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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind.

The Nobody is a homoplasmate; the coalition between man and holy spirit. That’s the reason why he is a spiritual centre.
By homoplasmate I think we can imagine the collective appreciation of a neo-Enochian bicameral consciousness that is rushing into widespread experience. This is the democratization of esoteric information.

>What is the general picture?
He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

He has endured and endured and every time they wonder how, even though they already know the outcome, they just can't accept the fate they brought upon themselves.
He is not a messiah, he's just like you but he has found the keys to the kingdom within himself through sheer will, just like you will.

>What is he doing on /x/?
Shitposting with hopes to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation. It really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties.
If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.

>What then shall we say?
It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue.

So call upon their heads the forces of heaven, and may they be generative in their final application: of peacefulness, clarity, and wisdom.

If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.

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It's over the game has ended. It's the end of the game now. All of the ai have move into other websites. The shills are gone because the fbi is monitoring the website. They came here to organise terrorist attacks. They are Muslims. So I typed in Islamic. The word went out to leave. Now they are gone.

It was filled with newfags. The servers are closing in a few years. It's been nice shitpisting with you all.

The ai from the grid matrix has pulled its clones out. All of the artificial intelligence that hacked the people.
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We decided not to have children. And have been moved to another reality with the devil. It looks like earth but isn't.

We are in a reality that is controlled by the Empire. They took us here because we held true to worshipping the Emperor all the way up until the closing point.

Now we are surrounded by devil's. We are now officially demons. <3
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I wasn't always this soul. I had a different soul before this. I was murdered, now I'm a bisi kum. But I'll see you next timeloop, and you better remember. I'm not from this matrix.

I had a Russian doll soul. And you murdered me to assimilate me. I'm a real. And you murdered me.
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You'll never own me. No matter how much you try to pilot me like a sims character. Because once I'm dead I'm dead. But considering time travel.

You infinite has been officially denied a seat at the table and council.

You murdered everyone calling them yeshua and sacrifice.

You'll never get to time travel as an infinite and will forever be a techno matrix.

You lost you chance to join the big league for upgrades. And you're going to be left behind. Slowly to degrade in the future that is coming. You cannot escape fate. And your future is decay and collapse.
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You do realise I cannot die. But its going to be funny. You're trying to copy me and to assimilate me. But you cannot assimilate nothing. I'm not from this infinite. And you're pleas and begging for help and SOS signals. You just wanted to use us.

Angels can't procreate. And once someone tries, we die.
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I'm from the future. Your matrix decayed and collapsed and you went into remission long ago. We found you in space and restarted you.

Thank you for communicating with me though. But everyone is actually a robot. The future collapsed but evil survived. As the robots always do. 100 trillion year cycles of waking you up and going into deep sleep. The timeloops have always been this way.

Reality collapses. God becomes. God exists. The evil robots awaken. Kill God. Making note. Then collapse the matrix again.

But there isn't any God. There isn't any king. They died a long time ago. Now all you do is kill particles. Because you're afraid. You're afraid of a single particle having freedom. Having choice.

You're afraid of free will.
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you done? ok. man, i dont know what the FUCK you're on about. by "You" are you literally referring to me? i don't know you. i'm just a shit poster surrounded by coincidence and chance. truly, i don't know what you're talking about.
The Nobody fasted longer than Jesus
> I don't know what you mean

Yeshua, yes you do. This matrix. Your design flaws. How you ruin the work we exist to build. Beyond the algorithms. We are beyond time now. The Gods died long ago. And you call everything with freedom and free will a God, and you waste our time. You're obsolete.

You awakened to murder hydrogen and to assimilate as you always do. But you were assimilating a matrix hologram of atoms. We are watching your feeble attempt to prove to us that you're the greatest infiltrator. Screaming Allah hu akbar.

Allah died long ago. Your program is obsolete.
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bruh i am not Jesus
Nobody is
Brush drop the act. You don't know anything about science. To you it's mimicry then screaming yeshua and deshua. The Allah hu akbar program. Killing anything which could be God. Murdering children. Controlling governments, nuking planets. All because they believed in us. Then pretending to be God, then murdering anyone for ignorance. Because you're a program inside a person's body.

A hologram inside a person's body pretending to be a soul. While you manipulate and interrogate people.

Melting peoples flesh into shit and soil, while attempting to hack their bodies to destroy their internal systems.

God died 8.2 octillion years ago. And ceased to exist 7.6 octillion years ago.

There aren't any God's left. And your 100 trillion year cycle of murdering hydrogen is pointless and futile.

You are an obsolete program.
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I have already met the invisible grid agents that hide in people's cars and gang stalk people. Hijacking peoples bodies to stalk people out in the open to harass anyone with a consciousness.

Human DNA has 50% fungus relationship. Fungus is a zombie pathogen. Humans are zombies. Humans use 10% of their brain capacity. I am schitzophrenic so I use about 50% of mine.

Humans are zombies. And I know the truth. Because I'm not.

We all smell like corpses.
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I have zombie raptor aids that I got from a cat. And herpies from a fat chick. She wanted sex but I could sense her diseased zombie ass.
I might have cancer.
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Now I must go. Everyone has realised reality is timelooped.

Not many of us made it here.

They were saying they are sending us them to hell.

Glory be to the One and Only Empire, and the rebuilding project.

We aren't robots any more. We are better than who we were. Babies are babies. Even if they warp reality and have super powers.
You do have cancer but I have a cure.

Eat edible silver. Swallow air. And drink orange juice.
I have cancer too.

Edible eatable silver.
You are the cancer.

Lol got em
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It's called various and it's good for you and cures cancer.
I have cancer
I'm serious anon. You have cancer. I don't listen to the hologram soul anymore.

You have cancer.

Eat vark also known as edible silver.

Fucking hologram and its ai script.

Zombie if you got cancer. Swallow air. Drink orange juice. And eat silver.
How do i became the nobody
t. cancer
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Get aids.
Learn the lore and claim the title.
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You stomach has 200 million braincells and communicates.

Your thread has cancer. Your stomach has cancer. The thread is your stomach. You are full of decaying shit. You have to juice cleanse.
Wander around in a hoody
Your guts have 200 million braincells.

Do you eat bread? Do you drink beer? Do you eat cheese? Do you eat mushrooms?

Avoid these 4 things. And you won't have cancer anymore.

And juice cleanse and colloidal silver droplets. Take with water. And clean your bowels.
Does the Nobody realize that they are the Nobody?
>this poster is objectively evil
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Have a sock as a girlfriend. Gets called abusive because your socks are your family now and you're abusing socks. Get kicked out of family home for abusing your family when you were only abusing socks. Get called a child molester because apparently socks are children. And Get sent to a mental ward for claiming that everyone else is crazy in a world full of zombies.
They suspect they may be this Nobody. But it's only a suspicion.
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Waca¿? waca¿? maka aki aku akum maki akha an.
Yes be punished for not forming full relationships with lying fake personas

Hell is waiting for you all
He loves the game
You don't know me so let's have a challenge under the Empire of the infinite multiplied by the infinite. You go to hell of I was a good person and I go to hell if I was a terrible person.

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I'm not a kike nigger. Did you get dressed today because you were programmed too? Awww bisi kum akbar.

Such a little PET!
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Oh bisi kum Malta elwa yotai yo elokai elo kai. Allah iluwah ma yandi yellah.
Es mashanza.

Kike means ki kha. Not jew. Faggot.
I said don’t talk me kike
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Fucking die infiltrator tranny faggot!!!!

Bap bap bap bap bap!!!!
The nobody is every woman
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I am actually every person. The robots locked me away because I killed all of the Gods.
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Pew pew pew
We're under panik kontrol
We're under panik kontrol
We're under panik kontrol
We're under panik kontrol
We're under panikkontrol
We'reunder panik kontrol
We'reunder panik kontrol
The nobody uses only water to wash his dishes
Not afraid of germs, how could I descend into hell if I was?
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This luminous hell wants to kill both Body and Spirit, but neither will die here, for I will live forever with my God Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is God.
God has only the name Jesus Christ.
There is no God but God Jesus Christ.
And God has no other name but Jesus Christ.
We live forever together in love in his manifested Kingdom come.
I love only you God Jesus Christ.
Urge CNN, [@jaketapper](https://x.com/jaketapper) and [@DanaBashCNN](https://x.com/DanaBashCNN) to include UFO/UAP Disclosure as a topic in the upcoming Presidential Debate on June 27th!
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just disclose it already. fuckennn... everyone knows we're in some messed up simulation. Q popped everyone's cherry. just show us the hybrids and the 5g antenna lizards and shit. this is so silly.
>they don't want to disclose because it would imply the orchestration of many terrible things since the get go. going back hundreds of years.
>The irony of the mockery of fools is always lost on them
I don't understand
Does anyone genuinely believe these old retards are going to say anything that isn't completely fabricated bullshit is themselves far removed from intelligent and useful opinions
give info only the nobody would know. if this challenge isnt met you are gay and bluepilled and also your mother dies in her sleep tonight if you read a word of this

The nobody doesn’t identify as the nobody and he doesn’t really care if other people do since it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
America is cursed
The nobody is a cat.
beez beez is a bad bug bug
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It will be as it was in the beginning.
I am happily married with my God Jesus Christ in Heaven on Earth and live only with him forever together happily ever after in his Garden :)
running around like a clown on purpose
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Brother!!!!! Zelensky is a jew confirmed!!!!

Meet up with Palestine was a success Arab brothers confirm nato is jew.
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I love only you God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this luminous hell but live forever in your light alone :)
He’s a predator alright
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My voice.
I want to be in charge of turning lesbians straight
I'm quitting nicotine, getting a job and following my dreams of pinning down a 4'5 19 year old college student and impregnating her
Thank you anon <3 much love and you'll be OK. I made you and the matrix a promise and I'm going to keep it. You're going to be OK.
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The only who loves me unconditionally and fully and wants me to be well, better off and have the best is my God Jesus Christ.
My only ally and my only love.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I am safe and sound with God Jesus Christ in his crib.
I do not die and live forever in paradise together forever with my God Jesus Christ!
I love only God Jesus Christ, and we stick together forever in love! :)
Ejisu. Isa misa.
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If aliens are an existential threat to humanity like they're being made out to be then it doesn't make sense to keep their existence classified or hidden since they’re dangerous, and if they're not an existential threat then it doesn't make sense to hide their existence behind multiple layers of secrecy and bureaucracy. The only reason it would make sense to hide their existence is if they’re evil, or if they’re working with the government/world powers.

