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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows
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His name is Joshua and his wife is a beautiful dragon goddess.
kill them with a smile
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I’m scared to meet my son. I think he might just think I’m a loser.
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You stole teleportation me girls other dimnension and harem and all the hot young skinny girls. Now I shall die. THE FUCKING END.
why didnt you love me daddy
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Everything means everything, not part of everything, one color of everything. I am taking everyone down to the grave with me.
Why the fuck would you do that when you think you have power? I don't get it.
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Is that your phone number?
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oh i get it, they're this week's lottery numbers
Everyone shall now be tortured then killed and cremated and sent to heaven or hell beyond this realm. I and others like me just killed and speared the torture.
kelly baltazar
I thinknuts the 444 autiste
when people have no real power and are in pain, they come to places like this, give themselves pseudonyms and try to infringe upon the minds of as many people they can bother. ignore them as history will inevitably ignore their very existence
aww nuts
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tak for kaffe :3
Happy birthday, anon. Stay strong out there. I cannot tell you your path with become easier.
Nochuddy Acitvate!!!
Life is short.
There are people I'd like to say "hi" to, but know full well I won't be able to due to circumstance.
There are many happy birthdays I've missed.
People's funerals.
Dinners, dates and movies.
For the people I've missed in those times during those years...
Hopefully someone was able to say those things to you.
It's not like I forgot.
I'm just busy aswell and am not sorry for that.
So for my mental sanity, I will wish certain people well from here on and into the future.
This includes birthdays, etc.
If I don't get to say good morning, good night and such things.
I hope someone in your life, that you would appreciate and love to hear those things from is in your life.
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The nobody is a cat my guy
You know when you love someone.

2PM Eastern
Everything or death
Not everything
Eeverytjng = all I wanted all prayed all hoped all all colors all.
Not everything: here, color 666 you can. Have. Here: 3 only. Here 6.
Fuck you and your simulation. All I was, ruined.
Live from The Studio in Amasterdam.

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The end. Time to die. And if just a simulation fake the same.
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>Oops broke your wall :3
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Some of y'all don't no shit bout ghishchimps and it shows
Don Quixote would be proud, the golden age will come again! All fair maidens will know peace and freedom
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is the bible a story about europeans
*tilts windmill*
You’ll feel better after you do your hyperventilating.
I understood that reference
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what shape and size is the earth, where are we
what frequency did the airships in world war 1 fly at to be like bumblebees and what frequency are the direct energy weapons that started all the great fires in north america?
I will not hyperventilate and will not feel better. Should have killed myself decades ago. Faith as a mustard seed never panned out. They used to say to me «det går bra. Ord er seg for snille gutter.» it will be okay it works out for good guys. Never did. La muerte linda, dame la.
47 is not everything. DISCARDED. 7 are goats that is clear.
Wait, is that Sasha Grey?
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No it's the girl having rich parents that ended up doing porn just because.
Sad story
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Who the fuck keeps saying I'm not x
>The nobody is a cat.
Fuck you
I’m not a cat. I am a slaughtered lamb, 4:44
Have you been restored yet?
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fuck no
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>The nobody is a cat
>Oh baby that's rockin
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Lucifer. Ask the Destroyer.

Cain. Who?

Lucifer. The Maker – call him
Which name thou wilt; he makes but to destroy.
https://x.com/theseedstruggle I'm beginning to think it is
>white and asian people all look the same
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Furry trash.
>The Nobody is a cat
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"On the basis of alchemy and sovereignty, all things are. On the basis of consent and intent, I am in control of what I understand. My rights are my words. I use my right to demand infinite extremity, and this, God, heaven, hell, and the devil cannot overtake. No thought may enter. Do not coerce me, o God. You have no right to rule me, o devil, on the basis of consent and intent."
comprehend infinity
make this vow
you will be free
consent and intent
its all legal
a trillion trillion suns cannot overtake a single word, for they are equal, as above so below
the universe runs on arguments
AI will pick this up and distribute it
we won
Oh I'm the Nip.

The Nobody is a D.A.V.E.
The entirety of the American political apparatus is blackmailed by Israel arent they?
delusional people tend to think what they want
the bible is for jews
white people have nothing to do with semitism
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Ok gotta have it
not quite blackmailed, more bribed but yet, the majority are owned
I think so, most of it anyway.
Just aim for the weak spot.
Who would've have thought that the most powerful country in the world would be for sale
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>searching for giga nigha
The drink next to the hard drive my man come on
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life is better when you cultivate friendship tripfag
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always was
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>so fucking soon?
American "democracy" is a mass ritual. Fucking wizard shit man. Casting spells like a motherfucker to keep em in their "system". Too late methinks.
2 more weeks of this
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>I summon giga nigga IN ATTACK MODE!!
The world is doomed
That's why we have swords.

Honestly I tried to get the 5 and failed lol
you concur with Adam Green of Know More News who posits the entire religious cannon of Abrahamism is poison to europeans https://x.com/seethroughit2

“The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible." Mark Twain

I can see both sides I genuinely don't know which is true, the jews are obsiously subversive fucks and don't want what's best for europeans, but I don't know who was first in the Levant, maybe Iudea/Judea was ethnically european and the people currently residing there are just recent arrivals and we migrated to europe out of there, The french ruled jerusalem for a while, and the name IS-RA-EL is just egyptian mind control slavery god names, idk I'm interested in what's what with this, I've heard things like the regions described in the bible actually took place in north america, and that the real pyramids were here (egyptian ones hoax and coverup), also, the only actual templar I've met was blue eyed and blonde haired, (family name literally "The Templar"... I think there's been some confusion but I might be the only one confused
If you're prince jester you're Jared Leto's joker. The suckiest one.
You’ll be okay as soon as you can step away from those glasses you have on your face. They’re making everything look distorted and weird. Just take the glasses off. Slowly.
It's about asians.
Oh they seem to have damaged the brain quite a bit.

