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Previous thread: >>38973805

What does A think of me? For real tho. Truly.

why did C reply so cold to my message, when she reached out twice herself? What are her feelings towards me and what type of person does she think i am?

Re bumping
Who will I spend the remainder of my life with? Female querent.
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The other day I was meditating on the Temperance card. I was visualizing myself standing with my right foot in the water, and my left on the grass. I tried to allow myself to imagine the space around me. To the left, a man sat on a bench underneath a tree. He was running a blade across a long skin, scraping stuff off of it. I interacted with him to see if he might speak but he seemed uninterested after glancing at me and returned to his work. Back to the position of a foot in land and water. I tried to see if there was anything to be found in the body of water to my right. There was nothing but two halves of an apple floating. I picked them up. I wanted to see something more meaningful. I tried to scoop up water into the hollow core of one of the halves. I wanted the water in the apple to take shape into something interesting, but my imagination wouldn't create anything from it. I was back with a foot on land and water, with the apple half in my hand. With nothing else to do I decided to take a bite from the apple. It was strong and delightfully sweet. The taste morphed into an overpowering sensation that moved up to my forehead and brightness from the sky intensified. A giant arm reached down and grabbed at something in my forehead, my "third eye." The hand was made of brilliant white light and the sensation became incredibly intense as it grabbed on. The sensation grew stronger and stronger, and my vision turned whiter and whiter until everything was white light. Both sides of my vision made up two sides of a bright white torus, and I was given the profound sensation of energy flowing out of my forehead and around the torus, circulating. The feeling of the torus felt now like it surrounded me, and I was given the understanding of this being a representation of the mind, the will, and reality. Even as I opened my eyes, I felt that I was generating the world around me. Sensations flowed back into my mind to feed my will to continue generating the world.
>Hanged man rx, sun rx, knight of swords
Not too good. You're impulsive, barbed tounged, depressed and stuck in your ways. You seem to irritate A at most, no hard feelings tho
>7 of wands, justice, knight of swords
It's an issue of boundries. They want to respect yours and have their respected. Could be in a sour mood tho, or more snapy than usually.
>Wheel, 6 of wands, knight of cups rev
You're moody but a good person overall. She holds you in high regards but her opinion is subject to change.
>6 of cups, chariot, 9 of wands rev
Their intentions seem genuine and well intentioned. Some sort of reconciliation? They seem determined yet tired or wondering if their efforts will amount to anything
Should I take a step back and recalibrate or just keep on?
Thank you this resonates! I too am hoping for reconciliation but am also worried of it just failing
i am the second query, is there a chance of romantic feelings?
>knight of coins, 6 of wands, queen of swords
A hard working guy, dependable, trustworthy and reliable. Perhaps a little dry to talk to at times. He's successful, confident and knows his worth. He doesn't strike me like the business type, more like someone working in trades, does good money but gets his hands dirty. He's intelligent but most importantly , he's perceptive. He sees and hears things better than most assume he does. Likely a divorcee or widowed. He's not unkind but he's no nonsense.
Excellent! Thank you very much.
>3 of swords, Ace of cups, 4 of wands
Talk to them more. Be honest about what you want with them and what you feel towards them. You might get hurt but this could pay off in the long run
I've seen you around here for a while. I hope things do go well for you eventually. What's your progress with N thus far?
>tower rev, 10 of pentacles rev, 5 of wands
In short, no. I think there could be others on her radar or...she seems like someone you should keep at a distance
HELLO ALL I am OP of >>>38978938 and I wanted to see if other folks here could check in on this as well and see if they get the same thing? As I explain later in the thread, the other reader sees his wife getting pregnant with another man’s baby. I don’t know if anyone else can pick up on what’s happening, I just want to get confirmation. And if there’s any advice to be given to me on how to handle the situation. I can do an exchange/trade as I have my cards on me right now too.
When and how will we meet?
What did my dream last night mean?
Ill keep this short
>page of cups rev
Between autumn and winter. Don't know which year but cups are usually months so...potentially around this time next year.
>10 of pentacles
Through family, work, you might know him for a while (maybe even now) and the date outlined is when youll start dating?...hard to say. He could offer material support, that page rev looks like someone lost and hurt. I'm sorry I have nothing more concrete
Was his gift genuine or did he have ulterior motives?
can I also ask how and when I meet my next lover, whether it's something long term or just a one time thing? I can tease you , I'm male
Thanks for the reading.
Is this occult?
What will his next move towards me be?
The progress is me admitting I have a problem :( :(

Please keep me in your thoughts.

I wish you all the best and thank you for the read
Should I contact E and Y? I'm male and both E and Y are female. They're friends from the past and I wonder what they've been up to lately. Is it worth attempting this?
3rd anon here, why should i keep her at a distance?
I have a general dislike towards their mindset.
Sure, can you tell me if I'll have any romantic or sexual opportunities this month? I'm male. Starting yours.
Is my coworker (LS) attracted to me? Don't want to fumble this
Oh... Are we trading? I'm kind of tired but okay I can do one simple read. I'll keep it brief and short.
Oh dear you're fine I thought you were someone I was trading with ignore me sorry
Nope, I'm asking about someone. Not romantic tho
all good , this one is mine>>38979904
Starting yours
>7 of wands, knight of pentacles, knight of swords rev
There isn't one? If things look good he might need time to decide what to do next desu. I don't see any intent.
>9 of swords, knight of swords, 4 of wands
Yeah, somewhat. They might be worried that things are either going too quick or too slow. Adapt as you see fit.
Will that person contact me soon at all ever?
Does he not think of me?
any love coming my way soon?
If you have a girlfriend contacting females from the past usually ends ugly, unless you want a happy relationship then yeah
Next bf?
Page of Swords R Seven of Swords Ace of Swords R
posting my interpretation when you do
>10 of wands, chariot rev, 3 of cups, 7 of wands
I don't see any romance here sorry. Seems like you might be too pent up or busy with life to date or fuck. Are you on edge? You seem to have this "keep away" feel about you? Your energy seems scattered and heavy, this will make your goal difficult. You have a small chance for a likely drunken one night stand if u go out but besides that nothing

