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Restored Links Edition

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

>In case of urges:
Go outside or do anything else.
After just a few minutes the urge will pass.

- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like Healthy eating, fasting, limiting screen time and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.

>/SRG/ interesting reads

Previous Thread
3 mouths in.
fuck my piece of shit incel life.
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Day 4. Having a bully day. WAGMI frens, we will conquer lust and bitchsmack satan upside the head
have anyone tried hanging upside down for hours to let semen drip down to brain?
hmm, not a bad idea, ima try that
not for hours but couple minuets make blue balls go away, just standing on your hand of head.
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They are conspiring to kill my streaks with happenings
I was reading more of the book The Forbidden Parapsychology and there is a part talking about different methods to circulate the sexual energy.

A few months back I talked about the "imagine a white ball of energy moving up the spine into the brain" which was removed in the english version but the book also talks about Maithuna which is basically Karezza (slow romantic sex without orgasm). However it mentions if you don't have a partner you can use visualization, so imagining having non orgasmic sex with a woman and it mentions how this can prevent wet dreams.

I wanted to bring this up because a lot of guys here would be highly against it and believe having sexual thoughts causes wet dream. What do you guys think?

Here is the page talking about it: https://archive.org/details/the-forbidden-parapsychology/page/n83/mode/2up
Has anyone had any success with finding love on this journey? Does the magnetism actually attract the right person?
I also want to add that I think if everyone in a relationship practiced Karezza sex the divorce rates would drop incredibly. The reason for this is because in the book Cupid's Poisoned Arrow it says that men are bonded to women when they don't ejaculate during sex but if they ejaculate when having sex they become less and less bonded (less attracted) to their lady and becomes interested in other women which leads to cheating. A lot of it has to do with dopamine, can't be fucked going into the science.

However for women they become bonded to a man when they have an orgasm during sex and they become more emotionally attached to the man.

So the ideal relationship/sex would be that the man never ejaculates so he is always attracted to his lady and because he can last longer the lady can reach multiple orgasms and she becomes more bonded to him. The problem with so many relationship today is because the opposite happens more often. The guy cums way to quickly, he becomes less interested in her and the lady can't reach orgasm so she becomes less interested in him.
I don't socialize enough to know if the magnetism is true or not. But I do hope it's real.
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It's real man, everyone is always super friendly towards me, I also see a lot more wild animals cross my path than before, saw a deer the other day.
anyone else having increased phlegm in their throat when relapsing or having PMO'd a few times? For me it really takes a toll and it sometimes even makes me sick
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This is day 22 of semen retention now, my first intentional streak over 7 days.
I have been 99% porn free and avoiding even mildly erotic material, but on days 18-20 I did some ERP with local AI chat bots, which I did regret afterwards. The first time was out of a curiosity and thinking I could control myself, the two days after the urge simply overtook me even if I tried to resist it. I didn't masturbate and haven't had a WD which is good. I definitely had brain fog after those sessions, even if they didn't last anywhere near as long as before I decided to attempt SR.

A sexual transmutation technique I've spotted in these threads and in a few videos on Youtube has helped with the energetic sensation that often leads to craving porn and sexual stimulation. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but the main gist of it is breathing deep, focusing on the energetic sensation around my pelvis and squeezing my inner muscles in an attempt to pull the sensation up my spine towards my head. I only really feel a need to do this when the sensation is so strong I start having serious cravings, and it has worked for me so far.

Daily journaling and meditation have also been helpful.

Here are some notes based on my subjective experience so far:

>easier to do boring things like the dishes, cooking healthy foods, cleaning the house
>exercising feels more effortless
>reduced anxious thoughts outside the apartment
>less brain fog
>less guilt and shame
>more positive and optimistic outlook in general
>desire to improve myself is stronger and it comes up during the day, not just right before bed
>more present and alert
>less negative emotion in general