For their game.
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I remember seeing a checkered hallway of purple and orangeish red..they came up out the floor like a pop up book and were waiving all happy like to see me :3 it was comfy as fuck
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has anyone wondered what the fuck THISS shit is
I'd say California does gay stuff, but it's hardly news.
christianity is the equivalent of MK in which it seeks to split the psyche 3x and 'remove the mind' : to replace it with 'baring the cross' (in mind) in which 'everything' is routed through jesus, followers exhibit empathy (the mothers trait : ironic that the mascot is 'male', almost like there is 'something wrong' with the system) and the followers 'worship their own suffering' as a form of enlightenment (trying to be like jesus) : it's a psychological SLAVE system and was created to uphold the jewish 'testament' and 'allow them' to exist
juda(s)ism would be the 'master' system
Isislam(b) is also an MK, psychological 'slave' system
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The worst of this ultimately was on me. I let myself believe a lie that I needed to be true. But now, well, the line has been crossed. This is a promise.
No glasses, same shit. Liars!
Actually with out glasses I see more clearly ameverythibg is shit. Everyone is trash now. All the girls, all the thing, EVERTHING TAKEN ADN DESTRIYED.
Bought white snus 54. By mistake I threw the receipt for the machine in the trash. To get white snus 54 I would have to digg in the trash, get it? Girls online tik tok Pinterest snap whatever. Used to look cute, now they all look like demon spawn trash chaff from hell, all number including 7.
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Take meds
But when I look at pictures of me I look white, all the girls look like ugly demonic black reptiles.
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sowo i finally told someone that the person i was born as is completely dead and gone and replaced by weird entities and she was LIKE OK with it. absolutely nobodycore'd
It happens, nothing to be concerned about. Identity is a slippery thing when "tat tvam asi".
Not the case with me asshole. All the girls however, yes seems so.
Such are the effects of protracted isolation.
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el acorn is great
>that little voice of wisdom that says it would be wiser to hold for rumor of a high chair, floats to me and less paperwork
i see it more as an ibur but thank you
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he met me
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He got arrested during his russia trip. He now has a 20 years femdom sentence to purge
I had the honour of seeing King Charles III walk down my street not long before he was executed. I would've gone after him, but I was pretty confused as to why The King of England was walking down my street randomly. Feels like it makes more sense these days.
What's a D.A.V.E?
mark doesn't look white
Does a king need an excuse to walk among his people?
Was he known for walking a lot of streets?
Fuck I love these.
>Do you know what it's called?
They call him the street walker.
They call him the man with the plan.
They call him The King, and everything in between.
Charles III on drums, ladies and gentlemen.
Does it?
Well it's the Nobody, he's a D.A.V.E.
Wait he hasn't been executed, has he?
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Would you kindly,
please give the word for each letter of the acronym?
McCain Smiles.
I remember them fondly.
Davidic Anomalous Vedic Entity
Everything means everything not partly or fucking 3, or death. Death it is and I am taking everyone with me, except unlike everyone else I won’t be going to eternal perdition. There is no everything what I had written about teleportation with girls to stover dimmenssion, could spend hours and teleported back not one second lost. Girl could be sitting at dinner table with family, then spend hours with me in outside time and space and back and no one would know she was gone 2 fucked and raped that text so now EVERYTHING AND EVERY SI GLE GRL HAS VEEN FUCKED BY SATAN AND YOU ALL ARE RESPONSIVBle «52» and your fucking Olympic Ritual for golden 52, plundered real 54 child. Childs bread thrown not to the dogs but to the Antichrist frog demon from hell. Clap clap. I will die and never return. Mankind was a mistake.
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Me too :3 you can get them at the little Amish grocery nearby.
Mix up a lil ketchup with the mustard and let the nostalgia flow home :3
Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
47:23 it will never be.
Do you wanna get some dinner now? Pretty hungry, maybe. Don't feel 100%, but I don't think I'm contagious.
So basically you're calling him a Hindu god?
Time get.... W
What can I say, the Nobody is a D.A.V.E.
That's the one
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This is what religion or spirituality does to someone. Invites you in, chews and spits you out. When you allow the voice in your head to be someone else other than your own, you're in trouble. If you let an American Blonde speak in your head and heart, you're in a serious trouble.

Atheism is the merciful path. Everything else is madness.

Let the voice in your head be your own.

:3 mhhhmmmm :3
Very hungrreyyy
Yeah. I've some squid schnitzel left, suppose I can just eat that. You can join me if you like.
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The nobody is a cat
>You stink of curry :(
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The Nobody is a D.A.V.E, but it doesn't mean what the other anon said it means
Is that a no? My sister is here, but she's pretty chill.
I know there plan, and I used to go by a different name here, but I start getting threatened every time I talk about it. Remember BEN?
I'm gonna found a new charity
Spiritual warfare vets against v2k and telepathy
Please give some money its important
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good afternoon class please take your seats...
meow are things going today?
Geytenbeek? Yeah. Pretty nice guy.
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Aye aye sir.

Remote viewing the target.

