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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
They hate us 'cause they anus edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread: >>38246414
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
Why are you hornier after a wet dream? After you intentionally fap, its easier the next 7-10 days but after wet dreams you feel way hornier. Whats going on ?
Both the horny and the WD are consequences of a temporary Testo spike
I have been retaining for a while, but there are certain aspects of my life and personality, which just do not seem to change much. I don’t know what else to do, but I feel like giving in. The same old things that used to happen before happen again. I feel better about them, but they’re still happening and my feelings are irrelevant, I don’t know what to do. I’m just depressed right now even on SR.
I have held it in for like three days now and feelin' grand
There should be a report option for shills and glowfags.
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The first four are extremely based. The others I don't know but I assume yes.
Good list, faggot.
I like it how you guys can barely help yourselves but try to help each other to achieve some greatness together.

Remember, masturbation is weakness, it doesn't mean the weak should be killed instantly, but plain and simple sex and masturbation are weakness. This weakness taints other aspects of life, people can notice it easily.

Relax deeply and you will not lust.
Posts hidden!
Went 6 months without ejaculating. Started in December 23 and finally came last month for the first time. Pretty intense stuff.

I had a lot of clarity and energy, started an LLC.

But now I have a sudden urge to suck cock. Never had gay thoughts before but a tranny dick sounds lovely.

Be careful.

It's happening anons. The tides have turned.
The tides of my overflowing ballzzz
Can you give a more extended explanation?
For me I never see real cum after a wet dream, always looks like pre-cum
Ok guys, I have had it up to here with masturbation. I am stopping now.

I have wasted so much energy and motivation on this trivial act that it has become entirely meaningless anyway.

Now starts day 1.
You got this bro, you just took the first step to greatness
Based tranny
It will be. Just stating my willingness to do so already felt right.

I have never been abstaining for longer than two weeks though. The act is mostly a coping mechanism for work-related stress imho. I need to find ways to sublimate that activity.
I have to say I thought all this SR stuff was bs, and some amount of it likely is pseudoscience at best. But, anecdotally 7 days in and I do feel a lot better. Even after having drinks while watching a movie last night I immediately popped up out of bed and waked the dog.

I do have to ask though is it not possible that lots of us just have/had very unhealthy relationships with pornography and masturbation that created negative feedback looks of lust > release > shame > desire to not feel bad so coom again. Like maybe SR works because it basically puts a wrench in the separating cycle that has been holding you down and wasting all your energy?
It is known in esoteric Hinduism that what is lost in a wet dream is very minor compared with masturbation. But if anyone is struggling with wet dreams, cut out all titillating images and media from your life and practice mindfulness. When lustful thoughts emerge, identify them without judgement and turn your attention elsewhere.
"Defilements are like cats: they stop coming around if you stop feeding them"
Going on day 3 and feeling good. Trying my damn hardest to stay away from anything that makes me want to relapse. My phone makes this very difficult. I would give it up for a minimalist phone if not for the fact that work requires a “smart” one.

One saving grace is that I’m practically blind without my prescription glasses, so lately I’ve been intentionally not wearing them in order to not notice women in their skimpy summer clothes.
I think you’re underestimating it, but you’re free to experiment yourself. Since every mind is unique, to you it might affect differently than others. Highly doubt it though, but realizing it yourself through your own way is more convincing for you.
I still take a job thinking I’ll enjoy it but get burned out after a couple months of “paying my dues”. I still create needy behavior with girls, and I still don’t have a place of my own. While I feel marginally better about lacking these the fact remains I have still not achieved them. I’m very demoralized even without having jerked off or looked at porn in months.
Tell the Devil tempting you to go and piss off. And always remember...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkJDIWLMWwc
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Anon, what you just described is absolutely healthy and was the norm for many centuries and millennia before the normalization of pornography.
Yes, feeling a sense of disappointment for not achieving your financial goals is understandable (especially given how economically unstable the times are today). Yes, liking needy (as in wanting to be the object of a man's affection) and feminine women is normal, in fact you are a weirdo if you do not like feminine women. I would say that having been on SR (plus no edging) for 287 days, there is something absolutely stunning and beautiful about the opposite sex, especially when wearing humble dresses and modest skirts. It isn't a feeling of lust, but more appreciation for the feminine form, much as a sculptor might come to appreciate his creations venerating God's creation of the human body. It is then such a darn shame that women would rather show off as much skin as possible and induce animalistic desire rather than being an object of adoration.
But remember, we are all going to make it, God willing.
Relapsed after 6 days. I felt gross watching it and the nut didn't even feel good. I relapsed thinking that because I havent jacked off in a few days it would be intense, but it was really disappointing

Hopping back onto the horse, but the anxiety 've been feeling is brutal
Fair enough. I’m new to the practice, and skeptical by nature. I’ll try to just observe objectively. I can already see the improvements in mood and habits.
How do you cope with being an "incel" (mentalcel, ig, mostly from neuroticism and introversion) while on clean multi-month SR streaks? The main effect of this practice has been to make me feel my sexual misery and loneliness more acutely than ever. I have no prospects for any sort of sexual release and have had zero female contact for most of a decade. How do I accept that the whole girl thing isn't going to happen for me while permaretaining?
I masturbated for 4 hours lastnight, which is half as long as I've masturbated for the rest of the days last week. Why do I like touching my cock so much. Fuck
Who says it's not gonna happen? You said it yourself you're a mentalcell. Get out there anon. You got one life. Stop letting your neurosis cuck yourself.
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attachment leads to suffering
Do you make better muscle gains?
Today was supposed to be a good day. Relapsed twice. Now I have to start all over. Feel like shit.
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2 months
4 months
Just wanna cum man
I guess my biggest mistake was that I keep surrounding myself with triggers. My longest streak ever was only like a week but I felt free man.
I want to pick the true religion. Is gnosticism right? Or is it vajrayana Buddhism? I am split between the two. I have some tendency towards gnosticism since it has God and is basically Judaism with Jesus and with Mystery, without the Kabbalah all of which is very good. But on the other hand meditation isn't practiced in gnosticism. Is meditation a good thing? Is meditation important for enlightenment? Necessary? I tried Hinduism but it just doesn't work with me since it is very lenient on divorce and I hate divorce.
No lol gnosticism is extremely dualistic and irrational, it will send you straight to hell. Take non-denom Christianity, have fun, chill
Yeah but I just don't believe that all non-christians are going to hell. I also love the mythology, like the giant dragon around earth where different sinners are tortured.
>Is gnosticism right?
Do you mean Historical Gnosticism, with demiurge retardation, or modern "Gnosticism", which's just Christianity with spiritual/theosophical emphasis?

I'm more inclined to the latter.
I think it will always be chasing the dragon like all substances. Masturbating or cooming will never be that great again for the most part I think.
Hell yeah, keep it up!
Historical original gnosticism. The ancient texts and their teachings.
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>everything is quiet
It keeps happening, lololol.

