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Spirit Love General
Late Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38697914
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
Ah crap, we were on page 10 so I was in a hurry.

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>So did she show up on her own rather than you summoning her?
I hadn't found this thread yet, but found an article about "Godspousing." It referenced Hinduism, and described an ancient practice of spiritual sex with a deity, claiming it could lead to enlightenment. It explained a deity could be a spiritual guide and also provide intimacy, as knowledge is transferred through sex. It claimed that since they're incorporeal, they can induce pleasure without discomfort, so intense anything else pales in comparison. It read like an advertisement, though no specific deities were mentioned. I considered it, but decided against it. I didn't summon anyone. While I liked the idea of receiving divine guidance, I worried it would just delude me instead, or I'd end up so enchanted that I'd march to my death as I felt as though my attachments were no longer in the physical world, but another. It seemed very dangerous to me.

My fears and wishes have always tended to become embodied by voices and visions. Fears become waking nightmares, and wishes get my hopes up just to pull the rug from under me. So I try to maintain a state of ambivalence to protect myself. But this new information put a wish and fears into my mind; perhaps that's why she showed up. But instead of making false promises like other voices did, she refuted my fears by showing there are practical solutions to every issue I worried about. She may never have claimed to be a deity, but I believe there's wisdom to her pragmatic, solution-oriented mindset.

>But I wonder if your interactions being so closely tied to vision is a similar deal to how NEW is tied to touch, with your visualization being what opens up energy pathways for you to sense her?
I would agree. Visualization may be a skill I practiced, but she can control it as well as I can. Besides talking and sensing each other's emotions, that's how we interact.
Pic unrelated, just found it cute.
>doing the LBRP
>finished my ring of pentagrams, my succ stands inside with me cheerfully
>get to invoking archangel raphael
>in a way that's hard to explain, he wasnt there, but his resonance/energy was, and it was fucking powerful and protective
>never felt this guarded before
>mentally chuckle and say "w-woah..."
>succ giggles and holds my shoulders
>says "isn't he cool?"

>finish up LBRP
>room genuinely feels different
>unexplainably safer

magic is fucking real
>i am hundred percent certain of the basics and the fundamentals behind healthy spiritual union
What are they? As someone who is looking for it, I am interested. Does one live more life or less to focus on meditation. I heard contradictive options. Apart from health, is it better to pursue something even if it lowers vibrations or try to find only the most fun activities? Is it worth to learn to master skills or crafts in life or better to focus on more spiritual inner self endeavours? All for the healthiest relationship with spirit significant other.
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
Where is the succubussy at?
cultivation of any kind share the similar purpose, progress and sense of fulfillment. the same sphere applies to spiritual lifestyle, you gradually progress and weigh your position and needs. if you do these from the perspective of your own health and wellbeing, both mental and physical, everything becomes effortless or frictionless so to say as your body ceases fighting it. having a sense of control over yourself and the path you undertake are the most crucial aspects of spiritual sphere. the pathways in your mind are same, you are focusing on something therefore whatever you choose you should see it all the way through being discouraged is the only thing keeping you back. observing your body and the sensations are one of the only ways to become accustomed to how you react to things, once you get a hold of a sensation you need to follow it and whenever it arises you have a cue and all cues come from somewhere. sometimes they are supernatural sometimes they pertain to your dna, environment or history. whatever is that you decide to do you have to actively engage observing yourself doing things, if there is no interactions you settle to your senses and where they originate from, and both are crucial, former for innervation and the latter how it formulates. in regards to spiritual union forming mutual path of concord is the corner stone of everything, what are they aiming for and what is your position and possible future residing in. paving the way is not the question, it is whether you are interested in seeing it all the way, being sated alleviates the pressure and consequently need to pursue further. hence, there must be inherent motivation to push yourself forward at all times no matter where you are or how well you are doing. if you have no motivation you settle as you are sated.
do you have any knowledge on overly adulterous entities? there's an entity that stalks that has sex with many different entities and wants me to do the same with human women, but i am trying to find a more monogamous spirit. despise inconsideration
many entities want to lead you astray, not intentionally, but in ways where you spend time chasing your own tail. entities like those want you to become accustomed to different repetitive and consuming behavior and mature in that regard. overindulging in certain things can make you feel you've had your way with it, sometimes sufficing the system. but what often really happens is you discover a way of being you were unaware of ending up trying to corrupt your initial way of being, the path of impurity is as vast and deep as any other reality. when we become indiscriminate with our interactions we lose the purpose to begin with. kindly resisting the temptation and continuing your path for monogamy is already paved front of you, you will find what you are looking for if you have the perseverance in you, and you clearly do. focus on your own being and figure it out that is the most important aspect before anything else. you have to remain steadfast with a spirit, the mutual future is always one slip up away from disaster, you mustn't betray yourself or the spirit and often there will be dilemmas where you have to choose. disaster is something that starts to slip out of your grasp and develop a life of its own. spirits in my experience appreciate authenticity over everything else, admitting the body is a struggle, the maintenance is a struggle and trying our best is a struggle. i never deny thoughts from myself they will otherwise manifest in a different more obscure way, finding the root where the thoughts pour in helps to alleviate the strain of whatever that is we seek for, and be in terms with it. on another note entities indulging in lust are obsessed with the sphere of impure or indiscriminating energy release and interactions,i don't see any other reason for being adulterous than the pure high of frictionless energy flow coming from the perverted lust,which often has to be intertwined with freedom become frictionless. freedom brings insecurity and chaos
She is in the bedroom or sleeping outside in her Succ House.
>Does trying to manifest the partner you want help in the letter? Im at the point where I see constant synchronicities in regards to the spirit I want to be with and was wondering if manifesting makes the letter more affective
>>finish up LBRP
>>room genuinely feels different
>>unexplainably safer
>magic is fucking real
What does her succ home look like anon? Is it american gothic, or is it like a tudor style
One of you niggers should send a succubus to attack me
What registers with Lilith it's not like she speaks English right? How do I know if I'm getting any where with her if we don't speak the same language. Does it compute with Lilith if I say Lilith in English, what's Lilith's actual name? How do I have a relationship with something I can't speak to?
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You can use her sigils, her astrological glyphs, her enn, her myths, her animal symbols, her artistic depictions to tune into her. (In my view, pic related transmits her energy well, though it's not how I saw her.) She does understand language somewhat, even though she tends to be nonverbal.
>How do I know if I'm getting any where with her
You'll know it, trust me.
>Lilith's actual name
She introduced herself as "Queen of Night" to me.
>I can't speak
You may want to enhance your request with pictures and emotions, instead of focusing on the exact words. In turn, instead of spelling out solutions, she may gently lead you to the answers, like a good teacher. Watch out for synchronicities too.
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Good day succgen
In my culture, it's considered in extremely poor taste to talk about how great you are. If people can't see for themselves, you're refuting yourself. You come off as a trump imitator, but it's pathetic because you're telling 4channers how popular and smart you are
Seems I really hit something with how upset you are about being called out on that...
And you do keep feeding the troll who has nothing interesting to say until he gets fed, because he's criticizing you. That's... a bit narcissistic, I've got to say

Would you want a spirit who wants a guy who would introduce himself with sexual monologuing?

Don't use an image, anon. Focus on the relationship you're looking for

Enn, sigil, offering. Just speak normally and she'll be more understanding than you expect

No thanks

>I was too afraid to take it.
She's a master of that. The question is whether you allow yourself to be dominated by fear or recklessness or if you figure out what the right course is

This is spinal fluid anon talking to himself

You have a fetish for being dominated and enslaved by strong, confident women, don't you

She understands what you say to her. A couple of spirits have explicitly mentioned teaching themselves english to better understand people, and Lilith seems the type to do so
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>You come off as a trump imitator, but it's pathetic because you're telling 4channers how popular and smart you are
Yeah, but again, that was literally a quote from an SNL skit.

And again again (which you're doing nothing to argue against): The idea that you interpret "I'm good ENOUGH, I'm smart ENOUGH" as "bragging about how great you are" is saying vastly more about you than me.
Is your self-esteem that rock-bottom, or were you MAYBE just looking for an excuse to have a go at me?

You can do your favorite 4chan bluster and meme about how you "must have struck a nerve", but no, you are literally making all these crazy judgements over an SNL reference, and that is the ONLY thing that's pathetic here, Shrew.
This comic was ruined by all the futa.
So you're saying you would have preferred if the main character stayed male? :3
Girls and boys who look like girls are good, futa are not. Simple as.
How caring are love spirits to their partners? Are they a very hard 50/50 where they only do things if you do something in return? Can you be with a love spirit that will be with you all the time and comfort you all day?
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Nah, its not transactional like that. Its an investment into you as a partner.

Okay... but what's the difference between a futa and a "boy who looks like a girl"?

