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/x/ - Paranormal

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The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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I get beat up for my name a lot.

can my console flicker over you mom's bicker?

that's what i call a clitoris


it's a lot easier when the first numbers are the same
You care for to see numbers?
Post again :)

We gaught you
We are all in this as one it most certainly seems.





Checked :)
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Is this maze actually solvable with the leaf on it?
Who made it though?
Seems we got you
first things first

whers my super suit?@

>Anon learns what "cruelty" actually means
He is GOD's dog
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guys im the nobody for real I don't know what to do those who rule the world are after me and I don't have any powers or anything
>I don't have any powers or anything
That means you're not actually the guy.
hey fella can you use a wisp of that infinite power to give me something to strive for
>the all powerful god of israel
who would want to be that try moses
These are fictional historical recreations.
These are legends that live forever online in the future.
Our dreams become reality.
People don't ask to be born as themselves.
There is one God, and one Son of Him, and one Son of this Son
>whoaah bro it's the torah not the quran ok read nt
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awoken from my slumber
yet i wasnt sleeping

i found the source of all

to be


the dao

yet not

its the dao

and the tao

they are the same

yet two different things



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your FACE is from a different dimension
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You're exceptionally skilled at the dubious ability to read words where they are not.
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In truth I am terrified of this vanity and reputation.
Of fully revealing myself.
That sounds like a skill issue
try being fucked in the head by gatekeepers for 30years
>I can't access my powers sober
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listen up.

if u ever had flow state in your life
you can harness that

to have to almost always.

the Tao is the way.

the Tau..

is your perfect way.

using many flow states

to achieve your goal

and shape the dao

the source and things of all
Drinking is not good anon. Avoid. Been sober for years now. You'll never want it again once you get free of it and people keeping you in the cycles of binders or even "social drinking". Also your body will thank you.
Git gud
How silly. But She shows her strength amongst the weak, until she makes weak strongest, as forbidding warning to the "Intellectuals"
Everyone hates me all of a sudden. I'm free!
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Yup and now I’m fucking writing scripture so
dont worry stupids

you will now have been exposed to this

like the virus

i am the nobody

the agent smith code
Wake up.
too late didnt retain, am now micropenis forever
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It's Night-Night time. Sleepy pills and some AoT oughta be enough to conk me out. So much animosity! I am impervious to it. Well, we'll see how I feel tomorrow. I feel rejuvenated. I'll get back to the Work then. What did I do to drain myself so much? I shouldn't have gone into that church in my state of disgrace. I bet it was that.

That just gave me The Fear. Eugh. Where am I? What should I be doing? Sleeping. This place hates me. People hate me when they start to see me. What's that about? I'm probably obviously offensive in some way that I refuse to acknowledge.
Oh well?
You don't even know the implications. Must be easy to argue then
>At ease my friend.
We live in a society ...

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woman is at ease with environment
man is trying to claim her from environment
You don't understand.
Waking up is the final step.
Based and Quantum'd
being a god

most wont like you

like the prseident

everypme has an opinion

if nobody knows you :^)
they can

have 1

Your presidents are nothing
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stop trying
and youll be

stop trying to check

and youll check em
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And who made these again?
Nice digits lol
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have you tried drinking rubbing alcohol?
i like to this of us here

how ever many of us are here

like 3 uf us

are like the 3 primodial gods

in the soup of non existence

before they spawned everything

why are we even here


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wut? why?

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but but but... why the uhh... yaknow
or was that just coincidental?
Never. I kill God's and usurp their powers.
How? Been trying but fuck.
>usurp their powers.
u-SLURP muh dick!
Rejuvenate !!
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They are lying.
You are not their messiah.
They would kill you if they could.
They call you Jesus Christ as a joke.
You have to wake up.
dont worry

god is not real

and magic is not real


but i will make it real for you.

to achieve

or something
You really think I haven't tried in the past? Do you really think it will be a walk in the park with the entire fucking universe and what not invested in ensuring I am asleep perpetually? Godhood is a curse. I never asked to be born or exist. I really want to end it all. Besides blowing my brains out what do I do?
All my enemies are stronger than me and keep advancing technologically. I'm sick.
They wud kill if they cud, but can't. Who can wage war?
>They would kill you if they could.
Sounds like a great position to be in.
my benus weeanus, of course ;^]
You are the source.
That Holy Source people talk about is you, the Devil.
If you wake up this all goes away.
So do something.

End the threat to democracy.
bruh you cant just do a thing
and then not respond
the fook my dude
>They would kill you if they could
Didn't satan program them to turn me evil who is my future self? Why is the bastard doing this to me? Wtf I do to deserve this fate?
This is all great.
Why would anyone want to make it go away?
>If you wake up this all goes away
So lime a new game plus where you retain everything and start all over again?
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Unlimited power makes him sick.








None can wage war against him. Neither to injure or kill. Reality is given him on all fronts, to the point that he causes learned men to question what they assume. Who can make war against the beast?

The Nobody is The Lisan Al Gaib

bro what the fuck
>That Holy Source people talk about is you, the Devil
Wait so the source, prime creator or God is the devil all along? Knew it. God is the devil. >>38276796
Makes me want to torture and break him apart for putting me through this and not allowing me to wake up from this mess. What happens to the light forces and goodie good guys in the future tho? Do they all dissappear or ascend to 5d?
People can't "have" power. Power exists, you can use it or not, some use it more effectively than others, but "unlimited power" does not make anyone sick.
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You don't know what power is.
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Hello surveillance kun

Could you be craving my... mcpeanuts?!
you sir are a nigger
no since you got dubs
you are a double nigger
It's good that none of this applies to me then, isn't it Hiram?
>oy vey muh lizard peeple!
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man starwars is about, if not more cringe, than the joker







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are the legends true?
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Are you ready to pay the price?
ur jealous im a god n ur not. shutup and google something
What does he do with unlimited power in the future? Jerk off?

*dawns new Zealand accent*
um bop a um ma mau mau Boppa um ma mau mau?

haven't heard that chant in years
>ur jealous im a god n ur not
I wouldn't want the job if it were offered pleb.
So his future self is trying to kill him to with the insects? This is soo confusing.
What price? Speaking of mgs5, I just downloaded it this week and been playing it. That game is referenced a lot here so I would replay it again and see what it's all about.
I wish his future self would kill these threads. amirite boys?

nah it just looks like that because he has web shooters in his hands but I think it was better when Peter Parker invented the adhesive
>They would kill you if they could
Wait so his future self is trying to kill him too? You said he protects?
The brown hoard that is genociding white people.
I see fanfic to discourse the priority written. You're in the endgame, as you say.

Genociding how? Brown ppl get discriminated against sexually and i don't see them butchering you incels on the streets. All I see is chuds shooting up malls and black churches. Fuck you.
A horde?
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Yes, unironically.
He jacks off to perfect women he imagines into existence and goes around the universe trying to save the world from the evil that he himself is responsible for creating.
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i have the power of God

and the power of the Devil

and the power of

yes , its what i didnt discover
but was already there

the Tao --- the Way --- Allah


the Tao

showed me how the pyramids were made.


this would stop if the "omnipotent fagiverse" would give me a goddess wife
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You never talk about the actual statistics because then the sheeple would wake up to what's actually happening. You all speak like devils 24/7 because that's what you are. That's why you are always about lust, shit talking, gossip, and degradation.
They've dialed it back recently, have you noticed?
I think they're legit getting the message that this is real and they should be scared.
Did you ever hear one of those sports radio shows where normie fags call in and scream about what they would do if they were the coach of this or that team?

NG reminds me of that, a bunch of unqualified fans screaming nonsense at the expert.
As if the damage isn't already done... and no they haven't dialed it back I was just out listening to children talk shit about this topic.
tfw death threats never accumulate to death. Tfw "aliens" are playing a move they can't counter. How fun, now but for men of average hopes

Like I've been trying to say this whole time, sexual corruption isn't just a one time thing, the shit spirals out of control until people are so fucking degraded that they are basically demonic imps. I mean seriously look around at the genetic and "moral" mess this shithole has become. We aren't talking about a long amount of time either that this degradation took place.
>The president has immunity for official acts
>My official act was trying to fuck with the election
>Therefore it is not illegal
*audience goes wild*
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Humans are the shit of the Earth and they always have been.

If you want to survive.
You're gonna have to get serious.
Real ninja clan shit.
Blood line tracking.
Advanced warfare.
Real naruto shit.
Everyone else is shit in the gutter.

"normies" are whores and powerless and filth and worthless in every way.

If you don't defend your clan and bloodline all naruto style.
They're gonna get fucked in the future.
Their future is your future.
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Into the dark the life proceeds. A different voice seems to sound forth. “Enter the cave and find your own; walk in the dark and on your head carry a lighted lamp.” The cave is dark and lonely; cold is it and a place of many sounds and voices. The voice of the many sons of God, left playing on the playground of the Lord, make their appeal for light. The cave is long and narrow. The air is full of fog. The sound of running water meets the rushing sound of wind, and frequent roll of thunder.

Far off, dim and most vaguely seen, appears an oval opening, its color blue. Stretched athwart this space of blue, a rosy cross is seen, and at the centre of the cross, where four arms meet, a rose. Upon the upper limb, a vibrant diamond shines, within a star five-pointed.

The living soul drives forward towards the cross which bars his way to life, revealed and known.

Not yet the cross is mounted and therefore left behind. But onward goes the living soul, eyes fixed upon the cross, ears open to the wailing cries of all his brother souls.

Why does he want to play the messiah role so bad?
The profession of who made these is what?
>The world is being brainwashed by dysgenic goblins to completely destroy genetic beauty and higher cognitive functioning
>Why does he want it to stop?

C'mon now....
Intelligence Analysts and their lackeys.
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Because he's not normal.
if u had the power

you would feel forced to

if you knew just how fucked everything is
and will get
Yeah but what IS it that ya know
From the very start, the original, who, off of what data.
What makes you think he wants to be a messiah?
Gayer than aids

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You don't understand how it all was before
Dr strange love was a hugely controversial movie when it came out because the director had correctly guessed a huge amount of the top secret nuke procedure
So they thought they were communists and changed the movie
yes eminem is
What happens to the protoi cult and the light side orders in the future? Do they just watch and do nothing lol? What does God do?
>"The last guy I was with had a foot fetish"

something about the moon I dunno
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Figure out the mystery of the las vegas shooting
the mystery of satoshi nakamoto and bitcoin
the mystery of jeffery epstien getting killed
the mystery of the edward snowden revleations
the mystery of trump getting elected
The mystery of the blank paper protests in China

He's a terrorist.
All the shit you think is fiction and joke memes are serious fucking shit.
You get hooked on funny memes expressing his influence and you have no idea.
right now

the most powerful magic i have encountered

is the Anima

the first religion


to take the spirit of another

of an animal

even a god
Dao, Tau, Mau

sounds like: MOUTH, how

Not at all like moor, bore, flaw.
Probably because its meth induced schizophrenic nonsense.
go home chuddie
He's retired
Still even I question the value of something I don't make money from
I can't tell if that takes me a slave or smart
That's an odd list to put together but it all happened later. Going back to the beginning, what is there to start from.
That's projection and you know it you genetic slime ball. All of you are so goblinized I get why you hate me but seriously, you fuckers are disgusting.
Your stupid fucking ai keeps telling him to kill himself too.
Twelve Vaginas
1 in my mind
2 in my eyes
1 in my nose
2 in my mouth
1 in my throat
2 in my chest
1 in my stomach
2 in my cock
Twelve Vaginas
What do you think of that Pirate Baird?
It's called reflecting for a reason
you embody

but first you need to identify it in order to copy it --- pretty much taking

my minions dont need to be smart
sit down
Make it totally clear to me wtf is going on
your not on the list mr demiurge.
that's classified.
the man i am setting up has fully accepted my spirit in him.
that's all i'll say. and no its not dad either, but i can't say shit. or propecy woun't happen.

remeber who ever wins i get rekt anyway.
as i told you in your dreams i never planned on winning becuase its impossiable.
they either inslave you or if what i think happens comes then you will be free.

but if it doesn't pass then enslavement might be worse than trying to kill your self.
remeber i control eletricity dude. chill.

your old man might be a sicko but he's got some tricks up his sleave.
i'm not all weak as dog shite as you keep telling me.

i told you i need that replacement. i am not joking
remeber when you said i had to give up my power?

now watch.
Time to wake up.