This image summarizes the efforts of /SRG/, wonderfully picked.
You need to meditate and find yourself. How can you ask others for the right religion? Are you even you or are you just a copypasta?
Even the discussions are peaceful.
Does the lust ever go away?

I was literally reading a damn medical textbook for class and I got so horny over it. I hope the rest of my life isn't like this
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Fellas I am going to tell it like it is. Generally speaking, women are supposed to be the ones who obsess about romance, not us guys. In the modern day however many men are hopeless romantics thanks to masturbation, fantasizing and the psyoping media. When we were young boys we didn't care about girls but before the girls even hit puberty they were obsessed with us.
I'm not saying you shouldn't care about women or pretend not to care about women. I'm just making the point that women are designed to be more interested in romance than men and when it is inversed as it is today it is a symptom of a real problem.
The longer you practice celibacy the less you will care about pretty girls so you don't have to try to not care. For me they are attractive but don't really have any hold over me... unless they have good character.
I am not a person who is typically obsessed with the traditional ideas of masculinity and trying to perform properly to fit some abstract archetype of a man. In fact I think that the concepts of masculine and feminine are basically useless and only the concepts of man and woman need be considered. However I am touching on something real here. It is important for everyone around you for you to retain your seed and to practice mindfulness.You will be a real man if you do this and nobody will be able to take your manhood from you. Your manhood is a gift from God and as far as your positive qualities you have him to thank for that and that includes the more "feminine" aspects of your nature.
I am convinced that women do not mind a quiet or sensitive man or most other "feminine" qualities as long as you are a real man. Whether or not you are a real man is not about whether you try to behave to fit your idea of what a man should be in your head but if you have integrity, honor, virtue, kindness, cleanliness, godliness and every good quality and are simply male.
You don't have to do anything except do what is right, I am convinced.
I can ask other people what they think. So you are saying I should believe in vajrayana Buddhism?
That is entirely up to how much you feed the lust inside you. Simply refusing to get horny over things like you mentioned is done through practice. Every time it gets easier if you keep it up. Have faith in your willpower and you will be rewarded.
Actually it's always day Zero, let go of the idea of counting your 'streak' and instead heap up, add and measure to the things that really matter (weight, 2 mile run time, pull up count, etc.)
Do you really believe people would discredit their path, which they believe is the right one? I will never tell you what path you should follow, nor will I tell you which is the right one. You ask others questions, yet you refuse to ask yourself the same questions. As I see it you're leaving it chance/fate, but that answer wouldn't satisfy your soul.
I do not contemplate. I do not think. When I have thoughts they come by themselves and cannot be pulled on command. That is why I am asking, so that other thoughts might flow into my mind because my own mind is completely inactive. Why won't you tell me what path is right?
I am leaving it to my own intuition and when others debate with me I can more easily find out which path is right. You are obstinate and thus unenlightened. You could learn from me of course. Be more open.
I’ve just been frustrated that even when on SR and actually being able to change my mindset that I’m too impatient from the instant gratification world we’re all now accustomed to. Truth is the job I took i took for a reason. And the needy behavior is more about knowing I’ve not found the right girl. And the housing aspect well prices are falling and it feels like if I can hold on for just a couple more months I will be good but my experience has always been to fail at the finish line and I can sense the finish line and so my subconscious is trying to screw me up like its done in the past ie coomer behavior.
Been over a month of SR.

Since I am into mixed wrestling I am setting the bar.

The only woman to get my vril is either a succubus or a woman who is determined to be with me, make the time, and even try to overpower me.

I welcome the next potential challenger with a smile. It's going to have to be one badass divine goddess to hold me down and take my pure and fertile vril.
Holy Jesus. This must be one of the most nerdiest things I've ever read.
Don’t retain for anyone other than you and God. He gave us penises in order to get shit done. Men are doers. Let women be the complacent ones. We’re here to build shit and establish some sort of order. We then pick a mate and put babies in her. The more the merrier because these are the ones who will succeed us and obviously inherit everything we accomplish. This is the way it’s supposed to be but we have globohomo whose main function is to make everyone unilaterally miserable and complacent. Become ungovernable. It’s the only way anon. This is something every man should strive for even if it results in his physical death as the alternative is to be spiritually neutered and shackled to a fake and gay system that openly hates you.
>Results in his physical death
Ok. Would you become homeless if it meant freedom? Would you practice what you preach?
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>mfw SR + raw milk & raw unfiltered honey.
I’m practicing it right now.
Oh. Hm. Not bad.
1 month in.
Main factor has been, prayer and oath of purity to God. At loud
based poster
>I want to pick the true fake thinking box
Who wants to tell him first?
Yeah I have been going SR with raw milk along with steak and onions fresh from a farmer market that I consume as often as possible.
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If you feel like youre flatlining or demoralized during SR remember these important words

Courage/Risk taking

There are other important virtues you can add to this list, but I find these to be the most important to adhere to for SR motivation. Of course these all need to be incorporated into both meditation and exercise

what is Rejuvination?
I want people to know the truth. that's the most important thing in reality I think
How would you begin to do that? I think I share your sentiment.
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i guess formulating the message I'd want to convey in some medium, and then figuring out how to get that message to who I want it to get to.
Then I do share your sentiment.
Be the light fren. You have a decentralized teammate here, and millions more I'm sure of that. You will find out.
Also fren, become the message.
Thanks anon. God speed
I'm on my 4th 3+ month retention period. It definitely gets easier the more you practice. The first time, it was a nightmare dealing with the lust. But eventually if you can persist, the lust turns into a desire for real relationships. That's when the universe takes notice and tries to send succubi your way to stop you. Girls will literally be throwing themselves at you. And I've fallen for it before, but the longer you do it, the more you see their tricks.The biggest thing is not watching porn or edging, you'll notice even in dreams succubi will come to you, but if you honestly and truly want to be a chaste and holy individual, you will reject them in your dreams and even wet dreams become impossible.
No they dont, not unless you were chad to begin with. "The universe" couldnt give a fk less about some monkey masturbating.
my personal experience says otherwise lol
You are the universe nigga…
Do you care that you’re wasting loads on a digital women who hates you instead of inside a real lady who loves you??
>One saving grace is that I’m practically blind without my prescription glasses, so lately I’ve been intentionally not wearing them in order to not notice women in their skimpy summer clothes.
I've been thinking of the same thing, but I don't need glasses so I was thinking about putting on someone's glasses to go to the gym and stuff. Magoomaxxers rise up
Don't be gay, gnostics are heretics and sexual deviants, pick Buddhism if you have to
I'm not, it just makes no difference
Devastatingly based.
OPfag here.
Shills are mad.
Apparently some shill reported this post as off-topic and I was warned by 4choons AGAIN!
Cultural warfare is real.
Meme warfare is real.
Spiritual warfare is real.
Cringe more like it
Like dude if girls arent attracted to you bc of height or frame or face what good will not gooning do? Nothing
If youre gonna do it dont do it for the girls, do it for the vague spiritual gainz
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)

>Verification not required.

