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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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File: imt.png (1.15 MB, 2560x1440)
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1.15 MB PNG
Welcome to the IMT! We are here to help.
All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not >>>/b/, >>>/r/ or >>>/w/imt.
> Requestor
• ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".
• UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as https://catbox.moe/, if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space OR stretch/shrink your picture. Imgur is known to compress images, compromising quality.
> All
• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
> Any questions?
• Just ask, you're bound to get at least one answer.
• Tools we use Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET, PIXLR, MSpaint, and luck...
> 4chan Image/Thread Limitations
• Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels DO NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
• Images LARGER than 6MB will NOT post.
• Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
• Maximum file size allowed is 6 MB
• Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
• We recommend NOT posting NSFW images. /wg/ has always been SFW (ignoring the default Yotsuba theme). Moderators have started ENFORCING this rule.

Previous thread: >>8047497
File: IMG_9712.jpg (76 KB, 683x1200)
76 KB
Can someone please remove the signature and the teal background while leaving the dim “glow” around her intact? Thank you so much.
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412 KB PNG
please for the love of god someone remove the lettering covering the image
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214 KB JPG
perfect thank you. if its not asking too much, would you mind doing one more?
File: 1694545044712243.png (4.42 MB, 3840x1080)
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4.42 MB PNG
I copy/pasted the top row of this image to extend the sky and keep it 3440x1080. Can someone please clean up the texture repetition you see across the top of the image and help it blend in?
File: 1714111009534865.png (3.32 MB, 3840x1080)
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3.32 MB PNG
File: crop hi res scan.png (4.71 MB, 2000x1200)
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hello, IMT

I'd be very grateful if someone could remove the crease on this scan to make the image look like it was printed single page.

I understand the resolution might change a little bit since it's gonna get shortened horizontally, thanks very much to anyone who attempts it
File: FixedVillage.png (4.64 MB, 1981x1200)
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4.64 MB PNG
tried my best. hope you enjoy, anon.
Incredible work, thank you!

If you're wondering what this is, it's an illustration of a nipponic settlement of the prehistoric Jōmon people.

I had tried with a bunch of healing spot tool in photoshop but your result is much better!
File: 1708963870142032.jpg (181 KB, 827x1380)
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Could someone expand this image into a traditional landscape (i.e. 1920x1080) wallpaper?
Can someone please remove all the white background so both girls are on a transparent background? >>8056146

Thank you very much.
File: front.jpg (815 KB, 1235x2218)
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Would anyone be able to remove the watermark on the front and back of this vhs cover? I appreciate it in advance IMT, you guys kick ass.
File: back.jpg (1002 KB, 1235x2218)
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Back side
File: 0.png (1.99 MB, 2262x3000)
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Could someone please make the background transparent instead of white?
(I already tried reverse image searching; the original artist posted it as white)
Could someone please remove the watermark?
of course, im glad to help. I was curious and figured it was some sort of mezoamerican/tribal group. And yeah, spotheal was pretty finicky here. I ended up hand illustrating a lot of the line strokes in the small hill since it was too complicated. Happy to have helped
Hello. Good morning anon. Can someone please cleanly remove all the white background around the girl and her headdress? >>8056550

I’m trying to make several wallpapers on #000000 black for a lot of different resolutions and it’d help me a lot to have a clean png to work with.

Thank you so much in advance.
File: Echidna.png (2.28 MB, 2262x3000)
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File: emma.jpg (95 KB, 1280x720)
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someone please make this into a 1440 x 3120 phone pape, with the circle centered on the black background
File: correct.png (260 KB, 880x823)
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That's already very helpful, but could you also get rid of this section I marked red? It's part of the background and not the hair
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can a kind anon make this 1440x3120?
thank you in advance
File: womp.png (798 KB, 1440x3120)
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Could someone extend the sky and make this into a 2400 x 1080 vertical wallpaper? preferably keeping the eclipse at around 70-80% of the height and adding more fake sky above it
thank you
File: Echidna.png (2.28 MB, 2262x3000)
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2.28 MB PNG
my bad

Can someone please remove all the white background, while leaving the movement lines, air-puff-thingie, the speech bubble, and the other character intact as possible? If it’s possible to also seamlessly remove the signature that would be incredible as well.

