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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread

SATS only work if you can see things in your mind's eye. I see nothing, tried one scene for 40 days. Tried it many times on so many desires, NOTHING. Now I know it's because I barely see anything in my mind's eye.
Use sound.

I used it, and I could hear my friend's voice, but I didnt manifest it
So either look up some visualization exercises or use the lullaby method (replace a scene with an affirmation). I have been able to manifest with only hearing and touch as the senses.
Also, checked.
why are you here then?
If it's taking more than 3 wks you're doing it wrong and not manifesting.
I don't know what you're doing wrong I can't see your mind.
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>I don't see this much negativity in other threads.
These threads have resident trolls indeed and had been here from a looong time. I don't like to give attention to most of the "imported" /x/ rhetoric so I don't believe in cabals or "powers" but there are people living here to make fun, like the retarded /pol/poster-baiter in the video threads in /ck/. Just hide, filter and ignore, don't cast pearls to swine, etc.
>and instantly attacking anyone who links scripture.
I could kinda understand why they act like. There have been moments in the history of these threads where LoA and anons here have been attacked/trolled by "christian" zealots to the point of extreme derailment and reports/bans for talking about some subjects/methods so bible thumping and putting christianity before LoA may trigger some anons. If you add the fashion fad in /x/ and other boards with people cosplaying as fake christians to push /pol/tard agendas, is natural to give some backlash to bible thumping even if the poster is a real christian.
SATS works without needing images. I sometimes do it with just affirmations or sit in the blank void and tell my new story.

Also, why would you do it for a year and not try another technique?
>These threads have resident trolls indeed and had been here from a looong time
Ya, I can't believe how long some of them have been here. It tells me they can do it themselves and have some sort of reason they think they are serving for being here. Anyone else would have gotten bored and given up by now.

>I could kinda understand why they act like
Me too- I love this thread but it gets peculiar when it's out of balance. Too much Neville and SATS? Problems. Too much psalms and bible? Problems. Too much chaos magick? Too much UL? You get the idea.

>If you add the fashion fad in /x/ and other boards with people cosplaying as fake christians to push /pol/tard agendas
...That's so crazy, it's almost brilliant. Almost doesn't count though, it's a fail :)

You got results when doing it before sleep?
Yo lil, have you ever had your inner critic suggest something LoA? The doer side of me thought of it and had to stop myself and say "oh so now you're suggesting LoA?"

Also thanks for indirectly prompting me to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once, not even joking it reinforced the idea to me that everything is a state of consciousness
That is the only time i do SATS. It shouldn't matter though, so that question is useless.
How do I manifest every single communist burning in eternal hellfire, today?
2 Esdras (4 Ezra).

6:6 Then it was that I had my thought, and the world was created through me and through me alone

4:43 Then you will be shown all you wish to see.

5:44 Creation may not proceed faster than the Creator

7:16 Why have you not turned your mind from the present to the future?

Unless I'm wrong, Neville never actually talked about using the law to do evil, and actively advised against it, even suggesting it's not possible.

I'm sure some others have used LoA for evil purposes, but I haven't read them.
> Neville never actually talked about using the law to do evil
But burning communists is good!

It's still a sin. Neville said to sin was to fall short of one's ideal. Or to subconciously manifest ones desires, rather than to forgive (or to identify with your ideal).

Neville also said that we must have a conception of Christ as ourselves, or our own imagination.

We know Christ lived a sinless life, so perhaps it is literally impossible to know yourself to be Christ and then use this knowledge to commit a sin.
>But burning communists...
You're a communist, so will you be burning yourself and your loved ones? Or are you exempt in this particular manifest? Just the people you don't like? If so, how typically banal evil. Boring even.
>You're a communist, so will you be burning yourself and your loved ones?
I'm not, but I have family members and teachers who are. A necessary sacrifice, really. The path of the warrior is the utmost acceptance of death, as Musashi said. If a single child of mine is to live in a world free of communism, then my heat death is more than acceptable.
>It's still a sin
k :(
He didn't sugest it wasn't possible actually said that its how "evil" people are successful they themselves assume that they are good.
Ty Lil anon
Also, your hypothetical confuses me a little bit. If I were a communist, why would I wish for communism's complete and utter annihilation? That would make sense if I were saying something like burn every single Jew in eternal hellfire, but being a communist is a choice. You either genuinely believe in its ideas or you don't. I want those who do to disappear forever, even knowing some of my closely related family and mentors would be gone.
>If it's taking more than 3 wks you're doing it wrong and not manifesting.
What, so I'm supposed to be able to grow tits and a vagina in 3 weeks?
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>anon discovers morality is relative
there will be a lot of puppets triggered in this thread.
Everyone ages. This has been noticed throughout time by everyone except Lilanon,
He ages at half speed. But he cannot demonstrate it. How does he even know it’s half speed?
The powerfag, formely the coinfag is now the agefag?
No idea what you are talking about.
But Lilanon denies that people age and you need to prove to him that they do even though he refuses to provide proof for that time he did whatever impossible feat.
if you claim that people age then the burden of proof's on you innit
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Is there anyway that i can manifest a Mcdonalds 6 piece chicken Mcnugget? With buffalo sauce?
why would you need to manifest it? can't you just go buy it? the fact that you can just go buy it is the manifestation itself. 0_o
1. I'm low on funds. I spent most of my money on gay pride flags trying to sell them to globohomo.
2.Mcdonalds is really far away and all I have is a razor scooter.
Anyone else tried using sigils to boost manifestations?
In my experience, it works great when you're not really able to create a mental image when you're placing concentration in other things; just draw the sigil in your mind and move on with your day. Helps if your sigils are simple enough to draw in one or two strokes.
but like, do you have friends or someone you can talk to? I'm sure they could pick it up for you. maybe if you laid in bed long enough doing SATs someone would check in on you and you could just tell them you want a mcchicken.
Don't have friends I'm kinda a loser. Been thinking about hitch hiking into town and begging for money.
So how does the lullaby method work if you can only use three words that aren't related to your goal?
The burden of proof is on you.
Lilanon has shown that we can’t be sure McDonalds exists.
This is Kaos Magyck.
even if i don't get the specific thing that i "want" i still find that things often go my way regardless. i got a bunch of money today and also made some nice progress in a video game (this progress was locked behind some shitty drop rates but i still got it first try).
>got something else so failed and not LoA related
Another day another mother anon failure.
In concequence lildickfag ends up ageing faster
How do I manifest getting this married woman to fall in love with me?
guys im confused. how do I imagine a scene thats not of the thing but it implies its done? kind of confused. what about just assuming and living as if?
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
How did you achieve this?
if only his actual mother kicked him out of her basement, but alas, Finland is a welfare state
iconic pasta
I asked in the previous thread but has anyone had any experience with Reality Transurfing? He presents some ideas that I don't see often covered here, ie more than just the basic "believe", since that can he tricky for some people, as evidenced by all the anonymous struggling to even get the feeling of wish fulfilled, let alone get results.
As ane example
The desire: money
Scene implying you got desire: youre waking up in a nice house feeling comfortable, all your bills paid, etc
>Yo lil, have you ever had your inner critic suggest something LoA? The doer side of me thought of it and had to stop myself and say "oh so now you're suggesting LoA?"
That's funny :) I had to think about it for a bit but our mental setup is different. That sounds like progress if that part of you is changing/adapting

>Also thanks for indirectly prompting me to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once, not even joking it reinforced the idea to me that everything is a state of consciousness
It's a wild movie, but it really hammers down that our choices matter. The idea that we can be anything is helpful too.
Especially because he is asserting that EVERYONE throughout all time does it. He knows this. Somehow. There has never been a statistical quirk over how many millions of years.
Find me someone verified older than 130.
Your claim is ridiculous so the burden of proof is on you.
There are more holocaust survivors over the age of 110 today than there were total survivors 15 years ago, checkmate. If that's not /loa/ literally spawning decrepit survivors out of thin air to collect reparations, then how do you explain that?
>Your claim is ridiculous
My claim is that we don't know and that it is most likely not a physical law.

