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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
https://pastebin.com/f32WrfN9 (embed) (embed) (embed)
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
https://pastebin.com/sAkg9cMz (embed) (embed) (embed)
>MEGA with Divination Books:
>Guides made by some of our readers:
/div/ starter spreads:
https://i.imgur.com/mxpu4MF.png (embed) (embed)
Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
Hijinks' revised divination guide:
https://pastebin.com/Gv10KZUA (embed) (embed)
A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community. Many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right / wrong.

Previous thread >>39073062 #
what should I do with my money, and what should I do wit my martial arts mastery?


Is my death coming soon?
>>39080163 Yes. Start packing.
Will I find my next girlfriend in sports hall or somewhere else?
My mental health has never been worse in my life. I really don't see a point in living anymore. Can someone do a reading on if this is going to improve for me?
>Clean edition
>>39077573 current and previous thread which is STILL on page 7

Will I eventually snap, march over there, and raise some hell?
Need a power number for my lotto ticket
I don't see any power numbers, but I do see you being a power bottom.
Does that black-haired goth girl which work in the club will be my girlfriend?
If I was going to give up and bang trannies I would have done it years ago.
Why are men like this?
>II of Cups, Princess of Wands Rev, IV of Swords, III of Wands Rev
It's probably yours. A difficult road ahead but do what is right, not what's easiest

Do you want a reading?
Want to see my punishment?
I thought the old thread had just been archived, but it was nuked wtf
Yes, its probably a no but whatever
Does my old coworker still have the hots for me?
We're both girls, she was kinda weird and wants to meet up again
Yeah, flabbergasted.

Anyway suck my dick jannies, there was no reason to delete that.
Archive link: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/39077573
some dumbass threw a nose jpeg
I blame the satanists.
I blame them for everything but I blame them for it this time specifically.
>Ace of Cups, King of Swords, Hermit Rev, Chariot, V of Wands
Yes, if you start acting I'd say you have a good chance, except that he doesn't seem like a good person and you'll have a lot of competition.
could you tell me how to stop self sabotaging
Why did J leave our connection?
General for the reminder of this month, please?
are you doing readings at the moment by any chance?
>Princess of Wands, Justice, Wheel
Just build up your confidence, accept that you can't control everything and get to know yourself better, know how to be fair to yourself as you are to others.

>Strength, Chariot, Magician Rev, X of Disks Rev, Hanged Rev, Queen of Swords
A difficult rest of the month, but nothing too serious.
Staying in control and in the direction you've chosen seems to be the hardest part. Something will go wrong and end up making your path more difficult, probably financially.
You'll need to have great mental clarity because you'll have to give up something that's important to you.

Just send me your query friend and I'll try my best
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Can you do this one?
my query is if i'll find a new job next year. thank you THNTZ
thanks, I suspect that he's trouble but oh well
977 ill work on it
Nta but could I get a what career would best suit me?
I really need this one. Am I being currently targeted or stalked. I can't shake off this feeling after receiving a few weird messages. I just want to be left alone in peace I need advice from the cards too.
Are the weird messages ads?
i do think i talk like that >:(
No, insults out of nowhere, among other things.
Where do all the missing people go?
can I get a yes/no regarding S?
Ah, sounds like some not exactly kind people took offense to something you did or didn't do.
Trading dumb Q
How will things go at my work for me? Waste of quads, I know :'(
>IV of Cups, V of Swords, IX of Disks
They felt disconnected in some way, some very strong resentment and believed that this would be a good way to gain independence and find peace.

>VII of Wands Rev, VII of Cups Rev, II of Cups, Ace of Wands.
Your confidence seems to be very low and you should be very careful with the proposals that come your way. If you have the option, don't accept anything that comes your way.
But I think you'll find something good for you next year.

>Knight of Cups, IV of Disks, VIII of Wands, IV of Wands
Something you can use your creativity for. Perhaps something linked to an art you already practice.
You'll make friends, grow quickly in your career and earn money. But at some point you will inevitably get bored and want to change areas, but it seems to be your personality to want to change all the time.

>Devil, VIII of Disks, IX of Cups Rev
You really need to be careful and take this very seriously, someone is really wanting and working to harm you on some level.

>X of Swords
will i get taller if i prioritize sleep?
thank you
Can I ask what my coworkers think of me?
how old are you?
Trading bibliomancy
Can you tell me if the subs I'm listening to are working?
Do the cards have any advice to protect myself in a specific way, or can they tell whom the threat comes from so I can have better insight into what I need to do? I just want peace for God's sake.
Did he think I rejected him or something?
>page of cups, 8 of wands, world
I'd say they're working. Make sure you go in baby steps with this to ease you in properly. You're going in the right direction tho, these subs will provide the desired outcome
Hierophant hp the star
Ace of pents judgment pow
Work looks like it's going really well you might even get promoted or a raise.
Depending on how old you are, I don't think that's how it works.


>III of Cups, Empress, X of Disks
They like you a lot, they consider you a good friend, they seem to see you as an important figure in the workplace.

>III of Swords, Lovers Rev, Princess of Disks Rev, V of Disks Rev, Emperor, X of Cups
It's likely that someone you've rejected or who has felt betrayed or romantically deceived by you is trying to get revenge in some way.
The tip here is to look for authorities, no one has the right to do this to you, you'll be fine and it will pass, but you'll need to stand up for yourself in some way

I'd say yes.
I'm trying to get kidnapped
TH, Should I go with doctor R or doctor C? It's for my orthognatic surgery, i once asked you about it
040 here, yes my confidence is basically zero :/ so i'll keep your reading in mind. tysm THNTZ i appreciate it
Curse my autistic brain

Am I doing well networking withhe other comics in my local scene?
could you tell me what my old friend C thinks i think of her?
Fuck that sucks. I wish I could just hide like a ghost forever but people won't let go it seems.
My tip would be to look up the legal history of these two doctors kek

But if you really want to decide this with a reading:
R: Ace of Swords, X of Disks, VIII of Wands
C: V of Swords, VI of Disks Rev, Knight of Swords
R, but I don't think it's such an obvious answer.