Thank you very much!
File: waffeulhouse4anon.png (1.52 MB, 1080x2400)
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1.52 MB PNG
ayo just don't turn up the conrast lmao editing will be detectable...
actually this is dogshit let me go again one sec
File: waffeulhouse2.png (1.56 MB, 1080x2400)
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a bit better maybe lmk
File: SanctionedPsyker+.jpg (876 KB, 1997x1656)
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876 KB JPG
Request something like it was done at >>8048706 and >>8052932 in with pic related but with the following changes: Eye color like the way it is in the forehead gem and, if at all possible, change the skin tone like it was in the previous pic. If changing the skin tone is too hard then leave it. Trim the fingernails and remove the blue-veins in the face the same it was done in the previous pic.
very cool anon thank you
File: SanctionedPsyker+fix.png (3.97 MB, 1997x1656)
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3.97 MB PNG
That should be it
fucked up the anchor lol
File: house_targaryen.png (1.62 MB, 1920x1080)
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1.62 MB PNG
Can someone invert the colours so that reds are black/dark dark greys, and that black/dar dark greys are reds?
File: house_targarven.png (966 KB, 1920x1080)
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966 KB PNG
Beautifully done, thanks!
Would someone please make this a 2400×1080 phone pape? Thank you in advance, you guys are awesome.
File: 1604225993061~2.jpg (1.54 MB, 2160x1620)
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1.54 MB JPG
Requesting her top to be changed to the leopard print bikini top in the video below, please:
Lighting and other details might need tweaking, but it's a good donor video due to the angles.
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File: GEYhslGWoAAc3jb.jpg (181 KB, 1104x2189)
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Requesting it to look like he's daydreaming about Lucoa's chest in the top of this image, please.
Image to use is here:
Preferably with a thought bubble effect, and with the colour saturation to match the rest of the image.

Preferably with it tilted so it's more straight instead of on a slant, thank you. Could also be fun to have it be a literal thought cloud, to better blend with the sky and image.
File: GKNHhFLXAAAakJO.jpg (337 KB, 2048x1844)
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is it possible to make this into a phone wallpaper 1440x2560 with the image primarily in the middle? thanks
ty anon, looks great!
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Can someone remove the girl?
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Please remove the text and then 2x scale the image.
Thank you!
Can someone use "content aware auto-fill" and edit out everyone except Henry & Zack (the middle two)? Basically I wanna keep the same image size but remove out the other people.

The parabolic antenna part will be hard to edit but maybe we can cheat it by using part of a background from MoS screencap (https://movie-screencaps.com/man-steel-2013/page/86 -- for example: https://i0.wp.com/img.screencaps.us/201/3-man-of-steel/full/man-of-steel-movie-screencaps.com-15378.jpg?ssl=1).

Thanks in advance!
Can someone use "content aware auto-fill" and edit out everyone except Henry & Zack (the middle two)? Basically I wanna keep the same image size but remove out the other people.

The parabolic antenna part will be hard to edit but maybe we can cheat it by using part of a background from MoS screencap (https://movie-screencaps.com/man-steel-2013/page/86 -- for example: https://i0.wp.com/img.screencaps.us/201/3-man-of-steel/full/man-of-steel-movie-screencaps.com-15378.jpg?ssl=1).

Thanks in advance! (reposting bc i forgot the pic the first time)
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Can someone make a render of her with a transparent background?
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requesting this in 1440x3120
thank you in advance
File: IMG-0867.png (1.01 MB, 923x1851)
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Can anyone remove the sticker in the bottom left that says 124kcal and the three kanjis next to it
File: xxxx.jpg (440 KB, 1440x3120)
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can someone please seamlessly remove the signature, finish drawing the small tip of the boot on the left side, and then remove all the white background while still leaving a subtle white outline like in the original?


i know it's a bit complicated, but would appreciate it a lot anons. thanks in advance
File: 0xzh2e.png (137 KB, 1000x1000)
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137 KB PNG
Requesting this repeating pattern in 1440x3200 with dark/navy blue color background.
For clarification, I meant that I would like to request this pattern to be repeated as a 1440x3200 wallpaper with a dark/navy blue background.