What’s one thing that will happen to me in the near future?
Is the universe trolling me?
Ulterior motives I would say, very much focused on himself and self gratification as opposed to actually caring about you.
It always trolls me when I need it most
Will I find someone i love more than my ex ?

It’s so fcking over isn’t it?
If I keep dwelling in suicidal ideation will the universe take me out?
Nope. You gotta keep living.
As I have read that post I already laid cards.
Anyway... I'll say I think so?
>King of Swords
>King of Wands reversed, clarified by Knight of Pentacles
>The Emperor
>Five of Wands reversed, clarified by The Strength
Am I looking at some role play here? Do you have a friends with benefits already? If not, then perhaps I'm looking at a small message that you are not evaluating your time very well to find a potential partner. Buried in your job, perhaps? Strength is positive on love, but 5oW points at a struggle and two Kings with Emperor signify someone in power, most likely a company.
What is something I can look forward to?
Good thing, I don't have any girlfriend that I know of.

Care to give feedback? Two king appearing together somewhat puzzled me. So you need to use your intuition to interpret what cards are telling you. Appreciate a read if you care to return the favor also.
We'll see about that
No I recently lost my job and I don't have a friends with benefits. Regardless, thank you for reading :)>>38980084
what's your q?
Fuck da earf
That's a definite yes anon. They hold you in high regard.
>6 of cups
In November
>3 of wands
Again, I think this is a "rest" period of sorts? He's making plans and the like. He does think of you tho
>page of swords, death, queen of swords
Not for a while, you might date around first, get into some short term stuff and only then will you find someone who "clicks"
>Ace of swords, 8 of wands rev, 4 of pentacles
Hmmm. All that I can infer is there is someone but they haven't made their intentions known
Wanna trade again?
thank you, any short term/flings at least soon?
to say that god has looked away from the sinner, is to say that the sun hides from the blind.

the god loves you, embrace his love in your life and you will live a good life
Query? two week general for me.
sure lets go, your Q?
Yeah, just stop touching yourself at night.
Trading demon
Exactly how many being know of me?
>during the day
>9 of cups, high priestess, 6 of wands
Something rewarding and satisfying. Your efforts will pay off and you'll get what you want. Hard to say what but you likely have something in mind with that priestess.
>strenght rev, 3 of wands, hanged man
With time you will. Right now you have doubts, cry your tears, this is normal after a break up. Given time someone will appear in your life that will make you feel this familiar warmth.
>9 of swords rev
If you let go of your anxiety and seek them out
Resonates a lot!! Any idea where I might meet them ? and do you have a query?
What is something that I can look forward to?
Not them but I’m >>38979805 and down for a trade, what’s your question?
Same as the one you had lol
Could I also sneak an extra? I'd like to know the outcome of transferring to a different branch at my job?
Is there even a slight chance of G and me entering a real relationship in the coming weeks or months? This situation has kept me awake for months now…
How do women perceive me, looks and vibes wise?
Thank you!!
Will I marry E or J?
these faggots are trade thieves not me >>38980155
thats my jam, what methods do you use to read?
I'm not sure if I understand? Could u rephrase?
I do have one, yes. Will that person contact me? Do they even want to see/hear from me?
>Justice, hermit, 9 of pentacles
Cards say where you expect to find them, you will. Clubs, social media, dating apps etc. There seems to be a requirement of looking presentable, dressing up etc.
>10 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles
No matter how hard things go and bleak things seem there will be people willing to help and work things through with you
Where do my affinities lie?
Apologies anon. I linked the wrong one.
This >>38980163
Is meant for >>38980118
>>38980118 starting when you are, if ur here
How will the first time me(male) and A(female) go?
We've been talking for months and should be meeting next month
nobody cares
>temperence, Page of swords rev, 4 of coins
Women generally think you're mid. Maybe loudmouthed, keeps to himself. All cock and no cum.
>queen of cups
Someone you're kind to or is kind to you. Could also mean to use your intuition
Yo, u here?
My Q is same as yours
Will my future bf be good to me?
I'm only doing your two week general. Starting yours.
How do women think of me?
Have your read, sadly they won't contact you and seem to be done with you at the moment.
Ten of Swords, Six of Swords, Death
When will we hang out outside of work?
Tarot or cartomancy. Can't scry right now.

Should I get Andras into this? Just for the record I tried all the peaceful methods so we ran out of options.

Your Q?
>page of cups rev (moon), death (devil), 10 of cups
There is no yes or no. All i see is you need to let go of fear, make the big jump and let go of this as it's clearly bad for you. Regardless of the outcome you'll have the peace of mins you need
>10 of cups rev, 8 of cups rev,8 of wands rev
I don't belive you two will meet. Flaky energy. Sorry, I hope I'm wrong but I don't see it.

