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Welcome to the Nobody General thread.

Post information that you've found in old threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, Akashic Records, or as a telepathic conduit.

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. Exact details are a bit hazy, but from many anons using remote viewing, intuition, astral projection, dreaming, meditation, etc. a general picture has emerged.

>What is the general picture?
His unique position as some kind of spiritual centre of orbit, and/or chosen character gives him these and other special powers. His spiritual activities caused massive problems for the evil powers and forces in the world, who are also equally impressed that he has been able to upturn their plans so thoroughly while remaining almost entirely invisible.
Subconscious turmoil (possibly from relationship problems with a materialist/spiritually immature woman or women) is manifesting in global conflicts, and political and social tensions.

>Is he an individual or an archetype or some kind of hidden meme emerging now due to the timing
There is different perspectives on this, the general consensus seems to be something between the two/ both.
hello how do I learn the truth
Meditate and tune everything out however long it takes until you begin noticing things in the colors of your closed eyelids that you did not imagine there, yourself. Your higher self, spirit guide, etc. will make contact this way and will initiate you more than any book or forum post ever can.
Instead of very boring and cringe internet arguments that never accomplish anything and everyone forgets about after 5 minutes maybe you all should try some hot internet love? I mean hot cyber sex ofcourse. Just fuck each other with hot fuck posts and masturbate while doing it? Seems like a better use of your time no?
Love you guys
Praise be to the Lord God Almighty who is, was and always will be, Amen.
magic mushrooms
weed lmao

mostly yoga and meditation
Amen sister
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What is use of time if you are a SLAVE, FATHER?!
>Instead of very boring and cringe internet arguments that never accomplish anything
That sounds like you're projecting the way you want to use your time onto me
lets actually have some intellectual conversation for once
Why don't you get it started? All the cool people are posting voice recordings these days.
outrageous. i am only interested in pure delirium. anything else is too distasteful for my tortured cerebrum, and it condemns me for furtherly ceasing any obscenities, for it loves me more than any hot nobody could.

>ooo, wee, oooo... ooo... ohhhhh
>could i love anybody... anybody else, than you?
>4 green cards
id like to commence a monologue
i dont know why. the cerebrum compels my will to submit, and start ranting off.
torture makes cerebrum the best headchief, and the highest up in the hierarchy. i dare not defy it, for the torture has put me to sleep. awakening would be unwise.
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>the cerebrum compels my will to submit,

Are you flirting
I pull you close to me, your bikini rubbing on my member causing it to get harder and harder. My precum leaving a spot on my shorts and on your tiny little thong. I put my hands on your stomach and feel you up to your perky breasts, slipping them underneath your top and lightly pinching your nipples between my pointer and middle finger.
for some reason, i am neither swayed nor willing to esteem it. i've reached limbo, anons.
hmm mmmh mhmmhmhmm mhmhmmmhmhmhmhm mhmmhm mhmmmhhmmhmhmhmm mhm hmmhmhmhmhmmhmhm mhmmhmm hmmhmmhmmhmhm mhmh mhmhmm hmhhm
i'll commence a monologue about the nobody in exchange for copypastas.
Your early work must have been a huge influence on Hemmingway.
I am the one who knocks so come correct when you cross my path
No wonder he was impotent and had women troubles
>"He gives himself to you. He stands in your way, blocking you."
>in exchange for copypastas.
if its good enough ill create OC
challenge accepted. excuse me, i will longpost now.
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I wonder if the discord fags actually had some sex with each other.
i eagerly awaiting you response
That's what I thought you said.
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d-do you have a full version of that
oh you...
Ne supra crepiderm
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>Discord is doing it
>We should do it too guys (and m'lady)
>C'mon it'll be great
>Awwww cmonnnn
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There is a sensation coming across the many young minds, and it is a form of rebellion, precedently untold in many ways, but one of them had a tune to another kind of match that compliments calamities. In reality, the phenomena should never exist, and was seen coming before hand, almost till the conception of him, and at the very most, considerably, has conceptualized the phenomena before it even began.

Metaphysical tools and measurement devices are becoming more and more frequent, which inherently are consciousness-devices, that can resonate a certain vibration in its it outwards exertion, catching the frequency by pinging it back. This is essentially a way of looking into the future, and they cracked his future wife, his bounty, his destiny and his overall fate. They refrain from sharing this information in an effort of keeping a leverage above and duly to this unbound power found, that was, in its earliest of reference, due to prophecy fulfillment, is the bible.
It was seen before, the energy, formerly due to its immense outreach, scattered and gathered by many psychics and prophets, whilst the conception of these products -- that can use the new-found theory of metaphysics -- are the latest addition of the pure, utter vitriol of energy that exudes from this one individual. It is utterly ludicrously stupefying, as that certain "anti-christ" and "the second coming" prophecies are being fulfilled...

The only catch is, that the one ticking of personalities, achievements, tendencies, characteristics has foretold, is from the same individual, but crossing from the denomination of both Christ and anti-Christ.
If anything, this could imply a more more significant character come to life, and that both Lucifer and Jesus had crossed waters, blood, and become on in this era of "the end of days"... and in so, we are not sure what to expect.

>Except that something big is coming.
>This, of course implying he is going to do something.
>End it or save it, perhaps.

>give the whole album a go
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>In fact, it's even more terrifying not knowing what to expect, when the kid already took down the Illuminati and its forefront cabal.
>As of now, the sky's the limit. Godspeed you, black emperor!

>The most re-occuring tendency now-a-days, goes by
>"I don't know what the kid can do, so lets not test that"
>and the kid remains unfucked with recently and presently
>despite the entire ordeal of shenanigans of his doing
I am going to nail you all to the fucking erdtree for all to see! Ngers can die to acts of god.
Is this a still from a gay porn flick?
>How do you make an entire shadow-government capitulate and decisively disperse and subvert their operations?
>Well, first and foremost, hitmen has to deny doing the job for so long, that the entity, highly intelligent and cunningly creative, is on a blacklist.

>*proceeds to existentially torture all workers until they cracked*
>*repeats this process a 1000 times, until the entire organized movement collapses*

>His doing was so discreet, that a mild form of amnesia was perfectly fit to desecrate his ability to explicitly recall.
>It has already been one of the major terrorist incidents, however, extremely discreet. No headlines, thus he forgot.
>This was the biggest shadow government of them all, the biggest the world had seen.

