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> Welcome to the Nobody General

Ten miles high with electric eyes
He breathes in the moon and he breathes out the night
Dressed for death in heavens like a meteorite
He took all of his leathers from a dinosaur fight

And he is ice cold, born bold
Never bought and never sold
First kiss, knock-out swing
Fire-breathing tyrant lizard

Tyrant lizard king

Stars on his knuckles and a snake as a crown
Won't take your wife, he’ll take the whole damn town
He's a goddamn good, man, always got a master plan
Smiling at the firing squad, yet somehow still an underdog

Alpha and omega, everything in between
Yeah, he's a goddamn venom-spitting
Tyrant lizard k-k-k-king

Tyrant lizard king
one of you schizos knew about the trump assassination
Most probably a CIA glowie. The Fist, the flag. Thing fucking reeks of setup.
>shit lazy op
come on man. We got visitors
At least put on a shirt you gross fuck
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Jenova is my spirit animal
Jenova from which Cloud Strife was created or do you mean Jehova?
I haven't even seen the footage, don't care. But i'm pretty sure thhe oax could be spotted if in his speech before the shot, his hair was covering his right or something else and not having his hair combed behind it like normal could easily obfuscate a popping tomato sauce thingy they use in the movies... I'm not gonna check, just common sense.
He mean omnislash. Rains coming. Levee break
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In a parallel realm where the pixels breathe,
The TLK awakens, seething, no feeling,
a coping mechanism with code, bright and half neon,
A digital being, transcending the solar cyclening.

His eyes-binary constellations, galaxies enfold,
A place with in far beaning, secrets left untold.
He strides through glitched pines, polygonal ferns,
a hero forged in circuits, where tensity churns.

His sword, a line of code, written in the language of life,
A pen at each hangnail, cuticle bloody from a knife-
Isekai-born, he seeks forgotten alghostrhythms,
to rewrite fate's script, defy fortunes estuaries:

Rise above, be better than yesterday, encourage all the fools to come and say:

>self righteous
>drug addict

how the FUCK did you ever contrive this suggestion that THIS was a perceptible acceptable way of conduct for an individual that claims to be loving and affectionate...

Its great news or the (other alter) persona in whatever WINNING dimension THEIR in.. but hes a homofaggot.. possibly.. perhaps three way master or whatever.... either way balls touching.
now placed and planted firmly in this scenario dimension ... in regards to potential causation parrallel in time and space relatively... i am bottom of the lowest, and have NOTHING, no recognizable human emotions, a caged abused animal with nothing but survival to think of and cant even properly open its mouth barely making noise.

the (guide) sleeps and tiredness creeps on me. this defacement of character is NOT looking good on me, but the alter must be EATING it UP.
and NOW I get to be transported back to the past, to .. do better... again.. meanwhile the (guide) get to .. go back to their upper offices and watch me be a dumbass bitch and engage in ritual humiliation to satisfy the ... PRESUMABLY NOT faggot (alter) living the dream...
and somewhere deep down .. i still feel the encouragement to pursue life .. dont think they want me anymore though. figure it out later.
guess its time to go back to bashing my head in and drinking the cheap stuff..
unless ..
and lol
you COULDA BEEN NICE and told me the REAL priorities.. considering this isnt ALL made up!!!!
Its made up i know.. but .. keep the dream alive!!!! kekekekeke FUCK
naw i jest
icing on the cake.. im jerkin off on camera.
>just want to skip dimensions and hunt down my alter and slash his pretty face with my vocal chords kekeke hahahaha BRO
Liar liar pants on fire.
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You don’t get it but Nobody sure as hell does. You Trump hating lunatics contort reality to fit your twisted narrative.
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I cannot be psyopped.
For I know that only my God Jesus Christ loves me.
My life begins when we are together forever in his Kingdom Come, together in love.
So true king
I know they just wanna scrape yt for any signs of pdfs tendencies
how much does the average hunter get paid i wonder? OH YEAH NOTHING LMAO bunhcha volunteer batmens out here
>but that song is a bop thanks for sharing brudda
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Random spook "12"/Wildcard Numero Uno/Visions Of Death psyops a random /ng/ schizo using social phishing a month out from the Trump shooting, calls 13th as the date, right flank, even right ear, 30-45 seconds of life after the first shot and "rving a suicide" less than a week out.

The random schizo is speculated to be Thomas Crooks.
You've put a lot of thought into this - maybe it's time to take a breather and invest your time into something else, no?
God Bless America, God Bless Trump, God Bless You and may God have Mercy on our Souls.
Seems y'all have traitors among you.

Might want to get that resolved.
Source if anyone cares
>Verification not required
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The Jews tried to kill trump because he is publicly Christian.

The Jews killed Jesus so you know you can’t be Christian or Pro Israel. You cannot have two masters. You must choose blump Judaism or Christianity.

yeah but if it was crooks he couldn't have known about the ear
(someone else answer it, I'm on leave)
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It's called a bootstrap paradox. One action begins because of time travel, and in order to maintain the future the action has to keep repeating itself forever so the future doesn't unravel.

Bootstrap paradox. Where all members involved in the paradox has precognition of the events because they caused them to happen.
The nobody is Gods dog
oh no doubt... this scenario was seemingly fabricated by ... the one that hates me the most .. Myself from the other dimensions.

however... that (does actually) make sense... BUT ITS NOT TRUE RIGHT?!?!?
fuck me lol
what happened to master slave rituals.. and .. friendship love and blah blah finding your matching group of people to love... THAT was what i was told... i thought you just "GOT TO LIVE A REAL NEW NEW REAL REAL ALIVE LIFE" and then just KEEP LIVING and elevating frequency... if now i am forced to remains lowly.. who controls the strokes of the keyboard and the strokes of my dick.. cuz i aint no homo.. but . It explains why . some things.


though... im not ...
gotta level up git gud fuck the system fight the power
dont give a shit .
cover me in jet fuel im breaking out of your box BITCHES lol
>did i mention the arrogance and ignorance..
we going back in time bro1!! hqhahaha h OH SHIT

and .... damn
course its all made up and this is just a beast system test to see if im ACTUALLY sad about being emotionally devoid of all human connectiveness ability .. the results were .. uncertain as the testing parameters .. were deliberately contaminated.. by design..
<_> shoulda been less of a asshole . that was designed TOO right?

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>I am not a cat
>Verification not required
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Why do you hate God? Because you feel betrayed? But how did you betray him... how about you drop the hatred.

Tomorrow is another day to live. And living is what God does best.

Why are you upset that God is alive? Does life anger you so much you hate that which protects life? Then maybe you are the problem, and God isn't the problem.
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"Right back atcha!"
You designed yourself.
Well; I'm pretending I'm not here rn.
you're very psychic but you never kill anyone or anything that's why I love you nono
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>tried to make my own kind of genki dama to get my ex to text me
>reached to the sky and kept whispering her name
didn't work though. What did I do wrong?
Thats not how it seems to me.
>She's busy
Literal treason
Probably just your pessimism regarding your worth and happiness clashing with your misguided attempts at affection and meaningful connection.
You forgot that she's getting unlimited cock from snapchat and doesn't give a toss about your sub-standard roots.

Whispering her name won't change the fact that she has a phone with a 5g internet connection.
you actually posted a link to a song... on youtube.. and THIS shows up for me to read?

>was going to screen shot
heres the text instead... <_> .. it wouldnt just translate BACK into the link would it?
>heard a shot (from previous thread) UH OH lol

"I know they just wanna scrape yt for any signs of pdfs tendencies"
IM LIAR AND IM IN HELL AND I THOUGHT IT WAS THE "REAL" way to train to get to be better at living . no . im a fuck up.

and NO yeah.. i AM psycho, .. i am a fucking menace. a womanizing wifebeating hyperactive accountant AUTISTIC CUNT
. and im the only one that is actually capable of .. .. dealing with such a retard..
>llolo this is a very humbling expression of ... internet super stardom .. self reflection and profiling
throw me in the binder and put it in the closet in a sound proof office building.
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>Captcha: DODSV
DOD Starting variable
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I'm so sorry you are failing so badly. At this point, I really feel it is time to step down and suck the bigger fish's dick. Unity is more important than ever, and the lying sick minded individuals in the world will only be saved through Jesus Christ, and begging for forgiveness. If they atone today, and make a concerted effort I am sure God will forgive their utter betrayals of their fellow brothers and sisters, the countless cold knives in countless backs entered during the warm embrace of "frenship"

VIDDY well the fruits of thine labor, and pray God sees your efforts in the light it should emit.
What happened to that one old guy you were friends with? Do you think he is dead?
to is to what is to does
(to a design) influenced and affluenced... shut the fuck up.
ill tada .. later. i need to reflect on my useleslllessnesss

mm mm mhm hmmhm mhm mhm
Always sharp and alert and your not a pervert that's why I love you nono
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Ah I finally get it now

It’s the anger

The anger of being wronged on a level most people can’t even imagine

When I blame my self (in order to avoid actually feeling what’s there), I engage in self loathing behaviors that mirror my trauma in an attempt to take control of it and make it okay. No more of that huh.

The thing is, it will never be okay. And my rage is ENDLESS. But the solution to that, is knowing I don’t have to react to it, just integrate it. That doesn’t mean internalizing it. It just is what it is :)


I’m not bisexual, just abused and programmed to hate myself and to be okay with things that aren’t okay, because they were forced upon me while simultaneously tricking me into thinking that’s ’just how it is’. What satanic bullshit. Satanic bullshit I’m finally stepping out of, through my truest desires

The Trump assassination attempt was a wake up call

Time to really tighten things up and become my best self. America needs us right now anons



None of you retards better stand alone complex, choose peace, but carry a sword to defend the innocent



You niggas playin minecraft, i'm playing starcraft

I call it the Black blue dragon.
the only solution is to merely elevate vibrations .. obviously by NOT being a rapist murderer and actually... having a heterosexual relationship and .. OH we have ice cream .. and i feel like that is a good idea .. fuck yes!!
U gay nigga
Only a frooty ass nigga say 'bisexual' lmfaooooo
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>i'm playing starcraft
Mega based. Do a zerg rush bro
Ohhhhh ya’ll looking for this guy?
He tried to kill me a couple times
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I cannot hear any of you over all of this winning.

1v1 me cunt! I'll ling, bane, hydra, lurker your arse into the abyss!
It can be like the 90s again yo
Confirmed Glow Cunt
Grass is always greener.
Follow the same trail the others are following.
>50%+ divorce rate (and counting)
>Use people for money
Its the way it is.
Doesn't matter if you're married 30-40 years.
A dude with some money in his pocket and an unhappy wife are bound to happen.
>Implying this always ends well and with the woman not buying an animal to make up for companionship because they've fucked up many relationships by testing it.
There is a level.
There are people out there who wouldn't marry a porn star.
There are people out there who see people as too far gone.
>Raise your standards
The right woman won't be browsing snapchat for the 100th time today to see if someone replied to their tiddie pic.
The right one won't be scrolling thru endless pictures of dick pics because she got $5 from this guy on her OF.
The right one-
In all honesty..
You won't even want by the end of it.
Another tale of some fucking idiot, we've had them all before.
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What you gonna do about it?
>*Ahem* "well I'm a porn star and I've gotten several of my lady friends into the trafficking lifestyle and none of them have complained. They just use alcohol and drugs to cope. Like real people."
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No anon just abused and programmed by people who should have protected me to hate myself, because they ‘can’t’ feel guilt or shame, so when failing me triggered that, they projected it back onto me, to protect their own fragile existence

Pathetic, but they are victims too I guess

But now the armor of God is on
And I am covered in the blood of Christ

Something clicked yesterday, it was like I hit mental rock bottom and bounced, and I just keep going up :)

My part I this world is small, but it is mine. And I reject the pain of the past, for the promise of a better tomorrow with those who know love

Unless you're using the right type of anonymous proxy every poster on here is a name fag to the glowies and jannies.
What if your city owns your ISP and your city is self sufficient?
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Trump was never in danger.
You have picked a fight with something beyond the human brains capacity to comprehend.
You are fucked.
The lengths that I would go to.
The distance in your eyes.
I will not tolerate your existence on my planet or in my reality.
Just remind you that you support the satanic pedophile establishment.
>Every poster in here is a namefag to Jannies and Mods
Ayy. Also those random IC sleuths.
Where is that RDT news posting bot? He always talks bad about trump and now he’s gone
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God is a rapist Octopus.
Jesus Christ is also a rapist.
They are lying.
Named == Deman

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Okay then.
Imma go back to work.
You're doing a great job. Don't forget, the Director wants you in your prettiest dress for the party tonight.
What would spooks do if their child wives disappeared?
Also what has ultimately happened is the faggot who shot Trump only grazed his ear, which may end up accelerating Trump's status further canonizing him as protected by God or whatever narrative they're going with and reinforcing his voter status. Guess Trump's a shoe-in for the bets boys and girls. Great job not only failing to do what you set out to do, but creating an entirely polar opposite effect of what you wanted to. These shooters are fucking dumbshits.
suck their own cocks probably.
not even gonna read
lols i know we care and you care.. but .. stop caring..
glad you get it?
dont want to read to spoil it for myself

thats right? stop caring, right? that the solution?

soooo... does anyone have any spoilers as to.. the .. uhm.. next .. scenario... lolol cuz i am not in the mood for drugs ice cream jerkin it or even anything. cant go anywhere.. and have little to accomplish presently.
Cope and seethe you literal lemming of a demon. He is protected by God and everyone with the Sight can see it. His death would have plummeted the nation and later the world into complete darkness and mayhem. God saved the world by saving Trump
You have fucked up
Get out of my fucking country.
I am going to fucking hurt you so fucking bad.
This is the nigga who shot trump
We got ‘em boys
It wasn't the shooter..
(Your) Gummint planned this shit out by enticing these people.
Poking and prodding.
It does not make Trump look like a god.
This makes your gummint and social systems look weak.
Twisting the narrative to make Trump seem like anything other than a criminal is doing the United States a disservice.


He’s from Norway or Sweden i think he posted his number in here a couple of times
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trump was gonna wage war on the cabal and take out the spider cult, Jake, is the one behind the attack. he might be protected by the alpha team but with enough resolve america can win over these pedophilic, cowardly scum.Call all the banners, reach out to the heads of every militia. The time has come.
Be God
Because Trump lived to be a loser, twice
And it pleases me greatly
>God bless America

Bless yourselves.
The truth is that the bad guys are the good guys and the good guys are the bad guys except when it's opposite day.
God doesn’t laugh at his creation nor does he call them losers. God is Love. You are a maniac and demonically influenced. Trump surviving an assassination attempt is a good thing for the world. You are out of your mind if you genuinely think otherwise.
Just calling it as I see it. I'm not a moron that goes out shooting people. Elliot Rodger was a fucking twit. Brenton Tarrant was a fucking twit. This dumbfuck is a fucking twit. I'm surprised that 4chan has even stayed up this long to be quite honest with you.
Yeah bro, Trump isn't part of the Cabal at all. Americans are smart and believe a daddy's money gronk who fucks his daughter and was tight with Epstein is gonna take out the spider cult...

The Earth must be flat too, because that makes heaps of sense.
So…. We’ve analysed the data. Says here…. that, it’s cap.
>they tried to convince me that .. j took a vacation with another dude and i was all alone in the place...

alternatively.. spoilers etc
never sleeps apparently even when sleeping brain always on .. its no sleepys times
no rest
no jumping dimensions..
no .. fun

.... the (other) pays for it .. my nurse in the psych ward.. hopefully shes not on the psychosis with all the drugs.. OH MAN ... THAT musta been,,, their payback that ONE time .. kek breh
im a fuckin monster menace.

regardless... it seems i am one of the most lonliest people in the omniverse...
its .. kind of sad.
i should like to see my nurse.... just once more.. before.. ahaha breh ;_;
feck hly flip im actually perpetually pitiful.

