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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
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•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
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•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38318338
hi, send em
You reading?
Does tarot actually work for job interviews? I’ve never gotten correct predictions from here
Will I pass school this year
it doesn't work for anything not already set out to happen without any variables affect the outcome.
What do I need to know right now?
this >>38325277
how does j feel about me?
What did he ask about me here? Tysm
How does B feel about R?
it reads what ur energy is at the time and energy can change by thiughts, feelings etc
is it going to come tommrow?
Aq will my wishes come true
What are her feelings for me?
is PB gonna work?
nice dubs, will listening to them give me results i want?
describe my future gf
Well, as someone that's charming and has a lot going for him I have been rejected from jobs because of "overqualification", which is bullshit alm around because I'm looking for some money not a high paying position most of the time.

But I have been over 3 decades on this homosexualized earth and the general rule of management is nepotism.

If you're not family, friend or acquinted with the HR or managers you have to go through more hoops just to prove you're qualified for your job.

I'm telling you this because the sooner you deal with this the more your strategies will work out in you favor, get close to the managers of the bussiness you wanna get in before they hire you.
It hypothetically works for anything. Tarot is just a tool, it's about the skill of the diviner. Also, this anon is correct:
Trading demon
Outcome of my plan if I involve S in this?

Your query?
What do I need to know right now?
Next friend? Will it be as cool as I hope to?
Out of Paths C, I, S, and G, which would I find the most success in?
Starting yours.
How will be my week?
Okay I will do 2 cards for each ootion. Please be patient.

She sent me a message and I know it's pathetic but I'm too scared to open it. Is it a good message?
>Three of Cups, Eight of Swords, Queen of Swords Rx, Two of Wands Rx, The Star Rx, Queen of Pentacles Rx

Not a good outcome. You seem to have a good idea of what you want to do, but you don't have enough understanding if that makes sense, like you're just going through the motions almost. S would try to take over your plans in order to fix this in their eyes, but it wouldn't be in a way you would like, and would probably not give you what you originally wanted out of it. The cards also seem to say it's too early for you to enact your plan at the moment, that you need to try to take more control over the situation yourself. Put any actions towards your plan on hold for a while, and make sure you're in the best position as possible, with the best mindset possible before you move towards this plan.
You got the moon.
C got 2 of swords and 10 of swords.
I got ace of cups and devil.
S got 9 of pentacles and 2 of pentacles
G got 6 of wands and hanged man

The most amazing part of this is that every single card in straight.

I don't think you need me to go explaining over all the options as the cards are more than enough in here.

The moon tell us that you're in no hurry to make your choice even if it may look otherwise. Take a breath and think this carefully.

C is out the question unless you're masochistic. And G is kind of a really good choice but keep in mind this option will take more conpromise and time of you.

Every other optiom but C is a good investment so you're free to choose whatever you feel is best.
What do I need to know right now?
Thanks. Trade again?
As long as my readings resonate no problem.

And sure can you tell me if S would prefer giving me what I need without the extra hassle?

Your query?
Is there anything I can do to make path C work? I've been told that the outcome is good, so is your read just saying that compared to the other paths it's not that great/will be a struggle, or is there some fundamental problem with path C that will lead to failure?
Starting yours.
How is meeting up today going to go?
Page of Cups Rx, Knight of Swords, Five of Wands, Stength Rx, The Hermit

Possibly, but not now. With my earlier read, I take this to mean you are not ready for this plan, and trying it now, even with S helping you will just lead to problems. If you intend on getting S to help you, you need to put acting on this plan on hold for a while, and work out any issues there are with it. As it stands right now though, S wouldn't be willing to help in the way you're hoping for.
9 of pentacles, 10 of cups, king of wands, king of cups, justice
Okay, we got the 9 of pentacles again but we're dealing with C this time.

I think there's an elephant in the room you're trying to consciously ignore and phase out. The justice say we need patience, intelligence and a cold heart to deal with the problems C may bring upon your life.

I think I'm kinda understanding this. It's not that C will be troublesome but it will very emotional for you. You gotta stay centered, collected and level headed even if you feel like shit's on fire you pull the bucket let things calm down.
Yea, I thought that might be the case. Path C requires that I break a bad habit I've held for years, and it will be very rough/emotional for a while.

Trade again?
Three of Wands Rx, Knight of Wands, King of Wands, Two of Cups, Four of Pentacles, Ten of Wands Rx, Six of Swords

Things will start out slow, and you might get some setbacks here and there. However, things will start picking up around the middle, and put you in a very good position with someone by the end of the week. Over all, it looks good, and that it will be an improvement to your love life. However, when you do face these delays/setbacks, you can't just give up, or set them to the side to deal with later. You're going to need to confront them, and push through them, even if it's to the point that it tiring to deal with. You'll need to be persistent with this.

Thanks. Trade again? I want to know more about this choice.
I think I kinda fucked myself by learning the marseille, I massively prefer it to the rws but people usually want the rws when they think of tarot reading
How does M feel about me? Are we a good fit?
Temperance, King of Cups Rx, The Emperor, Nine of Wands, Six of Cups, The High Priestess

It seems to be someone you know, and might have been interested in some time. She seems to be someone that might be a bit emotionally distant, maybe to the point of being manipulative or controlling. At the same time though, she seems to be someone you would recognize as being very capable, responsible, and disciplined. With the nine of wands, and reversed high priestess, this leads be to believe that you won't really recognize who this is until after you get through those delays I mentioned before. That after you get through everything, the realization of who will then hit you. That, or the delays themselves are just you in doubt about who this is until you make that realization, and start acting on it.
High priestess was reversed, sorry.
Trading occult
37th birthday today. Anyone willing to gift me some augury regarding the year ahead? Feels like I’m in for another squandered solar return
Sure, just give me a few minutes. Post your options, and I'll post my Q soon.
Mine is, is that choice related to matter M in some way?
Starting yours.
>Two of Pentacles Rx
>Queen of Pentacles
>The Hermit
Bar D
>The World Rx
Additional Cards
>The Hanged Man Rx, Five of Wands, The Empress Rx

Out of these options, Carolina seems to be the one. With the additional cards though, that seems to reinforce that it will be a challenge to actually get things going, and that you're going to need to overcome these challenges. It likely won't be easy, and she might even reject you at first, or at least take time before she takes you seriously in a romantic.
Trading occult
When it comes to milestone S of path C, will it happen through me doing that ritual, or a spirit showing up on it's own to skip the ritual part once I'm in a good position? A few reads have implied it would be the later, but I want to be sure.
Did anon that I met on div a few days ago actually cast that spell that was supposed to help me with that other person and is it working?

I had a rune read that said yes and to be patient but wanted a confirmation read.

Ace of Wands Rx, Knight of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, Three of Wands Rx, Nine of Pentacles Rx, The Chariot

Maybe not the spell anon specifically mentioned/the one you had in mind, but there is indeed something that was done to help you in the way you were hoping for. Cards say not to look too much into it though, as too much energy focused on it could throw it off.
Is the magic going to happen? Is so D or G?
oof I don't know about this one
Yes the choice is but not in a direct way, you'll not see this clearly but it is related. Looks like it's ending up well whatever it is?
Five of Swords
Nine of Cups
Six of Wands
Shit sorry was afk starting yours
>Death, page of wands, sun

Yea skip the ritual, it seems like the entire process would end there if you did it. Waiting will bring you the outcome you want and more.

I got death when asking about the ritual and my brain was like "nope" so just wait for the spirit or whatever is to come after.