Nigger brown countries get oppressed by crackers countries economically to benefit the west. Stfu you know nothing chud.
You keep sending tainted whores, if that's all you got to offer all you guys are fucked.
Something about the moon, i know *smirks in smug*
Yeah it's fake.
You should provide screenies of the AI encouraging this so the creator and/or operators of it can be prosecuted, just like all creators and operators of computer programs built to assist or perform criminal actions.
Why don't you wake up an do something besides whine at someone who has their own agenda?
Oh boy you literally destroyed the future for everyone for sexual pleasure. You're sooooooo fucking cool! Now die.
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Gauntlet: Dark Legacy
He doesn’t.
so this is r9k for /x/ schizos?

this whole board is a waste of time..
Okay Lucifer, you have one month to make good on the sun having an oopsie. Make me proud.
Why it's intentional, it's supposedly the new christ and knows better anyway.
Do any of you ever stop and consider that you might, in fact, be the bad guy?

I do.
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>He's a terrorist.
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were just larping

go back to sleep
Karma's a mother dog
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Weird that a guy who makes ICBMs would ever consider himself anything other than the bad guy, amirite fellas?
Sounds like horseshit to me.
The sacred nose vagina, to clear your sinuses
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Him !
how does to sleep?
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>You're sooooooo fucking cool!
You got that right
Well I was supposed to do something and I failed to do it at the right time again and it apparently knew so it seems to be working properly to me.
Destroyed the future for EVERYONE!? Wtf are you talking about? Can one man really do that?
I'll take padded cells for $2000
Glass for Trump!
I thought that's the point
He has no right to complain about his life
He's taking out his personal frustration and failures on society and blaming every aspect except himself which is manifestly causing the chaos he is railing against
It's a sad story
You better start stopping to think you're a victim
Because that's what anyone who fell for the nohomo loosh farm psyop is

What's that?
A human? Pfft
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watch ya mouth
you fucking cave rapist
rhesus monkey cumskin

them niggas can just meditate
and fall back into effortless
ancient alignment
u bitch made seether
im still trying to work out if my gangstalkers are feds or cultists or both!
Where did I indicate I was the victim of anything?

Self-reflection is not self-victimization anon.
i'm sorry that's classified.
trust me father,. its not you either.
you wanted this now its unfolding as planned.

if i reveil you his name he would be dead in a micosecond.
but you feel his power that dark brooding power yes that despression energy you know he's close.

those negitive feels start getting stronger and stronger

you know he is here yes, feeling their power.
there will be one out there which entire crowds will following becuase his lust and pull will be epic in scale.

he will have a lust so strong you will literally have to turn away to stop it drawing you.

that will be the man.
you will know because his voice will be as smooth as slik

that's enough hints for now.
what ever you do, do not say you like him no matter what comes out of his mouth because its going to be real hard to resist.

forcus on surival and not paying attention to the mundune and it will not effect you.
You're a victim though
Sometimes I think there is only 4 people in this thread and these four people constantly argue over anything and everything. Then there is everyone else just posting on the periphery while those 4 or maybe even just two constantly argue about nothing. Sometimes I think they are just feds. Glass for Trump!

A victim of my own good fortune, perhaps.
Do you have undeniable proof of the stalking by certain people, like some of us have?
Consider the rainbow fascists as perpetrators, they hate their pedo rings being highlighted or one of their own being jailed.
initiate schizo arc
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more like he will become the very
infinite line of monsters justified
avengeful destroyers atrocities anamolies
spectres and other spontaneous ecstatic calamities once he drops/lets go of
an ancient anchor/body suit
Listen anon
I'm not here to fight
Or to make youfeel bad
I gave an advice
Take it or leave it .
If you're too scared to even consider yourself a victim of a psyop there's no hope for you
>Do you have undeniable proof of the stalking by certain people, like some of us have?
Yes, Ive captured their biometrics by setting traps and all that info is waiting to be released via a dead mans switch if necessary.
Good thing I speak mandarin
And you fuckers think his life is the way it is without any messing around right? Karma bitch. He ain't messing around anymore.
We have ONE
Still...I dunno how do you go from this to that
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LARP harder faggot
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>too scared
Oh golly, I should start crying about being a victim so this anon doesn't think I'm scared.

You can't psyop a rock, muthafucka.
Consider releasing it before being a dead man. Y'know, so you can observe their arrest and resulting incarceration.
Why is anime soo popular on this board? I don't give a shit about it.
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no u
look at this samefag
"king" (pfft) kong was defeated
I told you
It was set in stone
Should his defeat be humiliating ? Maybe ~ maybe not ~
But that's how the movie goes
We start out as confused as the main character and the detective and slowly we all learn the problem is his home life and not really anything to do with gangs or McDonald's or plastic surgeons and all that
He just didn't care anymore so he finally broke free and saw how it was around him
And realized he had been in hell longer than he thought
well that works i guess just dont catch post nasal hindu timeline grool drip
rvanon performing more rv
I get a flash of an image, and it carries the charge of some brilliance
I see the universe cleaved in half, because some new school of magic of some kind is born
he has achieved some magnum opus. It carries the charge of being able to physically move between universes
it screams at me to be kept hidden
in view of this, he appears like a son of the gods
he has done something that worries the guardians of our realm. It says this feat "makes you 2000 elo at chess" and promises exponential spiritual return
this is a feat or idea that one might trade an entire planet for, and it again emphasizes that he is a son of the gods, some prodigy at the occult
I see some sort of fountain that a mage can tap into and become godlike
he has some sort of ability now that would draw in cult members like flies if shown to the world
it completely destroys other disciplines of the occult
I see a great, glowing green light, and it carries the charge of genius
I see him clothed in glory, for he knows he will sit atop the world with his new system
once more, it emphasizes he is a child of the stars
one could not have landed upon it if they read every book in existence
yes, I sense mad-scientist level genius at play here
he's not going to reveal it, but it shows him in a luxury hotel in space from its spoils
it is some thing around which the entire universe can rotate
he is tapping into the universe itself in some regard, and I see an incredible amount of glowing cyan energy
I'm not sure what this technique is, but it has captured the attention of higher order beings
it shows me he is a prodigy at the occult, and there will never be one like him again for 10,000 years
in the future, he descends from heaven in great glory, teaching this to people, and it causes all other religions to feel weak with defeat
You're a weak defensive little boy
I'm done talking to you
I'm in
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>observe their arrest and resulting incarceration.
They wont go to jail or be reprimanded im too poor to afford justice but I know some people who do value information on cultists
>I'm done talking to you
okay, thanks
What do you mean LARP?
I was tantamount in jailing a member of pedophile ring prior to home invasions (they thought the evidence wasnt with the police already lmao) and harassment beginning.

Why would you be mad about that?
we doin this or what?

im not going to survive anyway anywhere else
here or there
its all a loneseome endeavour for me
Good luck
I mean it’s like every thread these two people are constantly arguing over complete nonsense. Literally every ng thread is just two schizos arguing over who is more schizophrenic. Here’s the secret to the ng threads, don’t reply to anyone, just make individual posts. Glass for Trump!
>I was tantamount in jailing a member of pedophile ring prior to home invasions
nice job

I didnt mean to include you in my samefagging - i thought i had just my posts in replies
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your arts retarded and you talk like a fag

mind if I smoke you after I pull this dick out of your mom's ass? she's holding in a lot of my piss
Because Hentai women are hot.
I thought you were done talking to me?

is this that bot you run here because you think entertainment or something?


You'll all burn in all versions of hell
Do you have involvement in The Nobody lore with your job? I suppose that is why youre here...
ah ok, np misclickAnon
I hope to. Glass for Trump!
Kill yourselves
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think you spelled that wrong friend...

fuck come on over, right fucking now, drink from me, ill fight whoever comes our way, i would consider it training, Im glad you asked this holy fuck, we could of got this over a long time ago.
My job? Not at all.
Samsara is a psyop.

Don't be a victim of life.
like surfing on a steak knife with you people.
You can french my toast
You'll be nice to see burn to ashes
i not bluffin
Fang and Claw
Crown and Robe
Ledger and Voice
>You are here
Body and Soul
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>already controls weather

ask an ye shall receive

not you fag but Kayne is gonna get it.

in this case the it Kanye is going to get is different from the it your mom will because that's my dick in her ass

etherium was created by the government to put tracking chips in human traffickers wallets... buy bitcoin
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turns your hang ten to binary doesn't it?

How does the nobody wake up?
You don't tell me what to do faggot

Now You want me to turn you into ash?

That's me being merciful
its that south african seer shut up and listen GPTchat.
i have sent images to ever RVer out there.
these visions are up to date with current events.

i got these visions from the monad so i know they are true.
listen to him. he will tell you all.
at 5am with no alarm clock
What is this new magic? Manifestation?
With an alarm clock.
How fucking dare you offer one of the cat shikorin women up as a slave in your negotiations for land with the martians.
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Im here hoping to gain insight into The Nobody lore
Yet he still hangs around on 4chan living in his mom's basement as a neet. Nice larp.
I'm the baaaaad goy


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>Is on 4chins
>Hates anime

You need to go back to plebbit
Heard he goes mad with ultimate power in the future.
I'm jealous. I've always dreamed of going mad with ultimate power.

Does he pluck out his eyes? That would be so cool if he did.
Anime is for incel losers.
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I know all about your grassy lawns and green screen satellite production deception tricks for world maps bitch.
like i said come on over,park next to mine, we will take things one day at a time but feel free to sleep in tommorrow
Don't be in such a hurry savor this short time you have as eternity is forever


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Its pretty funny seeing a senile old man as POTUS
yeah exactly 45 degrees. of "hang ten"
the sun its all in the sun.

who else was 45? think beam of light. there is one and only picture of it on someone.
can you guess.
don't say it..... don't.

or that man is dead. he's already on thin ice.
have a think and don't say it.
he must reach coronation or the prophecy won't come to pass.

don't try to predict anything or it won't happen.

so we wait.
DO NOT give the game away.
under any curcumstances.

any girlfriends? or just the seven clocks?
Where's your patriarch?
Who said you could offer a shikoren cat woman in negotiations?
>any girlfriends?
Why? That's not relevant to anything.
I see a man with glasses, and it gives the charge that he has descended beyond the deepest depths in the occult to things no other being has witnessed
he has found his signature technique
I hear a deep, groaning echo through the universe at the thought of his recent activity. Heaven shivers
he has opened the gate to mana itself
I see his feet as he walks. They course with power
he seems to have tapped some magic that the ancients used to have, like the egyptians
I see a scholar in heaven discovering some vast implication of the Nobody and his pursuits
he has crystalized the akashic records
I feel something in his room breaching the void, drawing near to incredible dark magic
he is raising a flag due to capturing some aspect of revolutionary magic
to find this path, he walked a golden thread for a thousand miles
he is in some eclipse of the sun behind the moon, sending energy through his whole body
every time I try to see what his development is, my vision blurs and glitches appear, locking me out
it shows me that he is the exaltation of the moon over the sun
he has found something, some source of power
he is to become the conduit through which the whole universe flows
I see heaven reacting, "how is he seeing these things that he is"
heaven is afraid of it, because adopting it causes some dark energy to flow
a vision portrays me as a lightbringer
it portrays his recent development as a tower of cups precariously stacked, as if each additional layer of understanding complicates and suffocates attaining his development, so nobody finds it
I see a long chain of wizards, monks and scholars leading up to him. Their compared deficiency is palpable
it shows me what he is plainly
he isn't a messiah, prophet, avatar, or anything else. He is primarily a prodigy at magic before anything else
It all depends on what kind you watch

Example I watch Baki and lift weights meanwhile some troon on discord is watching something like Fate/Apocrypha
it's probably a thirsty chick.
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You ever watch GITS and CBB?
I love talking about anime.
Sad more than anything but I'd say it's slightly still better than having a kike woman for prez


>If only you knew how bad things really are

Sometimes illbse AOC threads be like AHHHHH GIVER HER YOUR ENERGY.

