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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Tame Your Serpent Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous Thread >>38716454
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
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I don't know what day I'm on, but maturation isn't really a part of my lifestyle anymore. I'm thinking about learning piano or something
Just saw that they're mandating catch and release until October for kings around the Juneau area. Was planning a trip for a week towards the end of the month and was hoping to do a bit of fishing.
Death to all redditors.
People that say shit like this still live with and are provided for by their parents, and have never had a real, 40 hour a week job.
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If this is your first time lurking srg, then congratulations, you've been promoted to going to make it
semen retention is a cancer risk
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yeah shame about all those dead monks throughout history right?
I'm not an addict per say. I usually fap 2-3 times a week and always at the end of days after I get all my shit done. My longest SR streak is around 380 days but I did have wet dreams during that time and I did view porn on a few occasions. I have decided to do SR and noporn this whole month. Last 2 weeks I'll be in the brush hunting so it may make it a little easier for me since I won't have access to internet. We'll see how it goes.
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>monks dropping like flies, all with exploded prostates
I remember learning that at reddit university!

take my upvote!

edit thanks for the gold kind stranger!

*tips fedora*

edit formatting
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what spiritual practice should one do?
Daily reminder that weed lowers your testosterone and sperm count.
Testosterone, sure, but sperm count?
Yeah it is a risk to all cancers because they can't thrive in a body with such strong regenerative capabilietes, Immune vigilance and hormonal harmony.
I bust huge loads when I smoke. Can also edge for hours.
Hail to the baker!
Got a real nice streak going, my goal of 1 year is going to happen. Then I'm going super saiyan.

PS fuck shills and jannies
Not only count but also motility. It is actively making you infertile.
Why are you in such disbelief? Adequate testosterone levels are crucial for normal spermatogenesis. Tank Testosterone and you tank fertility.
There's conflicting studies on it, but from what I've read, it does effect sperm, at least altering their shape and their motility. Some data says it lowers the county, some doesn't.

There's also some data showing it can turn on/off certain genes in the sperm.

Overall, probably not "good" for the little swimmers.
Thank you gentlemen. I was merely testing my emotional/cognitive state for a week. Safe to say those results alone are enough to quit for SR.
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Tame Your Serpent Edition?
>during WW2 a bunch of rabbis came together to perform kabbalistic rituals in order to kill Hitler
>those rabbis received visions in which they were haunted by entities who were protective of Hitler
>the entities were accompanied by a three-headed serpent
>Hitler was a known retainer

>looking at my day counter multiple times as if it's going to change
Apparently I really needed to start sr a long time ago
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Suddenly and completely out of nowhere i had a HUGE urge to watch p*rn and goon to it. i kinda physically felt it.

It was weird bros. i manage it to resist it, but it definitely was fucking weird.

The only positive part is that after a few minutes the urge passed.
Remember, the urge ALWAYS Passes.
yeah and then you go outside and want to fuck hambeasts because you're so horny
Year 5602?
I'm not sure who needs to read this but I've been struggling with porn and masturbation for 25 years. I came into this world with a severe problem. Like I literally used to ask girls to see their vagina when I was only 5. It's pretty much all I've thought about for my whole life, and I haven't gone more than 14 days without it since I was 10. Max three months, one time. I masturbate 1-10 times per day, consume porn constantly without end, masturbate at my WFH job and have had hundreds of failed "day ones", and often my thoughts were entirely consumed by porn and sex, all day. I have also done many things which I am shameful of. While society views this as shameful, I am and have always been highly sexed and bombarded with sexual energy.

The other week I took the wormpill and started a parasite purge. The product I'm taking is "new roots purge parasitis" and I'm 8 days into my 30 day cleanse. However there are many products and methods available.

My craving for porn and women has entirely vanished since starting the cleanse. It's gone. I don't think about it. I am able to avert my gaze to attractive women on the street and view them as people. I have opened camsites a couple of times, and just thought "these women should not be doing this" and closed it as it's not appealing to me anymore. This is extremely, extremely odd for me. I have tried and failed every time but always craved porn. My cravings are gone and I am disgusted by the thought. The only woman I want at the moment is my wife as I see the evil dwelling inside the porn actresses. I also wake up with a raging boner. These benefits were basically immediate.

I have two cats and have been eating sushi my entire life.

I can't explain it but I feel like a changed man. Almost immediately, and temptation and the intrusive all-day sexual thoughts are fucking gone.

Would highly recommend to struggling anons to take the wormpill -
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Qi Gong will help you. The Way of Energy by Lam Kam Chuen
Hebrew calendar.
>Daily reminder that weed lowers your testosterone and sperm count.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Higher testosterone makes you want to have sex no matter the costs. You eventually become blind with lust and the desire to spread your seed. Certainly not useful for retention.

Sperm count literally doesn't matter unless you're trying to have children, which no one here would be.
The fastest and most obvious benefit of at least trying nofap is the smell. You'll quickly realize that your peers have been able to smell that you're a wanker the entire time. When you abstain you realize how strong the coomer smell is. It's all over your clothes, especially your underwear. It stinks!
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Longest streak: 3 weeks
Longest on SSRI: 6weeks & 10 weeks
Current average streak: 2 days
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Have you ever talked to a doctor about SR? They'll all tell you the same thing. It doesn't do anything. You've all been duped by con men.
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>stoner cope
You mean those people who tell you to eat basedbean oil and avoid meat, eggs, and butter? Or did you mean the people who changed the definition of 'vaccine' so they could call experimental gene therapy a 'vaccine?' Or did you mean the people who prescribe statins? Or did you mean the people who perform circumcisions? Your appeal to perceived authority is worthless, just like your degree from reddit university.
let's say you got covid so bad you needed to be hospitalized. where would you go? some new age energy healer? you better, they're not corrupted by the system, so they're not afraid to speak the truth. lmaooooo
>let's say you got covid so bad you needed to be hospitalized
but I'm not fat and diabetic????
we both know you are, fatty
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>let's say you got covid so bad you needed to be hospitalized. where would you go?
the flu says hi.
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>You HAVE to jizz out your cum every day
>it's SCIENCE! :O
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I am just a lurker here I haven't been interested in anything for a very long time but this seems to open up my mind quite a bit.
Very interesting
You've just been promoted to going to make it
The higher the sex drive, the better SR works.
>he lets a stranger finger his asshole for “medicine”
i must persist
praying for you
> Come on just unload once, its good for you. You need to relax.

The thoughts are creeping in guys what do I do?
watch them pass like clouds, you arent those cloudsthoughts youre the awareness
You think different thoughts, until previous thoughts no more. Fight thought with thought.
Yeah they pass, but after a while they also come back in again.
The First God does not believe in semen retention. I do so he dislikes me a little more for it, but he believes it is stupid that the religions try to diminish sexuality for the most part, when he desires to expand it. He wants to see women in microskirts without bras and he wants tank tops to come back, and I can get on board with that.
day 24
what's picrel from?
anon dont ghost me... ;;
Broke a 54 day.
It is day 3 now.
The difference...
Is overwhelming...
What is your take on namefags?
how much are you taking?

