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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
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Previous Thread: >>38437595
To that anon with the sus gf
Page of cups
King of swords
King of wands
So I think that if youre more proactive in the relationship and put your foot down if neeed be like be more dominant?
And show more loving actions towards her
I can't remember exactly what cards I drew

Knight of pentacles was the first, pretty sure followed by page of wands. can't remember the third and I'm sorry

but basically the answer was that its nothing personal if he doesn't wanna go. something might come up that stops him from doing so or maybe he just feels like he'd be going too far out of his comfort zone. nothing to do with you or anything to worry about

one more trade?
what kind of actions should I take to express my love and how do I be more dominant / put my foot down without seeming controlling or jealous or whatever?
will she ever contact me again?
Im so sorry i have to sleep rn i have work early but I'll be back tomorrow night
My name is chrissy
Trading occult
Is everything actually fine despite my extreme neuroticism?
Which ones of these options take a priority? Save money for court fees or save money for music instruments?
Starting once you confirm
Should I just get started in music and sound production even if I lack equipment?
Is that group of spirits (Group F), trying to mess with me/pull something, or is this all in my head?
>court fees
8 of cups, fool, devil

5 of pentacles, 7 of coins, queen of swords

Ultimately I'd save money for court fees, but it might be harder to do and you'll want to spend money on the instruments instead.
However 5 of coins in the instrument spread is not a good sign and it'll ultimately lead to you having to be uncomfortably frugal
I am offering to trade the following two queries.

- Is he in the servers?
- Did he think I deserved to be hospitalized?
4 swords, hanged man, 5 pent
No you have reason to believe this and its because you sense something that will happen. You will go through a period of loneliness or where your social circle will withdraw or leave you to your devices. Could mean getting left behind etc
Thanks. Lmk if you want to trade again
knight of swords, eight of pents, nine of cups, five of pents, eight of cups

they do this to everyone, it's not really about you being bad or approaching them wrongly, it's just in their nature to do this. they feel like elemental spirits or mechanical basic nature spirits.

my q's are >>38442837
pick one unless you can do both, so if you do both, ask me another and i'll pull cards.
Hey ill trade you
Should I seek court assitance for the upcoming trial for the dental matter?
Is changing my diet going to help with my current medical conditions?

Starting once you confirm
I'll do both. Mine is, what are those spirit's end game with this? Is it just to screw with me/keep me from interfering with them and my sister, or is there something else?

Starting both of yours.
down to trade again.
what exactly is going to happen?
i'm paranoid about this girl possibly doing something sketchy. all of my friends seem to think i'm over reacting and freaking out and she hasn't given me any reason to believe she'd do anything bad
but i've been hurt really bad before in the past and I'm having trouble letting my guard down because of it
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Will a relationship with F be the one I've been looking for?
Should I opt for the big trip to europe or should I take the money for expenses and feeding myself instead?
Starting once you confirm
Should i go back to M. A.? Will we reunite?
>Should I seek court assitance for the upcoming trial for the dental matter?
strength, nine of swords, knight of swords, nine of cups

yes! 100% yes, it will reinforce your stance and guarantee income if you choose a lawyer/legal person wisely.

>Is changing my diet going to help with my current medical conditions?

knight of cups, two of pents, king of swords, the magician

yes, it will help a little bit. i'm picking up something about your stomach? are you celiac or lactose or something.
six of swords, nine of wands, five of wands

they basically want a win for them and their kind, pretty much.

star, devil, five of pents
yes they want to enslave you and your sister, they aren't just mischievous pixies lol
3 cups, 3 pent, ace sword
Yes he is and he is pulling moves and making it happen leading to discussions and perhaps deals
Page cups & swords, queen wands
Yes they did think this and they feel smug about it like you deserve it or like you had it coming to you
Thank you
Queen sword, 7 cups, 6 pent
Nothing bad will happen unless you keep being paranoid and feed your delusions. Doing this will cause your worries to manifest. You can expect both of you to talk and get ideas for what you plan on doing next, it will most likely be a date or outing where both will give and take equally
>- Is he in the servers?
Nine of Cups, Judgement Rx, Five of Swords, Eight of Cups

Looks like he is at the moment. It also looks like if you plan to act on this information, you will need to be ready for conflict.

> - Did he think I deserved to be hospitalized?
Two of Cups Rx, Queen of Swords Rx, The World Rx, Knight of Pentacles, Two of Swords Rx

Doesn't look like it. If anything he seems to be pretty upset about it. It doesn't look like he's thinking clearly about it though, so he might jump back and forth depending on his mood. Over all though, I would say no.

Thanks. Trade again?
Sure. Are you able to channel names or letters of a name he might be using? or a persona?

2 of cups, magician, judgement

v of wands, 8 of swords, queen of swords

idk man europe sounds like it could bring something profound into your life but not without you spending a lot of money you might not have
saving is the smart decision in the long term but going on the trip could bring a lot of happiness

i'd make this choice yourself based upon your intuition
i appreciate it
she opened up about a lot and told me its really important that I can trust her and that she values me and im really important to her and that if anything ever feels weird I need to tell her about it
and then she told me she loves me and shit.
so I don't know. I'm having a really hard time not giving into my worries and I don't know how to stop it
I can give you a description of his persona/the way he presents himself if that's what you want.

Mine is, are those spirits simple enough to banish with something like the LBRP and/or ending my trip early, or will I need to get outside help again to protect me?

This is just for me. I might do my sister for a separate read, as she willingly involves herself with them much more heavily than I do, while I have done nothing but try to push away spirits, and distance myself.

Starting when you confirm your own Q.
Yeah sure, give me a description then.

will the lbrp be enough to clear them?
queen of cups, two of wands
a little bit, but they'll persist

outcome of outside help
three of swords, seven of swords, two of pents
if you seek outside help make sure youre not PAYING!!! make sure someones doing it for free.

should anon trip
magician, page of cups, six of swords
tripping would be beneficial and they wouldn't interfere much with you
Ace of Wands Rx, Seven of Swords, Seven of Cups Rx, Justice Rx, The Fool, Eight of Swords

It would be difficult for you to find him specifically, but he presents himself as someone a bit clueless, and unable to get a grasp on things. However, others would call bullshit on this, and say he's a liar. He really doesn't seem to have that good of a reputation with that reversed justice, so that might be something you can use as a starting point.
Thanks. One last trade?
Describe my next romantic relationship, you?

the other reader said he had a good reputation and projected themselves as mature and experienced? lol bruh idk what to think

whats ur q?
mine is future with 1018(code)
I just want to make sure that I have the right idea of how to go forward.

So, if I do the LBRP as a "stay away from me" gesture to show I won't make things easy for them, and return back to my place (likely cutting my family trip short), I won't have any more spirits trying to enslave me once I do all of this?

Starting yours.
What is the outcome if I take a trip to cuba next month and I see A there?
Starting once you confirm
Four of Swords Rx, Six of Wands Rx, Knight of Cups Rx, Queen of Cups, Three of Wands, The Hierophant, Page of Wands

As things currently stand, it wouldn't be an eventful future, and you would likely end up looking back at the time with this as being wasted. It does look possible to make a future with this work though, but you will need to put a bit more thought/planning into it than you already have. I think it might have what you need, but you need to learn how to actually make use of a future with 1018.
knight of wands, three of wands, ten of wands

if these are like nature spirits from an ancestral tradition i'd consult someone to do extra cleanup because they aren't going to listen to lbrp alone, maybe to a rosary or find a preist with spiritual gifts for insurance purposes.
white stone
hot coals
False prophets
6 generations
land of new zeal
smiley face and the clock
rotary "enthusiast "
thanks i needed to hear that
I know I said the last one would be the last, but would you be up for one more?
yeah sure!!!!

my q is, why oh why do i keep getting signs about 1018? why
q? mine is, will i ever heal from my traumatic past?
I'm not sure when I can get that outside help, but I've had similar help before, so I can talk to that person again.