>watching too much short form content
>entertaining lustful thoughts
>looking at any suggestive material
>staying inside and not engaging with the outside world or other people
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my biggest trigger is in bed at night when I can't sleep, each night is a struggle
Why are breathing techniques so essential to this practice? Anyone came up with a conclusion?
theyre just simple and accessible ways to meditate.
All that energy shit is real, big. time.
I can see that, since engaging with that stuff temporarily numbs the frustration and restlessness that come from insomnia.
Breath work is essential to life if you think about it. Swimming, smoking, running, yawning, hiccups, and even eating are forms of breathwork that you may not consciously do but you're participating in.
I find when I go over a week on SR I feel the energy stuck in my lower body, close to the root/sacral chakra. How do I transmutate this upwards? I train martial arts a lot and find it helps with that but I am seeking to use this energy in a multitude of ways
You need to do the breathwork to move it up your spine, make sure every muscle is fully relaxed when you do it
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>2 months tomorrow
Boredom is the biggest enemy. It's much easier when you have something to do, which could be anything -- hobby, go to work, etc. First month is the hardest. The second week is actually harder than the first. I didn't abstain from porn or masturbation, however. But, at the same time, I didn't edge -- I stop long before even feeling any indications of ejaculating. I do this because I also want to be able to control my body and urges. Completely abstaining from ANYTHING is a lack of self-control, which is ultimately a weakness. Semen Retention with masturbation/sex is the final test of self-control. My longest streak was 3 months. I plan to beat that, and then continue the streak indefinitely. Are there benefits?
Absolutely not. It doesn't attract any people at all, especially if you're an ugly autist
>t. ugly autist
don't know about love but right after I ended ~3 month streak I've met a girl, like Evola explained by "magical event", but she doesn't show any romantic interest towards me.
>spirit (n.)
>mid-13c., "life, the animating or vital principle in man and animals," from Anglo-French spirit, Old French espirit "spirit, soul" (12c., Modern French esprit) and directly from Latin spiritus "a breathing (of respiration, also of the wind), breath;" also "breath of a god," hence "inspiration; breath of life," hence life itself.
"Spirit" literally means "breath." The holy trinity is mind, body, and spirit. Thus, uniting the holy trinity means uniting mind, body, and breath.
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Just shifted my urges up my spine again
digits must be true
I've come the closest to slipping when I visualize a sexual encounter, I don't know mate.
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yep, I knew it
I certainly feel more magnetic bruh. Haven't attracted the right person that I know of but I'm only a month in in current streak.
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A little over a week in. Dealing with some mood swings. Not destructive but annoying. This morning I woke up feeling depressed as hell and missed my ex-girl a lot despite us breaking up over a year ago. And then like 30 minutes later I felt totally fine and optimistic about the future and went for a long run. Just kind of weird, I assume it's part of withdrawals since my brain isn't getting a huge hit from porn anymore.
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>man shouldn't ejaculate during sex
>it's actually the woman who should orgasm
>normally it's the opposite that occurs
Hmmm, it's seems the natural order has been subverted and turned upside down, where have I seen this before?
Dry-orgasming leading to full body orgasm if done right is peak pleasure unsurpassed by anything I've ever experienced in this material realm
I think the same, it should be the other way around, the man releases his sexual energy when he ejaculates, the woman doesn't. That energy in the man is used to produce semen, in the woman is correspondingly used to produce the eggs, so in sex the female doesn't lose any of that energy, she doesn't expel it in orgasm, and she has no refractory period so she can climax as many times as she wants. In sex men should retain and women should orgasm.
I wanted to add that this includes a LOT of drugs I've experienced, and I REALLY mean a lot
Any beginners guide for breathwork?
What happened to the OP?
Where's the rest of the bake you stupid fuck?
I'll gotta learn to do this, I must acquire gf first.
You're still an incel 3 months in? What benefits have you encountered, and what is your lifestyle?
of course, this isnt a magic solution to get incels laid. magnetism just doesnt occur if you werent attractive to begin with
It's a combination of things. SR is not the ultimate answer to some question out there, it should just be the most basic foundation of a spiritual practice. This mf has to get rid of the self-image he has as an incel in the first place or that's never going to change.
Identifying as an incel is useless and a Jew-tier denomination. Might as well be yeah a feminist or communist or some other shit like that. You're a resentful self-loathing narcissistic loser, is what I'm saying. Get rid of that shit.
its not about self identity lmao, its about whether or not you can have sex
yeah my second 3 months in a row, also me >>38405567
>What benefits have you encountered
muh stares, more luck, more energy, less frustrated-horny
>what is your lifestyle?
kind of shit but I don't know how to fix it, just go a to gym 6 times a week, make some food, play guitar, maybe read.
>if you werent attractive to begin with
I'm not ugly or short, just autistic and don't have friends groups with woman in it.
>Identifying as an incel is useless and a Jew-tier denomination
but it is true, I want to loved but I can't get that. (I don't now how to try to get that)
its important to remember that you can never judge your looks for yourself, only women can. they pick up on subtle craniofacial deformities and react accordingly
also, short to women is "below 80th percentile"
I retain my semen in a formerly soft, but now crunchy sock.
...and it smells like cotton candy.
Bros my dick gets triple-diamond hard now and its super sensitive wtf
>This mf has to get rid of the self-image he has as an incel in the first place or that's never going to change.
how? I'm not feeling this way all the time but sometimes it's hard to ignore.
>only women can
friend's gfs always surprised why I don't have a gf
dont worry after a couple months it stops getting hard altogether
guys help me out, im on day 50 now and so far so good, yet on tuesday I had a very bad day and started watching porn again, for a good 2 hours. My brain felt fried again and the mood was down for the rest of the next two days. Today I felt better again. Do i need to restart the counter? and what do when th urges are too strong?
>its not about self identity lmao, its about whether or not you can have sex
>but it is true, I want to loved but I can't get that.
If you're going to say "I" then pick one of the above.
>how? I'm not feeling this way all the time but sometimes it's hard to ignore
I know what you mean, it's not easy to let go of attachments, it's not like I myself have achieved it, but as I get better at it I notice that's when things ironically come. The simplest way I can put it is that you caring about it so much (and is such a negative way) is what keeps you celibate. Things come to you when you let go.
Now, how you let go? Fuck, that's not easy, that's up to you, but you have to figure it out, and you wont figure it out by reinforcing thoughts like "fuck my incel life."
Best I can tell you is don't stop at SR, go further, figure out how -you- are supposed to let go.
Meditation, lucid dreaming, shrooms, I don't know bro, just develop yourself spiritually.
If you didn't cum then no need to reset anything. Take a cold shower it's basically a cheat code for bad urges and even fuckups like what you just did.
>its not about self identity lmao, its about whether or not you can have sex
>Best I can tell you is don't stop at SR
nah I'm not going back to porn, that's for sure
>I don't know bro
thanks anyway :)
I am 15 days in and was just browsing the erotic massage personals section... fuck. I've gone to the parlor many times now and I've always regretted it and it's always in the midst of a streak. This is dangerous for me, somehow I convince myself it's okay or that I will just get a massage without happy ending and it always turns out the same way; streak ruined, regretful, self loathing, bit of money lost.
I will fight this urge, this is even a worse demon than masturbating.
I'm not that anon
But lol. You think, you can just go "I am tall with thick hair and a good frame" and make it so? You just don't get inceldom and think it's mindset when it's an extremely physical, genetic problem
>with thick hair
ironically SR helped me with this, even "mature hairline" going away slowly
thanks man, I managed to not jerk off so I guess thats at least a positive thing
>nah I'm not going back to porn, that's for sure
That's great but that's not what I meant, when I say "I don't know" I mean that no one will give you the answer, you have to find it. I do know how in theory, that's what I tried to explain, basically that you need to be persistent and active in your pursuit of the truth.
Inceldom is 10000% percent mindset nigga, wake the fuck up from your stupid. Ugly mfs fuck and reproduce, even with hot bitches beyond their league, if they have personal power. And that you can build up in a thousand ways if you apply yourself. You do not have power, why? Because you think it's beyond your control, that's the definition of powerless, you think it's "genetic."
It's, again, boo hoo I'm a victim, I'm le oppressed. Resentment from weakness. That my friend is feminist-christcuckery-communism-judaism.
awesome fren, keep going, it gets easier, i've made the cold shower thing a habit actually and it helps a lot although sometimes i feel like i'm in the gulag or something kek
Yeah they always tell you the DHT spike post orgasm shouldnt affect hair loss, but if its spiking as frequently as it does in a gooner, I'd be surprised if it didn't
>I mean that no one will give you the answer, you have to find it
yeah I get that long time ago, just in false hope to hear something back I've posted my first post in the thread.
>Yeah they always tell you the DHT spike post orgasm shouldnt affect hair loss
one of the reasons I've started SR is by understating this statement is false and then found this general.
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>You just don't get inceldom and think it's mindset when it's an extremely physical, genetic problem
Tell me faggot, which of your parents that produced you gave you those genes?
Breathing is where the rubber meats the road in terms of connecting the spirit to our biological flesh and blood. There are a few other factors, like mitochondrial health, which has a very /x/ relationship with the soul and I'm currently going down the rabbit hole with.
Please, go further and elaborate more for us plebs. I'm very inclined to believe that the ability to materialize reality is related to it. Currently at 230 days streak and have been digging nofap/SR for around 7 years or more.
I found a good tip that helps. I have shit memory, so I suspected that forgetting my motivations to retain was a big factor in me relapsing. Last relapse was so horrible that I remember it vividly a week later, and I wrote it down too just in case. I almost gave up today and the reminder helped me.
>just go "I am tall with thick hair and a good frame" and make it so?
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many such cases
Coomers final form
I never got why people watch porn on their phone
best SR youtuber ive come across
I'm willing to bet it was definitely not straight wm/wf porn
What an ugly fucking worm.
He has the facial structure of a furry.
Damn... Thought I was crazy seeing that as well.
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Holdin' it in for two days now

wow right
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But man having non-ejaculative sex (perineum lock) will also conserve his energy.
However a consequence is that the woman may notice a subtle loss of energy from sex, and not be as interested in sex - however from personal experience, it can definately spark the flames of true love and romance in a relationship
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Breathing has quite a few direct links to SR based on multiple accounts from the books listed in the pastebin, anons ITT, and a plethora of other sources when it comes to transmutation. Breathing is one of the more known methods associated with spirituality and SR, and there's quite a few easy to read books to get you started. Check out "The Fountain of Youth" by Kelder (or the 5 Tibetan rites), "The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism" by Atkinson, and the myriad collection of breathing tutorials on youtube for transmutation.

In terms of the mitochondrial part, that's a topic I've only recently begun to research, but there's many scattered accounts of the cell's mitochondria being related to our health, luck, and spirit. Specifically, the NAD+ coenzyme in our cells is heavily related to youth, energy, happiness, and vim, and can be used almost interchangeably with "Vrill" or "Ojas". All NAD is downstream from niacin, a vitamin some pretty insane healing properties, like curing schizophrenia, ADHD, depression, pellegra, cholesterol, issues etc... I highly recommend giving picrel a read by picking it up on libgen, it completely blew my mind. It's my personal hypothesis that firing up our cell's mitochondria might be one of the missing links for many in /SRG/ who report not getting any magnetism
I found my actual gf, future wife and mother kids on a 4 month streak. During that streak I had fucked other girls without finishing (actively avoiding it), with her I just knew she was the real deal.
I can 100% attest I wouldn't have found her / seduced her had I been polishing the eggplant regularly.