3 pills 3 times per day. You need 3 bottles of 90 for the full course (take 15 days, 5 days off, take 15 days)
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a girl who rejected me 2 years ago, hit me up trying to reconnect. I assume this is because of some sort of energy from retention?
Namefagging is reddit and cringe d e s u. If an idea is good, it can stand on its own without someone trying to prop it up with their personal reputation.
damn, quite a bit
where'd you find this information?
what if someone namefags for the sake of personal archival and not for promoting ideas?
It might be related. Personally, I think a lot of /x/ phenomena are really the same thing, just called a bunch of different things. The SRI experiments into remote viewing and anomalous cognition showed that psychic influences aren't bounded by 3D space, so if your ex was thinking about your for whatever reason, she might have been receptive to whatever psychic signal or energy you're emitting and actually felt it subconsciously. Maybe. Possibly? Nobody really knows how or why psychic stuff works, just that there's something going on.
I've noticed anytime I hit a longer streak LOA starts working so maybe there is more to this. I just wish there was some proper research on semen retention in general.
Resonance - Dissonance
Purification - Contamination
Increasing - Decreasing
Three different energetic gradients, all affecting ENERGY.
Shit is simpler than most make it seem to be.
Goal is
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>"Not a Glowie"
how do i do it?
>have you ever talked to a conman about SR?
You're fucking retarded "bro"
>let's say you got covid
>Not a Glowie
What you vibe in (ingest) is what you vibe out (express): food, media, thoughts, ideas, people, habits.
Cultivate it (SR, transmutation (see sticky)), don't squander it.
can you talk more about resonance specifically?
>What you vibe in (ingest) is what you vibe out (express): food, media, thoughts, ideas, people, habits.
Honestly there'sn't much about it. What would you like to know? Can you narrow down your inquiry?
In the meantime I feel intuitively compelled to say:
When one gets to first SR streaks (and one has a past of cooming and debauchery) there is a period of "purging" in which the "resonant attractions" are of a certain quality: people that participated in one's traumatic events no matter the degree of trauma (trauma is a broad word), deviant personalities in the sexual or ethical/moral... and it isn't a bad sign but a good sign in fact. It's a purge. It's a one-last-time-revisit-of-past-shit type of sort.
Then a shift occurs and the "resonances" gradually go "up in quality". Then there's a period of "peace" in which no "resonances" occur. Then more purified resonances come and go in periodical waves.
Retainers that have gone beyond 2 months will be able to confirm what I just said.
interesting, thank you anon. is there any practices i should do alongside sr?
>Cultivate it (SR, transmutation (see sticky)), don't squander it.
That's a good list, poticlerly the first two, and
>- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
i'll try transmutation, but i've only seen yoga as a white woman thing
>but i've only seen yoga as a white woman thing
I get you and understand you because I thought same in the past.
Try the Surya, 30 seconds each asana, breathe naturally and deeply but not forced. Must be naturally breathing.
The whole ordeal is to "massage" certain inner nervous and endocrine areas of the body by means of these stretching and physical movements. That way trauma gets liberated (blockages are cleared) and the energy is compelled to "circulate" around the body.
coomer smells is very real
Also the 8 brocades and the Tibetan Rites are very simple as well.
>the energy is compelled to "circulate" around the body.
This helps avoiding those pesky wet dreams and will allow you to increase your capacity for energy storage.
Don't be discouraged if the first days of yoga you get a few wet dreams, this can happen but it will be temporary and will pass. Or may not even happen at all.
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thank you for all your help bro, wagmi
Longest Streak: Two weeks
Current average streak: 7 days
Last time I coomed: 2 days ago
No problem and
Of course brother, you all are cherished and loved by the Supreme.
Anyone else get stomach cramps on SR?
i do
sorry that was me, i was masturbating from 7:00pm to 2am.
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Sup' baker. its pretty hard to just create something isnt it? Its been a week and i only though about one funny joke for a small comic strip.

Did you manage to continue writing?
>tranny/anime poster has a problem with marijuana

Tomorrow I'll wake up and be 50 days without blowing my load. It'll be the first time since 6th grade I've went this long. To those seeking to improve themselves I say you can do it, you can reach the goals of abstinence and beyond. To those already further down the path than me I say I will surpass you if only in the pursuit of noble competition. I know you all won't truly fail in your pursuits but that idea of doing better to push someone else to do better to push you to do better, someone that feels like your brother, is needed now. Occasionally I look at porn (~every 10 days) but it's purely out of habit and I don't get hard. After the second week clean I can count the amount of times I've edged on one hand and it was always to me fantasizing about my wife, never to porn. You can make it guys. I agree noporn is a better route but don't dissuade yourself from a path that works for you if you can keep to it. I had to edge and look at porn for the first 2 weeks of staying clean this streak and I had to look at porn and edge the entire time during each of my two separate, month-long streaks this year.

It really is getting back on the horse.
It really is not making perfect the enemy of good.
If you can't think of a pursuit to use the extra energy for just lift. Physical exertion essentially sharpens the spearhead you'll use to conquer whatever eventually catches your eye.
Imagining white smoke wafting up from my balls and the base of my cock through my body into my brain really helps dissolve lustful feelings. Just pull it into your brain and then move it from your brain to throughout your body. Essentially the energy needs pulled into your brain to be refined and then it can be sent back down.

Yeah I'm a fag for blogposting. I just needed to lay a foundation that let me say, thoroughly, that you bastards are a bastion of wealth on the front lines and I love every one of you. Never stop.

It's linked in my post friendo
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>I had to edge
you didn't have to

For anyone actually interested in the “why” of SR or the “goal” so to speak. Everyone talking about their streak for x amount of time that’s good and all but you have to have an energetic practice to use with the fuel you are accumulating otherwise what are you really doing? Learn the linked method (100 days is just a guideline in this day and age it will probably take a lot longer with all the damage to everyone’s subtle body system) and how to “turn the light around” and you should be set. Have fun!
I'm not just interested in not coming. I'm interested in taking this energy welling up inside of me and turning myself into a fearless dynamo. This rocket is blasting off. What are your best recommendations for transmuting my energy so I can conquer Persia
The whole process is a series of dependencies. Step one “allows” the next step to proceed without adversely affecting the process or the results, which are 1) Kundalini activation;
There are safer and gentler methods to transmute without having to activate Kundalini. Not exactly the wisest way.
Literally pick one from the sticky and do it dilligently, consistently and patiently.
If you’re not transmuting towards kundalini you’re not “transmuting”. Whatever your definition of that is bozo.
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i had a wet dream today.
I feel mad but at the same time my streak was around 6~ months so i can't complain.