My Q is, effects of banishing their attempted influences/hold over me if I do the LBRP, and reciting psalms prayers with a rosary for both? That's about all I can do on my own today.

I'll do a second Q for you as well if you check other banishing methods you might know that I could do, and see how they would work on keeping these spirits away from me.

Starting yours.
I'll read you but i need initials of you and her
You know what. I had a different Q but yours is pretty interesting so I'm asking the same. I'm male

6 wands, 8 pent, 4 cups
Your partner will praise you and you will lead your relationship with trial and error method. Later on you will grow accustomed to each other and you may want to spice things up or let things get stale
thanks dude
reposting urs
devil rx 2 of wands rx 4 of wands empress

Sex and a relationship and letting go of any toxicity in the relationship or feelings of being stuck at some crossroad
August month gen
Three of Swords, Two of Cups, Queen of Wands Rx, Knight of Swords, King of Swords Rx

There doesn't seem to be any external factor contributing to this at the moment. It seems to be something that comes either naturally, or as a result of your own mind guiding you. The signs seem to tell you to pursue this, but at the same time, it seems you might be a bit too fixated on this, so make sure you're keeping a cool head on this matter.

would my life be better if i had longer hair?
>knight of cups rev
>10 of swords
>10 of wands rev
Interesting. The spread looks bad and well...it is, not without hope tho. You can get over your trauma but not without struggle and likely not without outside support. Your mood is clearly unbalanced and you might either swing back and forth emotionally or be a moody person. You'll have to kill that part of yourself, to end it. I sense a therapist or outside support would be good for you as that 10 of wands indicates an inability to handle the weight of the task you set yourself. Two 10s in tarot indicate things naturally ending in life and usually many of them at once so when you do eventually break through your trauma a lot of issues foe you that you deemed separate from your trauma will evaporate.
sure, mine are A and her Y!
Should I ask G to go on a second date? Why did she play it so tough and out of reach on the first one when she's clearly unexperienced? What is she even interested in for? I'm thinking she wants to overshare her issues but is too haughty to be vulnerable, very girly.
ten of swords
queen of swords
eight of pents

seems like the most effective is lbrp and rosary. lbrp seems like a more clearing kill all energy while the rosary is more like a deity defence.
as far as other divination and commentary, if you like the jewish stuff (i think lbrp is jewish?) heres the archangel invocations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swi1S8oVJ20&ab_channel=IordanAlexandru. im honestly not that great at banishing myself but the things that work the best for me are the rosary, nam myo ho renge kyo, getting someone who has bilocation/banishing/occult abilities to clear stuff for me, water, salt, living near the ocean, sunlight, excercise. if ur stationary ur energy body gets gunky. psalms apparently worked really well for some male magii i knew like a few years back. but desu spoke prayers only go so far, its really all in psionics and energy. so ur better off finding someone who has authority over that stuff. i know smoke bothers spirits too but some say it makes them worse.
the magician, nine of swords, 10 of pentacles
five of swords, two of wands

it seems like you will, you will externalize your pain but the memory wont really leave but instead drive you
Sry my read isn't long there isn't really much to say
That's fine by me.
Trade again?
sure. id appreciate if you could provide feedback, like letting me know if what i said is accurate or not.

is j stalking me on TIRO?
Will I ever meet my half sister? I don't even know here name
I'm male
Will I meet her again?
>3 of wands
>7 of wands
A romantic connection? The answer is clearly yes. They're stalking you from a distance as whatever happened between you they're unable to let go and wish to continue the fight in spite of everything that's gone on. They're persistent that's for sure
The magician, the ace of pents, the six of pents, the ten of wands, eight of pents, knight of wands

it's something you desire and you're manifesting but it's out of the financial budget/your material ability at this time to really do anything with her that is lasting.

i'm getting an internal yes.
>_< thanks, is ur girl foreign or local? i got the impression of foreign but when i connected its someone in your local area? so a foreigner visiting or what?
she's local, I'm the foreigner tho.
Does that change your read?
I think both of your reads resonate to me, the trauma one as well. I like your energy anon
One last trade?
General for remainder of this week?
Starting when you confirm
oh she appears as asian or Latina or something in my mind and u as white, so thought she was the foreigner.

sure. my q is, why am i getting signs about him?
She's neither, shes white like me. I mean, I had girls of both races on my radar in the past but they didn't make me feel like she did.
My Q is what does GM (female) think of me? She's a different girl. She seemed upset about me last time we spoke, idk why, what I did/say but I wish I could have her as a friend at least.
You have entered....

Demon aq or trade

Who would be more in synch with me? Sitri or Amy?
Manga bibliomancy
Paradise kiss edition
One number from 1-848
Will I have sex with gm?
Anyone care to do a reading on this one?
king of swords, the moon, five of wands, page of cups, the heirophant

im getting a visual of a black haired girl turning her back to you. she just feels mad or disappointed. i think it's because u talk to a lot of women? and it makes her jealous? she liked u at one point, or still does. but she also thinks ur mean as a person, a bit snooty and callous. like you said something to her or werent careful with what you were speaking about around her which made her angry and hurt. u guys feel like way different kinds of people.
>there were obstacles lurking waiting to trip me up although I was sailing smoothly

Tell me anything that comes up!
Im also getting something about your lifestyle that bothers her or the way you choose to spend your time and money. shes just very critical of you overall but is drawn to you at the same time.
>oO :O
>why can’t we do the same
It’s a text lmao I’m sorry
No medical questions
>king of wands
>queen of pents
You might have some accident or have something happen you didn't account for. Kinda a big deal in the moment but its a week gen so it'd unlikely to affect your life significantly. You'll deal with this issue like a boss cuz you just want to have peace and quite and don't need that shit in your life.
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Still trading this.
>3 of wands rev
>2 of cups
Cuz you like him? Or like how he makes you feel. There may be distance but he's someone you still feel the presence of despite his absence and it frustrates you you can't close the distance.
I talk mostly to girls cuz it's easier to talk to them than guys. Doesn't mean I wanna fill every hole or smth.
GM is blonde so idk if you got the right chick. Now that I think about it, you saw a black haired forgiven girl twice in a row? I think I know who that is, too bad I don't care much for her as is. I get how she'd be pissed, she's temperamental
6 cups R, page pent, 4 pent R
Yes you will meet her if you decide to seek her out. Look for family members, social media and records. You will end up opening up to her. There is for sure something from your past or history unsolved for sure.
i dont rlly like him, its complicated and a lot to explain. the energy is romance or love but its false energy (idrk how to explain it without sounding insane and i doubt u care). he was extremely abusive to me. im just scared its like an omen or something and the universe is warning me. thank u
>forgiven girl
Lmao, phone posting baka. I mean "foreign girl"
u show up blonde to me btw
Ill try again
Is tomorrow the right day to go to the bank?
no this second one was pale. the first one was a bit tanner. there was also a white girl with blue eyes and that mousy brown hair but i scratched that bcos she wasnt foreign??? idfk. btw the black hair on the second looks dyed, its hard to make out her face.
What does she feels for me?
Maybe reverse the energies? That's he's the one frustrated and all of that? If you have signs about him maybe he's the one seeking you out? Take precautions if needed.
Stage 14
>blue eyes and mousy brown hair
That's GM lol.
The black haired chick tho...if it is who I think it is then that's a bad omen. Baaad juju from that chick, i hate her.
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That's cuz I am haha. Dirty blonde
So for feedback I can tell you scry people very good but need to work on your ability to sus out the right person the querent is asking about
morning /div/
testing out my intuition :3 give me simple queries that you already know the answer to
So me and her meet again?
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what drink am I drinking
Whay is my penis size?
idk, illl keep asking. thanksss

how does blue eyed chick feel about anon
strength, king of cups, ace of wands

idk she seems kinda very goody two shoes or mom friendish, like shes boring and responsible, has a mean streak, but is generally reliable and makes good choices. when she was younger she could have been nerdy. towards you, she thinks youre neutral? like there really isnt much to pick up on. probably why i got nothing earlier. she doesnt feel much or think much towards you, youre just someone she talks to and hangs out with. she doesnt rlly feel deep and seems to prioritize her boyfriend or girlfriends over u.
what colour is mah shirt and what kind of shirt is it
is it orange?