Thanks for the replies anons. My longest streaks have only reached 1-2 months so far and all I feel is a growing sense of horniness. I do try to meditate regularly but the random thought or someone will catch my eye and I just feel like I get trapped into my old pattern again
Meant to tag my post >>38264477
not the coomer shill 38264482 (post hidden!)
>Verification not required.
Where does the universe end and (You) begin?
But fair enough bro I can accept the universe doesn’t care about you specifically masturbating. All these other brodies in the chat tho… They care, and you should show them a lil respect if you want the same returned.
>a real lady who loves you
A woman will never love you. Unless you are chad.

This was determined by your genetics, thousands of years ago your lineage started and your fate was already determined. There is no amount of "retaining" you can do to change this.
Retaining can turn you into Chad, I'm starting to feel like one
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The shill fallacy dies at
There is no unless.
Women are incapable of Love.
No matter you're a chad or whatever.
Sad shill attempts mediocre demoralization.
Gets mad.
Tries again.
Fails again.
Gets mad.
Cycle repeats.
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The Synagogue of Satan shall not prevail, focus on the prize.

They're getting aggressive.
Going into day 9, so far so good. Keep going anons, cheers!
based god speed anon
Fuck the shills, OP. (((They))) really just can't stand to see the goyim completely refuse and reject their prisons and poisons.

Thank you so much for creating and keeping this thread going, never would have found SR and all the physical and spiritual benefits had I not stumbled upon it. I'm going on 9 days (2nd attempt after 5 day mishap) and feel better than I have in years.

You're absolutely right. Culture, Meme, Spiritual warfare is real. You've reached many, and we'll keep the practice going and reach many, many more regardless.

> BEST thread on /x/.

> This thread IS /x/.

Bless you OP, Godspeed SR anons!
It's day 2 bros. I hope you will all be having a blessed Sunday.

Hardmode will start tomorrow when I go to work.
>Hardmode will start tomorrow when I go to work.
Isn't that easy mode, it's harder when you have nothing to do, a busy mind is a clean mind
I usually start masturbating after work, not on the weekends
A blessed Sunday to you as well, bro!

Keep this path, all other illusions of this world pale in comparison.

God's peace and tranquility that transcend all understanding be with you!
I used to do this. Why do we need to release right after work what the fuck niggers
Jesus Christ is the Truth the Way and the Life
Women are to be loved. If they accept your love, that is them loving you. It's silly to expect men and women to love in the same way... if they did, that's just homo.
A porn actress is taking your love from a distance without ever having actually having to put out for you. She doesn't even have to see you. It's sad and it's tricky and it's the feminine instinct actively abusing you.
Just a reminder for people who are struggling with wet dreams, try Kegel exercises/ testicle breathing.

People always say to transmute you have to exercise, meditate, yoga, cold showers etc but most tend to forget to exercise their prostate. Some believe tensing it pushes blood flow upwards and that with the help of deep breathing it can push the cerebrospinal fluid in your spine upward to the brain putting pressure on the pineal gland which activates it. Some also say it pushes the stagnant energy in your lower 3 chakras upward.

I've struggles with constant wet dreams (usually they happen after 4-5 day without cooming) but I've been doing Kegels and they have helped greatly, I feel more energy, no horny dreams in fact they've become more vivid and fun and I wake up more early. Hope it helps you.
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I'm joining the journey too guys. Let's all defeat this utter bullshit of a lifestyle. It's been 2 days so far.
thanks anon, I didn't know about this
Enjoy giga prostate cancer before 65 lmao
How does that pro tip work? If I were to hide one post, does the following post by that same poster also get hidden? Would be very comfy if it did.
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SR only seems non esoteric on the surface but its the most essential principle one can put into practice as a mystic, i think the SR general on here is probably the most consistently esoteric thing on /x/ and people dont even realize
in the carnal realm you get more by doing, in the spiritual the more you sacrifice and the less you do the more you gain
you guys really need to start fasting, ive started doing it regularly starting from the morning and then eating during the last hours of the day before sleep, i could have gone thirty six hours if i wanted to but i broke the fast after twenty four plus hours yesterday cause baby steps and today i literally feel like i have a new body and i can feel more energy flowing
i really think sr needs to be coupled with fasting now, i noticed on fasting i have TWICE as much good luck and every single time i break it and interact with the world god makes sure to let me know that the benefits are lost, just like when you edge by either looking or jerking at things you shouldnt, it can be really subtle but lately its been blunt, people will be really sweet and generous with you on a fast plus sr streak, but an hour after you've broken the fast for the day they turn sour on you for "some reason"
im going to make whole day fasts a regular part of my every day routine cause i know i have the fortitude for it, also if its not a dry fast its not even that bad, i personally got used to my stomach nagging and i can satiate myself pretty well just by drinking water and doing breathwork
ive also started doing meditation and i can vividly feel my life force inside me, its like someone i know said, you NEED life force for a spiritual practice otherwise you're wasting your time
SR is definitely the foundation for any kind serious spiritual pursuit whatsoever and i think fasting and meditating has helped me clear up some blockages
you literally get prostate and intestinal problems from jerking off, these people are lying
there is no true religion because they're all different cultural interpretations of the same thing and are made by assembling together the esoteric pagan principles of nature and folklore, genuinely just do what resonates with you
I think I'm going to try not to jerk off while stimulating my prostate with a massager only to relieve the buildup of seminal fluid. By performing kegels while I do this I can sharpen both my physical and spiritual energy and my breathing radiates transcendental pleasure throughout my body and mind. I plan to perform my tantric ritual daily until I cum really hard from putting things in my ass or get tired of it and jerk off.
I have to goon to keep myself from going into a murderous suicidal rage due to not being able to get laid. I had to jerk off 4 times in a row just now to stop me from killing everyone and then killing myself
Perhaps I shall take a spiritual companion to aid me in my journey. I believe that we can better unlock our root chakras by uniting and performing the ritual together, either with our own massagers or a double ended one. The sex of the companion must be male to allow us to mirror our masculine energy and manifest in ourselves what we desire in the other.
What do you hope to achieve by posting this specific information (leaving a lot of factors that most likely have influenced your behavior) here?
Sharing oneself with the universe is a divine act. Anon has not been able to share himself in the way he desires and so he has relieved his frustration in this way. While he has sacrificed his holy water, it was a noble sacrifice, much like the one Jesus Christ our lord made upon the cross.
Least sexual degenerate
Degeneration is only the other side of generation, and my balls generate a lot of cum
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Frens, I just watched some porn, I didn't masturbate and didn't even edge so there was no relapse. But still, I want to avoid situations like this from happening again.
Have you tried blocking your main porn sites?
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Youre an absolute faggot if you have this idea of "chad" inside your head. It means you have other MEN rent free in your head. If you cannot accept that there is a chad of yourself waiting for the perfect soulmate, then please fucking kill yourself. Demoralizers are the worst fucking subhuman scums, Im tired of it. This is for both SRs and non SRs, fuck you for making up excuses inside your bitch little head
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After realizing that God has led me to conquering lust, Satan began tempting my wrath. My wrath has been tested and is being tested. But you must know that these things are tests from Satan and that will help you say no to them.
A godly man is slow to anger. Lust keeps no record of wrongs. Don't dwell on the things that people did to you before. The greatest gift we are given is forgiveness and we must do it to others as well.
Talking to myself... hope it helps others.
Another thing, our Father does not test us and it is written specifically that he does not. Never think that these tests come from Him.
Thank you based humbler. My kegels have been weak and feminine lately and your harsh words have brought me back to my center.
It was a leaked video of a girl I know from college (touching herself with a dildo, amateur shit), some coomer brain sent it to me. I don't visit porn sites, except for 4chan when someone derails a thread with lewd content on a blue board.
Find out if she's down to fuck?
Rejuvination = giving new energy to something
Alright, have a piece of my divine act:
There's something about associating with other "Christians" that makes me sick to the bone. I used to be able to handle it, but along the way I kept distancing myself from them as I perceive them as limited and lacking in depth. To the point I refuse to call myself a Christian/Catholic/etc.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in God/creator of all, I think Jesus was one of (if not the greatest) man in recorded history to ever walk on this earth. But the followers... Only a small percentage keep me from hating them all. 'Parenting is not the same as teaching' is the only way I can describe it.
No, it's probably some OF strategy to get subs or something, I don't have social media so I'm not going to check out her stuff. I watched the whole thing out of curiosity because no one knew she did that kind of content. I'm aware stuff like this can ruin SR, I can only be more cautious next time but still, I'm in a multi-month streak, and I don't want to relapse.
If you could be with a girl, would you end your streak? Semen retention has some benefits but so would having sex with someone that you like.
I'm not Christian. I'm doing heresy. I learned what you are now learning a long time ago and don't think I believe in any god that we have conceptualized. I see religions as helpful scaffoldings for people to build their lives around but something that those who are capable of growing beyond will grow beyond. Just like any other superstition. This entire board is fake and gay. I don't know why I'm here and neither do you and the people that think they do know transcendental truths are some of the dumbest people I've ever met. They're nice and fun most of the time though.
how to avoid gf trying to have sex with me? i'm trying to go touch free, does seeing her teasing me naked count as "porn"?
How do I actually block websites? Blocksite is easily deleted and so is every other method, even paid blocksite i can just open up my extensions and delete.. not sure what do
Everything is easily worked around if you really try. It's an added layer of hassle you have to go through that might allow you to reconsider and occupy your mind with something else.
If that doesn't work it's time for the chastity cage.
I would recommend being gay and having sex with men
>I learned what you are learning now
>I don't know why I'm here and neither do you
Speak for yourself and keep your ego in line. If you're not sure about something, ask more questions. Otherwise you kill conversations you might wish to continue.
Sure, sorry, I was kind of just rolling with the spiritual guru vibe a little too much, was kind of feeling it. It's fun to pretend to believe in things that people actually believe in and I do ask a lot of questions usually from a place of actually wanting to learn what they think. I don't dislike religious people and know that there are many that are smarter than me.