Also the rune read said something similar. To forget about it and let it work. A little concerning that it wasn't exactly what I wanted or expected though
how is she feeling about me and herself?
she's like it, find it exciting. Think that you may have stability and leadership, and is willing to put careful thought into going with the plan that's propositioned or implied by your message. It'd certainly open a chapter in her book.
Is there a negative karmatic implication for her with what she did between us?

Starting will post after you fyi.
You literally requested the trade buddy and i've also already delivered as well. Karma is hardly occult. But fair best of luck on your q
If reading Karma is occult then so is doing tarot to be fair, It's not like i was asking you to read on how my demon summoning ritual was gonna go.
A while ago someone gave me a reading that things would turn out for the better, but while that seemed to be the case at first, now it seems that things will turn for the worse.
So go ahead, tell me how much ruination awaits me.
Thanks, i wasn't the only one thinking that and didn't wanna say it.
Yea let me shoot a prayer really quick and i will.

This ones my q>>38326813
Do you know how to read or would you be willing to trade?
I've literally been trading and posting for years on /Div if you don't wanna post first that's fine. Find someone else who will.

also your Q was

>what will happen between me and blonde milf

quit projecting that i'm the incel
Hey willing to trade?

What is N hiding from me?
I don't know how to read tarot cards and what do you mean by trading? I'm new here
10 of swords, sun, emperor, 8 of wands rx
9 of swords, 6 of swords, magician, 5 of cups
Both spreads have some really saddening cards in them that I would consider a yes to be honest this looks fucked.

I would say her actions damaged your relationship and the karmic relationship that pulled you together itself. But on the greater scale of things your life and your souls are unaffected.

Her workings will eventually split you away sooner or later, you nees to talk this out asap.
I had a read yesterday that said we we're likely to patch things up by the end of the month. So this is an interesting spread. Any advice?
Just don't be confrontational and be open to talk and actually listen to her.
Thanks, sounds good. I'll go ahead and hold my emotions back.
Aq, Is that her?
You still there?
i am. I might change my q though if that's fine.
Wdym? Your reading is here >>38326984

Where's my reading?
Yes it is I I'm here to rape your butthole
Are you the fattie?
Yeah I'm the tranny fattie here to rape your assie
OH my apologies starting now thought that was a different anon.
No, this is Patrick.
Post a pic any pic
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How similar is V to the tarot card attached to this post?
Channeling messages. The more detail on the scenario you give the more details you’ll get back
>knight of cups, 7 of swords, knight of pentacles, devil

Well anon it seem's like you have the emotional want and and dedication to do it but it seems like you should wait and build up your defenses more, It will try to trick and use you for its own gain and promise you things that it will not give or at least will not give as much as promised. I get spooky and bad feelings from this.
Nah, open dat boi pussi
Is there anything I can do today that will make my situation better with T? We've been super distant ever sense that new guy has came into her life. We used to be close but she did things that pushed me away over time and it sucks.

I guess i wanna know what will happen between us by the end of the month.
Did She make that post?
Will J ever love me?
What kind of flowers does Hathor like the most?
how does M (m) about S(f)?
What kind of flowers does she like the most?
is MM romantically attracted to me? This is a girl who I like and thought was interested in me but I am not sure how she took my last message

You have an inherent misunderstanding of the devil card and thus of V. Figure out V’s darkness and it may be reborn to something new
Can you describe my future fuckbuddy?
Nothing. She’s too nice or cowardly to tell you that you make her uncomfortable with your intensity
what does b think of r? tysm
Ok then I'm not ready. Thanks for the trade.
Will i get any of my desires?
Not on purpose but it was her
what questions has c asked about me here?
Let me test your abilities, what am I doing right now and what am I wearing
No but there is potential for sex that will hurt both of you in the short term
V is a deity. does that change the reading?
Curious but restrained. There needs to be more interaction before she definitely decides
No but she likes your personality a lot and it could potentially change her mind about your physical attraction
Ok so this person betrayed me and tried to control me because they thought I needed things from them, I pulled my energy back though and got whatever I needed elsewhere.

Now after a few weeks whenever we interact they are super nice to me but they never mention what happened even though I make it obvious that I do not trust them anymore.

I'm feeling paranoid now and don't trust their kindness and gifts they give me. Are they genuine? Do they want to manipulate me? What is their goal? Just a few questions I have, but I'll take anything you can channel.

How can I improve my life? It seems like whatever I try backfires, or I have to aim low due to my limited abilities. My life has been stagnant with nothing but stress and money issues. I feel this will be my life until my final days.
What kind of magic has F tried on me?
Not at all. Look beyond what you’ve read or been told and FEEL it for yourself
will this LTA plan work?
Chubby with a cute smile
thank you
How does H feel about T?
Will me and her Ever make up things in our life?
Will you finally do what you need to do for those desires to come true? I’m sensing laziness
They want sexo.

Hos is that hard to understand?
is reincarnation actually real or part of the illuussion?
Yea that makes sense i'll distance myself
How similar is Hathor to Venus?
Mostly wondering how you feel about them
At a computer desk… no pants? Black t-shirt. Hunched the hell over
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Hello, fren
I have this girl in my work place that we got very close to eachother. What feelings she have for me?

Also, have this pic, is not mutch but makes me smile.
Same shit rebranded to Le current Society.
You have zero self confidence and constantly self sabotage yourself. Get therapy and some hobbies that get you outside
What can you tell me about whats coming next in my love life?
>female single
Nah sorry, that sounds comfy as fuck tho
If I could ask a follow up is there a reason she did not respond?
None that will affect you they’re shit at it
What does S (f) think about me? Does she have regrets?
Has N potentially hexed me or something?
Im done here for now but will return in the future. Blessings.
Thank you take care
How does she feel about me? Your q?
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Offering some tarot readings this evening.

>Please include the initial, approx age, and gender of you and anyone involved in your query
>No generals including love/career gens- specific queries are best :)
>I will skip any queries I don't feel comfortable reading for
>Enter into your query with a mindful breath and a small prayer for any positive intention you'd like <3

It's a privilege to read for you all- I look forward to it!

25, Female

Can you tell me what kind of flowers does Hathor like? And or tell me if Hathor prefers Belladonna or Roses?

Is it too late for me see success with my music? What do I need to do to make it work?

Prayers to the God of Michael, Gabriel and Yahshuah.
Why did M(F) not respond to my message? They are the ones that found my social media
Should I work on that car this week?
Approximate age is 23
J, 39, m
D, 55, f
Should I open the message?
22 YO Male

How successful would I be with a potential future career in politics?
Late 20s, J, male
What, if anything, should I do with (M, mid 20s, female)?
Mm, I'm actually not sure I can read this with tarot as it's a little too specific- there are no tarot cards that stand for flower varieities AFAIK. You may want to ask someone who scries instead. Another option is to go randonauting and see if you encounter a plant that would be best. Did you have another query?

>Three of Cups, Nine of Swords RX
This reading suggests to me that you may not find material/commercial success, but certainly fulfillment. You will be able to bring joy to your friends and your community with your music, and it will be socially really beneficial. You need to abandon any worrying, gnashing of teeth and late night regret spirals. These are unproductive and harmful to your music it seems. Good luck mate :)
M, 22
Outcome of buying L?
are you able to answer the second half of the query in terms of which flowers Hathor would prefer?
Male, 33

What does she, 30, think of me?
My info: DS, 33, male,
His: KB, 23, male

Is KB going to move out of my house this month or next month?