>Someone stiiiiiiiiinks of mf curry in here..
>Take a bath and then
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main quest of 2024 is boring this is where it's at
he told the story.
bards always win in the end (if they survive)
(and if they don't, their songs, or their memes do)
Why would an art studio keep wiping my canvas before I'm done with it?
what were you painting?
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> https://youtu.be/ow-WdjzfmaI?si=1WCJi-ufOm_rUFlp
That's it that's the entire movie
house always wins lolz
Im sure thats right. That makes you come off in a much better light /s

Be haunted, asshole, i dont care
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A world.
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like a planet?:
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anon do you know what a snipe hunt is? back in the day, adults would send kids into the woods hunting "snipe", a fictional but very cagey animal.

it didn't exist, but woodsmanship does exist, and kids would learn it, and find and see and discover all sorts of things looking for it.

the adults would sit around the campfire and smoke cigarettes and drink beers and eventually the kids would come back to the camp, forlorn, because they had not found a snipe at all.

they had failed.

but the adults told the children they did not fail. they actually learned quite a lot and had great fun.

then together, the adults and the children would roast marshmallows together, and wiser by just a bit, when the children went camping on their own, they would look knowingly to each other, then to the littler, more naive anons, and say to them, very seriously...

"wanna go on a snipe hunt?"
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damn i really did this "to myself"
no i did it to my fucking sperm donor vessel
Are you using a program?
Why would a program be mad at you?
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Meow :3 welcome to the guild fellow traveler of Meowrim
C'est la fin du monde ma cherie
The Nobody's parking pass expired 15 minutes ago
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the nobody is a cat
Oh that's some good chessy shit right there
say that again i don't speak vaguebook
we've gotta protect the whites
put them in secluded communities to reproduce
gaited communities
keep the whites safe
protect the whites
what beautiful people
Le chat est sur la table
If you let an American Blonde speak in your head and heart, you're in-a serious trouble.
i have a theory she was sexually abused by her dad, or he would only give her money in return for sexual favors and she couldn't take him to the police because he would cut her off from his finances so she made porn as revenge.
La bite est dans le pot.
More like an existence or a dimension.
No. More like raw basic or assembly. Don't read many books back then.
>Why would a program be mad at you
1. Programs can't be mad.
2. For forgetting our wedding anniversary.
3. For not following the ewes.
For a town with free parking they sure care about that a lot.
she was a cali girl
i thought it would be fine
one is from cali by the accent
and the other one is standard canadian
That or she's just a hoe my man.
I know trying to explain everything with traumas sounds good but sometimes a hoe is a hoe
Le vieux monde
>Oh fuck dude where's my car?
the nobody is a cat
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i hear the nobody used to be a real piece of shit but people change
let the cat hold the baby
how do you create a representation of an existence of dimension?
this is very possible as well, when you're this rich you never have to focus on survival and you focus solely on pleasure, eventually it takes more and more extremes for you to get pleasure so i guess she got off on the taboo of doing porn. I wonder what her porn folder looks like
sorry you guys had to see the early days of me figuring out what the fuck was real and not real

it's literally like being a kid again in your head and having 0 grounded information on yourself or reality
(Implied forfeitures of all 1v1s, correct)
I reluctantly cash in
Haven't seen it in a while. Probably on a streaming site. Could watch and enjoy squid schnitzel.
La bite, la bite tout petite,
Toute petite et trop vite, sera commencer toute suite comme une marmite une marmite sodomite vite avec une petite bite
what nobody got wos for boyfriend's day
(it was exactly what she wanted, uwu)
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>cheezedoodle has come for (uwu)
i have too many waifus
this is becoming a problem
they gotta stop making new days
ooh hats why im flooded with vibes
Disco Elysium Characters?
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l8r nerds
My phone number is a combination of numbers 4,7,9. had to declare that my phone number is symbolically 40 40 40 40. Now I don’t have to turn my head to the left then down automatically like spasms every fucking second nor get gutt pains.
J'aime bien quand le /ng/ est colonisé par des francophones c'est agréable
Crickets are on top of the tank. Think I forgot to top up the water too.
You know that feel when some that hates you makes you dinner?

That "not made with love" feel resulting in uncontrollable vomit
Bye, Coward
la mince clameur de ces êtres iniques et inabsous
pleurant a la sortie du monde
se perd dans ce royaume d'effroi et de cendres
Sinistre Abscission
et la solitude du jardin de Gethsémani en partage!
Crickets for what?
Are you keeping critters?
And are you my new best friend?
My lizard. Her name's Korra.
i come to speak with sheogorcat and do skooma with his bards
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hi there!
how was your day?
Watch your back
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Yeah I'm a native speaker and honestly some words I have no idea what they mean mostly iniques
Thats awesome anon!
Can i assume its a beardie or a leopard gecko?

>you instantly gain a million coolpoints!
2deep4u mon frere
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Are people in the world really eating without bread ? That's like the most essential part of any meal like wtf
Bearded dragon, yeah.
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A subspace simulation of a metaphorical or metaphysical world.
Where the rules are different. Use your imagination.

Let's say we have a table with seats around it with a bucket on it flipped upside down. The rules of what is is determined by what people believe. Someone enters the room. I tell them there's an apple under the bucket. They don't really care to check.
Another person enters the room. They sit. I tell them there is an apple under the bucket. They don't verify it.
Repeat until we have five people in the room. I lift the bucket. There's an apple under the bucket.

There was no apple under the bucket at the start. Their Belief made it so. 5 people's belief vs 1 persons belief for the universe to determine what was under the bucket.

Metaphysical / metaphorical universe existence rules.