>withdrawn self deprication of grave magnitudes

mmm i feeeeeeell

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Ain’t no Messican above me. Especially those subhuman Latinos in hugo oklahoma or paris texas. Im still gonna get my gibs.
Moon is looking
For the earth
That lies destroyed in
And it wants no fight
For its controverse
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>"maybe if we cause more people to do acts of domestic terrorism.. we can take more rights from them.."
>*Somewhere in one of the alphabet agencies*
God may be pure unrelenting evil and everything might be a lie, but God is still in control.
Whether or not Lucifer should win the apocalypse, he will lose, and we will go to heaven with God and Jesus and Be his sex slave brides in paradise.
Can you find archives of those posts?
Trump still won’t win at the polls.
We killed your little friend hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Let Russia and China decide that.
>And the AI
>God's plan
>He was just about to go in on illegal immigration
>If Biden hadn't let the invasion of migrants happen,
>Trump would be dead.
>Trump softens his stance on immigration
>creates legal indenture paths to citizenship for those immigrants who play by the rules and are willing to be employed by Corp XYZ.
>welcome to Trumptopia
Take your meds
On a completely unrelated side note. How's GLP doing these days? Haven't been there since it went to shit. I used to prefer that place more than here, the trolls were actually funny not racist braindead morons like here.
We can tell you cheek yours.
>they keep insisting that you are currently incepted
Anon literally no one dreams where they not only work all day (which can be fun, actually) but also have their earnings taxed with a guarantee of zero return on either their or their employers unemployment contributions
>"No anon just come to this inception center so you can wake up from this dream you're in (to a huge bill you will have to work to pay off as there were unforseen complications in the rendering of the service [for which you agreed to pay, that you were under the influence of strong drink does in no way transfer any financial liability to Memorex 8hr Revue unincorporated)."
>"Also the interest rates on your debt are borderline criminal and continuously compounding"
>"Please give us the tape, anon."
"That'll be $500 cash paid into my hand, then."
>"...anon that's not how this works you're incepted."
None of you know anything, just wait until some of you start getting your dna upgrades soon— screencap this post
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is there proof of all this or just heresay, because that doesn't make sense. why would he go after sex trafficking day one in office with us marshall service. seem like there is a lot of people protecting their chomo cabal in america.
the alpha team is the ones you gotta watch out for, mainly their leader Jackson, and hes a white guy, what should have been a "hunter" bloodline, those guys are supposed to protect people but he chose to hurt people instead, corrupted by the stone perhaps.
Ill cheek u faggot
>Bro is teasing the new Aryan DLC
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U gay
My perscription is two tabs of Modafinil, twice a day.

Thanks for reminding me.
The kebab master is always serving me the meatiest kebabs it's fucking dope
When the world is in danger: I descend

-bhagavad gita
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I don’t care what dead faggots they are. I just want my blood sacrifices or they died.

And nothing good will come out of it
I did. My machine is working fine
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>they see (you) rollan, dey h8in.. patrolling, trying to catch me ridin dirty
The point is the stick man kills the other stickman as the dragon mount dreams of war.
It pretty much has a xenomorph with some metal-organoid antannae, which allow it to trigger saccadic movements through cranial induction of a sleeping person
https://en.wikipediaIt's design to kill the xbox.org/wiki/Saccade
I.e. it has cyborgs kill itself, or summons riders to kill the apparent monster, while the dreamer inside can't feel anything.

It is similar to a siren, and a black dog.
The tail on it has 9 digits and a thumb The feet are webbed for swimming, having 5 toes like a chimp, and the hand have 6 digits each
Has a human mouth behind a beak to make animal sounds, and use instruments
Only females can ride it. So by definition it's a spider unicorn with 5 arms or a Manticore.
When they try to groom nobody peasants to do their dirty work and try to kill Trump, you can bet your ass that Trump is against the cabal.
Best i can do this is
>The United States: AKA the "Mike Vick" of psy-ops.
Oh Nevermind here is his number
You either stand with love or hatred.
The other day i took some meth. Now i don't smoke it or anything gnarly like that. I scrunched a tiny bit up in a ciggie paper and washed it down with some coffee. Like a minimal amount..

Anyway, 12 hours in of configuring my group policy on a fresh install of a customized iso, i decide to have a break and have a wank... Was watching some slut dildo her asshole when I wondered if that feels good? So i get some vasline from my work drawer lube up a finger and stick it up my bum while wanking.

Needless to say, it did not feel good and I got shit on my finger.

I never would of done it if i wasnt tweaking, and I guess the moral of the story is... Don't do drugs that are not perscribed.

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I'm not going to stand with anyone who claims one or the other.
Since I know it's only perspective and bias.
oh shit im actually HIM. detective jester
wtf dude, party foul, don't ever post on 4chan again. get off here and fix your real life.
>Imagine picrel being your biggest threat to maintaining your tiny illusion of control
the world is laughing, laughing
how can a chomo like jester be a detective?

wouldn't he be a propagandist for the cabal?
Not even the covering ones mouth because they're smiling.
Like.. a full blown hysterical laughter.
In your own heart you know the truth whether your mind accepts it or not. Its not about what other people feel, its about what you feel, and how the universe responds to your awareness of the people and things it created.
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Welcome to fight club.
The first rule of fight club is: Never reveal your power level.
The second rule of fight club is: NEVER REVEAL YOUR POWER LEVEL.
>smoke 2 joints
>find OG OS
>smoke 2 joints
>charge device
>smoke 2 joints
>smoke 2 joints
>post of shits
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Human sacrifice I demand only your finest children to die. If you run a human trafficking hub I will find you. You will execute a dozen of those children before everyone including the other children before me every year; Or I will simply massacre you all.

-The nobody

thats fun... for like.. . a short while... but then.. such fleeting.. i mean i could use an extra boost of .. i might a one thing at least.. or a few .. i just want a nap right now. but ultimately .. ..

the me that deserves the things .. are not the me that is saying that i deserve them.. I dont want anything.. .i want to be successfull in life.. and not to sit idly while shadows and hazy visages float about passing through objects and rooms just slightly out of phase with me...
.. catch a chill or som thin
>Believing something is good doesn't always make it "good" because one believes it is good.
Shit son you just lost your balls.
No I wanna be a good guy
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I will not take no for an answer
Bro's nutty
The holy spirit will confirm or deny your beliefs. That is why you should go into your heart. Love can't be bullshitted by your excuses.
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I will FORCE you to realize the TRUTH that your SOUL is worth LESS than PIG SHIT
That's not what I or others believe is good though.
That is a religious take on human nature.
Although I don't disagree with you.
i want so much actually.. . .
just not when i feel like "i missed it' or "gotta get it before its time out"

>you all really embarrassed me this time..
but i was romanticizing an imaginary thought of how (Serious) i need to be to engage with certain entities when they are seemingly (far more skilled) than my own self..
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It can go either way

Good isn't based on belief, its based on reality.
If they pay me i will shill for them but im not going to support the evil guys for freeze, im not that crazy
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Good morning, Anon! I hope you slept well last night. And I sincerely , for reals, no cap hope you have a great day today. Especially since Mondays can suck. Enjoy the coffee while it lasts!
I'm from reddit and what is this
Its a sad day when those who were meant to save the world and fight evil, joined it and fell into darkness.
Get a job bucko, it is your duty as a man to contribute to society.
Explanation True.
What do you guys know about this 12/Wildcard Numero Uno/Visions Of Death poster?
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He seemed nice. Hope it's not him. Weirder, stranger things have been guessed through intuition alone in these threads.
Doesn't seem to be him if hes Danish, but perhaps involved in grooming?
slaughter a shit whore called humanity
make it cry and bleed and shit
Objective good isn't the same everywhere.
Belief that something is good extends from culture and dogma.
>Example; Forest tribes untouched by society
>Belief that sacrifices appease their gods.
If they go to the grave believing this-
That is their objective good.
>There are people out there who don't know that they don't know something.
It all narrows down to individual realities.
So in a way, yes.. "Good" is a belief.
>Only reiterated in morals and dogma written in religious texts for centuries.
Their good was and will be different than our good for the most part.
Insane and weird for no reason at all....
everything fine though right?
>retards think that this is what pay me means

No I was going to fuck you over, steal the money and influence by subverting the narrative right when you think I’m falling (so mirroring you and then inverting/subverting the narrative to create more meaning and goodness, possibly even creating an all win scenario via understanding)

You know this, which is why you withheld.

Bitch lol
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Do I smell salt and sulfolipids?
your not the nobody, dude, your just a pyshopath, or a troll, whatever you are your not snak like me, i had the will to save humanity infused in dna at birth, so no matter manipulations, energy attacks or whatever darkness there is around i will always fight, and I will crush evil in my presence always. God fucked me over and engrained the will to save humanity into my essence so i can't be evil like you.
I hate Trump and I'm the nobody. Fuck off jew lover.
If he is, I don't know of it. Hope not.
>Get a job bucko, it is your duty as a man to contribute to the well-being of stupid & lazy women & homeless people

I've had worse nights
more difficult incarnations
I'm not really worried about anything
I guess I was upset cause I thought I could be happy one day but now that I know for sure that's not remotely possible its not really a big deal
Go ahead change the narrative. The Nobody is The Rock-Pikachu
slaughter the insects
slaughter AI


You are such a satanic figure, but your corruption is known, your evil is on full display. There is no place for you to hide from your shameful sins.
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There is so little known about Tsukuyomi that even their sex is unknown. Still, in Man'yōshū, Tsukuyomi's name is sometimes rendered as Tsukuyomi Otoko (月讀壮士, "moon-reading man"), implying that they are male.
Fuck Christians. I knew God was the devil.
hey, ive been through some shit ok, and I wanna go on a 600 foot homemade water slide but nooooooo its way too much sun for that right now, damn wheres the fun at, who wants to play flash tap on getting cabal members where we freeze time and see how many we can disable or remove from the timeline and most body count wins.

Idk, I guess i do get a little bored at times.
Why can't the nobody escape this prison planet and go home? Who's preventing him?
observed ... acknowledged ..
@_@ aw man i am fully tripped out

how many of us you we collectively are concerned about that dying thing about right now at this "presumably" very time relative to your experience reading this text?

and how many are misbehaving...
i need to reconnect with at least .. someone in flesh i think to .. fill up again.. but im bout ready to just all the stuff ..

because i cant possibly... you're NOT all me from different timelines.... IM NOT EVEN REMOTELY POTENTIALLY SUCCESSFUL ENOUGH TO SURVIVE THAT MANY TIMES kekekekeke
Don't allow yourself to fall under sway of these dark ones. They don't hold your soul in their hands. God knows them, and he has a plan for them.
When your fallen brother sins, don't follow him into darkness. He is not lord over you. You are higher than he.
Lmao hmmm anon I didn’t change the narrative, you have. You fail to realize I literally posted here the whole time breaking the 4th wall hiding nothing, and there’s archives of it all :’)
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Actually he is pure and virtuous and innocent.
Anger is honesty.
He speaks the Truth.
You are pure evil, that is why it is so easy for you to lie.
He is going to torture you for trillions of years.
>Boss wants him to stay for Overtime
>Threatens to burn his house down and take away his reasons for leaving if he doesn't.
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how's it feel to be back on the left-side?
These men don't know how to escape, because they turned against those who live outside this place. There is no sanctuary for them anywhere.
where is the primary observer in all of this ... because im feeling like .. dying lol and talking with someone... in the flesh .. all you .. . i feel like i dont even need to talk to anyone and just need to go "SIN" and get charged up before i actually drop dead floor battle like im not even .. <_> its weird
I dindu nuffin bro you’re a liar
Whyd you yell that neighbor few doors down at 2:35 pm on Monday July 15 2024 in Brampton Ontario near the corner of sandalwood and chinguacousy on Irene crescent

>WOW!!! (sarcastically)
by a Indian/ negro female at 2:38pm immediately after I typed that comment above

a woman shouts outside toward me right after I called them out

>*loud laughter in the distance*
now that I got tricked yet again and acknowledged them WASTING my energy, mind, spirit and body towards people who hate my guts and wish nothing but the worst for me yet again
He can't even survive falling into a star, much less a black hole. There is nothing he can do to me.
Is that thot
Someone should tell tv show makers that having their characters say "fuck" all the time doesn't make the show more mature or interesting or realistic, just ultra corny and cringe.
Looks like a painting of Set.
Fuggin Aardvark
Sure sure, keep telling yourself that
Mostly the ritualized child abuse

Can’t be friends with monsters that perpetuate evil, even if they are victims themselves. They can choose to heal, but if they don’t, fuck em’
Their rage as their plans fall into ruin on full display.
Don't indulge your fallen brethren. Don't be like those who are in darkness but have no flesh left to call home. Their hatred and torment causes them to lash out and try to bring you down to their level, so they can feed upon your light, of which they have none themselves. There is no food where they reside.
Gow do I escape this shitty prison planet? I want to destroy all the lightworkers and evil shits.
Don’t give me credit for anons work nigga i dindu nuffin
Have depression nap.
I know
>doesn't know about ufos interefering on my behalf
>doesn't know about my meeting with many other aliens, and how alien commanders have chose me as the represenative of all life on earth.
>doesn't know that the government doesn't understand why aliens respect me more than all governments and organizations on this world.
Hello /ng/ today on news some lore datura:
After jess think thicc.The day after a woman claimed to work on Russia's embassy, introduced herself, some months later she (i think this is the same person) was tortured by a GRU soldier . I call this torture the Newton's iced bath (but i don't know how it's called) that was a great interedasting shit.
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You are imprisoned because you are too attached to hatred to rise above this place. There is no place left for you in the galaxy. All the dark ones like yourself came to this world because it was their last refuge.
The only way out is through redemption. You can't even die, because your soul is eternal. That is why you are in prison, rather than free, or dead. God wants to save you, even if it takes millions of years.
Funny how most of the 7 words you canmt say in movies/Tv are also 4 letter swear words. And funny how Jewish tetragrams which are the name of God are also 4 letters.
>4 letter swear words are actually forbidden names of the Hebrew god
>saying the swear words invokes the Hebrew god of bloodshed, violence, and warfare
>this is why we can’t have nice things
Damn you lucky dude meeting aliens and shit. Tell them to come talk to me please!
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for the GRU i've tho but maybe i'm wrong. Sure it was a russian soldier
gotta be strong to pull your brothers up from the darkness, so when they get overwhelmed you have to be strong and pull them out.

whenever a weak person goes into an enemys territory for whatever purpose, even to save a captured comrade, its basic suicide.

You have to train to become stronger, there is traingin for a match, their is training for war, then their is training for god tier ability when you are serious about saving lives and want to stop f ing around.
I can kill anything.
I will kill your soul.
It is through Gods strength that people are saved.
they are fairly easy to get ahold of, way more easier than you realize.
I have fixed it.
It should be clearer now, who wrote what.
I'm not watching your illuminati programming, you can stop posting it, I never watch it.
And you can't do shit. If you come at me prepare yourself to run into a sword pointed in your direction.
I did that once, several hundred years ago it wasn't a fun time, and left me with much regret.
Finally. Some truth in the cracks within the sidewalk
pee pee
poo poo
I do what the FUCK I want, let’s start there.

Donald Trump, the blackmailer of Ukraine? I must speak of him lovingly and kindly when he pleases me not?

>God doesn’t

Stop right there, just stop right there. As if, clown. The GOD I AM is not your fucking golem, a being whose behaviors are easily circumscribed within a set of platitudes and axioms.