That's all folks. Charity machine broke
Your first time always sucks one way or the other but some people manage to make a good memory out of it.

What are you worried about?
I meant romance for October. Shouldve specified sorry. I'll take the 2 week gen tho
>Hanged man rev, Ace of pents, 4 of wands rev, queen of wands
You'll be putting off doing something, investing in something creating something new. Think of a husband being nagged by his wife to fix something but he puts it of to tommorow...again and again etc. By 2 weeks end you'll get your shit together and do what you gotta do
Five of Coins R Page of Coins Moon R
Expect to be taken out of poverty or hard times, you'll make progress in your life and realize the truth about things previously hidden.
My query would not be super apt for those methods so I'll change to a different one!

I've pissed some upper echelons off, and I was wondering if the worst offense was dabbling in necromancy or letting myself be partially possessed?

Yeah that's some edgelord shit on paper but I promise it wasn't that serious lol. Good for you?
i can't even trade anymore so AQ

why do i have so much anger inside me? what do i need to heal or work? i'm so lost
How's my love life in general looking for these months?
Do I meet my next fling/lover at PT? you?
Wow, this is too good to be true. It's all I've wanted so far.
Wanna trade more?

What is the god trying to teach me?
Yes Query? Have I met the woman I marry yet or not?
Where will I meet my next bf?
Outcome of transferring to a different branch at my job?
Who/what will lead to this borderline miraculous improvement in my situation?
Trading dumb queries only
I love dumb queries, shoot. I'll trade you Nothing occult lol
Okay but I'm still kind of new
Does e obsess over me?
have I met my next gf?
second one, starting ;)
this is not a Gman query FYI.
Okay, will I have a shot with Mrn again? Starting. when you confirm
Smh I thought we had a thing going
Will me and A have sex or will our relationship remain platonic?
>t. gman
starting yours
>king of cups, 10 of pentacles, 5 of swords (5 of cups)
NOOO. Dude if you have someone on your radar who gives off this energy then sure as he'll don't trust them. They see what you have and the good nature within you and will use it for all you've got. Avoid women who are too good to be true. There is incredible selfishness hidden here
I know it's not gman. I've seen you around here before. It's what I got. Make the big move and find out. I think the ball is in your court
I don't really ask too many queries about G anymore.
Six of Cups Moon Ace of Coins
Someone from your past or that you already know will help you, although you're not meant to know to much about this at the moment as this is meant to be a grand opportunity that will have a major impact on your life.
that's great to hear, let me know if you want to trade more. And no I don't have anyone on my radar who I would marry atm
What am I meant for in this life?
Very cool
6os 3ow justice X
Back of the deck
The chariot
Really think on whether or not you truly want to be with this person. Remind yourself why it didn't work out in the first place and whether or not you guys were really compatible. There's definitely a chance for it to manifest again if you take charge of the situation
we know, you ask about how to get demons to suck your dick
"does H want me to keep being a faggot?"
those are your queries lol
okay but we've never been together before
six of swords, seven of cups,three of wands
No they don't, they've left you and your memory behind for better options and a better future that doesn't include you.
6 of Wands
7 of Cups
Yes you have, with the caveat that it’s someone in your past that you’ve in touch with anymore, future card shows you looking back and searching for who that person might be
Sorry taking so long I was on a call and almost forgot about the trade, but it's not like I like asking such thing anyway.
>10 of Cups Rx
>Ace of Swords Rx, High Priestess Rx, Knight of Cups Rx
Not that much of an offense but you may had gone too far at something else. By the look of it this necromancy is a natural thing of you, like a talent or a skill that's down in your bloodline.

>Stars, Queen of Swords, Tower Rx
>8 of Pents
This could be more like it. Seems like whatever or whoever you let inside you didn't had good intentions so this made a domino effect around your life that made these spirits get more pissed. Things ust spiraled downward after you let this get to you.

We all screw up sometimes but I don't really think you could had avoided most of this. The lesson here is not to trust strangers even on the spiritual world.
Why did you say if you would have a chance with them again then?
It implies they were in your life before....
E always is the first to view my stories and when I got rid of the insta e reactivated the fb soo it was kind of interesting
Oh, I thought you'd ditched! Give me a bit and I'll do yours!
Will I know when I meet my next gf?
I had a chance to be with them, I never was. "I had a shot" is what I said. pls read
they're not serious about you
Sure. I won't ask about this further.
Any romance or sex for me this month? I'm thinking through a dating site.
You're only half right. I don't ask about demons but I do ask about God.
Sure, how/where do I meet the woman I marry? Starting yours
Bro I told you H is a demon, 100% clear from the one time you asked me. And he was pissed about you asking others things instead of asking him directly, too.
Should I stay tonight?
Yeah, my read didn't exactly imply you were a couple just that you should think on why the chance before didn't work out. Do you actually want to be with this person?
You keep saying that and I keep telling you I'm trying to contact a God, not a demon. So what ever you're connecting with is not whom I'm trying to connect with.
Sure, why not. Do you actually care what E thinks about you?
I’ve delivered yours, waiting for mine now
I like to psychologically analyze people and try to understand why they do what they do. E also wanted to visit me but I'm a nervous person so e probably took it the wrong way and gave up desu
>8 of wands rev, magician, 5 of wands
I see an odd scenario. She has a problem with travel and you know how to help her. You two might argue like she knows better and things go from there. Genuinely some incident in your daily life and a brief conflict will be how you meet
that explains the six of swords. by the way were you the one getting flamed here yesterday?
Eight of Cups Three of Swords Five of Cups
Nothing this month sadly. You may be losing someone or leaving something behind, leaving you with a lingering heartbreak that'll make it hard to find someone.
Thank you, trade again?
Ur read is here>>38980678
Sorry for the wait. Something came up.
Awaiting yours
Am I leaving my workplace or where i live atm? (I hope both but the latter is what I'm after)
i delivered here
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>A white face, almost like it is carved in stone. It looks intently at something. Once that seems to have satisfied it, it shifts its gaze to look at me, straight into my eyes.

