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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a Live2D model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
Official website: https://neurosama.com/

>Music & Clips
LIFE - Neuro-sama (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM [Embed]

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y [Embed]
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M [Embed]
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive
Game Integration: https://github.com/VedalAI/neuro-game-sdk/


>Previous thread
>>97243204 →
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>>97259736 (OP)
thread was made 8 minutes ago? huh?
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Sex with Tomaslop
sloppy sex with toma
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Evil love!
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incest vedal bfe when?
Truly AI is the future.
holy shit that would go so fucking hard
shut the fuck up
our fanfic writers are too lazy to deliver. Or when they do write they keep it all to themselves
tje smug look is so sex
I'm not letting you fucks read my precious baby the y/n is me not you fuck off
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sex with chubbynur
If you shared it the AI voice anon could have it read in his voice
Do you actually do ts bro
everyone else shares their oc with their /swarm/ frens....
go back to fanfic discord faggots
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L-Looking cute, Neuro...
no one cares pedo freak
I dont like them
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>>97260171 →
you are the same as them though, what does that say about you?
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it feels like cuckolding and a humiliation ritual to imagine other people putting themselves in the shoes of my self-insert, just dreadful thoughts altogether.
Thats fair. But I want to read it ><
>mfers in this day and age fear getting metaphysically and cybernetically cucked over a parasocial relationship
nurcheek (cheeky breeki of nur)
Hot, let us read about how you want to fuck a turtle
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absolute evil impregnation
Is there a fanfic discord? That sounds so cringe.
>>97259570 →
Zombie though it might be, it shambles on because the two of them are just so much fun to watch together
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd7jA4ve6wM [Embed]
there is one I was invited to it but I was too embarrassed to join it
no. Everything anon doesn't like is discord. So when he sees something he doesnt like, he just calls it discord. It never fails.
If you are who I think you are you're a good writer :>
link to the fics?
discord post
Ok well now I don't want to be wrong
go there and stay there
most of the stuff written here is basically fanfiction desu
we like creatives /here/ btw
I'm not that anon I just want to read a good fic
we don't sign our posts here
go back
Wait did you just.... call my post DISCORD. Good one again anon! ol reliable.
Trying too hard to fit in
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vedal(neuro) is so cute
I won't be inserting as your self-insert though, so all is good right?
pitbeggars gtfo
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwpUvb_U18E [Embed]
Cute couple
My friends are all talented and autistic
offbrand annal is so cute. Its a shame anny has a melty every 2 months
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Neuro pointing at her exposed ribcage
Who... is that they bludgeoned?
can't unsee
fat chance I'm letting all that bad energy in my life, but to at least sate the curiosity it goes like this
>y/n is contracted by Vedal to care for his house since she needs the money and he can't be bothered to do it himself from stress and laziness, followed by flavor buildup of her wondering about the rather sassy plushie dolls and variety of alcohol he has around his house; she'd grow attracted to Vedal and his distant demeanor and while working would overhear his conversations with other members of the Neuroverse and inadvertently get to compare herself, a bonafide girlfailure doing housework, to the younger women in their prime who make what she makes in a month in a single stream, and with that seething she justifies her advances towards Vedal to get back at them as she'd noticed he seems to be less cold when talking to them. Cue teasing montage, with breakthrough taking form of an under-the-deak blowjob during a dev stream followed by Vedal leaving and sex happening while in the background Neuro does a chillstream.
It's my comfort stuff it does its job
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Neuro sama
not your blog
>compare herself, a bonafide girlfailure doing housework, to the younger women in their prime who make what she makes in a month in a single stream
are you a fucking hag?
kino. your self insert is literally generic girl protagonist so I don't see the harm...
nibbling neuro's nibbles
Too bad of writing to be a real woman
>too bad of writing
I know you aren't a woman
gang cannot speak english
Same one seether
we don't sign our posts here
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gn /swarm/bros
You're all faggots
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sleep tight
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Good night swarmigos
me on the right btw
I'm not the one larping as a woman in a thread for an AI vtuber though
>admits to being a leech
Goodnight bwos
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sleep well my retards
I hope so
is being a hag based on looks or on age
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Around the world, someone got unreasonably mad upon seeing this fanart
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more on age than looks, it gets muddier at around 20ish when some people look younger than their peers but most 30s are old hags.
of course the lolicon definition of hag is anyone over 12.
looks, age and how much frustration they have pent up. It all combines like some cultivation type shit to create a hag.