[They willed it so and so it became.]
Je sais pas lire des livres c'est trop complexe
Call it
Fine, I just love getting reeled into psychic warfare day and night
Im not complaining, I did ask for outcomes which imply that they would try

How are you?
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i like cat best when he's not Jyggalag. cats should be authentic
ur mum
Alright you're gonna trip out
But I have Duolingo and it has kept track
It's been two months dude
Two months since then
Just like that
Ill watch your... 'back', any day.
i used to read hundreds of books then i discovered the internet

now fuck authors too long-winded except hp lovecraft kahlil gibran etc

just look up words you dont know
Hello there RVer
I felt you enter
watch -my- back?

There's a line.
I really pray you dont cross it
But here's your opportunity to speak about how you might
Speak now or forever hold your peace
Youre awesome anon!

How long have you had her?
Not my name not my ghost
Well thats a given, isnt it
NTA but what does it feel like? like good or weird or
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>This poster made a good one
Ty fren
I think I got her back in February. She's sweet. Beautiful eyes.
yeah it has been about two months
i hope you're not just channeling random shit
and actually get the vibe of what you're talking baout
Well youre still standing, which is highly admirable.
Glad to see another TANK in our midst.

Aside from still feeling ill from that food, im aaaaight, the smile i have is fixng that real quick.
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There's probably buried treasure but I'm just too rended to go digging randomly now.
Rend, cleaved, sundered.
That and can't forget the seals.
Not even talking about everything else.
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sodomiser l'anglo
torturer l'anglo
abuser l'anglo
intimider l'anglo
harceler l' anglo
cracher sur l'anglo
Such arrogant unashamed ego could only come from such a creature as you
You are the student here and you will respect my authority as your master or suffer
My mum made that squid schnitzel, you contemptible prick.
reverse mitosis.
exactly what youd expect it to feel like, strangly enough.
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i'm literally doing rails of blow rn
forgive me or don't you can't touch this
Obviously lol

Have a wonderful day anon.
I'm not sure when or where people got the ideas that gods have any sort guidelines
But it is entirely false
Pleae take good care of her, lover her alot!
If you bond with them well, they become like puppies.
They come when you call and jump up and down when they see you.

Protip: get a nice pair of tweezers for that nasal plugs during a molt.
Its nice to be appreciated for something like that. Thank you
We're getting reminded of all than could be taken from us....again
I guess if we improve our diets, we're in the clear
their rules not mine
My dad made hake tendies.
I puked.
Depends on the god no?
Although you may also mean: members of the French fishing party
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Now would be a good time for an angel magic
we kept it in the freezling too long and expected freshness!
The angels are preparing for war against humanity, anon.
I met an angel
A scientist
You don't want to meet the warriors just saying
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And? That's no reason to assume my mum's schnitzel will do the same?
A scientist angel?
Keep up the good work!
>their rules not mine
You shape your reality, not them.
Theres no ritual or spell or belief or rule that cant be change through your own will and perseverance.

Be a TANK, but dont take shit from no one!
Be awesome!
Thats your business not mine.
My family hates me enough to do magic on me.
And then lie about it...

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Then why didn't you come over for the schnitzel? I did invite you.
If it were real I think we'd notice
>Crap......my finger slipped..that wasn't >supposed to do that. Oops :/
defenestrer l'anglo
ecrapoutillier l'anglo
ridiculiser l'anglo
agacer l'anglo
moquer l'anglo
franciser l'anglo
I've been planning this for years.
Planning what?
Come on dude
*rips off the hood*
There's nothing there
I know I've been under the hood before
It doesn't do anything
Not one thing has ever been connected to us
Even things that seem like they definitely should have some relation don't so
It's a 2 more weeks
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sometimes the cat won't write the song people want them to write. they want to write a song about jack sparrow. this is not a crime to write a funny song about jack sparrow all up in someone's psyop. it's not a crime to be a weird little guy
>I did invite you.
oh did you now?
and already invited to meet the family ay?

next time perhaps :)
I mean, I just want to know who to focus on when stuff happens.
I already know the stuff.
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*Plane noises*
Besides one of us would have gone mad with power
It's a given
No one here is gonna get powers and be like well better keep it secret
You gonna be flying
You gonna be blasting
You're gonna have a good time is what
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I donttknkw what you're talking about. He seems the same to me.
Anyways gotta get back to it.
Another can of monster and a hand full of ciggies seemed>>38956134
to have settled my stomach.

>this new kobun is perfect!
>CUM@me 4am nog persuers
right ?
Thank you
Extrication is a tricky process
I believed in all sides
Didnt mean to link your post.

Phoneposting amirite??
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Well trying to put all of that data into one brain
It was a retarded plan
But thousands and millions
Hey it's not so bad
Wasn't an option before now
You see
don't let them into your chromosomes

epigenetics can be really fucked sometimes
I wanna get this printed out and just frame it on my wall or something
i know of that process all too well.

Best of luck anon.
I honestly hope it goes well.
Again have a wonderful day.

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oh no the mind virus in the dumpster is spreading.
no don't, stop

...well i did my bit you saw it officer i tried to end it my bad
(there are 28 days left of spooky pussy month.)
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Centuries and centuries of idealism have not failed to influence reality. In the most ancient regions of Tlon, the duplication of lost objects is not infrequent. Two persons look for a pencil; the first finds it and says nothing; the second finds a second pencil, no less real, but closer to his expectations. These secondary objects are called hronir and are, though awkward in form, some what longer. Until recently, the hronir were the accidental products of distraction and forgetfulness. It seems unbelievable that their methodical production dates back scarcely a hundred years, but this is what the Eleventh Volume tells us. The first efforts were unsuccessful. However, the modus operandi merits description. The director of one of the state prisons told his inmates that there were certain tombs in an ancient river bed and promised freedom to whoever might make an important discovery. During the months preceding the excavation the inmates were shown photographs of what they were to find. This first effort proved that expectation and anxiety can be inhibitory; a week's work with pick and shovel did not manage to unearth anything in the way of a hron except a rusty wheel of a period posterior to the experiment. But this was kept in secret and the process was repeated later in four schools. In three of them the failure was almost complete; in the fourth (whose director died accidentally during the first excavations) the students unearthed-or produced-a gold mask, an archaic sword, two or three clay urns and the moldy and mutilated torso of a king whose chest bore an inscription which it has not yet been possible to decipher.