ummm 5??
im not focused rn i think tges are all wrong lmao
What colour is the carpet in this room
Oh. I guess that makes sense. She's out of my league anyway. I should let her go off my radar. Thank you anonette. I wish things go well for you
white button down??

it’s some dark color, maybe a dark blue? like navy blue, can i also ask if it’s fabric is kinda flat?
no its an olive green tshirt
2nd. Not quite. You got about 40% right. Its a carpet. Ofc its flat
I'm not that guy
Is there anything I can do to make her feel better?
np, you too :3

whats ur query? mine is, is J trying to manifest me?
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> orange
Close enough
damn it
Sucking clits usally helps
Next job or source of income?
oh weird :$
Will I have sex before next month ends?
Death, Queen of Swords, Chariot, 4 of Wands Rx, 4 of Pentacles
I pulled cards 2x just to make sure and I got a similar result, anon. Unfortunately no, J is not trying to manifest you as of now. Whoever J is they feel like things are over for good and it's time to move on with life. I'm not saying that the don't think about you, but wheever the thoughts arise, they face them with a certain resistance.
J is focused on mooving on and being the bigger and smart person, giving this situation the colder shoulder while the build their walls and keep away
two of cups, page of cups, four of cups, judgement, high priestess, seven of wands

i heard the word "art". i was also getting something about shipping and packaging companies. so this could mean you are shipping things out online or working with mail directly. im also getting something about animals.
thanks, resonates. can i ask one more? is j stalking me online?
What do I look like?
A humanoid
Hey /div can anyone help me interpret a spread? Willing to give a free read to someone who can help.
What is it?
Is my time playing video games coming to an end?
im willing to trade, i apologize, i thought it was obvious
NTA but here :D

Will you read?
Sure, I can trade.
Can you tell me how will I start with that business or when?
longish hair, i’m also assuming your a guy, tannish skin? is there sone hair in the front of your face too?
So I asked "what will happen between me and her in the near future" I got in this order

>8 of cups, lovers, king of pentacles,5 of pentacles, strength, 2 of cups, ace of pents, 3 of wands.

We haven't been talking a lot recently but do a little and we have a history.

Starting yours
Then what
Assuming everything goes according to plan (which it rarely ever does btw) you are bound to date and have rose coloured glasses for your relationship for some time. The read ends with the relationship looking for the coming future for what is going to continue happening or the coming future.
>tdlr: Good omen
Hanged man,4 of Cups Rx, Page of Swords, Page of Pentacles, World

Yes, they do or did not so long ago. Despite feeling some sort of completion of the cycle here, they did or do check on you occasionally. However, I feel like they're more focused on building new paths for them, they check on our out of curiosity and not obsession.
What do I look like? What does my SO look like?
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Sure as long as it’s not occult
NTA but this pull looks a bit weird. If this is purely chronological, it seems off. If there's a spread you're using, please clarify it.
king of swords, high preistess, the fool

you have to jump into it and trust your intuition and vision. you know what to sell and you have already had some ideas in the past. you just need to focus and carefully plan everything.

20s apparently (voices). i'm seeing reselling objects and then also crafting and selling objects, but it might not be physical crafts, im getting something about digital products. etsy came to mind. now im thinking of selling spiritual services or something.
are you blonde and female? and does your so brown hair with a beard? i don’t think i have any information beyond that, and i hope i’m at least correct about the genders lmao
Only occult thing I do is tarot. I can also read for you.

Give me good news about love please. I am a male. :)
I'm male, shaved head and beard. She is dirty blonde.
yeah thanks out of all the readers i asked these j questions yours seem to be the most realistic. sorry, one more, im willing to trade,

will he do something bad to me in the future if my name gets published in public records?
>3 of wands, ace of wands, 9 of cups

Well it looks like it but it's for the better, your using the time you were playing video games to move forward and make things happen in your life that will lead to stability and comfort. Your going to use this time wisely and succeed rather than gaming all day.
Lol im not a guy, somewhat correct with the tannish skin and longish hair. But no hair in front of my face, it’s in a bun.
at least i was right somewhere LMAO
what is your hair color then? when it grows out i mean
Whats off about it?

It is chronological is the idea
Where did I just smoke?
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I promise only news good or bad.
Queen of pentacles
Nine of Wands
A rich woman (think well put together if nothing else), in your present or near future. At you ready for her? She’s going to be difficult
Two of pentacles
Two of swords
She’s the beginning of something more, depends if you choose the right path for yourself without the input of no one else.
ahh okay
maybe too vague, but by a building? with a street in front? or some sort of road
Pretty close. I was on the balcony and there was a narrow street in front.
Brown, though my beard has patches of red. My body hair is brown but looks blondish in certain light.
>Where did I just smoke?
Outside on balcony.
>She’s going to be difficult
I wouldn't expect anything else :D
>in your present
She is not here.

>yourself without the input of no one else.
Ok I will not ask this again to anyone.

Thank you very much.
8 of Swords Rx, Page of Pentacles, Page of Cups rx, King of Cups, Sun Rx

Hm... If your name gets published on a public record, could J somehow milk money out of you or do anything along those lines? I'm not getting anything evil or hurtful, but I'm getting some money or trampoline vibe out of this. If J can find an opportunity to grow on our expense you can be sure he will take the shot.
Can you give me a financial outlook for the next 30 days?

Hm.. I did think about drop shipping in the past but I gave up on the idea. I will need to meditate and come up with something quickly.
Do you have a throw away email?
Scrying for the next 45 mins
>post your gender and the gender of the person you are asking about
>no generals, no occult queries
Next gf /bf queries may be skipped or if you ask me stupid bs like a feels query
Will I have an opportunity for my connection with HB to be reinforced soon?
I didn't get this out before you revealed.
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Feedback appreciated
Good lu k
Could I ask for a next job read Maya?
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Scry my plant
The one on my left
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Five of pents
Two of swords
Not what you want ideally but it’ll do
Will I make a living off passive income if I keep going as I am?
Thank you ! Will give feedback when I get the thing
Its leaves are a deep shade of green and it has either purple or pinkish flowers or little things coming off of it. Its kinda tall too
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Deep green vine, hanging from the roof no flowers
oh interesting

i’m still wrong but wasn’t all that wrong then LMAO
Are you reading currently Maya?
<3 I hope you get something better t b h
Coolbeans. I knew it wasn't low on the ground somehow
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Depends of the q
It seems logically inconsistent. I'll tell you what it says directly, and then you'll see what I mean.

8C to Lovers suggests you split up or part ways, but then you have a passionate encounter that leads into a serious relationship. Then you become financially stable, then you lose your money, and she is comforting to you (ie, supports you when you're broke), then you start the beginning stages of a romance (you're already together wut), then start a financial venture, then plan for the future.