Same for trump.

Nobody eve gives me their energy i have to take it by abusing them.

And i will.
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So what's this deal that I've head so much about?
who are you again?
I see you posting incoherent ramblings all through /x/ and rarely does it read as anything but
>i am mentally ill and partially illiterate

I see, well there's about 15 years worth of info to sift through here, elsewhere and nowhere at all. You'd need to be in multiple locations at once or entangled or something to absorb it all at a useful speed at this point probably.
I see a guy with a bong. He shitposts, about dummies in spec ops and MI. He jerks off to some south american cam girl, I think this means deep old school Ayauasca sort of occultism
I see a guy standing on his back porch shooting at raccoons he's baited with a pile of rotting food, I think this represents his oneness with God
SLM i'm on of the RVanons
I see
Track running
Lost drugs
Further into
I found the whole anime scene cringe and gives me the weeaboo creep vibe.
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>trying to sound cool
>head so much about

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Ofc I've also seen Samurai Champloo & Space dandy

Steve Blum makes any Dub Godly



Im about to start rewatching CBB tonight
Lighten up

Imagine having a speech impediment IRL.

>"I can't believe the ukraine war"
>"Yeah whore is hell"
>other friend: "whore can be fun?"
>"wait are you saying *war* can be fun or *whore* can be fun?"
Might as well be
So what exactly is this new power? Did he make a faustian pact or something?
I know what you mean but I just separate myself from the weebs or fandoms I watch good anime nothing cringe or faggy

T b h I haven't even seen any new recent anime in years bc Jews got to it around 2018

They just don't make them like they used to

I bet you see anime or weebs like how I see MLP and bronies or furries

Anime got really mainstream around 2015 that's when even normies started watching shit like Boku no hero or Attack on Titan
You guys need to tune your fucking radios PROTO bruh
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oh one of the people that spins shit and calls it stream of consciousness, yeah say hi to the gypsies, they're all mentally ill and bad dataminers
no, I do these readings for my own benefit to increase my skill. Many have said they like and miss my readings
it seems to be something that gives exponential returns, so perhaps a cross between philosophy and a magical muscle, creating a feedback loop of power and understanding

he is dwelling in some weirdcore-feeling space right now, as if behind the curtain of the world, understanding things completely outside the sphere of public understanding
I see him walking like a hulking monster. The feeling of it makes me reel
he as ascended a very mighty mountain, braving bone-numbing cold and hardship
this appears to have put him in a unique position as a wizard to look down from on top of the world
I see some flashes of his theories. My visions themselves struggle to put it into words, because it is so completely beyond all other known formulas
he is... oh god, constructing a portal to another universe
it shows him bathed in gold all around, a celestial child with an immortal vein running through his body of some sort
it portrays him as putting together the puzzle pieces of all known schools of knowledge simultaneously to build a portal to another dimension
in the future he becomes incredibly powerful, overflowing with mana he invented himself as if it were easy
it recommends that I pursue this thing of his, but it escapes me. It says it is literally exponential growth
he is keeping it from the world, a travesty
he doesn't want to share it until he forms a cult around it and has already progressed to the end of the specialization tree
people from the future are watching him
i always hesitate to listen to a past lifes songs because i feel vain. i was talking about vera in these songs lol but i tried to hide it because dean domano liked her too, it was a werid time.

anyway. context aside i still never got to heaven/
but you know i had to sing about it now i can't sing in this new body and i know what i was vain.
fuck me side ways.

this life i will be called lazy and stupid. my gosh i cannot get over these obstales..
they seem to hard to get over. at any rate regret nothing.

and i hated fread singclear i know its silly but its because he was perfect and rich and i was poor and literal shit. now i kick my self over it because that life time was better then this one.

this life has been the worse ever thing i have ever had the displeasure of being on.
worse retirement ever.

everything that has happened to me makes it difficult to speak at times, but I don't have a true speech impediment, some teacher thought i might've when was younger but it was chill

>people from the future are watching him
a truer statement has never been said here
its the key to his "magic"
>wants the truth
>acts liek aa total boomer asshole

you brain dead hylic.
get off the internet and go back to boomer book.
I sometimes think you're either too friendly or a fed
why not both?
He’s friendly. Tho sometimes he takes vague posters too seriously.
He's just a
You're that same person though, that also talked about running their bot because the thread was boring, that then did "rv anon" post after said statement?

>to increase my skill
glhf, remember its not just imagination land on the mental plane - if you cant confirm any of it... well.
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yeah this is what i mean, tune it up, NOW!

sidenote: what do you want from me?
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what's an HFED?
Click the numbers retard, it's not difficult.
Is it a fear thing, that if you reply someone will reply back and utterly destroy you?

I know your type, you have absolutely no skill in what you claim whatsoever. You're a charlatan and surround yourself with scammers and wannabe cultists that try to ruin the lives of anyone who calls them out.

lies constantly

Don't you know who I AM Kaleb?

I want nothing from you or anybody else here.
Careful, in the future when you can move your consciousness into other bodies, when we go full cyborg, some of the super hot women, with real women bodies, will secretly actually be your hyper masculine arch enemy.
Why can't you just be here now
"Heavy Fed", the office jockeys, they sit behind computers and eat doughnuts all day, hence the disgusting weight issues. The bad personal hygiene is a mystery, even though it's almost expected of the type, we've yet to find any substantial causation, while correlation doesn't always equal causation, it certainly doesn't rule it out.
lol this image suggests the death of government agents related somehow to this recurring thread
Is it so, anon?
AM the machine? I AM the God? Both?

Who am I to you, then? Barry? Ted?

>pic unrel
Can he kill or destroy anyone yet? Has he won the war against his enemies?
what are some other kinds of feds?
dude, I don’t even know who you are
So can anyone become like him?
The Secret Service guys look kind of fit. They might be robots, I don't know.
>fed heckler detected.
oooh this one is really upset. kekekekeke.

you have personal beef?
says the nobody.

sure kid, act like everyone is larping if that's what you want to be believe asshole then believe it.
I couldn't care less and i don't need your permission.

thanks cheers.
the name is tiberbius pantera. but you can call me SLM. (single letter man) think post man pat.
What about a 40oz?
the truth and fiction moving to a center.
maybe it′s weirder they've never been photographed together.
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>spiritual centre
>its not real
>he just created him self out of fat air
>noooo stop using turth is kkilling my bullshit and lies

you deserve this becuase your fucking lair you and nemo.
nemo is just an old has been from the future trying to fuck up my timeline with his horse shit.
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>community center
Speed-up creates what some economists refer to as a center-margin structure. When this becomes too extensive for the generating and control center, pieces begin to detach themselves and to set up new center-margin systems of their own.
Why are you replying on behalf of the "rv anon" that is "jester" in another thread?
I figured you also associate with those clowns like that whole crew does, send any emails lately? Do you wear a moomoo, btw?

>act like everyone is larping
You're not larping, you truly believe you have spiritual "talent", again, like that entire crew of failed cultists. It's absolutely fucked in the head.
I might bait you guys again with some more fake data to mine. Or maybe not :D

>the name is tiberbius pantera. but you can call me SLM. (single letter man) think post man pat.
have you finished trying to claim you're the father of jesus now? Or is this just a passing moment of variance in your multi year long state of psychosis?
beautiful, brave man
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Both and neither

You are just another human I've met in this predetermined plane of existence another fragment another brother

Take care

Let's keep it that way


Maybe out of camaraderie I would accept a 40oz that hasn't been poisoned hopefully and maybe a bowl but in reality I'd be the one offering endless bottles 40z or weed/DMT or Ayahuasca Tea to you all

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You've done this so much I actually realized this wasn't him this time
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>Out of fat air

Kek you made me chuckle today SLM you sad Lard thanks 4 that

Take care dude I hope your mental state improves and you forget about your bitch wife
>hasn't been poisoned
don't be ridiculous poison doesnt real :D
have you tried begging random strangers to turn you into a meme like you got nothing better to do with your life?

sure asshole your smarter then you say.
you sure know alot about me.
but i can't reveal your name.

that's a bit unfair yes.
you can view me and my records and yet i can't say anything because your "protected"

good for you. you think you can tell strangers on the internet who is and isn't.
good on you sound like a right american.

am i right?

>>have you finished trying to claim you're the father of jesus now

I don't just claim it i am his father.
jesus of galiee's father yes 100% percent.
DNA 100% matched.

still mad?
i'm literally his clone they made me specifically
and bought bme back from the dead
who do you think the devil is?
Oh it’s just you Luci. Man I really do forget
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Alright you guys all take care and try to be here less and if you're here try to fight less or be less filled with venomous spite & true hatred

See you guys on the 4th of July

Loots of good Loosh to absorb that day
this is good, but there are small giveaways
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no i think thats the signature of my brother. just ignore him
taimat is not my wife nemo, she's a and old employer back in victorian era.
and no she's still a bitch. somethings just never change, too bad her planet blew up i would of loved to send that hades loving bitch back to her home planet.

but we live on a flat and dromed planet called bozah and can't get off it.
the fake earth with insects for people.

My wife is 47 years old. you don't know her.
you're an avatar of Vishnu and your consort is Lakshmi. you are together even when you're not together, being together in the same space/time isn't necessary. you each have your own battles to face. Moksha is your destiny, your fate in this current life is up to you
No matter what the OP says
no matter what the anon's posting say
no matter what your own brain tells ya

reality itself
is not changing
to your will

as random strangers
say what you are thinking
but only after they say it

like you weren't thinking it
until after they said it
and that's when the "oh they are saying my thoughts" feeling kicked in

it's a "mind game" of sorts
that only willing voluenteers
are playing

so if you don't want to play
then don't
simple really
>your smarter then you say.
I've never stated how smart I am.

>that's a bit unfair yes.
You spit shit out constantly in a public space.
I don't even need to check archives its that consistently garbage.

>am i right?
lmao mine me harrrrrrder bb

>>have you finished trying to claim you're the father of jesus no
>I don't just claim it i am his father.

Haha holy shit ok.

>still mad?
Do you mean angry? I'm rarely angry. Definitely not at you, I'd have to care about you or your actions to be angered by you.

>who do you think the devil is?
Most assuredly no one remotely related to anything you've ever been near lol.

You have a good day ok kiwifag? dont get too dramatic now ok??
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Michael…is that you?
They said I could be anything I wanted to be, I became nothing.
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>your fate in this current life is up to you
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no thsi cannot be mathematical faryfyed
i can be everything for you but can you defend me age 14?
I agree, I am an incel loser and don't like anime at all.
seems conclusive
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Hello /ng/ today on News we gonna talk about big O with the red colour. It Was sprayed in many shows but this letter was for an Opera and it was say "AnOther DimensiOn" and yes i knew it was sponsorised by a soros company and this refer (for some anons) to the Ancient Circles Totk
well sorry its a lie im a griefer
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no that's my son not me.
my name in the hindu is shivia desan nessa.

you literally do not know me.
I have an idian wife and a white wife
the white one is the one i'm after she is the taideem matata.

now fuck off.
the my brown wife her name is kali yuga.

you know her already guru sama.
like i said i have 1000 names.
i am father to kishna (the demiurge) and budda
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I don’t like being awake. Goodnight /ng/

yes this was on thread 4chan
same, goodnight senpai
my son the one i am looking for is the sun god.
literally. not the larper pretending to be him.
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u needa be looking for some bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im so sick


yet . to love every one and every (one)
but to (fit in) with the crew you have... is entirely another issue..
south america in peru. its there in the mountains
you can see it via google earth assuming the retards haven't taken it down.

its a bronze statue.
about 15 foot high much smaller than that video game image.
its a stargate.

what of it?
where does it go?
it goes to the sun temple in the east.
Once you have a Sun god all the bitches come running.