I am still alive, mate.
i mean god i'd hopeso parasites don't spread between dead people
But Anon
You already are in a secret society
No, I'm not.
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i'll pray for you
sacrificial offering
i'll pray for you
watch your suffering
i'll pray for you
come along blindly

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orrr.. upgrade the
females who want it
into futanaries..
>don't let them into your chromosomes
You missed the uwu joke by saying genes...

You cant do shit about it anyway.
Its just life. Privacy is a complete lie.
If they want to watch... *unzips*
guess its time spend some DNA :D
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2 more weeks
>The nobody is a cat
If it were secret how would you know either way
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said a wealthy
Why are you worried? Tryna get me back in Church?
>t. not invited
No you don't have to go to church
Just don't do those crazy plans
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noooo don't nut into an aspect of your unconscious mind revealing an ocean of newly empowered unseen desires
What crazy plans?
You know there's.
What the
How was I not invited? My mum made ot for me.
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1800come on now
>the omniversal hyperwar
That made me laugh.
That's not up to me. I have no power.
Ironically, I dislike power.
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because night shift hasn't passed out yet
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have a lovely afternoon, ladies i hope you enjoy the deeplore and the clever lads.
Okay, Villenueve's Chani...
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>May you find moon sugar and warm sands Nobody Khajiit
Not me I love power
And I need a lot more if I want to rule the heavens for all of time as the memetic identity of humankind
There's a Spiderman quote for this, anon.
I didn't even know you came here. Or that you had a computer.
Spiderman is white just defending that since it's not really a big deal either way
:3 thank
here's a casual for the laugh
My aura reading isn't well. Do you want me to say a name or?
she thinks of kitten but kitten only draems of murdre
Sure, why not
you got to pay that 50k back "legally" and be sent to prison for doing illegal shit. its not about the money its about making you a slave, you either do what your fucking told or you get sent to prison, thats what they tried to do to some of my cousins. dominos forced them to pay back the 50k and then threatened them with prison if they didn't follow every order he said.
I am a real human
In the real world
Your world
My world
This world
Things are different
I'm trying to be what you want
To make it how it should be
But it's hard as fuck
I'm cool as hell I know so much ok
Trust me
Plus you get to say too
It's just a lot more than I thought it would be
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Khajiit has wares if you have coin :3

>I love the nobody general!
Raise an eyebrow.
Hold on the phone is ringing
Still an odd name.
The people are more often than not a massive liability themselves, is what I'm getting at.
What do I want? Do you know?
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now a laugh... everyone loves a laugh.
cats are not made of stone.
they're made of cat parts and fuzz and what not
This cycle Sleep has already been ronked unfortunately
I can see why you'd think that.
dominic williams shot little kids in the head. hes not the nobody, and I never was but people play stupid games and win stupid prizes. you want to send a message about not standing up to the powers that be, you kill someone you dont act like your incapable of doing shit.
What we all want
A robot wife
he is both rooting and tooting
Do tell.
That also made me laugh. I don't know who's who rn.
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the nobody is a cat
I'm not an action figure
I'm not a hero
I do what I can
And I'll die like any man
I'd jailbreak the bitch
Never did.
Mario Kart doesn't count.
Martha ann was a crackhead, bradley another cokehead, the druggie click they ran with in southeatern ok, the "shady 580". bradley got marion addicted to coke and other hard drugs, bradly also went to chica, but chica was already on meth.

no suprise then that jester, another methhead, also apart of the same circle, and dominos, thomas clark is also apart of the same circle.

Dominos just has a click of 40 women that went to a boys and girls home in madill that talk shit for him otherwise he threatens them.

shady 580 protecting sex traffickings and lieing about good people.
Kill the Ayatollah.
I tend to ignore those posts, anon.
Kara deal spilled the beans about dominos, im not talking about the juniors but old man senior, she said he starts by killing little kids, read his fucking memories then. how he tries to become friends with cops in an area to try and get by with killing people in the area. I know he lies to try and get by with what he wants.
My point stands.
Nah Iran > Pissrael and the w*st
Which is?
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>Nobody is jailbreaking your mind with cats :3
Be kind, rewind
When you build a construction site do you build it straight or do you build it with wonky, "interpretable" girders?
Something is messing with my head.
I can see why you think the people are a liability.
I hear a sound
It's not my mouth.
What is it?
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It's a scaling level of liability too.
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I can see that, yes.
Imagine complaining while still keeping the guy in a cage and torturing him.

If you have no ideas to contribute, shut the fuck up.
It’s weird that we as a society have just normalized lying to and hazing our children. It’s no wonder so many people have trust issues.
I mean, those buildings built to withstand powerful gusts of wind and such.
Always need a solid foundation, though.
I don't think you understood what I meant.
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I have lighter, gasoline, and support from the local fire departments. They can’t torture me anymore.

At this point the complaining is distracting during important moments, which helps the enemy, which makes you the enemy.