Keep faith, it will come to you in the right time bros
/SRG/ is dropping some fucking redpill NUKES today. Saved and capped these posts in case jannies shoah the thread which they've been known to do in the past.
Thanks friend, I made 4/5 of those screencaps yesterday.
Does anyone ever experience negativity from magnetism?
Certain women I am around in my day to day are "attracted" to me, and it feels as if they are resentful of it.
Maybe I'm just too much of a weirdo autist that has almost 0 experience interacting with them, but it's uncomfortable when I am trying to go about my business and they are giving me dagger eyes and a negative aura.
Like one who is way out of my league is with her boyfriend, and she gives off the vibe that I'm some sort of predator when I really just want to leave her alone and be left alone.
Maybe I'm overthrowing it, but I trust my gut intuition too much to dismiss it as such
t. day 81
Negative attention from jealous men is a very common side effect of magnetism. Not necessarily directly, but more indirectly as they subconsciously notice that your energy is pulling in a lot of attention from females in the room which will piss off a lot of guys. I noticed this at the gym
>reading comprehension
You think it's a better test of self-control, but it really isn't. You're essentially making a compromise with evil, and saying you're only going to sin a little bit every day.
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I think it's funny that a lot of guys here try SR to find love, whereas I experienced and looked for love as a coomer, but turned to SR so I can stay away from women. Maybe that's why I think it's easy.
>Does anyone ever experience negativity from magnetism?
>Answered the context in which I experience negativity from magnetism
Wanna explain what I misunderstood, you little pussy?
It's an interesting perspective at least. The boyfriend in the example I used just seemed oblivious to it.
Retaining also has helped me to avoid needless bravado fueled confrontations with other men. It allows me to be calm and forgiving in the face of injustice and aggression, which I know is what God wants for me.
Holy shit bros after days on end I think the demoralization fags, shills and christcucks are taking a rest. This thread hasn't been half bad.
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Don't bite onto that
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Retention is supposed to bring you over the edge. Let's say you're a 8/10 you jump to a 10/10. If you look like a dork then retaining will do nothing for you. If you're comically short then retaining will do nothing for you. SR is supposed to be the "cherry" on top of the cake. If you know what I mean.

From who is the negativity coming from? If its from friends and family then it's obvious they noticed a huge change in you over the 81 days. I mean after such a long time on SR you're probably giving off a different aura, they're not used to it.. in fact they don't recognize you anymore. (Picrel.)
It's Shabbat.
Nice timing, kek. I was about to drop 3 verses to annoy him.
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Haven't been around my family/friends recently due to work. It's mostly coming from women. They give off an aura like they're pissed off or sending vibes like I'm a disgusting creep when I'm pic related
You didn't take time to jerk him off (ironic considering this is SRG)
That's a lot of cope you got there.
I thought the brain also had a EMF, one even bigger than displayed in your pic. There was this experiment done late last century with 2 people locked in separate dark rooms. One had a light source flashing to one person wearing an antenna and the other person wearing a receiver. They blinked simultaneously at each flash. I believe its radius is at least around 3 meters.
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>*that dude* just entered the thread to farm (you)s
What's going on big guy?
You should work on your writing style. It's inconsistent and you made quite some mistakes. You could use an editor.
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>moaning a high pitch moan
God Bless you.
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This guy's psychotic episode is evidence alone of the power of SR. Observe how badly so many of these twisted and mentally ill freaks care about you simply not touching yourself. Incredible.
He is asking about unexplained hostility from women, not men.
>Does anyone ever experience negativity from magnetism?
>reading comprehension
Did you stop reading after the first sentence?
Red the rest of his post
You're that guy who can't just take an L and shut up because your ego got bruised. It's OK man, you tried to call someone out for an error that didn't exist and it backfired. Just walk away from the monitor, you're anonymous here. Winning this internet debate isn't that important.
>You're that guy who can't just take an L and shut up because your ego got bruised.
How do you even know it's just one guy and not several?
All this does is make me feel backed-up and lazy. Then when I finally cum it fucking hurts and my jizz is thick and a nasty yellow color. Jacking off once every 1-2 weeks seems ideal for me. I also figured out how to orgasm hands-free and it feels so much better
>Red the rest of his post
The rest of his post is his personal anecdote, not the question itself. If I ask the question "what injuries have you guys gotten playing sports in the past?" and I give an example of an injury from playing hockey, people are allowed to answer the question without specifically talking about hockey.

Are you from India? The combination of terrible grammar, extreme overconfidence, and gaslighting your victims has my pajeet radar buzzing right now.
I also have a goal of being celibate. What do you put your energy towards?
Is that big E or Sanguinius?
Big E. You can tell by his big, meaty claw.
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Kek! Critical hit. No way he can recover. 10/10
Currently towards healing, mostly physical. After that I'm gonna finish writing my fantasy trilogy. What about you?
Ahh, I am in a similar spot friend. Working towards making a scifi tabletop game and college. I wish you well on your efforts.
How's your posture/eye contact? If you're retaining but slouched over and/or dodging eye contact you're giving off creepy signals
Thanks fren, you too.
I don't know about slouching, don't think I do, but I am definitely bad with eye contact. I suppose I don't want to give off the impression that I'm interested in them, as I'm trying to focus on myself right now, but perhaps I'm causing the opposite.
Tips on how to not do that?
Act natural, don't strike a pose/expression. Lose yourself in thought as you stare off in the distance or just look at your phone. You'll find out what suits you best in the process.
>I suppose I don't want to give off the impression that I'm interested in them
Simply ignore their existence.
Part of me is starting to believe that porn consumption is basically a portal for demonic influence to creep into your life. I haven't watched porn for a week. Last week, I felt horrible. Not just depressed but incredibly bored. I literally had no will to do anything at all, I was a robot. Today after a week of not looking at this degen shit, I miraculously feel much better about life. I am entirely different person than who I was the past few months.
Because who else would get personally triggered by this situation except OP, no one else cares that much.
Eye contact is a very deep thing for mammals, looking away is a sign of weakness/submission/fear

Whenever you make eye contact with a woman, wait until she breaks it before you look away. If she doesn't break eye contact and you don't want to get into a staring contest, give a respectful smile and then you may look away first

That's not to say you should be death staring every woman you see, but it's a good practise to get into
Also if you don't think you're slouching you probably are given the default posture nowadays is slouching at a computer/looking at your phone
You just had to butt in didn’t ya? You got the question wrong, and now you are getting defensive. You know you can delete your posts right?
Thank you brother
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>Brain starts giving images of porn and fantasies

Welp, that's how I know I'm tired. Good night /SR/!
Yeah this is the truth of life. Especially now women find 6/10 and below invisible now days.
>Completely abstaining from ANYTHING is a lack of self-control
...what? It's the exact opposite.
He's deluding himself so he can fap, gotta let it go man.
Heavily depends on the person doing it I guess.
I would say don't do SR FOR that, because you might be disappointed in the results. Do SR because being addicted to porn/masturbation is terrible for you, physically and mentally. The rest is just a bonus.

Now without talking about magnetism (although I can say there's been a few instances where things felt weirdly "easy"), I can attest that it does make me a lot more comfortable around women, more confident in my body and how I express myself. It's like having a way more "outward" oriented expression, I want to expand, I want to take more space, be seen/heard, etc. Whereas whenever I'm being a coomer everything is more "inward" oriented, I'm more focused on me, I worry about how I look, I don't want to be looked at, and I'm just more uncomfortable. I want to be small and I feel small.
One of the main effects comes from being horny and not having PMO, your brain wants to push you to the next best thing to satisfy the urges, which is interacting with actual women (urgh), so you do feel that natural "push" towards interacting with women. THAT is the great benefit from SR, not some magical "women will throw themselves at you without you doing anything." Which is why you have to quit porn and masturbation too, not just orgasm, or else your brain will still feel like you get a lot of action even though you don't cum. (That's the hardest thing for me, I'm still very much addicted to edging)

Also, any footfags here struggling too right now? It's summer now and there are feet EVERYWHERE, it's Hell.
I have a very rare condition in which I have never had an orgasm in my life. I can ejaculate, but it does not bring pleasure. I’ve gone months with masturbation before and also done it multiple times a day. Neither seems to do anything.

