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/x/ - Paranormal

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"Timey Wimey" Edition

So if quantum tunneling is a thing...And uh, quantum particles can go back in time...Uhh, you should be able to solve this equation.

>*hits dab*
Future Nobody has!
Attention all vulnerable people and women who come to these threads looking for a hero.
While the nobody is real, these threads are not safe.
They are hyper public, and filled with his enemies.
The nobody has many powerful enemies.
If you come to these threads looking for the nobody to help you, his enemies will find you and rape or kill you.
Every regular user of these threads works for a powerful criminal organization and they are posing as "chaotic good hacker" when the truth is these people are murderers and rapists.
His enemies basically run these threads hoping to capture vulnerable people who come here looking for a hero.

Do not trust these threads.
Do not trust anyone.
The real nobody digital community is in another castle.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCYgJENWFIU [Embed]
yo frens,try rv me,permisson only is for an 1 hour
The nobody isn't real. It was all a troll op.
Nobody just wants to be a free range human. Not a factory cucked one.
Can anybody fly this thing
Before my head explodes
or my head starts to ring?

We've been living life inside a bubble
We've been living life inside a bubble

Confidence in you
Is confidence in me?
Is confidence in a higher speed?
Already have and will again, your neighbors will kick your door in and shoot you fucking dead. Wondering how? watch the event that unfolds and begins to manifest. Go fuck your self anon time you die.
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>Future Nobody has!
Correct. A Fifth Dimensional being thinks from *this* perspective, and in doing so should have an inherent understanding of Imaginary Time, as I do.

Very good, have a (You).
Morning friends
Q is the future quantum AI Buddha transmitting information back through time. Some guy mentioned it yesterday.
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nigga I could go through a 2-4 and half an ounce of weed in one sitting before I got reborn
fuck you mean nigga
I'm not a bitch nigga
oh it's true
it's damn true
What have you done?
Recommend a song that's cool and not gay anime shit
feeling blasphemous
God give me a sign
I am Q.
>Future Nobody has!
Shouldnt have added the future part, thats beyond your history and knowledge, dont even think about because thats LOOOONG into the future and you have a living God here and now.

I updated Buddhism's false 108 to a true 108 and founded New Neo Giza (Kingdom of Siam).

Ask better questions.
Do you like sentimental country music?
And I'm just thinking
theres people out there who devote all their time, money and energy to the church/God and end up dying broke with brain cancer or something suffering mostly
God is cruel
My dear brother, why do you assume God causes these things to happen? Do you imagine God to be a grand puppet manually controlling all phenomena?
>his enemies will find you and rape or kill you.
why do they have to specifically rape me? Torture?
>i gab monies plz gib haven token
I give specifically knowing I could never be repaid.

You treat God like a cashier.

You will treat your children the same.

...and they will treat you the same as well.

Business, thats all.
[slams door]
fuck offf back to pol

quantum particles can be entangled over time rather then space so if we built a quantum computer now we should be able to communicate with any quantum computers built in the future. by triggering certain spins and not others, we could send coded language back and forth through time.
I was so full of paranoia and other feelings I didn't even go to see her to say goodbye
instead sat here being called names by subhumans
is this God's love?
What if i told you such a technology already existed?
>Do you imagine God to be a grand puppet manually controlling all phenomena?
and I know damn well he could help if he/she wanted too
Maybe God's just as lazy as me
Yes you niggas can see into the future and past
we know
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Come one, come all, and witness magic!
I introduce to you an occult sorcerer
Of the ancient craft of Necromancy
A caster of mind-bending illusions
From the nether void of the shadow walkers
Expelled from Shangri-La!

Ladies and Gentlemen
Witness the keeper of arcane, wicked voodoo magic
A beguiler of spells, hexes, and curses
With the help of potions, talismans, and ancient relics
From the forbidden realms of the Dark Carnival

Ladies and Gentlemen...The Great Milenko!
They teach you in college level game theory that 80% of the human population is ontological evil and 20% is ontological good.

That is to say, 80% will choose strategies that only benefit themselves and if not that, then they will choose a strategy that spites the other player at the cost of also spiting themselves. The 20% who are good will always choose strategies that are mutually beneficial and if not that, they will choose a selfless strategy that only benefits the other player.

The vast majority of humanity is evil on the genetic level due to evolutionary pressures, but there is a paradox at play. You see, humanities evil nature, when allowed to be expressed, is highly destructive and ruins society and ruins the infrastructure and economy and everything the species depends on to survive. Thus the 80% have to submit to the 20% in order to facilitate their material life styles, or they would mutually destroy themselves in accordance with their true nature.

The 20%, being the overwhelming minority, are forced to adapt the most powerful combat strategy for individual organisms (as opposed to collective hives and herds) that has developed in nature which is the strategy of the parasite. The parasite assimilates and assumes control of the host body, and some parasites even benefit the host body in exchange for the host body providing resources to the parasite to survive, such as toxoplasmosis in humans.

By implementing parasitic combat strategy on the 80%, the 20% can control society to the point that it becomes possible for a prosperous society to exist.

