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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Shills can't twist the Truth edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread: >>38259237
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
Sup' baker
Why are some streaks super easy and others put you into a flatline several days in and the flatline never stops?
For me it correlates with the dot strangely enough
What do you mean?
the gcp dot
Notes from last bread (just stuff that caught my eye)
>>38259359 SR reading list
>>38260181 On liking feminine women
>>38262794 Animefag take on romance
>>38263283 Anon shares words of wisdom
>>38264078 3 month testimony
>>38264477 OPfag got warned AGAIN
>>38265223 The juiciest fruit of the plandemic
>>38265225 On the esoteric aspect of SR
>>38265244 On religions
>>38265420 Animefag on Spiritual Tests
>>38265762 Anon shares routine
>>38265783 Anon gives thanks
>>38265714 >>38265805 >>38265837 >>38266261 Anons on entheogenics
>>38268642 Interesting picrel
>>38269060 Wild times
>>38269781 Anon talks diet
>>38270283 Fastfag eats doritos (kek)
>>38270690 >>38270699 >>38270774 The fuck is ojas?
>>38271152 Anon wonders why girls dress whory
Sup fren
During psychosis I lost all interest in busting nuts and would spend weeks retaining without even considering the alternative because I was too busy being dusted with psychic vibes too horrible to communicate with words.
That being said, the very day I stopped being crazy I began to fap and fapping seemed to turn the crazy down even further until I eventually became a normie again, or at least as normie as I get.
That being said, I wonder if there isn't something to this semen retention idea. If it occurred in me as a side effect of extreme mental agitation and activity then perhaps it also aids in that same agitation and activity.
I think I'll try it, psychosis is fun.
Anons, given the constant shill fuckery I have created an alternative board on the chan (kun) that can't be named.
As of now it's practically in a blank state.
I hope we can grow it together.
any improved /LoA/on longer streaks stories or improved Psi abilities?
Day 3. I keep noticing lewd ads. Otherwise not much change.
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>psychosis is fun
BASED. The more you disconnect yourself from society at large, the more in touch with the divine you are. You start to see meaning in the swirling chaos around you.
Remember, eyes on the prize. Don't tempt yourself with lustful thoughts, because they are only fleeting and leave regret. Be glad you are alive on this blue marble in the vast galaxy of God's creation.
>Anon, this is fantastic. :D

If you're willing to take up the mantle as SR's head post editor, we salute you!

God bless you all!
Has anyone noticed how this reality throws women at you to keep you in matrix when you semen retent?
Fell hard yesterday, I must own it.
Standing up again today.
Fall down seven times rise up eight.
I refuse to give into the demoralization
I had already begun to notice an uncanny magnetism even after 9-12 days (I didn't keep close count because counting streak days feels inherently counterproductive to me)
This time I am dropping substances right along with it, I feel they contributed to being a stumbling block in the end for me. Something to learn from.
I will succeed in the end, we can do this bros.
> Fastfag eats doritos (kek)
Did anon shit the bed?
Cheers, will try keep doing them, but literally anyone can make a post bun like that! Feel free to!
I thought some of those were worth bringing to new bread for further discussion.
Maybe missed something, dunno!
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Smells good in here anons
Nope, unless you mean the mere sight of them
>any improved /LoA/on longer streaks stories
I think I already told this story but anyways
A couple weeks ago I was on a streak of around 12 days and reaping the usual known benefits.
An anon here was shilling the ladder method from the LoA thread and gave it a quick read before going to bed, I got a gist of it but decide not to practice it cause it sounded gay as hell.
the day after I was having lunch at my grandma's house and she asked my dad to do a bunch of jobs around the house, my dad asks me to help so I go along.
one of the jobs was hanging a painting so I was in the presence of a ladder but I didn't climb it.
one other jov was buiding bedframes for the guests rooms, I was wandering aimlessly around the rooms and there was a ladder in the middle of the room for no apparent reason.
I hadn't been in the presence of a ladder for years before that
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A few hours ago I was quite anxious about some stupid bullshit at work. For some reason I decided to get out of my chair, close my eyes, and completely surrender myself to the moment. I thought to myself, "Everything is in Christ's hands" and I suddenly felt everything melt away and the anxiety was replaced by an excited joyous feeling in my stomach that lasted for around ten minutes. Never had that happen before. Did I just experience the holy spirit?

I know this isn't technically related to the thread but I've been practicing for a few days and I wanted it to share it to somebody.
Ngmi faggot. Accept being celibate or pay the price of ejaculating in a woman. Theres no matrix
Loa is pretty logical it's not some magic either. If you want to make door first thing you have to do is to imagine it. How will it look, what colors, what tools etc. For some reason it also works for objects and events that are not under your direct control.
To believe something like that you gon need studies not stories
If many of you were honest with yourselves, you'd realise you're doing this to attract women. And that's fine. Not a single person here is a monk, or even an intermediate level magus. To pretend to be above women, is cope. Celibacy is only real when you have the opportunity to have sex with women. A common cope you find here is that a woman will give you some eye contact and you think that counts as a woman you can fuck. You continue to lie to yourself, repressing your desire till you relapse and act surprised.
not jacking off is better than jacking off regardless of reasons
Of course. This place started off as a normal community around quitting porn and getting a gf. It was grounded in its approach. The thing that nerfs people the most is porn, and hence the focus was on that.
Now its gone into some weird homoerotic territory where everyone's paranoid that women are evil, are actively trying to steal their essence and they must be on guard at all times. I think porn has done some serious damage to some folks and they should focus on undoing that first, before LARPing about being monks and advanced magus
What? Why would it be on /x/ if it was never about the esoteric practice for yoga/qigong/etc? Or is this a repost from a nofap thread?
Every paranormal phenomena can't be recreated. It works first time but once observed by logical mind it ceases to exists. Even gurdijeff who seeked paranormal and all of those things witnessed telepathy, fortune telling and out of body experiences which he practiced himself but once there were Oxford scientists every single thing he did and his pupils too couldn't be recreated. It's like logical mind collapses all of this phenomena with sheer unbreakable strength of material reality. Once you start telling people about loa and what you did and achieved, it won't work until they forget about it because their logical material mind will collapse this function in instant. Loa is stupid and those thread too because they do not work if they talk about it and there is witness who believes it does not work due the strong material thinking.

This is why I never talk about my achievements anymore because some fag can simply say nay and in order to counter this your belief has to be stronger than his faggot belief which is very hard because how can you convince someone like this, when material existence is absolute belief which is being manifested at this very second.