What do you think of this, /SRG/?
Yeah where is all the info on wet dreams and transmutation and everything that had been accumulated? Is this a shill thread?
I also wanna provide an example of this that might sound silly but that I find fascinating and that illustrates this "push" perfectly
One summer two years ago I was walking around town and I stopped for a cigarette on a square that has multiple chairs next to each other. I was on a pretty good SR streak too. I look at the chair next to mine and this beautiful girl is sitting there. As I mentioned before I'm a footfag and she was wearing Birkenstocks and dangling them while being on her phone. This shit KILLS me. I kept looking and it was so hot that at some point words literally escaped my mouth and I said something like "Hi, are you italian?" and started chatting for a little bit.
That's fascinating to me because I've been so used to having to force myself to start the interaction despite awful social anxiety and that time it was the complete opposite, I was so attracted to her the words came out and I was unable to stop them from coming out. It's like the horniness takes over the anxiety and you just do shit. Which in a way makes much more sense, it's just our natural sex drive. Really makes you wonder how porn fucked our brains since now we need to force ourselves to go talk to a girl we like when you're supposed to just be pushed to it by instinct
Day 20 here. At random times I get this sort of euphoric/ecstasy feeling around my stomach and my navel. Anyone know what this could indicate?
You're doing good !
Keep going
when i get this, i usually sit down(on the chair), back straight, breathe in through the nose into the belly, focusing on the breath going to the balls, usually need to do it few times and on release i fell the electricity going up the spine, sometimes across the whole body.

usually there are links in the OP. with fancier names. breath of fire, maha bandha, awakening the serpent or whatever you want to call it.
Replaying RDR, my gaming skills have improved x100, my mind is so sharp, keep getting headshots
Keep up the good work, those of you doing good work. The rest of you, you know what to do (or not do, as the case may be).

Rent free, whiner. It's time to grow up.
Saved. Coomers literally BTFO.
I heard he had his pants down on that roof, guess that confirms it
receiving assassination instructions via tranny porn
Since >>38404693 is a faggot that did the opposite of "restoring links", better late than never:

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
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OP decided it was worth to leave information out. Pay attention my fellow retainers, do not make the same mistakes as our forefathers have done.

Weak men create hard times, especially by corrupting knowledge/wisdom. Strong men preserve these.
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SR is absolutely fucking kino on drugs, And as a bonus. Drugs kill your libido so no possibility of relapsing. (Weed doesn't count it's garbage)
you didn't beat the game
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truer words have never been spoken
>its not about self identity
how wrong you are
Holy fuck, frena. I woke up with some cum in my underwear and some leaking, is this a wet dream? This has never happened to me before. I'm around day 230, did I lose my streak?
>is this a wet dream?
Most likely my compadre, happens to the best
>did I lose my streak?
nah don't stress fren, keep going
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I did beat the game, No lust for women, No wet dreams, No urges, I'm fucking free and still feel amazing and on top of the world. This is true enlightenment.
Don't you remember experiencing an orgasm? How did you feel waking up, very tired/drained?
Then tell us what drugs you're on?
but doing drugs is a vice, no ascension for you
Low strength opioids with some DXM.
No addiction withdrawals, plus meditation on this combo is better than any coomer experience I've ever had.

Yeah but I asked the guy who gives ascension and he said it's okay.
>Yeah but I asked the guy who gives ascension and he said it's okay.
Al right, if that's the case you good then. Man I must find me such an ascension guy, mine doesn't allow anything
>Low strength opioids with some DXM
I'm not gonna beg.
Based helper. Thanks, dawg.
>Even ancient roman philosophers (I'm thinking of Epictetus the Stoic) said that one must first control his eating habits, and then he must control his sleeping habits, (then he controls his sexual desires!)

Here's a cool "quote" I found in my saved stuff. It kind of is true.
The moment I incorporated fasting regularly into my life (21:3/OMAD), my sleeping habits went wonky, but on almost a consistent schedule. Now as I'm in a longer fast, with the best sleep of my life, my sexual desires is kind of muted, but not entirely.
Thoughever I wouldn't say it's my own doing, but more God answering my prayers, and ministering to me silently.
>In case of urges
Back in middle school we found out with my best friend that pressing hard on your wrist with your thumb kills erections super quickly by cutting the blood flow to your hand.
It was hilarious because it became our secret code for whenever something was hot so if the teacher was wearing something nice or whatever we'd just look at each other and do the wrist thing and burst out laughing. Even funnier when it was completely out of context, I remember our Biology teacher showing us Philadelphia and being like "this is a very serious movie about AIDS" and we'd press our wrists everytime something sad happened and laugh. Damn I miss those years
Anyway that's a good technique
But if I start fasting how can build sick muscle mass?
In Catholic doctrine it's very much taught that being able to control your food urges is the key to control any passions. That's why fasting is so central.
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I hit day 7 today and I'm proud of myself but these urges are out to get me. Wish me luck Anons. I've been distracting myself by lifting some dumbbells and playing some Elden Ring. Hope I can get over this hump to greater things.
Take the leanpill bro.https://leangains.com/leangains-site-guide/

I'd say it's more a Biblical concept than a denominational thing. You can see it kind of early in the NT when Pharisees said that they fasted twice a week.
It do be a funny thing though, to fast is to "demand" an answer or action from God in a quicker fashion. My current fast is asking to be delivered from my lust, and homosexuality, while chasing after a few other things. Though I keep having funny occurrences where people or things say that "You're free," without feeling like I am. Funny mental battle stuff.
If fasting was truly taught I'd think we wouldn't have as many blimps walking around...
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>be me
>Nearly a month in of sr
>Had some close calls but I managed
>Go to dollar store
>Chilling looking at stuff
>Petite, hairless Asian twink chats me up
>tells me I'm hot
>"Haha, thanks..."
>He says he's a virgin and wanted me to use him
>"Haha no thanks..."
>He asks for my snap which I don't have
>He said I'll be in the parking if I change my mind to dick him down
>"Haha okay...."
>Go outside he's waiting by his SUV door wide open
>Him using hand gestures for me come over
>Ignored, go home

WHAT IN THE SUCCUBUS TRICKERY IS THIS?!?! I've watched a lot of tranny porn but while doing SR the fetish almost completely died down. I'm so horny lately I could fuck a tree, one part of me thanking myself I didn't but the other is raging that I didn't go for it.

