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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread:
How will my relationship with g play out?
AQ : Should I switch my field of work in future?I'm already learning for interview
should I go for an e-bike or motorcycle next year? which would be more beneficial? starting when you confirm
Confirm starting now
Should I go to the party this Friday?
Need help interpreting a card pull I did. The question was "Should I go to place X today?"

Cards I got were Fool, Star, and IV of Wands rx. Seems positive but the IV of Wands rx is throwing me off
that's a yes, four of wands reversed is a personal celebration of sorts. send it
4 of cups 6 of cups 5 of swords. I’m feeling that you should get the e-bike as it may be a more novel experience depending on your use. Motorcycle seems like a bad option just from the vibe I’m getting.
Zamn these are good cards then. ty
cards for each one specifically ? lol
Tower Emperor Six of Swords Rx
hmmm? Did I even get this right? Or does this have yet to happen? Looks like a bad fight or breakup that you can reverse. Ignore if this doesn't resonate
Yeah I asked motorcycle and got 4 of cups, e-bike got 6 of cups and motorcycle again got 5 of swords. As for mine I’m not sure we only just met and aren’t together or anything like that.
Work for the rest of the year
Will we ever be together even if it’s in secret?
ah okay then just watch out if you can and stay strong
starting. mine is: will I talk to T today?
Why did T never gave me a chance?
Trading or AQ
option Z or option C next year?
>7 of swords reversed, 9 of swords, hanged man reversed, king of swords

Yes and it does look like it will be a secret at first which will unfortunately cause you much grief when it is suddenly revealed without your permission. However this will actually strengthen the relationship after a short period of introspection and you will come out stronger if it is not a secret but public

What is so thing that will happen soon?
Who will I spend my life with?

>Ace of Swords
I’d say it’s very likely you talk to them today especially if some clarity is needed. Thank you for the reading do you have any feeling as to how soon it will happen?

Will that talk be fruitful?
When it comes to how soon take this with a grain of salt but my reads do tend to come true within a moon cycle. We just got a full moon so sometime within 28 days
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things are not gonna go as planned, you need to be very careful, you'll need to think straight and act accordingly to avoid the situation blowing in your face
Ok thanks so much.
trade me? I'm >>38847647
>King of Cups and Queen of Wands
>V of Wands and Lovers
>Priestess, Chariot (X), II of Swords

You were too emotional, you let yourself become manipulative and tried to control this person in some way. This ended up completely clashing with the fact that this person is very independent and values their freedom very much.
You also seem to have been very incisive in sexual matters, which may have made this person very insecure and ended up pushing them away.
As much as there was a sentimental connection between you, the other options this person had were better than you in this respect, it wasn't an easy choice to make, but it was what was chosen, you don't seem to have given them much choice.
Trade again?
Should I stay with e or try to be with g?

What’s going on with work?
How am I doing, chief?
this one >>38847647
starting when u confirm
Confirm starting now.

Could I get with company U?
Option Z
>The Star
Option C
>The Magician
Is Option Z better than C?
>The Star again
I think you’re good with both but Z is looking like the better option.
Nine of Cups
Five of Swords
E over G- Three of Swords R
Go with E....
Damn so no shot with G huh lol
You might get somewhere but it's not as it seems
Alright thanks anon
Outcome of following C’s advice and pursuing music?
What SV really feels about me.

I don't know if you're trolling, but send me your Q and we can trade too.
I think you let your own feelings get in the way.
Of the reading? Of my life?
I have your reading, are you there?
It's a generalization.
Yet apt
Odds and my thoughts only real
I do have a tendency to be dramatic, over emotional, hyper-romantic. I’m getting better at it though.
Odds and i am the man behind the curtain (demiu
odds and only i exist
More like everyone said they could do better, but y'all created this shit show.
Clearly you cant
Stay with J or M. Yours?

