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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Your Future is Bright Edition

Previous Thread: >>87676697

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts | Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive | vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook

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Request Anchor
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Powerful Jorb, brother.
Honey Goblin pink latex hyperfem bimbo
not sure where to ask this but has someone made a nude filter of Cecilia Immergreen's default pose before?
extremely nice and gooey mooner, view from the other end?
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Bricked to meet you.
damn good
lovely nipples, missionary view?
rissa strutting her stuff on a treadmill powering a charger connected to wawa's phone, and wawa is panicking over how low her battery is getting
beautiful, thanks
Could you do a clean version?
Here's your Gigis, thirsty grem.
Slightly off but perhaps still of interest:
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Noob 0.5 is pretty good at getting lesser known chuubas
Even gave her a somewhat readable name tag
Fauna mating press POV heavily lactating
Thx anon for doing my request, it's amazingly hot.
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I don't think I know what POV mating press looks like but hopefully this works:
Futa Ina, extra small
Requesting Mumei giving Gura a big hug.
Is there a model for Kalluu chan?
I really have no idea who she is, looks like an AVtuber.
Requesting Gigi french kissing Amelia. Bonus if their size difference is apparent.
Is there a tag for POV -> choking viewer / hand on (viewer's) chest in a dominant fashion? I've been trying paint a sort of evil scene but can't seem to find the proper prompt.
Thank you, that's pretty much it unless you can get a slightly "higher" angle like this
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Not the requester but goddamn
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Requesting pov cavewoman Botan has you standing back against a tree as she gets on all fours and sucks your dick (with cum) like picrel please: https://files.catbox.moe/m1zqbe.jpeg
For the anon that did the SimpleIllustrious merge, any chance you can update it with illustrious 0.5? Your merge is probably my favorite model right now but I'm having a lot of trouble generating dark/night scenes which otherwise work flawlessly on the new model and I think it's because it's the vpred.
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Hi, yeah, I'm here. I'm assuming you mean noob .5? My mix was a straight 50/50 weighted sum merge of silvermoonmix, where I have no idea what models or loras got mixed in, and illustrious_pencil which seems to be a mishmash of Illustrious and three different finetunes. I don't know how I'd go about replicating that using noob as a base, I could try a three-way merge of those I guess but when it comes to merging I'm at the level of "caveman bashing models together until anime tits come out"
Whew, don't care about her streams, but her designs are perfect for that.
Here's a quick controlnet attempt (featuring massive tiddies, I assume the example means you're into that)
Yes, that's perfect! Thank you again!
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sleepy clock woman
Day 19: Sleep
Going for normal sleeping scene/ environment seemed too easy and thought of more of a mummy kind of "sleep"?
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Anyone have tutorials for inpainting in a missing finger? I drew the supposed area with paint that I want to become a finger and but it also seems to mess with the stuff in the background and or doesnt blend very well.
Requesting either a lewd or cute robot Kobo
Nta, but that you for making that model.
My shit looks like 10x better on Simple compared to Smooth. Even though I'm using an artist tag mix.
I will second the other anon's request, just because I selfishly want to be able to use e621 tags again. But I'm not gonna hold my breath for it.
Do announce it if you decide to make a new mix though!
Thank* you for making that model.
Requesting a side-view of drunk Lamy in black lingerie riding a guy on the couch while smothering his face with her huge breasts like picrel until he fertilizes her with lots of cum please: https://files.catbox.moe/3mezeo.jpeg
>Mask blur 8
>Mask mode inpaint masked
>Masked content original
>Inpaint area only masked
>Only masked padding maximum
>Use the inpaint brush to draw on top of the painted finger
Thats usually how I do it though so I can't guarantee that it works 100% for you.
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I'm bashing these models together now, unga bunga merging the two mixes I used previously into Noob 0.5 v-pred test resulted in a pretty unworkable model. Trying the same with 0.5 epsilon... kind of works? It's got a bit of a weird texture though, and I don't know if it's got the night scene generation down as well as the real noob model.
racing is on, come root for mecha-lulu
Silly question but should I prompt for 'index finger' (the one in question here), 'hand' or 'finger'?
forgot to say draw a "finger" onto the hand on ms paint or some other program so that inpaint knows what you want. doesn't need to be the most detailed, just a skin colored noodle is fine.
Quality tags is enough, no need to specify what finger is if you doodle it onto the image and mark the area in painting using the built in brush.
You should use enough padding for it to understand the context around what it's generating. Generally you shouldn't have to change the prompt. Instead of padding, you can also select a small dot on the body where it won't actually inpaint anything but it will have the right context.
Bonus because you got me thinking about juicy kirin nipples
holy quacamole, cant spell for shit.. no need to specify what the finger is if you doodle it onto the image and mark the area in inpainting using the built-in brush*
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>can it do chuuba outfits that on point
Wanted to test this, so I picked one that at least to me didn't scream default outfit. Okayu wonderland. It's not perfect, and I feel like I can't just prompt it on its own but need to add a few clothing tags, but it's pretty good imo. As always, dependent on image count.