The reason I say this is weird is because you seem to backtrack a lot, or else do things out of order in this spread. Though honestly the biggest red flag for this speed should be that she becomes more attracted to you after your financial situation collapses. I'm not saying that this is for sure a bad pull, just saying it looks kind of weird. I've had plenty of weird but accurate pulls before, though I use spreads that allow me to check for consistency. I'd say get a reading on this from a reader you trust, then compare results. Reading for yourself is always tricky.
f asking about m
what does kb look like?
I don't want to do it until you are announcing free reads (I feel like my query is lame)
I'm male, looking for the best way to improve my income/finances right now.
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Fine just for you what’s your lame q
If it’s occult I’m out of service tho
Thank you again You to
How will I look with long hair? Scyer here you asked about plant
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You win some you lose some
Cool skill
Ah see I’m biased because I love when people with decent hair thickness have long hair
I’m biased or you’d look amazing.
If N has saw me recently (or if he ever were to) how does/would he feel about it?
AQ: Should I throw away this thing?
Young. Dark hair kinda medium or short length. Thin. Not the most attractive man (too effeminate for that) he looks like a twink or fairy. Would become someone's bitch in jail. Can't fight out of a wet paper bag has arms so scrawny they look like tree branch
Sweet, thanks cool cat. I do have lots of volume/thinkness
That makes sense, thanks anon.
I don't wanna be that guy but will I meet a cool woman I connect with soon? It's been a while since I really connected with someone on a romantic level.
im so sorry my stomachs in a pit. i have a throwaway discord (throwawaydivanon11)
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Ah. love troubles.
I’m rusty with the what if so forgive me if I’m not a accurate
There’s something to be said about how fun this is. It seems (from the outside) like he has worked on himself and you’ve worked on the connection. There is no physical connection for obvious reasons, but you’d be surprised at how compatible you are with this person (if not romantically). The changes they have made to themselves would drive you to a better place. That change, in itself, wouldn’t be comfortable, and you wouldn’t get the best reward, but go see them if you want them to push you into a better version of yourself.
N is a force of nature right now.

>Lovers, Ace of Wands, Page of cups, Hiero, Mag, Chariot, Strength

I know you asked how he’d see you but my cards chose to show how he’d affect you.

Not taking more freebies atm I should be productive, might lurk
>AQ: Should I throw away this thing?
Ace of Cups. It may be troubling, but yes.
dem digits
ahh should clarified face wise because i’ve already seen his build, yeah he’s thin but it’s also kinda sleeper build-esque. i think you’re right about his arms though
im male, the question is: what i must do to successfuly induce astral projection?
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Sorry ask me later
Whats your tag?
Readers like triples digits I see
>Ace of Cups. It may be troubling, but yes.
No, it won't. I'm happy I could buy it but now it's kinda of a trouble
That's really wonderful Maya thank you, I did not expect a read like this.
I do also believe he is working on himself as a person (I can feel it also).
You are correct about the state of the connection too
If you want to take a crack at our body types, I'll give you feedback.
V (male) asking about female (M.A.)
Should i go back to M. A.? Will we reunite?
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> I do also believe he is working on himself as a person (I can feel it also)
> You are correct about the state of the connection too
Thanks for your feedback <3
> I did not expect a read like this.
I usually go for shorter reads need to up my game desu
<3 come back anytime
When I try add they ask for a four digit tag, thats the 4 numbers after your username #----
you havent updated discord? idk then, sorry. im having a panic attack rn i cant focus for readings.
Don't worry! I got your DISC saved and I will try to reach out to you later.
Go take care of yourself, mate.
male asking about female
Will C come back to me or not? If so when?
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I have 2 queries if that's ok.
Male, asking about fem. Should I open up about my practice with her? She seems to me honest and invested, but sounds just like some silly wicca type. Can we trust each other?
Last but not least: ended up spilling my spaghetti and talking about spirituality on college yesterday. I was recognized as a minor tulku as a kid but I'll rather just see myself as some latino sperg. But those folks seemed to engage on it. Will I get back on track with the dharma and have a healthy youth experience for real this time? Feeling content.
Actually this is taking forever to load so
Taking reads for pics of the goat Walter Mercado
1 card no explanation no refund
i feel like you have a rectangular, medium sized build, 5’10-5’11, basically like this? and for your so, is she short? i feel like i’m really off lmao
I’ll trade you for one of these
That's pathetic and I won't answer you.
Trust is built over time. Its up to you to open up to her or not. I can't decide that for you.
Your experiences are affected by the past and the future simultaneously. You choose to rest in dharma unless you engage in habits which have consequences
Show bobs and vegana.
Will I visit that country this summer?
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>bobs and vegana

Vegan bobs burgers is all I got
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Future bf when?
Lmao you’re Puerto Rican Maya?
what do you mean?
If I do what my parents(M,F) wanted me to do in order to become independent (getting a part-time job, take driving classes), will they trust me more as an individual?
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Could you please scry how I look like?
Queen of pents
Nah I saw the Netflix docu and loved him,
I’m really into flamenco music so I went on a deep dive on him.
Temperance r
Nice, thanks
i’m not good at this at all btw, i’m practicing ><
dark brown wavy hair, warm tan skin like an italian’s? idk any other way to describe it lmao, big eyes? fairly high contrast in your face??
Understandable, I’ve been a feeling off lately
Hey Maya can you help me out with a doubt about divination, got discord?
That's actually sound advice.
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>dark brown wavy hair
Yes naturally not rn though
>warm tan skin like an italian’s?
I’m pale but my undertone isn’t pink so 0.5 points there
>idk any other way to describe it lmao, big eyes?
I wish they are average
>fairly high contrast in your face??
Keep practicing you are the only person that’s gotten me this right
Can you describe me? If you want to
I'm female
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Will I make a lot of money with this job?
I'm 6'3, fluctuate around 220lbs. Gym rat, but endomorph, kind of bearmode adjacent. She's 5'6 and about 110lbs. We look like one of those Slavic couple memes.
ATM I’m not on disc, the guys are the discord server (idk which one is active atm) are 10000x more skilled than me.
You could also ask Meryl Poshita LSL Poncho OldHelp or any reader active in this threads.
The ones I mentioned are accurate readers and far more experienced than myself.
Sorry I can’t help
Wait describe me too! I’m female
I remember Poshita did an intuition reading on me, and she got my appearance right. That was so scary
7 of swords r
ooh okay, glad to know i wasn’t super off :3
She’s skilled and so is her partner.
I personally don’t scry, there’s also darlingweeb she’s amazing and super nice too.
LSL mentioned she checks for her name and she’s really good at occult stuff ~ some readers have specific skillsets divination isn’t a one size fits all there’s also AU ? I think? Haven’t seen him in a while and rune anon.
Evens and I will cum in her ass
Well, can you tell show me something unexpected but consequential that is ought to happen in my life on 2025?
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And I’m out
RIP the goat
ummm lightish brown hair? medium length, blunt cut? average height??
i knew i was really off LMAOO, but i originally did think this.. odd
Every time you ejaculate, take zinc also less carbs more meat/vegetables.
weird but are you like spanish or anything? like from spain or have any spanish ancestry anywhere
my brain is like, not here rn so this might be wrong but i feel like you look like what i described for maya >>38444319 here???
If you have a family member that has passed away in the past you will visit their grave summer of 25' and will get nostalgic and sad. If no one has died then someone from your circle is about to pass away and you will cry and be sad when you bury them. You bury them a summer day with greyish white skyes and spend the rest of the day sad
You may try to describe me :)
I'm male
No shame at all, scrying appearance can be tricky. I haven't done it in years, but you've inspired me to practice again, might do that in the near future.

My typical meal is chicken and veggies/beans/peanuts. I generally have a low-carb diet during the week, but I often eat like trash on weekends. I'm trying to be better about it, but I didn't care so much when I was chasing some 1RM goals. I don't know what the zinc is for, but thanks.
Dark brown hair, long, not blunt cut, short (5'2)
Yes they will. But its essential you do this so you grow into a functional fully grown adult
Zinc is for testosterone. Every time you ejaculate you deplete zinc and therefore testosterone. Might benefit from iron supplementation as well.