Was I supposed to have went to that other conference?
Anything about next lover?
Kos 4ow aowx
The sun 4ocx pocx
Hmm so outcome of both arent all that exciting for you my advice is to look for someone else besides them. M has the sun card so I would go for them as that seems to be the most powerful card I pulled maybe you will have some fun and good times with M and later on you can decide if you want to stay with them or not.
>Ace of Disks
>Two of Cups, Two of Disks
>Five of Disks (X), Queen of Disks, Judgement
You seem to really want to be in an intense relationship, you seem to want it to make you feel complete.
This love seems to be close and will be a relationship with a very strong sexual attraction and mutual passion, which seems to be in your way of being your difficulty in adapting to change, in the sense that you are afraid of taking on responsibilities and maturing. You've been going through a time of a lot of isolation and seem to have unlearned how to deal with people in general.
You will meet someone who will be very comfortable to be around and this person will transform your life for the better.
That's what's up
Any advice I need to hear at the moment? Feeling very depressed this week.
five day gen, u?
Quit taking trades. You weren’t the one who posted trading
Still here? My Q is What should I be aware of? Yours?
Mine is just telling something that will happen in the near future in my life. Ignore that other anon.
Will he try to get it back?
is upright 4 of swords a yes or a no?
>Ace of Wands Rx, Judgement Rx, Two of Cups Rx, Eight of Cups Rx
>The Devil Rx


You'll be put into a situation where you're things seem kind of bleak. you'll feel like you want to give up because things aren't really resonating or lining up with you as a person. There's a need for connection, either with yourself or another and if you don't take that chance and you shut yourself on then things don't get better.

I pulled an advice card

>The Lovers

Ooo. Gotta go with what seems right for you anon. Two of cups is about connection, but it's also about choices. Same with The Lovers and The Devil. Whatever you're doing make sure it's something you know deep down is right for you. Whether it be creative or otherwise.
***where things seem kind of bleak

i forgot to erase "you're" when i rephrased the sentence.
Ace of wands can also just be pointing to a lack of desire and inspiration, but the rest of the read seemed kind of sad, yeah.
What does anon need to be made aware of or warned about:

> Four of Swords, Two of Pentacles Rx, Seven of Swords Rx, Queen of Cups Rx, Five of Wands Rx

Ok what’s coming through is more generic advice. Get the rest you need to make correct choices in life. Don’t manipulate or lie or fight with people too often. That won’t be good for you. I know this is basic as fck but it’s what’s coming through. Chill don’t fight and make sure you work on the things that move you forward each day.
Is D mad at me and if so for how long will she remain mad?
Does any girl in my program have a crush on me? Is it who I want it to be?
Will he come back?
Nah, that's solid advice and it's really relevant considering the things going on in my life atm. It sounds generic, but there's been lots of drama lately and I've been losing sleep worrying about that and some other stuff in my life.

>Seven of Swords Rx

Issue with this whole thing is that I've been overly honest if anything. It gets tempting to hide things with how stressful it is when she overreacts to the truth, but all I can do is do me. Thanks actually, this helps solidify that I'm doing the right thing.
Is it all over with her or I'll have a chance?
starting yours

What does A think of me?
Empress emperor kos
So you guys are a really good match but you're being too authoritative, this has to be fixed before yoi guys can reunite again.
King of Swords, 2 of Wands R, Queen of Cups

sorry, it's confusing, it's not a yes or a no, it seems it's undecided between moving on or going back

Ty :)
Will we ever talk with eachother again?

Why was she an idiot??
What will suprise me next in life?
Why are you all idiots?
should I try to have sex with D or would it be a bad idea?
starting yours
Air query, at what point would you say this general died?