Your claim is:
>Everyone ages
From a low information Anon that's obvious. To anyone trained in basic logic it's absurd. To prove this, you are going to have to verify every single human on earth that has ever lived aged every moment of their life.

This could be a perfect example of Dunning Krugar.

>but...but...Lilianon asserts things like how he's a vampire!
I'm on /x/ reporting /x/ things I was able to do with an /x/ power. Choose to believe it or not.

You are on /x/ trying (and failing) to debate /sci/ concepts you don't even have the background to speak on. Quite the ego there.
t. retarded commie
If this retard disappeared this thread would be fun to post in again. Someone manifest that
>guys im confused.
Retard lol
>how do I imagine a scene thats not of the thing but it implies its done?
Think about what comes after obtaining what you want. Retard.
>what about just assuming and living as if?
Just dont obsess over it, constantly thinking that it isnt going to happen. Whenever you think about it, just assume it is already in your life. You dont need to make huge life changes, role-playing as if your desire has already appeared. It's more of a confidence/emotion thing. This part is actually confusing, so I wont call you names here.
That is a sin Persist as Neville said be free of sin
Lmao. Best post ever but take some meds.
Everyone ages.
>basic logic
I’m not seeing any immortals here.
Every LoA teacher - all have aged or died.
>basic logic
You are free from things like that. Way too much for you.
>Quite the ego
From a basic claim like everyone ages? It’s not a controversial claim. It’s what happens. Now claiming you were a vampire. That’s some ego.
can we use Neville's method to steal someone's girl?
Yes, why not.
But you will get older do do it soon.
I think his one success is manifesting other anons telling him he is useless and he enjoys it. He used to post a lot in the /succ/ threads but he didn’t get the abuse he craved as he just looks like a regular crazy in those shit threads and didn’t stand out. By posting here he can get lots of anons to insult him.
Yeah try it
stay safe bro lilanon might suck you dry if you keep provoking him
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Hello frens.
Social retard here. I want to be more confident socially, present a slightly dominant yet positive aura, but also do not want to appear too "put together". I want some of my flaws to be present as to appear relatable and human. I'm also messy as fuck and struggle to keep my house clean. Could you give me a present tense phrase or collection of phrases that will help me out? I'm a bit of a mess right out.
Pic unrelated?
Are you an actual Glowy? Just curious.

“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.”

Neville Goddard
Nta but You've actually lost it if you're coping that you can't age.
You can't manifest jack shit as it's, and you believe you can stop your eventual death? Lildickfag never fails to make me laugh
Has anyone used Lucid Dream as a way to manifest/do SATS? I mean, if SATS is imagining your scene in a "state akin to sleep" how would a Lucid Dream be considered, since it's a literal state of sleep where you can actively imagine and create scenes in real time with a very realistic feeling?
I did my scene in my lucid dreaming for the second time today, because it's hard and uncommon to lucid dream. My first time was months ago and I created a scene with a girl I wanted to date, but I didnt even talk to her at that time of the lucid dream, so i created a scene where she was with me and we talked and laughed, etc... A few weeks later I had a date with her for the first time in the 3D, it worked for me, but since I did this just once until today I wasn't sure if this was the cause of my manifestation.
I would like to know your perspectives about it.
bro… you're walking a thin line here, hope you keep your crucifix and garlic cloves handy
This is the most triggered I've ever seen you.
Everyone ages and every single LoA teacher there is has done so.
Goddard did it, no point in quoting him. There are photos of him young and aged.
I guess you are just getting old.
Steal? Reminder that everyone else is just an actor in your play.
Once you get her you'll realize that. But its a good way to teach your subconscious that whatever you desire you shall get. Your imagination and subconscious rule this world think of you as the master of this act The director of this film called life
>Nta but You've actually lost it if you're coping that you can't age.
You and your "friend" have gotten pretty desperate, even by your standard. Does the mere possibility that someone could manifest their aging away scare you that much?

Don't worry, nobody would ever tell you if they did. You can die in perfect ignorance if you choose.

>you believe you can stop your eventual death?
I smell fear here too. Why does death scare you so much?

You're afraid to live, but afraid to die? That's kind of a pickle, isn't it? No wonder you don't have anything better to do than chase after people who are improving their lives saying "It's not real!!!"
It's fine if you can show these immortals.
Meanwhile everyone is ageing and there are a lot of cemeteries and no 300 year old people out there. I don't see JC, Goddard, or whoever else out there making the ageless claim so you are unique.
Back it up.
Sure. Just repeat this:
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence
Goddard and JC were no LilAnon, their powers were limited and they could only do so much
>It's fine if you can show these immortals
No, you show me that you know what you are talking about. You asserted that "everyone ages." Go out and verify it with every human that has ever lived and bring us back evidence. It's just your credibility on the line, no big deal.

>Meanwhile everyone is ageing and there are a lot of cemeteries and no 300 year old people out there
Wow, that's some great evidence there. Again, did you verify that yourself or did you apply at the CDC after making that claim?

>I don't see JC, Goddard, or whoever else out there making the ageless claim so you are unique
There still isn't anyone making an ageless claim, but there's no reason to think it's not possible. "Creation is finished" does not come with a "except for..." As another Anon pointed out, were I inclined I could manifest for it and something like a genetic treatment might suddenly appear right after.

You really are boring btw, but thanks for bumping the thread.
>I asked in the previous thread but has anyone had any experience with Reality Transurfing?
that book gets recommended here, but it's just rehashed loa like every other book. It also spawned the wave of tiktok and youtube retards that jump into other dimensions and timelines for views. it's on youtube if you want to give it a go.

If you really dive deep into it and have prior experience with other self help stuff you'll realize the book is a mish mash of Law of Attraction, NLP, Choas magic, and other random self help concepts. The guy just packaged it into a neat little package that's very easy to digest. if you look up reality transurfing in a nutshell you'll run into articles where people sum up the entire book into it's core message. here's one.

hope that helps
good luck anon
Hello fellow Nevillepilled Goddardcels, should I SATSmaxx or IAMstatemaxx? Can you SATS yourself into the I AM state?
Let's say her name is Susie. Say to yourself:
>I am who Susie loves.
>I am who Susie wants to fuck.
Notice that you are not saying "Susie loves me." There is nothing to change but yourself. You are who Susie loves.

This works for me pretty consistently.
wow this resonated bro thank you
oooooohhh I like this idea. You do it constantly quietly to yourself or only at night before sleep?
>we don’t know that aging is a physical law
We do though. Time moves differently to those in motion, a particle travelling at the speed of light barley experiences any time at all.
This happens because you’re moving through a 4 dimensional space and you’re ALWAYS moving.

Even if you were to be travelling at light speed constantly, your cells would still divide, which is biological aging.
Whenever you want. I did it just recently. There was someone i wanted to fuck, so every so often i would say
>I'm who [person] wants to fuck.
to myself conversationally, just when I'd think about it. When I'm driving, doing dishes, whenever. Not for any specific amount of time, not for a certain number of times. Just say it like you're saying it to someone else.
>I'M who [person] wants to fuck
Like in a "why would they want to fuck anyone else? Of course they want to fuck me. I'M who they want to fuck."