Do you get chapped lips regularly?
The zinc is useless unless you are over 25 years old. If you are younger than 25 you dont need it
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How will the rest of the year go for me?
That's too general. I MENTIONED IT. Choose a precise Q
wrong. Every living creature needs zinc you retard.
How will the rest of the year go for me?
Get a clue fucktard. Your body produces zinc before 25. It only depletes once your brain is fully formed. Go read some science facts moron.
I’ll pay you in memes or a card trade for lenormand
Dem digits over zinc jizz never change div lmaooo wtf
Yeah, sorry....
Will I manage to make a lot of money with this job I got?
Ooo, I’m mixed with filipino but I don’t have Spanish ancestry. I do have dark brown hair but it’s a mixed between curly and wavy. I do have big eyes but it’s Asian looking. I feel like I’m low contrast maybe
Was I wearing black or red?
Okay then, can you tell me about some important event that will happen in my life this year?
3 of swords, ace of cups, 6 of swords
Sadly, it seems like no, she seems to jave recovered of some kind of loss at the moment and just keeping flowing with her life. Sorry man, maybe she needed to overcome sadness and it is a good thing someone we care finally are feeling better too
Male age 19, call me S
What was the meaning of that dream I just had?
do you wear glasses? i’m getting patchy-ish facial hair, round face??

yeah it is quite tricky ><

yikesss im off :$
gosh at first i was guessing you were asian, ahhh i keep self doubting LMAO
Its a young zoomer man with curly long broccoli haircut with a shaved face except he leaves a bit of his lower chin unshaven. He seems arab or perhaps greek or italian/portuguese one of the ppl who come from that part of the world. He's slightly tanned and around 5'10-6'0. Very very skinny like 140 lbs. He isn't super handsome he looks like your typical ahmed. Fyi soulmates dont mean you are meant to date them
Page of cups, 3 of pentacles, queen of wands
They can come back to you, but seems like you need help of a third influence, it could be hm with the help of female friend or having a bridge theme with something they may beb interested and passionate about
>do you wear glasses
>round face
sorta? anything else you got? :)
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> arab
> tall ish
> 140 soaking wet
Time to commit sudoku
Nice digits. I'm definitely over 25, so this applies to me.

Will look into it, thanks.
>Do you get chapped lips regularly?
I do. It used to be really bad when I was younger, and it's not nearly as bad anymore, but it still happens.
Ahh keep practicing !
Yeah you'll make quite a bit. In the multiple 4 digits. I dont think you'll make it past the 6 months mark
Seems like white with black or black. Didnt see red
You might get some dreams that may seem prophetic. You might see a figurehead or hear about a spiritual leader. You might even connect with mesoamerican dieties and dream of them.
How does he feel about r?
Thanks, they have bad anxiety and paranoid about me going out.
umm you have a bit of a bigger build? like bear like
>I don't think you'll make it past the 6 months mark
Sorry, I'm slow, do you mean I will leave this job after 6 month or less?
can someone please read me this was really important
Remind them that you have free will and they cannot keep you trapped
Yes or you'll get fired :)
Try posting it with AQ at the beginning of the post, and don't reply to anything. No guarantees, but some readers do them when bored. If no one replies here, try the next thread.
The body does not produce a mineral you fucking idiot.
Was was dream
lol, not sure about that one
Imagine Austin Bautler's Feyd-Rautha with a little bit broader chest and non-white facial features....That's me:ъ
cite your sources professor.
Food does retard which gets converted inside your body. Holy fuck you're an idiot
based pectus haver
ahh okayy, ty for telling me!!
you might be anemic if you're still getting chapped lips. Anemia can be caused by low iron, low V vitamin complex, low vitamin C, just something to keep in mind. Me personally, when I started taking an iron supplement regularly, my chapped lips finally went away along with a bunch of other issues like digestive problems, etc.
My mom literally called the campus cops on me when I was at an university orientation because she thought something happened to me. But just my phone died LMAO.
Oh, ok, as long as I make enough money here that's fine with me. I didn't plan to stay here for a long time anyway
still taking queries?
L (female) wants to ask me something. what is it? I didn't answer because this probably will get me in trouble but I'm curious
This is true, food can and should have this mineral. However most people today do not eat the way they did 200 years ago, let alone the way prehistoric humans eat. Food is highly processed and most crops are nutrient deficient. Crops today have only a 1/4 of the minerals they had back in the 1960s. Op can take my advice and see for himself if it makes any difference.
would also love a soulmate read pls! im female and bi
Understand, it wasnt a query but Ill ask them
More about the theory, is it bad or dangerous to your intent to ask others?
A lucid nightmare with many layers. Sexual themes and eldritch imagery.
I want a soulmate reading too, F.
Describe it wtf. You know what nvm. You lost your chance
Will I manage to enter masters degree this year?
Ohs shut the fuck up shitbag
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I’m tired of the shit throwing so here’s this for you both.

Zinc should be (mostly) only supplemented if there’s iron deficiency, absorbing zinc by itself is usually rejected by the body.

High zinc intakes (if taken for no fucking reason like because you got told by the frogs are gay dude to take it) can cause nausea, dizziness, headaches, gastric distress, vomiting, and loss of appetite

> M-S, Aydemir TB. Zinc. In: Marriott BP, Birt DF, Stallings VA, Yates AA, eds. Present Knowledge in Nutrition. 11th ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell; 2020:393-408.

>King JC, Cousins RJ. Zinc. In: Ross AC, Caballero B, Cousins RJ, Tucker KL, Ziegler TR, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 11th ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2014:189-205.

If used for weeks, doses of 50 mg zinc or more—typically from ***supplements**or excessive use of denture adhesive creams that contain zinc—can interfere with copper absorption (which can cause low copper status), reduce immune function, and lower HDL cholesterol levels.

In short stop shilling random shit in a basket weaving forum when over supplementation of it will fuck your gastric system you dumb fucks.

Did D spread my nudes around?
I'm a girl too
>Into the trash it goes
A white skinned male average height (5'7-5'9) with short brown hair he is a zoomer and young. He is same height or slightly taller than you. You two will date if you haven't already. He is young and thus not built or fat...yet
Trading two queries...

Did D spread my nudes around?

Did J share my doxx?
Your information while accurately citing sources doesn't suggest anywhere that it's problematic to take zinc supplements.

You're probably unaware of this but zinc should never be taken without food and all the symptoms you're attributing to zinc are what happens when you take zinc on an empty stomach. You seemingly erroneously conclude that the negative side effects of zinc are due to excess consumption of zinc (exceeding dietary needs) rather than a common side effect of the supplement itself especially when taken on an empty stomach.

It's true that excess zinc can be bad for copper absorption. Every mineral has the potential to reduce absorption of another mineral but they're all necessary.
Dumb query. Ask them. Waste of time asking this
Soulmate read? Female. Curious if it's someone I know lol.
Sound cute, hopefully he’s not the same height as me lol.
Good to know, might get some blood work done before I start taking anything. No issues so far, and I have just been taking Vitamin D because I work indoors. There's a doctor at my gym who goes at the same time as me, I'll ask the next time I see her. I'll see if I can schedule some blood work. The last blood work I got done was a bit over a year ago (just tested for organ function, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc), and I was in perfect health, but it's not a bad idea to get checked again.
nah, it's a bad idea to get involved with her even if it's just a message. but like i said, i was just curious
>into the trash it goes
what's your issue
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> Your information while accurately citing sources doesn't suggest anywhere that it's problematic to take zinc supplements.

I’m not even gonna ask if you read it, if you had you’d see the direct quote.

>It's true that excess zinc can be bad for copper absorption. Every mineral has the potential to reduce absorption of another mineral but they're all necessary.