What do I need to focus on now?
Fool, Page of Swords R, Page of Pentacles R

you are gonna be sorely disapointed in someone, you have an idea of them but you're gonna discover what they are really like, avoid giving/lending money
What working at CEAS be like for me? u?
7os 9op aos
You will have to be sneaky kind of to make this happen but It looks like this will be very satisfying for you
>complains about ded general
>asks AQ instead of trading or offering reads
you are the problem
I don't have any money
should I pursue the blonde I sat next to this morning? Starting yours now.
the page of pentacles points to material issues
just be careful
>The Lovers
>The Devil
Wow from what I can tell you may find a new relationship there or through that work, you may have to deal with a devilish or manipulative boss or co-worker, and although you may have to be strong at some points you’ll come out even stronger. Kind of excited for you lol.
Can we trade again?
What's up with the money? Is someone going to give it to me ?and then beat me ? Lol
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Doing 5 readings, must fill all requirements
>genders of yourself and everyone else
>must type "Have a nice trip bobcat"
>must upload a picture of a bobcat with your post
No occult queries
What's up with the money?
"Have a nice trip bobcat"
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Would it be better to continue where I’m at, or move back down south? Or would it be better to be out west? Each of those could work in different ways for me. Wondering what comes up. Thanks.
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Have a nice trip bobcat
What do I need to do to stop feeling like shit?
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General reading for the next year. I have a lot going on with a book launch and joining the military. Also a temperature check on my current relationship (with a woman) could help, whatever comes up.
Have a nice trip bobcat!
26 M
Can you draw a few cards for me regarding the next few weeks
>Have a nice trip bobcat
You should but it seems like she already has someone. It will be over soon however.
‘Have a nice trip bobcat’ my bad I figure to include that in the post.
3 wands, 5 pent, 3 cups
you'll get the money soon enough and you'll be happy
HP, queen pent, 10 cups
you know what you need to do, it has something to do with your beauty or health, exercise or eat better. go put on some makeup and dress nicely. do something.
South, you're meant to go south
I don't read for military
queen cups, 5 swords, 10 cups
after a time of forcing things to happen or to "win" you will find happiness, seems like you have to make some sacrifices.
My bad for not contributing to another cycle of
>will he spread my ass cheeks tonight? yours?
>next gf, starting yours
>moon, star, ace of swords, yes he will
>queen of aids, 5 of turds, the cheeseburger, next gf will be fat and diseased like your mom
>thanks anon
Let's not forget to shout out the trade cucks
Can I get a romantic general then, unrelated to military?
Thanks man. Could you tell me more about the source of that? What made you come to that conclusion? Cards or intuition?
There's nothing I should watch out for when I get the money?
Oh really? What cards did you get?
you're being paranoid, it's just you're gonna be disapointed by someone in regards to something material
you asked for a surprise
Alright, I'm just dealing with someone sneaky at times.
you'll either start dating again someone new or you'll have a 2nd dating rebirth with your gf
no, another technique its not divination its fact
you didn't ask for this.

done all readings, im leaving now
I just miss him. I was so close to getting him back.
If you're clinging, unhealthily so, you need to find a balance. Preferably now. We are not entitled to people, and in having impatience you run the risk of causing a needless conflict that will have one of you two deciding that done with it.
That's not really a query, what's your query
Try harder
whats up with all the dry trading...
Will I work with R?
Who will I (F) spend the remainder of my life with?
Would she be willing to cheat?
starting yours
Can this anon explain a little more? Kinda dying over here because you’re right she is with someone so I’m intrigued
Hermit 9os temperance
sorry for the wait, I had to take a shit
Knight of Pentacles R, the Charriot, Queen of Swords

is R a woman? it seems you will find probably a woman at work that will be great help if you're willing to work hard
No it's robert pattinson
What is my next workplace like?

No it's Robert Loggia
That morning in the office with A when she had the dress, did she wanna fuck?
9 of Wands R, Wheel of Fortune R, 8 of Cups R

it will be a dead end job that will suck your will, don't let it eat at you, even if you need it to pay the bills you'll need to work real hard to find something that you like
Trading dumb query
6 of Swords, 4 of Pentacles, Moon

No, she was likely being polite or didn't even realize she was giving signals while you were fantasizing or grasping at straws to make it fit your own desires.
Nm i gotta go
General for the rest of the week? Week has been turbulent so far
Sorry anon i dont do generals
In this case my Q is how will things with BB develop through the rest of the week?
next gf?
How does V feel about me? Starting yours now.
>King of Pentacles, Page of Cups, Ten of Cups
She’s going to be a very stabilizing force in your life and help you get stable in your career/finances. You’ll have a lot of fun with her and I see it going well.
>9 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 4 of Swords
she sees you as someone cheerful and happy to be around, but you are holding on to something that you should let go off
What should I let go of?
Will my cousin P. kill herself soon?
Would she fuck me if she wouldn’t get caught?
What are the odds of me, S and M ending up in a threesome?