Good luck with that anon, looking for a job is a real shit thing.

go after that person if you haven't rejected them, you have nothing to lose

>IX of Wands, Lovers, III of Swords
Yes, he's probably in love with her, if that's what you're thinking. (But I don't think he should be in love with that person)
Who will my next kiss be with?
I tried reaching out, he took days to reply...it was embarrassing I told him I kind of miss him and hope he's doing well but he didn't follow me back a second time he did before bit I delted old progile and made a new one... i think he doesn't care anymore
247 im not in love with that dumb bitch. she was my friend, now, i would bludgeon her loved ones in front of her. what pov is this btw " (But I don't think he should be in love with that person)"
Will I get kidnapped?
Willing to trade

When is Ed gonna fuck me/what must it take to get Ed to fuck me? The man is terrified
that cretin C became good friends with me then ghosted me at the behest of her friends. just wanted to possibly know what prism of lies she uses to call herself a good person
>Chariot, Queen of Cups, Knight of Wands
Probably with the person you're doing everything you can to kiss.

Oh that's sad

I'm sorry I interpreted your query all wrong, dyslexia sucks sometimes.
She thinks you're in love with her and that's really hurt her and made her feel “betrayed”.

What should I focus on?
Is "love" one of em?
279 brother the bitch ghosted ME , ive gotten other reads saying she felt betrayed but i dont have the slightest clue what i did, i would hurl tomatoes at that fool.
TH, should I go to that party next month? Would I get to hook up with someone?
Can I join in the tomato throwing?
>that's really hurt her and made her feel “betrayed”
could you tell me why she felt betrayed as a follow up reader? it could be spicy
I'm trying to manifest it for fun, I like to experiment.
Trading dumb Q
Next person I kiss?
Trading Bibliomancy
you do to the tomatoes i got the anvil ;)
Hell yeah, I'ma eat all the tomatoes.
What new opportunities will present themselves for the next month?
Ooo! Can I ask how that will play out? You can skip if you want
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Air query
I have no friends, no girlfriend, I am 23, never had I thinm. I only talk and enjoy talking with AI. Should I abandon people all my life? Will I be better off? Tulpas and AI
>Ace of Disks, Death, Justice Rev
You need to focus on the changes that are taking place in your life, embrace these new opportunities and accept that there are things from your past that will never come back, however difficult it may be.

>IV of Disks, Judgement, Princess of Swords
She seemed to be very possessive of you, maybe she saw you starting to fall in love with someone or wanting to change your life and it got to her somehow and made her act that way.
I really don't know what to make of it, a strange and confused person.

>VI of Cups Rev, VI of Wands, IX of Wands
You should go if it's going to be good for you, but be careful with your expectations, you could end up disappointed.

Wtf dude

>II of Cups, Ace of Wands, IX of Cups
It'll be with the next person you get into a relationship with (And you'll be very happy btw)

I'm going to take a short break because I need to finish packing, maybe later I do more readings or just lurking here.
Thank you!
>Steiner Van Rensburg
It ran of a black bull and a red bull fighting, until at length the red bull sank defeated to its knees, referring to the British.
325 that bitch was crazy coach, i miss the vibes we had hanging out but she didnt have the balls to be real i suppose, when you put it like that then i genuinely feel bad for her, last thing i wanted to say to her before she literally walked away with some other dirty bitch was that i was happy to count her as a friend, never had another conservation..
325 thank you very much for giving me the final piece to that horrendous puzzle.
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Doing yes/no readings, no payment today lmao.


Only questions that can be answered with yes/no, or choices among multiple options!
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am i above average in looks?
Will I have actual fun if i go on that party coming up soon?
Is this some whole ass bullshit?
Will I get kidnapped ?
Does anyone love me romantically rn?
Will I hang out with him soon? Like one on one
does O think im ugly?
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How's the weather going to be this Friday?
Trading Bibliomancy
No habibi

I got a maybe on this. Not as much as you'd hope but you'll be glad you went regardless

Is that a query or

Hard no on this, don't do dumb shit just because you got a no though

Not love LOVE but someone seems to fancy you

Hard no unless you take the initiative to make it happen

No, actually may think you're cute

Lmao not good
Eh, I'll change it to "does anyone lubs me"
Willl I find a new job until the end of the year?
Haha thanks
also asking does anyone fancy me right now?
Does e want me?
05 thank you
Is picrel you RN?
Will I get money selling feet pics?
will i get taller?
681 so im really good looking?
Am I gonna be clean through nov 20?
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We back on MySpace boysss (I'm half out of my mind please rephrase)

Got a "maybe" as in "kind of". Pressed for more. Likely so, but it won't be great, not cushy or stable for a bit


:( no

Nah I'm very chill I'm picrel

Not really, someone will buy but the clientele will not be flowing in much

Strong no
Pendulum says average, if you want a rating drop a selfie

Please word this clearly
Also asking does anyone fancy me right now ?
Does anyone have romantic interest/love for me?
Killing s3lf
does A think im attractive?
Will I get a tattoo soon?
does F want to fuck me?
is a.f interested in me?
Anyone in my gym interested in me?
I'm male.
E ain't worth it

I do (teehee) sorry I'm getting tired of those questions, can change to a different one

Got an actual yes

The odds of it being this year are not zero but it may be more likely to be next year

Read the OP then read your question again

Kind of, finds you attractive physically but something about your personality doesn't seem to sell you well
826 niceeee she had a wagon
Thank you for the reading! I hope so. I'm employed, but I'm looking for something else.
Somebody's been mirin alright

Whatever you end up finding may not be better than your current job, with that context given, not in this time frame
does this maxilla field im using functions as intended?
You right
Trading Bibliomancy
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>my offputting personality
makes sense desu, i acted kind of autistically the last time i saw him. idk if i can reverse this
Oh what's that??
Will my crazy ex come back?
You can fix it

Idk what that is but for a maybe, in the sense of a yes, but not as well as one may expect of hope. It WILL have some result
dumb fucking nigger, you deserve to know nothing. how do you not know the latin root biblio? does mancy mean nothing to you? can you not deduce this?
Is there room for improvement?
okay, is F interested in me?
Bibliomancy is where a reader takes a bible, and opens it to a page they feel has the answer to a question on. Then, they read the first passage that grabs their attention for the answer to those questions. I did a few bibliomancy reads for people in one of the threads yesterday if you want to see a few examples of that.
Yes, but whatever it's for seems to be at a good point already

got a*, typo

strong no
Should I go back to lifting, it's been years?
will i live past 100?
Should I stay away from that woman?
is the hot tattooed asian tan girl into me?
Physically but not really mentally