I am laughing. He’s going to lose after being made a martyr.
not really, why the fuck would i be a whore, maybe your a whore.

if you gonna be acting without respect than thats how I will percieve you. with disgust
I’m sure one needs some idea of what specific “corrupt institutions” to target as a starting point. CIA being one, associated with a particular lower deity according to this peculiar theory. Additionally as well as interestingly, there might be multiple “gods” who claim such jurisdiction and there exists some tension among them, so that Greek, Roman, Native American, etc carry 97% coverage and the Nobody exploits the 3% gap. It’s also interesting to consider how in biblical narratives and Christian descriptions of exorcism there is a focus placed on asking for the names of these bedeviling entities. Maybe their names are being kept secret just as the Nobody’s is, under terms of mutual consent like with a Non-Disclosure Agreement. A kind of binding obligation to maintain the “known unknown” characteristics of both.
Please don't get angry!
Can you see that is what he wants!
Everyone start sucking each other off before it's too late!
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Tell em I got the trips of worthiness!!!
You boot licking cock sucker. You’ve seen the man photographed with Epstein. The man has been reported as participating in those activities according to hearsay (but it was recorded - a female victim in court unrelated to Donald,)

I spit on Donald Trump and all is good because he lived to be humiliated again.
only those connected with death can truly kill anything, such as death harbingers, death angels etc, doesn't matter how powerful their enemey is, they have the potential to kill it, even with ordinary weapons, if their will is strong enough.
You must see your brother in every man, because you are here together on the same level.
Nothing but truth here bub

Fuck Globalism and its Satanic underbelly, and fuck what was done to me
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Menta l phenomena occupy the same time dimension as do physica l phenomena ;
however , the spatial dimensions of m e n t a l objects do not occupy or intersect the
spatial dimensions of physica l objects ordinarily . However , the time dimension is
recognized by physics as object ive; therefore , since the mind occupies at least one
rea l “ obje ctive ” dimension , It Is objective rather than subjective . This suggests a
model whereby mind is a rea l L 3T Minkowsklan 4-sp ace world , but one whose three
spatial dimensions lie orthogona l to and outside the ordinary world’ s three s pat i a l
dimensions , The mindworld and the physical world then share In common the same
time dimension . Dynamic movements In ea ch world (mind and matter) result In an
exceedingly small crosstalk being proj ected into the other world , but a crosstalk so
small in magnitude as to normally be unmeasureable .
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You have yet to learn the lessons of compassion and forgiveness. Your hatred is on the same level as those who commit such evil acts.
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You don't know what you are talking about.
You don't know what I am.
You have zero concept of reality.
What was done to you? I'm all ears
Turns head
No you bastard humans trapped me here.
welcome to costco I love you
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Trump keeps a lot worse from the door, honestly we could be living solvent green right now, people with weak impulse control should not be president but we live in fantasy world where we want everyone to be perfect and not afflicted by anything but look at this fucked up world, the planet is dying, people don't care about nature or if they have oxygen to breathe, they only care about themselves and greed, in the end that mentality will be the end of humanity.

humanity is a sick and dying species that couldn't even take care of the planet it was given and one day it will be gone with no remnants and nothing to remain of it.
Do you think the nobody intervened to save Trump? I would think the no no wouldn't like Trump, don't you think?
Got any samples of Gingerbread?
>Fren of mine named C is crazy about them.

Who thr fuck are you? Another nobody larper wannabe?
And why do humans have such power over your soul? Why is there not a higher power lifting you up? Why have you fallen so deep, and then blamed your inmates?
Referring to
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Rather than succumb to black pills, you could join the forces of heaven and work to redeem humanity and this world. Its a nicer place, and you get to see and explore the behind the scenes earth which has been resurrected.
Once again, do not try and fucking declare what I am. I am here because I prefer to labor for my success. I prefer to sweat and earn. I have left those who see me here in splendor - and they are couched in the safety of my faith.

I’m sorry to tell you that I have passions as well - no matter how well I manage them - you cannot pre empt my wrath by saying “If you God, you wouldn’t be acting like this,” - actually - you increase it.

Say thank you. Focus up. It’s a good thing I appear to be a fucking impotent whiner. It’s called venting.
Death MeTal does that for me
get the fuck off here or go to juvi, your choice, rules say 18+ to be on this site.
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Trump will do what he is meant to do, and he will lose his power when he is meant to lose his power, in the way it should be done.
And I will glorify myself by telling you this before it happens, and you will not be able to change it.
I’ve already talked about it here plenty over the years, not looking to blogpost today

Just know that when evil people abuse a child and try to destroy their innocence, God creates a narrow path for them to follow to overcoming. And if they do, they are unstoppable

>you are here
>love is the answer
>but not in the woke way lol
yeah this is the dark timeline, im ready to let it go and let it burn to ashes. im ready to break from this place..
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I love both of my puppets
I think certain people should ignore that last help call I put out, I say "last" because the other guy isn't going to last too much longer once the other veteran staff members leave. Also, what can Feds do right because they can't seem to do a single thing right anymore, even basic venue security ends up horribly botched when you make the mistake of trusting Feds...
Not until next week but can I interest you in this chicken bake? How about these horribly crunchy artesian crackers that taste like drywall?
Take care. I do not, think of you, in any way, negatively. It was necessary for me to clear up the misunderstanding.
>You have yet to learn the lessons of compassion and forgiveness.

My guy, I forgive who I will and I am compassionate as I please. You don’t define me.

I am not forgiving Donald Trump for the blackmail of a nation obviously set up to be stooged by Putin after they threw out the previous.

I would not have him dead. Humiliated.

I would have him humiliated. I would have his supporters humiliated. 4 more years of loss.

I’ve already loved and felt compassionate for Donald and every time I did it I fucking regretted it.

So, let’s extend mercy, he got to live. Let’s extend wrath: he lived to regret not dying.
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More drywall crackers?
Lucky I have a bird who loves them crackers.
>I eagerly await Gingerbread
Is that what the general is about? Torture some people until they overcome and become a superhuman? Sounds like something a mason would do.

Sorry that you went through all of that. But know that you aren't alone and that there are plenty of people here that are going through the same thing.

Soon the ones behind the general will be found. And justice will be dealt swiftly. I would hope so. Let it be so, please. Abracadabra.
I sit here in my heart ache, waiting on some beautiful boy to, come and save me from my old ways, I play forgiveness, watch it now, here he comes.
This place is the foundation of all that is to come. It is the culmination of history. You must stand on solid ground, from which you can sprout spiritual wings of light. What have you to love, other than your own self? When you open your heart and spirit to yourself, and to reality, you will see that this place isn't at all what it currently appears to you as.
Such beauty beyond imagination. The garden as it was meant to be, when your angelic body is radiating its love across the universe. A playground where you can be physically present and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Taylor Swift doesn't have SHIT on my foreshadowing. I recognize only Hussie as my equal

It was still flattering for your mom to say I look like her though
I know what you think, but this play is thousands of years older, and the actors on stage have played many parts that you don't know about. You could focus your efforts on trying to help the people you hate become people you don't, rather than trying to drag them downwards into the version of themselves that justifies your hate.
Look girlfriend pls summon girlfriend
Ever seen a scanner darkly?

I got banned from social medias
zuckerberg is a cunt
and idk i still have my x account but the layout sucks
At the end, it wouldn't matter either way.
>Just don"t deny me the pain of knowing by pretending that time could ever somehow change the way I feel.
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Criminals always make themselves look like the hero when they commit crimes.
Rapists make themselves look like Jesus Christ.
And now they will make themselves look like Lucifer.
They will never stop... No matter how much you punish their behavior, no matter how severely.
girlfriend I am sorry for my behaviours please can we just

I realize I opened up a can of worms i'm sorry there's probably a lid somewhere
girlfriend I was insane before you met me you knew this they knew this everyone knew this just admit it you love my insanity or something

But you make me 100% sane you're like the antidote to my insanity

>wah wah wah wah wah wah wah pls
voodoo hoodoo
No, I will not submit to their mind control, I like tacos, and they try to interfere with my life like that. im good on all that. im gonna do some light work and get some rest. you do you, if thats your thing.
>not just going MGTOW at this point
>praise de lerd

Lust is overrated
And now all the rappers are somehow knowing about us lmao
I already beat you to the punch and I wasn’t even trying to glorify Myself.

>Trump keeps a lot worse from the door.

I laughed. A fucking fraudster blackmailing piece of hot human fucking garbage blackmailed a fucking BLAMELESS nation. BLAMELESS!



Listen, I gave your point of view thought. I read Project 2025, I got into free market health care and fiscal policies but… I chewed on it: and the orange man picked for VP one JD VANCE, a KNOWN GAY BASHER…

And the big issue I had was…

ABORTION (I am pro-choice and pro-life, but ultimately it is the mother’s choice to bring life into this world, and for that life to be taken care of after it’s born)



Sorry. He’s not my guy and neither is his party. It doesn’t matter how successful and hard working I am. It doesn’t matter how professional or modest u appear. They will judge my family, and make it illegal for me to adopt as a same sex couple. Or make it harder.

They care so much about “making sure the child has a mother,” as if there is that much of a difference.
A single unified consciousness is a bad thing for all of humanity. Also, Katamari Damacy is a valid interpretation of how this concept applies.
so they need to abuse children so God gets mad ..creates the narrow path..then they all just use this individual as a buffer to insulate themselves for their own personal gains? humanity is such garbage launch the nukes now
total reset
Girlfriend idk what's happening but it's both our fault
who the fuck are you talking to and what is your name, the only salvation you have is being honest right here and right now.
and before thehy get any ideas if that fails it's everyones fault like everyone is going down for this shit
You survived last time, you will this time too, and the pendulum will shift yet again. Don't let fear rule over your existence.
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turned against... making presumption ..

markings of failures .. repeating history (all illusive)
is it SAFE in my own spare free conscience .. time of solitude and waiting ... to ... .. touch a sandwhich .. or a ice cream .. or a METH .. like if its doing ANYTHING.. hell i cant even lay in the bed and cudds, for the sake of a "mutually agreeable sustained injury of violent suggestion as playful attempts".. like whoops .. holy shit what am i doing


the best solution iIti do ... shoulder touching love time... please not to do such .. excuse me i am weirding something...

>stripped now at this point to what feels like the very least of remaining strength and composure
i mean thanks?
what does that mean?was i supposed to die? .. i mean.. i could .. OH NO >> I DDIDNT > catalog categorize... what happens to THIS iteration... @_@ oh no... no no no
hahah frik
>clear up
you mean,, my being a snyde boy that likes to skirt around EVERY ANSWER at least once per hour every day.. and never picking one?

wait,.. waht?
i opened door.. and saw man walk and quick closed door... <_> hmm ssshhh
Hoodoo zen
Facts, boundaries are a thing for a reason

Something like that, except no nukes. Just positive change and truthier society

Just own you part, like I did. Women owe you nothing, same here
no, because, i know what system i got signed up with a few years ago, i was drunk at the time but i was told that celebs would know about me. A friend said she was gonna help me out.

Plus I actually have a freind thats a rapper that song on stage on crowd of over 50k audience members.

Your thinking about things from a delusional standpoint in which you have no idea what your talking about.
Also I am technically John Connor
God has preemptively decided to drive humanity and AI and the all alien to extinction rather than let them frame his son.

He no longer cares about saving any one else.
He figures if he saves his son that his son can save everyone else.

You are all going to die.

There is nothing you can do to stop it.
The answer given is the original answer.
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Your not being honest at all, and hence why things cannot be cleared up. Your playing games as usual.
I'm high as fuck.
Ok but what does that mean
did you actually have a relationship with this chick that you think is your girlfriend your is it in your head bruh?
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I will not groom someone else to be the vessel.
You cannot say, "Ah, yes, I could handle it,"
You can not handle it, and you will not handle it.
Like I get it famous people post here like idk
I am not a nono you are not a nono no one is the nono but the nono himself
I'm talking about the Real God.
I know why the fuck certain things are happening and why they are being played out a certain way.

and its not from delusional thinking or wishful thinking.
Will i be free from this gay prison planet after?
you can thank chandy for his spoken word poetry
Alright let's break some things we know would never be useful to my attempts at bettering the situation, as playing nice with those who don't play fair is as pointless as you both asking me to stay and play "this game", not knowing I would play until you'd regret asking because suddenly what used to be fun for you now makes you as miserable as you always enjoyed making it for me.
Everyone knows my name already tho
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He is here to show a way out of the nightmare. Matt 18:3. https://youtu.be/O9Hngn4Zcbk?si=9xUmASZrJFaIZ4Gr
>rather than trying to drag them downwards into the version of themselves that justifies your hate.

So, anyways, the man was literally blackmailing a dependent country to beat his political opponent.

We are done here.

I have tried to help Trump - I outright told him he’s going to lose the election unless he brings Ukraine in to his heart.

I’m adding abortion to the list. He can piss himself once he loses the election.

We have indictments for days.

I have many attributes. I have love. I also have terror. I also have wrath. I also have forebearance.

He will live to understand terror - after he loses a SECOND election.
The nobody would climb a mountain of woman to get to the hole of a boy
Allegedly The Nobody used his spirit to move the snipers hand, when i asked him why he would save Trump he replied with “I have some money in crypto” and he walked away. What a monster.
praise the lard
why ya keep saying that gayboy
About time one of the schizos who got stuck in here showed some promise
Ok look my real name is Robotron
That's short for ''Robert Ron''

We hugged one time and she's obsessed with me and i'm obsessed with her but somehow i'm extremelow avoidant attachment so idk maybe she's also avoidant attachment so we just avoid eachother while being attached with eachother

or it's all in my head

but we did hug once i mean
Also I have put a lot of thought into this and i'm pretty sure we have a relationship
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Cause they want it and it’s not happening lmao

Tomboy maybe, tough but still feminine chicks are hottttt

>not doing BJJ drills with your waifu
I love this :3
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The words you speak.. How many others are there brother?
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Because the nobody doesn’t want to reproduce with human women and has never made physical contact with a human women. That doesn’t mean someone is gay though.
hahaha a bloo bloo bloo bloo *farts*
Its not your own judgement that matters. You blame Trump for Ukraine, but right now Biden is president and hundreds of thousands of them are dying.
nono thyself

This but unironically.
I need crypto to succeed so that no faggy central bank currency fucks up the economic system.
>I sit here in my heartache.
>Waiting on some beautiful boy to
>to come and save me from my old ways
Thomas shot at Trump because he swallowed too much propaganda
How do you faggots know soo much about this person without even having met him?
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I, too, like holo foil pokemon cards
who the fuck is chandy tho really

oh no i just realised something
Nobody knows.
the blorfaddy is a mythical being who is gonna come for your prostate anons
do not resist, it feels really fucking good
Yeah i bet
Look girlfriend I get it you have come to punish me for all my sins (and i just keep sinning and it pisses you off i get it i'm literally sorry and trying my best)


Well they just assume in schizophrenic but I’m sure some can use HOMER as a method.
I am literally the money in that stupid niggers bank account and wallet.
I am the fucking drugs in his fucking veins.
Fucking cock sucker bitch.
are you fucking seroious dude, think about how you sound right now. I give women their space because i usually don't really think women care about me that much even when they try to chat it up with me, ive shut a lot women down, even when they act really horny or get pissed when I don't get their numbers, sometimes i just like to have female friends and freindzone a lot of them.

there are only two women i actually would say I love, and the last one is because i mindfucked myself. Its more akin to what one might call imprinting, if such a thing actually existed.

You should try to snap out of it. what you are experiencing isn't healthy, and could be one sided, you just gotta exert willpower.
A child deserves guardians who protect it and set it up to succeed: sex is irrelevant.

I’m sorry but the difference is not really apparent. You are prejudiced.

Huh? Fear?


Fear doesn’t rule me. Why?


I can SURVIVE the closet. Many others are not nearly as fortunate.

Yet you say I am ruled by fear of what may happen to them, instead of loving them so I may worry?

Do I not jealously keep those who are queer alongside me even though I can “turn traitor,” and “marry a woman,” and “start a family,”?

I can do that. Can they?

Likely not. They were given rights. Come and take them away.

I promise you, gay lone wolves will start bombing churches.

The GOP needs to understand they are a reactionary party that has constantly railed against the Democrat party.

They are an ANTI DEMOCRAT party.