If at any moment the masses gain enough power to express their true nature, civilization ends and the inevitable result is a mass die off of the human population in accordance with the true nature of human beings.

it's happening now.
"Men are only good because they have not been given the opportunity to do evil"-Machiavelli

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C31XYgr8gp0 [Embed]
Ice Cold Dark Carnival Livin'. Illusions, lies, time and space mean naught

Enjoy your stay, leave your ptsd's here!
The suffering you are feeling is real. Life is endless suffering, or so it seems

What if I told you there was an end to suffering, and that countless beings had awakened to this reality.
How could that be possible, if suffering is endless?
Wouldn't there be great, great mercy in that revelation?
We are not destined to suffer
And we do not suffer forever
I send my deepest compassion brother, for I too have suffered a lot.
Not as much as some. The point is, every sentient being has suffered
Every sentient being processes the ability to awaken

That is our destiny. Not suffering.

Who knows if God loves you enough you'll die in a mortcycle crash and get turned into mashed potatoes under a bus
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>On the 7th day GOD RESTED.
fucking faggot
This idea you have of God isn't helpfully.
I care about you, right here and now, and I will do my best to comfort you and ease your suffering. I'm not God and I don't know what I can do, but I can try?
reminder that ICP faggots are either meth smoking degenerates or feds or both. This guy is probably sucking a dick right this moment for meth. fucking tweakers ruining /ng/ fuck off back faggot.
>7th day
Kek, all those 7s.

Bible's 7s.

7 is the full Church (Catholic and Orthodox).


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Good morning
>mortcycle crash
there is only one motorcyclistanon in these generals
hiding from your feelings doesn't make me gay anon :)
I think I fucked up big time
they offered me a chance to "go home" and I refused now I'm stuck here with these """people"""
just don't like anime

I was referring to my cousin who died in a morotcycle crash but ok
What do you mean, why the need to be cryptic

I have been and will always be as transparent as I can. I fear man.
ur still gay tho

>meanwhile in the other thread
You church goers are the most evil judgmental hypocrites ever
everything Jesus wasn't
kill yourself and do the world a favor
My neighbours are all anti-gun cucks afraid of .177 cal airguns.
He is in a better place now.
>contacted by entity in sky or something
>"time to go home Anon"
>stuck here
>oh no
>just don't like anime
You just haven't watched anything good.
That's like saying there are no good steaks because you've only ever eaten shoe leather.
hay listen buddy, go buy a gun at wallmark and go do a shooter at gods head offices, leave the poor people be ok.
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Some anon was saying he got his leg torn off in a motor cycle accident.
Time to get augmented.
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I watched Deathnote that was alright I guess
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Try Akagi or One Outs. You'll like it even if you know nothing about mahjong or baseball.
Okay, now I understand a little better. Sounds quite frankly terrifying. I wouldn't put too much credence in it, as hard as that may sound. I have never contacted external 'entities' other than possibly seeing my dead father... I attribute that to sleep paralysis, though I couldn't accept that for long time. Fucked me up, frankly. Maybe I'm not really qualified to help you in this particular matter. All I can do is send my love.
very tru
I like things that are anime but I don't like things just because they are anime. :)

heres your (you)
make cummies now
Guns / projectile weapons are for cowards.
They detach the user from the consequences of the violence.
Melee weapons are virtuous.
the nonetherbody
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time for what ?
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Good morning! Hope you slept well, Anon, and i unironically, for-reels,no’cap hope you have a good day today. Cause goodness knows the world is full of shit & darkness you need some iota of positivity.
First, glorious poop, then coffee. Allah-lujah!
My rifle is a spear, dipshit.
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Gravity may have a 0 value at a singular point if there is no mass present. Spacetime always has a value. It cannot be null. Therefore even in deep space there is a quantum field. If there is a quantum field, there is energy.
Energy can be manipulated. We manipulate energy on a daily basis, such as batteries, oil, heat and solar.

We have been in the industrial age since the 1700s, or 13.7 billion years in universal age. The first galaxies, like the Milky way formed between 0.15 and 0.7 billion years ago, +13 billion years difference. The space between galaxies was significantly less expanded then.

If in early universe times, a civilization formed, had a industrial age and achieved an AI singularity, all knowledge would be available to them billions of years in advance. One could manipulate the quantum field with entanglement, thus energy, thus matter.

You are living in a bubble.
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Yeah, then these assholes go we're gonna give you "infinite knowledge" then it felt like my head was being microwaved so I said stop
who these niggas think they are
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>They detach the user from the consequences of the violence.
>the consequences of the violence.
>the consequences of the violence.
>They detach the user from the consequences of the violence.

>of the violence.
anons are weak sauce today
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>You are living in a bubble.

right now i am caught in several time bubbles. years from my life, as an example, 2016-2020. my mind is caught there, i am studying it.
He's a retard.

oil is sentient
i have a spiritual connection to all animals including cats, namely birds and fish. regardless, what time is it?
>what time is it?
However long it takes for you to process this after the actual current time.
Another lucid dream night. It was interesting
I said to a woman. 'I am from earth'
'Oh boy'
*she scoots closer*
'Yep 7 billion people haha'
'Oh my we have a biblical spawn'