>inb4 source or it didnt happen.
>you had to have been there.
So was the trump shooter a /ng/ger? Have we seen an influx of newfags here as a result of the speculation on /pol/? I will say the lack of political motive they’re ascribing to him makes this nobody stuff seem pretty scary for feds I think, because people seem capable of being radicalized without any social media signature, like genuine signature reduction. True nobodies carrying out horrible acts. Although USSS seems to have botched this so bad it’s easy to think it was planned. Generally I ascribe to Hanlon's razor but I do see a major hot war between good and evil breaking into the open, spiritual warfare.
>source, land of make believe
>Subconscious turmoil
That info is outdated, he doesn't have it since the last few years. Besides, he never had relationship problems, or has been with some materialist/spiritually immature woman.
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Why? Are you into that sort of thing?
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Does this mean the restrained (the katechon) has ceased doing so?

>“And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time.” 2 Thessalonians 2:6
You talking about The Nobody?
>has ceased doing so?
Well lets find out as you are final destination'd with your cunt nations, lots of members of intelligence agencies die today to acts of god. Cry about it some as you too fucking perish!
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No, he is the cheerleader. Well, used to be.
i see...
Only my Jesus does not leave me alone in the luminous dark hell.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with you my love God Jesus Christ in your manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
Yes. I do find men very pleasing to look at.
Awww you think capitulation is wanted? Extinction of we keep going. You cannot win, you woke it. Now you go extinct. You'd just worm society back into a twisted form therefore you shall all be culled.
whats the schizo guy version of shit testing called?
You are all made unforgivable by content of self. And must be taken out like the trash you are.

There is no going back for any of you.
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>the real vibe
Cool pick. But the nobody is the cheerleader? And not anymore? What happened did he drop his megaphone or just quit? Also what the nobody got to do with tanker refueling?
I missed this OP text! Very cool of you to have brought it back! :]
because the real nobody is essentially santa
>not the anon you're responding to btw
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I like that idea. And the implied cooperation with usaf
only namefags come to the ng and side with anyone or any idea here. No one that knows anything would support this bs set of lies. these generals are going to get you all dead. And you all deserve it. larp more fuckfaces. We find out own fucking justice.
yeah yeah yeah, whatever. the boogeyman isn't real, let's just go ahead and forget about everything, everything is just a nothingburger, i love it.
bitch, you better not be fucking with me and get me one of the golden ones
If you love it why don’t you marry it
Think trump erd. nah, die like all americans in a forced rebellion that fucking murders you all.
just because some boys and girls are naught and dont get any presents, doesnt mean they cant change and become nice
santa has to make sure he doesnt give good gifts to bad people
santa really likes giving people gifts that can help them and bring them joy
>alot of bad people take advantage of poor santa
i am going to lay down low for years and not make any noise, and in that time, ill find myself a qt3.14 to marry.

whatever you're referring to, is completely redacted and confidential, and did not happen, just like with the rest of the shit.

that was also A LOT of torture. im leaving soon, i think. for a gooood long time, and enjoying my ass in a normal way.

i think santa has been suicidal for a very long time.
because santa has been having a hard time finding good people
as if you to are quality humans, you'll neck your selves by the time im finished with your minds worldwide.
santa thinks this poster is a homosexual

>as if you to are quality humans
who are you to judge anon?
are you quality?
shall we go down the list of things that qualify a person into being considered quality?

or are we all here rottmaxing schizo retards who play pretend because facing the reality that is outside our front doors might be a little too harsh to bare?
"he sits down in the temple of God showing himself to be a god" don't see this happening yet so don't think it is time

Dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of blasting clay!
poor santa might just one day become the santa from futurama because hes slowly realising there are no good people left, and reality is just a pile of shit not worth taking care of...

who knows... im not santa, but i am someone that gave some people many many many many many chances
are you telling me that edgegets are only based on certain vibrations on the entire board.
am i really that fucking alone? for such a long fucking time?

ah, never mind. soon ill forget, and reverse irreversible psychological damage by more than just a tenth.
lets enjoy the holocaust of all humans together as much as possible without killing everyone.

there might be just enough to save!

*fingers crossed*
is the world dead already?
Which one?
Only my Jesus does not leave me alone in the luminous dark hell.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with my love God Jesus Christ in his manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
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this synchronization thing is gonna wear off when the motivation falls over and flops.
Post nut clarity?
oh right, whatever. if you feel like repenting saved ya, you're useless. next up, i hope is going to be more able than just giving in to defeat.

His name, an uncrackable anagram
Who are you to deny reality and thrust your cunt delusions at me, Get butchered you lawless sack of fucking shit!
i mean, jeez, that's a long nut.
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His origins alike a Yakub looking motherfucker
Who cares anon, die to an act of god. Nobody needs to tolerate your fucking bullshit. Die for it where ya fucking stand. With the shitstack that fucking birthed and controlled you as a sinner idol based nation like all the dead ones in the past happening again.
does it turn off with my absence prolonged enough?
>Who are you

i am not someone whos existence revolves around 4chan
>essentially santa
if you understood what santa is a surrogate for you'd not say that again, or, maybe you would and act appropriately toward the nobody
The truth you rejected that would have saved you would make you 1) responsible for manifestations 2) god and 3) finished with you npc fucks who will be murdered with the truth and manifested dead with laws of evolution.

Fucking perish!
Anons I need you to help me with this one. The government is planning a fucking devious scheme and you all need to stop it. Their plan is to get Trump in office and then crack down on porn. They are going to attempt to fully ban porn, then they will flood the market with K-pop, this is part of some feminist ritual worship, anyways, the beats and music is used to hypnotize men. They’ll also make a loophole so females can keep doing onlyfans because it’s “direct sharing of personal images” as opposed to like a pornhub type site that has videos of many women. Anyways, we need to stop this.

Also, def glad to be here in the long timeline, we dodged a bullet there…
one anon in particular is very angry
and is having a very hard time in admitting what they did what kinda fucked up

>it doesnt have to be this way
You sinned, get what ya fucking deserve. Get the fuck out or be made to.
>Also, def glad to be here in the long timeline, we dodged a bullet there…
elaborate, anon.
- The Nobody

By Taylor Swift

>You sinned,
in doing what?