If you understand
>This place started off as a normal community around quitting porn
What you're describing is NoFap.
Semen Retention is an absolutely different world, as old as many esoteric traditions.
I am honest about doing this to attract women. But I like side benefits like stronger relationships, more confidence etc. I want POWER
That's true, it'd be great if it was about that. Unfortunately thats a minority here. This place is full of retards who think they dont need to meditate, or just run of the mill christfags who cry when anyone mentions anything that isnt in the bible.
SR is not an esoteric tradition. It's just a part of the morality practises around purity. Not fucking your hand, in itself, is not an esoteric practise. Actual practise would be meditation or energy work
Most people here are better off in the nofap communities
If we talk about honesty, everything around us is because of sex. It's not some cope, nofap as all of things like fasting, loa, exercising, philoshopy and rest of gay shit is in the end because of sex
>SR is not an esoteric tradition.
Bad conflation. Which I didn't say.
>just part of morality
Falsehood. Ejaculation wastes jing, saving jing powers up the retainer.
>Not fucking your hand
Bad attempt at making SR look like it's only about that.
>Most people here are better off
People can participate in whatever discussions they want. Sadly for you, you can't control that.
>Falsehood. Ejaculation wastes jing, saving jing powers up the retainer.
Only till a certain point. An actual esoteric practise is required to increase the capacity of your battery. Otherwise it dispels naturally. Much better than cooming, sure. Hence why its not an esoteric practise in itself.
>Bad attempt at making SR look like it's only about that.
That's what it is in practise.
>People can participate in whatever discussions they want. Sadly for you, you can't control that.
And i will continue to ensure this place isnt just an echo chamber, and encourage people to be critical. Sadly for you, you cant control that.
You are welcome here. False arguments will continue to get obliterated. Make yourself comfy!
Ive been here for a long time and im very comfy. Thanks though.
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fellas imma be honest i've learned hold most ejac by pressing my pelvic muscles.
It happened as i was edging but didnt wanted to splurge the sacred loosh, remembered i read about it somewhere

the first time it felt weird
but i wasnt really tired

i stopped for the time being
due to fearing i may break something.

anyone know if this technique has some validity?
you pressed with kegels or with hand?
kegels can fuck up your prostate.
Yesterday there was a thread on /fit/ about it. Men shouldn't be doing kegels. Reverse kegels or stretching is enough to keep lower parts healthy. Kegels actually block and stagnste both energy and nerves.
And you shouldn't be edging, you pump semen that won't find an exit=blue balls or you'll get a wet dream later anyway.
If you cum in your dream does that mean a succubus robbed your vitality
Moar notes from past-past bread (just stuff that caught my eye)
>>38246857 Anon on porn and demons
>>38247120 Anon on sobriety and tools
>>38247120 >>38247286 >>38248192 >>38248231 >>38248333 >>38248394 Chit-chat about yang
>>38248368 Become stone against lust
>>38251508 Anon breathwork impaired after relapse
>>38251571 Interesting picrel
>>38251658 >>38251691 >>38251709 Multi-monthfags chime in
>>38251720 >>38251727 >>38251736 >>38251753 Kundalini vs Sexual Energy
>>38252169 Anon take on the moon and Lilith
>>38253376 Anon explains simple Box Breathing
>>38254534 Anon on brain overstimulation and interesting picrel
>>38255282 The circle of balls (kek)
>>38256170 >>38256383 Porn is spiritual warfare
>>38258001 Anon on long streak experiences difficulty relating to others
>>38258010 >>38258130 What would happen if a teenager went on SR?
>>38258305 Anon feels electrical charges during storm

I'm off to IRL!
most probably yes, but not always sometimes it's just hormones regulating after years of cooming and gooning
That might be why I havent experienced benefits. Oh well, guess I'm fucked. Course if succubi aren't real I'm double fucked.
Sex magic is a fiercely guarded secret. That technique is for loving sex with a wife, not for you to be a degen coomer. You should feel pathetic for even asking this. There's no shortcuts. Stop looking for them. Stop having sex with your hand.
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I really don't see the usefulness of a woman. I've been in relationships and I've noticed it is necessary to spend time with your gf/wife, otherwise it'll break down.

Your ego is out of control to ignore the exceptions, like me and very likely others you haven't experienced. Enjoy your bliss and I'll enjoy mine. Because even though there might be diamonds hidden somewhere on this earth, I'd rather not waste my time and look for them.

People like you sound like ex-junkies who still want to return to their drug in the future. To me it sounds like you only quit being a junkie, because you couldn't control your habit and let it control you.
>I've been in relationships and I've noticed it is necessary to spend time with your gf/wife, otherwise it'll break down.
yeah, you're definitely a virgin kek
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You, nor I, can prove this about me. Think about you trying to disprove it. Think about how retarded that effort is. All I see here is someone trying to stir things up for no reason. In that case, I'm game.

Also, you're gay. The universe just told me. Didn't sound too happy about it either. Should be worried if I were you.
This is day 2 (or 1? Since I started yesterday) of the 6-months SR
I was a big coomer so I need to explain this, I've always had a crush for MILFs/older women, so today my high school teacher came to where I work and we chatted a bit and damn she is so fucking fine..... Those juicy big boobas full of milk and that firm ass, shit
If I have sex does it counts against the SR?
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Ask yourself what the words 'semen' and 'retention' mean when added together as 1 whole definition. Figuring that out should answer your question.
Its very obvious, from the way you worded it, that you're a spergy little virgin. Just a weird thing to say.
Dont get me wrong, ignoring your obvious virginity, you're right, some really are content without women. Men who've had their heartbroken, who loved and lost someone and cant see anyone matching up, men who've been betrayed dearly etc. Usually older men too. And thats fine.
But you? stop coping.
>full of milk
unless she had a baby recently there's no milk there anon
>If I have sex does it counts against the SR
if you lose semen yes that is against SEMEN RETENTION
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>Its very obvious, from the way you worded it, that you're a spergy little virgin.
I don't believe you came to the conclusion by "how I worded it". Be honest. Feels like you're coping that I don't fit your view of a non-virgin. Tell me though, why does it matter if I'm a virgin or not? It's really not a big deal. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a degenerate.

Also, so far I won, because you didn't deny you're gay, whereas I denied being a virgin.
Any musician here? I heard nofap makes your voice deeper.
My entire point is that spergy little virgins like you use SR to cope with your sexlessness. You lying about your virginity, pretending as if you've had relationships, is proof of my point.
You've completely embarrassed yourself. Have some shame
Does this general believe in the Mandela effect?
reddit is that way
But why stop there? What keeps you from denying I'm retaining? I think you can't handle the fact that I confronted you on your baseless accusation.
Yeah she had a baby recently
I should've thought twice before I posted this image. My bad.
Because its irrelevant. Im not repeating myself. You lose. I win.
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How is me being a virgin or not, having had relationships in the past or not, any more relevant than retaining or not? You have been repeating yourself constantly since our discussion started.