Can someone please finish drawing the little tip of the shadow of the finger at the right side, and then extend the background pattern all the way to the right until it reaches a 16:9 aspect ratio? That way the girl would be on the left, and all the rest of the wallpaper would be in those two purple hues. Thank you very much in advance.
File: IMG_0772.jpg (785 KB, 1234x2536)
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Could someone please resize this to 2796 x 1290 and up the quality? I’m unsure if it’s the size but when I try to use it as a wallpaper it’s grainy. iPhone 15 Pro Max if that info’s needed, thanks very much in advance!
File: ancientpunk_rome_police.png (1.58 MB, 1024x1024)
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1.58 MB PNG
requesting to either fix the "police" writing on the right size, or remove it on both sides
File: Repeated Pattern.png (1.68 MB, 1440x3200)
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File: Georgia.png (714 KB, 923x1851)
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Can I get this made into a 1920x1080 with the same BG and her on the right?
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Can someone remove the bottom right mark from this ?
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this one too
File: FB_IMG_1715125953811.jpg (91 KB, 850x1442)
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>Could someone please make the background transparent instead of white? Also remove watermark? Thank you anon!
Can someone please make this illustration >>8057869 a bit warmer, crank up the saturation a pinch, and then turn it into a 3840x2160 wallpaper? The idea is to not mess around with it too much by stretching or with AI upscaling. Thank you in advance.
Looking for someone to be kind enough as to remove the off-center dildo protruding from the wall.
File: gVMLnl2.jpg (129 KB, 664x1024)
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Is it possible for someone to find it in highest possible resolution. all i get is a4 paper ones, but they are selling posters all over online
File: Monaco 1933.jpg (634 KB, 1894x2880)
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Thank you
File: asiantits.jpg (3.15 MB, 3640x2048)
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Thanks bro
I quit, here's my attempt so far:
File: maxresdefault.jpg (110 KB, 1280x720)
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can someone edit out the watermark?
Anon… I think you may be over complicating the assignment.
Take 2 https://files.catbox.moe/oh5bnj.jpg
So true
Can someone please improve this image of Mariko Gotou? resolution too low, same dimensions and I would like a 1000x1000 version if it is not too much to ask
File: big-ppcx3w-topaz.jpg (4.19 MB, 3840x2676)
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4.19 MB JPG
quick pass in giga pixel
There is a problem with her face, I can't pinpoint what but she looks strange. Everything else seems in order
Can someone please remove all the text and signature and then make a transparent background render of this >>8057872, and also get rid of the signature/watermark from this other one? >>8057934

Thank you so so much.
File: IMG_0947.jpg (331 KB, 674x953)
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331 KB JPG
Can someone please remove the watermark/signature thing and then also remove all the white background so the girl sits in a completely transparent canvas? Thanks a lot.
File: testament.jpg (744 KB, 864x1080)
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can someone please make a 1920x1080 wallpaper by extending the background with the character on the right hand side? I tried to figure it out myself but the textured background is difficult for me to work with.
File: testament.png (2.07 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.07 MB PNG
Thank you my friend
File: Printable.jpg (969 KB, 1894x2880)
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969 KB JPG

Removed much of the light artefact on the black and the sky, Straightened the image out as the sides were warped from the poster being rolled.
File: annoying anime hair.png (991 KB, 850x1442)
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File: anime shower.png (1.13 MB, 850x1465)
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1.13 MB PNG
File: more anime hair.png (504 KB, 674x953)
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Thanks a lot!!
File: IMG_9748 (2).jpg (173 KB, 1550x1281)
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Can someone please make this into a 2560x1440 wallpaper? I guess expanding the black blur thing that frames the scene would work well enough. Thank you so mcuh.
Can someone please seamlessly remove the text at the upper right corner while leaving everything else intact? Thank you

File: W0SmRAt.jpg (1.05 MB, 4096x2262)
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Love this art, but hate the xbox controller. Could it be removed? I don't mind if the hands are just left empty. The controller is just too out-of-place.
I believe this art was used when Valheim became playable on Xbox or something, so I understand the purpose.
Thank you!
Fuck! I just realised I linked the wrong thread. It's this one: >>8058616
File: IMG_1054.jpg (400 KB, 2160x2160)
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Can I get her in this Polaroid, get rid of the star on her face and put it on a #A1CAF1 1920x1080?
File: 1715713294829856.jpg (4.03 MB, 4096x2262)
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4.03 MB JPG
Thank you so much anon!!!
File: Untitled1-1.png (562 KB, 1920x1080)
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562 KB PNG
Thank you!
is there a 4K or higher resolution version of the polariod frame anon?
Hope this helps.
Can someome resize this to 1080 x 2400
File: 111.png (473 KB, 1080x2400)
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473 KB PNG
Thank you, ill put it as wallpaper on my phone
File: Road'sCLOSED.png (3.16 MB, 1920x1080)
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If the mark/text on the bottom left can be removed please do so.
Can anyone extend the background and make this fullscreen with on the left side?
Can someone please remove all the background so it's just the girl and the broom in a transparent background? >>8059249