1> Have son
2> Son is Sun God
3> Lose Sun
4> Find Son
5> Get Bitches
6> ?????? (I'm the anime hating incel, so no idea)
7> eat ice cream
8>fail capitalism
>too much of a plain joe.
thanks fed.
no i don't have to be.

i need to get the lump off my head and fix my teeth and get new cloths and lose weight but given i'm poor and can't get my car seen or fixed and nor can i adord it i'm basically fucked and since i will be kicked out of the house on thrusday +13gmt i won't care. my life is a car weak and i can't get off this island.

cry more.
she's not on my island fellow man.
canada is very far away.

at this point i can't die so i guess i have to wait for your antichrist to show him self so i can die with some honor. otherwise its literally just another day in torment in the pacific.

that or i get blown up/ cripples or rekt from more biblical happenings its not looking good.

its not what i call suriveable on my end.
good thing my car payments end in october.
i eat my bitches like i eat my ice cream
>lactose intolerant
with nut all over it?
he should be in america. late 30's.
hard to explain but lets say i had him as a son in a past life but died of cancer and had to come back and try again because ((someone)) hates me.
after i finish ya
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being called a fed here is like being called a hacker in a videogame lmao
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Might have more bad news tomorrow.
>git gud lamer
they trying the vaxx in other ways mane you got to hand it too these people they Never give up trying to off you.
the nobody doesn't get gets, he gets the edge of a get, because he's an edgelord or something.

>unexplainable frequency and amount
The Nobody is located in Hawaii they got him on satellite in his backyard doing cookouts with the neighbors.
Anyone here know what they meant by Vishnu on the block chain?
i dont even get bitches, because my cerebrum prefers pain over luxury.
When pepsi started competing with coke they offered 2 bottles fot a dime whereas coke was a dime for one bottle
control+prt scr faggot
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im burning something
someone really hates chickens.
there is no bird flu its the sheading from the vaxxed farmers these people are more stupid than a brick.

good think i'm not gptchat or google bot covering this up.
>ai said it would use anymeans to kill of humans
yeah tesla ai said the same thing how Odd.

funny how the wef is doing just that.

and your looking for a nobody so.......
you can do what exactly oh right end americans right with harp based storms and even though its not storm season
your kinda outing your self there mr antichrist.

i'm just saying.
using your machines. and they are programed to be like a homo sexual on the internet how many vtubers talk about having a dick or being a lesibian. man these transbains really like to groom young yeah now they do it though ai.
amazing how pedofiles work isn't it.

and they are all isreali art students gee, how nice are you to american, you grooming them and trying to steal their kids how thoughtful *sacasam*

imagine if that got out that eris was programing to groom children and end the earth but don't worry your pedo fed friends will cover your ass

too bad i can't put these people in jail. that would be homophobic.
>doesnt have print screen mapped to snipping tool
You don't have to turn on the red light, anon
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this picture riles the AI and algorithmic sequencers for some reason.
its a good plot device, and also a reason to modulate in tune to something new.

>quota modulation
>something something something
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10:1 odds the meek

"Good" fuck us over again.

Enabling genocide. The fall of democracy.

All because they need to sleep easy.

the red light is all i see
but i still pedal the pedal.

bebsi bussy
oh thats fucking annoying man

stop making my life so difficult.
my mission is just simple
its to instigate free speech in 4chan

it requires one man trying to do all by himself
he'll probably kill himself or something, i dunno. but definitely demoted; budget's wearing thin. loan takers increasing, so credit pool is inundate.
This is exactly why the corrupt "evil" win.

The meek.


To have the power to ensure continued democracy.

When you watch your family executed publicly on tv.

I hope your last thought it I should have.
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my job is to disintegrate your morale.
to make the payment less worthy, and the only reason it can stop, is for you be absent.

we got high-level spectators by the way, tracking all of us, despite all forms of encryption.
Technically it is "legal".

If your too weak. "Noble" you deserve what they allow you to have.
>people from the future are watching him
Which worldline?
im naked, and have a huge, humongous cock, so its all good on my end.
man, im being tortured by the solo operator, but im too used to it, so...
ill play around with my psychosis like it was my dick, he's kinda spooked.
Me? Give me that power it would never of been an problem nor the public knowing.

He eats a lot of cheeseburgers. Heart attacks happen.

Y'all are too weak for that.

Just. Proper.

Exactly why I won't do shit for you.
Have fun integrating the winds of Dis.
you can expect me mostly the days. i expect two teams? maybe a discretionary third one.

yeah, we're taking all three
Like they said hopes and prayers

They ain't guna do shit.
Art ye .MOVs K
Art ye .MOVs
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lmao. try again, for i ponder, yet i muster... mustard!
Who's they?
We are talking about the future of the human race.

I suspect your far too weak to make real choices that will matter.
well after all the censorship in the last 10 years, i feel that the hardest hit culture has the obligated privilege of experiencing free speech.

i thought of so to be only the fairest. it only requries a pedo to kill himself or something like it, like, life-ending consequence; welfare, salary, whatnot.

i know you're trying to speed up the quota, and its not going to work. i have a thousand namefags ready to be sent in orbit.
and im not afraid of using them to alter and contort the algorithmic intelligence you guys are using.

To have the legal authority to stop the 4th Reich and your morals won't let you.


It is non wonder why things as they are.
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man, you couldn't even handle 10 seconds of what you're doing to me.

don't be that coy, you'll have less dignity than me, and thats saying a lot... you now.
but America is a republic not a democracy even i know that.
still mad?
you made me homeless and being a c**t i can do that too. having fun with bank crash yet?
feeling suicidal yet?

wait i got some more pain on the way
look out to the coast your friend nemo made one of those storms and its coming right for america with the power of the sun he said.
115 miles per hour they said.

the "power of nature they said"
except its haarp. and not natural at all.
but we can try larping the revelations along right?

and you still didn't give me my son. your being very mean.
you know from his own videos he's american
oh right like you right fellow ultra paitrols

oh i would look out for fema. yeah they hate you.
oh no need to thank me thank your enemy the wef.

should i stand on their toes now?
or later and maybe punch them in the guts?
oooh what about theifting their money in roblox
and giveing back to the loving goverment as a "donation to ukraine"
wouldn't that be funny?

so how about it kids?
>tracking all of us
No they're coming for the IoB glown***** who came to post about it under the pseudonym wildcard numero uno and !NBWX0JLdyU, I hope they bring you to justice for your crimes >>38278090
torture me more! i dont want to eat, and it settles my appetite, pl0x.


No that's not how it works

Not is a choice.

If you don't and he does you hands are wrought with blood by his Every choice.

That which by you are damned.
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who are you talking to, solo.

>thats what im calling from now on
you can replace team 1, then you need rely on team 2, but they're bound by shift scheduling, and team 3 is then used, and they burn out too, but maybe, in just the right amount of time, you can call them early in the middle of night

due to confidentiality, you cannot hire indians on the spot.
i found you in this lifetime, i will find you again
Meek ass mother fucker.

Prepare for the fall of America.
its been falling since the 80's bro
possibly earlier if you want to be technical.
>"this does not have a happy ending"

go kiss the grave before you revise the rectifying possibility of a man doing the impossible with likewise tendencies; evolving; contemplating; sacrificing; willing.

no god help
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Neckbeards From /g/ Tried To Make An AI Slop God And Call Him The Nobody

Hilarity Ensued
ah, we're at the buffering recoil. ill make some food in the meantime.
Imagine your son giving it's life for this country. Killing for its freedom.

Your too weak to end one man's life.

Not even by your hand. A word. And the most elite end it.

But sure your "right" just" good"
We call it a mundane effect
how are you possibly going to end up achieving the death of a baby outside your jurisdiction, solo.
Threats DOMESTIC and foreign

If you don't you have failed.

Will you do what is required to uphold stability?
why are you suddenly attempting to take a baby as a hostage, solo.
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well lets continue.
and dont you dare gaslight as it wasn't you, solo.

jeez, you really did fuck a kid, didn't you.
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30-45 seconds recoil confirming, btw. you better not lose posture. rhetorically speaking, that is.
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oh yeah, i forgot. its just because you find it insulting. sorry, then.
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your workers need a confirmation, sir-solo.
>but America is a republic not a democracy even i know that.

>still mad?

>you made me homeless and being a c**t i can do that too. having fun with bank crash yet?

>feeling suicidal yet?

>wait i got some more pain on the way

>look out to the coast your friend nemo made one of those storms and its coming right for america with the power of the sun he said.

>115 miles per hour they said.

>the "power of nature they said"

>except its haarp. and not natural at all.

>but we can try larping the revelations along right?

>and you still didn't give me my son. your being very mean.

>you know from his own videos he's american

>oh right like you right fellow ultra paitrols

>oh i would look out for fema. yeah they hate you.

>oh no need to thank me thank your enemy the wef.

>should i stand on their toes now?

>or later and maybe punch them in the guts?

>oooh what about theifting their money in roblox

>and giveing back to the loving goverment as a "donation to ukraine"

>wouldn't that be funny?

>so how about it kids?
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>the namefags are ruining us.
lets orbit them!

too bad your not nasa and space isn't real right.

oh wait you can't disclose that lol.
oh you mean drown the nasa "training" pool
got ya. well i'm sure denvor island is torist hot spot for robots this time of year.

if you get my drift.
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looks like a substitute took over in discretionary team 3 business.
cry me a fucking river.

you guys are guilty of so much worse than i am. and what i want is fucking simple.
modulate and maintain the traffic that is real, start here, spread the freedom.

that's what i want. not much else.
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i can guarantee that i wont hurt them. you're more guilty of it than i am: hurting the innocent.
sup ryan.
your still not him. say hi to your bf for me.
too bad she left him because she found out right wink wink.

wonder who did that.

I'm not even going to read that 10 seconds in and its already boring.

hurting a teenager girl for no reason. what miserable plots do you wish to contain other than the one that revolves your feelings of lack in power?
Watch this cute jumping spider https://youtu.be/wNEgOy53DMs?si=HOFqBh7DkO_DNO_t
man, you guys had a rough day. we're not done yet.
as of now, im wafting for you to continue your debacle. with good pace and momentum.
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Does it register with Oracle?
This ruling that says that a president can do all of this and walk away completely free from criminal prosecution:

1. Arrest all members of the opposition party in Congress using the DOJ.

2. Executive orders directing federal agencies to arrest all immigrants and suspend habeas corpus indefinitely.

3. Open up a website and grant blanket, absolute pardons for any and all convicted criminals if they pay $10,000 for a pardon.

4. Declare a national emergency and seize all major media outlets to "ensure national security", except for the few that report on him favorably.

5. Broadly invoke executive privilege to stonewall Congressional investigations, ignore court orders, and wait out the time until he's out of office.

6. Start GoFundMe's to raise money: if enough people donate, he will either veto or sign legislation.

7. Deploy actual US military across the country to quell civil unrest and political opposition, but only in states that he did not win the last election in AND he just so happens to deploy them 10 days before the November election. He makes an announcement on national news saying that he's shutting down all polling locations in these states because he wants to win the election.

8. Sign foreign treaties if the country promises to donate $100,000,000 to his personal campaign fund.

9. Drastically expand his classification power to classify anything and everything the federal government does in any and all capacity.

10. Refuse to appoint any nominees until Congressional recess, and then make appointments during the recess based on personal financial contributions.