You called me virgin, I called you gay. I denied your accusation, you didn't deny mine. Therefore, you are gay and I'm not a virgin. Pretty sure that's a solid victory for me.
You lose. I win.
I am actually celibate to the point where I plan on never having sex. That counts as a monk even if I'm not ordained into anything.
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>Im not repeating myself.
>You lose. I win.
>Repeats himself
No, you're not a monk, that is a meme
You lose. I win.
What is the difference between me and a monk? I pray every day and read religious scriptures too. I meditate a lot.
Why would that matter if you're anonymous? I mean jannies can see your IP but you can also change your IP
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We both know I won and I'm still winning. Every time you post I experience (pic related). You resorted to spamming to keep your ego intact. Is letting your ego get damaged by my superiority every single time really worth the (You)s?
Thats good. Keep it up. What you're doing, is still highly honourable and divine in its own right.
Monks specifically renounce the material world, live in monasteries, often take vows of poverty, are initiated into a specific path, the franciscans have stages of formation, the buddhists take refuge under the buddha, and follow his teachings strictly, etc etc.
FYI, some of the most highly accomplished peoples live normal lives and arent monks. A monk isnt something to necessarily envy.
You can only lie to yourself for so long. Eventually, it'll all crumble. Take care
The only reason I'm not a monk is because I haven't found any religion that fits me right now, but I'm interested in Mahayana Buddhism and might become a hermit in the woods some day. Just like the king of samādhi's sutra says one should live.
Or a monk.
GG EZ! Git gud.
The first monks were solitary. Monachos, alone.
I think in the context of this collective consciousness, and this age, the path of the renunciate is only for a few select people.
If that's your calling, by all means, go for it. I wish you the best. But i'd gently suggest looking into the path of the householder. That is the eastern concept, however the western concept is called Eudaemonia, which is success, and flourishing on all levels, material and spiritual. Just my take though
Why don't you speak on more what people should be aiming for and what the path of the renunciate entails, instead of what you're doing now.
Ask nicely.
>t was grounded in its approach. The thing that nerfs people the most is porn, and hence the focus was on that.
well we agree
>Now its gone into some weird homoerotic territory where everyone's paranoid that women are evil
let them, it's unfortunate but that's how scorned people act.
thing is SR seem to bring you closer to the romantic reality of things, unless you are a shut-in you will end up interacting with women and to me it seems that being on a 2-week+ SR streak seems to influence them.
if it's true they want to be celibate monks good, if it's a larp they will get a bit of tail and drop the act
When I started I was a little worried that the extra test would make me more prone to rage and going off on people. Instead I now feel like I have a responsibility to be kind to others and compliment them and I feel great when I see someone else being happy. Has anyone else experienced this?
>thing is SR seem to bring you closer to the romantic reality of things, unless you are a shut-in you will end up interacting with women and to me it seems that being on a 2-week+ SR streak seems to influence them.
Agreed. Those sexual instincts are heightened and more noticeable. Something in the blood compelling you to seek women, even telepathically connect with them, just to fulfil the desire to have progeny. Of course, whether you do fulfil it or not, doesnt really matter. That's the crucial thing, just be indifferent. If you do find a woman you have strong connection with, you can pursue, or not pursue, it does not matter. Either extreme will get you in trouble. I'd also emphasise purity of thought too, again by maintaining purity, the women you do connect with are correct matches. Even, on a biological level, i think someone on SR + practises of purity of thought, will find women who'll give them superior specimen of child.
On the other hand, can ignore this and just focus on current goals. Doesnt matter
thank you fren
yes it does, SR flat out turns you into a better man.
I'm so much more tollerant of everything when not wacking it
random shit that happened to me last saturday
>childhood female friend who i dont talk to randomly bought me a fragrance
>got $100 tip from a rich guy at work while doing nothing
nothing of note recently. seems to be peaks and troughs
I retain because I realized on a previous 40 day streak my IQ felt like it doubled. I was writing some of the best code i’ve ever written. I could build an empire with the optimized thought processes and flow state i had entered. Unfortunately, I coomed. But i plan to reach that state again soon.
Even moar notes, now from past-past-past bread (just stuff that caught my eye)
>>38229071 A way to transmute SR energy
>>38229101 >>38229106 >>38229143 Christfag on women, men and their roles today
>>38229412 Old gold SR pasta
>>38229634 interesting picrel on porn
>>38229841 A practise made by Dr. Joe Dispenza in Becoming Supernatural
>>38231634 Tobacco used by ayahuaskeros to ground a freakout
>>38231717 Taming energy, taming lust to avoid release
>>38230469 >>38230638 >>38232169 >>38232462 >>38232477 >>38232852 >>38232997 >>38233237 >>38233730 >>38233763 Wet dreams talk
>>38233997 >>38234500 >>38234606 >>38235671 >>38235896 Anon wanna know SR historically, anons chime in
>>38234067 Anon experiences long distance attraction
>>38232543 >>38232604 >>38232660 >>38235929 >>38236529 >>38236636 >>38236789 >>38236855 >>38238468 >>38238789 Another Kundalini vs Sexual Energy, also clean energy talk
>>38239145 The only examples that get recorded of animals masturbating are in captivity
>>38245076 Multi month fag chimes in
>>38245550 Anon take on "superpowers"
>>38246311 Anon on tibetan rites and trauma release exercises
still laughing at the anon who said they coomed the day before 9/11 and felt responsible. your fate is in our hands nigga, dont fuck it up
Still here, still genuinely freaked the shit out, still selling fake doors!
Update on my microcosm-to-macrocosm fuckery:
>few days ago begin a transmutation practice
>feeling better than ever
>suddenly next days relevant good news start appearing:
>Julian Assange is announced free
>Dementia president fucks up debate
>Chevron law thing btfo
>amongst other good news indicating "it's happening"
anyone notice their dick smells better? I smelt my pre-cum and it smells purer. It's almost nostalgic.
Made it 2 weeks and failed.
Currently on day 13 of second streak and it is way easier this time. No major changes to diet or exercise, just way more dialed in and much less horny. It's not quite a flatline (I don't think) but I'm shocked how much less "coomer horny" I am this time.
There is a really good possibility that you experienced the Holy Spirit in some degree. That is a pretty nice sign to keep doing what you are doing.
You will experience benefits if given enough time. The body readjusting might take anywhere between days, a few weeks, or a month at most. Keep it up and I am sure you will see benefits. Also, succubi are real, don't let your dreaming self and its defenses falter.
60 Days in and had a wet dream (sigh) , might as well restart the counter...
Hit a hard flatline months in. Gym performance tanked. Anxiety way up. Great benefit.
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A fleeting whim and a fading ecstasy...no more...WAGMI!
I swore, I swore I would be true
And honey so did you
So why were you holding her hand?
Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the time?
Was it just a game to you?
But I'm in so deep
You know I'm such a fool for you.
Its not about retaining energy its about how you use it.
Why are you even here if you don’t even bother to see what others experience and instead just use this place as a diary? Read about other’s experience, judge and/or learn from them. The information is here, people have reached further than you have. Check out the WDs section here >>38275347
I’ve noticed being more able to think logically in dreams (any kind). Aside from this being useful in WDs, feels like this could have other benefits, but can’t say for sure yet. Only downside I see is it might shorten the enjoyable non-sexual dreams, but still worth it.
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Hello everyone; it has been a few days. I just came to say keep up the good work of resisting temptation.