Thank you very much
File: 1713541325382249.gif (1.68 MB, 1280x664)
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1.68 MB GIF
Can someone make it 3840x2160? Thanks megucanons
File: arryn.jpg (925 KB, 1920x1080)
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Similar to this, can I get the blue/white colours inverted?
Can someone please make a render with transparent background of this girl? >>8059532 Thanks a lot.
File: house_arryn.png (2.79 MB, 1920x1080)
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255 KB PNG
Been trying to get the words removed on this image, but I'm working so much I might miss the thread before it gets deleted. Hopefully I will catch it in time this time around.
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Can I get this extended equally up and down to make it 1080 by 1920?
File: 1716273499184592.jpg (822 KB, 1080x1920)
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822 KB JPG
Thank you
File: 126092-9.jpg (156 KB, 480x741)
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Don't know if this makes sense but I am trying to get this printed into a 14x22 poster. I was hoping someone could make this image big enough to be able to print on it. I tried finding more images buit I only seem to find small images.
Not exactly the same...
Hey this might work! I think I can get it cropped when I take the file to a printing place and just make it work. Thanks for this.
Crap I forgot this doesn't have the text at the bottom. I will have to kindly ask again fi anyone can upscale the image and keep the quality. Please and thank you and most of all sorry for the trouble.
Made with >>8059857 and LL Brown font.
Holy crap that is beautiful. May your pillow always be nice and cool. Thanks a million.
Can anyone please remove the logo?
Does /wg/ no longer archive (with images) anywhere?
archive.palanq.win goes back to around 2021 iirc
Awesome. Thanks for the link.
File: OIG2.jpg (159 KB, 1024x1024)
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Hello! Can you help me to make this image as a wallpaper I would like to have it for my phone (1080 x 2400) and for my PC (1920 x 1080)
Thank you very much!!
Then generate your AI slop in those aspect ratios.
File: 1.png (1.67 MB, 1920x1080)
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1.72 MB PNG
Anyone? :(
Can someone please remove all the white background while leaving the girl, the clouds, the window frame, and the balloons intact? >>8060420 Thank you very much.
Don't zoom in too much:)
File: Unbenannt.png (1.09 MB, 1080x1201)
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1.09 MB PNG
Can someone please turn this into a 1080x2408 wallpaper?
Please remove the text, the balloons and the flowers (the ones outside, not the ones in her dress). Put Darkness right at the center vertically and horizontally, but leave about 400 pixels of empty space at the bottom and 400 at the top. Also, please give the whole thing a solid yellow background (RGB 255 225 170)
I know removing the balloons is kind of soulless, but I want her to be at the center of the picture and the balloons throw that off.
For the amount of requests you make, why haven't you learned how to do easy jobs like this yourself?
I am literally retarded.
I have made a bunch of requests here but I try not to do it too often. I haven't requested anything in months.
Thank you very much!
File: Untitled.jpg (651 KB, 1080x2048)
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651 KB JPG
Much appreciated m8
Is there any way someone could finish drawing the tips of the crown at the top, and then also remove all the white background? >>8061155 Thanks a lot
Requesting a few changes to this one, please.
-Remove all clothes except for their chokers and the tie between them
-Remove tattoos
-Change Misty's choker and hairtie colour to match her usual one
-Change Misty's eye colour to her usual one
Here's the references for Misty's colours:
File: co.jpg (203 KB, 1000x1000)
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Can someone please remove all scratches, yellowing and artifacts from these images?

zoomie pls

You messed up the colors and brushed the details
File: zzzzz.jpg (621 KB, 1836x2448)
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Requesting the towel she's covering herself with to be made into a Brazil flag, please.
File: raven pape icon.jpg (217 KB, 750x1000)
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217 KB JPG
a) removal of the white areas on the top and bottom without removing non-white pixels
b) removal of the watermark in the bottom right
c) upscaling the image to be 1500x1500 (approximately, see d)

d) if possible, add a few pixels to the top and bottom in order to smooth out the circle so it is not cut out at the top, while maintaining the same horizontal diameter
File: WhatWhatinTheButt.jpg (589 KB, 1500x1500)
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589 KB JPG
That’s not a towel, it’s either a long shirt or a short dress. Huehuehuehue
Potato tomato lol
Can someone please turn this illustration into a 16:9 wallpaper?

