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Welcome to HealerAnon General! I’m here to offer psychic healing doing my best to provide some relief for your problems. I can deal with negative entities, curses, energy blockages, and help with various other types of energetic and mental problems. With physical issues and pains nothing is guaranteed (as is any healing provided by me) but it can’t hurt to try and hopefully my energy will be able to provide some relief.
> To Receive Healing
Please request what you would like help with and then provide feedback on any sensations
you experienced and the level of relief as this will allow me to hone my energy for people with similar issues in the future. The more details you provide the better although some people are not very energy sensitive due to health, medications, and general psychic aptitude so if you didn’t feel that much don’t worry about it! If you aren’t comfortable with sharing specifics then just type “Help” and I’ll do my very best.
> To Repay Me:
* Pay it forward in life
* Give feedback

I got you all and I charged your bracelet.
Thank you for the abstract image!
Hey anon, thanks again
You're welcome.
but why'd u have to sully the ideal of healer anon general with the "/hag/"? HAG? Come on, anon, thats a fail. next time dont use that, please.
Have you initiated your Christ Oil? The monthly sacred secretion? Come on, now!
Someone in my first thread I healed in called me Healer Anon so I stuck with it. Everyone has a general so I just slapped it on the end. The fact it turns out to be hag is humorous to me.
Oh it's fully initiated.
what color is my buddha in the field?
I'm feeling neon yellow.
whew, close! Blue, tho.
whats your sign? If you dont mind telling an anon..
'But I let you get contact.'
'And now you feel better.'
'I think it's quite good.'
'If you write me a letter.'
The moon is in your sign NOW! Nice!!!
This is when your Christ Oil is flowing and traveling back up the spine to the pineal gland where wonderful things happen/heal. Best to you, anon. thanks
https://mooncalendar.astro-seek.com/ (scroll down for dates)
Thank you for your poem!
Thank you for informing me!
I got everyone in the thread so far.
If you like something to be charged tell me. I got to finish breakfast.
Go eat and enjoy!
'Oh quite a blast!'
'Guess it's been fun!'
'Just another for the file!'
'See you in a while. :('
I'm back.
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I'm a Sagittarius, and I'm looking for any chakra blockages or unhealthy attachments that don't serve my highest good. I feel connected to the Creator and welcome divine presence throughout my life. I've worked with extraterrestrials for years. In the past I welcomed negatively-polarized beings into my life in order to better understand them, so I'm not sure if there's anything lingering around me that can be asked to leave.

I suspect multiple high-vibrational beings are protecting me, and I felt called to reach out to you since I saw your earlier post.
You're all cleared. God bless and best of luck in your work!
Thank you! I felt a gentle flow around the stomach and now a calm openness from top to bottom.
I've got a spirit attached to me, a dead friend (or so it claims) who identifies more with her powerful past lives and can't remember the one we shared (convenient). Her megalomania and control issues have been making my life uncomfortable to say the least ever since we became telepathic. Can you shut off the thought transmission or identify what's "really" going on?
Hi healeranon. I am feeling generally low energy and motivated with life. The world seems like one big threat and i am an extreme procrastinator. I suspect some energy blockages. What do you see? What does my aura look like?
Aries M24
Any help appreciated
help please
You're weclome! Thank you for the feedback!
You're all set. It shouldn't bother you anymore. It's as you suspect a demonic entity masquerading as your friend.
Energy blockages where the demons were attached root chakra and sacral and there were holes in the aura. You're good to go now.
Everything should get better now.
Please heal me so I can do what I need to do to get to the next level in life. I feel ready although something seems to be weighing me down and I can't figure out why that is.
M36 cancer, dragon
You're good now. God bless you and everyone I have healed. Ya'll don't have to put your zodiac signs unless y'all really want to lol
Thanks healeranon God bless you for the bless. Have a nice day :)
thank you, all i felt was a few random sensations on my arm and leg
You're welcome. You too!
You're welcome. That's sometimes how it feels when things translate from a higher plane down here.
Describe your background for us, it'd be helpful
What aspect?
hello healer anon I made this for you as payment. Last four years has been hell only pure blood in my family . Use to go to reiki and was attuned haven't been in 4 years since the reiki teacher green lit the jabbie jab. Have gone hermit mode ultra intevert since COVID clown world. I'm sure I got hitchhikers if you would be so kind show them the door . patch any holes in the aura set up an empath shield. Basic energy Housekeeping energetic defraging and emphatic shield of protection cord removal healing from family issues. Basicly the works . I muscle tested you and you seem alright so Ill give it go.
I got you already it's in my first message you should be good and thank you again for the art I saved it.
Thanks . I got the impression you can charge things. I make orgonite and gift it. Basically two types pretty and tactical. The pretty stuff is to show offf the tactical is for spiking down near cell towers. This is all my orgone devices in pic chem busters on left earth pipes middle and new age sellable stuff on the left. Could you super charge it? I plan on a round trip soon covering a few hundred miles and getting those earth pipes into places they need to be. Charge them with intent to neutralize emf tower and banish Chemtrails. Been having a lot of success already with this but wouldn’t mind a power boost.
Thank you :)
I'd love to. Do you have a measuring device for the field I'm not sure what it's called but I've seen one guy have something that can measure some aspect of it. It doesn't matter I'm just curious to see how much I can make it go up. Either way I want you to have your hand near one of those chem busters so you can feel the energy that's about to come out of that thing lol
You're welcome :)
Tell me when you are ready.
No but I would be interested to find out more I have been going by trial and error and watching the skies. I live in Appalachia some hundred miles north of where the shits real bad. I use to go to the area of WNC very beautiful. It’s been years and I thought I should make a trip down to Asheville wnc and gift that area . This was before the hurricane I guess I missed my window it could have lessened the impact of the weather manipulation there at least I’d like to think. My area has some the bluest skies since I have been active. I wish more people where doing this it’s not easy but it’s also not impossible and I’m just one person if just five more where doing what I was in a general state wide region I think the results would be incredible. But it’s not easy both the making and tracking to places to gift getting ticks and lesion ivy lol. It’s hard work but someone’s got to do it.
I’m not near them I’m at a cafe do I need to be in there proximity?
please heal my husbands ulcerative colitis, healer anon. with love.
Absolutely, my hats off to you think you for doing it. God bless. I'll charge all the orgonite you have placed and any you have. I just wanted you to feel the energy come off it cause if you have energy sensitivity at all I'm gonna make your whole arm rattle lol they will be charged when you get home.
Nice yes I do have some sensitivity when I make orgonite using my process all sorts of energy amps up. The trees tend to shake from wind that’s a good sign I no it’s good if it brings the breeze and shakes the trees. It’s getting energy flowing unstagnating. I think of the earth pipes like acupuncture needles for the earth.
do you find healing others heals yourself?
I healed you both. Can I charge his wedding ring? Something to hold onto the energy long term to help relieve his condition over time.
Btw I was already making orgonite but this is the guy who kicked my ass into gifting . his podcasts and additiude it was got me off my ass and doing it
That's awesome I'll check it out. I just tried to look at warrior matrix where they had like the holy hand grenades and stuff and I didn't know the founders had passed and the website isn't up anymore.
That's awesome. Yeah, I have heard some people talk about them like that. I have always wanted to build a giant orgone chamber to meditate in with orichalcum shavings. I think using that over any other metal would raise the energy off the charts.
With love, yes, thank you, healer anon, for the both of us. xoxo
You're very welcome. You're all set.
Your practices, tradition, system, that kind of thing
Yeah I rember that site . I need to share my designs I have come up with a poor man’s orgonite recipe. No joke dollar tree use to have everything you needed becuse they where selling cheaper resin metal scrubbies and crushed quartz. I’m pissed they discontinued selling resin. For a while you could make dollar store orgonite with one stop.
Ok healer anon since we are talking orgonite and you seem gifted in energy work I got get your opinion on pic rel. the symbolic Heirynmous machine. Video link is a run down of its history. This picture is the actual machine it has no moving parts it’s an insane concept


Worth a try.