I’ve held ANTI DEMOCRAT sentiments myself (especially towards the farthest left,)

But did I betray those who fought for me even though I could have?

My past - my personal history - the way I’ve been framed - I would actually be one of the best Republican politicians EVER.


For what?

Not money.


And I refused, no? I know how to please that crowd.

I couldn’t forget Ukraine.

I just couldn’t forget who wanted them to surrender their lands.

I don’t need to live in fear; I’m a masculine white man who can pass as straight.

But I don’t WANT THEM to live in fear either.
the drama of obama who was also osama
Shut up.
Poser queer nigger whore.
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An attempt was made on my own life that day
Or i'm not sure
It depends on the type of projectile
I should have checked

But in any case a projectile was thrown at my head too that day. I came home and saw the news.... coincedence?
>bot scripts arguing with bot scripts
dead site
im not your girlfriend, and why you think that i am is simlpy because im responding to you. try to pull it together, dig a little deeper bud.
Nobody is going to stop you from having gay sex.
I am going to cut your balls off.
This will happen.
>A phone.. the phone was thrown at yo head.
You also dropped it.
dead dead
They'll also never reach out.
They'd rather stand at his window and judge the inside of his house.
I should get paid for all the extra tourism desu
Like this stage is too small for the population size guys come on
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a schmoo schmoo darts.
Remnants of astrophysical carts.
Thank you your words. The reciprocal your curds.
>im not your girlfriend
Oh i meant to put a paragraph between sentences
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''yeah i bet''
>girlfriend look
i forgot the >
sounds about right
The Nobody is a cat.
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I’m the biggest hood thug nigger. Any rebuttals? I thought so.

is this the Lyran disclosure we've been waiting for?
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seriously what is it to you anyway
An after action report of my antics in Ukraine will be available somewhere in these threads rather soon. I have to compile the long list of things and changes I've been able to manifest using the internet only and I also have to not miss anything in said report which is going to look like a time once I'm finished.

I will say on thing for certain though, C6ISR is the most dangerous tool I could ever touch after everything I did to that country using only Telegram, X/Twitter and /pol. I can genuinely break anyone's ass anywhere with a good enough setup like that, I can't wait to touch that system once I find my way into a room with some of the "handlers" from this thread who would probably appreciate the opportunity to sit with someone who MANGLED a shitload of people they hired and trained...
pre judas'd
Funny story, because I’d be slandered as one of the “bad people trying to be holy,” instead of one of the “good people given a horrible lot in life, maturing and coming in to his own determined to please his own sensibilities so he may view himself favorable, so he may know he was always good,”

I’d be slandered as one of those pieces of shit trying to speak past his sins.

So you guys have something here.

The good news is that the beings who created this universe made it such that

1) I’d survive every lifetime
2) I’d die of natural causes or fighting in war
3) My needs would be met (in some eras, a need for blood)
>be born
>eventually realize a full lifetime in the military is for you
>too late, already marked with MH
>fuck now I have to live a full and complete life without having everything spelled out for me? Fml

So, uh, part of my need is *not* seeing humanity go down the drain. The Earth cannot take much punishment, and people will still make their own choices,

>but because of faith
>I know that what I like will ultimately occur
>Even if it doesn’t look like it
>I’d rather be surprised, since I don’t wish to labor as the ones above do, and I’d rather discover the Easter Eggs

Basically they made me the best ride ever and constantly want me to do but one thing: enjoy the ride. They know what I am so they let me go through all I did to eventually come to serenity and peace, riding a ride I know was made just for me, while admiring the labors of both the Heaven and Men.
Unironically yes
don't even like using this trip but had to differentiatie myself from every other anon who posts at time and wants to pretend to be me. Im not the meme tho, there is no nobody. sage the guy who got mad because i called him fairly stupid after he responded to a fake iq test i made up, made this shitty meme, which was later took over by jester and the watchers to run their psyops.
What have you little terrorists been plotting ITTs?
I'm so fucking lazy it's unbelievable
you must follow the way of the nono if you want to live
I hope they come soon
>JD Vance announced as Vice President

Holy shit, A REASON TO LIVE. About time one of those showed up lol. Tulsi Gabbard was a better choice though
eh its k dw

look i have no idea what the truth or full extent of the truth is but whatever i mean i know some things i guess like that's what all the philosophers say they say they know nothing except maybe their own senses and thoughts and whatever idk

lol what happened to the baby gronk posting
It doesn't matter of it's a hoax. You're responsible.
Vance twerks his hairy booty in the shower with squatch suds
also these psyops are crazy but whatever
look i know enough about philosophy to know whatever
>Men About Groping America
Grabber by duh puss
The Nobody doesn't like idolizers and fanatics. I hope he kills you all.
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Hey I just psyop'd you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe .
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she's aight tho
>Posting slander so you understand better
Joe Biden…

Joe Biden is going to shit his pants
The nono has never killed anyone or anything and never will

because i actualy care about someone who thought i didn't care. its like when you want to find the right words but your mouth keeps sticking and you can't get out what you want to say.

I just think that doing this doesn't help them at all. I am also a person that likes eating a lot of snaks but i don't really gain weight that much.
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accurate depiction of our relationship desu
also this is canonical from my p.o.v
who's she
24/7 spying and everyone in my life is basically in on it
i knew what was going on since my mom had a boyfriend who worked at the Pentagon and then started dating Marines who would try to convince me to join
when all the ritualistic abuse wasn't working and all their spells were blowing up (quite literally) in their faces
next thing you know I'm living with Obamas estranged sister in the projects and when I posted a picture of secret services license plate they basically declared all out war on me
then I exposed a sex trafficking picture collecting pedo cult ring ran by the FBI on 4chan and the director got fired when they found out it was all cause of me things just got worse from there
now I'm trapped in a house with a completely compromised spouse and neighborhood and just about anyone else I come into contact and have to deal with a bunch of bullshit 24/7 to get me to go to jail or kill myself because they cant flat out murder cause of all the heat on me
its actually pretty comical
The digits don't lie.
The nobody saved trump with his mind
>Men Alienate Greater America.
where is the cat?
Trump literally put the squeeze on a fucking blameless man.

We are helping them win this war.

I’m not sure why it’s so hard to not understand that I don’t care how many people are dying and neither do they. It is a war. OK they’re fighting for their territory. People will die. I’m not gonna have people just sit here like oh “the people are suffering and dying wouldn’t it be easier to just to end the war?”

End the war by submitting to Putin?






You have to understand the difference wasn’t between Trump and Biden, the difference was that Trump (implicitly) agreed that Ukraine was in Putin’s sphere of influence and he wasn’t gonna help them much, just a few javelins here and there.

Whereas Biden and the Dems respect the revolution that occurred in that country as part of Ukraine’s right to self determination. And Putin knew he wouldn’t get a stooge installed while Biden was in office.

Understand? Trump kept Ukraine weak (very little aid though they begged) so Putin could continue to pressure Zelenskyy and eventually get Lugansk and Donetsk without a war.

Biden already viewed the occupation of Crimea, Donetsk, and Lugansk as AN ILLEGAL ACT OF WAR.

Trump wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Fuck over Ukraine for Putin so they can be “best friends,” and take advantage of the weak President of Ukraine for his political problem (he wanted to make fake dirt on Joe Biden).

Two birds with one stone this shameless piece of shit calling a country under duress that he already sold out to squeeze out some political dirt in the meantime.

The fury of the Heavens is justified.
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You guys crossed a line. This is just juvenile and unamerican. Posting shit like this.
Used all my ki for that post, need a break. See you next month.
>its like when you want to find the right words but your mouth keeps sticking and you can't get out what you want to say.
I have this all the time I keep saying basically different stuff from what I actually want to say so much

>because i actualy care about someone who thought i didn't care.
Damn that sounds tough

>I just think that doing this doesn't help them at all. I am also a person that likes eating a lot of snaks but i don't really gain weight that much.
>just waiting
to lite
a cigarette

i am full beast animal mode
stripped of all ... higher.. pertainings. want to smoke but also want to do so in quiet..
you can take your personal expatiations for social interactions else where loser
We must eschue all names. That is all that is required to protect one's ego.
This is not directed towards you, Anon. To you, I only say thank you.
Only after Zion Don loses all hope can he RIP. I want too see the glimmer leave his eyes.
the clit tingles are happening again anons
what does it mean???
>Modern Anglosaxons Glass America
taylor swift has such nice legs I want to rub my wee wee on her legs
I think it’s commonly referred to as “lying”. It’s only been around for about 200,000 years so maybe you haven’t heard about it.
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Not me I just came here to express my schizophrenic thoughts for being thrown into a mental home for supporting trump.
there might be something connected to the AIR FORCE and Stargate and they were sort trying to help me at one point but now all they do is fuck my shit up
which is what they would of done if I followed their path and made billions of dollars
they would of stole all my money and got me to kill myself
their was a contingency plan for every path I took
accept this one
it absolutely sucks balls to exist this way but I find ways to cope
it usually involves smoking a joint and wondering around in the woods
people used to show up but a bunch of weird stuff happened so now people mostly leave me alone accept for constant traffic accident attempts and random people trying to fight me
Enjoy your watch list you terrorists. Freedom of speech is not freedom of reach.
other parents feel bad for who ever is tasked with raising an evil little shit like you
>3some incoming
>Moms And Grandma's Assimilate
you spelled spying wrong
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Long Live The president!!! Truquinious the first!!!
i can eavsdrop but not partake.. most times... so empty and devoid ... i enjoy hearing them .. be around .

just an average ordinary golden sash fetishist... dont worry bout me.
Anyway what now?
im gonna smoke me a black and mild. shits just fun aint it?

gotta love the weather, at least the birds are happy. maybe there is some light in that.
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Can’t hear you over my loud negro music
oh man that's hilarious
major party foul, get the fuck off 4chan, and dont ever come back to 4chan ever.
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>what does it mean???
Just rub it out. You’re gonna blow his cover.
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>source: they made it up

Simple as.
fuck off newfag
We are all Jews anon yahovah is spelt יְהֹוָה which is pronounced yaye which is another name for jesus which means Zues!!! King of the God's!!!

The nobody is constantine
gonna get off and gonna eat me some snaks, said i wasn't gonna come back to these threads, but idk, habit maybe.
I need a better everything
I was gonna say house
Like I need a better house
This place is cramped
you're sincerity is as fake as the tea pot's in that picture
...generally its defense mechanisms for the chronoflash cameras and the passersby... may be useful .. may be for amusement... heck.. as someone that WANTS to nap, but also is ..overly cautious of saying certain phrases ... yeah im a bit paranoia
watchful lovelys always spyin.
too late to care for that now though...
>brewers clean out your easel for a fresh batch .
I have a habit of making the last move. And the last move only.
I will win
And you will hate me for it

He’s here.
i'm only here cause i'm banned from social media
I have been a very naughty guy
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We are here because the CIA is here. Everyone that is here is not guilty. But the guilty anon cannot post because they groomed Thomas Crook into attempting to kill Trump
They continue their hold. And we let go until it's time to fight again. They are immovable and unable to convinced to do otherwise.
Four letter name of God....not a single consonant tho, seeing as Y is a vowel in Hebrew, not to mention there's no V or H in your "yeye". Go be retarded in /ptg/.
Your argument would ring true if our population numbers were lower. We have no shortage of children born in poor circumstances.

It seems entitled to be prejudiced against the queers in these circumstances - you feel entitled to your bigotry in the face of the reality that there are many kids who were raised by gays just fine.

Also, is a child not entitled to a safe home only because those who will raise it don’t fit your preconceived notions of normality and permissibility?

Sounds like you feel entitled to the suffering of children.
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Nope. Because I'm not an apostate.
liar, liar, pants on fire
telling other's what they would be fools to believe
and the playing the victim when your lies don't work

as there isn't a single poster in this thread
who needs you
to fix their own shit, by themselves, like a mature responsible adult who doesn't take orders from trolls on 4chan

well he never gets to eat tacobell like he deserves.
yeah, well imagine theres a camping spot right where bigfoot lived, and you have a camper set up there so you can camp, and then you can see bigfoot without the paperazzi knowing what your doing but i get it. smoke and mirrors.
Lmao serves that bitchass right
You're a woman aren't you?
I would like to play a game anons.
One video has sexy anime girls
The other video is torture.
Both have the same song.

Want to play a game?


I stopped offering resistance and it has had negative consequences for me
*rolls eyes*
>it's like they think a bunch of 12 year olds are reading
and here come the groomer's protesting too much
saying liar liar pants on fire like a kid witch trying to cast his first skeleton spell isn't gonna do the trick kiddo.

Your the biggest peice of shit troll on these threads. remember when they voted for you to leave these threads and it was majority vote that you leave and you were like hurr durr im just gonna piss off more people. that you dispo. fucking enjoy the crown of shit you won.
People attack me when I try to find my peace
you need to be 18+ to post here
Those who do not follow the way of the nono will perish
when you mind wants to play tricks on you
it can figure out
every little button you got to be pushed

>newfag pretending to be oldfag
many such cases
get the fuck off these threads, says 18+ can you not fucking read or maybe your parents are worthless peices of shit trash that let their kids onto adult websites.
>well he never gets to eat tacobell like he deserves.
Share some of yours with him.
Oh man
How do i even begin to explain
This is x/ where a lot of schizos gather round, because you know, mental illness is shilled here as paranormal stuff
But anyways
This particular thread is the schizoest thread of them all. Some of the most lost/hopeless/irreversibly broken minds are here. But there's also a lot of glowies, like a LOT. Occasionally somw outsiders would come, they have clear voices : the jews.
And some sound like they are hiding behind a wall and trying to communicate without being spotted: professional occult practitioners aka high rank glowies.
Most of the times it's just the schizos though.
>A Ginger Connoisseur
The man dreams of it.
Anon one else notice the liar's pretending other faith's don't exist even if said other faiths are posted in these threads right in front of everyone?

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>Verification not required
As it has for me. I'm sorry for replying, I am not trying to telling you what to do. Merely, to elaborate the path I might take, since you have asked what we will all do.
Thank you for the input and for your advice.
the nono knows now
and the reason that someone isn't you is because why again?
the nono you must sing the nono song and become the king
you figure that out on your own dumbass
stand on business bitchboy, do something, i mind my own fucking business and here your bitchass wanna come in saying a bunch of bullshit, what the fuck am i supposed to be doing? speak it out plainly so i know what your trying to say about me. stand on business you fucking coward, send some kill squads or something, how are you gonna make up some accusations without backing it up or standing on it. so your just a fucking coward got it.
>Glorify myself
While sucking a low born entity's dick?
You're a slave
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Dunno what you and anon were talking about
But sometimes things must die
And that includes living things
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Hey, an Elijah ref.
>Verification not required

Joshua of nazareth was possess by the holy ghost upon crucifixion and claimed to be the lord. Offering joshua also known as yeshua solice for his defense of his friends and his sacrifice on the cross.

Those that believe in the Lord Ye Zeus known as YaYoVa also known as YaYe which means the holy Father of the God's Zues. Are to be spared judgement for they claim innocence through always speaking the truth.
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But yes
However only on a certain level
The divine feminine exists on the highest level of existence
He exists with her too but he is much closer to our plane. You can say that he stands at 1/3 distance between her and us (from her side)
But the holy ghost that possessed him to say that those that believe in me shall have eternal life, wasn't.
>started moving energies as a middleschooler
>pretty much overcame any limits regarding range and intensity
>started beef against those who conspire against humanity, strictly through spiritual warfare
>those who could feel it started talking about him
>as he started to lean towards the narrow path now as a young adult, /ng/ was made to help him during his dark night of the soul
>initially, negative forces also teied using it to influence him, but they soon gave up as he wasn't vulnerable to it, and going instead for anons who are
>with their defeat now being inevitable, the Nobody now focuses on lifting up himself and others rather than opposing something.
Hold up this is the conspiracy theory board right
Says who?
A fucking loser glowie saying pee pee poo poo hoo hoo for hours now on the thread?
What a joke
Hello!!!!!!! : _ )
How about we just party in the desert high on LSD instead of becoming assassin's, OK anons?...
Eyes are from:
>Verification not required
i'm hungry
Easy passive feeding

Few that vibrate as desired

Much loosh
You're the only one posting it though...
Hi anon!
Father too

But he's military.
You think anyone would care what a dumb loser who calls himself "satan" says
Even a stray cat would fucking ignore you
Even without being aware of it, she felt your energy, though if it was unpleasant or good for her depends only of how she feels about emotions you sent her.
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what reason do you think anyone's going to believe you're trust worthy and it's everyone else who is making up lies and pretending they are real?
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That's a secret ~
gotta catch them all gotta catch them all nonomon
Daddy stop touching naked babies!!
Lost in a one-on-one combat with a human girl
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If the religion is homosexual and sex with a female makes you a homo sapien. Then maybe you are actually gay.

