going in another direction, or has Idol truly turned its back on what matters most.
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I hate tourists
>everything really does hinge on Momo
LMAO no thanks i'm not retarded
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>everything really does hinge on Momo
Might as well close the corpo then lmao
Given the sort of "people" that ads attract that's to be expected.
Of course everything will seem like a nonstop disappointment if you decided to oshi someone who sucked you up twice and then fucked off.
Doesn't really matter. The girls that actually matter will rise to the top in the end just like Poma in V4Mirai's new gen.
In just under 2 years we'll have lost 7 cunny chuubas in total (8 if Momo goes bad).
The worst ones getting more subs
Many such cases
Tourists would have zero clue about the yabs they've done
Sorry I didn't mean to imply it's up to her to actually do anything kek. More that after holding out for so long, when we finally see her new design there will be no more room for doubt or cope when it comes to the future of Idol and lolis.
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God I want to fuck Daisy so hard.
Yeah if you look at it from the perspective of not being /here/ poppit's model is actually really cool and Yena appeals to the muscle mommy tomboy gf market which is criminally underserved in vtubing. They just dont know the background and will be really disappointed when she starts streaming
Bros she's so fucking cute.
i understood what you meant I'll also not trust momo to tell me what time it is
Poma makes my dick rise to the top
the poll boths were built after the voting happened. Some were not even attached to the highschools the voting took place in. Allegedly
why is she playing HF?
who's stupid idea was that?
>manages to attract both trannies and musclemommy tourists
yeah it can't possibly get worse than this
I must solve the mystery of a Pomjob.
she could become your new obsession in life or maybe it already happened...
Delusional. She lost a lot of her regulars whether you like it or not
Mommyfags latched onto Cersea
Jesus fuck I'd honestly rather have 3 Lykos over whatever this abomination is
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>tfw you will never have a dandelion wife waking you up with tea
why even live
The dream...
go back to your thread monkey
I doubt Momo having a flat chested design would change the fact we have an activist in our ranks and that the corporate entity in charge saw nothing wrong with that in fact green lighted her presence in our ecosystem
If I had no context for this post a few weeks ago I wouldn't be able to imagine a situation in which you weren't exaggerating... yet here we are
I wonder if anyone is sending complaints to the management. I haven't sent anything yet.
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This is nothong short of the destruction of jewbros and their entire way of life. The old guard will be confined to their JIDF ghtetto first and then removed from the community entirely.
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this but with koa
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As long as I have Poko I will be fine. I will be fine.
She just keep looking better and better.
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Spooky scary skeletons and shivers down your spine~

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