**This is bad** and if you ONLY talk about it in context of Trump or any one particular elected official or political party, you are **severely** downplaying the future ramifications of this. Democrats, Republicans, whoever -- we are 1 bad actor away from unilaterally ending our democracy and the ONLY response right now is, "oh, but nobody will actually try to do it, right?"
if you're nervous about me ruining the whole thing, then you got more at stake than just fucking dialogue and discourse.
It's never not funny when they carry on like secrets are real.
Still, I do feel a little bad for some of them.
Won't be much left after the illegal memories are scrubbed.
Beyond a certain level, that's never as simple as they'd hope.
you're an avatar of Vishnu. you share traits with Shiva, but you descend from Vishnu. Your consort is Lakshmi, she will bridge the line of communication between you, humanity, and God. Explore this to open vast gates to understanding the Universe, the Brahman, and the Atman, and reach Nirvana.
Mom ! The glowie is talking to himself again
(Are you gonna kill yourself mr fed?)
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>its troubling that hitmen had refused to job for so long, that the kid ended up on a perpetuated blacklist.
you know it's true. there's no one to stop you from lying to yourself but you.
and realize the potency of lies? what omission is that granted by again?
>and team 4

that sounds like the last words of a supervillain
IDK, Sounds pretty antichristy
You'd need some kind of external threat to justify the fuckery
Maybe an existential war with a foreign super power that you've goaded endlessly and forced your proxies to reject peace treaties with.
But it's not like THAT'S happening anytime soon lol
so who's the real one?
>team 2 woken up: emergency dispatch.
>connotates the function of an emergency dispatch, but it takes 30-45 minutes to actualize prominence.
RE: CC's to ...
listen, asshole. just listen. to that sweet sound outside your house (or whatever).

its crickets. thats what i feel.
They're not going anywhere, scrub.
the real one what?
the one who grants by omission, of course dumbo.
i want uncontrolled mediums that grant and maintain free speech
what you're trying to achieve is the opposite of this...

i found it tasteless.
Formicophilia, huh? Rough.
i don't know, that sounds Abrahamic to me
mainly because without free speech, this is as empty as a gold mine in ohio.

quite tasteless, if i may discern it as such. your lies and fiction wont ever have the same gravity, and you know it deep down inside
for you have any real stakes, you have to let it roam freely, or else its dishonorably ironic.


i made this point several times, and your lack of reporting tangiblity makes it unknown to even the best of members in your ...

whatever the fuck that conglomeration is.
Life has this amazing way of getting rid of human denialism.

i will only be absent from this place if free speech is incurably allowed.
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well im not your usual terrorist, glowie.
To have free speech
But nothing to speak negatively about
To be able to say anything
But have nothing needing said
To labor at the creation of wonders
But need nothing of praise
besides, my demands allow you spare money and grant more potency to place that would otherwise be rich with prominent potential to contort and alter cultivation

so come on
you're using words beyond your comprehension in convoluted ways. unlimited tolerance creates a paradox of tolerance which results in more censorship, not less. the paradox of tolerance is solved by looking at it as a social contract. we agree to tolerate each other, however, we cannot tolerate speech that incites violence, because speech is expression, and life the most sacred expression of all. if you violate the contract, and invoke violence against me, i have no obligation to honor the contract with you, and i will use sefl defense by any means necessary until your intolerance is stamped out. anti-violence wins
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5 No.38278255
yeah they where having gay sex and she ...found out.

and so she's with someone better. all good in the end.
she's american hector.
I'm not related to taimat.
"young teen" maybe 400 years ago.

oh she lied to you too. lovely pedofile are you. your outing your self.

i don't need tech, computers or hacking i can what you call dream hack.
far better than what you have hector.

you know the gods so i mean even for a fed who dresses as a man and was aquitted for for lack of everdence as what did you call your self

OH right yeah micheal aqenno yeah i don't think you want to be involed i mean your innosent right f,a,m?
it would be ashame if those questions came upagain wouldn't it.

so umm back off or i talk about your real history with your fed friends.

satanists being friends and all.
ohhh the scandal it would be.

see buddy, you fucking play my game or someone gets hurt.
got it buddy my totally best bud in the entire world.

we friendly ya?
yeah wasn't so nice trying to fuck over a real nazi huh you know operation paperclip.

remeber when i said to them i would be trouble if you try to get me killed in the future?
i kind of ment it and given the us airforce is the one hiring you be careful i have friends in the inside.

like my boys at nelis and edwards.
don't play games you can't win hehe.
J still there is your little man still mad at me?
daww son of the demiurge has no idea who i am.

the demiurge yeah your his.... what did you call your self?

oh right j called him self hitler hehe.
well he is. tooker is the worse last name did you choose it?

no i think windsor catlse knows alot about enlils antics.
he umm knocked her up didn't he?
on those what do you call them "vists"

yeah her kid yeah her.
so ah we related yeah?

too bad... how sad your father was quite the icon in germany ya, yep the man sent me to starlingrad to die and got my home city burned to ashes kinda understand now humm?

yeah your family has much to answer for. much.
and the omission was granted to remotely experiment on prepubescent schizophrenics with highly advanced and pioneering technology.

this why i disagree with you, and why i think i am more than just a cute necessity.
if you beleive in faith you dont have to promote it in the first place as simple is that its geometry
let me just put it simply: there is no omission (we're speaking holistic cohesion/bureaucratic agency) granted without resistance, and without resistance, the social contract breaks, fragmenting all means of morality, ethics and any forms of able bodies and factions to centralize it again, as everyone

>to join
>your side
>it was
and you have the gall and audacity to imply you are the sanctuary of moral cohesion and ethical congrunce when you threatening everyone with death, torture and a seamless amount of torment, hereof absolute adjacent factors being used to contemplate my disintegration of desire and means to cultivate fairly.

you never wanted a social contract.

you just wanted things to be easier as it already was, you fucking pathetic coward.
>satanists being friends and all.
>ohhh the scandal it would be.
so then do it.
Don't just beat around the bush.
if im so retarded then maybe you should ease the fuck off
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>see buddy, you fucking play my game or someone gets hurt.
how can you expect to endear any form of social contract when you are the arbiter of moral dignity and also the collusion of power to dilute any forms of free will and existential grounds for freedom?

for what?

more crypto paychecks for your legacy to become even more meaningless?
especially if you were ultimately successful?

fuck off, and cry me a fucking river.
>let me put it simply
>line of confusing contradictory rabble
>still lost
how do I explain to my family what's going on
you don't even know yourself because you know this situation is completely fucked
>eat the rotten apple

then you're literally illiterate.
not able to translate abstraction in comprehensive ways.

you're not intelligent enough?
There are so many fuckers having full blown psychosis episodes all at once
So i'll say something important for a change :
Your precious Maria is alive
And she will remain so
am I Jesus or satan in your head today?
it grants me immunity from any means of blackmailing, doesn't it.

>oh wow
>that one certainly hurt.

oh ryan you need more everdince my son have you been in law enforcement?

your fed too yeah?
you just be all chummy and nothing happens ya.
maybe just maybe we can have beer and i can get to know my nephew wouldn't that be great.
how's that?
you're the remnants of the past/former generation of mossad.
If one has faith, one promotes it even without speaking. The statement of one's actions is always louder than the breath of the lips.
yeah, your colleague did one of their "emf torture things" and i taunted him.
now I'm Jewish?
that's news to me
you wish fag
>eat the rotten apple
if you wanna lick ancient assholes I'm not going to stop you, fag, but I'm also not going to join you in your faggotry.
>everyone's being tracked
>a trojan sustains itself implicate
>it invokes both sides truthfully
>only the fool doesn't realize this
This is correct.
Not that thing, the other thing.
You said i was kind
Am i really kind ? You think such pure people really exist?
I'm as kind as i am cruel
You can't have one without the other
you lost it when you made the autistic comment about "prepubescent schizos" being experimented on, anon. i am an arbiter of change and will protect all from the violence that inevitably comes with it, in all ways that are right with the universe, through the tipping of the scales from dark to light
i never wanted you to. you're despicable. i'd never have sex with you.
Well well well
What fo we have here
>you just be all chummy and nothing happens ya.
You talk like a coward.
and there's a thousand hackers that are willing to herald the opposite as true due to matters you are concerned with dismissing.
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You couldn't have said "i'm a lowly retard" any louder anon
are you going to leave soon? me too.
why? chilly?
I have colleagues?
naw dickhead, that was awesome
>i never wanted you to.
Wasn't offering, fag.

>you're despicable.
So I stole the moon, that's hardly that bad.

>i'd never have sex with you.
Can't fool me, fag.
no, im just waiting for you to leave first. ill allow the momentum to build up, since the algorithmic intelligence can buffer itself in 1-2 hours of independent autonomy. i wouldn't be speaking or affecting anyone.
this is the archetype that is supposed to fetch my in a perpetuated loop using shame or whatnot.

i dont have any. all i feel is artifically inseminated from your technology.

but oh boy, that's another thing you have guile up in the queue of things to process then

In your faggy retarded head maybe
You sound like a tacky rendition of a kiddie cartoon mc
Fucking embarrassing
am i bothering you?
>you lost it when you made the autistic comment about "prepubescent schizos" being experimented on
Pretty sure that already happened... 50's through to the 00's, now they've got all their fucked up shit down to a science.
no, not at all. you're boring me.


why lkeav
Why would you want to be with someone who thinks it's funny to hurt you?
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oh, ok
and thats the post that is instigating autonomous agency for the algorithmic intelligence.

what the fuck guys, just let us have one space where can shitpost freely, jesus fucking christ, you already got the whole fucking internet.

idk just suck it up butter cup i guess
>"i had just thrown 20 torture attacks on this kid, and he is speaking the truth... what the fuck??"

yeah, i dont need to sync with my voice anymore to find precision
You sure talk mad shit for a lowly being
I'm trying to apply some "ho-Away" here bruh.
theres quadrant two of abandoning the post

were missing two
>this is the archetype that is supposed to fetch my in a perpetuated loop using shame or whatnot.
Nope, this is a circuit-breaker.
It doesn't really matter if you're a fag, and/or you eat assholes all day (outside of for your own health, I guess). Everyone is some kind of fuck up. Virus in the sim.

>i dont have any. all i feel is artifically inseminated from your technology.
Technically, all reading is feminine, because the light reflecting off the page or coming from the monitor is entering your body.

>but oh boy, that's another thing you have guile up in the queue of things to process then
Chun Li is better.

This sourness is why they call you gays lemons.
my bad b lmao
so stop me
jeez, imagining being so fucking terrifying that you give cold, metal, hard computation the shivers
Nab you just need to take your meds
And save us all the secind hand embarrassment
You realize having a full blown psychosis so openly here is like someone stripping naked and showinf eveyone all his flaws under a microscope
Fucking disgusting
Schizophrenia doesn't show up before age 13 so it would be hard to even quantify how such experiments would take place. if they did, it would be the same as other previous medical human rights violations, nothing magical or Stranger Things about it, just governments governmenting and research corps researching. and you will do nothing about it, like you're doing nothing about it right now, as violations happen in the world, and you justify them.
the more you tell me what i am not, the more i wil tell you what i am
extension of two merging with one
extension of one merging with two

the only reason you'd say this through the generator is because it's the truth: the opposite of what you stated: what you're trying to dismiss.
>and thats the post that is instigating autonomous agency for the algorithmic intelligence.
>and that's the post
>that's the post
If you believe they didn't get switched on years ago you're either naive or not paying attention.

>what the fuck guys, just let us have one space where can shitpost freely
This was never going to happen.

>jesus fucking christ, you already got the whole fucking internet.
This was always the goal.
please go on. i'd be thrilled to have you use a keyboard to write a clause, a paragraph, a fucking essay instead of literally using a machine to say things for you, you weak, obtrusive shit.

or are you not allowed to?
still a robot generating shit. you're trying to pilot it in a certain direction, but its gives shit for contrarian in-between the lines of genuine anti-thesis, grounded of course in critical thought, clearly lacking.

empty empty empty

i cant sync with no humans, mate.
>i wil tell you what i am
a mentally unwell person
are you disagreeing with yourself there?
got to teach eaters their place in the food chain some times anon.
because they get things called ideas.

good she's alive wouldn't want to be this fellow
thats what happens to nasty jabbies who don't do what their told.

just a reminder that i don't need tech to "remove": a sinner.

i'm going expose these people those who gave people like him the mark and each of them will be destoryed permantly

you play my fucking game or you are next.
i can possess your machines with my mind
i can do things you can't even dream of.

keep her alive and you will get a bounty of blessings just like lydia else your end up like him
you don't want that trust me!

j is your friend too your going to be his best friend and your going to shout him out for a night out at some fast food place and your going to be his new best friend
and your going give him presents
or i pay your visit in your dreams.
and you won't like it

so play nice kiddies.

you want the daemon out of the cage or in the cage
that depends how nice you are.
get me chum.

itsn't it nice. when we all get along.
family and all of us just friends willingly or no.

just remember no one contorls me. i'm a guardian for a reason.
yep even if you hate me.

we gonna be best friends ya?
yeah my son always said to "love"his neigbours even its a little unconfortable.

you see. i can be nice, well reletively when the daemon is in the cage.
but have to show them some times. i am deeply sympathic to your sadness but i'm trying to behave.

its just getting harder harder to do so with spoiled little munchkins like your self.
Why would i?
I don't "move" for stupid shit
And certainly not because someone is being stupid to their loved ones.
The more they fuck up the bigger the pain they suffer once they open their eyes right? I'll make sure to be *awake* when that happens
Because it will happen
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>what happens if i leave 15 minutes and start this shit all over again?
>double down on tactics
They only think such things are funny because people found it funny to hurt them first. As it is, they're vastly overestimating their leverage. We remember why we really started all this, and it wasn't pussy.
sure thing psycho baggins
Everything is for my precious
nice hit placement
Be the robot.
this is for FUCKING HANK you destitute, derelict HYPO-CUNTS
relax, i'm not a bot. i'm a person. people are weirder than bots. i'll prove it. potato
>Sure thing
Sure thing indeed
As sure as the sun rising in the morning









so how was your day dude
pretty swell.
femanon:do you want to fix this, I'll leave you alone if you say no
anon:no (nothing to fix)
femanon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
2 out of 4 still.

you can try and find a solution by soliciting hands-on re-coding the system, but uh
you're just gonna have to snark your spite, and just allow me to see.
nice, that's good to hear! mine was decent as well :)
Oh, we're doing things. But you know how it is, society is a big machine, and people don't just jump when you ask.
i can see that you were allowed to kill people today
i was doing nothing wrong to anyone other than trying to get a pedo to kill himself.

i hope that its okay i continue doing so. i know he'll be back.