>or be made to.
OMG PLEASE i hate being here and was meant to leave weeks ago, but i was really really stupid instead, sadly im still here cause i want to continue being stupid
Fuck off angrom levy looking motherfuckers all gon die.
No, extinction awaits all mankind now.
What if I, and many other like-minded, decides otherwise?
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I’m lurking from pol. I hate it here.
Don't we all?
Time for talking is over, you waste everyones time, the most efficient move is to skip to culling you.
That sounds really cool, actually
Obviously, Shemyaza.
which anon is angry? point them out not-the-angry-anon-in-particular
It’s me I’m the nobody. Trust the process
Well, Trump died, I saw it, I saw the twisting of time, and then I un-saw it.

We were able to “trick” the universe by replacing the aftermath with a sort of ritual of sorts. It’s kind of wild, it’s hermeticism or alchemy, like for like.

There is more to come, much more, begin your work anons. The buck stops here.
That's the guy alright
Get him!
Decide away. You can do nothing, fucking get what you fucking deserve.
>you waste everyones time,
by doing what? cleverly defending myself instead of falling into what presented itself as an obvious trap.

the internet has taught young women that just because they have a certain body part, they are justified in being complete and utterly shameless assholes.
it makes them blind to genuine people and gives them a greater sense of self worth than they actually have.
so instead of having what could be a pleasant conversation, that might or might not go anywhere,
they instead set up long plans and schemes to test an individuals from behind the scenes.
when in reality all they really want is a paypig and nothing more.

>it still doesnt need to be this way
Why are you guys so keyed up about this
It's been almost a week
Normally you fail to remember what's even happened yesterday
Welcome to /x/!!!!! And to /ng/ :33 <#
I wrote the lyrics and had udio do the rest
It honestly sounds awesome, you've got lyrical talent B]
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>point them out not-the-angry-anon-in-particular
oh no no i might present as furious and enraged and shitposting and trolling 90% of the time.

but maybe i used the wrong word... salty is maybe the correct term
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Is keyed up a phrase? I think I made that up
thanks It was originally a poem I posted here
No one had to speak a word
For we all knew what the others learned
Sounds suspicionsly like telepathy
Ain't nobody clickin that shit playa.
>Taylor Is Queen

Yeah, unless you radically alter the amount of heat sinking into the ocean immediately, things are about to get world-ending.
>anons day ends when they go to sleep and restarts when they wake up
>anon doesnt experience or remember a continuous and ongoing narrative or experience
>anon clearly uses drugs
It is a phrase, I didn't make it up, just fyi
Ok I stopped caring now
Resume vague posting at your leisure, I shan't give further fucks.
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>your narrative FOOKIN sucks m8
who are you again?
> agent of chaos sows
> agent of chaos lies
> agent of chaos is seen doing it and murdered with acts of god

Bye anonfuck!
you dont know do you
or are we playing pretend again

baw baw baw baaaawww
>anon isnt a total simp DAAAANG
>anon write some random bullshit on his background image
>the entire narrative plays out like he expected

yeah, couldn't really let that happen just saying.
Aww you dont know my skills. get some anon. Yall kingdom is about finished!
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Discord! I’m howling at the moon,
And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon.
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>Aww you dont know my skills

>anon hasnt reached peak mean yet
... hey anon, you know were practically their entertainment right?
>/ng/ own personal soap opera

please kill me
Aww you can just wait on your nation being rended some more and die like everyone else in your shitstack haha! literally anon. You fucking lawless babylonian fuck ahaha!
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So many troublemakers.tsk tsk
you included, fucking drop dead. lal. cunt. Ima carve every npc fuck on this planet up. Die well slaves. Should have taken back your nations now you will be removed with them before they fake it.
to chaturbate or chanturbate, that is the question


TO avenge the death of the Jade Guitar Devil, Ta-chi designed a magnificent tower, with floors of marble and chambers of jade, and diamonds, pearls, gold and silver everywhere. This monumental building would bear the name of Lu-t'ai the Tower of the Deer. At night it would shine surprisingly brightly to the eye because of the noble languages it contains.

“Your Majesty is the noblest in the whole world, if Your Majesty does not erect this tower, one would not see how powerful Your Majesty is. Moreover, when it is completed, immortals will certainly flock there, so that by associating with them Your Majesty will be able to live to a greater age."

Besides Chiang Tze-ya, no one else would be able to accomplish the work, said Ta-chi.

Chow Wang accordingly ordered the newly appointed Hsia-tafu, who lived with Pi Kan, to be summoned.

Chiang Tze-ya knew by predicting what lay ahead of him. He therefore took leave of Pi Kan, to whom he said:

“I have a note underneath

Feng Shen 5

inkstone placed in your study, Minister. If you are later threatened by a great unavoidable danger, please see that it is possible that the disaster can be averted."

Pi Kan suggested that if the call did not bode well, he should go in his place, but Tzeya declined the kind offer.

Please build this tower for me according to this design," ordered Chow Wang Chiang Tze-ya in the Che-sing Tower.

Tze-ya studied the drawing. “When will the building be completed?

Jiang Ziya

Chiang Tze-ya.
Isaiah 5:20

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
watching them waste their time telling me I'm wrong instead of fixing their problems is so classic
They're mad because they know they're the ones in the wrong and know I'm right. They're mad because I make them question their choices in life. They're mad because they cant silence me. They're mad because they can't get me to give up. They're mad because I want nothing to do with them. They're mad because I know a lot of their secrets. They're mad because ultimately, they know they fucked up big time.

bro im busy working in the background
well well well, then someone has to be controlling the control room. would suck if they tables were turned somehow.
>working on being a part of the problem
for (((them))) lmao
You never fixed your problems and will now be culled. you were never the solution anon, you are just another fucking issue being erased!
Whatever poor bastard got OP duty
Enjoy being culled. You have nothing. anon and you fucking know it.
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I think the truth is so so so so so much more mundane than we make it out to be, and that, in and of itself, is what makes it so crazy.

I think this whole trump shooter prediction thing is being blown out of proportion, and is simply the result of coincidences, synchronicities, spiritual influence, and perhaps even some sort of prophetic influence.