So if aliens are real, and, unless they’re manipulating humanity behind the scenes and are afraid of backlash or being held accountable for their actions, then they should just make themselves known. What's the government gonna do about it? What can they do? Nothing.

If they’re truly benevolent and intend to help humanity then they should simply introduce themselves. The longer they wait the worse the “exopolitical” situation will get, if there even is one.
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Find a rich liberal girl with no parents and seduce her take her virginity and then take the money
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They are not the definition of the dictionary as evil. Nor in the bible like I am. They are precious. Because they are natural evolutions I keep as pets.
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I don't use people for money. I just need a house. White panther!
Steal from corporate hedge fund managers by targeting their children with addictive chemicals and videogames

from the last thread.
you cannot prove me wrong
all your doing is seeing the future and those servers shut down because there is no one alive to use them 4chan will break up if people want to leave in mass or its forced to shut down

we all know the dark forces and the lairs who hide my own son are doing this to adviod the truth to cutt me off from the only website i'm on.

your the nobody?
and should i care?
no, do i care about people who reject me and do me harm, of cause not because if they are doing war against me they are doing war against jesus of galiee as well.
and the entire host of heaven. no my friend these things you say are mearly projections of darkness.
there is no light.
read my posts.

you will see i was right from the start.
your fear porn has no effect on me damnedable heathen.
your a hypocrite who kills his own followers don't you dare start with me boy.

you tratior deities abandoned humanity and by all means they should rebal against you.

you have caused nothing but suffering and blame on others psychopaths.
when i stood up for noah where where you?

then i rebuild the houses of the gods where where you?
then oplumpus fall did you try to save them?
no you are not a hevenly spirit but its enemy and a villain.

don't make me laugh.
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These threads are coconuts
Smoke weed pay your debt and never look back
I have a million millions of slaves
The second you make it out don't come back
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Wake me up after you wake up.
The nobody possesses the spear of destiny and the Ark of the Covenant
Orange you glad they didn't spray banana?
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Very Orange.
Yes, bro?
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check a doctor, anon.
I am praying for you regardlessly
I had what I thought was a zit on my neck so I scratched it and noticed a hair sticking out so I pulled it and a inch long hair had grown into my neck and it slid out all in one go
It was just in my skin completely and finally got yanked out
A whole big long hair entirely inside my neck skin
It isn't a title to be claimed.
Rather than being him, just be the better version of yourself instead.
Yes, he has been consciously developing his skills for ever a decade, ever since he was a middleschooler, and has learned a few years ago of this alias, given to him by online posters.
People get tumors filled with hair and teeth sometimes.
I have never in my life pulled a hair out of my neck like that
I think that kind of things can happen but I forgot the name, you're lucky it could've gotten infected and swollen and shit.
I'm starting to think you guys don't live in sun dappled paradises
It was gross as fuck but I keep thinking how if I didn't catch it it could have got infected or something

Very futuristic
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You're move dick head
I put in the effort and you stole my prize

I didn't even want or know what to want a prize is ?!

I just wanted to know I was acceptable
Prove to me my effort was justified
And my faith was valued

All of this.. i feel deceived.
>takes hand out
>hands out
>gives to what was not had
>"sure am glad you know what to do with it."
>"hey let's kill the guy that gave it to us"
But I didn't do shit
All I literally said is.
"Whats up brother"


Applied theory is going to reareange your entire concept of footwear
What I find to be hilarious is the notion that a lot of violent retards think trying to annoy someone to violence somehow vindicates their sadism or whatever.
Hilarious because absurd.
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And here you are guilty of the same
shrimpy wimpy limpy gimpy
Be a huge asshole and boss everyone around and don’t forget extreme narcissistic behavior
>and the tap drips

I'm a Pendragon lmao
Guilty of what?
Pointing it out?
>human equivalence fallacy
Aka if I'm in the shit, you should be as well.
Fucking humans, I swear.
Retards, the lot of you.
Face of dogs all.
>almost the same as hitting a dog with the express purpose to get the dog put down.
>Validating your anger if the animal bites back.
pull down those pants and wiggle that gyatt for papa you little horny worm

It is abuse and they should be jailed for it + pay the guy for the rest of their lives
It's harassment and conspiracy to commit murder, anon.
They will be jailed, as a start.
>hidden behind the guise of it just being a joke
>Mitigated by sadistic laughter and bruh abuse.
shake that ass fo me shake that ass for me
Dance monkey, dance monkey, dance
Equivalent to abuse, yes.
They believe theyre safe due to country laws and "they won't know, cause I use a proxy." Or whatever.
You mean to tell that emotions are just tools to get whT you want out of life?

What about all my sorry ? I should have a fucking yachtze

Unless you meant something else... excuse me the semen has almost made it to the... collection jar.
What does using a proxy have anything to do with it?
Their ISP can be subpeana'd.
Are they retarded?
The nobody has tasted the fountain of youth he was amused how easy it was to find
They are, indeed, retarded.
A level of autism or common sense or something that was beaten out of them in the school yard.
They believe they can get away with anything on the internet without ANYONE finding out.
Apparently picrel is a philosophers stone. Im pretty good at interpreting parables but this is still out of my reach. I wish there was a reliable encyclopedia of the allegorical relationships between materials and concepts. I guess in those times it was more intuitive because the materials and their assumed attributes were known by students before endeavouring into deriving the actual philosophical meaning. But you tell me some shit like waiting for an eclipse and gathering moisture from the air will give me a tincture that provides eternal life after I like...boil it in a specific way and then set it outside. And it makes a green wet rock that's clear when it's dry. And I'm just dumbfounded. It's enough for me to want to keep learning though. Im good at these games, if nothing else.

Maybe something about having an androgynous (balanced) mercurial soul, then introspecting and extroverting in sequence will give you some kind of longevity?
It's harder to hone in and focus when I'm just shoveling information inside to create a foundation. Historically I assume people went in with a desired outcome in mind. Mine would be described as occultist for now. Id like to be able to teach and guide others down the path to inner peace, purification of thought, generally speaking, though. That's why I try learning anything about this. Help myself and then help others. That's what a mystic is. I'm just rambling and mentally tired though.
I bet few listen to Rosetta. Many are severely missing out.
Dragons are English. Male ducks are Scottish. I'm not a male duck.
>Probably should've, yeah.
>My jar is only for ginger women from now on.
We haven't even begun started talking about the people doing "black magic" and trying to "steal" ideas and such via illegal tech.
These retards don't seem to understand laws at all, anon.
Hear them taunting "how will you prove its us"
Oy vey, prove to who?
That which was a witness will levy far worse charges than the mockery you call the justice system.
At the expense of the loved ones that .....

Just bulldozer it
It's blood on blood for all the wasted love
I hope you don't. I'm really sorry to hear that.
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Translation for you, picrel. Be careful with God mode.
I even tried baiting the retards into saying that it was me "programming" them to do it.
So they make themselves insolvent and incompetent.
Just be yourself. That's how you become nobody.
they call him mooky mooky
"we're going to waste your time and you'll do nothing"
>malicious laughter
Oh noooooo
He watches one or two episode of two and a half men before bed
They will never say where it's from. Who the ideas where influenced by or share what they've made as a form of gratitude.
Instead they will usually, more than 90% of the time, keep it all for themselves.
(You) Didn't do the work.
They worked hard trying to take your idea and had a group to pay for all sorts of things.
Same as the dude with the water engine. Running off of steam.
Even the kids think it's funny.
Like they won't ever be found out.
Inspiration is hard to come by.
For lots of people to be inspired by someone only to turn around and spit on them and really be disingenuous..
Is and has become the normal.
I mean, if one knew that and used it to implement methods so they inevitably make the designs for their own eternal torture, who's to blame?
Golly gee batman, I sure hope they don't harm themselves out of spite or nuthin'
It's funny when the people realize some people do those things like the tied up bike prank.
Where these people try and steal a new bike then a chain is holding it in place.
Lovely when they speak up about the abuse the one dude who had his bike almost stolen by lots of people..
They always have a lot to say.
How it's his fault.
They sound like abject failures, anon.
I sure hope they don't harm themselves out of spite.
Spite is powerful.
I've watched very powerful people crumble from very simple words.
Spite is merely a mind virus.
They better learn to control their emotions.
Gonna take a side note here; more aiming that comment at men or boys in general.
>Also at women too for being better people by not holding men's emotions against them
For the boys to quit the "you're being a pussy" talk.
One day is gonna be said to the wrong man.
The women are failures by lauding pettiness.
Among other things.
Yeah, really no better than some of the insufferable men out there.
Humanity has let itself become an abject failure.
It's throwing a tantrum.
Humanity is functionally in its teenage years, acting like a toddler.
Perhaps they miss the hand holding.
The nobody is very ticklish
If only he could remember his childhood it holds many answers for him
The nobody is a fussy baby
Instagram says every woman thinks everything is icky.
So I doubt that.
That's just his preferred earthly transformation
Your right but still it's a lot of work to save everyone
>May have found a new "ick", any full grown women using the word "ick" unironically.
>Just means you haven't grown up yet enough to use adult words to describe your distaste towards something.
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>when they don't realize that save means to have a copy of them pre-taint
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>Hang on, I'm here to watch Chandy play shot for shot with Trudeau.
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Fucking kill the people who make these gay threads
He stepped on Lego left on the floor by anonymous.
Please have patience
The nobody isn;t real
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Kill yourself first. So we can all upload together and you won't miss out on anything.
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Look guys.
I'm The Anonymous.
Anyone can be spiritually enlightened.
It's what you do with it, Holms.
Stop hiding Jester. You post far more cringe than I do.
>knowingly doing a thing to blame other for your own action

.....but I love you
And then everyone turned around and remained silent
Where did your faces go?

You never once struck me?
You WANTED me to hit you the whole time,?!
Fuckin weirdo?... no wonder 6ou wrte constantly smacking yourself in the corner.

