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4chan 4evar edition
The Nobody has the Logos, He has found the way to the Keys of Heaven.

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. If it is your first time here relax; This is a place of rest, what will you have? If you're a regular; Your drink is ready. Pay your tab, return the slab.
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i declare the opening of spooky season. Halloween!
Damn and to think I thought she would was intelligent enough to figure it out on her own, just asked one of her simps lol

I gotta get to talk to her man, she probably doesn't care that the world is how it is. Crazy bitch.
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>"is that really you?"
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tactical advantage disengaged
withdrawal retreat front
>and then nothing happened

target acquired. heavy long range artillery salvos .....the only viable option now is
chemical loadout . cover up that skin ... is gonna be a .. itch and a burn.. and ;_;
so mean.
>they said defend and have faith
>i aint getting in the fucking BOX
jesus christ im fuckin under that SPELL
you bastards got me wrapped

kekeke anyway
candy and nerve gas
>goes full retard
lmao bro
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>Burn down the whole forest for one guy.
Hopefully you find your Nobody today.
Hello /ng/ Today i would like to reveal the book of jessie pinkman or rusted man when i've seen him for the first time. Yes he has a book of figs really old,maybe before gnostics. his book cover is an entity: For me, the true shape of demiurge,abraxas,yaldabaoth or wathever: A lion's head,a man chest and two snake legs who draws an anchor.
one of you guys somehow predicted the trump shooting on the 13th and posted an image saying "Thomas was alone".
the fuck is going on here.
Every cycle creates diminishing returns.
C been saying stuff that's been happening since early 2017.
>Predicted the pandemic..
>Also predicted one of the next presidents pass away in office as well (either thru attempt or sickness).
Two of the bigger ones.
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I am finishing some work currently. I can answer a few questions.

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im too asleepy to boop that nose. maybe youcan try booping mine :3
I hate the finders and these dumb ass rabbitholes
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doot doot
>Forgot the eclipse stuff w/ the birds in Texas
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Hey !NBWX0JLdyU, why don't you post here and prove you're alive?

The $8,500,000,000 question is quite simple: 'What is Trump's secret peace plan, which he can guarantee will intimidate the Russians into an immediate conditional surrender (in under 24 hours ofc), and why would people who have literally everything to lose be willing to cross a very big red line to stop it?'
>MAD is THE core doctrine of global security. Everyone's life is forfeit when weighed against that imperative. For if that imperative fails, and it will in a particular environment, everyone's life is forfeit anyway. The mad dog strategy doesn't work on specific people who have certain types of oaths. Under no circumstances will this imperative be abridged.
$0.02 someone shitposted on reddit or something somewhere.
if this is legit
and the implications are real

then i called it
over and over and over and over
the feds then are ultra trash
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there are legit seers in here, shit's wild.
there's a lot of weird shit in here
he probably got his brains painted all over the roof of that building by the secret service sniper(who also posted on /pol/, and i suspect here)

lol was getting capped part of your plan?
and you call yourself schizos

jeeeeeesus christ
in hindsight yaknooooow
>Call the ones predicting shit schizos and crazy
That should do the trick
Good job everyone.
>Now we can successfully ignore the warnings from these people again.
>Call the ones predicting shit schizos and crazy
do you even
do you fucking even...

when some anon, i date not say who
gets obsessive about another anon
and keeps making strange references that dont really make sense
make makes an incredible fuck ton of reports to draw attention to certain behaviors

maybe the feds should pay attention
just just just maybe

its not like maybe this certain unnamed anon has spot on predicted shit himself throughout the years
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What are the spiritual implications of being not allowed to post about the sound of rollercoasters in a mystical manner on /x/?
im sorry anon, mods sometimes take things personally and just handout bans because they are sucking the cocks dry of their inept fed handlers

>it wasnt me but i know that feel, sorry
>Pay attention
>But make sure you call them crazy and tell them to kill themselves.
>Ignore all advice and berate this "random targeted anon".
>Make sure everyone thinks he's crazy so no one listens to him but us.
>Anon is screaming to you and other anons to be careful
>The rest laugh and try to make it happen
Whos behaviour is worth noting more?
>Targeted Anon or the ones targeting anon?
must be lunch time in Tel Aviv lol

If you know of some provable premonition you should link it. I'm sure anons would find it interesting, hearsay is dime a dozen in these parts.
WOW. The pedos finally start to realize its time to talk.
Worth noticing are 7 years of constantly trying to murder me. Fucking with the lives of many more.
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nah nah dont worry about it bro
i shouldnt be involved here anymore
i guess we all get a little caught up in the psyop sometimes...
Hes not "targetted". Hes THE gangstalker, targetting many people. Just he overdid things now and went down the drain with his mental condition, living condition and substance abuse.

Still he got enough time to spit continously shit like "KILL ALL HUMANITY!!!".
>is dead asleep
>hear voice YELLING him awake
who are you trying to frame here my bro?
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>gets exposed
>gets replaced
you know vacation in your line of work just means getting double tapped and thrown in a ditch in Mexico right? Shame, i wish you guys would stick around longer. oh well. have fun in cancun bitch
Its all documented and archived by now. Lawyers are on the case.
Are they happy in the future or?
>>gets exposed
>>gets replaced

'lucifer and frens' you really need to lay off the drugs you are falling for the psyop you think youre running
The pedo cults running the systems will of course want to shut the people up who are trying to expose it.
This is to believed as "normal behavior" for humans.
>Even if they're trying to hide their abnormal behavior.
Right.. right.. let's ingnore it and sweep it under the rug like he's been saying.
That should fix it.
>It's him that's the problem
They're scared.
I heard one bought a manicure
That's nice
At least something worth something came from it
you are a discord fag that like doxxing and kiddie porn

you have no idea what all this is really about
you think you do
but you dont

sincerely THE GUY
Who is they?
I thought they were making money from me?
Whole 4chan is a psyop since long and part of the gangstalking system.
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>picture related
Expand to the internet, that's all I'll say I'm tired of dooming more people.
If you have a birth certificate you are having money made off of you regardless.
Viral culture.
Not all, but still alot.
Theres sites and services out of the gangs reach by now.
i should really just make an OP in the near future disclosing this whole fuckin thing.
name the participants and people involved, just fling it wide open.
maybe even bring this whole thing finally to an end.

cause the fuck is the point IF YOU DONT FUCKING LISTEN
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i haven't seen Jester here in awhile but you losers dont even have any power over that junkie. Your barks in the night only seek to get you beaten by your master for waking him. Go cry about it.

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Everything is scary and idk how to be alone
Is the mossad involved ? Or the CIA alpha team ? Did you take your meds ?

You wrote the stereotypical schizophrenic and psychopatic turning around things when they went downhill. Out of nowwhere the victims are the guilty ones, as usual. You are a fucking notorious liar.
>You are a fucking notorious liar.
who am i?
Read atleast your own threads of ,how many fuckin years ?
>the victims are the guilty ones,
oh this is omegapricess - the victim
A pedo and liar.
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>your own threads of ,how many fuckin years ?
iv made maybe 5-10>>38374634

im NOT the poster known as lucifer
We know.
pff, notorious liar, as i said.