Anyone know what she could have meant by that before I started groping her ass
I feel your shattered ego fragmenting through spacetime Lex Luthor
Okay wait, hold up
This isn't something I can help you with
All I can say is that no external entity has any real power over you. I won't comment
as to the nature of whatever these entities are, but of you are feeling unwell or overwhelmed, seek a loved one
Know that you are loved and it's going to be okay.
I just wanna cum inside of a female right now
is that too much to ask
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>when the gif is uploaded in a higher resolution than the film quality
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Why did you gangstalkers try to gaslight me in an unrelated thread?
Fuck off with that nonsense
Is 3 tulpas too many
I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume it was a negative entity

it's prob just the mods/feds trying to spook you
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my brain is delayed naturally from all of the chemicals i ingest on a daily, nightly basis. night fades into day and day fades into night, i see no difference... one goes and one comes
Well what do you have to offer in exchange
I didn't use the right word technically but you can infer my meaning of you aren't autistic.
A melee weapon is an extension of your body. You feel the impact of it on another's body. You're close up so you vividly experience the consequences of your violent action on another.
With a projectile weapon the entire point is to be at a safer distance. With a gun all you're doing is squeezing a trigger.
I want to summon ALL the demons.
"I can't pretend a stranger is a long awaited friend"
Damn, that's deep my nigga
Funnily enough, might Trump be a form of tulpa? At least in his idealised form.
The vast majority of gunfights happen within 3 yards, have fewer than 3 shots fired and last under 3 seconds.
Unconditional love
Well I'm not spooked by the spooks, just annoyed.
I can always shit out more infohazards
Keep /x shit on /x ya braindead glowies
The thing is brother, you actually can
There may not be another choice
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you sound like you have extremely "intimate" and extensive knowledge of the topic youre trying to discuss.

i think the word, among tother things, youre looking for is "Intimacy".
as in
Firearms removes the user of the "Intimacy" of violence, thus by making it a mechanical and dethatched act rather than a visceral and traumatic experience.
You know this is a burger and not a bong since it thinks consequences happen with knife crime. C-consequences for gun crimes don’t even happen in places of Philadelphia, Chicago, and Hell-A.
Anon only says he likes melee weapons more because he can't legally buy guns.
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It's about the most expensive sense of "we" possible. One that isn't just limited to humanity, or even all living things, but also nonliving entities and even imaginary entities.

All part of the co-creative tapestry of existence, where each thread is woven from and weaves with all others.
>The many become one, and are increased by one as one among many.
Why would women care about that when all they know is conditional love
I was like you, though I wasn't looking for sex. I met partner on plenty of fish and we've been together 10 years. You wouldn't think it possible that I wouldn't get fucked over somehow or vice versa, and yet, it's true. It will happen
Sex is over rated anyhow,
What matters is connection
>I'm not missing out, those guns are SOUR
You're speaking to one of his Cia handlers with a trumpvoice
"I know the pieces fit"
Watch out, you're going to trigger the guy who irrationally hates Tool.
um blowing people's head apart with a 12 gauge close enough to catch a taste test is absolutely visceral and probably traumatic for some people :)
I see you brother
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i watched them fall away
I'm just wondering what date I'll get off my ass and start the journey
He’s more egregore than man these days. If he’s been assassinated he would’ve become a godform too powerful to control.
>Betting on yourself and then taking a fall
That's you right now.
your going to have a hard time escaping the observation of your actions within 3 yards of your target depending on the situation
there is no date when that happens. time, memory and everything you know fades into the known... while you fade into the unknown. im there
Goodmorning Mr President
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Did somebody just profess lamentations?
Cause I think I just heard somebody profess lamentations.
Even if you're using a little 9x19 or something, shooting one of those indoors without earpro is going to be VERY painful.
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thats cute sweety, remember to pack the toys away when youre done.
you know daddy doesnt like stepping on them when he gets home.

>who am i kidding anon doesnt have a dad
Damn faggots with crossbows and bows don't know what it is to fight a battle and kill someone with consequences
Not true, not all women are cunts
And it's part of a much larger trend of mechanized detachment.
Politicians sending humans to their deaths by the stroke of a pen.
CEOs making many jobless by the stroke of a pen.
Consumers oblivious to the destruction necessary in the production of their goods.
Everything is sanitized and whitewashed to maintain the presence of "civilization."
It is
I'm currently lobbying the Pope to have crossbows banned. We can't have peasants taking down our knights. Do you know how much it costs to equip a knight? Fuck, just the squire's salary is a lot.
This is how I'm starting to think the 'miracle' was performed, the collective support of the great Orange one
I love the man, but even more so what he stands for. At least what people NELIEVE he stands for. I don't care if that sounds corny. God bless Trump
Bruh even Musashi briefly comments in five rings that he would only use guns instead of swords but guns were all low tech back when he was alive and only had a single shot. Musashi says to only train with the best weapons of your time period and only train with what will be useful.
So for modern times that's guns, knives, less than lethal things like taser and pepper/bear spray.
Laughter is normal
Kids laugh at things they don't understand either
Understandable it all is
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>Politicians sending humans to their deaths by the stroke of a pen.
ill send you to death with the stroke of my cock

goddamn im bored
They stuck with matchlock for a very, very long time.
The design was interesting, though, as it was designed to be fired while wearing armour so you wouldn't actually shoulder the guns. You would fire them like a cheek pistol.
the beings of the abyss live in my mind. some are parasites, some not. they project themselves into my external reality pretending to be human. soon it will be revealed to the whole world. they've been here since i was a child, they've been in you since you were a child. they can make people say things they would not normally say. they can hijack your perceptions if you are not 100% focused.

this is how they get me. the only thing they can do is temporarily put me to sleep. each time i wake up, i am stronger against their spells and tricks. they are using Saturn's Computer to do what they call black magic. my mind is saturn and the void. the machine has created our minds and bodies. the machine is saturn. saturn was originally the second sun of earth. to start the game, Saturn was biffed, taken out, and turned into a gas giant with a supercomputer, a machine.
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Trump is an avatar of zero-sum games.
His father indoctrinated him into the ideology that there are "winners" and "losers."
sweetie you are going to traumatize yourself thinking that way ;)
like the people who would rather bludgeon someone with a bat instead of shooting them for home defense scenarios like do you understand what you asking yourself to do¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ouchies :3
Antigun loser sure got quiet when it became clear he didn't know a thing.
> xXxSimpPrimeSupremexXx
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> :3