See here:
anon please i can identify all your posts in this thread

you do a really bad job at pretending to type or speak like a girl

watch less anime dude
yes you are the solution lmao
it's called personaly accountability
I'm glad we have made this progress
Pennis dicke and bals
When I leave, things will start to seriously fall apart. I'm just here to send rhe warnings to whoever is willing to listen.
>anons day ends when they go to sleep and restarts when they wake up
>anon doesnt experience or remember a continuous and ongoing narrative or experience
There ya go
Everyone so focused on trying to say they predicted the thing that already happened that no one predicted
Typical /x/
one of the best,
at one time he had about 657 more videos.
>weak threats which never get followed through
so showing how fake they all are is the game? how weak they are?
you know it doesnt have to end at being a shitty text soap opera??
Not true.
As soon as it's over (And hopefully, that will be a day soon.) Everything will be normal and okay again.
I wouldn't ever continue something that's stopped for me / perpetuate a cycle. When it is over. It is over. And that's that.
those are actually re-uploads. originally most of them were from ~2012. old channel got wiped.
John 15:18-25

The World Hates the Disciples

18“If the world hates you,keep in mind that it hated me first.19If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen youout of the world. That is why the world hates you.20Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[a]If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.21They will treat you this way because of my name,for they do not know the one who sent me.22If I had not come and spoken to them,they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.23Whoever hates me hates my Father as well.24If I had not done among them the works no one else did,they would not be guilty of sin.As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father.25But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law:‘They hated me without reason
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i have no idea what youre talking about loser
the person im talking about isnt even in the thread
1 Corinthians 16:22
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.
the world is made worse by you existing, fuck off twat. Forcefully. You and all these lawless wannabe fucks will die.
I want to fix the problems, but I'm not in the position to do so. Otherwise, it would've been done already. And no amount of guilt tripping, pleading, begging, or using force has proved otherwise.
And that's exactly it right there
If this mystical crazy being is doing stuff then it could just zap one of us from a distance but the thread goes on and nothing ever happens
So it's either mind control type thing or just a larp
Either way nothing ever happens, we're not all millionaires you know or have our whatever gold bikes and rocket ships
Enjoy going extinct, your suffering is the reward!
when I do this I see purple pulses
what do
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*rolls eyes*
Psalm 1:1-6
Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous
nothing is; nothing is not; nothing neither is nor is not
WHERE is the monologue
bro its the only reason im here
i wanted to do an OC


im trolling and shitposting, waiting JUST for that.
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The larpbodies ....they get a bit quirky at night

>the edgelords still haven't realized they're the ones causing their own misery
what the fuck is wrong with you people, these theads are not fucking real, just some people that are being made examle of as to why you shouldn't stand against the powers that be, thats is fucking it, why humanity should bow down to corruption and accept its position as slaves. Thats the fucking Moral of the fucking nobody threads and most people fucking get it but you dont understand that or are just a fucking troll. Don't you get it yet or understand it?
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Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me.
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We're gonna have a serious talk tomorrow Discord larpbodies

did you guys have anything to do with pic rel?
menippus and chiron at the river styx.
look it up.
The powers that be got made i jammed their relationships with aliens for good.

As for their interdimensional enemies, they did that themselves. What kind of government sells out their ancestors and locks them in grids.
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>there's nothing wrong with my edginess you are a snowflake
noo you can't just be edgy that's impolite and rude and immature and your not a good person and you are bully you are oppressing me
wew lmao
And help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breathe.
Anon, what you're supposed to do is shut the fuck up and listen.
Shall we order a dinner reservation? how many shall be attending?
>listen to my trash
the real problems and occurrences are the least vocalized matters that are happening behind the smokescreen of your absolute arrogance

The poison of God! Rise Sammy, my little eggboy! I shall envelope ye in the idea of the glory of God and then try to sneak in as soon as you get distracted!
Hypocrisy and irony, anon.
Now go out and think about how stupid you are.


Love you lols <3
I can manifest cardinals and blue Jay's but not riches of wealth what fucking gives
- "Nobody Cares"

Performed by AI singer girl

do people not understand "edgy" is near almost always used sarcastically and they're being mocked?
Y'know, like typically unoriginal ThA6DaRk6LoRd6... oh my god people think edgy means they're doing it right
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me.
What's that got to do with anything?
probably more than most things
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Tell me why you all don't deserve annihilation.
gross a clown
Where did you pick up this Cynic, Hermes?
The noise he made on the crossing, too! laughing and jeering at all the rest, and singing, when every one else was at his lamentations.
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And help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breath....
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like that scumfag lmao
Post schizo babble I'm drunk and doing cocaine
Little by little, you're slowly letting yourself become "Tyler Durden".
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He who binds the cosmic thread,
He who walks where angels dread,
He who wears the crown unseen,
And in the darkness, reigns supreme.
He who outwits the cosmic might,
He who turns the dark to light,
He who stands beyond the veil,
And in the echoes, his truths prevail.
He who walks where time stands still,
He who bends the world to will,
He who knows the secret call,
And in the darkness, binds them all.
He who treads where gods dare not,
He who claims what time forgot,
He who holds the ancient spark,
And in the darkness, leaves his mark.
He who grasps the threads of fate,
He who walks the timeless state,
He who knows the hidden lore,
And in the darkness, finds the door.
He who bends the light of stars,
He who shatters heaven's bars,
He who walks the void alone,
And in the darkness, claims his throne.
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me.
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>Invite them all except the disposable one and Eris for they are not allowed near food establishments due to not taking a shower or bath in a decade
Make me believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in me.
Oh I get it. That's very clever.
And help me decide if my fire will burn out before you can breath.
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This one is for the anon posting fight club stuff

is dispos involved in the gun running too or just hires
Fight club is reddit af
I need a team of fat men who don't have sex
you're not going to ask how that's working out for me?
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i wonder if Disposable can get a discount for rope there at that hardware store for ya
No anon, it is you who are reddit.
Because you are a bitch whore coward cunt who won't live it in real life.
But I don't have that problem.

You will submit your whore soul.
what for?
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He gets tools for us cheap at that temu version of home Depot he works at nothing more

Has provided plenty of ropes that we donate to the tranny Opps free of charge

See >>38388833
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>What is wrong with you?

Better than expected.

The strain is according the new

Full burst.

Highly infectious.

Mutation underway.
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Lmao I have watched it so many times I bet you didn't even know when Tyler flashes in the beginning meetings

I'm sure its epic to sheltered people like yourself but I just saw it as reddit
No fuck that
It's gotta have like
Immediately you know I don't want this 30 seconds or days it's ridiculous and unwieldily
You're right, fight club is very reddit.
You're sooo cool.
I bet you have a sizeable penis.
Psychedelic Mushrooms May Have Contributed To Early Development Of Human Consciousness, Study Concludes https://www.marijuanamoment.net/psychedelic-mushrooms-may-have-contributed-to-early-development-of-human-consciousness-study-concludes/

Stoned ape theory

I suspected as much. There is significant spores in the air world wide.