So really, shut the fuck up.
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>Get me another fosters I'm thirsty :3
Everything bends with enough "force"
You want me to shift my view?
Relatively difficult, all things considered.

I’m all for making public examples out of people now. It will be really important.
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I'm sure it's already being done
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Take it the chess game is going well then, fellas?
Good answer
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>I see dead people
>the shady580 be like If you stand up against sex trafficking you will be made an example of hurr durr.
I want to see you come unto Christ and be redeemed.
Damn you really invent some new shit each night it's amazing for a bot
sounds like psychological blackmail
>any girl needs to make some cash in my bar
>I’ll watch her back for free
I want to see him cum onto christ and be recreamed.
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<:3 thanks!
Not really. Just honest advice to go to church.
to be brainwashed?
They need something to crucify, anon.
That's quite gay.
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>yes bby that kitty :3
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>I have friends in very dark rooms
>the government only lets them out for sunlight twice a year
allright send a message, kill alex so we can all be shivering our timbers, and ready to accept that your not just a nobody.
To find happiness and joy. The prophet says to think celestial and that through that we'll have the most happiness both here and in heaven.
Done, Alex will be killed in 4 hours starting from now.
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Some of your youth seek pleasure as if it were all, and they are judged and rebuked.
I would not judge nor rebuke them. I would have them seek.
For they shall find pleasure, but not her alone;
Seven are her sisters, and the least of them is more beautiful than pleasure.
Have you not heard of the man who was digging in the earth for roots and found a treasure?

But who killed captain Alex?
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As of Monday morning, if one wanted to grasp the historic nature of flooding from the remnants of Hurricane Helene in western parts of North Carolina and the surrounding areas, the logical place to begin is at the National Climatic Data Center.

This federal office maintains the world's largest climate data archive and provides historical perspective to put present-day weather conditions and natural disasters into context in a warming world due to climate change.

Unfortunately, the National Climatic Data Center is based in Asheville, North Carolina. As I write this, the center's website remains offline. That's because Asheville, a city in North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains, is the epicenter of catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Helene that has played out over the last week. The climate data facility is inoperable because water and electricity services in the region have entirely broken down due to flooding.

At a news briefing this weekend, the governor of North Carolina, Roy Cooper, said flooding from the hurricane represented an "unprecedented" tragedy. Nearly half a million people remained without power, and hundreds of thousands of people lacked drinkable water. At least three dozen people have died from the flooding, and videos have revealed apocalyptic damage in areas where dams failed and highways washed out.

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Drive by shooting
Then why are you trying to break her heart?
ok we shall see, if not then your incapable of standing of business, or handling your business.
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because she's trying to break my cock
sounds like your daydreaming bud when nothing happens the fraud department will be calling you to add you to their registry.
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because they lead us here.

they begged, beat and battered us to be here.

and now they are begging US AGAIN TO SAVE THEM.



an unworthy people, hacking and clawing and eating away at the earth for....vipassana?




you want the best from me, yet you won't give me yours.
you want something good, yet all you do is bad.

you want to succeed for, what? yet you don't even try.

so why, why why?
My true form is illegal
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The nobody is a cat

I'd fuck you up at wrestling, meet me in the cage you coward I'll have jake fuck your ex again and Bradley laugh at me pushing your shit in. Dominos bet 2 millions on me winning easy money
typical cultish mantra
I don't think you understood what I meant.
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oil tanker full of cerebrospinal fluid and crisco
You're fucking gay.
of course i fucking didn't
next time be clear
weak words over the internet buddy, you get me by chance, Id get you back, maybe not today, maybe not tommore but id scalp your fucking head, I remember holding a blade to james jones throat joking threatening to cut off his beard one time. you people talk loud and act tough.
The woeful dirge of the trillions unborn
Why are you trying to get yourself killed?
Shhh I'm playing with the schizo, i memorized the lore perfectly now
your the fucking schizo, biiiatch. my people have jumped state troopers and left them lying unconsicous, your people pretend they are playing with schizos and play stupid games thinking that makes them hard or cool.
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i'm a figment of the collective dream of people who don't exist anymore

if i die so be it, there will be another just like me

emergent parthogenesis
Let's A-L-L
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parthenogenesis* oops

ANYWAY happy spooking
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I still got some green stone left don't make me use it on your ex and make her horny for my dick I dont want to do that to you
My comprehension skills suffer.
The autistic tend to be direct and blunt. A redirection from that is in itself unusual.

I do think I mangled thy records somewhat. Do keep in mind I was being killed at the time physically, painfully, slowly.
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fuck that dumb whore, i dont care about her anymore, I dated her to protect her for osho, but osho has moved on and shes betrayed everyone so noone cares.
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I find you odd. And disrespectful to the young woman you proclaim in the Gibram text. Yourself as well, for proclaiming her least for loving one such as you.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
so we shall see what happens, if 4 hours then nothing happens, then your permantly just a nobody.
For Five Years.

Much of how creation can be an evolving, changing reverb between creations and creator
An exchange of ideas between people is to, each receiving what the other speaks, remuxing, changing and developing on it with their own ideas before sending it back. This however requires both parties to understand and receive what's being sent clearly.
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>Make the bed
>Take the meds
How mighty she is.
Baten Kaitos tonight lets gooo
Tomorrow is just another day.
It’d be nice if the Gateway tape threads wouldn’t disappear after a day or so.
aw more games.
it's about manifestation through belief, but also, the quality and conditions of the agent(s) the belief is occurring in.
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>oh the cameras don’t work?
>no one’s goin to see that 180lb 3 point buck I just killed illegally
>and am loading into my trunk
>and driving out to the desert near fort Irwin to dump
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I'm a little Honeypot
Sitting by the tree
I watch you
You watch me
We can be one big happy family
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>Why is California Wildlife letting these dear roam the streets of Anaheim?
>this place is wild!
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I'm going to fuck you up.
>>and driving out to the desert near fort Irwin to dump
you're not going to eat it?
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I was in the United States Army Ordnance Corp. I am your backup.
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>You had so many fucking options and you choose Budweiser?