Anyway literally like 3 days later they approached me. Coming over tomorrow for sex.
that's amazing anon I'm very inspired now thank you so much!
Sure thing. Keep us updated.

I've tried many different methods... SATS, listing things in a journal, affirmations like this.... They're all the same in the end. They're all just vehicles to impress your subconscious.

Like if you wanted to go to the library. You could
>take the bus
>ride a bike
And you'd get there all the same. Maybe some faster than others.
Same with various methods. Once you realize that you're just impressing your subconscious, it doesn't matter what you do. Simply just saying it to yourself a few times will be all it takes.
They are you. The communists out there are a part of you. Remember I Am.
why does that mean that we have to age?
why are you limiting what you can do by the experience of others?
>SEEETHING the post
Looks like his old age is getting to him, atleast your schizo days will be over soon.
He's no evidence, lildickfag is the actual loser who's afraid to die. Otherwise living forever wouldn't be a goal for him. Even neville wasn't a total pussy like this old frail schizo and accepted his death.
exactly, Goddard was only a man, a mere mortal, but inshallah we will be half-as-slowly aging vampires if master LilAnon P.B.U.H. shares his gift with us
I speak of Mark 11:23-24. Trusting in the Word of God above all else.
This is the most triggered I've seen him as well. He's already admitted he's middle aged, he most likely has health issues and is dying soon. Otherwise like other people have said he wouldn't be such a scared cry baby, coping against the inevitability of life.
It's actually pathetic lmao
shills in force when believing against old age is mentioned.

Guys, did the powers that be trick us all into believing that we're supposed to grow old?
I trust LilAnon, God is yet to start posting in these threads
I believe you can slow down your ageing, but the retard Schizo is trying to say you can be immortal which is retarded. Even if immortality is eventually discovered it won't be this fucking loser that gets the privilege.
If you look at people who are old but look young for their age, they all have a pattern of claiming they think of themselves as young and not ageing. That's pretty good evidence to say you can age slower, but there's no evidence for immortality otherwise someone apsolutely would've done it already.
If you need evidence other than the Word of God, then you're just going to be waiting for the ones who believed God even when the world said otherwise.

Do you want to wait for them or do you want to just have it all now?
>it’s a Lilanon says some people don’t age episode
>refuses to show them
Did the budget run out or something? This is much worse than last episode.
This show is always getting worse
So you show us how you can live forever then? oh wait muh god said you'll live forever so I guess that makes it true.
The apsolute state of this general
you can only live forever if you accept LilAnon's gift of vampirism
Yeah, and it works great for me.
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You trolls understand that calling out lilanon just empowers him, right? You guys bring attention to his posts and get other people to acknowledge the information he presents.

You idiots have made him a "success" around here. He's playing you all like fiddles. kek
If sigils work for you, you can take the next step where you draw it on an object and take the object with you as a token reminder or as a talisman.

hope that helps
good luck anon.
LilAnon, alayhi as-salam, is plenty powerful without anyone calling him out, he is a self made success (suck-cess, dare I say, on account of his affliction)
It's not trolling retard, it's calling out an old schizo who's running the quality of the general. Giving him attention makes no difference because he'll never stfu either way. Also calling him out on his belief of being a vampire or being immortal, brings focus on his delusions, so newfags know to ignore him.
If we control reality and everything is us etc doesn’t that line of thinking take us to complete nihilism? If nothing is real doesn’t that mean nothing matters? How isn’t this a form of purgatory or hell…just thinking about an eternity like this is terrifying. I’ve manifested I know it works and that’s what’s scary that nothing could matter
>Guys, did the powers that be trick us all into believing that we're supposed to grow old?
Shhh... :)
Listen here motherfuckers.
PRAYER, THE ART OF BELIEVING by Neville Goddard is the one and only book you should read, and then get to APPLYING the teachings.
It explains literally every recurrent question ITT. Every misconception people who didn’t read the OP have. Only after you are comfortably nestled in the bosom of your big tiddy goth gf should you bother shopping around and listening to second hand gurus.
The book is freely available online. Get to it.
give me a good tldr but not too short then I can't read shit i'm in the army
The experiences are real. Also, you are not omnipotent. You are not God. God is your wonderful human imagination. But your soul has a lot to learn. The joy and sorrows of that development are very real and meaningful.
I am omnipotent if God is in me the same god that created reality and I have the power to create reality as well then what’s the difference
You can read it in one sitting. But I wouldn’t bother if I were you. Your excuses clearly show you have given up already.
You are NOT going to make it. So don’t even try.

Read Neville and you will find out what the difference is.
>Prayers are not successfully made unless there is a rapport between the conscious and subconscious mind of the operator. This is done through imagination and faith.
>By the power of imagination all men, certainly imaginative men, are forever casting forth enchantments, and all men, especially unimaginative men, are continually passing under their power.
>Can we ever be certain that it was not our mother while darning our socks who began that subtle change in our minds?
You blaspheme Neville’s own teachings in this very thread. You ignorant swine.
Also in this book he clearly explains EIYPO is the result of TELEPATHY between subconscious minds, and his philosophy is NOT a solipsistic one.
Motherfuckers, read Neville fucking Goddard instead of regurgitating what some washed out druggie YouTuber told you.
100%. The only thing keeping you from that state is your ignorance of it.

>If nothing is real doesn’t that mean nothing matters?
This is something you are going to have to come to terms with. For me, I was able to do it by accepting this is all a big game of pretend to keep ourselves occupied.

>How isn’t this a form of purgatory or hell
It can be, but it could just as easily be sublime. LOA allows us to experience what we want and be what we want. It's only as real as you believe it is, but as Anon here >>38856419 says, it's an experience.

Disregard the part where said Anon said you are not God and you have "lessons" to learn. You are already all of it, you just need to realize it.
did he really stretch Mark 11:23-24 into a whole ass book?
> The faith required for the successful operation of the law of consciousness is a purely subjective faith and is attainable upon the cessation of active opposition on the part of the objective mind of the operator. It depends on your ability to feel and accept as true what your objective senses deny. Neither the passivity of the subject nor his conscious agreement with your suggestion is necessary, for without his consent or knowledge he can be given a subjective order which he must objectively express.
Mkay sorry for seriously questioning reality and trying to reason things. obviously poked a sensitive spot
I did not say “you have lessons to learn”. That’s idiotic. You are not God either. God is the Father. Your wonderful human imagination.
You are fucking clueless. Why are you even wearing that tripcode? Pretending to be some wise guru, but you open your mouth and it’s clear for all to see you don’t know shit about any of this. You just regurgitate New Age nonsense. Read Neville and learn something. Ignoramus. Wannabe. Swine.
I forgive you. Now go read the book in the link I posted earlier. The fate of the fucking world depends on adhd-addled retards like yourself getting your shit together.
Lilanon would never use his incubus powers for evil.
That isn't very nice, anon.
>he has to read a book to figure it out
>shit attitude
>trying to lecture
Get your own stuff in order and stop projecting. Save your own world
Sounds good i had my secon lucid dream while foing SATS still hasn't manifested in 3d though
such a fag movie
Hello. Does someone here have experience with bengstnon method? Is it good for manifesting multiple things?
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Kek lildicktranny made him watch chinkslop
>I did not say “you have lessons to learn”. That’s idiotic
>your soul has a lot to learn
You are your soul, and there is nothing to learn, only to remember.

>You are not God either
You and I both are. So is everyone else.

>Your wonderful human imagination
Consciousness. I AM. Aren't you?