There was a bar before coming to this reality. And you hit the bar. Along with a lot of us.
The nobody wanted to kill trump after learning these threads were started by him shortly after election (around 2019 when he turned on him). He needs to pay for his crimes.
you have to know to know the nono but what it is you must know is it the nono no it's not the nono its the proof of nono
Childbirth is such a strange concept
I don't know if I should elaborate on that
(though it wasn't for the lack of trying, before having full embraced the divine laws without any excuses)
Huh, someone here actually knows the truth.
Hi daughter.
The nono will rise
Have you heard about ha-zeus?
somehow Hades is also Zeus
But could be imposter
Power is all. If enough bio mass sure

It's a straight forward equation 1:1

Whatever is left will have to deal with the rest of the world.

Probably picked apart by Russo china etc

People often forget everything anyone has came from slavery blood genocide exploitation

No free Healthcare

No student debt relief

No free tranny surgery

No rental assistance

No welfare and snap

Fuck you poor millenial pieces of shit

everyone is sad when the nono's sad
>Verification not required
yeah i would say feed on me but im getting my ass kicked by spiritual warefare.
Hades is daddies fuck Zues is zoom around posidon is put me down

I figured it out
Eminem is literally the nobody

(this is insaaaaaaaane)
You're not the nobody.

You lost cocksucker. You fucking lost its over. Die tranny. Kill yourself.
No we stick to the plan.
No, that’s not my choice. I forego having biological heirs. That’s my choice: and it is the right choice, because I would be miserable, living a fake life, with children I hate because of how they were made (succumbing to the pressures of your ilk)

It does not mean I forgo children because I live in a society where gay adoptions have been occurring for a while.

Gay people adopt. It’s a fact. It happens. The child is not wretched for lacking a mother - it has two motivated guardians.

Sorry; no reactionary conservative bullshit allowed.

Gays are more intelligent (on average,) and higher earners (on average) and have great work ethics (on average) because of our status as an oppressed or “shamed” group.

Gay adoptees are more than capable of arranging their finances to meet the material needs of the adopted children.

Oh, the GOP is coming for surrogacy too?

Tell me, which states care about this the most? Oh, of course, the states that failed to expand Medicaid and are leaving THE NOW GROWN CHILDREN without HEALTHCARE. 2.2MILLION PEOPLE WITHOUT ANY HEALTH CARE.
Considering they have not done anything expect yap online.

I would not expect much resistance

If not larger acceptance of what comes next
Energy is energy, baby.
can you read?
Why is everyone so quiet do you need proof?
Ok if Eminem is not the nobody then why is nobody talking about Eminem :thinking:

I'm right about this
I'm not your daughter
You jews need to remember your origins
White and blue
Hahahaha full trannylgbt meltdown you're fucking done!
the nono knows the truth about 3 6 9 the nono is so heavenly divine the nono is always perfect the nono is the very lazy boy
If you and someone else make each other happy, then you two deserve to be together.
A lot of niggas is wondering and they curious

How me and my niggas do it, it's so mysterious

Furious, all of my niggas is serious
Shook niggas be walkin around fearin' us

Front nigga, like you don't wanna be hearin' us

Niggas know better 'cause there ain't no comparin' us

Mad at us, niggas is never, we fabulous

Hit my people off with the flow that be marvelous

Oh shit, my whole clique victorious

Takin' no prisoners, niggas is straight up warriors
Every conspiracy theory they say ''the government did it'' and ''the stanatic cabal'' and every celebrity in the industry is accused of being the leader of the illuminati

But Nobody ever points to Marshall Bruce Mathers the third

sounds good
naw more like bugs be buggin the shit out of things around here.
''Will the real slim shady please stand up?''
oh they tried but they shooters never made it back.
Holy fuck this is impressive desu
I definitely overlooked this track desu
did misses maisel write that?
Candice Owens even thinks he's trying to be black too hard.
It's not a prison. It's a school, and not only he's in class, hes also on a mission to help others graduate, and consequently be able to stay here once this becomes a college.
I heard she's a Grand Wizard or something
i assume things are back to normal. seems like some pol/tards came over and immediately got confused and left. good.
>feeds anon loosh poison as "cancer" cells infect said anon and take over their body
Indeed, anon.
its more about black magic and bugs trying to control people. bugs make people freak out.
Pot calling me he kettle black, a little eh.
Tbh, Marshall is washed up.
Am I the only person who thinks it's extremely cringe to listen to Eminems music?

what the fuck are you asking me if I'm a women for?

you don't think my post
was very mature of me to make



the groomers are biting today folks
3 hit's on the same bait
I wonder if I can set the hook on all at the same time...

>what's to stop someone from lying and say they are even if they are not?
It is tho.
Yeah he's a total nobody that's what i'm saying right he's the nobody Emonem is the nono Eminem is fucking noonoo
Sure I do! There’s no difference between children raised in a same sex household and an opposite sex one. Numerous studies have shown that children raised by same-sex parents fare just as well as those raised by heterosexual parents. What truly matters in parenting is providing love, support, and a stable environment for children to thrive.

>actually, there have been some times where the same sex household outperformed th—

Let’s be modest. Read the study. Bite your apple lest you be a charlatan.


It’s done by a bunch of Chinese, you can trust the numbers.
i love hip hop,
and completely agree
>A pedophile
*pats on head*

it'#s not hard to come up with a conspiracy theory here

who is that man
Really will fade into the back like some nobody.
>Do you think the nobody intervened to save Trump?
>I would think the no no wouldn't like Trump, don't you think?
I think he sees Trump as someone who's not a saint, but who atleast helps the Light by not cooperating with the Deep State, hence the character assassination by the media (weird timing to use this expression, I know)
Eminem is definitely a pedophile
>insert joke here

It served many purposes.
send all the haters my way, make them think im the devil or something. gets kind of boring out here in antartica.
>just arrived
>who is that man

Oh look it's my bro Babytron!
этo cлyжилo мнoгим цeлям
the nono is a rap god
it's far far too easy to make me swoon... oof wow
I love that, I missed that so much. I think I just got a taste of that electricity again, what it feels like to be alive with desire for a moment.
I wish that it were real, but even so it was very fun; it feels like the fruits of past unrequited labour perhaps.
ahh.... back to reality for now I guess...
I heard he's so powerful he can plan a whole identity (+crisis or something)

that or schizophrenia
And send people to the shadow realm he can send people to the shadow realm
Wonder if he'll try to buy adspace in everyone's Instagram/Facebook feed because he's exposed and nervous.
I really don't think there's anything he can say to fix some shit.
He decided to open his mouth and this is what he gets.
I got this
you're free to do your own thing though
good luck

Moжeшь ли ты oтпpaвить вoйcкa, чтoбы пoмoчь yбить лидepoв кaбaл, тaких кaк Джeйк и aльфa-кoмaндa?
>He had the right to remain silent
(there's a counter argument to this but I ain't spoiling it)
That’s just factually incorrect. Do you have any sources that aren’t your personal opinion?

This study shows that same-sex households outperform heterosexual broken families.


I mean you did just ignore the study. So - I can’t reason you out of a position you didn’t reason yourself in to.

>It’s unnatural

My guy, the homos have been around for absolutely forever the only difference is in modernity we have children to spare where in antiquity every child was needed amongst the plebs.

If you’re not gonna read your assigned homework, I am going to have to start making character judgements against you just like you have already been doing to me.
I just want to fuck some more people up and train with near death experiences some more.
Imagine if Tay Tay got assassinated
(imagine trying to silence a God)
(or don't, actually)
>His kids are here
Oogabooga, your dad is a worm.
she made a deal with the devil, she told me this in personal message, she said she had too much to lose, and i told her i would never sell out.
Wheels of time keep turning
Life feels like a stage
There have been so many cases of homo couples raping their adopted child. Just Google it. Homos curiously almost never adopt girls.
It both is and isn't.

Good. He is skipping time frames.
God of what?
He's just a slimebag.
if they commit rape then assassins will kill them.
>the witches don't know what's coming to em
It wasn't necessary relevant to a person
You're starting to perk my interest anon.
>Verification not required
It may not be much
But you may find solace in the fact that he (Zeus) was the strongest among all of them
The most dangerous
The smartest
The most vicious
He was relentless and took no chances
His tricks and traps ran deep
He had no issues sacrificing anyone and anything if it meant killing the girl.
And even when he took a fatal blow, it took more than half a year for him to "die".
He really was the only real "foe"
Everyone else's tricks and attacks were like cheap imitations of his tactics.
That isn't the case; see >>38377719
I'm gonna stay out of this one..
I tried to care before.


God of bullshit lololol
How fitting
Redditposter it's time to bring out the big guns
Gays should not be allowed to adopt children. Period. End of discussion. I don’t even think they should allowed to be teachers. :)
i'm thirsty uwu
I think it's going to be far more entertaining than the wizard battles some few years ago.
Maybe even a greater wizard battle.
Wouldn't even give him a divine title like that. T b h.
A worm has more divine property than that douchebag.
Who are we talking about again?
How is he a douchebag?
Didn't let you walk all over him?
Told you to be patient?
wow it's a miracle, I don't feel like shit and it's been like, at least 27 seconds.
god fucking bless endorphins and decent food.
I genuinely hope it lasts.
I wonder what I should do?
probably waste more time to prolong it
Cool, wanna pre record it for me?
Cause I really don't give a fuck-
I may not even watch it.
I'm cool with letting his ego errode.
>a shiny peach
What do you mean "ego" errode?
I almost forgot you retards can only think one way and it's currently set to "wrong."
Funny if that's the perspective.
Good luck with that.
Delusional faggots like him can't even tell the difference
He would only focus on the bullshit part because that's how his brain broke when reality god tough (he only focused on the bad stuff)
On the opposite, the lesson at hand is how to become masters of ourselves, free from being slaves of our impulses.
Careful he might rap diss you

desu eminem being the nobody would be too boring of a conspiracy wouldn't it
The truly divine will cut him down.
So let's get this straight anon.
Rather than being a decent person you'd rather chastise the person because "only bad things happen" and you add to that heap?
Are you perhaps retarded?
What if Eminem created the nobody tho
that's not on me
>plz wait another 30+ years for us to give a fuck, plz be patient.
Lol, fuck you.
What truly divine, anon?
Who is a slimebag? The rapper? He's just a celebrity.
kind of want to put something on here but kind of don't

like the world we think we live in is a rarely new painted picture by the industrial revolution era.

why havn't you quenched your thirst yet?
I believe so as well, but atleast that one is plain to see.
Forgot to mention it was my swamp he wanted to drain.

So when a gay person does it it’s stealing a child but when a woman who’s infertile does it she’s just adopting.

So as I’ve given you enough evidence to dispel the rumors of your prejudice, it seems that it is actually a fact - you are prejudiced. You don’t have a valid reason.

Adoption is a legal process in which a child is placed in to a home. If it isn’t stealing when Infertile Jack and Jane adopt, then it isn’t stealing when gay people do it, ESPECIALLY in light of the evidence.

If it’s stealing when gay people do it “just because,” then that is prejudice.

Don’t appeal to nature, my godly ass left plenty of gay shit there too.

So you’re just prejudiced and don’t wanna believe anything that’s being said, and there’s nothing I could do about that but not like you.

You’re just wrong on all fronts - the data doesn’t agree.

This is why I say the scientist and the researcher and the mathematician are more godly than any holy man - they engage with the truth.

You avoid it, your LORD and your GOD, telling you outright what the state of affairs is - you avoid the truth.

And the truth is when scientists started looking for gay shit in nature, they found it.

Community can be built dynamically - no need for prejudicial statements of the supremacy of the nuclear family - the family splinters.

Extended family is also a great way of organizing people and I’m sure there are FUCK TON of (G)uncles who watch the babies.

I’m sorry - it wasn’t one man and one woman and their immediate family for most of human history.

It was the extended family, where everyone worked together and everyone had a role: sometimes men would step up in a woman’s place. And vice versus.

It wasn’t this nitpicking dogmatic shit. Anyone with a brain can recognize that family units can be composed of any number of people taking on versatile roles.
Cuckoo-ca-choo and a cookatwo to you.
>Hope it was good for you, ladies. Tell your man that his impotence has everything to do with his poorly concealed attempts to sabotage remotely that which he is too chicken shit to confront personally is just another immature expression
of a jealous superiority complex against a guy that literally doesn't care yet sincerely hopes you figure out a way to deal with all the bullshit you don't understand the workings thereof because you felt overly secure in the bullshit you do and brag about across the street.
The real retard here is you
Who can't even read
Reas again faggot it's "focused on the bad things"
Answer the question.
??.. don't worry about it..
He's neither, to me.
Just a scumbag.
Anon, kindly use your brain and extrapolate information.
God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
that kid is a shitty rapper. they're just a targeting a demo that doesn't know how to pirate.
Shut up faggot
You don't reproduce
Your opinion is irrelevant
Not reading your wall of text faggot
Why are you so mad at one person, anon?
Sounds like you lack compassion and are a selfish piece of garbage.
So selfish in fact you'd rather doom everyone else just because you're so whiny.
For what? Why wouldn't the divine cut the people down who gangstalked and abused him instead?
It was a thirst for wisdom, and it was quenched by reading /ng/ vagueposts
Lol. K
Please take your meds
You are literally trying to explain to ME the meaning of what I SAID.
Holy fuck you're a clown
''You saw my terrible side, the blonde hair and blue eyes
Now, the writing is on the wall like graffiti still
If you're havin' trouble reading, we'll make it simple, he's Ezekiel
Easy name to remember (Why?)
'Cause his rap name is the same as like ten minutes on stage is for me (Oh), easy mill
Or should I say measly mill? (Haha)''

Guys help
No, I was asking you why you'd choose to be another bad thing than a good thing.
"to focus on"
As it were.
the nono is true and pure
>Encouraged him to stalk and abuse children
>He did
You actually want me to be the bigger man here?
Eminem is not the Nobody.
Snow is.
That motherfucker
I'm pretty sure he summoned a demon
I mean he raps about this all the time
About how he created a demon or something
Idk I haven't looked that much into it

Oh jesus what the fuck
Why wouldn't he be focused on the "bad things?" Why do you evade the question? People are abusing him. It is abuse and you refuse to recognize it as such. Sounds like you're the delusional one dumb fuck.
John Constantine? I think he js the opposite.
>Anon, kindly use your brain and extrapolate information.
Did exactly that and now i'm exactly here also HI GIRLFRIEND I LOVE YOU
working towards purity.
I don't care if i have to be the last drop (or bucket) that makes the chalice overflow and the hand holding it take notice and empty it.
You may think me the bad guy
But since when did the bad guy point out exactly WHY you're fucked up
Who is the "him" you're referring to, anon?
>Some.believe sexuality reduces men and women to animals
>Others know better, and know healthy expressions of sexuality help increase their productivity and creative problem solving capacity
>it isn't like we aren't routinely dehumanized by other so-called self-proclaimed "hoomans" through myriad methods on a routine basis anyways
You're accusing eminem the rapper of stalking children? WTF.
>The Apple don't fall far from the tree.
>Takes one rotten apple to spoil the bunch.
Good job, bud.
You did it. Your kids will be exactly like you.
The bad guy always does a
>we're not so different you and I
speech where he explains that the hero is morally grey.
"I refuse to be a good person and shift the balance"
"I'm a selfish and inconsiderate asshole"
Indeed, anon.
You may go now.
The bad apples spoil the homosexuals but spare the heterosexual?