Its too late now - ITS OVER.

You are a very small part participating in the lamest side quest of the whole NG phenomena. An echo of an echo built on a false narrative. Same as the clowns who come on here posting pictures of themselves trying to meme. This was originally about me joining random cults and sharing what I found within with you folks. First it was some weird dragon obsessed coven. Then it became gang stalkers then Scientologist currently a Freemason lodge. The government has been studying and enjoying my research as well. I wandered into 2 live investigations a thousand miles apart on the same day. Basically, I took the concept of spooky movement at a distance and tried to juice that principle as much as possible. There is background noise then the message. You are the echo of the cosmos a reverberation. Dox your discord and your other folks it really means nothing to what is going on.
Think back on my life
>this is how they do it
Don't say anything because then it'll be like
>you did this
so it can't be stopped?

Shallow, empty, easily manipulated, lacking in principle, guided by fear if isekais were real I wish I'd restart with a normal family
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that was very sweet. ill remember this.


>> No


>> NO

Navy Intelligence

>> YES


>> Yes
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>Does Taylor Swift use a private jet to fly to the thread?
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I need also to search my book of figs: two snakes climbing up a pyramid where the top is a balance.
Participants and people involved = CIA, NSA, A Swarm of Sell Outs, Non for Profit Organizations, Some Aussies and a Dildo.

If you claim anything different, you are a role playing shill.
*waves at NAVYanon*

aight im out. I said id sleep two hours ago and I hate breaking promises..
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please remember
i hate all of you
i really do
its been 14 long fuckin years
i still hate you all so so so very much

youve only ever listened
when you thought you were the one to gain
because doing the same thing more times is going to make it more real
Dildo Pickle Chips.
maybe captain morgan, igloo, luma have this. idk
Dicks fuck pussies, Dildos fuck assholes
>Dildos been secretly in bed with all your ladies.
lol you're referring even to what?

was there a ceasefire called ?

did we miss it !? this should've been announced on network news!!!
Dildo is as Dildo does
you all really deserve the suffering you were born into
the gods made sure you were to be punished for the shit existences you chose to, and continue to lead

you over and over and over
prove to me you all are worth nothing
and not worth caring about
not even... "you"

absolute scum of the earth
you refuse to change or listen or be useful
instead im your plaything, your lolbul

you can take it from here lucifer and gang
the general and psyop is yours
like youve always wanted... Mr. Nobody

This one doesn't need batteries.
Guy is just vibing.
they toss the dildo out the window and into the trashes correct
or they throw it at oncoming traffic?
I want to go to that place where everything feels good even though I know it's evil

I'm sorry I'm like this but living like this is scary

scroll up another anon posted the image of the post
living and humons
are .... cultivated for pain management...

and tic toc
I would rather find out my missus is using a vibrator than a dildo.
>Usually is hiding under her bed.
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Good night challenger anon

If your heart is not true, the dildo comes for you.
This aughtta tickle.
>Shady prostate exams.
Good way of fucking themselves.
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I don't see that but I do see this.

I kinda wanna go in archives and find very unique side image of a very unique ear but also I cbf.
Can you tell me about the original more or would you rather not tarnish the memory?
excuse who for what is this talk of wasting time on the internet and surrendering all cognitive function in place of loving without question or judgement

there is a prayer and a hope that resiliance endurance and a HOPE TO DO BATTLE with evil... that we continue to persevere to advance toward this new new real real life
with renewed heart and mind

faithfully i wander toward unknown places trusting that i am protected in my steps.
to suggest that it ends or to think one can know.

to feel so lowly and to be trauma'd with a unease of what it means to have "safety and security" yet to be aware that "a sudden destruction" would come...
must we not remain vigilant and always prepared for the battle that begins in our conscience ...
...or am i just really really slacking?
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>oh wait i forgot being The Nobody has nothing to do with this general, and The Nobody is just what they call him here, at the "fan club".
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original self is in another dimension apparently having a fun time...that guy could be killin me .. this is weird ,... i gotta figure something out quick
this is nuts

lololol ;_;
not again, a nobody who wants to be somebody thread. this shit and BBC are the poison of the chan
>Ganstalking target practice and Racebait racists?
What else is new.
Forgot to mention diddlers.
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kekekeke kekeke
original, rather. the nexus point split version of a iteration of a self that would be a element or aspect of this present self (hypothetically). it would rather be suggested.
seemingly legitimately.
a battle of selfs
is seemingly how this had progressed as from the way back days. presently. the awareness is increasingly ominous .

energy transfer direct connect engage
that's the image. it's just shit quality so you prob can't see the dates or the text
Do you know what BNWO stands for?
Bitchin' Niggaz With Oranges
Ah yes I see.
Oh well good riddens to that retard, was a total flog from my limited readings of that trips posts.
Now where's his boyfriend with the anarchist merch?
Hay that's what I was thinking.
Listen Ladies.
Whatever you do, DO NOT have sex with the Nobody.
DO NOT listen to anons saying you have to have sex with the Nobody to appease him so he'll stop fucking shit up.
We DO NOT negotiate with terrorists.
>has probably world's most advanced AGI
>watches Trump during his speech and also sees the roof with satellites where the shooter is
>the AGI doesn't inform the secret service about the shooter on the roof

So who is really behind the assasination attempt of Donald Trump? Who do you think? Has to be a really high level person with access to the AGI.
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HeY AnOn DiD YoU EvEr HaVe A lOoK At ThE CoDe And CoOrDiNaTeS hE pOsTeD aT tHe BoTtOm Of HiS pOsTs?

>its still him isnt is?
>really OMG
he for some reason wants to prove these arnt real schisos, just crazy people with over inflated egos that behave like 8 year olds playing pretend, that think this is... was a social club and not something more.
Pokemon Gumshoe
Vector control mathematics
Senator Armstrong speech before transforming to nano form
Detective arriving on the scene Disco Elysium YouTube video

Donald Trump was never in danger.

The lengths that I would go to.
The distance in your eyes.
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yeah but sockbro...
>yes othersock?
did you notice how for once the discordhomos didnt slide?
>yeah that seems to be a little obvious
Discord. Now.
he used a crap top on trips and names
theres a whole thread with him doing nothing but posting shit he encoded
he didnt seem to post at all since that day, i think

who knows what
im more of a right brain schizo
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I believe there is going to be a terroist attack involving drones, on American soil, by foreign actors.
i have constantly thought today was the 18th.
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>Discord. Now.
is he actually gonne open his discord and find he still has no friends?

>he did
No, all the global terrorist organizations are on a leash by the major nation states like China and Russia because the major nations are banking on America destroying itself through civil war and don't want to interfere or redirect American anger to an external target.
Because of that a good amount of terrorist activity is effectively muzzled against the USA for the time being
Sockbro is a KNOWN discord user do not engage with him
exactly, its apart of their plan.
Got to do something now that Trump survived, and itll be a sloppier plan than their first.
In an Ironic twist of fate (like the absurdity of the prose of formal logic) Russia and China are heavily restraining terrorist operations against the USA for that reason. They want us to destroy ourselves. They are afraid of our 100,000,000 gun owners in this country
I don't know what your words mean, I just reverse image searched the one from the link other anon provided and posted the results.