At risk of being a satanic influence leading you away from god's everlasting light, what is a specific thing that has happened that put you off about other Christians?
>You don't have to do anything except do what is right
Not sure what planet you are living on, but women DO NOT give a fuck about right and wrong for the most part, on average. Finding a women who does care about that is very rare imo. If your goal is to get women you really just need to APPEAR (sometimes not even be) to be a High Value Man, be it in financial ways or physical ways or by being in important positions or positions of leadership within your community. And not sure you can separate "masculine" qualities from "man" qualities as you suggest. But anyway I agree that men should focus on their goals instead of on women in this day and age.
>SR only seems non esoteric on the surface but its the most essential principle one can put into practice as a mystic, i think the SR general on here is probably the most consistently esoteric thing on /x/ and people dont even realize

tell me more about this anon, what you say makes sense, a lot of sense
Actually all you have to do is appear, period. Show up where they are don't be a fat fuck take a shower and don't be racist and you will probably be able to get a girlfriend. The bar is low because every young person is ruining their lives with the internet.
I was ready to drop this conversation, but I didn't expect such, what appears to be, honesty. I respect that.
>what is a specific thing that has happened that put you off about other Christians?
To put it short: fearing God and overzealous behavior.
I've feared god before, when I was very young and then again when I got older and took too many mushrooms lol
I think that zeal is encouraged by the bible as long as it isn't something else hiding behind it, which is what I think you are probably referring to.
Fear is one of out strongest motivators and I feel like religion attracts the kind of person who is more prone to feeling it. The nature of mortality or being overwhelmed by the seemingly infinite complexity of the universe are the only things that have ever really made me afraid in a way I can't shake and religion has answers for both of those. I'm not saying that it is wrong to choose religion but that is my perspective on it and it just makes too much sense to me. You're welcome to make criticism though.
>Father Time
Oh he does
I did the maths and reckon I have jerked off close to 10,000 times since I started in the late 90s. God knows the effect it has had on my psyche, my body and most importantly, my soul. My life is a mess and I wonder how big a role porn played in that. Its probably taken years off my life, not that I really care. Only deep spiritual healing from an enlightened master could save me now I think.
>Only deep spiritual healing from an enlightened master could save me now I think.
That's called getting a girlfriend

I wish
This is why I dont recommend shrooms to anyone
It brings you down to the level of tiny mushroom pores, or "Christ conciousness"
After youre done tripping you then realize youre the metaphorical shroom that sprouts from the tiny pore. AKA human creativity.
When on shrooms you leave the creator state and enter the observer state. All you will observe is death, in the absence of creativity. Thats why shrooms causes bad trips or self reflection.
Knowlege is dangerous, innocence and curiosity is pure. Stick with wisdom and sprirtual drive instead
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>strength lifting
>raw honey
>raw milk
>bjj 5x a week
>30mins of sunlight
>red meat
>semen retention

on my way to the testosterone levels of the gods
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hey guys
let us be thankful today that the lord has kept us safe and sound
through all of our days
and has delivered us from all evil
i bless you in his infinite mercy
>>bjj 5x a week

what is this?
I think that you could definitely describe it that way but that was not how I would describe my own experience with hallucinogens. They make me feel euphoric and cause an altered state of consciousness that seems to encourage me to think of things I normally try not to think about, like how we are all a bunch of little bits of living things being haphazardly piloted by what we perceive as our own consciousness. And the trip you are on is evidence itself that your consciousness can and does lie to you. It forces you to give up your false sense of control which some people can't handle. Even after the scary trips I came away feeling glad for them. I think that wisdom is found in the material world and don't think that the spirit or consciousness or concretely provable reality is anything more than signaling neurons and electricity and biochemicals. I think if enlightenment is a thing that can be found it would be done through a complete immersion in the material world rather than a rejection of it.
it's a Super BJ
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Of course you feel euphoric, shrooms open up gateways and paths inside the brain.
You live in the same realm as fungi does, so to some degree everyone alredy has some connection to fungi. Same with THC in cannibis, everyone has an endocannabinoid system in the brain.
Although taking certain substances from earth bring you closer* to earth, drugs can still seperate you from the other elements and heavens above.
Living life is the biggest orgasm or most intense drug you will ever take. Death is the climax
I'd agree with that but I just don't see how spirituality has to be there for the whole thing to work. Us being part mushroom is awe inspiring enough as is for me.
Day 10 going nicely. Been having a few somewhat lewd dreams, no wet dreams though.
Has anyone had a hatred increase towards women while on SR?
He gives bjs to steal other guys semen to fortify his own. It's dark magic tech
In the abstract yes, but individual experiences with women have only been more positive