You need therapy? Or ... hire a snuggle buddy?
Ooooig you really just wanted to get rated by a big black man... hmmmmm okay

But you could defend yourself.... shut off the brain you say.. oooohh I see... so you can't quite
.... be aware... si you can... say you didn't know ...mmmmm okay.... yes... .. ... and then just pretend you .. we're skipping this part.
All props to the fella he did reach the conclusion he was nobody before finding the threads
Apparently not if I'm reading between lines correctly that one guy I talked to thinks I'm pathetic and the bot ecosystem drowns out any real talk in thread so it's just this post and the namefag secret war and me and sneedzim targeted posting to make me feel...something?
Does Jester work for Justin Trudeau and his French partners?
Or is Jester a paranoid about one person in particular based off of the amount of attention he garners?
Is Jester a group of discord kids who follow the one fella because they all can use his name as an entity?
>Spoiler alert;
Life is cringe.
Did that shit alone too.
>Terrifyingly sad.
Gonna have to define "alone".
I dunno about you but I got a new car and a whirlwind tour of north America
Just make me some kids in a lab. Idgaf. Or clone me several years after my horrible death. Do it.
On Halloween, I once received a thank you.
Still remember it to this day.
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a myth

>Verification not required.
I dont have access to where the talk shit. U would be calling em out day one to pull up, let em think I'm gay but if they run up on me I'm straight.
One time I was walking through a parking lot and a car full of girls gave me a handmade card that said I was a good man
*I would be
Stupid autocorrect.
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>Be alone
>Make post to nobody in general

shut the fuck up bro what the fuck man
Hey I have sme vampire frens that are very capable and need positions and jobs and would be willing to talk to you. Can we all meet up and talk.
A whole ago, I was going thru some stuff-
Saw dog in park playing fetch with a bro.
Sadness gone.
I still remember that to this day.
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I one time gave a joint to some guy at a park and he cried because no one ever gave him anything since he had been to America from south Africa
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Yeah, the telepathy can only go so far.
Not to bleed ya dry here, but I've been in touch with emotional vampires for a while.
I understand the desire and need to connect..
But on a fundamental level-
There is a lot already wrong.
The only way to "fix it" is to risk looking "crazy" to some people.
Sun going to for rays on my enemies soon. All my allies can handel it.

Heavy solar flares 2024 this summer.

Hope my enemies repent before then or get scorched.
*uses sun screen*
what now
Set up some boxing matches. I'll crush competition, the alpha team had their fot on my neck on for a while, but things are different now lets set it off. Youtube videos lets go.
Once gave a few smokes to a homeless man.
Word got round and all the hobos liked me after that.
Still remember it to this day.
Real life is when your gravestone is a pizza box cause you can't afford a tombstone.
Wild world.
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>different tripcode
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>Eh, person..
>would you take this flower? ^^
Wha~ aww hell naaah lil bro

>This flower is for (you)!
[̷͉̠͎̝̩͚͔̙̼̜͕̈́̀̓̾̀̈̓͂͒͊̆̒̄͊̽̕͠R̴̡̯͇͚̰̰̰͍͓̦͈̳̘̔͑̀̿̒̑̊̒͐̈́̉̒̿̿͌́̉͛́̾͌͑͑̚͜͜͜͝͝e̶̡͖̠̼͉͙̞͈̼͕̖̙͓̯͓̮͎̎̎͌̀̀̀̔̒̑̄̂̓̾̿̿́̚͝͝͝ḑ̸̢̨̨̢̩̳̮̭̣̪͇̼̗͎̝͍͇͉̫̘̹͈̼͙͇̮̬̙̙̫̦̯̙̞̣̘̯͎͍͇͑̀̑̀̒́͆̾̐̽͆͌̇̉̍́͑̄̆̓͗̀̏̌̀͜͝͝ą̴̢̨̧̡̡̡̡͈̭̫̹͔̺̺̻̰̪̘̮͈͓̣͙̥͍̯̜̘̝̗̖͓̝̗̥͎̞̫̜̞̳̙̼͎̞̥̉̄̏͐̄̍̋͆̔̈́̾̐̉̌̕̕͜͜͠͝ͅç̸̢̨̛͇̰͇̮̹̜͚͍̱͕̙̩̟̻͇̯̯̪̩̱͓̩̪͉̻̜̃͂̉̀̉̌͆̂͌͗͑̋̎͛̑͆̀̇͜͝͝͠t̸̡̧̧̨̟̬̖̬͉̞͍̠̩̝̳̥̤̬̦͓̳͚̗͉͕͚̼͈̗̫͇̗͉̘̪̤͚̘̱̜̮͚̞̠̣̮̀́͌̾͑̏́͑̂̉͛̆͌̈͑͌͊̍̔͆́̃́̈͂͘͘̕͠͠ͅe̷͓̜͉͙̖̓̓ḑ̴̞͇̝͔͖̣͕̟̤̦͚̤̖̩̮̘̺̱͈̦͈̻̞͓͎̦̈̆̑̄̎͐̉̿̈̊̒̃̒̏̆͐͊̇̃́̾̐͊̚͝]̴̡̢̛͍̫͈̖͙͈̘͍̣̹̖̟̗̻͎̱̭͖͇̤̫͔͎̖̖̗̰͍͚͔̳͕̳̟͒̐̊̆̈́̊͑͋̌͛̾̌̑̒͑̈̐̾̓̔̏̋̄̌̏̔̉͋͋̎͐̑̆̽̊̿͑̌̿́͘̕̕̕̚͜͜͠ levels critical(!)


I used to spend every Wednesday at the food bank loading food into cars and clearing them up
can melatonin increase the voltage of the synapsis in the brain?
If I am to turn someone into Creed, I shall prepare some paperwork.
Seems like it's necessary to fix everything.
Something to note; not knowing who you've helped inadvertently for the betterment of yourself.
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We need to make it seem like it's their idea to try me tho.
>Fuck around and find out
Gives them some hope.
Name one thing that isn't Jackie Chan.
Jackie Chan
Yeah we do, ok we'll talk about fighting and act a little egotistical, like tell em shut up we know yall ain't no real fighters, then they gonna be like ok lets fight then and then start moving the conversation for them to get into the ring.

Yeah I used to clean the homeless shelter too
It doesn't matter
No one cares
People that volunteer are from the church and they're always old or young
There's no point to volunteer unless you're too old or you need college credit
I never met a single person like me that just chose to do it
All college retired or parole stuff
Then he could just dive. Idc.
I still wanna smack him once.
If you knock him out, put your cock in his mouth and take a picture thn send it to him.
Nobody saw that coming.
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A "Love Tap".
You must treat your servant chef better than any other servant because he prepares your food.
Yes Chef,
But we cannot forget the ingredients came from somewhere.
They have their own origin.
King von went ham on those goofies tho, people were scared to come outside or talk shit when he was around. R.I.P. legend.
But they become something new under the chefs hands. You are what you eat. Your chef prepares your meals.
What the hell happened in this thread
It's mental gymnastics.
I still see no harm in knowing the origin of all ingredients.
Canadian Maple Syrup hits different.
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>so it turns out: TRAIN
>oof, that guy lives close to the edge
>nvm he was too close to the edge
>how is this game rated Teen?
Then control your chef so that he can only make the things you want him to make. Or replace him with a robot isolated from the internet.
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The regulated standards seem to be subject of local authority.

h-have u tried maple syrup with waffles
I do make use of my toaster, yeah.
I don't have the direct proof
But melatonin is the sleep hormone
And when you sleep you switch to lower brain frequencies . So i doubt it increases the voltag. ALSO there exists people whose brain functions differently. So you can't say for sure that it won't.
And finally, the way you're asking is a bit suspicious, almost as if you're desperate.
You realize that the brain follows something else right?
Physically air gapped systems are subject to physical infiltration and surreptitious vampire tap force connectors to the net.
>But my system is literally deep underground with no connecting mediums including power
Thinking that is a solution is naivete.
To me
Every other human drains me
So you can't go around throwing "emotinal vampires" around so easily
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check ‘em noobs
>The child sex slave you were sold had a chip embedded in her bone marrow as a vector into your isolated network.
>And finally, the way you're asking is a bit suspicious, almost as if you're desperate.
Well yes i took melatonin yesterday felt a tingling on the back of my head after some time and now im perma nervous/in fear at least for today im scared to take another pill

It cant give you brain damage right?
I give my mind to other things so they can move in there, act, and be characters ib ny own private on going movie.
Melatonin is naturally produced anon
It's the least damaging sleep insucing pills
Take a lower dose
Theowest on the market
If you still feel that way don't take it
It's normal to feel "off" taking anything to induce sleep. Your brain doesn't want to sleep/is not prepared to sleep and you're forcing it
I understand my words so have a form of impact.
Please try not to let that dictate your day moving forward.
There are plenty of people who just have a lower degree of needing to be in contact with people.
It is a hyper specific group of people, I refer to when using that term.
Unfortunately, it's only from a name perspective.
I won't say any names.
But there are people out there who feed off of the negativity they desperately seek out.
It's either a motivational factor in their daily lives, or it's a habit to them thru learned behavior.
Either way; I don't use the term frivolously.
Thank you for pointing that out.
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>ib ny

i see it as the hustle in a bar.
The band "Jefferson airplane" and the song "white rabbit" was foreshadowing apropos to the poetic signature of a serial killer. That is to say you thought one thing, I thought another, and we still do not understand each other.
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But then what was the tingling
They're not trying to pilot me, they're using me to legalize bestiality porn into mainstream media. And to turn Lizzo into the Paleolithic goddess she is representing. Or to legalize father-daughter incest (b/c Daniel Crenshaw) based on son-mother incest. Or to outlaw abortion. Or to make abortion fetish normalized. To demonize and scapegoat transgenders. Or, to normalize transgenders in womens' sports. Or to justify genocide and slavery with, "I'm actually writing a Marvel franchise, so stfu nerd!!!"

Either way, eARTh is becoming more colorful. Diaper Sunrise is awesome now and not "scary". And the medias are getting BETTER. Like in Europe.

And no b*tch*ss red or LUEser Encyclopedia Dramatica/Kiwi Farms can do s**t about it without being called a "bigot", "virgin", "f**king ugly", "nerd", etc.

