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These webms are weak and petty.

You need unaltered, factual videos of officials saying insane stuff, like when they were arguing on the news whether it was okay to rape a prisoner.
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I'd say Islam, cause they're an existential threat to humanity, followed by Catholicism because they're annoying on the internet
That's it? where's the rest? What idiot cut it off like this?
god it must be nice to live in your own little delsuional bubble
This shit would make Der Fuhrer blush.
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I pity her children.
Useful idiots, brainwashed NPCs, normies etc are all low level. Seeing insanity at their level is not special.
Insanity among the officials? That's the shit that makes your skin crawl. That's what this genny needs
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she's hot she doesn't have to worry about anything, some simp will marry her and pay for everything while she shits up the place
The irony is astounding. Clown world
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Jesus Christ this thread is a blackpill. Why are they like this though?
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> Seperate Synagogue from State
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Dude... aside from her rat face, she's small breasted and saggy at that. what kind of shit taste do you have?
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>Their religion
>Their bad genes
>Their culture
>Their upbringing
So many elements factor into it anon. what's important is to understand that there is no such thing as a good jew.
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I find it hilarious that this kike was in the middle of saying the common idiom "We're in your debt" but then his hymie brain kicked in and kvetched at the thought of owing something, so he switched to a different choice of words.
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There was nothing outrageous about this interview. The guy in the sweater gave sensible and well informed answers. The questions were all reasonable. What about this is supposed to piss me off?
Evangelical Christians are useful idiots. Amazing this video hasn't gone more viral
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Catholicism is much more subversive.
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Can someone plz post the Netanyahu video of him talking about funding HAMAS? I have this pr1ck on X trying to pretend Israel is innocent and Bibi didn't fund HAMAS .
Does she think that babies don't breath for an entire 9 months? Probably the only jew with an IQ below 100
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i should have saved it but there was a video of this dude having what he though was a private conversation with some sort of handler
talking about how much he's getting paid per isreal/anti-isreal extremist phrasing he used on his platform
he was standing in a hotel hallway and the person recording was peeking through a cracked door
anyone have that clip?
>inb4 it was fake
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>let's move on to something else before we think about it too much
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Good on him calling Avi Yemini out directly, not falling for the pilpul
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The Holocaust is religious myth for the Jews and the canon of Judaism, to perpetuate and justify their narrative of themselves as an eternally victimized and wandering people in the modern world.


Read about the persecution of Fred A. Leuchter and Ernst Zündel to really understand this.
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You can literally see the baby moving around in there. I hope she has it taken away
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Does the dumb bitch not feel the baby kick or does she think she's making it do that?
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Bump for my fellow goyim.
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>not yet human
should be wrote across the things forehead.
I feel bad for the yid that's locked in for 18 years
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Fuck off retard. Catholicism teaches you to not be subhuman (proud, arrogant, adultery, greed, envy, narcissism)
That is GOOD
Matt Walsh Presents: The Victim Hierarchy [kmSWb-7xXKE].webm

Great work Matt, now do one for the Jews.
crazy how he doesn't even believe that Moses performed an actual miracle and instead opts for some bullshit scientific sounding explanation. this is supposedly an actual practicing religious jew.
Most of them are fake Jews anyway.
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Come on goyim, you need to hate the romans. The romans killed Jesus, not us jews. We even proved this by putting out our own jewish translation of the Bible, the Scofield Bible. Which was written by jews, funded by jews, and pushed by a conman to the evangelicals. Changing jews from the ones that killed Jesus, to your biggest friends and allies, whom you want to worship and willingly become their slaves in Israel so that jews can profit while you make nothing and gave up your life. But hey, we even wrote a part that says that by doing this, you can bring about the end of the world in the apocalypse.

So, remember goyim, romans killed Jesus, the son of God, not the jews...
You gotta give it to the demon worshipping fake Jews, they really used to hook you in with their media.
It's good to share this on social media to blacks. Both from your black sockpuppets and your jew sockpuppet accounts (look genuine and accurate in every detail)
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jews "cock"!
Let negroes mix with jews! Mixing is important.
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Based Noticer, Michael Jackson
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Isn't this the "Europe will not survive" bitch?
It is!
What's wrong with being Nazi? They are helluv lot more preferrable than Jews. Jews are ethnic and religious supremacists.
Slave morality. Abrahamic religions are weak and if you need scare tactics like eternal damnation to promote self discipline, the followers of your religion are weak to their core.
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Based vidrel fren, saved, kek'd and jewpilled
Based honest noticer rabbi
as a jew I can tell you most religious jews are pretty against abortion and, while they don't consider the baby alive until it's out of the body, they also typically believe abortions should not be allowed except for one reason: to protect the life of the mother. if giving birth isn't going to kill the mother, religious jews do not believe in aborting the baby. she's either purely a cultural jew or she's a reform jew who just takes what she likes about the religion and disregards what she doesn't like
great video but the subs have several errors, Leninism is translated as Hellenism and some other stuff. The "you are cruel addresses the jews" and not the germans etc