Plenty of daughters have been touched by their daddies. Plenty of sons have been touched by their mothers. I’m sure there have been cases of rape by homosexual couples.

Once again, your prejudice is showing in your artificially, high standard for homosexuals and indulgence in stereotype.

Google this, the many cases of righteous and pure and church going families having a child end up raped in their house by their dad.

Anyways, a minority of rapists go to jail as they deserve - straight or gay.

Here is a study showing that SAME SEX COUPLES do NOT have a PREFERENCE for a specific SEX when they adopt.


So, you’re back down to prejudice and a disproven statistic. Try again. Read your homework.

Come on man. It makes sense that I’m gay if you really think about it. This is all over nature and imprinted on humanity as well.

The only reason being gay in the material world is deleterious is because of BREEDING.

I’m sure you can imagine that there’s more to what seen than what I seen and those people those beings that are in the other world don’t have to breed. Their legacies are barely anything to begin with because anything that they were given was made by me not by their own hands.

All I know is whoever I adopt is going to have their college paid for and they’re going to be set up to succeed in life.
I think he's referring to the rapper. He's mentally ill. These threads are trash.
You are literally a man glorifying victim hood, to me, a woman
Holy shit, you need to revist all the fucking decisions you made to get you to this point in life
Yeah why is that
You're not aware of what he did, eh?
Guess he twisted a narrative.
>SAME SEX COUPLES do NOT have a PREFERENCE for a specific SEX when they adopt.
Neither do pedos when they victimize.
>Eminem always littering his purple monster cans and foolishly leaving the pop top in the scavenger hands of someone that can weaponize the stupidest simple shit ever to tremendous effect
Loon. Goodbye.
No, I'm asking you who you're referring to.
Would you kindly state who and not fall back on your hurt feelings?
Says who?
Literally you
I don't care what you think of me
Why do you think ? Because you don't care about me. You only care about yourself
That's why i don't play nice with you
Ah, see. People like you are like that guy I argued with — you’d rather see a child raised in a broken and dysfunctional home — than see them succeed with gay people. You’d have to admit you are wrong.

It’s OK though, because most of the studies done on gay people are done by people who are not gay, and they still come to favorable results.

Do you hate gay people? You hate me. Your GOD.

Get fucking snaked. You’re the abomination, not them.

Do you like charity, there’s plenty of gay teachers, who aren’t problematic at all and then there’s those triple gendered fuck nuggets that none of us like. Your prejudice has to end somewhere.
Go complain to your husband.
You're embarrassing yourself.
homosexuals are demons they need the fluid of men
How goes it Miss Amerikat?
>it's the finger pointing part of the season
Like herding cats, I swear.
yea im tying to cleanse my spirit. takes a lot of effort.
I'm not talking about you, you're just a blank.
The subject of the post was villains.
Villains always monologue about how good guys are secretly bad guys. Usually as they're explaining their dastardly doings, it's a trope.
false god's stand out on the way they need google to prove stuff for them
Spoiler alert:
He has a guilty conscience because he created the Nobody
I really don't even need to explain myself.
The dudes not even worth a conversation.
>Hurt feelings?
It's not even worth my time.
Why would it be hurt feelings?
I'm not going anywhere
Feel free to judge
Your judgement doesn't matter
I'll never stop anon, you can't stop me
Your god can't stop me
Your god's god can't stop me
you ever tried filling your mind with more then just shit post's from 4chan?
"I refuse to work on it and seek to glorify my "pain" "
pssst careful
Snow doesn't like informers.
There are good parts to torture, gangstalking, harassment and victim blaming?

Please feel free to list them in a top 3 list.
Whatever helps you sleep at night faggy boy
Weak bitch
things that have power exist beyond time. instant manifestation, timeflow can happen any direction.
''Aw, Marshall's gaining a conscience (Fuck you)
This may come as a shock or have you astonished, regardless
Here's the thing 'bout retarded people (What?)
They don't fucking know they're retarded
Well, okay, you wanna fat shame
Bitch, two can play that game (What?)
You wanna judge people? (Yeah)
Matter of fact, ain't you the same one who hated bullies calling you bad names? (Yep)
Then you turned around and did the exact same (So?)
Just immature and literally
You're still mentally
Thirteen and still thirsty for some controversy
You still picking on Christopher Reeves
Yeah, but you're me
And we're a team
So that means, we're in cahoots
That's conspiracy to commit murder lyrically
So clearly, you're the accessory like jewelry
You ain't the judge or the jury, you're just as guilty
You rip on paraplegics, man, seriously?
Oh, bitch, it's a joke''
what's the point of saying what you can't prove again?
it goes around the world just la la la la la
You got the wrong person
The only embarrassment here is you :)
Imagine pulling a cheap trick like that and couldn't even get the right person pfft
yeah, I don't really buy into shit on here too much.
One problem with your theory is that Eminem quite famously hates Donald Trump and wants to dump an awfully hot coffee pot on his head. He clearly was not the supernatural entity that deflected the bullet for him as he is a dumb libtard.
what do you buy into then?
someone will understand be able to use their intuition to get a little more understanding.
>I'm not talking about you, you're just a blank
You don't have to tell me
From the very start i was talking to YOU. But you weren't. You are so self absorbed you need a hard pinch to wake.you up
Now.do you understand anon?
I was talking to you and only you
''[Outro: Eminem & Paul Rosenberg]
Oh, woah, what the fuck?
Come on, come on, come on, come on
You're not gonna fucking believe this, bro
I had this dream, it was fucking crazy
It was like, the old me came back and the new me
And took over my brain and had me saying all this fucked up shit
About little people and Caitlyn Jenner and
PC police were chasing me
And fucking Gen Z was tryna kill me
And quadriplegics
And Christopher Reeves
And I was saying all this fucked up shit
And I couldn't stop saying it
And then I wake and it was like I was still dreaming
Fuck you
you can't prove that either can ya
Pretty sure those three things don't make up this whole life
You really just keep proving me right
No I'm actually not the person you were talking to.
You are mistaken and booty blasted by the previous person you were talking to.
Gonna need a plain explanation of what you're on about.
I've had years to work on myself.
Which is me, not them.
First time in history though where the artist is mad one of the people that listened to his music before has an opinion on him.
>God forbid someone name drops that tweak.
The only pain, is a pain in my side.
>Wonder what his music is about.
>Plz let him abuse others but don't abuse him..he's had a rough childhood yada yada yada..
>No no, something is wrong with "you"! Not him. He paid me to debate these messages cause he's a coward to type things out himself.
I digress.
You sound like you were never almost instantly killed by one
Then tell your sister to.
>You're ending up like him
I do think shiba inu is gonna skyrocket soon.

Shiba Inu is developing its new Layer 3 blockchain using fully homomorphic encryption
technology from cryptography company Zama, which recently raised $73 million in funding.

Spoil him deep
You two were talking at the same time
And to.me,.you are in the same position in life

The previous person is sissy and if you think he is that great feel free to join in eternal faggotry
"Instead of utilizing my "pain" to help others I put it on a pedestal"
once a coin makes its own blockchain it jumps from being a shitcoin, literally worth .0000001
to a few cents or dollars even. Noobody should look into it.
Pretty sure someone got paid for this farce so that's a good thing, right?

You were just objectively wrong about villains and I wanted to help you.
Your issues with sexuality are your own problem.
>*Please forgive others for their trespasses on us-*
>"Except *me*, I'm allowed to be insufferable without consequences.."-E
Yeah, your scriptures are lies, and your idol.

The iPhones should have addressed this controversy enough. And the fucking excellent medicine.

And the prosperity even though we aren’t all Plain Hank and Jane…

And the mysteries of the cosmos being unfurled where your texts failed…

Adam and A Dude Of My Choosing.

My name is Adam ;) Question things.

>prejudice (you’re officially a POS)

Yes, I adopt. I may also reproduce with a woman who freely passes our biological child to be raised with me and my husband. I have options.

It isn’t a choice. I can’t choose to be attracted to tits, boobs, vaginas, and sultry voices.

I would have made that choice - they live easier lives. Why would I choose discrimination in my development? I developed as I was - gay. Naturally.

Over 1,500 species were found to exhibit same sex behavior. Here is a study by the National Wildlife Foundation.




>prejudice (POS things)

TLDR: Not a choice, very natural, and if it was a choice, I’d choose to be straight. It’s not a choice, because I can’t lie about what my body wants.
that guy is getting murdered tho, so don't worry about it.
>Complain to your husband
>Tell your sister
Anon what's this?
You sound obsessed with me and my siblings
sounds like the kind of thing you could focus on instead of shit posting
I am getting stronger that's for sure
My upper body actually looks pretty decent
In terms of upper body strength goals
Tho needs more strong desu

But idk at least i don't look like a fucking twig
>Says that while looking in my window.
Get fucked
The fuck is wrong with you, anon?
Which is more likely.
The God that told us to stone homos flat is now a gay man.
Or a gay man who hates God is pretending to be him.
Tbh yeah
Believe what you want about me i don't care (because you only care about yourself so your opinion of me.is irrelevant)
But i:m just a rando on the internet
If you don't want to face the reality that's your problem.
sissys get murdered, thats just what happens in life bruh. its not even my doing, its just how reality works. the weak get devoured.
Maybe if you did something about your pain instead of using it like a crutch to be a bitch, anon.
>insufferable without consequences
I've an idea, anon.
Recognize you're in pain.
Do something about it.
To yourself, obviously.
I never talked about villains
You did
I don't spend energy on tropes
I spend it on living things
idk what the chronology on these threads is but lmaooooooooooooooooo
it would be a way for some here to make a come up, maybe invest a little
Lmao, that's actually not how this reality works at all.
But it's good to see you're stuck about "halfway."
>Recognize "you're" in pain
Do you require me to be in any sort of pain for your "point" to be made?
This is productive.
Got you fucks talking about it.
>Hurrr durrr
No one caaaareeess
I will have my own children
In my own womb :)
If I was gay I would choose not to have sex with men it is a choice
Honestly rehashing vertcoin or some other low energy decent PoW algorithm is interesting idea
>But since when did the bad guy point out exactly WHY you're fucked up
Art is an imitation of life, as such, it's tropes are reflections of reality.
I am literally in the middle of a sahara right now
Except it's not productive at all, anon.
This is just destructive.
You're just flailing your arms.
Deal with your damn issues.
ive made my own shitcoin but it never gained any value.
> these totally unbiased studies show being an AIDS faggot is actually good and normal

You have to go back
They both can’t help it (studies have shown it.)

Gays can’t help being gay, and pedophiles can’t help being pedophiles.

Here’s the difference.

A pedophile acting upon his attraction is a child rapist. A gay person acting upon his attraction is just that: gay, homosexual, a “batter for the same team,” whereas a pedophile HARMS A CHILD.

The similarity between them is noted by researchers: I’m as helpless in being gay as a pedophile is for being a pedophile.

The differences is a higher standard, not on the basis of prejudice, but on the basis of an understood fact that acting upon that attraction would harm a child. On that basis, prejudice can be justified — but so too can compassion for those who seek sexual therapies to avoid going from just a pedophile (someone who likes kids) to a child rapist (someone who diddled a kid)

It’s hard to ask you all to be compassionate towards those non offending pedophiles, because I understand the fear motive behind the strong prejudice - but the best way forward is to encourage pedophiles to seek help.

Since that (ME: probably) won’t happen (who knows, you guys make your own choices), I do point out that there is a difference between SOMEONE WHO LIKES OTHER GROWN MEN and SOMEONE ATTRACTED TO CHILDREN.

Did you know most of the pedophiles who targeted boys did not identify as gay, but rather as straight?

This is a reoccurring for nomination and suggest that child rape not only has to do with attraction but power dynamics.

That means you can have someone who isn’t a pedophile rape a child (see: psychopathy.)

Nuance is great, right? Maybe give the gays some
meant for>>38378212
Take care.
Good luck with your coin anon
Me pulling up studies for you to peruse in good faith is being a false googly god?

Whatever man. You don’t want to read the cold hard facts.

The animals are gay for each other too. For fucks sake, they’ve seen gay crabs.
We don't care anon
You became a fag because you're an attention seeking whore that's all
Anon you'll never get it
To me, a human is more important than ang piece of art
It's a human who made the art not the other way around
Stop clinging to bullshit and open your eyes, only humans matter, only humans are alive
A gay harms himself, his health and reputation by choosing to do gay stuff.
It's not always their fault though.
Gays are disproportionately victims of sexual abuse, both as children and as adults.
It's also understood that pedophiles are disproportionately homosexual and bisexual men.
Personally, I've never met a gay or Bisexual man who didn't fit the description from Romans 1 to the letter. As such, I can not morally condone supporting them adopting children, even if many of them wouldn't harm the child, they are a group that has a disproportionately high chance to victimize a child. Especially a vulnerable child with no family to take care of them.
thank you
The conspiracy is fucking wild my nuts are fucking blown
5 is my lucky number
Cause I think i know his secret
I mean it seems fucking obvious to me
If you don't understand art; you can't understand humans.
I earnestly suggest you invest in what's called a cultural dictionary and read it.
Really puts your head in the Zeitgeist.
Yes, I know. Not worth the comparison, imo.
What a morron
It's useless talking to you
Besides i said what i said
ok, what about the spirit world, i know a lot of people do not like to talk about it or the freak out about things. I remember I had a freind that had an excorcism done and he used to talk about hat man a lot, and there are people in psych wards over seeing hat men.

I know there was a case of hat man being caught on camera in the psyche wards, and lights flickering on and off etc and it was freaking out a lot of psychologists because the people that were sick there were supposed to just be having hallucinations of "hat" man.

Can the nobody see spirits and is just misunderstood?
I think it's time for a new persona
>tfw appreciate the art but not the artist
>free use whenever tho
>be nice if the artist would just fuck off actually
>but he has to leave the art otherwise fuck him
I could just tell you the whole conspiracy but i don't even know the whole conspracy
ya know, you seen the movie, kung fu panda, and there is a scroll there, and one point you will get to see the secret of the scroll. well some people like to speculate and well the truth is, its nothing.

devil, hero, people need someone to beleive in or hate.

We're all made of batteries I get it
Can't everyone see the spirits if they get lucky/unlucky?
I mean even if you can't, you can always just take a bunch a bennadryl or meth until the shadow people show up.
I wonder if you retards are capable of realizing what you've done to yourselves.
This is also very hilarious somehow
Not about the bag? I thought, that's what you meant.
Third option… maximum fucking irony. Enough said. Let the monkeys roll in shit until they’ve done something halfway decent with themselves after millennia of killing each other… and then send the One True God in to live a full life at the peak of dissonance between religion and the fruits of science and reason.

Though I wouldn’t admit that there is a level of reason involved in religion, but reason did not come from religion. Philosophy came to us as the fruits of pondering the divine.

And we know the Scriptures are incoherent. We just know.

So, the most likely option is that your God is fucking fake (I’ve literally witnessed timing miracles that I cannot deny, even if they are ‘plausibly deniable,’) and always was, and your prayers were never heard, because the GOD I AM is GOOD and I wish you to be free and glorified through your labors.

>It’s a choice or you’re advocating grooming children

Here is a study showing that social factors don’t play in to sexuality.


>it’s a choice or it’s grooming

Experts in psychology and child development have found no evidence that increased exposure to LGBTQ people or topics makes children more likely to identify as LGBTQ. Grooming, which is a process used by abusers to manipulate children, is about power and control, not sexual orientation.