The link I posted has specifics on why over supplementation should be avoided

> You seemingly erroneously conclude that the negative side effects of zinc are due to excess consumption of zinc (exceeding dietary needs) rather than a common side effect of the supplement itself especially when taken on an empty stomach.

I’m not even gonna go there.

My last response on this subject: recommending supplementation without a blood panel is irresponsible. Promoting it as a cure-all, like the latest trend, can cause harm. People may wrongly believe they can get better healthcare advice here than from a trained professional.

Get a blood test before making any decisions. If you don’t trust your doctor, advocate for a second opinion. Don’t risk damaging your gastric system based on unverified advice.

I’m going to go outside and touch fucking grass, you are all (hopefully) adults so it’s none of my business anyway.
Rest of July gen?
Yes he did. They were on Pornhub
:P show me?
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Air query
Are my own reads (Bibliomancy + Tarot) accurate? To what level?
Any romance in August?
I'm male
He’s probably a Christcuck or a moralfag Nazis wannabe
I'm not going to disagree on getting a blood test because more information is better but given the guy's symptoms and it's a small risk to take a zinc supplement, I see no issue with making the recommendation. Far more people are minerally deficient than not. Also if OP is watching his health as closely as I would, he can continually monitor his symptoms to see if he's getting adverse reactions.

I just think you're grossly exaggerating the effects of a zinc supplement and given the guy's size, there is small chance of it adversely affecting him (assuming he eats food with the supplement).
did d share my nudes or delete them like he said?

lovers, six of pents, queen of swords

yes you will have a new girl come in from the internet
Its funny to run into my initial in the wild
As to your spread
>8 of wands rev
>9 of wands
I don't think he did. Maybe it didn't cross his mind. He's against the idea due to some personal reason. I think he likes they're his and uses them for private use lol
thanks ^_^

Can I ask another? Is D still in contact with anyone from the group we met at?

Can I trade you what that chick looks like?
wheel of fortune, eight of pentacles, page of swords

generally shortlived. immediately scrying brunette wavy hair with pale skin.
>Ace of cups
>4 of wands
>knight of swords
Yeah he is. Likely a few of them and he's pretty close with them. Mostly male people since that knight of swords gives me strong male smacktalking if you catch me. You can likely sus out who it is
What does that have to do with appearance?
Yes, he shared my nudes with them, he 100% did. There's no way he didn't. oh well.

like your relationship will be shortlived.

Can I ask another, does j share my doxx? does d have my doxx and did he get it from j?
music shufflemancy. would also love someone to scry my soulmate. I'm bisexual.

>Well I'm afraid that I, I lost myself
Where should I move or will move (soonish)?
General reading
I'm going to trade
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Even low doses of zinc can irritate the stomach lining, causing nausea and discomfort (yes even with food). Zinc influences immune function, and improper levels can exacerbate conditions like autoimmune diseases. It competes with copper for absorption, and even small doses can disrupt this balance, potentially leading to deficiencies or exacerbating conditions like Wilson’s disease. Kidney issues can affect zinc metabolism, leading to toxicity even at lower doses. Individual health conditions and body responses play a crucial role in how supplements affect overall well-being, regardless of weight.

> but the dude is big

So? Even if he is big and has a history of Wilson’s disease and it’s dormant, you still messed up. Stop promoting zinc online like you own stocks in it. If he drinks heavily (something you wouldn't know because you aren’t his doctor), he's also at risk. A higher BMI isn’t a safeguard against imbalances if anything, he could be at greater risk depending on his genetic disposition.

> but given the guy's symptoms

My brother in Christ I know you have an internet given degree on medicine but his symptoms mean he needs a fucking blood test.

> I just think you're grossly exaggerating

Nah I just hate shilling anything that could cause lasting damage if given to the wrong person and have a vendetta over cure alls. Nothing personal with you tho, you probably think you are helping and mean well.

I got schizo over this so I’m gonna go cleanse and have a cancer stick like the hypocrite I am.
Next gf
Who’s my soulmate ?
Is D a criminal?
Does S regret what happened?
>scry soulmate
I gotchu...gimme 5 mins
My Q is should I bring A a gift next time I see her? I don't want to over give or come across like some simp
Odds and I will cum in her pussy soon
I have no idea, zero clue. He can get drugs fairly easily but he told me he did construction.
You are a simp and a pussy
Fellas is it gay to make a girl happy?
Construction is good. Like a construction worker or more an engineer or architect or real estate tycoon? Does he have a nice glistening body working on construction sites?
Honestly he did not have a construction worker body LOLOL he did like drywall or flooring or some shit >_> anywayyy

does he have my doxx?
Give me a next bf
> im bisexual but good luck babe is about me :(
Will I have a relationship with her?
nvm i just remembered, it was like installing windows ? im pretty sure
Wrong faggot the only pussy here is you and id never simp over anyone. Go fap to taylor swift
nigeria? anywhere you can get peace. check which planet in your birth chart is in cancer or leo, then run it through this https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/astrocartography-online-astro-map-relocation

you're approaching a change. happy hurricane season. you are ascending to a greater sense of self and taking your traditions with you, maybe themes of you ages 14/15 are coming up again. I associate this song with Italy and Greece.

an 80s/90s baby. saxophonist?

she likes to wear pink. chubby cheeks. blonde? all she cares about is being number one.

im sorry probably not

this is so sweet! I'd love some context to better help you
it's looking good

sorry anon yours is >035
so no trade for >>38444964
Of course you simp, asshole. Suck a dick. You talk shit about everybody. If ever posted about Taylor Swift, it was because everybody likes her which doesn’t mean that one faps to her
Will move out soon, talking with a weird girl, getting my shit together. Feelin' fine. Can I allow myself to?
Finally, I’ve been feeling lost lately about myself lol
Are you D the window installer is that why you're avoiding me?
now kiss, div boys.
I'm the dude in question. I'm finding your debate interesting and educational. I'm open to researching things, but I'm generally in favor of minimal supplementation. Like I said, I only take Vit D. I don't even take painkillers when I get migraines. I have some research to do and some doctors to talk to, thanks. I can give either/both of you a reading in like four hours, if you all are interested.

Rather than reading for you, I'll suggest you do test queries with both methods individually until you have consistency. If you're combining methods, have a clear idea of what shortcomings of each method you're trying to address with the other method. You should also try to read for experienced readers who can give you good feedback. Ask for critique of your interpretations. I tend to reply to a lot of requests for help interpreting a spread, and I'm happy to critique interpretations.
>teach a man to fish
No sorry I get right down to if
Star, vII of Pents, Ace of Pents

Yes he has your doxx and is happy about it, he feels that it is an accomplishment that could possibly be used to his advantage
Interesting, I have a different read about a soulmate but it’s completely different. There could be more than one soulmate?
sometimes you have to be a good luck babe to become a feminomenon and eventually red wine supernova
football player or /div/ bf I guess

>the star card
ask again later sorry anon

dont call her weird baka
based gymbro window installer, hope he blackmails your sorry arse, silly girl.
Your soulmate: its a white girl with dyed hair either blue or purple. She has bright blue eyes and is pale skinned. She is short and a bit pudgy, not overweight but she's got a bit of flab over her. She is sort of cute and reminds me of the magician girl in Berserk.
what was the read?
Does S(female) wants a relationship with me?

Also I have a song for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4v_WPDSXP4
what does k feel of N?
She is uncertain about it? The star cards means there's hope here, right?
I have no words except my life is just a downwards spiral
What does m(m) think of r(f)
Is r rumi?
it could be any beachy place where the culture is different from yours
Care to read regarding advice for me?
yeah yeah
gonna cry?