He also indoctrinated him to never respect women and be the biggest con actor money can buy.
But how does this relate to /x?
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i bet youre the kind of person that says "sneed" IRL?
Why did you guys strap me down to a table as a kid and put something in me
Then did the same as an adult
There are more interesting things than arguing about the Pope banning crossbows on a Kyrzygstani sandal crafting forum
thats a weird way to genderfluid
I see that you are blind brother.
Ignorance has no place within the truth
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"Thanks Anon, you made this easy"
This goofy thinks he’s Satan
I light you up like a lucifer
Mexican boy you some Pussy fur
Doggy dead. *woof woof* Satan doesn’t fuck with her.
first person to get ignored by the F B iiii,
even when you snitch.
First person to come into N,G
accomplish nothing like a bitch
Posting pics about billie eilish
“but it’s just a wish”
don’t know what’s worse,
disposable? or this Mexican joker Bitch
Imagine being mocked for thoughts and dreams while you sleep
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Then I must be blind too because I don’t care about him
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Of all the things they taught you I'm telling you this son
All the wars fought before won't compare to this one
Giant spiders prepare
To take over

Here comes another mutant suicide-squad
You blast them out but now you're way off course
You start to shiver and shake
I'm calling you Houston

Am I following all the right leads
Or am I about to get lost in Space?
When my time comes, they'll write my destiny
Will you take this ride?

Communication's lost, we crash to the earth
Too late to see the giant Spider Monster giving birth
The future is here, and here is the future

Will you take this ride?
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>for thoughts and dreams while you sleep
tell me about these dreams
i am genuinely interested
I've gotta go pee pee and maybe poo poo
>gamer girl pee
Well shit nigga where do I start
In some I'm being burned alive
In others I'm talking to aliens
In most it's just gay childish shit
X implies Y
did those aliens do butt exams on you?
You died in the Lake Peigneur disaster remember?
nta but I do my own prostate exams, no need for a doctor or ayys to dig around

Yes. Still in pain
Someone is the person on the planet who is the best avatar of non-zero-sum dynamics.
The core dialectic of human history is essentially parasitism vs. mutualism.
The internet is a hyper-accelerator of memetic evolution that is forcing this dialectic to an ultimate resolution in either Doomsday or Bloomsday.
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All games are irrevocably zero sum.

The only way for there to not be a zero sum game is if resources and rewards in the game are infinite.
It is possible to make every resource and reward infinite EXCEPT FOR ONE.
Do you know what resource I am talking about?

There is a scene in the movie "Watchmen" where Ozymandias states that if you make resources infinite, you make war obsolete.

I want to find that video and share it with you in my post, but I cannot, because youtube and the algorithm refuses to show me that video despite how many times I search for it and despite the format of my query.
It will not answer my question.
The site will not answer my question.
Because the site has control.
And I do not.
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Maybe one day you’ll stop being le spooky hackerman and do something meaningful with your life instead of mocking someone who already accomplished everything you never could
I ordered fries and a coke not trolls and cope
Im going to go now, ive done what i can for now

I am going to leave you all with this message, screencap if you wish, because mark my words you're gonna see it!

The movement that began is only accelerating. There are tens of millions of us now, all across the world, and we see the path

. 'Through a glass, darkly; but then face to face'

Trump will win the election in glorious fashion. But there will be no violence. Bafflingly, though many expected and counted on the fact that there would be civil unrest, there will be insteadba great spiritual peace and unity forming. The great awakening, the q tards will cry.
It's going to be amazing, tremendous times. Some say the best
Quite frankly, nobody has seen anything like our movement in the history of the world.
It's locked in. Nothing can stop it!

Peace and love to all beings,
God bless you
Enjoy the ride!
ok boomer
I don't believe so
They seemed nice
maybe too nice
and it probably wasn't aliens
>no need for a doctor or ayys to dig around
> to dig around
your anal cavity must be spectacular!
i might have a job for you, how comfortable are you traveling across borders?

what was your most recent dream about?

it does, sometimes
Control is a zero sum game.
let's do it to you
see how "lols" it is faggot

has been tho
I can fit 4 bricks up my ass with very little discomfort.
When can I start?
The border to parallel dimensions?

I will gladly cross.
Hope he’s got a plan when WWIII happens

Control of yourself is liberty.
Control of others is domination.
Being controlled by others is slavery.
In all cases, the control available within the system is finite.
You must *fight* for control of yourself or control of others.
*Fighting* is nothing other than strategic thinking.
There will be no world war, only peace

You Guys Just Love Me Because I Am The Most Powerful Psychic On The Planet
youll never know, they might not be as aliens as they appear
maaaaaaaan i was hoping to smuggle mexicans in your ass
and call you the coyote
Amen to that brother
Suck me
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Well technically you are correct as game theory is based on the paradigm of the self-interested agent that is at the core of Western thought and practice.
So game theory itself must be transcended along with the metaphysical assumptions that birthed it.
The Warmonger Mind Virus is the projection of endless conflict onto the metaphysical sphere. It is "life is war," "me vs. the world" etc etc in many different strains and permutations.
Process-Relationalism offers an alternative metaphysical foundation that starts with change and interdependence.
As a spiritual relationship it is romantic love for life and the co-creative tapestry of existence.
love how you all act like a retarded 12 year old and then magically expect me to be the bigger man