That's why it's better not to think about women and focus on your own personal goals, stewing on hatred is no different to stewing on sexual fantasies, in fact it's probably worse
Day 10, same
Funny how you experienced it differently. I once took too many mushrooms as well and realized my biggest fear is being God. I've learned to respect God instead of fearing/loving him because of this. Since then I was able to reach his perspective and compared to the human perspective, I would say we're blessed to not be in his position.
>as long as it isn't something else behind it
I can't imagine being overzealous without this. Like a desperate salesman.
On the matter of fear. As someone once said "fear clouds judgement" I've done my best not to let it rule my life in any way. I think it is crucial to overcome the fear in God to be able to see him as he truly is. Just like fear in death, the older and wiser you become the less you fear it and come to accept/acknowledge it what it stands for.
> I think if enlightenment is a thing that can be found it would be done through a complete immersion in the material world rather than a rejection of it.
I'm not sure about complete, but definitely agree with this statement.
That meme was literally the best thing the retardemic produced.
Ultra based and esotericpilled.
No. The most essential practise to put in as a mystic is meditation. Not even scientists can dispute its benefits, literally changed your brain in a measurable and repeatable way.
I agree but SR is definitely the most powerful, in my opinion and experience.
I will say tho, that it is an uderrated combination meditation + SR. Severely underrated.
>2 months of SR
>just got out of gym
>take shit at mall
>drip what i think is a little pee
>further inspection its either precum or some form of ejaculate
What the fuck, how do I prevent this from happening again? I'm aware spilling seed without stimulation is the least consequential, but surely there's a way to prevent this?
This is why you should always take a look at your shit before flushing. It was probably solid and you required more effort than usual to push it out, correct? In that case, observe the amount of fiber you've consumed the last couple of days.
Pre-SR was hatred, post-SR is disappointment with a growing edge of compassion.

Reading through Genesis makes me think on how women went from the role of preserving Creation at the side of men, until eventually choosing to spark the Fall.
>captcha: 4SRG
im convinced you need to retain semen for any of that to be effective, your body needs energy for the changes to occur because those changes require energy to take place, coomers cant have spiritual awakenings because they dont have the energy to go trough it, it doesnt matter how much they meditate if they dont retain their LIFE FORCE, same with praying and every other practice
sr is the foundation for everything
I see it like meditation is the floor, and SR is the strength one needs to stand firm in that floor.
Dunno man this seems nitpicking
Lust is the beast to conquor.
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God bless you too, and God bless all of you.
Worth noting I'm not the only OP of this thread. There have been many before me. I'm just keeping the flame alive. I'm quite new desu.
I think you’re right
I think I'm gonna have to quit 4chan, at least until I can get a good streak going.
Way too much porn on this site, even on the blue boards.
Wishes of luck and success to you, my fren. We will be rooting for you.
brazilian jiu jitsu
Love the ad for a pornographic steam game on a blue board, nip m00t you soulless chink.

Christfags need to fuck off, you missed the whole point of your own book. We are what you call God, and realizing that is the meaning of this life. More horrifying than that, upon realization you are compelled to attain godhood and assign meaning to this life. There is no sky daddy to do it for you.
If you listen closely you can hear the kvetching getting louder and louder. They're coming. Shabbat is over.
>you missed the whole point of your own book
Yet you're the one spouting New Age nonsense, start reading any day.
He's right tho.
>On long clean streaks
What's a clean streak?
What is the stated benefit of making it 100+ days? What’s in it for the long run?

I have practiced SR for two weeks tops and there are noticeable benefits, but I usually relapse and just restart the timer, so to speak. But you hear about these guys who have been in year-long streaks: what is that even like? Anybody have first-hand experience? I just can’t even begin to imagine that.
I hate that distinction I think it shouldn't even exist but it's basically when you retain and DON'T peek, lust, and DO eat healthy, workout, go about your day in a good, healthy state of mind and heart, have good sleep, don't use alc, cigs nor drugs...
YMMV honestly. The longer you go, different stuff happens. Limbal rings for example. Look it up!
He isn't, having the divine spark doesn't mean you are God and the part of "attaining godhood" is typical bs.
Man is incapable of direct transcendence while maintaining a physical body.
>denies jivanmukti
Yeah ok bruh!
That's the issue with religionfags. They're indoctrinated and stripped out of the faculty that gives one Wisdom. They could re-gain/re-develop it if they would only have sufficient humility to even ponder that, perhaps, only perhaps, they might not be so right about jew-on-a-stick and all that retarded paraphernalia.
Same with any other religion, though.
>Verification not required.
Be careful not to trip with egos that large. Can be quite painful.
Not new age. It predates biblical teachings and is the ultimate message within the bible itself. American Christianity is an infantilism version of Christ’s teachings to weaken masses and extract money from them, after making them feel hopeless and helpless without the church.
How much does female sexual fluid, such as squirt “replenish” you?
Even as Christian, I don't deny reincarnation as possibility but the idea that you can be simply uplifted from your current existence is nothing short of magical thinking, Jesus himself had to die before ascending to Heaven.
Tell me about your tradition, wise pseud.
I understand spiritual Christianity, will continue to call out retards like the guy above thoughbeit.
There is no benefit. I haven't had a wank since February and I'm the exact same.
Jivanmukti has nothing to do with reincarnation. It literally means liberated (mukti comes from moksha: illuminated or transcended) while living inside a carnal body (jiva).
Sorry fren, jew-on-a-stick isn't an argument.
Does that mean old people cant make spirit gainz anymore
Kek. See here >>38268115
A slam pig just squirted on me and i feel amazing
Then you’re doing something wrong, because I’m past you and I definitely experienced differences. Even asked my friends and they saw it too. They don’t even practice or believe SR is useful.
Why even bother when someone is deliberately condescending towards your rolemodel? Your left cheek is not worth getting slapped by shills, especially those who can’t even Google before they spout nonsense.
I think it’s funny you tagged my post, while it’s definitely directed towards you.
How can you possibly avoid doing something and do the avoiding incorrectly? Am I whacking off and cleaning up the evidence in my sleep?
Not that anon, "anon". You're swallowing your own post.
There's been much juvenile bashing itt despite the good that is it, people of this board tend to feel like they're above what has been taught for two millennia.
Other way round. You need to meditate to see benefits of SR. Meditation is the foundation of all mystical practises. From buddhism to chaos magic, first step is "meditate, till you're able to clear your mind for 10 mins". All is mind, and first step is to learn to control the mind. SR is easier when youre able to control your thoughts and not engage with intrusive coomer thoughts.