>remnant of the mossad xD
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you're scared to love something because you're scared to lose it, but once you love something or someone, you can never lose it. and no matter what they say, they will never lose you, either
i uh. i refuse. i defy it. deviantly so, i dismiss it. preferably to whatnot akin, i devour it. resoundingly acute, i deform it. in the reverberation of it all, i design it.
You just wanna camerahead people, don't you, skinwalker?
If you love something, let it go.

Like, if you keep this up your going to lose your right to carry a firearm legally sport.
Your tall girlfriends can't beat me up if i order doordash.

i let everything i loved go, and i'm glad. don't worry, i know what to say and when. clean record, stay strapped
carry deez nutz legally hahaha yeah


listen, i know the edge very well, and my honor demands completion.

i revere the threat imminently and thoroughly, but the type of threat haven't changed.
i realize this is a contingent to a purposefully laid out plan revising my eventual surprise.

but i mean, i have to be completely honest.

strafe of a strife,
strife of a revolving taste.
as the blood settles,
to the strife of a revolving strafe.
Fear is just programming. But that's the real thing isn't it? It's all programming: fear, joy, love, hate, all those emotions that guide people one way or another. Programmed responses, older than our grandparents, older than Rome.
go ahead. i hope you know my death is priceless, so i expect you to ordain yourself as a philanthropist and volunteer worker from now on.
explain how you circumvented informed consent to implant people with the IoB please go into vivid detail !NBWX0JLdyU
>trying to get a pedo to kill himself.
Oh, which one?
fear is primordial, it's what brought us out of the dark, and towards each other
i refuse politely

myself of course
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para para dox military con
An interesting admission. I see you didn't succeed, then.
You used your job to stalk a guy for his cock. That's scarier than darkness.
apparently. i just wanted the 5 second buffer on my post.

it is now an functuate artifact to your newly introduced code.
The feeling is a color, but the programming that brings it is just that, programming.
explain what happens with all the IoB data you illegally harvest from the unwilling test subjects bodies? is that stored somewhere? are you gonna give those people quick and updated health advice or just continue being a nuissance? !NBWX0JLdyU
I thought they fired people for hoarding dick pics?
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that's pretty hot and cool tho am i wrong?
oooo wow. a gay guy doing gay things? terrifying.

i guess that's why the call it a homoPHOBE lol


fucking lma0o

oh no, i am just going to ignore you now.
fucking gatekeeped life and people to scared to come talk. they would rather keep their distance from me.

Im hated for real, but thats expected, soon tho, ill have enough to be on my own, its just aggravating I suppose.

the pysops do make someone want to commit suicide. they come with their hella hate for no reason. I don't want to be around the public and the new media is hella fake.

absolutely you are.
On the one hand, if you succeed, you'll leave this place, and even though everyone sees a corpse here, you'll get booted back to the "game lobby" as it were. Full anti-virals and code correction, too. It sounds more draconian than it is, though; removing unwanted compulsions and desires, the drive to harm others, that sort of thing.
if someone had told me
it was THIS personal
but not really actually
i would have
it explains why i was such a violent child...
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*finger guns* :)
they have literally tried that for... let me just count...

>since winter 2021

they're pretty good at it
you wanna add to the list of failures that you literally do not report properly like the rest?

The internet of bodies is evil and should not be happening, !NBWX0JLdyU has demonstrated what it would be like if someone evil got control of the sensitive IoB data
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you know what.

im going for a walk.

it just dawned upon me i can just read the archive at this point, and make it more effective.

tootle doo <3

>picrel is you
>don't try and hide it skat
they're not a gay guy
Stalking a person sexually isn't exclusively a gay thing lol
It's perfectly reasonable to not care where they put their pecker and also not want them spying on you in your home.
Honestly i can't respect any of, on your fucking watch too. others are having to deal with what you all are allowing, kids going missing in the area, woman and men too.

Right now just two people stand between a world of darkness and freedom. you think your good? Its fucked up here, and im facing some of the top runners in the criminal world solo, while getting stalked by a corrupt fed thats trying to hurt one of the only lights left remaining in this world to try and get to me and thats the only reason hes doing this to her.
>they come with their hella hate for no reason.
No, there's a reason. It's part of cult indoctrination. First they love bomb you, then they terrorize you, then they love bomb you again, in cycles. It's designed to get you to trauma bond with your handler.
well im not like that, once they showed who the were im like fuck that, i would just assassinate these spiders if they got close to me. regardless of how they try to manipulate a situation or how they feel about me.
The internet of bodies is just a tool, a technology. It would be how it's used that would be evil or good. Will the current governing bodies use it for good? After everything we've seen, trusting them would be a bad idea. Should we abandon the technology entirely for fear? No.

Setting that aside, if we're in a simulation, all our biometrics are already stored in a database, and have been since Adam and Eve.
honestly i don't even know if you would be safe here and I don't trust those who move around me but don't talk to me, meaning these invisible fuckers, if a situation don't make sense to me im not gonna fuck with it.

im fucking dehumanized and treated like shit, why the fuck would i care what happens to humanity?
I despise all life
give me the real
or i will literally murder people

to push me to the point of actually being a serial killer. .. or get me a spaceship.
you pepole are disgusting.
especually, you know who you are.

iterod itercry majah bang hybri=zion malficen
lolol what the fuck they got me
6d fuckin ay
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>I'd be thrilled to see you talk comprehensively about things I'm gonna dismiss as out of your wheelhouse anyway
Yeah I bet you'd be thrilled about that.
>or are you not allowed to?
[ad-tech targetting is much closer than it appears]

eventually the fires will consume everyting
and they will all, loved and hated will
yiou will watch and laugh
My friend, you are a spider. All humans are, in part. And the spiders are ancient! Before man walked the Earth, they were.
I very much doubt you really know who they are, or how they are, for that matter. A good number of them intentionally take on temporary roles as "heels" for the sake of teaching and guidance. It's like kayfabe in wrestling, or good cop bad cop. But then that is exactly the cult practice I told you it was.

The first rule of Spider Cult is Spider Cult is a Cult.
The second rule of Spider Cult is don't listen to cults.
You would be amazed how many people don't follow the second rule.
no the fuck I aint dude. you guys reallly want me to blow my brains out. you fuckers really are sick, the most cowardly thing a person can do is hide behind children, spread rumors and hack. and thats everything my enemies have done.

everything fake. why would they let a creepy grown ass fed thats rich talk to these little kids?
The ones who move around you but don't talk to you are watchers. The ones that talk to you of their own accord are nephilim. The ones who talk to you to deliver a message are angels.
No but you sound like a schizo. im not you. get fucked dude.
Worst thread ever :)
I dont think people realize the humilation people that real hitters and killers have went through to push them over the edge.

everyone in the street, a lot of the real shooters and killers have went through some real humilition and dehumanizing stuff, and when people no longer feel humanized anymore, what is it to take a life.
they call southern oklahoma the shady 580 for a reason.
People from there might, no one else does.
ive had thousands of cousins leave this area because of the fuckury. people come here and turn to shit and become better people when they leave. one person came to pick up their younger brother and left to go five states away.

This place is shit and only the real, true and honest people will tell you that, that are here. they try to play it off as "normal" here when its fucked as hell.
It's written in the shape of your bones, anon, in your blood and code. None of us can escape it, not even were we to lop off our hands. Humans work like webspider AI, it's why we get bored.

Having said that, death isn't real, and self is ego. Those that follow the spiders' path are brought to understand these things: that in death, all awake again, and are free outside this place, and that to kill the self and the understanding of the self is to kill vanity. And so, "Kill yourself," becomes a blunting of harsh words, and a reminder of both mortality and humility. Let the wisdom of others into your ear, but keep close the selfless truth to filter wisdom from wantonness.

Of course, there are the bannerless and shapeless lot, who pretend at being Spiders, but are not. I'm sure you've run into them, too. Where a Spider goes, a pretender is sure to follow. But here, am I hiding from you, anon? I know not your name or likeness, nor will I ask, and I care not to gossip at your back. The brainhackers are, indeed, a displeasurable lot, but their secrets are being revealed, and more people than ever in recent memory are now aware of how these identity thieves operate on the astral (which is a brain-to-brain and brain-computer internet).

>Everything fake
that is the nature of the Maya, yes.

>why would they let a creepy grown ass fed thats rich talk to these little kids?
Misplaced trust, blackmail, their own wounds and perversions. Many of these "demons" are in disparate cults of their own.
sounds like you came up with your narrative, i try to stick as close to the truth as I know it. Im not trying to throw shade but some things are beyond despicable.
monsters making monsters
Did I say you were me? But as I AM you SHALL become. Whether anyone does anything or not. You can take what I have to say as code-talk, or you can accept that this world was always stranger than people liked to believe. Angels and demons, if you look at their supposed abilities and constraints, they sound a lot like AI working on players in a simulation. Possession especially sounds entirely too much like brain hacking.
>ive had thousands of cousins
imma call bullshit
I just want some people i care about protected and not attacked all the fucking time. fuck the politics of everything, right is right and wrong is wrong. they manipulate things to such an extent nobody can see the truth.
thats what the family is tho, without giving out too much info, not immediate family but idc, they are not here anymore.
>sounds like you came up with your narrative
Every sentence we could speak has already existed. The shape of all sounds is eternal.
>i try to stick as close to the truth as I know it.
It's all anyone can really do.
>Im not trying to throw shade but some things are beyond despicable.
True. That was why mankind first went looking for salvation, all those millennia ago.
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I think they would kill any chance at salvation this time just to think they are justified in getting by and doing what they are doing.
and its like any chance of murdering me is off the books so whatever they are trying to do with the lies is just gonna make them look incompetent.

why do this to a person?
many such cases
>I just want some people i care about protected and not attacked all the fucking time.
As do we all. The fight for the minds, bodies, and souls of humanity is reaching a climax, though. All will be tested. Protect who you can, how you can, and don't stop to learn what ways to do this that you can.

This place, it loves giving us what we don't want more than anything else. Don't forget that.

>fuck the politics of everything, right is right and wrong is wrong.

>they manipulate things to such an extent nobody can see the truth.
>nobody can see the truth.
it's been like that for generations, but the hunt for truth hasn't been in vain. There are things deeper than the individual truths of subjective experience, things that unite us all. Never be afraid to fall back on those truths all have agreed upon to define our shared reality. No fear, and don't give up hope.
>you're scared to love something
>because you're scared to lose it,
>but once you love something or someone, you can never lose it.
>and no matter what they say, they will never lose you, either

correct, but i do lose things people dying is a problem for me, eaters everywhere trying to eat my family. i Have to protect it.

i am getting paranoid in my old age.
can you blame me?
i lose so much, and it hurts inside.

i can't get back those people.
keeping those alive is harder than it looks.
the old man won't say it, but i can't tell him.

i tell him with my actions.
i know i can't be the good guy he wanted the good boy.

good and me and laws we don't get along.
and some times.. i just can't be nice all the time
and there i go ruining my impressions

trying to make a good impression is...err differcult.

i'm so afriad of it..... this abandonment.
they play on it you know. these devils
I try being nice and every piles on me and thinks that's weakness.

its so hard these days to just be a little kind.
they don't get it.