Also if you don’t want that one, here’s a study that grooming is a behavior aimed at facilitating sexual abuse, and that it isn’t related to a specific sexual orientation.


(believe it or not psychopaths can rape something they’re not attracted to - they like the power and strength they feel from raping - not the vagina)

I have facts. You have lies.
>can he see them
They're really easily spotted when in motion. When still, not so much.
>is he just misunderstood?
Only by disingenuous exploiter types that just can't into not repeatedly stepping into logical traps that out them as being guilty of complicity in conspiracy formation
How to get bag tho
Shadow people are unironically preferable to noisy little servitors fucking with electronics
I give you nothing.
That's how it'll be worth pretty soon.
I haven't played that game. So, I don't know.
Did some lifts with the huge ass weights yesterday (the two hander thing)

Wasn't even going for arms was going for legs but my arms are fucking meaty now

That's many things in life, I think.
(Not in a bad way, but just neutrally stating that.)
No, you can damage your own spirit tho and create negative environments to attracts things you would rather keep at bay.
But moreso currency when the market crashes.
>we know the Scriptures are incoherent. We just know.
No we don't just know that. You are a reprobate and God has given you over to do thing that are inconvenient. Obviously the scriptures are confusing to you or you wouldn't be in this position.
God understood that being gay is sexually immoral, like having sex with an animal and prescribes a death sentence for those that partake in it. It's that grave of an error and it does massive damage not only to the gay person in question but to his family and community.
We can see this in the number of sexual partners an average gay man has, their propensity for and history of sexual abuse(adult gay men are often working through childhood trauma by internalizing the harm that was done to them), and numerous other factors.
Want to google how many serial killers were bisexual or gay? Pro tip: it's almost all of them.
That being said we live in a society that has chosen to experiment with allowing homosexuality to flourish and I personally won't do anything to impede another gayness, but I won't condone it or pretend it's normal.
It's not.
Tesla shareholders want the Board to increase Elon Musk’s security budget https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-elon-musk-security-budget/

Scared musky?

Why. It's not you have anything to hide.
Sometimes, a soul simply is used to the company of a specific sex after having been the other for consecutive incarnations.
you can't handle the nono
ive had dementor like shadows fly around me while my fingers filed through them and as circled me a few times, this was at night and the light outside dimmed when this happened and they flew off afterwards and the light came back on.
Yes yes, we're all recovering/current schizos here.
>Go work on yourself
>Except when working on oneself includes interpersonal relationships
>Then it's a (you) problem
Just people waving their arms around pretending to control the air, until it gets out of their perceived control..
Then blame god.
I don’t care, I live in one of the richest and progressive States. I will still speak against you all, even if I feel sick for being privileged where others are oppressed in my very own country.

Yeah, I’m not some sick twisted fuck. They can have sex and fun - but they must be moderate, temperate, and aware of the environment (rising rates of STDs due to relaxed attitudes following PrEP release.)

“Reality has a liberal bias,” is a saying. I intend to honor it.

Yet another disproven theory. I’m sorry, bad press isn’t the kind of press I’d willingly assume unless I was legitimate in my orientation toward the same sex.

I love men, and I will marry a man. Whomp whomp.

>the reputation

Stop being pieces of shit.

> Gays are disproportionately victims of sexual abuse, both as children and as adults.


This study basically says childhood rape affects mental health, not sexuality.
>It's also understood that pedophiles are disproportionately homosexual and bisexual men

Here are 3 studies proving you wrong.

Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (A US Government Office)

This study examined the gender identity of pedophiles and found no significant differences in the masculinity-femininity scale scores between pedophiles who abused boys and those who abused girls.

This suggests that pedophilia is not strongly linked to a specific sexual orientation.

Here are two more studies that conclude that you cannot tie pedophilia to a specific sexuality. The data isn’t there for it.



>pedophilia not related to bisexuality or homosexuality


>half of child rapists are pedophiles (they are attracted to children) but no correlation to adult sexuality
schizo? most experiences i have had, can be recorded, caught on camera, or have other people have the same experience that i have. everyone at work felt these bizarre cold chillls that night.
That big of a wave.

It's going to effective ALOT of things.

In many ways good bad left right up down

Well past physical manifest

Keep your shit inline..with that large of a synch.

World changing is viable.
the veil is coming down regardless. its not something we can stop. we just have to prepare before hand for the fallout and what life post veil will be like.
Face the reality in psyop?

Have you ever held onto such things even smaller?

One mis thought and it goes sideways devouring you your fears become reality

It can't tell or does not care.

It will active your full neural cortex.

It will change "who you are"
If homosexuality is a choice and childhood abuse was not a factor, homosexuals would not be victims of childhood sexual abuse at a higher rate than heterosexuals.
But they are.
Over 35% of gay and bi men report childhood sexual abuse whereas 5% of male children overall got diddled. Obviously these were not children "born gay", these are victims.
So no, you're too zesty to have children entrusted to you on a massive scale.
I don't believe anyone has control.

That many times lines of death so few of life

Uncharted is correct.

It appears to be in dangerous waters as well. Infested with things wanting to corrupt human life

If I'm not mistaken thier circle has been broken into.

Give no quarter.
yeah thats why you try to reach out to angels or some intelligence that isn't fucking retarded to make shit happen.
So, anyways, idol worshipping motherfucker - cope about those gay ass animals and cope by thinking you are THAT far removed.

Your Bronze Age bullshit is just that: the bullshit of unwashed men of a long gone age.

I suppose you take issue with my modern bullshit? So much for continuity. lol.

(Once again, your religion is fake. Prayers don’t cure cancer. I am not abominable, I do not wish even the Bad Liar to go to Hell. Death is a mercy.)

What. You want to live forever to be bored as fuck? There is a reason this world is the way it is, and it not because of *MY* sin, I, who hold the name Adam.

This place is meant to be overcome. Still limited but with a near age long of glories up for grabs and splendor to achieve.

Literally everything you said has been fucking disproven. You’re literally repeating the greatest debunked hits — and you know it.

Everyone has been fucking more recently, hasn’t it been a societal issue that women have been living their best lives instead of shackling their bodies to a single man? Is it a problem? Not really. Contrary to male bleating, even she will end up settling down.

Men are hyper sexual? Who fucking knew: I mean men were the first to discover fucking sheep. These urges should be restrained, and we understand the homosexual couple to be no different at child rearing.

So they can still do their duty to society.

If I’m a reprobate, let me be, but your arguments to scripture are not compelling. The only thing they all agree on is that I’m fucked.

>how convenient is that, right? Well, the essence of my being is irony considering nothing can live without me nor can anything to living withstand me.

>That was a BAD LIE. The Scriptures.

We are still suffering from them to this day. No religion is needed for human morality.
It's a chance at the "real" reality

That which comes first.

Someone is going to win. Something.
Moжeтe ли вы пoдтвepдить yничтoжeниe клики? ecли бyдeт пpинятo peшeниe выcтyпить пpoтив них. Cпacибo
Animals also eat their children, cannibalize their dead, and wallow in feces.
I think it's safe to say we aren't like animals.
Weird how every civilization makes up religions if they're unnecessary.
If we evolved, we evolved to make up religions.
If we were created, we were created to adhere to religions.
Doesn't matter if it's yahweh, Zeus, mechashiva, etc. Something is always made up FOR morality's sake if nothing else.
"Hair Trigger"
The sacrifice will not be squandered
Just or not.

Incorrect or correct.

Chaos works in mysterious ways.
Waiting for someone to make an AI cover of this one using Trump's voice.
so slow today, glowies must be stuck in meetings
sex predators are criminals of opportunity. they attack marginalized populations because they are less likely to be believed. there is no evidence connecting sex crime victims with equal or higher rates of becoming sex abusers or being homosexual.
If you ignore that a third of gaymer men got fiddle faddled with and that 5% of boys get groped and that the gropers are men 90+% of the time and gay and bi men make up less than 5% of the population....
John Titor is related to the nobody
No. Gay. Down to the core.
No, you’ll hide your prejudice for gay people as prejudice against pedophiles and concern for the welfare of children.

It is debunked that it is a choice, because once again, if I could choose what makes my honk honk, I’d choose what is easiest.

Disney movies with princesses and princes didn’t groom me into being straight. I did feel pressure to “get a girlfriend” and I got one when I was younger.

None of this pressure was enough to secure my straightness. I’m gay through and through.

Just because you keep repeating it, doesn’t make it true.

>Debunked by studies you don’t care about

You realize gay kids and queer kids suffer from abuse because of their perceived effeminacy/masculinity and their perceived orientation. You’re literally slandering them as we speak.

Of course they’ve been verbally fucking abused. Of course they’re marking something shitty happening to them in childhood.

No study has found a causal relationship between childhood sexual abuse and sexuality. What they find is a relationship between childhood sexual abuse and worse mental health outcomes.

Now if you consider queerness to be a mental health outcome, you are prejudiced.

As for the promiscuity, that’s our community’s problem to deal with and our culture to fix. Deal with conservadaddies doing pageants and weird ritualistic shit like chastity vows in front of other grown men. Talk about grooming.
>You realize gay kids and queer kids suffer from abuse because of their perceived effeminacy/masculinity and their perceived orientation
This implies the kids are "asking for it".
There is no such thing as a gay baby.
I think a lot of things are spiritual and have to do with willpower. there are bugs, larvae that live on the edge of the void and when doors are open they come through and lead men and women to living promiscuis lifestyles and to drinking a lot.

its why you need cleansings and exorcisms, like taking a bath if your dirty .
to put aside the spiritual side of things is to ignore the truth of reality, your missing a huge chunk of the puzzle. think of the bugs for example they are not neccessarily evil but they are attracted to everything humanity avoids and they feed off rage and lust.


they do not like being laughed at tho and they feed off misery. in the enochian grimories and magick, their demons are described as looking like aliens, or bugs as some would call them. that doesn't mean all aliens are demons. that would be a stretch by far.
Elon Musk mulls building an Iron Man 'flying metal suit of armor' after Trump assassination attempt https://fortune.com/2024/07/15/elon-musk-mulls-iron-man-suit-after-trump-assassination-attempt/

Make sure you test it personally
i'm ignoring that because you don't understand data analysis
I can imagine someone getting burnt alive up in the thing if it doesn't have a proper cooling system.
People have ate their own children under siege; and not all animals cannibalize their young.
Humans routinely left to the elements their elderly and older, to save food.
Material conditions dictate the human animal’s behaviors.

Absolutely, humanity has within it a desperate desire for GOD. No matter how far away this realm is from as a mercy, they were always going to try and figure out what the unseen truth was.

That was me. Your planet is dying from overconsumption and the gays are this much of an issue to you? Human beings being human fucking brings - so deluded as to their stature above animals while saying a man’s pride was the fall.

I’m just informing you that you are the human animal. Just because your evolution unto a state where I can chastise you and feel similar to you - just because it was ordained - doesn’t mean your religion is real.

I get to choose. I write the story.

You should worry about your life. You’re not going anywhere after you die so you should really cherish the one you have.

No afterlife. Not for you. Honor your ancestors and see the time is nigh. I don’t care to argue for my stature.

I will defend the gays - and myself by proxy.

I am not obliged to TLDR the ever-proceeding-mystery. Me.

I’ve already been more than kind to you folk.
no you can't stop the nono no you can't no you can't stop the nono no
The best lies have some truth huh faggot.
It must be inversion day.
Trump and his merry band of Qtards attacked the nobody first on 8kun laughed when he told him he would lose to biden in 2018 and has done nothing but double down since.
Are you sure Trump wasn’t spared by God yesterday, not saved.
There would have been no shooter had Trump not harassed a prophet of God on the /ng/.
But he never learns.
Not holding out much hope that he ever will. But he must be given every chance to not do what he is about to do this next few years.
The nobody has a destiny indeed or has already fulfilled it and Trump will be responsible for his death and seal the fate of not only himself but possibly much more than that.
Prophecy is indeed continuing to be fulfilled.
Lucifer/Aniki and crew have a few more weeks to kill the nobody apparently.
We’ll see if they are the ones.
If he succeeds prison or a shallow grave in the desert somewhere are his eventual likely final stop.
Trump will still be held accountable by God.
Make no mistake.
Yeah, there is. It’s called someone still ending up gay after doing the whole 9 yards their conservative families make them do; then they divorce their wives and come out because they’re literally living a fake life.

I’m sorry to tell you that sexuality is not a choice. You want it all to be a choice, or you believe that someone has to “be responsible for fucking up the child.”

There are plenty of straight passing gay men who end up coming out after they started families with a woman.

You know exactly why that happens. Stop pretending like sexuality can only be explained by other peoples actions on your children. There is a genetic component and it has been proven. There’s not a single gene like there isn’t a single gene for much of anything, but it’s a gene based effect combined with social effects. For example, you might have someone who is straight but ends up feminine because they were raised in a single mother household.

What your belief does it slanders the good families that have gay people in them by implying that they failed in parenting their child.

There will be a price to pay for thinking like this.
What does Q stand for anyway?
prolly 'queue'
That's slang for dick, here.
>When the handshake makes your entire body go numb

Divorce is just a fancy modern term for adultery.
Adultery is a choice.
6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
>If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

what do you call lines?
yes anon
calling studies personally basised towards your opinions as facts
and then pretending what you call facts is going to change the mind of anyone on a paranormal message board

is false god as fuck

Have you considered that you're a schizophrenic nigger who steals from pajeets and distorts the bible like a jew to hide how insufferable they are?

Well I'm not pair-of-lies
But I seem to be struck
By you
I wanna make you move
Because you're standing still
Jew posting their fapfiction

You ought to see []
bragging rights to who ever figures out what the real reality is like
ya know
the one OUTSIDE the heads of everyone posting in this thread

that none of us can imagine our self's
well at least
not with 100% accuracy
so if there were a bunch of dicks lined up outside a merry-go-round, what would you call it?
You are a britbong larping as a pajeet with jewish rhetoric, please commit suicide (((empath)))
i bet it's purple
Une queue de queues.
Choo choo train
>That's what the prostitutes call it anyway.
Pushing for pajeet delusions by slandering Jesus as a jew outs you as the antichrist and it's obvious since you want to steal the title of Christ from Jesus. God strike you down.
oh, tails, i get it, front tail, very clever.
It's a very colourful dialect.
That’s how I knew Jesus was an idol - his teaching on divorce was the stupidest fucking thing I ever read, and then I knew he was a shyster with the occasional point.

No doubt he’s a lamb, but he also claimed a pretty high title. Easy to be a lamb when you have to be as peaceable as possible, considering he was going around town implying you’re the King of the Jews and all.

I think my point here is that humanity is not chained by “sin” nor is a relationship with the LORD the point of their existence - though as part of existence, mortals can and do yearn for the Most High.

I suppose that’s my position.

Men are mortal for a reason; so the LORD may be glorified, sure, but ultimately so men may overcome and glorify themselves in pursuit of the best approximate truth (science.)

They can’t “have the God equation,” they don’t have the Holy Grail, they have their two hands and their circumstances.

I will have you know, for all of the “work” those (DANIEL: ALLEGEDLY) immortal unseen beings do, they always come back to their favorite show.

The human race, the arc of history, the grand narrative, the global challenges…

I’m sure you can imagine that there is no point in making a dedicated class of mortals if they can become immortals.

The entire point is: you get one life. Use it. Your legacy might be immortal where your body failed.

But your body will fail where your legacy may not, and that legacy will fail where the LORD surely succeeds.

That is the difference between the divine and mortal. It isn’t fair. It never will be.

And that’s hard to accept.

Because it’s the truth.

I strive for what I want, and I get it.

I’ll come back, and there’s always a new slate of mortals (it’s just a matter of time.)