I’m extremely obsessed with women, I can’t see a girl in the streets and feel like I want to talk to her and get to know her and take her home and make love to her. It wouldn’t be a problem if it just captured all of my attention, I just want to focus on studying and learning new things and becoming a better person but as soon as I see a girl my brain goes into sexual mode and I can only think and act accordingly. I’ve wasted countless hours trying to befriend women just to have sex. It’s extremely frustrating because I’m not particularly good at flirting but I am forced by my impulses to keep trying.

I want to be a man who is capable of loving only one girl, so far I’ve always cheated on my girlfriends because I’m incapable to say no

Oh here is the machine
Dang talk about a nice Dollar Tree I wish they ever sold resin over here lol At least you were able to take advantage of it long enough to get your orgon feet wet but you def miss out on the convenience.
Yoinking for the next general lol
They work. It functions off of orgon as well. I remember looking at them a while ago and wondering about the differences between the actual material ones with quartz and the purely drawn ones. They both work but as far as how good I'm not too compared to each other. There's also the concept I sort of believe which is the less equipment driven something is the more you are using yourself as a conduit and that you can pick up like energetic junk so it would be best to cleanse yourself in some way energetically before and after with the drawn ones while the ones with quartz I think the crystal had to be cleared.
I got you. When entities become attached to the lower chakras they can force your mind to work like that. You're all set.
My current practice is just being and healing. Once you get to a certain level you don't have to retain semen (although I do), fast, spend hours in meditation because you become someone who is always meditating and in a state of waking samadhi called turiya where natural thoughts cease and you process conceptionally which an example would be to describe a triangle without words or images.
i don't really have a tradition as I believe every tradition has bits of the ancient truth in it. I mentioned some of things I have practiced like different yogas, qigong, and aesthetic practices. I did a lot of reading as well as intense practices with the one goal of awakening kundalini which many religions with an energetic component teach as a goal or at least describe the same phenomenon. In one of the books I read it talks about the bioenergetic components of enlightenment so I intuitively knew that kundalini was the main goal and learned other methods after it that are also pathways to "enlightenment".
Healing just comes intuitively and naturally to me.
can you please help fix my mind? i feel disconnected from god and i used to be close with him... i'm schizophrenic
I can but I'm not a replacement for any medicine just a legal disclaimer.
God is always with you.
i have ocd from evil energy pls heal me.
Also can i ask Is my mom demonically possesed?
Yes, but a ton of people are so don't panic about it. All narcissists are.
i started to hate god, do you think he can forgive me? i think im guilty of the unforgivable sin because of some of the things i said about jesus and the holy spirit but i regret it now and i want him in my life
Omg Tysm YES she has NPD you are spot on.
I rejected medication from her (a benzo specifically) and ran out the house then i had a full blown anxiety attack for the first time ever, voice hallucinations and was forced to take it from then in
I'm sure God forgives you. I wouldn't over worry about it. Just live your life right.
can you scan and evaluate the state of my energy body?
What is the color of my energy?
can you see any kind of mental problems or energetic problems?
Anything else?

I am only asking for diagnose for the sake of selfreflection. Thank you
Thank you once again friend. You healed me two days ago and it seems to have helped a lot. I came back to ask if you could please free my dad of any spells or hexes/curses he may have? It seems he does have a few of those.
I'm sorry about that I hope things clear up for the both of you.
I more heal rather than just diagnose. A lot of holes in your aura and negative entity attachments. Gonna lead to some BDP type issues in the future if not treated now.
You're very welcome. For sure I'll get right on it.
i would like help with my financial situaton and with my family.
He's good to go.
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Ok healer anon . I got back from the cafe the orgonite is cooked. I have done energy work so I do have some sentivity. Bit dizzy and spacy so I know its cooked. I half staked the earth pipes into the ground and moved the chembusters back sky ward energy is pretty potent . Could you zap pic rel its quartz amethyst and resin that I will be using when I get around to making more orgonite.
Before requesting any sort of healing, can I just please ask you to at least diagnose the issues I am facing right now? They are for sure spiritual in nature, but I need some sort of confirmation that you can correctly identify the issues. Thank you, HealerAnon!
I'll get right on it.
I'm sensing 17 demons one of which is a succubus.
Thank you for your evaluation.

Since you are asking for Feedback in OP I will give you my best feedback and I hope it will valuable to you:
- You are not the first person suggesting to me that I may have BPD tendencies.
- But as you know BPD personalities have a fragile sense of self. So... that is also why I was not asking you outright to treat or fix my energy body.
- I honestly belief, these holes you saw, may be an authentic part of myself. just like the BPD tendencies. maybe it's my "superpower" I don't know.
- Also the negative entities. I am not sure what is there and if they are really negative?
Maybe we just have different perspectives?

Maybe you want to comment on this? I would appreciate it.

Also to give you feeddback on your scanning activities felt very gentle almost not recognizable. like a very carefully gentle pressure applied.
I felt it first like a soft pull in my head than a very gentle pressure in my throat then in my heart area.

You energy felt much better and lighter and more gentle than f.e this guy: >>38961834
whose scanning felt like getting knockked out with a punch to the head.

Again your energy seems to be much more gentle and careful and brighter/lighter.
I appreciate it.

Couldn't make out a color of your energy. I'd say its a gentle semi transparent whitish light like magically glowing fog but appearing to be pure like wind or a cloud.
Ready to rock.
no energy
you feel like you don't have purpose
spend ALOT of time just stairing at a screen
overweight because you like to eat (who doesn't)
you feel alone and unloved
no hope for the future
sound about right?
Thank you so much. Blessings upon you
I promise you would feel a LOT lighter if they were removed and the holes patched up.
They are never good they just drain life force and feed off negative emotional states. Usually the energy exhibits the intention so I would recommend not being scanned by him again. Greatly appreciate the feedback again I honestly do.
Can you get rid of them? I am particularly bothered by what seems to have attached to my head (like a spine in the center of my brain, severing any spiritual connection + a lot of unwarranted general hate), heart (like a snake strangling it) and right knee (preventing me to do any running). They've wrecked my life. Please help me.
I got you you're all good.
please help. I've been dealing with demons or whatever these things are for a while now. past two days they've been attacking me while trying to sleep. feeling kinda week.

I have seen tons of techniques for entity clearings. Can you give us some teqinques that you can suggest that are reliable to show ententies/attachments the door? Do you run a certain energy or state an intent like GTFO what can some of us do if we think we have pests or unwanted guests and we might not have your services available at the time?
Thank you, HealerAnon.