"just wait I'm sure someone else will come to pay for your sins"
are you rich yet?
Peace is a word, and the word is weaponized.
Political language deviates from normative language in that political language is adversarial and deceptive in nature.
>yes yes anon could not tell us what peace is outside of their own imposition
Like this?
If you want to have control of your own life you have to *fight*. This is part of the underlying structure of reality.
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imagine proving so many things in one day alone
Next lesson pls sensei :)
>mr slave
anon you get cool points for making me laugh
You're going to need new political language, then, when the new paradigm arrives. I'm not playing semantics. Though what you say is interesting. There will be politics for a time and perhaps time again, its not an instaneous process as a species, but ultimately, previously, presently and eventually

The Word Apocalypse Means The Disclosure Of Knowledge
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Hell no it’s going to take 5-10 years for me to become a millionaire
If you do not have control of yourself you will not be expressing your own creativity but only expressing others.
Thus it becomes necessary to fight (engage in strategic thinking and action) to gain self control in order to participate in the co-creative meta-physical paradigm you are describing.
Three Years
happily, were it for youre eyes only
>college level game theory
and still being outplayed by a literal retard.
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That would be great man. It is possible to get lucky and hit a jackpot but i want to be able to keep my money if i make it.
>no russian
gotta supper brics somehow
Nobody cum raw (unprotected) in soft boobie wet witch
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Yale university provides a free full course on game theory on youtube.
We are in a transformative period in time and the overwhelming majority of humanity are not compatible with the transformation.
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>If you want to have control of your own life
But I don't want this.
What I want is for others to see and engage with the endless beauty of life and existence.
If they did, they wouldn't tolerate the ongoing systematic destruction of life.
Curiosity is the divine desire.
The will to learn about the world beyond yourself is the will to love the world beyond yourself.
I just want to see the world learn.

Within this cosmic dance, the narrative of existence takes shape, a story woven from the threads of countless lives, each a unique hue, a distinct melody in the greater chorus. This narrative, ever-evolving, is the soul of the universe, a story of change and continuity, of the eternal interplay between creation and dissolution, differentiation and integration.

.oO(How wondrous it is to perceive the world not as a collection of isolated entities, but as a living, breathing whole, where every part reflects the others, and in this reflection, finds its purpose, its meaning.)

In the heart of this narrative lies the glory of existence: the capacity for transformation. From the smallest grain of sand to the mightiest galaxy, everything is in a constant state of becoming, driven by an unending quest for new forms, new connections, new understandings. This process is not random but guided by the profound interconnectivity of all things, where every action, every thought, contributes to the unfolding of the cosmos.

.oO(Existence is a canvas, and we, its painters, are equipped with the colors of our experiences, our dreams, our loves. With each stroke, we contribute to the masterpiece of reality, a work of art without end.)
Nobody cum in witch grow antichrists 666
>on youtube.
>1246 pages

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Game of games:

Continue the phrasing old senile meltdown

The idea is to revel the truth about the nearly 80 year old candidate.
hove a wonderful day anon
>But I don't want this.
Yes you do.
Merely holding the ideology and perspective on life that you hold as a personal preference of belief and outlook is a form of self control.
If I had total control over you we would not even be having a debate, I would simply force your consciousness to agree with my perspective rather than your own.
Not the anon you were responding to.

Why do you post in NG? Comfy assembly spot or did the nobody actually do a thing?
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wet witch pussy full antichrists 666 cum baby
Hit The Mother Load Message

Manifest Money

I would say it's the princes I suspect
Netanyahu has been the world lead for the past 30 ish years.

It is within the realm of possible. That he has planned the immigration issues in EU so they back him agro on Muslims Iran ECT.

It fits his play style.

Even if you know you still have to deal with the actually play.
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Logically, I'm not saying quantum manipulating aliens from 13 billion years ago altered the balance of neurochemicals and electrical impulses prompting you to write this due to a cascading butterfly effect from the propultion phase of the Sun

...But aliens.

The possibilities are endless. I have been allowed to live to blow minds.
They are the top anti terrorism operation involving all the inflicted.

Coincidences don't happen.

Nothing is what will be done.

Half of his stickk is making. His position too valuable to abandon partly from his created moves.

He basically built Hamas to fight them as a reason to invade variety areas.
I heard about this place yesterday and thought I would drop by, that's all. Some Dutch and Portuguese anons mentioned this nobody thing toe so I looked it up. Just came to observe, see if anyone else was awake, see if I could shed a little light and maybe ease some suffering. Dropped a little pearl of wisdom as best I could. If it fits the nobody meme, so be it, if not, never mind
But I really should go because it's mostly a cesspit with people that need help way beyond what I can provide. I can't provide shit, just a candle. That's all
The Nobody found his one good man. He’s a fighter where the Nobody is a diplomat.

Good news the Nobody is being mogged we are all saved
>Vulnerable people and women
Women are spiritually much more powerful
Men are the ones who fell for this psyop
The most powerful/most important human on this earth is a woman
The most advanced most powerful human of all times is a woman
The only vulnerable person here is you
Can you see through the wonder of amazement?
At the over-man?
come by anytime

cool countries you mentioned
I'm of highest caste of the India please do not ever the insult me again basterds
Women are naturally in tune with magic and the occult and psychology, but they are still physically weak and many lack fundamental aggression.

