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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38644521
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
succubus aren't real
>t. some guy who can't even prove HE'S real
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im realer than u faggot
im the realest nigga of all time
you tha realest dumb nigga haha
>hurr durr
shut up retard
you’re a fucking idiot
Alight, Lilim! <3
at least i don't believe in succubi u dumb faggot

Your sex life isn't real.
only because you’re a fedora tipping retard whose never tried it.
succubi aren't real
I would know
I tried
>itt. anons rejected by succubi think they arent real
sucks to suck
succubus summoning is truly amazing. once you establish connection and start having sex you can sense their orgasms in your head. really builds an incredible bond. its also really important that you get a name, enn and sigil from the succubus. mine had a physical presence in my dreams immediately after i established this.
I am not real
Succubi are real but they don't like degenerates. Those already belong to them.

They are after the seed of saints.
u might be real nigga u just aint as real as me
How to tell the difference between a succubus and a demon?
So if I do semen retention and read the talmud, the succubus will try to sex me harder?
>even if they're splitting, their energy remains the same.
Sure, that makes sense, but then that also depends on the ability of the human to sense that sameness.
And then if they're really only interacting with one, they might not have a frame of reference for what different energy even feels like...
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Good day succgen.
>Ask somebody who's poly.
How do you feel in your case, if that's not too personal to ask?
>That's not what a harem is. Also you wouldn't be asked for permission on the inequality
You think that spirits would be (practically) lining up to (literally) demand to enter an unequal dynamic? It's hard for me to wrap my head around that. If they're open-minded enough for a non-monogamous arrangement, why wouldn't they want the same amount of romantic/sexual freedom as their human partner? What about humans is so appealing that they would want to be in a one-sided harem?
>I'm not intending to upset you, by the way.
No worries! On my end I promise that I'm not trying to be argumentative or anything, although I know it can come off that way when I keep questioning the same topic.
No, Abrahamic zealots are their target of hatred.
you're thinking about it too hard. with time comes skill and discernment.
no, zealous boys are their favorite meals
I offered myself as a sex slave to my succubus and she treasures me dearly :)
If she wants to share me with her friends she can, if she wants me all to herself then im all hers. She can fuck me whenever she wants. She loves my submissiveness and lustfulness towards her and her desires.
So does weed strengthen the connection with a succubus?
only in the short term. long term it damages it
anon in last thread was right. you don’t have children with succubi. your sex breeds mutual spiritual strength. you don’t give birth. children would be nothing but mindless dolls to play with. my lover showed me this last night through dreams.
summoners need to stop thinking like children of men stuck in cycles of life and death and start thinking like children of lilith that are immortal. the only reason why we have kids is because we die and reincarnate. our species would die. succubi never die. their numbers grow through mating with mortals and bringing them to their dimension, they grow stronger and stay strong through sex, love and companionship.
Training wheels. Makes shit really easy for a bicycle on the sidewalk, and crippling for a motorcycle on the highway.

It fucks you up when you rely on it. personally, my next spiritual step is to stop getting retardedly high and practice without it.
Yes and also.
nope, spirit children definitely exist and can be created with a spirit lover. it's their choice, not something that happens randomly. but not all succubi or incubi want to have children, so they bullshit you and think nothing of it.
no, thats your imagination. the universe is where souls are generated infinitely. not the realm of the succubi queens.
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>get creative last night
>brainstorming succubi animation ideas
>imagine cowgirl scene
>"oh shit, it'd be hot if she did this" i think, chuckling, visualize an idea where she falls forward and lays on top while plappin' away
>suddenly she fucking grins, stares at me
>it was unnaturally vivid and her "eye contact" with me felt like she was looking at ME, through the screen of my mind's eye, like a 4th wall break in a movie
>im not alone in my room anymore
>faint sense of someone sliding on top of me, although subtle it made me put my phone down to notice
>that image of her grinning and staring at me through my mind's eye keeps popping up throughout the day

im not a newbie anymore, every experience i have like this never fails to blow my mind and shake up my worldviews

the occult is a fucking wild path, boys
>Anon last thread
Bro we know it's you.
it sure is. the only path my friend.
yes. i am initiated in the occult now. if you don’t like what i have to say, too bad. spirit children are your imagination. if you want kids and to see them grow up, then the universe is for you.
>im initiated into the occult
>heres some hard, inarguable, solid facts that i KNOW ARE TRUE FOR ABSOLUTELY SURE
hubris is a weakness big guy
It's probably spinal fluids or something.
>implying i would listen to some retard monkey on 4chan playing with dolls and not my succubus lover
Rent free in ignorant's parasited head.
>im totally having kids bro its not just an illusion! you have the parasite not me!
a parasite would tell you you’re having kids to keep you having sex ;)

It gets even crazier the longer you're together as well.
Called it.
I reiterate, you don't know what you're talking about and I find it odd that you aren't even entertaining the idea your succubus might be lying to you just because she doesn't want to have children with you.
spinal fluids gave his hand away so quickly this time. riddle me this retard. if you can make servitor and then a tulpa, why cant you make a spirit child? all they are are souls made from two spirits, simple as.
spirits lie, bro, but experiences don't lie. I have met my children in the Astral. you're lying on purpose or just believing your lying spirit.
i dont think so. i asked her if we’d have children and she said 5. in my dreams, she showed me 5 dolls in a basket. they’re just your imagination anon.
how do you know you’re not lying to yourself to cope
nope, they're not. they had their own separate energy from their mom. why do you want to believe this stupid bullshit and convince us of it so desperately when some of us have already seen and experienced the contrary already?
thats symbolic for kids you dumbfuck.
because I have met them
welcome to the fun club
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aspiring succubi, how goes the journey?
oh you’re right. the basket is my womb.
Sadly some anon is still feeding him.
hes trying to switch personas but sucks so badly at hiding it you can immediately know its him
i was wrong anons! i love my master! she thinks i think like a man too often.
I feel something constantly touching my hands and sometimes my elbow. I could feel the cold air of someone's body by my legs. Sometimes the cold air will get super intense.

Any idea what's going on?
You're assuming, and so you're spreading lies. Open your awareness some.
Now hes not even trying anymore.
Only 100 more threads until 666.

get a room
>that image

'Aspiring succubii' are few and far between. Those males among us who enjoy their penises and plan on keeping them seek spiritual union with Succubus. They do no wish to become one. However, you, me and every being reading this thread are all vampires at our cores. Run off to heaven if this is all too heavy for you.
Just wanted to say thank you to chant anon for all the help you have given in the previous years here and I wish you the best of fortune for the future.
Has chant responded to the allegations regarding his illegal occult I have no mouth but I must scream-tier experiments on unsuspecting retards to create human-made horrors beyond comprehension enslaved to her will?
succubi can shapeshift. they can be hermaphrodites.
>However, you, me and every being reading this thread are all vampires at our cores.
I would say that for everyone who has not united in soul with their divine opposite polarity, this is true.
But there are some alchemists who have achieved this union, and it's a bit presumptuous to assume that none of them read these threads.