Starting when you confirm
Confirm starting yours now
>Wheel of Fortune
>The Devil
>Seven of Swords
Actually seems very likely if you’re willing to embrace your darker more sexual side and go for it. You may need to be a little deceptive/cunning or someone’s motives may be more hidden than you think. Good chance I’d say.
7W, PageDX, 4CX, AceW
Yes, she would, she was determined, but now she doesn't seem so sure, as much as she seems to be daydreaming about the possibility, she's also a bit bored and unwilling to try again.
Ok just for context we haven’t done anything we just met recently and she’s married but I’m very into her and am feeling a bit reckless lol.
I knew it. What a strange situation, to be quite honest with you. But I'll try to enjoy it.
What’s your question brah
Okay, that changes things a bit, she seems interested, she's probably quite bored in her current relationship, but I don't think she's going to take any initiative to do anything.
Do you feel like if I time it right I can coax her?
Was this his plan the whole time?

When will I interact with A once more?
how does p feel about r? yours
7S, Sun, KnightC
Yes, for sure, you'll need to balance your emotion and your reason and know how to act at the right time.
I did something. Was it wrong?
Awesome thanks so much anon I can give another reading if you’d like as well
Which of the two (S and M) has more feelings for me.
How does d feel about e?
7os 2oc 2op
Feels unsure if this person is trustworthy but their are feelings for them. Undecided rn about their next move.
It seems that S may have stronger feelings as Lovers came out for them while Knight of Cups came out for M. But to be honest I’m not feeling as receptive about the vibe so other than what the cards are saying I’m not picking up on something more definitive. I’d say go for it though definitely.
Thx (:
30 day gen
How does d feel about E
I think I got trade cucked so I'll wait for you to post first
eight of wands r - knight of cups r - ace of wands - page of swords r -

this person seems to wanna get to know them more but their attempts seem to fall flat and their fantasy is just not connecting proper with reality. they dont know how to get through to them and it frustrates them, even though theyre really trying, they just feel so shut out.
Hello to all the sexy readers out there, can anyone do a quick read for me on how attractive I am or am not? Let's see what the cards say...
Hanged man
Are you thinking of proposing to someone? If not you're going to be doing something involving traditional values perhaps you're undecided about a school to go to?
I’ll trade what’s your q?
Taurus, Male 21

Is Pietra interested in me? In a sense that she would date me and make out etc.
Will j do what I want?
Does g ever fantasize about me? I’ll do yours now.
9ow temperance 8ow
I would say yes , they are trying to not get too worked up about it and be patient also they feel they need to know you better but once they decide what to do they will take action very quickly
The Hermit, The Tower, The Magician. I’m feeling a no as of right now but with the Magician you may be able to insert your own influence to help make them do what you want.
Query? General for next week
Will I get the job I want soon?
The moon kop 2oc
You're realizing that you like someone very much and you will be confessing your love to them or vice versa .
Does this resonate?
I'm very disappointed in you
what does she think of me after today?
my query is should I go to a restaurant with my family the day after my birthday to celebrate? would it be a bad or good idea? they made me really upset idk if i wanna go
Anyone trade
Page of Wands, Devil, Justice
I’d say you’ll be feeling somewhat venturous that day and want to end up going. The Devil indicates that going in with a bad attitude or succumbing to negative emotions could hinder the experience but with Justice I think as long as you’re fair and try to move forward beyond whatever they did to upset you I think it’ll be the better choice to go and celebrate at the restaurant with them.
knight of swords 5 of pent rx 9 of swords 10 of cups rx 9 of cups rx