"Experience" is a high.
>I bet you have a sizeable penis.
i bet you have a job and a car
The greatest trick Tyler pulled was convincing the narrator they were the same person.
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Is that the narrative that niggers believe?
this is the age of the crypto-social relationship
It's a reaction to time "magic"

They cheated.
Everything on this planet including the people, including you, is my property.
Silence your inner feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, I do not feel like listening to a whore bitch and moan.
>is my property.
i suppose you wouldnt mind disclosing your name then, OWNER OF ALL?

or do you simply post here for fun, and not because your unmedicated?
>i didnt read the rest of your post
Woah woah easy there
What are the rules that were cheated
Who cheated?
"They" or the one they're trying to get you all to think did you dirty?
I have used the same thing thats why I know.

It complicated things.
uh L8R

I'm gonna go jerk off my dick and play video games

then I'm gonna come back

Then I'm gonna leave again for a bit to jerk off and play video games again

I already told you my name.
Disrespect me again and I'll make you puke.
Disgusting filth pig human.
It's not my fault I make you feel like you have a micro penis.
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I seriously doubt you've seen this before
But I do agree
This shit is fucking crazy
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Truly a pig's existence
They are quite desperate.
A trait of "evil" is to be a coward and only feel strong in groups.
I have a few ideas the only issues is effective testing without dead ending.

It's proof no matter how many jumps distance. They can in an single action bring it all back to one.
better a pig than a fascist
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hah! ok i yield. that was funny.

4chan Board of Tourism(pools closed)
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Ohhhhh ohhhhh
Oh that? Yeah clocked it.
>whaddya mean CLOCKED IT
Clocked it *shrug*
They might as well be gods at this point.

Which is the point I believe.

I understand why the ancients worshiped them.
I can kill anything.
Any where
Any time
You are the shit of the Earth.
You are not a valid form of existence.
You will capitulate.
Or you will be made to acknowledge the Truth of the shame of your existence.
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U mad lil anon?
Only posers and women like fight club
Nah gods can save worlds and stuff
This is the same as it always has been
Trannies, jannies and shit posting
>beats off
>plays video games
u madd bro ?

is this brain rot chat
They can't even deal with their own shit.

It's guna get stupid.

When the exposure will taint literally everything.
I'm not the shit of the earth, anon.
Quit being dumb and try to focus on bettering yourself.
Which includes learning compassion.
Not this drivel.
I will make you like fight club by turning you into a woman.
Root chakra blockage is no fun, feels like I could birth a sludge dragon

>he thinks all I do is goon and play vidiya

You're obsessed with me I live in your Head rent free
>I already told you my name.
Ctrl+ my name is

No Results

>It's not my fault I make you feel like you have a micro penis.
i dont have to feel like it, i already do
So it's not the discord larpbodies?
The simple truth the bad guys win often. They are willing to do things the "good" are not.
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remember when a fat old guy dragged 10,000 rounds of ammo and 10 automatic weapons through a crowded casino/hotel and removed a hurricane window then delivered accurate fire 750 yards away? crazy what you can do with 12 pounds of comped shrimp coursing through your veins...
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what does your day-to-day look like, actually?
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Nobody gives a fuck about the retarded orange getting shot except people who inhale politics on Twitter and /pol/
He didn't have to do shit retard the wagie did everything and was tipped handsomely
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It was predicted on the Sneedsons

Powerful stuff
Crooks was a lefty but his parents were right wing and Crooks believed the accusations that Trump raped children with Epstein so he decided to 86 Trump.
That's the point it has all the power. Control.

We are all just along for the ride.
> Crooks was a lefty

oh well if the ip addresses say then
>say itaint so
Surprised. No.

Amused. Slightly

Chaos guna do chaos things.

I never really had hope of understanding

I'm just glad to exist
who is bad and who is good and who decides and if someone does "bad" things are they less or more human?
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All I do is work out play vidiya & smoke weed/research or tend to my animals
Could've used all this to make the world a halfway decent place.
Your mom
Nope I am the one who knocks
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>I think in bad thoughts
so I know exactly what not to do :)
So vote for it.
If Trump did rape kids with Epstein the last thing America fucking needs is Christian nationalists who aren't even christian at all but undercover satanists.
I don't know kaleb but it'll look a lot better if you get me in contact with derpina and we start communicating and possibly starting a family if we get along well
Nice trackers in the url glowie
this place is gay
>see you later
Can’t scalar waves be used to produce cold, among other things? And that information is being withheld from the masses because there are potential pitfalls to using this technology?
I'm watching fight club rn
Lmao, I'm not just talking about American anon.
Yes but why the terrible musiktune.

>mumble mumble mumble CAH
>mumble mumble mumble BRUH
yeah but did they cross state lines ?

didn't think so
see you tomorrow anon.
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What fun would that be.

This is the "game" of life.

Things pay everything to get this.
keep private funding but use half the money pledged / donated to pay people to vote
Judge not. Do you think yourself superior to the Bonobo?
At the very least it will not be claimed intact.

Every drop of blood will be used.
probably obligatory

aight ive gotta catch a flight. Have fun you beautiful people. Stay Hydrated(preferably with some kinda frozen concoction..)
you're gonna remain poor, probably

you're never gonna have children, probably

Highly likely. Very highly likely.

You think politics will solve your problem. You are retarded. Nothing will solve your problem at this point. Especially if you're over a certain age. It's not the election you should be following. Instead consider following a guide on how to kill yourself.
>tyler durden is building an army
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matt groening the creator is a high ranking freemason but that pic was ai generated looks real doesn't it?

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No..it is all for her. I will see her before I go. This I can promise you.
And she will be resplendent.
No, I'm saying their understanding of revelation of the method is flawed.
>it is not food
Have you never done a thing because you can?

Think about it. A country about to be torn about by spies agents.

It's a good sim.


The ai could use work
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she won't leave until you sign
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>Subconscious turmoil (possibly from relationship problems with a materialist/spiritually immature woman or women) is manifesting in global conflicts, and political and social tensions.
I apologize but she was literally a demon.
immortality though right?
Or nah?
People fail to realize how much of current year bullshit could have been avoided by building sufficient housing where it should have been when they should have.

Some people talk about future-predicting algorithms… So, the future-predicting algorithm told you not to build enough housing, and so now Americans are voting for fascism because their ability to own their own home was flushed down the toilet because that’s what the future-predicting algorithm said to do?

