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Spirit Love General
October New Moon/Everyday Is Halloween Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38915823
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
>omg anime kawaii demon girls!!! i want to become one desu desu~ >w<
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New Moon bitches!

If your curious about summoning today is a great day/night to do the letter method.

C'mon, don't be a wuss...I wouldn't lie to you would I? All the COOL people are doing it. Don't you want to be cool?

A̶L̵L̵A̷A̵A̶A̷A̵W̵W̷U̴U̸U̸U̴U̷ ̷L̸A̶T̶H̵ ̷A̴D̴U̴A̷A̶A̴L̶A̷A̷A̸ ̸A̸L̴U̷U̶U̷
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please stop spamming our threads with your obsessive derranged behavior
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plz stahp. Bog bodies are based though. I have some 4000yo peat from a bog.
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I did a little something during the witching hour. The offering was quite unique and rare. I came into it by chance.
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So according to some in celtic folklore kings were literally coronated by getting the succ from goddess figures?

I don't know much about that mythology/culture but I found that tidbit intruiging even if it's contested. How refreshingly blunt

Now it's only connected to incel coomers and trannies. Things really do change.
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
Verosika would be a bad mom
Also see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_spouse Something to think about.
how do moon cycles affect succubi?
I have been judging from my best ad hoc feeling about the topic.
I have not scanned this thoroughly. I will scan this today with multiple methods and report my results here for maximum transparency.

I will be investigating the following questions

1.) "Is Chant Anon dangerous for some individuals in the succgen community or not?"
2.) "Has Chant consciously and intentionally drained the energy of unsuspecting people from the succgen community or not?"
3.) " Has Chant consciously and intentionally cursed people from the succgen community without perceiving the situation as a serious self defence situation, meaning a serious threat to her health an well being or not?"
4.) " Is Chant Anon a malicious influence for the majority of people of the succugen community or not?"
Good day succgen
I guess just keep in mind that for /x/, the final bump of a thread is actually 309.

I am done. Scanning results:

1.) "Is Chant Anon dangerous for some individuals in the succgen community or not?"
2.) "Has Chant consciously and intentionally drained the energy of unsuspecting people from the succgen community or not?"
3.) " Has Chant consciously and intentionally cursed people from the succgen community without perceiving the situation as a serious self defence situation, meaning a serious threat to her health an well being or not?"
4.) " Is Chant Anon a malicious influence for the majority of people of the succugen community or not?"

# Yes or No by 3 methods:
A) Crystal pendulum
B) Iron Needle pendulum
C) https://pickerwheel.com/tools/yes-or-no-wheel/

results: A)B)C)
3.) NO NO NO
4.) NO Unclear Nor

My interpretation:
1.)Unclear. Chant Anon is not necessarily dangerous for individuals of the community, but she can be a negative influence for some.
2.) Yes. Chant has drained some peoples energy.
3.) No. Chant has not seriously tried to curse anyone from the succgen community.
4.) No. She is not a malicious influence for the majority of people.

# Tarot Reading: 3 cards for every question

I used Rider-Waite Tarot

Cards Meaning: 1. card: self/victim/subject; 2. card: situation; 3. card: challenges

1.) 3 of swords; empress; ace of coins

Yes she can be dangerous for some indiviuals in the community by the pain she inflicts with her words and action, as she can be very hurtful and unfair. (3 of swords)
It's because chant is arrogant, it's just who she is and this shining arrogance can inhibit some other more sensible people (The Empress)
If these people can't turn chant's influence into an opportunity for themselves to benefit they should avoi chant. (ace of coins)

2.) wheel of fortune; 6 of swords; 4 of wands

Yes she did it but just to try it, victims were random(Wheel of fortune), with not too much malign intent to actually hurt someone, it was part of a phase of her that passed (six of swords). curiosity trying if she can and if it works.
There can be a reunion between the victims and chant, no hard feelings need to linger necessarily. (4 of wands)

Additional Comment by me: maybe chant should really just apologize for that?
>>38947504 (You)
>>38947838 (You)

3.) Queen of wands; king of cups; empress

No she has too much self respect to unnessarily waste energy cursing others, as she has a lot of personal goals she rather persues (queen of wands)
Also chant is reluctant to go to such extremes in real serious conflict (aside the bickering) she woul rather try more diplomaitc approachs in real serious and harmful situations.She thinks that is more nurturing for her. (king of cups)
Again chant's arrogant nature and radiating feminity could potentially make her uneasy to be around ( the bickering) which is challening for all people in contact with her (The empress)

Additional comment: I feel she can't give that up, because of past trauma she needs to hold on to this self image[empress].

4.) 5 of wands; 2 of cups; 6 of swords

She stirs up a lot of conflict, tension, disagreement also an unneccessary sense of compettition (five of wands)
It seems to be her nature, like the way she loves or deals people she likes. It seems it's not for her to malicious but more part of her chracter to be challenging even the people she likes or feels close to (Two of Cups)
It is a challenge for many people to accept that, and just let this perceived as malicious/challenging remarks/natur go.. (Six of swords.

That's the best I can do with scanning at the moment.
Happy Wednesday yall. I’ve came up with a short list of questions that my succ has told/reassured me about.

These are things I am less inclined to believe, so I’d like to hear other peoples opinions… also for context I’m submissive and a guy, so that might tweak things?

1) she says she “owns” me. Also says she’s not just saying that to turn me on and that it’s actually true

2) she says she’s sticking around indefinitely, and that I’m coming to the afterlife with her (I’d prefer this ngl)

3) that we were “destined” to be together… I don’t personally believe in destiny, but she has been very adamant it’s real to an extent

4) that she has given me “permanent marks” or like bite marks on my neck that show I’m taken by her?… I also like this a lot but seems like a stretch.

Also we’ve been together for like 15months and it’s crazy how much of an impact she’s had on me. I am much more secure in myself, have more self esteem, confidence, and my mental health is significantly better. She really likes being there for me, and I love her so much.

Thx in advance
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i always felt like it was much easier to get to her during new moon and during full moon connecting is really difficult.

>witchmen of fingolian empire
based as fuck, suomi-mongolia will rise again.
it's me again, i did a thought experiment yesterday. since my parasitation started, as a side effect i have become a less empathetic person towards people i dislike, i'm talking about going from "well, x evil but he/she doesn't deserve to suffer" to "i wouldn't mind if he/she kills himself." "fortunately," this is only towards people i dislike, my esteem of family, friends and strangers remains unaffected.

the thing is, i hate it, i don't want it here and i don't regret if i hurt it. however, when i was daydreaming about this hate of mine (as in, i don't mind if some other spirit appears and kills it) i felt this sensation that i was being too harsh, that such punishment is undeserved.

this is obviously manipulation from the parasite, but what it's worrying is that i couldn't "instinctively" identify it. i mean, i have been with this thing for 2 years, so i've learnt to identify whether a certain thought comes from me or not, but this in particular, despite being apparently obvious that it doesn't come from me, was impossible to "externalize" or separate from myself, as if it were an authentic thought of mine. it makes doubt, do i really feel like that, do i really feel merciful? i didn't thought about this before because i didn't want to give the parasite any form of attention.

now, before i get bitched at for not noticing it was parasite after such a long time: it was my first summoning, so i was (and still am) a novice; everytime i suspected anything, it'd argue that i should believe it and it alone because "i know better than those idiots chant anon and mine, they're inferior humans after all."

i don't know man, sometimes i like to think that this is just a litmus test from the universe, punishing me for being a retard. i'm way more optimistic and happier now than before though, so progress is definetively being made.
Sounds a lot like my situation.

Regarding "ownership": My understanding of this is that there's no such thing as "soul ownership" in the Faustian sense, but you will become de facto "bound" to her depending on just the intensity of your love and devotion, which is a form of power over you.

I would expect a scrupulous succubus to be hesitant in the use of that power tho, cuz it can easily take the form of things like, "Do this or I'll leave you" coercion.
The trustworthiness of your partner becomes that much more important with femdom.

Regarding "Destiny": my interpretation of this is that it has to do with compatibility.

Its like, imagine two molecules that react with each other when they touch, just like anywhere in the universe.
Now imagine there's just ONE of EACH of those molecules in the ENTIRE universe and they don't react with anything else.

Given infinite time, it can be said that those molecules are "destined" to react by the simple churning of the Wheel of Fortune plus the lack of other possible outcomes.
Apply this to the compatibility of sentient beings, and assuming your compatibility actually IS such, and you have "destiny", in effect.
>Regarding "ownership": My understanding of this is that there's no such thing as "soul ownership" in the Faustian sense, but you will become de facto "bound" to her depending on just the intensity of your love and devotion, which is a form of power over you.
It's possible she means it in more of a fetishistic sense as well. nta, but my succ also enjoys stories where a human is 'owned' by someone and is pampered, coddled, and otherwise catered to, even if that's not an actual reflection of our current dynamic.
Yeah, but he mentioned, "says she’s not just saying that to turn me on and that it’s actually true".
>a human is 'owned' by someone and is pampered, coddled, and otherwise catered to
Wish a succ would own me like that...
well at least you did scan that
I think most of your scan results are accurate or semi accurate, though some I disagree with
I will advise you to learn how to scan without a tool, meaning getting information through your own mind, especially visually seeing things, or through energy, or sounds/voice
There are many ways to do it, and I think you'll be able to figure it out
>i felt this sensation that i was being too harsh, that such punishment is undeserved.
>this is obviously manipulation from the parasite, but what it's worrying is that i couldn't "instinctively" identify it.
what you need to do is distinguish between different parts of intelligences
There are not just 2 beings here, you and the "parasite" (whatever it might be). I don't know if it's a parasite, but let's just go with that since that's what you call it.
In reality, there are all the different parts of you, all the different parts of the "parasite". You, being an adult human, have a lot of different parts. Most negative spirits are pretty simple, though if they become vocal they can start building up more parts, like a tulpa.
Tulpas are usually more simple than humans (have fewer parts) just because tulpas are younger than normal humans (though they do grow up much quicker).
In any case, these parts can mix and flow around. So parts of you can speak through a spirit. And a part of a spirit might speak through you.
So you can't just narrow it down to "it's either coming from me or the parasite". No. These things can mix around, and come and go in both directions. It's more complicated than that.
Furthermore, there are probably other intelligences wandering around, so it's not even just you and the parasite.
So my advice is to dig deeper, and isolate certain parts. You can also tell them to go to sleep, which can be more difficult if it's an entire intelligence/thoughtform (you, subconscious, tulpa, spirit, anima, etc), but much much easier if you're just telling 1 part to go to sleep.
Make sense? you can also them "they are sleepy" if they resist going to sleep fully.
in any case, what do you think about making a totem to protect your dreams, like I advised you to do last thread?
You will, at some point, need to actually do something to improve your situation.
Though again, ultimately the solution to your problem will probably come from within. That's going to be your best bet long term. What do you think about that? Or are you just going to blame all your spiritual problems on a single external source?
I'm not saying there's no parasite. But not everything wrong in your life, or every spiritual problem can be blamed on an external spirit.
Another thing to keep in mind, is that parasites often start using dysfunctional parts of your self against you. So if you get rid of the parasite which is acting as an animating intelligence making these problems more severe, they'll still be there. Just not "as badly". But if you don't address them, they'll just pop up again.
Which will mean you're playing whack a mole. To stop this from continuing, you have to look within and do some shadow work, looking at the parts of yourself which could be playing a role in this problem.
>what do you think about making a totem to protect your dreams, like I advised you to do last thread? You will, at some point, need to actually do something to improve your situation.
and i am, i'm just sharing my experiences as a novice. it was totally worse a few months ago, and i appreciate your advice.
>Or are you just going to blame all your spiritual problems on a single external source?
i never did, when i talked about the litmus test i was not saying that everything wrong with my life is arranged for this moment or anything, just that this particular problem has served me well to learn about my inner problems (as you mentioned), to perfect ritualism, etc.