I don't feel any different, and no sensations to speak of. Maybe a mild pressure inside my head, but that's it.
I don't really have techniques that can be used without the energetic groundwork. If I healed you then I seal you from entity attachment unless you invite them in.
Are you feeling alright now?
I try to respond one at a time versus multiple people so I don't lose track. It's not very 'post efficient' but it helps me make sure I don't overlook anyone.
doing alright I guess. but whatever is in this room with me likes to make sounds like they're flicking their finger to the walls or windows or whatver.
got it thanks for that Im definitely trying to be more discerning of the company I keep both physical and non physical
Things like qigong (Spring Forest Qigong), meditation, and orgon pieces can ward off or subjugate them but some are very stubborn to remove.
well thanks for charging the orgone and crystals I guess I gotta make some more at some point. I have been mostly making tactical and as soon as I make it I deploy it in an area been doing it for about two years kind of been driven. Once I realized it had a greater purpose. In all honesty I would rather have a supplier who made it kept me supplied and Just do the gifting I like the adventure part but something dawned on me. I gifted a town several miles south of here drove up a mountain and could see the sky clearing in a ring around the town but then looked east and it was like staring into mount doom from Lord of the rings as the whole sky in the flat lands east had the electro smog haze. I have cleared up my general area but felt depressed realizing that it like a needle in the haystack and most of the rest of the country outside of what pockets there are active gifters probably looks like that gross miasma. I have gotten a little burnt out on it basically every where needs orgone devices to keep up with the fuckery but there is only so much one person can do and doing this shit is hard to teach . I think most people who do it are drawn to it and learn it on their own you cant really hold a workshop on it it maybe making gift shop orgonite but not gifting and the theory behind it its way to schizo sounding even though it works in my experience.
Maybe you could try to find some spiritual shops or centers near you and ask about holding a workshop. Network a little and get them making some for you. I'm sure you could teach it to people. Once again myself and the Earth thank you!
I suspect no blockages necessarily, but I feel like kundalini is sleeping
Should it be awakened, and am I right in feeling no blockages?
Someone hijacked my post. I'm the original anon who requested healing from the demons. I have felt some mild short pains inside my head and a bit of pressure build-up. But it's done almost nothing to alleviate the original symptoms or feeling of posession.
It's a long road to awaken it. Lot of emotional ups and downs. That's a question only you can answer. I sense some blockages in the lungs and tailbone. Everyone has some unless you have done a lot of energy work.
I'm sorry if you haven't felt any relief I have done everything I can.
Thank you for your response.
I sense some energy around my tailbone and lungs now, and I sensed it earlier on today. Can you please help me with those blockages then? They feel like a sort of light energy there.
You're welcome. You should be all set now.
Thank you, and no worries.
Hi, could you heal my wife please? And is my son ok energetically and protected? Also, could you check my aura and if I have energy blockages or entities? I know the direction I want to go in life, but procrastinate and lack energy sometimes.
Thank you very much, I feel calm now. Sort of enveloped as if I was protected by an egg of sorts. Do you see any holes in my aura, please?
You're good; aura is in good shape.
Great, thanks a lot for the check and your help.
Absolutely. He's alright but I'll remove the minor stuff and seal him. Yeah, there are some there. They are definitely responsible for sapping your will.
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Ok I apologize If I keep asking you to charge but I keep thinking of things. So I have been told im an empath by a few people but im also a big introvert I need solitude or nature to recharge and get drained by to much social interaction . I also seem to draw energy vampires and I want defense a ward so I dont get drained anoying people that want to complain and drain narssasits and other types. I have heard other empaths seem to attact energy vamps as well. Im tired of it and have started to get proactive aggresive just to protect my energy. I dont want peoples therapist unless they are paying me . This happens alot around work and family. I havent worn these in a while I dug them out the center is a tesla plate with a heart piece or orgonite the left and right are black tormoline and I just happned to find anouher orgonite prymid. Could you charge these with the intent to ward off energy draining people and enteties so i can keep them on me when I go about in the world? I dont mind helping people or listening when I can but im through with getting drained and having others dump there crap on me I need somthing that feels like a symbolic physical shield against that can you charge these with that intent. So going about my buisness in the world of people is a bit easier also entity ward as well
Absolutely I can do that.
Thank you! I felt something subtle brushing my upper back / lungs area like a gentle wind going upwards, straightened my posture too. My son was coughing and crying but seems to have calmed now. Are the entities gone now? I will pay this forward big time :)
All set.
You're very welcome.Yeah, everyone is good to go.
I understand about the empath thing. On some level people just know and yeah they do attract all those types and interactions with people are very draining.
thank you thank you ....and thank for this thread I see a lot of appreciation here . Im going to ask you to heal a cat next If I can get a picture of him. Do you do animals?
I do. You don't have to post a picture I can reach it.
Kitty cat is good to go.
Ok orange cat named rusty. He is not mine he lives down the street but is wandering Tom cat that makes the rounds. He is bold and very friendly but lacking in brains, I enjoy his visits and he seems to really like me but I also know he is a free spirit. Which means he gets in fights I guess over his turf . He has been doing well for the last year staying out of trouble but saw him the other day and his ear was all scarred up and he had scars on the side of the head so it looks like he has been fighting again. I worry about him since he is a free roamer and a bit stupid like he likes to chill in the road and doesn't perceive cars as a big of a threat that most cats should and do. I think he is creature truly blessed with nine lives and dumb luck. But it looks like he has been getting into some shit recently and could use some healing.
I have negative imagery projected into my mind and nightmares that get projected into my a mind as well as dream invasion by a guy that put a blood curse on me. also, My aura has holes in it.
wow impressive I didn't even say what the animal was
I've healed and sealed you. Stay away from black magic!
I think you mentioned it wss a cat :3
Thanks! Its much weaker now. Do you have any suggestions for keeping the ill intentioned at bay if they try to break through or cause issues with those around me?
I can charge a piece of jewelry for you for protection.
I don't have any jewelry. I have an orgonite puck though. Does that work?
That will work. It's charged and you're good to go.
thanks! I felt it.
Hello HealerAnon. If I previously requested healing from you am I able to request again? I just need a general cleanse of negativity, blockages, and curses (if there are any on me) because even after I asked for healing from you I am still plagued by some limiting beliefs and resentment towards those who have hurt me, which is very distracting in my day to day. I will admit that even after you lifted blockages for me yesterday I continued to feel impacted by negativity once today, but in general I did feel okay as long as I could maintain my focus.
If you have some jewelry or something on you I can program it to help with your limiting beliefs and resentment over time.That's a bit better than a one shot and will work on your subconscious mind. You might experience a lot of dreams with it.
I like to have lucid dreams, so that would be nice. There isn't really a piece of jewelry I wear regularly anymore, but maybe you could charge my pencil? It's a very special item for me, I treat it like a magic wand, I've used it for years. It's a mechanical pencil, papermate clearpoint if you wanna get an idea of what it looks like lol.
Your pencil is charged. Just try to keep it near you.
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Ould i Plzs hav this charged plz tym for eveyhing uve done
It's all charged and ready to go. God bless!
You are very welcome.
Thank you! I keep it with me almost everywhere I go
I Saw The divine shune
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Heal the black spots in my eyes and blood pressure that runs a bit high plz.