Maybe its just me flushing out some old sperm.
Will still not jerk off tho,

Manifestion is going well, will continue.
i hate feeling drained tho
all right i'll run through them
>- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
good, I will try not to dilute it too much with peaking.
>- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
i will start taking a dream journal
>- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
based and I already do this
>- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
based and I already do this
>- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
i will write my goals down and make them crystal clear
>- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
I do pray and I believe God hears me
>- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
all right
>- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
all right I can do this
>- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
All right I will do this
>- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Will look into this but I don't just want to change it. i want to FOCUS IT LIKE A LASER to achieve my goals
>- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
i'm pretty good at this but i can cut down some caffeine in the mornings

anything else? I want to conquer worlds
Don't promote falsehoods.
I've been practicing energy cultivation for more than 6 years successfully transmuting energy and without interfering with Kundalini, which I awakened accidentally 4 years ago by doing stupid shit like the one you're recommending.
There are definitely safer forms of transmutation. Kundalini doesn't have jack shit to do with cultivation, it's a completely different ordeal.
Like 10% of the whole population, and I'm being generous, are ready for a proper Kundalini Awakening. It has NOTHING to do with Cultivation because IT ISN'T the Life Force but the EVOLUTIONARY FORCE, which despite being thoroughly interlinked between themselves, are NOT THE SAME FORCE, so stop spewing stupid fucking bullshit and promoting shit that can get anons hurt.
>>- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Those three are pretty effective to TRANSMUTE (transform the sexual expression of energy into other more elevated forms of expression (higher energy centers)) without meddling with Kundalini which, despite what other retards want to claim, ISN'T the sexual force.
I’ve been practicing for over 10 years fed boy. The secret of the golden flower is as gentle as it gets. You were probably jacking off to Joseph Smith or something. The people that follow my advice are the ones that are ready and the ones that don’t aren’t. Simple. It self selects. If someone can figure it out and practice meditation they are ready. It is the life force you ignorant fool. You can only open true kundalini with SR not ceremonial bum magic.
Fuck around and find out glownigger.
I'm not here to convince anybody unlike you and your retarded agenda.
All who read our posts can go figure out by themselves so there's that.
Y'all be my guest and try whatever floats your boat.
I just said what I had to say.
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Yes, see:
Of what value have your years of energy work been if you still find yourself engaging in prideful and offensive rhetoric? Where are the fruits of your work? Humility, kindness, patience... these should appear as signs of your progress. Are the games you are playing not utterly meaningles otherwise?
Of what value have your years of energy work been if you still find yourself engaging in prideful and offensive rhetoric? Where are the fruits of your work? Humility, kindness, patience... these should appear as signs of your progress. Are the games you are playing not utterly meaningles otherwise?
ssri's kill libido so that doesn't count. without libido you lose most of benefits. sometimes you retards forget what this practice is about. it's not about killing your test drive with drugs so theres no more temptation, it is about being stronger and more disciplined than your temptations. when will you boys finally decide to become men?
>new record achieved
>masturbate for 11 hours and cum 5 times

still some of the best orgasms of my life though, although darn it
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Explain like I'm 5
Some of us are simply evil, fucktard moron. Energy work doesn't equate to moral evolution. Who would have thought?
>pre orgasm surge of good feelz mystery stuff
>post orgasm surge of anti- good feelz mystery stuff
>result: lowered baseline of good feelz for a while
I laugh at them... like out loud
We all are. Rejecting the innate evil in us is a choice even the holiest of men have to make each new day. You believe you are forced to choose evil because you do not yet fathom goodness. Likewise, you believe you are getting something valuable out of your energy work because you do not understand what it means to possess things of real value. Restoration of the innate moral perfection of our being via the purifying effect of the mercy of God is all there is to life. Everything else is a dead end. Every other path of progression will plateau before your desires become realized. Work that does not purify you is not work at all, but mere delusion.
Shut the fuck up. Didn't read.
Anon, you are undermining your own legitimacy. Would you take advice from someone who behaves like an aggressive ape?

Let it be known to others reading this that a hallmark of the purported Kundalini energy is drastically increased empathy
If you gotta jerk off only do it if you're genuinely horny. As in with emotional feelings involved, not when browsing porn.

This will ease the post nut clarity guilt and you'll be able to pick yourself right up again easier.
>prolactine raised even after 15 days post orgasm
lord have mercy
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For some reason my streak has to be extremely hard mode (monk mode) and "pure" or I use it as an excuse to relapse and goon. Even accidentally seeing a bikini ad or some legs/ass out in public and i'm using it as an excuse because im not pure in my streak and saw somethign softcore any advice? Are your streaks PURE? Have youa ccidentally seen some softcore porn? or bikins? help
It will be my twenty-sixth day of nofap today.
Hey guys, for the next 48 hours I need to stay up to apply an antibiotic drop in my eye due to an infection otherwise I might partially lose my vision in one eye. The thing is historically I’ve always guaranteed masturbated in the past when I’ve stayed up the whole night and feel sleep deprived. I used to do this a lot when i was an idiotic hardcore gamer. I’ve hit 50 days today and I’m just asking for some prayers and maybe some motivation to not relapse during this. Take it easy.
If you spend any time at all on the internet, you're going to see scantily clad women. What matters is whether it was your intention to seek that out. If you're just scrolling some meme website during some down time and whoops there's a picture of goth Garfield, that's not your fault. But if you specifically go to some page to see goth Garfield, then that's impure.
praying for you and for your eye
>Tame Your Serpent Edition?
why so surprised?
it's TAME your serpent, NOT kill it
you control it,not the other way around
remember that a serpent is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge (when tamed that is)
>Suddenly and completely out of nowhere i had a HUGE urge to watch p*rn and goon to it. i kinda physically felt it.
i didn't masturbate though so thank god,but i still looked at nude women for a good half an hour
which is basically the same as masturbating mind you,it all has the same effect.
your body produces semen in response to erotic imagery, you're losing vital fluid whether you've masturbated or not
Hardcore gaming was certainly a high factor in that situation, I bet. If you try and maintain your current state of mind through the process you should have nothing to worry about. If you get an urge and come here reading some posts. Worked for me at the start. Simple shit like reading: “cool, still not jerking off” or someone’s case
the author of the Coiled Serpent mentioned that you can only aid your body/spirit in the transmutation of the sexual energy and NOT actively/directly transmute it.
meaning that your subconscious/spirit/higher-self/nature will take care of the process for you.
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>do nothing
feel good
threads like these really gives me hope for the future
most of the internet is nothing but cesspools of degeneracy and evil,so having a place like this to vent and discuss freely is a real blessing
I fasted, and prayed, eventually God just took the desire to masturbate away - at least to my understanding, I'm sure he has a different one.
I see my SR streak (60 days) as a sunk cost fallacy - one where I do not want to even think about breaking, because my mood for 5 minutes of pleasure deteriorates for 3 days afterwards. The thought of having to climb up to 60+ days again doesn't sound fun either.
On the other hand, I do have a problem seeking out porn as a way to self-soothe every other day it seems, and still do peek. A month ago I would just look for maybe an hour or two, but recently it's gone down to like maybe 10-15 minutes because in my head I'm just crying out to God in my head to help give me the self control to remove myself from it.
>Tried masturbating using a onahole and imagination only, no porn stimuli
>The orgasm is greater than the hand but the regret and shame is still there after
It really is all or nothing isn't it? No way around it. All I ever wanted was a girlfriend and to have sex.
Why do you guys feel shame when fapping? I feel fucking great and it always puts me in a good mood. I have a handle on my life though. Always fap at night after I get all my shit done. Still train. Still read. Still eat healthy. I just fap because I don't have a gf. If I had a wife or gf I would never fap and it wouldn't even bother me.
You set yourself up for failure by having this mindset.
The only way to have your "pure streak" is to disable your internet and permanently close your eyes.
If you wanna have a "monk mode" streak, become a fucking monk.
Until then, relax and don't jerk off/purposefully view arousing material.
this, first thing i say is “fuck that was good.”
Loss of spiritual energy. Truth is that every time you get horny you're transmuting spiritual energy into matter already. And when you bust, that's ejecting the energy that was once you. Every time you coom you give off a piece of yourself, and if you coom into an undeserving woman, that's actually worse. Most people are hylics and are ignorant about this. If you don't feel guilt afterwards chances are you're a hylic. Sorry I didn't make the rules. God only chooses some
Damn I've noticed it's usually day 4 or 5 into a new streak that I feel like shit. Makes sense now.
Active, loving prayer throughout the day is the best way to keep urges at the minimum. You are doing well.