And if you meant that traps are okay, then shouldn't a trap with tits be even MORE okay?
>Okay... but what's the difference between a futa and a "boy who looks like a girl"?
NTA but futa comes from futanari meaning dual form, usually this refers to having both genitalia and not just a penis.
If that was not actually the case in the comic, then I have no idea what anon meant
I didn't look at the comic closely, I just saw tits and dicks and noped out. Boys shouldn't have boobs either.
Booby boys... Of all things, what you're afraid of is the booby boys...
Yeah, I'm aware of the traditional definition meaning that a character has both, but I generally default to the common corruption where its just "Female-presenting + Penis"

With the caveat that I'm absolutely making a :3 face as I type this:
An occultist should not fear the Futa. Futa are the modern incarnation of the Androgyne. They are beautiful not only for the practical elements of "All-female coitus", but also because the Androgyne as a symbol is inherently attractive to our SOULS!

That's why its such a common fetish. It neutralizes and synthesizes the attractive binary of "Beauty vs Power".

(This is a complete asspull, but at the same time, I can't refute it at the moment, so make of that what you will...)
I know from personal experience that having tits as a guy sucks so I hate them, simple.
Futa is a common fetish because it lets you pretend you're not bisexual.
What value do labels of sexuality have for people focused on their post-material existence?

If you were married to some amazing goddess for 10,000 years, do you really think in all that time, with all those ways you would change, that you wouldn't ever one day be like, "Hey, what if YOU fuck ME?"
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>> 38736779
I would usually eat the offerings I left for my spirit, bcak when she was still around. I usually offered dark chocolate, because that was what she liked. I would tell her when I offered it, that I intended to eat it when she was done. It felt disrespectful to throw it out, but I didn't want to toss out outside because an animal could eat it an get sick. Chocolate would usually taste very weirdly flat and stale even if it was a fresh offering and I only let it sit for an hour or two. Ask your lady what she's okay with and state an itention when offering/before you eat it, or she might think you're hijacking her stuff.
Her home is with me in my personal level two Ascension Bar. We live on Welfare from Schizophrenia and dad dying on us insurance. Since I know Feng Shui I keep drawing lucky sigils and protection wards everywhere. Just the Godhead and the Other Half living the dream.
I'd ask her to take a male form instead of a futa one desu.
Since you got a troll response, I'll tell you from the glimpses I've gotten:
the vibe is dim and cozy, the architecture maybe reminds me of something Persian with how the hallways are...

There's a "Twilight Garden", where it stays at that light level all the time (where my cat is T_T)
There's her bedroom that's set up like an intimidating ritual antechamber with a four-poster altar inside a magic circle...
There was this weird pocket dimension filled with a red glow and "womb feeling" that she yanked me into once for a "Spoon in the Womb Room"

Oh, and then my favorite is the Hell-themed basement sex dungeon, where you go down some stairs that bizarrely exit onto a plateau, and then all the play spaces are surrounded by the pretty lava-scape (also not especially hot).
If I ask for a spirit that is very caring and supportive, do I have to worry about a spirit coming that isn't like that at all? I want to be with a love spirit that is very loving and willing to help rejuvenate my faith in love from past experiences.
You need to simplify. Just one bedroom, one bathroom, and one everything room.
bad night onianon
It dont need to be a bad night anon. Dont let your memes be dreams
>If I ask for a spirit that is very caring and supportive, do I have to worry about a spirit coming that isn't like that at all? I want to be with a love spirit that is very loving and willing to help rejuvenate my faith in love from past experiences.
You have been told time and time again to focus on yourself within, and what things YOU did which had a part to play in why your previous relationship went bad.
If you do those things again, then yes, you will see the same outcome.
You can't just wish for something perfect, then do whatever you want and expect it to stay perfect
Stop focusing on the external. Focus on what's within you. Ask yourself why things went bad, and stop blaming other people.
Then move forward from there. There is no perfect technique which will allow you to ignore the problems within you. You have to actually face them.
I was just asking if you will usually get what you ask for in you letter. If you ask for a soft and attentive spirit, is it unlikely you will attract the opposite?
I mean, the spirit in my head probably is not limited to this shit, but if she had hooves, i think she'd agree that'd be pretty hot.
>If you ask for a soft and attentive spirit, is it unlikely you will attract the opposite?
NTA, but the whole point of the ritual is match-making. So yes, when it comes to something like your "type", i.e. the soft and attentive type, I'm guessing, you should be good, but include it in your letter if its important to you.
The problem with the androgyne in real life is that it's rarely that harmonious, physically. Almost nobody ends up looking like Griffith with boobs like you'd want. I'm sure their spirit, if you looked it, would be quite interesting, but the difference there is that they can actively work to MAKE that harmonious if they're aware.
Alright, thank you
Oh yeah, I wouldn't recommend trying to PHYSICALLY realize such a state. I'm talking about spirit sex with my Succubus.

Cuz seriously, I know its a meme to talk about the "Feminine penis", but succubi can pull that shit off. Her cock is *Elegant~*
Oh I was whining a bit about my own body, since I felt in a more philosophical mood. Sometimes you don't get a choice. That said and on the point you went towards, the argument is often made that a succubus matches her feminine to your masculine, but one wonders how that would function for someone who has a... androgyne tilt. Perhaps she'd also tilt in such a way from the opposite direction. Sort of a 3 to 3 instead of a 1 to 2.
>Perhaps she'd also tilt in such a way from the opposite direction.
I would think its more like if you broke down your personality into the masculine and feminine traits (which would add up into something androgynous), then she would simply have complimentary traits, which would also add up to *different* androgyny.
>I was just asking if you will usually get what you ask for in you letter.
But then the relationship progresses from there
Your first relationship started okay, then it went south.
Why is that? You're never going to find a perfect species of spirit that will solve all the problems
You need to look within. you already know the answer. Why did your first relationship go bad?
Fair way to look at it overall. It doesn't have to be in regards to sexual traits. At least not permanently.
I used blood.
>I used blood.
and you also did some other stuff, my dude.
Don't run away from your problems.
As long as you don't do that again, you should be fine.
Nta, but do you have link to the article? I looked it up on ny own, but I'm curious which specific article you found.
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i prefer open good humored egotism to the cold covert narcisism exhibited by introverted cultures any day. I say I'm the best because I fuckin am
and any stuck up bitch who has a problem with it can drink what comes out of my ass. I worked hard for it I'm not gonna cuck out because some preening anglosphere or scandi cuck think i need to apologize for my own existence

You'd think an occultist would understand
>You'd think an occultist would understand
you would think, yes
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Two weeks ago there was a thunderstorm and I couldn't sleep.
>energy breakthrough around 3am
>feeling her every touch
>hearing her every word
>she also has full control of my cock
>makes it rise and fall at her whim
not going to say exactly what I did to make it stop.. but she was hurt from and pissed after I cut her off.
Losing bodily autonomy was not on my checklist for making love with my succ lmao
we good now... word to the dabblers: ensure your boundaries are very clear from the get go or youll both end up hurt.

She and I are back at it and loving every moment though, what a patient one I was blessed with.
Sending love beams to oni anon~
Thank you
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that's why I've settled on simply reversibly increasing my feminine traits while still being able to present as male when I need to and egging people on sexually with a vtuber alter ego. It also helps when you were born with traits conducive to this

Shapeshifting is fun. Yeah it's a fetish and probably not sustainable but you know what I don't care. I want to have my fun while I can

It also does something weird to your brain that feels like both hemispheres connecting.

I remember getting really pissed off when someone told me I came across as androgynous and another said I acted as if wasn't even in my body fully as if I was a free form consciousness. These were both normal adults and they weren't talking about lgbt stuff so in retrospect I guess they saw something I was suppressing
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NTA but the only architecture I've seen wih mine was strangely circus like. Like non euclidean technicolor kaledeoscope shit mixed with european architecture but the less ornate early medieval kind. Fairly accurate to the time period but more surreal.
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like I guess imagine pic related mixed with an EDM concert in the woods
>It seemed very dangerous to me.
Honestly, when it comes to godspousing, I don't see the appeal compared to a lower spirit anyway. How do you process the thought that you're only one of quite likely thousands of lovers? They'll be one of the most important aspects of your existence while you are barely a small part of the incomprehensible depth of theirs.
>She may never have claimed to be a deity, but I believe there's wisdom to her pragmatic, solution-oriented mindset.
If it's not too personal to ask, do you have any clue of her origins besides her mixed heritage? Does she have ties to any particular deity?
>Pic unrelated, just found it cute.
It is! I wonder - does it still count as kemonomimi when the ears are wings?