>You just regurgitate New Age nonsense. Read Neville
I did- his work mostly agrees with what I've done in the past.

>Ignoramus. Wannabe. Swine.
"Temper, temper mon capitaine.."
Why does the ladder method say to think that you're not going to climb a ladder if you think of it during the day? All the other manifestation methods that I've heard of say to think positively about your goal basically as much as you can.
>Why does the ladder method say to think that you're not going to climb a ladder if you think of it during the day?
It's designed to show you that what you think/say/do after you set your manifest is irrelevant. You manifested climbing a ladder, you will not be able to avoid doing so.

You can tell the Anons that have not done it(or did it incorrectly) when they worry about what they think their doubts, mood or choices will mess up their intended result.
the 'ladder method' isn't a manifestation method, it's an experiment demonstrating the power of what is imagined over what is merely thought.
We're all in a shared dream, so yeah nothing matters, but at the same time not in the nihilist sense, because the slate isn't wiped completely clean upon death, you take your karma or whatever with you
oh ok, I see.
Ty anon.
I had to find something else to try that method as I climb hundred+ foot ladders on the regular for work.
>proof looping
but if everyone believed like you did, then there wouldn't be one person to start the chain in which the evidence would appear in which people would begin to believe.

See how this ad populum is detrimental to all of this?

Just believe. Stop looking to other people.
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>How do I manifest every single communist burning in eternal hellfire, today?
Why not manifest every single communist chucking communism and becoming good palls and hot trad babes instead?
What's that?
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>Is there anyway that i can manifest a Mcdonalds 6 piece chicken Mcnugget? With buffalo sauce?
>why would you need to manifest it? can't you just go buy it? the fact that you can just go buy it is the manifestation itself
This seemingly dopey exchange is really very profound. Anon #1 seems to think manifestation means McNuggets will pop out of blank space. Anon #2 says (rightly) that getting some McNuggets, ie 'manifesting' them, is easy and you don't need to violate the laws of the known universe to do it. For Anon #2, the reality that you can get what you want confirms the reality that imagination creates reality. For Anon #1, imagination has to function like a magic wand out of Hogwarts, and if you drown him in McNuggets, it counts for nothing.
The real division here is between Neville people who believe Neville's (rather puzzled) statements that there is always a Bridge of Incidents that makes the manifestation plausible, and those who want complete disruption of the normal order of things (which would eventually mean the complete dissolution of life as we know it, and eventually ourselves with it).
Personally, I lean towards the first. Life as most of us know it is pretty good. It just needs a few simple adjustments, like some more money, an SP, etc. The ones that want to storm heaven are ultimate on a death trip.
Because that would make sense and that doesn't keep your golems oiled and ready as hatred machines.
believing that future must necessarily be like the past, or otherwise "it's the way it is, just look!"
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>Everyone ages. This has been noticed throughout time by everyone except Lilanon,
A true scientist-philosopher speaks precisely, It _appears_ to us that everyone ages, but we don't have everyone under a microscope so we can't really say. Maybe we're all immortal brains in a vat, and this is the matrix. Most people would not agree, but so what? Consensus reality isn't reality.
If you ask _why_ people age, the answer is: we really don't know. Is it possible to age in reverse? So far as I know no one (even Lilanon) has ever tried.
From the point of Loa--which, philosophically, is really German Idealsm--our mental picture of the world is perhaps not inescapable, but is very hard for most people to escape. It looks real, it feels real, and so we think it _is_ real in all its particulars, including aging. But on reflection, we know this is not so. So the question becomes, what happens when we start tinkering with how we envisage the world? Answers here seem to vary.
>were I inclined I could manifest for it and something like a genetic treatment might suddenly appear
FYI Napoleon Hill reportedly had a son, Blair, who was born without ears. He prayed that the boy would grow new ears. Eventually artificial hearing aid devices were developed and implanted that allowed the boy to hear.
Manifestation? Coincidence? We pick the interpretations we prefer. Meanwhile, the kid hears.
Assuming that there is only one way for things to go. Believing that whatever has been is the only way things will be.
Is like bringing a thirsty savage to a sink so he can drink but he just look at you like you're retarded because you brought him to one of the flattest, driest places in the world to get water. He is really thirsty so he will leave the kitchen and will go find a lake, a river or a puddle to sate his thirst, thinking you're an idiot because there is no way there is water on a place so dry, flat, and far from nature. You turn on the faucet and water flows in abundance, with so much force it splashes everywhere. It is there but for the savage, it never existed. It never was. Water is only in lakes, in rivers and in puddles.
For the savage, there is no way there is water in your flat, dry stone cave.
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>Time moves differently to those in motion, a particle travelling at the speed of light barley experiences any time at all.
>This happens because you’re moving through a 4 dimensional space and you’re ALWAYS moving.
What you're saying is that the world operates according to certain rules. So it would seem! But when you look at a chess board, you see something that operates according to certain rules too. Chess games are possible because everyone accepts that the pieces and the ways they move and the limits of the board are invariable. But in fact they're completely arbitrary. We could play completely new games with completely new moves on completely new boards. We just never do. But is that because we can't, or because the rules are so heavily ingrained and so hammered into us since birth that we don't even try?
>If we control reality and everything is us etc doesn’t that line of thinking take us to complete nihilism? If nothing is real doesn’t that mean nothing matters?
Think of it as art. Is Star Trek or Middle Earth or Alice's Wonderland 'real'? No, but if you could make it as real as the everyday reality you experience with a wave of your hand, and put yourself in the picture, wouldn't you want to? You'd love it! And nothing you love is meaningless.
Think of yourself as an artist and the universe as your clay. It's as meaningful as you want to make it.
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One month since i started this
No ladder no Job no Money no Sex no Success.
Instead my cellphone broke,my ps4 controller malfunctioned got a pretty darn high electricity bill.
Only my mood improved i don't want to kms anymore
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Maybe my expectations were too much for the law i should have asked for burgers coffee or a gf
>A true scientist-philosopher speaks precisely, It _appears_ to us that everyone ages, but we don't have everyone under a microscope so we can't really say.
100%. Certainty in such a sample size requires knowing all of the variables...and even the variables we know currently don't add up to an easy answer.

>So far as I know no one (even Lilanon) has ever tried.
I think people have. The legend of the fountain of youth, youth potions, forbidden rituals and pacts with dark powers for eternal life in their prime.

These stories don't come from nothing. Everything any of us can imagine already exists.

>FYI Napoleon Hill reportedly had a son, Blair, who was born without ears. He prayed that the boy would grow new ears. Eventually artificial hearing aid devices were developed
Good reminder. When we are focused on the result rather than the method, the thing we find "impossible" may come to us in a way we can believe
>Maybe my expectations were too much
Read 14 in the picrel- Persist.

It doesn't hurt to start with what is easily believable. Can you manifest a dollar?
Henlo friembdos
The 4d world is much bigger than neville implies. Dude was travelling through infinite hotel realities and shit. I've personally AP'd and chatted with named spirits. You can do way more than just imagine a scene and have it pop up as intended. Nevillian LoA is a teensy tip on a massive iceberg.

I got a demon to teach me engineering in the astral. MF downloaded everything I needed into my head. Aced every exam and homework easy, walked out with a 5.0 gpa.