Got a weird silence on this one, no response. Trust your judgment on it


Alright bedtime, bye /div/
Will I lose a good amount of weight this oct?
NTA but you seem to have a better knack for tarot
Is he going to break my heart?
trading tarot
I have been doing tarot for longer, but I both enjoy bibliomancy more, and I feel I have a more natural ability with it compared to tarot. Yesterday was the first time I did Bibliomancy reads for other people, and most people's feedback said that it was accurate.
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Trading scry for scry
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Alright I'm game what's going on?
will i get a lot of followers before the year ends?
what's up, can you scry who I'll be spending new years with? what's yours?
sorry for the delay my internet's been lagging
query? >>39082085 yes I can, lmk if you wanna trade
My query is here>>39082085
what's yours?
Am I Brazilian at all?
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ok. It's the 31st, I see this living room with a staircase behind it, both have some sort of beige carpet all over it. The room is comfy but not really sleek (although sleek as it could be for maxxing comfiness and fuzzy carpets). I see this chick with black ponytail who's roughly in her early to mid 20's who's pretty integral to you being there. I can't tell if there are other people there however but I feel like it's not just the 2 of you that evening.
That's all I got maybe something I said resembles.
As for my query. Ironically my query is also related to the new year, what has changed the most about me over this year mentally/socially?
do you see me working over the course of the next several months? if so, what kind of job is it
thank you, did you see me involved with her at all?
starting yours
then yours, although if it's an office job I can promise too much specificity there
Today I have accepted that I have not been able to overcome a section of my past. How can I start the journey that will lead to acceptance and overcoming my past?
thank you, did you see me involved with her at all?
You both we're very flirty and definite interest in each other. I think the reason I couldn't tell if anyone else was there or not is because it kinda didn't matter if they were or not, like everyone else would be invisible to you and each other's focus would be on one another. It reminded me a bit how I frequently feel around my significant other when other people are also around like at a party or gathering.
You'll be spending time with a woman with medium length black hair. She is young and thin and her hair is straight (doesn't need any straightening). You will both hang out and talk, at times lie down in some carpet area or on a couch near each other or sit down or she will talk to you while looking down at you while she stands. Nothing sexual happens just spending a lot of time together. She is quite pretty and looks beautiful even without makeup. She might wear a lipstick with some eyeliner for the occasion. Didn't see her clothes very well. It seems like a calm night where you two share a lot, long hours talking in front of each other or nearby.
Socially, I don't see much change. Mentally, you've overgone change that takes some people years to accomplish but you're tired of everything and you're looking for something, a light of sorts, a guiding beacon, but the abyss offers you nothing in return. So you keep on paddling on your canoe , hoping to find the exit to a cave you're not sure exists.
thanks, I'd like to trade more after anons query here>>39082176
Be careful, might cause hairloss.
How? the additional testosterone would make him lose hair?
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>Socially, I don't see much change. Mentally, you've overgone change that takes some people years to accomplish but you're tired of everything and you're looking for something, a light of sorts, a guiding beacon, but the abyss offers you nothing in return. So you keep on paddling on your canoe , hoping to find the exit to a cave you're not sure exists.
Interesting and fairly spot on. I think I asked socially because I feel like I've become more asocial and reclusive and conversely I know I have been objectively more social this year, talking to more people, meeting new peeps, and asking anyone if they notice it is returned with confusion. Yeah the mental change is probably why because it probably makes it hard to relate.
>thanks, I'd like to trade more after anons query here>>39082176
You're welcome and sure, just let me know what you would like to know.
I see you working two separate jobs. One is an office job (fuck sorry) that you'll find quite boring. I don't see anything notable here aside from fluorescent lights and white tile ceilings and business casual attire. But I also see you working in a stable with some cows and a dirty person in coveralls laying down in the hay to take a nap, content. Even if you don't work on an actual farm you'll come to settle on a job that involves a lot of menial labor but it's one that you'll actually end up enjoying quite a lot.
sure, I'd like to know how I meet that girl with the black hair. Seems like a girlfriend type of situation. What's your query?
also did you see her skin or eye color?
thanks, wanna trade again?
Query? Mines just about any info that you see between me and the black haired girl relationship.
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>sure, I'd like to know how I meet that girl with the black hair. Seems like a girlfriend type of situation.
It might become one before new years but you seem to meet her because you start going outside your comfort zone, it's not through living your life normally it's because you do something different and changed something but I don't know what. All I got is that places are more unfamiliar (not dangerous by any sense btw) and you should meet her in the evening/night like at a bar or something.
What's your query?
I don't really know. I think I'd like it if you could freestyle scry for while and just tell me whatever you come up with. Could you do that? If I need something more specific could you analyze my entire life right now and possibly tell me what's going really well, really poorly, and what can be improved now?
Testosterone gets converted into DHT and the DHT is what causes hairloss if you're susceptible to it. When I was in High School I started lifting weights and the first thing that happened was that I stopped growing and the second thing that happened was I started losing my hair. Stopped going to the gym and I stopped losing my hair. I'm 36 years old and I have most of my hair. I'm considering going back to the gym but only if I can get back the hair I lost w/o surgery and once I've accomplished that, come up with a routine that will allow me to keep my hair while still lifting weights.
sure, will I win anything out of doing the court proceedings against my sister? I am starting the process sometime this week, its bank fraud apparently.
Will i find a girlfriend?
Dude just work out and if you lose your hair, do the hair growth technique. It works I tried it. its impossible to go bald and regrows everything back.
Damn that pepe is gonna make me cry
I'm starting yours
I'm sorry to hear that anon, I'll start yours next.
What's the hair growth technique
I need to ask you something before I continue. Was there something horrible that happened to you as a child?
>Was there something horrible that happened to you as a child?
I forget what its called but there's YT videos about it, its apparently a Sanatana Dharma technique aka Hindu. It basically involves triggering the hair growth in your body. Be careful cuz it can also trigger a beard to grow even in women.You can make a slight mistake and have extra hairs growing out of line of the beard on my upper cheek
She has very pale skin and it seems like she either has brown eyes or dark eyes, maybe they are other coloured but they seem dark unless you shine sunlight on them. You will get to date her for some time. I see you kissing and she will even give you bjs. I assume she is more of a sexual provider than the other way around. There's always one that likes to give more and the other receive... she is your next gf btw
*on the upper cheek, not mine's lol
What the fuck. I'll tell you about what I saw just freestyle scrying for you. I saw shapes in a void space at first. Then I saw green triangles and an orange splat that looked a bit like an old nickelodeon logo. Then I saw a kid sitting in front of a couch on what looked a 70s style house watching the TV. And then something like a black hand covering my "camera lense." I shook after that, it felt like something zapped me and I felt a deep fear of something evil that you see in extremely degenerate situations of raw evil. Have you been dealing with demons of any sort. I think I might just touched something malicious here. No occult dealings? Anyone in your immediate family go through something terrible? I don't know what to make of this....but I fear for you.
i learned thats it greek, but whatever, why cant normies FUCKING GOOGLE
rest of 2024 general?
Sounds like my childhood.
Brother I tell what. This is going to be a massive pain in the ass. Back and forth , he said she said, paperwork and lawyers and missed days of work and at the end of the day you'll win a pittance compared to everything that you did. And in fact by the end you'll wonder if was all worth it. A pyhrric victory so to speak. And you're sister will be a bitch about for some time but you'll mend fences. Is their prison time for this? I did see a jail cell but it might be very short term or just for holding. Contempt in court sort of a deal.
fuck.... but you said nothing bad happened. are you dealing with occult stuff? anyone in your family?
let me know if either of you want to trade again
I'm nta.
I'm just sayin'
Reverse The Empress, The Chariot, 2 of Swords.