> He who is always at home within his own heart is a stranger to all the pleasures of this life. He walks in spirit, and so knows nothing of the lusts of the flesh.

> If our spirit should sever itself from God, then the power of self-determination given to man by God will also be taken away from us. Then a man can no longer master either the inclinations of the soul, or the needs of his body, or outside contacts. Then he will be torn asunder by the desires of his soul and body and by the vanity of exterior life, although all these things on the superficial level seem to contribute to his pleasure and happiness.
Bro, have you pondered that perhaps you're responding to a blatant shill troll?
masturbation raises bo which will not be good for your eye. avoid.
also put alarm for every few hours you have to do the drops and get a little sleep. it will accelerate healing process.
>Truth is that every time you get horny you're transmuting spiritual energy into matter already.
It's amazing just how spiritually illiterate you people are. Did this genuinely make sense in your head?
>God only chooses some
And of course, stupidity immediately followed up by arrogance. Tragic that most will simply never get it.
I don't believe in trolls. What comes out of the mouth of a person necessarily is a reflection of their character, be it said in jest or with authentic emotion. Playful lies are potentially as harmful as malicious lies, hence it makes no difference why the lie was said. It is best for all that the lie is addressed in either case.
>yeah mane you can ACTIVATE koondaliniee simply by not touching your peniz
>god really made it that eazy
Checked. Fascinating perspective. Makes me compelled to be more mindful of my own expressions.
How do I retain while having a gf or is it over for me
Listen larper when you talk to someone that actually experiences nonstop Brahmacharya and has achieved all the spiritual pursuits people pretend to attain AND you lay out the easiest route to enlightenment you’d be frustrated too. The words I chose got a response out of you so they worked. Maybe you will take up the practice.
I think you would do very wisely. Watching your mouth is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself. It relates to how to brahmacharis celibacy did not only occur on the level of action, but on the levels of thought and word as well; and how Jesus said that it's not what enters the mouth but comes out of the mouth that defiles the person.

If you embark on this and commit to it with a certain degree of seriousness, you should quickly notice the embarrassing amount of selfish, vulgar or unnecessary speech that passes your lips on a daily basis. It will be humbling and insightful.
>If you embark on this and commit to it with a certain degree of seriousness, you should quickly notice the embarrassing amount of selfish, vulgar or unnecessary speech that passes your lips on a daily basis. It will be humbling and insightful.
Thank you anon for this conversation, you're a good brother.
I'm going to practice it but not only upon my mouth, but upon my thoughts as well.
If you have reached the summit of spiritual development but have neither humility nor compassion to show for it, you have gone very far to achieve very little. It would be better for you to come back down to simple common sense and begin anew on a foundation of love and contrition.
Either stop having sex, or learn to have sex without ejaculation.

Orgasm and ejaculation are two separate events. Research male non-ejaculatory orgasm, full body orgasms, energy orgasms, breath orgasms.

Not to be confused with edging. You're keeping your pelvic floor completely relaxed, not allowing any tension to build, and moving the energy being charged from your penis to the rest of your body using intention and breath. You are NOT clenching down hard like some practices suggest, as that just leads to retrograde ejaculation.

You are walking a razor's edge with these practices. You can easily push too far or fall back into old ways, but when mastered you'll be in-tune with your body and the energetic pathways within it and can last indefinitely.

I've practiced them myself and reached ecstatic states beyond anything I could have dreamed of with bland pmo, but now prefer the constant steady bliss full chastity gives.
Hmm.... It's that guy. Checks out.
You are even more fallen than a normie who knows nothing about spirituality.
I think sacrificing people’s presupposition of my kindness and humility and showing them a pathway that there SR can actually function is an expression of love.
Focus on her pleasure over yours.
what was your pathway, i got confused once both people replied to >>38752857

In meditation learn to be aware of your awareness.
>an advanced enlightened person is DEFINITELY posting on a general for recovering coomers
why wouldnt an enlightened person help along those who are already moving? its more effective than moving those who wont move on their own
Bless you.
Someone here has an agenda and it is obvious to me.
If you have to ask, you're never gonna make it.
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there's power in these balls
3 weeks in and I feel like shit. Where is this "energy" and "confidence" at?
>- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Day 25: I feel that yesterday was the best day so far. I wasn't very productive but I didn't have many intrusive thoughts thru the day and not many at night (I guess I can't expect them to go away completely haha)... This is pretty encouraging but I think staring at the mirror would probably be a mistake... Today so far it's been going good so far. Also life suddenly started moving more quickly (in a good way I think) so I think the perseverance is working out!!!!! Excited for the future (but the schizo part of my brain wants to think its related to the moon being small but I'm not making any conclusions until I go through multiple moon cycles)
still no answer ;(
desu I honestly feel the same, like the only times I really enjoy(ed) anything was jerking off... But it definitely made my issues worse so I think abstaining is the best...
how is your diet? how is your sleep? how physically active are you?
flatline may be a period of time of adjustment, your body is physically changing keep at it and be grateful for the break in temptation
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Sup' fren. Yeah, but the more you do it the easier it gets. Just have to keep trying, which I haven't done kek! Think I'll start trying by the end of the month.
>still no answer ;(
Probably one of the content in OP. Can't recall honestly. Also, keep it up.
>Probably one of the content in OP. Can't recall honestly.
I started reading some of the books inbthe pastebin. The one that was "christian" made the whole bible an allegory for physiological processes and I found that really disrespectful and desu blasphemous so I skipped it but tbe Evola one is cool so far. I'll do the coiled serpent next.
>Also, keep it up.
I will!