Muh gf. heh go say more affirmations and persist lolcow.
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
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>think about getting text from friend I haven’t heard from in months
>live in the end
>let go
>get text from said friend
Is it really this easy bros? Kinda tripping me out it’s like realizing you’re in a dream or something, this journey has truly been paranormal and I really believe something is going on with the law
How do I acquire this power?
Just do SATs for nuggets with sauce.
This is brilliant my friend. Said in this way the affirmations feel very different, gonna start doing this
The hardest part is letting go for things today you yearn for more, but you did it. You unlocked unlimited power.
So he didn’t get ears?
i'm being too damn efficient with my time, everything's going too fast and it leaves me no time to actually interact with this world. today i noticed a teenage girl was eyeing me as i was leaving the grocery store, should have said hi to her and maybe chat her up a bit. well can't go and regret that, maybe i will take this lesson for myself.
Just let go bro.
Any manifestation post by Lilanon is indistinguishable from larping.
The whole "worlds within worlds" stuff is probably the most interesting part of his teachings, shame it's not talked about more
LoA me a sandwhich nigga
LoA balls
creation is finished, check ur kitchen.
It's loser schizo larping, gonna start calling him liloldfag from now on
you're just jelly that you don't get to be a slow-aging vampire like Prophet LilAnon
Sir, that is incorrect
He is a half speed ageing former vampire.
This is very different to a slow ageing-vampire. Lilanon lore is profound,
>former vampire
when did he visit Falion in Morthal wtf?
Lilanon simply decided he was no longer a vampire. And then he wasn’t. This is totally absolutely true.
He would have no need of Falion as he is basically Akatosh but more powerful.
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LilAn al Ghaib
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>Only my mood improved i don't want to kms anymore
In other words, starting loa have saved your life. Something of a gain, no?
Maybe your wonderful human imagination feels that the cell and PS4 come later.
Or maybe even that you need a break from PS4 etc.
>Jelly of an aging schizo larper who can't manifest anything but gay threesomes and is terrified of death.
>So he didn’t get ears?
If he had found a pair of rabbit ears on a keychain in a pawn shop, you'd be saying, "He didn't get what really wanted, just what he asked for!" When he gets what he really wanted--the ability to hear--then your criteria for success is the literal request. The problem is you shifting criteria till you get what you want--a failed result. Congratulations: you've done loa successfully!
so tl;dr, what you're saying is that he didn't get ears
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>Everything any of us can imagine already exists.
Can we then imagine that reality is a reality in which Loa does _not_ work, in which there is no _I AM? We can imagine a world that is one in which all that Neville taught is so much bullshit. Would that make it so?
In my opinion, no. I agree with Thomas Aquinas that there are intrinsic limits even to God, those limits being matters of internal self-contradiction. Can Lilanon manifest a stone so heavy he can't lift it, or age half as fast while aging twice as fast? Can we make one plus one equal 17.3? In those cases we are only imagining that we are imagining.
>>When we are focused on the result rather than the method, the thing we find "impossible" may come to us in a way we can believe
This is how I see loa actually operating, which is why I see the 'Bridge of Incidents' as one of Neville's key concepts. The 'impossible' can come to us, but only in the context of an implicit encompassing framework. You can age more slowly--some people seem to, look at Tom Cruise or Cher--but you need to have a body, and other bodies to which to compare your rate of aging, and some way to measure time. When you manifest, you have to manifest an entire congruent universe, or a way for the manifestation to appear congruently with this universe. That is why sometimes manifestation doesn't work. You 'want' to imagine all the Communists into Hell, but you 'assume' there is no such thing as Hell. You can't manifest a contradiction in terms.
So he didn’t get ears….
>so tl;dr, what you're saying is that he didn't get ears
What I'm saying is that you're proving my point.
But, to be completely pendantic about it, Hill didn't specifically say what the exact content of his prayer was. He wanted his son to hear (and now he does) but maybe he prayed, "Lord, let my son hear," instead of "Lord, let me son grow a new set of ears (preferably one each on the sides of his head and not both on his backside)." We don't know so this discussion is mercifully moot.
He didn’t get ears.
>so tl;dr, what you're saying is that he didn't get ears
What I'm saying is that you're proving my point.
But, to be completely pendantic about it, Hill didn't specifically say what the exact content of his prayer was. He wanted his son to hear (and now he does) but maybe he prayed, "Lord, let my son hear," instead of "Lord, let me son grow a new set of ears (preferably one each on the sides of his head and not both on his backside)." We don't know so this discussion is mercifully moot.
I mean there does seem to be a lack of his son getting ears.
Here: buy a couple yourself and send it to the kid:

Is that LoA tho?
Yeah I definitely see the chaos influence in this book. I do like how he packed it (so far) and I like that he doesn't try to overexplain things as well (so far). Instead of saying it's God or your subconscious or whatever he just says "here are some concepts and definitions that work and were not really going to be concerned with why they work".
Good post desu, even if you manifest magical powers tomorrow there will be some mundane explanation
>This is how I see loa actually operating, which is why I see the 'Bridge of Incidents' as one of Neville's key concepts. The 'impossible' can come to us, but only in the context of an implicit encompassing framework

Limiting beliefs detected.
How many of you have successfully gotten laid through Neville’s methods? How many wouldn’t have gotten laid but for these methods?
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>Limiting beliefs detected.
To paraphrase Chesterton, do not free a triangle from the limitation of having three sides.
>Coinfag, also powerfag, also agefag is now no earsfag.
>Can you SATS yourself into the I AM state?
You can even do the reverse
you can STAS yourself into the YOU ARE state?
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Earjak is getting back then
I think it’s at least four different posters.
All of which are the hero we need.
Can LoA make a triangle with three sides?
If not then it’s limited.
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I unironically want to be a vampire.
Our king did it.
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>dark eyes
>pale skin
>lives in isolated locations such as abandoned castles and caves
>hates sunlight
>predates upon people and makes them disappear
isn't that just an alien?
This is an incorrect view.
Vampires like Lilanon was were not like this.
In the 90s they played role playing games in trenchcoats in cities. Lilanon did that.
>Can we then imagine that reality is a reality in which Loa does _not_ work, in which there is no _I AM?
Sure. Plenty of people do it every day, They believe they have no special powers and there is no higher power, no creator.

>Can Lilanon manifest a stone so heavy he can't lift it, or age half as fast while aging twice as fast? Can we make one plus one equal 17.3?
>In those cases we are only imagining that we are imagining.
Ah, I think I understand now. You're twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to prove something that doesn't exist- "reality." "Reality" is a daydream of ours that we play in.

Yes, I had trouble coming to terms with that too.

>which is why I see the 'Bridge of Incidents' as one of Neville's key concepts
It's a feature of having a limited viewpoint. If your mind can't handle a thing instantly being there it comes up with a narrative that is believable and that becomes your "bridge of incidents."

You don't think post-Promise Neville bothered with that, do you? And you don't have to have the Promise to have the required faith/acceptance to do that. Many Anons have reported it here.

>You can't manifest a contradiction in terms
Why are you here arguing about it? Why don't you go test your theories?

You'll probably be upset with the results, but that's sometimes the cost of progress.

"The seeker should not stop until he finds. When he does find he will be disturbed. After having been disturbed, he will be astonished. Then he will reign over everything."

The Gospel of St. Thomas
>Is that LoA tho?
Everything is LOA. We get a lot of /omg/ crap about precise intent and such, but we move through our day manifesting everything we have and do seemingly without effort.

It steals some of the mystique the occultists want out of things but for me it's even more of a miracle.
Yeah, I prefer to do I AM into sats
On instant manifestation

>(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

Notice the emphasis on NOW
Go for it :)

It wasn't really for me, not really my flavor but it was a good experience.
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>Giving him attention makes no difference because he'll never stfu either way.
>so newfags know to ignore him
How low is your IQ? I made a picture so a brainless knuckle dragging retard like you will understand the situation you've created.