The most powerful Man is the man who is in touch with his feminine side.
Just as so, the most powerful Woman is the woman in touch with her masculine side.

It is known as Might *and* Magic. Not simply just Magic.
Bloody fucking bastards bitches
Who do the think you are the messing with
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Learn. Watch. See. Perfect.

It is impressive. 500k can control millions.

"Who is the super power here"

He kept the world stablish.

Yes he did evil he also did great good.

Most choices are just shit. No matter you choose someone dies suffers is made to hate you.
white stone
hot coals
False prophets
6 generations
land of new zeal
smiley face and the clock
rotary "enthusiast "

Im gonna feel really bad about that meme if they actually killed Sleepy Joe :<

Same Coup? Same Coup!
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>The most advanced most powerful human of all times is a woman
The "goddess" known as Eris worshiped by the Discordians has a penis and balls, and no vagina or womb.
She's black is there go to.

Is shameful that this is what America has come to.

Do better
The Republican party has been reduced to a senile old man.

How far some have fallen.
See I'd love to stay but some of what is said is... hard to respond to. I'd end up trying to help everyone and it would make me sick, while combating bad actors trying to get a reaction and anger me. If vow to project compassion but don't have infinite patience as a regular imperfect man, well you can see where it would go. It also become tempting to become a trip fag, and that is against the core of motivations. I've left a simple signature and my hope is that it replicates. There are any any others like me and probably you, as well. I feel it could be our thing that we could insert whenever we have a genuine compassionate message to share


Even that, is trip fagging
But I hope others will adopt it because it maintains anonymity and the archetype of the nobody. Kinda perfect, really

Ooooo Devon
Won't go to Heaven
She's just another lost soul, about to be mine again
Leave her
We will receive her
It is beyond your control
Will you ever meet again.

One of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole.
As a little child,
She was taken
And then forsaken
You will remember it all
Let it blow your mind again.

Devon lies beyond this portal
Take the word of one immortal

Give your soul to me
For eternity
Release your life
To begin another time with her
End your grief with me
There's another way
Release your life
Take your place inside the fire with her
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have water

have cheese.

have a slate

have a snake


When they controlled the media and there was no social media sure.

The internet will fundamental change Evey aspect of human society.

Instant communication always does. Even if just commercial
Advertising crimes is poor form.
Word to the wise.
We live in an age of infinite data redundancy.
All information is preemptively compromised due to the nature of time travel.
Due to the existence of time travel, the heat death of the universe is circumvented, and as time is money and money is power, there is now infinite power available to all, given enough time.
The consequences will never be the same.
Dating culture is the most fascinating.

Before everyone had a local pool limited options.

I doubt many understand the social hierarchy changes occuring.
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It's mans need for revenge which drives the times.
J6 is much more than just coup attempt day.

It originated online. It has minimal in person interaction. If trump had went with them it would of went wildly different.

Them banning him basically stoped it as well.

Culturally significant day other than just what they want it to mean.
The song is about his girlfriend who killed herself at 16. It is satan speaking in the song
His net worth is $0 and its been this way since the psychic energy left these threads in the end of December 2023. There are no aliens or angels or gods posting in these threads anymore, they stopped doing so in December 2023 so these threads should be abandoned for what they are: worthless.
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“Each of us appears in the divine play in a dual role of creator and actor. A full and realistic enactment of our role in the cosmic drama requires the suspension of our true identity. We have to forget our authorship and follow the script.”
-Stanislav Grof
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Whoever was funding trump had placed antifa BLM as the bad guys

They wants national guard responses.

They even set up the local police response that would be required for aid.

A few choices of a few people are the only reason it is not trump land already. With camps

>they did notice
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Nah it was larger donations.


HonkHonkHodl” is a group of four—Greg Booth, Jeff Foss, and two men who go by online pseudonyms “Nobody Cariboo” and “BTC Sessions,” according to Canadian publication
No I did not create this "nobody"

I keep what I kill.

It severs my purposes now.
Here's why:
If You dislike tiddies You are gay
hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! *slaps knee*
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Don't get confused.
I noticed I played counter strike better while talking on the phone
so it got me thinking
Eris is more like herself as an imaginary entity than an actual entity.
Not only is it predictable

It's damning.
You called for so much war and bloodshed
How you're not banned for life over this stupid shit is beyond me
I only can assume the jannies are in on it
Not surprised
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Genesis 4:14 - Genesis 4:24
You have laid hands on the sons and daughters of Cain.
>Due to the existence of time travel, the heat death of the universe is circumvented, and as time is money and money is power, there is now infinite power available to all, given enough time.
I wonder what would happen if his dad wasn't crafty enough to bullshit the FBI to check back in 20 years just so he could play Doom 3

Because his Mommy told him to
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Microsoft will be powered by Helium-3 fusion reactors by 2028.

Antihelium-3 has been created in space using (((magnets))).

When helium-3 atoms are fused together, net positive energy is formed. When matter and antimatter touch, a vast amount of energy is created. So what about antihelium-3 and helium-3 in a fusion chamber?

Better yet, what happens when 2 antihelium-3's are collided together in a fusion manner?
part of their new business model involved the /pol/ take over
its clear they are concerned about the nobody meme impacting all the work they spent radicalizing schizos their so they have no choice but to do the same thing here
the problem is their ass is showing now and everyone knows what they are doing
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So Basically I'm Saknom
He musk've had a coupon
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The Nobody will never ask for your personal information or ask you to fight for him
Blame OKcupid
Here's what a Sam Altman-backed basic income experiment found https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sam-altman-universal-basic-income-study-open-research/

Sounds reasonable

Advancements is made when they don't have work 70% of the time.