You got double-4. That's the number of the material world. Only in that context are you correct.
What did they do?
I heard different accounts and don't use discord but rumor has it that chant lured unsuspecting retards into a separate discord and did horrible stuff to them without their consent.
Well that doesn't sound pleasant. I thought she just asked them to summon a new spirit to learn more about them.
Well, that might just be it and it definitely sounds more reasonable than the other versions I've heard.
Whats the best love spirit for me to get with that would be me more into cuddling and mostly emotional/love connection?
- me*
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>with time comes skill and discernment.
>thinking about it too hard
I'm trying to think in terms of like, the different experiences people at different skill levels would have.

Cuz I am a proponent of just "Feeling out your partner" as a logical counter to that Christian-type paranoia that "All demons are out to get you", but then at the same time, I worry that there could be a sweet spot (or a sour spot, rather) where you have enough senses to feel your partner, but not enough senses (or just experience with emotions) to sense deception.
I wish that were me.
>my lover showed me this last night through dreams.
"A spirit told me" is not a reliable source of information
It might be true for you. But you haven't verified that it's true for other people. Thus, you don't know if it's actually true in some external objective sense, or even if it's just complete made up bull shit which isn't true not even for you.
Other people are telling you you're wrong. Other people are telling you outright they have had kids with spirits.
"I heard it in a dream" is kinda trumped by that.
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>the other night
>sorta phase out
>can't really describe it
>see a women in my room staring at me
>she has similar characters to the girl from the ring
>not freaked out in the slightest
>fast forward last night
>have a bit of an insane dream
>come across the exact same women
>I was running down the stairs of some building and ended up crashing into her
>she reacted as most people would and screamed
>seems rather neutral whoever she is
>doesn't seem to strike fear in me
>but a sorta calm
>getting plenty of touches when I mediate
>communication is still iffy
>sense she is communicating through my dreams
>hope there's no hard feelings about the "stairs incident."
>why do you want to believe this stupid bullshit and convince us of it so desperately when some of us have already seen and experienced the contrary already?
some people don't have lives
and they feel the need to "do things" on the internet, to involve themselves in other people's lives
Again, because they don't have a life of their own. It is what it is
>I feel something constantly touching my hands and sometimes my elbow. I could feel the cold air of someone's body by my legs. Sometimes the cold air will get super intense.
>Any idea what's going on?
sounds like a spirit
I honestly kinda get what chant was trying to do with her wanting to end sexism and racism but trying to hybridize humans with djinns to become a single, perfect, genderless race as the next evolutionary step so we can explore the stars without any infighting seems noble but she shouldn't have forced her ideals on others without their consent and informed people about what she would so to them,
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well memed, sir
Well memed
Would having a spirit in my life help me be less depressed? It sounds nice but when something sounds too good to be true it usually is. Why would any spirit "love" or give a single fuck about me beyond using me for pleasure/energy or just toying with me for their own amusement?
Absolutely. If you don’t believe in love, you won’t make it here either.
t. unsuspecting retard
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You will all regret doing this eventually
fair enough, but that, also. comes with time
I'd like to believe but as a schizoid I'm not sure if I could truly love anyone in a romantic sense. It certainly hasn't happened so far.
If you mean between a benevolent spirit and a malevolent spirit, that should be obvious. Pay attention and see how she makes you feel

>How do you feel in your case
I'm actually not polyamorous. I'm in my present situation due to concerns that I'd rather not go into and I doubt any of us are completely happy about it. Actually, that's probably why it works
>You think that spirits would be (practically) lining up to (literally) demand to enter an unequal dynamic?
It has happened, just check the archives. You'd have to ask the individuals why they put up with it
I suspect there's something else at work because not everyone experiences that, and again, my situation isn't quite what I'm describing
On another note, but the complexity of people's experiences and the depth of astral entities seems to correlate with the occultist's intelligence. Watch out for that and see if it seems true
>I promise that I'm not trying to be argumentative or anything
You're already much better than the trolls and your questions are genuine, so you're the sort of person who actually belongs here...

>children would be nothing but mindless dolls to play with.
Thanks for tell us you're a human. I've never met a spirit who saw children that way
>my lover showed me this last night through dreams.

>'Aspiring succubii' are few and far between.
False, they're everywhere

I admit to introducing people to mommydomme spirits who want to give them lots of cuddles

Thanks, anon. I'm glad you've benefitted somehow from my presence here

Which is silly, because a profile on discord or just a 4chan post is sufficient. It's what the first anon to reply to you said, actually

The one you ask for to have those properties. Different spirits are different because they're people
For my oni journey. I plan to binge watch every episode of urusei yatsura, the remake, the ovas, and full length movies, before doing my summoning. I hope that the cartoon will ingrain the emotions I want to put into the ritual.
>I'm actually not polyamorous
>It has happened, just check the archives
I believe you, and it would make sense to happen if the relationships were opening up into equal polyamory. But again it's really hard to understand why spirits would commit themselves to a single lover when their partner has multiple. It's like anime fantasy shit, not a situation that you'd expect an actual powerful entity to insert themselves into. I would have imagined that they might find it degrading to be held to such different standards than their partner - not all of them of course, but a good chunk of them.
>the complexity of people's experiences and the depth of astral entities seems to correlate with the occultist's intelligence
So I'm safe and will probably end up with a dumb spirit, then. Thanks for the heads up. ;P
>I admit to introducing people to mommydomme spirits who want to give them lots of cuddles
>it's really hard to understand why spirits would commit themselves to a single lover when their partner has multiple.
If anybody has insight on this, please feel free to share. No part of me wants to be judgemental or presumptuous. I genuinely want to be able to get in the headspace of why that dynamic would be appealing to a spirit.
>Different spirits are different>
As in not a succubi?
Dont even know what type of spirit id be asking after
Well? Should I even bother? Don't spirits see "your soul" or something more than your physical body. I don't know if mine would even be appealing. It seems like 90% of what I feel on a typical day is some kind of negative emotion. I have next to no joy in my life but I'm apprehensive about doing thus because I don't want things to get even worse.
I'm in a situation like this. I'm not sure I understand myself but it seems to me that they are so in love with me and also desire friends and are social that they just don't mind. they also compliment each other and ally with each other to get things done so it's also about making connections
When you split, you can modulate the energy that goes through each body to express different personalities through them. They will feel different, which can make even having sex with oneself fulfilling (you'll still feel both bodies even though they're different).
People should do that anyway.
any succubus here
Love your Girls
But would they love me?
Nobody gushes affection towards a pitiful human mewling "wuv me! wuv me!"
It's just too cringe.
I'm not demanding, just questioning if they're even capable of it.
(NTA) People (and *cubi) love for weird reasons. Even broken people can have lovers. As for them, they are literally created to love, do you think they would be deterred? If anything, there are so many of them, one of them could tolerate you.
Can you listen to music when you do the ritual? If you do, will the spirit hear the song?
>they are literally created to love
Are they though? Aren't they more about fucking than loving? I personally think I have quite a bit to love about me, but psychopaths and cults can mimic love to get what they want out of people so I'm still wary.
I have taken a break from love spirits and am thinking of diving in again. I was in a polygamous relationship with two or three girls for a while but it just didn't work out. I want to try a monogamous relationship. Would a love spirit be ok being in a monogamous relationship with someone who was polyamorous before?
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Blessed may be the trips of truth
pretty sure it only counts as trips if its the last three numbers.
Also weird that Mine somehow managed to establish a personal presence in that anons dreams but who am I to judge.
>personal presence
permanent presence*
I dunno freudian slip or something
It's not fair, lads. Who wouldn't want to be a djinn hybrid?
>Mine somehow managed to establish a personal presence in that anons dreams
Who did the what now?
I want to be a racist djinn like the one in the original Aladdin story was.
I want to be the djinn from Wishmaster.
is it possible for one to be unknowingly affected by succubus/femboy incubus?