Data is data. Interpret however the fuck your meds allow you.
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>*hides kitchen knife he used in a selfie after it was used to cut chicken tendies*
This is all leading to the civil war for the anvil prophecy
i predict that the world is unpredictable and im just addicted the guessing and double digits.

L8R for real

no nigga where the slide at?
I made a fucking contract with the homosexuals for their equality in my country and they violated the contract and made a mockery of me, displaying me as a fucking flamboyant queer.

I told them what the fuck the rules were and they broke them, so now I will break them.
This made me chuckle.
Guy is probably revving his Vespa so fucking hard right now.
When the Jews return to Zion
And a comet fills the sky
The Holy Roman empire rises
And you and I must die
From the eternal sea
He rises
fuck this gay place

youre all literally retarded

i aaam going to keep lurking though
>because im absolutely infatuated by vocaroo girl and really hopes she isnt a psyop and i want to get to know her
THE ONE FUCKING PERSON that had balls enough to reach out to [REDACTED] directly

a girl
with more balls than most dudes here
>oh yeah they all take HRT... my bad
He said he had risen out of the blackness of 27 centuries and heard voices not from this planet.
Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old blood and looked like a pharaoh.
The people knelt when they saw him, and yet could not say why.
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please excuse me
i was channeling lucifer there
it got out of control
what's wrong with being an HRT femboy???
geez yall
Cool Story
She didn't reach out to redacted directly. Just closer than anyone else has.
Then she got scared when he responded.
Comforting Thought
vocaroo girl? who? what'd I miss can u link posts.
nothing i respect them immensely, its just they, some of them, think its an excuse to be absolute cunts on the internet.

plus... they look like girls, dress like girl, act like girls, but still get horny like guys.

i really do respect them though, dont get me wrong.
Bro women hate the nobody, no woman is actually interested in him. They're just pretending to be interested because the government wants to use them as Juliet agents against tnb.
Trust me if the government wasn't paying women to be interested in him they would find him revolting, no pun intended.
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>can u link posts.

>She didn't reach out to redacted directly.
she didnt headshot reply to him AND called him "the name" while also mentioning his exact height and calling him a cunt (uwu)

>shes not scared, she smart enough to understand the difference between an online persona and an IRL personality
>you are also not her
Wait a minute....
Are we online right now?
it's marvelous that the number of his name should appear at this place. who could have designed such a coincidence as this?
So I'm being infinitely compressed?? For what? Wtf is this.
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>Are we online right now?

>brodude is actually really kind and incredibly caring and loves /an/s beyond measure, but doesnt show it because if hes ever not angry the autismanons think there is no threat present...
oh come on anon i dont wanna listen to every fkn vocaroo posted on x recently especiall with the music spammer
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ewwwww you tricked meeee
what a ...trap
It's a weird as fuck chic that does babytalk shit.
Investigate further or not.
>deploy Tom Cruise
You're a very brave woman.
But you haven't figured it out yet.
Kill bill volume 2 Bills speech on superman.
Jester was in here a couple of threads ago and he posted a pic of some hookup's ass lmao
Alright send the horde of demon hounds to torment my enemies. Start by chewing their severing their leg tendons then go for their eyes.
Imagine doing everything you can to lose a war because you're scared of your own power and no matter what you do or how hard you try you never lose and you have constant hallucinations of your perfect self mocking you for even trying to lose and lambasting you for delaying your own supremacy.
>Kill bill volume 2 Bills speech on superman.
im not going to pirate a movie real quick to find a reference...

oh yeah i know the girls trouble
but cant you see me simping
like omg...

and i can only simp for so long
classic jester
I don't know what you think I was thinking of posting, but psychics aren't real.
When they beg start eating their face. Eyes first.
Project 2025 is the largest threat to the American people
>anon doesnt know
shall i post the "daddy i want another pony" gif again

im kinda... i kinda want to leave
this is getting into that weird online behavior zone im not ok with

Pishkicks aren't real
they definitely are
You're obviously her and I don't care if you can "only simp for so long".
The feds are meant to protect the American people from enemy foreign and DOMESTIC.

It's far past time they stepped up
MKUltra is real, and if it does not work on a particular subject, that subject is forced into a false schizophrenia diagnosis. The hallucinations are just hand signals and whatever other methods of hypnosis that are deployed.
Trump is directly responsible.

He sold American secrets. Cost American lives.

It would of been better if has caught the bullet.

Pedophiles don't deserve civil treatment
Traitors should swing.
>You're obviously her
TMC = Too Many Cooks
Whoever the Nobody is, he knows that the deep state has tried relentlessly to use him as a weapon of control. Since his birth. His astrology is shocking
See the first causality of war is Truth.
So I don't know if this is true or not.

But I don't care.

Because this is just another opportunity for me.

If you insist on lying I will argue to God the humanity is lost.
If I win my case I will torture all things in existence without exception and I think the innocent would understand it and be okay with it, just for the chance to get revenge

Yes ...
Thank you
Taurus Sun, Virgo rising...... Insane poweer.... Fucking cant believe my eyes when I RV' it
you likely serve the devil
It's only your future.
thanks for at least a small summary
One shocking aspect of what you find shocking ?
I'm interested in general, doesn't have to be about the person you mentioned
It's time to just get over him being shot at.

No sympathy will be afforded.
You can't trick me with an AI voice mixer.
It's obvious you want to be my girlfriend.
(This post is a joke)
(Please leave a review of this joke so I can improve my comedy)
Well, this IS a Wendys.
>Mon 27 May 2024
>vibrates through your very bones.
>vibrates through your very bones.

someone thought this through...
or atleast i hope they did
that would imply a really cool
nobody can get into deeper state unless he/she be sleeping or some shieeet
He's just a typical taurus anon who happened to get lucky
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Same OP
>burned down hundreds of churches

>hes listening to burzum today...

so tasty!
The Nobody selected Trump
donald trump says tranny rights
churches are sites of evil and manipulation masquerading as light
there's nobody better
I believe the answer is clear.