It's about retaining it so as to use it properly; it's about abstaining from wrongdoing; it's about foregoing the easy pleasures which prevent the attainment of the greater ones; it's about a lot of things.
>expects all peaks and no troughs
Not the way the world works, I'm afraid; realize it or not, if you've been abstaining from sexual wastefulness, your average level is higher than it would otherwise be (though if you've replaced that with alternate evils, I can't really say what state you may be in, and it would probably depend on what those were).
What is the spiritual significance of a pigeon peeing on my arm?
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Day 1... again
Relapsed pretty hard after a 29 day streak. When to the bar to have a drink because it was Friday night and I felt bored and alone. I don’t know what I was hoping for. The night before I was watching porn videos in full while messaging girls on tinder stroking my cock. So I guess I was looking for company, but all I found was the misery of a bottle. When home after midnight, cried in the shower, felt miserable and hopeless the next day so I just over indulged in porn and masturbated. Honestly if I had more going on in my life to fill up my time this wouldn’t be that hard but when you’re only relying on your own motivation to keep busy one bad day is all it takes.

Frankly I don’t think I’ll be able to achieve what I want with SR if I don’t get over my no pussy blues. The ascetic path isn’t for me. It’s very frustrating because I’m told often that I’m good looking but I’m such a retard sperg with no social life and I just feel trapped in my own neuroticisms unable to do anything. I think I’m just going to a short streak and go sleaze mode and see a prostitute. The last time I had an actual energetic spiritual lift was when I waltzed into a strip club by myself so I think this is the right path for where I’m at.
Easy things you can start building up starting today, get after them right now
>journal - put the date, write literally whatever
>pushups/burpees - give 20, 10, 1, whatever. later add squats, 4 min run, increase numbers weekly
>read a book - 1 page a day, more if you like
>fix or clean one thing in your house, just one
>come up with a fifth activity yourself
Do those 5 things daily. There. You got something going. Don't let the demon or whatever demoralise you.
When we were kids, we handpainted strawberries on a swing
Every moment was so precious, then.
I'm still kicking, I'm daydreaming on a strawberry swing.
The entire Earth is fighting, all the world is at its end.
Just in case, an atom bomb, comes falling on my lawn.
I should say and you should hear, I've loved.
I've loved the good times here, I've loved our good times here.

Say hello, then say farewell to the places you know.
We are all mortals, aren't we? Any moment this could go.
Cry, cry, cry, even though that won't change a thing.
But you should know, you should hear, that I have loved,
I have loved the good times here, and I will miss our good times here.

Spaceships are lifting off of a dying world.
And millions are left behind while the sky burns.
There wasn't room for you and I, only you, goodbye.

Ah, now the sky could be blue, I don’t mind.
Without you it’s a waste of time.
Could be blue, I don’t mind.
Without you it’s a waste of time.
The sky could be blue, could be gray.
Without you I'm just miles away.
The sky could be blue, I don’t mind.
Without you it’s a waste of time.
You're under spiritual attack.
The succubus got me a couple of nights ago boys.
I'm usually pretty good at forcing myself to wake up before she gets what she wants.
No big deal though, I still feel good.
Anyone else here an anti-natalist?
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I find it easier to retain when waking up with the sun or shortly after it rises, going for a walk/run in nature and meditating even if I only get 15 minutes in. I'm very blessed to have a nice natural area to take off for a walk/run in nearby.

I think alcohol completely ruins your ability to think straight and wrecks your goals. I know every time I have a drink, it's game over and porn is soon to follow. SR made me quite alcohol as a whole and I feel it's much better and easier to keep up with my goals.

I've learned food intake seems to be very important on this journey as well. If you are eating processed garbage/anything with more than one ingredient, it makes it incredibly hard as I believe your gut health controls your mind to some extent almost like we have parasites that control the mind that may feed off of sexual hormones. I've gotten rid of all processed food and any type of wheat or gluten and it's making it almost easy mode and no longer feel controlled by these "parasites" or bad gut health and as a result I've been able to almost eliminate coffee usage as my energy is abundant from the foods I eat. I mostly consume raw milk/cream, eggs, raw honey, red meats, sardines, butter I make fresh from the cream, fresh ice cream from only a few ingredients, cream, egg yolks, salt, and some kind of fruit, turning it into a nice health food and lots of good organic fruits I can find on sale and in season. I would recommend anyone look into their diet and see where they can improve because it makes a world of difference.
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i just pressed as if holding pee .
my gaped dildoed boihole gave be a cue to control those fleshy convulsions, thankfully i dont see much in any of that anymore, maybe getting pegged while wearing makeup though

i did it by accident im just a fragile soul under stress sometimes but i feel deathly afraid of jizzing on my own so i evolved a new strategy like fish with leg
You are the kind of zealous faggot that gives retainers their bad view in the eyes of the unconvinced. Calm your ass down, for your own sake at least. Two months ago you were a coomer and now you swung in the other extreme?
And the more you really do become detached from lust, the more weird it's gonna get.
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Day 12
No midnight wood, no morning wood. I have climbed the summit of lust and descending in to the valley of Nirvana. Just let go of lustful thoughts guys and you will reach the other side and attain bliss. Some of you are like jumping in to the pool holding on to a heavy rock and wondering why you're at the bottom, just let go and you will float to the surface. It's always darkest before the dawn. The highest tree faces the toughest win
*toughest wind
Nice rare frog.
hey does anyone have the picture that says limbal rings get bigger after a longer time of semen retention?
>Some of you are like jumping in to the pool holding on to a heavy rock and wondering why you're at the bottom, just let go and you will float to the surface.
Based parable user. Also, that comfy frog is saved.
The perks of doing Sr are far more than just the female magnetism.

Right now I don't care about women. I'm doing it to get that boost to find a good job
based go-getter
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I've been making my streak dirty, got to clean up my act.
I believe in it. The Bible ones are freaky but it doesn't affect all versions.
Constantly unsatisfied and pissed.
Finally see my situation clearer. It's not fun, but unlimited fuel to achieve some goals and become who I want to be
Another workday at the mall. So many hot women it's insane.
How do I profit from this? Checking them out just make me miserable.
Then stop checking them out
you are already profiting
at this point, it doesn't matter if you check them out or not
you're growing by the minute

in the end, it'll just be you beating yourself up left
until that vanishes too
At this point I would just ask them out but only if you are white
>checking women out
Just do what your boss told you to do. There’s no way in hell that ‘checking them out’ is part of your job. Maintain eye-contact if necessary to draw them in (if that’s part of your job) otherwise just stare off in the distance. You certainly won’t become gay if you ignore them.
Currently on day 17 - this is my first attempt at SR. Honestly it has been much easier to practice than I thought.