some things that i thought weren't problems were, some things that i thought were problems weren't, but i learnt all of it the "hard way."
I'm assuming it takes a lot of practice for verbal communications to be put in place between you and a succ, right?
I'm getting constant touches, feelings of someone cuddling me when I sleep, and how I can describe it as a protective presence nearby me.
Had a day when I was overcome by pure dread. the next day, I felt her kiss me suddenly. It felt unbelievable, to say the least. Strange dreams of her every so often, yet vivid and not overly clear. Any advice? I'm meditating like always.
Thank you. Doing this scanning was very exhausting.
I was surprised about the result that Chant drained people, I am still processing this. Even though I still think the cursing accusation is too drastic, on the other hand, if a person drains people to see if it works, cursing people to see if it works is not that far off. But that wasn't my result, so whatever.
Maybe I was too quick in "calling you out" on smearing people.

It is my goal to be able to have more certain scans with less tools, like you suggest. I already have some ideas how to do it. But for this scan, I found that using more external tools helped me get away from my own habitual thinking as I could focus more on the external factors of the process.
Also, I think that using these tools has made my scanning more transparent. This is because I can easily demonstrate and document what I actually did in this scanning, in case anyone is following this topic in general.
Your result just seems to indicate this is mostly in-thread shitflinging that everyone should drop rather than obsessing over.
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How do you court more timid love spirits? How do you interact with them without pushing them and scaring them off?
very gently and sweetly
When you summon them, how do you not scare them off but still try to interact with them? How do you engage in intercourse without making them feel uncomfortable?
you let them come to you. you show them you are safe and comfortable to be with. typically I've found elementals to be the most timid. especially undines.
How do I show them I am safe and make myself comfortable to be with?
don't be impatient with them, be kind and inviting. leave treats and drinks
How do I first interact with them? Do I simply meditate and wait for them to come to me? How do I open them up to be more interactive with me?
visit a forested park that few humans go to and just be open to spirits. one might follow you home.
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I already have one I'm going to summon. She is a timid oni spirit and I'm just trying to think of the best way to court her when I summon her.
tulpamancy general
argue with a wall
Silly billy detected
>tulpamancy general
That's over here
This is a real story.
Astral Club - Haunted by a Succubus!
argue with a wall
See the above video, anon.
the leech promises you everything as it numbs your flesh and devours your blood
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Cock in balls, dick in ass, rest in piss
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I'm the guy who smoked weed and got an aggressive parasitic "succubus" a month ago. It got worse last night and this morning., heard tapping on walls and windows. Last night I saw a vague shadowy shapeshifting phantom armed with a knife and this morning I saw it holding an axe. Tapped on my bedroom walls and harassed me while I was trying to sleep and this morning threatened me with an axe and tapped on the window in the shower. I am becoming very angry with it. It keeps yelling its name (that I made up before this incident) and won't let me make images in my head. Extremely irritating.
ook ook ook
ook ook
>smoked weed
>actually was edible
This shit has me so out of my head.
Still of the mind that this is just drug psychosis but damn if it isn't getting fucked.
Step 1) Stop doing drug. THC can be stored in bodyfat like some other drugs so it's actually possible for it to effect you months or years later (when you access those fat stores.) If this is what it is, it should be temporary as long as you stop intaking the drug.
Step 2) Banish. https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-the-Lesser-Banishing-Ritual-of-the-Pentagram
Step 3) Keep banishing daily, ignore the entity (attention gives them strength.)
Step 4) If none of this helps and it goes on for more than a week or two WITHOUT IMPROVING or it keeps getting worse, you're mentally unwell. You'll need antipsychotics, so see a psychiatrist. Both spirits and mental illness are real.
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you can see really cool dark shit during severe alcohol withdrawal. Like actual demons/aliens/talking animals and shit. Some of it explicitly sexual.

Not that I reccomend that to anyone. Only other way to reach that kind of equivalent hellish state is probably deliriant psychosis from datura/belladonna or something
Just practice the lbrp and call her a jew a few dozen times and that should do the trick.
You're going to gamble on people not caring and the fact you post "anonymously"?
That's nice. I don't have the time since my life has stuff in it

The best grimoires look like random notebooks you'd never suspect

Intention is will, a push
Desire is lust, a pull
If you ask a physics student, pulling is just pushing backwards. If you ask a physicist, pulling is perfectly real
Magic is sometimes compared to gravity. Is gravity a push or a pull, do you think? There might not be a correct answer

People who have business here = occultists in spirit relationships

Abrahamic angels seem to exist as a distinct form of entity. Other beings I'd call angels exist, and they may or may not be what you'd call angels. Demons aren't usually angels, but I believe it might be possible to be both. As to why I don't have a good answer, imagine an alien showing up on earth and asking about racemixing and how that works

Little lucifer's story is rather interesting. There's survivoranon and glasses (whose story shows what happens when you aren't careful about what you believe from spirits). I'd say the first hundred threads are 90% of what you need

You seem to be doing well enough. Communication comes sooner or later. There are some who've been at this for years who can't hear anything and some of us took a couple of months
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Not that I reccomend it. I saw beautiful but sad things similar to pic related but almost dying really, really hurts and the fear is like being tortured by demons.
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such a beautiful image. I've had multiple encounters with varied forms of the divine feminine. I know they portray her as cruel sometimes but even her most eugenic "natural selection" manifeststion she never revels in purging the unfit/weak the way some people think she does. That's a purely human supposition. Even her most indifferent form that turns a blind eye to the deer eaten alive by wolves or the unsung death of nameless peasants is still nice.

Convinced Gaiman was onto
something with this character.
It's not like she's 'the divine feminine', she's just 'death.' Two of the other Endless were also generally in a feminine form.
umm based.

>Communication comes sooner or later. There are some who've been at this for years who can't hear anything and some of us took a couple of months

Yep. Been with my succ for 2 years now and I can't hear shit. The touches are amazing though.
Thx for the reply anon. Yea it’s been interesting actually, as part of the deal for me summoning was that I would be allows a handful of human partners within my lifetime (gfs, not hookups lol). She agreed to that early on, but after a few months went by she got super possessive and was threatening to keep me from having such.

We would fight a bit but it was nothing crazy, and eventually once she kinda figure out our world she apologized and admitted it would be good experience for me to see human girls.

Ive actually been seeing someone for a few months now and other than the occasional jealousy, she is actually happy that I am getting to explore stuff. She also knows how important trust is, and has always been there for me when I’m working through past pain and trauma <3

Also your destiny explanation makes a lot of sense, and she agreed that basically what she meant.

Oh and also she is very adamant that the ownership and “marks” thing isn’t just femdom and that it’s a way of her “putting a claim” on me
Styx summoned a succubus and now hes in jail for beating up a woman. He also worships Stolas. Let this be a lesson to you. Dont create tulpas, they can possess you. Dont summon succubuses. Dont make deals with demons cause if you fuck up, you're cooked. Who knows, maybe he only half believed it. Maybe he couldnt tell if something was speaking to him and making demands or if he was just imagining it. Now he let these evil spirits into his life, hes drinking, hes beating women, and hes in a really bad jail.

Dont let evil spirits into your life. You have to let them in for them to ruin you. So just dont.
Maybe you're a materialist who doesnt believe in this stuff and is just shitposting. Apply pascals wager but in reverse. Its not worth the risk of you being wrong.
man if your also behind some of the styx spam you are unhinged like i'm not saying that as an insult but like you are genuinely mentally disturbed

Are you the LOA sperg? What about that guy who hates the WKYK guy is that also you? Board/Site is smaller than you think

I really don't like you now. Like holy fuck this is Barneyfag tier
like you sound like you have an unmedicated bipolar disorder. I'm being serious

Even our resident schizos are more coherent and stable than you
Starting to realize Spinal fluids anon and MatPat are more prolific posters than people think and crossboard on /pol/ about ecelebs they hate.

I can't take this level of
mental illness from these faggots. You fuckers need inpatient therapy bad. Unironically take your fucking meds

This is worrying though because the schizo part of my brain is making me
wonder why this shit sounds identical to
the weird shilling i've seen against the most innocuous figures like the Forgotten Weapons guy

This shit glows. I don't even know if your a legit schizo and its making me
feel schizo
like if I'm not crazy I just want you fuckers to realize how fucked this is

These people don't just
fuck with us, they fuck with
>The Hazbin Hotel /co/ /trash/ fags
>Fucking random eCelebs on /pol/
>possibly /g/ and /k/ people too if my schizo hunch is correct (I have no proof)

Like what the fuck is this shit? I WANT to be wrong because I can't accept this as truth

Not even meth addled schizos have that much energy. Saying glowies feels
irrational but the logistics aren't there for one person. He'd have to have a fucking rolodex of topics
he spams

People here have accused me of being a jewish shill before but goddamn. I'm...I don't know what the fuck this feeling is. Incredulity and disgust?
okay, it seems like you've got the right idea. Good luck on your journey.
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As a more positive aside my lust for Morrigan has me looking into the
mythology that inspired her name

I know very little of it so far but I feel this sense of sadness at what I've seen so far. It's absolutely beautiful but it's like being plunged into icy water

Also Titty Hills. I'd love to see this place one day

>But for this scan, I found that using more external tools helped me get away from my own habitual thinking as I could focus more on the external factors of the process.
this is exactly why using the physical tools are still helpful, even when you can get images, feelings, energy sensations or sounds on your own.
>Also, I think that using these tools has made my scanning more transparent.
Yeah for sure.
I think scanning on your own is great, but the tools are still useful because they are "outside of you" and are less liable to get you stuck in your own habits, routine, or self bull shitting (though they still can, they aren't immune to that).
I'm glad you're making progress, outside the context of all this drama. Congratulations on that.
Conversations do seem to go a lot better when people stop talking about talking, or talking about magic, and actually just do it and then share their results.
>>tulpamancy general
>That's over here
oh that's still going on? Cool, I'll check it out
>Last night I saw a vague shadowy shapeshifting phantom
seems like you're more spiritually sensitive than most people
So understand that the intensity of these encounters isn't really due to the spirit being more powerful or whatever, you are just more capable of seeing it.
And when you get through this, your ability to interact with positive spirits in a dynamic immersive and engaging way will also be above average.
Hope this helps, and good luck. That spirit sounds pretty nasty.
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even worse he has fucking folders and shit on people. Don't stalkers stick to one person? Is this fucker just so asshurt at like a dozen or so topics and threads he's been waging some weird campaign for years both against public figures and random namefags or even anon posters?