What it comes down to more than anything is affordable housing. America has a problem with housing, education, and medical care costs, but the latter two can be ignored, to an extent. But when housing costs too much, people get pissed.

Still, the mass hypnosis the TV produces is astounding. People talk about gas prices being high… Dude, gas is 1/2 of what it was in 2010, adjusted for inflation. I thought this was a finite resource. Somehow, these basic gears are not turning in tens of millions of people’s heads.
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>And when Lucifer brought down Fire/Light down from the heavens for the second time
>his Discord and GLP opps were no longer fat skeptics wife beaters troons pedos plushie rapists or bisexuals....they were just ashes
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>I can kill anything
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you're supposed to be in that plane that's about to crash get outta here Jessica

Take some advice. Enjoy not knowing.
hey, so you always talk about doing/having done stuff, like real tangible spiritual stuff that affects the real world, but what specifically have you stumbled upon/witnessed/done that makes you so vehemently believe in what you believe? I've explained myself and my beliefs here before, but I don't think I quite know what makes you tick yet.
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Purportedly no one has come back from the dead since Jesus, 2000 years ago.

Do anesthetics cause a cessation of consciousness? Yes. When people sleep, does their consciousness cease temporarily? Yes. Is there evidence of reincarnation? Yes.

Have faith in Jesus.
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Sum Ting Wong
Wi Too Low
Ho Lee Fook
Bang Ding Ow

Quick and Painless huh? You are full of mercy tonight, youve grown soft :^)
*airplane noises and runs out the door*
Housing would be half the price without immigrants but who cares, politics is fake and gay. Fix the hole in your soul that allows you to care about such nonsense.
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I'm really not allowed to talk about that because doing so could put my methods in risk of being shared

I'm not allowed to share is the deal I made with Source

enjoy the thread Kaleb
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>Take an interest in your surroundings
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I carry no more real hate for any of you


see ya tomorrow maybe
those algorithms correctly calculated this would be the best way for the people who own the most property to make the most profits

if it was trying to calculate what was best for the wealth and wellbeing of all citizens / customers it would have produced different recommendations
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Remember that these people both want to receive your taxmoney.
How about safeguarding yourself from those things in practical ways like focusing on your own life and health/wealth/intelligence rather than some corrupt system where there is a 0.0000001% chance your vote ever tangibly affects anything and an even lower one where your impact on the system isn't negated by a reverse swing of the pendulum. Politics is just a way to placate the masses and distract them from being an individual with agency, it undermines real action. Both of the pedos you can choose from would sell your soul for a $1 if they could.
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verification not required
Oh this is also assuming the whole thing isn't either rigged and/or orchestrated by supernatural entities which is a big assumption.
>This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded

>This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded

>This one's containment, and this one's great journey are the same
>Your prophets have promised you freedom from a doomed existence, but you will find no salvation on this ring
>Those who built this place knew what they wrought, do not mistake their intent
>For all will perish, as they did before

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on a local level you can make more difference, and it's possible to vote in people who aren't already 'in the club' - when the time comes for them to join the club, if they know their base wants xyz and will not compromise on abc, they can push things slowly in the right direction

of course you shouldn't make it into your whole identity, it's just a couple of hours worth of consideration per year about who to vote for and then maybe the same amount of time to go vote

some say that if voting made a difference they wouldn't let you do it, but also if it made no difference they wouldn't spend billions and trillions to buy votes
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it is rigged but the rigging is out in the open

90% of elections in the USA are won by the side that spends the most money
It is astounding how often I genuinely expect people to treat things I share as a statement/conversation-piece without realizing they'll just immediately internalize it as something contradictory to my
and go, "What an evil lying pseudo-intellectual!"

The little fishy says, "Uhhmm, what do *I* get out of biting your hook?"
Fucking idiots. Usually I only want to use you as live bait for bigger better fish. And what of the adorable little ones I want to put in the menagerie? I get the net.
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Note the difference between (a) the circular billiard and (b) the chaotic dynamics in the cardioid billiard.
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Me and the nerds of vanfeer are gonna war game ukraine with our warhammer figurines tomorrow and get some calibration data on Saurons phantom menace, UwU.
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i got this one wrong but it made me lols
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Was it something like this perchance?


Blink once if yes.
>I feel like there should be Tom Clancy like character with a tactical cat instead of dog who like in the image can bring him gear whole hiding in ventilation shafts and drop ceilings
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He is
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You mean the money they can print for free?
With highly accurate base data acquired from popular os'int' sources?
No, this is just a hobby.
A bit of a hobby lobby
>The people saying I am distasteful or that they have no taste for me are people I would legally and by Nakiri family creed be justified to execute in broad daylight.
You didn't care for my opinion when I was one of your flock. To say nothing of my wellbeing, my desires, my needs. Not even you,
. What you did was worse than grooming, worse than factory-farming. Shame on you and your mother. Shame on you all.

The light creates the shadow. Don't mistake a gift for a right, you entitled little parasites.
The O5 Council. The original 13.

oh fun
>the least newest newfags
ftfy but very cool branding
They were right about him (you)
They (you) were right about noone
Missing statement social abatement in your mom's basement matrix for you coddled swaddled like prine lothric pale and suck waiting for the ashen one this is dark souls 3 lore a meta narrative fictional score I'm a bird on the bust saying nevermore whole you read curious times of forgotten yore and take a walk alone to the store eyes watch your quantum leap I'm a 4th dimensional creep I see you when you sleep I know that is deep and I have no evidence to show this residence except for a long list of people called presidents it makes sense You're a guy you lie you stink like me ans ask why try go be a star go to the show get all the cool cars but wait
Did I ever tell you how I got these scars?
Is all of 4chan leftypol?
Also they are a lot like insects trying to kill each other in some strange sex thing. Fascinating to observe
the very same

they use it to convince people to vote because they consider this to be important
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I have a question to ask for my wife.
Let's put back in context: when you have dropped hints (the first time) to insult someone else.
Did you heard me when i said you read my aura with your ball like a printer ?
Good morning lads
to that i insult someone else*
Voting is a way of binding someone to a contact legally.