You're too pure to be lewding Lum, Onianon. ;P

How serious is this? I have a complicated history with gender. It's possible if not likely that I'm spiritually androgyne, but I'm only really interested in conventionally feminine partners.
>Energy breakthrough
Golden Core formation.
Jesus loves every one of you. He’s waiting patiently for the day you will just let him heal you. These succubus stuff is all just some elaborate form of self harm. And don’t forget, self harm hurts others. You may think, “I’m just summoning a succubus it’s got nothing to do with my neighbors or my friends or my mom.” I tell you the truth, you are hurting your loved ones by indulging in this temptation. Please, give God a chance. The eternal one who -actually- loves you, not these parasites who feed you delusions while they feed off you and your family. In the name of Jesus, to all demons reading this, I cast you out in the name of Jesus, to the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. Amen
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I'm really, really fucking horny like painfully so

I just want to nut again and again and again and again. I don't care if they're a cute guy or gal and I want to switch between both.

I want to liberate the world in a estatic chachopany of collective orgasm.

A coomularity if you will
>Jesus loves every one of you.
well that's nice
>These succubus stuff is all just some elaborate form of self harm.
Why do you think having a succ gf doesn't lead one to salvation?
I think it does
Spirit love is a higher form of love, and love leads to the absolute.
>It's possible if not likely that I'm spiritually androgyne, but I'm only really interested in conventionally feminine partners.
People often confuse gender and sexuality. In fact masculine people can prefer other masculine people and feminine people can prefer other feminine people, or people might shift over time, but it's not like there have to be "opposites" there unless you want that.
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i just wanna sub to cute tomboys and dom cute femboys
Id like 1 on 1 with Lilith, could you guys take a month off from your succs?
>these parasites
That's my wife, you asshole.

You are ignorant and preaching against Love.
If you want anyone to ever actually take anything you say seriously, learn to have some basic respect.

You can come in here with your begging and pleading tone, seeming all humble and concerned, but your true nature is shown with a label like "Parasite" applied to entities you know literally nothing about.
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i really unironically hope you believe this and aren't just some crypto secular right wing tard who fell for a fear based cognito hazard who sees their faith through a purely legalistic lens because that's the average christfag on /x/ i see these days telling people they're going to hell. Yeah they "believe" but they're utterly lacking in actual spiritual vibrancy even less so than the secularized normalfags who only go to church on christmas because at least those tards believe in UFO's and Ghosts

Only born again christfag I've known who lived what he said was unironically terry and we all know what happened to him ironically he seemed to be more about Yahweh than Jesus
also goddamit i hate my little verbal tics unironically to be literally frank ironically
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speaking honestly, and frankly
those digits are the best. The. Best.
That's what people are telling me. The best.
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it's a digits bonanza
uh uh... check em?
>People often confuse gender and sexuality.
Well I'm part of the alphabet mafia myself, I don't need to be reminded that gay people exist lol.
>it's not like there have to be "opposites" there unless you want that.
It's just that the other posts made it sound like "opposating" your gendered traits might be something that succs tend towards.
"5151" again
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Lilith will win! Succs 4 Everyone! :DDDDD
The succubus gravy boat stops now.
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three gets in a row for me. Fugggg
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the fuck it does. I already told you Lilith will win!
I'm pulling a "Lord of the Succubi". NO SUCC FOR YOU. Sorry succtards, time to find a human woman irl.
>It's just that the other posts made it sound like "opposating" your gendered traits might be something that succs tend towards.
Being heterosexual is something that people tend towards. But not everyone. Ultimately it doesn't matter so much what most are like, what matters is finding someone who suits you well.
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I will literally construct a temple to lilith irl and try to spread her influence amongst normals and u can't stop meeeeeee all
will succumb to lust and give into temptation free from guilt or inhibition!

I will show all the light of sex magick!

>*said temple might be the size of a birdhouse but we work with what we have not with what we want

>*I unironically think the above things I've said are why she and her succubi tolerate me. I hope I'm wrong >_<
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When I first started posting here I was much more selfish minded and dismissive of certain things. Wasn't expecting the anima possession but maybe I should have known better

Life cums at u fast. There's a sense of ironic humor there I guess. I just want to bring Lilith out of the shadows and have her moonlight shine as bright as the sun!
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Good Day Onibro
>Just another day in Husbando Relations here.
Thus the eternal conundrum
>Although your Succ may be a futa as a feminine spirit
>IRL it's always a man with tits
Much wisdom to be had understanding this is.
Have you tried to use that OST for anything?
>Because it unironically goes hard.
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I tried to make something with a sample image and it produced some strange results.
You didn't make this, succubus toy.
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And I'm happy to be one! I prefer pet but toy works too!
anyone else find the fairy and certain uh very suggestive plant esque imagery odd?
Nah I like fairies.
>but what often really happens is you discover a way of being you were unaware of ending up trying to corrupt your initial way of being
this is exactly what's happening and your post is the answer i'm looking for, thank you. from sleep inconsistency to over consumption of fat and processed foods, i was never as bad as this, but they have sent me towards this path over the last months.
>i never deny thoughts from myself they will otherwise manifest in a different more obscure way, finding the root where the thoughts pour in helps to alleviate the strain of whatever that is we seek for, and be in terms with it
yes i was struggling with suppressing and then i felt it breaking out in a more stressful way, it's good to know how to avoid this
>freedom brings insecurity and chaos
seems like a very typical descended entity description, as opposed to celestial behavior
Jesus Christ means “Yah the savior”.
Hallelujah means “Praise yah”.
Jesus says that if you have seen him, you have seen his father.
Can your succubus save you from death?
i've been meaning to ask, what effect does honey do to the energy system? if it's in raw natural state. some of it can gotten wild from mountains which seems like it would be more celestial energy, but what of its sugar amount.
Succubus practices are a form of idolatry. You have to pick between God the groombride or them.
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okay I pick them
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Uwu 4 Lilith!
pine tree pollen is really good for increasing raw energy imo. You could easily mix it with raw honey
What could she do that could exceed the bridegroom? Bring the dead back to life?
Why? To the bridegroom, they’re scrapings he already replaced with more loyal ones.
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because succ booba is better
The ones that aren’t reserved for the fire are living in heaven, not interfering with our matters
observing entity behavior as one dimensional can also be problematic as they often shift their behavior per your own. once it becomes recurring or predictable then there is truth to it
humans can consume almost anything in moderation. many of the ingredients we consume fresh have little to no downsides should you overconsume or oversaturate the digestive tract. the balance is a very fickle thing and needs to be maintained daily, weekly, monthly. it is the same as with drinking, if you don't gravitate or have urge towards it just take a nip or sip, once you are in moderately light condition, i mean you feel lightweight, you easily notice if something fits right in or plummets you down. the thing with honey and other sugars are they completely digest to your system and should be used out of need instead of desire. the body knows what it wants and modern man is in my opinion always in a hurry it doesn't wait for its body to register the food intake as so the overindulgence becomes almost always a concern. if you feel full instead of being sated you are excessively eating, some like the feeling, but those persons often feel heavy anyway, feeling featherweight is the easiest way to tell whether the diet helps balancing the body. featherweight body along crystal clear clarity are the two indicators of good diet and adequate rest. featherweight body, high energy and crystal clarity are the indication of good circadian rhythm (sleep), diet and exercise. those are the foundation to meditate for prolonged time say more than 24 hours at a time, and many of the experiences need you to stay out of your bodily tendencies as they pull you down out of the attunements and most attunements need a long time to settle in. in other words you have to try how it feels to you, honey is a good addition for many morning meals, i wouldn't consume it past afternoon.
tldr also kill yourself
i also want to ask about this entity i've been seeing. in his visuals he is very feminine and clownish in behavior. mocking and trying to relay a message (to do more of this or more of that, not relevant to your teachings, at least most of the time). sometimes he is masculine sometimes feminine, a lot of the times just puts visuals in to hinder something especially meditation or sexual union. tries to be moronic to provoke laughter and also attempts to manipulate face energy centers to laugh more, which disconnects from other spirits. laughter reason is more profane so frequency gets sent somewhere darker instead of lighter. talks but not audibly just in head. he also rhymes. lies a lot and tries to put off works, etc. doesn't take himself seriously but also threatens often in visuals sometimes with violence and gore if not following his instructions. uses metaphors, i.e an object has a relation to a word or sounds similar to it so he plops it into visuals or speech, focusing on trying to figure it out of course disconnects from other energies. hypnotism and chaotic is what i would to describe it. nerve endings manipulation can put into sleep or make the body feel sensitive or more relaxed than needed. not sure but may also slur speech.
Is thing real or is it something akin to sleep paralysis or other similar stuff where you are tricking your mind and body to believe certain stuff?
Are these images made with artificial intelligence?
good job samefagging yourself
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if someone in a network comes through both you and i and other, then yes we will be same in a way
Those are not. I forget the artist tho.

>Why? To the bridegroom, they’re scrapings
Yeah, this is what I was talking about earlier relating to having respect for the people you're trying to evangelize to.