There's some slight inaccuracies in most of these, but I feel like the first one is pretty much on point.
Keep in mind that this is Noob though and not base illust, which means it is trained for longer, and I think the dataset is more up to date, though don't quote me on that.
>does it turn on their tags
As far as I can tell, yes, though they are weaker than danbooru ones. But definitely works, see these futa cocos with dicks you won't find on danbooru(at least not tagged with stuff like canine penis and penile spines):
Also, while it's very minor, they can influence style, which I noticed in the coco/towa gens, where it changed the look a bit during the hires step whenever I used e621 tags. Nothing too bad, but just something to keep in mind. probably also depends on how well it knows that tag.
>body part weights
yeah, Noob will try its best to incorporate everything in your prompt. It doesn't always work, but especially at high weights it will focus on that.
It helps experimenting with similar tags, like wide hips for example, though you can always try just changing prompt order/weights. Still, in some cases you're just gonna have to gacha your way through it.
very nice style!
Nice variety in that set
>double vag or anal
Good to know, though should probably be somewhat easy to inpaint if necessary.
Those were really cute! Love how the height difference is done in the grindstone one
Yeah, I might have to do that as well, currently just offloading it occasionally to a hdd.
>believe Noob (or base Illust?) is supposed to get Natural Language too eventually.
Euge did talk about wanting that, but not sure if they are still intent on doing it.
If it's something you can just "do" like that I feel pretty damn lazy for not learning to mix models myself.
Just noticed SilvermoonMix02-Illustrious has come out today. Someone asked what the difference between 01 was, but no answer yet. Wonder if there was something that prompted both noob and Silvermoon to update recently?
Maybe 02 makes for a better ingredient.
Delicious, is it possible to do implied pov breastfeeding or something like that?
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Sorry for all the questions but how precise does the masked area have to be? Should it cover just the finger or can it be slightly imprecise?
Yeah just basic mashing of models together is really simple and accessible but there's enough extra options for more advanced merging to make your head spin.
I'm really liking noob 0.5e myself, I'll see if I can glue some other model onto it to help with consistency
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Morning. Hags tired, do not disturb.
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A bit frustrating that Catbox doesn't seem to work on my end. Using VPN doesn't work anymore as the site refuses to load. There would be sometimes that it does load but only for a few seconds before it starts refusing to load again. Been sitting here for days with a batch of Robo-Ina in latex that I wanted to share without spamming the thread with one-by-one uploads.
I have no idea. You can have a gen that looks vaguely like (You)'re about to start sucking on those beautiful Faunas but I'm probably gonna need another example to controlnet if you want a proper mid-suck POV
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Nice biboos! Happy drunk shuten bijou is dangerous.
>reverse fellatio
It does know it, at least lying on back head back. However, either due to my prompt or the model only knowing it very slightly, it's really rng. I feel like not even half my gens are even close, and I'm getting jumbles of limbs I haven't really seen on Illust/Noob before.
Still, when it works, it's not so bad that you couldn't fix the few mistakes very quickly (which I didn't in this case, kek).