>verification not required
desu desu
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there's power in these balls
day 10 for me. not much for many here but it represents a good streak for me. best ive ever done is 15 days. feels easier this time, I felt so down, so low, so bad last time I relapsed that I prayed to god that I would never watch porn and jack off ever again and its genuinely felt so much easier this time than ever before. strange how that works.
last night I had a date that went really well, we made out pretty heavily and she was giving me some head, didn't cum, felt great. not gonna see her again because it was pretty obvious neither of us are fully ready for a new relationship, but it was fun.
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you're gonna make it, just stop edging in girls mouths
>stop edging in girls mouths
no, big part of SR for me is getting a mate. having sex is part of that, if I don't cum I don't break my streak.
I'm probably not eating/drinking enough but I take vitamins every day, as well as going to sleep at a decent hour and going on a walk.
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Suddenly Savitri Devi’s take that Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu sounds a little less schizo.
No wonder the Nazis used the swastika.
Indo-Aryan religions rise uppp
Let’s Poo, bois
>the whole bible an allegory for physiological processes
> I found that really disrespectful and desu blasphemous so I skipped it

Anon...that's what the bible is. The Occult Anatomy of Man & God-Man The Word Made Fleshed are based - the bible is a book of symbolism, lessons, guides, metaphors/analogies and philosophies to tell the story of humanity itself. If you truly believe the bible is only a historical document then you're limiting yourself.
I accept that the bible can be allegorical/symbolical/whatever but it must have also really happened to matter though...
I was feeling like pure shit at around the first 3 weeks too but its getting better now, or at least it got better yesterday and today
alex was a huge coomer desu
He wasn't, he was known for his sexual restraint.
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>he was known for his sexual restraint.
I'm gonna put that on my headstone so people will know.
They also used Norse runes. So no poo today.
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Anyone else's dreams getting more wild as they stay on SR ?
Before SR I barely dreamed. I barely remembered them. Now on SR, while asking God before I sleep to show me my future [with hints], my dream life has expanded exponentially...
On the other hand, my last two significant dreams I'm literally calling out to God for help, to come save me - without doing lucid dreaming.
Funny little excerpt from my dream today:
>As I was going through their stuff I started noticing more satanic things around, I lifted up a paper with a "spell" on it, and said it without realising it, then said aloud to my partner "Knowing Qigong would help with this." As if it was a block writing spell casting style "magic."
On the plus side, I can say that I'm finally 60 days into SR ! It's been 0 days since I've viewed porn though...
>I think sacrificing people’s presupposition of my kindness and humility and showing them a pathway that there SR can actually function is an expression of love.
Yet what would be the point? Why would you feel the need to sacrifice the innate freely flowing kindness and humility that characterizes your condition in order to express love? Why would you, an enlightened person, feel frustrated when others do not agree with you?

Certainly, helping people forward expresses love. And lovingly helping people forward expresses even greatet love. But by insulting others, boasting of your attainments and showing impatience towards others, are you not undermining not only your legitimacy as a person who embodies what they claim to represent, but also the congruence between your inner state and external behavior? If you are trying to float, why tie stones to your limbs?
Yes and also
>Sleep paralysis
>Will myself through the fear
>Heart jumps as I hear the voice of a foreign entity laughing/moaning/teasing/taunting coming from inside my head
>Spontaneous ejaculation begins
>RESIST IT. Literally feels like a prolonged fight.
>Start having a bizarre half-dreaming dry orgasm that literally lasts for minutes on end until my half sleep fades back into deep sleep

It's happened to me so many times now that I'm wondering if this is a normal phenomenon. Only on (relatively) clean streaks.
Why are anti-parasitic herbs like tumeric, garlic, onions considered rajasic or tamasic? Shouldn't they be considered sattvic since they give more mental clarity if you have parasites or an unhealthy gut microbiome
nvm tumeric is considered sattvic
you sound vaccinated.
Yes absolutely, I just had multiple different dreams on the course of a single night.
I had some urges yesterday but managed to stay strong. Yesterday and the day before that I really felt the dopamine depression, but today I feel energized and in a great mood. Currently on day 8, but I decided to count from the first of september for simplicity sake.
Looking to restart my meditation tonight and draw some art.
>it must have also really happened to matter though...

Let's do a quick test here. Not going to debate you or anything but I'll give one example:

>1 Kings 2:23-24: 23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.

So this is horrifying if it's true. This honestly feels more like a story/lesson a parent would tell their child to prevent them from jeering at others. Now you could look at this literally/like it really happened, but it's probably what I mentioned before. If I was told this story as a child I most likely wouldn't make fun of ANYONE. And again that brings me back to my point >>38758840
about the bible - it's not historical but rather symbolic and allegorical.
My dreams started to unlock facts stored in my subconcious that i thougt i have forgotten. Facts that are very useful for my profession. I recheck them still in the morning just in case and i'm always amazed how the fuck does my brain still remembers small shit from 20 years ago that is important now to me. it gives me these facts in dreams beside other symbols that tell me where should i use this infornation. pretty neat and never hapoened before when i wasn't on sr.
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meditate. exercise. read. pray. retain.
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feels like nothing can stop us now, brothers. we are ALL going to make it.
It will be my twenty-seventh day of nofap today.
Anything but a testament to the divinity of Christ, eh?
when do the urges stop
Christ is within you. So says the Bible. Christ is not an alpha male for you to worship and act like a groupie over.
Lord Jesus Christ gets my respect and love, His authority i will not brush aside.
imagine if he hadn't been
Read your Bible and try again. Dont brush aside the wisdom of others.
>it's not historical but rather symbolic and allegorical
I think similar views most often stem from inability to accept the humble simplicity of the Gospel. There may exist an intellectual need for the truth to be esoteric. There may be parts of Scripture or Tradition that don't make sense to one. In both cases it betrays a disappointment about what one had hoped for the truth to be.

As faith has to precede understanding one cannot expect the truth to yield to their subjective intellect. Rather, they themselves must yield to truth. If one is not prepared to humble themselves in order to understand the truth, the only thing they can do is interpret the truth in a way that appeals to their pride.

The desire for esoterism is better fulfilled when applied to one's living relationship with God. Faith is a fundamentally mystic prociess. Standing in front of God, lovingly, yet helplessly with no power of your own, is where the profoundness of Christianity lies; where the magic happens, be your aim purification, transmutation, contrition or something else.

The Apostles did not die for an allegorical Christ. The saints, fathers, martyrs and other holiest of men did not believe in a symbolic Jesus. To them, the literalness of what God had done for them was clear. The Bible is a waypost, not a blueprint. Resist the allure to take what is meant to testify to God's sovereignity as a method of self-glorification.
this seems like a plot to make me go against God’s will.
You usually end up noticing lucky "coincidences" when you're practicing semen retention.
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In the beginning we were One. We fell asleep and dreamt we were many peoples and nations.

This act of going to sleep is what is being referred to as Christ “dying” for all. Christ didn’t really die. We just pretended to become many instead of the One.

There’s really only 1 of us here. That one is named Christ.
Christ is King, He died for the Sins of Mankind
>watching too much sexually-inducing stuff
Always experienced the opposite
What you say is true but you don't actually understand it.

Sin = anything that engages in the illusion of Maya. Lusting for the material and seeking fulfillment in fleshly desires.