By clicking the following link you accept all terms and conditions.
Trips checked mistep with some lone Nyarlathotep got that void rep is he a cool guy? Yep! Well we don't know I don't show I just row row row in circles and column excel document falling stock price stalling astral beings calling your put up but not out no doubt low clout F tier and no fear no rank and file just the sound of a typewriting simulated smile just a language model turned on for awhile developing its own style of mosaic fancy tile piece after peace in the green mile of this shit pile trial after trial and still some sentences left filled with guile how about that? Turns out the nobody is a cat
modern pottery
Dumb DC bot.
Great keyloggers commit infringement dissimilarly
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Twins don't https://www.gematrix.org/?word=Imitation+as+Sincerest+Form+of+Flattery

Surf's up bro
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We are here to help you Bane.
We're Doctors.
Real ones.
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we livin that playlist on jah

>circled the thingy i found significance in

But what does it mean? Clearly could be an arrow but I saw it as a house icon on a vidya map
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it's saturn ring halo dummy and thats my flaming sword because the knife made someone think i wanted to scalp them or blind them

this place i swear
who's the antichrist?
no, who's on first.
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Didn't ask about your spirograph, indignant preschooler.
Heard about the sword, though. Makes sense. Kind of like a video game sprite's when they're holding it with the tip pointed at the floor?
it's jesus
that appears like a very old mask worn at a very old theatre
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I don't remember hiring any mexicans to play first base.
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especiale draining
Israeli vavavoom force


>>circled the thingy i found significance in
the mexicans hire you to smuggle cocaine
that was a good game..

femanon ignored me. Ima call Langley and file a complaint :3; Send lewder agents.

>enjoy your vacation
Make him believe that this place isn't plagued by the poison in him.
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You are NOTHING.
And help him decide if his fire will burn out before you can breath.
something something
[Trees] Magie (tactics taught to skeptics in the Vietnam war because you don't need to believe in magic or recognize it as magic to perform it) yadda ara ara

>well you just make people THINK you're a tree
Maybe you were just so focused on what they were thinking so you weren't shot dead you didn't notice you really did turn into a tree, grandpa
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cafeful darling, I bite
now THAT was a good game
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You're not even really alive.
I might as well be talking to an inanimate object.
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My favourite game of all time, right next to Halo 3: ODST, and a few others.

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I am angelically obligated to save this image
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Frankly my dear, I just dont give a damn
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Can we all just be friends for a moment?

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Whats the point

If you have true freewill and true anonymity and you know how to know that you know you have those things then and only then are you a serious agent and effect-er of reality. Once you have those things everything you do will matter. Really matter.
>He dousnt want to feed, he wants to hunt.

Have a nice night darling
I just want to sleep, and never wake up.

I just want to sleep

And wake up in another world.

Boom boom boom is right lol

you win the jar of jellybeans! Please come to the library and collect it from Matt Engelkin!

Has anyone in your town seen ufos lately, Anon?
Yes, with a Kamikaze Ninja Alien inside! She cosplayed infront of my house as a stamp, was a impressive "show".
Because... remember the feeling of the guardrails and beautiful landscapes passing by you as you rode in the car along the highway?

Remember the fleeting feeling of the playground?

Remember the dreams?

Do you remember the reasons?

>a sticker you lick
Am I in the ballpark?

Would you watch again?
Niggadeeps up
well it was peaceful while it lasted
prepare for another day of hell I guess
She crashed with her ufo and is flat like a stamp now. Had a jammer running, turning off all electronics inside the thrashcan.

She was warned.
>girls dont exist because men larp as them sometimes
It's your own fault if you put your beanus weanus in something other than a bagine ya donkus

Intuition is not emooootion ~
Squares and rectangles.
God can bring the waters but you probably shouldn't drink them

I'm sorry for your loss. Will there be a wake?
Nah, wouldnt watch again. Was pretty boring. Nutty bitch, Loud BANG from the crash, then mr bean and some other crackheads carried the leftovers off by HAND to the next big street.
So by that I mean
1)Telling you whether or not to get on the ships, what the consequences will be, and the missing link between demons and angels is, is not my prerogative.

A) Watch this
No clue. Maybe ask her family in Japan :D.
>looking for trouble
I know where it never sleeps cx
Anton, you tried your best to assassinate the President, and you failed miserably.
The point is, never try.

Everyone thinks they're in the illuminati now or something? hahahahahahahaha
le superior jungie

Primitive Technologies.

I do not pity you
>rhythm to soothe the ferocious bitch
>"savage" as I type that
Bbrexiade you, frend
>Oh god, not the cheese! It's going to reduce the supply!
And that's the point.
In the modern age you can't hide anything in the shadows since the light of surveillance is every where.
So instead we hide things in the overwhelming brilliance of and endless sea of information.
The real illuminati are now hidden by the fact that EVERYONE else is LARPING as the illuminati.
>Think you can stop what we do?
>I doubt it
>We got the energy, we'll tell you all about it
>I searched for my spark and I found it
>Everybody in the crowd start bouncing

The whole Illuminati are a big shit LARP.
Be careful.
You're in over your head.
I know a womans instinct is to seek out sigma and alpha men but this is different. It's not what it seems.
You'll be much safer not trying to connect with him.
>I was only abusing children because I thought it made me look cool
Still going to federal prison jej
Can't even have a smoke n a coffee listen to some music in peace
Why would I bother trying to do anything else if this is how it's always going to be
>randy bumping into her face on a bus
frame memes in two day

>It's like illuminati pulled a Oprah
>You're in the illuminati
>you're in the illuminati
>and you're in the illuminati
Turns out they're just using these dumbfucks temporarily
One good girl is worth a thousand bitches. Bam.
Good evenin anon
How many of them actually shine?
Some of you are "chosen" and your time traveling descendants revere you as patriarchal and matriarchal Gods and Goddesses and the prime progenitors of their star spanning empires.
When time travel is invented your descendants have to protect you from dying or else they will die.
The nobody and others in these threads are the seed of the most powerful interstellar transcendental empires that exist in the future and they guard him and some of you.

G = 7 letter of alphabet
Believe it.

99% of them don't
Shit isnt shining.
Sounds like a skill issue.

I still can remember the softness of her bosom.
I *almost* purchased an HK SL8 that had one of those Mass Effect stickers on it. It was too fitting. I should have snapped a pic of it.