I dont have any prayers, sorry.
S 20 Male
I thought a lot but no question seems suitable for a read.
Could you just tell me if I need to make any change about my perspective on my own behaviour
>Four of Wands rx, Two of Wands
She didn't see how messaging you would bring her any benefit. It looks like she is seeking a connection elsewhere and trying a different strategy on whatever she was trying to achieve by contacting you. Sorry!

I love this query :)
>The Devil
Woo! This car indicates the physical world as well as physical pleasure that might be dangerous for us. It can also indicate being tied or bound to something. I would think this means yes: either you should enjoy your car repairs and take pleasure in it even if it's not responsible to do so, or the cards are suggesting your stuck with the damn car anyways so you might as well fix it. Be careful not to drink and drive or do anything dangerous.

>Three of Pents
Yes- if it's a risky text or a tricky situation you may benefit from talking it all over with a friend and asking for help when building a response. A problem shared is a problem halved and so on.

>Nine of Pentacles, The Hermit
It will be quite difficult, potentially quite isolating and lonely. You may find yourself alone and misunderstood. You may also find yourself with enough cash to enjoy the finer things in life. The image I'm getting here is a nice car and a nice house but you're so caught up in your own head you can't really enjoy it properly. Consider if the stress is worth the pay off. It may well could be :)
C, male, 28
B, female, 21

This one, please >>38327272
> late night regret spirals
Ha. Yeah definitely need to end those.

I probably should sober up too if I really want to buckle down and write. Sounds like a good plan.

Thanks for the reading Jean.
thank you
male 26 asking about female 45
What will happen between me (M) and C(F) this summer?
Close to 30
>small prayer for any positive intention you'd like
May God answer all our questions and prayings which are good to be answered and leave the rest.
We don't know better but he knows.

I can't see shit without my glasses and I can't use my glasses there.
Are there any girls who take an interest in me who will do something about it?
Not seeing faces good is very stressful.
Unfortunately not- I will pull a random card to demonstrate.
The flowers Hathor prefers is: Queen of Cups.
It's very unclear what flower this card or any card could represent. I could stretch and say some beachy watery variety, but then how is the King different from the Queen? It's unclear. Tarot is best suited to queries where the answer is a part of human behaviour, emotion, action or experience. Not so much specifics. I'd be happy to answer something else.

>Three of Swords
Um... break up with her? What an odd card. Your hesitance in your query combined with the card of heartbreak suggests to me that maybe cutting your losses or closing on a sour note is actually the best call here. I'd be interested to see if this resonates as this is quite a funny reading to me, lol.

>Seven of Wands, The Chariot
It will somehow set you up for competition. If you're currently not "in the running", then L will help you get your footing and start showing them what you got. L may also be troublesome or difficult to use, or somehow cause some strife or conflict. Perhaps envy from others? The Chariot suggests that buying L is a big decision and it will somehow change the course of events. But not a bad call it seems- I'd say the cards suggest you can take it or leave it. Decide if it's worth the trouble and what path it would take you on.
M 28
Does she (C) want to get to know me more and will things progress beyond?
The way you'd do it is you'd ask, what are Hathor's feelings about Roses then ask what are Hathor's feelings about Belladonna then compare the two cards.
Well I can't break up with her as we haven't done anything at this point. Maybe it's telling me to throw caution to the wind and go ahead and ride the rollercoaster, even though it leads to heartbreak?
Is she (Lu.) my next partner
Thankyou, much appreciated
E female
Asking about a male, N
I'm 29 he's 30
Query is
>The Lovers, Eight of Swords
Hm. She likes you it seems and thinks that you are a compatible match. But there is something stopping her mentally. She may be in a situation that limits her ability to act on her feelings, or she may feel confused. She'll need to unravel these bindings before anything happens I think.

No prayers are okay. Maybe just give yourself a a pat on the back instead or think about eating a nice breakfast :)
>The Emperor, Eight of Wands
Due to the genders and age difference, as well as the fact that KB is in your house, makes me think the Emperor here represents you. It is suggesting that you may need to "lay down the law" in a nice way and you will determine how long KB stays there. Second card says that once you communicate what you want then he will leave fairly quickly. Looks like he respects you. You don't have to be mean but you should exercise authority.

>High Priestess, Justice
Such beautiful, powerful cards here. They very much agree with your query. Very strong energy. And a beautiful dichotomy of two complimentary energies- perhaps you've been neglecting one or the other. This spread is asking for balance.
Yes, you are being asked to self-reflect deeply. You need time alone to do this and you should trust your intuition here. Take time to write or meditate or exercise or whatever helps you think. Feel your feelings without restraint. However, at the same time, Justice is calling you to ACT. This is a card of cause and effect- destroy the illusion of powerlessness. If you do harmful things, you harm. If you do helpful things, you help. Don't try and cheat or keep secrets from yourself. Lay your behaviour out in front of the High Priestess and make a Judgement! Good luck <3
22, Male

Outcome of buying T?
>Five of Pentacles, King of Cups
An odd pair of cards here. King of Cups tells me that she probably respects you a lot. She sees you as diplomatic, caring, calm and friendly. But the five of pents is a card of feeling deprived, suffering and illness. I wonder if this card is basically saying "she thinks you're cool, but she's going throughs some crap right now". It could also maybe suggest that she feels that you sometimes leave her out in the cold or fail to support her properly- this could be socially or professionally. I'd be interested to hear feedback for this one as it's unusual pairing.
Will I be recruited to work in espionage?
>Ace of Pents, Six of Swords
You might take a trip together or someone may need to travel. The vibes here are generally fine but not super extravagant. I wouldn't predict anything amazing or crazy happening. I suggests that this summer may "plant a seed" that will lead to material change, particularly in regards to money/career/property. The Six of Swords is a melancholic card so there may be some sadness or some sort of challenging recovery/healing process. I'm sorry this isn't more positive- enjoy your summer!

I love that prayer! Amen!
I'm a little confused by your query. What sort of thing might a girl do about you not wearing your glasses? Like play tricks?
>Page of Wands
It'll all go fine and you'll have rizz. You just need to make sure you're not standing around shy and awks and nervous without your glasses. Be enthusiastic and confident, maybe try a new approach or strategy in whatever you're doing that helps you. The girls will smell your fear- be confident as much as you can :)

>Knight of Cups
Looks like it! Try and bring out a sensitive, romantic side when the time is right. Throw caution to the wind and write her a poem or something. She might bring this energy and want you to match it. But prepare for a little bit of yearning. Think Romeo looking up at Juliet on the balcony- that's kinda the vibe of the Knight of Cups ;)
Well she did say she admires me, we are good friends, she does have a lot of anxiety but even with it she's a amazing person.
>leave her out in the cold
Probably in the social part, she says she wants to know more about me, but when I tell eventually some sad stuff comes in.
I do like to hear when she talks about her life and her family. So yeah, we are good friends
>But the five of pents is a card of feeling deprived, suffering and illness
I really don't know why, fren
I would love to have something more with her, but maybe we should stay just as friends.

Thanks for the reading, fren
Thanks. That's quite helpful. I do feel like I need to see all my inner things written out in front once to see me for what I am. Thanks
oof, anything sexual here at least?
Mm, yes, it could? But to me, pulling the three of wands is basically your spirit guides sending you a giant DO NOT ENTER flashing neon sign, hahahah. I'll pull a clarifier for you.
>King of Swords
Right now you are being asked to be ruthlessly honest and truthful. Use logic and careful analysis in your decision here. Make sure you know what you need to know before continuing, and make sure that you avoid all occasions of lying or deceit with her. Proceed with caution, but it's okay to pooh-pooh the cards and do what you want sometimes. I won't fault a brother!