Over the last 3 month or so I became disgusted with myself jerking off and wasting my seed in the toilet. I knew I was letting God down, I honestly have no idea where these thoughts came from. I'm glad I listened and started this journey.

Thank you Anons for all the info and support. Love you all
>first attempt
>17 days
wow this makes me look terrible
Honestly I'm a little nervous at how easy it's been. I'm not complaining. To be fair I was only jerking it and watching Porn because I was bored. I didn't feel like I had any type of addiction to it.

The only thing I have noticed so far is my increased energy level. I'm excited to see what day 30 and 90 bring, hope I can do it!
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the Jews know
Well that explains it, I was very addicted when I started
You got this man!
Makes it extra weird that a rabbi would head a porn company
How is having sex wasting seed?
Me and my gf fuck like once to twice a week. I still feel a connection to the Divine. You will try to take that connection from me but you cannot.
>How is having sex wasting seed?
By it's very definition of course
>Me and my gf fuck like once to twice a week. I still feel a connection to the Divine. You will try to take that connection from me but you cannot.
Most would agree that having sex with a loving gf is by far the best way to orgasm, if you were to do it. I'd go one step further and say if it is spiritually loving sex then it is life affirming. You dont need our approval anyway
Yes. Testosterone regulates stress for men, so higher test = lower stress = greater confidence and more kindness. Test only causes the anger/aggression when it’s in unnaturally excessive amounts. Generally, though, it’s high estrogen in men that causes greater irritability, which is released with oxytocin, and these reduce test when released.
This is why men in committed relationships generally have lower test than single men (the oxytocin release of regular sex/physical contact to release bonding chemicals). SR, which is maintaining your test levels at a higher state, will end up decreasing stress and increasing confidence.
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We don't need to take from you. We'll just eventually, God-favoring, succeed in getting so far above you, you won't be able to hear us calling down to you to follow any longer. You may not even recognize it as speech. But don't worry, there will still be others following behind whose voices you can still hear.
In general, I experience greatly improved moods over all, but very occasionally, I have also noticed brief spikes in irritability. They usually come like a momentary wind, triggered by some unimportant thing, and then are gone not much longer.
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I remember the feeling. NEVER AGAIN. SR for life.
interdasting screenshot
>We'll just eventually, God-favoring, succeed in getting so far above you, you won't be able to hear us calling down to you
>thinks that'll happen just because he's not jerking off
>acts holier than thou even though hes incel
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You sound like you take it up the ass
He's right, the Lord favours the chaste, seethe.
This is the final boss level of all incel copes, if the delusion stops you from going full school shooter then good.
reddit word, go back homo
Cry some more.
>god loves ugly sexless losers acktually
Keep crying.
Yeah, that's you.
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it's always interesting seeing people go out of their way to stir shit up in a containment thread like this. you normally have people ridicule us within their own spaces (mostly reddit), but you get the occassional guy who is so strongly affected by random people he'll never interact with in real life wanting to abstain from porn, masturbation, and (at least for some time) even sex that he feels compelled to give us a piece of his mind. I think at least part of it is a presumptuous self-importance and a lack of ability to handle others having different outlooks on life.

on a brighter note, I appreciate all the well-meaning anons in these threads. it helps someone like me to keep going on this journey.
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yeap. He definitely was on a long clean streak. Not only for the female reaction, but also for his friend reaction.
For me it is a divine mission to help anons out
its legit shills are porn addicts and like most addicts they ffcourse think they are not addicted
Most people here aren't abstaining from sex. You need to have had sex, and be able to woo a girl, for you to "abstain from sex". Then, they pretend to be holier and superior to people in loving relationships, deriding them and acting like God loves them more.
>You need to have had sex, and be able to woo a girl, for you to "abstain from sex"
having had sex doesn't matter here. I can agree that if you are a bona fide incel that you can't describe your sexless life as abstaining from it, but you can have the ability to woo a chick but not utilize it ever. being a virgin is not the same as being an incel; and most described "incels" really shouldn't be. in the most literal sense there are fewer actual incels than those described as such.
>having had sex doesn't matter here
Yes it does. If you're a virgin, having never experienced love and intimacy where its as normal for a man to breathe and eat as it is to fuck, then SR is an attempt at repression. Not to say, a virgin cant practise SR, ofc they can. But im talking specifically about the attitudes of some of them who deride people in loving relationships, and pretend to above them
>you can have the ability to woo a chick but not utilize it ever
Yes, thats why people are obsessed with "muh eye contact" here. they think because a chick looks at them, that they could have potentially fucked them. when in reality, a lot of the time the chicks who will fuck will play hard to get until 30 mins of good chat before suddenly theyre on you.

Everyone should be abstaining from porn and masturbation that is a given. But a fundamental and healthy part of development as a man is having healthy relationships with women. Everything else is cope. Pretending to be holier than a man in a loving relationship, thinking God loves you more, is not just cope, its blasphemous and an insult to God
It is interesting that the Nazis started losing only after they started sending prostitutes to the front lines for the men to enjoy.