whoever made the translation and has the clean video has to correct it.
Literally pic related
That caller's voice is so jews.
Netanyahu candidly saying that he's going to attack any goyim countries that he wants. That americans are delusional since they support israel, so that he can get away with anything
can't wait for Israel to become superpower
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>Slave morality. Abrahamic religions are weak and if you need scare tactics like eternal damnation to promote self discipline, the followers of your religion are weak to their core.
Tell me you're fat and unable to take care of yourself without saying your fat and unable to take care of yourself.
>resurrection isn't a Jewish belief
Elijah says hello
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You could pull out that baby and it would live, what does it need more to be considered a human, fucking witch
eric weinstein always takes things way out of context and fabricates them into some crazy big conspiratorial plot when the reality of the situation is typically much simpler.
it's pretty much just this: the orthodox jews basically see themselves as the only people going to heaven by fulfilling all of gods requirements and the rest of jews basically just think jews were chosen to receive the torah/revelation from god and therefore were chosen by god to contend with the revelation and they basically don't believe the "chosen" has anything to do with who does and doesn't get into heaven
>forbidden fruit phenomenon
>i don't know what to believe anymore
fucking hell... what do i expect coming to a thread such as this...
fuck... is this the closest to khazar milkers we're getting in here... lame
So what I'm hearing is that it is okay to have castrated sacred prostitutes so long as they're not in the First Temple?
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They want all that belongs to goyim, and will take it since jews are God's chosen people and deserve it vs the subhuman goyim slaves who only exist on earth to serve the jew
> Keeps original filenames of uploader anon, not random numbers
> Downloads all webm's in thread with only 2 or 3 clicks total.

There are a handful that exist in the browser extension stores. If DownThemAll pops up as the default 1st choice, you searched correctly. There are better ones that that, but it's usually default in search due to being the most installed as it's old and it works well
What they don't realise is that they flourish because strong men are busy fighting them, removing competition in their fields of choice.
when shit hits the fan, remember not to hesitate
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Brainlet. Brainlet. Brainlet. Brainlet. Brainlet. Do your own homework, you lazy moron.
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>I'm retarded. I'm retarded. I'm retarded. I'm retarded. I'm retarded.
This is the video I was talking about but you're too stupid to not be entirely factual and just resort to feelings.
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>so I called my sister, who is a faith leader in a religious ethnostate, and she said 'be careful of nationalism'
And then everyone clapped.
>Ok, I'm planning a mock holocaust during hanukkah
>And it will still be more real than the original holocaust
And watch him seethe
>Government and Mossad funded movement
lol not that anon but that was a pathetic showing on your part. IMMEDIATELY gave up and called him names lmao. Zero actual arguments. Weak.
She didn't describe anything except male and female, for the rest she literally only cared about genitals as if the Y chromosome doesn't exist.
Bro he was a FUCKING JEW
How are you not getting this?
The old testament is the TORAH
You are reading a JEW book
Written entirely by JEWS
Starring a JEW
And it was all meant for JEWS in the first place
I don't care if some fucktards added extra rules later
>no spam
You're spamming bombings in Gaza and Lebanon.
>I know nothing about history, civilization, culture, or morality, but I am very angry all the time and easy to program.... christians are le bad!!
well he didn't specify anything about the new testament
i'd be interested to hear a more good-faith response if you have the time
Libtards be like, believe in science! except a fetus isn't a human and it becomes a human when it exits the magical cave known as the vagina. Even though scientifically it's a human starting at conception.
this isn't really a "gotcha". sending aid is not the same thing as "fighting a war for". we aren't fighting a war in ukraine and we aren't fighting a war in israel..
This is edited. He does promote race mixing but the part where he says it must be coerced is edited from a different part of this same speech referring to something else.
That's my aryan baby in there btw
Actually very surprised the Germans would put a pro-palestine exhibition in the fucking holocaust museum lmfao, that's hilarious.
You'd think the holocaust museum would be led by a jew but I guess not, or he has become just as ethnomasochistic as every other German.
>Man shood be ze hedonist
I'm glad this bitch is dead
>there is only one tragedy that matters
Because they use the Holocaust to justify brainwashing Americans with propaganda and to justify killing the Palestinians and Lebanese.

The Holocaust is a great excuse for the Jews.
I'm glad he's gone
>1948 palestine population 700,000+
>modern palestine 5 million+

Are you sure you're not brainwashed, eh, idiot
>The population of Palestine has increased
>Therefore the Jews aren't killing Palestinians and Lebanese

Amazing argument you Rabbi cocksucking Indian subhuman faggot.

Just because the population of Lebanon and Palestine increased doesn't mean that the Jews haven't been killing thousands of innocent Palestinians and Lebanese.

Kill yourself.
>whale tailing her thong
what a fucking whore
We should create a new thread, so that we can post more webm's. I have tons to post, but I'm rangebanned from posting new threads
his wife Hila Klein cucked him and pissed on dead Palestinian kids when she was in the IDF
Why are Khazars like this? Turks do it too, mutilating the bodies of elderly christians and spitting on them, committing war crimes like it's normal. Fucked up species.
Right after, literal days after, the Armenian (Christians) genocide and where a Jew coined the term from.
God damn how do you manage to wake up and brush your teeth in the morning, let alone make it to the computer
Can someone please post the guy talking about SpongeBob and Jewish cabal motives in a Rush Limbaugh impression
What the fuck do eugenics have to do with identity politics? What a dumb bitch
He's legitimizing Israel having historical precedent while hypocritically delegitimizing Gaza as not. The issue with this is Israel is not Jerusalem - it's a nation state built from war, and Jerusalem was originally Urusalem - which was taken from the Mesopotamians, by early Jewish usurpers who had (and still have) the same eugenicist motives as the Arabs currently do . This is even accepted fact in mainstream history. He's bluntly lying. Tikkun Olam is the prime motivation of the Jewish people. It is the rebuilding of the world under a Jewish framework and employing forced servitude of all other races.
a superpower with what? sand and dates?
omg someone start a new thread i got a fuggin GREAT ONE
>It is the rebuilding of the world under a Jewish framework and employing forced servitude of all other races.
Take yer pick
Talmud seems to teach Jews how to be narcissistic and apply those behavior philosophies to their religion.
Or atleast thats how it seems to me.
This video perfectly explains what you need to know about jews and their golems

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