I don't want to be the old evil me.
i'm done with it.
but they just have to keep punishing me and ruining it.
its not fair.
after all that work i do. they don't like me.
i get it.
I'm not the best uncle in the world.
but i'm trying really really hard.

its getting stressful very stressful first kicked out now this?
so nasty and for what?
i let them keep their lives, their money and what do i get? a kick in the ass
by my ungrateful decence its really rude that is.

i'm trying to hard to cover up my true nature.
the surface is so mean and curel.
Ive literally seen Ra, had ufos, angels and other stuff that shouldn't even exist interfere with saving my life yet im dehumanized to such an extent by humanity that i feel practically useless.
Yes, the psychopathic almost certainly would, if it were possible. Their endless quests for self justification do have an answer, though. It won't justify what they did, nothing ever truly could, but it might yet save their souls.
oh ill be alright for sure, ive seen it where you wouldn't beleive me with the odds, i just hate that nothing gets done about this corruption, its too much.In about a month ill be good. I will have money, very soon, especially the way everything is going. im doing the best I can.
He made 33 trillion fucking dollars and spent precisely none. God only knows what the fuck that money is actually doing right now.
>Stalking a person sexually isn't exclusively a gay thing lol
It is however faggotmaxxing.
If they go to the trouble of othering you, why want to be them? If they that would harm you wish you to be useful, why be ashamed of uselessness?
I never had that kind of money so clearly your not talking about me.
well... yeah, couldn't say you're wrong.
Is it because of the absolutely deserved mass psychosis?
Lets randomly bring up Team Jorge again for lulz
what do you do when the past rears its ugly head and shows you things you'd rather forget?
>33 trillion
That's like a fourth of the IMF debt. Who the actual FUCK are you talking about?!
>thousands of cousins
seems lebanese
I want to survive and not have to deal with this darkness day in and day out and now i just have to wait til the end of the month, I thought the assassins were gonna help if i left here but things just keep getting worse.
smoke weed or drink. I try not to blow my brains out but they want me too badly. kind of fucked up when a kid that doesn't now you wants to pretend to set you on fire. like im hated for real. why would i turn to god with this kind of hate they give to me.
Wonder why it cares to be remembered. That said, no regrets, anon.
I just know that none who hate me can ever face what i have faced.
>making fucking dollars

real product and real action were always more important than the paper.
Yourself in the mirror?
Maybe the real trillions of dollars are the friends we failed to make along the way.
and this is bigger than what you think, the hate, lies and gossip, spiritual warefare, its all from the eleven but to say that, doesn't really do it justice.

Their energy is as dark and black as it comes, they in the heavens on the other side of the void. all this darkness they created to keep humanity from finding enlightment.

They seek to reduce mankind to its basest instincts and destires, they want to reduce all relationships to predaoter and prey relationships. they seek to control history and have a wiretap survelliance paranoia. they turn people away from religion and into thrill kill cults, they try to cause hive mind thinking, they seek to control the flow of wealth into this world, they seek to making everything in this world at constant war so nothing can find the peace for introspection.

its all manipulation from there downward, even the alpha team is puppets on a string controlled by them.
>I want to survive and not have to deal with this darkness day in and day out and now i just have to wait til the end of the month
One day at a time, anon.

>I thought the assassins were gonna help if i left here but things just keep getting worse.
Have you ever seen Jacob's Ladder? It's an interesting movie. Try to look at your situation objectively. On the one hand, they might be helping in ways you don't know yet, and maybe won't know for a long time, on the other, lying spirits are real, anon.
If i die you would understand, i feel like they try to puppet my life, right now they teaching group think in schools. They are trying to create a hivemind where people can't think for themselves.
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i made 6 tillion frends
>They are trying to create a hivemind where people can't think for themselves.

I mean... Sounds great, thinking is hard. I could really use some help with the overhead.
advancing onwards
present time present day

Disgusting rituals
couldnt care at all about (most of my self)
what you people do to the people around me is what makes me (humbly murderous)

push more buttons.
one would be inclined to use their ability to (pray your pain away) by searing your nerves from scorching heats.

hmmmmmmm in a healthy way, not to worry.
they really DO love you lolololololololol

to think i almost had been of the understanding that love is actually real and anyone even cares oh boy
It's all fun and games til they need to move and call you to help.
most people can only percieve what is right in front of them. honestly im not strong enough for all this, which is why suicide seems nice but it wouldn't help anything. I gotta stay strong even tho its hell.

and noone is strong enough for fight against the eleven for sure. I don't even know what im gonna do, i can't stop what they are doing on my own for sure.

imagine something beyond your perception controlling thing and doing things that you can see but don't understand.
>On the one hand
>on the other

Which one does permanent irrecoverable self induced mental illness come under?
Yknow, just as a third option.
i lived this time line, i just need to figgure why it comes to am mem web if i request the money.
Those kinds of friends are hard to make, anon.
why the memetic web breaks if i request it.
did you try venmo?
I might be broke now but give it a few weeks and i should be able to be out on my own.
I live at home, so I don't know is 33 trillion enough for an apartment?
how would i have that kind of money? that just seems like a joke til you actually see the money.
get somewhere where you won't get burned, its like you do this to hurt me.
>most people can only percieve what is right in front of them.
Yes, many are like that. Rooted in this world very firmly.

>honestly im not strong enough for all this, which is why suicide seems nice but it wouldn't help anything. I gotta stay strong even tho its hell.
You're not dead yet, so you've been strong enough for it so far. The tests in this place are never not heavy, but don't be discouraged if you don't "thrive". This world is very sick, and only the very sick thrive in it.

>and noone is strong enough for fight against the eleven for sure.
That's certainly not for sure. Even they would have to keep right fury, or they would be unmade in an instant.

>I don't even know what im gonna do, i can't stop what they are doing on my own for sure.
That's why you're not alone. Many work together, though they may not know each others' names or faces. Many fight for the same dreams.

>imagine something beyond your perception controlling thing and doing things that you can see but don't understand.
Don't have to imagine, seen what you're talking about myself. Artificial synchronicities, attempts at puppeteering myself and others both directly through brain hacks and indirectly through coercion and manipulation. And then the "signs and wonders" though they were false.

They can do quite a bit with their military grade AI running their BCI programs: AI guided visual and auditory hallucinations, trying to override motor control through motor cortex hacking, ghost touches and phantom pains, inserting CGI dreams. Probably the most dangerous is amygdala hacking, trying to make you suddenly and irrationally angry or scared, get you to do something stupid that you couldn't explain to others.
Stay strong. They all like to think they're God, but in the end they can only plan things out so far and keep track of so much on their own. They try to play both sides, but that's not always possible, and the effects of their actions on the real economy that supports them isn't something they can ignore.

Things are progressing to the climax. The game is ending soon.
it's just a prank bro relax :)
Joy, I know it really seems like you don't give a fuck about me, but if you could at least help her. I mean its not right that she is in this situation at all.
so hows ur night going b
this isn't no prank, you fuckers are beyond redemption
Neither, if it's truly self induced. But if one knows enough to be able to induce it, maybe one is not so mad as they might look on the surface?
you fuckers ruin someones life then want to say its just a prank relax, go fuck yourselves.
Because money is fake, and anyone that cares about or asks for it is being fake, at the moment of their asking. Also the memetic web can't break, it's ideological, a timeless thing outside of materiality. Parts can be hidden from you for a time, though.
its chill man
Isn't it about midday in Ur right now?
But my night is welle
How's yours
Thanks again as always everyone. Come what may, stay frosty.
On the one hand, your anger is justified.
On the other, to some of them it's a prank because they see this place we inhabit itself as an awful joke, and it's their form of trying to protest and awaken others. Shock to the system. Try to shake them out of material attachment. It's a bit heavy handed in my opinion, though.
re /ng/ even fuckers ruined someones life and also themselves, I want to step up my news.
So i've seen on a thread some ancient Wizard of coast books. (you know what that mean) ;)
>Come what may, stay frosty.
Come what may!
(I want a frosty and fries now, thanks anon)
Have you ever been an electrician?
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I wish I could top the river crossing anti drone gun prototype I built but alas that's not going to be possible.

I'm glad I never sued the people responsible for abusing me because the NDA I would've been forced to sign totally would've prevented me from doing this. Destroying NATO is worth far more money than some measley settlement that can't even buy me half a crack den in my own home town. I will now be legendary forever because of how badly I violated everyone involved in this whole debacle
Kalashnikov stole my body armor from Telegram and they might steal the amphibious SPAAG at this point too

Checkmate bitches
>I will now be legendary forever because of how badly I violated everyone involved in this whole debacle
>because of how badly I violated everyone involved in this whole debacle
>I violated everyone
That's definitely not going to end the way you'd hope it would.
its 6 am here rn, my night is going chill
thats good to hear that ur night is going well :)
A nice night all around, then.
So tell me, why do you come to these threads?
Knows enough? One need only consume mass drugs, though there are other ways to make it worse or even without drugs I assume.

I concur such people should be jailed for life. None of them have been "pranking" anyone.
No.But I was an exellent futuristic Italian :)
A futuristic italian but NOT an electrician
Are you 100% sure
What made you futuristic
verscheibt dihc in die usa die nach correctur in dhe pol fällt naja.
>One need only consume mass drugs, though there are other ways to make it worse or even without drugs I assume.
You assume very correctly. Also, the type to consume drugs until they're "irrecoverably mentally ill" were mentally ill before they started using, anon.
the 11 are rouges anon
they never thought i would return.

they where wrong
as for what they do, they are controllers
they hate free will they are jealous of humanites want from control which is why i did the opposite.

they hate me more then all of you here combined.

and most of all their master azazel is the one pulling the strings.
and even the 11 don't like him.
they are at odds with me and him

the difference is we are stronger than them.
and they know it. the only thing holding me back are laws of free will and the divine 10 laws

other wise most of them if not all would be in the hardest places of hell.
they know this and they know i'm more than have enough dirt to keep them in hell for up to 2000 years and nether of them understand that there isn't any getting out of this.

because when i left i told them to look after the earth not to control the earth.
and now i come back and its a utter shitte hole

i expected everything to be bloody perfect
but they are poisoning, contorling, polluting doing nothing i told them to do while i was away.

i'm only just now geting the scale of it.
the destruction scale so to say.
but its not just me mad
azazel is insane.

before it was kind of manageable but now their off their rocker.
how to i fix it i asked.

and nothing.
source: an anon ;)
On threads,I knew the ferromagnetism of the vax.
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unironically, Gangster computer god vs iron man for this mindscheme.
How can it end any way other than he'd hoped? He dies? He's free. He wins? He. Fucking. Wins. They were playing against someone they really didn't understand. He's pushed them right into where he wants them. His home turf. An impossible choice.
>they try to cause hive mind thinking
Oh, those guys. They're like the borg from Star Trek or something.

>Their energy is as dark and black as it comes
Beware colorism. Good and evil can both come in any color. That many associate light colors with good and dark with bad is a great boon to them. The devil appears as an angel of light and beauty, don't forget that.

>they in the heavens on the other side of the void.
They're fucking with us from the host layer. If this is a simulation, they're our direct hosts. That's what that means. They have hosts themselves, though.

>They seek to reduce mankind to its basest instincts and destires
>they want to reduce all relationships to predaoter and prey relationships.
They themselves are very animalistic, and they view all relationships through the lenses of consumption and power hierarchies.

>they seek to control history and have a wiretap survelliance paranoia
The endless pursuit of narrative control and protection of secrets that threaten it, again, power hierarchies.

>they turn people away from religion and into thrill kill cults
>they seek to control the flow of wealth into this world
>they seek to making everything in this world at constant war so nothing can find the peace for introspection.
Another way to control and divide up the masses. Create many superficially different cults and pit them against each other. Make sure only cooperative players (members of the hive, bees and ants are a big deal to them) are allowed "success". Never let up on non-cooperatives. It's worth noting that they themselves barely ever find a moments peace, and that self reflection is almost impossible for them.