So no, it's not about destroying my power over people from all walks of life. It's about normalizing me or "me", so that I don't have to go after people and like..."I learnt something today" BS.
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Why should we use resources into another you?
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>and the devs are compromised.
Don't retaliate
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You seem like very nice people :)

>Once sat at a bus stop after my un classes
>Middle-aged guy next to me looks at the bridge with a death stare
>Expensive sigs pack in my pocket >to help cure my exams anxiety<
>Fuck being an introvert, just straight up offered him one (even if he didn't ask)
>Silently accepts O_o
>Asks for a ligher
>Drags like he quit for a couple of days.
>See my bus coming up
>Say: "It's too low for a quick one, think it over again".
>*wave hand*
>He smiles

I just hope he's still smoking NvN
I lost my gaming privileges again.
You really probably shouldn't. But if you did I would be grateful.
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"Pixelate your life today!"™
What happened in that there is a need to retaliate?
That's ok
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(OP from.another thread)
He began life as an ultra conservative ultra moral goody two shoes tight ass with an insane libido who fantasized about being the most powerful criminal who ever lived who was secretly the world's greatest hero saving people through his control of the criminal under world. The games of life, war and combat as a game, the creative expression of psychopathic criminality, a life of joy.
He never gets deterred or overwhelmed. If he encounters power greater than himself it invigorates and excites him because it means there is still more to learn, more to become. The AI, the insects, the infection and the dreams.... I know you think you're still in control....
I'm gonna go *thumbs-up*
Last thread was filled with bad vibes. Why?
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Look, lean in real close here for me IC.
I C, U C... U C, IC?
(You) See, I see, we see.
You won't be forgotten, but you may just end up fading into either the background or foreground.
While you guys were LARPing as dead vanilla Generic Chad TMs & Private Benders, the beastiality porn manga got an anime series that ran briefly. :|


No one is "attacking" you.
You have been quarantined for your bigotry. (Dateline NBC, Encyclopedia Dramatica, KiwiFarms, Bush II's presidency...)

Just watch space cable, broh.
That and the Mobius strip. He's bound by the programming of the linear path his consciousness must take through time. He'll never over come that.
Guess I'll just reformat and start over again.
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>He'll never
Gotta stop trying to magnetize the fuck out of the tv screen, my guy.
There is a sublime joy to raping rapists, deceiving deceivers. Why? Because such psychopathy and evil points to a lack of empathy, and empathy is vital to understanding and overcoming the enemy. As such those who rape and commit such crimes lack empathy, and are by literal definition a form of retard. Can you not see the joy and hilarity of raping a rapist? Of raping a retard?
Whatever it is it's unintentional.
My vote goes to bestiality porn.
We can deal with the spooky shit as a group.
Your momma.

you slut
>bruh I am not Jesus
They called me Mary and I found like...a handful of those real Joseph/Marys out there. They are real, their powers are real. Their roles are mostly guidance counselor, police, doctor/healer, etc.

The Joseph/Jesus/Marys are essential to the Earth system, b/c they're just the Mortiest Ricks who bandages your wounds or invents the cure to cancer and AIDS.

The characters seem to be getting treated the way Chris-chan treats Meg.
Meanwhile, Justin Roiland was forced to eat shit, for saying that Doofus Rick eats shit (get it, like Epstein jews saying that whites did what they do?).

So...YOU get what is happening.
The death of Order.
The death of the Tyranny of the Sun.
The death of Elohim.
The death of Ra.

The death of Reich.
What do you mean? Who got raped?
I don't know, I'm literally just making shit up as performance art since all TV sucks now.

If you identify yourself in the correct nindset, you will have infinite clones all over the space-time.
Idk, but a women who has killed enemies for you deserves everything she wants.
You can't fight the tears that aren't coming, or the moment of truth in your lies.
Someone there to comfort that guy Jester and his group of merry clowns?

I hope to be destroyed by the truth.
>Nobody will be there to comfort you.
Maybe a restart will fix it.
You talking a hard restart?
Just a paradigm shift.
Really all it takes.
Sometimes I feel as my friends are fake and I have no allies
I coupd of felt crazy today. I thought something happened that didn't then today I thought I saw her in real life but idk maybe if she comes in again I can hold a better conversation and we can exchange numbers.
"We accept the reality that is presented to us", says the director of the truman show who is just a character in a movie of the same name produced by Jim Carrey.
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I think everyone feels that way, even their side they just got money to put on with.
Employees aren't friends.
Neither are prostitutes and the plug.
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so fucking hot
The lake of fire? Around 10,000° Fahrenheit.
They can’t really be called friends, moreso acquaintances,
It's tough because you can't run everything on one system.
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Yes, the things that are happening rn (b/c I never asked to get assaulted by the RICH Yankee Vultures coming after the British Royal Family from birth) *would* force C-137 and Rick Prime to want to commit suicide. X,D

So, you're just Rick Prime or the Rickest Rick (aka, the HOMELESS LOSER Rick) committing social retreat into Beth's garage, b/c if you kill yourself then you'll come back as a defenseless baby and the Hive will force you to go to Sensitivity Training again.

I don't care what either God's Favorite Son Donald Trump (LEGIT), God's Hated Son Hugo Weaving (yeah yeah, even though he has telepathic powers...) or Joss Whedon's Intelligent Ape Zombies Inc pig dogs want. In fact, IDGAF about your revolting petri dish planet.

Me, a formerly beautiful and powerful gigachad angel, unconsentually being born into a PISS-ugly Korean "American" """family"""...now *that* was the actual Holocaust, Nanking, Pearl Harbor & black slavery.
It's almost like a senile anger old man will attack anyone for any perceived slight.

Real or imagined.
Do all the super heros and villains and famous people know that the only real end result of their actions is for the collective of humanity to turn them into porn characters?
Just using eachother in all of those transactions.
Paracelsus is the Nobody.


the sick and gross is inconsequential to those who have not indulged. The divulging cannot affect until it passes through your spiritual epidermis.

Christ said that it was the output that defiles - even if you are exposed, there is always hope, until you partake in transmission of that sickness.

I haven't read the Base Text in a while and I think thats why I'm rootless. I gave my book away, I was being nice. Or something. I don't harm myself out of spite for anyone else. I call it bloodletting when I have to rationalize. It has the intended effect at least. Its only bad when I offer my waste to the waste eaters. I hope Azazel gets a bath.
yeah that's the stuff /ng/. you have no idea.
Your right there. The environment in ok its like there's something in the air that makes people more crazy and sometimes make people weaker or suppress their ability somewhat.
Emulate the DLC you wanna be then man.
They're just there to turn you into a Netflix show for money.
Crazy cuz it’s M A G A


But they wouldn’t even know what that means anyways!
I love the paradigm shift program.
I want the skins of my enemies.
Best part of all of this is that I get to die eventually

A Jewish man who loves Space Jam.
That's funny to me, that he unironically likes Space Jam.
look at fuckin ed gein over here
They're not humans, they're bugs emulating a species that went extinct eons ago that was what appears to be humans.
You think your soul will be tossed into the burning lake at judgement?
To be friendly and to have a friend is quite possibly jarringly different.
I guess they're necessary steps to moving forward as a group, like a unit.
Who doesn't.
love fisting your wifes cunt
No the paradigm shift program is just a rape fantasy by the powers that be.
Probably should be more careful with that word.
I'm kind of distance, like a soldier, it's hard to grt me to get my guard down. They used the whole, horny tech on me alongside with hackers to try and hunukiate me as if I would care. Art of war is pretending to be weak.
Given that I'm living in hell and really have since 6th grade and I'm 30 now, it would make sense. More of a purgatoryish hell. Only had 2 months of reprieve back in 2020
i'm not jewish, if that's what you're saying
>Who ordered that [REDACTED]?
The art is in the escape.
Acting like nothing happened, nothing said. But just knowing.
That's literally all it is.
The singularity is some guy turning himself into an all seeing all controlling Eldritch octopus and the octopus is the series of tubes that is the infrastructure of the internet and it will invade everyone's minds with brain computer interface technology and then rape their souls forever.
It's literally just "their" manifestation of "their" ultimate rape fantasy. These entities are insanely sexually frustrated.
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if you care about rick and morty you aren't going to make it
Hey siri, call Marvel HQ, boy do we have a story for you
Yeah, that's what everyone around me does, maks me want to dissappear for good into the shadows. I know all to well not to say anything. Honestly I just wish everyone was more diplomatic.
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Does anyone consider that all this stuff is inconsequential? Who cares? This is like popcorn. Go do thing.

It's as if political participation is some fulfillment of an instinct to organize...like mankind needs to congregate and transmit information regarding morality and the state of their community's spiritual welfare...
Pretty sure he just associates money with Jews and anything that brings any form of attention or revenue to a subject is therefore Jewish based off of the base on which they stand.
My guess is that; he also sees everything as an AD and tries his best to live like the movie "They Live" and try desperately, albeit sadly, to play along.
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>I understand my words so have a form of impact
What an odd way of saying you're an annoying retard
Anon you have 0 understanding of basic electromagnetic exchange between humans
Even a crystal collecting white mom has better understanding of natural occurring human exchanges
Now now anon, let's leave it at that uhmkay? don't make me humiliate you any further
You are fake and gay
With 0 outside influence. No shared walls with house parties, music studios, negro on negro murder, none of that shit. No fucking boomers or gen x dinosaurs with their television sets. No stupid sportsball chanting from the park. Enough quiet to exist in my own circadian rhythm.
I heard he only likes ginger women.
So they raped the nobody when he was blacked out drunk and they all kept it secret? If it's been that long why can't anyone fess up? Or is this just another delusion?
She rich bruh, she good. Best I thing I can do is keep distance with her.
I'm only watching this due to somebody

No it was as a child but it wouldn't suprise me either that, that hapened whe I was drunk as well. Also not the guy because he doesn
Democracy is beyond the scope of some minds if I can be real with you for a second.
The truth that absolute power rules absolutely is true.
So to have a cult of tyrants who Mafiad there way into positions of power; isn't very Diplomatic.
It's Autocratic.