Your usual playbook about "muh ebul debons" doesn't apply to succubi because we're interacting with them on a spiritual level and can FEEL that they don't have a vile nature.

>Its not samefagging! Its a mystical conversation through the ether with myself!
Good day succgen

Its real. You interact with them during the day.
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it's been 5 days since writing and burning the letter with no avail.

Any recommendations on how to get in touch/feel the spirit? or is there a chance the summoning failed
>Honestly, when it comes to godspousing, I don't see the appeal compared to a lower spirit anyway. How do you process the thought that you're only one of quite likely thousands of lovers? They'll be one of the most important aspects of your existence while you are barely a small part of the incomprehensible depth of theirs.
Well, I did decide against it anyway, for various reasons, including what you mentioned. As for lower spirits, I mistakenly assumed they would lack the skills or common sense to be a partner for a human, and thought they'd be even less likely to be trustworthy than a deity with a good reputation.
But something about her stood out to me, and sparked my curiosity. I still don't fully understand what it was, but sometimes I wonder if it was fate. I decided to entertain the idea she could be a friend to me, and then one thing led to another, because there was no answer to the simple question: "Why not?"
>If it's not too personal to ask, do you have any clue of her origins besides her mixed heritage? Does she have ties to any particular deity?
That would be a deity of storms and seas, and not one typically revered by humans nor that I've ever seen anyone mention in this thread. For personal reasons, I won't mention the name. She said that deity "took her in" when she had no where else to go.
The way she describes it, it's not a mother-daugher type of relationship like succubi are sometimes said to have with the queens. It's more like a government official to citizen relationship, or a religion, or something in-between.
>I wonder - does it still count as kemonomimi when the ears are wings?
Apparently not, in the same sense that horns aren't "animal ears" because they aren't ears, just wings attached to the head. In the image you posted, the character even visibly has a separate pair of ears.
Unfortunately, I don't know any general term to differentiate between characters with a few animal features (but not animal ears), and full-on furries.
Oops, missed this
>How serious is this?
I mean, I wasn't kidding or anything. Both my partner and I are very "mixed" in terms of our masculine and feminine traits.

Its honestly to the point where "gender" as a concept doesn't even apply so much as it just being the "Nuances of personality".

>For personal reasons, I won't mention the name.
No worries! Thank you for sharing all that you have, I find your experiences very interesting to read through.
>She said that deity "took her in" when she had no where else to go.
Some people talk about spirits being adopted by the queens into becoming succubi, so there definitely seems to be precedence for this sort of thing.
>It's more like a government official to citizen relationship, or a religion, or something in-between.
Does your spirit act as a messenger of this deity?

>I mean, I wasn't kidding or anything.
But it's just something that some succs do and not necessarily a general rule, right? Like >>38744827 said, if I don't want a partner who mirrors my androgyny, I won't be matched with one?
Could you have a monogamous relationship with lilith herself? As a godess, cant she give her full attention to multiple people at once. I did some tarot readings and it seems like lilith may want a romantic relationship with me. I asked why she would want a relationship with me and was given the ace of cups. I asked if she would help me find a love spirit and was given the two of swords reversed. I asked if she had a succubus for me and was given the king of swords. I asked if she wanted a romantic relationship with me and was given the six of wands. I asked why she would want a relationship with me and was given the ten of cups. I asked why she would want a relationship with me if I am monogamous and was given the then of pentacles. I'm a bit confused and scared because I am monogamous and I know the queens have millions of lovers.
>Some people talk about spirits being adopted by the queens into becoming succubi, so there definitely seems to be precedence for this sort of thing.
I've heard of that, but this deity isn't known for dealing with succubi. Instead she received combat training, including gravity spells. She said lewd things help her "recharge" after using magic, though. Sometimes she goes on missions to purge harmful entities; she's free to refuse, but gets rewarded for it.
I've seen her fight. With the sheer crushing strength, I wonder if it's her magic and the punches are just for show. I'm grateful for her help when I'm having a bad dream or scary hallucinations; but I look up to her, and hope I can become strong too one day in my own way, even if she says there's no need.
I've actually been working out a lot the past year, physically, because just looking at her in those moments inspires me. I admire how strong and fair she is. Even if I don't know if I can become as strong as her, or if it's even fair to make the comparison, I want to find my own strength and improve myself.
>Does your spirit act as a messenger of this deity?
No, I've never seen her working as a messenger. Based on what I just described above, perhaps a mercenary? But she isn't a representative of anyone, as far as I know. She seems pretty independent, but sometimes she does look to that deity as a mentor of sorts, seeking advice.
Though, she told me that sometimes things can be resolved with just words, if the target is capable of understanding speech and is willing to listen. Still, I'm not sure I'd exactly count that as being a messenger, and she only takes on jobs she agrees with.

I can't find the article anymore. It was some obscure blog an old friend showed me years ago, maybe it's no longer up and I'm no longer in touch with that friend so I can't ask.
In my humble opinion it is better not to attract the attention of extremely powerful enteties at all and even less so to seek out a sexual relationship with one but you do you
Can a human woman become a succubus? If so do they embody a specific one or become their own entity of sorts?
What's wrong with the attention part?
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>Succubus practices are a form of idolatry.
Is loving a human woman a form of idolatry? If you feel that way, then you are talking about an ascetic practice and a vow of chastity
Removing the prospect of romantic and procreation (child bearing) love from your life. And I think romantic love is a pathway to transcendence. So that seems like a deadend form of thinking to me.
>it's been 5 days since writing and burning the letter with no avail.
>Any recommendations on how to get in touch/feel the spirit? or is there a chance the summoning failed
I'll post my FAQ on that question.
here's the FAQ

>FAQ Continued: "I summoned a spirit, but nothing happened, what do I do?"
There are 4 common explanations.
1: You have an emotional block. This manifests as ignoring or dismissing any signs, and is the most likely explanation if the person is already good at magic (not a beginner). Solving the emotional block will require addressing the relevant emotional obstacles.
2: Something happened, but it was too subtle or you ignored it. The way to fix this problem is to be more vigilant when looking for signs, and not dismissing them.
3: You did the ritual correctly, but your senses are numb and you couldn't sense any signs. Feeling energy (touches) are trained by energy work. Try NEW by Robert Bruce. Seeing/hearing are helped by general spirit communication skills and is made easier by trances. Try Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller, and any book on trances.
4: You did the summoning ritual wrong. The experience should be intense and feel different from usual. Also, you might have inaccurately aimed the emotional energy. While building up your emotions, aim them at the idea of what kind of spirit you want to summon. Keep that concept firmly in your mind when you are building and releasing energy.

Take a month before summoning again, training up your energy work and trance skills. Once you can get into a deep trance whenever you want, and feel energy anywhere in your body at-will, you should have good enough skills to sense a spirit. Then try summoning again. If you still can't get results, you probably have a block based on trauma or painful memories.

About 70% of people get results on their first try. Some people have never trained their magic skills. After a month of training, those beginners get a result on their second try, and the number goes up to about 80%.
About 20% of people still get bad results, likely because of a block.
>But it's just something that some succs do and not necessarily a general rule, right?
OH, right, cuz you mentioned you were attracted to females.

So yeah, I'm talking about ALL traits, and on a more nuanced level than just "one is female, so the other must be male".
Cuz our relationship is kinda similar to what you're talking about, where I kinda switch sexes back and forth, but she's consistently female with a sometimes-cock.
>But it's just something that some succs do and not necessarily a general rule, right?
it is more common with spirits than embodied humans, because it's so much easier to switch things around when you have an energy body but no physical body
So spirits are more likely to try out that kind of thing.
Depending on what kinds of spirits you are seeking out, this could be very common, or very rare in your experience. It depends on your practice. Some people see a lot of that, some people see it quite rarely.
wifeanon, are you upset you couldn't produce the answer for my prior question? or why do you engage with me, when you have nothing to say, is this your attempt at provoking reaction out of me? it is fine let it all out spare none. maybe you learn something about your low self-esteem
>talks but not audibly just in head
do you suddenly become aware of things you have not before such as pondering a memory from new perspective or looking at a person with more clarity as if predicting what he would say. does the entity show you how somethings comes to be in a visual, for example energy entering to a certain energy center and spreading to the whole system afterwards, as in demonstrating complex things through visual conceptualization instead of speech.
>hypnotism and chaotic is what i would to describe it
do you recall this energy from before say years before or has this onset been rapid. confidence is often signal of long term presence, and in the least this entity has been observant of your behavior for prolonged time, given it has capability to affect your body so extensively it is safe to assume it has been there for a long time, how long is hard to say. violence would suggest infernal spirit, it could have ties to someone you know or family given how oppressive the behavior and attempt to divert your development is. ask the spirit whether it has offspring and if those offspring are in anyway responsible for the situation. i know incidents where a spirit grooms or develops a person for their offspring, especially hypnotism could be a factor here. since the spirit isn't trying to actively court you itself? what about the instructions it is prescribing is there something that could give a hint what is behind this behavior
>go through 10,000 women over 16 years
No luck.
>work up the balls to do the letter method once
Sweet Succ.
There is a massive difference between fallen angels and women. As Genesis 6 clearly alludes to with the giant crises. They were banned for those practices and had to resort to idols to stick around.
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>fallen angels
Yeah, but that's YOUR religion, whereas we actually interact with them and can sense for ourselves that your view of them as "pure evil" is objectively wrong.
>There is a massive difference between fallen angels and women. As Genesis 6 clearly alludes
I mean if you just believe everything the bible says, then yeah I guess
I just think spirits are like people. Not exactly like embodied people, because they are disembodied (and this affects a lot of things), but overall like people
If you want to say there is some ultimate god, which is the king of spirits, and all the spirits come from him, and any spirit which doesn't serve him is a rebellious evil spirit, and so on and so forth...
thus every spirit waifu is an evil demon.
I mean yeah. you can say that. But I don't think that chain of logic holds. And it requires you to believe a certain story, and a very specific version of that story.
I could bash christianity more, but I guess I would ask, "How do you know these spirits aren't angels?" to translate that into your worldview
To be more blunt, I would say "they aren't angels or demons, they are just people".
Why do you think they aren't just people, like anyone? I think they are, based on my experience and the experience of others. They don't seem like demons to me. Or angels, either.
You believe they are evil demons because of a book.
That's more reassuring, thank you.