Wdym pay it forward in life? Learn to heal others?
I'm the one that made this post
sorry to the other anon, didn't mean to hijack.
feeling pretty good right now but I'm wondering if you can explain what's going on with these things around me. they like to make noise all around me like I said in the post bellow
been happening for a while and I have no idea what it's is.
I can try to heal the black spots in your eyes but I'm not sure of the underlying condition right off the bat and for the blood pressure it would be better to combine that with a charged piece of jewelry to maintain it. Not necessarily just be kind to others. people.
I cleared the space around you so if it's still making noises I'm not sure what's making sounds either.
Hi HealerAnon. Could you do this for me as well? I have a black metal ring I wear on my right middle finger. Looking for healing from mental/spiritual blockages and lingering resentment. Thank you so much.
Please heal me, I don't know what i have, but its affecting me.
You're very welcome. You're all set. In time you'll be able to let go of the anger. Take care.
I hope you are doing better I've healed you as much as I can.
Thank you. What do you think I have? Give me some advice too, please.
Out of curiosity how frequently are you going to make these threads? I hope this is not going to be a one time thing and you disappear or we need a healer anon signal. Do you plan to stick around on/x/ and do this with some frequency. I think a lot of anons seem so be getting a lot out of it . I'm hoping its not some flash in the pan thing.

Hi Healer Anon, thanks for all that you've done and continue to do!

I would love to be develop my own psychic healing and protective abilities, and was wondering if you have insight, guidance, or utilization of your own psychic healing to help facilitate this?

My intention and fantasy, is to be able to develop psychic powers for constructive, healing, and protective purposes. I have no desire to expand this for myself for personal monetary, social, or reputational gain; or, to develop psychic powers to subjugate others.
I don't really know too much about the situation and I'm kinda tired so my reading isn't on point.
I'm not too sure right now. I plan on keeping them going til at least tomorrow. I said I might have a way to contact me included at the end of the thread tomorrow but I'll try to do it as often as I can. Lotta things are in the air for me right now.
>Thank you. What do you think I have? Give me some advice too, please.

You have an autoimmune disorder. Unfortunately it’s going to be a while before you’re properly diagnosed.
You're welcome. When I clear out everyone energetically they are really getting the first steps towards proper meditation because their minds will be a lot easier to still. This is a lot easier than how I started but it's kind of a bonus feature of the healing that if you wanted you could get to the point of healing a lot faster than normal because the stronger you are energetically the more you can heal. Basically my healing gets you better meditation which gets you kundalini which gets you healing. I have or practice any sort of shaktipat currently.
There are other avenues of distance healing such as Spring Forest Qigong. It's powerful but like anything requires practice and meditation. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm trying to dissuade you or keep something back. I list some of the books and methods that have helped me along the way in other generals.
Fuck, is there something I can do to hasten the diagnosis? Is it curable?
That's not me and I can't vouch for anything that isn't me.
Thank you. I felt some tingling starting from my left middle finger and warmth in my chest. What did you find?
Demonic entities. Concentrated at your heart would explain the resentment that is hard to let go. My reading is chocked right now.
I gotta go do grocery before they close you worked on me earlier and charged a bunch of stuff, You mention meditation there is a pratice I have been working on called recapitulation its from Carlos Castaneda . You list events and people starting from present and going back once you have a list to work on you generally find a enclosed area to compress the energy body and moving your head from right shoulder to left you inhale through your nose drawing back energy from the person or event and then sweep your head from left shoulder back to right exhaling foreign energy or threads . I just did a session and I have been trying to recapitulate my life which is hard because my mother moved around and I got memory blocks from different points of my life. In theory recapitulation is away to heal the energy body and break free from repetitive patterns in ones life, I did a session of it earlier and went through some stuff but I keep hitting barriers between points of my life where I lived in other places and seemed to be a different person then I am now. Is there any way you can clear some of the blocks and grease the wheels to make recapitulation a bit easier over come energetic memory blocks Likely from past trauma and other things also help me get in tune with my body I disassociate way to easily and its very hard for me to feel grounded . It takes a lot of work for me to feel grounded seemingly more then others since I can dissociate so easily and habitually.

Tldr ease in recapitulation and grounding rootedness
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Can you please try to help whatever organ I have that's not working right, it might be my liver or a kidney or something. I got choked to the point of lights out but the person who did it to me was kneeling on my stomach and something popped and that's actually what made me pass out, I thought my back was broken for a few weeks after but I was able to identify it as some sort of rupture.
I think it would be best to add this to an item that is charged so it can work longterm and not that you have to but also wait and see how you feel tomorrow as you need sleep to process some of the healing.
Oh shit what do I do
I've been meditating a lot for the past 8 months but does that actually help?
I'll do my best!
I healed you everything is good.Keep meditating.
I felt it in the kidney. Idk if you felt any energy flow there.
I'm going to call it for tonight in a few minutes but I'll be up in about 8-9 hours. Goodnight everyone God bless.
It’s not curable but it’s manageable. Learn how to advocate for yourself in your interactions with healthcare providers.
Thank you healer Anon, I'm not sure if I felt energy flow in the region but I do feel a lightness that is quite relieving. Much appreciated my friend.
ok one more thing and You made me realize a major blockage since your offering healing and can do distance healing , Before 2020 I was doing energy work and meditation and its all stagnated. I was attuned to level 3 reiki had experience in running energy and reiki style energy work and I stopped doing basically Im blocked on it because the Guy who attuned me and seemed to be a genuine clairvoyant and a saintly humble person told other members that that vaccines where safe which my intution has told me is absolutely not true. I stopped going to reiki club stopped talking to the reiki master because I felt betrayed and didn't want to cause conflict with other group members or bring the issue up 4 years latter I'm still confused and I feel like it has blocked me on energy work and healing and things like that my spiritual interests have taken a dive in the last 4 years and practice as well because I have gone into survival mode. I don't want to think about reiki because I associate it with the vaccine and that group greenlighting it . I still haven't processed it and feel like its a block of mistrust with healing an energy work. I'm realizing this now since you put up thhese threads that Im not doing this sort of stuff anymore and I miss it but am blocked mentally emotionally on it.
Thank you
I need courage and hope to overcome my lonely hopeless inertia
If you could help me out with my tinnitus, that would be awesome.
Should that be too physical for you, I'd also deeply appreciate help with my depression. It's been going on for a long time and involves existential crisis and seeing nothing good in being alive.
Hi OP. Had a picture of my aura taken years ago and it was icy blue. Some months later I had a lady in a coven workshop I visited tell me my aura was blue and my body was in survival mode dealing with this spiritul attack. I was attacked by this entity for many months and it ruined my life and I lost everything and went into a deep depression. The same coven did work to remove the entity and its been much better from terrifying encounters but I've never been the same. I have extreme manic depression, lethargy and procrastination ever since. Please help me OP. 34 year old sagittarius
hi healeranon, can I get a check as well? Cancer 27M.
please check me out HealerAnon
Hi HealerAnon
You've done some blockage clearing for me yesterday, so thank you again for that
I wanted to ask in general if you have any tips for keeping our energy and aura in good shape. I've known a person who worked with energies and he told me that general well-being tips apply (not stressing ourselves, going for walks, doing good and enjoyable things) and that sleep is especially important. He also said that guided meditation is not advised as I'd do things that someone else requires rather than what I myself need in that given moment and that can lower the energies.
What's your opinion in general about this?
I also wanted to ask whether it's possible to somehow help me see my dreams again? I'm seeing them less clearly now and less often than I used to. I used to have really beautiful mystical dreams also.
I'm going to do some work for the upcoming 6 or so hours so I will provide feedback once I return.
Hope you have a good day.
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Pls anon, halp. I beg of thee. I have been using psilocybin as a guide to self therapy and healing. I feel I have mixed my mind up a bit too far. Everything has gotten.... interesting. All of the time. I feel disconnected from the outer world. I want to "wake up" or "break free" from this haze. I feel trapped. I also believe I can detect people's intentions strictly by feeling. Maybe I am crazy. I don't know.
You helped me yesterday, thank you for that. I wanted to ask you if you know of a practice or way to help me go towards my purpose. Working with water is a part of it, is there a way to attune myself to water to understand it better intuitively? Like Victor Schauberger, although his attunement came from observing pristine nature for generations, which is sadly not possible in todays world. Is there a way to get there still? No worries if this is out of the scope of your work, just thought I would ask.
I always felt something like a knot in my solar plexus area/slightly above it. Just below where the rib cage ends and deep inside. When I try to visualize it it appears to be an impenetrable dark sphere that tightens and and binds up its surroundings.