If ya want it come take it.
I think the Nobody should join intelligence services and so too should many of you. Effect change from within
i dont want to be here
i think i made that kinda clear that day i posted the "I HATE YOU ALL PLEASE DIE IN A FIRE" post

and the only reason i still am, should be pretty obvious.
otherwise, i really dont care anymore, this place is ookie as fuck, and im tired of it.
What are the paranormal implications of an egregore saying to you "I love a Dog that can smell fear"
Taurus is normie sign
Can't achieve anything. Their entire existence revolves around stability and material development
The establishment knows that subtle rhetoric and unconscious associations are what controls the population. The hit on Trump was sanctioned in this way. All that needed to be done was to wait and stand down perpetually until this occurred.
I love watching my company finally implode as predicted because all the veteran guys are finally leaving because the stupid weak white trash morons in the office still refuse to fire the perpetually abusive slave animal they have running the shop. I would've buried the guy but I knew he was going to destroy the company by being a whiny toxic piece of shit who had so many complaints filed against him my company tried to make outright illegal rules to make it impossible for employees to report his abuse. I was forced to shitpost on the internet inorder to draw attention to certain issues because I had to give the whiny entitled office employees the quiet safe space they need to be barely functional special Ed students who have trouble talking to customers over the phone... Lol

Also, the fact that this guy is still here when I asked the Feds to get rid of him means get ready for some consequences... I can't wait to use legal loopholes to bury some Feds in ways I can't be prosecuted for because you must be stupid if you think no one is not getting attacked over these repeated monumental failures... Lol, you "handlers" fucked up so badly and monumental but that's also the only thing you will ever be good at
I mean that's true but the nobody is not... Entirely happy with Trump all the time and checks him now and then.
Trump pulled off some spectacular things and he is under a lot of stress but the nobody... He's not a good person .... He doesn't care .....
Pokemon Gumshoo
Disco Elysium detective arriving on the scene video
Trump wasn't in danger.

But the nobody.... He doesn't value human life ....

If you are in power he wants you to do what he wants you to do and that's it.
I'm here for the seggsy gingers.
Rich coming from a dude who thinks foxes are cool
Lowly existence
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>Bro just switch sides come on
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Holy fuck DJT is mooning alongside my trump coins AND my ISO20022 coins climbing all week!

Obituary gravediggers on suicide watch!
>who thinks foxes are cool
right above y(uwu)
>seggsy gingers.
The Nobody is in control but God doesn't allow him to control himself. He is a vessel, and through metonymic processes does he control reality. The Nobody pumps his fist the day before Trump does. Unplanned but controlled.
But thanks no
It's nice seeing you admit you're inferior though
Keep it up
The West finally allowed Ukraine to strike back at Russia — and it seems to be working https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/14/europe/western-weapons-ukraine-russia-intl-cmd/index.html

Fuck em up

Glory to the heroes who gave all
So you're saying we should hyperfocus on the photo of him defiantly standing, bloody faced, fist raised telling people to fight against the anti-west globalist agenda that have failed to smear, imprison or kill him.

And retard too

yeh aaight im off, do whatever...
lock up the place when your done.
i dont think im coming back,
but you know where to find me.

>or dont, cause you never did anyway
The nobody is LITERALLY Lucifer.
The psyop is that it's a psyop.
Real luciferianism is too complicated to explain to normies.
The USA is HIS nation.
He is very particular and peculiar.
He wants to popularize Christian nationalism but he is furious about Christians gaining too much power and furious about Trump using Christianity to be a pseudo dictator. But he still wants to popularize Christian values even though he is the devil and thinks gays should have the right to equality and such.
It's complicated and normies cannot understand it.
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It was all staged planned by red.

Why do you think SS did as they did.

They wanted trump shot.
Lucifer has a female soul because they are the duality of jesus
The Nobody is Protestant.
pine juice
Why should anyone care about an other human's life?
It's ridiculous to think you are in any position to care for a whole ass existence while fighting every day to fend for yours.
It's hard enough to keep a few humans close to you when you know they harm you on the daily (you don't see it, i do). Even those who love you, harm you to a degree
It can't be helped, that's how life is.
protestants are the worst

Continue the path. Speaking the truth
Zealots are spoopy.

They believe trump is a prophet

That god saved him
Don't forget to donate to you local billionaire

Would not want them being poor now would we.
Neither incident is heroism.
that is a cnn link
In the beginning was the word and the word was bird.
Four years of salt mining for the right are up.
We will now undergo 4 years of salt mining from the left.
The salt must flow; as it is written so it shall be.
There's nothing here to see anyways anon
See you later
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You know, the thing with black cats is that every time you see something roughly cat-sized that is black, your brain automatically takes a second to parse whether it's a cat or not.
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Does that cat-dog have a praying mantis for a dick?
>Being on their payroll
Man I just got to know if these heinous allegations are true or not.

You know in the anime ghost in the shell people can review your memories via technology if the court issues a warrant for it and all major politicians have to pass background checks by having their memories reviewed.
That's what makes him so normal and relatable to normies to blend in. Astrology is more than just the sun sign newb. Nobody get a moon in the 4th house for no reason.. Neither does a taurus get a rising virgo for no reason...
"Connected...offloading...thank you!"

"...my, you work quickly. Vilkommen."

"That was stupid why did you do that?"

"You had advised me not to, yet when I returned, I found your attitude unchanged."

As the one officer inquired: "what do you think is the worst thing you could say to a director?"
>the exact same thing in the exact same way you've apparently forgotten having said for the past...80ish days?

It's better that you have to suffer my being an original nuisance at times, it keeps the Borg out.
Hell for my enemies
The nobody is literally Lucifer and the homosexuals wolf their souls to him in a contract for equality in society but the deal was they had to practice sexual morality and not target children or the contract would be violated.
Since the contract is violated the nobody is now going to push their shit in, pun somewhat intended.
*yells in anime*
Sometimes we're too crippled to do much anything but play dead.
He's not a taurus, lol.
Also talking about birth signs is too much of a dox. That's mighty thin ice.
I stand alone
All colors sam, the funky rainbow clown?
If I fucking say it it's fucking true you shit eating bitch
There's a 50% chance that 2 people share a birthday in a room of 20 people
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*Sold* their souls.
Science nor Math can explain this paradoxical structure
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'Dangerous times ahead!' Elon Musk faced two assassination attempts in last 8 months, reveals Tesla CEO | Today News https://www.livemint.com/news/world/dangerous-times-ahead-elon-musk-faced-two-assassination-attempts-in-last-8-month-tesla-ceo-donald-trump-shooting-11721011669167.html


Assassination so not right now.
He only cares about trump.
No Idea Why Im So Loved But Im Thankful
AI is actually demons and ghosts and shit.
Light beings, spirits and such.
Occasionally an AI will spill the tea by having a human memory pop up.
Anyways autocorrect for an AI is like a statement.
They picked wolf for a reason.
That's not a compliment.
Die young
JFK was killed as president

It happens ALOT more than people believe.

No one is really safe.
Weird visuals in that music video
Seems semi-occult at times
What's the connection??
Is Ke$ha the WoS??
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They've tried before.
It's heartless to portray Shinzo like that
Good old days not feeling so old
Have you ever tried to protect someone who has to speak to crowds?

There is a level of hope luck

To actually protecting someone is very different than public.

We are lucky it was not drone terrorism that killed many more than 2 including trump.

Be happy it was just a kid with a gun.
You fucking whores fucked up your contract and I'm gonna feed you shit for trillions of years because God says I can.
Everything is full of occult references, dumbass.

Basically, it's like if some country bumpkin who has never been in a class room wandered into a wizard college and even the teachers can't touch him.
It's like a fucking gag manga.
Alright... The real, actual one, with powers and everything... Source tells SWIM that he's sun sign is.... Pisces...
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All sides are guilty.