>The Moon, Strength
Hm.... the Moon is a card of believing in illusions or feeling confused. It may be that there is more to you and Lu's relationship than meets the eye or there is something that you're delusionally believing or don't have enough info about that may cause issues. However, Strength suggests you can move forward slowly and carefully and kindly and things will be able to progress beneficially for you both. So yes, but beware of believing things that aren't true.
Outcome between me and C (m)?
>Seven of Pents, Two of Wands
Firstly, these are both quite "solitary" cards- in my deck (the standard RWS) both of these cards depict men standing by themselves far away from anyone else, deep in thought. They're not cards of affairs or secret lovers.
However, they both represent careful assessment and considering a change in path. It could be that N is carefully weighing up the relationship and wondering if it makes sense for him in future. It could also be that he has private ambitions but is unsure how to get them.
I will say- your query assumes he is hiding something from you. There are cards in the tarot that represent deceit, lies, cheats, secrets- we haven't receieved those here. The cards I did pull are traditionally associated with work and career. If I had these cards without context/a query I would assume they were talking about someone who is very busy with work. I do wonder if these cards are saying there is no secret.

Hm... I will say these cards aren't really giving romance. More like good, supportive and caring friends. It doesn't mean nothing will develop but maybe staying as friends is correct, at least for now. You are very welcome, my pleasure :)

Oh, a cougar!! Good for you! ;)
DESU not sexy cards. The Ace of Pents represents a beginning that has not really matured yet. If you haven't known eachother for very long it may suggest you need to let the relationship develop, perhaps by materially (pents) supporting her through a difficult time (six of swords). But it's just cards, anything can happen. Good luck nonetheless.
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Well, it's getting late here in Germany. If you're in Europe, it's time to make yourself a chamomile tea, power off your computer and get into bed. At least that's what I'll be doing shortly.

Thank you so much to all querents for letting me read for you. This was a lot of fun so I will try and come back again soon.

If your query came too late, sorry- let me know I missed it and I'll "bump" you to the top of the queue next time you see me :)
Will F (female, 28) read my (J, male, 27) book when it comes out? If so, how will it affect her?
Thank you Jean, so it sounds like he's working on himself currently. We did have some secret thing going on in the past but looks like he's sorting through things.
This was a very good read and very thoroughly explained in detail
Trading occult
Thank you :D
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Picking runes!

Also trading. I'm having an art block pls advice <3
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I'll be doing one-card readings. Ask a question with gender and age of anyone involved, something specific and simple enough for one card.
Will I be recruited for espionage? Thanks
Should I buy shares in an auto manufacturer?
Male 22
B's feelings about having an L?
Will I get a asian gf?

>I'm having an art block pls advice <3
Music, fren, music
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Ayy whats good ya'll
What flowers would Hathor like more, Belladonna or Roses?
What fortune awaits me in the future in romance arena?
II of Pentacles Rx
Wheel of Fortune IV of Pentacles
Looks like you struggle to multitask. You're sticking to a day job because you want to make sure you can pay the bills. But this doesn't give you the time you need to be creative. It's also making your mind stagnant. You need to take a leap, spin the Wheel.
If you don't mind, as if F will read my book when it comes out and, if so, how it will affect her.
Male 30
Should I work on that car within the next 60 days?
24, F

Outcome of filing an insurance claim for the animal damage?
The Moon.
I have no idea what "having an L" means, and it seems B is as confused as I am. B's feelings fluctuate with the tides, but the overall affect is one of being lost and disoriented.
What will be different in my life by the end of the year? I feel stagnant and in a worse spot socially and financially

Going for a walk if pretty good for any kind of blockage imo

Male and 26!
Will this thing between me and M end up getting anywhere ?
thanks for the reading. Figures. Was hoping for a future prediction but honestly this feels like a present reading. B doesn't know about the L just yet.
How will my date with S. go on Wednesday? (I'm 30m S. is 27f)
Hi! Can you do this one pls

Art block: just walk away then come back
Why do i hate a huge part of me?
>I'm having an art block pls advice <3
A big green stink bug just entered through my window and land inside of my energy saving lamb after few turns.
I watched it all. And a "lamb" spot occured on my eyes.
Is there a way to draw eye inperfections like that lamb suliet burnt in my eyes for a few seconds?
If you don't draw,
Somethings, someones are those bugs, and we can't help them, even if you keep them safe this time, they will find another light source very likely.

Pick rune for my love life. I am a male.
How is my love life looking? I'm female
Totally forgot Im m and 26
The Star Rx
Stop wishing for it to get better and fix it.
Queen of Cups Rx
Looks like you get really emotionally invested and inevitably frustrated.
Page of Swords Rx
Looks like rash thinking leading to failure
VII of Pentacles
Looks like disappointment. You put in the work, but it's just not what you had hoped.
23, Male asking about Female

Her feelings about me doing that?
>I'm having an art block pls advice
I scried two scenes. One appeared to be in a park, green grass and birds flying around. The other seemed to be a beach. I'm not sure if you live close to the ocean, but it might be worthwhile to visit these kinds of locations. I'm not saying that the answer is as simple as touching grass, but some time outside and in nature is likely to help with the block.
thx, just keep getting into road blocks. It's pretty straightforward work.
Damn it! Well, I'll still make the most out of this date. Thank you for your reading!
Moon Rx
She's too proud to admit how upset she is, even to herself, so she's putting on a brave face.
thank you. It was more of a future prediction rather than something I've done. I'm assuming I shouldn't do it then lest I upset her.
Sowelu, Ansur, Pertho
Huh, I was gonna say no way but these are like dealing with hidden information so maybe not espionage BUT yeah something hiding in plain sight. Dealing with important sensitive stuff, absolutely.

Ingwar, Mannar, Thurs
Skip on the buying for now and go touch grass, connect with peers and have fun. The inspiration for buying comes after taking a break. Summary: not right now.

What a fun song! TY! I only want to lay down and listen to tunes so it's not helping that much, sadly.
>asian gf
Laukr and Ansur says more likely from your own ethnicity / language group and also pulled the star rx as I wasn't sure. So no asian but Laukr runs deep into feelings so I see this as a positive.

I'd say meditate and ask her! but I got:
Belladonna: Sowelu, Jara, Pertho
Roses: Ehwar, Urur, Tyr

Def Belladonna!

Wunjo, Ansur, Thurs
Big conquest granted IF you can conquer yourself - problems expressing your wants and needs maybe? Address those and you get who and what you want <3

Oh boy the day job does make me feel stupid. TY.
>F reading
Odal, Tyr, Gibu
Oh she will, and it will be a huge inspiration. It's gonna leave an impression for life. If she wronged you she's gonna take it to heart, and if she was good to you it will make her so proud. Tyr here is kinda, she gets back what she gave but exponentially so. In any case it's gonna be such a huge part of her character development she'll thank you forever for it.

I wish it would help but I only get exhausted lately. Thank you tho!!!