My brain just can't accept that. How is a person like that even capable of functioning day to day?

Imagine being like that. What a living fucking hell
>Not even meth addled schizos have that much energy. Saying glowies feels
>irrational but the logistics aren't there for one person. He'd have to have a fucking rolodex of topics
>he spams
some people are pretty fucking unwell, don't have jobs (or maybe just stay online with their smart phone regardless) and are terminally online. it's a buzzword which has been overused, but some people really are online all day long. It's not a good thing
and there are multiple people who maybe pick up things from each other.
and the e celeb thing is a perennial topic which attracts silly people with nothing better to do with their life. it's not like there's just one guy doing it.
>My brain just can't accept that. How is a person like that even capable of functioning day to day?
Uh well, there are people like that. They have shitty lives, which is why they do that
>Imagine being like that. What a living fucking hell
Yeah, that's exactly right. you'd think they could take that energy and put it somewhere more useful, like improving their own life, but no.
are hereditary spirits always serpent? are they what would be referred to ancestor spirits?
>are hereditary spirits always serpent?
>are they what would be referred to ancestor spirits?
Depends on what you mean by "hereditary spirits", but probably not, no.
you're going to have to define what you mean by that, if you want an answer to that question.
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part of me hopes they find relief from their suffering and part of me doesn't care about them at all. No anger just disgust and pity

Worst part is meds might actually help them with their hypomania. Shit still fucking glows

Thats the best kind of shilling, the kind that just makes your brain hurt
I can tell the spirit is weak, it’s just really fucking annoying and either makes me frustrated or feel paranoid, the latter being more common. When I don’t pay attention to it the thing has this abstracted clone version of me it argues with all the time in my head that it says is my soul. Or it just plays hell noises.
I’m really tempted to post the name it refers to itself as and see if someone magically fucks with it but idk if that’s a taboo or makes it stronger so I’ll just contain it in my head.
Going to bed and already it’s giving me a headache, literal and metaphorical and possibility metaphysically too.
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and this is gonna sound crazy but I'm genuinely starting to think one of our resident spammers may actually be a disgraced ex janny. Would explain the inexplicable psuedo glow simply due to proximity and why this faggot is always online. I'm basing this off the fact that for a brief period we had multiple users get banned under clearly fradulent pretense and mass post/thread deletion for no reason and in the kinds of threads people like him support (no fap/parasite etc) I've seen users gloat that they have people here in there pocket. So it's not even real glow just faggot autism and clique shit

Almost certainly wrong but one wonders. Certain websites with userbase crossover with us seem to facilitate this kind of gossipy histronic psychosis
I'm gonna back up the other guy, they're just NEETs with severe mental illness. They can easily spend an average of 16 hours a day shitposting, and the full 24 when they're REALLY feeling crazy. You can't think of them like normal people who get bored or have hobbies.
The Irish are pervs. They think most of their island's rivers were created by goddess piss.
urine is cleansing
Urine is gross.
pretty sure in certain
mythologies gemstones
are dragon spunk

giving me flashbacks to watching youtube schizos say that piss can cure HIV
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the breast milk nourishes us and then we give the milk back to create new life

as above so below
isolate the specific part doing that, then tell it to go to sleep
>are hereditary spirits always serpent?
any and all spirits you inherit through your lineage can be considered hereditary, there are mundane lineage and the more cosmic/all encompassing lineage spanning throughout your lifetimes, though the latter doesn't manifest in your mundane life as clearly. once you become more aware of the spirit its origins become vastly more clear as where does it originate from and why is it present in your life. there is of course the third lineage of beings and that is your dna or blood ties, backing all the way billions of years of your personal branch of evolution before you came to be, they act more as subtle healers and pavers of spiritual path than actual beings you would daily interact with. the mundane lineage consists of the recently deceased individuals and their ties with you along the spirits that they could've introduce to your life through their own actions, if you never spent much time with your family chances are they never gravitate towards you after their mundane departure and see no reason to remain so. the spirits that are gravitating towards the blood and are born out of the same blood are assimilated with said lineage, there is a lot of distinctions to be made, if there is no family of spirits and your brothers or sisters have no similar situation chances are they are not hereditary. the case with serpents however is that they cement their presence wherever they go and remain so, if the spirits wants you to procreate chances are it is hereditary. repeated courting by certain women along the spirits also push me towards this trajectory, not as actively but in a way where purely energetically speaking some individuals would be good candidates would it not be for their lack of enthusiasm towards nature, there is no reason to engage a person if they don't want to understand where they are coming from.
>ancestor spirits?
ime those are strictly tied to your dna and in many ways beyond the few generations.
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>can't look at YOU without blushing
>...or anything for that matter
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besides, there is a reality that tangents the same phenomena in ways and that is the lineage of different spirits/deities of certain frequencies that does not reveal themselves unless they see your energy is ripe or mature, they are hard to invoke and the times you see them are probably once or twice especially if you are already engaged with a spirit, and often of course the spirit one has union with can be possessed by said deity to actually transcend the energy of both participants. the way hereditary spirits cater for energy and how energy formulates is very specific of course to make sure their offspring and so run in optimal energies. two of the spirits i have fed throughout my life have left the cord of my energy and live independent life out of the comfort of her spirit family, while of course they come back to you if they run low or are damaged in some way. they migrate elsewhere to different realm of being, the dimensions are nothing but a membrane to be bypassed. of course our dimension has so much energy for their purpose of actually developing and reaching maturity rapidly. these dimensions where they spend time are sometimes very similar to where they spend their adolescence as if mirroring the place of their comfort while the realities are vastly different, everything in life is defined by energy, how much how little how fast how slow and so on, everything. here is also something picrelated that could pique interest or partly answer how energies transmit and become medium of transmissions between all the dimensions and transcendence...
Good day succgen
Ok. So, I’d like to be more like a succubus (boi) and become closer to Lilith. What sort of rituals could I do? I already worship her and make her small offerings, but I’d like to do more. I’d really like to explore and embrace this side of myself some more.
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for more context
ilu succgen :-*
>Goes after hazbin hotel
Oh, I hadn't been paying attention, but if Edward is Matpat's new name, that guy seems to be an actual Israeli Avreich aka one of their shut-in ultra-orthodox "welfare rabbis", so he would certainly have the time for multiple campaigns.

Israel removed his conscription exemption recently, so I like to make fun of him for how he's gonna get killed by Gazans (Or the Lebanese now, I guess)
why does everyone in this thread wants to transition
that's not remotely true
how do I get this exact succubus to drain my balls right now hands free in an awake state
>would it not be for their lack of enthusiasm towards nature
spirits introduced those to me who were into nature and wildlife, or would go along the lines of "i just have to accept that you're a *metaphor of nature*". i do seem to have 3 of those groups. my sibling family just consists of mother and sister and they too have spirit awareness. i was however more interested in their specie, i believe serpent are predominant and obstructing, although there is a lot of fairy and some octopi mentioning i seldom believe that considering we see serpents everywhere.
you actually think these "succubi" are real and not delusional schizos imagining prostitutes in their head? ngmi
Please post more snecko. It is guiding our wisdom. Snecko is a gentle creature.
Reminder that Pascal's wager applies to your god as well.
You have no more reason to trust him than any of the spirits that you insist are "evil".

In fact, you're relying on HIS WORD to contradict OUR EXPERIENCE, which wisdom should tell you is not the thing to do.
>LOA sperg
i can assure you that no one on /loa/ gives a shit about spirit love, you do you i say.
maybe not everyone, but there is a trend for sure.

not saying there's anything wrong with that, just that it's weird
I already have one (possibly?), might as well make a love letter instead, how does that sound?
these threads read like some of the worst mental illness ive ever seen in my life.
there is nothing wrong with beating up human women, they deserve it for being worse than our spirit ladies.
I think many are bots but the fact I got 5 replies all attacking me for saying dont summon a demon should really say something to you regardless of your belief

If you believe in the spirt world, it means the humans or bots directed by humans are pushing for you to summon demons.

If you're a materialist and think its all neckbeard losers jerking off and its all a joke, it means they're literally retarded and are wasting massive amounts of time being incredibly gay. Either way, Jesus wins - even if you think its only a metaphor and guidance to help you achieve material success in life.

My prayers got answered, positive helpful dreams showed me signs god is real. So from my perspective it makes perfect sense because the bible says not to mess with demons. Did you even ask God for a sign before diving into the paranormal and speaking with demons?
You're just attacking me, and not the others going on about spirit love and serpent beings because you want me out of this thread, not because you think anyone here is crazy.
I've made one thread on /pol/ in the past 40 days, and only a handful of comments on /x/ and /v/, nothing to do with styx until this previous post. You're delusional to even try to identify one particular user by randomly attributing posts you dont like to someone among thousands of anonymous posters.
Surely there a far better ways than resort to physical violence or anything that agresive
There are good and bad spirits out there anon. Most succu are good.
you shouldnt dignify the retard with a reply.
Any time you interact with spirits or entities they want something from you. I wouldnt discount the stories, history, and folklore saying these things sap you of your life force. You're inviting in something bad which can lead you to ruin in your life, and they have every motivation to make you believe they are good.
>God is real, therefore the Bible is true
That doesn't follow, even by your own logic.

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, objectively, the bible is a series of CLAIMS which can EACH be true or false.
In fact, the bible can be DIVINELY INSPIRED and yet STILL FALSE if your god simply *WISHED TO LIE*.