cute sheep. gn anon
I wanna give her my goo
That looks very cool!
Damn that sucks. I dunno, some anons used other services like gofile or even mega before for sets they wanted to share while catbox was down, so maybe try those?
nta, but thank you for green mommy
You might want to cover the whole hand. You can try just the finger, but one thing to keep in mind is that there will be mask artifacts from blending the new inpainted region with the original, so paint the area up to a natural seam.
Questions are fine, no worries. usually you can be pretty lenient with it, but I aim to only get the finger if I can
It really sucks that this kind of art is already rare to begin with, I think this is the best I can find
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>I dunno, some anons used other services like gofile or even mega before for sets they wanted to share while catbox was down, so maybe try those?
Got it. Will try that sometime.
postimg as well?
Ah she woke up
Here's what I managed to make pop out of that:

And a prompt-only gen that turned out sorta convincing maybe?

Couple more random ones:
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Which chuuba has the prettiest eyes? Not just hololive, but those are the ones I'm most familiar with.
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Whoops, also wanted to post some catboxes with that
Good stuff, guess I'll have to wait for more artists to awaken to this particular kink
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Will try that one too
I'm also partial to Gigi, Fuwamoco and Pekora/Pekomama
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i actually don't enjoy multicolored eyes/heterochromia but bae's are something to look at.
other than that maybe nene? nice cool green.
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Immaculate Taste anon.

And one where she pretends to be normal

True, Bae's are also really good

Gonna make a list to gen later
matoimiia black lingerie bukkake
Requesting busty Bae in either a school uniform, or nude under her track jacket + spats, which are too small to contain her assets
Oh damn, just realized her haircolors are flipped...damnit. Uh, I mean obviously it's mirrored and she just put her hair piece on the other side today.
oppai lolified Moona wakipai
its a hard tie between snuffy and huntressspectre for me personally.
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mmmm yes
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drunk raden my beloved
Sorry I completely forgot that you used a different model. Well whatever it is, I have to say that the result is black magic since these gens are amazing and has a huge amount of variety compared to pony.

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Subaru has some pretty eyes
Re-requesting >>87618282
>Suisei dry humping Iroha, and getting confused when Iroha unexpectedly climaxes
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Cute mummy
need to goon to Zeta, sweaty pits, lots of yogurt seggs, No futa pls
Sexo! Soft tiddies
Those look pretty fucking good though. I have a hard time with this even on pony
POV chuubas sitting in your lap and slipping you a nip
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Badass, the swords are really cool
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Yeah sometimes I get really cool weapons. I'm trying to get a Warframe Ayame since I just watched her play it. Might have to look for a lora though, even illustrious doesn't know it that well.
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pic not rel, the pain of spending hours of finding an artist mix you like on noob only to prompt with clothes/backgrounds and realize it's not as good is a hindsight I should have tested for. back to the drawing board I guess
Preggo Nerissa and Shiori touching bellies together.
Aliens helped build the pyramids so this is canon.
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I always rembr. Also this beeg cat is looking at me weird...
Oh warframe kek thought you were going for taimanin, still great pics.
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Hey there /vtai/, just catching up
Akirose presenting her huge booty
Cute! and that's how babies are made
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Looked it up on danbooru, seems like taimanin_suit is a pretty cool tag for nice bodysuits.
cecilia in bunnysuit, or reverse bunnysuit, smiling and happy to serve
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Hey /vtai/, how's it going?
Getting a bit of inertia due to not being able to gen regularly, still trying to land on an Illustrious artist mix. Got a dumb question, does NoobAI 0.5 need Comfy or Re/Forge as well? Tried it on A1111, seems all right but feels rather sketchy / blurry (links below - first is simpleillustrious, second is NoobAI 0.5). Not sure if it's my tags.