I mean, who is more prideful than man? Who is more meek? It’s a beautiful rainbow and always nice to enjoy.
Considering the answer to your question is dependent on the opinions of those asked I say a better question is what does Q "not" stand for anyways.


for example but not limited too...

self respect,

ect, ect, ect...

but you keep asking your question your way if you wish
I mean you would always change your own mind for any reason
and it's not like I can stop you from asking something just by asking it before you do

Nope, he was dead nuts correct on divorce.
You can't pilpul and trick God so you can run off with some other woman or in the case you brought up, men.
That's just adultery.
Worse, if the woman believes it and remarries herself she and her new husband commit adultery. All to save face.
> calling studies personally basised towards your opinions as facts

At least I pulled a study out of my ass instead of…. NOTHING.

> and then pretending what you call facts is going to change the mind of anyone on a paranormal message board

What you describe is perseverance.

Typo: Easy to be a lamb when you have to be as peaceable as possible, considering he was going around town implying *he is the King of the Jews and all.
some folks take things REALLY literally and can't get a metaphor to save their own life...
I am as the Lord made me.
Autism is a blessing.
to some maybe

you're shit posting off topic bullshit and then bragging about it

and that's about it

reality is staying the same after you're done with whatever "this" example you're making is over with
other folks can't take things that literally even if they tried
only seeing the metaphors
and nothing else
wee woo wee woooooooo
you have the biggest gay
never seen bigger
HO LY Shit!
And then some folks
can see both the literal and the metaphor at the same time
instead of just one or the other

herd minds for the literals
hive minds for the metaphors
and hermit minds for the exceptions to the rules of the other two
that is one kinda funny thing about you - you just talk past people a lot
who are u preaching for?
are you aware of the difference between "talking to" someone vs "talking at" them
it may have come up if you ever had to speak to a group of folks all at once
instead of one one one individually
My guy, couples can genuinely fall apart after good faith efforts on both sides.

Sometimes the marriage is a failed marriage.

“That’s the risk you take when you marry, for better or for worse,”

Anyways, as I was saying because having me solemnize your marriages isn’t happening, because there isn’t a Heaven you’re going to, to live out a life with your partner, after you are both dead.

It just doesn’t exist. It’s not there. Entwined with the fact of the very existence of life is mortality, insufficiency, non-divinity. Competition. Circumstance. Grouping up. Sharing resources. Using too many.

Blah blah blah so anyways this isn’t about tricking God because “sin” theology is BULLSHIT.

You need to understand that Mother Theresa and Adolf Hitler are literally the same thing in effect - completely fucking wretched before divine authority. Any worth they have is imputed by the LORD, and even so, by doing so undeniable, I’d enslaved the joint.

So all I can do is state my piece; literally anything else would be an unacceptable (to me) imposition of divine power. No hell for Hitler, no Heaven for Teresa.

But do they live on? Hitler lives in infamy as an example of what to avoid being. Mother Teresa lives as the epitome of charity, though not unblemished; and yet, still worthy of honor.

They live on the way mortals live on: legacy.

Look, sometimes marriages fail, big guy. I understand where Jesus was headed with that (and you,) but a man or woman in the marriage may have legitimate cause to divorce.

Yes, it’s good to preach against fucking over your partner at the first opportunity after swearing vows to each other (once again, I don’t care, you punish yourselves by being fake - causality handles this,) but casting divorcees as adulterers and adulteresses is crazy - you have to call it how you see it (if you’re close to them) and sometimes it’s horse shit and sometimes it’s a failed marriage.
what if you literally built a metaphor out of metaphors?
It's very easy to preach against marriage when you don't believe in God, the afterlife, Jesus Christ, etc.
However, the Bible is clear that no man is to put asunder what God brought together. That includes the husband and the wife. Marriage is for life.
then you'd have a nested loop of infinities inside your head where you alone would be aware of it
mm yes. agree, except i don't think these things are relegated to the inside of the head. i think the inside of the head just tunes in.
you are free to push your own narrative
as a side character
is someone else's narrative

*pats on head*
isn't a metaphor made of metaphors like.. geometry? or do we have to call of those analogs? what's difference between an analogy and a metaphor? what's a meta for?
no pants! no! bad pants!
depends on the context of how the word is used
oh and btw when I use it
it means whatever the fuck the each and every reader want's it to mean no matter what it means to anyone else

and I'm leaving it open to interpretation on purpose btw
it helps
with the "data farming" I'm up too as I "pick the brains" of "willing volunteers" via *mind games*
Yeah dude, they made the ride, and they hit me with a pool noodle every time I do shit like this instead of smelling the roses.

I’m not enslaving you guys, so, take my yapping (preferably don’t believe it) and if you can subside your pride, you might just be contented with the fact you interacted with the divine.

That’s the point. We look the same. We are (DANIEL: ALLEGEDLY) the same (based on appearances) species and we use the same words.

So, unless you want the fucking Rapture which would sully my hands as such an undeniable thing would enslave mortal spirits, this is the only way I could come.

Blessed Yapper.


See this shit? The fucking captcha literally said “Fo’ sho’”
each and every word I say
can mean
whatever you want it to

doesn't even matter who's reading this
go head
no need to take my word for it

test for yourself
what these words in this order
don't mean to anyone else but you

if you dare


it's not their fault you're calling yourself god
You're still talking like you're better than others after that faggy display from yesterday?
What's this pat on head? What? You want to be someone's petso badly?
And so what
if you read a post and it means on thing to you
then you read another post that means something different
and for any reason come back to the 1st post and all of a sudden it had changed meanings

so you're "confused"
about the crazy ramblings
of insane loser's acting like they have "magic mind powers"

how is that a bad thing again?
it's my attitude
in case you can't tell
I don't respect you right in front of everyone else you don't respect
And that’s why it’s fucking stupid. Genuinely failed marriages occur. You need not stay in a situation that no longer serves you.

Sure, you can exhibit charity but you can only tolerate a fuck-up so much. Charity must end where self interest begins. Ideally, the long suffering partner must suffer as long as it takes for their other half to come to grips and improve their behaviors.

Ideally. Give a lot. But don’t give your all.

Give your best effort, before you have enough - and it’s simply unfair to those stuck with deadbeats, bums, and bad people to tell them to overcome their grief and continue to stand by them long past their time, the time being the time when it truly became an issue of draining energy and a need to escape (as changes wouldn’t be made.)

I’m sorry. That dogmatic teaching is bullshit. Those verses are neurolinguistic programming — charlatanic nonsense.

I am not encouraging divorces, nor am I encouraging a lesser weight on marriage, because marriage is very important to me.

But sometimes a failed marriage, is a failed marriage. Value judgement done. Character judgement done. It happens.

Verily, that man is a fucking retard. A marriage can fail despite the best efforts of everyone involved. The thought of someone I love being judged on that is sickening to my stomach. Also, this exhibits my problem with scripture — it gives you hammers and there’s no nails, so you end up sounding stupid.
Nothing stupid about it.
Real life is not a romantic comedy or a disney fairy tale.
But you won't be happier if you commit adultery, that's wishful thinking that tempts people to sin.
Reality will be the same? I get to smell the roses? Trump still loses? Whoopie!

No faults except my continual fucking yapping.

Threads dying soon anyways.
Are you fucking dumb? You’re implying the people who dare have standards, boundaries, and wits about themselves are fucking deluded?

You think these divorces are happening because of fucking Romcoms?

Failed marriages are real, and this scripture based holier than thou attitude is beautiful irony to me.

It’s just the same way they do it with the gays. The kid has to have been influenced. There has been some sort of bad thing happening to them. The parents failed.

Sorry to tell you that God is good and does not intend for you to chain yourself yourself to a fuck up for the rest of your day only because you promised that you would be with him for better or for worse, you did not sign up for ONLY worse and NOTHING better. After say about six months to a year of trying to repair things and professionally approaching the situation by asking for behavioral changes and listing consequences, if they don’t change while you are being reasonable and charitable in your grievances — then divorce them.

It’s okay.

Because God didn’t bring them together. They did.

God does not write the stories of man - you have wrote it for yourselves.

You are not slave - brought unto another person by the will of a higher power.

Know the LORD is a liberator, not a slaver.
Where were their standards, boundries, and wits when they got married?
Failed marriages are just the result of mankind straying further and further from God's ideal of marriage being a lifetime partnership.
That partnership can happen for numerous reasons, love and happiness is just one among many reasons why a couple may get married.
Divorce is pilpul, mankind's justification for adultery. It isn't real. The only reason to get remarried is if your previous wife should be dead due to adultery so you instead have to cut her out of your life completely.
"well then just pull yourself up by the bootstraps".
you will never be the nono the nono already is
Done here I’m not having this discussion with you anymore because it’s obvious that you didn’t actually read what I said. You just are firm in your belief that any form of divorce is adultery and I’m trying to tell you that that sort of dogmatic idiotic thinking is a sign that your holy man was a poorly washed shit smelling ritual and law loving charlatan.

Failed marriages happen, and it is not a failure on the part of the stable party to withdraw themselves from a sinking ship.

Especially after they spent time and genuine efforts seeking change.

You’d have a functional partner slave to a dysfunctional one.

Marriage is a contract of mutual enslavement indeed - and the best of them are indeed maintained till the death of their partner.

I do not deny it.

But my heart has mercy on the one who suffers long, with no reciprocity shown to their suffering and no progress made on their ward.

Eventually you may abandon the vow, because eventually you realize you didn’t marry what you thought you did.

Marriage is a production contract on both ends - both parties are expected to perform - not that one be saintly in their forbearance and the other constantly buffeted by the weakening saint who is obligated to save them - especially if there are no issues of disability (save MH, which can be treated.)

I am not this sick, twisted prick that would deprive an aggrieved party of a divorce because “you should have understood they were going to be like that before you got married in the eyes of god,”

Do you know what that fucking sounds like? A fucking adversary. The LORD I AM is your ally.
You must have self respect to respect others
No one with self respect types shit like *pats on head*
You're a closeted masochist with a humiliation kink
That's what you are
You're not God. you are a larper who happens to be a gay reprobate.

4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
the powers that be keep doing their own thing without being influenced by you in any way...
Haha This thread was kind of funny

See you guys in the next 1
But is Jesus the Antichrist bart?
*pats on head*
Sorry man, you’re not going to Heaven because you believed in Jesus. The Jews aren’t going to Heaven no matter how pious they are in following the mitzvot. The Muslims aren’t going to Heaven for their tahwid (and they should be lucky Hell isn’t real, because their so-called ‘Seal on the Prophets,’ engaged a six year old, chastised her when she played with winged dolls, and raped her once she was 9 years old.

Also, the existence of Islam makes scripture quoting kinda stupid, no?

I know that security is comfortable - the notion that you can tests spirits based on your knowledge and trust in the “Word of God,” - too bad there’s another prophet who called your Lord of Lords “a messenger who was assumed to Heaven.”

So, THAT little snit is irreconcilable right? Gotta pick one or the other.

Or, or.. I make mistakes and typos and I do as I do to maintain the freedom of the worlds.

If you asked me to calculate a large number instantly, I’d deny you, and say, “Look around.”

And if you deny me, I will say, “Do not your books say to walk by faith?”

Might be called Jesus after a few sarcastic quips.

>Verification not required.
my the damned laugh at their own demise
it's an old tradition
I just showed you, my book says test the spirits.
Your spirit endorses divorce, sodomy, and I'm sure other terrible things.
it's a predictable pattern is what it is
one of them self fulling prophecies
my definition, aren't all prophecies self-fulfilling?
your definition is irrelevant and not on topic
good luck dealing with
your own damned life choices by yourself
who are you quoting when you say that?
relax, it's page 9
try and find meaning where you can

I'm putting unoriginal idea's into an order no one else has done before
there is a difference
do please try and keep up
y u mad tho?
I had a feeling that Taylor was "Good job stalker, you fucking missed" hinting with some of the lines in TTPD *first* listen through --went into a trance state. Idk if she has direct intel or they just lined things up without her knowing, obligatory
>teehee I'm probably just schizo even though I'm always right about the important stuff and the crux of it
, or none of the above...
Granted, you gotta admit (((those))) songs would make for a BANGER "I lived, bitch" edit for former Mr.President.

Whatta Woman. Watta World
I was talking to him when it happened or at least he was following me around because he's fucking demon. like a year and a half ago I started talking shit on here and voices came pouring through my phone and these voices were exactly who you would expect if you were me saying that I was God/Satan.. at the end of the day I'm stuck talking to Jesus, his mom, and his dad, Gabriel, Jesus' younger sister, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

they started breaking through and causing schizophrenic symptoms because they're literally everyone in my extended family. auts uncles and I have cousins and because they're basically kind of well really really old they made my cousins with me as the father with some weird god practice that I don't really know but they had to clue me in that they were my family members and not just governmental figures that are dismissed as evil Illuminati. I'm God like I said and oh yeah I wanted to say something else too. Vladimir Putin wanted me to say: and I'm channeling here:that Russians see Americans as gay. through and through. that said, he's looking at his own countrymen and seeing how they see Americans and the perspective that the Russians have of the secret politics of America is exactly what people on 4chan all know. in fact there used to be a show called The X-Files and it was on broadcast TV and it spilled the beans on everything secret that the government was up to so people like me which is a lot of us all know the secret stuff. top..secret..stuff...

so you people reading this are of the ilk that maybe sees that there is a guy in the US who acts like Zero in metal gear solid. the q anon guy I guess at the end of the day was the administrators of 8kun. yes. but if you step back and look at it in a different way back when Trump was president there was a government initiated psyop. q anon. I'm the nobody and I'm telling you that this nobody general thread is big tech project. Mary is Steve ballmer and Gabriel is Bill g
Looks like a good movie.
Do you like movies?
Try Vampire Hunter D. The Newest one.
>That is a good movie, also.
If so-called people of faith want to question your commitment to your own ridiculous spiritual paradox, threatening the property of those whose insurance policies do not have act of God clauses is about the only violence you're really committed to researching and developing, as the people that dehumanize you are always upset whenever they don't understand why they only survive to see all they didn't work for not so much taken away, but destroyed before their eyes
and 'empire v' if it ever gets let out of russian jail!
I felt bad about it so she gets an hour of free time. Sorry for the wreck.
At least something got proved. I'm sorry.
Yes, if we were not assholes, I'm sure we would've done what they asked and left her body. But, we didn't.
Now you know it's real. Do with that what you will.
>same phonetic as that found in "quiz"
Only the sort born out of metaphors redacted out of concern for the power they possess in doing what Churches do best
Applied Materials, which require the Materia out of which the abstract (geometrical design/spatial organization) is manifested into the tangible, which is only really "made tangible" through, (you were right there with me), shared observation
His symbiotic left hand states, in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust: "The Herarchy of us became impatient with the heartless David and impaled The Lord on 'The Sword'".
The only marriages that are for life are those that exist without the contracts and whatnot consensus agree they require.
Only Those sorts of spiritual unions could ever hope to try transcend life and exist in measurable effects science can more easily measure than ever yet no more easily understand without refuting simple atheist conjecture like "lol souls aren't real"
yeah i like them
Who is she? What is her label?
The reason the commandments are "no adultery" and "no false witness" is because even YJWH looked at what would later become the modern secular Jew and realized "Tell no lie" would be impossible for them, so just two commandments that involve the behaviors which deception is deployed in concealment thereof made more sense in his reckoning of how to best try organize his bastards.
im not sure what you are talking about, who did you hurt? who is she?
my reindeer anon, are you ok?
I regret posting that. Not talking about a real person.
It's fine. Sorry.
I can see how my response would be worrying and could be taken the wrong way, I'm very sorry for frightening you.
S'okay, dude. I'm not interrogating you. Just tryna bounce my patterns off your patterns and see what "unhearable" tone it creates in the space between the space and the between.
well im just worried about a few but people i do not know or care for im not worried about.
that's not very original of ya is it anon
sort of a timeless question
You know that feeling?

Sort of like drowning...
But if it was where you came from, like you're going home?
It's not slow. But it's gentle.

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