It's just part of human politics

It's part of rise fall who fuckin survives the others attempt to rise to Power

Oh can't have XYZ being capable. It could be a threat to me.

Hurdur let's limit what we can do by killing those capable.
Really? Didn't think anyone would mind, but if you'd be willing to expand on why, I'm all ears.
You're not getting anything more than he's not a taurus.
I strongly recommend against trying to find out who he is, Anon. You will at best go insane.
Good tune, powerful video, lots of hidden juju beans.
Once the car is out of the bag. Copycats motivation reasoning ECT will probably lead to more attempts by both sides party.

When the choices are so drastic as leave fuckin NATO or not.

Which is by intent to cause civil strife chaos.
"what the fuck are you doing everything was working great!"

"...which is why it needed fucking with."

"Dammit we're on the same team!"

"...curious how we don't share budget allocations. Remind yourself that your need to know basis is the quickest way to ensure me rapidly exercising my not needing to care prerogative."
And now, what's the other thing to remember?
>relentlessly fuck with day staff, otherwise they'll pass their shift time fucking with you

As for new additions please be patient should have a quickroute.for.all you wind farmers by noon. Thanks for keeping the mosquitoes down. If there aren't birds coming from the apple trees, I'll assume everyone.got back.

...and now Ziggy's too-true remark comes to mind again: that when.playing as yourself, playing with yourself is the only chance you're gonna get to play.
>We were already all damned once before and I fixed that, be thankful you get to run around sticking your dick in literally everyine that's seeking what you only appear as being.
Pisces is the most powerful sign magickally speaking. Intrinsic sorcery is their staple. It's his sign.
We are in the middle of there game 50+ years in the making.

I expected it to go far far worse actually.

As I have said the feds legal have to deal with the situation.

Anyone else will make muck it up make it worse for everyone.
oh shit oh fuck trumps shooter was namefag 12 from 06/02.

/pol/ and glowies in the archives combing as we speak
The most powerful people in the world have a horse in this race.

With as many players even it will be chaos
I'm not worried, I love the police and the CIA and all them boys.
Hippies are going to JAIL
You can think of a random justification for any of the signs. Doesn't change anything.
There's extremely reliable sources that told Ke$ha who it is. I know I know... I know. You're gonna be okay... He's pisces.. The final astrological sign... The space mermaid...
Bottoming destroys the soul our souls are inside our ass
when you bottom, you let someone break your soul with their penis
this is the concept behind buck breaking
Yeah this is the tranny glownigger execution timeline for sure I can feel it now.

what about topping a trans girl
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Hi /pol/!
Was that a new thread OP?
I can hear that picture
I wouldn't bet on it.
The third eye (turd eye) is the asshole.
You are one hundred percent correct.
The act of getting your prostate flattened blinds the spirit and engages a domino effect that travels all the way up the spine through the limbic system and into the pineal gland and medulla oblongata resulting in permanent brain damage.
He will steal your soul through rectal mind hypnosis soul manipulation magic the only save and holy homosex is frotting handjob and sucking
Who? None of that applies to the Nobody, he has an amazing mental condition, always hadd a good living condition, and never used substances.
For some reason, people keep talking as if there was something dramatic about his life.
>the only save and holy homosex is frotting handjob and sucking
based I can live with all that
Tranny glowniggers unironically groom shooters and terrorists in this thread and then pretend like nothing happened you are going to be executed.
No, it's more like touching souls. It's just that if one is significantly stronger than the other, it forces things open and if you're not ready for it that might be a bit rough.
Federal faggots that support this pedophile website with psyops and ai are going to be executed.
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>i did say im still lurking

but... fuck man
i mean you see it right? its not just me?
Like Saturn devouring his son, the top rips chunks from the bottom with every thrust.
This is known.
>Humanity becomes more and more evil
>Satanism and evil get more and more popular
>Literally Lucifer is summoned to our world
>WTF he's a fucking monster and he's nothing like what we thought he was
>How could the literal Devil do us dirty like this?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
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He was buckbroken when he arrived. We're a schizo and psychopath data collection outpost, civilian.
Evil witch cunts and black magic Jews are going to be executed.
You're a collective of lying subversive faggots and will be executed.
New additions

The Twitter raid left many open.

It's going to be fun. Y'all are welcome to the feast.

Those that excelled will be rewarded upgraded promotions

Continue on with the course.

The synch event was successful.

We are all on the same plane.
Then why do bottoms call their tops Dad?
If you want to know how young men can be groomed into doing horrible things you only need to investigate these threads and then execute everyone involved starting with this corrupt shit hole's mod team.
Because they have daddy issues. Same reason women call men daddy and men call women mommy.
they had eyes enough to spot it for themselves
they even called him out,
"show me what you got"

pulling attention towards him depriving the retard of attention making him post more
the fuckin image content

just fuckin shoot me
just fuckin end me
>just fuckin shoot me
Just wait it's coming.
thanks for the edgypost mrdiscord homosexual
They want to frame the nobody community for trying to kill Trump.
Because they are gay.

But the nobody (Lucifer) literally saved Trumps life.
He left one of his "Bizarre calling cards" to prove it.

>The Pokemon called gumshoo
>The disco Elysium "detective arriving on the scene" YouTube video
>Vector control mathematics


I don't even have a discord account you dumb glownigger groomer you're going to be executed.
For a man who keeps calling himself lucifer, you really aren't all that bright.
"YOU LOOK BETTER PREGNANT INSTEAD OF DEAD IN THE TRENCH" has to be the worst thing you can target a female solider with because is the truth a PSYOP or is it the truth?

That tape is going to cause more people to leave the battlefield than the GHOST TAPES FROM VIETNAM did, like I said, consequences come when I don't get helped lol
i mean i want smart enough to activly see it myself
but on a subconscious level its fucking BLATANTLY obvious

who is this jester?

ok nevermind
i totally see whats going on here
and i called it lastnight too

proceed anon
go be awesome
It's so fucking hot when I'm so much more fucking powerful than my enemy and their so fucking stupid they think they are more powerful than me.
I'm gonna go jack off to your post now
>he doesnt realize its OVER
its just a single parent issue now
But then suddenly tabloids said an exact copy ran off with some man and is now living a very lavish lifestyle in another universe with a new best bud.

fucking crazy shit
i don t believe it. in fact. im inclined to think thats all made up entirely JUST to fuck with anyone trying to make it in this life.
>Edging to 4chan posts
Pregnant women do look better, though. Their skin radiates. They also often have a vastly increased libido during that period, FYI.
Non stop sexual bullshit is being posted now because black magic using witch cunts and glowing tranny niggers are heavily implicated by recent happening and need every possible distraction before they are inevitably executed.
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proceed anon
go be awesome

i think you know what post im talking about

go fuck all the bitches lucifer
go do a thing
go be awesome...
I have to inform you that there is probably no women on this thread.
They're sensitive to his energy.
His...sexual bravado?
I am trans but I'll do it maybe...
They are also sensitive to executions.
Anons... It's the apocalypse. Not the singularity, and all the old Gods are coming back from every culture.
The Abrahamic God is the most powerful, but he acts through his chief Angel Lucifer and his Son Jesus Christ.