Hmmm....really makes you think
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shit, I did not know that. I've been saying for years, that Himmler and Jesuits sabotaged Hitler
>Not to say, a virgin cant practise SR, ofc they can
that was my whole point with the
>having had sex doesn't matter here
comment. you said
>You need to have had sex... for you to "abstain from sex"
is simply not true. I'm not even opposed to the idea that some people here presumptuously act holier-than-thou, I think you can find that pretty much anywhere, that just wasn't what I was responding to.
Yes, in practise it is true. Theoretically, you can imagine some asexual/low libido guy that was never a horny teenager, doesnt think about women much, has other objectives etc etc. But that's obviously
But what you're doing, is denying a very basic aspect of the male experience, namely the need for intimacy and love. A baby can die without skin to skin contact. It's that fundamental to the human experience.
A guy whose never experienced it, doesnt know how to talk to women and escalate to the point of having sex, is not abstaining. He simply has no choice.
There are guys who are honest, and admit theyre doing this to be more attractive to women, or perhaps some immediate goal they wish to achieve.
This becomes obvious when you notice the incel rhetoric around here where people start spouting hateful shit about women too.
>But what you're doing, is denying a very basic aspect of the male experience, namely the need for intimacy and love
I'm not one of the anons advocating for complete asbtinence. again, all I was criticizing was part of your initial claim.
Im just not interested in sparing feelings, thats all. We should all be confronting ourselves. This place shouldnt be a cargo cult.
Someone who's a virgin, and continues to remain so under the guise of "im practising SR" , is only gonna become increasingly sexually dysfunctional.
Christians have traditionally had very complex views on sexuality. The Encratites would consider your glorification of love and intimacy slavish, the compromise formation of a cuckold who thinks he needs a permission slip signed by the world to become a renunciate. You're in here everyday, posting the same shit everyday. We get it. We got it.
You are not a renunciate. You are on 4chan shitposting. You are exactly the type of person im talking about, delusional and arrogant, pretending to be holier than thou. I dont give a fuck about the dogma you're enslaved by either. You clearly have not got it. I will continue, and there's nothing you can do.
Don't invoke the name of God and then act touched when someone corrects you. You're in here trying to reproduce the sexual hierarchy of the world in a context it doesn't belong. You're not a renunciate either, don't speak on mysteries you've never experienced. Joseph the Hesychast's struggle with the demon of fornication was a mortal struggle, and he never knew the touch of the woman. Some pussy obsessed chan shitter getting his supply off vulnerable men day in and day out in these threads is nobody's role model. I'm not a virgin and I never said keeping one of the five precepts makes anyone a renunciate. Fuck off already, your lunch break's almost over wagie.
bla bla bla CRAW CRAW CRAW, just repeat yourself at infinitum, do the people around you in your neighborhood a favor and rope yourself with your cum stained clothes, Mumbai will become a little bit cleaner
I hate to bring up weed here again but after X amount of days of retention (7 in this case) the effects of weed change or appear to change.

I'm wondering now if weed allows you to more easily notice being on vs off retention. Less it having a different effect and more so you are more aware of the changes.

Curious if anyone has any experience with this. It's really the only constant variable I have to compare on vs off retention.
Again, i dont give a fuck about your dogma, or your God
>vulnerable men
This place has plenty of strong men capable of critical thinking. Dont lower everyone else to your depths.

The impotent rage of the sexual loser is always entertaining, also elegantly proves my point too. Burn, demon.
Seethe about it while you're stocking shelves, you little faggot.
I did not notice any change with weed vs without weed. I took it to sleep, don't need it anymore
Again, admitting that you're a jobless neet, only further proves my point. SR is not a way to cope with being a loser. It doesnt make you better than others. Have some humility you shameless rat, go out and make a meaningful contribution to the world, literal waste of biomass
Weed is going to make retaining 10x harder for most people. It's unlikely they will notice any differences because they are too busy releasing.
You're so touched, kek. Cry and cry some more.
I pity you
Day 4. No change.
You shouldn't. Now get back to work. Clean-up on aisle six.
One of the reasons is there is big money at stake for Big Porn (mindgeek) and also the cultural aspect (keep men docile) of high concern for TPTB.
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christcucks pretending to be holier than men in relationships, after seeing Genesis 1:28
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Thank you anon for the encouragement. Also based apu, saving it and adding it to the collection.
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hold on lemme ask your mom
"Rules for me, but not for thee."
It is because (((they))) are trying to disrupt the social order and institute their own. In a natural hierarchy, they would be near the bottom-middle or upper-bottom of the totem pole (think lower middle class and upper working class), but because they want to rise to the top, they have to disrupt the existing structures of how men value strength, intelligence, charisma, and honor. Orgasming lowers testosterone levels (usually this is fine when done with your wife) but when it is done multiple times a week, it makes T levels plummet.
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I don't like using that term, because it implies you have an idea of my reasons for being so, but in the general sense, I am. I have unresolved childhood trauma that I don't want to pass on to an innocent. until i resolve it, kids are out of the picture. sins of the father is 100% real, they absorb many of your qualities, good and bad. i have countless admirable and wonderful traits, but i don't want another version of me reproduced and burdened.
Actually a very interesting perspective on testosterone. Strategic thinking has always been a male quality, after all.
Every day you have a choice
>life or death?
It's literally that easy. Life or death? You know which one is which. Choose wisely.
Lol you are probably right. Some of the worst urges and intrusive thoughts came after smoking weed. Extra hard mode I guess I'll tell myself.

So far I've noticed the following trend to indicate blast off into a clean streak:
- See repeating numbers
- Look in mirror and get caught off guard and say oh shit I'm thinking we're back.
- Women smiling at me while I'm out almost like I'm in a romcom.
- Check tracker app usually always around day 7ish
- Weed no longer makes me feel dull or weighted down. Motivated etc.
calling someone a "christcuck" then immediately invoking the bible and not even the new testament lol, have some shame kike
1 Corinthians 7:1 "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman." , 1 Corinthians 7:2 "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband." .
Nice try Schlomo, but chastity is better than pursuing lust. If you genuinely love someone and wish to make them your partner, then enter marriage and have sex, resulting in children. If not, then purity is better than giving into temptations.
The testicles and their ability to produce testosterone (along with the ambition resulting from it, whether it be in love, technology, or art) has single-handedly resulted in the creation of civilization across the continents. Women create life through childbirth, but men create civilization, each needing the other to survive.
going to go read this later after today thanks anon
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Weed is 10x more fun when you're not retaining. I've experimented in both ways. First I tried (notice I say 'try' here, meaning I needed effort) to stop smoking weed and then started SR. Managed to keep it up for a couple months on several tries, but eventually relapsed. Around 6 months ago I started SR while smoking 2 grams of weed per day and it slowly diminished to practically not feeling like smoking. About a month later everything I used to do under influence, the taste of smoking weed and the feeling of being high didn't even interest me. In other words, quitting was easy as fuck. That was 5 months ago. I even tested it out with friends who smoke, hung out with them, but I didn't feel tempted at all when the joint got passed to me.

Continuing on the last matter which could be addressed to anyone who deems it helpful, I began to be more able to root out the bad friends, the druggies and anyone else who doesn't benefit my social circle. I feel more real towards myself and others. That being said, I notice how people here compared to other places are easily figuring out (and almost without losing their temper) who's actively retaining and who's not. The observable gap between shills and practitioners becomes awfully huge the longer I retain. The hearty vs the heartless. Fire vs ice. Heaven vs hell.
Nice find. I believe I've read another verse that states a similar message. Perhaps even more accurate, but I can't be too sure.
“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Matthew 19:4-6

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.
1 Corinthians 7:3-4

god has forsaken incels.
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Wasted trips. The verses you used both state 'wife'. A wife is already bound to her husband, meaning they are married. Then you proceed and misinterpret these versus by purposely trying to set the connection with incels.