you might be argumentative, destructive, full of negativity, selfishness, ungratefulness, coming out of victimhood or resting too much on it, no longer fulfilled by life, might be an alcoholic or too deep in pleasure to the point it is hurting you, might suffer from depression or bad thoughts, dissatisfied with life, might come from broken family, but mostly just prone to conflict with knight of swords first card
That’s all true but is that what she thinks? Idk today went pretty well and I don’t think she knows me well enough to know that lmao
Ill trade this one if you want
My query is what's causing the feeling of empty and depression inside me and how to fix it?
yeah I asked specifically what she thinks and that's what I got in that context....and yeah....these of course can all just be baseless assumptions
Temperance kos aow
You have so much potential but you're burnt out right now you need to rest
Pop 3os the devil
Wallowing in self pity can also be an adiction give yourself a little time but then get back up and take some action in your life.
Emperor, 7 of pentacles, ace of cups
You'll get the job but you might have to wait slightly longer than you had expected
I’ll trade
Is r talking to anyone other than his gf who is into him?
Did all the tripfags leave? 4chan feels much emptier these days.
I'm here for you baby, wanna trade?
im still around
Trade for trade - will her and I have a little fling?
Bunch of bitches scared them away
While I was gone
I'm looking to read a book to expand my knowledge on astrology. I have a few options, but I'd like you to draw some cards on two of them to see which I should read first. I have option A, and option B. Starting.
What's his reaction to being blocked ?
Will he move on?
Was that T whom I saw walking into the post office today? Starting yours.
>HP rx, 7 of swords, 2 of Wands rx
I'm not sure that he realizes he is blocked and if he does then he definitely doesn't care. He will not move on, in his mind this is just another roadblock and he's going to keep doing what he's doing even if that's to his own detriment. Seems like someone who does not have a strong moral code when it comes to these matters, he's going to do whatever even if it hurts and spites others
>Death Rx, Two of Pentacles, Eight of Wands Rx, Two of Cups Rx
>Shadow Card: Page of Pentacles Rx

There's too much on your one of your plates at the moment to do much of anything.

>Seven of Wands clarified by The Magician
>Shadow Card: Seven of Pentacles Rx

It might seem pointless, but you can make it happen if you keep your eyes on the prize. You're going to have to be prepared and ready to actually make it work though, it's not gonna come easy. Persistence is key.
Wow I keep making typos
Strength 90c justice
Yes, it appears that it was T and I believe you manifested this sighting...
Trade again?
Trade again? Should I have approached her?
Haha nice
Will he try to come back soon or later on?
It's toxic but lowkey fun
Option A: The World, High Priestess
Option B: The Hierophant, The Fool
I feel like Option A is a more comprehensive and intuitive guide and would recommend that one first. Option B may be a fresh take on traditional astrology but might not be as fulfilling as Option A.

So you’re saying there’s hope if I sort of play a long game?
I feel like there's some advice the universe wants to give me, what would it be?
knight of swords RX jumped out

ace of pents, ace of swords rx, hermit rx

It is probable that he'll come back soon because of that knight of swords but the other cards give the vibe that it'll be sloppy. He'll either not be sober when he does it, or he'll be desperate after something bad happens to him and he feels like he's out of options. This does sound toxic but I'm not here to tell you how to live so keep the vibe going
Starting yours. What was my biggest mistake today?
10os kop the devil
Ummm hmmm
I'm curious why the devil is here...
Who broke who's heart ? It may not be in your best interest to be with this person.
I can pull more to clarify with more information if you want.
His pupils dilate when he sees me sometimes I think he has a sex addiction or is like manic I dunno
10 of pents rx, ace of wands rx, 5 of cups rx

So there's been a lot of stuff going on in the past and present that has drained you of old stale energy and while it has been a painful process you're about to achieve a level of forgiveness and understanding that hasn't happened before. The advice is found in ace of wands rx: instead of feeling adrift or lost just go with the flow and be open and mindful instead, don't get down on yourself for everything that has happened
We mutually broke each other's hearts desu

It may not be in my best interest, but that's what I want. Will continue to pursue anyway. Thanks
Moon, 6C, 6D
You ended up having a very confused reaction in some situation, you ended up hiding too much when you should have been more honest. This ended up preventing you from being successful and happy in that situation
am i wrong for beginning to love this person? i just crave them so much it’s starting to hurt.
Yeah, basically. I don't even know if I'd call it a long game, just that there's a problem here that makes you give in. It reads like things going a bit too slow for your liking, Two of Pentacles here could mean anything, like she's not around for a while and you have to adjust but might not want to.

