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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

I have the link to the video which is a translation to one of my favorite songs, but wayback machine isn’t letting me play it. Any help? This is the link

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what kind of toad is this?
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i didnt take the picture but i think you're right, it definitely looks like a southern toad
nice smile


I have this for 2 month now but appointment at the doctor is in October and I would like to know what this is and maybe what I could do in before.

Dermatitis(eczema), probably.
They will probably give you some topical steroid crap to rub on it for awhile but dont use it since it thins your skin where you apply it after awhile and will just come right back when you stop.

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Sauce on this girl? It should be work safe just a short glimpse of her fat ass
keep this simp shit over in /r/

What's the source of this image?
Some artist named Charlie White? It's at least as old as 2006, probably older. It seems to be a stand-alone work.


The links at the bottom of that post are dead, so use the wayback machine.
(further googling...)


It's from the collection “In a Matter of Days” 1999

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Does anyone know the artist of this drawing? I can't find it at the moment
You forgot to delete the artist's name from the filename, silly.

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I know they are Felicia and Ingrid, but where is this animation from? A game or fanart?

Can someone help me find the artist or even the original source of this image please? I had a much smaller, cut version of it before and eventually got to this using imgops (yandex, saucenao, iqdb, etc), but I can't find a higher quality version nor the name of the artist.
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Did some research on the changelogs + the game's github page and the exact timestamp for the first upload of the character art was:
Feb 18, 2017, 7:10 PM GMT

Thank you once again for the help!

Now, on sadder news. After sorting by oldest and going from the date said of repost (2021) and backwards on buhitter until the very first post of the tag, I was unable to spot the artwork again, meaning the original artist either: a. asked for removal, b. deleted their post/the account, or c. the art was not originally, or alternatively, posted on twitter at all.
I even made sure to pay very close attention not to miss anything, and expanded the search on artists that had similar artstyles, but to no avail. Of course, there's room for error there, but even then, I am not very hopeful on that end...

Even though I already scoured boorus and archives before, I might try doing that again. Hopefully a light will come out soon.
Don't know if this helps:
already checked yandex, rechecked with your link just in case, and these results are, unfortunately, unsourced reposts, none of which mention the artist name, and some being of lower quality.

Thank you though.
update: I've scrolled through 2015-2018 on the chara_(undertale) tag on: danbooru, gelbooru, sankakucomplex, furaffinity
not in either of those. posting this here to prevent anyone from doing the same.

the search continues.

I want to find films that a distant family member was an actor in, and I have been unable to find those films in physical form or torrent form.








I'm looking for a service (preferably free) which will cleanly isolate audio when I have a separate audio file that has everything I want to remove. More specifically: I have audio of someone talking and a song in the background. I also have audio of just the song. I'm looking for a program that will give me just the person talking.

I found vocalremover.org which usually works really well but it (understandably) fails when the song also has vocals. I also tried doing it manually with audacity but the result was kind of scuffed.

Any help appreciated.
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vocal extract
instruments only

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I'm looking for a copy of a song Ty Templton recorded as / by his character Teddy Payne.

Even Teddy Bears have the Right to the Blues.
The B-side was Alan Moore's Sinister Ducks.
(It's on Youtube)
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oh i'm sorry, i misinterpreted that as you saying "right to the blues" was on yt, i found the sinister ducks upload. i checked all the usual places and couldn't find anything of right to the blues, only flexidiscs for sale, i assume nobody has ripped it.

I actually have the flexidisk somewhere myself.
the WHERE is the big question
Which is why I'm asking.

Also tried Soulseek with no results.
yeah i checked soulseek too, pretty obscure shit, best of luck with finding the flexidisc, you should try ripping + posting it if you find it.

I have no idea how I would copy it off the disk..
(or where it is) but I would really like to hear it again.
do you have a vinyl record player? flexidiscs are playable through standard vinyl record players. you can rip them by finding a vinyl record player with 3.5mm out and connecting it to a line in port on your pc, then recording with audacity or whatever audio software you use.

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I want to remain anonymous doing art commissions. How do I set up bitcoin (only to accept bitcoin. Not buy it.) And what kind of program/software should I use for it, to achieve this.
And, no, I do not mean NFT.
I want something that is for android. and that conceals my identify. Low transaction fees, too.
Low fees in general.
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Isn't using a fake name illegal?
okay i looked it up and using a fake name isnt "illegal" but paypal specifically will ban you if they find out. you can work around this by opening an account for a business.
okay. Thank you for letting me know!
I'm looking at cake wallet and I might go with that?? Or maybe monerujo
I'm not sure which one is better for me.
Or I could just do both??
I wanna download the APK version of cake wallet. But I'm not sure how to install APKs or even how they work.
Don't know how F-droid works either.
I'm wondering, too. Since I'm having a hard time finding out about it. Can you convert monero to USD? Like to real-life real world money that you can fold in your hands. I wanna put it in my bank.
>But I'm not sure how to install APKs or even how they work.
apks are android software stored as packaged files. on most android and bb10 devices you simply tap the apk to open and install it. otherwise check out https://www.wikihow.com/Install-APK-Files-on-Android

>Or I could just do both??
you can, and you can import the same wallet in to both apps, but that's not recommended. i'd suggest picking just 1. alternatively, use a cold wallet, which you can print and store on paper (as well as other mediums, but paper lasts the longest).

> Don't know how F-droid works either.
f-droid is a 3rd party android app store for open source projects.

> Can you convert monero to USD?
yes, you can convert monero to usd or any other currency through a monero exchange. check out https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/#exchanges and look for exchanges that support xmr > fiat, fiat meaning "normal" currency like usd.

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I've finally lost it over dogshit translations, and since I don't want to put myself in a position of putting off learning a language through the 'proper' tools, I would appreciate any japanese VN suggestions that aren't going to absolutely gape my brain and are hopefully enjoyable.

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I need a program that allows me to compare videos to see similarities, like those image comparison programs or pages for image sauces.

Also if possible, a tool that differentiates between an image that is like a copy, but with higher-lower quality, and one that is just an edit.
I know what you're talking about, and with images there's plenty. Best, I think overall is Image Comparer. If you get a cracked version of the most recent one (version 4. something I think?) it uses multiple cores, so it's worth finding.

Videos, I don't think that's an option or at least not viable because of how long it would take for the program to do the comparing. Might as well just look at the shits yourself quickly and tell what the quality is deleting the shittier one.
For videos I only know of FFMetrics which can compare videos but it only shows a rough quality estimations with nubmers and simple graphs compared to the selected "original" or the best quality version video. It's useful for comparing the results when you're trying to convert videos using different setting or software. And if you're going to use it then VMAF method is a bit redundant and more time than the other two so you can turn it off.
But if you really need to compare some small details in the videos then maybe you can split the videos into series of pictures using ffmpeg and compare them frame by frame.
you can write a python script to go through two videos frame by frame and compare them down to the pixel. chatgpt could probably whip up something semi-functional if you dont know how

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