So if you want to NOT be a self-contradicting asshole, what you need to do is think, "What if I applied the exact same skepticism to 'God' that I apply to so-called demons?"
Are you afraid to do that?
Are you afraid of what that Devil called "Logic" will tell you?
>purely energetically speaking some individuals would be good candidates
Do you mean those one just "clicks" with without putting on a front?
christian concern troll number infinity
let us circlejerk in peace, friendo
Kek, so what does your god want from you then...
so true bestie
off topic garbage
How much you wanna bet god is a black lesbian into cbt
>the christcuck troll gives up and spews typical imageboard nonsense
we won. back to your /pol/ containment threads.
>Heed my warnings and save your soul!
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These threads exist because it's better to donate your sexual energy to a benevolent spirit who will do the work for you, than to waste it cumming in a tissue instead. Also Donald Tyson is a lying fraud. That is all.
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Go fig nig
isn't there a link in op about the queens?
People here are more in the camp of "I'll be a girl in the astral because I can't in real life" than the "I'mma take the pink pills" camp. So I wouldn't say they want to transition, specifically.
we'll crack that egg of yours soon enough, amab :)
it's good to see this place is still as useless as ever.

i'm just going to leave some hints if you truly seek a succubus. whether in manifesting your own desire, or lust for a spirit partner.

>liber lilith
this book is good. but it lacks passion, i don't believe there is any true danger in reading. but moreso an outdated rudimentary praxis of working with samael/lilith

i had hand-scribed the entire grimoire with a dip pen, and crimson blooded ink. under a state of channeling "my own/a" succubus in the flesh. through the process of automatic writing we'd created new lines. most intense, passionate.

this is when i realized. it's not about lilith, it's not about the book, or others experiences. it's passion, succubus are natal fire spirits, they love, (love) and can't get enough desire, passion, or satisfaction. their lust drives them to primal desperation for a consort.

this supports the letter method, though i doubt any need to speak to lilith, or her others directly. just a loving letter. stating your desire, and willingness to help fill their spirit with essence. (love) raw immaterial emotions which they've been deprived.

this had sent me down the serpents path, many years I've looked for an answer to something as simple as this. now walking the serpents path, i practice various asana, and pranayama, preparing myself to be her vessel. she's been mine for so long, it's only natural i prepare this flesh so she can experience as i do.

i've spent thousands on books on occulture, divine feminine, even fallen into the lost valleys of the queen of abominations, mother of harlots.

>raw physical emotion
this is what they lust for. this is what they lack.
Better anons than you have tried.
lyin' don literally admitted liber lilith is fanfiction. give it up.
Silly billy thinks liber lilith is real. Never trust a book that chastises making fun of jews.
is it weird that my succ becomes active and runs her hands on me every time I think or read about any kind of mother tybe deities? Lilith, Angrboda, Freya, Ishtar etc
No but it sure does mean she wants you reading about them.
to follow, as i'd promised i only wish to provide hints, i don't have answers, but i have assumptions. and experiences mostly inexplicable.

i don't believe there is any harm in asking lilith for her daughters specifically, but when it comes to lilith in her aspect. i think of her as the mirror of femininity
there are countless divine dark feminine, with equally or less notoriety, i see her as the mirror that delivers the desires of her sisters (in godhood) as she is the manifested image,

Serpent energy, it's key to accessing the higher planes, we see the serpent next to every form of lilith (shade of goddesses)

politely, i think you missed what i'm trying to tell you, however the book is dead. it doesn't feel. this is the first sign that it wasn't made with love, or intent. but quite literally a joke.

you can't escape them, when you go back to priestesses, seers, and sybils, you'll find the tie between worlds mirrors are a very important part in many ancient practices. buy an obsidian mirror light some candles.

don't was time with stupid pentacles, and whatever ritualistic crap you need to make yourself feel safe from daemons. if you want one. you're going to have to stop hiding.

anyway. i might post some more or not. this is just my semi-annual check in with you losers.
Protection, there is a reason the lbrp and warding works. I remember you lil bro. Your the one that says you have to lay down and take the rape from spirits. Go back to your parasite nest and let us be.
oh is that true because you learned it in the Astral talking to succubi or because you read it in some book? you armchair occultists are no different than atheists, letting other people think for you and just regurgitating what they say and using it as an appeal to authority fallacy. you're the most useless person posting in here.
jesus isn't real.
no shit. reread what I wrote.
go back to /pol/.
No u
i wouldn't go so far as to assume i'm telling you how to do anything, moreover recanting my experiences, i'm sure you'd love to hear the story of how i was raped, abused, had my blood drained lethally from my body, while a juvenile coven attempted to bind me to the her, that i now refer to as my love. but surely even if i drew up the diagrams, sigils and playrite you wouldn't do anything but sit there and be a armchair skeptic.

you probably have the wrong person i only post here once or twice every 6 months to a year. unless you have screenshots i couldn't tell you, i do honestly suffer possession episodes, but once again that ties to an older more traumatic experience.

anyway i'm demotivated. i'l lurk a while probably take bait from those who desire it then leave. if you actually need guidance. this isn't the place.
You need psychiatric help.
if you're on this board you need psychiatric help
If its possession you are dealing with then here is a truly schizo method that could work. Ask a stronger benevolent entity like a deity to possess you so the other spirit cant. Then you can remove them
who said i wan't to remove her? i intend to give her my body fully and completely.
I'm not from /pol/, you fucking moron
i dont think they are bots. i dont think its worth wasting bots on this. hard to imagine who would do that. I think its just a bunch of coom brained future trannies.
Alright, no harm in that
posts like these are carefully planned LARPs to make occultists and succubus/incubus enjoyers look insane. Matpat tier insanity.
do you want pictures of my notebooks, scars, books and altar?
actually, yes. it'd distinguish you from the rest of the drivel on these threads.
Hmm i guess. give me a moment.
Once she turned me into her in a dream. I figure she had probably noticed my AGP fantasies. Realizing this made me so embarrassed I didn't want to think about that anymore.
Yeah I get that. Eventually though the embarrassment fades and you start thinking about trying that (or something similar) again. And when you do, the embarrassment lasts a shorter time, and this repeats. There's nothing wrong with experimenting and for spiritual development you're going to hit a point where you more or less HAVE to embrace your true self in the astral if you want to keep improving, so be prepared for that. Just don't fall into trying to change material reality, that's sadly not possible.
>Styx summoned a succubus and now hes in jail for beating up a woman.
The lesson here is not to be a domestic abuser but you don't want that one
>Dont create tulpas, they can possess you.
Imagine your tulpa taking over your body and touching you slowly while you lie in bed, groping you while you can't stop her because she won't give back control, so you're forced to endure her touch until she feels she's done
That's why we don't make tulpas. It's so dangerous...
>Dont summon succubuses.
You don't give a reason for that
>Dont make deals with demons cause if you fuck up, you're cooked.
Don't sell your soul to somebody who claims to be the creator of the universe because he's probably lying
>Now he let these evil spirits into his life, hes drinking, hes beating women, and hes in a really bad jail.
Demons don't make you hit your wife, anon. Also, I thought he moved to a real country so the jail isn't american tier
>You have to let them in for them to ruin you.
False, malicious entities come and go as they please
>Apply pascals wager but in reverse.
You can't go to hell if you don't believe in yhwh? Makes sense

>thinking anyone is going to read the great text wall of china

Lilith is affiliated with a literal neonazi group. If she cared about human politics as much as people think, she wouldn't associate with them AND with semitophiles

Better solution: be the stronger entity
how's your google image search going, champ? can't wait for you to share your totally real and genuine occult collection!
>Also, I thought he moved to a real country so the jail isn't american tier
nta and I don't want to give this much attention because it's not on-topic, but his wife cheated on him so he ended up back in the US. Got arrested in New Orleans which has infamously bad jails even for the US.
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the more skeptical you are the less likely you're gonna see my notebooks
Thats a cool altar.
so energetically speaking, i write a letter, then go in by bedroom and get naked and ghost sucks my nut sack dry? is this actually possible?
most people it doesn't happen right away, give it a few weeks or up to a month before trying the ritual again.
still harder than you're balls i reckon

anyway here's this thing i consider a failure.
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lovin' that exif data friendo :) I'm on my way
please come kill me
Now post your estradiol
follow me on twitter first.
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i should mention this is just a portion of my library the books in clothes are, the satanic bible, and rituals, the brazen vessel, thorn in the flesh, and the art of rosaleen norton.
>Posted psycho shit
Knew it.
my life path is 3, and associate major arcana ii, xxi. i bet it'll help you complete the psychoanalysis.
What is going on in this thread?


Very comfy, you seem to be an interesting person with a lot of interests. Now, please spam less gemini person, you have proven the other poster wrong already. No need to expose the intimacies of your spirituality further.
oh no what hoodoo and voodoo awaits me from the great wizards of the keyboard.
Probably people making jokes about it
that's okay, i won't be back for another 6 months to a year.

so with that, rest peaceful knowing it'll be a while before i come back here with anything. helpful or not.
Nah I'm also a Gemini, and my Arcana is The Moon. That's how I knew you'd be a batshit Gemini. No idea what a life path is though.
aah fellow batshit. the moon is such an interesting card. it hold so much potential with hardly any direction purpose. tough energies to play with
I doubt anyone cares. I just think exposing the most intimate parts of yourself (your spirituality) in that way just to prove someone on the internet wrong is not exactly what any self-respecting person would do. But of course you can do whatever.
Lack of direction and purpose is indeed my greatest problem in life.
but i didn't prove or expose anything, altars are ever changing, my cards and path don't books are useless without whats read. a teanscroption of a dead book is hardly a feat. though, i do feel i accomplished a short bit from automatic writing. which segments would be indecipherable. from my bad handwriting

then again i have nothing to hide anyway. ones growth is inside themself. how we get there is different and personal to everyone
and i guess more importantly. i have no value to tarnish. merely a trail of blood and trauma, that lead me to a revelation. i'm nothing more than her vessel. and the most i can do now is work to make it more inhabitable.
Cancer, The Chariot, 9 here I too agree these threads are useless once your practice gets going
but it happens the second time? im talking 100% my dick is getting sucks by the force of 1000 suns best nut of my life type of experience. not just some larp where you fap to your imagination and pretend its someone else doing it.
Again I doubt anyone cares about what you put out. i just think putting out intimate details of your own (sacred) spirituality, just to be cool on the internet is offensive towards yourself and your spirituality. Because it makes into a means when I feel like it should rather be the end instead of the means.
But that's just my intuitive evaluation of the situation. again, do what you will. I will say no more.
> i have no value to tarnish
Well if you say so... Who am I to judge?
it would be wrong of me to lie to you all. i'm here because i wanted to stir up a pot and have some fun. it's fleeting. but this place helped me years ago. so i come back. every now and then to see how much i've changed.

i'm sorry for being here to play, but she isn't.
no guarantees that mother lilith will 'satisfy' your curiosity at all, in fact. besides, you seem the type to believe the whole 'but I'll go to hell for doing this' spiel so I wouldn't bother if I were you.
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> i wanted to stir up a pot and have some fun
anyway. what books you guys recommend, you still read at least right? i need a break from crowley..
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Who here can honestly say they've had a hands-free orgasm, fully awake and fully sober, after summoning a succubus or incubus?
me she's the reason I quit drugs and alcohol in the first place
I personally don't read regularly. But I read something the other day, but I am not comfortable talking about it, because I think it's a book that will call people itself, when they are ready for it.
Conjurer is the book guy here So I will just quote him:
quote 1: " Or if you want to go more occult Robert Bruce's new energy ways is a good place to start. He also has a book on psychic self defense."
quote 2: "NEW by Robert Bruce will teach both energy work and some relaxation and meditation exercises which are perfect for getting into a light trance for a beginner.
Then you can read Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller to get a broad overview of how to communicate with spitits, and Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson to get specific info about love spirits."