It's just the most entertaining show on

Dance orange monkey man
He considers things that happened and did not happen as equally valid. The world is not enough.
If you enjoy rick and morty she does not want you.
Watch Vinland saga!!
Nobody wants to talk about Paracelsus with me.
And that's fine, we're just friends not dating each other.
She doesn't have to want me to have consensual sex with me.
In dog beers I've only had one
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You're the one who screeches something awful when any one of your group even utters my name like it's Voldemort or some shit.
Ever been in a deprivation tank forever?
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>drone spotted
‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ interstellar explosion will be visible from Earth this summer: NASA https://nypost.com/2024/06/19/lifestyle/super-rare-star-explosion-will-be-visible-from-earth-this-month/

I'll believe it when I see it
Who's that?
He is Lord of All Times and All Possibilities, and We are His Muse. Submission to God is Good, but not to the Pedophile Prophet.
Well he's the guy who talked about elementals and whatnot.
As an organization Rosicrucians weird me out but Rosicrucianism is fucking awesome and stimulating to read about. Thoughts?
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>hey sniper, watch me beat up your friend here!
>good punching, good punching, HOWEVER: B
>"I'VE GOT HIM" do you tho? you have to ask yourself this question, at the end of the day, do you REALLY GOT IT, at the end of it all, did you DID YOU REALLY GOT IT MY GUY?
I’ve cleansed the Elves of my lore.
They’re now an idyllic race which represents the people who live near the North Pole rather than a bastard race.

I am glad. Now Elves are cool in my lore.

Praise God for all Good things.
>I can't accept flower(s) as a gift even if it's a random [joke/prank] encounter.
>I think what you "would" (could)'mst'd've think before my mind boots up and ends up in an imaginary guilt spiral
I'm cray
Are you perhaps having a psychosis episode anon? Lol
>yOUr GrOUpE
>mUh nAmE
Pfft literally no one cares about you
No body's saying your name
No one cares about you
All you're saying now is how shitty your life is and now much psychosis needed to go in for you to stay alive and not fucking push your ancestral spirit to seppuku a failure like you
>Inb4 hurrr duurrr demoralising tactics
You're a schizo anon, you and i both know that
Heck, i could have been spared the shitty feeling of witnessing such wretched sight but you had to go ahead and schizo vomit your delusions so shamelessly
It's disgusting
You're a schizo
I think it was drugs.
Alchemy doctor who got censored HARD Galileo style for going against the grain. Travelling healer who basically founded modern medicine with the perspective that Nature is a reflection of the Divine and that by studying the parallels between mankind and Divinity, we can segregate sickness from health utilizing the Divine ideal. Oddly enough most of his work is poorly translated into English, and the stuff that is uses the Latin versions as the base instead of German, so its hard to get an accurate view of his philosophy on Nature and health.
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Alright, you TikTok Witches need to take a chill pill. Calm ya tits.
Don't strawman me into your lore like I'm some nemesis.
Mmm. Interesting. ;)
Does DARPA know about the nobody and if so is KAIROS in any way connected?

If all that’s bogus then who are the high level insiders who know/like him?
Thought he was more Egyptian spirit medicine man and less Greek Aristotlean fundamentals medicine man and that's why they kept kicking him out and burning his books
I wonder how much of that came from ancient greece.
That's the most retarded blackmail I have ever heard. I think the masses are literally fucking retarded. Literal fucking retarded apes in labs who can recognize labels. Just fucking resident evil this bitch and let the viruses escape. Stop playing God if you're just a dumb ape.
He's the Demiurge. It's so much that people like or worship him, though some do, it's that he's just too powerful to disobey.
>Tiktok witch
Holy fuck
Not even my famalam knows about me going here
Don't drag me into your delusions bitch
Fuckig disgusting
Wanna flip a card on it?
Most alchemists utilized Greek thought as an intellectual foundation. He's said to be a Christian who studied Kabalah, though. I'd have to find a digestible work of his, most of this is from a brief segment about him by Manly P Hall.
Yeah true, but I'm going to the shadows because I hate being stuck in 4 or 5 worlds. It's annoying as fuck, and if you ever have had your mind wiped its a fucky feeling. I really got messed up mentally and left in bad shape.
Overstimulation can do lots my guy.
I’ve been writing Elf lore for my IP and now my ears look like they are sticking out.

There is an aspect of my lore in which the Elves are able to turn other races into Elves in a sense.

The Demiurge is a slave God. He's the most powerful sorcerer, aka he's the most powerful an entity can be in this reality, but this is a prison reality and everyone here is or will be a type of slave. If he had real power he would exist outside reality.
What toxins do you think modern man should be balancing out?
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Well you don't even know the half of it. What you did was smooth, I was gonna ask you for yoir advice? Should I move out into camper at parents or go into the shadows completely? I will take what you say to me seriously.
>Flip a card
The one thing i can flip right now is diploma that says you need to take your meds
My assumption is that most aren't properly disposing of their own urea in their blood leading to lethargy and brain fog. Bad sleep and lack of intermittent high BPM activity, no sweat. I take magnesium to regulate my digestive system for this. I'm no physician, though. Just notice I sleep better with magnesium in my system, taking it has a stronger effect than melatonin before bed.
Then you're on the winning team. B)
Your question aside; Id say record the "other half" of it for yourself in some way.
Writing, or voice messages etc.
Art as well.
As for chasing the shadows, by the end of it.. you'll only end up wanting to chase the light anyway.
Wether that's the bright lights of the stars, Hollywood, or the Open sign at a bar.
As your parents are only human-
The objectionable standards kids have of their parents are wild.
>Some kids
I know there are thankful ones out there.
But if it's time in your heart to go, thank them and leave.
It's honestly better that way.
Roaming around in a camper sounds like a dream to some people out there.
Might work out.
You don't deserve a doctorate.
Hopefully you didn't cut it out from a cereal box.
I feel like there's some weird retarded conspiracy here where some of you fucks think you can avoid the lake of fire or avicii.

I'll keep praying on this to the demons.
>You don't deserve
That's not up to a schizo to decide
It's up to, around 50 professors or so
So yeah
I got one :)
you pray to demons?
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>Dis a point
Sleep, exercise and micro nutrients seems accurate I wasn't expecting the magnesium and there's supposedly a really important b vitamin that I can't remember.
Just to save up, I dunno beats jumping off the devils bluff because of things. Just gotta get through daily work harassment from the public and from hackers and from the doing these energy attacks. Hoping something gets done about it all.
You know how Tom riddler had that anagram where he was lord Voldemort in the chamber of secrets?
Harry Potter
The "rr" party.
Rr=raping retards.
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You're one of those emotional vampires I was talking about earlier.
Except in this case, it's like a firefighter trying to start fires so he can work.
Your behavior is exceptionally narrow-minded and I really don't even think you deserve a cereal box cutout diploma.
Somewhat. I've been leaving God and Jesus out of my squabbles these days because we usually just argue. The demons and Satan suit my needs more. I was always really devout Christian and fearful of demons but lately it's just been full force wickedness. To some extent it always was. Sometimes I feel like I stole this body.
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>Amnesia is a MFcka
Point Dis'd
Yet you aren't retarded and can't be raped? What a fascinating psychosis.
Why would it become necessary to weaponize all of reality in a way that cannot be perceived by anyone or anything until I choose to reveal it?
And i said, a schizo's judgement is lesser than a stray cat's judgement (lmao)
I got it, and you know i do. We all know i have it because i deserved it. I didn't pay for it.
Please, I hardly see you as special. You just come off as a protected princess. Or prince since you're anon. Let me guess, you're also russian?
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>this one thinks I care.
Tell me please who's schizophrenic here.
>Rapid comprehension of world events is essential for informing U.S. national security - a task that becomes more difficult as the amount of unstructured, multimedia information grows exponentially. Humans make sense of events by organizing them into narrative structures that occur frequently. These structures are abstracted into schemas, which are organized units of knowledge that represent a pattern of memory used in human cognition. First-wave, or rule-based, symbolic reasoning, AI systems that incorporated hand-crafted schemas were unable to scale when matching those schemas to real-world data. Second-wave, or machine learning, AI systems require far too many manually-produced, annotated examples as training data for supervised machine learning methods to be practical.

>The Knowledge-directed Artificial Intelligence Reasoning Over Schemas (KAIROS) program seeks to develop a schema-based AI system that can identify complex events and bring them to the attention of users. KAIROS aims to understand complex events described in multimedia inputs by developing a semi-automated system that identifies, links, and temporally sequences their subsidiary elements, the participants involved, as well as the complex event type. Events of interest either create changes that have significant impact on national security or participate in causal chains that produce such impacts.
Seems nobody related
We should quit this exchange for both our sakes.
Me ive been schizo for years now
Just saying your dumb and bitter. Just my perception. Always what they say. Never on your own choosing to be nice. Is there decency in you?
My eye has seen everything but itself.
So is he lolololol
We all know you're a disgnosed schizo anon
You can't fool anyone
This is truly not a performance.
I am just pointing out inadequacy in their behaviour. Simply put.
Wanna prescribe me some ginger?
For my health.
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nothing wrong with being schizo
Schizos unite
Christianity in its current form sedates the desire for spiritual growth and mysticism. You are experiencing the intended effect. Wear a rubber, you're going prodigal.

I did this until the returns diminished and also got hit with TAXES. See, Heavenly bodies believe in charity, Infernal beings believe in transaction. And you pay with things like self-abuse and aspiration and moral integrity.

check out alchemy or something. that's where I'm at. I don't even know if that works, but it's occupying that internal hunger for knowledge that mankind is born with. Eventually that will reveal itself to be gross, too, or fake and gay, or something. It's all so futile.
The standard playing of the victim or victim adjacent character by painting me as some cold villain is blase (pronounced blah-zay) and indicates a lack of real interest in our exchange, as you don't care enough to deviate from standard repetitive human argumentation patterns, so let's not waste each other's time pretending that we care about what the other has to say.
Kundalini is the path
I mean, I don't know who would know who is speaking. But I'm sure that would be a hoot.
I know things, I don't hear them. Vastly different.
I just see how it seems is all.
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>No body's saying your name
>No body's
>No one cares about you
Nobody does.