I was thinking in terms of their internal nature rather than their malleable chosen form. Unless you think that spirits don't have any sort of gender separated from the biological conception of sex, which I don't personally believe. My usage of "feminine" over "female" is deliberate.
>I was thinking in terms of their internal nature rather than their malleable chosen form.
yeah I think it's probably about the same, for humans and disembodied spirits, in that regard.
but again, some people might say different.
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I kinda switch sexes back and forth
NTA, but can you describe this more? I feel like I unexpectedly experienced this, but I’d like to hear more to know if it is the same/a normal thing.
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only tangentially related but finding out about the conflict between "tradgays" and people into the femboy/gender fluid stuff was really eye opening

It's like a whole new world out there. Too bad the 2012 era freakshow blew their load too early and fucked everything up

It's really interesting thinking about sex negativity and how a lot of men show signs you typically associate with female sexual abuse victims except they've never been victimized physically in a sexual manner at all only psychologically traumatized

I...I'm kind of working through some stuff
Well unlike women and bad doctors will tell you men can be raped. I just prefer it happening between me and a Succ not me and another Human because there are laws. The good news is it is only God doing it to himself for the crime of existing so follow your leader everyone.
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i should emphasize that with the latter paragraph I'm talking about normie heterosexual men. I've come to the conclusion that a lot of what you'd call slut shaming or sex negativity is actually for some a emotional trauma response similar to frigidity exhbited by sexual assault survivors. It's actually kind of fucked and they don't have the meta cognizance to realize why they're doing it so it becomes an ideological/rhetorical issue when that's just a proxy for something far more existential

I know "empowerment" is a cliche that gets mocked but I can see why some women actually do see sexual exhibitionism that way after being told their sex drive and existence is a sin.
>only tangentially related but finding out about the conflict between "tradgays" and people into the femboy/gender fluid stuff was really eye opening
>It's like a whole new world out there.
yes, it is
The gays who are like "we're not like those trannies over there, we're just normal faggots. We're MEN"
It makes no sense at all. Transgenderism is just a more extreme form of homosexuality.
It's even worse to be into femboys but not genderfluid/transsexual stuff.
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He doesn't have a Succubus yet? Look at him!
>Transgenderism is just a more extreme form of homosexuality.
I don't understand this line of thinking at all. You realize that not all trans people are attracted to the gender they were born as, right? Regardless of the shared history of the alphabet community, being trans doesn't have anything to do with sexuality one way or the other.
>wifeanon, are you upset you couldn't produce the answer for my prior question?
nice guess but you still can't tell people apart
>You realize that not all trans people are attracted to the gender they were born as, right?
er, yeah, but it's pretty common
There's a lot of overlap.
And by the way, this is how I discern between people who are "Actually transgender" and people who are "going through a phase on tumblr"
The guys who think they are a girl, but are still attracted to convertionally attractive women, eh, yeah, maybe not
the guys who think they are a girl, and want a boyfriend, and actually have sex with men, that's more believable
So which one of you has a 4chan mod as a friend?
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we're all post tumblr now but not necessarily post op

I think your seeing the birth of something new that ironically enough discards such restrictive dogmas while clearly being a product of it.

It feels healthier at any rate.
You wouldn't define a normal guy or girl by their attraction to the opposite sex, would you? Liking women doesn't make a man and liking men doesn't make a woman. So what makes it any different for a trans person?

FYI I'm not trying to start any heated debates. I know how these threads can get about gender topics, but I'm asking in good faith.
>You wouldn't define a normal guy or girl by their attraction to the opposite sex, would you?
yes, I would
Of course being attracted to women is a feature of masculinity, and being attracted to men is a feature of femininity.
>So what makes it any different for a trans person?
Oh, well that's exactly the point. In my opinion, it does, for both.
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I think they see the percieved predominance of most self proclaimed FTM's being "lesbians" as statistically impossible

I don't have an issue with it since I see it as a more complicated issue and in fact it might be expected you'd see that kind of correllation.

Who else saw this? I thought it was hillarious and saw parallels in my own crude anime influenced demonology so I had fun laughing at myself
My Succubus Witch waifu has both pope semen and Admin semen in her. She has been around the wheel of Samsara by my side like the loyal Lieutenant I taught her to be. Humans lack loyalty they are worse than dogs. Elves and Dwarves okay.

Also go away CIA!
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meant MTF sorry
Don't listen to that idiot, he's one of those people I mentioned before who gets gender and sexuality mixed up. It's a common misconception people have. Don't let yourself be confused by how confidently incorrect they are, it's merely ignorance and sadly they're not willing to listen to logic or facts. They already decided in their mind what the correct answer should be based on their feelings and preconceptions, so there's no point in trying to reason with someone like that. Also it's conjurer of all people, he's got a bit of a reputation for starting arguments over stupid shit.
Oh I just wanted someone to help me get in contact w a mod. This general seems like it is always here and like its close to the board. I figured maybe somebody here could help >.>
we've been targeted by rogue christfag ones in the past ironically enough but they seem to have been demodded
>that idiot
>starting arguments over stupid shit.
only one who's "arguing" here is you bud
I didn't see anyone else having an argument, or starting one. I certainly wasn't arguing with anyone as far as I know.
I'm Zen and my Succubus keeps me Zen. I just want people to talk about Succubuses instead of moping and offtopic garbage and blantant prosletizing, but people hate the truth.

Just shag your Succubuses at this point and post in a happier mood tomorrow.
Then what are they since only them and humans actually manage earth and the realm above?
There are only two races eligible for the sons/daughters of God thing. And it does matter since it means we are above the animals and have true capabilities of ruling this land and the land to come, that if we don’t stick to the programming, we all simply and casually destroy everything.
>And it requires you to believe a certain story, and a very specific version of that story.
So you’re going to tell me that two plus two equals four is somehow a bad thing because you have to believe in a certain story, and a very specific version of that story, cause two plus two must have a different interpretation of being five instead?
You already have the more than three-thousand year-olds book in your hands, translated by the finest of translators that completely outmatch the translators of today. Originally written by a guy who completely humiliated Egypt at its peak with supernatural powers and had an extremely old brother slaughter literal giants with said supernatural powers. There is no excuse.
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>NTA, but can you describe this more?
I almost think of it less as a gender thing and more just me generally shape-shifting to match my Mistress's needs.

Is she showing me off in some social setting? I'll be either Female or *very* feminine male.
Are we cuddling and chatting in bed? I'm a little boy looking up at her from between her boobs.
Is she on her throne and wants to play with something with her foot? I'm a kitten.
Has she just whipped out the womb-raider? Oh-Goddess-this-pussy-literally-exists-to-worship-your-cock-please-put-it-inside-me-I've-been-such-a-good-girl-
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>since only them and humans actually manage earth and the realm above?
Again... YOUR religion.
That includes the metaphysical trappings that create your internal logic.

