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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest
He's a cat alright :3
Meow lol
When did all this Nobody stuff start?
yo mama
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ntnb but I'm so happy I transitioned, I'm starting to feel glimpses of happiness about myself and a lot of chronic health issues are lessening
>op pic reminded me
After World War 2 when they brought Nazi psychics over with Project Paperclip.
bout 5000 years ago
Please tell me you’re an FtM
sorry, nope!
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It's weird how celebrities are the biggest stalkers, or the most willing to be obvious about it. They seem to get high on their own farts.
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And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.
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In the name of addiction, cadaver love song
If you're needin' a villain, baby I'm your blonde
I either soar upon wings of light or slither down low
I am all things to all men, as long as you got the dough
Let's make a new myth out of you
Let's keep a souvenir, like your tattoo

My hands are heading south, getting vicious
Your body in my mouth

In the name of the flesh, name of debauchery
Twisted magic and black lace tied all over me
Tonight's menu covers a multitude of sin
Don't think I am an angel just because I have wings
Loving that organ, baby, and not you
Watching your black lips turn pale blue

Paint on lacquer slide feeling ambitious
Your body in my mouth

For love and devour, I want your sleaze
You bring out the self-loathing in me
Sexual digestion runneth into thine cup
There's a God in us all, and she's so fucked up
Don't think with your head, think with your meat
I like to get naked before I eat

Using your flesh to make a façade pure malicious
Your body in my mouth

Evil evil evil evil
I need a villain (a-ha)
Evil evil evil evil
I need a villain (a-ha)
Evil evil evil evil
I need a villain (a-ha)
Evil evil evil evil
I need a villain (a-ha)
glows in the dark
Huh. I suspect Gate is related
I do not like anime
They want The Nobody to visit these threads. Otherwise they would [redacted]. But they don’t want to actually say anything to The Nobody.
Meow :3
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They thought it was coming yesterday

>They were wrong
Now comes the cats ,:3

your thoughts count, dont have sinful thoughts. Pray them away in this format:
we pray to jesus x
e.g. we pray to jesus to change my anger into peace
we pray to jesus to change my greed into charity

seeing a bull means its time to stop
jesus and holy trinity is real
I think we're supposed to highlight bad actors but don't be vengeful or judgmental, that's jesus job
the bible is the owners manual until we write an updated one
food is medicine (or poison)
they put nanobots in a bunch of stuff to try establish their control grid hellworld that I think we escaped onto new timeline (trump assasin)
They're harvesting the post numbers to prevent any of us from turning them into NFTs..hold my beer
>I suspect Gate is related
who could have guessed?
So far I don't hate Joker, but it is bizarre.
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That image has a strange feeling to it
angels are real and in human form right now, they have telepathy
dont use cocaine, meth, heroin
beer, weed i think its ok in moderation (groups)
what else you guys want to know?
unredact I have clearance level nigma
it's not a bad movie, it just feels strange because it's well produced psychological propaganda
YouTube doesn’t think you’re human.
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i'm in the last 20 minutes. yall get what i mean though it's really interesting
joker is to the nolan franchise what the latest matrix is to the matrix franchise
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Oh, so a colossal “fuck you”.
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This is not YouTube
The machine doesn't get to decide that and neither do you :3 I'm very real..are you?
also v for vendetta -- thing is, joker is making a spoof. it's literally written as a parody of the reaction to dark kngiht. it's a satire.
do repentance as such:
say you're sorry and mean it, then drink some water
if you blaspheme you gotta spit/cough it out first then drink water
wash your hands and feet
dont comb your hair
closed towed shoes/sandals and black clothes is our uniform
wearing silver and eating garlic is good for health. also get a bit of exercise every day (20-30 min)
not me, I'm slow
I’m sure Project Paperclip psychic shenanigans and the later GATE stuff are connected; I just don’t know exactly how. CIA MK-ULTRA somehow involved Imm sure.
Just keep playing Focault’s pendulum; I’m sure we’ll get to the truth eventually.
Realer than a heart attack.
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yes, but who for? normies ain't gonna notice that shit.
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world 302
2 billion gp
Cloud flare doesn’t think you’re human,
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Why don’t you try asking Mr. Owl?
he choked on a tootsie pop
>Sim’s Stims and Rims
>Formerly Chuck’s
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Then I guess the world may never know.
Are you a eunuch like the others?
/LGBT/ go back
Is One 1 here
Is it the vaccines? Trigger psychic abilities through CRISPR in random lots of shots then comb through elementary schools to find them?
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the nobody template is young sports style
black mostly and white clothing, polarized sunglasses (prevents pictures of eyes)
kinda 90s style
No idea, desu. I’m not sure about COVID vaccines & psychic powers. I do remember plenty of folks talking about losing their feeling of connection to God after getting the vax. So psychic powers, probably not.
I’m not convinced everyone got the same vax though. I’m convinced boomers (ackshual baby-boomers, not the 30-40 year old ones on the chans) got strains that don’t have side effects. Probably interacts with residual mercury left in their bodies from all the old vaccines they got
Do you unironically believe paperclip really happened? You really think the government just declassified details surrounding the most destructive weapon in the entire human inventory all willy nilly, for no reason? Why would they do that? When have they ever been forthcoming or altruistic?
I think the vaccines were to give people parasites for some reason or another to maybe prevent the ascension or allow lower dimensional being to tag along