>Option A and B

Christ, those are mirrored reads Both cards drawn are counterparts to the other option's. Yeah, Option A is the most popular option, and Option B has a funny name that syncs up with some mythology and religious ideas I want to look into.
Sounds fun
That made more sense than you might think, it was just what I needed to hear.
tysm anon.
no problem
Do you want to trade again? I'd like to know if I'd get another opportunity soon regarding that situation ):
yeah I mean I barely know her outside of a few conversations but I’m really drawn to her so that’s probably why. But if I need to stay the course I will she’s a great catch for sure.
That's literally normal for anybody that is attracted to whom they're looking at.
Will I meet someone at Saturdays anime convention that will become my wife?
Will devil may cry 6, ninja Gaiden 4
and Bayonetta 4 will realese as soon as less than 6 years
AQ, or something

Can someone pray for me, or tell me if I will get hired at a job in my hometown soon? I need to save up and have a job that's close by. One of the places I have worked at before, but it's only a few minutes down the road from where I currently live, so it would be much easier to make it there.
Yeah i miss Meryl , old help, etc they were good
Well he doesn't treat me like it
9 of cups. yes

the hermit. no, they'll take a bit longer

god bless you anon, i hope you find a job soon. i have my fingers crossed. i also pulled the 10 of cups; i think you'll find employment that will ease your worries quite a bit
Will we ever be together?
Why am I racist?
I don't like it
Will he cum in me?
the star. yes

the magician. you feel like you have to be racist in order to "fit in"

the lovers. yes lmao
do I have a shot with my redhead classmate?

We chatted a little bit today and acted together but I feel so weird around her. Fck.
yo are you being fr? I basically love her at this point
No it alienates me
Am I going too far with this? Should I pull back now before I fly too close to the sun and let it run its course, or just barrel through at the same pace?
Oh wow I hope so tyty

Next work when?
4 of pentacles. there's a chance as long as you act on it and don't hesitate

the hierophant. let things run their course for now

the chariot. when you look for work outside of where you live now
how does she feel about me at this point?
Who will I seriously end up with?
Will I receive good news from the appointment tomorrow?
Frist one. Thanks, man, good to hear.
Will I be an actor next year?

What location is better for me at this moment: A or N?
the fuck wants AV with me? She has a couple but she keeps flirting with me. Its all a game to her or does she care?

Why dosing things work out with company A?
Will he be good to me?
Why didn’t things*
I already look at multiple locations tho
Can someone help me interpret a spread? I'm willing to give a read to whoever can help

When penis?
I can try
I asked what Gemini thinks of me and feels when they see my "view"

And I got

>Fool, 10 of pentacles, 9 of wands, 10 of wands, page of pents and 4 of cups rx

I drew more cards than I usually do and confused myself
I'll be good to you
You there anon?
To me it seems that this person really wants to jump into something with you but they dont feel ready yet they feel like there is more information they need
Perhaps they need financial stability first
How good?
Does this resonate?
Can you tell me about my next bf?
Q? Mine is advice that would help me the most right now?
I haven't spoken to them in awhile but we view each other's Instagram stories every once in awhile so I'm unsure honestly but thanks.

I'll start yours in a moment
I’ll trade you mine is >>38850818
Q? can i just get general advice?
>6 of pents, 10 of pentacles, temperance

Seems like he will be a generous and caring person that is doing well for himself and be balanced in his life. Would be a good person to build a lasting foundation or life with
Trade again?
Anyone i know
Where is money coming from next for me starting
Sure, will likely be my last one though.

What will happen between TJ and GT in the coming months/weeks?