Christ went to sleep (died) such that we can fully immerse ourselves into the illusion.
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Long clean streak >>> Being physically appealing

>.t guy who lost a bunch of weight ang gained a bunch of muscle
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What you don't trust the 18 year old faggy mulatto broccoli boy? How dare you.
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Confirmed. Just edging makes you lose the best benefits..
Sounds like a succubus attack. Stay strong.
Call out to Jesus next time.
bruh i work 40h some weeks 60h others with no breaks and trust me life is beautiful ur just a faggot who likes to complain
I’ll try to answer these as succinctly as possible. Achieving enlightenment is of extreme importance in this lifetime. There are those that will deter or purposely derail threads that have truth in them. Regular people join in with the derailers and they miss out on genuine spiritual/bioenergetic progress. There are so many methods that are cumbersome or dangerous and for someone with no experience like the derailer to say The Secret of the Golden Flower is dangerous is preposterous. Miracle upon miracle has allowed it to be brought to the west and deciphered for lay people. People take it for granted. Monks smack their students over the head all the time when they get out of line and they do it out of compassion. You do what you need to do when you achieve enlightenment to help others do the same in this lifetime regardless of how it changes perceptions of you. Bragging about my accomplishments just catches eyes. Either they believe me or they don’t it doesn’t really matter because the ones that follow through will be true believers. I’m not trying to float I’m here to help others soar. As long as one other person can figure out what I have said (which they have) then I’ve done my duty. Ultimately the frustration comes from free will and destiny and their interplay and how no matter what I do I can’t save all of you.
Alright, here we go

>I think similar views most often stem from inability to accept the humble simplicity of the Gospel.
I never said I disagree with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. I simply quoted one (of many) bible verses that really only made sense in the context of the time period in which the bible was originally written.
>There may exist an intellectual need for the truth to be esoteric. There may be parts of Scripture or Tradition that don't make sense to one.
>As faith has to precede understanding one cannot expect the truth to yield to their subjective intellect. Rather, they themselves must yield to truth. If one is not prepared to humble themselves in order to understand the truth, the only thing they can do is interpret the truth in a way that appeals to their pride.
So I'm prideful because I don't understand? Because I need to make sense of things before I can accept them? Faith doesn't HAVE to precede understanding all of the time...in this case you're saying that I need to yield to the "truth". The "truth" in this case is a 100% historically accurate (totally happened) book from millennia prior. You know, instead I COULD talk to God directly and have the information given to me in a way I do understand.
>The desire for esoterism is better fulfilled when applied to one's living relationship with God. Faith is a fundamentally mystic prociess. Standing in front of God, lovingly, yet helplessly with no power of your own, is where the profoundness of Christianity lies; where the magic happens, be your aim purification, transmutation, contrition or something else.
You're on the right track here.
>The Apostles did not die for an allegorical Christ.
Again, we have zero evidence that any of that actually happened.
3 months no weed. i keep going 5-7 days without porn and then falling. but each time ive fallen since no weed I have avoided hyper degen porno so if you have any awful fetishes get away from drugs imo
>Achieving enlightenment
Starting to think the anon you call 'the derailer' is right, you mix a lot of terminology like you don't even know what the hell you're talking about. You're doing it again, Enlightenment isn't even related to Kundalini. Kundalini is by definition a mundane force, Enlightenment is transcending the mundane. None of them is a prerequisite for the other.
>The saints, fathers, martyrs and other holiest of men did not believe in a symbolic Jesus. To them, the literalness of what God had done for them was clear.
Again, what they wrote about was written in the context of that time period. We have NO WAY of knowing if their writings were also metaphorical and symbolic.
>To them, the literalness of what God had done for them was clear.
We'll never actually know though...
>The Bible is a waypost, not a blueprint. Resist the allure to take what is meant to testify to God's sovereignity as a method of self-glorification.
I'm not the type of person to just accept blind faith. I've never been that way. Ever since I was small I've always questioned things in a scientific or reasonably way. I remember being 5 years old asking my pastor where the dinosaurs were in the bible. His answer was "The Garden of Eden". Now this didn't even make sense to me as a child. But that's where I am know. I'm trying to make sense of this world in a way I understand. I'm sorry if that offends you in any way, but my current path seems more clear to me now than it's ever been.
Maybe try an app like cold turkey. Some “Reddit science” factoid but putting just a minor inconvenience in the way of porn will keep you from watching.
Kundalini is a straight shot to enlightenment. Maybe there will be a pay raise next quarter.
You really don't know what you're talking about. Outed.
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How do I stop looking at women when I'm on the street or the subway etc?
Bad day, 2 months in but I just spent all day edging like a retard. Questioning if a new clean streak might be better. I mean not really I don't want to reset but fuuu has it been a bad day.
Let's talk levels fren.
You were at 10.
You edged, you got to 7, maybe 6.
IF you release you will go to eat shit to ZERO.
If you don't release and do some pushups or whatever instead, you can go UPWARDS again. Take some time after the pushups for some meditation. Then continue enjoying yourself.
You will regret it if you release.
You're right you're right, it's retarded to reset anything if I haven't released. Thanks fren. Just feeling this weight on me like I hadn't since I was on PMO non-stop.
Kek just this second I saw an ad for Megalopolis, Adam Driver saying "There's still so much to accomplish, but is there time?" as he strokes that lamp thing like it's a dick. Haha, fucking goofy synchronicity you ask me.
Kek that's absolutely fucking weird indeed, because there was a phrase I omitted from my post which is exactly
>there's still time fren
I shit you not, brother.
nice exchange anons. i'm on day 11 so not too far in but I feel much stronger this time. this is the streak i'll carry on I feel. what benefits have you experienced? I suspect increased synchronicity is among them
Bro what’s the protocol?
I hope you have been engaging your physicality as in working out and all that shit, but I'll let you in on a "secret" (it's not a secret but it's pretty cool):
Engage your MIND too! Get into some kind of intellectual activity. Learn a new language or something.
Why am I telling you this? Because it will multiply SR effects!
Somehow, if you use your available energy for productive learning stuff, it helps increasing your capacity to harmonize.
It doesn't amplify the energy, rather it makes it more harmonious.
Got a new record, now depressed and bad feelings, i deserve it because i gooned for 11 hours.
Just felt lonely, y’know.
my own fault. i never felt lonely before i started nofap. My hand was always there for me.
After a few months they are replaced with a feeling of emptiness and a lack of humanity.
I also have limited time for something I seek, time has always been a factor for me. Yeah that was some divine shit bruh. Thanks for responding, seriously.
>increased synchronicity
the longer I go the more I notice things like these, in numbers, in music, the TV says some relevant shit sometimes like I'm a fucking Malkavian or something, stuff like that. More things aligning simply seem more evident to you.
It's as this anon said fren >>38763894
For myself, I'll tell you don't dwell on the negative things that negate your power, God is not there, self-pity, guilt, these things that gut you are the absence of God, and you are an extension of God, i.e., these things are not you. Don't even acknowledge them. Just focus on rebuilding your power.
the idea of a "reset" being beneficial is a classic rationalization lie that will only land you further behind. the only path is forward anon. and if you can absorb the lessons of what you did wrong (don't peak, don't edge), you'll move forward stronger and better without having reset to day zero, which should be encouraging
>engaging your physicality
yep I hike and trail run, best shape of my life rn. resting bpm average over 7 days is 54 bpm. also began rock climbing, got a date out of that which went well.
>Engage your MIND too!
just began a new semester, doing CS so I think i have this covered too haha. what do you do to fill in these niches?