You using your Pony mix on Illustrious made me wonder if a schizo mix like artist tags + Pony style LoRAs might work, since the "AI artist" and Mix Gem styles aren't really replicable yet. I think you might have done something similar initially. First link is simple, second is IllustriousSPO.
Left: artist tags,
Middle: artist tags with an AI artist (mky) and Mix Gem (prodigy) LoRAs,
Right: Pony art LoRAs
https://files.catbox.moe/3ktplg.png (less apparent here, since Silvermoon probably has some art style baked in)
https://files.catbox.moe/3z4vcn.png (that's a rather funny Suisei-at-home, but wanted to keep the same seed)
I thought the results might interest you, thinking if I should continue testing on some body / sex poses, or tune up the Pony LoRA weights since they don't come out very strongly.
Gotta say I like how you seem to have ported your Pony style over to Illustrious pretty nicely. Nice gens with the collab outfits too, this Nerissa is particularly good.
Amazing body on Fuwawa and Shiori. Mind sharing the catbox for Shiori?
Thanks for sharing the box Okayu-Anon, was curious how you got that butt squish on head. Very hot pose.
Marine and Shiori are definitely great picks. I'm partial to heterochromia and chuubas with unique pupils, so here's an IRyS and a Nerissa with the slit pupils:
Here's also a funny blooper gen:
Hot, needs more goo.
Thanks for the test, these turned out pretty good!
I know that feel, having the same issues landing on a mix too. That's a pretty nice Mel though.
Make her gag
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do not the deso
pero pero pero pero
nta but nice!! can you box it please?
Rabbit hole Mint
>kobo goo
mmmm okey. when i have time.
I can but it won't do you much good, it was gen -> controlnet -> flip it upside down for marginal face improvement with adetailer -> flip it again and briefly paint.net over some weirdness.
The "process":
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Hey anon, yeah finding a mix is the hard part. I see a lot of anons start a mix with a LoRA they like and then tweak it with art tags.
No I think should be fine on A1111, can't think anything you need comfy or reforge for strictly unless you are using the Vpred version. Though to be honest, don't see any reason to stick with regular A1111 at this point.
>Catbox Shiori
here you go, it's comfy let me know if you just want the prompt

Hey welcome back Chloe non and wombo comboing the holooctober kek. Great gen
Finding a mix that can do everything is tough, kinda gave up on having good backgrounds at this point kek
Shiori and honestly anything by her mama is fucking amazing eye wise
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oh shit illustrious does justice out of the box too, wild
Which model? Noob 0.5?
Wait what?! Do I just suck at prompting? Or are you using a mix? Cause I couldn't get Ceci on Illust or Noob no matter how hard I tried without using the Lora
Requesring thicc Noel in a bunny outfit but her giant tits out getting fertilized and groped against a glass wall like picrel please: https://files.catbox.moe/e7kmkg.jpeg
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Simple merge does all of justice at least decently fine, though details like ceci's headcrank and so on can be fiddly
nta, but are you doing "character \(1st costume\)" for example?
Just the name works, but for some of them it really wants you to specify their outfit.
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Good ebening, /vtai/
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Roboco excitedly installing a new pair of reverse-jointed mechanical legs
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Okay, so not base illustrious. Of course, I don't know if that's responsible, but at least it might explain it. Could you share your prompt for one of those? I'm really curious now cause it would mean I won't have to train Loras for the others/retrain once noobs done.
Hadn't tried that, and it definitely pushed her closer. Hadn't thought of that since it has much fewer images for that tag, but since it helps, I also added more common tags and it's definitely much closer. So partly a skill issue. Still feels like it only knows bits and pieces. The winding key is in the wrong place etc, but it does know the ascot and general hairstyle. Picrel is noobv05 and the best I managed in 15 gens
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Had to do this real quick of course
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I think I got it, Raehoshi illust XL https://civitai.com/models/846917?modelVersionId=947491 has Justice and DEV_IS baked in (yeah it prompts regloss fine too), and it was part of pencil mix, which was part of my simple merge. Mystery solved, I guess
Pizza cat here in case you still want to poke at it https://files.catbox.moe/t9ffrg.png
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Even though anon already fulfilled your request I got pic related which I thought was pretty funny. I did not flip this image.
Also, here are some low res variants.
>man of culture.png
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Yeah, that would do it, kek.
Still, good that it showed me that the models have better understanding than I gave it credit for, and learned a new trick for prompting characters with less images.
>Pizza cat
So I just ran that prompt and...well, it knew top add catears at least, kek: https://files.catbox.moe/d6z74k.png
Still, since cecis so close already, maybe it's just a matter of the models needing to bake longer. In the meantime, I might still bake some loras for the rest of justice anyway if I find the time to organize the datasets
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Do it anon.
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Yeah I guess it depends on whether that data finds its way to illust/noob or a popular finetune eventually. But getting a good feel for what works best when training for new models is going to be worthwhile even if the loras you bake now become redundant, there's always next project.
Good evening! Sexo enna
Beautiful aki ass
Honestly, I'm a bit shocked at how bad it is at getting Raora, since she has so many more images than ceci, though maybe that's because "catgirl" is a little less specific than "doll joints".
Gonna prepare a dataset to bake a lora tonight, cause I am realizing, I am having big car withdrawal.
>Getting a good feel
So far, Pony settings worked well, though I am curious if my theory on dataset preparation is correct.