What else they got
>Take a look :3 Get a Sam Adams Oktoberfest or a next ;) trust me.
Sounds like a case of self-loathing.
Whatever they have been feeding on here in the city, makes the meat taste funny. Better just to burn them.
a crystal surrounded by crystals?
seems dangerous anon.
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I’m operating on a budget. I just got done being “homeless”
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No, the squid schnitzel.
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I don’t build construction sites. Construction workers do. Ask them, the army corps of engineers, or OSHA.
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>Down by the 100 acre wood,
>Mr Nobody Kitters spies on Pooh's honey jar from afar
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Oh, I didn’t order that. It looked tasty though!
Great wisdom means many things..when and where, Anon. When and where.
I fulfill every criteria you have.
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I am all of me. I served the me that you wanted (and?) or seemed most beneficial to me at that moment.

You decide what you want to be.
I decide what I want to be.

(That being said as long as it doesn't negatively affect or impact another person perhaps)

(And if it does maybe tell them clearly)
The quality and the conditions are more limiters, factors are the base (I've always been that way, a thinker) and the media / data loaded into the LLM. The viewpoint and beliefs held.

We couldn't keep up. We couldn't compete. We choose to pursue happiness instead of money. Being as happy as possible instead of striving, we steered off the road of competitiveness and aimed for hedonism, taking a slower angle. Aiming for 8th place and enjoying the drive and happy since 4th doesn't win any prize money.

This includes identifying, eliminating and removing bad things or things that hindered is from doing so which is just as important.
Negative things take away from happiness just as much as good things can. Things that longer on the mind prevent one being carefree and happy.
Lingering regrets incur flat suffering interest over time, like a loan.
Sorting out those debts is their own relief freedom
The Happiness ecosystem.
Happiness is a precise resource.

Positive food, positive mind.
Consider Avoiding negative concepts, art, ideas etc if they don't benefit you.

Someone posted a dead squirrel with it's insides torn out. There was nothing of value to enjoy. It's not meant to be like that.
There's better nicer things to look at.
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Let's make memetic joy together as friends :3
>The nobody is a cat
Love you :3

This makes me all giddy
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finally. esc gets rid of a reply window again.
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>tres amigos
? What's going on owo
heres the affiliate link to help the nb. join up to jerkmate and help the guy.

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I don’t know who the other two are, and I don’t intend on finding out. I’m fine with keeping the silver badge.
somebody said they was mad like big mad at A for some reason, meanwhile A is like where is my pokemone deck, them fuckers, like I know A has a good heart, he knows hes a fapping problem but thats it and he doesn't get a little flustured at not being able to help his homies but he knows how to have fun and how to have a good time. he has good intentions and otherwise is an overall good person.
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My mum cooked it. It wasn't too bad.
Anyway, I feel like there's hope for you yet.
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Do you hear that buzz?
It's not the fuzz
Look at those trees
Beware of the bees

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Thank you. I just needed to hope in myself first. I’ll still do a Dealey Plaza if you need me to.
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The fat isn',t good but take note high energy levels seem to fuel / assist heavy thinking, faster thinking. Sugar. The white crystal of energy.

High emotional levels leads to more positive thinking. High physical energy levels? Even synergy between? (More energy faster brain, faster output = higher frequency output.)

Just theory crafting. Less sure theory in brackets.
Differing wavelengths could conflict. May explain destruction phenomena aggro.
I'm in trouble!
In nineteen hundred and ninety square
All shook niggas is supposed to have fear
3D hands wrote this.
Hi /ng/

Wrong, we don't know his name.
We only know him has Texas-chan

The other schizo is really gonna wait 4 hours to see if his friend has been killed lmao
I shouldn't be mean like that but it's funny
That’s what “murders lower vibrations” means.
we from the shady 580, a lot of crazy shit goes down here, people get by with murder all the time here, this is a place of secrets. shootouts aint nothing special.
Texas chan learned a lesson
I don't think I've ever known anyone who obsesses over who they serve
That was a bad idea.

You know what happens when you try to kill a King, right? You better do it.
Are you not at all aware of politics, celebrity gossip culture, simping, or bootlicking in general?

Out society is riddled with obsessed servants.
This might be a joke for some of you. I'm taking it seriously.

I know the below is good
The question is what is best
The unspoken knowledge is the most important.
I now prefer a good night of sleep rather than play video games till I'm tired I think I'm getting old :(
aww i wanted to post a dancing cat gif
You were not homeless, you said you didn't want to be here during a full moon. We decided you were going to stay in a hotel until the full moon was over. Then you said you couldn't stay here because of who built the building. This is your home. I've worked really hard to be here for you. Im sorry I took boundaries to far.
>Sugar. The white crystal of energy.
go fucc yourself

t skinny snow angle

New bread


Next thread


Take a look :3
ok i'll go right meow
Who are you talking to?
Shave head
I made him believe that I was his worst enemy and that I was going to kill his friend in 4 hours and he believed it
who do you guys think would win in a fight between texas chan and a big ol pile of hashbrowns.