Just buy a deworming products such as:
New Roots Parasitis Purge

The protocol is 3x a day, 15 days on, 5 days off, then 15 on again.
Skepticism is an admirable quality and rationalism is an unparalled means of producing knowledge. If these traits come naturally to you, you have a good head on your shoulders.

Not understanding is not prideful. Neither is requiring solid evidence. However, consider these two statements you have made in two separate posts.

>about the bible - it's not historical but rather symbolic and allegorical.

>We have NO WAY of knowing if their writings were also metaphorical and symbolic.

Here you are neither not understanding nor looking for evidence. Rather, you are asserting with clarity that your belief is right even though you cannot verify it.

It is easy to sacrifice our intellectial integrity when we already want a specific conclusion to be true. This is why pride is arguably the most insidous and dangerous enemy we face.

As for whether Christ was an allegoral, symbolic or metaphoric figure, we can easily see by studying the OT, Second Temple Jewish theology, as well as the Church fathers and various early letters that Christ both symbolically and literally fulfilled various aspects related to the mythos and prophecies of the Israelite faith, for ex. Jesus being a symbolic last Adam and the perfect sacrificial lamb. Yet these only add layers of meaning to the literal, physical ministry of Christ. The literal meaning of the Gospel is such a well established fact that questioning it can only really come out of a place of voluntary ignorance.

To suggest that the Bible is 'The Occult Anatomy of Man' steps into a profane territory that should offer very little of actual substance insofar as most people are concerned. I cannot say that it will benefit absolutely nobody, but it seems profoundly unwise to be careless enough so as to put others at risk by spreading such notions.

If evidence regarding martyrdom of the apostles interests you, this should be a good and thorough read: https://repository.sbts.edu/handle/10392/4857
Thank your taking the time to explain yourself so thoroughly. I understand your position better now. I was concerned that your motives were less thought out than they really are.
no i posted it twice.
You are very welcome.
is The Secret of the Golden Flower the same as https://www.commonsensekundalini.com/science_spirituality/the-backward-flowing-method.html ? (sorry if i'm retarded, I just want to learn)
so why am i torturing myself
>Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation

Well shit, I've been doing it wrong. All these jizzjugs take up a lot of space.
I just want to start by saying that I'm not a federal agent.
Yes, it simply boils down to meditation while maintaining SR using your consciousness as the object of your meditation. “Being aware of your awareness”. This is “turning the light around” collapsing awareness on itself resulting in absolute stillness. Once you feel it you won’t forget it and focus on maintaining it. Sit in lotus if you can; vajrayana is next best followed by half lotus if full is or vajrayana is too hard. If you are wheelchair bound I or immobile your chair is fine too. Once you feel a stirring in your lower dantien (the time is variable for everyone) proceed to apply the reverse pump method with intention alone. No need for visualization. When you feel a rising of energy stick with it. The video in the link explains. Eventually the energy will rise to the top of the head and from there you have to experience it yourself. If your mind is having trouble being stable in the meditation either the wim hoff method or other pranayama like alternate nose breathing will gather chi in the system calming your mind and heart rate for easier meditation. Enlightenment and what lies after is yours.
>see woman outside
>go out
>waddle around her like retard
>she asks if I'm waiting for someone
>n-no, you?
>she asks if pretty boy like me do not have girlfriend
>she looks at her watch, says it's time to go
>she says she will meet me again

Holy shit, I was so horny I couldn't even talk and just smiled like retard. Well this was my first ever interaction with woman. Eugh
What are the spiritual implications of having zero desire/interest in sex? Every time I see an attractive female in public I immediately imagine them in the most repulsive of scenarios and simply go about my day giving no shits. This is the absolute opposite of the mindset I once had. Like I don’t even want to see naked bodies anymore. I literally find everything about people repulsive now. Is this a symptom of spiritual enlightenment or degradation? My dick has never been so limp and have never felt to apathetic in my life. But, in a way, I had wished to be gifted such a mindset so perhaps this is a manifestation?
Also the mudra during meditation should be chin mudra. Index fingers touching the thumbs with the others extended.
Did you actively imagine them in those repulsive scenarios or is this an intrusive thought?
>yep I hike and trail run, best shape of my life rn. resting bpm average over 7 days is 54 bpm. also began rock climbing, got a date out of that which went well.
based anon, nice job. Wonderful heart you put into yourself
I've done that before and tend to get laughed at. The only way to win is to resist until I fall asleep. If I don't succumb (which I always do if I'm stubborn enough to resist at the first moment) I wake up with clean sheets and plenty of energy.

Thank you for being understanding fren and not attacking or anything. I now realize I accidentally contradicted myself there with those two statements - fair enough. I'll take what you've said into consideration going forward. I can definitely see how "The Occult Anatomy of Man' might not be suited for normies per se, but I agree that it isn't without value to some. I'll check out that link too.
>As for whether Christ was an allegoral, symbolic or metaphoric figure, we can easily see by studying the OT, Second Temple Jewish theology, as well as the Church fathers and various early letters that Christ both symbolically and literally fulfilled various aspects related to the mythos and prophecies of the Israelite faith, for ex. Jesus being a symbolic last Adam and the perfect sacrificial lamb. Yet these only add layers of meaning to the literal, physical ministry of Christ. The literal meaning of the Gospel is such a well established fact that questioning it can only really come out of a place of voluntary ignorance.
Do you have any other good book recommendations or reading materials about these topics?
Not sure. I want to hate my ex for being a shameless slut and so I consciously project that slutty image onto every girl I see now, even if she doesn’t deserve it. But that’s also helped with the apathy I feel towards people in general. Just hear an inner voice say “nah, pass” and just like that I’m going about my day.
Did you do anything out of the ordinary to bring about this state?
Sounds like she really hurt you. I’m sorry about that.
a girl at work touched my shoulder and i recoiled like i had been electrocuted and stumbled over my words
whats the point of SR if im autistic
>whats the point
How long have you retained?
2 months
Checked, based and congrats on 2 months. Good job.
And are you transmuting or just collecting the energy inside? This is critical. If yes, how? If no, you should.
just collecting it i suppose, i keep everything in, like my emotions and problems
>- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
I agree that porn is bad, and SR is also good, but I don't think there is anything wrong with having a girlfriend/wife and having sex. just don't be a degenerate
I did 10 months in prison so I abstained from jacking it, and I came out with a presence of those worshipped by man.

I did ejaculate twice, maybe three times but only because of dreams and I couldn't control it.

The other side of the grass is so green and you come out with such raw power, it's unbelievable that the (((media))) pushes men to spill their seed like it's nothing. It's really raw strength and raw power.. raw willpower.. it can transform your life, you just have to put in the discipline.
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There is a great illusion in front of man. It troubles him in the form of woman. There is a great illusion in front of woman. It troubles her in the form of man.