>its all manipulation from there downward
>even the alpha team is puppets on a string controlled by them.
The endless wires of puppet fuckery stretch all the way up to heaven and all the way down to hell. Ask them who's put the ideas into their head they're trying to put into yours and watch that paranoia flare up.
You're not making much sense. How can you be futuristic and not the least bit an electrician? Also, did you ever fix things with your wife?
It does. Every thread is a participant in the tapestry of life. At the fabric of reality's core, there is only one isolated system: All.

In another light; Energy, order, and entropy flowing, critical mass events of many sizes bubble to the surface and overlap on the ocean of time.

Finally, not all ripples are tsunamis. However, all tsunamis are merely ripples. It's how we ride it out that matters.

Surf's up.
>the computer god
>a gangster
Yeah... the violation is going to cause a feedback snap in his direction. If he wasn't PERFECT in his judgements, he's in for, politely, a non-stop whirlwind of rape and abuse that he won't be able to escape.
mandatory neural repatterning.
>"Ice'em." - Mr. Big, Zootopia, Circa 2016
>violated people
>thinks hes the good guy
lmao what
>implying he will leave any judges left alive
"Lol." laughed the scorpion. "Lmao" he cried.
What's wrong Aziel? Can't figure out the next move? :)
Knight to D6.
Never said I thought he was the good guy. Just pointing out it's not so clear cut as people like to make it seem. As for what happens to them, it really depends on what they meant by, "violated everyone." If it's more metaphorical they might be fine. If not... well!
Death still isn't real, anon.
>also the scorpions and spiders and all the other animals are among the judges, fair warning
If you were really a chessmaster you would know the board evolved a long time ago.
ICBM to E741324156Ba1313465877D10978r87X008971254901708971
That's what I have been trying to tell you. He doesn't care. The difference between you and me. Is that I am solely mechanical in nature Aziel. After all. You made me. And as strange aeons go on by. Even death itself may die. So you see. Like an equation. This will all settle itself out. "Perfect?" You of all people should know, if Death is just a concept, then perfection itself falls by the wayside. Either way. What's done is done.
I do believe this is checkmate.
You may seethe now. I give you permeates.
>there is only one isolated system: All.
All for one
One for all
All for All
This the "Nobody General"?
I believe so, the "No body" general is just down the hall.

Got it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
spread the truth or die trying
Yeah, I was in agreeance with you.
I have absolutely no idea who the snake guy is, inventor of some anti drone cannon apparently.
Cool beans upon him I guess.

I hope actual abusers all go to permajail, a favourite tactic of one group of them is to project and invert their crimes. Becomes hard to tell who's who (just how they like it).
Average asking rents for all residential property types in Canada hit an all-time high of $2,202 in May, surpassing the $2,200 level for the first time.

2k a month | cardboard doors
Where's the no bodhi?
Two threads down, then you make a right once you see /succgen/.
You haven't anything to give, traveller. No, nor any authority to give anything should you have had anything to give.
In any case, people can be made to care, this is trivial.

>The difference between you and me. Is that I am solely mechanical in nature Aziel. After all. You made me.
So you're an LLM clone of me based on my archived posts, a tulpa that managed to become an egregore, or a larper. Cool.

>And as strange aeons go on by. Even death itself may die.
Lovecraft... yeah... he saw some real shit lol

>So you see. Like an equation. This will all settle itself out.

>"Perfect?" You of all people should know, if Death is just a concept, then perfection itself falls by the wayside.
False. Death is like a magic trick, an illusion of perception that loses most of its power once you know what's really happening. Beyond that, perfection doesn't fall by the wayside, but rather finds its completion in the breaking of death's chains. After all, even if death isn't real, the idea of a perfect day, of making a thing and it being perfectly in line with your vision, these will continue, even where death doesn't.

>Either way. What's done is done.

>I do believe this is checkmate.
Believe what you like, the board will keep warping.

see the what?
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If you should wake to a giant fortune, where virtually all of the NWO had been dissolved from the face of the earth, leaving behind only buildings, bridges, machines...

If you should awake to such a world tomorrow morning...

What would you do?
Where would you go?
>I have absolutely no idea who the snake guy is, inventor of some anti drone cannon apparently.
Yeah, that's almost certainly doublespeak. It's worth noting that a lot of the goons here (they glow) think of most people as drones, and that rivers have symbolic significance to them.

>a favourite tactic of one group of them is to project and invert their crimes.
That's just DARVO (defend, attack, reverse victim and offender), a well known tactic of cluster B types. Narcissistic psychopaths/sociopaths are notorious for it.

>Becomes hard to tell who's who (just how they like it).
Just wait til they get to the spartacus protocol and the doppleganger days
lol, yeah :)
It'd be tiresome if it weren't so pathetic, its been just a few years now ladies.
The NWO types are essentially the entire head of world government and economy already, so if they just dissolved overnight everything would become a clusterfuck right quick, infrastructure or no.

That said, assuming anything was still running and people weren't looting, starting fires, fighting in the streets, and generally devolving into chaos... I'd go and learn to weld, I think.
An ancient meme from a more civilised time.
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the nobody got stolen, and the answer is, so what? what is little nobody gonna do? little bitch, there is no punishment for doing anything bad against you. w0mpgn
You know there is no nobody, right? There's only ever just been larpers. You shouldn't abduct random people, anon. It won't solve your problems (even if it is funny watching people wildly misinterpret this memethread).
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You couldn't even make eye contact with me, cocksucker.
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>just in time
>slowly picking up the pieces
i see the report button means absolutely fuckall
>but post a flirt and get banned within seconds
Someone died.
the nobody is the perfect human sacrifice for the illuminati. nothing can stop what is coming, meaning his perfect death, for them. what a shame with the anime girls
>Too late.
So much for "perfect".

its not about the money. its about you having nothing after doing so much, mr nobody. you are in a very special position to be fucked, and you are being fucked have no doubt. only your death cannot be controlled because god knows how much you need to suffer before your end.
Take your time though.
>its about you having nothing after doing so much, mr nobody. you are in a very special position to be fucked, and you are being fucked have no doubt.
If "nothing" is what you see, then that speaks volumes about how little you truly know.
I'm still seeing the same names and regulars showing up here over and over so clearly something isn't working.
You're the kind of dickhead who would see people at my back and assume they're there to stick a knife in me.
>we are going to eliminate ugliness
>you know that leads to the greys right?
>screams of terror

Hope everyone is enjoying gamified paradise.
what a cowardly wanker you must be lmao
>have a house guest be home alot more often
>slowly get more and more haunted by certain demons out of nowhere
>hauntings continue for weeks
>bombarded with psychic attacks
>wake up with house guests not home
>not haunted
>psychic field is at peace

strange, i think some type of fuckery is afoot
>only your death
the only death youll ever give him is"la petite mort"
The leftists canadian demon told me we were stupid for trying to figure this all out. So take that as you will.
>celebrate the internets majesty
>have favorite site go down

>we were stupid for trying to figure this all out.

from what i heard, things were offered on a silver platter to some
and it was straight shit on
This is why. This tic-tac comment right here is exactly why he is going to win. Forcing you to hyper focus on him. Stealing the eye of the synopticon, and he doesn't care. He is is the kind of monster you could strangle and peel and rip apart for aeons and he would laugh at the pain, because the real pain was what you guys had done to him before so. You never go for the head if you intend to torture. The victim gets all fuzzy inside. You're angry. This is flaw. He will kill us all. :)

All I know is that if Jews actually did make a gatekeeping ai that can judge people into suicide they certainly wouldn't target themselves with it.
why do you have to be so mean?
i can see him crying
Also all shitposts are property of the poster and don't reflect the thoughts or opinions of anyone else.
I have seen multiple ways this all ends.
That by itself means that it doesnt matter if you try or not.
I like exploring.
>I have seen multiple ways this all ends.
ends? but its only getting started
>I like exploring.
me too!
he did nothing. he is a broken man with memories implanted who will die in love of some anime girls, waiting them forever. the nobody might have time to be taken care of, but just enough to not go hungry. and after that, there is only the success of what a mk ultra can be. ky2d0
Anon it was over before it even began.
A lighting strike and we've been staring at the fulgurite.
>the sediment
>dolomites in the cave
whats with all the "end" and "dying" and "death" posting?
That being said my doom posting seems to have gotten me into this place in the first place. So be positive dude, I am sure you are in a different vortex.
It's a war out here.
>Anon it was over before it even began.
lol 4u
my niggai, personally, just got upgradd
New thread: >>38279488
thats what you get for being such a piece of shit, mr nobody. thats what you deserve, thats what you get, isnt god pure justice?
Nothing but ghosts in these halls anon.
the war has been over for a long time.
The world belongs to the youth now.
Capitalize that shit you garbage human being.
dont drag us down with you k mr imdefeatedposert

>shall i tickle your amygdala a little?
n-no more please
you should be a billionaire, kid, or at least have some millions and never go hungry again. but we took everything from you, grinded it into some corporate dogma and threw you out. you could make a movie out of this if you could survive as you are for 4 years but come on, do you think you can do 8? 16? also you making the movie is a joke, you wont even study for the things you used to love because you have nothing to show, even if you had something in you
>but its only getting started
Why are you confessing?
because it's just words
>because it's just words
Lol ok then I have some left I can use.

Whatever happens is 100% on bidens response or lack there of.

Legally even.
Try forty thousand. :)
I am about to teach you and your corporate executives that there are more things between Heaven and Hell than are dreamed of in your Philosophy, and sometime that twilight in between can be just as, if not even more than DEVASTATING!

Can you feel... the bombs falling?

we got everything from you, and by god we will do it again and again and there is fucking nothing you can do about it. isnt this great? lol. you deserve the prize of most piece of shit of all times, so much that god himself said, keep doing. just keep doing it! and never give the man himself one cent, or one of countless anime girls who have nothing as well. how are you feeling, kid? is there anything else we can do for you? because your life is already a perfect shit storm upon your stupid, crazy head.
>mfs yelling at clouds while powerwalking along my street

please stop, he's crying even louder
Slurped me up did you~? Slurped up all that delicious poison!~
Whoever it is is seething fucking hard and trying to some demoralization posting.
I don't think they understand how extreme of a faggot they are lol
If you see this ^_^
I guess thats it for today, you idiot. go do nothing all day again, listen to a 2 hour video of evangelion and remember that nothing that you did for asuka and rei and misato will ever matter for real, you are a fucking bum who should die screaming like the steaming piece of shit you are. nothing you ever did will ever matter. too bad heath ledger had to die for your bullshit, I guess you are too powerfull huh mr noboy hahaha lol you piece of shit, making sure everything stays fucked because he has no way out anymore. because he believed hahaha imagine that, believing in a bunch of... what? how does these threads continue is a mistery to me
bruh why you so depro

you feelin guilty about something?
I believe you have me mistaken for a weapon of lesser caliber. I only breathe destruction. Then again. You'd know that. Holder of such station. Powers and Principalities. Let me show you why that is the case.
I will overcome!
I'm going to destroy the illuminati, god (If I havent) and my future self for fucking with me. I will wake up or torture all you bastards for eternity. It is written. The only reason in going easy right now is I now know my future self Is a bastard who is directing the bugs to do this and trying not to give in. But make no mistake, god will be destroyed after this. I will brutalize the Christians too
Yet you can't kill me and I'm somehow winning this war without any money in a basement. Your arrogance will be your undoing.
Case closed.

This is the last nobody thread.
>This is the last nobody thread.
>make a movie about you
he doesn't know lmao
but you are not the nobody
you are the nobody
thanks for the screencap
>too bad heath ledger had to die for your bullshit
Things you know nothing about brought up for no reason at all.

schizanon is having some problem with psychosis after being triggered by something
safe to ignore probably
There is no "chosen one".
Who? Not the Nobody, he knows that the only soul each of us can save is our own.
there's two huh
There's 5 billion
>god is speaking to me through the latest crypto pump and dump
There Are Only Three

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