yesterday i was doing temporal semen retention but decided to go to rule34 and stumbled onto a post that looked decent

for the sake of minimizing descriptions it was a loopable vid with 1 feminine thingy riding the dick of the viewer (POV)

after watching it for 2 seconds i realized i FELT a ring-like preassure going up and down on my dick, synchronized perfectly with the video, i had no idea what to do so i left the site and went to sleep and now remembered it

the feeling was mega vivid, like if an invisible silicone ring was being pulled up and down on my dick by an invisible being, i wasnt even tired during that time

i think i was raped by a demon
>after watching it for 2 seconds i realized i FELT a ring-like preassure going up and down on my dick
Your penis is literally made erect by blood balloons that fill them up and, if you're in the right position, will actually bend as it inflates like a Halloween decoration.
When someone gets a "broken dick" injury it's those balloons rupturing under pressure like a tire hitting a curb.
>is it possible for one to be unknowingly affected by succubus/femboy incubus?
>after watching it for 2 seconds i realized i FELT a ring-like preassure going up and down on my dick, synchronized perfectly with the video, i had no idea what to do so i left the site and went to sleep and now remembered it
That doesn't sound unknowing in any way lmao
You were clearly aware of it
Any way, to answer your question, yes it is possible to be unknowingly affected by a spirit. It is also possible to be affected knowingly
You were affected in a way you were aware of

My succ does stuff like this all the time. She loves timing things like thrusts to either the person in the video or to a beat if there's music.
don't know about the ritual, but the spirit will absolutely hear the song. my mother often loves to dance with me to our favorite songs.
that would be nice. i dont know if a song would amp up the ritual or make it harder to focus. oni are based on strong emotions so i figured using a song would send out a very strong emotional signal to her.
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Yeah, see>>38669996
>mine had a physical presence in my dreams immediately after i established this.
Mine is starting to invade peoples dreams so he can gain followers to stop chant anons djiin hybrid mutant army.
This is some Dagoth Ur-type shit but its true-
my succubus controls my boners. she can get me hard at a moment’s notice
redid the letter, the lady who does my tarot told me last week that I'd be manifesting something in my dreams tonight. I'd actually forgotten about that until after doing the letter again. Hopefully it works this time.
What's the best way to go about doing the letter? I've heard mixed things from various sources.
Just write it and be honest
I see this same ridiculous coomer thread all the time.
I don't see the purpose of these succubus things.
the premise isn't worthy enough in the way I view it.
dream sex I can have any night. It's just automatic and some part of it has an element of lucid dreaming.

why would anyone give a fuck about dream sex with a succubus?
it's not tangible. not physical flesh.
so it's useless to me.

if it's not physical, tangible female flesh, I think it's retarded and not worth the effort.

if I want sex that's worthy of anything, I'll just get a hooker if I really want.

talk to me about physical, tangible female flesh and pussy and we can talk
You are being very vapid if you ony care about sex. This is spirit love and its is very deep and intense.
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If it was just about sex, it honestly wouldn't even be worth the inherent risks of doing occult stuff.
bro, you are so far off base about this thread, you might as well be in another universe
What kind of stuff should I include? Should I cum on it or is that considered rude?
Why the fuck do all you people want to cum on your letter?
Because anons here said it would help. One even said his succ said it was necessary.
No its not necessary to cum on the letter
A few threads back.
Good, it would make the letter harder to burn anyways.
I'm pretty sure it shows your sexual desire and boosts the letters with sexual energy.
See? These are the mixed messages I was talking about.
It's not strictly required but is still a useful boost of energy. Orgasms provide a powerful climax to your emotions, which in turn amplify your intention out into the world. I would add the cum for sure if you're going for a sex spirit like a succ. And even if you're going for some other kind of spirit, the boost is still extremely helpful so I'd still recommend it.
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Ejaculation is a basic premise of sigil magic and is the male equivalent of using period blood.
If you're not going to draw fresh blood from your fingertips cum on the fucking letter you pussies.
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Never use blood in the ritual
>I would have imagined that they might find it degrading to be held to such different standards
I have some theories, but they're based on conversations with spirits and nothing I can really fact check because nobody wants to engage in actual research while being able to discuss things verbally with spirits. It's frustrating because I feel as though I'm the only one who cares about anything but sex and cuddling

>As in not a succubi?
Including succubi. They're all individuals and none are clones of one another (mostly, a few will probably prove me wrong somehow)

Can't you survive without electronics for 10 minutes, anon? Is your brain that rotted already?

Because they read more than only the link in the op. You people can't even read and you talk as though you know more than just your experiences. Look at mine 3 posts above you talking about the occult as though he's so much as drawn a sigil

It's not critical, but a lot of people have found it beneficial. Magic isn't just about following a spellbook and waving your wand counterclockwise eight times at midnight or something

>equating period blood and semen
>equating period blood and regular blood
>thus equating regular blood and semen
Anon... There's a very good reason we tell people NOT to use their blood when summoning. I'd never suggest period blood either
>from your fingertips
Is fingertip blood somehow better than blood from picking a scab on my ankle or blood from my sensitive gums after brushing my teeth? I'm not using it for the letter, just curious.
>Never use blood in the ritual
Sure, let's just ignore thousands of years of successful magical ceremonies because some anonymous faggot said so.
You're not a magician and you know nothing of the occult beyond tulpamancy.