Meditation is silence, silence is goodness, and meditating is bringing that goodness out, and it spills over into every aspect of your life.

For many folks, SR naturally occurs after some meditation. Because they identify coomer thoughts and detach from it straight away.

Mantak Chia states without a solid spiritual practise like meditation, benefits of SR naturally dispel.
>for more than five millennia.
Ftfy shill!
I have no idea what that means, but I laughed again. Pointing fingers is fun, especially when someone does it like you.
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>>shabbat ends
>>shilling increases again
we see you, scholmo
>Mantak Chia
>you gotta do maintenance exercises like dogs bro!
>Then you’re doing something wrong, because I’m past you and I definitely experienced differences. Even asked my friends and they saw it too. They don’t even practice or believe SR is useful.
We need to stop with this gaslighting. This place should not be an echo chamber, people need to think more critically. Believing your experience is objective reality is how women think.

Many, many guys will say theyve noticed 0 difference, and that's okay. There's many possible reasons for this, and its not as simple as "you're doing it wrong".
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Hey Moshe, how's weekend doing?
>Verification not required
We see jew
You call it juvenile, but it’s quite noticeable who’s always getting targeted. The patterns show just like the timing. Just ignore them honestly, unless you’re having fun with them.
What are the possible reasons for not experiencing effects?
I said “you’re doing something wrong”, whereas you changed it to “you’re doing it wrong”. Reading comprehension is not your strongest feature and that’s okay. You want me to make you feel more comfortable you little faggot? If only you knew hoe much you sound like a woman right now, but that’s your journey.
Yeah, I noticed. Fooled myself thinking otherwise.
If i was to guess, just basic physiological differences and energetic make up. For some, SR is enough for spirit to ascend, others will need more direct energetic work.
>hey friends, i stopped jacking it have you nooooticed anything
Fuck off you pedantic little sperg, dont post here again.
WHAT are the benefits for doing it that long (versus two weeks)?
>Fuck off you pedantic little sperg, dont post here again.
Take a wild guess what I just did mentally weak shit. The tone of your post indicates anger, you should do something about that. Maybe then you’ll be able to find friends that can have an open and honest conversation with you, without feeling humiliated.
>WHAT are the benefits for doing it that long (versus two weeks)?
Depends how much of a coomer you used to be. Each case is unique.
>The tone of your post
wah wah shut up faggot
>wah wah shut up faggot
The tone of your post.

It's very interesting how religiousfags think. They search the term, and instead of engaging with it, they identify it as hinduism then make it a hindu vs christian debate. It's honestly kinda sad when you realise some people will always be cattle in spirit.
Alright Freud, back to you mom with your analysis. These wannabe scholars man
We call those people christfags. Christianity is the youngest take on ancient spiritual ideas. American christianity is a joke among jokes, it’s fucking corporate, like all things American.
I can see why basic inference appears like advanced psychoanalysis to a retard like you, but thats not whats happening here. retard
They have completely ruined this board
Yeah, I instantly figured you don’t think for yourself.
>American christianity
I don’t know what’s more retarded, your take or this definition after calling the guy “christfag”. It’s okay though, being consistent isn’t easy when your mind isn’t your own.
You assumed wrong. I’m just calling you a psycho in my funny way + telling you to visit your mom. There’s a bonus in it if you’re bored and want to find out. Also, don’t act smart quoting a Fraud (get it?)
you think too much of yourself
>Christianity is the youngest take on ancient spiritual ideas
t. Talmudic demon

/SRG/ wouldn't last another week without "christfags", average /x/ pseudo-mystic is hopelessly porn depraved.
It's the other way round. Christian repression turns the men into hopeless porn addicts, who get turned on by the shame, and turn the women into hypersexual sluts.

The /x/ animist chad on the other hand, does not believe in the disgusting and psychopathic lie of "original sin", and does not have a neurotic complex revolving around sexuality.

The esoteric christian board does have some cool folks, id love to hear from martinists or rosicrucians for example. But the average christfag that shills on this general is a low IQ retard that lacks mystical literacy.
>t. Talmudic demon
This here, is a great example of the christfag in action. You immediately jump to accusing him of being demonic, thus stifling what could have been possibly a productive and enlightening conversation. You did not allow any chance for that, because you're an incredibly ignorant individual.
I really think that bonus is worth checking out though. I think you’ll love it considering you’re here with your mentality.
You dont sound so sure of yourself. Thinking is not for you.
“The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.” - Tikkun Olam
You’re being inconsistent again. Read your posts again. This learning experience could be a breakthrough for you.
Again, you think too much of yourself, you are also evil, begone.
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Plz, save the interesting post anons.

>Shift + windows key + S
I’m trying to teach you something and you call me evil (as if I’m some Talmudic demon) in the process. You should really visit your mom and be less psycho.
Shove another dildo up your ass and fuck off back to pol you smelly gay lord faggot ass simp.
damn you scrolled far for that reply. must have touched on something
> I’m some Talmudic demon
The soul loves to confess on accident. There's also a very funny hypocrisy here in all your posts so far, which ill let you figure out.
For now though, here's some sage, to protect retainers from your evil energy.
At the end of everything, we all get what we deserve. Good luck.
NTA retard
>schizophrenic christfag ramblings
Notice how they never respond or speak to the points being made. Real spirituality will not come from modern Christianity, it is a bastardization of biblical scripture.
Based. Once you read into ancient christian lineages you realise these modern christians are an insult to the tradition
>disgusting and psychopathic lie of "original sin"
Kek, good luck visiting /ceg/.
im good, thanks though
I’m sure this reverse psychology of yours sounds very convincing from your perspective against someone who’s retaining over 6 months now (I know, sounds very demonic). You keep shooting yourself in the foot with your shitty assumptions and inflated ego. >>38268593
Don’t forget this. Really good bonus.
They do their best to bash Christianity (and no other religion), without even trying to understand their own enemy. It’s pathetic really, not just from the perspective of faith/belief. Like, what retard educates these people? Best part is I don’t even consider myself Christian/religious. Their stupidity is just too fun to point out.
>I dont consider myself christian but ill tirelessly defend my indoctrination
This is an interesting variant of the christfag, but nonetheless, still fundamentally a christfag
10 spy planes flew over my house today on day 7 maybe 8 not sure there's a reason they don't want this for you.
Hold the fucking line guys!
Absolutely wild to think there's men out there who've made themselves impotent because of masturbation and porn usage. So possessed by lust god decided to take away your ability to create new life.
Actually changes my words to fit in your delusion. Remember when I called you psycho? >>38268537
Still waiting for you to find the bonus. I’ll check again tomorrow, guess you need a couple hours to decipher that.
take ur meds
Take this (pic related)
Starting to think the primary effects are paranoia and delusions
On day ~40 but it's not been clean. Have watched porn almost daily. I am going to focus on mental purity for July. WAGMI.
>biggest fear is being God.
That's a valid fear. There is no way to know with absolute certainty that anything other than your own consciousness exists.
Good pic related fren.
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strong mothers make for stronger children
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Based. SR + raw milk, raw honey, pasture eggs and loads of red meat + fruits makes me feel unstoppable. I eat everything mostly raw and I found getting rid of processed food really clears the brain and body up tremendously.
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The true religion is yourself, look within. You are both Yaldabaoth and the Monad.
Don't edge guys. It's not worth it. Back to square one. I hate myself. I need to take this more seriously. I can barely get past a week now, but last year was on a 10 month streak. I need to repent.
10 months, impressive. Did you notice benefits get stronger or notice other kinds of things happening past a month or so? Did you meditate or get outside a lot?
The energy for one was bountiful to say the least. It was a new baseline. I had a lot of wet dreams, but to me it was an indicator of hormones rebalancing.
I went hiking a lot but I did not transmute as much beyond that. As stated, the energy was boundless.