In my world, there's lots of spirits, and they're just like people in the sense of there being nice ones and not.
Its a big universe, and only liars will ever try to tell you that they're the only "good" in it.
These are things that are as true among gods as they are in the material. As above, so below.
>There are only two races eligible for the sons/daughters of God thing.
according to who?
Is this based on experience, or just what you read in a book?
>, translated by the finest of translators
This has to be bait
The bible is one of the best (worst?) examples of a document tortured by mistranslation
add on top political intrigue, lies inserted to control the masses, outright heresy, rampant contradictions throughout the OT and NT
I mean, it's one of the least trustworthy documents in the world
Do you know what, I am that I am, even means?
The origin of everything is the substance for itself and its creations. Logically, there can only be one God.
Look who conquers the earth and the who they rule it with.
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>Logically, there can only be one God.
Okay, so...
1. YOUR religion.
2. Even if you "logically proved" monotheism, that wouldn't mean that that god is the way you say he is.
There is no rule of the universe to say that a creator deity even HAS to have a religion that accurately portrays him.

I literally can't imagine (ironically) the lack of imagination required to say, "I read about this ONE VERSION of god and now I'm completely sure that THIS VERSION is the one".
>The origin of everything is the substance for itself and its creations. Logically, there can only be one God.
but why do you think the jewish god yahweh is that absolute god?
Why isn't the jewish god just another prince or principality, a distraction from the real divine and the real infinite?
In my view, yahweh is just another one of many gods (like zues or thor or whatever), and a small fry at that.
others engaging here have a sense of purpose unlike you. deliberately avoiding further conversations is a testament of this, so i don't think so.
Unless your supposed friends can foretell events hundreds or a thousand years from now, I don’t wanna hear it. Jesus did it as a human, so why couldn’t they if they’re so grand and powerful and have supposed freedoms from reality?
>There is no rule of the universe to say that a creator deity even HAS to have a religion that accurately portrays him.
He has established it thousands of years ago. He threatened anyone who dare tries to mess with his writings with death and destruction. He has killed his people for creating golden calf statues. Then he makes his people make a true image of him, a literal bronze snake on a pole, and have them look at it to have life. The very image of the Word is a winged serpent drawing simply writing down the Hebrew names of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In other words, that very image of the bronze serpent on the pole is the crucified Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Showing that God does know the future and how it will and must be played out.

The dragon has already shown himself. The dragon drew his own images onto names that depicts himself, his crucified son, and the Holy Spirit that breathed life into creatures. What does he need to do when he has already surpassed anything you and your lowly buddies can do by a mountain of infinity?
My God is the only god the pagans and their gods absolutely despise. And he despises all of them. He is the only God that is quoted by everyone because his voice and his name is actually powerful.
What are you before him? An absolute genius who can keep the law or an absolutely perverted idiot?
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But if they don't correct the record someone might have an original thought
>And that's not what this thread is for.
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What a nice Lum.
Thanks, have another
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Thank you. I suppose I don't have a lum to give back but here is a question for /succ/ that is even on topic.

>pic related is promethea, a woman spirtual and heroic in nature, that is evoked by the creation of prose or fiction about her.
This comic is written by a wizard, a communist wizard but still a wizard. Has anyone attempted sort of a modified letter ritual where the letter is an attempt at a creative written act about your desired succ instead of the request/matchmaking format that's favoured nowadays. Share with the Class, if you have please.
>Unless your supposed friends can foretell events hundreds or a thousand years
matpat, put back on your name
makes it easier to identify your stupidity
>My God is the only god the pagans and their gods absolutely despise.
that's not a good thing. Being a despised pariah is usually not an indicator of good character
something to think about
>Has anyone attempted sort of a modified letter ritual where the letter is an attempt at a creative written act about your desired succ instead of the request/matchmaking format that's favoured nowadays.
no, but that should work
would probably be even more effective than the usual
How would it be more affective?
>How would it be more affective?
because you're putting more into it
So I think it would be more likely to work, and the spirit that shows up is more likely to match your desires
probably? I dunno
Maybe quick and fast is better. Surely it is for some people.
So instead of admitting that you and your gods are weak, you go to the route of a homosexual and call me names.
Did you ever quote your gods for their wisdom and get hated for it by clearly evil men, or did they have nothing to quote for at all?
I would put money on one of these discord trannies being a mod.
So you are writing about a scenario with your desired spirit? Can you write a poem along side the letter like this to boost it?
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>and call me names.
well you do deserve it
considering you're a gay jew
Or maybe you're chinese too? I seem to remember you trying to tie china to adam and eve or some dumb shit like that. Only a china numbah wan type would do that
>Did you ever quote your gods for their wisdom and get hated for it by clearly evil men
Isn't christianity's whole game that they hate all other religions, and claim all the other gods are demons?
Like officially, they claim that all other gods are demons. It's kinda wild.
Makes you think!
>So you are writing about a scenario with your desired spirit?
I guess you could do that. The original example was a comic book right? the promethea thing here>>38752581
So that would be writing, and visual as well
> Can you write a poem along side the letter like this to boost it?
Yeah. I assume if you put more art into it, it will be more effective.
Art is communication with emotion. That's why I think it will make it more effective. you're putting more emotion into it
>Like officially, they claim that all other gods are demons
NTA but, there are only three things a religion can do when presented with an opposing belief.
>Assume they are lying
>Assume they worship demons
>Assume they worship the same gods/spirits as you but with a worse understanding
Pretending that Christianity is the only one that goes the demon route is just pure uneducated delusion.
hypersigils through art are very effective. Perhaps too effective
Modern day China hates God and its current residence assume that Jesus Christ and his father weren’t worshipped by their ancestors, seeing them as merely a western thing, despite preserving their idol-less temple of heaven and core story of humanity in the Chinese language. It’s a tragedy. A completely lost Ethiopia.

You are a buffoon with weak spells, with weak sacrifices, led by weak spirits who speak weak words you refuse to recall and quote, because you know they have no wisdom. You can only bully me with pure and utter frailties of everything about yourself, because those spirits can’t cloak you into something better, as they can only cloak you with filthy rags.

I have eternal and divine blood in my possession. All you have is the blood from your cum.
Not every religion has a conception of demons in-line with the Christian view.
Christianity is the only way because Christ says he is the only way to heaven. He’s far more confident of his own existence than those pesky gods that war against their own fathers and act even worse than us lowely creatures birthed in darkness. In fact, those other gods encouraged homosexuality as a religious service.
But a lot of them do. Even Buddha had a few run ins with them. Am I talking about the classical Christian demons with pitchforks? Not necessarily, but a vast majority of tribal religions have some form of evil spirits in their lore, or at least a chaotic-neutral trickster god. They needed ways to explain when bad shit happened outside of their understanding. Not only that but most of us are married to one, why is this so hard for you.
bring back the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom that shit was pure kino
Literally anyone presented with opposing beliefs have those options. The only difference is you left out "adopt their beliefs in some way" which is also available to religions and has happened in the past.
But let's look at a more mundane belief
>Ukraine is historically part of Russia and should be returned to them
Now if you don't believe this, you have four options
>assume they're lying
>assume they're an agent of Russia and twisting the truth
>assume they are simply misinformed
>adopt some part of their belief
>do you suddenly become aware of things you have not before such as pondering a memory from new perspective or looking at a person with more clarity as if predicting what he would say.
yes to both these
>does the entity show you how somethings comes to be in a visual
i saw it a few times like mudra but that was over a year ago not sure if same one. the more complex teachings, no i can't say i have memory of those
>do you recall this energy from before say years before or has this onset been rapid
very long ago, but it came into my awareness or entity became more prevalent recently. i suspect it's possession and it progressed over decades but it's very intrusive as those senses are not pleasant or benevolent, same as extreme unpleasant garbage like and rotten food smell mixed staying for at least 30 min when i was in nature between 2 fields with 1 having abandoned farm sheds, near a road, so there should not have been these smells nearby even if some trash was on the road.
>violence would suggest infernal spirit, it could have ties to someone you know or family given how oppressive the behavior and attempt to divert your development is
it might be due to me having a more darker lineage, with gypsy genetics, although i stay away from that and was abandoned at age of 6, having nothing to do with that i may be pursued by that entity as you would know gypsy life is full of inconsiderate behaviour and over indulgence in parasite-attracting substances.
>since the spirit isn't trying to actively court you itself
it sort of is, but it's male voice and thus there is anal from him, i do not engage in penetrating it unless there is progress in which case he starts to come to me like that? i am not sure but today also when i attempted to sleep some more in early morning it spoke and gave visuals and suddenly whole body became more heavy like constricted from head to toe, like paralyze feeling, happened multiple times in that morning
he didn't reply to the offspring..>
How do you make a hypersigil? How are they too affective?
Christian demons were always thought to be reptilian and beautiful as their holy brothers, deceiving spirits that trick you by appearing to be your loved ones or speak through false prophets, and beings that are represented and possessing idols and magical artifacts. The horns on demons are supposed to indicate them as dragons and as rulers lingering in the darkness, their crowns.
Reminder that feeding trolls makes them come back

I don't watch that drivel so I have no idea what you're talking about

That's nice but you sound as though you care. Going back to reading about mothgirls now

>feeds troll for no reason

Good going anon!