Will post after you
Death kos 2os 7ow
This is a time where you need to show authority. An ending is eminent. A decision must be made and you will have to stand your ground on this matter
4 of wands high priestess rx 3 of cups rx 2 of pentacles

with hp rx it's not gonna be some secret mysterious source, it's gonna be out in the open, and it'll come somewhere already established and you have roots or foundations in, something stable and steady, a relation, job, career, family....but not a friend group
4 of wands 8 os 7op
Newly weds? Money is a little tight rn but soon they will be reaping the fruits of their labor.
Is their an age difference?
Q? Does she care about me?
Not sure if they are. But they have a long romantic history

>Ace of cups, 10 of cups, 4 of cups

It doesn't look like you know them now but they will come into your life and it will be a great and very romantic thing between the 2 of you. Things will seem perfect and blissful but slowly fade into a comfortable level where you guys aren't head over heels for each other.

Would you be willing to trade 1 more time?
what will the rest of the year be like for me/next 4 months in general? starting
Also no they are relatively close in age

How will d feel for me next time he sees me?
Okay maybe someone has daddy issues
What will happen between EN and TJ in the coming months/weeks?

Will post after you again if that's ok

And yea they both kinda have daddy issues lol
9 of cups 3 of cups 2 of swords rx 3 of wands rx page of swords rx

I think she does.... you are a cool friend to her, she has lots of fun with you, but it seems like she thinks this will not last, this is a short-term thing and you aren't a part of her future plans or is avoiding long term with you, as 2 of swords rx can be avoidance .
Queen of Cups, Three of Wands, Three of Pentacles. The cards indicate a period of emotional growth, progress, and success through collaboration. Overall a good outlook imo.
holy shit thanks I was very scared of the future
7op 9oc the hermit
Looks like these guys are also waiting on something, they feel satisfied maybe just staying in possibly having a lot of sex.
Was their like a fight or something?
Any attraction or just friend vibes lol
Yea I'm EN this Is a girl I like a lot and haven't spoken to since we kinda went out separate ways over something that happened. I just wanted to see if there would be any improvement between us.

I'll start yours in just a moment if that's ok I'm gonna shower rq
Sure np
6 of pent rx 5 of pent 3 of pent rx

unforunately I think friend only
>Page of wands, magician, temperance

Looks like they're going to be super excited to see you and try to make more plans and actively participate in your life more after this meeting. Seems like you're something they really want to keep around and plan on putting energy towards to make sure that happens. Overall they're going to be excited to see you not extreme romantic feelings right off the bat but there is potential and I do think they want you in one way or another.

Does my context hat I gave you for me and TJ change or read it all a little bit? Considering the hermit being at the end and all of the good cards behind it.
would be a good or bad idea to lie about having a bachelor's degree on my resume to future employers? you?
Yeah you should try to gwt back together vibes felt comfy
Will I meet anyone important where my grandma lives?
Eh I'm at a point where I've messaged them a few times and don't wanna message them anymore. It's kinda on them at this point desu
Kos pow the world
It's apparently a good idea
I lie all the time in interviews and I get almost all the jobs I apply to I just get overwhelmed at work and don't continue them tho lol
I asked thogh if they will find out ...
10 oc 5os 5op
So you may get found out and then lose the job after getting it. Something to think about.
Did they message you back?
Make sure you're communicating your feelings really well
Think they'll reach back out to me?
They'll be pretty guarded and feel restricted.
tower rx, knight of wands rx, knight of pentacles, ace of wands rx