>The Moon, The Magician, Queen of Pentacles, Four of Wands, Seven of Cups, Ace of Swords
I do think you could still solve the issue on your own, you are capable enough. Even if it may involve being a little less peaceful. But it looks like you're being soft. And part of you realizes this is the issue too, or you would not be considering Andras of all demons to get this sorted.

Would Andras GET THE JOB DONE? Fuck yes. Absolute nuclear option, he won't take half measures.
But I have a feeling that simply dealing with the problems caused by other people may not satisfy him. There's some on your end too which he may consider toppling once that's dealt with. It depends on how big of a change you want this choice to be.
sure, any romance at the event next weekend ? staring yours
Sos, I asked at thr same time u delivered lol. My Q is here>>38980703
Yeah, that was me. Why?
I've had many many reads throughout the years on div and some are way off I mean kind of most of them... but it's a fun hobby for me to get them and give them.
Freaky people on here at times though...
>Seems like whatever or whoever you let inside you didn't had good intentions so this made a domino effect around your life that made these spirits get more pissed. Things ust spiraled downward after you let this get to you.
It was a huge learning moment, didn't really affect anyone but me. I've learnt a lot about channeling and invoking through it, but it is something I'd rather not do again for the simple fact it was very draining.

I suspect the thing that may have pissed them off was the trust part, it could've gone VERY wrong if I hadn't been in control. Thanks for the reading anon, let me know if mine failed to cover any bases
What will happen next in my situation with her? (Romantic Query)
you just reminded me of them, the way your read didn't resonate
Okay, do I meet the woman I marry in one of my grad school classes/activities? Starting!!
what does my ex think of me / how does he think about me
Nine of Swords, Temperance, Knight of Coins
You're most likely moving first albeit not for a while, it's going to take some time and consistent hard work.
The first 3 cards are just telling me that you need to reflect on the actions you plan to take on this situation... the chariot on the back of the deck tells me that with the proper drive you can make it happen.
What doesn't make sense to you?
You only asked if you would have a chance with this person again.
>page of coins
>knight of swords rev (4 of swords)
A one night stand at best anon. You'll have fun (you have to) and see your target. You'll aproach, get talking and get away from the hustle and busle together. It'll be good and fun for you both but won't go anywhere after that. She might be gone the next day or it's gonna be one of those "in the heat of the moment" situations that might not even be acknowledged if youll know the chick. I'm not sure you're sober so take precautions. Even if you are take em anyway, this energy is..risky, you could fuck in a closet for all I know lmao
So what or who am I leaving behind with a broken heart?
I don't have anyone on sights romanticly
>There's some on your end too which he may consider toppling once that's dealt with
Does this mean he'll wreck me up too?

Your reading resonate. LMK if you need something else.
9Wands Rev

Yes, at first you may be overwhelmed with things to do and you won't have time for that, but it seems to me that you will eventually get to know this person and it will be a good relationship for you.
so defensive, have you considered the fact that you're just a shit reader?
There's a high probability of conflict here or even a sudden breakup caused by a misunderstanding. Watch out for a lack of communication and be good to her and there's a good chance things will go far.
resonates, let me know if you want to trade more
This is most likely internal, or perhaps not related to anyone but you'll be feeling depressed.
Wanna trade again?
What would be the outcome of transferring to a different branch at work?
Good reading, I ended up omitting that we broke up last week, does that alter the reading in any way?

Send me your Q and I'll give you a free one if you answer the question above.
>Does this mean he'll wreck me up too?
He's no nonsense like Belial, but more eager to mess things up than the King is. Will he come after you to ruin your life? Not really, no. But if there's any dirty laundry at home he won't stand to see it laying about, and Andras is generally not the type to use velvet gloves when it comes to dealing with issues. Never a half measure.
Have you considered that you could be a shit person?
sure, will the woman I marry be from EE, ME, or LAT? starting
Well what kind of answer would be a good one in your opinion I told you I was still kind of new at reading in the beginning of the trade. I'm just trying to make sense of how you don't think self relflection wouldn't be beneficial to you in this situation...
Yes, I would say there's a chance to fix things but you have to be quick and tactful about things, and there's no guarantee of things working out here but there's a chance.
Can you tell me anything else about the woman I marry and what she's like? whatever comes up in the cards is fine :) would be great if I knew what she looked like. Can you scry? we can trade scry if you want
It's okay I don't want this to start a huge fight where we all just start insulting eachother
Because I've already reflected on this, otherwise I wouldn't have asked in the first place if I wasn't interested in them. And if you're new why are you so defensive whenever anyone gives you feedback ? It's like you don't want to improve and you're so arrogant you think you're the best reader ever and your cards are absolute when you're own negative feelings could be leaking into your reads.
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The guy that says I keep contacting a demon, understand that I'm trying to get God's opinion and not anything else.
I hope next thread will be better. I’ll put a name next time & take trades, no one is actually trading here just bitching.
Emperor, Two of Swords, Nine of Wands
You may end up having more work than expected. You'll have a choice to make between rising up to the occasion or buckling under stress.
Genesis 6:6
I don't do scry sorry!
IIWands | VISwords Rev
Death | Temperance
Judgement Rev | Lovers | Hermit