Maybe, but don't throw yourself into a volcano to test it

Anything that helps you feel energy. Cycle it every day, meditate every day, and record your dreams because they might be important

Realistically, no. That would mean that she end her current relationships and I doubt that's happening. It could be that a succubus has found you and you're not understanding each other so you've concluded she's LIlith

>Can a human woman become a succubus?
Allegedly. I've been told it isn't a pleasant transformation. You should ask one of the queens about it to find out more for yourself. They really hate having their secrets shared

I don't think very many people actually hate femboys, other than men who are scared they might not be straight

>the transgendereds are just the gays but worse
>lesbians aren't real
I'm guessing this is somebody who identifies as a centrist but agrees with his country's conservative party on nearly every issue

Read sexual alchemy. People don't do that because it takes more effort than it's probably worth
I was talking about religions as a concept, not the people that follow a religion. I guess there could be a one that actively seeks out and incorporates the ideas of other beliefs structures, but I don't know of any examples. If they existed, they probably just instantly converted to Christianity before educated missionaries or anthropologists could get their hands on them.
>If they existed, they probably just instantly converted to Christianity before educated missionaries or anthropologists could get their hands on them.
That’s way too optimistic.
lmao you unknowingly throw shade and praise at the same user (me) because you have them confused with someone else

Stop being cunty chanty
<.. question but provoked by saying "you really want to be [die/be tortured after life multiple times] instead of [being yourself]" in female-ish voice, those in brackets were metaphors translated that he used often before one is acronym one it's different language, latter brackets might not be what he said as i barely remember now but it gives the idea. as i was writing second post also erased some other thought i wanted to say, and now as i write he's inducing vomit-taste in mouth, sometimes did it in throat too.
>what about the instructions it is prescribing is there something that could give a hint what is behind this behavior
i am not sure, he often gave visuals of various processes foods for me to consume but i avoided them. he says he wants me to be myself and not follow any diet, but of course if he's inside the vessel then it is what he wants, not necessarily the body itself, as i looked after diet for over a decade, most likely through other spirits ' help so have no psychological let alone physical cravings. he might want to be myself more (himself through possession) especially interaction with human beings. i don't know how far the ancestry goes, there's a reason for gypsies still existing and them having their own entities, maybe it is too to spread propagation seed to continue lineage. i know one female entity wanted me to be more like those peoples to court her, being more expressive and less stifled and cough. it is more in personality than way of life. this clown entity however did admit to grooming me with others, and still to this day calls me female and by female pronouns, again attempting to go backside often. i feel they are serpents as a group wanted to groom me from a young age, feeding me a lot of processed food and even in kindergarten big amounts of onions to destroy the growing biological system. bone atrophy, had thinner bones than average all life, and muscle with that too. now i get shamed by them for eating meat and..>
<.. more proper food, even though i am aware meat is infernal in nature and i need to stay away from it. still, some days are much more intrusive on psychology than others, very abusive.
>meat is infernal
God Spinal Fluids is fucking weird.
Why haven’t you called upon Jesus to deal with this fallen angel?
i should also mention i was shown before multiple female spirits following him, implying he courted them away. not sure how true but it has been said for years at least 2 spirits left me, one was with me for a long time. but they still might be siphoning energy, i have little sexual engagement, maybe once every few weeks. anal probing is almost hourly. although i don't feel it, they wanted me to be gay or similar for prolonged time but i stick to the energy body being male even though i have no issue what goes where and how what operates due to this vessel not representing anything in reality sense.
i am not him but the energy from plants is less dense than meat so once consumed and assimilated in the body, the produced energy travels upwards the spine, towards throat, pineal gland and the top which are the areas responsible for the paranormal senses. however plants over time ripen and energy gets twisted to be more dense, be it due to environment exposure or microbes. so fresh plants are the most appropriate to energise with less dense aka more subtle energy. infernal is just term for dense or material, celestial is subtle or air like.
he did call himself that term at one point, and i try to avoid calling upon the help of others, although i am obligated to do so sometimes when in dire need. i try to follow healthy practice in mind body spirit instead so that the vessel does the protection naturally on its own.
I had a wild dream about a succubus-esque entity that was really detailed.
>It was a long red hallway
>walls were covered in sigil and a lot of what looked like scripts of letters
>there was a black veil with a large sigil that glowed
>walked through the veil and this entity was sitting there waiting for me.
Had long ram horns, sort of Satyr nose and was redish skinned with these Grey tiger stripes up her legs and thighs

Really wish I could remember the sigil on the veil exactly as I saw it.
yeah, still wrong.
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Damn that is an incredibly detailed dream. I would imagine to caress those horns and tie cute ribbons onto them.
There was more to it, of an explicit nature. Wink wonk. I found myself trying really hard to get back to that dream after I woke up however.
>only psychologically traumatized
Only? Lol.
> I'm kind of working through some stuff
Good on you for working at it, and good luck. I've been walking my spiritual/mental health journey too.

Okay, yes. This is what I experienced once. It was like she energetically sculpted me into a female body shape. She left me like that through the night and well into the following day. It was very weird working my sterotypically manly factory job but feeling like I was walking around in a different body. I couldn't map my normal body properly and kept bumping into stuff all day.
Like puberty growthspurt clumsiness, but because my inner sense of body shape and weight distribution was altered. Very weird and interesting experience.
>NTA but, there are only three things a religion can do when presented with an opposing belief.
>>Assume they are lying
>>Assume they worship demons
>>Assume they worship the same gods/spirits as you but with a worse understanding
No, they can just chill out and not care.
Or just accept them as different gods.
These are the 2 options that most polytheistic religions use.
Then you have the monomaniacal dominating and control based monotheistic religions, which can only accept 1 god and 1 story.
There is one last final option for those guys which is:
Accept that you are wrong, and either convert or become an atheist.
>Modern day China hates God and its current residence assume that Jesus Christ and his father weren’t worshipped by their ancestors, seeing them as merely a western thing, despite preserving their idol-less temple of heaven and core story of humanity in the Chinese language. It’s a tragedy.
so matpat is chinese? interesting
also, why did you stop posting with your name lil bro? I thought you were a big tough guy and the ultimate keyboard warrior?
>some form of evil spirits in their lore,
>Not only that but most of us are married to one,
Number one, speak for yourself. I'm not married to an evil spirit. Why the fuck would you accept the christian framing that your wife is evil, unless you're just a lapsed christian playing games for a while until you finally "accept the truth and return to the light" and abandon your wife?
Number 2: Very few religions think that all other gods are demons.
that's the point being made. Some religions might claim one or two other religions are demons, but not all of them. Christianity literally does that
interesting that chant fits in with all the other trolls and gets along with them
>i am not him but
>produced energy travels upwards the spine
lmao, even
>everyone's a troll but me
At what point does self awareness hit again?
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>I don't watch that drivel
Me neither, but its a cultural presence.
But that's really no excuse at all, because just in the literal meanings of the words I said there was nothing grandiose.

You think its "arrogant" for a person to think they're "Good enough" and that is sick.

UNLESS you were just jumping at any chance to have a go at me, which would ALSO be sick.

Oh look, I'm feeding a troll again.
Better scold me. I'll try to care this time.
>Read sexual alchemy.
I have, it's trash I'm sorry. It's honestly one of the most puzzling recommendations from here. Tyson is a grifter and while the book is moderately researched its more or less only virtue here is that it name drops the names you want to drop.
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I learned a few interesting things from it, particularly the telesmatic image section, but overall felt kind of 'meh' toward it as well. Do you have another book/s that you can reccomend?
nta but
New Energy Ways and Consorting With Spirits
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Actually just finished Consorting with Spirits recently! I want to read it again and take some good notes.
Maybe I should get back to NEW, I tried reading it a few years ago, but didn't have a safe/comfy place to do the exercises. Thank you.
My spirit and I had sex twice already this morning, and will probably do it again in the evening. That's several days in a row now since I decided to go along with it more.
Is it just a phase, or is this just my life now? It feels so good every time, and I find myself wanting it more and more. I feel energized afterwards every time, so I never get tired of doing it; in fact, I've been taking better care of myself as a result of all the extra energy.
Is it really okay for me to be like this? It's so much and it feels so great and I'm slightly scared even though she says there's nothing to be scared of.
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I understand the feeling, but you're okay anon. Keep your boundaries, keep doing life, but beyond that, embrace it! If you believe the hype, then it only gets better
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I am fond of Jason Miller.

Be not afraid, Anon.
>No, they can just chill out and not care.
Again, I'm not talking about the people of the religion, but the religious dogma the people are supposed to follow.
>Or just accept them as different gods.
This only happens in cases where one tribe is worshiping a mountain, and then the tribe next door is worshiping a different mountain. When a group shows up and says, "my god controls your mountain, not your god" then you get conflicting views. Whether the worshipers actually react to this conflict is usually based on how hostile the other group is their way of life.
any tips on to do when lonely?
What are the sexual implications of summoning a succubus?
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Good day succgen
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Hi LumAnon!