>Inb4 "larp"
Bros I haven't been more serious in my fucking life.
Hows this go though for married dudes, my wife insists on getting tossed around every 72hrs, when we were younger it was daily for about 10 years.
I do high intensity training cold showers etc and eat plenty of organic meats etc. Am I fucking myself over? Not to brag the missus wants the D and if I dont feed her she might look elsewhere given time.
Don't jerk off in those 72 hours. Sex with wives is based.
Yeah I said Catholic because I am and don't want to speak for other Christians, but it's all over the Bible. Jesus did fast for forty days and forty nights while being tempted by the Devil
Hell, fasting and abstaining from sex exist in pretty much every form of faith in some way, I believe it was understood very early during human history that those were some of the highest spiritual practices available, along with meditation/prayer. And rightly so, you just try once and understand really quickly what's going on
Good luck on your journey my friend

Have sex with your wife man, that's about the only right way to enjoy sexual pleasure. You're not a monk, sex exists to be enjoyed under the right circumstances, and you're there.
Just whatever. Until your aura cleans out you'll get weird shit happenings. It's like a disturbed water pond. In time your magnetic field will be more calm and in stillness, and you'll stop getting the weirdness and will have moar wholesome happenings instead of wicked ones.
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>"Haha, thanks..."
>"Haha no thanks..."
>"Haha okay...."
I'd rather jack it than be a faggot. Fuck is wrong with you? Haha...
Yeah nah haven't done that in goodness knows how long. Spread thin enough with kids etc I've just been reading up on some of these crazy stories on natty gains etc and was uncertain if I was making myself less of a man and shorting my duration of my dragon. Side note story/anecdote but every time my missus and I got down to baby making and were were both keen on the idea she noted to me that the loads I was blowing by comparison to normal non reproductive sex were in her words "enormous". How the body know the difference is beyond me.
>she noted to me that the loads
This is true. One gf I had specifically said "she loved the motherloads". If you wish to retain, you could also try not releasing during sex, as hard as that may sound. I've read others doing so in this general.
Stop being a homosexual.
I'll keep it in mind, cheers for the advice and G/L with taming the beast fren
>Take the leanpill bro
bro I ain't gonna read all that unless leanbeefpatty asks me to
The dude looked like he was 1 estrogen pill away from being a passable tranny. My fried brain was going "AWOOOGA AWOOOGA" mode from all porn I was watching before. Cut me some slack

my aura better get cleaned out soon cause I'm getting sorts of weird attention that never happened before sr man this shit getting wild
>the dude
>passable tranny
>Cut me some slack
Over my filled ballsack. I don't even wanna try to relate with your type of degeneracy. Either you're baiting for (you)s or you need a lot more healing than the average coomer. I'd rather watch 30 min of gore than check your browser history.
I don't indulge in that porn anymore, history is clean. Yes I need a lot of fucking healing to do. I'm trying my absolute best rn. then don't reply if you think I'm baiting?
>then don't reply if you think I'm baiting?
I wasn't sure, that's why I kept going and explained what my other reason was. At least you're aware.

As you've probably noticed I can't relate with homosexual behavior, but I can relate in "the dark side" trying to get you back through trickery. Every one of us has a unique battle, which may come at any stage in the process of retaining. You got it quite early and as long as you manage to keep it up, the next battles will only be easier.

One more thing. Notice these replies:
>"Haha, thanks..."
>"Haha no thanks..."
>"Haha okay...."
Compared to this one:
>Ignored, go home
We don't just randomly post this in every thread: >>38413406
Speaking for myself, when I retain I get an urge to ask girls out. I just don't have the motivation to even text one if I'm watching porn and cumming. That being said I'm handsome so they mostly don't say no to me
it does occur though. just have to go outside and see women to notice it
yea gays can sense it, you've watched too much porn...dont worry in time your brain will rewires and fags will run from you
i will never forget becoming sexually frustrated on a streak and deciding i would walk around with confidence. i live in a small town and it was like attractive women popped out of black holes or something. i can go months without seeing hot women, and the INSTANT something clicks for me, bam, hot women staring at me. there is a big world of vibration out there i don't fully understand, but it's there
congratulations, jerk. lol. this is so much more difficult when you're single
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God's strongest nodder
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>day 4 of no fap for me.

Feels good, my dopamine receptros heals.

It's gonna be very hard at day 11. Day 11 is usually when I start to look out for prostitutes
i have this theory that if you want something (in this case, semenretention powers), you'll face some distinct trials.
>level one: frustration/rejection: easily the most demoralizing of course, but easy to blast through if you expect the journey to be tough
>level two: bribery. much more subtle. you'll want something (semenretention) but rather than get rejection or frustration you'll get some lame version of whatever it is you want. in this case, you getting hit on by someone you didn't want. if you succumb you lose, of course, but since it doesn't look like frustration it's easier to rationalize doing
>level three: dark night of the soul. saints report this feeling a lot. it's this feeling of "why am I even doing this" or like the universe is just being silent to you. gotta keep at it of course

i find that if you simply recognize the signs of things that are supposed to knock you off course, they're easier to deal with. "oh, some 55 year old grandma hit on me and offered sex? low level bribery. i will not be swayed."

stay strong anons. and avoid the tricks
I relapsed again yesterday. I have given up so many times this season that I feel as though I am stuck in level three with a bit of level one sprinkled on top. When there used to be tides of hope and despair is now a steady flood with no sign of respite. What I used to see as an ambitious flame of perserverance within me revealed itself to be a pathetic mix of a grandiose narcissism and self pity. All I can manage to do now is sleep all day, gaming, browsing, even typing this right now is exhausting.
hopefully this will sound encouraging but that sounds like it's all level 1. you are making it yourself way too easy to defeat. this is where a little bit of righteous anger can help, because i'd want to say: "i'm not gonna be so easy to take out that one little peak at a hot woman online is going to ruin everything." get to that point, defeat it, and you'll start getting level two bribes. and you'll know you're on your way
Sounds good but I've been repeating that for years and never made it past two weeks.
pretty much guaranteed to be level 1s then. you are TOO EASY to lead astray. that should make you full of righteous anger
Any fellow retainers notice a positive difference in their skin on long streaks? When I was fapping everyday I would get pimples all over my face and back without fail, but now I have zero dermal abnormalities and even my hair seems more natural. Is this the sacred sperm oil that’s getting reabsorbed/secreted through pours?
My face looks way different than before, I look hot, before I was ugly
Your autism just saved you from having your organs harvested
>I look hot, before I was ugly
same here. saw myself in a webcam recently and looking noticeably good. no idea why
I had a 20-day streak last month and that was my best in years. Kept relapsing after the initial release, but right now I'm on day 5. Honestly, after the first week, it is quite easy to maintain, you just have to not touch yourself, not look at porn or lustrous images, and put your energy into your work, passions, hobbies, exercise, meditation, etc. You will make it anon, you just need to believe.
Thanks brother, I'll continue retaining.

I don't remember experiencing an orgasm. I woke up normally, I wasn't tired or drained.
nigga, this is some /fit/ fantasy-
This is a great anecdote anon, thanks for sharing. I'm hoping to get this sensation once far enough in my SR journey. Also nice digits.
Sadly this only really happened this one time, I've approached girls a couple times since but I never had this much of a push like that one time. I'm still much more confident interacting with women than I used to, but to be fair I'd put that more on an overall really strong change in my beliefs and how I see myself than just SR (although these changes do include SR). But whenever I feel like giving up and going back to masturbating I remember this one experience and it motivates me to stay strong because I'm thinking "no, this burst of energy is so much cooler than just jacking off to some pictures, I need to feel like that again."
Sounds cliché but what if your perfect dreamgirl happens to be right in front of you at a café or something, the opportunity to talk to her is wide open, she's on her own reading your favorite book, nobody's around, but you don't go for it simply because you have zero sexual energy and feel like shit because you've been jerking off an hour ago? It's happened to me a couple times and it's always when you least expect it, and now that's something that makes you feel really bad afterwards, so I'd rather do my best to always be ready for such a situation
+1 to this. there is a certain amount of fear that prevents you from making the "approach." let's call it 7.4 fear units. but at a certain point on SR, if your attraction and drive get to 7.5 or above, you WILL approach. the fear doesn't go away, it just isn't as strong relative to the desire to talk to the beautiful woman
I was pale (even when I get a decent tan somehow) with black bags under the eyes. now glowing and black bags are no longer there. I'm not sure if the dark eyes is connected to SR but yeah I've noticed something.
Stop coping. If you are romantically unsuccessful with women, you're an incel. Having romantic relationships with women is part of normal healthy male development, if you miss this for whatever reason then you're dysfunction is gonna manifest in so many aspects of your life. This is practically newtonian how observable it is. If people were more honest here, theyd realise that its all just coping. Dont watch porn, dont jerk off, but if you pay attention you'll notice incels get particularly riled up about people who have sex. Why? Its envy.
wait until you hear about nocturnal emissions lmao. you cannot control semen "stored" any more than you can control how much cerebral spinal fluid you have. retard general here
Okay satan.
Lurk more satan.
I hard disagree that wet dreams are avoidable. The dreams will happen, but you will develop an ability to simply refuse to accept its coomering part.
>average wanker idiot
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you're romantically unsuccessful with women because you choose to be an incel
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>I hard disagree that wet dreams are avoidable.
>Last month I kept getting wet dreams 4-5 days into my streaks
>This month pray before bed asking God to not allow any wet dreams from happening
>Haven't had any yet nearly two weeks in