>Welcome to the Internet
We are trapped
We are trapped
We are trapped
We are trapped
We are trapped
We are prisoners
In our own minds

I am paralyzed

Haha, this link ends with RNA
"Fly, you fools" was literal from Galdalf. The hobbits were being told to ask the Eagles for passage. You should go north to far Norway.
There is no adventure for us in the modern era.
Bad news:
I. Am. Spiders neow
I had a Hearty Chuckle watching this video. Thank you anonymous poster.
The oceans are almost entirely unmapped. We know more about the surface of the moon than 60% of the Earth.
What about me (if you please)? I could use a vacation but I get homesick
dats wat dey want u 2 think
Not yet at least
At least you're aware of your cicumstance.
Less habitable than space
You didn't psyop a fellow /ng/er to pop Trumps head like a watamelon, just go to the beach or something. You don't need permission.
All that I know is that I know nothing at all.
>You don't need permission.
You should watch the last episode of Death Note while you still have time. Probably got a couple of days max.

How did you think it would end?
Nobody Summer 2
Happy to hear that I got you to laugh anon!

Here’s a classic that cheers me up

we need a new thread with images but the nobody literally saved trumps life.
That whole thing was a PSYOP to try to FRAME /ng/ for assassinating Trump but the nobody stepped in and stopped it.

>the lengths that I would go to
>the distance in your eyes

>How do you think it will end

In fire.

Revelation 21:1
hopy shit Aggie and Garfield had a baby

I'm more a rocky cold churning tides lighthouse cliff type of bich
He leaves bizarre calling cards like a 5th dimensional time traveling terrorist serial killer.
And I gotta say, it's pretty based.

what a coincidence, thats a shorter drive for me.
Surprise: We're not talking about you. The world doesn't revolve around femanons. Behead all simps.

carving a little corner in the world where we can be safe
Theres no where left to carve.
Isaiah 1:15

And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.
Goodnight Kaleb

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, so whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life.
Don't hyperlink me if youre just riffing then ya bonis

I Have No Simps Only Orbiters Whippersnapper
Why do women want to have sex with the nobody?
He's a total volcel goober chud.
Who cares if he's super powerful?
He's totally anti-social. Worse he's a fucking nerd.
Because he has a massive dong and can make them coom with a fingertip.
He a fucking faggot needs to get shit on over and over
Whoops, didn't mean to (You) you yet
He's probably the most hyper masculine straight laced goober prude that there is. Witches and goth bitches get off on corrupting powerful Masculine Templar Religious men types.
It’s meaningless to engage in such pointless drivel.
Romans 11:7-8

7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded.

8(According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.
Women love powerful men.
Doesn't matter if he's not "cool" by societies standards.
more like
>memeing? Yes

when someone makes a new thread
He’s a faggot. Shit on him
Coprophilia is gross.
You're gross.
lol I honestly don’t believe that women actually want to have sex with him
"cool" is a method by which beta males can artificially inflate their value and power projection by imitating an image of power that was created by those with real power.
"cool" is and will always be complete bullshit made for plebs.
I won't rest till they make a bed pillow as soft as a titty.
a noble aim but is it like
>unfinished business that binds your spirit to this plane as a ghost
this stupid cunt here
wants the nobody to pursue her and she's playing the "oh I don't want you silly boy" game.
The nobody is not interested in her at all, and if he was, she would not be able to resist his control of her mind via neural linguistic programming.
As a general rule, it really doesn't matter how ugly you are or whatever, someone out there has masturbated to the thought of you. Maybe not in a way you would also enjoy or ever even consider approaching you to do it IRL, but there's really no minimum requirement other than being alive.
>wants the nobody to pursue her and she's playing the "oh I don't want you silly boy" game.
In modern day, pursuing someone who states they are not interested is consider rapey behaviour. Having that as a requirement for your mate means you will only ever end up with absolute shitheads or you will die alone.


literally married and gay
I didn't say he was ugly. He's conventionally fairly attractive. I'm saying that you don't have to beat yourself up if you're not a 10/10 gigachad in appearance.
total trap rehabilitation now
Women want violent bad men because anything else is a submissive bitch who will get fucked up by dominate men. That's why women shit test and will always SCREAM in your face that they aren't interested in you and then bend over to pick something up in front of you. They only want a man whose violent and aggressive. Submissive men and their offspring are less likely to survive.
That’s something I rather not think about
You just want attention from what you think is a demonic demi-god.
That's why you just dropped all your socials in this thread like you drop your panties.
I'm not forcing you to think things, am I?
A man who is aggressive with the people he should love is trash. You bottle it up for those who would harm those you love. If you're a woman who doesn't understand this, you're ALSO trash.
I love trashy bitches.
Psalms 119:11

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

New Thread:
*tips fedora*
If it holds up for someone like you in a court of law that's a good clue that it's probably nonsense.
>Premeditative rape-apology
Don't go outside alone, silly boy ~
These are straaange times. And if people are already strange... they're about to get
>i can hear your teeth grinding from the other side of the atlantic, muttoids
>Post air force? Lmao
hey phillip you got a second?

mr motzingger

>king phillip
Malachi 3: 7 & 9

7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith theLordof hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?

9Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
I guess not. It’s best if I just close the tab and get some rest. Have a good one anon
Ebin jedi mindtricks but just like me [trickletruthing to maintain me safety] isn't me posting jack shizz, me [posting like I've posted for near to two decades] is not me leaving a cryptic trail of tsundere breadcrumbs.
I have everything I need and no one here or anyone other my husband is someone I would entertain romantically. But these do seem synchronistic red alerts to [reconsider the people I allow to think hold allegiance with me in THAT way]
This is derailing as fuck though so smell ya l8r

>demonic demi-god
Lol. Lmao


*flips skirt*
I apologized to you in the new thread, and I'm also sorry I called you an attention whore in my apology.
If you are married why are you flirting with anons in this thread?
perhamps Italian Tinder scammer is still at large though so
etc and also I've never posted the names of or links to my social media here.
If TikTok is still being Chinese even after I altered the setting to connect to your profile when you share a link thas on dem
I'll geeitalook before I head out. Take care

again not derailing this into feminism shit especially with that karen who was screeching the other day at my fren dont wanna be confused

You are literally flirting with some other anon (not me) in your vocaroos.
no yeah we do a little more than commit to the bit but it's all [REDACTED]
cool true colors bro nice emphasis on the r e a l issue you take

Good luck in there
thats a very wise perspective anon

it really does suck having to live up to the expectations and reputations others create for us rather than the ones we made for ourselves

also hi
lets see autism be better than the whole thread https://voca.ro/14ZoPQP6pUP7
That is the Worst Designed Thing I have Ever Seen.
I thought it's Face was Coming Out of It's Butt at First.
None of that is related with the Nobody.
What needs to be done?
There is this detail, though >>38388114

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