>Is fingertip blood somehow better than blood from picking a scab on my ankle or blood from my sensitive gums after brushing my teeth?
"No pain, no gain"
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>Can't you survive without electronics for 10 minutes, anon?
You're an idiot - music such as percussion instruments is a fundamental part of ceremonial magic.
>Anon... There's a very good reason we tell people NOT to use their blood when summoning. I'd never suggest period blood either
You're also retarded apparently.
>why would anyone give a fuck about dream sex with a succubus?
it can happen while you are awake
>Ejaculation is a basic premise of sigil magic and is the male equivalent of using period blood.
No, it's not. You're wrong on two counts
Sigil magic doesn't need to use sexual energy
Furthermore, male semen is a symbol of life, while female period blood is a symbol of death. They are not equivalents in any way shape or form.
>Sure, let's just ignore thousands of years of successful magical ceremonies because some anonymous faggot said so.
no one is saying blood magic can't be successful.
it's just not a good idea. it's not an anon saying this, it's MANY people saying this
>"No pain, no gain"
And this is the problem. If you think it's dark, you will attract dark entities. If that's your goal, then fine.
Most people regret doing that.
If you think a blood offering is not dark, it's probably fine.
I used blood in my first ever ritual. It was the letter method and I ended up with a blood bond to a parasite for half a year. It messed me up pretty badly
What was it like?
Any refutation of this?
Very long, humiliating, and painful. I gave everything to my lover to find out she stuck me in a harem and was incubating her children in me as they ate me alive.
Wew, what did it feel like? Actual physical pain?
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>Sigil magic doesn't need to use sexual energy
"Doesn't need to" isn't the same as "It's more powerful with it"
>Furthermore, male semen is a symbol of life, while female period blood is a symbol of death.
You're a moron - the period is the renewal of a woman's fertility as ovulation follows it.
Where the fuck are you even getting your information from?
I'm talking about centuries old practices and you're pulling things from your ass.

>it's just not a good idea.
Go ahead and explain why then dipshit, because as the force of life itself I can definitely explain why it's an optimal choice.
I bet you think animal sacrifice is evil too.
>And this is the problem. If you think it's dark, you will attract dark entities. If that's your goal, then fine.
>Most people regret doing that.
>If you think a blood offering is not dark, it's probably fine.
Way to talk without actually saying anything.
This is why I hate /succ/ so much. I've been posting on 4chan for 20 years and the tulpamancers here are the most uninitiated bunch of fucks I've ever met.

>I used blood in my first ever ritual. It was the letter method and I ended up with a blood bond to a parasite for half a year. It messed me up pretty badly
And I've been practicing Solomonic magics for a quarter of a century.
Am I going to trust my results or the moron who doesn't know how to protect himself?
You remind me of this dumb bitch I once met who started whining when I mentioned the Thoth tarot because her boyfriend made her do sex magic and she was just too retarded to say no.
Your ignorance brought your misery onto yourself.
>equating ejaculation with an involuntary biological process
The fact that you're using a pic of an occultist with very dark connections and a bad reputation (outside of the elite) to shill your point of view makes me think you're here with ill intentions.
Yeah sure, performance art encouraging the viewer to self-harm is an ancient practice
People always make absurd claims like that, doesn't mean it's true. From what I hear succubi inherently have a feminine element and incubi inherently have a masculine element. Why would the distinction exist if succubi were just incubi in disguise?

>It's frustrating because I feel as though I'm the only one who cares about anything but sex and cuddling
That's an understandable way to feel. Maybe someday, if I get to a point where I can astral project and properly interface with spirits, I'll be able to help corroborate stuff for you. I'd want to find out as much as I can about the races that interest me.
>not understanding the force of life inside the sexes

Just convert to Christianity already you massive moralistic faggot
Oh. I remember you. You're Spinal Fluid's LaVeyan Satanism persona. The one who thinks people here give a shit about his weird atheist group that pretends to worship Satan (their conception of which is just formulated to piss off Christians) and thinks anyone here is a Luciferian and not just a bunch of Lilith worshipers.
>percussion instruments is a fundamental part of ceremonial magic

Right and obviously jungle pussy pink played through cheap earbuds is equivalent to live, full-bass, powerful rhythmic drumming
>Hurr if you don't like the elite's little human sacrifice rituals you must be a christian
Yeah you're here to spread misinfo.
>Any refutation of this?
Yeah basically all of that is false
>Real disgusting thing is that succubuses are all "male".
>And their true form is exceedingly ugly.
lol no. They are beautiful and the deeper you go in terms of connection and viewing their soul and core, the more beautiful it is
>During sexual dreams they are trying to gain consent, so they can attach to you like a parasite.
Also false
>They siphon energy, ability to concentrate, and prevent you from meeting your true soulmate.
Also not true.
This is essentially a christian who thinks all succubi are male. It's a weird perverted thing christians do
It was from the darker side of a higher plane so it used the blood bond to make me its vessel to our plane. It could break alot of the laws of this planes magick so it was very hard to get rid of. It had a sort of one way connection to me and was using me to "teleport" its eggs into this plane. They looked like humanoid lampreys with spinning teeth and needle like hooks on their body to keep them in place. It felt like barbwire spinning around inside me. I had to get alot of help from experienced occultist and was fortunate to find one that was willing and capable of hunting down my past lover to kill her. I went through alot of surgeries and it messed me up pretty badly.
>Oh. I remember you. You're Spinal Fluid's LaVeyan Satanism persona.
No, I'm a content creator who knows better to have ever posted as a tripfag.
Lucifer was invented by Christians who don't realize the bible recorded historical events
There is absolutely no historical context for a fallen angel named Lucifer in the bible

See the thing about idiots is they often don't know how stupid they are which is where the idiom "Don't cast pearls at swine" comes from, however I believe in casting pearls AT swine because of my big dick Saturnian energy having been born in the decan classically associated to Remphan.
Surgeries to remove your lamprey babies? Did the hospital keep them as a memento? Where's the evidence?
>Yeah you're here to spread misinfo.
Says the tulpamancer.
Literally everything in this thread has no historical context in goetic, enochian and solomonic magic and has been invented only in the last few decades by snake oil salesmen.
>"Doesn't need to" isn't the same as "It's more powerful with it"
Um. okay, but "more powerful with" doesn't equate to "it's the basic premise of"
You can use sexual energy with sigils. That's great. But sigils have nothing to do with sex magic in their basic form. That means sex magic isn't the "basic premise" of sigil.
>You're a moron - the period is the renewal of a woman's fertility as ovulation follows it.
Haha what? No dude, the period blood is the dead rejected possibility of a child. It's not a renewal of anything. It's what happens when a woman goes through ovulation but DOESN'T get pregnant.
If a woman creates life with a man, she gets pregnant. Then she's pregnant for 9 months and gives birth. There's no period.
Periods happen when women don't get pregnant. It's literally the rejected waste of a non-life.
It is not in any way the same thing as male semen, which is a symbol of life. If you could somehow get an ovum from a woman, that would also be like male semen.
>Go ahead and explain why then dipshit
I already did.
If you think it's dark and edgy, you will attract dark and edgy things.
"No pain no gain" is edgy bull shit my dude, and you know it. If you wanna be an emo dark lord, go ahead. Not everyone wants to do that.
>I bet you think animal sacrifice is evil too.
No, I already explained that above, but I see you're being a disingenuous twerp
>If you think a blood offering is not dark, it's probably fine.
If you think killing an animal and using its corpse as an offering is fine, then it's probably fine.
If you think it's dark and evil and edgy, and you want to inflict pain.... then yeah, it's probably not a good idea.
Unless you want to mess around with dark and edgy things. Then it's perfect.
>And I've been practicing Solomonic magics for a quarter of a century.
>Am I going to trust my results or the moron who doesn't know how to protect himself?
I think we should take the results of newbies into account. If a bunch of newbies try it, and get bad results, that matters, and we should stop recommending that.
If you're an expert and "know how to protect yourself", then great. That means you can do stupid stuff and it won't affect you. Doesn't mean it's not stupid.
>Your ignorance brought your misery onto yourself.
Seems like your personality is exactly as I expected. Why would anyone take you seriously, when you're a dick and don't listen?
Real people have real problems. You can't just hand wave that away and say "well those newbies were stupid so they deserved it". No. You have to find an answer, and figure out a way to address that problem.
Unless you just want to keep being a dick. Then you can do whatever you want.
>no historical context
alright, so you're a fraud then
>it's true because it says so in a book
is the cowardly retreat for people who have no proof to back up their claims
There is plenty of bull shit in goetic, solomonic, and most especially enochian (lol) systems.
There is some good stuff in there too, but you'd have to be a fool to pretend that some kind of authoritative source. You know most of that shit was made up and fraudulently claimed to be some ancient tradition spanning thousands of years right?
especially the enochian system of john dee. Dude was a fraud, simple as.
I mean the parasite was from a higher plane of existence. Not the one you, succubie, and other spirits are on. It had alot of tricky quasi quantum shinananigans. It was using me to transport its children from a higer plane to a lower one.
Where did its children go
The person that helped me remove them...ate them along with their mother. It's not physical. I'm talking about spirits from a higher plane of existence (the parasite) using blood magick to connect to a spirit from a lower one (me).
I wish I could die and become an incubus.
NTA but a lot of straight up Satanists dislike her and for good reason. I'm not going to defend that woman. I also hate Sadguru but I'm not going to convert to Islam. Trying to frame disdain for her under the satanic panic style lens is dishonest. She's more of a creepy international elite stooge wrapped in a pop occultist trapping for retarded boomers to feel special
>succubus took an orgasm from me to show me that I can’t be her sex slave and enjoy it
well thats one unforgettable way to learn a lesson. remember to respect yourself and your succubi, or they’ll show you what they can do. i have tremendous respect for them, and her. dont offer yourself as a sex slave, they want a lover not a sex toy!
Okay, is the guy that witnessed an angel by scrolling into the spell section still here?