What is it and can you fix pls?
Good morning Healer Anon. You helped me a couple of days ago. I was curious if you could help with physical infections? I have a mites infection that won't go away. I've been trying for a year to fight them off. Is it possible for you to do something so they go away forever?
tell me smth about my spiritual family. I miss them dearly
I feel grief in my chest. Can you check my state and tell me what's up with me and what kind of blockages I have? Do you recommend a specific qigong set or something I can do to reduce the effects?
Hi HealerAnon.

Some feedback: you charged my pencil and told me I might have lots of dreams. I slept with it in my pillow and indeed I had many dreams, one of which nearly became a lucid dream. However, these dreams were about something I fear running counter to my goals and manifestation. Is that normal?
I'm an autists I finally achieved some hard won measure of success before covid but the hoax set in motion a chain of events where I lost everything. I generally have also had rotten luck and especially since the covid hoax... please free me of this and please heal my crippling near suicidal depression. Also I have very high blood pressure...

Some kind of blessing where I get some of my money back would be nice as well.
Healer anon, I have a lot of sensitivity and tension in my neck and my lower left abdomen around my spleen and my gut. I just want to be able to let go of whatever tension/emotions are being trapped in there. I may have some kind of attachment going on I'm not aware of, but I've opened myself up many many years ago when I was young and stupid.
Thanks :3
You're very welcome. God bless.
You were right avoiding the vaccine like the plague. It's very very very bad. I also think that it is less you need healing for that but just confirmation that your intuition was right. It was the mark of the beast and many people that are reiki are also new age and they fell right into the trap.
You are welcome.
May you find all the courage and hope you need friend. God bless.
The tinnitus is a bit to physical to solve it long term without a charged item (I have it too) some cases of it are more energetic based than others. Just know that you have a purpose in life whether you see it or not and you are meant to be here.
Hello HealerAnon can you please give me a general healing and charge the quartz crystal I'm holding? Thank you.
Heya OP, felt your presence buzz by yesterday and today even though I didnt post here. Second time I took some time to sit and I felt like a beach scene popped up pretty easily. Ive had other visions of such places as well in other times. Ive also enjoyed playing the game with familiar spirits of creating environments.
It was s good place, of rest and recuperance. Hope youre not exhausted from your work. Hope you had a good weekend.
Please Help
How can we learn to heal? I want to give healing hugs to people that would need it.
I'm sorry you went through that. You should be feeling a lot better soon. God bless.
Being able to achieve samadhi with water will allow you to work more with it on an intuitive level. A book titled "Samadhi the Forgotten Eden" might help if you read and practice it on water.
They miss you too. God bless.
same anon. did you actually do a read up on it, or are you just saying that without checking, to make me feel better? thank you
You had entities mainly attached at anahata. You should be relieved of your grief shortly. I think for general health on all levels Spring Forest Qigong is the best I know of besides Heavenly Flying Phoenix.
Keep sleeping with it. Rome wasn't built in a day as your subconscious mind aligns with your higher self.
The curses effecting your luck have been broken and you should feel relief from your depression. The blood pressure has been slightly alleviated but I would suggest having something charged for the longterm and Spring Forest Qigong.
halp plox
Ignore the guy with the collapsed dan tiens. If you could message later with an item to hold this will help me provide relief in the long term with your issues.
My intuition hammered me to say that so that was the point they were trying to get across.
The last couple of weeks have been very turbulent for me. On one hand, I finally have the feeling of truly understanding some things about myself and the world. On the other hand, it feels like I could easily drift apart, despite feeling more energized and clear-minded than ever. Vices have been a problem, like smoking and drinking, and I can feel how they affect and destroy my body. I talk and reconnect with old friends and relatives like I never have before, but it's also a cycle of fighting and mending, which is exhausting. I also have a problem with structure and systems, I have a hard time keeping my room clean, but I also feel like I'm beautiful and project a magnetic quality. People are finally able to see me, which is both nice and a little unnerving.
Sorry if this is all a little jumbled, maybe I should take a couple of steps back before moving forward.
You're welcome and you're all good the crystal is charged as well. God bless.
Ya caught me. I try to heal those that lurk and might not feel like posting as well. That sounds excellent. I would love to be on the beach right now with some sort of coconut drink lol I got good rest last night but I've just been busy this weekend. Thank you I hope yours was as well.
Taurus, I've felt some strange crashes in mood and energy the past few weeks, luckily I know exactly how to swing back right away, but I suspect maybe someone or something i worked with is not very happy. Any healing of any kind you could provide would be very welcome, anon.
You're all good for now but longterm it would be better if you could charge a piece of jewelry or use the image I'll include at the end of the thread.
hey, HealerAnon

can you help my aortic aneurysm (not confirmed yet but I have symptoms) and lower back pain
Well hugs can be very healing in their own way in and of themselves so you already have that power but a lot of these problems are spiritual warfare on higher planes and a special type of meditation is used to destroy the demons causing these issues on these higher planes all the way down to the lower planes.
You're all set. Be more careful in the future.
Thank you
thank u
It's not jumbled I understand you. Sometimes to the things impeding our way forward are invisible to the naked eye. Friends and relatives have their own issues but everything on your end is cleared and being seen for your beautiful and magnetic qualities won't cause your so much anxiety in the near future.
You should be more stable in both mood and energy and those that cause these types of issues are going to face extreme issue soon.
You should be all set but I either need to charge something for you to keep near you or use the image that I will include later in the thread.
Hey Healer Anon, could you help me with mental/energy blockage regarding money?
I am a great manifestor except for financial needs. It seems I'm destined to die in the gutter; it might even be a curse from a wicked aunt.
I'm quite desperate.
thank you
how do you charge something? you can charge an old coin I have from 1954.
that's the closest thing to me rn.

you can also include the image. but I don't know how that would work.
Many thanks, anon. I can already feel a subtle relaxation.
or a black pencil I have next to me rn
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For anyone I have told to charge an object you can also substitute it with this image. You can save the image on your phone screen or print it and laminate or put it it on the wall. It will provide my energy to you when I'm not available in these threads like someone requested. To anyone wishing harm to another in this thread or on this board consider this your last warning. Let me know what you think of the energy coming from the image. You can find me on the Signal app at AnonHealer

I'll do my best. I'm next to you in the gutter right now lol things will open up keep persisting you'll make it!