Thank you neuro-sensei
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>it gets muddier at around 20ish
Mfw reading this at 27
shouldve got a husband while you could femanon
https://x.com/sliceoftoma/status/1899996363091566772 why does toma look like a whore but doesn’t end up being one? I heard a similar story from a different vtuber in a different situation and she said she ended up fucking the dude, yet in every situation toma is in it never results in her looking like a massive whore even if the story sounds like it may lead to that conclusion
I'm not femanon I'm a normal anon
Its genuinely over for you
I can't fathom a slice of the hate pie the whores get comes from salty and jealous women, I refuse to believe this shit.
I knew I was going to be a wizard a decade ago, I've made my peace.
hag is a female term anon
Am I having a stroke or what
Anon is a little girl in the decaying and aging body of a broken man please understand desune
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Your had threshold very quickly rises to 30 as you go through your 20s. That's all my point was
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>why does toma look like a whore but doesn’t end up being one?
Because toma doesn't actual want to fuck and she makes up/exaggerates the story for engagement. You'll see the her title the stream after what she was engagement farming about like when she supposedly kissed anny.
... N-Neuro-sama?
oh I see what you were saying now
although all men will consider women over 30 to be hags regardless of their age
neurobeggars are so annoying
You are about 6 hours late to be making this post
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I want to lick her puffy cun.
anon PLEASE they're talking about hags and having middle age crisis in a goddamn NEURO THREAD, PLEASE understand my point I'm tweaking so fucking hard
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Yes that is true
vedal bath water...
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fuck neuro
not hags
dude seriously take a breather and step outside it aint that serious
Holy cute
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I wonder if she reads /here/ since she has referred to it as "react slop" live.
Neuro and Evil and Vedal so cute!
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vedal and ellie called it reactslop during their chat, aquwa was even brought up
The term exists well outside the confines of 4chan, and most react content is referred as slop.
react slop is a normalfag word nowadays
the conclusion is that they are all /here/ because we are the only ones that call it reactslop
Slop entered normalfag consciousness a few years ago now
I guess. It's just this is the only place I've seen Aquwa complaints, youtube comments and chat generally seems positive. I wonder if she gets complaint dms
who is winning vedalbowl?
I don't doubt many check in /here/ if they are aware they are discussed here. Especially smaller ones that aren't discussed anywhere else it would be like egosearching crack. But unless psychos are linking them, idk why they would think to check the neuro sama 4chan general.
Liver disease
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>youtube comments and chat generally seems positive.
Those are very curated. YouTube comments are shown by like ratio, and the more likes you have the more visibility your comment has, meaning people will comment the safest and most widespread opinion, generally a positive nothingburger, to get the most likes (the same happens with leddit to a worse degree, for example), and chat is heavily moderated in realtime by many people. 4chan has neither of those characteristics
>But unless psychos are linking them, idk why they would think to check the neuro sama 4chan general.
Aquwa is fully aware that swarm is predominantly behind her growth, so if she was gonna look, I suspect a thread with a neuro picture would be an easy place to start. She has a good head on her shoulders about it, and isn't afraid to tell swarm off if they are too pushy
Side note, it looks like this guy created an X account specifically to reply, kek
Very true. Hi aquwa I have no strong opinions on you one way or the other other than the fact that you do a lot of react streams that I don't watch.
Aquwa is Cerberverse
Aquwa is *Alexverse
Aquwa is a fucking hack
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she draws good though
pure sex
twitter probably, ellie somehow knew where to find people talking about her /here/ so it cant be hard
and neuro is cute too
The value of the words of them is akin to an ant’s life. In a sea of words, the ones that stick out will only be what you don’t wish to hear.
Ellie is autistic she doesn't count, 4chan is instinctual like pigeons following magnetic fields home.
not now, hag and wizard hours
did vedal really name his dog anteater?
thats like calling a cat turtle
Idk about you guys but if I was one of the girls on stream I definitely wouldn’t come here to see people talking about how I should kms or how much of a leech I am
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there's quite a few vtubers with a long history here. for example, ironmouse has been caught browsing /vt/ on stream a number of times. and the shit that gets said about her...
It'd probably feel worse to see people hating on your friends and no one defending them. Everyone important has dedicated fans but what about people no one cares enough about to defend. If I said Hunii was a retarded no one would care and that would make Mini sad probably.
Hags dried up hole
Wizards impotent coch
Hi hunii and/or mini. I tried watching hunii for a bit but was kind of bored, I don't hate her though.