>end of year
Kauna, Thurs, Isa
Isa is like, embrace the stillness for a while and let it happen. This combo is kinda to take a break, bask in the pain, and let yourself grow in it. Think of it as breaking an eggshell, but the chick needs to develop first.
By the end of the year you're breaking the shell and entering a new cycle with clarity and direction, everything will flow then. Ice broken by fire.
I was just joking and wanted to give you a song
Thanks for the reading
Wow, thanks! Another reader had channeled Belladonna so that's interesting to see confirmation of that.
Will I still be in my current relationship in five years?
Male, 27 involving myself and my future.
Will I achieve what I've wanted in life career wise or have to settle for what I have now?
Isolate yourself in darkness and seek within for inspiration
Should I use music to my advantage in my creations or focus more on my speech instead?
Is there anything coming to my love life?
What bit of wisdom or knowledge is most applicable to what I need to know/hear right now?
30's E, how did my audience find the dialogue I had today?
30, M
Will I need that vehicle for my project?
Will I have sex this summer? I'm male
I have the tisms so I have a hard time with jokes landing, but thank you!!! It was really nice

Ehwar, Mannar, Sowelu
You are gonna have to approach him in a way understated manner for him to open up and get a better connection. If you manage to win his affection as a friend, you're golden, because then real romantic feelings can brew.

>walk away
I've taken a couple weeks off, I'll give myself more time, thank you.

Kauna, Naudir, Bjarkan
Ah, you are looking at the worst of you and poking at it and of course, it's only hurting you more. Pick that ugly baby and give it love, you never know how will it grow in a better environment.
A weakness is a mere opportunity for growth. Don't poke at it, feed it and take care of it.

Interesting - I've been indeed dealing with spiritual "bugs" for a while.
I paint and can think of ways to do those burned shapes, absolutely. Thank you.

>runes for love
Laukr, Fehu, Wunjo
Whatever you're doing, keep at it. There's an ocean of love for you to swim in, and it's such a nice time. Like you are going on holiday to a big open water body. Or if you've been struggling, success is finally yours.
In any case, bathe in the refreshing waters of love, very soon.

Bjarkan, Odal, Ansur
A new connection comes, one that feels like home. If you're in a relationship, these would be like entering a more mature, stable phase, or possibly having a child.

I have a connection that is green and we met on the beach, I'm taking this as seeing him haha. And will also go touch some grass, thank you so much!
Thank you this fills me with much hope <3
Can you tell me what I should know rn?
also not a reading but advice from a fellow artist: take a break and immerse yourself in media that inspired you to draw in the first place. refind your innocent inspiration before capitalism took over
M 26
Best thing in August for me?
Any possibility of me getting into agency H in the future?
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>I paint and can think of ways to do those burned shapes, absolutely. Thank you.
The lamb was like this :D I am not a lamb spot guru who is a freak likes to do but something like this probably better than traditional one :D

>In any case, bathe in the refreshing waters of love, very soon.
Thank you! I hope you get same :D
Trading occult
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Gonna take a cig break and come back for some more!
Oh no I should’ve been more specific. We are dating now but idk if it will be long term
How will fans of O react to my own original works once I start releasing more substantial things? I get compared to them a lot, but I've seen the fans of O run other creators off the web for being too similar.
Is AR coming back to me?
What would working at U be like for me?
Will a gf move in with me this year?
VI of Cups Rx
You will achieve, but only by letting go of dead dreams.
Taking a break will get others later
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Here's your gf anon
Naw it still applies. If you can develop a true friendship connection this is sunny, nice and long term for sure. I didn't get a lot of deep feelings yet so if you want that, that's the way to go!



Pertho, Kauna, Jara
That Jara makes me feel like not, but while it lasts, there's deep love and you'll be in a better position for even more fulfilling love. Enjoy it until it's time for new, it's a good one.

Ahh I will. TY.
Music: Mannar and Thurs
Speech: Laukr, Naudir and Algir

For your creations, music will bring breakthroughs and deeper connections. So I'd go for that. For personal development tho, you do have to work on speech. So both in a way, but for better artistic endeavors definitely music, the other is for your own good.

Sowelu, Isa, Naudir
Not at the moment, no, you have to give that love to yourself for a while. Warmth from within will manifest on the outside, but later on.

Raido, Fehu, Tyr
You've put yourself in your current situation but what you will reap from it could give you an abundance you haven't imagined if you can channel it into growth. Stew in negativity and you get more struggle, but face it with courage and get a treasure. Where will you go?

Odal and Bjarkan
If you can wait until a better one pops up, get that. If not, be prepared to do work on it as it comes with difficulties.

Jara, Tyr, Fehu
No, but later on you will get lots if you can handle the celibacy and come out a better person. Patience is a virtue here.

Thank you! I feel such a disconnect from everything nice rn.
Odal, Ansur, Hagal
Probably bad news from home. Go give love to those who live in your heart. OR, get a medical checkup just to be sure everything's good.

Iwar, Sowelu, Naudir
You need more preparation but immerse yourself into the field, get more skills, and you're good to go
Thank you
Ohhhh. Thank you :^)
also asking how my love life is looking, I'm male
>I have a connection that is green and we met on the beach, I'm taking this as seeing him
That may or may not be the case, and I suppose it doesn't hurt to do. But what I interpreted was that spending some time in these places and observing your surroundings is what would help. Best of luck to you either way.
I asked about how M sees me in the last thread and you said "Hagal, Ingwar, Wunjo
Admires your resilience and drive. Sees you like a strong warrior type and likes it"
I was just wondering if you could clarify if there is anything romantic here or just Platonic admiration, thanks
it definitely needs work. thx (someone put gasoline in it when it runs on diesel so the tank needs to be drained)
How are you rune anon? It has been hard for me to approach this new acting group. Could you tell me what do they feel about me? Specially the S the one that I fancy hah.
For your art block: go outside, look at people, children, animals. Re watch a movie that you love, read a new book. Inspiration is everywhere just open your eyes.
High Priestess
You came off as slightly mysterious, but in a good way. Alluring, intuitive. If somewhat arcane, you drew them in and made them want to learn more of the mystery.
VII of Pentacles Rx
Looks like you have a lot of frustration to look forward to. You've been working hard, but it isn't going to pay off (yet).
Hey Santa Rosa... Could you tell me what should do I to perfect my acting craft? I am doing it already?
Thank you :)
M 32 !
When will I need to move? Or will I need to?
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Kauna, Urur, Mannar
Yeah a lot of trolling is possible but your work seems substantial enough on its own that you get a nice fanbase of your own. Just don't fall for the negativity.

Laukr, Kauna
I think not, embrace the change and go for something deeper and better.

Tyr, Pertho, Ingwar
Really nice and fulfilling but there's a lot of competition there. It would keep you moving for sure, in a good way. Kinda exhausting but feels good. Also good for your career!

Thurs, Gibu, Raido
HUH you could get her pregnant. Yeah



Ansur, Ingwar, Dagr
Not much other than self love atm. But expect a new, nice connection soon. In the meantime, do what you love the most.

I don't have a lot of opportunities to go bask in nature atm so that's what I could do, so I'll try that. I'll try to go out too but that's harder. Thank you!

Urur, Algir, Hagal again
I don't see it as romantic but that's not your fault, it comes from them. This one I see as maybe they'd like to be protected by you as they've had a reall bad time.
Pulled tarot for clarification:
King of cups rx, 7 of cups, 3 of swords rx
The IDEA of going out with you seems nice but they're not in a good spot rn. So you could test the waters and make a move. Just don't expect a lot, they're currently a mess.

Hiiii I have to go but look for the magpies or my new fancy trip Elster.
I got you tarot as I'm heading out:
Magician, Moon, 4 of swords
You are definitely seen as a huge introvert rn and while a little mystery is nice, try to be more open becuase you look like you're hiding something and it's kinda off putting, in the way that they feel you see them as beneath you.
S tho: hermit, 6 of swords, ace of swords
Definitely feels like approaching you would be a waste of time because you aren't receptive.
2 of pents, 9 of swords, get out of your head, bring cookies.