Hi Healer Anon, I've been made aware that there's a blockage in my Sacral Chakra. Any insight or help you can provide for this energy blockage would be much appreciated!
I often feel like I'm wasting my youth away on screens. I have an intuition that I have a higher purpose (to find out what life is about) and work in a magical system, but revert back to a state of anxiety and tension where I'm never quite doing the right thing. I don't know where to go. My mind gets overwhelmed with thoughts and I often go back to the past and what could have been, which just bums me out more. Big questions about the future of my life (what job, the role of money, relationships) haunt me too. I'm also trapped between shunning materialism and indulging in it. Sometimes I think all this spiritual stuff is just a cope for not being invited to parties lol. Can you help me? Sorry for blogposting.

Oddly enough, this thread has a very good energy to it. Just opening it and reading your posts gives a calm sensation.
A few days ago (last thread) i was healed by healeranon for anxiety, curse, and multiple entities. I have felt significantly lighter and had better thoughts and less anxiety since then. Thank you healeranon!! I realized to be a positive person i should think mostly positive thoughts, since my thoughts become my reality. This is way easier now because i genuinely think that whatever was cursing me was making me spiral on negativity and now that’s gone.

Would you be able to try to heal my phone addiction? it is like my final thing keeping me from being happy go lucky, i think.
Thank you. Let's make it out.
You're good to go. Be mindful of negative things of a sexual nature since they can lead to blockages there. God bless
Fren, I suffer from sleep apnea, do you think there is anything you can do to help me?? (Saying I will be eternally grateful for it is an understatement)
Firstly you have been healed and I used to feel the exact same way as you when I was beginning to practice although mobile phone addiction like the next poster mentioned wasn't as big a thing yet. You aren't alone today in those big questions many people are feeling the exact same without a clear answer. I'd honestly recommend something with computing as they aren't going out of style or something you really enjoy that can make any amount of money that you can live on. I love healing but I do not make any money on it whatsoever and I haven't tried to monetize it but if I had a passionate for anything else like I do healing I could make a whole lot less and still be happy if that makes sense. You can't escape being a material being and needing money in society that worships mammon right now. I wouldn't call it a cope but a "jock" (we're going with modern archetypes here) is not going to take refuse in the mind which is closer to the spirit so if you weren't invited to parties that's okay most of those people aren't really into deep spiritual things it goes with the territory and trust me you want to be spiritual because that's where the greatest and truest reward is. It's okay I'll blogpost with you.
Yes, let me charge something that you sleep with or near or print the image I posted and put it under your pillow.
My mom my Dad and my older brother got it there was pressure from my family like serious pressure from all three of them to get it. I scrapped through all of this by a razors edge. I'm very concerned what its doing to my family but I cant speak out on it because I know they won't listen. Last year they where talking about the booster and getting it so I can only assume they got this years one I hate what NPCs they seem to be about it and it hurts that my family choose this path but I know Im in danger and thin Ice bringing up my opinions on it. Last year my dad was in the hospital for mutiple conditions he was dealing with he has been dealing with cancer before the jab but shits only gotten worse and I think my mom is now doing chemo but secretively. My relations with my family isn't good
I wish I could tell them to stop talking that shit but I cant I'm the black sheep and don't want to jeopardize my position. So last year my older brother was here helping out with my dad in hospital and I brought up with him maybe we need to consider the vaccine could be making dad worse. I got the cold shoulder from him and latter that year found out he got the booster. I respected my older brother as intelligent and smart enough to see through this bullshit but I was shocked that he seemed so stupid. Look I know that its my family members freewill if they want to keep taking that garbage and maybe healing them is like trying to use a pail to scoop water out of a boat with a hole in it that if filling up. I mean what's the point of healing if they keep hurting themselves? I just hate watching it and feel this darkness and dread and guilt of not being able to say anything. It may be a lost cause but is there any chance you could send healing to my dad mom and older brother? I know its there4 freewill to get vaxxed. I just don't want to deal with the guilt of my family getting sicker and dying on me and feel like I know why but never stopped them Its eating me up.
You're taken care of rest easy.
Thank you. I will try the printed image soon & will report back probably (hopefully) thx
I'll do all that I can. I'll charge their wedding rings and idk if your brother is religious at all but print off the cross (doesn't have to be in color; doesn't matter what size) and get that in his wallet. I'm sorry for your situation I can't imagine what it's like having family not listen to reason in such a dire situation.
cant really do that for my brother. don't know when I will see him next he lives on the other side of the country . Usually see him duffring family crises or the few get togethers and Im not exactly close with him my relationship with him on a family level . But thanks for charging my parents rings I'm more concerned for them since their older my brother is in his 50s I'm sure the shits bad for him his wife and kids, I was really angry and black pilled when I found out my niece and nephew got jabbed but once again I cant speak up on these issues without getting into trouble. Its a nightmare I try not to think about it. But thanks for doing that for my parents but like I said I see my brother in person like 3 times a year on average and likely less since mom and dad moved away a year ago.
"Pay it forward in life"
What will you want in the future?
I'll heal your brother and the rest of his family. They'll be okay. Thank you for bringing their issues up.
Thank you. Being completely honest I feel quite neutral right now. Not much better or worse than before. I guess I was expecting an uplifting of spirits but that's ultimately in my hands.
thank you anything to help I have issues with them but I love them too and its such a burden between them my reiki group and one other person that I was interested going down the path of the vax these last 4 years have been hell haven't felt more black pilled isolated and hopeless for the future. The covid scamdemic has really taken the wind out of my sails and I think a lot of anons can relate.
World peace
I forgot to reply
You're welcome. Some things take time and you definitely are right there's a lot energetically people can do for themselves although be careful with a lot of the magic out there. I think Franz Bardon's system is the best.
Hi HealerAnon, can you help me see dreams more often/clearly to align with my higher self? I tend to feel disconnect from myself when I don't remember my dreams and that happens more frequently as of late. I have a special pen which I use for noting down dreams and making personal notes at my bedside if it helps.
Do you think I need to be cleared of My reiki attunement or that its legit I have been struggling with this. The person that attuned me has always been a humble saintly type and has had the ability to see issues that's why I was so shocked when he didn't seem to perceive anything wrong with the vaccines and told other group members they where safe. Is my attunement bogus tainted and need to be cleared what was the reiki I was doing for years? If that attunement needs to be cleared then please do so if its legit then I guess don't
I can. You're all set. Keep that pen near you as it's charged to help in this process. God bless.
No, it doesn't need to be cleared. People can be deeply mistaken on issues like these. I know of many spiritually inclined types and tai chi masters that took it naively.
Thank you - in the same room is okay? It's on my bedside table, so it's close when I sleep. My point is mainly whether I should take it with me to work as well or if it's okay to keep it at home only.
Help with my phone addiction
You're cleared and stop getting into fights. God bless.
It's okay to keep by your bedside only but for faster progress you can keep it on you or print off that crucifix image and keep it in your wallet.
>many spiritually inclined types and tai chi masters that took it naively