Some anon made a white version here: >>8061513 but it's too eye-straining with all the white background.

Since the original illustration is high res, I guess a frame or something would be enough to make it into an usable 4096x2304 or 4480x2520 wallpaper. But I leave it to your creative minds to do what you feel looks best.

Thank you in advance.
File: 1688090337612399.png (1.75 MB, 2560x1440)
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1.75 MB PNG
Can I get this in 1920x1080 and make it a little more crisp? I love the wallpaper but the words look kinda bad. Thanks in advance
File: brisbane.jpg (1.27 MB, 1920x1080)
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Hello chads, can someone remove Superman from this first look pic in order to leave just the background?

Highest-resolution of the original David Corenswet Superman first look pic is https://files.catbox.moe/00e5dn.jpg

The edit with the broken glass is by BossLogic: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNBXN25bYAA4Z25?format=jpg&name=orig

I think superimposing the BossLogic edit would be the easiest and most efficient way to remove Superman, and then the broken glass would have to be removed somehow. I would prefer if the ground is extended a bit like the BossLogic edit too. Thank you, anon!
File: FmnRS2CXEB4RJKs2.png (1.03 MB, 793x793)
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Make one of the cups of her top the American flag and the other the Brazilian flag, please.

Probably left Brazil and right USA.
Even if just stars for USA, it's gonna be hard to fit it all on one.
File: IMG_3017.jpg (200 KB, 1671x2048)
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Can someone please seamlessly remove all the text/signature/socials and also all the white background so the girl is alone in a transparent background?
Thank you in advance.
File: uPKufw8.jpg (1.26 MB, 5120x1440)
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Could someone change the white in this image to the following HEX code?

File: Shantae.png (1.1 MB, 6963x8533)
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1.1 MB PNG
Not exactly the same. I was fucking around with vectoring.
can i get just the girl with a transparent background please
With shadow or without?
File: toph.png (1.68 MB, 2048x2048)
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hey wg, could one of yall expand this to 3840x2160, extending the black background?
File: patterntighterfull.jpg (452 KB, 733x736)
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can anyone center this image and extend the pattern in a way that looks seamless for a 1920x1080 screen?
Can someone please finish drawing the little tip of the finger/hand on the right side of this girl >>8062182, and then turn it into a 16:9 wallpaper (my math says it should be 3556x2000) with a solid #B50F1B background (girl on the left pls)? Thank you very much
Wow anon, thank you! It's perfect.
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File: monster energy.jpg (3.49 MB, 5867x3441)
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can someone please modify the redhead on the left to be holding a white monster energy instead of the red one? if possible scaled to 2560 x 1600, but native image resolution is also fine. TIA
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hope you like this one, anon. it's a cool pape.
Thanks non <3
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that's all i've got in me for now.

glad you like it. not gonna lie, i find the colors horrendous, bordering on eye-watering. i can change the colors for you if you want.
It's actually from an album "Tighter" from MSI but yeah, if you can change the colors for it to look better go for it please i agree it's a bit harsh to the eyes
Thank you, anon! I love it!
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you're very welcome

i tried to mimic the colors of one of the variations of the album art. it was an interesting exercise in color grading. we lost some small details, but i'm happy with it. cheers!
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bonus dark mode version. really cool album btw, enjoyed it a lot. i'll quit spamming these variations now.
love em both, the dark version specially because it looks so good witout losing any detail thanks again non!
Please remove one of the orange spaces.
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Please add a round watch to the left hand in the same style as the rest of the picture.
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Please put this mecha in an orbit around Earth.
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Hello. Can someone please seamlessly remove all the signatures and watermarks from this picture?