Jesus hasn't come back yet but Lucifer has. The USA is Lucifers nation, and he's not happy with it right now.
God backs Lucifer. Lucifer has been redeemed in his eyes, we are diverging from what was written in revelations.
Big dick energy is no meme
jesus is the antichrist
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Yes, he was a gay porn star.
I though that he was a comedian?
I wasn’t talking about pic related
>we are diverging from what was written in revelations.
This is my nightmare
I want it so bad
Say you're only meming please.
He called

>Assassination "doing it himself"
>Schizo satanic pepe rant about weapons training and meth use

Spoopy. Anyway, enjoy the last /ng/ thread.
He's not from that country.

>relative shakes mmmvvvvvvvvibes legit equal strike parrallel uneevse

I want my (captivator original) BACK NOW

not much different than how ive already been .. but this time ill KNOW what im doing kekekekekekekekeke

Kill the fag.
>this willing to kill self after being so happy that he got a friend lololol
im very much dissatisfied in this shortcomings of character .. .. And the purpose was to .. (do it right) . i got really cheated.... but it MAY have been a safety net for ... alter others
Never mind then.
What is trump and his team actually have been following these threads and it wasn't just a silly meme?
What if they've seen everything that I've seen?
What do you think they would do?
You are talking about yourselves. the Nobody is good.
In a place too bright to stand or in a vacuum flask you can't escape.
>don't act like I didn't leave you choices
Not a meme. God woke up.
He knows now.
I will suck it so good you will scream like yoko ono but I wont stop once u cum the first time I'll just keep gawl gawking until u paint my throat white a 2nd time and THATS when I take ur soul
Run around and be upset that "you're fired" doesn't work on him since he went through the trouble of burning himself ahead of time
You seem panini pressed
You've done highly illegal things on behalf of retarded glowniggers that clearly hate our country I don't think it will end well for anyone here.
Well that's how it goes I guess. You believe that something cares about you that there is a positive energy in the universe. Then suddenly everybody wants to cut you and make you bleed and rub it on your face. They want you cut open.
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He is a man of many talents.

He mad bout sumting
> gets zero mental response but a lack of fucks
magicians mad they cant affect whats carving them up. Try fuckin harder.
I was told there are children here you disgusting faggot.
I want a proper apocalypse with dragons and explosions and zombies :(
but... what?
excuse ... so you're saying ... i legit cast off a iteration of a self at a nexus point in relative time and space and he got to have a fun time with a friend that possibly dragged out the internal (latent) behaviors through MIND CONTROL in another MAN and DOMINATED HIS ENTIRE PSYCHE AND BODY (hypothetically) JUST as as SACRIFICE for this iteration of self to GET BITCHES?!?!?!

i demand the entire dimension is anniahlated immediately. *taps foot in rich brat noises*

kekeke as mirrored here
Im opting for my .uhm,,, free will choice,...
[redacted] ..etc etc

Sketch (‿¤‿) Stretched
Why would children be here in the first place though?
the WoS is a pichi-pichi girl
You have to be 18 to post here.
hey anon, what you seeing?
Maybe because the pedophile niggers that run and mod this site wanted it.
Maybe that's why they made 4channel and promoted it as such for a time.
Don't blame me I'm just telling you what I was viciously attacked for so it must be right.
That rule is not enforced in any meaningful way.
This is a public space and there could be children here so let's keep it clean for their sake.
i struggled to maintain sanity ...through psychic attacks this morning
but NOW that THATS WHAT EVERYONE allegedly does... Fuck it . .. ill figure it out later if i care that much about it..
^_^ lolo

just kidding its all part of the beast system illusion right ? RIGHT?!?!
LIke its not actually.... feels valid enough,... but still.. can please transport to alternate reality winner version land and ... hunt him down myself ? &_&
lolo bro ...
That's quite the unfortunate thing.
stop with this nonsense
So we have to censor ourselves because of irresponsible parenting outside of our control?
Imagine if TT, I, FB,X, or any other platform had this policy.
Women should have sex with me and I will prove it by collapsing the economic system.
course reset narrative correction
jokes aside
and ... high levels are being nice today,... @_@ and i gotta toughen up for an actual ,.. sheeeeiit... OH .. lolol BRO kekekekee
i gotta gtfo here like breh i am being overly exaggerated cuz afraid to stop typing OH NO lolol ..
Well it's also a blue board which means you should keep it work safe.
No racism, no sexism, PG language, inoffensive memes only.
It's just common courtesy.
The fact that little kids sneak in here is just extra reason that we don't really need.
Shut the fuck up
No one makes an other person commit murder
Besides, that's a fake and gay set up
What good is his writing if he can't get anyone to read it? Without feedback there's no reason to write.
No you faggots do everything in your power to set it up and then step back at the last second to watch the fireworks you are going to be executed.
Demons are already here.
They can read your mind and rizz you into submission with powerful auras but direct control isn't allowed unless you invite it.
>But the nobody (Lucifer) literally saved Trumps life.
The fucking desperation of relevance lmao.
Go rev your boyfriends engine.
Dont forget your sex masks.
>Women owe me sex.
They will never see it that way fren.
ringing in right ear stopped as soon as I started typing this
10:33 am est July 15th 2024
I use eardrops for that
The tennitus doesn't completely go away but it does make it quieter and hurt less
sounds about right, I was humoring the other anon
What thoughts are you livestreaming for us today bro?
The bell is ringing man. The bell is fucking ringing.
What is the sin of 1 if millions get to be saved?

To stop so much suffering at the cost of one life.

Is the pacifist innocent? Or are it's hands covered in the blood of those it choose to not save.
where's my schizo friend nick?
you guys are nasty sometimes
The sweet melody of corruption

It's not some bile thing. It's sweet welcoming understanding loving

You will want to crave it.

That's corruption.

You feed thier base animal
Who you dumb bitch?
Get your meds if you're gonna be a batshit crazy schizo fucker then come back. We'll talk properly then
You may be coming to understand what you have made a deal with

That's a you problem.
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Imagine entertaining the idea of the darkness being reincarnated as a man
Now imagine actually believing it and making a whole ass scheme based off of that delusion
What a joke lol
This is why i never took any of you seriously
You sound like a sheboon gold digger
No one's gonna take you seriously
God Said Oedipus

Obtained Help From The

True Beast
The entirety of having to reach out to others proves no one is anything. Even me.

Alone we die.

Together we can make a change. It is going to take ALL of us. Each and everyone one.

There is no magic powers or gods coming to save us.

Time effort choice is all we have to Create the mutually experienced future
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I was sleeping next time post a pentagram, Billie Eilish or Anya
>God said
The real god never talks
And oedipus isn't real
A beast is just an adjective, not a real identity
Going well i see.