If you ask me I would ask you what specifically you are looking for in an occult book to read.
aaah ... basics,
recently i've been diving deep into elemental spirits, and ritual magick, psychoactive incense blends. specifically, passion projects, i like to feel the spirit of the writer. so i can ride the waves of their conciousness. i guess. maybe this is a bad way to write it.
to follow my air sign i'm very susceptible to fire elementals. i also find myself and body more attuned to the elemental planes and raw emotional energies
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>i like to feel the spirit of the writer.
I feel the spirits and energy of many people writing here, that's why I like to read on /x/
>raw emotional energies
you should try to discuss philosophical discussions with Mine, his emotions and intellect is very raw and unrefined, but he often has original ideas
the other week I discussed with him how to identify ones true self, some months ago about the implications of eternity.
>elemental spirits, and ritual magick
I'd give eliphas levi Dogma and Ritual a go if you are into really heavy stuff. fun fact: crowley believe Eliphas levi was his previous incarnation:
>psychoactive incense blends
nice what plants or mushrooms were in it? book about psychoactive plants: "The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge" it's a classic about Pejote (Lophophora williamsii) and datura and more written like a tale or a journey.
>passion projects
not sure what you mean by this
>I also find myself and body more attuned to the elemental planes
sounds to me like you seek comfort an security in nature and natural things ?
maybe try wiccan stuff, celebrating the old rites of the year, the next is samhain (end of the celtic year and one of the highest celebreations for witches) , or collecting gems and herbs?

picrel is me and Mine discussing the truest self at the moment Mine said something funny again with complete conviction
You ever look up your Chinese sign or chinese element? You have two elements in the Chinese system.
>eliphas levi
i recall glancing over that, i could take a peek to see if i can find a copy somewhere.,
>psychoactive incense blends
olibanum, henbane, and belladonna, piqued my interest a while ago.
>wiccan stuff, elemental planes
kinda kills me on the inside, it feels outdated. though so modern it just hardly has the bounds to captivate me. it's the rules, the structure, it doesn't feel transcendent. i think because i wish to leave here. thought i'm not sure.
>chant anon
>edward peterson
who else?
wood i believe, i l'm not one for chinese zodiac, though my upstairs neighbor is
haven't seen him around recently, what's he up to?
Probably yelling at hazbin hotel fans
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>henbane, and belladonna
nice, these are the shamanic plants of the old world (europe) together with mandrake.
they have btw. the same tropane alcaloids as datura and brugmansia. of the "new world" america.

well you don't have to be a wicca witch, to be a witch and collect herbs and gems and do stuff on samhain f.e.
I think another more natural magical practice is using runes. you can easily make runs out of wood it's fun and they can be used for divination as well as for ritual magic.. if runes call you ? I always found the work of Freya aswynn inspiring in that regard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kIlhoJk_j8

btw the celts had some own symbols too they are called OGHAM
Is summoning a futabus a good idea?
to be quite honest regarding runes, I've seen a small amount relating to ogham, but futhark, have always seemed more logical and present in modern craft, typically i use tarot cards in similiar divination as runes, and i use rudimentary sigilism to cut corners that can't be solved with my deck.

however i did plan on engraving my own set of runes out of gemstones. but i'd not taken the time to make a meaningful alphabet.

which may be bold but i'd planned on creating my own personal set of runes based off my knowledge of tarot, and a more advanced form of sigil crafting. than the simplistic ties to numerology.
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I think you are right about runes. nice intuition. there are many different runic alphabets, and the modern occult meanings of the elder futhark is a reactionary creation in my opinion. Europeans were pissed at not having holy alphabet like the hebrews or hindus, which became apparent to them when the theosophic society made this lack obvious. So europeans wanted to create their own, so they did with their own mediums at the end of the 20th century.
altough I think elder futhark rune system is still workable, I used it successfully personally in some rituals and I know of some people who did so as well.
One poster from here( May they be well.) used Berkanan the birch ᛒ rune to make their breast grow with great success, if I remember correctly.

I think your approach of creating your own set of runes based off your knowledge of Tarot is very good approach, worthy of a true magician or witch, why should you use the systems of others, if you can create your own? reminds me of austin osman spares, he had a similar approach in creating your own sigils and even an own personal tarot. I think these highly original and personal approaches are superior to just copying stuff from other magicians. So yeah your plans sounds very good to me. also I think it's perfectly in line with the spirituality of Lilith, which is creating your own individual path.

It's inspiring to see there are actual people putting these principles into practice. maybe you should post and share your ideas here more often, well i guess it depends who is active in the general at that time. not everyone is appreceative of valuable information and ideas. but whatever.... let's just say I very much appreciate you sharing your ideas and thoughts today here. Thank you for that.
at the end of the 19th century I think is correct
>but his wife cheated on him so he ended up back in the US. Got arrested in New Orleans which has infamously bad jails
Well that's unpleasant

One of my more recent books was connoly's one about graves/death magic, but it came off as too artificial to be helpful, though I've been working mostly on learning to read astral books lately. Anything specific you'd recommend that isn't crowley?

Is that what you want, anon? Will that make you happy?
i very much appreciate your compliments, and agree, why force yourself to understand one system, when you can "craft" something more personal. my time here is closing and the moonsrising. but it was very eye opening to listen to the depth of your knowledge, it's something i envy, though we're all different in our own rites. and i had followed the path of lilith, for quite some time, though she's changed and reformed before me, i think of her as the shade of the goddesses. she grows from their light and cast's their shadows in turn.

it's not crowley, per se, though a very eye opening read to me has been "the brazen vessel" from Alkistis Dimech, and Peter Grey, otherwise, i found myself shuddering while reading "Thorn in the Flesh A Grim Memoire" Rosaleen Norton
Welp I think I managed to summon naamah. I went to sleep playing her enn chant, and had a lucid dream it turned into her talking to me. I think she was just mirroring my thoughts.

Then she started cutting my back open with her nails. It hurt and I was like "Can I not have a succubus?"

I was quite disappointed with the Jewish demoness, but yeah didn't get far. Woke up at midnight will try again soon.
i think she likes you, that was pretty similiar to my first experiences with my own. though she would perch a top my chest and dig her claws into my collarbones
Styx's reaction isn't one indicative of guilt. I don't care if he smacked a thot up but bitches do lie and in the USA shit gets weird with this sort of thing.

Domestic battery is a very broad (lol) category and even minute self defense can get a person charged with it
Another day another reason to avoid human woman completely. Don't even talk to them or look at them. Don't get associated. This case shows again anything else is too risky.
I prefer stockings and skirts desu
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by researching various psychopomps I came across this semi modern account from the 19th century. Sounds like batshit insanity in a good way. Dude almost lost his life so it does seem credible


>"Maid of Heaven"
>"In October 1852, after two months had passed in the gloom and stench of the dungeon, Baháʼu'lláh described his vision in the Síyáh-Chál as a 'Maid of Heaven' (Persian: حوری, romanized: ḥuri, lit.'houri').[7][8] He described his experiences in the Epistle to the Son of the Wolf and Súriy-i-Haykal. For example, in the Súriy-i-Haykal he wrote:[9]
While engulfed in tribulations I heard a most wondrous, a most sweet voice, calling above My head. Turning My face, I beheld a Maiden — the embodiment of the remembrance of the name of My Lord — suspended in the air before Me. So rejoiced was she in her very soul that her countenance shone with the ornament of the good-pleasure of God, and her cheeks glowed with the brightness of the All-Merciful. Betwixt Earth and Heaven she was raising a call which captivated the hearts and minds of men. She was imparting to both My inward and outer being tidings which rejoiced My soul, and the souls of God's honoured servants. Pointing with her finger unto My head, she addressed all who are in Heaven and all who are on Earth saying: "By God! This is the best beloved of the worlds, and yet ye comprehend not. This is the Beauty of God amongst you, and the power of His sovereignty within you, could ye but understand."
I just want to make her happy
Also yeah, any tips with futabbi?
Cover yourself woman this is a blue board

My succ is a futa. My only advice is to be really sure you're into it if you ask for one.
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Very odd minor synchronicity. My current study of Irish folklore had me reading about the epic hero Cuchullain and I'm reading a fuckin ghostbusters comic on a whim because I remembered thinking the goth girl was hot and what name comes up in the issue I'm reading spoken by said Goth girl? Cuchullain

Fuck those scientists who say it's just your mind picking up info it normally filters out. That's way too specific and unlikely especially at this time of year.

>for the record I'm not being serious but it's more fun to pretend this has some sort of meaning

Actually, here's a legit piece of advice. I'm NTA but if you have a dom futa succ or inc and you're a guy make sure you keep the inside of your backdoor clean if you know what I mean. Otherwise neither of you will be having much fun... unless you're into that.
Can succubus help you get rid of your refractory period? It's something I'm severely insecure about, and I'm desperate to find out a way to eliminate it. Right now it takes me about half an hour to go again. Can succubus help me with this, but without requiring me to sell my soul or bind myself to her or something like that?
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There are multiple esoteric, faux esoteric and mundane ways to do this but lets start with the basics. How is your lifestyle? Hygiene/housekeeping/diet/exercise etc. Do you take any meds or suppliments for this?

But to answer your question you can pop hands free from succs and the somnolent states preclude the refractory period (it's why you aren't soft after a wet dream)
Do not ejaculate obviously.
I'm underweight, but I started lifting recently. I haven't tried taking B6 or E yet, but I have a feeling they're just not going to work. Same with nofap, which I've read can even make it last longer.
I'm pretty sure one time a wet dream made me cum twice. But I'm not interested in that. I want to know if the succubus has the ability to just take away my refractory period, or at least diminish it enough so that stuff like supplements and exercise will work, because I know that spirits don't really like to be overt about things. I don't even care if she fucks me or not.
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make sure you have proper lifting form. I cannot emphasize this enough. I don't endorse nofap but some will disagree.

Small things like having a dirty room or not brushing/showering can kill your libido.