Thank you very much in advance.
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request for the removal of all the stuff thats not the armored dude with the lightsaber replace it all with that grey smoke or the other background fillings and cut everything abive the helmet then 2x (or 4x) the image.
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phone res please
>• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
File: 07.jpg (1.63 MB, 4241x2378)
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1.63 MB JPG
I would like to request the following:
>background becomes black
>black dress becomes red
>skin and hair remain the same as original image*
>keep the original image size provided

*I want to also defer a bit to your expertise. Maybe it won't look good with a red dress, red, skin, and red hair. If you think it'll look better with black skin, then please do so. Alternatively, maybe you could have the red skin be a different red hue than the red you might use for the dress augmentation.
I don't want to request something and never use it because my vision for the modification was flawed to begin with. That's a waste of your time and benevolence.
Pls, get rid of the absolution part and the "hitman enhanced collection" text, put the blood money part in center and retain the text part.. thanks in advance anon :) (4k upscale if possible) heres the image: https://files.catbox.moe/ykt816.jpg
Can you remove the scratches, stains and dirt? Also a "flat" version w/o grain.

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Hey! Can I get this in 1800x2400 please?
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Could anyone make a simple render from this without any background? Thank you!
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Requesting her jorts to be made blue instead, please.
Also for them to maybe be made a bit shorter and fr her hips, thighs and ass to be enahnced, thanks.
Requesting the towel she's laying on to be made into a Black Lives Matter flag, please.
Would be great if you could keep the fold in it so that it stays as real and original as possible too.
hope this is clean enough
heres something don't know if its anything though
I found thinking cancer
The background would look better if you kept the original “frame” and added something like a shadow or a shape in the layer between the main illustration and the background to add some depth. If you were willing to share the clean background you made I could do it using the original picture.
didn't save it unfortunately but I think I get what you're after now
OP here. Anyone willing to take care of this request please?
I was more thinking something along this lines: https://files.catbox.moe/zitb3r.png
Wow anons! Thank you for the cool responses and different attempts. I’m grateful towards all of you. I think I’ll be using the last one, but thank you again to all who chipped in. Appreciate it.
I made this long ago when AI images were starting to appear. I like the style it came up with.
Could anyone refine it running it through an AI? Not just rescale it but remake the entire thing. Would that be possible? Thanks!
forgot to mention, if it can be stretched for a 16:9 res that'd be great (at least 1080p please)
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Can someone please isolate the girl with her white outline and the shadow on a transparent background? The idea is to have a transparent background, the shadow without outline, and the girl with the outline.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Can someone please seamlessly remove the text box on the upper right that says “close” and the exclamation signs over the word “Ongess” while leaving everything else intact >>8063596 ?

Thank you very much.
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Is this from a Warhammer or a Mass Effect game? It's very familiar
Thank you very much

Weirdly enough… it’s from Sunrider out of all things. Last week I was just replaying the sequel “Liberation Day” before starting the last entry on the series and it was pretty intense. It just happened that some anon posted the whole map to the video games thread like today. There are a lot of planets I don’t recognise so I guess you go there in the newest game.
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Can I get the BG removed?
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Hi, can someone please remove the girl from the picture?
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I removed the suitcase too since it felt out of place without the girl
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Thank you!
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Can someone edit out the copyright text at the bottom and the WB logo in the lower right?
Awesome, anon. Thanks so very much.
Can someone please just seamlessly remove the white text that’s on the girls arm? >>8063792
Thank you
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couldn’t help but read it in Wind Walker’s Beedle’s voice
Can somebody remove the watermark?
Can anyone do co.png ?
Thanks for the job!
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Thanks a lot! But I also needed the original outline on the girl. I saved it, but I really need a version with the white outline.
NSFW: transparent/see-through outfit, lingerie

- https://files.catbox.moe/ifc899.jpeg

Can someone remove all the white background so the girls sit on a transparent canvas?