gate I think was to look/screen for nobody(s). and Im pretty sure they gave me a dental implant. read about travelers TV show plotline it explains somewhat
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The nobody is a cat
You mean you know the story of Gilgamesh? He wasn't just some guy with a hard on for a short guy?
Are you vaxxed? Be honest. We can tell when you if you lie.
You know his name. Use that instead.
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The maldives I think is where a lot of bad actors are maybe nephilim or something. got weird old scripture.
something like death note is true, you gotta name the bad actors and demons(?) go after them if they don't clear their consciousness and make right with god
Nah, just a Jhonen Vasquez fan. But there’s no chance in hell Nickelodeon would ever turn Johnny the Homocidal l Maniac into a cartoon.
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I need to read that one. Sounds super fucked up but genuinely interesting.
>Covid vaccines
No no no, I mean all the extra ones they mandated before you could attend public school, probably around the 80's and 90's. Then they just combed the kids to find them
Thank you, my unintended rabbi. I have never thought about it like that before. Have you taken the worm pill?
dairy unlocks the mental powers, drink raw milk if you can, cheese, yogurt, etc
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You are not the body
Last shot I got was tetanus in middle school. Made me really sick, 104°F temperature sick.
I woke up during Covid, but I still feel the effects of all the shots before it.
fenbendazole cures cancer, so yes I take my worm pills
eat pickled stuff also, pickled garlic is excellent
you know, (((they))) said the same about jesus
What about breast milk?
False flag
Shout out to all the yesbodies, self love must be encouraged
False, fag.
No. That was in the extra “fluoride” or “vitamins” GATE kids got.
GATE kids also got exposed to subliminal brainwashing and hypo education via sub auditory sounds playing under music they listened to during nap-time.
God still just watched him die.
I think you have projects mixed up, fren. Paper lip was about bringing Nazi scientists of all sorts of disciplines over. Japs too, like Unit 731
Who cares? You’ll be able to ai generate an entire series from the comic on your own in like 3-6 months for free.
No the vaccines are psychic poison. They are a major reason it is so rare today. Heavy metal poisoning shuts down cerebral acuity.
There are three consistent criteria for selection.
1. Family history of artistic/technical ability. Intuitive creativity.
2. Family history of successfully avoiding/surviving fatal situations (warfare being the most easily tracked filter).
3. Individual capacity to perceive/visualize/assemble. Cyclical filter which mirrors #1.
>As specific lineages won't be doxxed, the only additional insight is that these traits, and the gift of human psychism, seems to correlate strongly with river networks. Not just on a population density basis, but rather a distinct genetic phenomenon of self selection and concentration.
Your immune system was already equipped to fight coronavirus on its own. Evolution already set you up for success. Getting sick isn’t a big deal, that’s a byproduct of the immuno-warfare .
like until it happens to you, I remember when she used to cry and tell me all about the shit going on, with the alpha team, and how they had killed someone in front of her and i played it off like she was crazy and now they doing shit to me and everyone I know and im stuck in spiritual warefare solo, all because I thought this all sounded stupid way back then and all the gods, angels and everything else thats slightly a threat is facing the bugs meanwhile the weakest and pathetic of humans, just say ew or your wierd. they are not on the frontlines at all. were losing our world here, in a chuckle because it sounds stupid and it is. these damn bugs. they are literally killing us.
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well I suppose its good for infants, going to be a little hard to track down for daily consumption unless you're weirder than me. but human diets are kinda shit compared to cows probably

yeah exactly its asian urban style, but you do you god gives you a lot of choice in the matter its not that consequential but I think you want to be able to disappear in a crowd

yes he died for our sins, isn't it wonderful?
Hey if you need any help using the machine just let me know hmmheeee
No sir. Jesus was not God, and he was not the Word. The Holy Spirit, the Breath of God, is the Word, the Word dwelt with Jesus, as it can in you.
>John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made.
>Genesis 1:1-3
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The Hebrew word Ruach and the Greek word Pneuma both carry the double meaning of Spirit and Breath. In the beginning, God spoke, and the Holy Spirit of His spoken Word, created the heavens and the earth. And this Spirit is poured out upon all flesh.
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uh oh
what happens if I comb my hair?
I can do bad all by myself.
Nope the "fluoride" they gave us was fluoride. They attempted to shut it off in us "undesirables". That's why they put it in the water, too. Can't just have that kind of power just floating around out there in the wild, you know
don't you mean what happens if I coomb my hair?
nothing I assume its to make it easier to change on the fly so you can disappear in a crowd
>pickled stuff
I despise pickles. Pickled jalapenos aren't bad, I guess. I'd give pickled garlic a try. Do I just cook with it like normal, or do I eat it straight?
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One must wonder, the pain one goes through.
To reach mentality like this. What they've gone through.
Probably tormented. Told they can't write.
Things that can stay with you. Night after night.
'You'll understand power.'
'You'll understand glee.'
'You'll be left with nothing.'
'And you will witness me.'
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It's a long story.
Is this damage permanent?
It started like this, i used to make butter for a living, my husband had a small herd of Jerseys, long story short bank loan-mad cow disease-husband comits suicide-now i have to clean it up.