Gotta go!!! Good luck friends
Trading! I will read anything
Trading occult
Last one...
Sorry to hear, I'm just shy but I'll try.
Thank you very much for helping out. I wish you luck with your block!
IV of Pentacles
Looks like you need to master the basics. No one likes playing music scales, but you need to have that down pat before you can play Chopin fluently. Make sure that you aren't to grandiose yet, not running before you can walk. Take time every day to work on fine technique, detail. This will also give you confidence, which you will need to assert yourself and succeed in this competitive industry.
Past reads have said I will attract the type of spirit I'm hoping to attract without having to do any ritual. Is one of those spirits already watching me, and waiting for me to get into the right place before revealing itself, or is there no spirit watching right now, and my actions end up attracting one naturally?
Checks out, thanks. A lot of things are telling me to hold off, but also that there's something real there ultimately as well. I think I will keep playing it cool for now.
Thank you anon, I took classes and rehearse almost every day. I don't know what else I can do but I'll try to think of something. I wish you the best!
Outcome and consequences of using blood over intent to manifest the life I want?
Well, what I said doesn't mean you aren't already doing that. I say to make sure you stick to that routine.
Trading 7 day work gen
I hope you can give me light, Is joh in love with me?
Will do. Thank you!
3 of Swords, Hanged Man, King of Wands
Spirits are actively avoiding you, I think you've pressed that button over and over again and now you need to let it cool off for a while before trying it again, king of wands in the future tells me you'll succeed but you're still stuck in the hanged man for now, leave the spirits be for now
Trading lewd
King of Cups Rx, Six of Swords Rx, Nine of Swords, Five of Pentacles Rx The Hermit Rx. Five of Cups Rx, The Magician

Well, with the magician, it is certainly possible for you to manifest the life you want with this method. With the other cards however, you aren't anywhere near ready to actually try this yet. Doing this now would push you further away from the life you want. You need to do more practice and research into this before you try it on the scale you want. Once you've become absolutely certain that you aren't missing any information about the details about this method, the potential consequences and how to avoid them, then you can start. It would be best to start small though. Use this to manifest something minor first, so you can prepare yourself for using this to affect your life as a whole. The cards seem to say you aren't yet skilled enough to affect your whole life in the way you want yet, but the potential is within you.
Has M had any sex dreams about me?
Your q?
Will I fuck IZ?
Male asking about female
What do I need to be warned about if anything? Male 32.
Do I (m) need to talk with A(f23) once more? Thanks
V of Pentacles
IV of Swords
Queen of Pentacles
Looks like no cause she's genuinely not that type of girl. She's learned the hard way to hold onto her heart (and body) and only give it away to people who earn it.
Thanks. Trade again?
>7 of swords
>8 of swords
>2 of swords
Well this looks like a bit fat no. Their mind is preoccupied with other matters and if they say otherwise they aren't being honest. No sex dreams
Oh I get you, I'm shy too. But well, it's an acting group, get into an extroverted character, Fake it till you make it has worked wonders for me. I hope it gets better!
Queen of Wands Rx
Is there a creative passionate woman in your life whom you haven't been treating with the proper respect?
IV of Wands
It is complete.
U sure anon?
We're sexting. Just wondering if she puts out
Does he not love me anymore, is he cheating on me again?
Well maybe that's how you earn it
After gaining a following on social media I've learned what true burnout is, and the way I always get myself excited about creating again is returning to just being a consumer myself. Best of luck to you!

As for feedback, my family is in the path of Hurricane Beryl. I'm hoping it's fine, but my family is poor and doesn't live in the best of conditions, I'll be calling them ASAP.
Trading occult
Yeah! keep it cool, see how it develops. Hope it goes well.

I've only been doing comissions and it's now a chore, absolutely. I'm gonna finish this batch and then take a little break. Thank you!
I hope your family is well. Best of luck!!!
some reads have told me that a gf will move in with me this year. Can you tell me more about her and how living with her will be like or if this even happens? I can provide a scry or tarot since I'm asking multiple questions here.
Hi Anon, hope you can give me some clarity.
I male 35, feel really in love with female 26, does she feels something towards me, or is just my imagination?
How easy would it for me to get a desired outcome with option H?
Starting yours.
not occult right?
No. It's just a path towards a potential relationship. No one specific either.
Ten of Coins - Two of Cups - Four of Swords R
Looks like this is a pretty good option but you need to make sure your finances are in order and you really need to take initiative here to get what you want.
Page of Wands, Two of Cups Rx, King of Pentacles Rx, Nine of Wands, King of Swords Rx, Nine of Swords, Five of Wands Rx, Knight of Cups

She seems like a decent enough person on her own, but when it comes to people, she just doesn't seem to have a good idea on how to handle them. It doesn't look likely that she will move in with you this year, probably because of those people problems. It seems to be possible though, but you should still be weary of her. Her current state will leave you on edge, and she might end up trying to manipulate, or take advantage of you in some way. There is potential for something good though, but it will take a lot of effort, and a non-confrontational approach with her (essentially not making her think that she's being challenged, or talked down to in any way.).
trade again? someone I know or someone new
Can u tell me anything about whats next in my love life? F single
I can trade again. Would you be willing to do an occult read though? No spirits or entities are involved. I do have a non occult one if you don't want to do an occult one though.
Yes I'll do a non occult one. Occult queries mess up my energy for some reason. What's your query?
Same query but I'm M single. Starting!!
If I were to go with option H, how will I recognize who would be the best fit in a relationship? It's a bit of an unorthodox approach for me to say the least.
Starting yours.
The High Priestess, Death Rx, Page of Cups Rx, Five of Swords Rx, Four of Wands

With The High Priestess, and reversed Death, it probably is someone you know, and have known for a while. Maybe even longer than you would like, or in a way that isn't particularly healthy. She's likely someone you're consciously aware of, and have on a list of potential candidates for who this could be. I pulled the reversed page of cups for additional descriptions for her, and again, it seems like her emotional approach to people/things isn't where it needs to be. With the last two cards, it seems that any issues between the two of you will eventually end up being put to the side for the sake of a good relationship, but like my last read said, it might take some effort.
Trading occult
9 of wands rx, judgement rx, empress rx, queen of cupsrx, devil, wheel of fortune rx at the back of my deck
Could be that because you’re a little headstrong about your taste or ways when it comes to love this could possibly be bringing you someone that is here to teach you a lesson that youre not able to see atm. This next person coming to your life will be rather insecure, possibly dominant dynamic either you or her and this woman could be emotionally unstable and this could lead to an addictive relationship for passionate purposes or codependency, let me know if it made sense, thank you
Can I ask one more query
I scried for this one. You will know instinctively who it is, almost like a gut feeling of sorts. This will be someone who is very much your type and option H might take a while to really get to this point. A ship sails slowly through the water with land in the distance. You will get there but it will take perseverance.
Sure. What's your Q?
Is this CF, AC, AR, or someone else? What's yours?
Ten of Swords/Hermit/Five of Cups/Empress R
I don't see anything at the moment. You might even give up on love and isolate yourself in order to focus on what you really want. However this may be a time of sadness for you as your own emotional state and self esteem may take a hit due to your difficulties in romance.
Sounds accurate, thanks
If I started option H within 30 days or so, would I be able to find that person this year?
Starting yours.
>Page of Pentacles Rx
>The Emperor
>The Empress
Someone ese
>Five of Cups Rx
Additional Cards
Five of Wands Rx, Eight of Cups, The Chariot Rx, Three of Wands