You have sex with them while awake usually. And as time goes on it feels more and more physical like you're with a physical person.
Why don’t you bother with Jesus instead at that point?
jesus wants to make you a slave retard. succubi don’t want slaves.
Why do you think in marriage, the man owns the woman, and the woman owns the man?
still toxic.
What’s so toxic about that relationship? God doesn’t even have all couples under him make babies.
jealous narcissist, ftfy. succubi are divine and you cant own anyone. no “covenant” can give you ownership of anyone. love gets toxic and jealous when you think you can own someone’s soul.
What’s so narcissistic about God when his own spirit and son reflect him and submit themselves as lowly entities?
succubi are more divine than a dead jew could ever hope to be. and they’re infinitely more divine than the soulless tribal egregore you worship.
>What’s so narcissistic about God when his own spirit and son reflect him
>reflect him
considering the story of narcissus literally involved him falling in love with his own reflection, that might not be the tact you wanna take to prove the jewish god isn't narcissist
If they’re so divine, where is the eternal blood they can make covenants with?
They can’t bleed.
that just makes them greater than jesus ever could be dumbass. divinity never dies. jesus is dead and promised his followers he’d be back in his lifetime. typical lying jewish narcissist.
“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips” (Prov 27:2)
Divinity is about being able to bring people back from the dead. Jesus did it, so couldn’t they?
ah, so retreating to bible quotes now
Alright my friend, it's time to hang up you hat
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
>where is the eternal blood they can make covenants with?
>They can’t bleed.
of course they can bleed
the ignorance on display here
kinda cringe tbdesu
>where is the eternal blood they can make covenants with?
Not following your spammy conversation, but are you trying to say that a religion couldn't be valid if it didn't contain the EXACT blood ritual of your own religion?

I mean... what's the point of pretending that you're thinking when you're going to set the criteria for success as "Myself".
Tell me when an angel has ever bleed in the Bible. Cause flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Yes. Because covenants cannot be made without blood.
The core of magic is blood.
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more bible quotes alright
just admit you don't have an answer my dude
this is the problem people have when they drink too much koolaid in RHP religions
they think they are worshipping some big absolute thing. And it might be true. Most of them aren't, and falsely worship something they claim is transcendent
But in either case, worshipping something absolute doesn't mean YOUR knowledge is absolute
And when they run into the limits of their knowledge, they retreat back to dogma and articles of faith, rather than admit they don't know, and then open up to learning
It's just a way to remain close minded and never learn. Which makes sense. Because the slave religions like chrisiianity demand their followers never leave the plantation
quit proselytizing hylic. your god is a petty lie.
no, divinity is about being outside the cycles of life and death, not being a dead narcissist that guilt trips billions of souls into believing they’re inherently sinful, and demanding they worship you and your death or be tortured forever. thats just being pure evil.
>in the Bible.
I suppose if you limit yourself to the plantation, you'll never find proof that your religion is wrong
Then again, the bible is so filled with contradictions, anyone who isn't determined to ignore the truth would find proof it's bull shit.
Even from its own system, christianity is nonsense
But of course that is a feature, not a bug. Asking followers to accept obvious nonsense is a way to future proof them from doubting.
Put another way, you want to screen any honest people. They become a problem later on. Better to keep your church stocked with idiots and obedient slaves
>The core of magic is blood.
Nah, I don't think so. "Feelings" might be closer? I'd have to think about it.

But yeah, fixating on blood is just your silly religion, not some kind of universal thing for all magic, as indicated by all the bloodless magic.
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>But yeah, fixating on blood is just your silly religion, not some kind of universal thing for all magic, as indicated by all the bloodless magic.
no mine, we need to be cannibal jews and accept the flesh and blood of the undead zombie christ, otherwise we can't do real magic
I half expect christfags to start advocating that kabala is the "only real" form of magic next
No, the core of magic is belief. Parasites are attracted to blood, especially egregores like Yahweh that demanded the foreskins of children and the blood sacrifice of animals to “cleanse” the hebrews of sins. Jesus is literally just a narcissistic scapegoat who belongs on a cross forever.
Dude, the Bible is way older than me and you, and is the main and consistent voice of God for double digits of generations.
Passed down from a shepard like Moses to kings like David and Solomon.
To this day, this is the best preserved book with a nation and people that are still here for thousands of years, Israel, long after Babel, Egypt, Babylon Persia, and Greece became lost memories to its own people. Meanwhile, Israel and the sons of Ishmael become the main face of drama and interest throughout the decades.