You tried and failed. Try again loser.
You're not finding a wife if you cant talk to women. Sorry chump. Feel free to cope about how some virgin woman out there is gonna see how much retooning you're doing and throw herself at you and ask you out though.
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Christcucks committing every sin possible, being hateful, not working and contributing to society, but convince themselves theyre holy because they dont lust (they creep women out staring at them, and cannot lust anyway because they cant get any)
>god has forsaken incels
And that's why every incel should side with Satan.
Trips for the horde. Once marked by the Hive, you can't escape it.
actually doing it for work/gym related reasons, but nice projection
That's the edgy route, or just stop being a coward.
Romans 1:24
"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another."
You are an incel by your own choice. You can't expect to be a chad or good with women if you don't read, work, and stay in shape. Incels are incels because of their lifestyle, not who they are...same as chads.
Yeah, but do you see some esoterism on it?
I mean, seed retention in order to attract women?
There is nothing religious or esoteric about it. And zero relation to paranormal/creepy stuff.
The challenge would be to do seed retention while having a woman available, not the other way around. A retentoor without a girl to fuck every day is not doing anything out of the ordinary.
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>throw herself at you and ask you out though.
You sound like an incel virgin to me. Is this the scenario you daydream about before crying yourself to sleep after emptying your balls looking at a screen?
Just like trannies only like to read books to children, faggots like you only aim at Christians. Gangrapist mentality.
>incel by your own choice
What do you think the 'in' in 'incel' stands for? Also, you ready for round 2?
Ofc its esoteric. There's energy in semen, that is no longer wasted into a tissue. This rejuvenates you.
>The challenge would be to do seed retention while having a woman available, not the other way around. A retentoor without a girl to fuck every day is not doing anything out of the ordinary.
That's good, at least you're grounded and realistic about it. Better than half the faggots here.
Day 12, mental clarity and quality of meditation through the roof compared to before, feels nice.
based, lets go my fren
I'm gonna corinthian the pharisee out of your mother, if you catch my drift
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True, but we also all have porn available. To those who fell prey to it at an early age and have ingrained the habit into themselves, it is very similar to having a real woman around, trying to fuck all the time. It's like a smoker trying to quit having cigarettes right before you. It is way harder to say no to your addiction when you crave it and have it right there. It takes immense willpower.
Totally agree. porn is a crime against humanity. Again, that's often the root cause, then the habit of masturbation will fall off naturally once its addressed. It's a fake simulation of love and intimacy, reject the fake, only accept the real.
At this point im simply just disgusted and fed up by it. It feels gross, and i feel physically sick after watching it. I think a good idea would be to use NLP to associate porn with disgust.
I'm sure this general is 99.9% Abrahamic cut-dicks without fathers, but if there is a single fellow Zeus-descended God fearing man that has a case against masturbation, my ears are very open to it. I have not seen an example of jacking off being punished in the Mythology, but rather it being treated very neutrally. In fact, it was said to be created by the God Hermes and taught to Pan, as a cure for the blueballs after being rejected by the beautiful nymph Echo.
Why do you need a specific myth to justify it? SR is essentially forms a part of internal power systems training. That's it. You dont need any mythology, whether its pagan greeks or puritanical christcucks.
You have semen. Semen contains life creating cells, and also life energy itself. Cultivating that instead of wasting it, gives you greater internal power to work with. Whats actually missing here, is how to further expand that energy potential, and fully realise it
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>A retentoor without a girl to fuck every day is not doing anything out of the ordinary.
Yet I, and many others, feel different about that. Shitty bait.
>fellow Zeus-descended God fearing man
Well, this is new. Pretty sure Greek myths are based off real people, but exaggerated by writers to entertain the readers/followers.
Tikkun Olam, fren. By all means necessary. They are becoming desperate, because they keep failing.
The solar energy contained inside semen can and should be extracted from semen. I've been watching this beast a long time and the energy loss is non-physical. You're expelling consciousness not seminal fluids during the most grievous relapse. A sage will then expel semen harmlessly, as a matter of course.
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Not bait. Everything you doing is completely ordinary, very normal thing to do, specially after 40, when libido decreases. Nothing special, really.
He's still seething. Steaming, even
Hitler was a psychopathic megalomaniac. He was not a godly being, he practised sex magic and murdered 6 young women vampirically. This is all I will reveal to you. Be warned. This is not a stream of consciousness that you want to connect with, it is demonic. Take my advice, or suffer. Your choice.
>Everything you doing is completely ordinary
You know everything I do? Just like this guy 38282352? You both must be psychic.
>Take my advice, or suffer.
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Nice disingenuous argument, but you clearly missed one thing. Incels aren't married, meaning they have no obligations to their wives to fulfill. If you genuinely wished to read and understand scripture, I would be a lot more polite, but ON THE EXACT SAME CHAPTER, it states 1 Corinthians 7:6-9 "But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment. For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn."
In war, if you think that one side is "evil", you were brainwashed by the other side.
Who said anything about the other side?
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>Mfw coming across this thread after I literally jerked off
Cope, the post.
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Give up, man. You are seeing mirages already, answering two anons like it was only one.
Nature calls.
Well said, anon!
It’s never too late to give it a try.
NTA, but you can clearly see his whole post is focussed on the other guy. Sure, he made a mistake by lumping you both together, but did you really prove a point?
Christcucks are the ultimate shills here. Turning this place from a mystical general to one of puritanical dogmatism. It is precisely the fact that one must live their lives by scripture written by men, that is the problem here.
I did intend to respond to you, since you latched onto the disingenuous argument in order to push a pro-Satan message. I wished to set the record straight and not allow any misrepresentations of the meaning of scripture.
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>can't even cease fapping with a grotesque epididymitis growth that gets continually bigger
it's over bros
keep for those symmetrical balls smoothskins
>hittler is le bad. the hecking jewerinos told me so it must be true!
The term "incel" (involuntary celibate) is a misnomer, since sex is SO easy to come by nowadays (whether it be from a woman with zero self-respect or a paid whore, even rape), that the term "incel" in the context in which it is used is "a man unwilling to accept the current dating market and does not wish to participate in it". Once you realize that, the strawman argument made falls apart.
Top shelf copium straight from the jungles of copina right there
the more are you abstaining from p*rn and masturbation, the less degenerate you will be.