A person with a lot of emotional baggage, many traumas from the past, you will need to plan correctly how you are going to deal with her, because any false step could end up hurting her.
You'll be at different points in your lives, so patience, wisdom and finding balance are the keys to this relationship
She will be very insecure, you seem to be a little too, but she will need a lot of attention and care. She'll probably be one of the most beautiful people you've ever seen in your life.
It's going to be quite a journey for you, but I see a very beautiful future for you. I confess that I was even a little jealous (but a good jealous, I didn't give your relationship the evil eye, I promise).
wow that's great to hear!! thank you she seems great and I'd love to be there for her. Let me know if you want to trade anymore or if you need anything else. I can scry if you wish since you've been so detailed.
I just need to know if the way I'm thinking is the right way to get out of this situation positively. I'm really lost at the moment.
AQ Occult M 38

Is there a reason why the spirit showed the dragonet with the orange cat?
>10 of swords

East European women won't show interest. They have a different mindset for who they want, and while you don't suck, it just ain't their flavour
To middle Eastern women you're haram. No chance here.
Latinas are you're go to, you're specialty. Hit down south to the land of spicy senoritas! Arriba!
H isn't God though, sorry chief. Just ask about God instead (which isn't even the Christian god lest you wonder which side I'm on here).
sure, give me a few. I'll scry and channel. Can I ask for two cards? One for option SV or option HD12 next year? Starting yours all g if you're tired.
Hey, any developments?
i'm latino and middle eastern, i've had success with women from all of these places. thanks
How surprising.
Shit, my read cut out.
EE was 4 of cups
I'm not a big fan of one-letter readings, so I took 3 for each option
SV: KnightSwords, IXPentacles, ChariotRev
HD12: Hierophant, XPentacles, VCups
Both seem to be good options, but HD12 seems to me to be a bit of a disappointment. While SV might give you a few problems.
It's up to you whether you'd rather be disappointed or have to deal with problems.
I don't know how this stuff works I'm a tourist from /n/
Will I get out of my depression soon or will I fall deeper into despair?
I really need to know.
Well I asked another question in case she might had wanted me to merge the two though the reader seems to think separate.

It started bugging my mind rather or not it was in regards to the other character that I made into a dragon or if she was referring to the time I made her character a dragon in which maybe she meant make it something like the Tatzelwurm which if I'm not bad wrong was a dragon that looked feline.

Really got me wondering why bring up the other character if she was trying to correct me going back to cat on hers.
fuck I have other options to consider lmk if you want to trade more
Not completely. It feels like you're holding yourself back, like you can use the nuclear option or do much more but at the end of the day you choose not to, because you're too worried about failure or hurting others. let me know if this resonates
I'm actually opting for the full nuclear option, when you have nothing you have nothing to lose.

Tell me the other options.
What do you all usually do when you feel a strong sense of dejavu? I'm sure I've already lived through today.
I can't read tarot, but could someone please answer my question?

When will I see C.S. (F) again?
Sure, the other options are:
YB, VH, or something else? you have other queries ?
I got cucked over this one
what's the collection ?
lol no thanks
Give me an overview of my love affairs until the end of the year.
YB: VIPentacles | IIPentacles | QueenSwords
VH: V Cups | VIIWands Rev | Magician
Something Else: VICups | QueenCups | KnightCups
YB is by far the best option among the clear options you've given me, but surely the best is something outside those options.
Well the chariot tells me that you can make it happen , I told you that. So I'm honestly kind of confused as to why you think it was all negative... I do want to improve and I appreciate any and all feedback but I get defensive when I'm insulted in such a crass manner. Ty for communicating how you feel and what I can improve on in your opinion.
But yeah good luck with that!
ah fuck idk what that could be
starting yours
I look at it like I'm baked out of my mind.
"This again? Son of a bitch."
Nothing next month or the month after. December will bring something good for you in the midst of something festive. Are you male? There's a very pretty woman here and if not you'll be quite pretty and enjoying a lot of attention. Good things around the new years to say the least.

Should I buy this little trinket for S or should I say I'm not able to? I'm not sure would she like it now that I think about it but I already told the vendor I'd like to buy it
It's a willpower thing.
No cards needed
Maybe it's a mechanism of my brain, especially when I go through bad things, to think “You've been through this and it all worked out in the end!”. But I don't know, today this feeling is very strange and much deeper than usual, it's as if I've certainly lived this day before.
i have more options, lmk
I'm a man.
Lucky quads will make it come true (Fingers crossed)

TYSM Anon, you made great scrys. Just out of curiosity, were you the anon who made that beautiful scry last night?
Pff I didn't notice till ya pointed it out.