Nobody here reads the books or listens to the audiobooks on youtube anon. Just take the information and use it yourself. Most of these anons are redditors or black people from lipstick alley.
Someone made a Chaos magic general and the main post has grant morrisson and a roastie whore that barely breaks 15k views as authoritative teachers. kek. /x/ has really gone downhill in the past year.

I know you don't like me Lilanon, but the way you make half this place sperg out via your presense is pure magic. keep it up. We're all gonna make it!
>How low is your IQ? I made a picture so a brainless knuckle dragging retard like you will understand the situation you've created
Literally no argument, schizos will never stfu. If I want to call him a faggot I'm free to do so, you can join him in the fag corner.
how many people have you sucked during your time as a vampire?
LilAnon, blessed be his holy trip, has already made it. For you, it is too late.
Yep, it's only (you), we know.
>I know you don't like me Lilanon
How can I not like you- you bring Lina Inverse :D

>Nobody here reads the books or listens to the audiobooks
This was a sad revelation for me. When I joined the thread there were a couple of gatekeepers here who claimed to have read many/all of Neville's works and were telling people what they couldn't do.

I had never heard of Neville before this so had not read any of it. Just in the 5 lessons most of what they were asserting was directly stated by Neville to be good approaches.


>Someone made a Chaos magic general and the main post
Also sad. I have a fondness for chaos magick and the community but I don't want to see limitations from that framework end up here.
>sperg out via your presense
I made lilanon seethe so hard he came out of retirement. Triggered like 3 seperate glowops. They sing songs about me in Israel to scare their children into behaving. Recently helped an anon get a goth gf by just following my advice.

The people telling you to believe are trying to distract you, and demotivate you, so that you spend months without results and quit; never finding your true power.

Intent is behind all, even mobilizing "belief".
How do you guys stop fiending/craving for your goal
Based post. Wish I didn't waste like 18 months on this shit. Started psalms and I'm starting to get that magick again I feel like I'll actually succeed with real goals this time not just synchronicity limbo
Can you link your posts about intent and belief please? Had some very sporadic success with sigils lately and didn't do 95% of the ritual woo woo guru shit, I just did it with the thought it'd work.

Would appreciate any insight for more consistency/immediacy.
>Can LoA make a triangle with three sides?
>If not then it’s limited.
Even you can make a triangle with three sides. Just get a pencil and paper.
The question is, can LoA make a triangle with four sides? IMHO, no.
What differentiated the successes from the failures? If something works, isolate, test, iterate.

"I'm doing this to cause the event" is completely different and stronger than "I'm doing this because if I believe properly it will work"
Send me the link if you have a telegram group of LoA or is that just a private message?
I think the time it worked, it's because I wiped coom on my sigils from a wet dream. I'm not into cooming recklessly so I thought, waste not want not and then 5 hours later, this blonde with huge tits that I had written off matched with me. Also had a big boost in subscribers for something, and that's what my sigils were for.

I thought I had these sigils properly charged and activated for about a week beforehand too.

Now things have petered out a bit. I wanted this chick going insane for me, hasn't replied in days which usually means it's over, dating app wise. And I intentionally coomed while focusing on sigils recently but they've yet to manifest my intent, so that's why I'm a bit lost on cause/effect, I haven't yet replicated results using the same method.

Still not giving up tho! She hasn't unmatched me, just trying to will something out of the 4D by sheer force of will.
Awesome. I'm excited to hear what you do with it!
I am a qt emo boy
>the intent vs belief bullshittery again
the word both, "believers" and "intent-ers" are seeking is Knowing but seems like a hard pill for both.
No. Intent is initializing the catalyzing of change.
Knowing the state is targeting the outcome.
Intent fires the rocket.
how can i use this to get a terminal illness?
Something that will take about 6 years to take me out. Just pray real hard?
I just trashed all my occult books and occult items, I bought the pearl neville spoke of, fuck it feels nice feeling de bloated
Quit your job too. Physical action to achieve stuff must also be sacrificed.
Im about to as well, this is the year where we ascend
Based pearl seller
The end of the month is coming closer so.
Witnessed. State funded and approved viewpoints only.
Amazing, isn't it? Freedom.
damn,that's an old picture
At that rythm just be a man and stop being retarded and wanting to die or end your life by yourself. Unless you get heavy organ failure in some place like the kidneys, you won't die that fast unless you already have that terminal illness, and that is funny and ironic knowing how LoA works.
The "you have le cancer, you will die next friday" is a movie/anime/book cliché for creating sudden drama. Even going untreated you will live having it for years until it kills you and it will suck a lot all the way until you die.
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How can I use LOA to stop feeling so low of energy and having such a foggy mind that I can't even think properly and feel alive again
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>No job no relations no occult tendencies.
So im basically perfect for it what shoukd i manifest it's obviously money first right? How else am i gonna survive with no job
Accept it as your reality
Manifest a rich milf gf to take care of you
how can i summon Sorosposteranon , i miss the cooky images mashups?
manifest comfy
if you maintain a feeling of need, you are also maintaining the problem implied by that need
hold the feeling of craving and the feeling of having in your mind simultaneously, and ask yourself, "which do i like more?"
Thanks bros wasn't expecting replies. How about when I get excited? Like my nerves turned from craving to excited it's gonna happen lol. God I'm gonna be a sex addict
if the feeling matches the desired outcome, that just means you are doing it right.
Your post is super insightful and will definitely deter me from wishing I could kill two birds with one stone. You must be a guru man.
But what if you don't "believe" that doing something will cause the event? I did several rituals and stuff with the intent to cause change, and nothing. So my next step is to address the doubts in my mind and work on faith
Usually people use LoA for things that don't have a direct cause, which is why faith is preached here.
If the guy who wanted the married girl in the divination thread tries these methods can he overcome fate you think? Kinda want his story to go on lmao
not that guy but could you look over why Neville had this view on The Promise, I found this Wikipedia on Neville in this website as I was looking through his post promise works

I debated Promise Anon extensively on this. If Neville did indeed "went on to explain that The Promise superseded The Law" then as I stated, he fell off the wagon to re-embrace the 2nd causes he should have left behind. I've read a few of his very late lectures and it seems he was getting back on track.

There is no conflict with the Law and the Promise. The Promise is knowing our true nature, the Law describes how we create from that true nature.
It just doesn't make sense for him to be saying how its "given" by God if he has stated we are essentially *God*. The only given part thats true is giving it to yourself when you are "ready" (which really means when you decide it so)

What I find intriguing so far is those who don't accept the promise, they essentially keep playing their life again after death, you think thats the "worlds within worlds" type of shtick or what

So that means the lessons we "learn" is more so an event we become aware of a new state of consciousness? However some people like myself can get lost in the process of embodying a new levels, which then causes some to end up here...

>The Promise is knowing our true nature, the Law describes how we create from that true nature.
This seems more accurate, though it makes me think if I end up 3d dying and I havent made my mind up to accept the promise, would I play my life again the same way it is. Like loading a save file

His works are mesmerizing me, way more than pre promise Neville and this whole experience that happens to people

In summary: We can manifest the promise however we decide when that time comes
Can I manifest myself dying painlessly with no reincarnation or afterlife
Broke a lamp that was very special to me :( can I do revision to where it’s not broken??
>It just doesn't make sense for him to be saying how its "given" by God if he has stated we are essentially *God*. The only given part thats true is giving it to yourself when you are "ready" (which really means when you decide it so)
Exactly. In my case, I wasn't mentally ready for it but the alternative was lose "myself" in the 3d.