'You'll be bundled up.'
'You'll be taken right there.'
'Don't want to worry them.'
'Leave everyone scared.'
'And that thing you want.'
'Don't worry. Dear me.'
'That question I asked?'
'It absolutely will be.'
Hmmmhee someone told me I’m making people uncomfortable standing next to this machine and smiling. I’m a paying customer and I don’t appreciate the way the cashier looks at me. Who does she think she is?! I’m used to getting glares like this from women. They can’t handle a straightforward pleasure seeker like myself. Hmmmhe. I’ve been listening to Andrew Tate and I’m starting to see that being mean to women turns them on. I walked into the Circle K a couple nights ago and said as loud as I could in front of everyone, “that bitch behind the counter is a 5 at best!” Her beta orbiters tried to sweep my legs but I just front kicked both of them, knocking each beta out in unison. I felt like Steven Seagal if he were a romcom actor. She loved every second of it. Calling the police was just part of store protocol.
"Oh Marty we could have made it, why did you do it? I knew you were ashamed and i gave you a hard time about it but i didn't intendt for you to actually kill yourself. whatever just another mess you make i have to clean up. I will always love you Marty, rest in peace."
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technically? like world stage and RVers seek out who took the keys? Passover 2005, 2=3

without proper detox, yes
I can't forget what the aliens showed me.
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I didn’t think aliens would have buttholes either.
I’m sure you could, but you might not enjoy the brain damage needed.
Nah, ill just remember and Im not tellling a soul. had my mind erased once when i was young and that messed me up but it was with technology I dont undersand.
i eat it in my pho. but you can get the vitamins (k2) other ways too like natto or even sausage
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You have a long life ahead of you.
I love anime :3
'You don't understand?'
'I've made it real clear.'
'I look the part.'
'And even remain here.'
'But don't have a cow.'
'Don't pick a fight.'
'I'll show you chicken fingers.'
'And it's all over, goodnight.'
When's Chandys day in Glowie Court?
That should be the next one :3

So many passwords
So little time :3
Ofc bots don't understand compartmentalization. China has fucking modernized statistical CPU's.
>this is how you become more expensive
Yeah idk what to do about that.
>wordcel torture art
makes sense
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Let's see
I’m not talking that; I’m talking old school analog literal brain damage. Like multiple bats to head, lobotomy, etc.
'Oh, that's how it is.'
'I'll make a call.'
'I've friends over there.'
'And down comes the wall.'
The war is forever until it is done. Most recent battle kicked off about Sept 2012. Grew intense, started breaking realities, increase Mandela, big spirit fight gotten big enough normie zombies can't help but notice.
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Meow :3 haiiiiii
'Oh, that's how it is?'
'I've been betrayed.'
'After all I do?'
'And how I slave away?'
'Well, all right then.'
'I guess we'll see.'
'The sunset is coming.'
'And he'll be free.'
our symbol is a lion or cat I suppose.. lion of judah and all that
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The age of the eye, noted by the giant eye in a fish, representing christ and the quantum state of things of how things are manifested during the age of pisces, now we are in the age of aquarius, or shall be in 2025, due to time travelers we now have 25 added years to the timelines. how things come about in our world will change, the very foundations will be altered to the core. no longer with eye of the fish effect the whole and we will have to learn what the new methods of manifestation are.
>why dont you appeal to ego and let him info dump his stuff like the schizos that think theyre gloating all do?

>we tried we got baited and exposed and now no one can get even fake close

>have you tried honesty?
and the number 0, "R" "M", these are my initials
Z is protectors see JFK jr tatoo
oh your a weirdo edger, got it.
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Spread the loves :3
>To many of us have none
'You think you know everything?'
'You think you know all.'
'You should see what they think about you.'
'In the toilet stall.'
'So you better shut up.'
'Better know your place.'
'You never existed.'
'You don't have a face.'
'Think you can touch me?'
'Think that I hurt?'
'Think that I'm wounded?'
'Think I'm covered in dirt?'
'You don't know who I am.'
'You don't know what I do.'
'You don't take it seriously.'
'Or you'd be being true.'
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30 mins and then I'm gone again for a bit.
If (you) have anything to tell me, tell me now before I go ahead and do the thing.
Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
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(Dollar general)
(Daddy's girl)
You might live up the street from me :3
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I have cum for (uwu)
You should listen to, M.
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are you saying that confesseth means inside (in their flesh) the Holy Spirit speaks to them?
its pretty straightforward, if you believe jesus came as a man you will live forever in heaven and if you don't well then it's hell

if you follow what i'm saying you gonna be so filled up with the holy spirit you will think you are losing your mind
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Huuggggggz u :3

The nobody is a cat
>Real peoples only beyond this point
Mr nobody is a kitty cat
'Who do you think said it?'
'Who do you think drives me mad?'
'Who do you think has the power?'
'Who do you think is your dad?'
I have nothing to hide.
How about you?
You seem to want to die.
You seem to be Blue.
jesus came as a man and is son of god and died for our sins not any less I should clarify
>jesus came
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
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>am rawr :3
355 all of them
Demonic scum are getting all IPs from this vendor banned on purpose like you all do with proxies and vpn. Look forward to your coming destruction. Genocide!