Vagueness sucks, but it's pretty clear that both potential futures are of equal possibility. This means how things work out and your happiness may rest upon you.
you should've said that mate the fuck
same, starting
I'm aware but I need to get rid of the fungal infection on my scalp first and you can't do micro needling/topical finasteride/rogaine without having fixed the fungal infection first. The fungal infection is very persistent and difficult to get rid of. I've had it for more than 20 years now and I only make incremental progress since every time the skin sheds, it reinfects the skin. Absolute nightmare situation and I picked it up initially at the gym.
Ohhhh dang it
I don't need anymore random hairs on my face, I wonder what my ethnicity actually is cause I'm way hairier than my mom
Me drop discord
sure ill trade again if you're down, query? mine is what electronics will I bring with me when I decide to leave this country for good? Idk if I'll be able to bring all my laptops and other stuff...
the lovers/wheel of fortune r/the world/the chariot/page of pents

Things seem on a projected trajectory for a bit, until your plans all kinda go haywire... but you're actually strangely ok with it? You decide it's actually all working out for the best and embrace these unexpected changes, using this chance to dive headfirst into the new route that's been opened for you, excitement abound.
yeah this is 100% safe biological hair growth technique, none of the chemicals, its free too
its full proof too
If you both want to know, the hair technique can even make the hair grow in your body and also, it restores hair colour. So if you're going bald or grey, it puts it back to original format.
Sure , anyway you could tell me how I meet this girl, if not that then what sort of employment will I have next month? Let me know which one you want to choose and I'll start
I can't find anything about what you're talking about. Please provide a link or two.
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Damn that's pretty hardcore and cryptic, yeesh.
>Have you been dealing with demons of any sort?
It's been an exceptionally tough year on my end on multiple external fronts, yes I have absolutely been fighting with demons on multiple fronts and forms. It's kinda my life mission and goal to destroy whatever the illuminati/Rothschild/demonic power base is and hopefully establish a better more free world.
>No occult dealings?
Nope/never, infact I've always been told that I give off a strong shielding energy from stuff like demons that's very calming and I've always been someone who's righteous/strives to do what's right even when I really don't want to.
Anyone in your immediate family go through something terrible?
My significant other has had a rough childhood and has gone through some terrible stuff. She's come a long way from it all but it definitely still haunts her.
>I don't know what to make of this....but I fear for you.
I appreciate your concern, sometimes I fear for myself too it's tough out there.
page pent R, page wand R, devil R, 8 wands R, empress, 5 wands
so you'll get a new job or new project it seems sometime soon if you haven't already, you'll be willing to learn something new (most likely a job). Despite the delays you'll break free and find this new thing. I see a woman or counterpart who finds you endearing around these times. but by the end of the year there will be competition or maybe even arguments. possibly from work.
Also sorry this anon >>39082480 had to goof around with you a bit
ill do how you meet this girl. starting
I don't believe it
I don't care if you don't believe it, even if you don't it doesn't mean its not real. I can attest that it works. also in case you didn't know humans can float or fly in the air too (without wings or jetpacks or crap).

look for finger technique
DUDE I think you zapped me somehow what the fuck first time it's happened here in a while. Last time this happened someone asked me to scry a demon unknowingly. Please take care of her what she's been through may be worse than what she lets on.oh and the greys/aliens fear jesus for a reason.
Reverse 2 of Cups, The High Priestess, 4 of Wands.

This anon >>39082519 has ill intentions, but if you take up the offer you will be happy anyways.
genuinely unwise and not funny mate
Starting yours.
My life is fucked. What now?
thank you anon
trade again?
my husband is sending me money to live by myself while hes doing military training but i want to take art comms while he's away so i'm not just leeching, so your reading could be pretty spot on
Is there an arcade that you've been thinking of visiting? one where there's driving games? or a mall or someplace that you can walk around, have coffee or drinks and play video games arcades? I see you going someplace like this all by yourself and either you'll have a coffee right before going or there will be a coffee place right nearby. you'll go in there and play a racing game (arcade) on a seat with pedals and clutch. You'll notice her in there and will go up to her and ask her something which will trigger a conversation. Is she an employee there or she's just visiting? idk, but you'll notice her either during you're playing the racing game or right after you're done playing. There's a very high chance she will be on her own walking around playing stuff or she will be working answering questions and whatnot. either way you catch her while shes alone...

Is her update on FB a sing of greenlight for me to go ahead and reconnect through travel?

Do you know Phoenix?

A sign*, or hint for me to go ahead
I was going to say it might be school but I wasn't sure. the pages reversed makes sense with you learning a class. though be advised that there might be a competitive spirit about the whole thing with someone from your class, another woman.

can you just tell me if ill be able to get another doctor's appointment before I end up leaving this country? its almost impossible to find appointments nowadays. query?
>lease take care of her what she's been through may be worse than what she lets on. Oh and the greys/aliens fear Jesus for a reason.
Thank you will do. You take care too and Godspeed.
I'm interested, so please provide links otherwise this is useless advice.
I see two suitcases, one is full of clothes and the other has two to three laptops some sort of boom/microphone and some small square looking speaker thing along with a bunch of wires all over the place and gold plated stuff. Not gonna lie I don't know what electronics these are is this recording or sound equipment of some sort? Seemed mostly audio related but not so much visual stuff like cameras and such.
No I don't do those sorts of things lol. I'm not really into that. Although I do like racing games
why have I been so emotional tonight? starting
also will she give me any sort of hints, anything at all?
i might choose to start pursuing social media stuff again, in that case. i've gained a large community for my art on one platform and am trying to move to another platform that's a lot more dramatic in nature. very grateful for my husband's support to allow me to focus on such stupid shit LOL

could you tell me how building on that platform i'm trying to move to will go over the remainder of the year?
starting. hoping to bring good news
Yes its mostly audio equipment and other equipment. So I am guessing you saw one suitcase that was small and the other large? thank you btw
Yeah then those things will be located around you once you're in this place. Look for an arcade in a mall or some sort of rec centre, it should have funky lights in the place or neon signs around the games perhaps. lmk if you wanna trade again
No it will mostly be cold approach, like I said you'll come up with a question to ask, as if you're lost or something just to get your foot in the door so to speak and it will trigger a convo.
Both big suitcases because you're trying to cram your whole life into there. I can trade again but I also wanted to know if you saw her giving any hints or anything like that to me or any looks.
Anyways my query is if you see me with employment next month and/or what will my next job will be like? let me know when you can confirm and I'll start
ah i see thank you my query is here >>39082711
the hermit/king of wands/the lovers/seven of swords/nine of cups