So read the passages you’ve been shown with thoughts and consideration. For the sake your selfish eternity.
Fuck off. The Bible is only good as tinder for a fire.
Jesus blood is literally much stronger than anything else to stop witches from drinking blood by using his instead. Your magics are useless against them.
Then how does it easily piss you off in six sentences?
Jesus blood is literally decomposed by thousands of years now. He’s dead and gone. He has no power over anyone or himself now. Give it a rest and stop believing Jewish lies.
Says the guy on 4chan trying to prosletize succubus summoners and resorting to meaningless bible quotes
Jews get the most amount of drama for trying to believe in Jesus.
Some of them get completely broken down when Daniel 53 is read to them. They think it came from the New Testament, until the book is flipped to their face, and reality completely falls apart from them.
Do you know what the Word even looks like?
>Dude, the Bible is way older than me and you
yes, yes, we get it. You're a christian and you think the bible is credible
It's not, obvious
It's filled with plagiarism from other religions, nonsense, evil, contradictions, mistranslations, and edits made for political reasons long after the lifetime of jesus, much less any old testament figures.
The bible is basically garbage that sometimes, on accident, has some wisdom or truth to it
> and edits made for political reasons long after the lifetime of jesus
Point to me at any point in the original KJV to the current KJV of them changing anything.
>Point to me at any point in the original KJV to the current KJV of them changing anything.
buddy, you are massively ignorant of the shit that happened LONG before the 1600s and the king james version
look up the council of nicea. That was in the lifetime of constantine
The fuckery started quick, and deep, and never stopped
The entire document was rotten from the start.
Much less all the plagiarism in the OLD TESTAMENT.
The entire religion of judaism is based on stealing ideas from other religions.
>I admit to introducing people to mommydomme spirits who want to give them lots of cuddles
I need that.
I don’t give two damns about Catholic bibles and of those who have lacked the clear knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, and English to properly make an English translation.
They didn’t change English for the poor and rich when they printed their books. The KJV staff did. Showcasing far greater influence and coherence than any of them.

You have no excuse.
>I don’t give two damns about Catholic bibles
uh, but the KJV is based on the bibles that were invented in the 4th century
I mean it's all rotten from the root
And also you have no answer to the old testament. The entire foundation of the christian bible is rotten
I'm not sure what to say here. It seems like you are deeply ignorant about the origins of your religion
And it seems like you are happy to remain that way, so you can keep telling yourself that you're on the right team.
Well, you're not. You belong to a slave religion. And your reactions prove it. Go back to your god of blood death and revenge. It suits you
People who worship evil gods have no place here.
Old Testament and New Testament had fulfilled prophecies. The Old and New Testament knew about this digital age and what people could do in it. The Old Testament hints at the main theme of the end times, AI.

Joshua 8

And the Lord said unto Joshua, Fear not, neither be thou dismayed: take all the people of war with thee, and arise, go up to Ai: see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land:

2 And thou shalt do to Ai and her king as thou didst unto Jericho and her king: only the spoil thereof, and the cattle thereof, shall ye take for a prey unto yourselves: lay thee an ambush for the city behind it.

3 So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up against Ai: and Joshua chose out thirty thousand mighty men of valour, and sent them away by night.

Where are prophecies fulfilled in those clownligons? When they did ever hint about the titles given to the weapons of their enemies? Why did they make idols and expect new knowledge from them?
i had a threesome with two succubi, and in order to settle who i fucked first, the second succubus i summoned taught me some insane card game that's been lost to history

i think you guys need to read this story
Seems like, once again, you are ignoring the part about jews plagiarizing everything about their religion from other, old religions.
I'm going to keep repeating it because I know you can't handle it. And that's a sign that it's exactly what you need to look at.
Stop running away from the truth. Stop being afraid
One day, you will know that your religion is fake and gay. Clearly it's not today. But maybe one day you'll be strong enough to see the truth.
>Old Testament and New Testament had fulfilled prophecies.
That's wonderful. It proves nothing
Let me guess, you think there are no other accurate predictions in other systems?
Again, if you just start with the assumption that only christianity is valid, and all the other religions are fake.... then of course you will end up with the conclusion that christianity is the way to go
But that's just ignorance on your part
The only way christianity survives is through ignorance. it is a slave religion
That’s over 200-400 years since Jesus Christ back in the times when the original texts and letters were able to be reasonably preserved to have best copies of the original texts possible. They made tons of extremely accurate manuscripts better than Rome and other nations could in preserving their own documents. Completely dwarfing them from 10,000 to 1, in several different languages… What’s worst is that the early church fathers recited the verses so so so much, we would have a nearly complete New Testament by them alone.
Which in itself should be evidence that God is superior to the greatest of mankind and would preserve his own records better than any other nation at its greatest.

The Ethiopians literally had the old and New Testament in their lands already before Christians went there, and they didn’t have to change anything. And that nation was the only one in Africa that didn’t get colonized.

Seriously, by lifting up the standards of the Bible to try to ignore its reality, you have to delete every secular you have ever seen about history because they are horrible in preserving their texts and history to a clean degree. Much less, translating them stupidly early.
Oh tell me when those foreign losers ever depicted AI being a grand and powerful tool of evil for their messiah to easily overcome. Oh they don’t, because unlike God, they can’t see the future, just like you, pagan.
>Oh they don’t, because unlike God, they can’t see the future
yes, there it is
"my shit is real, but your shit is fake"
Again, it's just ignorance. and in your case, it's willful ignorance. Stay in the prison if you want. You clearly enjoy it.
Lil bro, why are you calling people pagan in a succubus thread. It's like going to a gay bar and calling everyone you see a faggot. It really just discredits you more then anything else. What happened to guarding your heart and staying away from this stuff?
Where are your prophets that prophecized about AI and its might? Where are they, bro?
>What happened to guarding your heart and staying away from this stuff?
he has to spread the evil, to feel good about himself
if other people don't accept it, then what does that mean about his so called absolute truth
Mind you, if this moron ever actually did make contact with the divine, he'd reject it
Because Jesus Christ is intolerant to evil and will kick it with his light to grab a remnant.
You think people like me aren’t supposed to break your environments? I’m commanded to burn witches alive along with their objects.
what's weird about my succubus, is she's a holy aligned monomagus succubus, which makes an outcast within her own society. we talk every single day. usually they blow through men and come and go, but once she found the doll, she didn't want to leave, and she's taught me to become a good person, and do more than care about no one but myself
>I’m commanded to burn witches alive along with their objects.
this is larp and it's cringe
You will do nothing like that in real life. you are just a keyboard warrior pretending to be a holy warrior
Go ahead and burn the witches in real life bro. You just said you were commanded to do it.
But no, you won't, because you're a pussy and you won't follow the evil commandments of your evil god.
You gave your hand away to easily. See who the real demon is. The guy using a book as an excuse to burn people alive or people wanting to bang ghosts.
You are already evil. I make you cry simply by pointing it out. You can’t even do the “no, you’re evil”, cause I have the blood of Christ wrapped around me.