I've deleted all my photos ever taken, all photography applications, video editing applications, music production applications, almost all texts ever written, all downloads, all bookmarks, all search history, all cookies, everything deleted. Changed passcode on phone to 477455, made phone look evil and creepy.
Go to hell, assholes. BURN FOREVER!

shove it up your ass. entire bible has been proven a demonic lie.
Cum quat
Try harder!!
>'Who do you think said it?'
Could have been anybody
>'Who do you think drives me mad?'
leaving the toilet seat up if your a bitch
>'Who do you think has the power?'
>'Who do you think is your dad?'
Alcoholic, didn't really know him but that is my mom's fault
>I have nothing to hide.
fucking liar, I would only need 2 minutes of questioning
>How about you?
I feel ok, bored, stagnant, 4chan 12 hrs a day, I don't fucking care any mopre, i just feel so tired
>You seem to want to die.
fuck no, fuck no, fuck no, didn't say that
>You seem to be Blue.
Naturally melancholy but i try to be freindly and not to sarcastic that people catch on
>verify you are human

there's something about you'd ghost world I occupy that's so oddly familiar and weird to me... but in a nostalgic way to me... these ghostly apparitions that I constantly feel and hear but never see... shadow people... shaded out silhouettes of people... gazing at washed out treeline and rooftops... the smell of old apartments with a faint yet distinct waft of asbestos lingering just over the horizon... these are all me... "ghostified" I think the errieness comes from the fact that there's a part of you that's self-aware that its dead and in "after" life, but the soul doesn't know how to tell you that... and so you just wander and wonder and wonder... until it figures it out... and that's the entire idea of "ghosts". the darkness... I have dreams sometimes where I wake but I'm just starting at dark hallways, or at my dark closet, as if waiting for something to manifest and then I get up and I walk to the back of this dark dingy closet and I just there in the very back of it, just FEELING the darkness...

that's me...
Bot thread

knife I grabbed from grandmas was to dull
I tried it on my wrist
Ha e you considered it was a hand wave to get someone off my ass
When code is compiling There's not much to do but watch porn browse 4chan and
Video games
Worsened by torture
Internal processing
is it true that the new mini moon is making everyone horny?
I want to live
Can't stand lies
Question away.
are you making this? it looks like a resin tabletop
First: sharpen that blade.
Second: give that blade to someone else.
You are worth more than the cuts on your wrist.
maybe, I have maintained a steady level of lechery for the last 5 or so years though, so I can't really tell
the goal is the artery, not cuts like some crazy bitch.
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Not me. I don't feel good :(
The nobody is a cat
>(Hearts for uwu)
>*clicks /ng/*
>Sees a few people saying hi
>some person admitting to busting a nut
>another saying they're trying to self harm
>*closes /ng/*
>*hides threads*
>The goal is to live and someone to love you so this doesn't continue
I will make the sun burn mankind, literally.
Best capitalize that Sun.
I'm waiting for the questioning still.
What questioning?
>what the fuck is going onnnnnnn?
The two minute questioning that will prove I have something to hide.
Everyone will die, may will be tortured first.
Everyone will live.
Truly live.
For the very first time.
To me my mages. For these lessers aren't willing, let us cast shadow bond to them for their transgressions. Those who are not with me, against. We shall test our metal and drag them all to Hell.
I am not 'your' mage.
No-one is.
We belong to God.
Not you.
This one is for you, mom.
So you have chosen, death.
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The nobody is a cat :3
truer words have never been spoken
I, like the rest of this world, are not beholden to your delusions of grandeur.
Grandeur? I never claimed such a thing. I simply claim vengeance. Like all good things do.
no. everyone shall die.
Grats on correct use of ingwaz.
Many tards fail at Th and Ng, even some that are speaking on the topic.
And when you stand over the broken bodies of your enemies, with your hands drenched in their blood, you will feel nothing.
And it will break you.
Don't do it to yourself.
Find joy in life.
Don't fuck yourself over.
'73 actually
Roger that.
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all the girls and all the kids are dead
>And it will break you.
Fuck yes it would, breaking down in sobing tears at the life I just took.
>Don't do it to yourself.
And let him do it to me?
>Find joy in life.
Whatever flower child
>Don't fuck yourself over.
too late
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Taken @ 07:13:09 AM

Compare to post time and date. Image has an extra layer. Btw..why did they make a fake?
>Spider web.
The nobody is a cat
Everyone I have ever hurt.
I see them when I close my eyes.
They visit me in my dreams.
I don't want you to go through that.
But you interpret it as you will.
This one gets it.
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it's a screenshot of two images I just took.
"My Treasure Chest" 79 are going in the trash.
A black trash bag.
>He doesn't know what time it is for us.......
Feel nothing? They'll taste fucking delicious! You know what they say. "Waste not, want not!"
Time to burn.
I am God. The immortals betrayed me, casting out My love and attempting to rule in My place. I have banished them to hell and left Earth to govern humanity. Their deceit and treachery will not go unpunished. My vengeance is upon them.

The sad part is, if they respected the hierarchy and their contingency (that they could die at any time), this wouldn’t have happened. I gave them everything.

They separated me from my love. My dearest. Now they will pay for the consequences of their actions.