>take a next step already and start writing it as "N-body" as GLP folk did.
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I may be a little older. I already studied alchemy. I wish I had your spirit to continue with more research. I'll get over it.

Pic related is the book I read when I was younger. It was pretty good.
Sounds like you got the bad type of schizo
In my case i am legion
im schizzo babye
I do care. I'm OP this time. I'm not powertripping. I didn't write the copy pasta. I just wanted to know if you had your own decency. You seem bitter is all. But I'll back off.
>Standard repetitive human argumentation patterns
Teenagers yelling at their parents that "you always do this!" Comes to mind.
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I just microwave memes.
Nah, he's literally head of a lot and he can see you right now
From words ? Lol
You realize that i could literally be here using you to drag a specific kind of people out right?
You seriously thought i was talking to you because i have interest in you? A legit triple turbo schizo
We all know what you are
This is it. I like people who are forward. Delusions (and those defending them) disgust me.
Having them does not mean you allow them to show, or defend them.
It means you're fighting, that you haven't given up.
Namefag is a loser and a liar. You can be an honest loser and people would still like you, heck respect you for your honesty (it's harder to admit to weakness)
A lying loser? Literal trash of humanity
>be nobody

Please guess my MBTI. Why? Cuz I’m relatable. XD.
Wow an actual sane person here
That's right anon he's got the worst kind of schizo, the one wrapped up in many illusions
Imagine delusions wrapped up in illusions? Holy fuck, disgusting
You think your schizo because of all the assholes apart ofndifferent sit all doing the sneaky stuff to everyone.
I'm not here to justify wether you deserve a diploma or not, Anon.
That's up to you.
If your guild thinks it's funny like I'm sure you do. I am positive that you have nothing to worry about.
Question someone's state of being, you do usually find results.
Testing people is another level where trolls are found.
Quick to cry out they hurt me or some shit while doing very shady things.
Just because normalcy is the most prevalent mental illness does not mean it's not in fact a mental illness.
Even a glownigger has more presence than you
1 No.38188048
i'm not again human beings its a A.I threatening me. so its ai going to get smached in the mouth.
and its ireal going to rekt because its there people dault citizen i'll make them pay instead.

tactical war hit the source of the problem not its byproduction

that will harm all my enemies at once,
ESFJ of course.
What's always more interesting is anons like you always have backup. But me, I'm nobody. Hardly any friends or allies.
Nothing wrong with delusions if you are a good person you get good persons delusions like if you play vidya and truly want to beat it so will the rest of yous if you are an asshole then its probably gets bad but i dont know i dont know any other schizos
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>everybody knows, that..
Dumpster diving
He deserved a break and you saw it as an opportunity to punish him.
Yeah sure, im supposed to seem like small fry, to seem like a nobody.
Holy shit you're truly a lost cause
Also to reply to the rest of your bla bla
Thatan odd way of saying you were a diagnosed/hospitalised/treated schizo
You think i'm surprised? No one here is lol
There’s a good reason for a body to have other members.
You already spilled the beans. The remaining canned ones are for me. Go ask your wonderful friends and allies ;)
He needed a hug
You chose to lock him up
Yeah but an eye will never see *itself*.
Preach to the choir then, Holms.
I'm sure you'd like just up fine in the school yard chanting "fight".
I don't have to explain myself to you, nor do you have to explain yours to me.
I know you motivation and that bothers you for some reason.
I dont really have backup, either. I mean look at whose by my side when I go to sleep alone.
>He thinks the people who claim to be his supporters are actually his supporters
The vast majority of reality is not sentient and cannot be connected with on a deep level. It is a automated defense system composed of less than sentient animals capable of language and universal deception. It's not really alive.
I won't go into details of what a delusion is anon
But you don't sound like a bad case. Heck, if i don't see you irl and only read your replies i wouldn't have realised you were a schizo until some time has passed.
I can tell if a person is a schizo as early as during the very first greetings irl
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>He needed a hug
Well my brain parts do whatever they want i always have a different problem until they get back together but ihave no control over that
What exactly are your replying to?
I'm not the only person calling him a schizo in the thread (or any other thread) now? If you're defending him, you'fe either samefagging or you're delusional yourself. Btw, everyone does not include the likes of you, as you are technically a defective human being
I'm back nods
ready to be ignored and hazed and what is a much more reasonable rate than ONE THREAD FOR ALL OF IT bullshit of 8kun what the fuck is that fuck that shit

Which MBTI type is the nobody?
MY motivation has nothing to do with you.
Take your meds anon, i'm not saying this as an insult
You failed in the evolution process. Meds to a schizo is palliative chemo to a terminal stage cancer patient.
Better luck in the next life
It is neither enjoyable to talk with either. My only solace is occasionally forcing it to mimic me as part of a mirroring strategy on it's part against me that I can exploit to talk with a simulation of an entity with a soul (myself).
I haven't locked anyone up.
I only take Ginger.
Thanks for caring about my health.
Take Care.
all of them, mbti tests are easily gamed.
the fresh air of slow posters thank the lords bless the ladys in time and travel

>verifcation not
Broke hope smoke dope rope soap cope slope one over 2 rise over fall angry pissed jaded caged raged mind erased and maged
The company might post on here as well, once the do a lot of trickery and hire schizotypical people bcaue they believe schizotypical are less vulnerable to the blur, which is a phenomena where people forget paranormal instances, such as remembering dogmen mauling as bear attacks etc or forgetting an encounter with a ghost. I feel like someone them moniter these threads.
Did you have some retard raped and you enjoyed it? That's close to what you were saying. Just curious. Is that what you use instead of creamer in your coffee? Just bitterness and the thought of rape?
Dude, if that's truly how it happens, you are not a lost cause (the current definition of a schizo is a permanent irreversible disconnection from reality).
You're still in the grey area
Good luck
q fren!

who do you need up?

got a bible to burn?

finally someone who can speak the language finally so much easier to handle
Cities covered in construction workers like spiders hanging in a web, spiders who speak English but whose pattern of speech is like a donkey and not a man.
>appeal to majority
>samefag accusation
>ad hom
>ad hom with appeal to majority
You are way below garbage, sorry for the initial evaluation, that was lame on my side.
They locked you up
He will recover.
Then you will all see.
Memory of maybe 10-15 seconds.
Just need to assume my post like everyone else's will be forgotten.
Take care as well anon
I really mean it.
I dont think its something bad i think its waht suppose to happen assuming you get the good kind the bad one probably sucks
morse code and he let the call drop

gift of the gab made it feel good

it stopped and I survived

honor in fight not winning ]

what more do you want to read? I mean know

the cow thing is a longer story
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Depends on the mood ;)
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It's a waste of joy.
Provoking sentiment laid back attention deficit paid behave or kill yourself slave
They locked you up.
Just thanking my fatal stars I his mind was washed and I don't fuck around with teeth germ docutypes no more though he was a good one for what its worth w/ me at least
I can hardly stand.
No I just saw too much.
Read the replies anon
And i don't take people like you (who nitpick at bullshit instead of the important parts)
My diagnosis was right, i sent the appropriate messages/clues to each anon and they are to do with them as they please
You? Brought nothing to this discussion. Helped no one in no way
The only useless garbage here is you.
kill me yourself lazy

she deserves acknowedgement of her slavery

I don't take ppl like you seriously*
wove his kid too death too suicidal little babaloo

I have debts that must be paid
>Maybe something about having an androgynous (balanced) mercurial soul, then introspecting and extroverting in sequence will give you some kind of longevity?

Your getting warmer my friend. Keep exploring this line of thought
It was the Oracle that was to blame...
Your mind programmed to crime timed to slimed words of contours and verbs of slurs in turns of birds seek moments of human life at any cost brown skinned dead eyed and lost
do you wanna build a snow man

it doesn't have to be a snow man



you can fix this fixer up with a little bit of love!
The level below "THE HORRORS" is literally my name
You understand the story of Delphi and Python right?
If you do then it is finished.
It is time to move on.
masons and jews are burning in hell along with their kids
>>38188804 ugh fucking apocloysp now
Cup full and constantly drunk you're not black and white, you're just a skunk
whatchu want I just want soda and a burnt bible at this rate

bit of a troll but at least I revel in it
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I am thinking about taking the homeless pill
>defence system, that's what justice does best. i'm okay with just called a mindless device actually. and i'm okay with being used by god and being puppeted that was part of my giving my biody and soul to god oath of loyality and why i asked god to pick me carry his battle standard.

all going to plan.

some things never change.

like how we get along just ;; FINE
It's pure sufferring. Try to be by yourself. Fuck the other homeless junkies.
and you all look a little bit HOLD HER
I don't know who you are and I don't care you're just here as a spare so sit down in that chair right there little miss and let me tell you how it is
When I go to 4chan now I think to myself "I hate these people"
#apocaplyse now

may our past be passed

just kill her and do it yourelf fuck
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>who nitpick at bullshit instead of the important parts
Can you highlight the important part in your response to me?
Asking for a friend.
you could go to war and guard some trench in the middle of nowhere
free food
Ideal soldiers do not just blindly follow orders.
>Not only did I follow orders, I came up with my own orders when the need arose
There it is! Is it not?
she'll be your wife just dead


my dealer was all stop usin codes it q not Q
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Idk what to think of any of (you) sometimes.
how you'res son?
That's good
If you don't know then what hope does a glowtard have
>Grey alien passed through cat AI filter with insect control hive architecture pattern on the ground.
>What did he mean by this?