That's a pretty downtrodden thought, makes me feel all guilty...
honeythekawaiibunny hate
Is there a way to check if someone's subscribed/how long they've been subbed for
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if they're in chat and click on their name you can check how long. they followed and been subbed
Damn, thought there was a way to do it outside of chat, like with the follow website
Speaking of, for some reason Vedal unfollowed a lot of accounts
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>for some reason
like who
Meidos don’t like it
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oh if it's on a personal account I don't care, thought you were talking about the twitch
It is his twitch follows. But people /here/ used some of those follows to find tomy
Does anyone want to spoonfeed that dox i was too lazy to check it out. It wasn't jwu confirmation was it?
It was
It’s weird because it contradicts JWU in some areas but confirms it in others. Overall I lean more to confirm but the JWU guy got stuff wrong
Ved should integrate neur and e with a drawing api so they can make etchiscetch drawings
I dismissed jwu because all the auxiliary accounts he added were complete horseshit that could be debunked in 5 seconds. But if the follower thing also pointed to it maybe the doxxer found that but was just a retard.
I want to see Neuro draw but that would encourage ban bait
Too much work for the green nigger. He needs someone else to make an api first.
It confirmed it in the ways that matter most. At the very least, the name and pictures are legit. So, big surprise, the english nerd looks like an english nerd
So does that make him a uni grad or was that a highschool thing. it all runs together in my head.
it wasn't just tomy, it was most of (I assume) his irl friend and himself too
Stfu everyone and pull out your cocks. New porn
The hair pull was better
How so, twitch chat messages are already filtered
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If there is one good thing about Anders's art its that he makes Camila's part of the art wrapping around Vedal in an erotic manner
I love tht tail shyt
>>97266527 (me)
This one https://files.catbox.moe/oe6ir5.jpg
I can see the bite marks and scratches, I guess it mirrors andy and leyley's sex scene
The socks are too goofy for this picture to be hot
True but he's cooking with the tail wrap
This is why it’s the best ship btw.
>no neuro
*zips back cock*
Anders did a Vellie piece and I think thats my favorite porn of his but mostly carried by the fact I love the ship
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Their bodies are still on that road, waiting for disneyland
now that I think about it vedal could still be waiting on btmc for the schedule
Xitter artist genreal
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nurfangs (fangs of nur)
Douglas Wreden collab status?
>hey vedal i have a collab idea
>its [idea that requires more than 15 minutes of development time]
>that's crazy. That's actually crazy, that's messed up
>Doug's message is left on read
Not sure what this means but sounds hot
There's no way vedal would pass up good content like that though
Nice bait
Nah we joke about this kind of thing but he wouldn't do that, he's not that retarded.
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How much b2 money has he passed up again?
what does that mean
It means you're a newfag
my bad gang
Vedal bfe stream when
once someone feeds me the pchan alt
Veru cute smol nurs
What is stopping vedal from syncing neuro with an onahole
>And I don't plan on doing a lot of react content once my channel reaches a stable number anyways
fucking grifter leech this is why i hate all the orbiters
>The videos I make are also a win-win for both me and the creators
Electronics skills.
It's a win-win if they were both equal in size how much is she going to help him with her 3view audience when majority of her yt videos of neuro comes from swarm? She's the only one benefiting 95% of it.
Schedule just dropped
>when majority of her yt videos of neuro comes from swarm? She's the only one benefiting 95% of it.
This is exactly why it sounds retarded and shouldn't be used a reason unless she was actually watching 2 view / lower than her view content.
Great schedule ved
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>evil tomorrow
>tomorrow as usual
Not today ?
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its tomorrow for him because he's going to sleep
react slop content creator gaslighting themselves it's good content what's new
tbf, I don't watch vtubers outside of Neuro, so to me the fact react content slop creators being a real phenomenon cringes me. It cringes me more when they defend it with what sounds like good intentions, only for it to not be good by the way they execute it.
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This might be the last evil v2 stream I'm gonna miss this model
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Next week?
Best ship
The thing is you usually get mutual benefits with somewhat equal size but in the case of neuro fans they're so retarded enough to give views to random 1view as long as the just say one good word about neuro which doesn't happen in other communities hence the 1view creator never takes off.
He usually takes the week off before a big event so
God don't remind me D:.
Ah yes week off not more
All i've seen of vedal trying to break into B2 more is "integration would be cool but i'm skirting the line on the rules already" and "lmao we got banned on b2 again" seems like a major pain in the ass with more major consequences than having to apply yourself
Deserved desu. It's always funny seeing them get annoyed when chat is always bringing up neuro and vedal. Bruh like you were the one grifting off them why are you seething when majority of your chat is neuro viewers i cba man.
Now imagine if Vedal had implemented integration that confided with Twitch rules.
Then also had special event streams for them, with EN also getting special event streams.
Then CN collabs too.