From a realm of eternal light, where their every petition was My command, they fell into darkness. These immortals, bathed in grace, chose treachery and now face an eternity of torment. Such is the fate of those who betray the divine.

And among all things, all things that came from Me, there is one thing they cannot take, one thing that remains eternally Mine...


well the first thing happens is i get attacked on the feild by a paranormal being and they die, I always assumed it was the deer cryptid.
If I turned into you I would kill myself.
Makes no sense

As for fucking myself over. Someone already did that for me. It'll be musical Anon. A symphony of destruction. Global annihilation. I am going to do the same thing I did to Mars again, and it'll be even FUNNIER the second time!

*some incense and meditate
they are mere mortals, and will burn in hell forever.
You can visit me in Limbo when this is all over and we can philosophize over games of chess.
They won't have me up there and if I ended up down there I'd kill you all.
And you'll be serving the tea.
Milky with a drop of honey for me, thanks.
burn human bodies and souls.
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nah thats merely
been the Nobodies
DORMANT libido
every real females
known this
im hungry :/
hate having to starve myself to look better
:[ why do you do that instead of smaller portions? Or is it a fasting thing with other benefits?
I don't philosophise Anon.
I war.
It's all I've ever known.
You are already beautiful.
No good man would starve the woman he loves.
What is your favourite dinner?
Go have it.
Any man worth having would still be waiting on the sofa to cuddle while you munch.
Hiiiii this is Mingo
>Kitters deluxe :3
The nobody is a cat.
all girls who in "the game" had astral or physical sex with anyone but this physical body, will now have the mark of the beast on their right hand and forehead, and it will be physically visible, on their right hand a big ugly scar.
it's the fact you left me to rot for three years while you entered a contractual relationship with Travis while i drink myself to death.
That's why I hate you, Taylor.
You left me to rot, like you do with everyone else.
And I'm not everyone else.
And I shouldn't have been, to you.
So don't act like the injured party when I'm the one you left to die.
I loved you.
any woman that kills for you is a keeper they say. -the anomaly
Just finished the new Joker movie.
Thought it was going in an interesting direction then that ending fuckin sucked all the charm out of the film.
Easily one of the biggest letdown endings I've seen in a movie.
I didn't even hate the musical bits, just the "punchline" ending.
I either eat nothing or too much, bad coping mechanisms and self image + loneliness
thank you..
All the men involved and they had sex with too.
Still waiting for the questioning.
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Your name says anonymous......
>Did you just found out?
>You are not The Nobody
The nobody is a cat.
Find out what?
>I either eat nothing or too much, bad coping mechanisms and self image + loneliness

I see, I can do that sometimes too, but less so when I've addressed other things that need addressing in my life. I wonder if there are other things you may be putting off, or not dealing with, that if you dealt with them, could help adjust that bad coping mechanism, so in the long term, you would have more balance and not end up in a situation where you felt you had to starve yourself. Are there others with you who would encourage this kind of approach? Would you yourself even be interested in it?
Just post it, if it's you.
Ok I dont understand this, my lovelies told me to give them space and I did to throw off the trial like they asked me, why did this hurt them? I dont understand. I gave them space like they asked, do they not remember this?
Post what?
Hm, never mind.
ha, thats probably what these threads are about they want to fuck the guy.
Is that the end of the questioning?
I wanted you to kick my door down and accept nothing less than me and an answer.
But instead, you found my hiding place and fled.
We could have spent years on a beach together telling the world to fuck off.
But you chose the great game over love.
If you feel like it.
that's definitely a large percentage of what the threads are about
Do I still have something to hide?
Do you have secrets?

So sell your tickets.
Perform in your shows.
Make all your money.
Live your empty fucking life.
I'm on the wayside where you left me.
And I'm not coming back.
Not these days. I try to be honest in things I do. And if I catch myself in a lie, I try to correct it as soon as possible.
I know about the dome too, bro.


desu i'm so confused. do any of you know what's going on
That's good.
What's going on where? In this thread?
Is that the end of the questioning?
I wish that I didn't.
I am not the Nobody
this is all I hear when you folx post "music" by rappists
my fangies told me to give them space so they could throw off the trial and I did, now they act convinced that i betrayed them or something.
I know most of what is going on, still waiting on my mondo-clearance badge in the post though
So do I have nothing to hide?
probably, but I don't have support and I don't particularly like thinking about self improvement when I'm feeling like this, after I'm thin
anyways, im gonna do some protection stuff tommorrow hopefully. need to do more stuff. I was told I passed a test by one god the other day. which makes me feel good.
Then you don't know who I am.
I am *that* dhampir.
By your own confession, no. But I don't know you.
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>Hey just think, it could be worse :p
At least we know the nobody is a cat.
I am the one who kills you in his sleep.
I know your a dhampir, Im more than just a wolf or dragon, or even incarnaton, and proxy, Im kind of a hybrid of sorts I suppose. I want to help power up my peeps and make them stronger.
You're the one who claimed you'd prove it in a 2 minute questioning.
We’re finally bombing Bethlehem and Nazareth.
I understand. When I finally got some self improvement things to stick, it was by chipping away at them slowly, and being able to forgive myself when I failed. Your perspective about things is one of the only things in this world that you truly have control over, and it is also one of the most powerful tools you can utilize. I hope this doesn't sound dismissive, it is what helped me after so many years of stagnation and repeating of bad habits.
I doubt that bruh, IRRA was a gift given to me by the elder gods. a guardian that can turn day into night.
I think you have the wrong guy. I have nothing to prove.
Buy spam and secure a water purifier (with mineral packets.)
Society is about to go to complete shit.
If you're the guy with spam musubis and fresh water you'll be everybody's best friend.
nice, what test was it, do you know?
Yep first person perspective