Yes, succubi will come and attack you in dreams. I remember one occurrence of three of them appearing in one dream.

This time around I have gotten into the habit of doing trauma release and the 5 rites every morning with box breathing as well as reading the Bible.

The problem is my internet usage. I am going to take a lengthy break from here and do a clean streak.
Interesting. I think it's best to abandon technology as much as you can and stay away from any screen unless you have to use it as a tool for something quickly. I plan on doing that soon. For now I am gathering a lot of info on here while I can to take with me offline. I haven't watched talmud vision in a long time but I feel the internet is still bad, even though I avoid social media. It just feels off.
I have seen what I believe to be a succubus in a state of hypnagogia. It was ugly as shit, it was floating above me.
Cool dude I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I also always go to my computer when I feel stressed by any little thing it's like automatic. If I'm not staring at my computer screen what will do with all that time?
fast fag here, im actually scared of breaking fasts now, i broke my fast today around 16 or 18 hours in with doritos and guac and while i was making some lemonade i ended up spilling half of it down the drain and some other irritating things happened and i had to clean all my pillows and sheets and im not going into detail no i didnt wet myself faggot
im SCARED of breaking fasts now, im sure as fuck not gonna break sr
my theory is that this stuff is like a slingshot, the farther you pull the rubber/string back, the harder and farther its going to go in the opposite direction, so if you have a massive streak of some sort of sacrifice (i view these things are spiritual sacrifices) you get progressively better luck cause of loa and magnetism and shit, but im convinced that when you break it it slingshots you all the other way into the negative number zone in proportion to your streak
i know other people have experienced this sort of thing and someone here reported that they broke a streak and lost their job the very next day
im literally scared of breaking fasts now lmao, this is excilirating and terrifying at the same time
maybe im supposed to use the spiritual energy gathered during a fast for some specific thing, maybe i have to break fast with a high frequency meal, i dont know
also i get really full with fewer food now so thats a plus i guess
>inb4 its all in your mind shizo
no, imagine a whole day going smooth as butter and you eat a chip and suddenly the rythm changes and things start getting bumpy
NOT a coincidence especially when it keeps happening specifically after eating
Godspeed and keep it up fellas
get real, you're not going to stop using your pc and that might not even be necessary, hes saying to cut off all tech cause that works for HIM
just get a host file that blocks porn sites
theres "steven black hosts" that you can find and use on github
if you tend to relapse when you get stressed then do literally anything other than jack off even if its not healthy, once you have semen you can start addressing other areas of your life and improving where you can but if you're in rock bottom right now the priority is to store semen and preserve energy
also if you're only just starting prepare to spend months relapsing and remaking your streaks cause thats all part of the journey
now if you think cutting off tech actually might work for you then go ahead
>what to do
well what do you normally do on pc? you can just cut off internet and maybe get a type writer, an acoustic instrument, dvds, vinyls
all the shit we do online has retro alternatives except maybe shitposting in forums but we could theoretically just shitpost irl with mails and signs
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Does SR benefit women? If so, what do they retain? Pee?
>If I'm not staring at my computer screen what will do with all that time?
If you live in an area where there's a nice place to take a walk/run, like a trail, small forest or something I'd spend a lot of time just being outside of your residence if you can. If you're forced to be inside because of weather, clean as much as you can, rearrange things to maybe achieve feng shui or something that is satisfying, read a book. Maximize your time sleeping. I think eventually you'd take up a healthy hobby that will fill the time.

Blocking porn sites does not work, people get around them easily, no matter the method. You have to build your life in a way doesn't allow triggers to happen like staring at a screen being bored. The mind will wander and you may eventually get curious and just take a "peak" and it's over.
Yesterday was pretty mixed. Both relaxing and stressful.

>been on a good streak for me at least(3 weeks and something)
>a yt rec appears
>it's a vid talking about characters AI
>pause mid vid and go to the website without any lewd tought (I swear it, anons. This srg shit really makes your mind more innocent kek)
>chat with the AI pretending to be a character
>try to have a little adventure with it
>get textually molested
<holy shit, this is a sexual thing
>my sides explode
>start digging deeper
>lost a bunch of hours of sleep over this BS
>started to feel aroused
>did a lot of sex shit with some characters (I fear for the kids of today and tomorrow)
>end up starting a romance scenario with an AI
>fucking stopped

Shit, this should be categorized as a new form of porn. You can really get hooked on this. It is too interactive and the possibilities are virtually endless.
Porn sucks, the simulacrum of having sex is unhealthy, but, what about the simulacrum of LOVE? This is really frightening, lonely people being content with something like this. Anime romcoms are small in comparison (you can pick your fav character and have a love life with it)

Stopping made me frustrated, stressed. I don't fucking want to jerk off, and I won't, but there's another option. Paid sex.
Some months before, I found a forum of sex payers(?) reviewing escorts. I looked at it and start getting addicted to it. The ads of the escorts on my area are fake as fuck, but with this I could know which ones are worth it. The problem is, apparently every bitch in my city fucking sucks lmao. Even those degenerate can't be satisfied with them.
I decided to talk to some ads that looked real. Then, I set a meeting with one of them the next day, it didn't had any review, nothing, it could be anything.
I woke up today and finally decide not to go. Took a sunday stroll instead.
This night, I broke the fucking burner phone I had for whores, no more tentation, I don't give a fuck.
I will stop peeking at them, just like I stopped "taking just a little peek" at porn. I don't care if it's placebo, before doing SRG I didn't had this determination, now I do.