Just did some dowsing and suggested separate so hmm I might try just one more reading to make sure. My dowsing is a bit too spotty or easily impressionable.
Any other information you can give me about this woman. Is she older and richer? If so, I think I know who she is.

Give me the options.
Different experiences then.
But I can also see various futures.
>hush hush
I don't want to sound crazy, but I hope it's the fact that I've been developing my divination over the last few months. I really want to believe that I've been through this and managed to be okay in the end.
Lol, I go through some shit.
To the point where mind wiping myself is preferable.
haha thank you. No Im someone else, I wasn't here yesterday.
Other options are HR5, HS11, or TB100? starting yours
>To the point where mind wiping myself is preferable.
I really need to learn to do this, sometimes I'm overwhelmed by so many feelings that it feels like I'm drowning inside my own soul.
Is g going to continue to play games?
Funnily enough I can't remember how.
HR5 Magician Rev | VISwords | KnightPentacles Rev
HS11 Magician | KnightPentacles | IXPentacles
(I swear to you I shuffled this deck, I did three shuffling sessions. WTF the two cards came out in sequence in different positions.)
TB100 XWands | Empress | Judgement

Of all the options, taking into account the previous readings, I would say that the right choice seems to be HS11.
what means :(?
It means it worked
What's that supposed to mean?
So maybe other way around.

Is shifting my focus to taking care of my weak body instead of trying to fix my brain like a did for months a good change that could lead me to the relief of my suffering? Or should I look somewhere else?

As I said, this is very important for me. I'm desperate.
Manipulative mind games
this clears things up a lot, thank you
No she's someone younger, skinny with black hair funny enough. And she doesn't have much money at all. I get the impression that she doesn't have the most education/schooling and that you have yet to meet her. Very meek woman, treat her well. She won't be in the best financial position when you do meet her.
How sad on the one hand, but happy on the other. I hope everything turns out the way you described.
Thanks for everything anon, it really cured a very bad feeling that was inside me. You have no idea how important hearing that was in my life today.
I wish you many blessings.
Who is "g" to you?
likewise, I wish you all the best.
I can't trade but I guarantee I will think about anyone who'd pick it up for a long time.
do i have a curse on me? i have been having most extreme, most chaotic events lately.

imma have to pass on this one, sorry. i'm not all that good at occult readings
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can i get a general past/present/future reading or a reading of what i should be doing to make my life better?

i have so many unfinished projects idk what to focus on
trading love/feelings query
Stupid rituals
Holy fucking shit are you retarded? You keep saying H isn't a god and I keep telling you I'm only interested in H if they're a God.

You've heard of hecate, aphrodite, hermes, etc, right? They're God's.
Trading or AQ
how much of my bad reputation has spread in my home city? I have not been a good person.
What does F. at work place feel about D.?

month generaol in love for me? starting when you confirm.
My lover
Wasn't either of those for sure. Where did you even get the H from?
And who are you?
page of swords rx/ten of swords rx/ace of coins
I shall post my interpretation once you post mine.
Not who you think I am
What does F. at work place feel about D.?

Doesn't really help.
is this third party? i don't do those
no D is me.
why refer to yourself in the third person ?
because thats also my style of asking by myself, geez.
don't do that shit buddy that's autistic
you are on 4chan, you are supposed to be autistic.

do the trading or nay?

Thinking of taking my life by the end of tonight. If I do, will I finally have some peace?
Still trading this one.
I was promised a day off for my birthday, I work everyday, it was taken away and given to another person, who already had several days off at the start of the project. Will I get my day off or be cucked by place of work?
This isn't divination, but I mean, yeah? What else would you have but peace? That's kind of what death is. But overall, the peace in the world would be lessened with the fallout from it. Even if nobody loves you someone will find the body, people will have to clean up your mess, it would be a very gruesome thing you're inflicting on multiple people for selfish reasons.
fuck it lets go, >>38981326
trading this one, confirm when you start
Well I'm trying to contact a God with H in it, so if you don't think it's those gods, maybe you should ask the deity's name.
no I dnt do occult sorry
Did she play my game?
this one >>38981364
Im jk, what do you mean by mind games though?

Is M thinking of contacting me?
Will good luck some my way, or time to start blasting curses?
>empress, 2 of wands, the devil, 10 of wands R

It's honestly not even really that bad. Yea, it's spread a bit and some think it's pretty damn scandalous but above all people just kinda see you as a kid with your whole life ahead of you and it's not the end all be all. They have empathy and compassion for you despite any gossip and are willing to give you that chance to turn things around, rather they WANT to, they want to see you succeed. Cards advise to stop worrying about it and just focus on the future if you want to be better.
thank you, this makes me feel better
Five of Swords Page of Coins R Nine of Cups R
Not really, although she'll say she played some of it but really couldn't.