Only question now is to bake on Illustrious or Noob, since some anons in /h/ as well as most people on the discords claim that illust loras are weaker on noob. Hasn't been my experiene so far, but maybe that's just cause it's only reinforcing knowledge, and not adding new knowledge.
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well fuck

Any chance of you could do some with underbutt from her skirt being too short?

Uoh, NTA but I'd love to see more
Is it me or does the merge like generating 3 fingers? I haven't played around with base illustrious since I like this model a lot but it seems to be occurring somewhat regularly and idk why.
I don't usually get high off my own supply but god damn I couldn't stop with IRyS getting hypnoed. May put a pack together later.
No metadata on this one cause edited a second navel out.
This model has done irreparable damage to my sanity kek. Pokemons getting some love too, wouldn't mind more if you do end up doing it.
Id bake on noob personally since its more likely to transfer to the final version imo
Yeah, I'm thinking of doing it on Noob atm. Sure, if I bake on illustrious it transfers easier to other branches from it, but let's be honest, Noob is probably gonna be the main branch of illust for the foreseeable future, especially if the final vpred model is successfull.
And would also be good to see if it's backwards compatible.
And if I still need to bake again in the end, so be it.
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Good afternoon
Day 19 - Sleeping

Nice and moist, and very inviting with them saliva strings
Sexo I like your freckled Fauna
>double vag or anal
I've seen a few in the huge batch I did but I also have a huge dynamic prompt going so I think other DP tags might have taken precedence. Probably better to just straight confirm by prompting double vag/anal, multiple insertions, disembodied penis and do like a batch of 20 and see how it goes.
Morning, it's sleepy day so let the hags sleep
>reverse fellatio
Shit we are getting there, reverse fellatio is definitely is rare sight so to get some decent looking one out of the model is really nice. As long as the face still looks pretty good it's a win to me
Yeah I gotta agree, she's a bit weird in the head but she got them nice piercing eyes. It's the slight dark outlines and that tint of red that makes it
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I tried and failed to get her cheek against the glass. Using "cheek press" just gives her squished cheeks.
>Low res variants
Ah, fuck this was a much better idea then her default costume. That looks real soft.
Don't care much for the pokemon, but I love hypnotized/mind control stuff.
>especially if the final vpred model is successfull
I could probably google this, but google searches have become dogshit lately.
Could I ask what you are talking about here? The only new thing I had heard about with noob was the e621 tags.
Hot. I wanna try genning pov kissing again, but it was a pain in the ass on pony.
Just realized I forgot that part of the request. My bad.
Love the soft bodies in your style
Always. (I forgot to remove muscular so they're strongbeegs)
Big cat means big lust!
Granny panties my beloved!
It's afternoon so they're up now.
NTA but vpred fixes a contrast issue XL model have, not getting into the technical side basically will let picture have a proper separation between background and foreground without the colors bleeding on each other
Nice Noel!
>what is this?
vpred is a different way for the model...I'm gonna be honest, I'm not 100% sure what it does. From what I heard and gathered from skimming over the google paper on it, it's got something to do with predicting the next step/final image of the diffusion process.
One key difference is that vpred (empirically) has better colors than epspred.
These improved colors is what most people are after, since so far most local models are epsilon prediction, and since vpred and eps pred models aren't (easily) able to be merged, if the vpred version of noob is good and takes of, it basically becomes a new starting point with little interaction to the rest of SDXL based finetunes. Loras might still work though, as my illustrious loras still worked on the vpred test.