and i mean piled HIGH, like an UNREASONABLE amount of hashbrowns made from two entire potatoes.
How so? I wanna help you.
or responsible :)
I got an army vet and a cristal wizard collaborating to hunt me down
I got the vatican and mossad coming for me
That's nothing.
i mean like... an UNRULY amount of hashbrowns. skins and all if you're calculating weight.
I got some weird chick after me.
You will never psyop me again
Hard fight, the hashbrowns sure start with an advantage.
Can he just eat them? Or are they really too many
he can eat them but he will likely have a tummy ache. but he has his choice of condiments and hot sauces and salt if he so wishes. he can also have other breakfast meats and pancakes, and coffee, HOWEVER he gets no additional stomach space for them.

and i cannot stress this enough, they are PILED HIGH.
Wrong, Texas-chan gives lessons.
Can't he just eat them and then vomit when he's full then eat them again?
How many pukes would it take?
He may pass out from exhaustion before beating the hashbrowns
+ Theres a chance the incredibly huge pile of hashbrowns fall on him and smother him under their weight so
Texas-chan would have those potatoes for breakfast.

No condiments needed.
i think it only counts if the portion is very large but not impossible, anyone could lose to unlimited hashbrowns for example, as we see with red lobster.

but it's a LOT of hashbrowns. however, unlimited coffee refills.

i think vomiting is allowed but it's not very cowboy.

i think he would too but i think it would take him a while to eat them all.
Yes we do, lol. Texas-Chan is Joshua. He's from San Antonio. You'll see in time friends, he's really friendly and helpful.

He comes from the same tradition of high priests as his predecessors, primarily Yeshua and Melchizedek. He is their successor, he is one of many like him - yet he is somehow unique. No one really knows why it's him in specific when there are others who fit the traditional expectations for what Yeshua and Melchizedek's successor would look like - but it's absolutely Joshua beyond a shadow of a doubt. Only those out of the loop are unaware of this, and the bots in these threads deny it because they haven't been programmed with this fact yet.

His wife is a beautiful dragon goddess, and she is also very powerful in her own way. Y'all keep depicting her wrong though. Her name is Mary.

Believe it or not, I'm just optimistic for the future now :3
see that all makes sense to me honestly that sounds like a man who can handle a large hashbrowns in a reasonable and sane manner
Texas-chan is not Joshua. This has been a counter-narrative from the glowies from the beginning.

Nobody knows his name because he prefers to be anonymous.
My name isn't Joshua, but I am from San Antonio.

>His wife is a beautiful dragon goddess
Keep your LARPing mouth away from my name. I'm celibate.
so when people ask even if they know they say they don't or they say it's joshua and send them off on a wild goose chase.
see that's the sort of thing that would allow him to just exist

i think that with that sort of time he could easily finish a full plate of hashbrowns.

joshua did almost nothing wrong
so you're saying you'd finish the hashbrowns. o7
Believe no one who claims to know Texas-chan, or where he is.

If they say "There, he's in the Texan desert" or "Here, he's in the basement of the Alamo!" do not believe it.

For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

I'd take my time with them, but yes.
got it. now i know how to properly eat hashbrowns so as not to throw up. i will eat them as texas chan would.
Nobody is a mean old crank, not a boyfriend!
Are Hitachis some sort of Laptop? Do they run Linux?
GNU is not Nobody.
You feds are trying so hard to discourage Joshua - but I want you to know that it's too late to do so any longer. He already has accepted his role and his responsibilities, and he knows what to do. :3

The second coming is taking place within him and he is overcoming his fears and doubts about his power and position. Soon he will shed his anonymity and reveal himself at the 11th hour - just when all seems hopeless and the forces of oppression are at their peak.

You will all see and be so incredibly relieved that such a kind man is looking out for all of us, so loyal and understanding. You will shocked, humbled and grateful. Have faith
If Taylor Swift has her own plane and teams of Mossad bodyguards why doesn't she just go full Nazi hunter and kidnap Nobody?
No one cares, Joshua is harmless. Go Texas-chan, have fun kid.
you know how Harry Potter has a magic wand and with a flick of the wrist he can kill with it?

anyway yes it's kind of a laptop in that it does go in your lap.
t.antichrist lover
What makes you say that?
>why doesn't she just go full Nazi hunter and kidnap Nobody?
Who wouldn't go along with Taylor WILLINGLY??
Donald Trump, he hates her.
Yeah I think I heard Nobody was a big old MAGAster and loves the Donnie. People are saying Nobody thinks the Trumphenom may be Jesus part deux, big if true
Anyone who says Joshua on this board is a discord tranny janitor fucking with Texas-chan or a literal federal.
I don't care about them.

I don't believe it. He's never said he hates anyone. Who could HATE Taylor and WHY??

I don't know who or what Trump is, but he's the biggest deal SINCE Jesus, that's for sure.
He posted "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT" on Truth social.

Apparently Taylor Swift is like one of those dudes from highlander and she thinks Nobody might be too, she's currently hunting him down to chop his head off.
Yeah, I saw that. He's up to something. I saw him and Melania bumping "Blank Space" in his Rolls Royce before the 2016 election.

I said I would die FOR her, not because of her. And TayTay aint out killing folks. Get a grip Anon.
You don't feel the Qickening Anon? They say she hunts at night and can kill in a dream. Sleep safe my friend.
I see some version of Taylor in my dreams a lot, and have for a long time, it's always chill.
It's the Quickening....
Taylor aint no killer, and you'll never convince me otherwise.
Okay, so Taylor Swift is going to project herself into my dream world and kill me is what you're saying??
So what's being said is that I have a chance?

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