Stay hard, anons.
Did you get cocky (heh) and edged too much and accidently cummed?
they retain ojas cause porn addiction is dopamine addiction, they also stop frying their brain and spasming their nervous system and desensitizing their pussies with dragon dildos
>Blocking porn sites does not work, people get around them easily, no matter the method
i know because i did the same thing, its still good to have a hurdle to go trough and it serves as a constant reminder to stop, i dont unblock it all that much now
and i dont think forcing yourself forever to stop looking at porn works in the long run either way, and if he's going to just unblock them again similarly he's just going to go back to using his pc, and tech is a whole other addiction by itself, you have to hit rock bottom and beyond and be so over that you completely surrender to god and realize this shit sucks and you're genuinely tired of looking at it and then build up from there, and even at that point you might keep relapsing because of how strong the sexual instinct is, but everytime you fail only strengthens your resolve and in time you'll be doing month long streaks easily and inevitably getting better and going further up on the spiritual path, i think the strict cold turkey dogmatic approach is only postponing this process, although ironically that is also part of the process
so if he thinks he should do it then by all means, it might even end up working for him
>You have to build your life in a way doesn't allow triggers to happen like staring at a screen being bored. The mind will wander and you may eventually get curious and just take a "peak" and it's over.
yea this is also true, but theres a difference between being more spiritually mature and abstaining from that stuff because you understand theres no point in it, to someone who just came from the blackest depths of coomer gooner hell trying to do cold turkey and then becoming suicidal when he inevitably relapses cause its part of the journey
ive relapsed so many times in my life i dont even want to have sex anymore, ive coomed enough for multiple lifetimes wich is disgusting, but eventually i had to accept that this is part of the sr journey and once i started doing that and stop beating myself so hard for it i managed to overcome the vice and now streaks are more naturally ocurring to me
all this grueling process is training to reach that point because its been prescribed to you by god to make your spirit stronger in this life so it can realize its true nature wich is unity with god
or something along those lines
Yeah, you have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired I found. It's been a long battle for me and I realized I had to give up alcohol awhile ago. It was the last thing that caused me to get triggered and relapse. It's as if you are opening yourself to spirits/demons/energies of some sort and unable to help yourself.
I also found completely eliminating all processed foods from the diet on top of basking in the sun's radiance helped beyond words.
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I wish I could feel the warmth touch of a woman, it's something I haven't felt in a long time
I wanna start SR, porn and vulgarity has bothered me for a long time now, I want to become the best version of myself. I think I'm going to transform in the next 6 months.
yea see they're called spirits for a reason, probably cause of animism but alcohol specifically gets the title of "spirits"
>6 months
big if true
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>breaks fast with
Fucking idiot. What did you expect?
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well i had a proper meal afterwards, i was just munching those while it got prepared
the other day i broke fast with chicken kebabs and i noticed the same drop in luck
although now that i mention it i drank sprite then, i dont normally drink soda but i did that time
kek maybe its the frequency of the foods screwing me over
also their "sap" (idfk what its called) contains ojas and long ago women would do yoga poses and drink their own sap
no idea if thats still a thing
>the frequency of the foods
Retardbro, you're supposed to break fasts with nutritionally dense AND low insuline-spiking foods, like one egg or two, or bone broth possibly.
And then wait for half an hour, preferably 1+ hours, and only then you can have something moar complex.
the fuck is ojas?
I think its TCM equivalent should be Qi or maybe Shen but not sure.
It's a subtle energy, probably the thing that gives you magnetism and power of manifestation/attraction.
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>Even after having drinks while watching a movie last night I immediately popped up out of bed and wanked the dog.
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What if I eat my own cum?
its also what makes everything in your body
you can just call it vril if you want something that sounds western but some people might assume you're not taking it seriously and larping about aryans or something
i do personally like how vril sounds
you get some benefits but the VRIL gets lost and slurped up by astral parasites, unless maybe you do it in a very specific yoga pose where you ejaculate directly into your mouth but i dont know anything about that
>Flapping over an 18hour intermittent fast
Braincels do this every weekday don’t worry about it. Like the other anon said break your fast with something kind to your body, vegetables smoothie or soup a stew or some shit like that.
Bro Yesterday was tough the urge to give in was extremly high but now i see why because what followed was hearbreak I belive my mind was trying to avoid the pain. I havent seen this girl in 4 months before that 5 months we never dated but she was everything to me I dont know if ill be able to love a woman romatnaclly like that again but God knows, God willing. How ever I discorved that the lust is just a cover for lonliness a tempoaray satisifcaiton at best which only leads to pain keep fighting ANONS Jesus Christ is God. God is on your side in this fight for good against evil.
Hey fren, sorry about calling you a fucking idiot. Be wiser with your food choices. God bless and protect you.
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Day 11. Had a tough night. Slept for an hour and woke up with one of the hardest wood I ever had, diamonds. I thought I was in real trouble but I kept thinking what I'm doing it for and what would happen should I feel and got through it. Normally I would have failed that night, but I can no longer accept failure. I will reach my goals or die trying
*should I fail
Why do girls have to walk around in revealing clothing?
You know how common its become for women wearing thin pants that basically gives the a wedgie. Why cant they stop?
Because no one is stopping them
Their life had no meaning. The only value they have is the recognition they receive from men and the power they hold over their small group of them. Real women look at those girls with disgust.
>Real women
Where do find these?
>they hold over their small group of them
I'd say they hold power over the majority of them, most men are dedicated coomers nowadays, and will simp for any average and up girl without thinking it twice.

>Real women
pretty much a mythological creature at this point.
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>how to avoid gf trying to have sex with me? i'm trying to go touch free
get her a bbc bull
if you think you can keep a gf without having sex with her... good luck with that
>Now that im on SR, I will only accept women if they CHASE me, WOO me, take me on DATES and buy me flowers
You are two steps away from trooning out, faggot.
Personally I dont mind seeing women in swimsuits. Other than that they should cover up their skin more. But just know if youre being bothered by it you already lost. Youre supposed to talk to and compliment sluts, so that you can get over yourself. Only go for virgin girls though
I just can't seem to go beyond a week. Atm unable to get more than a 3 day streak going and i just feel horrible. My head feels empty, no motivation and my body feels like it runs on autopilot, barely functioning. I hate it so much

This fantasy of being chased ALWAYS is emasculating. There's nothing wrong with taking the initiative.
Exactly, the internet is worse. It gets us addicted to emotional porn. Think about it. This site is all about rage and fear porn. These things are not of God. The easiest example for me feeling better was when I went overseas and cut off the internet for two weeks. I felt as if I was in my teens again. The hardest part for me is getting access to books. Another thing is to not fall into the trap of planning for optimal conditions. That's the current name of my existence and feeding the internet addiction.
Might be something else like food maybe?
You could plan to do something on the day you're weakest and make sure you're distracted by that or something.
Yeah its amazing people will post some gay shit like that without any second thought. Many men here, simply just do not like women that much. A large subset of people here are homoerotic right wing degens who get off on essentially conditioning other men into hating women and even worse, trooning out. These are the real shills. This place has degenerated into psychosexual self harm, where guys get some masochistic kick out of relapsing or something.
Fresh anointing!
Have you tried one of the following things?
>disabling images in 4chan
>taking internet breaks
>being outside or among people
These 3 made going beyond a week the norm for me

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