This is probably not really a good answer, and might even be factually incorrect, so take it with a grain of salt.

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Very much several variations of picrel with different chuubas.
fantastic set. i really like the close up image as well
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Testing some after oral stuff in Illust
It does cupping hands, puffed cheeks, mouth pull, licking lips, pretty flawlessly

The pain is real, trying to get your old mix on a model. I can't I have found my pony in Illust yet but I glad I was able to get something presentable.
Oh dang, you hitting like 6 of them, great stuff
Monochrome, sleep, fairy, baby, couple, goth?
>You using your Pony mix on Illustrious
If I had to pick one I'd choose the middle of SimpleIllust, seem you are getting the best of both worlds. Artist only looks too red, while pony LoRAs it too flat.
Evening, love the see-through crotch there
>cheek press
Surprised it can't do that, noted
Hag chuubas getting their fat bellies grabbed and fondled. I was thinking Lui but you could do your favorite hag instead if you want.
Housewife Fauna made you a mojito!
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I really like the style
This is so cute!
Requesting Mumei's chest window cleavage
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Please go AI at pic related. Pref with human hands. Background of your choice. BUMP
Cute doggo combo
Give me the most sexually possible depictions of chuubas eating a popscicle or a lollipop, with or without staring at (You).
Thank you!
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Didn't get to post this on the day with the "school" prompt.
Damn that's nice.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Damn this pretty fucking nice
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oof that's a rough life. Great narrative on this one gen
Kek, this was my request, thanks anon.

Also as someone who actually didn't read too much into her lore, is her flame supposed to be like charmander's in where if its extinguished, she'd die?
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Getting rags is easy, getting furs is easy, getting leopard print modern clothes is also easy, but getting the classic caveman leopard pelt rags is fucking impossible!
I kinda gave up, but have this. I liked the composition at least.
Interesting. I bet it's something that obvious once you see an example, since it's dealing with coloring etc.
Loving all the mouth stuff in this thread.
qoma with the 1k dick stare..
What model is this? Not at computer
NTA, but it's Illustrious. Due to being trained on the danbooru dataset it knows pokemon, so you can do ungodly things with them.
holy sex
Like >>87700044 but for Ember Amane please.
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Nice Mumei goo
Kek, it's not easy being Liz, first used as a campfire and now this.
NTA but I think you got that feel pretty good honestly.
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New snakeoil just dropped (more than a week ago) in the awa discord.

Can be used to train models, but adding it via a diffadd to a model also has some pretty nice effects(even to vpred apparently, though there's some other method to do it with that's supposedly better) .

Regarding my comparison,
v01 is Noob050 + (itercomp - sdxl)
v02 is 50/50 v01 and noob050
v03 is 70/30 v01 and noob050
v03_alt is 30/70

Imo, it definitely improves colors, and from what others have posted also improves details a lot. Not sure if you want the full merge, or want one of the backmerges, yet.

Anyway, gn. Time to bake the Raora Lora. Itercomp doesn't seem to destroy my Ceci Lora, so that's promising, no matter where the journey ends up going

Man, those two have great eyes (knew about snuffy, but not about huntress), but sadly Noob can't do them.
Thanks. Yeah, eventhough it messes up sometimes, the ones it gets right are pretty ok.
Know that feel. Also cute sheep!
Nice Rissa. Might be tags, noob050 changed artists a lot. UI should work for 05, vpred was the one that had issues, though that's being fixed atm
kek, that's a gread gen. Should have been Kronii though, so she can always look at herself.
Very cute Mogojyan. (Almost) doesn't feel lewd despite being bottomless.
Nice sequence. Love that it has a happy ending.
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Gyaru Raden
Gyaru Raden
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Raora mamma and her beeg belly.