You kinda revert to the time before you became a porn addict, and just one booba becomes enough to make your hearth pound.
No, you just hate their perspective. People like you just immediately have to cry about that, instead of all the other perspectives you don’t align with. Get a grip, you’re a man acting like a woman.
I dont care about their perspective. This is not a religious board. Thats the point im making here retard.
I’ve never heard of whores rejecting men. Hell, there are whores in my country who legally fuck handicapped and retards. The anon you’re replying to is right. As long as there are whores, one can’t really be an incel.
Sperging out and going "acktually teknically there are whores therefore incels dont exist" is cope. Everyone knows what an incel is, its someone who cannot get romantic and sexual interest from normal women.
Those handicapped and retards are still incel. A guy who only fucks whores is an incel.
Yes, you do care about their perspective, because there have been other religious folk here, but I only see people (like you) complain about Christians. Also, religion consist of various paranormality, denying that is retarded by itself. Stop crying and retain your semen if you’re here, because a faggot like you doesn’t sound like a retainer.
I will complain about all religious folk, its undeniable that its mostly christians. If some muslim starts posting quran shit here ill say the same. You can happily talk about christos oil, or the paranormal sides itself, but quoting scripture that, for anyone with eyes to see, is obviously there for social utility, is retarded.
You dont have the eyes to see it, and are chained to your religious dogma. You pretend you're not, but you are. No ones crying here, you stupid moron, you are spiritually illiterate, and will not make any progress.
You should Google ‘celibacy’ or stay ignorant. I’m fine with both ways, because if you still maintain your delusion vocabulary afterwards, it would be funny as fuck. Also, you should stop using “sperging” every time you come here to shit up the place. Might as well use a name like the faggot shill you are. Consistency, as I’ve explained to you numerous times, is not your strongest feature, unless we bring up your vocabulary again.
All I see is some angry fella who can’t handle reading something off-topic. But you’re too ignorant to see what you’ve been doing all this time.
>doubles down on being a pedantic little sperg
keep coping
As long as you keep using the word ‘sperg’ I can find you any time here. It’s like your favorite word. Spergfag fits you as a name. You have been knighted.

Take care, Spergfag.
>who can’t handle reading something off-topic
find some bitches
>greetings from tel aviv!
>what’s that? You goys refuse to watch the porn we made to demoralize you?!
>oy vey! You must be virgin incel losers doing this to attract women we both know you’ll never have!
>please visit Blacked.com this very instant to keep us greasy little faggots in charge of the porn industry!

Kys this very instant
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shalom rabbi
I have found it correlates with the energy you put out during the last orgasm.
You are blessed by the sky but could be humbling, but it really depends on what you were thinking or doing at the time
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loud kek
I was doing pull ups kek trying to mind my own business when suddenly
>drip drip
also checked and also thanks for answering and not thinking I was bullshiting, it was a serious question
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>barely a month into SR
>went to uni earlier this day
>people wave and speak to me for no reason
>arrived two hours earlier to study because finals are nearing
>sat in silence in an empty room
>suddenly room isn't so empty but that's ok
>an hour after I started studying two girls appear out of nowhere and start chatting with me
>they are semesters behind but also in my course (electronics engineering)
>want me to help them to prepare for finals
>one of them drops her contact on my desk
Ask me anything, this' only a snippet of my journey, definitely not placebo.
There's much, much going on I dare say retention may be the healing and cure of man.
I love the number of (you) s the movie projector got. Why didn't you hide and continue /srg/? Why did you give him attention?

That's a good point, if there are hoes there are no incels. Being unable to get laid with npc women doesn't make you Jesus, tho.
I'm pretty sure if given the chance to fuck a lot of girls a lot of /srg/fags would do it, at least the ones they would find pretty. I know I would, and get bored the same way I got bored with porn abd feeling like shit.
I guess you could say there is a spectrum to this shit and, you know what? I won't dwell on this bs because any conclusion we can get from this is useless in the great scheme of things.

1 month of a dirty streak. I wasn't edging but I was looking for whores to get paid sex. In the process I'd look at erotic images (fake ads most likely). I broke the burner phone I was using to contact the whores before it was too late and it worked like a charm. I'm not browsing on the whore sites and forums. I guess you could say I'm on a clean streak since the last sunday.

The guy who said the SRG super powers must be tap into it to work has a point, I think. I have an easier time talking to people, dismissing them, I don't get stuck on details and trivial nonsense. I go in and get out, the outcome is what it is and I feel cool.
Talking about dismissing, I'm currently cutting my e-friends (fags that only talk to me to chat on discord and play and be glued to the pc). It's just, I'm sick of pretending to do stuff. Pretending to have sex with porn, pretending to have friends in games and with podcasts (i'm also gradually cutting those) I only post here bcs it motivates me to keep the streak and improving it. I want to live in real life and bend it to my will. SRG has helped me doing the right decisions for that.
>I only post here bcs it motivates me to keep the streak and improving it.
Same. I've cut down on my technology use drastically, spend maybe an hour catching up on posts and watching a select few videos on youtube every week and continue on with my life, spending most of my time outside enjoying nice weather, or reading. SR and srg has 180'd my life. The cutting down on the trivial nonsense is huge, life changer.
need to get a job where tech use is minimal is the goal
It's your conception of Christ which is pure dogma. The supernatural of Christ superseded everything I ever experienced in the occult, Taoism, Buddhism, or anything else right from the start—nevermind long beyond then. To anyone who wishes the supernatural to be a natural part of their life, and that without demonic repercussions, Christ is the highest call. Every other way or god is inferior and bind-able by even a baby Christian operating in faith in the power of the Living God.

The Greco Roman pantheon either A.: do not exist, B.: are the corroded memory of antediluvian beings, or C.: are fallen angels which prey on the nature of mankind as it is convenient to them. If they exist, Hell was made for them. You have nice taste in art, but, like most, you do not realize the extent to which even your conception of the classical pagan past is colored by the superlative grace of Christ. Through Him, even our memory of the filth of Eleusis is transformed into something greater than it was. Your "god" has long since been defeated, but fall on your sword for him if you insist. Delude yourself with romanticization of a past which never existed and fall prey to the same fate as Yeats, Swinburne, Keats, and many others, whose fells falls off their bones in agony even as I type these words.

Trite, empty copes, all. That each of you stumbles upon the stone of Christ proves Him true. Sit. Sit like the lifeless statues you worship, die and become lifeless. You worship death. You ought to have that which you worship.

I come here to fellowship with friends that are warring to subdue their own flesh, as I am, but if Christ is maligned, by the grace of Almighty God, I am able to glorify Him and crush all opposition.
Volcel, you mean. I could easily have sex today, if I wanted. And I wouldn't have to bottom-feed.
>Why didn't you hide and continue /srg/? Why did you give him attention?
It's a good thing but also a bad thing people here (not the shills) act genuinely in good faith.

I say to ignore further 'incel' termed posts, it's a void expression created especially to annihilate dissent against promiscuous sex.
the rabbi and his pajeet dog have been working in shifts complaining about Christians all night I see
Porn causes me literal disgust and nausea now.
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Yes, I know really. My tolerance for trolls is at a low. It's a poor excuse for my outbursts. Forgive me. I ought not to contribute to a negative atmosphere.
things like that are more real than all this thread, id say keep an eye for more signs. whatever you were doing that prompted you to do pull ups could be useful to do more. its fun to see sometimes
>>38285111 digits of frenning

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