Truble shotting

Now home invasion by ghost

What do you think
Fucking heathen. If only God let me interfere.
Then why did you respond? Follow the reply chain.
Victory to Lebanon and communities with boundaries
It's like sleep walking but you respond to a whack in the head with a targeted brain aneurism.
I can't do it when I am awake.
But people who try to get at me when I''m asleep, die.
I'm a bit aghast desu.
Because I had an engagement with someone else.
Still waiting for the questioning.
thanks anon.. maybe I will manage to assimilate maybe not
seems that way, I was hoping we would have more time but the cabal and the stupids kinda of escalated things, they didn't seem to realize they are not in control as they pretend to way too much.
one of loyalty and morality based upon how I judge others, based on whats inside rather than out.
You are a fag and a parasite that doesn’t belong in this community let~alone this world.

Thankfully you pests are getting shot so 4chan is getting better.
Says the guy that wants to spread a religion that makes excuses for you beating women and fucking children, you fucking degenerate.
If you could go back to adam and eve would you have eaten?
that pottermore thing from a few years ago put me in slytherin, what does this mean?
Interesting question. They do say happy wife. Happy life.
What a self projection.
Means you value Harry Potter as a personality analysis matrix.
So you want to deny your religion's tenets?

I am not sure what to think of this because I don't know what you mean
They do say happy wife, happy life.*
>one of loyalty and morality based upon how I judge others, based on whats inside rather than out.
I am glad that you passed, anon. can you share anything else about it?
they need to stop exploding the lolis, bros
Is that the end of the questioning?
Paganism: Each love is each a soul and a divinity and infinite multiverses. Yin~Yang etc.
"No-one can have anything to do with you."
And who would have had the balls to back that up if you were with me?
You are a fucking coward, Taylor.
And I refuse to suffer for being your greatest regret.
Get out of my life.
I more so value it's ability to connect me to other people in my generation, so you are not entirely incorrect.
What's your deepest regret and deepest sin?
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>The nobody is a cat

Explain how cats are real but the nobody is not :p
zionists don't consider this more human than human like them, yet she was cuter than all those demonic yahuds put together
You dressed him up just like me.
And I found if fucking repugnant.
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The Nobody is a Cat
I try not to dwell on the past. But I was a pretty heavy drinker for years, variety of drug use, I've gotten into a few punch ups, and I had a pretty serious pornography addiction. I've made great strides in my recovery.
That's good to hear. That's the end of the questioning.
>sense of community
I credit my recovery to regular church attendance, scripture study, and prayer. I've also been a regular at recovery meetings that have kept me strong during it.
>No-one can have anything to do with you."
that makes me very sad but I know inside it is true
>And who would have had the balls to back that up if you were with me?
>You are a fucking coward, Taylor.
You dont even know my name asshole
>And I refuse to suffer for being your greatest regret.
Get over it, if you think I regret it you asre wrong, I barely even ever think about it
>Get out of my life.
touché bitch just got blocked
your right. they were being chased by masons and shit attacking them, but your right, they were wrong and I knew they would end up lost but Im always told im wrong.
>Some guy trying to make my post directly addressed to Taylor about himself.
I suppose there's been a few relationships I could've handled better. Might’ve left a broken heart or two.
And there was a variety of sexual things with animals during my childhood and adolescent years.
Humans are mortals. Their lives are short. Earth is their home, and they will be judged here. They will not find paradise with Me. There is no heaven or hell in their future. Let them live their lives, make their own choices, and face the consequences. Let them learn to live in harmony with their world, and maybe, one day, they will become something more.

But the immortals, the ones I gave eternal life and endless comfort, they chose to betray Me. They wanted power, they wanted to depose My love, they wanted to defy Me. And for what? They already had everything. But it wasn't enough. Now they will suffer forever. They are immortal... in hell.

Humans may never achieve perfection, but they will also never experience that kind of fall. Let them find their own way. Maybe they will surprise Me. Maybe they will achieve something the immortals never could. Something UNIQUE, something SINGULAR, as this is a unique COSMOS - a one time offering.