yes this is nuts I would expect woo woo types to be the least likely but I guess my assumptions where dead wrong . Its turned me away from this because I have no idea where tai chi groups yoga energy workers stand on it and I know its incredibly touchy and polarizing. Seriously my spiritual interests in stuff like this has atrophied over the last 4 years because of these issues. Glad to see you are aware of it and what side you stand on.
Thanks, I've saved the image you posted >>38979539
Definitely helps. For my own object I pretty much always have a pocket knife that was given to me many years ago. I also carry a .88 mm green guitar pick in my pocket. Would either be suitable for this?
I agree with you. You would think woo woo types would but age and fear for themselves or their parents made them cave but they really just opened themselves up to a world of problems.
I need help with my love life and the situation I’ve put myself into. I’m 28/f/libra sun gem rising gem moon. I have been in a relationship for 4 years with someone who I wouldn’t consider my big love but I’m very comfortable with this person and he hast treated me well. A few months ago I’ve met someone and felt a feeling that I haven’t felt in a very long time (gotten my heart broken before so I froze the feelings for a long time). This person lives abroad, first he also showed me that he cared and wanted to have me in his life but he is also in a relationship. So I’m waiting on a decision from him, whether he wants to choose me or not. I can feel myself crumbling inside and at the same time I’m happiest I’ve been in a long time. I just don’t know how to deal with the wait, with the possibility of being the second choice and just general this feeling of uncertainty is eating me alive. Please help… i will repay asap in life.
do you have any typs? i feel like i'm alway being challenged by the people
Okay thank you.
By the way, I read some glimpses on this thread on vaccine. I didn't take it, but I wonder what your view is on the people that took it - anything specific going on with them? Most people I know took it except for one of my friends and my family. Thank God for those that didn't take it I guess. I can't put my finger on what exactly may be wrong with those that did take it.
Eh, quite doubtful for obvious reasons, attempts in a previous thread or two over the years didn't do much and you also mention that physical ailments are less likely to be helped but doesn't hurt to ask:

Had accidents in the past, would like to request >some cleaner skin
(no scars or blemishes), especially on messed up face
>better eyesight
(got snowing, got bacteria-like shapes burned into retina, got unfocused/with afftereffects, blurry sight of objects at the distance)
>fixing up/regrowing of teeth
(one missing, a couple a bit crooked or chipped due to basically sliding with my face on hard, rough surface, one being there more for looks than anything - somewhat loose, no feeling in it). Lately, although I think I am healing it on my own,
>gallbladder issues
(pain after eating hearthier meals - may be gallstones, but possibly something else given I already half-solved that issue on my own).

Overall pushing the body into ideal/prime/youthful health and proofing it a bit against future damage would be great if you can achieve anything there. Aesthetics aside, accumulation of little injuries over the course my life shows and I worry it may add up to noticeably bigger problems (my arms looks like those of either an obsessive cutter, crazed cat hoarder or some grizzled wilderness barehand-bear-fighting veteran due to scratches and scars on them from my work, for example, but that one is just aesthetics and possibly I can fix it up on my own so I don't ask for help there).

Priority on teeth. While I wouldn't call myself healer, I somewhat learned to soothe or manage things that just work worse, but I can't seem to be able to heal what's missing or damaged to the point of being non-functional.

Will hop into bed, work in a few hours, if I'll notice any differences in the morning, I'll let you know.
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I'm incredibly stubborn and cotrarian when I need to be sometimes its a weakness but it can also be a strength. I basically decided I was willing to go homless live under a bridge instead of take it. Because if they want you to take it that bad then they don't value your freedom and by taking it you get to reintegrate back into normie culture but you have sold your freedom, I decided that when it came down to it I would rather take a bullet to the head then the shot its not only the what in him its the principal of those forcing other to take it with the promise thing will return to normal if they do. pic rel was one of my mantras to stay strong during the peak of it around 2001 to 2002.
Those will work. They're charged and ready to go.
Print the image off carry it with you and ignore them.
It's never the right choice to be in a relationship technically and to be looking elsewhere. You should also be careful of people in relationships that look for outside 'love'. If they will cheat with you they will cheat on you. That is a southern saying that couldn't be truer. Besides all that stuff when you are free of all energetic blockages and entities things will be a lot clearer.
Sorry for butting in, but I just wanted to mention that I am also standing on the other side of this issue, with all my heart. And I don't really know anything, I'm just getting warm to the idea of looking deeper, so I'm seriously questioning if I'm completely mistaken. I just wanted to mention this so you aren't too mad at your brother, but I don't know if I can achieve this effect.
Yo bro have you missed mine? >>38976933 Would appreciate x
Thank you for that Anon. I am perfectly aware of everything you’ve said but it’s like I can feel those energetic blockages and entities but I can’t get rid of them. As if I’m being held captive by something that makes me spiral over and over again… as if I’m going mentally insane, slowly but surely. Doubting everything, myself, my own morals… it’s like I’ve turned into a complete new person over the last few months. Is there a way to get rid of the blockades and stop the spiraling?
How to deal with not thinking about people from the past? These people were just mean and I got away from them last year. Everything is going great for me, and they seem to be in distress with life. I just can't help to think how they deserve it and how karma gotten to them. But how can stop thinking about them? Sometimes I just feel like celebrating because they're not in a good position in life.
I already posed a question in this thread, but I just wanted to get your advice on another thing. I'm barely able to sleep right now, and despite that, I feel better than ever, but I also feel like I'm burning up a little. I'm worried about my health, but I just can't seem to sleep. Also, I'm a little unfocused, maybe because of this.
I did! I'm really sorry. Thank you for bringing it to my attention it must have slipped past me somehow. Do you have an object to charge?
Hello again, HealerAnon. I just wanted to give an update.

A few hours after my reply, right around midnight, I felt a visitation by a Pleiadian friend. They helped me see an internal issue I have been painfully ignoring for many months. It hit me and much emotion came out, but I felt so grounded in the energy of Mother Earth I was able to let it pass like a wave upon the shore.

I wanted to thank you for your assistance, and I believe this was why I was called to seek you out. I was reassured and calm even as the tears came.