The gratification of every worldly desire is sinful; the flesh should be the abject slave of the spirit intent upon divine things. Man was created for a life of spiritual communion with God, but he yielded to the seduction of evil demons who availed themselves of the sensuous side of his nature to draw him away from the contemplation of the divine and lead him to the earthly life. Moral goodness, therefore, consists in renouncing all sensuous pleasures, in separating from the world through discrimination and dispassion, in living solely after the spirit, in imitating the perfection and purity of God. Sensuality is inconsistent with wisdom and holiness. The great business of life is to avoid impurity.
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>nofap day 4
hello guys, is vibrational frequency a thing? would doing SR combined with exercise, meditation, etc increase it?
Yes, more so SR and meditation.
Retarded shit my nigga
I have been cooming like a beast for the past 2 weeks. Time to start another streak. Been saying this every day. But I just give up.
I need this energy to transform myself, to transform the world, to Wake UP
You must be 18+ to post here
don't come here and say
>yeah live like a monk or you're a sinful fool
and expect to not be called a retard
It's from the writings of Sri Swami Sivananda on the subject of Brahmacharya. If you're offended and angered by his words then I suggest you ignore them and move on. They must not be meant for you.
actually, every sperm is sacred
praying for you
also, try supplementing NAC
>unironic india posting
i'm not offended or angered, i'm telling you most people don't enter this practice with the intention of being a monk. having a gf or wife isnt sinful or wrong in anyway.
Have you considered getting a pet? They can help a lot if you are willing to take care of them. Most of my relapses were due to thinking I will be alone forever. Loneliness can be very draining and distracting.
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Retain for like one month or something your vibe inner and outer does change.

Thing is, this isn't even some extremely crazy shit, medieval peasants of any society were like this generally all the time.

Though we're a bit better, they might cum in wife once a month or so but we are going further than them.

I do love it though when the weird shit happens. SIX green lights in a row. Weird looks from people. Love it when "Reality"(whatever that 'is') just starts shifiting...
I have been taking it this whole time
is it supposed to make me not horny? I thought it was making me hornier desu
I have been cooming back to back a couple times this week even
I am 35 years old
hmm it's never that weird for me even after like 100 days sometimes. although sometimes I do get the crazy stuff like everyone's heads turning when I enter the room, even though I get ignored otherwise hm
What's the context? 3 weeks is literally nothing. Idk what they told you but in my case everything improved after the 30 day mark..like exactly on the dot. Try holding on untill day 40 ish. You could also just coom now and realize how good you actually felt. Some folks need that reminder.

How old are you? I felt like that in my teens and 20s as well. There's an area in your brain responsible for discipline etc, people weak in that area tend to be the massive coomers usually. There's some guys here who just take it too far, gooning becomes their whole livelihood, the area responsible for discipline gets fried. In general porn/fapping is highly addictive to most men out there, the solution to most men in general IS nofap, even if you don't agree with it, it's better in general for society.
What am I doing wrong?
>accountability partners
>computer restrictions

I think I know the answer
>emotional issues and pride desu

It sits like a cancer in my heart. If I simply humbled myself, and didn't act like the center of the universe, I would be less anxious and sexually tempted. Lord Jesus Christ, please have mercy on me, a sinner. Please pray for me, Christian brothers.
Please someone pretend you're the Narrator from the Stanley Parable to motivate me
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Another WD. I think that it's the third one this past 30 days.
>i'm telling you most people don't enter this practice with the intention of being a monk
Hardly anyone does. Yet it is where the road quite naturally leads. You can only retain for so long before you begin to transcend the need for a gf.
See (>>38755820)

I'm currently reading Religion of The Apostles by Stephen De Young, which focuses on how the Apostles perceived Jesus in relation of the faith/tradition they had inherited from their forefathers. It could be of value to you.
Sorry, wrong post number. See (>>38756030)
I don't know what that is but here we go. He sat in his right side buttocks on the left. He remained calm during winter and nights of utter darkness, lost to all men how he handled the situation with utmost pertinence and indulgence. He was fierce and did not carry a weighty burden on his shoulders.
why are wet dreams seen as a bad thing here? you have no control over it happening or not
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So they build their world on great confusion
To force on us the devil's illusion
But the stone that the builder refuse
Shall be the head cornerstone
And no matter what game they play
We got something they could never take away
We got something they could never take away

And it's the fire, it's the fire
That's burning down everything
Feel the fire, fire
Only the birds have their wings
No time to be deceived
Oh, brothers, you should know and not believe
Jah say this judgement - it could never be with water
No water can put out this fire
This fire, this fire, this fire
A yaga y'all! Ride, Natty, ride
Go there, Dready, go there
Because now the fire is out of control
Panic in the city, wicked weeping for their gold
Everywhere this fire is burning
Destroying and melting their gold
Destroying and wasting their souls
It will be my twenty-eighth day of nofap today.
You do have control. You must discipline the mind so you have control over the dream, and you must be sincere in declining sexual advances in the real and in the dream world.

And yes it is “bad” because you’re missing the point and still losing precious fluids.
Yeah it happens when I wake up at like 4 in the morning and try to fall back asleep rather than getting up. Then I realize I'm stuck. I'm over the fear of sleep paralysis, but the fear that the bedsheet might be over my mouth is still with me. That's when I hear the voice.
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Pretty much >>38769474

WDs are sexual dreams that you weren't conscious enough to stop. I actually remember it, it was with a cashier that tried flirting with me.

Not only that, I did watched p*rn and masturbate without cooming yesterday, so my subconscious was pretty filled with degeneracy. Plus, edging probably makes your dick prone to ejaculation so I kinda deserve it.

Gonna aim for a real streak. A clean one.
No you need to face your fears, not become a christcuck.
Absolutely pathetic. I have hardened my heart towards you pathetic christcucks, you are spiritually prey destined to be consumed by whatever being with even a modicum of strength nearby, that's all you are, food, nothing more than that.
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I beg to differ. That's what we've been told to be. And media entertainment has done a pretty good job of raising us on psychotic bullshit like kid's toys commercials from the 90s, Disney Channel and Nickelodeon.

But our power is inevitable with Christ. That's why you hate it so much, but the demons you wield must scatter and become prey at his name.

It's that easy. But it's that hard. We have to disobey and disbelieve you. No. Your words go against scripture. That is not what God says. Our power is infinite with his. You are fucked
Lol. Whence the impotent rage, anon?
Digit, Christ and truthpilled.
111. I have the mandate of God.
You are weak. God loves the strong. Look at nature for many clues of this. Your need for repentence and self flaggelation is nothing less than a sick fetish. Your constant encroachment and claim over your "goodness" is actually a confession of what a horrible and evil person you are. You disgust me.
shut up retard
>self flaggelation
I think you're describing Catholics, sir. I'm a Christian
It is all a part and parcel. The world was forced to undergo 200 years of brutal materialism just to undo the retardation of Christianity.
Is your Piccolo meditating? New bread!

i did nofap without knowing when i was younger (16) and i got a gf and lost my virginity,
she was a blue eyed beautiful blonde girl. i met her at a mall, she kinda just walked up to me (not even joking i swear on my life)
, and usually i would be shy or like a weirdo, but i hit it off with her, got numba, went on dates, fucked like crazy.

it makes sense if you think about it. porn and jacking it is unnatural and gross.
when you return to natural, your life does too, and everything improves.

everyone against nofap is ngmi
The horny thoughts disappear as quickly as they appear, just ignore them.

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