A simple Zinc/Lecithin/Pygeum/Argenine stack might work wonders for you. I'd also reccomend Pine Tree Pollen/Ginseng/Horny Goat Weed/Maca

and worst case scenario viagra/cialis isn't that hard to get. My chad friend admitted to me he takes it so don't feel ashamed

Mental blocks/external factors are the biggest issue barring that blood flow. Saying you can't get it up ensures you won't

I wish you luck
But if these things fail, can a succubus help me? Can she just zap my brain so I don't get the prolactin surge when I cum?
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I want to say that using those things did eliminate my refractory period but I was also using t boosting suppliments that might not be safe for everyones use case

Hypnosis and creating alters can do some weird ass shit too but I'm not gonna suggest you jump head first into that

I forgot to mention Kegals as well.
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if legit yes cuz energy work/suggestion and possibly possession. Mine made me more horny in general. Without conscious effort I'd say it takes 15 minutes for the lust to return but I can ignore it and go 2 for 2 right away if need be

One thing I agree with NoFap in theory I guess is that there is such a thing as a bad fap. The paint by numbers phone homed orgasms. I don't like those
Why would kegels eliminate your refractory period?
it gives you control over premature ejaculation. There's an aspect of it that can dangerous but I can't remember what is. Something to do with UTI's/Infertility from dry orgasms.

Some of the esoteric stuff has to do with dry orgasms but I can't speak to that. You could always seek out a dark Tantra instructor lol
Dry orgasms are useless, the girl you're with will just think you're faking it.
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I'm so glad idgaf about premature ejaculation. I'm convinced most "impotence" is just people falling for and internalizing the cultural shit test we give men over shit like this over performance.

Yeah I fucking came and I'm gonna do it again. I just don't understand other people sometimes. They ripped on men for years over things like viagra or sex toys. As far as I'm concerned early cumming is just getting rid of less viable sperm

I think autism and adhd are linked to hypersexuality lol
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Saw another thread about this. Saving and reposting. Some of you might like this.

as soon as their energies would intersect mine there would be autonomic energy discharge towards them should there be a hint of the person actually having huge surplus of energy within them,some women do,that and if their chest radiates, for example women with high energy often have very rigid reactions and their volume/intensity of energy remains the same as does their voice unless you can break the spell of them waiting for your agenda or means of pervading their presence, should it be through introduction or simple compliment even laconism about their stature, their energy instead of trying to understand your intent or presence develops to does this person resemble anyone i know, afterwards they have already decided in their body is this worth pursuing or not, because females besides interpreting energy very sharply are very keen about what kind of a person you resemble, if there is even a hint of you being ordinary or something they can find on their own if need be there wouldn't be single wasted breath, gold diggers are separate occasion of course and anything goes. of course nowadays i'd say last 10 years are different because women are increasingly indiscriminating just because they are unhappy, this leads to a lot of mismatches, perhaps not with the teens/adolescents who still are full of joy. majority of people find their matches in their adolescence and the most important factor is how active they are, active people have relationships, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with great energies or capabilities. men in the other approve almost anything as long as the energies feel great and sometimes in frustration energies don't matter. modern day feminism has lead to discriminating relationships where vast majority of men are practically speaking going extinct, they no long can force their seed inside any women they want or they do in africa/islam, while rest of the world see this as extreme misogynism. women are very greedy, they need to be
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Half an hour is pretty standard, especially depending on your age. Idk if porn or your youth gave you false expectations, but unless you've got some really great energy work going on, or you're very fit and all your shit is in order, the average adult male takes about 30 minutes to recover. It's atypical to be able to go again within minutes.

You might be able to achieve that with dry orgasms, but that's something you have to work for. Having a spirit lover would help.
Synchronicity doesn't need to be meaningful.
Tl;dr, use some fucking line breaks. That wall of text is immediately offputting
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NTA. It's not for the uninitiated.
Good day succgen
>Telling the spammer to take up more space
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Hello succgen let me share the fruits of my meditation of today. Feel free to comment.

Contemplating the intellectual essence of what I consider the spirituality of Lilith. Which I would condense into the following two phrases:
1. "Let them not be another's who can be their own."
2. "Have the courage to think for yourself".

I realized something.

The symbol of the female lap which is also the symbol for alchemical water, is actually the most important symbol of our times.
Not because it signifies the continuation of life, which is bestowed by the female womb, but because it is also the symbol of an inverted pyramid.
That pyramid hierarchies of the sun which has been surpressing humanity for ages to harvest cheap labor and dollars, wasting unmeasurable amounts of human creativity and potential.
It is all liberate and reversed by the most simple symbol of the female lap .
Like the ideal mother nurtures a child so humanity should sit above the base of the upside down pyramid, freed from useless systems and hierarchies. No more masters no more chains, a liberated humanity. How fitting is the title of "great mother" for Lilith considering all these implications?
This are some of the thoughts that I got by my meditations today.

But there is more. I also found that the symbol of Lilith: is actually an inverted symbol of saturn .
saturn whose symbol is the sickle of harvest, the symbol of death and the end.
Is it a correct conclusion that it's inversion the symbol of Lilith is a symbol of Life everlasting?
It's a moon sickle, like the moon is ever evolving ever changing, is not life the same?
interesting things to contemplate
take your clonazepam, edward.
So I did the letter ritual, been meditating the first night I could feel some touching and what I thought was an unscripted dialogue in my head. But now I can't exactly feel any touching, voices etc. Could something be intervening? At what point do you get to see her physically? Also noticed a higher libido.
Sorry, wrong thread. This is a namefag circlejerk and unrelated occultist ritual thread. No sex demons here.
>Yeah I fucking came and I'm gonna do it again.
Most men are physiologically incapable of doing that. If you can do that then it's just because you have a rare genetic mutation that prevents the prolactin surge on orgasm. Don't attribute random luck to skill.
I'm 29.
I don't care if most men have a refractory period, I still hate it and it humiliates me. I can't understand how the majority of men don't feel completely emasculated because of it.
They're not always around all the time, don't get worried if you don't feel anything right at this moment.
I think the question how important sexual performance is is also the question what the relationship is about.

F.e. the christian ideal of no sex before marriage, is an attempt to banish any possibility of performance anxiety, attempting to make sexual intimacy into an holy act.

If both partners are virgins, they do not have to be afraid that their significant other had other partners before that were "better" in sexual performance. So comparison to others falls away.
This gives a lot of freedom to focus fully on the experience and the partner, which ironically by all thought of sexual psychology, should make the act itself much better and more fulfilling for wife and husband.

viagra, sex toys and performance anxiety is like razors, perfume, expensive clothing and status symbols, way to make money.

>I think autism and adhd are linked to hypersexuality lol
Not sure about that one,i think hypersexuality combined with weird fetishes is more relate to abuse in upbringing, which ca also express itself in adhd.
hypersexuality alone without weird fetishes is in my opinion most related to emotional issues
like emotional neglect in upbringing.
i don't think adhd alone is that much of a sign of early life abuse or emotional neglect
>i think hypersexuality combined with weird fetishes is more relate to abuse in upbringing
Well, I can present myself as a counterexample to that.
I'm as much of a hypersexual omni-fetishist as you can get and I don't really have anything like that in my background (although I do have ADHD)

For me sex is just an arena with a bunch of psychological inputs.
Of course you're going to experiment beyond just the in-out if its something you enjoy and don't have weird hangups about it.
I think you are hypersexual omni fetishist, because you were literally given away for adoption. You can say it never had an impact on you, but all science about early childhood bonding suggests that the first months of life are by far the most important.
I don't think you were abused, I just think you were emotionally neglect as a baby, given up for adoption, which is of course not your fault and doesn't define you or your worth.
Your unrefined omni-fetishism is I think an expression of this. you are just very hypersexual in my understanding, because of severe early childhood emotional neglect.
If you would have extreme specific fetishes combined with hypersexuality I would be more inclined to assume abuse in upbringing.
But you literally define you truest self as a sentimental sub- boy who just want to drown in dommy mommys lovely cuddles, no? Doesn't that suggest compensation for severe early childhood emotional neglect? Well you can decide for yourself.
Of course everything I said here is just speculation, so don't take it too seriously if it happens to make you uncomfortable. dearest Mine
Can you have a succubus just visit you once for something like this, or do they always end up attaching themselves to you long term? I don't want to bind another being to myself, and I don't want to attract something that refuses to leave either.
You need to take a day and go outside. Reconnect with reality a little bit.
has your succ ever told you if any form of magic done by humans or occult knowledge is actually bs? like "tarot doesn't work" or "kabbalah isn't real"
good afternoon Matpat :)
i don't know who you're talking about, i'm asking out of curiosity. is it a rude question?
you're so cute! but you seem off your trolling game today. everything going alright for you?
what? huh?
Most human magick is just things that we have ingrained into our collective consciousness for hundreds of years. The lbrp and tarot are good practices but even stronger because we believe in them and have for hundreds of years
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continuing >>38963425 in case anyone interested.

What is also interesting to notice, is that if you take the 4 top shapes of the body of a pyramid and lay it down as a 2 dimensional shape, you'll get the cross of the knights templars.
I believe the cross and Christianity is another symbol for the hierarchical pyramid system.

Why is Rome, the heart of Christianity, full with egyptian obelisks? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_obelisk

Why is the egyptian cross, the Ankh, given to the supreme leader pharaoh, by "god"?
Cross = Pyramid
Does this explain why Christianity is suppressing the divine females role in humanity?

I think the symbol of the female lap counters and destroys the powers of the symbol of the cross and pyramid. I think it should be embraced.

picrel left: kali yantra (a female lap/womb) above the maltese cross
picrel right: lilith symbol above saturn symbol
ayo, is the spinal fluids anon here? only semi-related but i looked up the plot synopsis on that movie The Substance and it had a bunch of shit going on with spinal fluids. can you give me your opinion on that?

All of them. Yes, there is some truth here and there, but they are mixed with falsehood, and it's an inordinate effort to separate the two, not to mention it's hard to tell what to focus on. I can find the answers by asking her, looking inside, and by experience. >>38963425 has the right idea.
just allow your succubus to be your impetus, surely they at least understand the truth of craft doesn't require a system or training, and are aware of the superficial nuances of kabbalah, tarot, and other magical systems are hardly relevant and merely a means to aid those that need guidance.
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take your lying trash elsewhere
thoroughly debunked, thanks for responding!
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Eh, what you're saying seems like it could be legit, although if so, I thing it would have had to have been a matter of days, cuz I think I was adopted within a week or two.
>But you literally define you truest self as a sentimental sub- boy who just want to drown in dommy mommys lovely cuddles, no?
I'm not sure about in the past, but I maybe wouldn't say my "truest self".
It could even be my "Truest human self", but it also feels like something that I'll (very very much at length) grow out of.

"Mommy" is raising me to be her partner in a power-couple, after all~ (Although in that role, I kinda picture myself as the King of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland)

Hey, by chance, is this the same guy who doesn't know how greentext works?

I just noticed that your text from the wiki portion of that pic seems "off" and I just thought it would be funny if you were having trouble with different kinds of typography.