Aside from that knight of pentacles, someone that might be of benefit to you, not not really, seems like a chaotic place for some reason that you'll be frustrated going out into.
They have not and I kinda did with my last message but it's been a week since I've messaged them last so I'm at a point where i think i should wait for them if they decide too.
Yea, I assumed as much. So I doubt they will
It's a pretty mellow place so I dunno... like I'm so bored there. Ty
What astrocartograpy line should I move to?
Yeah, be patient seems like she needs to have some time to herself for a bit.
Valid. Thanks for the trades anon
You too!
Take care
Trading if anyone is interested.
Sure, q?
Male Aries
Question: Would I be better suited being with M or with G or neither/somebody else entirely.
Sorry for the late response, starting yours now.
Male, Leo
What general outcome can I expect from the shitfest I've played part in? Satisfying? Unsatisfying?
There's an underlying issue, either finances or family. Maybe even commitment itself, but one of you two has the means to get through it. So, potential to be a good relationship but can require patience.
Also has underlying issues, but is actively trying to get away from them. This can manifest negatively as closed off emotionally, despite wanting the stability. They could even desire control a lot.
>neither/somebody else
While there might be a tempting third option, proceed with care. Out of the other two, this third unknown is the least inclined to any sort of consistency long term. Which you could be seeking, but that I leave up to you.
>What general outcome can I expect from the shitfest I've played part in? Satisfying? Unsatisfying?
The Fool, The Kind of Cups, The Ten of Wands in reverse and The Nine of Wands in reverse.
Short answer: Deep and pervading regret which leads you towards courage and alacrity. I feel a big emphasis on integrity.
In depth answer: There are a lot of things in your life (specifically things that seem crucial and/or alluring) that are simply ancillary. You have just become used to thinking of these things as the only manner in which to get a certain result.
e.g. Say that you think of yourself as a great chef and are always cooking for your friends because you like feeling useful and caring. But deep down you realise: Fuck cooking. I don't like this. Does this mean that I can't feel useful and caring? Ofc not! There are so many other ways to achieve this. Or alternatively I get this notion of thinking that a volcano is the only way to get your fire. Does that make sense?
Thank you for this. That was very helpful.
>I get this notion of thinking that a volcano is the only way to get your fire.
I liked this a lot, thank you anon.
would it be a good or bad idea to try to get a sugar daddy this year--outcome of it if I tried? You?
this one, you?
five day general? starting when u confirm
Nta but I'll trade with u
Hell yeah, query?
Where are things heading between me and G?
Male asking about female
Maybe romance?
My query is what is the biggest thing I will accomplish in my lifetime.
>Ace of pents rev, tower
>fool, 2 of swords
>2 of pents, 4 of pents rev
Seems like your accomplishment won't be anything major. Seems the best take away is not fucking anything up. You'll be able to live a peaceful and content life, finances won't be a burden and struggle should be minimal and yet...cards speak of missed potential. There is a suggestion you should be more willing to take risks and throw yourself into things, to be more daring and spontaneous. To thrown caution to the wind as you might pass up some good accomplishments should you remain this safe. You're afraid to take chances but it won't amount to anything if you stay safe and play safe
Will i ever see S again?
if so, what will the vibe be like?
Also same question but with H

thank you in advance if you can do this.
You may have offered something ready but was rejected. Don't give up though this person is worth the struggle. Tell them how you feel if you haven't already.
I am trying to go full force now . I've had good opportunities in the past I need to get back to being more positive about life
Wait, I don't follow. Did they offer something or did I? If it's the former I did not see it

Next gf? Thx.
You offered or made a small move
A follow up on my previous Q to a different anon.
What does G feel/think about me?
M asking about F
Oops that was me
Fuck it, I still wanna know?
What's yours?
I'll see what I can find out
What do I need to know about the rest of this year?
>the hierophant
>the magician x
>back of the deck 6os
They don't think you are making enough effort for this connection. Are you only trying to conquer this person?
Their your ex?
Maybe you have children?
They're *
Damn you gunna do me like that
I see why she doesn't wanna get with you anymore
Someone needs to bake a new thread
>What do I need to know about the rest of this year?
NTA but:
The Wheel of Fortune, The Queen of Wands in reverse, The Two of Wands in reverse and The Ace of Wands.
You have to get your shit together and find your zeal and spark through action-oriented behavior. No more ruminating. No more careful consideration. You can do that later. Right now you need to roll those dice and then roll them again. Risk it for biscuit. And if you catch yourself slipping back into vascillation then cane yourself over the knuckles like The Ace of Wands is about to. You have to train yourself like a disobedient dog. No more thinking about doing. Only doing and THEN thinking.
Can you do one for me, please?
Is he cheating on discord or some other social media I don't know about?
Haha tysm
Made it. First time baking so I hope I did it right!
Repost in the other thread and I'll see what I can do
New thread:
Good job solider!

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