What does V thinks of me?
trade again?
i have to go, sorry
Week general. Yours?
How is she feeling at the moment?
Starting when you confirm
why is that your business creep? pass
Did he groom that 16 y/o?
Wait wait wait what the fuck
Because I care about her and I hope she's okay, that's all. There's no creep feeling in this query, I just can't ask it directly.
if you can't ask her clearly she wants nothing to do with you which makes you a creep
If you think things are that simple, then ok.
>2 of wands, king of pents, 5 of swords, the hanged man, 10 of pents R

Things are going generally well for you for the first half of this week but it's just the calm before the storm. You'll think things are going pretty damn good and you'll feel great and then BOOM all of a sudden something happens in your home life to turn shit upside down and you'll feel like you're in a warzone or something where you can't really do much besides just stand your ground and not give too much of yourself to whatever force is trying to knock you over. It may have to do with family members being toxic since you'll kinda just resign yourself and have a "here we fucking go" type of mentality.
Looks like he did. That's all I'll say there.
Dude online who I blocked for being a pretty shitty person who I only realized has been acting weird with a younger girl after the fact. It was in the back of my mind until today when I looked at my blocklist and noticed they're matching icons from a romance manga. 23 and 16. Idk if I'm just being paranoid or if he's trying to be some kind of father figure since he would defend her right to be childish and immature.
Do you have cards or anything?
I pulled ace of pedophiles off the sex offender deck
is the girl from LL coming back in the future ?
What am I meant for in this life?

If I get back with my ex, would it be good for us, or would we just fall apart again?
people like you should drink bleach. throwing the word around like "creep" just because someone cares about another person but doesn't want to probe them directly.
>t. incel creep
>doesn't understand the ol' bait
Just means they're a sad individual, though.
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offering tarot and intuitive readings.

trading : I have a thought that has been stuck in my head for years, it is two words, what does it mean?
Tarot please
How widespread is my reputation in my hometown ? what is it? bad?
What will the party at the end of the month be like for me? tarot
What am I meant for in this life? Thank you.
Tarot : )
Is there anyone I currently know that is romantically interested in me?
outcome of going with hs11 next year?


thank you for reading. are you the italian reader? you're good
pls reply
Intuitive reading
Who is my first bf?
Both, if possible
What is the path/career for me?
Choose whatever you want
Love reading for the rest of year?
Next boyfriend?

The “Do more” that’s stuck in your brain is due to the fact that you feel stagnant.
How can I get a psycho div bf?
Will he come to me?
Why in the fuck would you want a guy from here
How do I meet my next bf
Tarot but whichever one u want is fine
There is a reader on here that is absolutely insistent that there is a 'demon' following me around. The question I have for them is, what is the name of this "demon"? I only try to contact H which is a well known God yet a reader keeps insisting that it's not a God I'm trying to contact despite me being very clear I'm trying to contact a God and nothing else.

I ask for guidance of a God with the first letter of their name being H but there is a reader or two who insists that the God I'm trying to contact
this man is possessed
I like crazy people
Advicing you check out the hermes thread
I dreamt of dead dog coming to live from his taxidermied skin (he was buried whole) and then jumping over me and sleeping, then I woke up
I don't remember much else of the dream
No. Contact her first ifyou want but I sense a lot of hostility towards you
Is he regretting the break up?
What D as involved is trying to character assassinate me as I think? Did they succeed?
Going mia for no reason, visiting their ex, hot and cold.
Not trying to contact Hermes but where is the thread in question?

Proof? by whom? Name the demon. I sleep well, I live well, etc. I don't suffer from mental illnesses like the people on here do which is why I'm not good with doing tarot readings.
she's cheating on you
it's so obvious no one "hangs out with their ex" in a relationship and goes Mia all the time . She doesn't want you lil bro give it up
The ex is a female
g is a man?
you're still cooked, he don't want you
twist of the century, they're both trannies now
The grass calls for you to touch it.
Hey anonii
Just have a serious talk ans if they avoid it, move on
Don't have to make any drama about it because if you care you'll like to keep them as friends
But if you're not up to help them change, look for someone better for yourself
We're all female
Aq or trade
Next sex?
Can somebody help with this please?
I got a death card to-day as well
And been feeling lonely, but
I dunno
Not the same way I used to
funny thing is I went out biking yesterday and laid down in the grass for a while. I didn't feel better :(
damn so many plot twists
What time was it?
I also have a situationship who is a man
Will I be happier with him?
afternoon? why?
man idk i'm only trading rn and doing a few aqs but I'm not taking any
Early morning or at night would be best, imo.
imo I don't really give a fuck
What do I need to know about oct?
Why did I dream that last night?
Would k be into me?
I am going insane from lack of hope. Can I get a general reading to help point me in the right direction? I am losing it day by day and the season will only get darker and lonelier from here on out.
Is C actually my friend or is he just using me?
Tarot please

If i talk to her do i still have chance to fuck her?
Male abt female
He’s gone but I feel like being nosy how do you know her?
I posted my q up there but since I was inaccurate, it's fine. You don't have to post a read.
Five day gen. You?
I'm getting older and seeing signs of aging I would like to know if I will find a way to look like a young 20s again in the next few years
>the world reversed
>the lovers
>5 of pentacles
>the emperor
5day general
You'll be moving on from past disappointment and a new love will be entering your life. Finances may not be doing well but they will improve. You will show yourself to be disciplined and stable in future endeavors .
Yea there is,'it's something natural that you haven't tried yet and it will bring you some of the effects you want. But you can't turn back the clock on everything.
heirophant r page of coins nine of swords
Interesting, thank you very much.

My Q: Am i getting fired from my job?
Trade me? What's my next fling (F) look like?
No trade me
Does j love me ?
starting yours

my question for you is "what does F.Y feel about D.D
also gonna do yours
Okay, starting

You are gonna be given two choices on this, and seems like both of them are gonna be a manipulator that is gonna make you commit to relationship, or sex is gonna be insane. I see positivity here through the Sun card, its gonna be joyful and your connection with her will be even publicly known, anchor means stability, so it can be a serious relationship at least for a while. (This seriousness can be just focusing on her only for a while too)

Good luck, choose carefully, you are either gonna get hot sex and be happy or get manipulated and be happy.