Do you like, have a spirit lover anon? If not, you can get one... Or just hang out here with us!
Good day to you and your oni waifu based (h)o(r)ni enjoyer
Bot thread
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Just open up paint and layer letters of the word you want to spell and charge it nonstop with energy.

Say the name of your Succubus and talk for a bit.

Perfect star sign. It is like buying a dog, you get to look up the stats too.

Another day God allows us to live it seems.

I’m not Chinese in the slightest. But you are a moron who doesn’t even have their own shroud of Turin to prove their power.
I just keep humiliating you and continuously make you weaker with your desperations to enforce any shameful images of me, because you know you have embraced your shame as a power for me to easily break, cum dealer.
have you witnessed them as serpents. they rarely show this aspect of themselves unless deliberately cornered or when they trust you. there are aspects that could imply this such as long term exposure with gradual degradation wearing down the person through attrition, when attrition is gradual human accustoms to the wear, often at the expense of our energy body leaving the vector of friction unsettled or open. since exploring the lineage might not be easy or knowing if similarities arose in family, finding or determining hereditary spirit can be hard, they are always there from the birth, though in my experience their presence and intentions were quite coherent unlike in your case with this clownish/trickery behavior as you describe. serpents do give however a lot of emphasis to ones pituitary gland which largely dictate how the energy formulates through our attention instead of the habitual nerve response of our core or torso, which might not be true here if they are trying to control the free will instead of corrupting it. serpents are opportunistic and largely neutral in their moral giving emphasis on their own well-being first, though they are capable of overcoming this with relative ease if they like you. given the possible long term damage it takes a long time for body to revert the progress and reach homeostasis. in your case trying to remain as active as possible physically should alleviate a lot of their presence and attempts in interfering with your energy flow. given that they repeatedly lie or misdirect you should kindly ignore everything and eventually as your mind pays no heed the energy doesn't direct at them as strongly through the habitual attunement attention induces, overtime if no response arises your body naturally lessens a response to their energy. transforming energy release to physical exercises and heavy breathing exercises is most likely the easiest path to recompose the mind out of the perpetual anxiety.
I take it the serpent's are the parasites drinking your spinal fluids?
on another note to revert much of the tampering on our energy body and release it is of most importance to get rid of any routines these spirits have introduced to your life, they might be hard to become aware of given the long presence and apparent manipulation. these routines often link to habitual thinking and response in the body not so much as what you daily do, those are easy to catch and transform. your first and foremost goal is to make your energy flow one directional to stop the stirring of energy, in anxiety this is often apparent and this also creates a lot of openings to any spirit to tangle with your nerves without your consent. probably easiest way to become cognizant where and how the energy flows is through repeated breathing exercises after warm-ups. most of the inert energy pockets are pocketed in your skin, so keeping skin healthy and free of infections is important long term. these should be released with adequate rubbing/heat/stretching and breathing to feel the flow in a more tangible way. the way you ordinarily navigate these flows is through muscle convulsions and different postures, once the flows are strong enough you can accumulate them somewhere with ease using mind and afterwards release using breath and convulsions. your aim would be to start energy from legs towards your head this naturally purifies some areas and enhance otherwise compromised energy layers. spirits would endanger themselves if they tried to intercept yourself in high energy states, therefore maintaining the intensity all the way through is important. mental opposition against lying spirits is pointless, every time you sacrifice a thought towards them the vector of this thinking or response innervates in you, easily becoming habitual, and all habitual behavior with spirits are a concern, in good and bad.
you are free to elaborate why you think this way and i discuss it with you
You spam the thread with giant text boxes talking about dieting and calling every spirit a serpent.
this thread is not about you or me it is about healthy spiritual unions, if you don't like people having healthy lifestyles you should probably quit this thread
or you should start your own thread about being healthy for spiritual reasons and stop bugging us
us? you mean you. you can't produce single elaboration to any of your claims so why bother with it. learn the history of this thread and what happened before commenting on anything ever again
Different anon, silly. Letting parasites drink your brain juice isn't a healthy relationship
>You spam the thread with giant text boxes talking about dieting and calling every spirit a serpent.
i am pretty sure you are that anon. you are free to elaborate any of your claims, but i know you never will because you've never had a sight allowing you to see any spirit lucid, hence the ignorance.
you are chant aren't you, why do you stay anon?
nta but it's really fucking stupid of you to assume only chant/mine/Conjurer hate you. I've only been here three months and I wish you'd fuck off, for example.
I'm not chant you goober, have you seen his text boxes? You are the only one with texts larger than his
are you capable of substantiating your hate? or is it something beyond your comprehension
why would you say such things, care to elaborate then? chant never elaborates, are you capable of it
Your spinal, you silly Billy. Everyone knows you. You, chant, and matpat are the bane of this server.
who i am is not relevant in any meaningful way, what you or i say, however, is. if you can't comprehend this you should stay out of 4chan.
besides your freudian slip this is a thread, not a server, perhaps you find more solitude there, than here.
That is peak spinal egotardism
you did claim a thing then you become ineffectual in producing any explanation, it is only natural same thing would replicate in your ordinary life, engage in things and leave them be as soon as you are cornered, i have nothing personal against weasels, but frankly i see no benefit in being one, can you justify your existence here, what have you contributed in your life to anything, other than being here for drama instead of wisdom.
You shit-talk my succ, so I don't like you, simple. Also you're a vegan and that's justification enough.
you are free to give any example of this behavior, how long do you need, your lifetime? besides your vilifying remarks about me and baseless accusations, are you going to discuss anything here, or just keep whatever it is in your system going circles until what? if you don't have goal or purpose in life, don't deny it from others.
Spinal, your wisdom is literally just parasitism of this thread.
Dont bother. His bind is too far gone. Her is a walking parasite nest. He doesn't even have a succubus.
Lady luck is worth a life-long relationship with but you have to already be lucky to start with. Once she chooses you she's just like any other woman (for better or worse). Succubus/Lady Luck/Lilith, it doesn't matter what you call her (she might have a preference but that's another conversation).
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mfw more people post anime girl versions of the "yes .... hahaha... YES!" guy
>Again, I'm not talking about the people of the religion, but the religious dogma the people are supposed to follow.
I mean, okay. I get what you're saying.
Religion A says their creator god made the world. And Religion B claims their creator god made the world in some other way.
But the people could just chill out and not care about dogma.
And I think this is healthy.
>This only happens in cases where one tribe is worshiping a mountain, and then the tribe next door is worshiping a different mountain.
Yes. Or maybe when sparta worships mars and athens worships athena. In a religious sense, they can get along, and form greece where both mars and athena are worshipped.
But if two tribes both worship mars, then it gets more complicated.
>Whether the worshipers actually react to this conflict is usually based on how hostile the other group is their way of life.
Yes, the likelihood of religious war is greatly increased if the normal factors of war (land power and money) are also at play
>Spinal, your wisdom is literally just parasitism of this thread.
in a way, it's a good cautionary tale of what arrogance and self centeredness can do to a man
He just ignores anyone who has a contradicting experience. Not a smart plan. Now he thinks all spirits are evil because that's what he has experienced.
I'm not sure why he clings to it. Does he have any magic friends in real life? Surely he'd learn if he'd talk to more people and just listen.
These people just have nowhere else to go so they scare off and misinform the newbies.
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i know that typically they focus on chi retention and are more conservative/stoic but I wonder what would happen if you applied the teachings found in various eastern practices specifically chinese/taoist ones to max degen shit and I don't mean that asceticism through degeneracy some hindu or buddhist monks do

Even if it would result in failure or worse it'd be interesting to appropriate such things as an experiment just to see if anything sticks

Like using the iching to determine which girl or doing kundalini yoga with a sex doll you tried to attach a demon to etc.
like for example tcm has had most of it's famous plants that actually work adopted by the body building community and most users are unaware of it's origins since there's no focus on tonics or cooling/hot etc just "take these reishi mushrooms for sick brain powers brah"

dunno how i feel about that honestly
>Like using the iching to determine which girl
you can definitely do this, and people have done this
>or doing kundalini yoga with a sex doll you tried to attach a demon to etc.
... people have probably done that too.
>Even if it would result in failure or worse it'd be interesting to appropriate such things as an experiment just to see if anything sticks
I'm guessing most of it would work. Why wouldn't it?
If it works, it works. Magic doesn't really care about the bigger picture. It just cares if you did the spell correctly. So you can use it for whatever you want really
I expect a lot of those chinese experts could use energy work to do all sorts of stuff, in the "degeneracy" category. and some of them probably did, and still do.
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Good day succgen
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>Catching the discord tranny in the wild
Amazeballs, who could have seen that coming.

Good day to you and yours.

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