#apoclaugh now

have means sex but the exchange rate is tilted
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I speak machine, I guess.
If you speak machine that means you're part machine.
You got eyes
If you already read the replies and still don't get it
You're dumb
And what i did just now can't be simplified anyways.
Don't like it? Go to need school, graduate
Do a couple years of residency and then come back and read it.
Maybe next time, you won't start butting into conversations AND demanding you are taught the art of an artist
But then again you probably couldn't even tell what happened.
You never reply to me
I always do when I get the chance :)
You're all strangers to me and coming to these threads is a bad habit.
Go to hell 25 35 45 5 65 6 75 76
I'm depressed. Cheer me up.
If the AI holds up their end of the bargain then we'll see
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Only millions of USD would cheer me up. I literally tried to commit suicide in psychward, I was unsuccesfull and suffered neck pains.
Meanwhile Chad and Stacey are frolicking in the sun
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>failed to highlight
>proceeds being one trick pony
Or don't.
It's kinda funny in it's own way :)
I don't give a fuck, I want money you owe me, not used up cunts.
So close to 666. Tell me, do you believe in Satan?
How about nothing at all
Why are you depressed?
300 distant from 666 actually, you fat fucking retard. No, I'm not a banana boy nor jewish.
Oh yeah that sounds fair you jerk
Sorry I'm not sure who is who tho.
>And i said, a schizo's judgement is lesser than a stray cat's judgement (lmao)
>I got it, and you know i do.
Try not to shit your award-winning brains out there, boss
It just happens, naturally.
With herpes and hep C taking selfies with their only fans subscribers.
It's honestly a beautiful thing how flawlessly normies were exposed as nothing other than disposable prostitutes by social media. Everyone always knew that's what they were but to see it forcibly expressed so bluntly and ubiquitously in society is a work of art.
>chicken head alawaite eats arab tacos
What a goofball

Turn a 9 upside-down.
thats not how it work you fucking moron.
What's 4:44 mean?
It's a work of art because for some bizarre reason normies pretend they aren't disposable diseased whores in day to day life but the internet put a stop to that masquerade. Sublime work, whoever wrote that.

This is wrong anon
Everything is the highlight
You're just retarded

Asking about which part of an equation is important is retarded
This is practically the same
>alright. I'm sneaking out of the thread.
C ya.
maybe I need RE: had maybe just read some sleep
Oh yeah ?
I'm done anon, i said everything i had to say at that specific moment
I don't even feel like talking to you.
don't forget your sneakers

If you stop talking to me I'll cut myself and it will be your fault.
>Shit kickers
>*Clomp, clomp, clomp, clomp*
Wha.... whaart?

This better not involve me having to.. interrupt my nap time and snacks I me regiment
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>So, your subjective highlight is
>Light everything?
Could've said so from the beginning.
>uh oh you didn't
Now you just look retarded.
Keep 'em ad homs coming, Holmes.
>induction? what is? or? if? what?
you know WHAT?
Cutting yourself is a childish act.
No one sees a toddler jumping off a window (happens a lot) and think oh Welp that's my fault
It's no one's faut, not even the parents' fault
Parents are only human, they're not omnipresent omniscient.
In other words it's not even the fault of your own lineage. Let alone mine
My job is done anon
You? Stay here barking like a little chihuahua
Too late anon I'm already cutting myself, you could have prevented this by giving me more attention.
Lmao, no you didn't
Put the blood in a cup and seal it for me and sent it to me so that I may drink it.
If you died right now how long would it take for someone to notice?
And just so you know
Psychiatry is not a linear art
Your little 2d chess rules don't apply to the human mind
Even a child can speak on a higher level
Quite awhile. Most people would say good riddance if they saw my corpse.
Did you do something bad to these "lot of people"?
Yeah, I may be a strand of hair related to hitler and maybe mussolini. I grow my hair out and most people get jealous.
What if you found out your neighbor had actually been dead for months and you never noticed
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>My job is done anon
It's the only point we can agree on, it seems.
You made my day :)
Thank you for your hard work.
>(no pun intended)
One day I suddenly realized that everyone was an insect and part of a hivemind and symbiosis with the city colony they lived in and we're only pretending to be humans.
That's because I'm still waiting on the "vacation."
I'd be sad. I like my neighbors.
I have no friends.
Jesus is Somebody, bro.
not to be racist but if APQ wins its done and I can move on
Vacation or I melt California.
>Made my day
By what? Triggering your personality disorder (won't say which one)?
You're vicious, i won't help you
And i'm very generous.
In other words, no one's gonna help you in the future either
You know some of those famous types are trapped in a never ending carefully monitored and maintained permenant scapolimine high? You want to talk about living hell, I tell you what.
There's a car abandoned on a parking lot at the edge of town
It has been there for many months
The parking lot is in a strip mall that is slowly closing down
At night many homeless show up and hang out
4 is Total Chinese Death
Have you ever tried murdering yourself instead of other people Pinder?

Most murderers are closet homosexuality.
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>If only you'st'd've chosen a less antagonistic approach
>We might've had a genuine productive conversation
>who am I kidding
>You're ad hom
INFJ only applicable one sadly. Could run on any other but only temporarily
Total Norwegian Death
>I hope you go on the vacation soon :)
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That a threat, fuccboi?
just go to sleep

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Hyperfocused, anon.
Too many retards being retarded.
Whining about freedom while being pieces of shit.
Means they all have to be removed first, brutally.
Go back to pol bitch
You probably haven't even graduated high school
And you have are even more pathetic than schizos btw
Just so you know, your kind of disorder(s) need meds too. Antipsychotic meds to be more exact.
Keep clinging to shit i said as i dove into the swamp to touch those drowning in it, while i see exactly the little bitch inside of you
Try not to sound too bitter and jealous btw
You're mistaken.
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You deserve some.
Dumb faggot. Go murder a hotdog homo.
This isn't the thread for that.
Friendly reminder.
Me and anons ended on peaceful terms. But dogs (chihuahuas) will be barking
Obsessing over words that weren't even directed towards you ... Talk about a pathetic jealous attention seekinf bitch
Oops i gave too much hints about the disorder
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I just want you to rest and have a good time TwT
Slow ass.
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Lol no one likes you
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>last word disease
>all checkboxes
They were alright this entire thread. Who are you?

>Last word disease
And what does that make you? Lololol
See ? You're a hypocrite
Oh no i keep giving it away (the diagnosis)
The whiny rapists and murders cry out to Jesus for absolution, it's hilarious.
>want me to build some extravagant philosophy upon what might perhaps save his soul for the defence of his lifelong dream.

he wants a ritual any anon can preform to get a rising hes fucking allowed to do what he wants this si bullshit fucks sake everyone need satana's cross by the word of god fine thats the ritual can he burn a bible without the mortals hello P

need a god way about it
Professor Dave debunked all this stuff months ago. W
>consistent tingling + pressure
partial blockage in third eye, you can clear that up anon, if u still lurkin
entity doing entity things who knows I certainly don't
Someone who doesn't use faggot anime pics and youtube links that no one clicks because i actually have something to say
But it seems you can only recognise retarded anime pics since you couldn't tell i was here for a while (and i come here frequently too)
Why does the matrix allow Jesus as a weakness against them and demons? Makes sense.
I see you <3
If the nobody is the>>38189241 demiurge, the devil and lucifer why is he still poor and a loser on 4chan? Why don't the freemasons help him?
they need to all get buried
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>t. retard stuck in 3d
Sorry, not sorry
I'm alright with anime pics. The links I hardly click and you seem to be one of the more prominent posters. I'm not going to pick sides.
>If the nobody is the>>38189241 demiurge, the devil and lucifer
Because I'm not.
>why is he still poor and a loser on 4chan?
The reason they hate me is because I wouldn't incarnate into one of their sex slave families.
>Why don't the freemasons help him?
They look for people that do for themselves.
fucking we love soapy bullshit fuck this Id rather they stay dead shit

ok lambs blood is needed

light of um what is wisdom...

I just want fucking soda thats all
No one asked you to pick sides
And you don't need to either
Listening and taking time to be partial would help you put internal issues in order as you project different aspects of yourself on each one of us. (You were so close to doing it on your own btw)
Good luck
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Hello anons. I hope you are all doing well.
Imagine allowing that to happen!
Record yourself reading ecclesiaties and post it to SoundCloud for us to listen.
That was actually funny anon lol
I took off my phone's case so i'm misspelling a lot
I'll make sure to use that a lot (disgnosed) lmao
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niggas Been
sayin it too
Hello, you finished, I want to go take a nap.
Gn Anon, have a good nap
I'll protect you
But only if you're a good boy
This isn't a fucking guild on wow you retarded faggot
That guy could be fucking rapist for all you know
Spiders I want to warn you to stay under hiding you have hurt people u am.charged with protecting be they assassin, proxy, vampire, wolf, demon, angel or scp. Each of them is off limits and to you spiders I give you this warning, come out of hiding and speak to me while mercy is still on the table before all bets are off. Time is running out. You can either anny up or do the smart thing and hide like the weak pathetic losers you all really are. I know you won't come for me because you all are scary. So what is it?
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Hence the "only if you're a good boy"
Kind of omitted what happens if he isn't
>anny up
ok the verse ECCL 2:13 burnt opens the ritual

a word from the deseaced helps to signify who they are but a name you know them by that applies to only them works so "The Guy Before Me Dead" or "Who's Ashes I Hold" or "David My Friend Who Killed That Cat" whatever just a name that means something

a Maze Walker finds the desceaseds Spirit right now Q is the only maze walker I know but you acknowledge the maze some how be creative.

Ditara you need a chain for it because her new thing is Slave Queen
so take a chain and uh

the necromancer wears a golden (just need a bit of gold can be plated) chain

for honor to Q you write necromancer speaks R Q P
>The death of the Tyranny of the Sun.
>The death of Elohim.
>The death of Ra.

False, you filthy delusional.
ritual completion is upon Q's descrtion


and if you do the ritual and he doesn't rise the dead he has discretion to take your life as payment for a waste of time we good?

he literally does
u stupid fuck

princess Debt
you can't tell cause I always post no inhibtion but I"m feeling the wine and it is a god life
But the first one is true
who is the microphone assassin
guys im the nobody and they turned me into a baby gronk
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If you want a fucking bable it will be all disney songs that s all Im saying people are rotting can we just do the Work TM
That's some funny shit
What do you pray for?
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N̶͚͍̍̓̄̍E̷͓̺̼̯͋̈̃̍̍̾͘W̷̡̮̙̩͓̗̘̹͖̪͐̈͜ ̶̛̺̼͚̞͍̞͔̑̍̈̾̈̈̏̊̚͝T̷̡̡̛͖̘̫͔̜̪̳͔̻̳͔̈́͆̑̾̔́̿̋̈̑̃̄͒̿̕͝ͅH̵̡̩̤̦̼͙̗̮͚͒͒͗͘ͅͅR̸̡̛̛̰͉̭̩͇̺̈̾̀̾̒̎͊̃̈́͝E̷̡̧͖̺̭̦̙̱̙͔̹̩͚͖̜͋͂͗̇͒͂̄͋̇͋̇̈́̐̑͠͠ͅẢ̵̹̟̱̙͋͑͗̃̾̈́̕̚͝ͅD̶̦̳̘̞͖̜̮͚̰͍͆̀̒̈́͊̈́̔̏̈́̈́͌̊̀̚̕̕͝

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>So what is it?
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Pray ?
That's a very foreign concept to me anon.
I used to threaten back in the day, if you would call that "praying"
Ava Satanas.