And Chattino POV:
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Comically large popsicle though
I'd love to get crushed by her, thank you for the bonus Bae

Sexxo! Something about the oversized lollipop makes it more erotic
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That is certainly..original kek
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I was thoroughly baited by those thighs.
Man the vibrancy is really nice.
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Oh that looks interesting. I wonder if it's possible to extract a LoRA/Lyco out of it, maybe easier to balance then. Anyway, I'll do some tests with it, thanks for the heads up, gn
Fat rat love
LOL, happy halloween!
loving the lollipop theme.
Lewd flare!
Mama sexo!
Lucky popsicle
I think that sex with titty kitties.
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I don't ERB so I wouldn't know, would be nice to have some quirk with it
Damn she licking that pop with some hag experience
Actually a pretty good test for illust, baseball has holding something and nice dynamic poses and with clean uniforms
Requester here! You killed it anon goddamn thank you
Ngl, im itching for more holo x pokemon after seeing shion talked about it.
No problem, do you thin kits possible to add the groping part still?
Pov missionary with muscular sweaty Uruka in a black sports bra looking angrily at you while you hold her legs up and knock her up on the bed please
Would lick those abs
Girls with wet hair coming out of the shower
Man I love Pekomama
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Holy moly.
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Same man.
*think it’s
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Good Night (morning) /vtai/
That's a crazy action shot. I remember trying to make stuff like this before and it just came out looking completely goofy.
Makes me inspired to try some.
Soft rat buns in my face.
Man, I haven't watched her in forever. Love the last image.
Glad you liked it! I kinda regret not just putting her in rags or furs.
Erm, it's 5am here right now. I could throw in some groping tags and gen a bunch of lowres stuff overnight.
If there are any good ones I'll give you a highres one tomorrow. But I won't be awake to wrangle the genning, so it'll be very RNG.
Fellow mama lover!
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Beeg bird getting rubbed.
Goodnight! cute gen!
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i made a twitter and apparently some gura cunny pics i made are viral over there
Kek, not in a good way I presume? There's been like an anti-lolicon war going on over there.
Chubby, sexy Haachama, wearing loose clothes/nothing like in her ASMR thumbnails, torturing POV by denying orgasm through handjobs and blowjobs
don't you get shadowbanned pretty quickly for posting lewds on twitter?
no? i don't really know.
maybe ignore anything other than the linked tweet
fuck if i know, i haven't used twitter in almost a decade and i certainly wasn't posting lewds back then
Me squeezing my wife's tummy.
Oh that guy asked me to do edits of my stuff on pixiv a little while go. I guess you gave him permission. Just be aware that if you let him do one he'll do as many others as he wants without asking you so hopefully you're fine with that.

Also that Gura did crazy numbers. I wonder how many other times people have taken something from here/pixiv and posted it for clout/engagement.
kizuna ai taking off her pajamas
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Nice Kotoka, haven't seen her in a while
It's impossible to hate Pekomama, she is peak
Goodnight anon, I really like this one, and the meat has some good texture there
Kek nice!
I remember the Suisei squatting one early AI went rounds during early AI, was made by an anon here.
as she should after every meal
>I remember the Suisei squatting one early AI went rounds during early AI, was made by an anon here.
*I remember the Suisei squatting one went rounds during early AI, was made by an anon here.

My proofreading reps...
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I remember those. I think I saw an artist trace them too.
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apparently no yomu in your mix but it's got yomu energy and i dig it
Ok I wasn't dreaming that, had that in my response but wasn't sure if it was for something else. Memory is failing me kek
Ok no rush! Goodnight anon
>free real estate
Kek yeah that was my thought too. My only beef with the guy is that I told him to ask before doing any future edits because there are some sets that I did not want him to edit. Then he ended up doing more without telling me including one I would've said no about.

It came to me in a dream.
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Alright, ran on my vtuber wild card at random

Good night, that meat looks delicious
cute teasing ojou
>Nice Kotoka, haven't seen her in a while
Yeah rare opportunity to prompt her, pretty all nijigirls aren't really requested here except maybe Aia and Scarle now.
What kind of edits? I know some people like to "black'ed" girls, had someone DM me on my pixiv about that like last year. Guess now they all use the same model and artist mixes for that now and they can do all that stuff til their hearts' content.
Excellent work and execution. Thank you so much anon.
Blacked edits yeah. I didn't want him to do it for sets I did on request/for others because while I might be ok with him editing my stuff so I can get a few extra views I have some friends that I did images/sets for who would not be ok with that. I'm surprised he's not using AI himself since it's so easy as you said.
Suisei computer glitch, like she is made out of distorted, synthwave ASCII art
The facial expressions somehow fit the personalities. Also lol at the Mint one.
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I can't get enough of how sexo Ina's loungewear is
Not the OR but I'm tempted to request some pics of this Ina getting pegged if it's not too much of a bother for you.