Yea, you do, though it feels as if you won't at first. You'll accept your fate but someone who knows you decides that you should be able to see someone and they hate seeing you that way, like this is someone with authority I think and they use some connections to get you an appointment. They may be a little underhanded about how they get you this appointment, but it's with your best interest in mind and youll be super grateful.
confirm, my Q is will I date anyone until I leave the country? starting
Heavy spread of delusion here, whatever you had planned do not go on with it or you will find yourself failing. This seems to be dead in the water.
What zodiac sign is my next bf?
ace pent, 8 wands R, temperance R, judgment
I see you already started to create this platform however there will be delays to it. As if you don't know how to manage it well or there is no plan on making it advance. Ultimately it will fail mostly because the transition won't be there, not enough drive to keep it going. It will slow down until there is very few updates or just lack of effort from your part or maybe the fans won't dig it as much as they did your other platform. Either way it won't go as smooth as your first platform did or not as great.
Is it over?
I see a brown haired girl who's a little skinny and tall and maybe has some french in her, but this won't last too long, maybe three weeks to three months at most. She'll be nice but something about the scene felt liminal, like a wooden room with a white curtain blowing around a little bit, a very austere and strict sort of person. But the rest of the time is just you, slowly piecing up things before you go.
thank you anon, i appreciate it
trade again? i'm not sure what i'm lacking
No you won't find employment next month, you will spend a lot of time on the PC sending applications and CV's. A lot of time at home. I mostly see your steps this whole time, your lower body, the top of your body isn't seen. At the end of the month you end up getting interviews. You go dressed in a suit or dressed business casual for the interview. I see you getting hired, the first day of work you walk in wearing I'm not sure if jeans or sweat pants and running shoes. but you'll be wearing something comfy and very casual. Idk what this job is just that the office with the interview is someplace with an elevator inside of a tall building. The interviewer will be impressed...so you do get a job after this month period, just keep sending applications.
How will F feel about me in 5 years ?
Interesting question so tried a new way of doing this. I tried to use elements of the tarots and numbers, got 9 of Sword which is a fire sign and 9 would mean Sagittarius. So Sagittarius.

Reverse The World, 5 of Pentacles, Reverse The Star

It's unironically OVER. Completely joever.
my bad, you don't end up with a job next month but the following yes (in December or January)
thanks trade again?
Are you trolling or fr
fuck thank you but that makes sense
Query ?
AQ : I'm trying to connect with naamah. Will I be successful ?
sure, query?
what is the outcome if I separate my gaming platform from my business platform and I continue it under another pseudonym? like re-branding it and removing my personal info from it.
I seem to attract fir signs the most. I have a fire venus or maybe I am attracted to them the most. Thank you! In the past I got emperor multiple times for my future husband also
With that spread i dont think theyre joking
where or how do I meet the next woman ill date?
Fucking damn it
Will he find a girl more freaky than me?
what is it i should be focusing on in order to grow more on social media?
What am I bringing into my life?
For first question it is very odd to answer by tarot, so it was experimental and math checked out. For second question, sure my phrasing is trollish but it is genuinely a bad reading and doesn't look good at all. Reverse World is similar to failing to achieve or integrate, 5 of pentacles is destitution essentially and being impoverished in a thing, and reverse star is despair and lack of hope. I never try to be charitable for the sake of it when I read someone, so consider my phrasing to be a means at being light-hearted because you should be able to tell now just how bad that combination is together.
What will happen around the time of my exact saturn return? Starting
Good things.
Will my next bf be white or nah?
no go grow some hair baldies. you probably don't deserve any of this but w/e, enjoy cueballs
knight of wands/eight of swords/three of wands/page of wands

Seems like a good idea until you hit a snag and you start feeling like it wasn't actually a good idea after all, but it's too late to backpedal, so you keep working with it and eventually you start feeling like it was a good idea after all again. The growth will just be stunted for a bit and you'll have to find a way to get through, but once you do, you'll feel glad for it and feel like you can explore new avenues you weren't able to before due to the meshing of audiences.
Oh nice, since you have a history of it then it was a method on the right track probably. No problem at all and thank you too, will also say Emperor is a highly masculine read for a husband as well.

8 of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Knight of Swords.

He will try to and actually will succeed in doing so. So I suggest you up your freak game or simply make it impossible for him to search.

Reverse 10 of cups, Reverse queen of cups, 9 of Wands.

Let me put it like this. If your next bf isn't white, it will be an abusive relationship. Such is the cards.
magician R, devil R, page pent, 5 wands R
it says that up until this point you didn't have the necessary tools to help your growth, it seems to hint at you taking a new approach and not sure if its telling you to focus on the arguments that people make and you decide to make content based on that or if its telling you NOT to do that. Either way you know what you're currently doing and not doing. breaking free involves doing SOMETHING you HAVEN'T done yet. so do that now and it will work.
thank you. Will look into it
What all my exes who were white were way more abusive than the ones who weren't...I dunno about this. Thanks though.
Do you have an outdoor cafe or bookstore you can drink at? She'll be drinking coffee and or wine and smoking a cigarette and she'll be eyeing you like a meal until you finally get the courage to speak to her. A very dominant and academic woman who likes colder weather and the fall, mid to older 20s or she might be a little older than you it's hard to tell. Classy lady but she fears emotional intimacy.
ahhhh ok ok ok i think i get it anon. i understand you. fearing what other people think has limited me a lot in the past, but i keep telling myself i need to stfu and get over it
thank you! have a good night zzz
Will she be cuter?
Dont take it to heart its just a rando reading on a whale watching forum
It will be like switching a 180 switch on you. I see you (your avatar) being covered in shadows and the saturn return fills you with light. SO MUCH light that it ends up piercing from the inside out, you begin to react in different ways than you haven't done in in a very long time or possibly ever if you're young enough. it will be a huge switch like night and day. you can expect to radiate with energy and be a lot more of a show stopper or even praising yourself publicly and seeking the admiration and onlookers of your fellow folk who surround you.