Wet dreams are spiritual attacks
Im fine. Dont worry about me. A down syndrome person can choose to not call himself a retard. good for him. He's still a retard.
guys im scared, today while peeing i saw that i leaked some cloudy "slime" more milky than normal pre-cum. Did i just end my streak? wasnt doing anything related to masturbation or even watching erotic imagery. current day 54
Somehow I done goofed up the reply, oop
>tfw never had sex or a gf and still not an incel
feels good man
I think the frequency of WDs are as new as the normalization of porn/masturbation. When you observe the vocabulary of old languages, they all have sex/semen/vagine/penis/balls/dreams, but none of them mention wet ones in detail often enough to have a word for them.

t. motherlanguage same as Jesus'
Prostate/testicular cancer general is always so active for some reason.
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a person with down syndrome has down syndrome. an incel is just a victim of his own negative self esteem. I can prove it by pointing to "incels" that started getting action, having done nothing to looksmaxxx or wealthmaxxx or make any distinguishable physical change, thus they stopped being incels
Fair point, yes i acknowledge that theres mentalcels, who make up a large proportion of incels, who suffer from low self esteem.

But simply not identifying as incel anymore doesnt magically make all that go away. Words have meanings, and the word incel describes the experience of a lot of men in this day and age. You can fake it till you make it, doesnt change the simple fact
I'd think that "spirit spouses" were under a different name before our time. Surely people knew of voodoo, and witchcraft to conjure succubus or incubus which is what allows legal right over us to give into wet dreams.
Porn now is an open door to that sort of legal right which is why I'd classify them as spiritual attacks.
Since Jehovah/Yahweh is a God of peace, there is no peace in or after wet dreams, so why would it be allowed other than to build us up ?
Also how to learn Aramaic
inceldom is coping projector bitch, go fix yourself
I agree with mostly what you replied, but not sure how to answer your question. What do you exactly mean by 'build us up'? You mean something like challenge us to learn from the experience? In that case I would say that pornographic imagery/public nudity are the reason behind these challenges, since we can't act upon them (especially public nudity in current society), it is stored in our subconsciousness as a "not sure what to do with"-list. Often our dreams are influenced by our subconsciousness and I think it's possible we pull out that list in the dream to figure out how to deal with them. As a challenge yet to be solved. I'm just pulling shit out of my ass at this point honestly, but who knows.
>Also how to learn Aramaic
I was only able to learn it through my culture/roots. Being able to speak it and learning the vocabulary is one thing (you can understand and even converse without too much difficulty with other accents), whereas the ability to read/write is at least twice as difficult. The several writing styles, changing of symbols and missing links (I believe this is mainly done by Jews as they love to destroy its history) is what makes it hard to give you a straight answer. The amount of deception is baffling. Pic rel is an example. I can only read the 3 bottom rows. They're all written from right to left, from Alep onwards to Taw (depending how you pronounce it). You might notice some similar Roman letters in the middle rows, but that's a different topic.

To answer your question in a way: Look for a Church that uses these alphabets. You probably won't find any of the top ones, unless you ask an archeologist, because that's basically a dead alphabet.
Shalom kike.
>gets bored of other /x/ threads
>comes here

Every time.
>What do you exactly mean by 'build us up'?
You have to refine gold through the fire. These trials only make us stronger, and face certain things we might not want to face that are hidden inside of us. After facing them we can denounce, and grow in faith.
I've been kind of tweaking my mindset recently: Since God is in control, wouldn't that also mean he has control over our dreams ? If every knee has to bow to Jesus, doesn't that mean our thoughts, dreams, brain, and subconscious also have to bow to Jesus ?
I've noticed once I started praying before my sleep and asking for certain things, funny things have happened. A "dream catcher" spirit has been taking my dreams to where I cannot remember majority of them. I've woken up with a jolt before from the top of my head that went through my body. The last time I felt that was when I possibly got blessed in a certain way - still trying to figure that one out, from other peoples testimonies, that is what it seems like.
>Jews as they love to destroy its history
Call them for what they are:
Article Revelation, Section 3, Clause 9: Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie
Article Revelation, Section 2, Clause 9: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
You'd probably be interested in looking into us being in Satan's Little Season (Revelation 20) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU4jgWFpJIP_-Vbo60n4iUHNXc-QsTv4C
>Look for a Church that uses these alphabets
tfw in the middle of nowhere, it's even hard to find a church that wants to participate in the spiritual gifts... The closest one is about ~1,800 miles or nearly ~3,000 km away from me.
That pic. Imagine blowing loads on her face holy fuck
But wet dreams, they will return. I went through the same (praying so they stopped) and I believe they will come back sooner or later. It's like praying to God that we won't ever suffer anymore. It is not something askable. Or it may enter into a pause, but will return because it is allowed for the evil forces to do evil. Read the book of Job you all if you haven't.
The most dangerous aspect of wet dreams IMO is that they will pollute your mind through the entire day after you wake up, but only if you are not disciplined enough, of course.

So that's the thing. To make you relapse after you are awaken. After all, you will already have the mentality of "oh no, I'm losing my energy, and I loved that WD with that amazing girl". The devil is the ultimate tricker. Don't forget that.

One ting I noticed is that

Here my view on the matter. >>38416591
Doesn't really matter what to call them honestly, as long as the definition of the name is similar. They go by many names anyway and blend in wherever they can continue what defines them.
>Satan's Little Season
Alright, I'll give it a try.
>The closest one is about ~1,800 miles or nearly ~3,000 km away from me.
The fuck? I can't even imagine what country you live in. Sounds more like you live on an island. If you're really interested I could look around, though it will take some time. Some communities don't have an official church to their own, but rent out/lend the nearest church. Otherwise I could look up some sort of channel that could be a step in the right direction.
>Read the book of Job you all if you haven't.
Really one of my favorite stories. I like to view him as a champion of the unknown. A "whatever it is, I'm always ready"-type of guy.
I've dreamt of jerking off at some bitch but after some spurts of semen I was shooting blood
my interpretstion is that shooting semen is litteraly killing the man doing it.
what's funny that it wasn't a wet dream I woke up clean and dry.
Also harlots irl are tempting me but I stay strong.
Complete celibacy, never having sex or orgasming is for the greatest of men. The holy, godlike men. To such men, I pay my deepest respect.

However, I am no such man, the man of the greatest sacrifice and the greatest reward such men are extremely rare, and neither are most of us.

