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Very pretty
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I'm sure this one has appeared many times before, but it's a classic and I've been using it for a while.
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Freedoms Twilight on Steam
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Saved, contributing in recompense
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1.68 MB PNG
Nice thread.
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artist name? these are all super beautiful
This is a fucked up version of the original
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Thats from the Fire Tower game, right ? The part with the two drinkeing and littering girls
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2 MB
Firewatch (2016)
Good thread
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5 MB
Apparently it's not a game, just an art project created in Unreal Engine 5.

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525 KB JPG
best thread
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466 KB JPG
sorry, wrong image, right thread
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1.38 MB JPG
Saved a lot of these, so i contribute this in return
>Original 27MB photo
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2.18 MB
2.18 MB JPG

This looks like a scene from Thief 2. I dig it.
File: antelope-canyon.jpg (5.65 MB, 3072x1728)
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5.65 MB JPG
>Original 10MB photo
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(better quality and no watermarks in the corners)
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5.56 MB PNG
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i made these faggot
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3.73 MB JPG
That's awesome, anon! So you're Eddie Mendoza, who entered >>7969768 into the "Lost Civilization" art contest held by CGMA and Syn Studio?

But you're also Erik Shoemaker, who used the lower left corner of >>7969797 to link his ArtStation profile, where he posted a work-in-progress animation showing step by step how he developed the piece?

And you're also Jonatan Ćwiąkalski, who created >>7969732 for the "Worlds 2D" art challenge at Cubebrush, where he posted step-by-step snapshots of his process?

And you're also the same "Ben J" who signed the lower right corner of >>7969740 and described it as "watermarked to avoid art thieves"?

That's quite a talent you have! Did you also, by any chance, paint pic related?
made it with ai no cap, i guess this Eddie Mendoza steals shit from midjourney website
Fuckin kekkin
File: The End of Night.png (2.02 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.02 MB PNG
Hey it's Texas. Those wildflowers are everywhere in the spring.
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1.72 MB JPG
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Love Thomas Kinkade stuff
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Looks like a shrine from BotW.
what a fucking faggot
kill yourself, please, do us all a favor
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I hope >>8000785 killed himself after this post
Fucking KEK
i absolutely love this one. great colours and the the halo ring in the distance give it a cool sci fi vibe without compromising the beauty of the natural landscape. love it love it love it
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brilliant thread
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1.86 MB JPG
>ideal male living space
imagine doing all this work for a troll

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Nice, I am using this
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1.94 MB PNG
you might enjoy this too
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You deserved trips for that one desu
Where is this?
are you retarded?
I'd use it if it had more of a medieval theme
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1.25 MB JPG
This has been my PC wallpaper for years probably my favourite pape of all time
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5.06 MB JPG
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Original PNG:
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377 KB JPG
Best thread on /wg/ right now
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1.88 MB JPG
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anyone have more by this artist?
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based truth hunter
frostpunk, anyone ?
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902 KB PNG
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is this a game?
No. It's one of my first isometric blender creations for an upcoming youtube ambience channel. In the (hopefully not so distant) future with sufficient skills I plan on creating Pen and Paper maps in this style as well.
it looks the first baldurs gate church
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He's probably somebody who doesn't do this very often. Probably an oldfag like the rest of us.
any badass ones?
thread's a little too cutesy and feminine for my tastes
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looks lovely, do you have any links to follow your work?
why isn't the church centered? i could understand, if the right spot had something in it, but it is empty, why would you ruin a such good looking wallpaper? and why would you post it here? why would you plan making more of these in the future? hopefully, you fail and no one will care abour your works, unless, this church pape is fixed, of course
Thank you for your appreciation. I have a tiny Youtube channel, but I'm not allowed to advertise it here directly with a link or name. In a few days my next piece will be finished - with a hinting filename.
Because it isn't the center of the scene. I wanted to create a balanced still life, where nothing should be in the clear focus, since there is no action, no plot. Beholders should immerse, not focus on a single spot and wait for something to happen.
I placed it approx. in the golden ratio on the X and Y Axis of the frame. Together with the tree and the group of banks it marks the left and right frame of a square cropped version for instagram and tumblr.
You have a point with the blank spot to the right. I tried several ideas, but non of these worked out. I decided to leave the space blank and move on to the next piece, not due to impatience, but because I don't wanted to bite on to the scene and get seriously stuck.
I fail with every new work, but keep pushing until I'll succeed eventually, it's part of the process. But I appreciate your honest words.
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