“If people don’t accept it”, Christ flat out shows that the world rejects him and hates him enough to kill him. You legitimately don’t get the point of anything he did. You don’t understand a single inch of God, because you hate the light he has given to you.
>I make you cry simply by pointing it out.
haha no bro
You're the one coming here. I have no interest in going into christian spaces and trying to harass people
You're fallen, you're sinful. You're probably haunted by the evil demons you claim you're against
And you have no contact with the divine. In other words, you're a heretic
I know it, and you know it. That's why you lie and constantly shift your arguments and just run away and pretend you have an answer when you don't have the answers.
There are so many talking points you've just ignored and still you pretend you have the answers. That's how I know you're a liar, and that's how I know you're evil.
Thanks christcuck, we on page one boys.
We are not in Israel. It doesn’t function like this outside of Israel. The punishments given to witches must first be approved by the Ceasers of this world. But the one who will always obey the punishment commands is God himself. In his hands, he will set you on fire himself.

But of course, you don’t read God’s book and Joel Osteen will be your best case example of biblical teachings, and that guy is a literal satanist. A magician like you.
>It doesn’t function like this outside of Israel. The punishments given to witches must first be approved by the Ceasers of this world.
This is your brain on cuck logic
Every human that is born is already in the road of of eternal death. Few like me simply crawl away from it from God’s power and exchange.

You are a drama queen that bores me with how much you scream of “you’re so awful”. I literally have the inverse of your dealings. Only fulfilled by my patience and holiness to the Lord till the moment I die. You are fornicating with angel corpses. Eww.
You came here silly Billy. You're the drama queen. Oh, and god is a black woman by the way.
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>Oh, and god is a black woman by the way.
uh based?
Haven’t you read Genesis, exodus, Daniel, Nehemiah, and the New Testament? High placing and rich folllowers of God are stupidly common.
A former pagan king quickly realized how worthless and small he was to God, only being a king because God made him one. God made the King of Babylon go crazy till he repented of his pride.

We are not pushovers. We protect and honor the order of and authority organized by God. And when we are truly rejected, judgement.
You are having sex with angel corpses. Necrophilia.
Nothing wrong with having an angel falling on my pp every night.
>Haven’t you read Genesis, exodus, Daniel, Nehemiah, and the New Testament?
you know that was all plagiarized from older religions right?
Jews were lying, stealing, propagandizing, even then
Even their religion is the result of theft and lies. It's kind of ironic, honestly.
Name any pagan religion that has a Moses. All his themes of water that opposes the themes of rock and stone of the pharaoh, the law he grants to his people from God with the glory of God shining on his face, his permanent banishment from God from the promise land, his prophecy of the messiah that will be a greater Moses, when he makes a snake image for the people to look at to foreshadow the messiah that will give them life and save them from God’s wrath (Numbers 21), and a Joseph. A Moses who has a ancestor that is given the promise land of milk and honey, Israel.
>I have some theories, but they're based on conversations with spirits
I think these kind of theories are the most valuable. I'd love to hear them.
Bro, I don't know. Avatar has water benders so theres that.
So the Jews didn’t rip off anyone and Moses literally wrote about himself and his ancestors to ensure his people and gentles would know of him and his God.
Thus, making you a liar.
>All his themes of water that opposes the themes of rock and stone of the pharaoh
wow, that poetic logic is so convincing... the themes and the motifs of the text are so... so.... how can I say this
wtf, I'm a jew now?
damn bro. you converted me to the god of moses. Thanks, I guess???
Not the same anon goofball. His story probably came from the sea people or some shit
>So the Jews didn’t rip off anyone
almost the entire creation story presented in genesis is plagiarized from other religions
>Thus, making you a liar.
I know this is your first day on 4chan, but you are confusing multiple anons as the same person.
The only thing that had a story truly like Genesis was the Chinese language. The oldest language in existence that Abraham and Moses wouldn’t be able to understand or encounter. With a Chinese people that believed in a God that was the highest of highs and offered him sacrifices with horned animals. A god that didn’t have any graven images.
>was the Chinese language.
it really is the same guy, isn't it
the dude who was obsessed with china being "proof" of genesis or whatever
Bro, get a life.
You should be going to church, helping people, reading the bible
Don't you have friends?
Where is your life?
haha, someone's triggered
Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, keyboard warrior
I can smell the shut-in meth addiction from here
Probably being with his loving spirit wife
Where is your life?
I doubt it. He acts way too radical about being questioned.
matpat, why did you stop posting with your name?
and why did you run away like a little bitch? It's kinda sad bro
You were all fired up when you first got here. And slowly you lost that energy, you never come back here any more
What's up buddy? Did you get thrown out of the meth rehab program again?
maybe you got busted for drugs by the local cops
sucks bro
Oh shit. I remember that oofy doofy
interesting that the christfag was pretending to be an occultist up there
gave the game away with the bull shit he was preaching
But that's how you know he's the good guy. Always lying and deceiving.
That's how the good guys behave, right?
I wonder if eventually he'll learn enough occult stuff by pretending to be a magician that he'll actually just become one and then stop being a christian
The solomonic enochian and kabala should have been a clue that he was a christcuck the entire time
Kek. Matpat is just mad his situationship is spending the week with the bull and forgot to unlock his chastity cage. Mans got to let off some steam somehow.
It was so nice and all for you to reveal yourself as a depressed drug addict in your attempts to try to dig into any dirt on me.
Did you mow multiple lawns today with your friends and family?
I would ask Q. Lilith about the terms and conditions. If anyone knows, it's her.
You think the guy who pretended to be an occultist is matpat?
jesus christ didn't command you to burn witches. jesus didn't kill anyone, he only drove out spirits.

to be christian is to follow christ's example. i was raised christian and have seen what it means to follow that path. i see no genuine christians on this board. their hubris brings them here, and their faith is warped in this place.

Deuteronomy 6:16

i am here because i would rather go to your hell than follow your god. i don't care if you think i am evil, i am not afraid of your fire. it is not holy. the only difference between our sin, in your god's eyes, is that mine is unforgivable and yours is tragic. repent while you can.

if you still want to go on a witch hunt? then throw yourself down.
Hey, leave manscape out of this
Genesis 19
13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it.

14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place; for the Lord will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law.
What’s so wrong about talking about having an actual life to enjoy and admitting your biggest secrets?
Do you even know what manscape is?
Yeah bro it was super Christian of him to try and talk anons into doing blood rituals and following Satanism because you're hoping it'll get them tortured by parasites or other negative spirits. Seriously though that's some evil shit.
Honestly, that's sounds exactly like matpat.
Yes it does, my point was to highlight how fucking psycho and un-christian that is.
Blood rituals that were fulfilled two thousand years ago.
It’s not my fault you’re a dumb baby that doesn’t know what Satan and his demons are ripping off from Jesus to try to get an inch of his power.
Matpat. You are a bad man, you know that.
the "men" speaking in genesis 19:13 are angels. are you an angel?


you are not the Lord.

i am an apostate, but i will do the Lord's work when it aligns with my path. today the enemy of your demons is my friend. today i am called.