But, retaining the seed is a must for any successful man. If you waste your seed, you are weak. So, in order to live a normal life, be able to have a wife, one must learn non ejaculatory sex. Retaining is cool and all, but eventually you will find a woman and what then? Does the retention stop? No, because you will learn how to have sex without spilling the seed.
>Complete celibacy, never having sex or orgasming is for the greatest of men. The holy, godlike men. To such men, I pay my deepest respect.
thanks anon, kinda encouraging ngl. no wife no girlfriend no nothing. yet here i am
Stfu he's not talking about you faggot
A life without women and a relationship is lonely....when you reach immortality and you have no longer anyone around you that can relate to you it is even more lonely ... Imagine all the people you know dies and exchanges to other kind of people with better or worse behaviour every 100 years....it is a miserable existence if that is the cost...pumping pussy and having a life sounds a bit better...reincarnation is still a thing
Yeah. It's just not a path that works for the vast majority of people. That is a path of extreme asceticism that takes a toll on the body. Meanwhile you can become godlike while having kids and family.
Day 17
I almost broke it
I planned to break it, but distracted myself watching YouTube for an hour
Then I came on here, still planning to break it, but now after having read some posts from the imgur collection, my urges are gone

I was having doubts why should I go on, if fapping relaxes me, but my perception is visibly different. I feel like mildly tripping on acid all the time, like microdosing, but without doing anything. My mind is definitely sharper.
But I've been fapping since I was 8 years old, and in the last decade or so, pretty much daily (once a day). So my habits are still alive, my brain still awaits until I watch some porn every evening
i took it as being written for me and then you weighed in for some reason. very strange
When you look at males of most mammals, there is often some form of mating ritual to attract a mate. This leads to a form of selective breeding, where a particular trait is selected for. In lions, you see the most aggressive lion gets the lioness, even murdering its current cubs if it has to. In peacocks, the male peacock has a beautiful display of feathers and does a dance. Female peacocks are ugly as fuck. Theres even a fish that creates an elaborate pattern in the sand to attract mates.

So, what is the human equivalent? Literally everything. We are a perfect species because this display can be anything. You can attract mate by being strong and big, or you can be a soulful artist that plays the guitar well. Any metric of skill can be used to attract a mate. SR seems to be a very pure form of this ritual, essentially a display of sexual discipline and great overcoming.
this is incorrect, women are attracted to status cues, dominance, and height
low iq
Shut the fuck up faggot. Ofc a narcissistic incel thinks its godlike for being incapable of getting pussy. Cope somewhere else.
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your mother is writing your posts for you
This place is not for coping incels. fuck off.
you sound gay and sensitive
There is no meaning behind being superior if you are alone being superior
Probably the reason this general exists....because those that do this are lonely
Suddenly there can't be volcels anymore. Wtf?
don't try to make sense of it
I was similar started when nothing came out ... And why would you do it? Just to see....you will fail eventually....but if you follow the just to see mindset you might learn something and go farther than you initially thought
Being alone isnt inherently bad. It's just not a choice for most of the sexually dysfunctional losers that use this place to cope. So it's double bad for them, theyre lonely and delusional. They spend all day playing video games but think theyre monks because they dont jerk off. Sad really.
That sort of asceticism only really applies far down the path anyway. The occasional retreat is more than enough.
>Beat that, weakling
Why is isac like that?
Volcels can get pussy if they tried. Obviously thats not what im talking about.
It depends... If there is a timer in your head that you constantly keep in check to
see it might take too much energy and you miss a lot of points....What one should do is learn and collect data about self which sometimes cannot be done with small retreats as you call
You can do both. It's not one or the other. You can live a normal life, have a career and wife and kids AND attain the highest levels of spiritual attainment in one lifetime.
>learn and collect data about self
This is done precisely by interacting with the real world instead of being an ascetic. The outside stimuli is a chance to do precisely this. Women in particular, are good for this. Theyre shit testers by nature, and i think this is one reason why theyre like that.
When you watch porn you are participating in sexual abuse. You're literally watching Jews defile women who were probably molested by Jews early on and are now fucked up in the head enough to do porn.
You take it like that because u dont understand women. neither i. But they certainly feel something and they just look at you, its not necessarly negative but probably took them or are taking them off guard.
the answer is love. love yourself and others you know. once you reached a point of no hatred in your heart, you'll be free as if you're one with the cosmos.
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Sure for certain depth you can do that. But then you accept the deepest things will remain unknown
Ohhh its soo wiisee im nuuuuuutiiiinnnn aaaahhh
What do you do to unravel the deepest parts of the self?
I think you're projecting your own limitations onto me. I accept nothing you say.
Porn and masturbation is also self-abuse ! But people don't want to think about that...
I think about how its self-abuse all the time, but rarely do I think of the actual event I am watching as if it was real (which it is, real). Imagine jacking off to cartel footage, you wouldn't do it. But what people don't often think about is that porn IS real. There are women out there being degraded horribly and YOU are masturbating to it. And not just that, but this is just a part of a pipeline of that woman's horrible life and everyone's coming together to masturbate and fantasize about this horrible thing. It's not just a passive action like watching TV, but it's like watching a real injustice and getting off to it.
Nothing is offered. I dont know how shallow or ignorant or deeply educated you are but generally there is always stuff to learn. I do clap my ass cheecks but not sure if that helps.
So you got nothing then. Dont think i didnt notice the way you just ignored everything i said either, btw.
Except that women applied for that job and received compensation big big money and if not than they can go to the police or leave the industry since its only rape
This is true before pornhub cleaned up and removed unverified videos. But the verified ones? No, does not apply. Women are turned on by being degraded, its a kink for them. Pornstars are super whores who willingly do this shit. Many of them were abused when they were young which is why theyre like that, but i dont think this is a good way of looking at things. Men should stop watching porn because its damaging to their spiritual health.
What should i have? I dont know what i ignored. I told you there is a depth to the self and you told you know everything already. Nothing to argue.
I never said i know everything already. Dont put words in my mouth. I even explicitly asked you what you do, and you had 0 reply because you're all talk.
When you said you accept nothing that i say it reminded to me to someone who already knew everything therefore had the chance to not accept anything said about them....
This makes no sense learn proper english.
Ok mr.iconsidernothing rockhead
Again, still not making sense. What do you mean "i consider nothing"? I was genuinely curious here but its obvious you're just a big mouthed arrogant retard that is only interested in posturing. You have one last chance to prove otherwise.

You got dat BIG gay energy my man!
>this is just a part of a pipeline of that woman's horrible life and everyone's coming together to masturbate and fantasize about this horrible thing
I haven't masturbated in over a year. Why are you trying to make me jerk off? Seriously, why would I care? These bitches are taking part in intentional Satanic ritual or they are getting what they deserve. I'm sure there are a few that were trafficked, but the vast majority of them just made shitty life decisions and they continue to make shitty life decisions or they are intentionally invoking literal semon demons to sap your energy from you. Your average woman in porn could clean herself up and find a dude to marry, they just don't want to.
>I'd rather jack it than be a faggot.
Jacking it makes you faggot though. Faggotry is just advanced stage degeneracy. It should all be avoided.
anons, I'm about 2 months in but I'm having frequent wet dreams what to do?
>I've gone to the parlor many times now and I've always regretted it and it's always in the midst of a streak.
You can always just get a massage and turn down the hand job bro. You will make an Asian Lady's day.
>Part of me is starting to believe that porn consumption is basically a portal for demonic influence to creep into your life.
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Winner! Figuring this out is a massive part of giving up porn.
>anons, I'm about 2 months in but I'm having frequent wet dreams what to do?
Wet dreams are the result of negative emotions. Conquer your emotions and your subconscious desires and you conquer wet dreams. They will creep back in when life kicks your ass though. Pick yourself up and move on.
First of all dont stress about it too much. Focus on purity of thought, ensuring you dont engage in lustful thoughts.
>A life without women and a relationship is lonely
Know what's even more lonely? Having a woman steal all of your money and spend it on stupid shit and then spending 10 years in "family court" trying to make sure your kids don't grow up as degenerates. Or you could be a dude putting up with an insufferable bitch of a wife and afraid to divorce her because you simply don't have the assets to divorce her. The myth of the "Happy Chad" is just that. A myth. Conquer your negative emotions and learn to be at peace with what you have. None of us are happy, but we can ameliorate ourselves of the pain of women and focus on our true, higher calling in life.
Fear-based mindset. All you know is lack
If you think that rock bottom you truly haven't reached rock bottom yet. I was exactly in your position a couple months ago. The only thing that saves you is faith. The only way.