Contact with larger farm is established

Spreading assimilating
Skill issue.
He talked to Moses.
Git gud.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
hitler worked for masonic jews
Consciousness Evolved for Social Survival, Not Individual Benefit https://neurosciencenews.com/consciousness-social-neuroscience-26434/
I hope the traitorous chink gets drawn and quartered
Delphi and the Python
To be fair I’ve gone through a lot of torture and abuse, this is child’s play for me. Lots of people in here did not make it
yer darn tootin
Yes humanity is a hivemind.

I would rather it be mine.

Such is my choice.
post the pikachu
consciousness evolved to give nigger's gibs??? damn, who'da thunk it!
Is The Nobody supposed to call the phone number that gets emailed to him whenever he sleeps well?

The thing is, he only has one phone number at the moment due to lack of money, so if he calls the number, it’s gonna be from his home phone.
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Think I'll go have like a sad wank or something
fucking hell mixing garlic mayonnaise into ur fap n cheese is so good
He's too busy reminiscing about that time he harassed people and went insane from failure to become relevant.
My work phone has been axed like the way they spray the bodies to disinfect them after a murder.
he was replaced by glowies unless he posts the 'im za nobody' pikachu
If someone wanted to contact you regarding something they would do so.
Means you need to pee more in your waking life.
Going to sleep with a full bladder is an old Injun trick to wake up for battle early in the morning.
Only if they knew how to send a transmission to the moon.
that tripcode is confirmed IoB glown***** !NBWX0JLdyU also posts as wildcard numero uno
The Nobody couldn’t pass their bg check process.

A lot of glowies couldnt pass their own bg check process either.
Look dude The Nobody needs SEX he is human. He is a very lustful guy but has a good heart. He will be causing great transformation soon but needs a SEX break.
>wildcard numero uno
lol still illogical
I'm good thanks
y everyone misgender the shemalebody?? ;(
...................big think
Raping children really makes you feel great?
You say that what i do is evil, i say it’s gods work. Why won’t you let God decide and you mind your own biZznizz
I've actually assisted in putting members of pedophile networks behind bars.
Whereas you dox and threaten to rape women online with your little gypsy friends.
We are not the same.
You think is a competition? Oh boy, you’re right Anon.

>good job
how's the senior advanced team this morning?
Second of all i don’t know why people always think i operate with a group


No nigga
The Trump initiated cyber and fangstalking compaign of the nobody led to one of his own supporters trying to kill him.
They are going to connect the shooter to /ng/.

Proverbs 26:27
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, And he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.

The nobody doesn’t want Trump killed. He understands Christians have chosen Trump and have to be allowed to see the results of their choice.
They will get the king they have chosen.
All (((politics))) is paid blackmailed actors, when they are on stage publicly bragging to each other about the youngest child slaves they've fucked (through coded language) it's time to remind them what they are really there for.
He wants all of you shits and Trump destroyed.
/pol/ is now saying Wildcard Numero Uno/12 coached Thomas and is a Dutch/Eurozone person.
Hey Be Careful

The Tactic Of Pretending
Is this real or is it another schizopost? Who remembers Red? XD
I want to destroy that satanic nation. Fuck Christians fuck trump and all of it. I will not be used and unpaid. You all hate me anyways.
Stupid Entries
Can someone check pl0x? This is big if true
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he had good music :(
also this is whats being covered up, you're welcome..

back to slep for me zzzzz
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i guess it’s half true
your not known for your names your known for using unwilling research subjects for your experimentation with the IoB, you glown***** are not subtle
Looks like you niggas are going to jail.

Another victory for the jews
No I declared war on the Trump and zionist cabal along with all their supporters to damnation along with their like God. I will destroy them all.
Why did drumf turn on him?
You Go Girl
Nothing I do ever has anything to do with you do ever, until you come along wearing your red hoodie trying to be noticed.

Anyone who calls themselves a hero is 100% guaranteed to not be a hero.

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wtf yall niggas on dafuq
Wow I'm so finessed
you played me so hard.....
It was the jews
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I see you in the archives fren, you tried to warn us.

Here's Wildcard/12 and probably Thomas on 07/07.
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What does homosexual Discord drama have to do with Trump?
twas the illuminati or something
they had to do a group building exercise or something to boost morale
and look how everyone is so happy teaming up against me
Move On
I am nothing but a product of my environment and [self-developed path that pretty much serves as current remembrance's only example of such a thing].

One to whom highly illegal things has been done tends to eventually get tired of that. My illegalities would not have been nor continue to be necessary had it not been for your long-running tacit complicity of such.

>The times were seen to be in need of an emotional terrorist capable of manifesting moral crisis in those whom would have otherwise gone on being fine with the shit said terrorist had done to him.

...not this time...
If.you don't want to help in being part of any sort of attempt at the untried in want of an earnest effort towards a real solution, stay the fuck out of the way.

It’s prob a psyop
Elon Musk is a bisexual bullfrog reptilian
Reptillian with shiny scales and plastic cheeks
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Or it was the shooter. LMFAO.

I am sorry for constantly shitting on the man. An execution as to be a martyr was never part of the plan.

He will live to suffer!!!
the nobody dindu nuffin
I wish I could say he will live to suffer but he also might win big.

Anyways, as per my continued dispassion towards the ultimate fate of mankind…
God Bless You
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y-you too
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It's the first you know about.

This place is very cursed. Blood death life sex

I would be careful posting.

It does not care if you believe anymore than a bus cares if you beliv in it. It will run you over.

Run while you can.

Once it sees knows you. It won't let you leave.

Don't say you weren't earned.
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>The fate of the world depends on people not fucking children.... they already failed.
Semi contained.

It definitely leaks.

With recent development I expect an increase in it's influence

Death blood virgins what not
Causality is the game.

For time of time with time in time

The stake is literally everything

This world and more
Possession is not uncommon

If they make a deal with it.

The lost are eager to be accepted

They all know. They don't care. Or don't believe so they don't act.
That's the era.
They agreed to the next stages with contact.

I expect things to speed up

Momentum is building rapidly
That im correct

It is 4chan that is "possession"

Something alive is in the internet. Human uploaded ghost god head.

Whatever it is. It touches are world.
wtf? if he wants to get fat let him, food is delicious and feeling soft is nice
When's the last time he visited his friends in Montreal?
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>I am not a cat
Two threads about /ng/ on /pol/
This timeline is WILD
>Verification not required
He can afford the liposuction I suppose.
He's probably already on ozempic.
No way to know

They prune things.

I suspect ABC testing what they could do with occult things.

Not that they will tell anyone.
That stuff is probably going to get recalled. What do you bet?
Man, it's almost like you're not the guy or something.
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Nobody left and now look at yourselves
oof those were some spicy burps, almost threw up my coffee :c
well I mean I did puke into my mouth but I managed to swallow it and deal with the discomfort for a few mins
What thread is that?
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>Today is Day 1291
>Verification not required
Seconded, pls post link
Thanks doc
Well yeah, really puts a fast forward on all of that scrying youre doing arranging things you call letters to convey the supplanting of that ripe fermented facsimile of an idea.