>What I find intriguing so far is those who don't accept the promise, they essentially keep playing their life again after death, you think thats the "worlds within worlds" type of shtick or what
I think it's basic reincarnation. You keep playing different roles until you figure it out. I've found some intersection with buddist fetters- they state that once you reach certain points you can't backslide out of them.

>So that means the lessons we "learn" is more so an event we become aware of a new state of consciousness?
Ya, I'm not fond of the term "lessons" after my experience with infinity. We all know everything, we're just not aware of it. That awareness comes to us in different ways as we experience things.

>This seems more accurate, though it makes me think if I end up 3d dying and I havent made my mind up to accept the promise, would I play my life again the same way it is. Like loading a save file
I wonder if that is one of the choices? I wonder more if I would do it all again almost the same way

>In summary: We can manifest the promise however we decide when that time comes
When we are mentally ready for it (or sick of being ignorant) we shall go inside ourselves and find what lies buried within.
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This is me right now. I’m post the tipping point I think. 3D is all an illusion I feel it. Nihilism is setting in
>can I-
>>Yes! Creation is finished.
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>I wasn't mentally ready for it but the alternative was lose "myself" in the 3d.
You've mentioned before you had your revelation early, could you elaborate further

My theory is even though you and I had it early, I think its intended to happen this way or this is what happens when you "lose" your way from your ideal life. The other is this could be a guide to resolve any past issues which I was talking to my "Marla" when I was driving and noticed how the things I'm stubborn with letting go are almost like a lesson despite how I view them with all my regret and harsh self criticism

>they state that once you reach certain points you can't backslide out of them.
Do you have any guesses as to why Neville backslid post promise?

>You keep playing different roles until you figure it out.
How to motivate someone to figure their shit out before death lol

>I'm not fond of the term "lessons" after my experience with infinity
Mind elaborating here too pls, this made me think theres a track in Hemi-Sync that grants people that. Hemi Sync aint too far off with LoA, the patterns I see is all those tapes they offer just assist people in achieving their desired level of consciousness that grants them whatever intended thing they want to attain, like one that allows people to reach the 5th dimension, im curious to see whats your take on that dimension. I heard its all loving or something like that

>That awareness comes to us in different ways as we experience things.3
You ever think those "lessons" are like a canon event that could benefit you later, I thought of some things from my past led me to live a life where I made a self vow to never let the same thing happen to ANYONE else. Plus I think if I didn't feel this remorse I prolly would've fucked myself over when it came to relationships

Make bad choices because youre not aware to then become aware and make the right choices...
And with Infinity, the same awareness can be learned in countless ways with countless forms of awareness

>I wonder more if I would do it all again almost the same way
Thats the question I was almost asking a while back if you could do this all over again but in a "new game +" manner. I think Neville was hinting at it here

“You pass through a door, that’s all that death is, and — you are restored to life instantly in a world like this, just this world” [and] you go on there with the same problems you had here with no loss of identity – not old, not blind, not crippled, if you depart this life that way, but young.” In this restorationist afterlife, he said of people there, “They grow, and they marry, and they die there, too, with all the fear of death that we have here. And if they die there without experiencing The Promise, they are restored to life again and again in a place best suited to the work yet to be done in them. And it continues until ‘Christ be formed in You’ and as ‘Sons of The Resurrection’ you leave this world of death never to enter it again.”
Yes imagine yourself sleeping comfortable on a bed. Keep that image while you jump off a tall building.
I see this a lot. LET GO. Let go, as in just drop it from your mind? I've been spamming affirmations and attempting SATS, with stuff here and there.

Persist and persist etc.
If that's what you have to do to be genuinely okay with not receiving it, yeah. It's not even necessary if you arent being obsessive
so up until recently I was manifesting an SP HARD for about a year (in a really mentally ill obsessive kinda way) and while SATS generally failed me I did do a bunch of other methods and have felt a "set" feeling several times but have never been able to fully let go. well, fast forward to now and I've either completely let go or at least I'm very close, I have stopped caring whether it happens and generally feel very little about the whole situation. question is, should I then try to re-set the SP manifest again or just leave it? I'm kinda sick of doing it but if I can finally leave it alone then maybe I should give it one more shot? I dunno
I haven't been around for a while, when did lil come back?
when he overcame his vampirism
Great info.
How would i rephrase a sentence about an ability i have/can do?
So instead saying "I (can) draw excellently" do i say "I'm who can draw excellently" or perhaps "I'm who draws excellently" ?
And what about chaining together something afterward. Like "I have excellent visualization ability so i can easily imagine scenarios which feel real." what would be the new rephrased sentence? I'm an ESL so it's kinda weird to change stuff around like this.
life is showing me paths of getting more specifically what i actually desire, i have heard of some very tantalizing investment targets that basically guarantee good profits (that being hall properties). i am talking with me relatives about this and they said it's not too shabby of a target provided you get some capital first. hall properties are also guaranteed to get tenants (and not the kind that will break your shit leaving you with the renovation costs) so you can quite easily get to a comfy €70k/year for nothing position which is what i'm after.
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Why does this mean anything?
So what if it is?
>provided you get some capital first
Given you have to ask permission to buy a gaming PC are you the man with the money?
i don't need to ask for a permission, i just need to ask the world for it.
Isn't that like the idea of quantum immortality
the world being your parents
Well first I would tell you to say it in whatever language you're most comfortable, because the point is to impress your subconscious mind.
Anyway affirm / journal things like:
>I am an excellent artist. I am who people want to hire to draw. I am commissioned often. My skills are unparalleled. I am the most loved, most respected, most in-demand artist in the [city, country, world...]
>I am a master manifestor. I always get what I want. I only get the best out of life.

Get a notebook and write that every day. You don't have to do it repeatedly. Just write it, maybe in the morning when you're drinking coffee. I usually journal just regular journaling stuff, like how I'm feeling or what's currently going on, how things are developing, and then I end with a list of things of affirmations. Close the notebook and move on with your day.

Throughout the day, if it crosses your mind, affirm it to yourself. Casually and conversationally. Eventually you're going to believe it and so will everyone else.
But you have failed every time.
You will ask and you won’t get it.
What’s the point of asking for money to invest in a scheme if you could just ask for enough money in the first place or not require that investment scheme?
Once again you demonstrate your inability to do anything right.
You are the failure master.
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Think about it.

The Old Self dies.

What happens when you die? You go to Heaven.

You are in Heaven, not Earth.

The Earth is your memory.
you demonstrate your unhealthy obsession about me every time you post, you are the obsession master.
https://t. me/wizandstuff
Join the wizards
I’m sorry to report that I’m just one of many and no one is or will ever be obsessed with you. You are just a vaguely annoying trio,
My autocorrect did not like “trip”. That’s how unimportant you are, motherbloganon. Creation is finished.
Stop masturbating. You’re losing all your phosphorus, hence no image in the mind. You Jew cuck :^)
Why not just do sigil work during SATS?
Why not just avoid sigil work entirely?
Just don’t bother with it?
You might aswell try it if you believe in that crap imagine yourself doing sigils or erasing them as a sign that it worked
Loa is not for midwits case in point. They can’t reason through all the way to understand it
Can I ask why you insist on using a trip? At least Lilanon claims to have some significant successes and gives frequent advice, you just seem to struggle to get the most basic manifestations in spite of being here for years. There's no shame in struggle and I'm not trying to be a dick, I just genuinely don't see why you feel the need to differentiate yourself from anyone else in these threads.
>You've mentioned before you had your revelation early, could you elaborate further
Someone cast a full mind control at me. It was working, I fought it as hard as I could and I was no match for them. I could feel myself changing into exactly what they wanted me to be and I could sense/see that it would not go away with time. I knew instinctively that this was against one of the "rules" we all agreed to in order to play the game. I waited to see if some sort of higher power would intervene, whoever is refereeing...and nothing/nobody came. At that point I felt justified to ignore the rules and awaken fully and was able to push it back easily. I was in that infinite state for about 20 seconds, anything I thought of I immediately knew all the answers to and could understand perfectly. I knew that anything I choose to do would work exactly as I wanted it to and it immediately made everything pointless. I could sense the undifferentiated I AM and was drawn to it- pure love. As I was being drawn in I remembered my loved one that would be left alone and was able to refuse the call.