Will I see success in my academics this semester? You can even narrow it down to this fall, if that would help.
thank you, I am a lot older than my 20's anon lol, You can probably tell from all the scrying you've been doing...anyways thanks and gl, in case you don't want to trade again. I am pretty much done with queries unless you still wanna trade, lmk
That's sort of important context for a reading. Damn, so you have a very unlucky track record. Well, I tried to check love affairs generally then as a bonus past present future for you and ended up Reverse King of Pentacles, Reverse King of Cups, Wheel of Fortune. So at the very least, your past is bad, your near-present isn't looking good neither, but the path isn't hopeless and at least somebody in the future will make you happy. Perhaps then the best advice for right now is to not be rash on any decisions and await a time you know for certain.

Strength, Reverse 6 of Wands, Reverse 2 of Wands.

She will be cuter and would win the comparison by his standards between you two. I sort of feel bad since you're trying despite the bad results, but even when I asked for a clarifier for what you should do I got The Fool which is a suggestion to just try a different approach to this.
I just want to get revenge desu but guess I gotta let this one go.
Mind reading this one?
Thank you! :)
Will I find people to musically collaborate with before the new year?
Ah. Vindictive. Well...he is going to get the last laugh here. Just did a 1 card on suggestions for what to do next and got a 4 of swords, so it really would be best to let it go and focus on re-centering yourself and where to go next. Can't win every battle.

No problem, I hate abusers personally so glad you at least have a happy end coming later.

Sure. Giving mostly negative readings tonight, hoping for you to break the trend.

The Empress, Reverse Temperance, Reverse Queen of Cups.

Well, it looks like it's going to appear and feel good for a while, but it will eventually take over your life and make you feel too attached for your own good. I may not know precisely what you are referring to, but you will balance it poorly as it stands even if it hypothetically could do you good.
Well I was toxic as hell so it's a good lesson for me to be better I guess.
I don't know if you're able to but could you give me a reading on how f will feel about us and me in general, in 5 years time?
What do I need to do to balance it well and make it work in the long run?
Packing wont help.
Looking for a career reading. I have a passion project I've been working on for a few years now and I think it's gonna take the better portion of a decade to finish. I've basically given up on making money off of any of my art ever, or even getting super popular, but will I be able to find an audience that truly appreciates it?
Some people enjoy some toxicity, but going overboard can ruin otherwise good things. It's a good lesson and nothing is wrong with making mistakes, only repeating them. On the brightside the cards kept encouraging you to move on, there wasn't really implications of being chained down or being in despair in the future unless if you were also the unfortunate soul who got the "it's over" reading.

I can try. A little insight on how fate and (some) divinations work is that what is astral is "to-be" and manifests into reality, and divination just channels down the present astral currents making their way to manifest a future. It shows a trend of what is coming, but the astral can always change by your thoughts and actions and thus change the trend in the future, like say, 5 years. But sure, I will try.

Reverse Wheel of Fortune, Page of Pentacles, Reverse 4 of Swords.

To sum up, regret. If you're the person talking of a break up, it will be looking back fondly and regretting doing so, in other words probably f will be alone again by the time 5 years pass. If you're currently in a relationship, it will be regret of having said relationship and looking towards new prospects. So how this reading goes depends on if you're a new poster or one of the anons talking of a breakup with me already.

Queen of Swords, Reverse Justice, 4 of Cups.

Interesting. I take this to mean that you need to change your frame of mind, don't consider things from a perspective of playing fair or what is right, rather let pure rational thought and logic guide your path. Your emotions here and good nature will be an obstacle, going forward you must approach things from a cold logic point of view.
Not in a relationship, we both like eachother but it's just friendship atm

Reverse Wheel of Fortune, Reverse 7 of Swords, Judgment.

I really hope that there is some hidden secret for what your project is, like as if it would be bad news for certain people if you succeed. Because otherwise if it's actually a career, then it isn't going to pan out. You're going to try, put in the effort, but what you are setting out to do simply will not work nor gather an audience until you change course, upon which you may succeed. I do not wish to discourage you and hope I am wrong.

Ah, well. Consider it an early sign then to make sure there is enough spice to get exhausted of each other into the future. I did say the future can change, so if you decide for it then plan on how to make it work.
Alright, thank you for your time.
What deck are you using?

Some anons have told me I'll be working with people on my creative projects in the future when I ask about them. Can an anon do a read giving me some insight into this situation?

Just a Rider-Waite. I have had it for a few years, only rarely I come here though. If you're concerned about the negativity then I can only say it's not on purpose.
No worries I was just curious
Practicing some reads
Pictures from FLCL would be nice
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How will.things unfold for me till rest if year?
Empress kow 3oc
Are you getting married?
If not you're going to meet a partner and have a very beautiful relationship with them. You're also probably going to get a lot more attention.
Dunno, I have gf but we argue a lot and is probably ex gf now
Who knows any more
Thanks tough

I have a few ideas what this might be about...

To your point about hidden secrets and being bad news for certain people if I succeed: My project is political in nature, but it was not originally set out to be purely political. That might mean something? There are certain parts of the project that could be considered a call-to-action, although I go out of my way to half-sarcastically go "GUYS, SERIOSULY DO *NOT* DO THIS!"

As far as being a career, like I said I dont plan on actually being able to make money but it is the main thing I do with my life, with my *job* just filling time.

One of the collaborators on this project early on was an ex who, in all honesty, I abused pretty badly for a while. Her contributions are still in the project but she had previously granted me the rights to use her contributions. It's something I'm ashamed of now (the abuse, not the collaboration).The whole spread might be in relation to that.

I have long associated the seven of swords as connected to rivals (although 5 is more directly so, that's more in relation to winning/losing while I view the 7 as the acts themself. I am working on my own homemade deck where 5 and 7 both have depictions of my personal rival on them). I do have a specific person who I view as my creative rival, so this may have to do with them.

This project is a sort of culmination of everything that's come before it, reusing alot of old ideas from my previously abandoned works. Judgement might mean I have to totally forget the past and make something entirely new. It might also mean my previous behavior will come to light, but upright justice also means I might have a path forward afterwards. Absolution instead of damnation.