Thank you.
Pretty much a homing beacon for demons on a higher plane which leads to energetic problems down here illnesses/emotional issues.
Would you be able to do this one as well? >>38979692
If not that’s ok i already feel very lucky to have been helped
Np. Yeah, a wooden cross with some paintings and Psalm 27,1 on it
Yeah, just have an object to charge or use the image of the crucifix posted above.
Yeah, sad story..
Do you have any tips in general on how to just take better care of our energy and aura?
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Hi Healeranon. I’m worried I have an astral parasite or a major chakra blockage. Can you help me clear any you find and check if there’s an astral parasite. I’ve just begun self-initiation in hermetical / rosicrucian traditions and I think I can become a healer too someday. I don’t have a guru or anyone guiding me and haven’t advanced far enough to discover and heal these kinds of problems. Thank you, I will let you know if I notice anything different and hopefully I can help you out someday in the future.
I have the object in my hand
Sometimes and I truly hate this with a passion people can find an 'interest' in someone and then use magic to charm them. It's so rampant and insidious in todays era. I honestly wish for no woman to go out clubbing or drinking without some sort of protection with the way these people operate. All types of binding/enslavement spells exist out there.
There's such a thing as justice but it's normally best to let things take their course and as far as being happy sometimes it's best to remain distant but apply mercy with prayer for them.
Perhaps, there's a lot of healing energy in this thread that some sensitive anons can feel.
It's all charged.
Is it possible to find out if there is such a type of spell on me? And is it possible to heal from that?
Meditation, qigong (Spring Forest or Flying Heavenly Phoenix), or some form of authentic yoga are what I recommend.
Thank you
I have a book which I bought but haven't read yet
Mantak Chia - The Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Power
Any opinion on him and his books, and whether they are any good?
You're welcome and thank you I appreciate it. Spring Forest Qigong is a very fast way to become a good healer fast. I recommend that a lot. I would reocmmend something like Franz Bardon for Hermeticism but it's no easy feat very arduous. Anything that is ritual heavy please print of the image of the crucifix and keep it near you during them.
There is and I've broken it it's just going to take some nights to process things. I also healed your boyfriend since you are comfortable with him and sometimes these spells make use think something is wrong with our partner when their isn't but it effects both parties to break them up.
Even before I noticed your reply, I noticed the cross giving off slight heat in my hand. Not feeling particulary different now, time will tell. Thank you in advance anyway.
Thank you so much for this. I will get back and report when I feel something changing. And make sure to repay at the next given opportunity… is there a way of protecting myself in the future from that?
I think he is good but I just have a lot of caveats about it. I personally have never used his material in my personal practice except for higher level coceptional stuff because some of it requires a certain level to make use of and it's almost a self initiation into Taosim with a lot of advanced things thrown in some books (not the one you have) that are beyond 99.9% of readers. I also find that the Spring Forest Qigong method is better because it's more hands on although it doesn't talk about some tips like retaining semen and is more healer/self healing based unlike some things in the Taosim book.
You're very welcome.
I sealed you from it. I almost want to say I hate that shit most of all. It gets me to the point of cussing.
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The thread is over 300 posts so it might get archived. Remember if you need my energy use the image of the cross posted earlier in the thread if you need to contact me use the Signal App
Sure, thanks a lot, I may give it a read later on
Do you have any opinion on semen retention in general? I feel like I'm slowly healing from a deviation of sorts - no practices, it's just that I think that unhealthy things and porn get me off easier than normal sex. I don't know if you see any blockages there, but I'd love to move to a healthier sexuality or even toward longer semen retention if it is of any actual benefit. I haven't read much about it in general.
I can’t thank you enough and really hope that my mental state will get better soon…
Thank you for the advice. I just took a walk and I’m starting to feel better. A little less worn down, thank you.
Semen retention is paramount to higher level practices for men. Without it you lose vital essence and with it you achieve things like kundalini. Yeah porn does a lot of damage to the psyche consciously and unconsciously. Semen retention is everything in the higher level spiritual paths. Work needs to be done on the unconscious for the healing of porn and printing the image of the cross or having me charge an item will get you there quicker.
It will just give it time hang in there.
You're very welcome.
You're good rest easy.
Thank you
Can you please charge my notepad (dark, at my bedside)? I keep it always at the same place and I note my own writings and dreams there.
Sure thing. It's good to go.
Thank you
Thanks, I need all the help I can get
thank you
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Ok healer anon I happened to get out and check up on my orgonite chembusters I got them stashed all across town. They seem to be doing a good job keeping skys clear but I would mind you adding some extra power to them and also an intent to keep them hidden . I already lost one. Intent to keep blue skies and good vibes over this genral area and keep them hidden except from me. I somtimes will move them to other locations .
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Chembuster 2
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Chembuster 3
also these are not the earlier ones you charged got a lot off stuff grided and stashed in the region these are

what I could get to and check up on
I'm curious to see if this has any increased effects on the area as an experiment

You're all charged up and ready to go .
excellent can't wait to see if this does somthing to the area you essentially charged a region with healing energy or amplified the power of these orgone devices
Lotta energy coming out I'm sure. Thanks for building and placing them.

I wish to never have anything I've ever posted on 4 chan or any other image board linked back to me in real life. I'm not a horrible guy and I'm not posting anything illegal I just don't want to become ostracized, cancelled or undateable because I may have a few unpopular views.
Please keep me anonymous now and for the rest of my life.
quick question if you where to do this with other devices I have out in the wild would you need a picture or just some general descriptive pointers I have devies in several towns and at least two states a notebook where I keep the gifting info and my memory.
You'll be fine don't worry about it.
I can find through them you. I already have them locked on so to speak.
Thank you
Hi healeranon,
I was in the library a few months ago, and I got followed around by a homeless person. I wanted to get this streaming app that I need my library account for. Now I keep thinking of this homeless guy when I’m browsing through the app. How do I stop thinking about him?
I gott'em.
You should start thinking about him less and less. Sometimes homeless people aren't down on their luck and are the result of intense demonic possess sometimes from losing battles they have fought with other witches/warlocks.
holy shit fucking incredible Im going to delete the listing above I hope you put cloaking intent on them . If your up to it I might have more I would need to look at my notes and jog my memory
So mental illness ?
It's been my pleasure to heal and charge items for everyone these past 3 days. Remember you can use the energy of the cross image posted earlier and if you really need to reach me my signal account is also listed earlier.
I got them all already even the ones you haven't listed. Any orgone device you have ever placed I have charged and added intent to.
Yeah pretty much.
wow! that's pretty wild
It's my specialty.
there are a lot of them I need to do a count of my notes at some point to see how many I don't even remember without looking up my notes. If you just did that you cooked several towns counties in one state and partially into another. Not that they weren't doing something already but if you super charged them you lit up a good portion of one state
They are cooking alright and I'll be pumping them up as I get stronger along with the image of the crucifix.
thank you it means a lot it been hard thankless work doing this over the last few years the only benefit has been beautiful skies but I haven't been able to share the work , If you can boost this grid it would be much appreciated it why I did it and will try to keep doing it . Oh that Tesla plate orgonite pendant you charged earlier can you put two more intents on it?

1. protection while out gifting I have had some close call that almost made me call it quits helicopters and other weird shit I don't want any thing physical or non physical stoping me from doing this.

2. Draw those who are pure blood who didn't take the vax to me at this point I really only want relationships with people who made this choice it a matter of principal and I feel socially isolated sounded by people who are boosting
Yeah I can do that for you.
By the end of the month I'll hopefully be strong enough to charge every orgonite every gifted.
thanks especially the gifting protection I have had some weird scary shit go down and by doing this I figured I put myself on a few radars I think gifting is necessary but I don't want to draw attention to anything worldly or unworldy that would try to stop me.

One of these days I need to make or buy one of these
a few gifters carry them

I don't want that either.

You should definitely try it when you are up to it. I'm sure they have some more detailed information somewhere.
yeah they are pretty wild

So my energy sensitivity has seemed to reawakened. I think I'm feeling the towns orgone vibes but its hard to tell since all the orgone stuff around my house has been charged. I would like to get out away from the house to see what the energy feels like around the town . I have picked up shifts after big gifftings and I think I'm feeling a intense shift in the air similar to the way I have felt around sacred sites or charged areas . I need to get away from the local orgonite to tell if the town is buzzing.

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