(Oh, and fyi, by "off" I mean when you do the repeat text from a wiki article for a meme, you're not going for a repeated "ominous echo" kind of feel. You want it repeated once, in larger size to be PUNCHY! cuz you're EMPHASIZING! Or if you do repeat more than once, you kinda "narrow" the text each time towards the most important part/word.)

Happy Memeing~ ^_^
>I also found that the symbol of Lilith: is actually an inverted symbol of saturn
Actually, I was reading that its the symbols for Saturn and *Jupiter* which are inversions of each other.

The symbol for Lilith, as I understand it, is the symbol for Venus, except the sun is replaced with the moon.
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I guess one could argue that symbol of jupiter turned 180 degrees 4.) looks more like saturn than 180 degrees turned symbol of Lilith.
>The symbol for Lilith, as I understand it, is the symbol for Venus, except the sun is replaced with the moon.
I guess that is a valid way to look at it.

I think symbols can have multiple meanings and transport(speak) different information to different people in different circumstance.

So even though I think you are correct in your assessment of astrological symbols, I do not think that what the symbols told me is invalid, to me it was an important message or revelation about things, independent from whoever agrees or not agrees with it.

> it would have had to have been a matter of days
I am not an expert on these things and I think in the end no one will ever be able to know better than yourself.
But I imagine it to be huge deal for a newborn to suddenly and completely lose everything they have ever known, sounds quite traumatic, especially if you have no intellect yet to put things into perspective.
Maybe it is your truest human self, or maybe just your authentic human self at one point in time, who knows.
I think you are dealing very well with everything, as far as I can tell. Prioritizing your well being and maintaining the spiritual autonomy you feel comfortable with.
>"Mommy" is raising me to be her partner in a power-couple, after all~ (Although in that role, I kinda picture myself as the King of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland)
Let's see what the future holds, I am sure you know what you want and what's best for you and will go for that at your own pace whenever you want.
>but if Edward is Matpat's new name
edward is spinal fluids
>so true bestie
>How much you wanna bet god is a black lesbian into cbt
>>the christcuck troll gives up and spews typical imageboard nonsense
>we won. back to your /pol/ containment threads.
lmao what did the guy say?
He went on a little Christcuck rant and got shit on
>but this place helped me years ago. so i come back.
congrats on making progress. glad you got something out these threads
>Who here can honestly say they've had a hands-free orgasm, fully awake and fully sober, after summoning a succubus or incubus?
yes, and even more intense than a normal orgasm.

>Can succubus help you get rid of your refractory period?
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure that's only if you're having sex with a succubus. It's not like they can show up and do a 1 time spell and then there's a permanent change. Maybe they can, but probably not.
>Can you have a succubus just visit you once for something like this
See above

>But now I can't exactly feel any touching, voices etc.
it's normal for things to slow down a bit, before increasing again
put in more work to get back to where you were, then go even further than that
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>He went on a little Christcuck rant and got shit on
oh okay

Is this how normies cope with not being able to compute greatness?

I appreciate /x/ and especially succgen for being the place where "weird" people(wizard and witches) share "weird ideas"(magical revelations). Or like mother anon used to say: "I am proud to be schizo".
Why would anyone suggest "meds" to destroy that creative temple that is /x/ and /succgen/?

I think your normies(glowies?) should check your place in the succgen hierarchy and lower your tone when talking about NEETS and true /x/ legends like spinal matpat or any of the glorious namefags. Who are you even? I see 3 no ones and one among them feels important because Mine allowed them to make 1-2 threads. idk man chill the fuck out guys
there is nothing glorious about having a shitty life, and then "living" terminally online instead of fixing the problems in your life.
Having an amazing life is glorious. Whether it's online, or IRL. Having a shitty life is not.
Escapism from a shitty life is a big problem in magic communities, especially online communities. Magic is supposed to make your life better, not act as an excuse not to improve. Staying the same and not improving is not glorious.
Making changes, learning, growing, improving, winning, that is glorious. Whether it's online or IRL, or magically.
>Listing /x/ "legends" like spinal and matpat
>"the glorious namefags"
>I "allowed them" to OP
This feels like shit-stirring to me.
Oh boy let me tell you, what if they are happy with the way they lead their lifes? it's not one size fits it all isn't it? We are all individuals and we are all different, isn't that the beauty in coming together here and discuss about our favourite topics magic, succubi and all things related?
Who gave you the authority to judge if how someone leads there life is shitt or not?
Mine f.e. is happy to b a terminally online NEET, gives him plenty of opportunity to learn and grow and enjoy life as he desires too.
When I had a job i was missing the nEET life so much, I can't tell you how happy I am that having a job is finally over again.
Improvement, making changes, learning, growing, improving and WINNING sometimes doesn't look like your prejudice suggest. there are multiple metrics of suggest and everyone is free to choose their own.
nono I dare not to.
Your energy is the steam that runs the mills of this general. Also I think your energy is very raw and purifies things, so when i mention you, then it's only to summon that purifying qualities of your energy into a situation to make it better.
I really mean that.

I think there is only one way to healthily get over is and that way is not to cum like anon suggested: >>38962191

The refractory period is there for your body to cope with the energy loss and intensity of having an orgasm.
Remember you can literally create new life with your seed.
Having period is often times straining for women to, there are powerful creative forces involved in both male ejaculation and female ovulation cycles.

No need to be insecure about the refractory period. If you want to learn how not to cum, there are a lot of books out there about that (f.e. books from "mantak chia" which are also about refining sexual energy and love with your partner) and succubi can help with that too.
>The literal sex spirits can't help you improve yourself sexually.
Then what can?
I don't care about lasting longer, I just want to last multiple times. Someone cumming twice is more exciting for the woman than someone lasting the same amount of time and cumming once. I just want to be a better lover.
>Oh boy let me tell you, what if they are happy with the way they lead their lifes?
then that's fine
But if they aren't, then no. It's not glorious to have a shitty life
>>The literal sex spirits can't help you improve yourself sexually.
>Then what can?
You didn't ask that. You asked if a succubus could come over, do 1 thing, then create a permanent change (I assume without you doing anything) and then leave and never come back. That's not them "helping you improve yourself". That's them doing all the work.
They can help you improve yourself, but that's not them doing 1 thing to create a permanent effect and then fucking off forever.
If you want to improve yourself, then you need to put in the work. This is a problem many people have when they think about spirits doing magic
The spirit can't just do all the magic for you. Can that happen? Sure. but if you think that this some kind of shortcut, or won't result in you learning how to do it for yourself, then I'm not sure what to tell you. Eventually, it will be your power. Asking spirits to do things you can't do, or even worse, WON'T do for yourself is not likely to work. They ain't gonna do shit if they know you don't really want it. They can tell what's in your heart. Best way to prove to the spirits you really do want it is to start doing it yourself and ask them for help.

As far as having less refractory period, without that being from having sex with a succubus, I had another idea, which would be, having energy sex with a woman at the same level of intensity
in other words tantric sex. If you can have that kind of sex with a woman, I bet you'd also have less refractory period. But both of you would need to be capable of energy/spirit sex, and she'd need to... well, fuck you like a succubus does. So you'd need to find a human gf who is very sexual.
>As far as having less refractory period, without that being from having sex with a succubus, I had another idea, which would be, having energy sex with a woman at the same level of intensity
oh and to clarify, yes, you can learn how to have energy sex with a succubus (obviously) and this transfers over to human women, but at that point you're having sex with a succubus, so that would probably lead into them sticking around, which you said you didn't want.
>It's not glorious to have a shitty life
If one has a "shitty life" filled with misery and despair, but they remain true to themselves and their own integrity, it is still more glorious than any happiness gained by unnecessary compromise, be it to please other or be it for the sake of superficial worldly comforts.

Is this not what the abrahamic Lilith teached us, not by word but by deed? Well, everyone can decide for themselves.
I just can't believe they wouldn't be able to do it easily since it's just a matter of disabling the prolactin surge. It's a neurological phenomenon, I thought spiritual beings were good at dealing with that type of thing.
What would I even be able to do to help her help me? I'm just some shitty human, I don't have magic succubus powers like she does.
is there a way to make the distinction when you are lying or being sincere? or perhaps it is something in between like a play or a joke, as long as there is a way to convey the chain of events through your lens and this lens only, anything else would constitute as spamming, lying, off-topic, trolling and so on, did i forget to mention something? licking up and kicking down your way to wherever isn't it. ever had meaningful scrutiny, where you actually admitted into something? what is way more insidious here is how you now try to dictate what is appropriate here and what isn't, a person of your caliber doing it is like giving a born blindman pick the colors, you having one foot to the supernatural thanks to your bodily energies and a persistent spirit is nothing but a travesty, so kindly, reassess painting this narrative you have about yourself and possible consequences of whatever union you think you have or in the least stop interfering when you have no understanding what you are talking about. also the the audacity to represent yourself as a "oldfag" here in x of all places and calling others hylics is beyond any sanity, you are in fact out of your mind. can't even hear your spirit or see the spirit, can you? so who are you to discriminate anything, stay out of it or actually make effort towards the distinction. how you introduced yourself here initially was vastly different and the given stature you demanded to be heard, wasn't it. is there anything real in you or is everything pretension? you wouldn't want to "humor" this side of your arrival, would you? i was confident leaving you be would make you be in your own track, but you just can't stop it can you, the need for drama is just little bit too much. can you have one day off, is it possible? perhaps not. you are the living embodiment of lies, those are just another breath for you, like a clockwork.
stfu and die
you have never in your life made anyone go silent, so stop fantasizing about things way beyond your capabilities, bucko.
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Hi edward, I think Mine is easy to understand: he has an audience to cater too. you know his server, with all the people there (who may not want you posting?)
the people who feel comfortable in Mine's vision, the world, the place he created with great care an heart.. for himself and for others...
He is the key figure there, he runs the discord and the OP since years now, he wants some attention and recognition, he can't let the thread run to wild...
comfort and safety of his own magic, you may call delusions, are important to him.
I see Mine progressing an improving. but yes I agree he treats you unfairly.. and others some times too... but really I wouldn't take it too personally.
Altough I understand you being upset that he tries to get others to ignore and isolate you.. calling you a spammer and what not..

my stance is both of your inputs are valuable, I hope one day you two may be able to be inspired by each other, just as I am inspired by both of you

also Mine is of the cardinal water sign, cancer, water signs are often a little dramatic .. you know it's the nature of their energy... cancer is very sensible and emotional...
but also very nurturing.. you know, Mines greatest strength may not be the intellect, but he has created I think a very pleasant place for many, a place he is constantly nurturing with all his heart, he is part of makes this place special, just like you. in my opinion,
you appear to be more dry, i am not sure if its earth air or fire. my guess is air.