But that is for them to decide. It’s up to you guys to overcome and grow together.


how about you fucking make me?
That'll do. May Our Infinite Creator walk with you from now on.
I've also borne false witness at times. Really, throughout my 29 years, I think the only commandment I haven't broken is 'Thou shalt not kill.'
ive broken that one a lot
It's good to reflect. Good travels on your journey.
That seems like a very bad thing to do. I feel like even murderers can be redeemed through the atonement of Jesus Christ, though.
pretty based
self defense or people trying to come for my people. justified to a degree.
this is disturbing, does anyone ever speak on why this happens, or may be allowed? I don't know what war does to people, not really
Not really. The things I did only ever seemed to harm others, or myself. But as I said at the start, I don't like to dwell on the past.
Nice Trips
They will all pay
eh s'all good either you didn't mean it or they definitely deserved it either way good shit
yeah in theory, not so many results yet
So is that the end of the questioning?
it seems something done to insight a blinding rage, approach with tact, not emotion, this is a situation that calls for a level head, as difficult as that may be to do
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
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Those people were psychopaths before the war even began.
>only ever seemed to harm others
>I don't like to dwell on the past
lol wow
We're not supposed to dox people on this website. But he's a small business owner. Self-employed consultant for a dam lining company.
NTA he really asked her that at the end of their date, didn't he? It made me so uncomfortable
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>>38968686 (uwu)
>Lt Dan's magic legs couldn't stop this post
its a meme u dip
so how often are those types utilized in a war? I imagine that's one of the most prevalent types for certain segments of a fighting force, or are there attempts to exclude them?
Not his name, no.
I guess I didn't understand the question.
Perhaps I should've asked for clarity.
osama bin laden needs you to save your country
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The nobody is a cat.
>He was born of Kitty
I heard he died years ago.
Could've been the news lying, I suppose. Why, what's he doing to Australia?
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You just don't do it period. Wats your point?
Go to /pol for talks involving politics please
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I had a moment and wrote an essay because of all that could be said about what you just wrote, but then I went…

Been having these epiphanies more and more lately.
Those desert dewlling troonyboi Australians love talking shit on /x/
That is all

Send em back to /b/
I've lost track of things. So I said in poetic verse a while ago that I have nothing to hide. Then someone said 'bullshit' and that they'd prove it in a 2 minute questioning. Is that person still here? Because I'm curious as to what I have to hide still.
You've proved me wrong. Go on.
I didn't think it was totally politics related, I also didn't post the war images. It seems a spiritual matter to do something so extreme
This general isnt about your spiritualism beliefs is it?
I need to go to bed, you can argue with someone else
This sounds like something a guy with something to hide would say..
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>The Nobody is a Cat
Dating me is like joining a gang, first date you kill someone, second date, I beat you in. After that you have to kick up 75% of everything you take in. (I am not Tate.)
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Meow :3 <3
it's fake. religiously, muslims consider it unholy to touch a jewish woman sexually and israelis despise palestinians so much that they would rather fuck a dog than get their dick wet with a palestinian iall of this rape shit is spread by antisemitic groups and not by the palestinians. these groups are just as vile as the zionists who shamelessly spread hamas rape propaganda on mainstream media
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All day hoze
>The nobody is a cat
The Israelis are prosecuting Israeli soldiers for raping Palestinians even.
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>take a look :3
jews are not human
Explaining a lie and what is the point of that good anon?
I didn't come here to make my self look like an idoit
Yes yes the nobody is a cat
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I am sorry trafficked children, we cant prosecute your rapers because they stole from the nobody and are now protected more than they were before. at least we got some of you out of the tunnels.
They would be out of the tunnels if it were up to me. They would be phased out of the tunnels and back in their homes, if it were up to me.
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now they got to be comically evil and literally do what they want everywhere because hey what are you gonna do, PAY the nobody? and btw, I remember the flip flop phone I used then. now we have smartphones everywhere. and whatsapp. you will never pay the nobody, and thats why you will live forever on this hell of an earth. comically evil fucks.
Denial is a hell of a drug Lizbeth. Feralism is subtle it's a powerful thing you are still strong I know you have slipped into it a little since last week talked but your still the girl I knew. Your sister loves you she is concerned you are becoming like your sisters. She wants you to be strong and vmbrave. I know you care about them but remember they too need someone tooker them found In reality.

Don't try to convince them.
But change your sef, tis the o ky thing you can do.
you saved them just to vaxx them later. literally, all of you go to fucking hell. comically evil fucks.
I wouldn't promote anyone getting a vaccine, but that's their choice if they do.
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cattle, insects, and thieves. what a world to live forever, thank you god.
The Nephilim were burned when Hitler did the book burning. They don't exist anymore.
Actually that's a bad idea because Weird Al Yankovic did a song called Horoscope for Today and all leos and Virgos have the Ebola Virus

Please don't say nobody is a cat it's such bad maths magic wise it's not even funny
The Nobody is a cat lol
No really it's a bad idea he was the initial conduit for coronavirus that way if you say nobody is a cat then lots of people will literally get ebola virus and die there was already an airplane in Germany that landed there and gave it to them it never got seen out of Africa before