Interesting spread here. CF seems to be out of the question. AC and AR are likely candidates. It could also be someone else, but that doesn't seem to be as strong of a possibility as either AC of AR. With multiple outcomes likely, I pulled for some clarification, and it seems that for this matter, there isn't a preset outcome/person, and you have the ability to chose who you pursue. Though, with the reversed chariot, this implies more problems again. Likely in the sense that choosing between them, or other options that come up in the future might be a mess with some possible drama attached to this.
Six of Wands
Ace of Swords
Ten of Cups
Yes you will, although this is something that might start out as a sexual relationship. If you take the initiative and really communicate there's a very good chance that this will become something more.
Thanks. Trade again? I have two last Qs about this.
drama? how so? And I don't think AC is into me, she said last time we were just friends and I agreed. And I haven't spoken to AR in months... maybe someone else?
Trading occult
Yes I just want some clarification on >>38328995 and maybe how we'd get closer? What are your queries? I'll do them both together.
First is, should I try to start work on path H now/this week to meet that person, or can I take my time preparing for it? (The idea being that I might meet her sooner, or even this month if I start now)

Second is, when I meet his person, would I be able to have the relationship type M?

I'll draw for how you could end up with either of them, and what that drama/problems would likely be. I'll also see how likely someone else is.
Starting now.
First one
Eight of Wands
Magician R
Seven of Swords
King of Swords
You need to start asap because if you don't you're just swindling yourself of your own potential. You won't be able to build enough momentum to get what you want. You have the power to get what you want via this plan but you must be more proactive.
Doing your second one rn.
>King of Pentacles Rx, Judgment, Seven of Pentacles Rx, Ten of Wands

So for AC, it does seem that she isn't into you at the moment. However, that could change. It seems like something might happen to one or both of you related to some long term goal falling through, and needing to stick together through it. This would likely be the catalyst for any feelings between the two of you developing. Though, it does seem like it won't be an easy start.

>King of Swords, Page of Pentacles Rx, The Emperor, King of Cups

AR seems to already think fondly of you, though maybe in a more thought out way, rather than romantic. The two of you could grow closer together in the future, but this one is more likely to be on her terms, rather than yours. There seems to be a bit less drama with AR, maybe even none depending on how things play out. If you do get in a relationship with AR, it will likely be her reaching out to you.

Someone else
>Six of Swords Rx, Strength, Two of Cups RX
It doesn't look like there's a big chance for someone else. The possibility is there, but the potential isn't that great.

Drama/additional cards
>Eight of Swords, The Star Rx, The Hanged Man, Six of Pentacles Rx, The Lovers

So, for the drama, it looks like something might happen soon. Something possibly related to something you have high hopes for falling through/failing due to a lack of precautions, and assuming everything is fine. This seems to be big enough to get everyone in the right places for a potential relationship to form. Again, it seems that you will have the ability to focus on who you want during this situation, and decide for yourself who, of anyone you end up with, but it might take you a while to see everything clearly once this process starts.
Type M
Ace of Cups
Five of Wands R
It's a yes! But be wary and try to make sure that this really what you want, you may have some unrealistic expectations or illusions.
thank you, wonder what that long term goal failure might be? career, finance, romantic? let me know, thanks. And let me know if you want a freebie to make up for you attention to detail.
N, 23M. M, 51F.
Will we be able to sell our current old house at a price that allows to buy a good enough house to live comfortably?
Nobody wants to give us a fair price, and at the current price we can't buy anything but a deteriorated unlivable slum.
Even if we tried to fix up our house, it's unlikely people will give that much high of a price.
Even if we tried to save up, we're low-income so it'll take an eternity to gather enough money. By that time, prices will be even higher.
We're poor and this country's economy is in the gutter, so we don't have credit and can't take loans.
I considered setting up donations, but I don't know how. There doesn't seem to be fundraising websites operating in this country (Venezuela), and even if there is, it seems unlikely that they'll donate to us instead of some kid with cancer or an old grandpa with heart disease.
What do you think, oh diviner?
Will I see b again any time soon?
Sure. Tell me anything I need to know/am missing about my current situation. This isn't necessarily about path H, just my life in general, but you can include details I might be missing about it if you feel it's necessary.

I'll draw just a few more cards to see what it the drama could be related to.
staring, I'll scry for this one.
4 of wands, 2 of cups, hermit
There will come a point where you ccan get a fair price and also get a nice place, but it's gonna take some time. Please be patient and don't give up, it will come.
Aq or trade

Does my wife's cat think I'm a good hunter?

This is a serious Q.

Should I keep applying for jobs or should I see where this opportunity takes me first?
Moon, 4 of swords rx, page of pents
Ahahaha. No, you need to practice more, and be stealthier. But not bad either
Thanks, friend<3
Sometimes for art block I get into a mindset of just showing up and not expecting anything. Just being open to whatever comes out really. Sometimes it'll be shit hence art block, but really just keep showing up. Sometimes just taking a few days off completely helps.
>Eight of Wands
>The Magician
>King of Cups

I pulled more cards to see if it's something that would effect all if these in some way and got:
>Judgement Rx, Ten of Swords Rx
So it does look like something will happen that will impact most, if not all of your life in some way. It won't be a complete devastation, since the ten of swords is reversed, but it will still be very rough.

I pulled more cards.

>Seven of Wands Rx, Nine of Cups Rx, The Devil, The Empress Rx, Knight of Wands Rx, Ace of Cups

It looks like something will happen that will heavily impact you. Something that might make you want to just give up all together, and possibly make your situation worse. You'll be in danger of picking up some bad coping mechanisms that could keep you in this hole, so look out for that. I think the best thing you can do for yourself in this situation when this happens is to just keep going. Don't take time to let yourself sink, but move forward without regard into something new, so you don't let yourself get stuck in that low point.
But I can shadow her and I bring meat treats every other day.

And she's never brought me or the wife treats, nuffing cats double standards. Thanks for the reading.
Trading occult
Sorry not doing runes today anymore, but got: High priestess, Queen of swords, 6 of pentacles
If you can, do both. If not, try the opportunity.
Thank you!
damn this was for you

She might be play hunting, teaching you lmao. A good student :3
Serious AQ
So I grew up a little bit poor, so I sleep in the same bed with my parents. And they would have sex during night ever since I was little. Even when I’m wake and jumping around. This would eventually stopped as they gotten older. They’re nice and supportive parents but then I think about them doing that. And it’s just awkward lol. How can I move past this?
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Got any qs?
No occult.
Feedback appreciated
Will v call me back today? Or sometime this week?
Will I find love?
I'm worried I won't have the opportunity to raise children.
Will I have babies with d?
Was it the right move blocking my ex from years ago?
will he want children with me?
Will I hear back from b anytime soon?
FUCK I just got out a low point things are just working out for me right now
I sense a deep sense of darkness and fear within you. What are you scared of? Dying alone? You will find love in due time but first you may have to go through the dark night of the soul. I feel a very warm feeling emanating from you as will. Comforting. Someone hugging me. It's beautiful.
Outcome of buying TQQQ?
What will happen between me and AC this year? I can give feedback on her current feelings.
New job this summer?
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Yes but they are gonna fight you or it’s gonna be a messy conversation
Yes you will if you are a guy with a loving caring woman if you are a girl with a kind and sensitive guy
How does my audience find the music I am playing?
Will give feedback if i can
Did G post in this thread?
When handling out resumes to this demographic, is my husband better off clean-shaven or should he keep the beard?
What will put an end to the sense of defeat I feel?
Should I purchase both these bracelets or just one?
Is that near solvang?
V is a job hopefully i still get hired...
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Six of swords
Knight of Wands
Seven of cups
Maybe? It’s all up in the air
Eight of cups reversed
They are still stuck on something >>38329418
If pelosi bought it so should you
Is j going to give me a ring?
>411 ty!!
Trading choice

Which would be the best pick for me? LC, M or MN? I can only have 1.