You are wrong about her so it doesn’t resonate. She has brown hair, never wears pink and no chubby cheeks
Hey, I’d like to clarify that I’m not against supplementation at all, especially if it’s something you actually need. Zinc is tricky because of the hook needed for absorption, as well as the issues most people ignore and experience when supplementing it.

Are you supplementing vitamin D with a hook? By itself, there’s little to no absorption (I’d cite sources, but I can’t be bothered if unsure I can link you later).

> I don't even take painkillers when I get migraines.

Acupuncture and dry needling my neck after gym made a massive difference for me. Just go to someone good.

> I can give either/both of you a reading in like four hours, if you all are interested.

That would be super nice, thank you.
Whatever you feel like reading or whatever your cards show you about me.
definitely, dont become insecure


sorry I didn't know which gender youre into
I got eight of pentacles which is a man with short hair, dark ginger. zoomed makes sense
Lol who is rumi? no, is that a girl u know
Odds and I will cum in her pussy
> football player
Next gf? Or whats my type?
you're incredibly rude and will suffer for judging people harshly without knowing their stories first.
Don’t listen to him. He is evil
I was your reader. He is an incel
Oh that’s cool, if I was a lesbian or bi that’s what I’ll be into lol
Can I get a reading on her?
How do I work on my manifestation? I know manifesting is real but I tried it out and had a deadline on it but nothing came into fruition.
Fuck off incel
Will i fix my sex life with M.?
Iris do you have a discord? Do you do paid chart readings?
damn, I'm just teasing :( genuinely hope this photo ordeal of yours won't end up anywhere
Need a reading?
Is D going to blackmail me? Where did D get my info from?

Ask 2
Is M (female) dtf? Could we have sex and be cool about it or would it ruin or relationship?
NTA but are you okay?
Are you in a western country?
There’s laws almost everywhere regarding revenge porn.
Do you need a hand researching ?
>Will D blackmail
8 of Swords Wheel of Fortune The World, Page of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, 5 of Swords
Personally, they’d rather not but I’m getting there’s some external pressure getting them to act, assuming this is a coworker I think they see you as a way of climbing up the corporate ladder, like blackmailing you will get them towards somewhere they’d like to be, personally I think they could be talked down out of it since they don’t seem that invested in bringing you down, they saw an opportunity and they took it, they don’t have anything against you personally

>where did they get the info
Queen of Cups, The Devil, 8 of Pentacles
An ex girlfriend or partner or a woman in general that dislikes you as well told them
yeah but the laws don't really apply to me, he's whiter than me, and i'm poor and schizophrenic. even one of his friends said "nobody will believe you". :( im in a western country but the legal aid for poors here is absolute shit.
knight of swords, three of pentacles, the star
it seems she could be coerced (i wouldnt reccomend this at all) but shes wary of it and will actively fight you not to get bedded
nice trip
wow so it was fake friends this whole time? theyre not someone from work theyre someone from discord >_>
Costco woman I am here
are anons listening to the songs? listen to the songs, please, that's how the read works. any lyric can be a clue.

are you an age gap? just curious
>page of swords
yes! thank you for the song

yearns for N yet can't achieve the goal

they know it's over
>knight of pentacles - "patient, allows plans to blossom in time, determined"

let loose......and be very careful

your type is calm hippie/techno women who've been through a lot. alternatively Julien baker likes this band look her up if you'd like. emphasis on probably has a record collection. motherly figure? Indian? spiritual?

vivacious, independent, chip on her shoulder. lawyer? five of swords. a little hipster

hell yeah

yes pls
You like horse cock?
Nice digits
Yeah, I'm older, she is 21 I'm 28
kill yourself
She looks adorable, thanks
That other guy wasnt me
Is that the movie about the sisters?
I’ll find some advocacy groups you can contact if you want.
> even one of his friends said "nobody will believe you"

HIS friend.
Not yours
Not me
Not anyone that gives a fuck about you getting help.
HIS friend.
There’s options depending of your country, do you have any documentation of him threatening this?
Texts even if deleted by him?
haha kind of
hi Maya, wanna trade?
I’m lurking and being a general annoyance atm.
Maybe later if I’m around tonight
he said he wouldnt but he said he deleted them but then i got him to admit he kept them, so obviously hed share them
What does she think of me? You?
so obviously hed share them
You have a case if he threatens you and you record it or the photos are shared anywhere
should I wait until she's at work or message her today?
starting yours
ok thanks
doing a couple of queries
>initial (s)

no general, vague, occult, health related queries
Lovers, V of Wands, Star

You should message her today and she will clearly love your message and be very happy about it. However, if you mess up the way you word your message you may create some unnecessary tensions. If this doesn’t happen however, a very good outcome
S, T
text, whatsapp or in person?
m, asking for T
what would be a good idea to study right now?
What does S (f) think of me?
sorry just m I changed my query
Is the Russian guy worth talking to?
Will F receive anything during the saturn retrograde for what they did to me?
What do you need?
How will my life change after I release this game?
T is the other person right?

>the fool, queen of cups, 9 of cups
T would like more to do it in person for sure
Trading dark occult
>6 of wands, 7 of pents, 3 of swords
there's a sense of feeling good for a time, and even in some moments, but there will be some others where behind the surface of being fine, it will appear the memories where some path could have been better, but too late now.
thank you

>9 of swords
>ace of wands
>4 of cups

it's kinda strange, she clearly thinks well of you(ace of wands), but that 4 of cups I can't put my finger on it, either her interest is wearing of or you have a side she's not happy with
how does M feel about R?
Have you got my read?
does k love n?

Any love soon?
will i get my wishes?
it's here
but wait a minute I wanna clarify that 4 of cups
>7 of cups, 8 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles
they feel that r is a good option to have something else?, or that things can work out if they put effort, but for some reason, they are feeling either lazy or they don't want to put much effort on concreting thing with r atm
should i get 1 or 2?
Him A
Me L
>7 of wands, ace of cups, 3 of pentacles
hm not love yet, but the traces for it, k is still a bit conflicted about their idea of love and so, and is probably trying to see or gather information about how love should feel, or how it should bloom. Still a bit lost about his feelings but the seed is there for sure.
Will I manage to start master's degree this year?
>is her interest in anon waning?
wheel of fortune, knight of cups, 2 of swords R

that's clearly a no, so there's a side of you that's clearly bothering her, you should comunicate more

will my girlfriend and I have a healthy conversation and successfully set up boundaries
what does u think of s?
>queen of wands, 6 of pentacles, death
yeah, there's love, but hm seems a bit short, like some months. Hm try to be carefull wth your mental state while on it too, this could be something that can drain the connection

>page of wands, queen of pentacles, 10 of swords
most of them yeah, and there will be other that will be changed by something else and no longer will be wishes of your present

that's 2 queries, I'll do for number 1

>page of cups, king of cups, page of wands
seems like number one will ,ake you feel satisfied

>9 of cups, 3 of pentacles, 8 of pentalces
yeah, but it could be not in romance way, but seems like it can be of help for something that you may need at some point, so it's good if you keep a detatched but cordial or friedly relation
if you can do this one?

me S
her O
thank you so much anon
i appreciate it
can you tell me how popular it will be if you're alright with a followup? not expecting extreme popularity but i hope it will at least help to get my name out there in the way that i want.
Is R using DARVO and claiming my victim experiences as his own or am I crazy?
! ! ! T R A D I N G ! ! !
>queen of cups, death, 3 of pentacles
yeah, but it is adviced that you look help to finish some stuff you are still dealing with?, it will go well even if you don't finish them, but seems like that would help you somehow