These gens look really clean.
Futa Ame ground pounding Kaela/Raora/Elizabeth in a bedroom late at night while Biboo in pyjamas looks on in shock at the doorway
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Good evening(???) /vtai/! Had some setbacks today so I couldn't post earlier, but this will count for day 19, nyes.
Day 19 - Sleep.
Cute sleep paralysis demon! I think it'd look even creepier if the demonboo had like one, really long finger to poke Biboo with. Maybe her index?
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Cute kek
Good evening (???) XD, I ship this
Night lads.
Hot damn, Kobo out here getting all the goo, please tell me you have a Gura and Ina like this?
cute, thanks
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NTA but these are really cute, especially the last two
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Maybe they're friends now. Something something accept and tame your own shadow, idk I'm not Jung

That's a very specific fetish you have right there, anon. I won't judge, though.
Hello! Very cute inners, and nice effects on holobae!
>I ship this
I wish I were either of them. kek
Good night!
Biboo taming her sleep demon, sasuga
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>That's a very specific fetish you have right there, anon. I won't judge, though.
no u
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Beeg clock enjoying the beach.
SEXO af, thanks for doing the request!
Need a lot of sunblock to cover all that.
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Time to BWEH. Good night, /vtai/!

More like her evil persona kek
Good morning anon.
Can i request cute Neuro eating cake or cookies?
Thank you anyway and hope you have good day/evening/night
Goodnight! keep on BWEH-ing, love these gens
Kek, that squatting set still the most bookmarked on my pixiv to this day
Wouldn't be surprised if people randomly yoinked pics from here or pixiv to twitter all the time.
Wow, this is amazing!
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Trained a Lora for some vtubers and costumes that are missing in Illustrious.
But when I tested it on the latest Noob, I noticed that Noob already knows them, so this turned out to be completely pointless lol

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Goodnight. These are like crack for my brain, don't get tired of them
Yeah saw that, almost 7k people thirsted for some Suicake kek.
Also great new Suicake
I noticed when I tried CC when someone mentioned it, it seems to 70% of the way there. Now I am not sure what the dataset cutoff point is kek. Justice shouldn't have been known I think if the date on their page is right.
uoh kid shark butt
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Better get started helping her out then.
can I get some more of this cute butt in naked sweater, miniskirt, and/or china dress?
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Wet hair doesn't really come out very strongly, but hope you enjoy:

Thanks again for sharing the box. Yeah I really should move on. I tried downloading regular Forge but it got stuck after I hit generate. Not sure what the issue is. Might try Reforge or SD.Next (I'm on AMD sadly).
Damn that's really hot, and a really coherent mix. I see the guy has started making Illustrious versions of those art LoRAs - might try them out while waiting for MKY or WAW.
Yeah thought so too, tried it on Noob0.5 with some interesting results, but really not sure if I'm just hallucinating. Might play around some more, or just do a Pony upscale until I settle on a mix.
Amazing as always, these two especially:
Head out of frame my beloved.
0.5 noob doesn't really know justice and neuro at least, best I get is neuro at home
ToT nice daki
Sexo! Especially the zeta and lui
Love Mooner gens
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It's funny how Suisei's gyatt is the one with all the eyes on it despite there being a few other girls in that post too. You're fortunate your most bookmarked post still holds up quite well; my mine is from the hll1 goodshit days and I'm probably never topping it.
That's a nice remasster! I really dig the expression and sideways glace, I'm trying for something like that myself with best girl.


>wet hair doesn't really come out very strongly
How far we've come from on 1.5 when every girls hair looked perpetually underwater. The pubic hair came quite well though! Lui is my favorite.

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