I can read occult.
Haha I'm ambivalent myself. Thank you
Mine would be, did I AP to my bf last night or was that something else?
Let me know so I can start
who's my type?
I have an occult Q. Would that spell bring me what I want without any unforeseen consequences/results?
Starting when you confirm.
music shufflemancy, reply and I'll give you a song that matches your personality. tell me if you relate pls!
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Got to go sorry for those I’ve missed
yes pls
Lol I’ll test it
Trading this one no occult

Starting as well if you don't mind.

I don't mind two readers reading the same Q but in case any of you don' want to I can ask something else.
Me pls
nancy doesn't know everything. I'd trust a tarot card reader over her.
>Knight of Wands

Definitely describes the energy I was in
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Hit me
>7 of Pents
>10 of Cups, Fool, Wheel Rx
This is a straight yes but it's warning you to be more careful in future sessions.

>6 of Cups
>10 of Pents Rx, Knight of Swords, Star Rx
>Lovers Rx clarifier
Is this exclusively for sex, do you yearn for love or are you undecided?

In the broader picture you'll get what you request with no issue but will it really bring you what you need? Will this give your heart a stronger beat or would this cause you sadness when it's over? Because that's how sex relationships go when there's no love, they all eventually end.

Think this a little more but don't fear any backlash as long as you don't try anything retarded.
LC: 7 of cups, world, temperance
M: 5 of wands, emperor, chariot, all rx
MN: Sun, 6 of wands rx, hanged man

definitely not M. Best outcome is MN but has a high price and won't see results for a while. LC seems too good to be true, and it is.

Clarified for MN and got Ace of pentacles, knight of cups, and 10 of pentacles. Definitely the best choice overall.
Yeah it was an unintentional one, thank you!
Are d and I related distantly?
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Til October







I'm >>38329476

>Thee of Wands Rx, Thee of Swords Rx
<Ace of Swords Rx, The Hierophant
>Wheel of Fortune, Six of Pentacles Rx
Additional Cards
>Knight of Swords Rx, Six of Swords Rx, The Lovers

LC seems to be the worst out of the three, and something you might not be able to make full use of for a while. M Might give you troubles at first, but once you get through that, M would likely be a good long-term pick, and seems to be the most lasting out of the three. MN might seem like a good pick at first, and it will do what you need for a time, but it won't be as lasting as M would be. There doesn't seem to be any clear option that gives everything all at once, and in a lasting way, so choose based on what you would need one of them for, and how long you would expect to make use of it.

Yea, I'm a little undecided. I could use it for either, but I'm still figuring out which I would use it for. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything bad attached to it.

Trade again?
Devil, Lovers, Page of cups
Yeah but doesn't really matter
What's that dessert you're eating in picrel? It looks yummy
me pls!
What do I need to do with A? Thanks.
feels like you're describing a situation I'm in rather than my personality.


Man pretty accurate. I embraced those fellas.
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1st. Yes very good
Sort of relatable. Too vague to tell
Will we have good children?
Ty I found out we both possibly have romani ancestry
Is this a read?
isn't six of swords a yes?

I see, it's just a really hard choice.

And yeah we can trade, I know this may sound lame but what's the outcome of doing a 10-in-a-row pull on my game? Will I get what I want or should I save for the next event?

Your Q?
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Is your reading saying that october the market is going to take a dip?
Pavlova the fancy version
Not from my interpretation of your question
wasn't my query, I'm just a curious party.
I can do that.

Mine is, what do I need to know about the possibility of switching from path C to path G?

I want path C to work out, and I'm trying it right now, but everything seems stacked against me for it. I've gotten pretty good reads about it, but at the same time, I've tried it before, and failed. Though I will admit I probably wasn't ready at the time. Path G gives me much more control over the situation, and more breathing room for mistakes, but might not be as lasting as the best possible outcome of path C.

I also want to know if I could try path G, and then switch back to C if it doesn't work out, but if you decide that should count as a separate read, I'll read another for you.

Starting yours.
If youd like to seat drive reads take the wheel and read for them
This is a little contrived but I'll give it a shot.

I'm incapable of doing reads. I would if I could. The only time I ever had a chance was when I was sad or mad but they were all inverted readings.
The Moon, The World, Four of Pentacles Rx, Strength, Nine of Wands, The Sun

With these cards, you will likely get what you want, with The World for now, and The Sun supporting that. Though, with Strength and Nine of Wands, you might need to do/give a bit more than you're expecting/hoping for to get it.
>5 of Cups, Hanged Man, 4 of Pents
10 of Wands Rx, Knight of Wands, Wheel
Switching back and forth
6 of Swords Rx, King of Pents Rx, Temperance

G is by far a better option in the short and long term.

Switching in C's direction will bring you heartache while switching toward G will be challenging but worth the effort.

I would say it'a unadvisable to switch on the road but life isn't perfect and we gotta adapt and survive sometimes.
I understand. I may need a 20 pull but I can't right now. I only have resources for the 10.

Thanks for the reading.
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My cousin is dealing with boyfriend problems and is coming to me for help and advice. I have no idea how to help her with her problem and want to refer her to 2 friends of mine who do tarot reading for better input/guidance.

Who should I refer her to? My extremely gay and feminine male tarot reader or my girl tarot reader? (they're both great readers, I just cant decide who would be better for her)
I didnt get any song :(
just do both
How will she respond if I reach out to hang out with her 2 or 3 days from now?

Your q?
What do I need to know right now?
Why not both? Even when readings contradict each other you get a bigger picture of the issue.
Trading time query when


isnt it bad to ask the same question again in tarot readings? like youre trying to change the reading to hear what you want to hear?
>8 of pentacles, king of pentacles, ace of swords

As long as you keep working and your nose to the grindstone you will achieve what you need and want in life and be able to provide for yourself and others. I know things seem confusing and weird at the moment but once you complete this journey you will understand it all and be comfortable and happy with what you achieved and where you are. You'll see through and understand all the confusion you feel now.

Don't give up and keep trying on whatever your working on. It'll work out.
Judgement, The Sun Rx, Ten of Pentacles Rx, Ten of Cups rx, Eight of Pentacles Rx, Eight of Cups rx

She might be flattered at first, but after thinking about it, she will likely refuse your offer. It doesn't look like there's any way to get a good outcome right now.
I'll take a step back then. Nothing I can say or do?
It doesn't look like it from the read.
Would you like to trade again?
New Thread:
Yea I'm willing wanna hop to the new thread?
Sure. Mine is, is your read telling me to go with option 1, or 2? They are pretty exclusive right now.

You can reply in the new thread.
Fuck... I've been wasting all my queries for the past year because I was asking too far out into the future. Like back in December I'd ask about buying a stock for like a year out rather than holding it for a few months.
Cool and thank you
Not really. If you're asking so you can get a better picture then it's fine. It would be like asking two of your friends for advice.

If there is an issue, it would be going to one friend for advice, not liking it, and then going to the other because they always agree with you.
Well... If you're afraid that the market is going to crash in October. Just take a deep breath..... And then swap out TQQQ for SQQQ.

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