I'm still in that either/or ascension state. As long as I have a tie to here I can stay anchored, but at some point that will no longer be the case.

>I think its intended to happen this way
I think most of the time it is. I don't think it's a "bad" thing when you wake up early, but it can be weird for you and others. People around me are funny about it, they sense I'm not supposed to be here and the I AM vibe I share with them, but on the other hand if anything is said about it there are dead looks of incredulity. "How could HE possibly have gotten enlightenment??"

"Well, sister, I wasn't lookin' for it..."

>At least Lilanon claims to have some significant successes
Ah yes, the story of how he became a gay vampire. How inspiring and totally loa related.
What a dumb nigger
>The other is this could be a guide to resolve any past issues
You have an amazing opportunity. You know the truth now, you can resolve your life however you'd like. I had the opportunity to meet almost every person in my life again as a farewell. I thought it was a gift from the Guy, but maybe it was just what I wanted manifesting for me?

>Do you have any guesses as to why Neville backslid post promise?
Shock. The Promise hit him hard. Rather than understanding he did it himself(and he clearly did) he mistook it for a higher power.


>How to motivate someone to figure their shit out before death lol
One of the secrets, and why I don't push people, is that a person has to be ready to take this step. People can whine and cry about how unfair life is, but they secretly enjoy it and believe they deserve what they get. It's just vidya, they complain but they are still playing.

>Mind elaborating here too pls, this made me think theres a track in Hemi-Sync
You're on the right track. You already know everything, when you relax and allow it to come to the surface it will. I've done instant manifestations to learn information and that's exactly what it felt like- I knew it already, I just wasn't aware.

>Make bad choices because youre not aware to then become aware and make the right choices...
Remember in the end that this is just a game of pretend. Have fun, feel deeply, but in the end you will wake up and be like "That was a strange dream..."
March, I think. Welcome back :)
manifesting never aging.
manifesting complete Elf transformation Elves live forever.
> woke up this morning
> ceiling fan has different ceiling blades
> in this reality my grand aunts family is rich and famous

Wow. Did this bc imagining im an all powerful super human god and basically ignoring reality for a few hours.

Lol, I did SR for a year in 2019, still nothing, still no images, 0 benefits except being hornier than usual

You SR cultists are mega copers
Please stop playing RPGs and stop larping bro. This shit is tragic.
He is just here to blog.
You need to actually go into a deep meditative state to see clearly practice before sleep
You got older.
But that’s to be expected. No LoA guru has been able not to.
Lil can you help me with something?

I know when we manifest something sometimes we get something better than what we asked for. Would this not apply to relationships too?

Ex: you’re in a relationship with someone and imagine marriage with them but then they end up breaking up with you and marrying another. Was this truly for the best even if after you move on you still love them and want them?
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i am worthy of this.
If you were then you wouldn’t need to tell us.
It would be natural for you. It clearly isn’t.
Neville said “tell no man” when you’re trying to manifest something.
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i'm affirming you dickwad.

let hot and sexy teenage girls flow to you.
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That's gross dude. If you think that's "natural" and not the result of a Brazilian butt lift then you really are retarded. Hip thrusts and squats and deadlifts do indeed firm nice big gluteal muscles. They do no make giant fat asses. Why would you want a girl who posts this kind of trash online anyway?
He also said don’t say your affirmations you shit eating welfare hobo.
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i literally look like this.

what's wrong with beautification? it is what nature considers beautiful, women should beautify themselves even more with enlargement of their erogenous body parts. why would i want a girl like that? i dunno cuz she's hot as fuck? there are many things women are good for and not even half of them require me to declare my undying love towards them. if anything god put all these women here so that i may admire their beauty.
Neville is very clear to keep this stuff a secret. Don’t tell others your affirmations. It’s generally a good idea by any LoA undertaking.
Mother-anon is will aware of this, he’s been told a lot, sometimes quite nicely with the direct quotes. Bur as others have said he isn’t here for law of assumption; he is here to post about his tragic life and the things he can’t have. No poster who was serious would act like this. He just hasn’t got banned is all.
>I look like this
I 100% state with pure affirmation and knowing that you are a 3/10 incel
God put you in this thread so that people could make fun of you.
Horrific and depressing posts. You are anti-loa.
This is your final warning. If you pull this shit again I will manifest a black dick up your ass.
>Was this truly for the best
Only you can answer this question. SP manifestations can be difficult because you manifesting the full package of the person rather than putting in an order for the best person for you.
does anyone have the Monroe Tapes which are specifically for lucid dreaming? and NOT for shifting\astral\etc?
I want to "just" lucid dream.
>Mind control and manifestation isn't real
>The Promise isn't real
>Nothing weird ever happens on Earth
...Could you glow a little harder? I think they are having trouble seeing it from the Moon.
I'd kill myself if my life story was a self insert written by a 13 year old.
So the reason why tin foil hats are effective against government mind control is because people believe they are?
I keep dropping by these threads every once in a while, in the hopes of some breakthrough that would finally help me crack the code, so to speak.
Well, seeing Mother-Anon's pathetic posts in every single thread, for the last God knows how long, has finally tipped the scale for me. I'm switching over to the law of hard work and doing what I can to make every new day better than the last one. It's been fun, boys. Best of luck to all of you except Mother-Anon. Though Lord knows he needs it the most.
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How would you go about changing something about another person’s past?
Pruning shears of revision
>in the hopes of some breakthrough that would finally help me crack the code
The only limitation is you Anon. If you want to prove yourself doing it the hard way, that's why we dreamed it up.

If you want to do something else...dare to dream it and do it.
Yes. Ive done this before. It takes Unironically completely letting it go. Took me 4 years to totally let an expensive necklace go and then it appeared in my bag a week later.
Kinda in a way, we play this game until we find out we're God
I date elite black athletes. Olympians or NFL athletes they are loyal to me and love me so much.
Bbc posting on /x/? Now im convinced theres glowies here
I saw a dead body on the freeway today

>As I was being drawn in I remembered my loved one that would be left alone and was able to refuse the call.
Was this before you forgot everything or way after your time learning with Lilith? I do remember something about you saying you felt All Powerful when you were being attacked (if I remember correctly)

I recalled I was gonna ask you if I could manifest myself something related to an idea, like do you know how to come to terms when you want to create something but not sure how to implement it?

>As long as I have a tie to here I can stay anchored, but at some point that will no longer be the case.
Its almost the same for states, I have a similar thing with my desires that I noticed today. I mean look at people who're victims, they hold onto that state since they tie themselves to that particular event, really shows how powerful we can limit ourselves regardless of the reason (big and small)

>they sense I'm not supposed to be here and the I AM vibe I share with them,
Funny you mention that, last week I was having this feeling that your time is almost up soon. Even then this feels like a personalized story DLC for yourself to "play with"
>wants to live forever
Get a load of this guy
A deep general hatred for everything
Is it your assumption that a triangle has 3 sides?
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