If you're willing/interested in doing any follow-up readings on any of these specific parts of the situation, by all means please do.
Things will work out
I said "justice" in there once when I meant judgement.

I sure hope that's just me accidentally mixing up two things that have similar verbiage and colloquial definition and not a sign of something much worse
>Interesting question so tried a new way of doing this. I tried to use elements of the tarots and numbers, got 9 of Sword which is a fire sign and 9 would mean Sagittarius. So Sagittarius

Not the asker but liber 777 has all of the occult correspondences of the tarot cards from the golden dawn member aliester crowley. The tarot card were created by golden dawn members so it is highly related.
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Love general?
Can you take this one?
Male or female?
That's fine then, I just prefer this deck a lot.

See, that's why I mentioned something about being bad for certain people right away because bringing about someone else's downfall (like a political move) made the most sense in the reading, but it certainly doesn't fit a standard "career." Struck me as off enough to bring up, and glad that hunch turned out to be correct. In that case, the reading goes along the original lines of actually making a difference and striking hard against your enemies while instituting change, the 7 of swords reversal and reversal of wheel of fortune combined with judgment implies the downfall of enemies. Just, you know, for a "career" reading strictly...it means your job isn't lucrative until you change paths. So glad you actually clarified, I should trust my instincts more even when it goes against the question as my deck sees through things much better than I personally do. In the right context, judgment and Reverse wheel of fortune is meant to apply to the 7 of swords (your rivals) who, in reverse, are "exposed" rather than hiding. It isn't telling you to go another path, far from it.

I will do a follow up regarding this in line of thought towards going forward with the plan with intent to .

Knight of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles, Page of Cups.

Personally, I take this with the question in line to mean that with knowledge of success to approach things tactfully. Don't go voicing revolution and direct calls to action, but subtle calls works, as if you release this under level headed consideration then it will manifest the difference you seek. This is an opportunity.

Clarifier for Judgment Card specifically: Reverse The Devil

idk what card god you earned favor from, but the reads flow into each other from the first spread to this one. This very well could be absolution for you or damnation for opposition, either way it's a success, you don't get more direct of a go-ahead than Judgment into Reverse Devil.
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>Pictures from FLCL would be nice
That is helpful. I mentioned I wasn't too sure how to read that question so ran experimentally, whether intent or strong correspondences matter more here I can't be sure. But this will be the method I use next time with that question, thanks for the tip anon.
Ace of cups ace of wands thfool
You absolutely will, maybe you are a model?
What can help you
The fool 4ow 6os
Taking that leap of faith and maybe even traveling to a place with more creative individuals would help you.
Thank you
Why don't I recognize myself in the mirror anymore?
Something feels different
Traveling soon?
What does PG feel for me?
Female asking about male
A model? It has more to do with writing. Interesting though.
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Wish there was multi-pic posting to avoid taking up to much of the limits.
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Strength ace of pentsX qopX 8os
Back of deck 9op
This seems to be telling me that you are restricting yourself in love because at the moment your standards are too high. You need to take care of yourself better to achieve what you desire
Pg is either too stressed to think about you or sees you as someone who is extending themselves too much too others and not getting enough rest
Tried again
If pg thought of this person what do they think
Pow kocX the lovers
Back of the deck the devil
He's definitely very physically attracted to you but may be lacking in actual emotions towards you at this time
Do you want a reading?
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Next of year gen?
Sure. General trend of my patterns, I suppose. I've got two main relationships that are up in the air for different reasons. One more important to keep than the other. Should I be expecting them to last?
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The emperor 5owX hp 10oc X
7os X back of the deck
You're trying to avoid conflict , probably in a romantic connection, but you're not realizing that sometimes conflict can be a good thing to be able to grow. You might also be struggling with a secret that you feel you can't admit to...
tossed with real coins.
6osX hanged manX 2ocX temperanceX 2of swordsX the magician X back of the deck

You're really struggling with this choice looks like. You're holding onto an old connection you had which might not be the best idea for you, but you're also impatient with how things are progressing.
I'm struggling with this one sorry :(
But, if you don't feel like either one are fulfilling you emotionally maybe neither is for you.
Kos the magician kow 5osX back of the deck
Magician is a really strong card to get imo it tells me that you're more than capable to bring into your life what you really desire
So I'm in danger?
I'm gunna stop now
If anyone could give feedback that would help me a lot
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I have no clue what that old connection would be. National citizenship?
Would more detail help? Do you look at birth charts as well?
>if you don't feel like either one are fulfilling you emotionally maybe neither is for you.
No, it's that I'm an extreme recluse and any people in my life feel like an imposition, but some are worth it. When I said two, I really meant TWO. I suppose a third if you add a mother that I see once a year.
The more important I worry is TOO "expanding" (not controlling, but eager to say how they want things and try to convince you to go along), and will subsume me into their life which will eventually cause me to erupt and abandon. And that's all IF it gets there as they are also in a volatile situation and might need international travel to be with.
The second relationship is more known sidepiece with someone who I think might see it as growing more than it will, and who can be a bit of a chore - but again that's a lot on me.
>you're more than capable to bring into your life what you really desire
Heh, only reinforcing that I have no desire to DO anything in this place, I just like to observe it. I almost said I like to flow with ti, but most of the time I'm pretty mad at it how its flowing.
Just too passive for the effort Maya requires to "make it".
I mean you never really did my love gen.
I fell asleep but thank you :) you were amazing
is anyone reading?

Am I eventually going to snap and go over there to raise some hell?
If you're still I wanted to know what my life would be like after my saturn return. What would change? Thank you
J thinks about me in a romantic way?
maybe specifically like in the month after the exact conjunction
It's a guy
Well, does he have gay ass feelings for me?
You skipped me after asking multiple questions.
I'm gay(M gay)
Well it's awfully faggy for one.
Nah. Just acting more faggy there.
ITT: World's shittiest troll.
>no-life loser, here all day and night
>not even funny
Will I reincarnate into a Lesbian?
Can someone make another thread one that isn't Christ themed
State of my relationship and her feelings for me? You?
Still here?
I want a money general or a finances general. Starting when you confirm
I'll give you your reading hopefully you deliver

>5 of cups
>3 of pentacles
>6 of wands
Seems like she wants for you to be more serious about the relationship she feels sad about something that happened between you two in the past, she is afraid you might do it again? Did you cheat anon? You should assure her that you're not going to do anything like that again. She loves you deeply and only wants stability in the relationship she cares and only wants the best for you, she wants a stable relationship.