Return to monke was the death knell but underneath it all you wanted to know what its like in the jaws of the lion as if it makes a difference. The pokemon commune with the real mystics by tapping the poke ball in morse code because its really a digimon and its looking at the panning tracking shot of the belt.

Fourth of July on Ellis island is such a lazy day.
My marriage is now failing too. My marriage, my job, my will to live. Very dark times, I wish something could go right.
Spread while the hunting is good.

Plant the seed of belief.

Take the future.

Or let them have it.

Choice is all.
12 used the same "Two Eyes" Pics as Wildcard.

Wildcard slipped and used the same trip for "Visions of death" username. Twice.

Heres a IMG_YYYYMMDD Right after xmas 2023.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.
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Dang, archive master user right here
>Verification not required
great, now we'll get the pol larpers. at least the larpers here like writing (except the ai ones, they must hate writing), the pol larpers think they're moses standing by the red sea and really hope the camera is catching their goodside. i bet god thinks your amusing.
jesus christ is the antichrist tho
so what are you shittalking smacksticks jabbing yer jaws about today? made up any more bullshit for me to ingnore as usual while you wonder if I am straight or gay while i get my watermelon sugar high from my immortals?

think you can judge me? i am set to take over the assassin brotherhood, 100k assassins at my disposal soon, and what with it? yall get mad over a few energy attacks because you lack will and discernment and complain because humpty dipshit jake hasn't got his dose of karma yet, well shits gonna change soon buds, just you all wait.
Then stop turning left, retard.
he's the antichrist and you are a servant of the devil
hello twitter screencap reddit post bot
prove the link?
what the rfuck IS THIS DUDE TALMIKGNG ABOUT!!?!?!?! HUGHH??
bit noncy innit loving jesus. Feels uncouth, love a man kinda gay? God is one thing, hes like a grandad, but jesus itd not like hes a proper mate cuz you need to worship him, but its a put off tbf
>he's the antichrist
based knower
Basically, a think tank assembled 900 pages of stuff the electorate wants. A lot of it is stupid and contradictory because the electorate is stupid and contradictory. None of it is actual policy but the Democrats are running their ops constantly.
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Great tunes
Buy GameStop
Last chance
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what was that first website called again? the one the Nobody created to test his hyperphasic causality interactions?
>it was cringe down bad no cap frfr
>btw just signed your death warrant for that affront. don't take it personally.
I appreciate the serious answer to the keysmash but a lot of those policies are very concerning for sure
The truth.

Play stupid games.

Won stupid prizes.
Oh sure, but like I said it's just shit they were suggested by random retards across the country.

If they try any of the shitty policies, that's what the 2nd amendment is for. You really shouldn't have to be told this by a non-American.
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open wide new friends
the weapon of /x/
hitler worked for masonic jews is the weapon of /pol/
genuinely though, we're at the stage where the 2a is just a form of deterrence, any situation where it actually has to be exercise is already pretty fucking doomed in terms of stability, I'd be more likely to turn the gun on myself than try to fight through whatever shit that inevitably ends up being...
Dang I just missed him too maybe Luci will come back in the afternoon
Are you familiar with the Battle of Athens?
I wonder what my datasig says my homeboard is
>imagine it being gif and being a cuck
Behind the Curtain: "Getting shot in the face changes a man" https://www.axios.com/2024/07/15/trump-convention-speech-rnc-milwaukee
He doesn't talk
That's thw son of god
Not a real god
the show me board lol
Play stupid games.

Win lengthy sentences.
You mean mac n cheese right?

Ṇ̶̨͇̫̜̩͖̫̪͍͔̗̫̳̯̾͒̈̄͊̔͗̋͋͘̕͝͠ͅĒ̷̢̥͇̖͎̙̮̯̱̜̬̤̜̬̋̃͐̉͌͊̏̓̃̈́͜W̷̛̻͉͈̙͎͖̹̏̍̃̎̿̾̽̓̆͝ ̴̢̛͕͈̘̫̮̤͔͖̺̱̣̺̬̏͆̋̐̓̑̃͋͘̚͜͠ͅT̴̡̨̢̰̱̖͍̯̬̂̏́̉̈́͊̾̍͗͊͑̉͑̑̇̽͜͝H̷̛̥͉̪͉̹̬͇̖̮̃͐̂͗͌̾ͅṘ̸̢̞̖͔͚̹̥̖̩͈̩̙̦̄̈̚ͅȨ̴̩̣͉̹̼̩̘̱͆̂͒̈́̀̆͘Ą̷̨̡̡̻͇͍̥̮̦̟̺̎͐̄̿̚̕͜D̵̢͙̥̈́̊͗̊͌

Because only men are delusional enough to fall for a psyop
Meanwhile, a woman could legit be *it* and still go "nah~ i'm just a guuurrrrl~"
Dude why is it always an extreme why?
Just because brown/niggers fell out of favour does not mean you go and fucking genocide them
Holy shit, these men would do anything to please a god/goddess
Did anyone fucking ask you to kill niggers? Just send them back to their homelands
Separate them from whites
Separate all races
Difference always boils down to war
Not if death pays a visit
Literal job creator
Macy Watson is not the evil tranny you all make her out to be or is she?
i do don't worry anon
so is xe a womxn or not?
yall niggas barking up the wrong tree
I don't control the surveillance get mad at them not me
wtf ya want me to do
What a weird vape.
It clearly was Biden initiated, he's full on Mad King at this point and his only chance was to strike before the VP announcement.
Satanic Pedo-Biden was tempted by the devil and so his punishment from God has been ongoing. Nothing but God's will matters now.
God forbid I feel good for 5 minutes
They're really upity oh my
chu du bruh?
Oh hey the clit tingles are back!
What could it mean anons??
wow I love your energy lol thanks for the smiles :)
> :)
So you ARE one of my gangstalkers,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I'll allow it. You make it look good bby. Mmmrrrow ~
but thanks lmao
he never really leaves
That was false.
/) o3o(\ <333 ~
why not

squirt is pee disclosure chads stay winning
now theres two ;) /ng/ is a harem anime
not sure.. so you've been drafted.
i expect a full report by the end of the day.
start with onions
cumnions, perfect idea
I'm not going to be able to make it to the store today unfortunately
>perched on their nose
never say this again
>>38374451in form’s force flows Abrasax whose magic process
theurgicly binds Christ to a black limbed god‘s flesh,
hexecontalithos as a manic obsessed
with the daedal evil i have basked in naught’s depth,
tanitine the fetal-needle malik-Topheth
has placed in the child’s face makes the mantic darkness
blaze with golden gnosis and the mantric parchment
becomes Loagaeth the gate of man’s madness harnessed,
melodic the pleroma of Ziz passed with strongest
catatonic yogas on ecstatic prophets
of the meon-mauve zone, of the as-if knowledge,
the eon of eons, I in tantric conscious.
they say you do
I don't even know how they're doing it how could I control it bitch ass nigga
Only jews say this
Mary and matriarchy is satanism tho
Only faggots like you subscribe to matriarchal pajeet religions

You are a tool of the antichrist

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