Could be the zinc you've accumulated or maybe you had high prolactin before.
I don't post in this general much, but I will share my experiences with you nonetheless.

Like many, masturbation was part of my daily habits. I would jerk off several times a day, on very bad occasions even as many as 5 or 6 times. During this period, my life was in absolute shambles; and I never made the connection between masturbation and my sufferings.

The thing about masturbation is that it has implications beyond simply being addicted to porn. Think of it metaphorically: what is the release of semen, but the release of desire? Within you is this life force, a life force so powerful that it can literally create another soul; and when you masturbate, you waste it upon nothing. You sacrifice this most powerful and intimate part of yourself to some disgusting image or thought, and you gain nothing from it but a momentary, physical satisfaction. The epiphany comes in realizing that what you are sacrificing is not simply some good from your penis, but your actual will. You are, literally, sacrificing your Godly energy, the energy which is so profound, so important, so creative that it can create another soul. Imagine now, even if you do not desire to create another soul, what you are sacrificing by releasing semen purposelessly: you are releasing your ability to control and manipulate this realm. You are releasing your ability to manifest goodness in your life.

Over the last few years, I have attempted to abstain from masturbation whenever possible. I went from gooning a half dozen times a day to gooning sessions that are separated by weeks rather than hours; and even I fail, I can feel the difference. There is an emptiness in my body, a kind of limp exhaustion, because I have knowingly sacrificed part of myself for nothing...
Since abstaining, everything in my life has improved. My relationships have improved, my desire to pursue meaningful activities has improved, my health has improved. It was not an overnight process, believe me, but it was a noticeable one. I feel 20 again.

What you must know is that, by masturbating, you are not only giving up creative energy for nothingness, but you are inviting evil into your life. There are unironic metaphysical demons in this world which feed up on energy as we feed upon food, and they will coax you to release semen in the same way that we milk a cow. They farm you. They manipulate you. They feed upon you. Every time you feel the urge to masturbate, you are being persuaded by demons to release your life force so that they can eat it, such as we drink the milk and eat the flesh of the cow.

The next time you fe such urges, take a moment to sit down and meditate upon this feeling. Give yourself merely 30 seconds of introspection and ask, "is this what I really want?". It will be incredibly hard at first. You will want to give in. But, if you can avoid this temptation only a single time, you will suddenly find it much, much easier to resist the next, because you have informed these demons that their meal will be better found elsewhere. Slowly, you will regain control of yourself, and of your creative ability; herein, you will uncover the power to achieve all that you wish, because you will no longer be controlled. You will, instead, control.
no I can't
I've told myself I would do that many times
but they get me all primed up
and they graze my balls and stuff and then I lose control
much easier to avoid it entirely, to avoid the thought entirely
once I'm through that door it's over
>Fear-based mindset. All you know is lack
Dude. I'm not afraid of women. I'm just sick of their shit. You are the faggot that posts about the divine feminine and all that bullshit. Retain for long enough and you realize what a chaotic joke women are and how little they bring to your life and spirituality and physically. Seek to know your own power, divinity, and strength. And by all means, stop giving of yourself freely to lesser beings. Women exist for reproduction and decorating. Nothjng more. Also, don't respond to me. We've been over this before. You are a spiritual simp. Spare me your pathetic, weak diatribes.
also it would not make her day, it would ruin her day probably
they love giving me handjobs and I'm a sexy young man so they get stoked when they see me and they are energy vampires who feed off making men come
you can tell they don't care too much for giving the massage and just want to get down to business
also they make more money from the happy ending than the massage
Just tell them to avoid your balls. And after you get one that knows she's not expected to jerk you off, just keep using her. Massages are healthy (touch releases oxytocin) and Asian women are leagues better at massages than other races. Especially the ones that walk on your back. The option always exists to not be a degenerate, even in situations where it is expected.
>they love giving me handjobs
They love giving you handjobs so much you have to pay them, right? You are a mark. They are happy you have showered and don't have Doritos in your fat folds like most of their clients. Women are fucking geniuses at lying. Make friends with a stripper. Like actual friends where you don't pay them, sex isnt involved, and they will hang out with you outside of a club. Making you believe they enjoy your presence is an art and they practice it. They are experts at masking their true feelings. Stop acting like a retard.
Jesus, all this time I've been ruining my streaks fucking my hand like a retard when I could have been ruining them in some Asian lady's hands. Wtf is wrong with me I need to be less retarded.
They didn't "choose" to be like that. Most of them are miserable, deep down inside. Not saying I'd trust these women or that they're good people. Just that porn is the end result of a lot of fucked up shit that happened.

Not my fault that some sick shit turns you on. They don't want to because they are lost.

It's such an awful lie that because someone makes a bad decision, they deserve to suffer. It's how you end up with a generation of porn addicts, too.
bro you are calling me a retard but you can't even understand basic nuanced language
of course I'm implying they love that I pay them to receive a handjob
they are glad that I'm fit, smell good and handsome because the rest of their clients are fat old chinese men with dick cheese most likely
I have no weird imaginings of some kind of relationship or anything beyond the transaction, I was just correcting the guy who thought they would prefer giving a massage without giving the handjob, these women are not their to give massages, they are handjobbers, that is their profession
and I'm not proud that I got into that habit, and I believe I am done with it, but would always end up going back while on a nofap spree as a way of "cheating"
but it's even worse than losing my seed to my own hand
I'm sure they would rather have a day to themselves and have the money to just enjoy their loves without giving handjobs but also I'm sure they need the money and are relieved that they can receive the same pay by rubbing down a hot guy than a gross old slob or a fatty
once again I'd much rather just avoid it all together
I've had massages where the women aren't expected to give a hj and it ended in nothing and just made me hornier after
no reason to be touched by a women to amp up my sex drive, easier to just let it remain cool
Read "Cultivating the male sexual energy", threre are exercsies which prevent wet dreams.

The whole point is to never ever waste any semen, wet dreams are bad. Strengthen those muscles down there and avoid wet dreams.

There is some wierd fucking premise on here that wet dreams are normal and not damaging, which is bullshit, you are literally not retaining the seed if you have a wet dream.

probably had a micro, hence the urge to discover the secrets of alchemy for the remedy
Also at 50 days, I edged and watched porn like a week ago and it definitely fucked my mood and energy for a few days. Not as bad as cooming but definitely has negative consequences. Edging and porn definitely ruins the mental benefits but not cooming retains the physical benefits. I think you recover faster as long as your retain your semen but you shouldn't be watching porn or edging at all. Overall it should be fine, just don't do it again.
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Here have this motivational video to keep you away from lust and sin, friends :)

The lunatics are trying to start conflict again with me and are harassing me with illegal audio. Heal and restore all back perfectly and remove beligerants. So me and the cool people can enjoy life. Wtf is wrong with you people
They are trying to pysop me again . Remove confrontational scum
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>I'm not afraid of women.
Bro, you sound fucking TERRIFIED of women
ex monger here. in a lot of ways, it's way worse than solo jerking off; there's also this unshakable darkness that accompanies the deep emptiness and self loathing

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