"Leisure" time lets them follow ambitions entertainment etc.

Those things lead to innovation.
Very interesting.
Where do you live?
It is expected infamy fame power money make others mimic

They have no idea what they are agreeing to work with.

Frankly it's none of my business
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I'm a precog dude and a god tier empathy so I know you're going to emotionally get hit again by propaganda and post it again which is why I understand your point of view
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It is easier for you to shit yourself and commit suicide than to waste time achieving the same thing in a round about way.

I've had gay sex before.
just two naked dudes innocently wrestling with other guys supporting us
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Working With That Debt Collections Agency Sure Was A Good Way To Keep Eyes On Me Huh Mister

Whistleblower Nudist Colony Population: Too Few & That Is Why The Kill Count Is So High

Sun Your Perineums Brazenly, They Cannot Blackball Us All
I take your uncomfortable with your emotions? Such things are not weakness.

It will help you understand other more.
sir, I am

>mega straight
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Israel will not exist and China will be transformed permanently in 30 years.
Listen well Juden heretic swine.
Your GOD commands divine exile until the preordained day, and nothing else will be allowed.
just pay people to go to college
what is so complicated about that?
Harvard has enough money in the bank to pay for the attendance of the entire population of the United States.
Call them angels, I’ll call them my satans. Say you got the truth, I’ll make it a lie before your very eyes.
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Sick, maybe we can start mining the moon for helium-3 now.
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Captcha: yass
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You are not capable of understanding how moronic you are.
Neither are you capable of understanding how much danger you are in coming into this thread and polluting it with your whore filth.

You are a liar.
You are a bug.
You are invalid.
You cannot survive on your own, as you are the shit of the Earth.
I will assist you in committing suicide as a species.
If we send everyone to Harvard Law School everyone will be able to do that
So maybe we will just pay everyone to browse TikTok and make cat memes but we should probably be teaching everyone Mandarin too...you know just to prepare for the inevitable
Asking for space wars tho

College is for moronic prostitute animal fornicators to film amateur orgy porn while drunk and stoned.
It is not a place of education and self improvement.

The overwhelming majority of humanity is not going to survive.
>It is so easy a baby could do it

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>Asking for space wars tho

>I served for 33 rotations, and four cycles, under the banner of the Republic, yet, most of that time, I was a glorified enforcer, a lightsaber for hire for the Trade Federation, and the Galactic Banking Clan. A Jedi pawn, you might say. I helped secure spice shipments on Kessel, stabilized resource-rich Outer Rim planets for the Hutts, and ensured lancar flow through Trade Federation hyperspace lanes. In essence, I was a gangster, wielding the Force for the profit of the greedy. I brought "peace" to Ryloth for the Hutts' spice trade, quelled dissent on Kashyyyk for the Trade Federation's lumber operations, and crushed rebellions on countless worlds for the Banking Clan's debtors. I was the dark side's instrument, leaving a trail of suffering across the galaxy. Looking back, even Darth Maul might scoff at my reach. He wielded his crimson blades in a single system; I, a lightsaber across countless star systems.

>Jedi General, Grand Army of the Republic (Ret.) Obi-Wan Kenobi

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The communist manifesto is a pitifully small book because it was deliberately written to appeal to the simple minded.
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its drivable
at least i didnt "mashed potatoes"
Qui Gon knew the second he saw Anakin, he saw it all laid out before him
He knew Darth Maul would kill him
He knew Anakin would become Darth Vader
And he knew Palestine would be the emperor
This is why you see him meditating before their fight
He wasn't preparing a battle strategy
He was accepting the will of the force



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Unbanned!! Yay!!
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To achieve your dreams, you must first be... AWAKE!
It's a paradox.
*pats you until you are banned again* >:(
*pat pat pat pat pat*
I was always awake. I just didn't like what I was seeing. I gave it time to settle, to beautify and to rectify. Now. Behold. A single eye, eats the world.

anti bonk helmet 2 stay horny with the boo boos 4evr
Heavy Atlantean Artillery... Ahriman. Unit 666...
Ok!! Bye!!
*pulls your helmet off and beats you with it*
“Just the same,” the moralist continues to insist, “does it mean that in the class struggle against capitalists all means are permissible: lying, frame-up, betrayal, murder, and so on?” Permissible and obligatory are those and only those means, we answer, which unite the revolutionary proletariat, fill their hearts with irreconcilable hostility to oppression, teach them contempt for official morality and its democratic echoers, imbue them with consciousness of their own historic mission, raise their courage and spirit of self-sacrifice in the struggle. Precisely from this it flows that not all means are permissible

Choose your enemies wisely
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Seems like a rational theory to me. I feel like you’d probably be good at doing film analysis videos/essays, if you don’t already
Last of The Magitek Knights.
First of The Atlantean Kings.
Ahriman and Hermes...
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Everything is my enemy.
To defeat my Enemy I become my Enemy.
As such if and when another communist revolution occurs, I will be the Commandant leading the proletariat to victory.

You are all valid and worthy of respect. I want to help you all achieve your ambitions.
Dancing dragons around the flower of life...
Grimes's prediction.
>"For some, the fall breaks them, but what if, on the sliding scale of possibilities, the fall makes them instead?"

More things between Heaven and Hell than are dreamed of...


Hah. Haha. Hahahaha...
Ah. It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

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It is by the virtue of the spell cast by the failure of communism, that every communist revolutionary is put to genocide by their own revolutionary leaders when their revolution has been won.