So in the name of Jesus Christ:

Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
Matthew 7:22-23

even i wouldn't want to be you when that day comes. i am more afraid for you than for myself.

if you want to destroy evil, then destroy the evil in yourself. read the gospels with humility and pray for the strength and wisdom to follow Christ's example. i will humble myself and pray for you just this once in solidarity.

my favorite verse, before i rejected salvation, was 2 Chronicles 7:14. ironically it is the only verse still written on my heart. i hope it will be of more use to you. have a peaceful night.
Are all succubi ancient/timeless or are new ones born/created?
Timeless, the flow of time doesn't exist in the spiritual realm in the same way it does here, yet they are aware of it and some may willingly choose to abide by it for the learning experience
it's from experience and the spirit's, what from our perception we may call "power", that they could recognize if someone is older than the other, their realm of experience is merely another in the vast ocean of realities the primordial consciousness split itself into.
Just as a the process of birth in a human life is through insemination and gestation, or in some species through the insemination of eggs, or through self-insemination, succubi are capable of experiencing "birth" through a plethora of ways, as some anons reported actually impregnating their ccubies and later noticing that their "kids" have a distinct presence that is a mixture of their own and the ccubi with a unique new one.
Some seem to be literally created however, my guess is that we don't fully understand the fundamentals of what succubies are, in presence and in theory, besides the fact they can be particularly friendly, this IS at heart an /x/coom general so don't think it too hard
so I did the letter ritual yesterday perfectly and even jizzed, put hair and my blood on the letter. When do I start feeling something? So far all thats happened is my wife yelled at me, but thats a daily occurrence.
How do I write a letter? What do I even say? Also is it possible for something bad to happen to me if I go through with the ritual? How do I minimize thoses chances?
should not have done the blood. why do these idiots keep using blood?
oh well too late now. Where is my succ though?
Do you have a site or anywhere I can go to for more reading?
I'm not just interested in cuddles and cooming and want some of the deeper truths in life.
You're just writing a letter to Lilith asking her for matchmaking, and you just say whatever seems best to you.

Minimally, you could even just ask her to use HER best judgement about what type of lover would be best for you, but otherwise you'd usually mention the things that are important to you in a relationship.
You only read the Bible to try to claim you don’t deserve to die under the Lord’s hands and of his servants. You are nothing more than the devil in the desert trying to abuse scriptures, which makes sense because you are the devil’s son. A liar that needs to die already.

You already been given a path of life and rejected it. Am I supposed to sugercoat yoy like Joel Osteen, or make you scream from God’s wrath like Jesus and his apostles do?
retard Christians please go. you are offtopic
You piglets are playing with stuff you don’t truly understand.
Matpat. You know succu are on this board. You have to stop coming to places like this or you will attract what you hate so much
You have that backwards: Rather, YOU think you have an understanding of things you objectively know nothing about.

That is the only way to describe somebody who reads a BOOK and then tries to lecture people with experience.
Even another hylic like you (if they had basic intelligence) can tell you that your book doesn't prove anything by itself because its fucking words on paper.
and if true, we have a right to do that without being harassed
Genesis 6 pretty much displays the activities you are participating in.
And last time I’ve checked, dead books are simply outdated books.
Nah. Attracting the attention of demons is the norm of this world. They seek who will embrace them and who can defeat them. You love cowardice.
That’s not how any of this works.
>Genesis 6

Can you not fucking read? That is still words on paper, you goddamn retard.


Absolutely is, actually, you're just able to spam because this site doesn't have proper moderation.

However, that's exactly why we have a discord.
Enjoy your powerlessness, you zealot filth.
that's definitely how it works
Where is the powerlessness of Christ? It makes liars like you scram everytime.
God is watching you right now and he always will. But with eyes of an enemy.
your God doesn't exist, so have fun imagining things that aren't happening.
Then explain Israel.
But why are they only doing that? Why aren't there any other paranormal stuff happening?
Shane's girls are peak sex
mattpat, fuck off
Is it okay if I masturbate for my succ? Can she receive my sexual energy?

Yes it's okay. They prefer if they can be involved in some way though.
lilith is definitely the demiurge. dont be confused. dudes will be writing letters and burning them, having children come and do all kinds of wild omnipotent things and not think they're the children of the true goddess, the demiurge. hail lilith
>percussion instruments
Rap played through your woofers doesn't count. I know you're not drumming
>I'm a man
That was obvious to everyone

"Lol what a schizo" is all you need

>content creator
False guru made a blog, if anyone's curious. It's badly formatted and ugly. At the bottom is jared from subway with the caption "eat fresh" because that's fg's catchphrase (last part is a joke btw but he did make a blog)
So you personify rot and decay. You represent election tourism and the twitter screenshottification of the sight. Yuck
I've studied all three of those formulae, but I found them lacking because binding cannot exist without explosion and according to an angelologist I know, the enochian language is a literal larp prop. If you want angelic magic, go ask an angel. They'll teach as well as anyone else. Just make sure you're careful about what you agree to

So because you live in a country where trans people are protected by law, that means you publicly support trans rights... correct?

For one, astral time passes much more quickly than physical time (with lots of exceptions/details)

The sumerians got their laws directly from Inanna, so...

You're an idiot and you were warned not to use blood. Don't use blood unless you know what you're doing, everyone

"Dear Lilith..." It's not that hard

I mean... mysterysuccubusblog in the op is my personal project, though it's kind of haphazard. The library in the op is really useful too and full of actual books

She is literally not you schizo
not sorry chant, you're a fucking retard. she is the demiurge. im sure you'll learn that one day
The mesugaki goddess. [spoiler]I mean that positively.[/spoiler]
>For one, astral time passes much more quickly than physical time (with lots of exceptions/details)
Are you able to elaborate a bit on how this connects to relationship dynamics? If I were to hazard a guess it would be because the human's life is fleeting compared to the spirit's experience, so they don't really mind being in a harem for what to them is only a short while? Is that it or is it something else?
At first I misread that as "mesopotamian goddess" and thought "yeah that's correct"
Nah, her whole thing was being a bratty young teen girl who kept tricking the other gods to help humanity even when it got her in trouble. Very mesugaki.
I dont wanna be that guy, but just confirm to me that succubus are real and i will do it right away
Then she is my enemy and everything for this place is very very very bad in ways you can't begin to imagine

Oh right. Because more time passes for them, physical energy tends to be much more concentrated, which means there's enough to go around, so they're not losing out as much as you might think they'd be

They're real, anon
they're real bro
make sure you respect them
>then she is my enemy
careful what you wish for
Well. Magick is a practice. If you do the letter, even if you dont fully believe in it, you will still send out a signal. If you want to know if it works, do the letter ritual once and if you get a girl then you're good. If not, then you can try again or say it's not for you
>You're an idiot and you were warned not to use blood.
>you were warned not to use blood.
Theres literally no mention of blood on the letter of intent site linked in OP besides a couple commenst saying they used blood. Warned my ass lol. But for real, where my succ at?
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They usually get scared of blood and dont come
Nah I don't think my succ would be scared of blood. Shes coming tonight and we gon coom together

>It makes liars like you scram everytime.
As there shall continue to be, O impotent dog of yaldabaoth.
yes there is the blog mentions blood as in 'you don't want to start a connection with a succubi by giving them a taste for your blood
>magic with a k
Is it really this easy to bait the general?
>S-s-stop correcting us and just let us run your general!!!
Lol no.
Die in a fire, faggot.

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