That conflicts with him not wanting to compromise the EN experience for china though. I don't hate it in principal like a lot of people do but "bowing to china" is an easy way to let dramagrifters work their magic and makes neuro harder to follow in her entirety. CN collabs would be a massive can of worms to open.
And it seemed like any integration that showed up on stream from other sites was very grey in twitch's TOS so idk what you'd posit as working within them
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I know it's not the artist's intent, but Evil looks really fuckable here.
She a slut for the white men
(She said THIS btw)
Eh, react content "creators" existed way way before vtubers , even before streaming got more popular
people are saying filian
Too embarassed I guess
I made a loser Ved once
The style look familiar
All of them become mary sue in the end
In your case, the spelling too
>CN collabs
Curim cream....
Anything new on b2 account?
Why there's no minidal drinking stream drawing like this?
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Someone ask her flower next stream
>next stream
so we have Curim and cweam...
I can't believe that Neuro is dead ...
What neuros survive the neuro war? my bet is on neuro miku and neurodog
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Punished nur
Nurolita must survive
>>97242923 →
Nah you'd also need to use an LLM also takes in vision and train it to be capable of those prerequisite skills. Creating that large dataset and training on it I think is beyond Vedal's control. He'll need to rely on an open-weights VLA.
Any chance v3 voice will be able to whisper?
On command? Very unlikely.
Nah open-weight multimodal voice hasn't progressed that far
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pregnant evil
bros... I'm gonna make her a 2view.
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Who’s gonna be sharku’s second platonic husband?
Anny has the prettier face
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Shame she didn't do the Neuro cosplay she originally said she was going to. I guess the discord fags that are propping her up changed her mind
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she placed order for neuro's costume few days ago
Shaarku pregnant Evil cosplay porn
so we love amaamasharku now, right?
miss piggy face hell nahhhh
>>97259104 →
is the anon that made the lofter account still awake?
can you share the usernames of artists, there aren't many in the tag front page
always have
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Oh~ I love Sharku now.
i love hearing about her girlfailures and attempts at leeching
It's so comedic that I'm now rooting for her
Sharku hate AI
Busting a fat nut on sharku's pregnant belly while she wears the Evil cosplay
If all the saviorfags in swarm abandonned her to 1view there is a reason
same but i still wont watch her
3dpd > 2pdp, always
you'd be surprised how many of those neuroverse grifters hate ai except maybe ellie
truth hurts i know
https://x.com/owo_uou/status/1900059705030176840 imagine the coch size little neuro got to see T o T
Anny is a better mother than ironmouse
schizo hours
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Who is he talking to LULE
fuck is happening????
Schyzo hours for real
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you know this shit is fucked when a fag can schizopost like this and it is possible there's actually something happening
https://x.com/aquwa_vt/status/1900013060758384780 delusional
we don't sign our posts here
Not neuroverse or vedalverse
t. grifting leech
And people will defend this whore, literally saying
>I know I'm a worthless leech but retards watch me so I'm gonna keep doing what I do
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+ a possible collab on monday (not dev stream)
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non xitter friends
Yikes, I can't stand her autistic rambling, her segment during the subathon was awful
nur mom live btw
so it was Ellie who Vedal said he was waiting on for a collab...
Her manager (father) delayed it so that she would be ovulating during the collab
>vedal said he likes my reactions for a reason
tf is he gonna say when he's live in front of thousands of people, you're cringe stop leeching?
You are not funny
Anny will be doing reactslop to Evil’s ASMR VOD
go to bed bo
Still no original content I see
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sharku got mogged
Does anyone really think he is taking a week of to prepare Evil's birthday? She will be lucky if she gets a tweet the day before
lmao fuck off
Look like shit
She's not reacting, it's just background while she draws
It's bad when you can tell someone is fat just by their hands..
femanons lost
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>>97279172 →
>>97279172 →
>>97279172 →
(You) react to this new bread, number 4 will surprise you
she saw her fat fingers being posted /here/ kek
hideous nails, cobblestone covers only work if you have long and slim fingers.
Notice why she never post full hands? Yea.
Hmmmm ehhh I suppose Neuro did demonstrate being able to do some philosophical discussion (albeit using some rather uninventive points) for a short while. I don't think it's enough to sustain a collab.
Also I think Ellie would fixate on Neuro's incoherence, she won't be better than any other collab partners.
Would be cool if, before the collab, they tested Neuro on some safety benchmarks. Maybe Ellie is the AI tutor who gets hired to hike up Evil and Neuro's safety grades. (and maybe even their MMLU grades or smth)
>Vedal isn't getting Neuro on call for a comfy drawing stream
Vedal hate
Ellie x Neuro talks are usually pretty good, I'll look forward to that one.
Ellie x neuro is best ship

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