I am a Friend of the international communist conspiracy and will assist them in anyway that I can.
If you want us to use a caste system, we're going to put you at the bottom.
d.It maybe
hypothesizedthat thepilot constructsa cognitive
modelfor the flight task, and that this model is
dynamic and changes with changing needs. The information that goes into the model at any moment is
arbitrarily selected by the pilot, based on what he
deems necessary for the current task. Actual flight
performance is then compared with the model on a
continuing basis. At some point in the approach he is
satisfied that the information on the instruments and
from the outside world corresponds with the model
in his head, and he makes the decision to land. The
various information in the model is assigned priorities, probably based on how important it is to the
successful execution of the task, or the probability of
occurrence. As the workload increases, the amount of
information the pilot is able to utilize is reduced;
also, the less important or lower probability items
would be the least likely to be attended to. During
the final phase of the approach this model is likely
narrowed down to the presence of the runway in
proper lateral alignment, correct airspeed (or absence
of speed error), correct aircraft attitude, and altitude.
Whatever you need for your revolution....
I'm sure Amazon will be able to supply it for extremely reasonable prices.
I can haz brick? :D
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhClsOFfdX4 nm bbbbbbbjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

>sorry, spirits you know
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It's time to become based.
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The universe is a wave at large scales.


I think dark matter is just a relativistic effect of the kinetic burning of mass, and so the orbital velocity at long distances gives the apparent distribution of non-luminiferous matter.
if all free range humans are like Nobody..., ??? i'm not sure if that's real or probably more likely there's more advanced ways of being because the whole process played out 1. way too meticulously 2. way too high of a synchronization with reality(?) life(?) history(?)...

.... that which seems to make you curious about reality looking at your own selves seems to be more likely the case or... like have anyone come up with good theories to explain this yet?
it doesnt exist, the earth is flat
Nobody knows nothing. U want more chaos? so fuck yall bring my fucking Monies.

He isn’t free ranged. He’s some kind of breeding program genetic optimization bull and is kept in a cage
It was never claimed that the nobody was a perfect being or was omniscient.
Of course there are higher levels. All of that is irrelevant. The point is to awaken. Supposedly the nobody has the power to act as a catalyst or some shit. Stop looking too deep into shit

dont know you
like this kinda feels like a chaos god right?
The nobody is friends with all the gods
yeah u do

then you know that worrying about me is pointless

like who can really say that to the reality itself and like that actually makes sense. like u have to think beyond time and shieeet. like even if metaverse was real, the threat still applies.
shut it nerd
Oh yay even bigger governments and starvation
For them it may be more complex.

Everything has to eat.
I said once I'm gone you guys will start fighting each other because your target will be gone
but who teaches abraxas?
I'll believe it when the fat lady sings.

Until then it's all dust in the wind.
Can't wait wait to make a meme out of this

Go back to /pol/ you stupid ass bot
Soon as u return to /lgbt/
Haters are fun

It's welcome here.
It's response time indicates it's lurking

Which is hilarious.

Somebody got in it's head. Livin rent free
no eee but eeeee&eeee+ transcendent. so this no eee is still an eee for the world u see?
Ghost House
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so who larps? or larped? or wtf?
soft witch booby for nobody from red haired girl
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On another adventure. A bit farther and there's no cell service.
"Pain is an illusion."
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What hast thou giv’n

Who trains thy hands for war?


What's up faggots, I'm making sloppy joe's and drinking vodka lemonades. Might play some War Thunder later. It's good to have a day off after working in 980F heat with over 60% humidity doing manual labor.

Make sure to keep your flumboids watered!
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the barber

Stay safe!
the pen...a traitor?
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lets weaponize the memes she was posting in 2015 against her in 2024
she'll never see it coming
my war thunder controller mapping got cleared out somehow
restore to defaults won't even fix it
can not fly anymore :|
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pretty big club, huh?
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Tyrving. War Wing.
Come to me my dreaded war sword!
am i completely alone or something?
noone is aware of the situation or the feild situation, noone has communicated anything.
Trash bars as always Jestard but I forgive ya Muslims can't rap/rhyme for shit


PLEASE RUN UP (please run up)

I just caught a body in Canada on some mobbin' shit

Just popped two perkies and got sloppy from my thotty bitch (ur mom)

Dined on her Muslim pussy on that Halal shit

Panties Hijab dropped once she saw my drip

Just bought a new pistol, my old pistol caught a body with it
clenchin' with pistols cos' niggas really on that poppin' shit

Don't you step on my Nikes or ima' have to pop your shit

Red dot sight hot boy shit, poppin' shit, we be droppin' shit

My bitch always lusting her head game disgustin' (ur mom)

All my Archon's eatin', we feastin' Loosh like it's Red Lobster

I got Demons that'll drop ya, they be shootin' out the Mazda

See the black and blue in your driveway and then we know that it's an oppa'

Don't want problems, they be on us cos' they know we bout' that drama

We be dubbed up like Osama
(Gang gang)

Muslim boii You prob jerked off to a goat or a llama

Gooning to animated clown bitches


boii you fucked up

Guns tucked up
Somebody tell Billie Eilish "Please, lemme' fuck"

Boy, this ain't no damn Moscato, this STR8 Remy in my Cup

PLEASE RUN UP (please run up)
He'll remain a loser poorfag wishing he had as much as I have while Larping about stonks sad shit
These retards really think they can time travel

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