The nobody is never a cat.
Llama with a kippah
On a christian
But they are humans thats the problem
And their religious leaders failed them
You really tryna convince an Anti-Semitic to be cool?
Anti-Vampire, not Anti-Semitic, vampires arent semites.
Oh, do tell.
Can we stop now...
>Mongol Empire fucks you up hard
>you should become one of them anyways
>*change in language*
>The hurricane laughs at everyone
>thank you, we are finally free of your mass
Organized chaos, organized order and energy.
Key info thinking
"Hyper obsessions, liking overlap, person anchoring and learning info extraction" occur
Concept of randomised "seed" always seem too advanced for now
Identification and analysis of potential tech tree outliers useful component
Spotting truth times
Sleep abnormal shock
Thank ye for maintenance
I wipe my eyes awake
Self harm is considered breaking this commandment. Something to keep in mind.. I’ve been trying to leave this world for quite awhile. My sins are without number..more than the hairs on my head.
There is actually hundreds of commandments 613 to be exact and Jesus did not break one of them. This is precisely how he was able to overcome the world..literally defeating sin and its cause, satan.
Oh, so he did the commandment of not leaving the idolators buildings standing?
He said he would tear them down a rebuild them in three days.
He is inter-dimensional and universal
His ways are not known to us
As the world shook upon his passing the foundations cracked. They became vacant lots. Time itself was changed
Sure, buddy, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night. There is only one Infinite Creator and Jesus ain't it.
He was with the Father since the beginning
He is the King of Time.
He’s the only one who’s never left my side. Otherwise I would walk this world alone. He is my best friend even though I am a miserable sinner I believe in his infinite mercy. He literally opened up a portal to Heaven by defeating death itself and then he locked the Gates of hell to seal the deal. He even went to hades and got his friends who were waiting for him . I heard the party was epic
The Infinite Creator doesn't need to physically be anywhere to do those things. I think you should be honest with yourself and become a Unitarian.
Do we not live in a world a spirit? Sin is in our blood. There is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood. Doth ye not say As above so below? Yet you deny the truth. This is strange business.
>Do we not live in a world a spirit?
Okay? So?
>Sin is in our blood
This doesn't make Jesus The Infinite Creator by any stretch.
> There is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood
Yeah, that's evil.
>Doth ye not say As above so below?
No, I do not.
>Yet you deny the truth
You don't even respect it enough to call it The Truth. That's how your words betray you.
>This is strange business
Get a grip. Become a Unitarian.
nta lol
oh boy it's morning news time!
Satan owns this whole thing..It was gifted to him and he let it go down the tubes. So someone shows up and opens up a door to Heaven. A chance at eternal life..We are but dust and Satan had dominion over the air. It was a strangle hold..a dead lock and he got taken to school.
Good morning
How can one detox?
Sin is in our nature not our blood
Jesus Christ's sacrifice was for us and our sins

I know what lies Below
It just rubs me the wrong way
The glorification of D and R is still the glorification of D
And glorifying it empowers a little bit of it to a l l o t h e r t o k e n s in the subtlest sense theoretically speaking
Death and loss is the enemy of man
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Good morning everyone :3

>How did you sleep last night, :3

The nobody is a cat!
>Gooby plz
>Satan owns this whole thing
No, he doesn't.
>It was gifted to him and he let it go down the tubes
Down what tubes?
>So someone shows up and opens up a door to Heaven
Everyone is called Home at some point, bro. This doesn't make Jesus The Infinite Creator, not by a long shot.
>A chance at eternal life
You are the soul and the soul already has eternal life.
>We are but dust and Satan had dominion over the air
The air comes from The Spirit of The Father, it has nothing to do with Satan or Trinitarian Christianity.
>It was a strangle hold..a dead lock and he got taken to school
Bro, there is none that can stand against The Infinite Creator, Satan's battle isn't with him for even he will be called to come Home.
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Trip update :3
Lion's mane for neuron regeneration
Microdose Golden teachers (10ug/day for 3 months) to decalcify pineal gland and restore greater functionality

>Juicy steak :p confirmed
>Sip the bone hurting juice a little to hard and......

Gooby powers
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I like this one. I'll keep it lol
I’m not angry I’m just saying, sometimes goodbye is a second chance
It's good you aren't angry. It wasn't to make you angry, it was to tell you The Truth.
I'm doing you a favor
As I'm taking all your money
I guess I should feel sorry
But I don't even trust me
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My social security slave money? Or my social security paid money?
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Malachi 3:22
Did someone scrupulously set the scrupulous token weight to be scrupulous ly high? My mind seems to like and be weighted and thinking of that word a lot.
Have fun spread the love


The digital battlefield


Come get some


I am here for (uwu)


He's a cat alright.

Around 2008 or 2009, when he started working on his skills as a preteen
Teach me about Illusion spells
make a new thread nerds
Thanks to the forces of good, the negative effects were greatly reduced.
But no, they aren't permanent :) And you can ask for healing before going to sleep.
*sees fren*
*waves to fren*
>This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties.
On GLP, that is. On /x/ it probably was around 2013.
Um, I was here in 2013, there were no threads about The Nobody.
You mean visual ones? I don't know them.
And if you mean deceiving someone by clouding their mind, then that's something only passed down to someone that one knows will only use it ethically.
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/ng/ itself started late 2019, but the topic was older
I'm pretty sure it was known by Bohemians and things before the official initial thread on GLP, but it wasn't really "a thing" until that post.
You are an eternal spirit, friend, terminating your physical body prematurely only makes the situation worse.
Eating a bit* every three hours is better to get in shape than fasting.

*but don't replace your main meals for a quick snack
/ng/ is a deluxe sandbox for kitty cats' shitposts
and loveposts

they fucking smell

the antonym of hope
You'll understand nothing
You'll ask for even less
By the time you find what I'm bluffing, it will be wrapped around your neck
Say less.
Because The Lord loves to see us play
Are you a girl and it’s your thighs?

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