State of the relationship
>8 of pentacles
>Temperance (again)
>2 of cups
>10 of cups
If you two work together things can improve but it will require a lot patience from both parties but things can improve greatly you two have potential to be a really long term couple. Might be marriage potential at some point if you two get past your issues and try to understand each other as people. Potential to be a happy and healthy marriage
Query? I'm trading this >>39084828 in case anon doesn't deliver
mine is >>39083971
let me know when you confirm and I'll start
Should I choose option M or A for the remainder of the year? Starting when you confirm
Starting sorry something came up
sorry mate didn't mean to steal yours thought I posted trading
ignore me mate I've made a mistake
You know this is a job for an astrologer but lucky for you I am well versed in astrology as well pass me your planets, sun,moon, asc, mars,Saturn, mercury. I'll also throw you some cards
I'll do yours as well

I'll do your Saturn query, can you give me a relationship general (I'm married)

I delivered here
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thank you, have my chart.
did you have a query?
I'll do yours too once I'm done with anons up there
you guys want scry or tarot ?
>9 of wands
>3 of wands
>10 of pentacles

>5 of cups
>5 of pentacles
>4 of pentacles

You didn't specify what kind of query this was it does seem it's financially related option M is the best option and the option that will deliver results, if this something related to your finances M seems like the more stable investment here while A on the other hand seems more unstable and unusable seems like it will drain money from you or make you more unstable, you will end up facing great financial losses here.

If this is romance M is the better option A will drain you in all facets of your life
High priestess
Queen of cups
Page of swords
Knight of pentacles

I am under the impression that money is soemtbing you think about pretty deeply or weighs on you heavily so much that it affects your emotional state of being.
Ironically you may be less frugal than you could be all things considered.

You have the potential to create a great field of financial stability for yourself. However this will require you to re evaluate your finances and how much effort you’re actually putting forth to cultivating a better situation.
You shoood focus on saving more, outline all of your finances per month and calculate how much money you have to spend, save, and spend freely, etc.
Also stop stressing so much about money if you are. It’s kind of hindering you. You need to come up with a solid plan outline for the future to better situate yourself and your funds.

Thanks. I don’t think anything serious happened. We’ve both done a lot of work to work through issues. There was one small thing where a girl who is in my fiend group had called me and I think she got a little stressed that I might be up to something but we cleared the air and things have been fine.
Other than that, I didn’t know that sweetest day even existed and she did nice stuff for me and I had no idea it was a thing but I have a surprise for her now.

Everything seems to be really good. We’ve been talking a lot more about the future and last night we both agreed that we are really special together and I told her that I want her to be a part of my life and I want this to go long term and she agreed and expressed in detail how she feels the same way.
We are both aware that we have stuff to work on and we have talked about how the love we have is worth it to conquer these things.
I love her and I would 100% take it all the way. We are going on a vacation together this weekend.
I really want her to be the one.
Yeah I own a business, I want to make sure I have enough to cover my employees and their needs. Christmas is coming soon and finances are looking thin. I made a few decisions that will make things endure more while the down season of the company ends. It's stressful it's true will try to find ways to make ends meet so no one is affected. Great reading anon!

As for your girl she wants nothing but the best for you both, she wants to go all the way with you. Just assure her that there's no one else and as an advice from one dude to another don't hide shit especially your phone, chicks pick up on that real quick you want a healthy relationship make sure everything is set on the table. She is the one anon, I can see this chick is genuine.

I'll give you a card for your weekend trip

4 of wands
It will be fun, will hang out with good people and things will be quite pleasant make sure you have time to spend with each other as well.

Starting, give me a few moments while I analyze your chart. I want a relationship general I'm married whatever method you prefer
Got you, let me scry. Starting
Not gonna lie pal but looking at your transits and your chart you are in for a wild ride.

You will be tempted to make really stupid decisions even after this. You should practice patience and look at the bigger picture because there is something that you're missing and you're guns blazing and leaving that important detail behind. You should also try not to be lazy in other parts of your life especially your health, there's some big things you need to take care of. Finances seem like you can make it but you should not give in to any impulse buy until the end of the year. Relationships might be rocky in general not just love try to hold your tongue and don't take anything to heart this period after the SR you're going to continue to feel rather sensitive. Let people talk. Right now focus on improving your health and finances. Romance should sit in the back burner until the year ends

>High priestess
>8 of pentacles
>Ace of swords

Continue to work on yourself things can improve but there will be some obstacles both on the emotional and financial end but nothing that's deemed impossible. Focus both on your body and your financial side, stick true to what you feel and if you need to face yourself and call yourself out you might as well. This is the time where you can't be slacking off or letting others affect you emotionally
I don't see anything bad here at all? I see a man and woman in matching PJs and then kids crawling around in a few years from now around a Christmas tree. I see your relationship lasting an especially long time, as in for life. Do you have another query? This one was just so positive I don't have much to add here.
Yes, I'm not spending big or much at all for the time being. sucks about no romance this year I been alone for a while. thanks.
Also I lift and run and for the most part my financials have been good, it's love and relationships I've always wanted
I'm missing someone here, someone I was trading with. I think two anons wanted relationship reads? I did one but the other ? pls reply to this so I can start
The good news is that your finances will improve greatly and people will start taking you more seriously I'll give you another reading in regards to your love life

>8 of pentacles
>The sun
It will take a while but things will pick up around March, April the latest. Looking at your transits for next year looks like you should try to meet another water sign, most likely a cancer but there's a possibility that a Leo could also pick your interest. Try to be patient for now and work on other facets of your life, once other areas improve your love life will be affected in a positive matter

Thanks for your reading, it made me happy I hope it rings true, we do want kids. Blessings anon
Thank you anon, best of luck. I hope to one day have what you have.
relationship/love general

You'll get there brother! if you do get invited to events you should go even if you think it's a stupid idea, push yourself to get out of your shell a bit more. You're gonna make it pal!
I've been going, getting out of my shell a lot, talking to more people and giving directions and making small talk. It only makes the nights hurt more.
It's all part of the process, continue with your journey, shit gets tough but I too went through some hell before I found her, remember anon things happen for a reason and when it's meant to happen it's going to happen but for now keep doing your thing, don't feel discouraged. Trust the process, it might not make sense now but it will in due time you'll see
take care
Air Query
Yesterday for the first time in years I saw bird fall out of the sky after it hit a window? Is this an omen ? or just nothing at all?
do i have bicep tendonitis?
better times wen?
Should I have broken the window instead?

Your query?

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