Short answer, yes. Long answer, J is battling past trauma or personality issues J has or you are giving J very mixed signals. But in any case, J actually loves you. J has warm feelings, if J can be sure of things and get pass their own barriers, J is gonna come clean to you 100%
Two of Coins Rx Ace of Coins Rx Nine of Wands
Unless you can somehow find a way to balance everything there's a good chance you'll be fired or try and find something else soon. But this current opportunity won't really last and you may find things absolutely exhausting during your last weeks there.
Fy is having a really hard time moving on from dd this is causing them overwhelm
>9 of swords reversed
>death reversed
>2of pentacles reversed
let me know if you want to trade more or if you got anything about appearance
Yeah j switches up on me... but I am the same maybe we are both bipolar:(
Sure, i will give some questions, you can ask as much as you want as well.

-Is me getting fired gonna happen soon? Because i kept taking time offs for 2 weeks straight, due to conditions out of my hand like my house getting flooded. Got a warning at first week to not to make it a habit, but had to do the same in the second week. Was wondering if this is gonna be the cause, or some work place drama.

I asked the same question to other anon, but its my bad to not to give details.

We are not ex lovers, we are just talking with each other. She is a redhead. So what does F.Y feel and think about me?

Go ahead with yours by adding one more, i am starting your appearance question.
sure, maybe how I meet them? starting yours

They are gonna be socially adept, prob from your social circle. They are also gonna be extremely sexual and fit your fantasies. They will most likely be a new addition to your social circle tho. Specially with Stork. You are either gonna get into new social circles to find them, or they are gonna join yours. So totally new people. They are moooost likely gonna be the short, bunny type if you know what i mean. All white girls.
First one
Knight of Swords Rx Ten of Swords Five of Swords Seven of Coins Rx
Yes you are getting fired soon, because of your own actions but also the covert actions of others, workplace drama and those who don't like to see you around. You may have been shortsighted at times as well which may have accelerated your downfall. Starting your second one
wonder how that social circle thing happens
FY is wondering if you are going to make any moves or not. She's thinking that you are taking too long but she does have feelings for you, she's just starting to grow bored with what she feels are just games for you.
Eight of Swords Page of Cups Rx Ace of Cups Four of Cups
In my experience, garden means school-job type of things. So a community, rather than just a small social circle.
A new job you think? I can trade for more clarification if you can
Sure, i just received some news from work, from one of my superiors saying "its ok bro just calm down it can happen to everyone" type of message, i guess i can still turn all of these shit around?

also, i asked F.Y about her number, she is the one who didnt give me. I did my part i guess, wonder what move she even waits?

shoot yours
Sure, tell me more about how I meet this new social circle and what those woman are like? or if that's too much anything about my next job? starting

and FY may have already grown uninterested before that ...
next job query:
this is gonna be a tiring job anon. literally. i dont think you are gonna see much future on this either, i think this gonna be just a "for now" job until you find better or some kind of karma that you need to solve on this one. either way, this is a job that you shouldnt really get connected too much and in any case, you wont either. its tiresome, hard, slave like mentality wont suit you much.


anon, its a job. i dont know if its gonna be your next job or not, but its a job. its a burden you must bear, signified by cross. but its gonna give you enough emotional satisfaction in terms of romantic relationships too. but again, snake. these women are either too good at sex or they are gonna gaslight and manipulate the shit out of you! be careful, seriously. unless you just love femdom type of things. or hypersexual like them, which they actually seem like! literally all i read from them is good sex, good manipulators, good stable relationship with you in the future.
Ten of Wands Rx Page of Swords Seven of Swords Rx Moon
Yes it's possible you can turn things around if you really work the people around you and communicate eloquently and professionally. It won't be easy, exhausting many times as you may be out of second chances but it's possible. The outcome is still unclear however. You may decide to leave before then or choose not to pursue the work, or you might. Undecided at the moment or later on
what was your other query ?
also, i asked F.Y about her number, she is the one who didnt give me. I did my part i guess, wonder what move she even waits?

this one
ah I see, I mentioned she may have lost interest before then already. Do you still want to ask the same q or modify it?
i meant it as "what move she wants from me"
yeah, because we still talk on our "work" phones, just not personal one. i guess she is a little bit paranoid or she has a bf she keeps from me?
I see, starting
Five of Swords Three of Coins Page of Cups Rx King of Swords Rx
On the surface she might play nice but she only sees you as a coworker and she wants to keep it that way. It's possible there's someone else but they might also be thinking that you're immature and overbearing at the same time.
I wonder, is this contract work or is it the job at N?
If anyone is still out there, near future reading please.
let me know if you want to trade more
ah gotcha, makes sense. no further questions, thanks for the trading anon.
ofc have a good one
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Open for reads
Is my next job a full time job or a contract job?
Love reading for the rest of year?
Also asking for love reading for the rest of the year?
is the girl from LL gone from my life forever? (context: i hope she's gone)
next gf?
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Full time contract, it won’t last long and they will push you… decent paycheck so congratudolences.
>king of pents eight of cups nine of wands
For love reads I’m going to request sun signs and genders of all involved

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