>8 of swords, death, 9 of wands
seems they perceive her like someone that could be a blocked mind or struggles with it, also could mean they sense this person is in a moment where they aren't having project or anything, and again, someone a bit conflicted at this point of their life.
How does PI feel of IB
What did P think of M?
What does S think of me?
A asking for C and C
Will my brothers ever apologize and talk to each other again?
What is a good career path for me?
what would be a good idea to study right now?
q? mine is, will my online activity come back to bite me in the ass?
>38445788 (You)
Aren't you talking about financial help by any chance?
well, I messaged her, how will it turn out?
starting yours
M 28 AQ

4 months now since the breakup with my ex of 6 years, I've been floating for a bit in life, found a friendwithbenefits which is nice, I tried to date her but my heart doesnt have capacity for a relationship yet, so it's a good deal. anyway. I'm just bored. I dont have a steering yet I feel. Shall I trust the universe to take the wheel or am I supposed to do something? I still feel a bit lost.
Thank you
aq who is rumi?
When will I meet my soulmate?
"Even low doses of zinc can irritate the stomach lining, causing nausea and discomfort (yes even with food). Zinc influences immune function, and improper levels can exacerbate conditions like autoimmune diseases. It competes with copper for absorption, and even small doses can disrupt this balance, potentially leading to deficiencies or exacerbating conditions like Wilson’s disease. Kidney issues can affect zinc metabolism, leading to toxicity even at lower doses. Individual health conditions and body responses play a crucial role in how supplements affect overall well-being, regardless of weight."

All true except you're grossly exaggerating the likelihood and severity of taking too much zinc. There is a far better chance the guy is deficient than anything else.

Wilson's disease is a rare genetic disease that causes a build up of copper in the organs to unsafe levels, why bring that up? Also if the guy is taking too much zinc, he's actually going to help his Wilson's disease since it would (potentially) inhibit copper absorption. I don't believe Wilson's disease can be dormant as it's a genetic condition but I don't know enough and it was odd you'd bring it up since it would help my argument.

>My brother in Christ I know you have an internet given degree on medicine but his symptoms mean he needs a fucking blood test.

Let him get a blood test. He can do one before zinc supplementation and one after a few months of it and you'll see he'll be in the safe range. Nobody is suggesting he take crazy dosages of zinc but it feels like you're anti-zinc or at best just overly paranoid about any supplementation.
I just went shopping about an hour ago at costco. Enjoyed the hot dog and drink combo.
D asking about J

Should he get a pickup truck or van?
Hybrid, EV or Gasser?
Now or wait?
waiting on you
5 of Pentacles Rx, 3 of Swords, Devil Rx, Star Rx, Lovers
I can't tell you 'what' but I can tr to shed some light on your path. This is either something you have studied before or something you thought about studying. You're probably going to fell bad for the very first months or semester but you will eventually find some peace and enjoyment on this field.
It may or may not have something to do with drawing or big projects and you'd work in a group or at least exchange some ideas with people about it.
doing this again ><
Is it still $1.50? I used to take a girlfriend I had when I was 18 lol
thank you!

>Wilson’s disease is a rare genetic condition that causes a buildup of copper in the organs to unsafe levels.

Mild cases of Wilson’s disease, which are more common than the severe forms, may present with less dramatic symptoms and can be harder to diagnose. These cases still involve abnormal copper metabolism, but the symptoms can be subtle and easily mistaken for other conditions.

The point you’ve missed by a mile is not whether someone could have an issue, but rather that if they do and it’s incorrectly diagnosed by an unqualified individual, the person’s condition could worsen. This is a significant concern, especially if you prioritize being right over the individual’s well-being.

Without being overly dramatic, here’s a more comprehensive list of potential problems:

Lipid imbalance
Immune dysfunction (and its ramifications)
Gastrointestinal distress (in various forms)

I don’t have the patience or the resources to elaborate further right now.

>Nobody is suggesting he take crazy dosages of zinc.

The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for adults is 40 mg per day. Consuming more than this amount can increase the risk of adverse health effects, even with normal kidney function and a perfect diet

No one is perfect.
are the na's in my department at my work going to get laid off?
yes it is!
can u post it next thread and ill reply
Why is L (fem) interested, and what kind of game is she trying to play? I'm AM, a dude.
I'll post after you
I posted it on the next thread, check!!!
Do you know how rare it is? It's 1 in 30,000 people. How often do doctors test for that condition? There are tons of diseases OP could get genetic screening for. I mean if you or OP really are this neurotic, you could easily tally up all the symptoms you have, get genetic testing done, blood panels, etc. and basically spend your entire life at the doctor because you're too afraid to take a supplement. Meanwhile if the guy pigged out on oysters daily you probably wouldn't think twice about it. The guy described himself and his diet and I told him take a zinc supplement, see what happens. Doctors prescribe far more dangerous medications regularly without following up with their patients or even worse prescribing them more medication to alleviate the side effects of said medications when none of the medications were even necessary for the condition the patient had.

>Lipid imbalance
Immune dysfunction (and its ramifications)
Gastrointestinal distress (in various forms)

I don’t have the patience or the resources to elaborate further right now.

>Nobody is suggesting he take crazy dosages of zinc.

>The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for adults is 40 mg per day. Consuming more than this amount can increase the risk of adverse health effects, even with normal kidney function and a perfect diet

Nobody suggested he take that much per day, I said take a zinc supplement which could be literally any amount though in my head I was thinking 25mg which is what I take. Taking Iron and Zinc has had a huge effect on my well being and a doctor did not tell me such things nor suggested it.

Anybody can generate a list of potential side effects from excess consumption of a supplement just like I could generate a list of side effects when deficient in a given nutrient as well. I mean if OP wants to go down the rabbit hole of journaling every single supplement's potential side effects of too much and too little, that's fine with me.
>Are you supplementing vitamin D with a hook?
I'm not sure what you mean by hook. Are you asking me if I'm taking it via infusion? If so, the answer is no. I'm just taking edible vitamins.

>Acupuncture and dry needling my neck after gym
I figured out that it was just not enough fresh air. When the weather improved and I opened my windows more, the migraines stopped. Simple solution, good enough for me.

>Whatever you feel like reading or whatever your cards show you about me.
I'm not fond of doing generals (at least not without a topic), but I can take a crack at it if you like. I think I scried for you in exchange for a recipe before, but it came out weird. I'm waiting on a work thing, then I'll get warmed up and read in this thread or the next.
Trading occult
>5S rev/Emperor
>3S, 10W rev, 5P rev, Strength rev
>7W, QoS, 2W rev, 7P

Lol I’m so bad at generals. Anyway, I’m going to take the core of the cross as defining the theme of this spread. In which case, this has to do with a feeling of defeat and loss or trauma at the hands of a male. On the nose would be daddy issues, since the Emperor is often a father figure, but it could be another authority figure or a male who was “superior” in a relationship. I feel like this will be obvious enough to you, because the spread is consistent: you have 3S on the bottom and 5P rev on the top, indicating that you’re going through it right now. It might feel like mere stagnation in your actions, but your unconscious mind is still processing this, and the things you’re doing to distract yourself are only working on a surface level. 10W rev to the left and Strength rev to the right show that you haven’t quite gotten a reprieve from whatever made you feel overwhelmed and beaten. I mentioned you’re trying to distract yourself, but it’s not really working. The wands in the staff responding to the one in the cross show you jumping back to your feet and trying to run without having stable footing and balance. Your best bet is to find the QoS figure (likely an older woman who has more life experience, especially if she’s gone through what you’ve gone through) and confide in her. She will give you good advice, although it will feel harsh and confronting. It might hurt, but her straightforward nature and words will be good for you. Either way, you should stop trying to pave over the issue with countless plans and distractions. In fact, it seems that you have a number of small goals and plans that won’t come to fruition right now, and you’re likely already aware of this fact. Don’t be afraid to trust this intuition and deal with whatever is bothering you first.

I hope I’m wrong, btw, this is a rough spread.

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