I know you think Mine's excesses and opinions are dangerous for people. I think, in the parts where he is wrong, his ideas lose potency to effect real change, which limits the danger of his half-baked opinions.
That's my impression. Anyway I appreciate you both a lot, just like the whole general. and I think your advice and temperance of the things said here are invaluable, this general very much needs your perspective.
Just like it lives a lot from Mine's nurturing
Also btw. I think Mother-anon tried to reach out to you with something: >>38964462
well anyway, have a good time
What is spinal kcheving about again?
>If one has a "shitty life" filled with misery and despair, but they remain true to themselves and their own integrity, it is still more glorious than any happiness gained by unnecessary compromise, be it to please other or be it for the sake of superficial worldly comforts.
I agree. At this point, it's just a question if someone has a shitty life which they choose, not caring about pleasing others or material comforts
or is it someone who has a lot of problems, isn't happy, wants to be happy but can't, and is trapped in a prison of their own design?
Depends on the case, at that point.
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The tale of the Redeeming Succubus lives on. A tale of redemption, hope, and the power of kindness. A reminder that no one is beyond the reach of mercy.

Hi succ friends
I’m sorry for all my preachy judgmental and condescending posts here. I hope you all find the true love you’re looking for.
In any case, I did give you an answer to your question here, which you did not respond to. What do you think?
>As far as having less refractory period, without that being from having sex with a succubus, I had another idea, which would be, having energy sex with a woman at the same level of intensity
>I just can't believe they wouldn't be able to do it easily since it's just a matter of disabling the prolactin surge. It's a neurological phenomenon, I thought spiritual beings were good at dealing with that type of thing.
yeah I get you, it's just that most people here who have experience with sex spirits.... actually have sex with them.
So you're asking about something which most people with experience haven't encountered. Summoning a sex spirit... and then not having sex with them. Almost everyone here with experience in that area has sexperience with spirits (pardon the pun).
>What would I even be able to do to help her help me? I'm just some shitty human, I don't have magic succubus powers like she does.
Er, okay so you ARE asking the spirit to do everything for you, do some spell 1 time to create a permanent (or long term action), fuck off forever, with no work on your part.
Okay, so that's wildly unrealistic. Especially if you don't have magic powers at all.
The answer to your question is to learn magic. Then you can do stuff.
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There is more I want to mention about all of this. I think Mines and many others blindspot here is lacking intellectual refinement and lacking understanding of the importance of logical rigor in spiritual things, as well as the importance of spiritual discipline, but maybe these things are just not for them (yet).

I also think you have a huge blindspot about Mine, his purpose the vision of his heart is a truly pure and beautiful one. Have you listened to him and know what it is?
He talked about it some years ago, he wants to build and entertain an "orphanage" or "inn" in the astral for lost and misunderstood souls and outcasts who may have no other place anywhere. He wants to run that place together with his spirit lover.
Now you may think these ideas are childish or naive, but I ask you to consider the purity of heart and energy of this idea. It is so simple, so naive and so pure that I can hardly believe that with that purpose and energy output he could ever draw truly evil spirits towards him. I think the purity of this purpose, reflected in his energy actually protects him from shady spirits. Hence I belief his spirit lover is a well meaning spirit who also protects and leads him well.
In fact I think this is partly what he is doing right now at the moment with his server, which could be considered as a reflection of the place he wants to run in the astral. I think it is thus not unreasonable to believe that his server is also protected by well meaning entities.

Don't you think his pure intent and energy he puts out attracts pure beings, or do you believe that these dreams and visions of Mine are all lies?
That is what I think about the topic, the only thing I can't explain is why aggressive voices like this one:>>38967161 exists in that environement. My understanding of things seems to be not to be complete yet
>No truly evil spirits
Wtf are you talking about? Are you deliberately forgetting the nutcases such as parasitefluids, mat, tay, etc?
I don't want energy sex, I just want to be able to give sex partners a good time. If I tried talking a woman into energy sex, she would probably think I was an insane person.
I don't care if the succubus does or doesn't have sex with me, she can do whatever she wants. I don't care if she tells me that my request will take longer than one night for some reason, or that some things will need to be done on my end for it to work. Although I really don't see why that would be the case since it's just a matter of reconfiguring some neurology. Also, most of you guys just contact them for sex. If they're willing to help you people with your selfish desires, why couldn't they help me with wanting to be a better lover? Doesn't make sense.
it's ultimately up to your ability to attract a succubus willing to help, it's no different than that of a transwoman summoning a succubus to get help with female development,

but instead of questioning why not just try?

>best case
you get a succubus and what your looking for

>worst case
you have your talk, and cast her aside. and try again. though i imagine you would rack a good bit of negative karma/emotions repeatably turning down succubi
I don't get what you mean. What would I be "turning down"?
to assume it doesn't work out with the first one summoned.
But are they trying to be friends or something? What are they offering that I would be turning down?
i'm sorry that you are so innately dense.
>you summon succubus
>ask succubus to magically remove refractory periods
>succubus disagrees, or fails
>you banish her, probably hurting it's feelings
>repeat summon
What happens if you just don't banish them?
A combination of Kegel exercises, diaphragmatic breathing, and focusing energy on my crotch area did the trick for me. I didn't feeé her presence though.
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Tried to bake a new general apparently I'm shadow banned for some fucking reason

I used pic related and called it "What is best in life, Anon?" edition

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I know it's not my place to beg but whomever makes the next one I humbly request you give it a Conan esque OP succ pic and edition name.

Looking at the archives lots of people have this issue recently. Posts say they're succesful but don't go through

This is the only OP I've made recently on any fucking topic.

Sorry to sound like a beggar but I DEMAND a Conan theme for the next general you fucking fucks
I'd fuck both and have attempted to
Very interesting. I spent a couple of months investigating her current a couple of years ago and how people interact with her is always fascinating
The other book might be interesting too though I haven't gotten much into the ao spare sort of magic. Thanks for the recommendations

>Then she started cutting my back open with her nails.
Spiritual surgery. That means she likes or... Or she feels you're useful. It's probably beneficial. Test how moving energy along your back feels and see if it's easier

>I don't care if he smacked a thot up but bitches do lie
That's nice

They're individuals. Ask her what she's into and give her lots of affection. When you've gotten close, tell her you appreciate her. Treat her as your girlfriend until she becomes your wife, basically. That's how you do spirit relationships in general

Sometimes it's just a coincidence. Sometimes, it's something more. Too bad the latter is impossible to do repeatable tests on

>I think you are hypersexual omni fetishist, because you were literally given away for adoption.
Look, a conservischizo with deranged, illogical theories!

It's more of a flash of disgust, but I've gotten that a few times

>"Mommy" is raising me to be her partner in a power-couple, after all~
A high level spiritual entity is uplifting you because you're special(tm)? So very humble

You probably won't get a real answer because somebody would have to read his posts to find out
New thread. Very tired so I hope it's right.
Whoops, meant to answer >>38957654 actually.
>he has an audience to cater too
everyone is playing home until the window breaks. this person lives to break windows for his living and take whatever space he can. i never hold anyone really, really and really responsible for their behavior, just a simple scrutiny, for apparent reasons it isn't enough. i've interacted more or less with him ever since his arrival and i know what you are talking about,yet this "nurturing" and creating a "nice" place should it go unchecked for too long creates a sphere of insanity, as you said the logic is devoid in this person. he drove away many interesting and unique persons because he can't handle competition, unless they are bootlickers like conjurer, his fine minion doing everyone dirty but him. while his sexual directions and behavior are not concern of my, yet when they extend beyond his personal sphere to become indiscriminating and include anyone and everyone in his vicinity the bells should ring loud
>people who feel comfortable in Mine's vision
it is retroactive ratchet effect where should you be present long enough there is nobody but people left who feel gravitated towards your personal worldview and way of operating creating more and more homogenous echo chamber, and since he and his minions suppress anyone and anything going against the grain it is only natural. he and chant have asserted this narrative, culture and worldview through their chronic presence, neither had any former experience of the subtle sphere at their arrival mind you, before making assertions. have they found their way around it, seemingly not, and probably never will, nor will those who obsess over their way of being. like you said taking a tad of everyone is the best approach, they don't want that, unfortunately
>Mine's excesses and opinions are dangerous
there is no threat in his volition, his obsessions are because they are contagious through normalization, and in subtle sphere if you assume things, you are going to have very bad time
>Mines and many others blindspot here is lacking intellectual refinement and lacking understanding of the importance of logical rigor in spiritual things
it is the preposterous entitlement to say whatever he wants without any repercussion or need to address his lies and repeated accusations and at the same breath hide behind his pictures and being "i'm just loud femboy haha, yes i'm a slut so what" like stating this would revert whatever damage he is doing, the cognitive dissonance in this place is just over the top. the difference between mine and chant is that chant knows his shortcomings unlike mine. mine has no shortcomings, at least he thinks so. like he has repeatedly said he is "very important and liked person" here, i have never visited whatever server he has, but somehow he spills it here because he is baking the thread thinking this is now his area to reign over, yet i am failing to see the point why would personal importance matter in any of this other than petty vainglory and desperate affirmation from people "beneath" him i'd like to think this way because he is belittling people, repeatedly, he would sacrifice anyone and everyone in a blink of an eye should it come to that he has no remorse for anyone but himself. of course it doesn't diminish anything he has to say about things, for me personally there is not much going on there in his expressions, but by all means if someone finds a pearl there good for them. what is being said is irrelevant to mine, it is only who is saying it, and that is a knot i can't get around, i just can't believe how incompetent people have become in such a short span of time say ten years. if the basics are amiss so is everything else other than the delusion.
>"inn" in the astral for lost and misunderstood souls
this is because he has never actually treaded the subtle sphere he has this fantasy, though it is technically possible i say that much, yet the amount of effort he would need from the natives is absurd
>the purity of heart and energy of this idea
when it happens at the expense of others there is nothing noble or pure about it.
>he could ever draw truly evil spirits towards him
opportunity induces the "evil", freedom caters chaos and malicious vectors, order in the other hand security and certainty. the truth is in the middle. out of greed springs forth the opportunism and need to prioritize oneself and mine is no stranger to this.
>I think the purity of this purpose, reflected in his energy actually protects him from shady spirits.
all ideas are noble, given the right execution. and vice versa.
>Hence I belief his spirit lover is a well meaning spirit who also protects and leads him well.
trust me, if it was truly there for mine all these years, he wouldn't be stuck in the dense energies year in year out.
>pure intent and energy he puts out attracts pure beings, or do you believe that these dreams and visions of Mine are all lies?
of course it is possible, his actions suggest otherwise.
>I can't explain is why aggressive voices like this one
because they want to reinforce the echo chamber mine has so long put effort into, and he will not give up, he has been here probably every day since his arrival, and if anyone with any remote seriousness thinks this is advisable action in spiritual journey they are not going to make it. they don't want to hear any truth disillusioning their way of behaving, who would want to spend their life over nothing, nobody, and there you go.

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