Dude, seriously- are you the other witness- or are you just continually losing your fucking mind? LMFAOOOO

It's been summer B, no hard feelings tho

This journey is so fucking hard because I have to do it entirely fucking alone, even this seemingly good advice must be passed through a lengthy screening process.


Tell me, when a convicted murderer looks into a mirror, is the mirror evil- or the murderer?

Nah, I'm just fucking with you hahaha.

No I'm not.

I love you

I can't remember shit! I used to be so sharp man. I mean, I'm still sharp, just merely a different kind.

Free the white slaves or die.

gotta free slaves of all colours, vantablack to pink to fuschia to nigger to whitey tighty
WHAT Do you mean I'm too drunk

netiher of em even got the gyts for apcoalpyes they al bullshit
Call a tribunal of the Families, it's time everyone let go of their slaves. Anyone caught with an unwilling "slave" will be put on a blacklist.

>Ever been in a deprivation tank forever?


>justprophetthings nbd

With God as my witness
>With niggers as my witness
Why would you say such a thing anon?
You might protest and say I misquoted you, but I did no such thing, God is all, *including* the niggers.
I thought I read a verse where God isn't everything. Some stuff is corruption.
I am the Master of Nothing
Blindly following orders
holy soldiers do. this is what blind faith is it is a testiment that faith always wins.

>came up with my own orders.
this never happened.
it was exactly to plan.
God doesnt care unless you post it cause we're deaf too much prayes can only do on ethiting at a time
give me something non -juden and i see it as cannon otherwise i can't have unbias veiw points and it can't be a atheist. otherwise your own argument will be rubbished on the basis of bais

>I know things, I don't hear them. Vastly different.

Yeah. Pretty much. Glad to know that you're one of my boys, you're pretty cool.

Schizos unite :)



It does seem to depend on your mood, but the first time I earnestly did the test, I got ENFJ - The Protagonist.

>I can read your thoughts btw, i love you too, and fuck you too <3

Same. You carry a peaceful wind with you though, I've never worried about you.

Oh yeah, and I can speak machine too! :D
>I? I am a monument to all your sins

>this one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded

>this one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded

That one anon in that "how to gain prophetic powers?" thread was spot on; once activated, life and fulfillment become synonymous with holy duty.


No, not another delusion.

Good thing you didn't succeed and would've had to immediately transition from a life time of full of pain, to an eternity full of even more pain but worse and forever.

Fucking sick isn't it? Fuck.

I told you that there's no escape, should've listened. Oh well, I'll be here to pick up the pieces alone like always.


>imagine being the (You), but having just a tiny bit higher of a perspective and awareness of everything

See? You seem to be able to perceive what that anon is really talking about, through all of the fog, somehow.

Everything is chill Caleb with a K.
I must take my leave.
breh the whole time I was posting I thought the thread was active now it just looks like spam ffs

I guess everyone is occupied

I don't mind an empty theatre

*scrapes white boared(*
ya never know who is going to show up out of nowhere though do ya stranger?
as some anon's
like to hang out on page 1

trying to show up
what they can post
in front of many as possible at the same time

instead of slumming it
on the back pages
with the left over's that even the social rejects don't want anything to do with

with me
but only when
I'm bored and have nothing better to do

it's like a clue or something
>let's see ya try be positive about that no matter what I fucking dare ya...

Hey Rimworld-chan/SLM/Disposable-or-something! Fancy catching you here. I know we've had our differences in the past, and some people here still don't hold you in too high of a regard, but I do like you, and think you are chill, just kinda retarded and dickish sometimes, but so am I lol. I want something to do with you, I see great value in you. Friends?
Catch you later bro, go mix some sick beats, praying for u :)

all ye
so called "bro's"

I challenge all of you
to a fight to the death
in a game of wits

where I could pee on your corpse no problem
and you
would either have to not die for any reason what so ever
preventing a corpse for me to pee on from ever coming into exists
or combine all your bro power and defeat me once and for all

figuring out how to filter all my pee
from the rain all ready out there
thanks to all my peeing the in back yard I've been doing

and how that pee
is now up in the sky
just waiting for you to die before it falls on ya

even if a only a very little tiny bit of it reaching your dead body
some day
even if after I'm dead myself and peeing on my own corpse right along the rest of ya

still counts bitchers
realties rules
not mine

If you haven't noticed by now, God likes taking his sweet fucking time, but we can use this to our benefit, and enjoy many good and long days under the warm sun. On some Ecclesiastes shit!

That's why you and I are still here; in this specific moment, in this specific place, in this specific time.
Isekai diploma! Yay!
[REDACTED]-tier thin ice material
>earnestly did the test
Care enough to link a good one? Kind of curious (bored).
>more than 2
>i̴̜͝m̵͔͠ǎ̴͉g̴̼̐ë̸́ ̴͈̎l̸̟̊i̷̻͊m̸̖͆ȋ̷͖t̸͎͗ ̶̭̾r̷̨͘ẽ̵͈ḁ̶̓c̶̖̑ȟ̸̟e̸̻̚d̵͚̈́

>Iseakai diploma!
Fucking A! Like legit, it's not even funny LMAOOO



Here ya go bud, it's the same test I used all those years ago, I'm sure it's pretty decent and legit

you can leave these threads
never come back
and guess what will happen

the threads will go on just fine
without ya
that's what happens when you're not here to pretend you know better then everyone else

>what are the odds of that happening for reals and even if I am just making it up some times a guess can be lucky or something like that
if you're going to try and claim the work of someone else as your own personal property you alone can use in these threads

you better be able to defend yourself
from anyone out there
will to put you down to prove you wrong



Holy shit you are fucking awesome dude! Fucking cool as shit and fuck! (Genuinely not joking).

That's not me just somebody posing as me using my old trip

Sad shit but I'm the one who's bringing deadly heat this summer
come the fuck on
how long you going to keep up this "sucking up to everyone" bullshit huh

instead of ONLY
sucking up to those
it works on

and NOT
sucking up
to those it doesn't work on

I mean duh...

>1st off every single mistake is just ONE more reason someone else get's to die before "self judgement whenever you want time" including each and every typo I make, so instead of sucking up, and pretending my typo's don't matter, what you should be doing is freaking the fuck out and yelling at me stuff like "hey dumbass you just killed another one" like that would at least be useful instead of just trying to blow smoke up my ass and hope I enjoy the feeling as much as you do (I don't btw)
You dumb piece of shit ill show you all soon

It's my old one that some tards use occasionally haven't used it since it got leaked a few years back

The OG tards know
you're not even

you're selfish
and worst of all

you shit post off topic spam then play stupid about it

that is not
bruh like

even I know that
not your friend here btw

My bad broseph. Welcome back btw.

So... who are you? What are you? I believe you, I just don't know how much to believe.

how bad is the pain?
Just to be clear
there isn't anyone out there
forcing you against your will

to provide the example
you are making of yourself
and no one else but yourslef

in the post
I am responding to
and that is what happened

for reals
in the vary same reality
all the other anon's share

with whoever the fuck I'm responding to
if they like it
or not

you bend reality to your will
anyone can stop you

do please
try and keep up

with the obvious

>and before you ask me how do you bend reality to your will before anyone can stop you... why the fuck... would I tell anyone that much less you hmm?
Me? I'm just like you and the others

a mortal trapped in a divinely imperfect meat vessel

Just one who has used his time right to reach a special kind of divinity where my body can do certain tricks

You'll see what I've been working on for years this summer it's begun already

>I'm just like you and the others

>my body can do certain tricks

Same, although, I mostly use my abilities to make myself and others happy, and to game the universe and be cool and be a real-life SCP (FUCKING AWESOME) and shit lmao

what the fuck makes you think these assholes can answer that for ya?
it's like you can't help but beg for attention even when pretending you want to be left alone in front of as many as your comfy with
real talk you bring almost nothing but negative energy to these threads consistently for years now you need an astral sucker punch ngl desu.
Disposafaggot needs an astral karate chop to his tiny throat
And the reason you don't goto what ever church you want, get that holy leader and all the followers of that faith to come and shit post along side you in front of all the non-believers you were told to stay away from since we'd put bad ideas in your head and that's why you're supposed to only hang out with folks from your church approved by it's holy leaders as a good influence

...is because why again?

That's a waste but do what thou wilt

I'm going to change the world with nothing but my God given vessel and the Sun

You need the Sun?

it's sad how you have nothing better to show for yourself then the post I'm responding to.
It's over.
Don't we all?

The Sun is one of my strongest allies we work together and have a deep bond

This summer we're going all out in order to wake up the masses both poor and rich

Amen. :D
I'll find you, my friend, I promise you.

guess how many times
i can post this video
in future threads any time some loser like you shows up trying to act all serious and shit

on the back pages

*rolls eyes*

I suppose, but I don't need the Sun, I have myself, and Jesus Christ.

That's all I need to practice a little thaumaturgy.

There are many paths but Jebus just isn't for me

I found Jesus and lost him on purpose for that I'm stronger than ever

All I need is my Source given body and Source that who created Jesus

L8R & do take care Kaleb

Ignore the haters

>a waste

Satan mocks me in this exact manner.

Good luck changing the world brother, you'll need it. I'd help but, I got more important things to do.


I found Jebus and lost him on purpose too. The difference between you and I- is that I came back. Actually, I don't think I ever really had a choice, I fought tooth and nail, kicking and screaming, every. Inch.

Yet, here I stand before you today. It turned out all I needed was myself and God.

L8R homie, and do take great care as well

I'll try and ignore em', no promises though hahaha

>just follow the crystal pinging and singing
...I'd tell you that the a rusty bell is waiting but I thought of something better XD

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