Thank you
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can someone please seamlessly remove the text at the bottom? thank you for your time
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Can someone please remove the text at the bottom and keep the one at the top as intact as possible? I wanted to make this into a 2560x1440 wallpaper since it's already 1200height, but a 1920x1080 will do as well. The idea is to not mess around with the original too much. Thank you so much.
Hello. Can some talented anon please extend the right side of this illustration until you reach 16:9 aspect ratio? >>8064169

Thanks a lot
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Can someone please remove the watermark and make a 1920x1080 wallpaper? Thanks
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Thanks dude
Catbox is being shitty on my end, so I hope this will do: https://litter.catbox.moe/hhr8ds.jpeg

Sort of nsfw, Chel, focus on big booty, loincloth

Can someone please remove the watermark and then make all the background transparent without messing around with the image too much? Thank you.
not the OR. but can you please make a 3840x2160 since the original is 1920 pixels high?
Thanks a lot!
Hello, could anyone make this: https://files.catbox.moe/tqpwj9.png
pc desktop wallpaper without cropping it or making it smaller?

I've tried to use this resolution: 4219x2373, but the image always ended up with boxes on either side. My monitor resolution is 16:9, but I prefer to use the original size of the image. (Better looking on my monitor)
i don't really understand the request anon. you want it to be 4219x2373 without stretching? without borders? in that case you'll need someone to either draw by hand or ask an ai to do it for you. please clarify your terms and then we'll see if it can be done
Yes on the 4219x2373 res without stretching. As for borders it can have them just nothing bland if that's okay.
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Oh thou feared and revered gods of image manipulation, I, a mere mortal, humbly come before thee to seek your blessings and help. Please remove the sheep and the piggy swimming in the water below the castle.
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Could someone please remove the watermark?
Can someone please remove all the background so the girl sits on a transparent background? Please keep the black outline intact. >>8064552 Thanks a bunch
File: wallhaven-4vp1yl.png (2.64 MB, 1920x1200)
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Please remove the text.
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5.25 MB JPG
I let the other pig and squid live:)

checked, I think you got the wrong thread tho
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4.42 MB JPG
Thank you for great work, Anona :D
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2.33 MB PNG
not perfect but it works
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I dont need the pic much bigger (it looks fine on my phone) but I would like to request the tiddy version says "U mad" like the meme version please.
Hi, can someone make this picture 720x1600 so that I could put it as my Cellphone wallpaper please?
File: dkred.png (1.52 MB, 720x1600)
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1.52 MB PNG
I think you're being quite retarded anon. the original pic seems to be a cover of the ost album and it's readily available in 1600x1600.
Excellent! Innumerable thanks.
Can someone please finish drawing the tip of the wing at the right side, and then remove all the background so the girl is just over that transparent background?
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350 KB PNG
Can someone please remove the speech bubble and all the letters/text on this illustration? The expression lines on the girl in the back can remain intact please.

Thanks a lot.
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can someone please make a transparent background render of the girl here? thank you
Thanks a lot!!!!!
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1920 x 1080, please and thank you.
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1920x1080 if possible.
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I'm drunk so this may not be the best.
can someone make this into wallpaper ratio/resolution
I'm sorry I'm sorry I probably meant 1920x1080 idk
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thanks my dude
Could someone make this 1284 x 2778? Thanks in advance.
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Can you make these as a whole? In coming two more!
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One more to go
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Thanks in advance
Requesting the image to be extended to fill out this PNG, please.
Just using a cloning tool to copy the wooden boards is fine, as i'll be using it for a phone wallpaper and just want to be able to move it around to suit how I want it.
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hello good sirs
would someone be able to make this into a wallpaper and also remove the artist tag from the bottom, thank you
File: Spidey Photographer.jpg (2.05 MB, 1920x1080)
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Would like the image to be extended into a square, 1920 x1920. The existing picture top-centered aligned with the empty bottom being filled in with sky and the black window frame. Appreciate it
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Please remove that boat & the object the submerged in the water.
I want to enjoy the hills, undisturbed. Thank you so much.
>• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
>• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".
File: xx.jpg (1.46 MB, 6744x2160)
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hard to salvage this mess
Can someone please remove all the text and also get rid of the white background on each of these three pics? The idea is to leave just the girls and their respective more transparent “shadows”. Three separate png files, please.

Nsfw: Pinup, panties, underboob
1: https://files.catbox.moe/3dxkmk.jpeg
2: https://files.catbox.moe/9pqlxk.jpeg
3: https://files.catbox.moe/clgy7z.jpeg

Thank you very much
Could anybody remove the watermark on the bottom right please?
sorry, image didn't upload.
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thank you so much
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Please remove the text and ad more of those sparks/lines to cover the black background a bit more.
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New Thread:
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Would it be possible to have this modified to fit a phone screen?

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